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韓國拒絶 入境 自民黨成員三個不同尋常的檢査 目的鬱陵


  • 174愚蠢吗?达洛尼加wwwwww瓦特原住民并不存在于战前南Korea ll做 174 Fool Prior to world war 2 Korean what the ro w which does not exist and is Native wwwwww

    • 1959年12月4日,在警视厅外事司将要求银行,因为任何两个代理曾在在什么柴田,新泻县,线路被警方带走城市的酒吧行私人谈话考察柴田 1959 December 4th as for the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department foreign affairs section in operative 2 secret conversation is done with the bar of Niigata prefecture Shibata city It requested option accompanying examination did with Shibata police station

      • 667电信日凌晨消息站,“一般来说,终端是一个演示中,我已经被禁止”的字眼,那是出了韩国政府提出一个烂摊子 667 The tele morning reporting station “usually with the terminal as for demonstration it is prohibited it is but” In other words it tried that the Korean government probably will create confusion is
        • 4。直到法院判决期间用尽各种途径中,以防止类似事件的再次套住两国政府被认为是最可取的 4 Until there is decision of the courthouse period both nations government incident this Above as for exhausting all expedients because you do not make become complicated most It is thought desirable thing

      • 699和田评论员,“暴露了政府的下一个暴振日韩国” 699 Wada explanation member “Violence inclination of the Korean government was exposed”

        • 7月12日在1953年韩国1953年日本海上保安厅巡逻船巡逻警察竹岛“暗”,并要求离开船来了,“暗”时,接到数十个岛屿的一个镜头 Bamboo island patrol of Maritime Safety Agency patrol boat 1953 1953 July 12th Korean officer to “to comes the saddle and” the boat does and requests retreat “to receives several dozen departure shoots at the time of the saddle” remote island

          • Edano一応拒绝入境是进入了眼睛,但也是一个借口脱身,如果从韩国津市边缘的附加件来日本,反正什么是服务器无法接受,他们刚刚进入它该管或像韩国其他人,而不是在那里只做不说Iijan为了给你一个从他是掏自己的严重经济制裁的借口。我会做你不再安置的原因,我在日本工作, Once as for the branch field as for entry denial the acceptance saying however also the excuse which expels the South Korean who enters to Japan from edge entered into the hand as for being attached to the eye that extent shelf The ba tube does not call at all and also the other party is similar On the other hand because Korea the grave was dug this in excuse economic sanctioning it is It probably will peel but nothing It worked it is to put out it became without either the reason raising resident don t you think
            • 很好的借口是在手,转出不添加从韩国来到日本津市棱块,反正狙什么政治诉求 Aiming for political appeal also the excuse which expels the South Korean who enters to Japan from edge entered into the hand

          • ID:L7ZX6elsO ID:L7ZX6elsO ID:L7ZX6elsO ID:L7ZX6elsO垃圾混蛋!
            ID: L7ZX6elsO ID: L7ZX6elsO ID: L7ZX6elsO ID: L7ZX6elsO Kudzu guy!

            • ID:L7ZX6elsO ID:L7ZX6elsO ID:L7ZX6elsO ID:像碎片的家伙是安全之前,我们在韩国是什么线,什么什么什么逝L7ZX6elsO先生来到韩国两次,
              ID: L7ZX6elsO ID: L7ZX6elsO ID: L7ZX6elsO ID: L7ZX6elsO Whatever going to Korea, it was safe, is As for your like kudzu guy 逝 [tsu] [te] 2 time returning to Korea,

              • KKE在明年?我也见限Desho津市返回战时作战控制权交给美国
                The [tsu] [ke] which is next year? Return of wartime operational control right Abandoning also America, it does with the [ru], the [yo

                • NULL Picture Animated picture Past 2 minute 53 seconds Reference You drew as the pirate from the Japanese” that it does “It was called the German island garrison the German island heroism garrison han chiyanriyoru passing away 06 08 02 Restoration image of the German island heroism garrison which is opposed in the Japanese 侵 奪 beginning release 07 03 01 As for this documentary the han of sea police policing chiruchiyon number of that time han yonjiyun which is the son of chiyanriyoru captain 45 years old teacher The article of main paper of the contents that the movie which relates to the German island is made in March 2005 Seeing you sent the film which the father of the sickbed has possessed to this paper
                  • NULL Picture Animated picture Past 2 minute 53 seconds Reference You drew as the pirate from the Japanese” that it does “It was called the German island garrison the German island heroism garrison han chiyanriyoru passing away 06 08 02 Restoration image of the German island heroism garrison which is opposed in the Japanese 侵 奪 beginning release 07 03 01 As for this documentary the han of sea police policing chiruchiyon number of that time han yonjiyun which is the son of chiyanriyoru captain 45 years old teacher The article of main paper of the contents that the movie which relates to the German island is made in March 2005 Seeing you sent the film which the father of the sickbed has possessed to this paper

