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“The tv picture does not appear!” With area [deji] movement analog end, SOS call 140,000 case rush ★2


  • 0.5%,由5000的2.01亿户,25户,从视图中隐藏如此真实我没有多少价值的少
    201 Therefore as for 0.5% of 50,000,000 household 250,000 household, the many way being visible, to tell the truth it is little, don't you think?

    • 187 B - CAS卡“借出”,在公司的所有权这是一个B - CAS
      187 The B-CAS card is “loan” As for proprietary there is a B-CAS corporation

      • 384孔电视“没有一读的,觉得你可能有一个甚至层无关,他的英语にゃ 384 hole When TV” is you cannot read and therefore the te English there is no anything related to ya by your whether the layer which thinks that is it is
        • 一旦电器店,买一个新的电视道歉称为呵 When you call to the electric appliances store the fact of the matter that force regrettably and buy TV
        • 十日正好有从一个新的液晶电视和high ll回不来 Unless it is new high liquid crystal TV the empty it has
        • 钥匙孔电视退出 key hole TV To end

      • 41名称:没有名字,我放大? []发表于:2011 / 07 / 24(星期日)18:28:34.14编号:小学生转移到一个贫穷的模拟RC0rZoDs(感染者)在公园什么是欺负
        41 Name: Name it is not zoom in! [] Contribution day: 2011/07/24 (day) 18: 28: 34.14 ID: RC0rZoDs The poor elementary school student moves analog, (you are infected) from the [ijime] and others [re] it is with the [tsu] [te] park

        • 483可在图像质量是一个挑战时,螃蟹是一种恶劣的天气和地形的乐东在早上预计至少有一些不好的远程。 483 Inside picture quality is bad but because once tele east and tele morning appears When weather is bad whether the causing re which can be used it is

          • 8年的等待其他地面开始459年长,“你再也看不到以往一样在电视播出的”被外界听到南特有趣但它肯定是做了坚实的头和一个CM如果我不能把许多老人还 459 Area deji starting already 8 years Directly “television broadcasting of sort becomes unable to see until now ” that CM you do many years although The head being hard the aged person who is not inserted in either the thing how ear outside the object of interest it is many combining

            • Iijan在NHK的202 FM
              202 Calling it is with the NHK of FM

              • MIC B - 晨报无线电利益IIJ,NTT DATA会员利益决定CAS。投注。成千上万的店铺交付ATM8
                General affairs ministry B - CAS right radio wave right NTT data compulsory affiliated company IIJ morning. Betting. In house ATM 8000 unit payment

                • NAB的第21届大会主席定期家庭不能支持广濑表明只有大约10万个家庭和前景总裁
                  In commercial broadcast connected conventional chairman interview of 21 days, Chairman Hirose as for not yet corresponding household The possibility that approximately 100,000 household had been shown

                  • NHK是事物的方式也都将耗尽收入收到值W
                    When it is this condition, don't you think? NHK decreases sharply listening fee earnings, w

                    • “我们的目标是增加处理卫星接收机炒作十日公开
                      ” With extravagant advertisement plainly contract increase aim of satellite reception

                      • ┼╂┼┏┓┃┏┓┃┗━┻━┛┃┃┗━┻━┛┃┃■■┃Watashiga数字r1011100100090┏┛┃■┃┃┃┣┫┗━┓┃┗┛┏━┓┃┃━ ┓┃┗┛┗┳━┛┃┃┏━┓┗┓┃┏┛┗┓┗┓┗┛┗┓┃┗┛
                        ┼ ╂ ┼ ┏ ┓ ┃ ┏ ┓ ┃ ┗ ━ ┻ ━ ┛ ┃ ┃ ┗ ━ ┻ ━ ┛ ┃ ┃ * * ┃ [watashigadejita] r1011100100090 ┏ ┛ ┃ & ┃ ┃ ┃ ┣ ┫ ┗ ━ ┓ ┃ ┗ ┛ ┏ ━ ┓ ┃ ┃ ━ ┓ ┃ ┗ ┛ ┗ ┳ ━ ┛ ┃ ┃ ┏ ━ ┓ ┗ ┓ ┃ ┏ ┛ ┗ ┓ ┗ ┓ ┗ ┛ ┗ ┓ ┃ ┗ ┛

                        • ゙Nihonko知道,Utsuruterehi゙゙大小Hayakukuta
                          [nihonko] ゙ [wakarimasen], [utsuruterehi] ゙ [hayakukuta] ゙ rhinoceros

