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<[tsuitsuta]>“Grandchild president of the software bank Japanese member of the Diet has criticized the fact that visiting Korea it does”, you do not call either grandchild president “one time vis-a-vis.”


  • 爱国者靖国神社表示衷心感谢纪念保护下的皇帝在日本历史和文化传统的完整帝国线
    > To affirm Greater East Asia War, in Yasukuni's spirit the genuine lifting up of appreciation > The historical traditional culture of Japan under the emperor of eternity one type the protection [ri] the patriot who wants

    • 165 不,我会调整到它Kusochon足立自己的时间?疼痛必须首先揭露人的心脏一样,为什么耻辱? 165 gt 131 When gt the kusochiyon te ramming down your own heart you do not hurt With something in shame exposing of such a mankind Heart you must hurt
      • 你没有自己的心痛,当我拍摄到Kusochon 131立即? 131 When the kusochiyon te ramming down your own heart you do not hurt

    • 51:04 37编号:在评论p5T7UccX0 YouTube频道数量来看,我认为软银等待才刚刚开始 51 04 37 ID p5T7UccX0 Looking at the number of comments of the youtube channel As for the software bank you think that it just started
      • 2011 8月4日374 Ikawai妻子(星期四)18:51:04 37编号:在评论p5T7UccX0 YouTube频道数量来看,我认为软银等待才刚刚开始 374 It is lovely the madam 2011 08 04 wood 18 51 04 37 ID p5T7UccX0 Looking at the number of comments of the youtube channel As for the software bank you think that it just started

    • 56:03 22编号:日本每日新闻社记者我知道,看所有寻找↓输出扭矩韩国企业太真实的S6myaS7v0“珍珠贝尔公园”195到总督和皇帝皇后资产举报回 12周年咬呼叫:2011 08 05(星期五)06:06:03 14编号:uAvnY25u0 NPzW9s200没有帮助 56 03 22 ID S6myaS7v0 When this ↓ you see the intrigue of the Korean is recognized real the extent which it passes Everyday resident reporter “朴 bell of the newspaper 珠” calls Empress emperor when is bites to the governor 195 Name it is not 12th anniversary 2011 08 05 gold 06 06 03 14 ID NPzW9s200 The wa which becomes reference uAvnY25u0
      • 眼前的亿美元Dasanai是从NPO社会企业家,也可能没有亿美元很好,我不认为凋零惜 As for not putting out 10 000 000 000 Yen immediately NPO which can use 10 000 000 000 Yen well and Because social ant rep Renner is not there is no reason which it spares to put out

    • Souiya,对环境的污染或漏油借口了
      So well, the explanation for the environmental pollution of heavy oil outflow being?

      • W Darakejan代理抵达日本与软银
        Handle resident and the software bank operative being lazy it is w

        • “Shirato家”系列,歌手滨崎步这样豪华的松子人才,民意测验和运动意外铸造,宣扬一次播出的CM u200b u200b CM和综合之间的差异寻找至今是评估该计划具有较高的功率 In “the white door house” series unexpected characteristic with the casting which such as Hamazaki walking of the singer and matsuko deluxe of the talent has The mistake with the entire collection compilation to search the plan power such as the popularity poll campaign which televises CM and CM where it is televised so far at once was high appraised
          • 由于CM,即使在日本建立了一套黑色的兄弟和他们的恶意 With the same CM there is a malice even in the place where that black is set the older brother of the Japanese

        • “”煽动诽谤负,投诉看上去像一个很好的业余爱好
          ” “Appealing with negative 煽 dynamic honorable damage, appealing ones

          • “日本已经成为罪犯”六月下旬在全球绿色增长汉城,韩国举行首脑会议之际,软银总裁孙正义是讨厌在周边国家核事故道歉的时代,描述了在固体开始讲话 “Japan became the offender” Late June this year the global green growth which is held in Korean Seoul city In occasion of summit as for grandchild justice president of software bank in nuclear accident in countries around Applying annoyance word of apology and beginning was expressed