                • _NULL_
                  Net watch. Regulation method obstruction and human rights rescuing. Protection method obstruction, foreign carrot administration obstruction and increase. It is linked to absoluteness obstruction and all continent special sub- with resident rights As for the globalization which does not have foreign security the largest primary factor of the Japanese original loss, deviation from. Necessary by luck 澤 Yukichi As for Japan to 120 years ago 凋. Unless ruin the Korean Peninsula man Say which it masters it does, becoming the country which is banished from industry? The Korean Peninsula type resident in politician [masumedeia] communication vine. To control, during public opinion inducing, as for the base the pachinko money As for anti-Japanese education top and bottom Korean and special sub- Mikuni also in, in country Nitukiyou group and resident in the midst of cooperation execution If as for pachinko as for gamble police/national & local assembly/governor work margin, homicide industry annual profit 4,000,000,000,000 Yen, necessary evil with tax national interest conversion necessity The government where name of the Korean promotes crime, discrimination is warped in the reason. Resident privilege opposition, name public servant such as skill conversion and politician should publish graduate “At once it retreats from the bamboo which is notified to the Korean government island, this is destroyed entirely extent do the structure which is in the bamboo island” the Japanese government Fabrication historical fact view, history. Invasion and cultural invasion, “the beginning insistence” [uiki] going/participating. Assistant. Furthermore yes 99% dense entry and loyalty there is no special permanent residence person where north and south government related spy lies hidden nationality taking. Without fail opposition Strictness conversion of nationality acquisition, application of the nationality provision and strictness conversion of right after the nationality acquiring are needed Foreign carrot administration is irrelevant even with the special permanent residence person k2e2a4 netouyokousakuinganbaruuuuuuuu

                  • “韩国的领土要求是不能接受输入”,并介绍了韩国所有签署条约时,已经放弃包括独岛服在日本的竹岛现在是我一直从中国和朝鲜的敌对问题和演习在解释美国拒绝放弃历史的原因 “Insistence of the territory of the Korean side is not accepted ” that expressing At the time of the same treaty conclusion as for Korea also China and North Korea are hostile therefore it is now with bamboo island problem That the Japanese bamboo island abandonment probably will be included it exercised but it explained also the details which are given up with the American refusal
                    • 达洛尼加绝好的机会来推动对韩国和日本和韩国的独岛问题,从我一直在与中国和朝鲜的敌对现在 As for Korea also China and North Korea are hostile therefore it is now with bamboo island problem The ro which is the perfect chance which pushes Japan vis a vis Korea
                    • 首尔市议员已在岛根县的政府当天暴力来竹岛,岛根县,但威胁坦诚的刀有立即,我还来 Coming to the Shimane prefectural government in day of bamboo island of Shimane prefecture it raged Seoul city council Assemblyman bringing up to the cutter knife it threatened it came but it is Releasing that way the ru

                  • 一,韩国的任期内第2条,“放弃”这个词“和韩国济州岛。爪哇禾雀。大陆岛,一个韩国之前,日本吞并朝鲜,包括家长岛和独岛所有的权利是对全县的岛屿,并声称标题,以确保您就1945年8月的第九天了一个“可与欲望所取代
                    One, as for the Republic of Korea government, the second provision a section “it is abandoned”, the language that, “Korea and end state island. Java sparrow. Land island, [doku] island and [paran] island Before the Korean merging by Japan which is included confronting the islands which are one Gun of Korea [ru] all right, title and claim right, abandonment on 1945 August ninth That you verify that it does” that it replaces, you demand

                    • 不结盟给予比精制系统更是不可能面对自由民主党也猛烈。站在韩国的毛眼睛过度反应
                      In addition because the Liberal Democratic Party face may be rough the elegant system which is not arranged A little more than. The vulgar excessive reaction of Korea is conspicuous

