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Liancourt Rocks problem, both parties of the United States as for speech, “Japan call self-control” self-control margin”,…The Korean media


  • 650好了,如果美国不能说不是我的菜 650 However well the American excuse bee yo it is and with is different don t you think
    • 生产650,这是正确的 650 You bear that is correct

  • Dzuki根据法律,停止非法占领竹岛塞罗梅萨
    On the basis of law, make the bamboo island illegal occupation stop

    • ID2自由移动到3个),讨厌的消费高达•富士电视(如果你的耳朵愈合,在嘈杂的公共开放的大门堵塞 Each ID2 3 being less movement If huji TV hate turn off being public if it is noisy that close the ear you open being repaired

      • _NULL_
        As for the globalization which does not have foreign security the largest primary factor of the Japanese original loss, deviation from. Necessity “Retreats from the bamboo which is notified to the Korean government island at once, the structure which is the bamboo island this is destroyed” extent do the Japanese government, secretly under doing to shake, even at on OK = peninsular destruction As for government agency enterprise with the Korean Peninsula cooperation cooperation dense entry affirmation, as for the SB grandchild after all with information outflow ruin decision resident adoption with treason and nationality acquisition as for OK fantasy Fabrication historical fact view, history. Invasion and cultural invasion, “the beginning insistence” [uiki] going/participating. Assistant. Furthermore yes As for special permanent residence person right after the 99% dense entry, the strictness conversion of the nationality acquisition, the application and the nationality acquisition of the nationality provision. Strictness conversion is needed Foreign carrot administration is irrelevant even with the special permanent residence person k2e2a4 netouyokousakuinganbaruuu

        • “M恩戴我应该多学习,从法国殖民英美管理经验
          Know-how of colony management is learned more from English and France, it should, was, it is

          • 不是因为我Collarenebri的201韩国勇敢? They m怕Rubeki民族冲突
            201 Brave of the Korea race it isn't licked? They fearfully are the aggressive race which the [ru] should

            • 东西,我觉得它真实的朝鲜民族应香椎 You think that something it is the Korean tsu te truly shy country
              • 韩国旅游Bisuru一种不好的感觉立即机场消防 While airport facilitating the feeling which plays with fire the bad South Korean

            • 也许这整个句子仍然只适用于说超过1000年的博士谕吉 As Mr Yukichi says perhaps even now when above 1000 it passes the composition which that roundly can be applied
              • 它仍然是直接适用仅在未来100年刑期 It is the composition which can be applied that way even now when 100 years or more it passes from now on

            • 二万亿日元日本开发→统一教会信徒

              • 亚热干扰睡眠,我居住在韩国警察
                Disturbing the quiet sleep of the Korean police who has been permanently stationed

                • 什么动物感到饥饿只是踢在韩国竹岛的愤怒

                  • 什么引起了北方领土旅游业的行会

                    • 什么是一个响亮的Guno自卫队夺回竹岛与朝鲜和俄罗斯关于Nathan ll Busayo在日本?
                      Self Defense Force using, the bamboo island being the place where you recapture, don't you think? as for making a noise about Japanese [busayo] and the medium morning dew -?

                      • 什么是不可能做到在日本你在哪里得到866决定?割让的领土?十日离开感到忌讳的决定应给予公平 866 When so the decision which there cannot there be Japan comes out how it does it is The territory is ceded When it is the expectation which puts out fair decision you think in prohibited thing

                        • 介绍了锚的每个蛤蜊上午会议的内容
                          Content of day morning conversation of the clam you explain with the anchor

                          • 但是,台风不打韩国?风中的放射性将Desho?
                            But the typhoon the Korean direct bomb hit the kana which is not done? The radioactivity it goes with wind direction being, it does, the [yo]?