                          • 不喜欢UHF为阳光卫视,阳光卫视天线和NHK看到试图在调整,电视,预计外大阪 Because the UHF antenna it is lifting in the one for sun television when it tries tuning in trial NHK synthesis and the sun tv picture the other than of tv picture Osaka appeared
                            • 他说:“U波是作为一个地方电视台NHK分类,天线无法接收 “NHK local bureau being classified by the U wave depending upon the antenna it cannot receive

                          • 不必看其他补偿地滚球达洛尼加
                            The [ro] which is the compensation racketeer It will not make the partner and the [te] will call and probably will read

                            • 不是很难NHK电视接收反正。如果你碰巧有来Shikere不希望新的电视费将拒绝理由 How the se The television it is not seen almost NHK Reception Denial It probably becomes the reason If listening fee we want The brand new television have
                              • NHK可以轻松地取消Rurashii原因 NHK it can cancel this simply in the reason it seems

                            • 二送出手与我无关反正我448调谐器 448 My me The contrivance which the tuner temporarily simply 2 units receives you attached

                              • 什么成为该国目前的地面数字广播秩序
                                Although with direction of the country terrestrial digital releasing sending from this time, it becomes

                                • 什么是真正有趣的,我想我付出的费用将获得Gonere
                                  Listening fee paying, although the [ru] person should have persisted, don't you think?

                                  • 他知道,从现卖十日的过渡是真正免费的地面数字调谐器或不,我还是会螨租卡的机会,段地面电视与任何兼容的运气 As expected that area deji movement was not known the person who is said Being free the tuner or the bubble well thinking that area deji correspondence TV you probably will receive it probably is the ru tick
                                    • 他知道,从现卖十日的过渡是真正免费的地面数字调谐器或不,我还是会螨租卡的机会,段地面电视与任何兼容的运气 As expected that area deji movement was not known the person who is said Being free the tuner or the bubble well thinking that area deji correspondence TV you probably will receive it probably is the ru tick

                                  • 但他们不喜欢对所有的被称为呼叫中心好,从那里我还没有写的中午消息,电话号码为0,直到呼叫中心完成的蓝色屏幕 The telephone it was applied well in coal center Don t you think but everyone like you do not know the blue picture coming out because noon message of end telephone number was written to 0 o clock of coal center
                                    • 但他们不喜欢对所有的被称为呼叫中心好,从那里我没有写在蓝色屏幕上的呼叫中心号码 The telephone it was applied well in coal center Don t you think but everyone like you do not know the blue picture coming out because noon message of end telephone number was written to 0 o clock of coal center
                                    • 有消息显示,电话号码为0时,直到昨天中午完成246 246 Because noon message of end telephone number was indicated to 0 o clock of yesterday

                                  • 但我不栉田Desho少强烈定向广播?呼叫乐天空在那里抱怨
                                    Becoming directivity strong, although the [ru] radio wave to be weak it does with the red sandal wood, the [yo]? [so] and others [a] complaint the [wa] which comes out

                                    • 倒不如说你送收据+ u003d770日元注册,所以它不会糊弄一般
                                      In order not to be able to pretend ignorance, the person who mails for general registered mail + certified mail = 770 Yen is secure

                                      • 其中J:我真的因此仍然是一个模拟手表COM
                                        Inside J: Therefore COM still the analog seeing [re] [ru] it is,

                                        • 出售的东西在同一个PC软件“拆封协议”什么的家伙 The same “shrinkage lap contract” tsu te person shelf as PC software some sale

                                          • 包括到现在只有不开车的家伙,我认为高光束质量掴美浓
                                            The person who now dashes thinks that it is the sen losing of the high price grasping,

                                            • 十日开玩笑说,我不知道他为什么进入数字地面联络部?
                                              Unless the communication inserting [re] [ru] person is an area [deji] reason [wa] can in the general affairs ministry the [ro] which is joke?

