“We got together in order to recover Fuji Telecasting Co. from the Korean hand!” In the Fuji Telecasting Co. critical demonstration 2500 human participation ★38
- 绑架一个女人,有好酒玩物日军军官 You kidnap the - woman, the Japanese military officer in the liquor becoming drunk the [gu] you see, in the thing
- 针对平民进行了在发展生物武器和化学武器实验 Development organism experiment of the - scientific weapon the civilian it went to the object
/ \ / \人忍忍忍忍忍忍忍忍忍忍忍忍忍忍忍忍忍忍忍忍忍忍忍忍忍忍忍忍∩_∩ 感到一种团结的伟大意义 ∩ _ ∩ People people people people people people people people people people people people people people people / \ /\ < Enormous one bodily sensation is felt
979:我怕资产举报回@:2011 / 08 / 01(星期一)14:35:50.60编号:TTP天鹅折扣计划,该计划只适用于民团的弟兄们SOFTBANK软银韩国优惠的身份主宰这个富士qfJV0tz80 :什么是惊讶于一个免费电话收费减轻太多/ / blogimg.goo.ne.jp / user_image / 4A / A7 / d70f4e9776e54d30ce15c1a1640ca42d.jpg 979 : Name it is not it is @ regret: 2011/08/01 (month) 14: 35: 50.60 ID: qfJV0tz80 This [huji] natural shape of Giyuuzi [ru] software bank The discount service which the software bank favorably treats applies to just the Korean people group compatriot You call swan plan ttp: //blogimg.goo.ne.jp/user_image/4a/a7/d70f4e9776e54d30ce15c1a1640ca42d.jpg Telephone call charge of remainder it is cheap, you are surprised Telephone call charge those which simply are
Bit ly qlCngh鸣叫〜〜5)→6,打开它)和Ctrl V将其粘贴在四个字符串过滤后出现的短暂复制5,注意在三个后过滤该ID头平行那些具有 钟 bit ly qlCngh tsuito 5 This is opened gt 6 The morceau which in rear in the character string which is indicated with 5 was copied with 4 is done with Ctrl V the paste In the rear those which attach the to the head of ID which memo is done are arranged with 3
290:你的名字上没有字! 在船上现场直播:2011 08 09(星期二)14:03:35 93编号:j6dyyiX40 8月1日披露思不看递归的行为已 290 Name there is no either calling with During broadcasting with live board 2011 08 09 fire 14 03 35 93 ID j6dyyiX40 8 1 is thought that already there was the movement of non viewing
Iijan若有转移到韩国,如果韩国像569 569 If so Korea is less crowded and if should have immigrated to Korea is
Naturalization就难以铺设,因为它是在日本写在进一步 Furthermore as written on also the naturalization to Japan becomes difficult
会逃跑,如果门被思,在日本归化是和平 If you are naturalized to Japan you probably think that it can escape
Netouyo与群众因自以为是的行为形象已开始受到太阳Bideo大溪出像761英里的节日,这是相当明显的 761 With the latest celebration in exultaion the day way appearing under, to do self-righteousness behavior, with consequence As for the [netouyo] image which the public has on the other hand becoming clear, the [ru
NO FujiTV!没有更多的韩国免费!NO FujiTV!没有更多的韩国!NO FujiTV!没有更多的韩国! NO FujiTV No more Korea free NO FujiTV No more Korea NO FujiTV No more Korea
FujiTV免费!韩国免费!FujiTV免费!韩国免费!FujiTV免费!韩国免费! FujiTV free Korea free FujiTV free Korea free FujiTV free Korea free
FujiTV免费!韩国免费!FujiTV免费!韩国免费!FujiTV免费!韩国免费! FujiTV free Korea free FujiTV free Korea free FujiTV free Korea free
FujiTV免费!韩国免费!FujiTV免费!韩国免费!FujiTV免费!韩国免费! FujiTV free Korea free FujiTV free Korea free FujiTV free Korea free
NO FujiTV!没有更多的韩国!NO FujiTV!没有更多的韩国!NO FujiTV!没有更多的韩国! NO FujiTV No more Korea NO FujiTV No more Korea NO FujiTV No more Korea
NO FujiTV!没有更多的韩国!NO FujiTV!没有更多的韩国!NO FujiTV!没有更多的韩国! NO FujiTV No more Korea NO FujiTV No more Korea NO FujiTV No more Korea
NO FujiTV!没有更多的韩国!NO FujiTV!没有更多的韩国!NO FujiTV!没有更多的韩国! NO FujiTV No more Korea NO FujiTV No more Korea NO FujiTV No more Korea
NO FujiTV!没有更多的韩国!NO FujiTV!没有更多的韩国!NO FujiTV!没有更多的韩国! NO FujiTV No more Korea NO FujiTV No more Korea NO FujiTV No more Korea
