100天的学生,那么你必须在瓦盆饭团炊一起黑豆和红豆和大米杂粮放我们,而不是有没有吃午饭 100 Examinee time collecting the boiled rice which inserted the miscellaneous grain crop and the black bean and the azuki bean making with the casserole it has done in the lunch to a rice ball the wa
如果大米糯米,“与红豆饭,”我?假期不会要看看是否正常发射 If the rice of the glutinous rice if “it does fearfully” The normal making it is packed and if probably there is no celebration
17隐蔽活动理论? 17 As for radioactivity theory concealment?
703英里的bukkake的灾民神经高 703 At the time of disaster the sufferer thrilling the nerve, from the [ru
827 Jijii往往先读!自卫队的每个人,我说,首先日本津市红米停止了Jijii炒现卖的感觉也是同样的感觉,因为我Jijii边缘,在Jijii日本轰动我们在兰桂坊也知识可以砖,我说什么津市蔡和食品关心Nasarazu为一个伟大的工作餐! 827 Read well jijii Self Defense Force everyone the red rice stopping depending in the Japanese feeling which also the same feeling as jijii has and jijii says from the ru and saying the ru it is Whether so we in Japanese feeling in jijii solution viewing the intellectual brick very duty for the sake of about the meal do to the air eating under calling saying the ru it is
万般无奈的红米水稻帮助517(笑)通常不能吃任何东西⇒自卫队的〜受害者几天· · · A与踢投诉有欣赏它的所有的东西食物左(笑)是不同的 517 Left flank laughing complaint you attach because … Suffering with ⇒ Self Defense Force where several day nothing are eaten support the red rice of the can rice Normally you appreciate in is accustomed being a food but left flank laughing it is different
整整657!但是,并非在便利店出售的假期不红米我周一我总是津市汤圆!我笑得自卫队谁接受死亡,不仅不思说我吵架津市!自卫队将不会说话,因为我要毒株引起的战争! Koranai导致战争,我为救灾呢? 657 It is like the Although it is not celebration with konbini always the rice ball of the red rice selling don t you think the ru it is Funnily therefore the person in Self Defense Force ichiyamon saying only the ru you think As for Self Defense Force which is said clearly it is in order to cause war it is it is not Because war does not happen it is for disaster relief when it is
铁是为犯罪分子在这里有什么可以创建提供当地咖喱〜401相同的投诉,因为任何离开给。你将永远是抱怨,以提供 401 Being the same as offender kote which is here because complaint in with anything the left flank which attaches it is Calais making at the locale it will offer but the can It will offer but complaint be sure to say and
Mochikibi除了大米和苋菜红罐十日我的671,而在米粒一个好名字有点更换 671 mochikibi and amaransasu just a little just adding to we red rice can in the miscellaneous grain crop rice Name it should have changed
IN OUT红米抓饭 OUT Red rice IN Pilaf
K优认为你可以做的红豆饭,但因为有血我有胃病 Don t you think is there is also the stomach having because it should have been however you think if it does fearfully k
亚热腹红米已挖色喰Idaroちい The 喰 wa se te do The ro red rice where the stomach it has and is good and is
从分钟我做什么摆在首位吉祥灯笼红米 In the first place the chi which does not understand whether the red rice is joyous with something it is
伊予红米饭和酱油冷却671不错 671 The soy sauce is very good to the red rice which it cools
十日红米与红豆和栗子饭否Janaku There is no red rice the chestnut fearfully how kana
如果我获得力量迅速在红米饮食 If power is attached with the red rice you eat steadily
我讨厌红米,如果我有什么好处之一,在井田 1 Therefore we red rice dislike however how it is good
振宇鲁津曹渡河来大汗在我们的训练场地NETA红米 The Sergeant who red rice news item is shaken at random distantly at the training ground
有红米是只看到它得到了很多好 Receiving in large quantities to be good but only the red rice seeing it was