            • “有人说没关系,甚至孙正义,但无论是很多人说他们终于支持政府的性质和什么和什么民主党政府 ” There is also the speech which is not relationship but after the Democratic party stealing administration administration stealing also grandchild justice And others It seems that the speech which more and more supports true character is many
              • Danichon揶揄不公! ! !白蚁和 Non 遜 illegitimate justice danichiyon Termite and
              • “有人说没关系,不管他们是支持多说孙正义 ” There is also the speech which is not relationship but it seems that the speech which supports grandchild Masayoshi is many
              • 孙正义每周转让 Weekly grandchild justice transmission
              • 谢谢孙正义 masason masason Grandchild justice It is grateful

            • “软银韩国已开始迁入了大量电力的销售数据服务器,你就不会被从视图中隐藏从那里狙孙子是真的,”什么是在韩国的核电厂超过40%的电力 “As for software bank It has started to move the data server who uses electricity in large quantities to Korea but from there The true aim of the grandchild is visible” In Korea 4 tenths or more of electric power are made with the nuclear plant
              • 先生的儿子在记者说:每一天,“中间人口Mutsumori韩国是不是政府的政策”,但“过于依赖核电是非常危险的,”他说 gt Everyday As for grandchild president in interview “there is no intention of putting the mouth to policy of the Korean government” that Although doing “it is very dangerous to depend on the nuclear plant too much ” that it emphasizes

            • 。 INAC也是神户女子足球运动员粉红色的成员国家政府不少人奖金的荣誉,但南韩国制造商在日本柏青哥,他的父亲在日本神户商务部唐商会,也是一个亿文东。 K.金日成和捐赠的号是什么船。我接受,也表示,与朝总联的人
              . Administration obtains national honor bonus, with the wild pink woman soccer that Kobe INAC of many player post, But the resident pachinko trader of the Korean register, as for that father with Don of resident Kobe commercial meeting, the sentence east which also 1,000,000,000 does. Contributing the number [tsu] [te] boat From Kim Il-Sung Kaoru. Receiving, the [ru], it is even with entire ream and it is the man of the framework being attached

              • 。津市浅聪明生死战♪(♪不涩柿子赤塔下降瓦
                . Domesticated fowl and animals raw and the monkey intelligence battle [tsu] ♪ (as for the persimmon which falls the astringent [tsu] ♪

                • 与日本柏青哥Dattari韩国的公司他的父亲菅直人,北朝鲜,支持组深关系可以“智慧草”的国王和发送放债人朝总联系统淀去的劫机者儿童师哥他们正好与官员的关系有一个奇怪的历史深深平壤与日本柏青哥,也是前原诚司与供应商的关系
                  菅 Naoto the father the Korean register resident pachinko trader of the North Korean type is deep relationship, sponsor “grass will meeting” of the 菅 The children of [do] number hijack offense and with the Korean entire connected type financier the authorized personnel of remittance king with doubtful relationship reaching, Maehara the resident pachinko trader and relationship to be deep is a visiting morning history

                  • 个人电脑软件,销售其成立以来,这个数字已经加入了朝总联的网络管理
                    The PC software the Korean entire connected connections large number participated when establishing an enterprise which sold, in management

                    • 仅仅因为我沉默了公平贸易的企业家知道现在综合组将转移到另一家公司和懒散Janee持股比率投资法,韩文或特克先生
                      It probably is another company in investment method and stocks possession ratio, but connection balancing of accounts grouping The detour starting a business house it is understood directly, it is Public taking is waiting, the [tsu] [te], rude thing like this it is from the [ru] well Coming out, the [ke] Korean

                      • 你就像腥对朝鲜人民的新闻感觉将支持Twitter的这个↓↓Ttemasen说对一次性批评面 Being single engine criticism on the surface ↓ Saying increase it is ↓ It supports In the same way as Korea style suspicious air does also the news regarding this person with Twitter

                        • 唐泽寿明就像一个体面的558人在日本的形象character m韩国居民
                          558 Karasawa 寿 discernment of [imejikiyara] seems the resident Korean