                      • 不要我们仍然是源891源出补充说,“钟说,要确保呼吸呕吐谎言”,我放弃了竹岛瓦特什么会笑着透露了安塔利亚源,日本仍然非常占领。让我们与该国的档案出了美国国务院的椅子 gt gt 891 Whether the source still … Unless the source it puts out in addition “ chiyon that breath is spat is lie” The tsu te it is laughed w We You say that the bamboo island was abandoned your source still occupies Japan Extremely The ze which is the document which the chairman national American of commission state department puts out
                        • 不要我们仍然是源891源出补充说,“钟说,到裕廊涂气息的谎言”的人士透露说出来,但我会微笑瓦特是什么仍占据着日本极点。让我们与该国的档案出了美国国务院的椅子 gt gt 891 Whether the source still … Unless the source it puts out in addition “ chiyon that breath is spat is lie” The tsu te it is laughed w We You say that the bamboo island was abandoned your source still occupies Japan Extremely The ze which is the document which the chairman national American of commission state department puts out

                      • 从包里代理是12捆炸药共找到3件4 10例雷管,炸药的罪名。处罚被逮捕
                        The detonator was loaded from in the bag of the operative 12 total of the dynamite 3 bundles of 4 these groups to be discovered, explosive taking. It was arrested with penal regulations flagrant delict

                        • 会后,在韩国内战泥沼
                          After civil war of the quagmire is done inside the Korean Peninsula, probably will be

                          • 十月●1999年,“每周邮报”(小学馆)是在“LTCB”我们纳税人五万亿日元出版的“我终于掴犹太资本消耗网络”反对的文章,题为,为抗议进行 1999 October the weekly post Shogakukan Inc it was published “Long Term Credit Bank The Judean capital connections where we eat blood tax 5 000 000 000 000 Yen finally it grasped” With vis a vis the article which is entitled similar protest was done
                            • “马可波罗的浪费。案例”,如在“深港西部通道的参与者了解犹太人研讨会”也是相关的义务 “ marukoporo expelling opening Incident” similarly Also “SWC seminar participation for the Judean human understanding” was required

                          • 司法(2),即使你不属于前款任何前款公民比全国其他理由为属试图降落在日本的外国人,或该人的日本国籍当你拒绝登陆,有可能由同样的理由拒绝对外国人登陆 2 As for Minister of Justice the foreigner whom it tries to land to the own country even with when it does not correspond in either of the front section each number nationality of that person Or when the country to which citizenship belongs denying landing of the Japanese with the reason other than the same section each number with identical reason particular It is possible to deny landing of the foreigner
                            • 司法(2),即使你不属于前款任何前款公民比全国其他理由为属试图降落在日本的外国人,或该人的日本国籍当你拒绝登陆,有可能由同样的理由拒绝对外国人登陆 2 As for Minister of Justice the foreigner whom it tries to land to the own country even with when it does not correspond in either of the front section each number nationality of that person Or when the country to which citizenship belongs denying landing of the Japanese with the reason other than the same section each number with identical reason particular It is possible to deny landing of the foreigner

                          • 否认日方的遣返朝鲜的可能性谁想要驱逐出境“暗示”,你是
                            The Japanese side which is denied have assumed that the possibility of repatriating the forced retreat object person to North Korea “was hinted” to the Korean side

                            • 在NEWS23“争夺对日本和韩国的主权,”零竹岛“在韩国也声称拥有主权的日本领土”竹岛 With NEWS23 the bamboo which “disputes possession right in Japan and Korea” island With ZERO the bamboo which “Korea insists possession right in Japanese territory” island
                              • 南已经肯定我是否竹岛行713?十日的目的,并不意味着,竹岛博物馆Ururun? 713 The bamboo island it goes The te being and how being As for purpose the bamboo island data mansion of the ururun island the tsu ke which is not
                              • 后203现场崩溃访问独岛领土为基础的大钟 203 In practice when you inspect as for the bamboo island basis of chiyon territory large collapse

                            • 在津市,韩国的负面Janakatta NETA从电通幕府禁忌? ?嘿WW
                              With [tsu], as for the Korean negative news item from the Dentsu shogunate taboo It was not? ? Don't you think? ww [e