甚至连红米,EH在一个不好的预兆灾难不错的午餐也是名黑米 The red rice and useless the black rice luck is bad The ro which name is possible to be the disaster lunch is
红米饭吃,甚至出现了摇摆在一夜之间APC同时出炉的罂粟胸 The red rice eating while the heartburn to do also all night it had been shaken in APC
这不是一个钟纹食品菜肴和任何其他按摩什么是红米 So the red rice tsu te massage other not placing you eat it is it is not
那么,廉价便利店饭团红米说,它已经在地球上什么 The cheap red rice rice ball which is konbini says that just it is what
Mutoumaindanakorega Gajigaji与红豆饭,等待了坚实的清凉 Awakening, it became firm, [gajigaji] it does fearfully and the [mu] is good, is shelf this
Other m Meshirashikunai可以品尝到最好的红米是不是厌恶,即使坏味道爆源 The red rice most is taste what which can meshi does not seem Other the origin being bad how to taste distasteful
美国将有一些其他的部分,栉田十日厌恶故意不进食过多的士兵 In addition America another thing thinking in order for the te and the soldier not to eat too much intend the distasteful paragraph it is
Saredo灵魂或精神做我已经做了饥饿的一半以上的伤亡人数共有愚蠢的军队的后裔都挂无限 But as for soul and mind it is unlimited hanging Is the end 裔 of the troop which did the fool, half or more of all fallen soldier death by starvation what does?
一个新的傻的傻瓜,我喜欢白色的合理性 It is ridiculous, rational preferential margin
专用或红豆饭饭马上可能(红豆已经描述了从联想到切腹好豇豆),黑芝麻(我什至超过芝麻盐以后),红米左右的谷物一旦进入一个小东西或小麦的大米可以上升 The nonglutinous rice United States Glutinous rice Azuki bean or lowering Because the azuki bean associates hara kiri there is a theory whose lowering is good Black sesame From after it is good even with the topping as a goma salt If wheat kana it is just a little you insert in this almost the red rice completion of the five grains United States
与此同时,海上自卫队将有来自它多餐,即使在救灾船“的红罐取消大米大米是不是讨论” On the one hand Maritime Self Defense Force at the time of civil disaster relief operation inside the warships from the fact that among other things the meal is many “the can rice of the red rice It does not examine abolition” that you say
日本东部地震派遣部队的国家以前所未有的规模,对IDA成员下一阶段,红米稻配给罐回报 The unit of the scale which does not have front example from entire country was dispatched With east Japanese large earthquake disaster the returns of the can rice of the red rice which is distributed followed one another from the soldier
也要看饮食和强迫海上自卫队我认为一个更好的选择,如果你从它退休尽可能周一运气虽然 At the point where either the Maritime Self Defense Force is not visible being because the meal say luck it rubbed if there is a substitute article You think however that the one which is stopped if possible is good
也要看饮食和强迫海上自卫队我认为一个更好的选择,如果你从它退休尽可能周一运气虽然 At the point where either the Maritime Self Defense Force is not visible being because the meal say luck it rubbed if there is a substitute article You think however that the one which is stopped if possible is good
什么是遗产,你吃你的老胜利 At the time of former times victory commemoration you eat it probably is name remaining what
从左翼的趋势,而不是我的同事,抱怨这种方式,改革如果从without ll外野手 If how like this it is not from sayoku and from in the te reforms in such wind we which is the outfield and like this there are no times when you say
如果你没有好的,但吝啬给谁混凝土或研究有左派和人权组织也投射权力,国防部 Also the defensive ministry the electric convex doing in sayoku and the human rights group someone attaches stinginess concretely if you investigated although it was good