                            • 几乎就像是民主党(口),委员会南方的反应。有效的控制行动,并声称主权的帕拉塞尔群岛,竹岛,但不是在南特地区,反正它是第一个寻求日本(日本条约与W(旧金山和平条约)的和平,韩国1951年独立9月8日,第2条是日本),接受韩国济州的独立性。句子岛,与所有权利,包括对韩国和郁陵岛的同时,并和放弃索赔权的特权 Quite it is the reaction like the Democratic party Kokubu south also in Compared to possession right insistence of west sand archipelago and conduct of effective control Although it becomes independent from Japan and the bamboo island how it does not enter in the Korean territory which was not requested w Peace treaty of Japan the San Francisco peace treaty 1951 September 8th 2nd provision a As for Japan approving the Korean independence the end state island The sentence island and the 鬱 mausoleum island are included All rights for Korea authority and claim right are abandoned
                              • 条约与日本(旧金山条约)9月08日第2条1951年日本),和平接受韩国济州的独立性。在此与所有权利,包括韩国和郁陵岛和句子,并放弃索赔的权利和特权 Peace treaty of Japan the San Francisco peace treaty 1951 September 8th 2nd provision a As for Japan approving the Korean independence the end state island The sentence island and the 鬱 mausoleum island are included All rights for Korea authority and claim right are abandoned
                              • 这种对民主党反应几乎(但不,反正南特独立竹岛在日本和韩国在该地区W(与日本的和平条约W(旧金山和平条约)9月08日第2条,1951年),日本国家批准的所有权利的朝鲜独立,济州。问道,包括对韩国和郁陵岛和,并和放弃索赔的权利,特权 Quite it is the reaction like the Democratic party w Although the bamboo island how it does not enter in the Korean territory which becomes independent from Japan w Peace treaty of Japan the San Francisco peace treaty 1951 September 8th 2nd provision a As for Japan approving the Korean independence the end state island The sentence island and the 鬱 mausoleum island are included All rights for Korea authority and claim right are abandoned

                            • 南特也遗憾当事人,甚至没有与外国u200bu200b屁思什么onlooking
                              Mind how this thing country of regrettable or the foreign country which it is indifferent also the fart it is not thought

                              • 国际社会正在使用的外交抗议,被认为是“没有做什么”,“反对”的立场是不言 The protest which used the diplomacy route Because it is regarded “opposite motion” in international society “nothing is done” It does not consist
                                • 通过自焚抗议煤油穿着手,还请停止任何抗议 Any protest is selfish but Wearing the kerosene please stop the fact that it protests with burning body suicide

                              • 在低洼比在世界任何地方民俗,但强烈的嫉妒和妄想,杀人,抢劫,纵火,种族罕见的内疚感不具备这种令人发指的强奸罪 Every race in the world compared to lie is played envy and damage delusion are strong homicide the burglar the rare ethnicity where either brutal crime such as arson and rape does not have the sin impression
                                • 在低洼比在世界任何地方民俗,但强烈的嫉妒和妄想,杀人,抢劫,纵火,种族罕见的内疚感不具备这种令人发指的强奸罪 Every race in the world compared to lie is played envy and damage delusion are strong homicide the burglar the rare ethnicity where either brutal crime such as arson and rape does not have the sin impression

                              • 在信中否认盟军137拉斯克滤液
                                137 As for United Nations the [ro] which was denied in the rusk letter

                                • 在接受记者采访时拒绝入境朝鲜日报894回答国会议员进藤我也访问韩国
                                  894 When it enters is denied with interview of the Korean daily report, in addition Assemblyman [tsu] [te] Shindo who visiting Korea is done answering, the [ru

                                  • 在旧金山和平条约在旧金山条约拒绝拒绝拒绝了旧金山和约在旧金山否决了条约否决了条约 It dismisses in the San Francisco treaty It dismisses in the San Francisco treaty It dismisses in the San Francisco treaty It dismisses in the San Francisco treaty It dismisses in the San Francisco treaty

                                    • 在这个阶段,“我没有恢复其主权的有效控制,”什么是需要和梅尔承认意义是什么?我骗的就是你 “Because it cannot recover sovereignty effective being controlled the ru ” tsu te it recognizes at the stage Don t you think meaning and necessity are what Cheating as for ru you

                                      • 如果你不如果导致冲突与日本和韩国,日本民主党是一定要采取政策韩梅毁灭性的不满
                                        If dispute occurs in day Korea, 媚 as for the Japanese Democratic party which takes the Korea policy devastating non- support ratio certainty