                              • 外交部转达韩国政府表示,在日本大韩民国代表团的建议目前,我们提出要求,该部的意见Raren他们政府的建议
                                As for Ministry of Foreign Affairs, resident in own country Republic of Korea mission propositions the description above Republic of Korea To transmit to government, opinion of the same national government for those propositions the same ministry The proposition [se] and others [re] is thing is requested

                                • 头盔绑定关系说,政府说,作为有关联的其他公民义务尊重人权,保障安全和保护 As for the notion that where protection and the guarantee of safety are required of the particular government diplomatic relations are tied as a respect of human rights to the partner citizen

                                  • 奇迹 gt gt 883 Therefore gt the Japanese “does not appear in judgment with something ” With you think strangely and gt As for the South Korean “obtaining Unless you must appear in judgment with something ” gt With you think strangely
                                    • 它可能会成为一个主要问题,如果没有钱或者被强奸或发送到朝鲜姐妹和我对他们886日本寄宿家庭 886 In Japanese house among those the foam home in the South Korean who stays Being raped the lady and the sisters and or the money and articles being gone It may become large problem don t you think is
                                    • 所以日本人民,“法院回答为什么?”牛和思想,韩国人,“什么?什么我来审判呢?”神奇 Therefore the Japanese “does not appear in judgment with something ” With you think strangely and as for the South Korean “obtaining Unless you must appear in judgment with something ” With you think strangely

                                  • 如果你是真正采取行动,以武力夺回日本850,或者我可能不会上诉到国际法庭的法官呀?但是,除非它很可能是没有好处,在韩国法院 850 If Japan takes recapture action really by military force it appeals to the sled ya International Court of Justice it is it isn t Even if so it does not become as for the merit which is judged there is no Korean side
                                    • 然而,被迫在条件启动审判武装冲突事件,如果它是具体的两个 However there being a condition for starting trial mandatorily as for that When concrete armed conflict occurs in both countries

                                  • 如果平时,法院只有一宗投诉是他们不进入争端解决程序 If it is peacetime as for the International Court of Justice with just suit of one side It does not enter into the trial of the dispute solution

                                    • 安倍晋三来到浮立场荏自由党党魁,前两首相麻生太郎说,“我们认识到Merubeki访问”是乘以在党的领导来上班,石原等人震动的众议院。我想时间提交甚至否认 Our people executive committee which cowardice floats and stands Shin Abe three both former Prime Ministers Taro Aso “inspection should be recognized” that approached the party executive committee but As for Ishihara the Shindo to the House of Representatives and others Even spare time prayer submitting it refused
                                      • 振动,告 u200b u200b诉了“令人信服”和文字记者在机场和金浦 As for Shindo inside the Konoura airport vis a vis press corps “you cannot agree upon ” you said
                                      • 武藤忠朝鲜外交部7月29日。呼叫驻韩国大使,传达到该被拒绝入境的振动部分 As for the Korean diplomacy commerce ministry July On the 29th Masashi Buto The stop Korea ambassador was called the thought of denying the entry of Shindo and others was transmitted

                                    • 安倍晋三,岸信介达洛尼加 u003d u003d u003d菅直人,长洲人利益的建设松本,麻生水泥水泥隧道富士电视 日本 韩国 韩国统一自由! Our people Korean Fuji Telecasting Co unification church day Korea tunnel cement right Aso cement Matsumoto constructive Tiyousiyuu person 菅 the ro which is Naoto bank trust mediating helping Abe
                                      • 安倍晋三,雅长州管人弹弓Moonie,自由,韩国犯上! Recalcitrant bright fresh human unification church Liberal Democratic Party pachinko house Tiyousiyuu person 菅 Abe

                                    • 对于给定的未遂爆炸事件是对日本社会的影响,例如,日本有硬化在日本和韩国,韩国政府常客对民意的使命
                                      At this blast attempted incident incident to give impact to the Japanese society, the Korean government and resident The Japanese public opinion vis-a-vis the Republic of Korea living people group hardened

                                      • 很遗憾,我们无法访问郁陵岛是什么,甚至说如何更好的双边关系,一些感觉退了出去,假装触摸过的韩国竹岛问题 Regrettable this time you could not visit in the 鬱 mausoleum island but Saying that a lot of relations of Japan and South Korea are satisfactory when it mentions the bamboo island sky the Korean problem starting point there is also the feeling which returns
                                        • A380飞行表演时,在竹岛,7月15日故事的韩国民用飞机 July 15th When the bamboo island sky the Korean private aircraft A380 demonstration flying story