                          • 在此访问,先生的儿子也是水果加拜会总统李明博
                            In this visiting Korea, grandchild president carried out also the courtesy call to President Japanese plum discernment Hiroshi

                            • 在谈到前两天Twitter是一个“什么是它说,”每捐赠10亿元Tteta说你已经完成了全 With you question and with extent tsuitsuta ” are not said” Payment in full it completes 10 000 000 000 contribution and passes and says
                              • Twitter的捐赠约10亿每前天在说什么Tteta全面完成 With you question with extent tsuitsuta Payment in full it completes 10 000 000 000 contribution and passes and says

                            • 基金会往往是逃税的温床,我们如何使用这些 Foundation makes the hotbed of tax evasion well does kind of the how to use it

                              • 复制并粘贴例如WWW绝望的风险水平゙懒得改变编号699
                                699 Specially ID changing, [kopipe] www desperate [suku] ゙ [ru

                                • 如果你讨厌气味的力量在于她的孙子管大的有氧脸
                                  Grandchild and lie smell power favorite face of 菅 [kirai

                                  • 孙子。另一个原因是,从利用三县月光释放模式,分为自改为暗金叶 Grandchild Because the handle another reason which leaves from the dense Miki making of three laws changed to the darkness gold industry
                                    • 肯说,“我那么做帰Ritakunakatta日本”和大泣Kishita Three laws cried “therefore as for we something you did not want to return to Japan it is” that large

                                  • 孙的父亲,然后回到金融机构朝总联银,金,弹珠莎拉,谁损坏,房地产较大的利润上午
                                    And as for the father of the grandchild with the morning silver of the Korean entire connected type financial institution as a back, the person who with the plate gold and the pachinko and real estate large is gained

                                    • 幸运的是在这软银只是一个华丽的配件目录什么在我 In fortunate thing the software bank has distributed the catalog of the luxurious making merely

                                      • 广告运动也是大阪州长孙子和一对恩戴巨型太阳能桥本
                                        Uniting with Osaka prefecture governor under the bridge, doing the Mega solar large advertisement the grandchild

                                        • 应用像拉屎的日常工作u200bu200b既浪费了时间。为了通缉,AIPHONE(笑)我终于离别成给穷人知识产权合同津足,软银用户大家我井资助抗日活动有助于一个人的秃头背叛自己的国家,价值Omaera
                                          The routine work like droppings application which waste of time only is not. We want, the eye phone (laughing) making a contract After all the one foot it thrust in intellectual poor layer, supplying to the baldness, in anti-Japanese treason activity fund the software bank user which has been helped Everyone, [omaera] splash

                                          • 总之这样我怎么办呢? SB:DoCoMo的数据管理在韩国:在中国数据管理AU:KDDI的数据是由香港的数据中心在香港管理“TELEHOUSE香港中华基督教会”开幕
                                            You probably will open, it should have collected? SB: It manages the data in Korea docomo: It manages the data in China au: It manages the data in Hong Kong KDDI, in Hong Kong data center “TELEHOUSE HONG KONG Establishing CCC”

                                            • 恐怖主义在北方,和洪水已在沙倒塌Shirenshi是Yarareru炮击,审判可能成为无用的龙卷风
                                              Terrorism north, the causing [re] which is done with shelling it is to do, The causing [re] which with landslide and the flood and the tornado becomes useless it is

                                              • 我不是那光头是不u200bu200b是不再处理Shitoru井Sofuban四行要使用iPhoneipad Garake DOCOMO交出所有的时间他不信任任何看
                                                As for we with [garake] iPhoneipad errand It makes a contract also circuit four of [sohuban] and takes but It does not trust bald thing anymore altogether Looking at moderate time, cancelling entirely, the intention of making DOCOMO

                                                • 我们擅自第一批发商在日本的下一个任务一定折扣两年前
                                                  Resident percentage The secondary agency ahead wholesale trade there is no permission of this corporation two years ago, discount

                                                  • 我将间距医院的医生我Iteru津市分配给所有的iPod touch实际工作559 559 Actually iPod touch working distributing to ru doctor everyone knowing the ru hospital the ru
                                                    • 我将间距医院的医生我Iteru津市分配给所有的iPod touch实际工作555 555 Actually iPod touch working distributing to ru doctor everyone knowing the ru hospital the ru