作为伊予分歧红米有作为一成津市对接面源腹罐,但辛苦的工作,即使它Deshota不小,甚至十日芝麻盐我觉得不好,即使你吃红米稻如果能逐步我能看到这一点,我吃了一个正常的人可以治疗,反正菜伊予清洁无思呀,这样的家伙在馏分画折诘收到这样的婚礼“哦,”我觉得 As for red rice Sort of the source of 1 the stomach having is good As yourself if gradually the can rice however you think that the red rice it is good eating The sesame salt it is not it is with to do the yo Although even simply work is hard Thrusting the face to the can observing at ru treat eating the ru as for the normal person there is no thought wa It has entered in the sled ya clean tableware the kind of time which is received with the pulling secondhand article of the ri and wedding when we would like to stuff it is the person however “huh” the tsu te you think
因此,即使在通过减少腹部死亡“吃红米是一个东西不能吃在假期!”十日说什么?但是,如果我能得到出城是Iidar u200b u200bo The stomach it may to die decreasing being “therefore as for the red rice those which are eaten at the time of celebration the food cup ” With saying Such a foolish thing how is good and is ro now
看看戴尔公司不包括在罐津市对接脸上却努力工作,即使它Deshota不小,甚至十日芝麻盐我觉得不好,即使你吃红米饭,如果米饭可以分开的,我吃好吃的东西了一般人有什么可以进入进入洁净菜伊予无思呀,这样的家伙折诘画馏分接收,如婚礼,“好吧,”我觉得 If separately the can rice however you think that the red rice it is good eating The sesame salt it is not it is with to do the yo Although even simply work is hard Thrusting the face to the can observing at ru treat eating the ru as for the normal person there is no thought wa It has entered in the sled ya clean tableware the kind of time which is received with the pulling secondhand article of the ri and wedding when we would like to stuff it is the person however “huh” the tsu te you think
作为关键看是不可能的普通红米,“你是不是碎红米饭,煮到水稻中首次发现它与其他材料可从不同 In order critical not to be visible even in the normal red rice If “shattering another material and it makes the red rice together and is packed Whether it is visible in the boiled rice which is different
“红米饭”或“与红豆饭,”我认为,在海关较大的地区差异 The “red rice” “fearfully” you think that the difference of the habit with area is large
不可能看正常的红米和豆类不碎,煮到它的第一,在水稻中发现的其他材料一起可能与您的不同 In order not to be visible in the normal red rice If the bean makes is packed shattering another material and together and Whether it is visible in the boiled rice which is different
它是不同的,作为一个少数刑事“红米饭”特殊的饮食,我不认为那是储存配置 Separately from that you think the small numbered “red rice” is stored as a special food because of happiness that it does not care
红米有一个重要的观点,即使在阪神大地震和新泻县,在救灾尚未考虑让尽可能多的 The red rice to be a critical viewpoint even the case of the Kobe Earthquake and the Niigata prefecture Nakagoe earthquake with civil disaster relief operation In order not to use if possible it was considered
输出扭矩与红米做粥,老人需要照顾,从容易吃白粥比正常增厚来吃饭,你可能惊讶 When the gruel is made with the red rice toromi being attached from the normal white gruel because it is easy to eat Unexpected you can use in the old person where the nursing food is necessary
(或支票)当人们在50多岁肯定亡“红米饭达洛尼加我们不好,”来到认为 At the time of the person who dies with certain 50 generations “As for the red rice the opinion of the ro which is mazui ” emerged
你能说白热水器锅自代移动486 486 The notion that where the private power generation kettle pot is called portable margin?