Stocks finance yahoo co jp 股票 详细信息 ?我继续上升的只有几个百分点每一天,这个危险的代码 u003d4676瓦特 stocks finance yahoo co jp stocks detail code 4676 It is dangerous this w Every days percent continuing to go down the ru
https all省 www fmf co jp PC 请求 request cgi,宜家不会躺在你想 https www fmf co jp pc request request cgi The group of people of everyone we ask may
Tonsuria行业的精英,并出席朝鲜学校思阈值(即所谓的霍隆)可以调动 Korean school attendance coming with the person apparently and the elites of [tonsuria] industry (the generally known phorone section) being mobilized
“人权救济法”的执行绪十日没有书? Main [sure] of the “protection of fundamental human rights relief bill” it does not solve?
一个流行歌手在网上确认爆炸业余台湾元★★★YOUTUBE FU★★★ Youtube recognized Amateur singer A FU where popularity explodes with the Taiwan net
一个流行歌手在网上确认爆炸业余台湾元★★★YOUTUBE FU★★★ Youtube recognized Amateur singer A FU where popularity explodes with the Taiwan net
一旦他们宣布你的角色的名字代理商名称Janaku韩国通信 If there is no name and the operative is announced in the Korean name it is more than enough
人权救济法,是由秘密警察般的组织,在日本的朝鲜人组成,歧视和词的歧义,可怕的立法,是社会,我擦高冈 As for the human rights relief bill, you call discrimination with the organization like the secret police who consists of the resident Korean, ambiguity In one word of expression, the Takaoka way it is erased it is the fearful bill socially
今天,就像我至今为止还没有出来,软银YTD低点 But like it has not appeared to here Today the software bank comes and the beginning of the year renewing most low price
从若干组织代理是拼命分发,以便混淆 Therefore As for operative from plural organizations That it will be confused will disperse It is desperate
从若干组织代理是拼命分发,以便混淆 Therefore As for operative from plural organizations That it will be confused will disperse It is desperate
他们不应该选择的手段驱逐外国人 They do not choose expedient for foreign rejection
他们是在黑市上最丰厚的利润,我设置在神户的招摇城市阴谋被瓦砾和焦土 They holding darkness city, increased the enormous profit, united the faction and swaggered Kobe of the trash and the scorched-earth town
他是个流浪,我的信息类型是在报刊上伪造非洲6453弱点 所以让这一切直接检查出整个画面是什么? 6453 Therefore The feeling weakness which is fanned in fabrication reporting making merry from the ru in such shelf… After inspecting the entire picture of thing come again tsu
动机,并越来越多地被前来前往非洲这样做会威胁也许那我来啊茹645 645 Whether the a a it comes don t you think Threatening it probably is ru intention but So doing when it is fanned benefit 々 motivation comes out
他被选为 韩国 星期五,但在节目的主管在福岛FM真的已经在韩国媒体的哥里疲倦和结尾的歌曲可以津市女孩 He every week Friday Korea style you have taken charge of the program with f m Fukushima truly but you use the tune of girl age in the ending and or with have been nonplused to the Korea style gori pushing
他是在福岛FM的节目负责每周五晚上,已在韩国媒体的哥里疲倦和结尾的歌曲可以津市女孩 He every week Friday You have taken charge of the program with f m Fukushima in the night but you use the tune of girl age in the ending and or with have been nonplused to the Korea style gori pushing
代理是到现在为止,在朝鲜战争难民待遇没有,我会如韩国国籍,以获得清晰的 In other words until now in the Korean War Refugee It was treatment and it means to obtain the resident in Korean register clearly it is
作业。 Netouyo无罪的运作净正确的工具 Job. Pure [netouyo] which is worked in net construction of right wing
你说什么我也不会报道这则新闻有趣的角度和从国外194没有了,我承担津市腐蚀或东西,但它在出生报告,然后问说,思精挖掘国内覆盖面,还是更期望不仅存在,只是媒体的说法不工作 194 If it tries doing from the foreign country probably there is no such a funny news and After the tsu te which it does not report requesting that you say properly you think that we should call but it is Being the thing prerequisite which is reported with something Rotting while calling the ru just there expecting to the mass communications Or for the one which is not reported to hit being convenient