                                              • 另外,我们有超过10个字符和字幕它,也许这不是他的にゃ有关思 Or it is above subtitle putting out 10 letters and there is no anything related to ya by your perhaps you thought that is
                                                • 7字幕清晰的愿景 7 Clear vision Subtitle broadcast

                                              • 只有人类,而不是帮助该国不值得
                                                Therefore the human who does not have the value where the country aids

                                                • 只需输入一个游戏块噪音 地面商业广播机构,但不从汝运动的公寓小区天线准备 However area deji it appears just one bureau which has commercial broadcast enters block noise… Therefore with the apartment the joint antenna you cannot adjust
                                                  • HDTV是分散的,每个广播站的眼睛通常是相当大屏幕上的噪声输出扭矩表 As for hi vision intellectual viewing is conspicuous as for usual broadcast when you see on the large picture noise well enough

                                                • 周波数月没有收到它无论如何没有电视天线371 371 Unless so how there is a se television antenna the frequency which cannot be received it is
                                                  • 周波数月没有收到它无论如何没有电视天线371 371 Unless so how there is a se television antenna the frequency which cannot be received it is

                                                • 在前所未有的迁移或仅陆地NHK?广播数字电视模拟地达到了无地面订阅费相当多的家庭存储是唯一的主合同具有内置BS调谐器99%的大卫星与在公寓或合作公寓BS天线户标志着这是由于与NHK卫星的合同义务,增加有关,即使迁移到数字地面观众BS预计将出现巨大
                                                  Unprecedented large it gains with NHK area [deji] movement? With analog broadcast satellite contract it does not do, The household where is just ground wave listening fee climbs in considerable number As for area [dejiterebi] with the large size of the main force the 99% has built in the BS tuner As for the household where BS has been attached to the joint antenna with the apartment and the apartment BS it has not viewed and the [te] can require satellite contract with area [deji] movement As for the NHK increased revenue with this the possibility that it becomes enormous ones

                                                  • 地铁公司支付给惠普部Tteta我不只是Namapo 789
                                                    789 However it has been recorded before HP of the general affairs ministry, as for being provided there is no just [namapo

                                                    • 地面浦。我有没有使用字节的有关自己的天线,现在站在老乡的话 u200b u200b还没有做好的亚拉公寓免费展示TEPCO已经失败有线电视分钟特足干扰“为什么我的不要convert m被迫买了电视调谐器和天线或站立,或在黄金! “我觉得是 Area deji general universal However the related byte it has done With electrical interference without raising either the antenna until now by your from the apartment Tokyo Electric Power Company which have become obstacle As for opinion of the 輩 which has had showing the cable television simply Unless with something the antenna you raise with your own gold and or must replace the television and the tuner it is The wa which is the tsu te feeling
                                                      • 为什么你有或黄金,但仍然没有出来,也不是抑郁症和20 So why there is a gold and obstacle or even with the 鬱 or Still 20 generations it puts out

                                                    • 地面电视24•准备在44个都道府县除非大地震袭击的东北三省全面过渡到数字广播也来东
                                                      Ground wave the television on the 24th, with 44 metropolis and districts which exclude northeast 3 prefecture whose damage of east Japanese large earthquake disaster is large It moved to digital broadcast completely

                                                      • 大多数人的弱定义,脚和调谐器转换Digiana全国大多数日本人乃唯一享有的人大部分日本人接受并愿意进入计划敲竹杠缺陷包括利息(格局没有太大的比较明显)高品质的特点和早期反射和繁琐的便利,并表示已经看到几个广播鳃DTB将响应结果。远远没有得到更方便的模拟时代 As for first feeling weakness the right being covered defective bo tsu it is chestnut system 唯 々 諾 々 in the most Japanese citizen who the most Japanese citizen who was accepted the enjoyment ke was inserted Person of digital analyzer conversion and tuner complement somehow rather many pattern It counts in the area deji conversion correspondence being completed but As for high quality convenient function of the place where the government office and the broadcasting station say joining You cannot enjoy instead of From analog age preponderantly inconveniently
                                                        • 当然,我与巴兹什么无线电利益,思Ukara输出力矩享有的更长远的公众利益的眼睛,从个人财产权利的侵犯巴兹的缺点通过这一措施公开,存在的问题我认为最好是考虑方便的优势获得了 However certainly there is a problem tsu te of radio wave right comment when you look the merit above that is long that it is enjoyed in the citizen because you think You think that from demerit of property right infringement comment of the individual the person who thought of the public convenience merit which is due to the latest measure is good

                                                      • 如果你在寻找可能锁孔HTTP 562 PC:/ / keyholetv.jp /
                                                        562 PC you can use, if you see in the key hole http: //keyholetv.jp/