                                      • 怎么办沿国际法或拒绝入境的东西我得到没有正当理由的侵犯?那么什么是生命,W或生活在被拒绝入境和驱逐出境
                                        When entry denial something you do without either the legitimate reason whether international law violation kana it is, viewing? How it does with that, it is, entering denying it does even with forcing repatriation, whether it is, w

                                        • 总之,B和耶苏麻生太郎。我也卖竹岛和对马岛达洛尼加叛徒勾结,甚至与松本!
                                          How Aso and B of the [se] and Christ. Consulting with Matsumoto, the traitor doing Tsushima and the bamboo island, it sells, it is the [ro] which is!

                                          • 总之,教科书介绍了日本教师对民主党主要电源基地联盟竹岛问题“的侵扰。教科书美化”阻止,结果采纳,日本从来没有被称为竹岛的问题,最近等待已日益在这些运动的兴趣finally m并不好 In any case Nitukiyou group of the principal support parent of the Democratic party The textbook which describes bamboo island problem “侵 Textbook of beautification” The result of obstructing adoption as as for the Japanese bamboo island problem It did not inform but recently finally Those where interest increases with such movement are good thing
                                            • 总之,教科书介绍了日本教师对民主党主要电源基地联盟竹岛问题“的侵扰。教科书美化”阻止,结果采纳,日本从来没有被称为竹岛的问题,最近等待已日益在这些运动的兴趣finally m并不好 In any case Nitukiyou group of the principal support parent of the Democratic party The textbook which describes bamboo island problem “侵 Textbook of beautification” The result of obstructing adoption as as for the Japanese bamboo island problem It did not inform but recently finally Those where interest increases with such movement are good thing
                                            • 这将是第二个将承认独岛为韩国领土压阵黄柏说:“愚蠢的事情我说我Tteta十日 When that way it goes to the bamboo island Because Korean territory it means to recognize don t you think ” However aho thing you say don t you think

                                          • 愚蠢的政治利益广泛的吸引力,在日本乡亲应拒绝入境的旗帜
                                            The banner expanding in Japan, politics the foolish party who is appealed should enter deny

                                            • 我周围的警察容忍,W有开玩笑的法律规则在任何十日
                                              Also the police around has acquiesced and, the [wa] w which with that is extent even in constitutional government nation or joke

                                              • 我拒绝发送到日本越来越多的再入境之日起代替所有我们在入境日本移民拒绝做,如果国会拒绝日本代表
                                                If member of the Diet who is representation of Japanese entry denial it is possible to be Japanese all entry denial Instead sending resident steadily, it re-will enter will deny also Japan?

                                                • 我有喜欢的日本人民代表对待恐怖分子的战争完整的声明否认我们的立法者条目
                                                  Member of the Diet representation of our Japanese citizens, entry denial Quite terrorist treatment Completely declaration of war shelf

                                                  • 我真正成为担心我会听到好Iteta十日手机还需要一些阿公哭高程174 174 It to be That what the telephone is picked up but you have heard it is it probably is all right As expected it became worry
                                                    • 我真正成为担心我会听到好Iteta十日手机还需要一些阿公哭高程474 474 It to be That what the telephone is picked up but you have heard it is it probably is all right As expected it became worry

                                                  • 我跑了所需的分钟,然后取出从韩国激烈反应,日本期待Dattara意图,我没有实现 As for purpose however amount viewing pulling out the fierce reaction from the Korean side When it is the intention which is shown to the Japanese side the trap a where it is the case that it is achieved
                                                    • null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 If expectation has been attached intending it probably is the circumstance which it causes and Just a little you do not understand whether what is expected with that

                                                  • 日本media ll都来在日本和韩国的第一个寻求专家评论
                                                    Regardless, the Japanese mass communications request comment from the day Korea intellectual person,

                                                    • 日本的戒心,守法精神,而歧视入河,各种犯罪,罪的辩解,孙韩国法律性质滑动,日本必须意识到 Law abiding mind the ri which we assume that precaution of the Japanese it is discrimination changing various crimes breach of law The Japanese must be conscious of the true character of the crime day Korean who has justified