可以清楚地说,没有隐瞒和要求,并接受护理报告可能没有一份报告说,因为它可能会拒绝这个请求说是更强大的覆盖面0十日Idaro技能要求374多 374 The ro where the one which has request is stronger and is You can say when from that collection of data ability 0 is When it is request denial you can say that there is no air which is reported that way and Requesting accepting when also the te is concealment without reporting you can say clearly
公文WW在胡说八道给观众,假装u200bu200b呕吐也来参加 When it comes and the participant doing to shake, filth it spits it is in the audience ww
公民财产)(Dzuki根据无线电法条,第八条第二款27,“注册电台”停止)76(如果你不这样做相同的事工,政府不作为诉讼做)4→您受审确认取消反对→ Property of citizen) (On the basis of Wireless Telegraphy Act 76th provision, stop “of the register of radio station” of 18 first section of 27th provision) When (the general affairs ministry does not move, it sues with forbearance of administration) 4, objection you state, -> judgment -> cancellation decision
减有家伙我为我工作了完全真实756和韩国希望首先着手在富士电视和模拟电视收视率肯定无能为力韩国观众,实在是太强大思想右翼什么是Waretai创Netouyo想暴力后者进出弹出净,使用中建议继续向韩国相反梅尔流,我可以有一个极右翼势力的影响挖色思例如领带层 756 So although the one which is visible the party whose are convenient is less is certain Audience rating of the neutralization television doing demonstration the Korean and the right wing idea which we want advancing Korea style in the Fuji Telecasting Co audience rating being too strong until the net springing out netouyo which would like to rage Latter so was thought saying as for implementing Korea style making use of the opposite flow the layer which we would like to make think that the extreme right power had power
在尽快恢复神智你可以不辱的非过滤富士自己的力量感,韩流我们的愤怒不是Netouyo netouyo Be ashamed of the shortage of your own sense which it cannot ride in the Korea style booms Without being gone wild from displeasure to huji return to the sanity quickly
这些家伙都得到了一个更方便良好的外观和756女韩国希望朝鲜富士推进中和演示当然,横冲直撞,直到它弹出的净太强右翼思想什么后者Waretai创Netouyo要的是用相反的梅尔流推荐进入韩国,并配合思挖色层是一个极右翼势力的权力 756 So although the one which is visible the party whose are convenient is less is certain Audience rating of the neutralization television doing demonstration the Korean and the right wing idea which we want advancing Korea style in the Fuji Telecasting Co audience rating being too strong until the net springing out netouyo which would like to rage Latter so was thought saying as for implementing Korea style making use of the opposite flow the layer which we would like to make think that the extreme right power had power
十日Chancharaokashii的家伙我想没有多少购买力抵制我说,在低收入 But is not either many purchasing power with such low income the kind of party who boycott of goods The chi ya and others it is strange
唯一增加的国家广播节目,从而使只有这样才能有一个广播目的地 Two Other than broadcast program for entire country try to possess the broadcast program for the district
唯一增加的国家广播节目,从而使只有这样才能有一个广播目的地 Two Other than broadcast program for entire country try to possess the broadcast program for the district
在396!我得到的船回朴先生然后偷猎可以吗?酒井和人数相当喜欢的! 396 It is You next In poaching boat of paku It makes place Well enough number of people like it can ride and or
在396!我得到的船回朴先生然后偷猎可以吗?酒井和人数相当喜欢的! 396 It is You next In poaching boat of paku It makes place Well enough number of people like it can ride and or