供应红米是一场灾难,因为它是大米不用于食品自卫队正式优越,有什么不同。紧急规定将被转移到一个合理的 Because as for the red rice which uses the rice cake United States there is a place where it is superior in various ways Being the case that it is adopted for the Self Defense Force regulation food This that way disaster. It is rational to divert to non daily food,
保护核战争和EMP 123(RY从电磁脉冲攻击的食物 123 From total nuclear war and the electromagnetic pulse due to EMP attack the food Mori (ry
军用口粮的大米,因为我有一肚子ちい我没有进入知识的东西比白米饭,罐头米红米,“节”更可能意味着“什么纪念馆是一个动机,他说:”说出来,如果 u200b u200b十日许多受害者都Kitashi怪物。 But the rice cake United States is to call from milled rice something as a military food from the stomach having calling the red rice can rice “You celebrate and” without knowing what meaning “memorial service is what idea” that the monster sufferer who is proposed becoming many causing…
作为一个军事口粮大米从ちい没有一肚子的东西比我白米饭,“节”不进入知识更好可能意味着“什么纪念的意图”不是说了十日的怪物出来的受害者它的Kitashi很多 But the rice cake United States is to call from milled rice something as a military food from the stomach having calling the red rice can rice “You celebrate and” without knowing what meaning “memorial service is what idea” that the monster sufferer who is proposed becoming many causing…
我将与红豆,红米,我从盐津市Hottokya我希望我的东西不一样,例如受害人和腹部的饮食反正不是大米。 We fear it is from the salt tsu and the empty it is to call is as for the red rice How the se stomach you cannot eat all the way it is to put out Although sufferer something it comes relieved and the ya is good…
只会有更好的,如果这是陷入疯狂下跌,即使在战争期间自卫队人员,,,,可能担心误解可能恩戴食物的受害者,是否属于一致与自卫队的援助疯狂我说,如果他们害怕到疯狂下跌一旦你 If the Self Defense Force soldier this under wartime if it falls to insanity just it probably is good but rejoicing misunderstanding in the sufferer there is a possibility where you can eat it does not go to either the meaning where Self Defense Force falls to insanity with support when and it makes insanity fall it is fearful story die
“我们的实力”,也可以提供给受害者,如果 If “it is strong” it can offer to also the sufferer
乙743空难受害者 743 Air sufferer quaintness
怎么办?什么是多自卫队高度紧张可能即将吃在灾区恩戴(笑)红米关注 How it does Rejoicing the red rice at suffering area the Self Defense Force tsu te which becomes the extent high tension which you can eat laughing
我只是去感觉像一个钟可以在受影响地区提供食品摆脱 The air the fact that you eat it offers at suffering area should have been stopped the sufficient way does but it is
我成为滋扰或美国的军事防御依靠什么雅拉后的那种灾难是什么限制为317 317 Although such when limiting you suffer depending on Self Defense Force the US military it becomes it is in hindrance the shelf
此外,航空自卫队“可能可能给虚假的受害者,可以提供援助的”元决定断开米罐的红米 In addition Air Self Defense Force also “to be a possibility of giving misunderstanding to the sufferer with support cannot do either offer ” that doing It decided that the red rice is removed from the can rice
和红米with m现成餐,Janaku在灾害发生时,白色的葬礼将在豆年糕没办法,因为只有紧急粮食你不会到你的实力 Therefore the rice cake United States the stomach it has and is good but it is, the red rice To that, there is no extraordinary food at the time of disaster, therefore [te] fighter feeding what Therefore rational just is pursued, simply even with the same bean entering rice cake boiled rice Never, it probably will not be possible either one for funeral is white and to do strongly