                                        • 如果你真的把641,韩国没有被占用的飞行狙它已经到了什么是我能骗一个Soredake 641 But speaking truly aiming for that and hurrying being the case that it occupied just that it does Korea slyly speaking densely thing what
                                          • 一旦占领了一个真正的641,如果采用一个日本再次对我说什么 641 When it occupies truly in addition it makes the Japanese and the tsu te says

                                        • 如果竞争的W Totanni国家Coz酒店的根源依靠失控右翼intellectual m美浓家伙与普通的野兽无功能或他的能力 Even reckless driving what of right wing of intellect like the animal it produces the root of the dispute w With as for depending to the country simply feature of the person where ability are not enough by your
                                          • 在暴力威胁和反韩国运动,有时假的监测。播放权 To watch counter Korea motion with violence and threat the time the fake Right wing is played

                                        • 如果这样的祁凄击败吴但旭日
                                          However the [so] [gu] trap it is in the place of the Asahi day flag and the like, as for the flag NG

                                          • 感应到了逮捕),留下两个巡逻不高的关系·富士主题(主题宣传占领
                                            Until the arrest person is present, induction) [huji] Kao Soap Co., Ltd.-related [sure] round 2 less secession ([sure] possession for protecting

                                            • 我不希望这样的报道,如果这些问题可以通过现在富士南特 If huji how now such problem it is possible through doing we would not like to report it is probably will be
                                              • 覆盖面已被歼灭从书本和它所 Very that it is erased from the textbook and reporting

                                            • 我不能只谈论竹岛的军事占领,在日本自卫队的派遣联合国部队的名称
                                              Dispatching Self Defense Force with the pretext, U.N. forces, if military force it should have occupied the bamboo island sufficient story

                                              • 我们也减少到这一点,随着Koitsura政权不负责任的媒体和拉拉队到床上,Sayo是损害日本在韩国的国家利益更专注地照顾你只为自己的利益一般日本。为了确保老百姓的未来负担。什么是它像一个星期一政敌和媒体我回家津市反弹不来Hontouza Being said to here just because of your own interest Intently using the air in Korea it tries to impairing mass mass Japanese national interest Mass communications of sayo administration and the cheer group And as for the bill of irresponsible of koitsura General Japan As a burden of the populace securely the military officer It rebounds Politics and the media of the home country are as for enemy like are tsu te hontouza to be
                                                • 我们也减少到这一点,随着Koitsura政权不负责任的媒体和拉拉队到床上,Sayo是损害日本在韩国的国家利益更专注地照顾你只为自己的利益一般日本。为了确保老百姓的未来负担。什么是它像一个星期一政敌和媒体我回家津市反弹不来Hontouza Being said to here just because of your own interest Intently using the air in Korea it tries to impairing mass mass Japanese national interest Mass communications of sayo administration and the cheer group And as for the bill of irresponsible of koitsura General Japan As a burden of the populace securely the military officer It rebounds Politics and the media of the home country are as for enemy like are tsu te hontouza to be

                                              • 我们达洛尼加或过吗?但韩国军方在紧急情况下美军的指挥权,加入日本和水果“接触”可以吗? ? The ro which is natural So the case of emergency the Korean troop where the US military has command authority the combining which as expected “can be fought” with Japan
                                                • 我没有问题,当考察船744正确的方向行驶,我是军人 744 However there is no command authority when being investigation boat problem the troop protruded it is don t you think

                                              • 我们降落的白色朝鲜军队尽快竹■!巴斯Biserukara交火! !将有没有有效的控制civilian ll■!

                                                • 我原本应该是与邻国的冲突没有得到很好的收费,不仅为韩国的领土后,在韩国和日本的战争,我收取439炸弹得到棘手,相对于总司令部 439 After Japan is defeated in order GHQ Korea to be opposed training the bomb skillfully the ru it is There is no just Korea training also northern territory the ru It requires the neighboring country it reaching the point where it is opposed the ru it is the shelf
                                                  • 您正好有一份特殊的感情与邻国连接仅仅是因为他们刚 Simply therefore the neighboring country with does not have to touch in just the reason which is said with special feeling

                                                • 我只能用最Netouyo没有推托过甘蔗
                                                  However only the quibble which also mostly [netouyo] it does and the [yo] - is not