                                                  • 日本和韩国事实上的战争状态作为线程高冈(日本开始反扑)转折点不能模仿美国和该国说,我们可能转向太阳,韩国公民,第一次启动管系统我想他们应该尽快入住,每天派 As for Japan and the Korean Peninsula nation the Takaoka thread as a turning point in fact You can say that belligerence start of the Japanese strike it entered Also our country to imitate in the United States the grandchild and the Korean type citizen who begins the 菅 as soon as possible the internment camp You think that we should accommodate
                                                    • 此外,从营地到狩猎和小日本的服装显周,存款将被包装由日本致病,并发出向苏联 In addition when it keeps from the Japanese internment camp naming gathering the outstanding clothing Employing the Japanese it made pack up sent out to the Soviet Union

                                                  • 日本的核电厂有利于在韩国对核电厂
                                                    The Korean nuclear approval The nuclear opposition of Japan

                                                    • 有什么优惠时DoCoMo的苹果iphone iphone翻录,我得到了让我出去。让iPhone也开始更多地从一开始好,如果终端是要出售 As for dokomo transferring to the apple iphone having making come out The pakuri morning of iphone It can sell the terminal if from beginning iphone John where the one which is put out is good
                                                      • 有什么优惠时DoCoMo的苹果iphone iphone翻录,我得到了让我出去。让iPhone也开始更多地从一开始好,如果终端是要出售 As for dokomo transferring to the apple iphone having making come out The pakuri morning of iphone It can sell the terminal if from beginning iphone John where the one which is put out is good

                                                    • 朝生姬Yanaindakaraaryadamedaro 579 579 There is no Asao therefore it is it is and the ya the ro which is useless
                                                      • 2 59 2 59
                                                      • 339 233 339 233
                                                      • 909在某些瓦特 909 Certain certain w
                                                      • Docomo的或AU如果日本人会! If the Japanese it probably is docomo or AU
                                                      • 〜〜〜〜〜百亿吗? ? 10 000 000 000 Yen still
                                                      • 五KKE拉的东西呢? Something the trigger the tsu ke which is
                                                      • 什么这是728的空气? 728 It is what kind of air
                                                      • 到57? 钓鱼? ? 57 Obtaining …… Fishing
                                                      • 如果一个人做的可燃 1 Dense cord and others Doing inflammable
                                                      • 朝生姬Yanaindakaraaryadamedaro 795 795 There is no Asao therefore it is it is and the ya the ro which is useless
                                                      • 这是579! 579 That it is

                                                    • 李说:“韩国的政策是很高,因为核电的安全,同时降低了可再生能源比例高的化石燃料梅尔基地”之称 As for Li president “as for the Korean policy while raising the safety of the nuclear plant the fossil fuel Ratio of decreasing and renewable energy is raised the basis” It explained
                                                      • 李说:“韩国的政策是很高,因为核电的安全,同时降低了可再生能源比例高的化石燃料梅尔基地”之称 As for Li president “as for the Korean policy while raising the safety of the nuclear plant the fossil fuel Ratio of decreasing and renewable energy is raised the basis” It explained

                                                    • 武野,京都大学副教授,副经济结构和产业豪园大陆2011年7月18日董事部瓦特↓超人只是在这种情况下不好的故事绝对不是说孙子“全国电力放松管制的无为无能崩溃的能源政策极“
                                                      Only the story whose the grandchildren do not say no matter what are inconvenient w ↓ Superhuman continent 2011.7.18 Original economic industrial economical industrial structuration assistant manager Kyoto university graduate school associate professor Nakano hardness will “Energy policy of national collapse As for electrical freeing polar region of disabled lack of policy”