在他们的日常工作 u200b u200b是很抽象的,不像政府有什么白痴的地方,我想所有Morattara食品饮食也是一种有氧惊魂污渍不但容易,不是很对每一个关怀我们有最高的电感美味红米和芝麻盐的时代 Although with the slander whose day to day business is serious about the meal which is the only pleasure extent lover the thing it should have had eating… Different from the foolish government of somewhere you worry in each direction very much the shelf The sesame salt the red rice which was applied is tastiness is to be highest
只需输入你的身体的营养物质,是从我达洛尼加Shikanee红米不可避免的,只是想通过与缓和一点点改变咽喉我们做没有意义的其他电感器 Therefore only the red rice well it is the ro which is not manner and is Nutrition is not just is inserted in the body meaning other than that how it is A little acquiring change just it has made easy to pass by the throat
嘿周一我会担心是否有这么多的投诉时,阪神虎和黄柏思Desho做到这一点的人不关心我只是在食品红米佳丽的受害者 Although about the red rice you should have eaten … It does the person of the sufferer in such a thing air the yo When with you think whether having complaint the Osaka and Kobe time So it makes the air it is to be able to combine
在他们的日常工作 u200b u200b是很难的,不像政府有什么白痴的地方,但我可以Morattara所有欢快食品饮食是几乎唯一的易染色,芝麻有一个艰难的精神,在每一个方向我们有最高的电感美味红米盐倍 While day to day business is serious although about the meal which is the only pleasure extent lover the thing it should have had eating Different from the foolish government of somewhere you worry in each direction very much the shelf The sesame salt the red rice which was applied is tastiness is to be highest
没有拿出一个在头七天红米葬礼后 Being the red rice on first seventh after the funeral the shelf
在第二次世界大战中,海军,但吃大麦挖色士兵,军队是一个故事,一个又通过营养不良和听到的东西,如果是吃米饭挖色 In the Pacific war, as for the navy however had fed the wheat rice in the soldier, The army when the milled rice was fed, heard that malnutrition it appeared, Something it is the story which resembles
在被避之唯恐不及,不幸他只是无法想象十日假期 When we assume that is sidestepped with just celebration or image regrettable
从此,我可以在我们的庆祝餐贝尔大米 Therefore the boiled rice which is eaten in celebration…
现在也用于人士透露,原来庆典 That changing it reached the point where it is used even in the celebration
多德2只是一个随机的思想,但 But how good thing The ge obtaining which 2 does
因此,花花公子马530 530 The ge which it does you obtain well so
如果与红豆饭,好吃,如果你有过基达Shitotsu的扇贝泽塔好混 If we fear hotate mixing the favorite shelf Having it does to have takes tastiness is
如果你是野菜与十日鸟饭u200bu200b饭红豆饭? If the rice cake United States the mountain greens which were used fearfully it makes the bird rice?
学生勇士队老板冯特的前红色含新生儿筋金中村 The owner calls Ikuko Nakamura, at one time the metal reinforcement entering red Bund student soldier
它是无用的,如果要是红米与红豆黑豆饭?非彩色有点像 If the red rice useless when the black bean it does fearfully, how is? Simultaneous other than color it puts out,
尽管自卫队的身份饮食工资Tteiu只要有罐头份添加在所有情况下分钟有一个长假 If there is a status of Self Defense Official meal giving taking part there being a stipulation which you say when it is long term holiday it is given all degree of obscuration with the canned goods
如果在事实,说如果用这样的线索,在罐头食品两位数的家伙,没有人认为, Actually there being that place the person to whom such saying attaches temporary to the canned goods food believes that either one person does not stay
当我做的饭一个新的菜单 The new menu it should have made in the rice cake United States, is
当然它也评估达洛尼加高区双声道毒有大家伙肯定呕吐呀? The sled [ya] [a] poison becoming appraisal high even with 2ch where the party who is spat is many, the [ro] which is proper?