                                                      • 是什么降低了朝鲜人民的士气?这是要立即停止,并提高冬季奥运会的举办有凶猛的保守派在韩国和韩国安全官员不屑然后
                                                        The [tsu] [te] which lowers the fighting spirit of the South Korean? Then raising the atrocious characteristic of negligence and the Korean conservatives of the Korean VIP patrol, it is to make winter Olympic opening discontinue

                                                        • 案发后,警方发现查获以下人民和朝鲜间谍
                                                          After the incident being detected, the police one after another The Korean operative was exposed

                                                          • 歇斯底里的反应,当暴露在造成文明非文明的应变
                                                            When the non civilization person bleaches in civilization conversion, the hysteria reaction which is caused

                                                            • 此外,这个工具是韩国领事馆金案。 。在他们如何采取在日本和韩国三秘的秘密军事机构高管掌舵明显
                                                              In addition, as for at this construction incident The Korean mission (consular mansion) gold. . It comes with third secretary, staff of the Korean special duty system of Japan and China direction It made clear that you have taken,

                                                              • 由团队执行的工作是被绑架的人的选择
                                                                The fact that the talent group executed was selection job of the kidnapping object person

                                                                • 而一个感谢信送到来自世界各地的谁做得好是前往没有对世界和平的朝鲜半岛朝鲜半岛稻草人一个角落,如果你下车日本出售836人 836 Japan does profit The ke it is done to do the Korean Peninsula person and peace visits in the te world regardless of the Korean peninsular person That you did well from the entire world letter of appreciation is sent

                                                                  • 背叛自己国家的前缀。帕福斯组B和KNO维护自身和冲
                                                                    Treason quitting/words. [chiyon] of stealing and original our performing conservative [pahuo] quaintness of [guru

                                                                    • 自卫队从它,在这个意义上没有任何问题,自我防卫Datte竹岛〜罐子我发出了防御出海就因为他们有最深远的创新〜 Therefore Self Defense Force with the notion that where it takes measures of self defense for the bamboo island There is no what problem Even most to the sea which is distant with the tsu Therefore self protection the tsu te it dispatched the a it is

                                                                      • 菅直人,总理说,在一个国家是这样的 - 电视钓具 - 田原总一郎是菅直人田原总一郎鹿Kakoii大失态
                                                                        Prime minister of a country with something such speech… 菅 Naoto - TV tackle - large losing word Tahara entire Ichiro [kakoii] 菅 Naoto scolds in entire Ichiro Tahara

                                                                        • 质量kick m发现韩国辣椒粉你做一些事,表达什么?动物世界各地的科学家应着眼于朝鲜 The occasion where what is expressed the South Korean tsu te red pepper powder can be spread the spots it is The animal scholar in the world should observe to the South Korean
                                                                          • 质量kick m发现韩国辣椒粉你做一些事,表达什么?动物世界各地的科学家应着眼于朝鲜 The occasion where what is expressed the South Korean tsu te red pepper powder can be spread the spots it is The animal scholar in the world should observe to the South Korean

                                                                        • 这是什么家伙达洛尼加韩国政府计划在朝鲜人民的统一,补充说:“回报一直”成为自民党国会议员英雄说服陈说什么什么 The ro which is this schedule harmony tsu te person The Korean government in the Korean people “repelled as dauntlessly” the tsu te saying you make agree upon Also in with our people Assemblyman becomes the hero

                                                                          • 这是什么检讨,觉得什么新闻是怎么样?锚是在顶部,但良好的待遇Tteta This case tsu te one what kind of feeling of doing reporting However with the anchor it handles securely in the top

                                                                            • 那么,尽管抗议和对竹岛在韩国,日本,在附近的岛屿高句丽海内渔业公共部门和私营部门听证紧,每一项建议重叠日本政府。闵涵高句丽在大规模并行和平等。非法行为是重复和一个灯塔和信号装置的安装,并进一步志被接受的枪突然从日本岛遭受派出岛上的现有条件最近调查的巡逻艇
                                                                              Not only, the stating inserting where the Government of Japan occurs repeatedly and strictness Even in protest the violation for the bamboo island by the Republic of Korea government and private sector in spite, The fishing inside the Japan territorial waters around the same island. And in the same island, large Korea people national territory. Illegal behavior such as sign and installation of lighthouse repetition, Furthermore, recently for present condition investigation of the same island, is dispatched the Japan patrol boat which It received abruptness shoot and than the same island sustaining damage reached the point of