                                                        • 如果您对细胞的情况下现在的问题,我想我把两天前刚打电话 If the extent which now you inquire if you should have telephoned in about the day before yesterday although
                                                          • 但现在我好多例子慈思尽快购买多 Being now you should have bought thinking that if more quickly it is about the ru

                                                        • 如果我搬到数字从三年多前,现在我觉得什么 It does from we which if moves from before 3 years above digitally what after so long a time the tsu te feeling shelf

                                                          • 如果没有比老家伙更接近穿达洛尼加Tteta思Yanantokanaruto Goneri m Hottoke You think that it becomes the gone ri ya somehow the ro which is the party Other than of the aged person who does not have the body approaching relieved the ke
                                                            • 那门我们是一个老人缺乏了解? It is understanding power of the aged person name it is

                                                          • 它不会伤害超过10万个家庭Dattara
                                                            When it is under 100,000 household, you want don't you think? and there is no with callous

                                                            • 对于取消寻找到NHK的应用,有什么呢?
                                                              No case there was application of cancellation in NHK?

                                                              • 当然,收费电视NHK停止反正因为梅尔能够支持差,但连我也不会报告任何值W Of course the television however it does not report probably will be altogether don t you think w Because it could not correspond we at poor layer NHK you pay temporarily the wa which you stop
                                                                • 食品是昂贵和扶贫333时间Jaarumai电视。 333 Will not there be times when the television is the large amount item in poverty and…

                                                              • 当鸟儿已经破碎的包装CAS卡“B CAS卡的使用条款和条件”出199 B 满意我还没有写入 199 When the B CAS card tearing packing removing it is formed It is written on “B CAS card use contract stipulation”
                                                                • 乙回卡出回津已在其他付费频道免费看 CAS卡的最终甚至 Already the reverse side card which already being free can look at the pay channel has arrived and it ends also the B CAS card the shelf

                                                              • 我也将看电视我在昏暗中成为头怎么样的内存思微弱甚至没有吃饭了昨天看了茫然 The bo seeing as the tsu the te The extent which cannot remember either the supper of yesterday Memory power weakening The head the bo becoming the tsu the ru it is probably will be With the seeing too much TV

                                                                • 我做我思Tteta Iitsu从地面看没有不常用,大米和一些没有紧急电视投影和铜绿 Don t you think usually because the television you do not see excessively however it does not make area deji and whether the te good tsu the tsu te it thinks now then it becomes unable you to appear with something it is lonesome
                                                                  • 一旦你按下数字按钮现在在地面反射 When so area dejibotan you push it reached the point where it appears
                                                                  • 如在历史分结束的第一刻,包括数字地面电视7 24的日期 7 24 Including area deji it was cut in history as the day when the television ends
                                                                  • 我做我思Tteta Iitsu从地面看没有不常用,大米和东西消失的预测紧急铜绿电视 Don t you think usually because the television you do not see excessively however it does not make area deji and whether the te good tsu the tsu te it thinks now then it becomes unable you to appear with something it is lonesome
                                                                  • 我做我思Tteta Iitsu从地面看没有不常用,大米和东西消失的预测紧急铜绿电视 Don t you think usually because the television you do not see excessively however it does not make area deji and whether the te good tsu the tsu te it thinks now then it becomes unable you to appear with something it is lonesome
                                                                  • 黄柏试图购买的PC与显示器Temasen兼容地面调谐器 That even with the personal computer it will make area deji when the tuner you buy the monitor corresponding when increase it is

                                                                • 我出价十日免费电视出版社认为这是粘停止,直到像手机波最后一分钟 If the stopping wave of the portable telephone it is sticky likely to very limit simply television get you think it is combining
                                                                  • 在津市Moraeta KKE胃和停止波购买手机时,489怎么样? 489 When the stopping wave of carrying finishing the tsu ke which it can have buying

                                                                • 我将最终在那里我与一个或延迟两年通化Dattara这种状态是?对于information m弱教皇权一直是头号方式知名的意义 When the u it was such a state 1 2 years after all it was simultaneous at the place where it postpones don t you think it is It was correct answer with force it is A certain semantic first widely known method it puts out for feeling weakness

                                                                  • 我想我需要找到其他的蛋白质从什么屏幕上的投影电视和电话号码的后720 Dekadeka模拟出 720 Therefore deca deca with telephone number has appeared is in the picture of television after the analog ending However you think that it is not necessary to inspect
                                                                    • 将每个号码买乐透6,如果我能回到过去,如果如果 If it can return to the past If we number per roto 6 is bought

                                                                  • 我没听到超出了你看到的NHK沙尘暴模拟通道中国段的话!是不是吓人!
                                                                    When now, the NHK analog channel you see, Chinese word has been audible with the other side of sandstorm! We fear, is!