我们认为战略更色情我还可以考虑对受害者的感情 Also it is good to think of the feelings of the sufferer, but Think more strategically
我反驳和保质期为六个月,充其量,可以采取按年计算,如果你 When it is the retort, the appreciation time limit at the very most half year But if the can it can go at the year unit
我吃我就不会生锈寒冷的15?温度是会写的受害者 15 It is cool so eating lonesomely don t you think the ru it is As for being warm calling to the sufferer
许多受害者不这样做,但当然,是那些家伙,即使是一小部分之一。 Of course as for many sufferers however such a thing it does not do when such person is even at just part …
我吃红米饭达洛尼加Tetara批评韩国人在灾区?从我们以前的 The South Korean the red rice eating at suffering area, the cod you criticize, it is the [ro] which is? You
我折叠筷子红米可以在你的影子在行使这项任务,我只是不能把筷子他们分配太多 可能是因为有没有进食过多贝尔弹性好,胃立即有螨是我在家里找到想要转移以来的第一次Kunaru近十年的话 让每一个新的免费,如果想 As for the red rice can there being too much an elasticity the chopsticks do not enter it is With the shade main chopsticks of what you snapped while training … The stomach to have even in remainder because it is too good the consequence which is not the times when you eat After stopping although it is 10 years still rolling to the house ru wa … When the desired person it is it lifts simply
红rice ll从未完全停止在新的梅尔还好吃冷先 Because as for the red rice cooling down it is tasty there are no times when you stop completely
我明白,冒充日本人民成为隐藏462英里 462 With the tsu lever which does to become the Japanese increasing has lurked you have understood
我的真正原因,它的悬挂来自中国国内的压力是什么,如罐头食品和接收救灾不是把人 Unless the true reason it leaps accepts this the canned goods food and the like of civil disaster relief operation From everyone domestic production it makes the Chinese product depending because pressure it was applied is
我不会成为与中国想有高的离谱安一定要分裂为东大地震救灾中的食品分类相关的成本 Cost of the food of the civil disaster relief operation which was used with east Japanese large earthquake disaster being high outrageously That it will make the cheap Chinese product it may be assorted becoming the ru
赖斯也将举行救灾协调,不分配的肉和鱼,孩子吃豆过滤挖色 The rice ball being distributed with disaster help because the meat and the fish are not distributed can feed the bean in the child
最近的88北海道十,每片含红米饭团开始销售Amanatto 88 The Hokkaido seven eleven started selling recently the red rice rice ball of the sweetened azuki beans entering
橄榄球队属于我的“粉红大象”对的创始成员店 The store of the establishment member of the Rugby team “ pinkuerehuantsu ” to which I belong
另外酒店在成立“银河”的店铺可 Already one eaves there is also “a galaxy” at the store which relates to establishment
民警↓!这个男人的转变! ↓ officer! It is this human metamorphosis!
没有用红色梳子Yaiidakedarouni红色食用色素 If it should not have made red with food crimson just it probably is
滑冰Kozuka,我将带来的大米,说慈非外商考察 As for Kozuka of skating, saying that it keeps having the dried rice in foreign campaign, the [ru
潘也火化在水中浴 Also the pot which was used in boiling became useless
看看红米输出力矩过大,因为我做的唯一形象吃红米无习惯,东北钟,表明海上自卫队可能咖喱就是这样一个图像或饮食不受欢迎严重十日津市我说我有,食物是咖喱咖喱的生活是不是最厌恶u200bu200b海上自卫队 Without having the habit of eating the red rice in the northeast person the is cause shelf Just image becoming excessive, when you look at the red rice, such image? Whether just it was the unpopular food in [maji] That Calais of the Maritime Self Defense Force is good saying, however the [ru], as for most distasteful being with life and eating Calais Calais of the Maritime Self Defense Force
红与香菇饭厌恶我相信,我不知道有没有,红米饭白米饭不好的时候有没有好的配菜是伟大的,当大米出了班长,十日美浓到桌面炉子立刻有今市汝,卖下了山轻松借用tent油炸食品和小亮是对我有什么可以使染色炒饭是一种类型的大米好吃,我来到我还没有爆搞笑 There is no wonder and a distasteful ku it is the red rice We disliked the shiitake rice but the red rice was good When there is no many not putting the white rice was the Imai chi but At the time of the squad of the squad leader of the desk top cookstove bringing it comes out the fact that the chaofan is made was the pleasure Tastiness you applied the chaofan which with the tent in the mountain is eaten under the small lamp As for type of handle can rice it does not change yet it is the shelf