                                                  • 我离开韩国我扭曲事实,但我弯酱拉斯克信十日
                                                    Although the rusk letter or the bean jam the 捻 [ji] bending fact, whether [ru] Korea leaving

                                                    • 我站在没有自我控制南特的男子提供心持打而不为 It hits Because self control how it is not possible self control heart concerning the human whom it does not have
                                                      • 它适应了竹岛655 655 Concerning the bamboo island it is adapted
                                                      • 竹岛约,什么不要说进行施工,因为在韩国的新结构 Concerning the bamboo island the contents where should have self control that the structure construction whose Korea is new is being advanced

                                                    • 我非常好,如果遣返回国,以配合居民的同情者和前韩国让日本韩国统一朝鲜难民Wattara二战结束 When second reunification of Korea war ends resident Korea If the evacuee and the original Korean fellow traveler are repatriated to the great homeland collectively it is good
                                                      • 韩国人和那些人,那些强大的美,挖掘弱肯定 The Korean you flatter to such people and the strong person hit the weak

                                                    • 战争结束后,海军和空军力量,我们现在才在顶部只穿着立即下跌家伙是

                                                      • 无关的目的,赞助商的抵制下车富士)高•为什么只针对? (高电流的主要赞助商的富士 It makes hujisuponsa get off irrelevance to gist of boycott Why just Kao Soap Co Ltd in the target In reality as for Kao Soap Co Ltd powerful sponsor of huji
                                                        • 实际间谍破获抵制消防队员聘请由富士和诱导没有影响(高2003,隐藏的震撼 The fire fighter operative actual condition which is employed in huji Boycott of goods without the effect induction concealing 2003 Kao Soap Co Ltd shock

                                                      • 日。让货币互换协议,以摧毁! !
                                                        Day. Currency swap to agree cancel - the [ze]! !

                                                        • 日本人,韩国人不共存,为什么? 100年前,日本和韩国在从西方看,并从他的独特的民族政治目前,没有仆人是一个有点不同 The Japanese why not being able to coexist with the Korean 100 years ago the Korean and the present their peculiar race nature which were seen from Europe and America and Japan there are no times when it is different a little
                                                          • 日本人,韩国人不共存,为什么? 100年前,日本和韩国在从西方看,并从他的独特的民族政治目前,没有仆人是一个有点不同 Japan why not being able to coexist with the Korean 100 years ago the Korean and the present their peculiar race nature which were seen from Europe and America and Japan there are no times when it is different a little
                                                          • 日本血液之间的绝对和大陆半岛的关系,你必须去西方和 As for Japan cutting off relationship between continent and peninsula With Europe and America you must advance

                                                        • 日本和韩国输一拼,即使考虑了死亡威胁埃雷迪亚 It does and if it thinks of the threat which is quarrelling both day Korea it loses and
                                                          • 我觉得日本 韩国友好Erubeki只考虑稍微吝啬说 You think that it is not economized thing and of just day Korea friendship should be thought

                                                        • 日本百合只是898
                                                          898 The Japanese just is honest

                                                          • 有一种意见认为是在考虑的过程中具有里程碑意义的种族主义时间 In that time when race discrimination was thought the proper Being it is epoch making thing
                                                            • 我是在比赛硬解゙力对不起生死时刻,我应该被骂和 It was shy therefore and the ha ゙ mosquito it is race and the tsu te which is not seen you apologized

                                                          • 有什么好处是出售前用弟弟朝鲜呢? Before that merit tsu te what which associates with 姦 country in the a
                                                            • 韩国很多年前后加载? 姦 country stacked rear many years before that

                                                          • 朝鲜战争是筛选第260的世界形势将用武力夺取圣基茨十日韩国为了不被防守的情况下在那里我住在停火领导联合国部队在韩国和美国军方

                                                            • 李承晚逮捕流氓。 Nonghen只有300个座位的日本渔船被没收,并不会允许韩国人到末日
                                                              Around it is attached, in Japanese plum acceptance evening 拿. The Japanese vis-a-vis the Korean gold wheel occasion you do not permit the grudge fishing boat 300 it is confiscated