在流行的NHK FM - K恶作剧现在是一个感觉,我是残酷的,但也加速了作为做一些事情来帮助富士POP NHK Now NHK Fabrication large popularity K-POP doing with FM, the [ru] Like something it backs [huji] of, NHK harshness but feeling what which accelerates
如果CM是日本企业的流动写最好的早期电视7点00分※1的YouTube 但这样的情节是在泰国抗议志愿者22,减少到三个 1 Information of youtube entry The early broadcast time CM of 7 Japanese enterprises it is flowing and it is it seems the way but the resident in tie volunteer At 22 day broadcast amount it seems that is reduced to 3 by protest
每日,日本公司建立健康“肥皂泡”太好了! TP:不像是通过 www shabon com 产品 顶CM流动的主要制造商,确保不会在人体内使用的材料,如一个坏表面活性剂 As for the daily necessaries healthy Japanese enterprise “soap ball soap” of the veteran business is completed the male tp www shabon com products top The raw materials which are bad to body such as surface active agent unlike the major manufacturer which lets flow CM Thoroughness non use
如果这是你的枕头和睡眠梳高,如果我们考虑的范围已很少用这种对日本的设施群体的人的数量正在做相关的好曾经手来操作,是第一广播电台有些人不能再 This time It was the broadcasting station but The eye conduct Until now In Japan The favorite selfishness you did Directing to group facility At this much number of people When of the case where it is surrounded is thought Making the pillow high the person who becomes unable to sleep is
如果这是你的枕头和睡眠梳高,如果我们考虑的范围已很少用这种对日本的设施群体的人的数量正在做相关的好曾经手来操作,是第一广播电台有些人不能再 This time It was the broadcasting station but The eye conduct Until now In Japan The favorite selfishness you did Directing to group facility At this much number of people When of the case where it is surrounded is thought Making the pillow high the person who becomes unable to sleep is
妈妈,写不愉快?写可怕的?今天我是嘴Paratchimattamitaidana津市 Or mother, unpleasantness? Or it is hideous? We today the 酔 [tsu] [pa] and others [tsu] [chi] the like shelf which it waited
它是主机箱的843 NHK 843 Therefore NHK donjon
它遵循在电影迦巴Warota韩国在电影WWW恩戴强力建议是否符合该条例新都东京石原阁下,本条例第2条的规定,第五条关于青少年发展健康,东京亮相它是适当的推荐一部好电影的基础上蛮力 In the recommendation movie which is based on Tokyo or Sinto regulations of Excellency Ishihara Korea mono choosing warota www Domestic violent affairs aspectual shelf As for the below mentioned movie as the superior movie which is based on the stipulation of the regulations 5th provision 2nd number regarding rearing healthily it is suitable to recommend the Tokyo young people
梅尔被认为是有益的青年在促进健康的全垒打超越夏天听到电影Kimujona Movie The summer when home run is audible kimu jiyona When growing the young people healthily when it is beneficial it recognizes
客队在从背后电信中心,嘈杂台场黑u200bu200b烟上升 The black smoke to rise from the Telecom center inner part lavish, the stand place tumultuous
富士电视台以及相应日的地震在日本Miraikan差异 The Japanese future mansion of the earthquake disaster day and difference of the Fuji Telecasting Co. correspondence
富士电视台再次,“丹麦人特别是”如果在韩国的主力队员使用,球员浅田,“祝贺”这个词没有忽略,安藤,铃木什么到达两名球员都没有拍摄以及进一步图片我完全忽略 In addition Fuji Telecasting Co “ dane which is solved ” With It handles the Korean choosing a person hand to main in the Asada player “it questions with the me ” without either one word disregard furthermore in the Ando Suzuki both player Reaching in order either image not to copy you ignored completely
富士电视台再次,“丹麦人特别是”如果在韩国的主力队员使用,球员浅田,“祝贺”这个词没有忽略,安藤,铃木什么到达两名球员都没有拍摄以及进一步图片我完全忽略 In addition Fuji Telecasting Co “ dane which is solved ” With It handles the Korean choosing a person hand to main in the Asada player “it questions with the me ” without either one word disregard furthermore in the Ando Suzuki both player Reaching in order either image not to copy you ignored completely