                                                      • 比701的那样,是否会是拼命位粘贴你的文章,但它是一个孩子瓦特様Rashii他人(但旁边则较少)捏。例如,如果向国内媒体播放,说,我从韩国媒体认为还可靠吗?什么是最重要的问题没有解决的斗争是否有何评论?瓦特 701 Whether or not contents compared to desperation the like shelf which becomes matter of concern the child way w which seems But that article as for sticking others it is plugged side less but 捏 The extreme domestic media say still as for the Korean media compared to you think that there is a reliability but Whether or not as for there with no comment desperation is most important topic w
                                                        • 比701的那样,是否会是拼命位粘贴你的文章,但它是一个孩子瓦特様Rashii他人(但旁边则较少)捏。例如,如果向国内媒体播放,说,我从韩国媒体认为还可靠吗?什么是最重要的问题没有解决的斗争是否有何评论?瓦特 701 Whether or not contents compared to desperation the like shelf which becomes matter of concern the child way w which seems But that article as for sticking others it is plugged side less but 捏 The extreme domestic media say still as for the Korean media compared to you think that there is a reliability but Whether or not as for there with no comment desperation is most important topic w

                                                      • 治疗卫生部和福利以及经济和侵犯个人信息保护法部。汽车毁灭?反对意见是什么呢?
                                                        Private information protection method violation and the Ministry of Health and Welfare and economic industrial economical general affairs ministry 癒. Extinction or [a]? As for refutation?

                                                        • 津市,我不是说了白狮抵制,说什么是没有得到很好的 With saying calling the boycott of goods of the lion margin it is not ru reason

                                                          • 涂,“朝鲜的核清洁核能”
                                                            As for bald “Korean nuclear plant clean nuclear plant”

                                                            • 福岛县的政府是代表执行秘书赴
                                                              The president room monitor went to the Fukushima prefectural government with representation

                                                              • 第三个Rikuzentakata月,但比10日的地震说,天的大船渡,爬犁城市,包括在六个市Tanohata“不会在整个可用”村村通没有遵循 According to that even in the March 23 day and time point which ten days or more passes from earthquake disaster Rikuzentakada city Ofunato city Otsuchi Cho and Tanohata village etc six The “entire area use failure” is continued in municipalities
                                                                • 第三个Rikuzentakata月,但比10日的地震说,天的大船渡,爬犁城市,包括在六个市Tanohata“不会在整个可用”村村通没有遵循 According to that even in the March 23 day and time point which ten days or more passes from earthquake disaster Rikuzentakada city Ofunato city Otsuchi Cho and Tanohata village etc six The “entire area use failure” is continued in municipalities

                                                              • 统一为基础的分类 Netouyo最新版本(功能亲韩梅,中央情报局,一个典型的组织背面:与胜协会) 统 (中心联盟赢得两者) 自由的支持者网上统一 系统协会(清河)右翼在线 产经新闻统一 系统(发射韩流)(counterclockwise 反中国) 日语 我的 统一教会为基础的非 (亲功能讨厌的汉,一个典型的组织:日本会) 为基础的增长(日本会议中心,会议研究部和分裂地板基米藤) 非均匀自民党系统 Classification of netouyo Unification church system as for feature the parent United States 媚 Korea in back CIA and typical organization Also victory combination Unification church also victory combined center Standardized type our people netsutosapotazu Seiwa meeting Net right wing The standardized type product sutra the Korea style booms it sets up Counter In counter my Japan Fault unification church system as for feature parent American hateful Korea typical organization The Japanese meeting Growth system the Japanese meeting center the meeting which is learned with separation to your chord meeting Fault standardized type our people netsutosapotazu Aso system and the like Fault standardized type product sutra calling orthodox maintenance Shintoism system Resident in special meeting The science of happiness is in the counter but as for emperor worship denial In addition religion right wing 崇 teaching true optical Christ s curtain house and the like
                                                                • 因为喜欢的球员是活的特别帐户到530站立 530 Because the party who resident in special meeting likely designates that as occupation is

                                                              • 证据不应该整齐,如果不同 If it is different it should show the evidence which is not neat

                                                                • 语音的狗家庭的父亲,但辉煌,日本女主角母亲one The father with the dog furthermore voice of the gorgeous whole group the one of the actresses where also the mother represents Japan
                                                                  • 柏青哥店也只有56家在福冈,佐贺seven孙子兄弟姐妹 With the grandchild whole group seven human sibling it was also pachinko house 56 with just Fukuoka and Saga

                                                                • 软银公司的万岁点是不是反韩国,日本间谍?
                                                                  Man Say it does anti-Japanese Korean enterprise SoftBank as for there is no resident operative?