                                                              • 柏青哥的300000亿日元→雅,行业年销售额80%的日本公司
                                                                � pachinko house -> At yearly turnover 30,000,000,000,000 Yen industry, the 8 tenths resident enterprise

                                                                • 此外,该国必须要么不符合事实,因为美国政府认为,什么是已知的,他说,声明显示,获得对日本的克制 In addition you must have self control truly as for the American government having known which country Assuming that it believes it has expressed the viewpoint of the speech which requested self control vis a vis Japan
                                                                  • 为什么不是我的责任思可能是在做什么? “双方保持克制,”一个变态,如果你这样做,“白只有日本不要”这将是 Doing whatever you can think by your with something that there is no responsibility If “self control how is distorted both” “just Japan becomes self control margin” it is
                                                                  • 你只负责移动,并可能在日本采取 If it moves as for responsibility there is Japan With there is a possibility of being taken

                                                                • 由日本在Choso臭屁狗屁社会地位所附终于破获医疗
                                                                  Japan merging, with social status of [chiyoso] which is rescued at last droppings conceit

                                                                  • 社会民主党议员发出了贿赂自由前排→朝总联和克制
                                                                    � Korean entire ream -> To send bribe to Liberal Democratic Party great Assemblyman and corporation people party Assemblyman, restraint

                                                                    • 美国两国之间的领土问题本身原问题或超出后我第一次要求不仅与日本的意向有自私的一面移动的书面日本和韩国之间的交流同意“外交解决”的手 Territorial issue itself between 2 countries problem Originally America does not produce the hand and seeking “the solution with diplomacy” the ru After because there is the agreement by the exchange document between Japan and Korea It cannot move with selfish intention of the Japanese side
                                                                      • 美国“独岛”without ll“竹岛”在日本的领土,没有说什么,如果一个错误 If America there is no “獨 island” and calls te “bamboo island” it is Japanese territory not to be wrong

                                                                    • 美国也是一个问题或尖阁群岛,美国,我也抑制了北方领土的决议
                                                                      To problem making convert the 尖 official building archipelago the solution of America and northern territory 阻 it is So being America

                                                                      • 被强盗占领谁喜欢做,我离开你放弃国家仍然拥有有效的控制?传入的 u200b u200b伞是现在俄罗斯是不是出于翻译的两个岛屿或说愚蠢的事,即使在领土政府的自由俄罗斯 Being occupied with the method like the burglar throws away a state where effective it is controlled that way and is possible to leaving Because northern territory 2 island conversions or foolish thing you proposed to Russia even at the time of our civil administration right Soon becoming also Russia becoming the umbrella it started

                                                                        • 让我们快速美国人的战争是什么说法没有再和我的双手Tsu了!达洛尼加要干净!接下来的战争是必要的勇气和毅力Nanzo Tatanee黄金也不会帮助你的头!日本人民不屈服于的元素!购买〜Idaro America coming out of the hand and calling and saying the ru it does The ze which it will go to war already quickly The ro which we would like to do clear is As for the following war Nature And Physical strength What Are in many parts the seed obtaining As for being necessary Head With Gold There is no element which is defeated to the Japanese The ro which is buying
                                                                          • 让我们快速另一位美国战争慈和我的手说了哎什么?达洛尼加要干净! America it comes out of the hand and don t you think huh the te calling the ru it does The ze which it will go to war already quickly The ro which we would like to do clear is
                                                                          • 让我们快速美国人的战争是什么说法没有再和我的双手Tsu了!达洛尼加要干净! America coming out of the hand and calling and saying the ru it does The ze which it will go to war already quickly The ro which we would like to do clear is As for the following war Nature And Physical strength What Are in many parts the seed obtaining As for being necessary Head With Gold There is no element which is defeated to the Japanese The ro which is buying

                                                                        • 让我被打破韩国的家园,如果价格不便宜吗?达洛尼加得不到Yaranai It is dense furthermore it is it is confused Korea where are not cheap price and are the homeland and others the re ru it is the ze which is The ro which is not the hand which you do not do and is
                                                                          • 左右:韩国:日本 The left Korea The right Japan
                                                                          • 我们热爱这个国家,不是日本,韩国,如果你爱你的国家 If the country is loved Korea where are not Japan and are the homeland will be loved