                                                                    • 我看电视,我不知道我能做些什么我还不股票卖得好地面数字调谐器在任何地方( ) It is not sold area dejichiyuna everywhere Undecided it puts out also arrival and how should have done the oak and others The television we would like to see Ω
                                                                      • 从其它看电视了,所以我Hottoita m没有试图支持陆地电话明天,尤其是关于是否有电话 Telephone tomorrow the kana which will be done Area deji it did not correspond Already because how the se television you do not see relieved it was but it is about you telephone and solve
                                                                      • 泪水已经失去了来自阳光卫视预计地面 Becoming area deji The sun television stopped appearing Tear

                                                                    • 我被动摇到边缘 - 我提醒干警围绕ATM 597十日由新闻
                                                                      597 That it shook was packed with the immediate side the officer noting and awakening near ATM and news it was

                                                                      • 打电话给你的NHK“调谐器现在正好有来自不再看到”,说是绝对Jijii Telephoning to NHK Because it became “without the apparent re the tuner having now it is dense ” With jijii which was said is absolutely

                                                                        • 投诉可以调用一个人一百万次,我10000
                                                                          1 people telephoning, 10,000 time complaint number of cases is 10,000 what

                                                                          • 数字后面是50年第二次世界大战后在大致相同的标准电视广播“无法使用确保所有”无错居茹Mukae一天,人们仍然不理解的情况 After the war the television which continued to be broadcast with 50 years directly identical standard without being able to understand the situation that “it becomes unable to completely use” the people who receive the day it stays not to be wrong

                                                                            • 日本人民。立即大声(在假设)的支付租金,并与已经看到在于库存→→调谐器下令一定的国家呢?合法的流通货币
                                                                              The Japanese citizen one. It makes a noise, (while supposing) -> order storing it is completed in tuner certain country and -> loan and lie is attached provision ? Circulation of lawful gold

                                                                              • 昨天,没有太多的干扰Sorenishitemo W 我说不要了惊人的14万的挖色的情况下可以有混乱的问题,如果我觉得什么是看到一篇文章,挖色的家伙我经常看电视颐和问题从达洛尼加未经拍摄难度不是我有慈 … tsu te articles the air which was seen does yesterday either many confusion without but it is When there is also an inquiry 140 000 case Whether there is no something which it should call beautiful confusion w Nevertheless inquiring the ru person as the television considered usually the te The reflection te being troubled it does from the ru it is the ro which is
                                                                                • 即使是同一人是受了14万号,是不小 Assuming that the identical person wore 140 000 cases are not the few number
                                                                                • 昨天,没有太多的干扰Sorenishitemo W 我说不要了惊人的14万的挖色的情况下可以有混乱的问题,如果我觉得什么是看到一篇文章,挖色的家伙我经常看电视颐和问题从达洛尼加未经拍摄难度不是我有慈 … tsu te articles the air which was seen does yesterday either many confusion without but it is When there is also an inquiry 140 000 case Whether there is no something which it should call beautiful confusion w Nevertheless inquiring the ru person as the television considered usually the te The reflection te being troubled it does from the ru it is the ro which is

                                                                              • 朝鲜文字是不是连呼叫中心人不赶快来在日本半岛疯狂地警告,“不要老是S u200b u200bhitotta?我傻瓜?”我能讲述达洛尼加 Because it did not warn with the Hangul resident the chi deviating Return to the peninsula quickly Also the human of coal center did took “what until now and it is Don t you think fool The ro which” extent it is possible to say is
                                                                                • 不要护理的方式约但有这样的Dekadeka 1调谐器警告或也许我只是手狙津市 1 Although it was the extent which warning so becomes the deca deca with disturbance you do not become aware with Perhaps when it does the tuner it distributes merely aiming ru

                                                                              • 没有发生可怕的问题,而这样做的 Like this while doing being the case that outrageous problem has happened
                                                                                • 什么是他所说的唐不仅是因为我读电感日本 Japanese the person who cannot be read is the do just is to be depending story

                                                                              • 牵头船舶和飞机大约只有一个卫星网络
                                                                                The ship and the aircraft about only the satellite are connected as a network