                                                                  • 软银内部恩戴飞的方向,而这 On the one hand you say that inside the company the software bank such indication is flying
                                                                    • 电子邮件告发收集软银 Software bank whistle blowing E mail collection
                                                                    • 软银内部恩戴飞的方向,而这 On the one hand you say that inside the company the software bank such indication is flying
                                                                    • 软银是傻瓜相信 By his believes the software bank was foolish

                                                                  • 软银总裁孙正义东地震重建基金会,慈善基金会,公司有什么我进担任主席兼首席执行官职务
                                                                    Public utility foundation corporate body East Japanese large earthquake disaster revival support foundation Chairman Grandchild Justice Software bank (Inc.) Chief Executive Officer By his inserting in the place of the chairman, [ru] or the [a

                                                                    • 软银的首席Kubeki进军最抗日公司
                                                                      Of the it should hit it is the chief software bank anti-Japanese enterprise

                                                                      • 这是这些公司提供的数百亿提出这个家伙是不是在自己的生命,发现到现在为止,没有什么软银公司本身 Company itself nothing software bank until now is produced This man being arbitrary several 10 000 000 000 it can move It is such company

                                                                        • 这种方法往往粗俗家伙做我喜欢爆炸权外线十日星期一Netouyo达洛尼加
                                                                          As for this the town declaration right wing like [ro] which is rubbed [netouyo] the obtaining [ge] which the party who has been called repeatedly does well the technique which is not

                                                                          • 阿而吓人,EH关联到秋天机制有一定的陷阱无政治实物商界思什么是肯定的乐趣 Perhaps being able to set up a some trap from the political world business world which is not thought funny you fall from power the ro which is
                                                                            • 白娘的马虎!真的僵硬,造成企业界每个舔 te me obtaining to some extent margin When the business world it licks the ho it is with it happens

                                                                          • 韩国政府的核政策,同时促进和“不包括钳夹口的位置” “The mouth is put to nuclear propelled policy of the Korean government on the one hand There is no standpoint” that it did
                                                                            • 韩国政府的核政策,同时促进和“不包括钳夹口的位置” “The mouth is put to nuclear propelled policy of the Korean government on the one hand There is no standpoint” that it did

                                                                          • 韩国核电厂和好评,称日本罪犯不能否认,他听到南多 You do not extol the Korean nuclear plant as for Japan as for offender speech many times being heard denying you are not
                                                                            • 韩国核电厂具有较高的风险评估“也说, Also the speech that you appraise the Korean nuclear plant high” has done

                                                                          • 韩称,当天的地震,“原子。宣布”紧急已下达,主要的事情。衔接的行政这是真正的总理,这将范围而采取的住处,不见国会示威
                                                                            菅 As for prime minister the earthquake disaster day, “Atom. We to announce officially emergency declaration”, nuclear thing. But the highest patsy of focus is the 菅 prime minister, The spectacle where the official residence and the National Diet are surrounded in demonstrators is not seen

                                                                            • 频道评论(1127)频道评论(111 423) Comment of channel 1127 Comment of channel 111423

                                                                              • ,∧ ∧ “日本已经成为一个犯罪 ”(((当))和损失 J ∧ ∧ ∀ lt “Japan became the offender ” Loss No It does J
                                                                                • 。奈达“(((当))和 卢 J nida ” No It does J
                                                                                • 儿子:“日本已经成为一个犯罪”,而不是不知道这是多说了不说,我祖之间的区别 Grandchild “Japan became the offender” This not to be wrong saying from the ru However much excuse doing it is unreasonable
                                                                                • ,∧ ∧ “日本已经成为一个犯罪 ”(((当))和损失 J ∧ ∧ ∀ lt “Japan became the offender ” Loss No It does J

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