                                                                        • 达洛尼加没有瓦特访问,同时也避免前往Takaga w m自我控制,以避免日本白转换什么是人的大脑,而垃圾和动荡疯狂下单方面造成的 Becoming insane unilaterally while disturbance causing one after another Japan self control margin tsu te what has self control with conversion inside the brain it is w It is high making passage the ro w which self control is not at all in inspection and is
                                                                          • 随着领土,但我得克制为什么日本 Although it is Japanese territory with something if you do not have self control it is viewing

                                                                        • 这一次,他刷了一堆美国的竞争对手有什么好处在西部大东亚共荣圈38殖民主义你可能在欧盟游行 38 The tsu te person who will oppose to the European American colony policies in the Greater East Asia Co prosperity Sphere If it goes well now conquering doing US and EU you cannot know high
                                                                          • 我担心如何精简和保护令是真的永远东亚 As expected worry it puts out whether how long Toa order is maintained

                                                                        • 这样,在没有得到这样抱纠纷一案的要求被认为是具有完全投降的代名词,日本取胜
                                                                          Like this if it does, because absence with the case which holds dispute important matter 做 general yielding and synonymy and watching, the Japanese side wins

                                                                          • 除非你能得到OK标志被添加和日本以外的 If either the national flag other than Japan does not rework OK
                                                                            • 685 NHK不处理 685 Unless NHK it makes a contract simultaneous

                                                                          • 难道让我们在日本的暴力的家伙吧!竹岛是突然从后作为一个波特Tteta说,我的〜十日,挖色他妈的从食物中面部冲床在日本,日本所有炉黑鳕鱼!为什么日本和黑人last m不是说他们Tteta扑克!在没有投诉的基本日语日语例子,我将是一个傻瓜我(在今天的黑人故事府中本町与Garazu扑克大冶什么是不是说泣前警察来逃避圪塔 The people of present resident rage the ze The bamboo island it is we that you call… Everyone of the Japanese as a baud the cod… Facial punch being able to give to ikinari and resident the black from rear huatsuku With you say The black as for the Japanese does not beat lastly with something it is That the ru it is to foolish it appeals to the Japanese in Japanese of the Kata thing crying So while saying the zu with you have beaten Story in main town of present Fuchu… that black the police before coming escaped

                                                                            • 零损害日本经济)•凸电力的抵制上演高也没用(对电力预测的基础上不会写源 As for damage of the Japanese economy zero As for the electric convex fashion boycott to Kao Soap Co Ltd as for needless electric convex basis the entry which does not have the source
                                                                              • 通过与所有关系的应变OK)•蓝筹公司高地震援助(援助地震,我加入了该公司超过几 As for relationship of stocks all being through OK As for Kao Soap Co Ltd enterprise of good standing of earthquake disaster support as for earthquake disaster support every companies few do not drive and participate

                                                                            • 非法占用的672,但拥有良好,还等什么?将在不长 672 As for illegality occupation being formed however it is good therefore what It does not have to become
                                                                              • 我停在恶劣的棚户区在等待新茶,我说的赛 With illegality occupation it is the stopping ma tsu chi ya useless with the shank that saying the ru it is

                                                                            • 韩国也将荡然无存财政在正常情况下这是一个坏的,韩国人遭受苦难灾区点

                                                                              • 韩国人。难道我们处理了日本的我出生在韩国的最大高度 The Korean citizen As for treatment as for the largest happiness of Japan it is born in the South Korean the medium tsu passing thing kana
                                                                                • 韩国人。如果需要,这是日本艺术或使用前 The Korean citizen As for treatment as for without becoming because of Japan it is natural

                                                                              • 韩国和朝鲜半岛和民族战争和破坏朝鲜Shimae永远!
                                                                                North Korea and Republic of Korea going to war, the Korean Peninsula race ceases to exist eternally!

                                                                                • (2011年8月3日新潮周)
                                                                                  (Weekly new tide 2011.08.03)

                                                                                  • (笑)Netouyo真正干净的处女WW
                                                                                    (Laughing) As expected clean ephebe [netouyo] ww

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