                                                                                • 电视只是娱乐Desho,冰箱和空调,以节省古纳响亮,但没有生命危险的事情,看到的是荒谬的,我不拼命竞争的电视频道做我喜欢老街 It does the television with simply amusement and although there are no times when it relates to the yo and life it makes a noise The refrigerator and the air conditioner conserving electricity topsy turvydom former times likely the street television it should have made to view Don t you think the channel dispute the wa which is desperate

                                                                                  • 电视迎来了自己得到了很大的改变时间,但有了它,仿佛象征和数字呼叫中心部地区,请与中心挖色颐和NHK的模拟广播结束后,中午打电话淹没 The television entered the time of big reform but like whether it symbolizes that of although it did general affairs economical area dejikorusenta and The telephone rushed in from now on noon in analog broadcast end inquiry center of NHK
                                                                                    • 我尝试购买前结束兼容电视调谐器,什么不能购买像一个由制造商出手立即关闭生产早 The tuner buying before the broadcast ending although it tried to correspond the manufacturer discontinuing production early like it cannot purchase

                                                                                  • 经过416年如果调谐器是不被出售反向大多1号票超过5000日元 416 If 1 years it passes the tuner not to be almost sold conversely in 5000 Yen exceeding 1 votes
                                                                                    • 经过416年如果调谐器是不被出售反向大多1号票超过5000日元 416 If 1 years it passes the tuner not to be almost sold conversely in 5000 Yen exceeding 1 votes

                                                                                  • 而不是从阳光卫视拍摄和NHK广播唯一体面的模拟,主要是在风雨后沙
                                                                                    Analog broadcast appears only NHK and the sun tv picture honestly, the [te], then the storm of most sand

                                                                                    • 草是这样,即使在ETC降落伞向当地的政治组织或地面站预算暧昧使途的项目当你一移动卫星k死亡只有852故障政客和利益安全利益集团Hoihoi什么食物。骗不了人,包括用尽彻底反感或兴奋的
                                                                                      852 With politician and right entwinement forced termination It just moves to the satellite those which are k Purpose particulars ambiguous area [deji] conversion budget Order exerted from above to local each bureau-related group At the time of ETC so was, but rot in the feed of politics crowding [hoihoi] right it is cheap. The [aho] citizen who strives for conversion The [wa] where amiability runs out keenly

                                                                                      • 诠释数字化部,紧急贷款给农户,难以找到一个调谐器
                                                                                        General affairs ministry, emergency loan tuner In procurement difficult household

                                                                                        • 达洛尼加不是从手机瓦特有趣,我将不得不马虎亚热guyz? W是解决这些人不假装 Will not and others to some extent doing w It is funny therefore so you telephone it is the ro which is huri of the person who does not understand doing w
                                                                                          • 这是做相对亚热461 m脸颊你为什么 461 Flesh fell doing it shoots with something it is

                                                                                        • 这几乎是这个解释,“这将不再看电视”已经多次播出,并一直,并且将拒绝,因为他们是由成千上万的电视瓦真正购买了数万极为这不难理解它会被掩盖在我们的意识 This interpretation “becomes unable to see was the majority don t you think in this television ” that being broadcast frequently it was but Tens of thousands putting out to the television because it is something which you buy it probably is the place that the masking it will be been real in the true tsu this feeling becomes the rubbish with it is difficult to understand
                                                                                          • 这几乎是这个解释,“这将不再看电视”已经多次播出,并一直,并且将拒绝,因为他们是由成千上万的电视瓦真正购买了数万极为这不难理解它会被掩盖在我们的意识 This interpretation “becomes unable to see was the majority don t you think in this television ” that being broadcast frequently it was but Tens of thousands putting out to the television because it is something which you buy it probably is the place that the masking it will be been real in the true tsu this feeling becomes the rubbish with it is difficult to understand

                                                                                        • 通过强制纳税人数十亿甚至数百非地面没有必要,如果税务部和万亿浪费。这仍比白痴和白痴更好的乞丐
                                                                                          Forcing the area [deji] conversion which does not have necessity, blood tax it has squandered many 100,000,000,000, many trillion Tax of general affairs ministry. The fool of the beggar allowance compared to still increase the fool, the allowance shelf

                                                                                          • 问题是,疗养院继续关闭它撕开而不是由NHK看到
                                                                                            The fact that it is problem although it is not seen, the [bo] [tsu] is the saddle [re] is the old person household which is continued from NHK

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