                                                                              • 随着国际法院在日本国际法庭。外交部,1954年9月25日口覆盖的提议,韩国目前在日本共和国代表团,就有关竹岛的领土问题,代表,有1至新贝尔荣誉介绍如下。日本政府认为,它是一个组成部分竹岛是日本领土,政府声称类似的语法,成为韩国领土的韩国,外交部,特别是给1954年2月10日。改善。一直以来,反驳了第15号2的一种手段
                                                                                The International Court of Justice attaching of Japan. Proposition 1954 September 25th Note verbale As for Ministry of Foreign Affairs, as in the resident in own country Republic of Korea mission, respect is displayed, In regard to the possession problem of the bamboo island, as follows it possesses the honor which is commented 1. As for the Government of Japan, the bamboo island is the portion of the Japanese territory indivisibility Insistence of the Republic of Korea government which you are convinced, designates this as the Korean territory appearance Successive sentence structure, especially 1954 February 10 date foreign affairs. Message. Sub- 2 Through the 15th number it refuted

                                                                                • 难道令人沮丧的新闻发布会上,虽然在一个真正的记者招待会上放置Edano,“我们韩国政府是适当奈达! “什么叫Bitakattandarousa While the branch field will be nervous the reporter interviewing the shelf As for truth this time at the place of interview as for the Korean government nida which is appropriate When the tsu te we would like to shout it is probably will be
                                                                                  • 这样的抗议被称为日本外务大臣松本恩戴遗憾大使,Edano 65 65 Branch field the mind of regrettable Foreign Minister Matsumoto calling the resident ambassador it protests It seems that is

                                                                                • 韩国人在新闻视频,“负盐!范例红辣椒食品”在这个意义上说,W Wakaran In news image the South Korean “Being defeated salt Eat even with the red pepper ” This feeling is from the wa w

                                                                                  • 韩国外交官的外交豁免权是,如果我拒绝入境Dekinee
                                                                                    If the diplomat which has diplomatic privilege therefore it can enter can deny Korea and well is

                                                                                    • 韩国居民在事发前已经取得日本国籍,津市动用红十字会总部和周围的小记者,和红十字会已被禁止
                                                                                      The Japanese nationality As for the resident South Korean whom you have acquired before the incident, naming the journalist, around the Japanese red cruciform corporation headquarters Entering we were soaked, were made entrance and exit prohibition from the Japanese red cruciform corporation

                                                                                      • 韩国泡菜,痰,唾液,粪便涂在狗死亡
                                                                                        As for the Korean product kim chee, 痰, saliva and dog domesticated fowl and animals raw feces and urine being covered

                                                                                        • 韩国露教授的雅夫Shimojo本质拓大“洋”流亡“这次访问,除了在与自民党国会议员合作访问郁陵岛,也是做研究的目的,笔者走访了搬迁朋友或是 Under 條 Masao 拓 great professor The Korean essence it exposed “overseas “exile” Also the fact that the latest visiting Korea being joint with Liberal Democratic Party member of the Diet besides the fact that you inspect the 鬱 mausoleum island visits the acquaintance and does another research and study was purpose
                                                                                          • 然而,在当地自由流放“日本右翼议员们的决定和所附第一,国际先进团队”,“是 Nevetheless at the locale “the advance element of Japanese right wing member of the Diet” you were scolded selfishly overseas “were banished”

                                                                                        • (读卖新闻00小时03分钟2009年2月12号)增长超过↑拉斯维加斯垃圾!官员们烦,没有任何歧视我无损检测中断口之间政要举行谈判有时 2009 February 12th 00 03 The Yomiuri Shimbun Company The ↑ rubbish increases too much The bureaucracy shirking occasionally the powerful politician putting the mouth negotiation has discontinued Regardless it is not even with discrimination

                                                                                          • (黑田克洋)在韩国的身份声称竹岛位于郁陵岛以东约2.2公里。羽
                                                                                            (Katuhiro Kuroda) Natural shape of the bamboo island which the Korean insists is categorized to the east approximately 2.2km of the 鬱 mausoleum island. It was the 嶼

                                                                                            研究 開発