与香菇红米稻厌恶肯定知道我不能恨红米是白米饭是不是一个伟大的小菜时,有没有好当上了班长,是一个桌面炉子美浓今市立即进入炒饭有油炸食品下明艳出售了帐篷小污点在山上很容易对我有什么可以建立一种大米好吃,我来到我还没有爆搞笑 There is no wonder and a distasteful ku it is the red rice We disliked the shiitake rice but the red rice was good When there is no many not putting the white rice was the Imai chi but At the time of the squad of the squad leader of the desk top cookstove bringing it comes out the fact that the chaofan is made was the pleasure Tastiness you applied the chaofan which with the tent in the mountain is eaten under the small lamp As for type of handle can rice it does not change yet it is the shelf
十日,当涉及到的葬礼,我将在对色彩传递薄一点红米 At the time of funeral it comes out the red rice whose just a little color is thin circumstance
朝鲜军方说,这是没有的事我Monaku津贝尔岗巴的食物!我不思,你自己的肚子懦夫打与不完全在朝鲜的饥饿权力的人?蔡和处置南特红米吧! The North Korean soldier eats the ru it is mono without persevering Being hungry although it fights with the North Korean people who do not have power by your being the stomach full you do not think that it is mean it is The red rice how please abolish now
红米和罐头食品Tteta当完成了使命回到了日本潜艇海底纪录片什么轰沉 The submarine finishing duty even with the instant sinking tsu te submarine documentary movie when returning home to Japan the canned goods of the red rice eating the shelf
439哦,姑娘我是过时的潜艇 439 Don t you think well the submarine the old fashioned woman
红米在它的库存,尽量水平在日本所有的人吃,当我周五死猪 The red rice storing when the gold pig dies will try to eat with Japanese national everyone
Dattara它作为一个国家的排放材料灾害,粮食储存由白 When that it is as a country as disaster discharge goods separately the food storing margin
红米在它的库存,尽量水平在日本所有的人吃,当我周五死猪 The red rice storing when the gold pig dies will try to eat with Japanese national everyone
红米饭腺不会欢迎它,如果他南特茹传好东西来 _NULL_
红米饭,但效果没有原来的自卫队是不是很流行的大米每盘 But original Self-Defense Official excessively popularity there was no red rice The mixture rice was good
罐头酱菜有478匹严重 478 You want and as for the bean jam can it is good are with maji
而我只是从一个更好的发展以及红米,也不那么好紧急粮食 Because it is not something where also the red rice is good so If a better emergency the meal should have been developed well just the shelf
我,当你爬上山的午餐米饭,红米饭阿尔法一如既往, When we scaling a mountain by all means the alpha United States of the red rice is designated as lunch
输出数字都与声tent开洞在炉子火焰大舞台和自卫队罐头当前的例子思新兵 If you mention the Self Defense Force canned goods, warming with the direct fire of the stove With large sound the recruit who bored the hole through the tent is remembered
达洛尼加从左路饼碎片 The [ro] because the kudzu left flank says [gochiyagochiya],
过去,食品往往是不匹配的东西在嘴里的C配给食物,如果它不得不在韩国工作的当地人 Former times with work it has been in Korea but it is the food of the person does not meet to the mouth the te C ration was eaten well
这是疯狂的回报在自卫的个别人员的自由裁量权,而我真正 [tsu] [te] individual Self-Defense Official the returns dying with self judgment and starting, as expected the shelf
这看起来不错,但还营养,与记者组成,唯一的治疗,每个人的饮食和自卫队的政府措施滞后不想十日 It is appealing even in the nutrition aspect although Lag of measure of government in meal and treatment of Self Defense Force everyone We want the composition that somehow you have pushed
十日不合时宜的离开了,那家伙不会争吵与自卫队的良好的工作思 Analog clo left flank the person who does not think the Self Defense Force participation well ichiyamon probably is to attach
在更倾向于削减,但我认为自卫队蔓延橙的味道 Good finishing is not extent but you think that the orange spread is the Self Defense Force taste
每个人的自卫队,非常感谢你 Self Defense Force everyone thank you always
颜色与红豆瓦特嘿哟686红色食用色素它 686 Attaching with food crimson, don't you think? - w It is color of the azuki bean
当邪恶的涉及国家安全异国情调的树林南特不可能去毒的食物自卫队818 818 The foreign product how it is not possible in the Self Defense Force meal When you pile up the poison nation it relates safely
每个人的自卫队,谢谢您确实对日本 Self Defense Force everyone thank you truly because of Japan