富士电视台听起来像一个演示已经在CNN特色 As for the Fuji Telecasting Co. demonstration Don't you think? it seems that is picked up to CNN
对所有达洛尼加纠纷的工作,但它的十Dosakusa例如索尼公司的工厂在伦敦燃料暴动? But the SONY factory burns in the London riot The ro which is work of chiyon which is mistaken in this panic
伦敦暴动的移民政策的紧张形成的结果是在伦敦骚乱 The London riot Become the end of immigration policy The London riot which becomes tense
怎么办呢?茂木健一郎,有去富士 我?茂木健一郎,替代世界陷入英语和不喜欢的批评种族歧视或将案件退回歪歪每日新闻社,富士电视台。 You do to there Ken Ichiro Mogi huji gt You do to there Ken Ichiro Mogi the ri which makes the Fuji Telecasting Co criticism race discrimination changing with English… everyday to the world newspaper WaiWai incident second coming
怎么办呢?茂木健一郎,替代世界陷入英语和不喜欢的批评种族歧视或将案件退回歪歪每日新闻社,富士电视台。 You do to there Ken Ichiro Mogi huji gt You do to there Ken Ichiro Mogi the ri which makes the Fuji Telecasting Co criticism race discrimination changing with English… everyday to the world newspaper WaiWai incident second coming
我会做,从最初的275到这里瓦特达洛尼加,WWW或Janee四面楚歌的状态,他们瓦特没有什么代理商摆在我们面前狂好,因为你来自止沸Netonetouyouyo不 275 The [ro] w which as for we from the origin is here and is That, just [netonetouyouyo] very your [kichigai] operatives who boil you do not abandon well w Don't you think? your four surface 楚 song states [e] or www
我可以Demoru在从救济权利法案的宅男?宅男或只是电视? The demonstration [ru] it is even with case of the [wotaku] and others human rights relief bill? Or being simply TV [wota]?
我在电视上就来十日Rero溃疡迅速从其他关心,有缺陷的笔和我喜欢的是螺丝只会弯曲的负面压力只有达洛尼加什么你赢得了剑 Already how the television collapse quickly from calling Secure margin being defeated to pressure the screw is bent defective kind of what which it puts out fact As for the pen win the sword the medium tsu just passing the ro
佩恩和我想一个有缺陷的螺丝弯曲的事实,我们只多负褥疮从其他只顾快速Rero十日达洛尼加电视什么你赢得了剑 Already how the television collapse quickly from calling Secure margin being defeated to pressure the screw is bent defective kind of what which it puts out fact As for the pen win the sword the medium tsu just passing the ro
我聊天瓦特你被证明是一个很好的未来人才按类别什么是韩国人? 1000年调查结果有一个大的坏,无动于衷,电视 94% 已经挖色的案例研究,“韩国和日本的电视剧,”你喜欢?来源日本胜利90%的投票派东京MX电视台: W to which being the ri pushing is proven and the chi ya tsu te increases Do you like the South Korean talent Large scale 1000 human questionnaire results Dislike and indifference together the 94 “The Japanese drama and favorite Korea style” either one The Japanese group 9 extremely with Tokyo MX television poll the overwhelming victory Source
我聊天瓦特你被证明是一个很好的未来人才按类别什么是韩国人? 1000年调查结果有一个大的坏,无动于衷,电视 94% 已经挖色的案例研究,“韩国和日本的电视剧,”你喜欢?来源日本胜利90%的投票派东京MX电视台: W to which being the ri pushing is proven and the chi ya tsu te increases Do you like the South Korean talent Large scale 1000 human questionnaire results Dislike and indifference together the 94 “The Japanese drama and favorite Korea style” either one The Japanese group 9 extremely with Tokyo MX television poll the overwhelming victory Source
我聊天瓦特你被证明是一个很好的未来人才按类别什么是韩国人? 1000年调查结果有一个大的坏,无动于衷,电视 94% 已经挖色的案例研究,“韩国和日本的电视剧,”你喜欢?来源日本胜利90%的投票派东京MX电视台: W to which being the ri pushing is proven and the chi ya tsu te increases Do you like the South Korean talent Large scale 1000 human questionnaire results Dislike and indifference together the 94 “The Japanese drama and favorite Korea style” either one The Japanese group 9 extremely with Tokyo MX television poll the overwhelming victory Source
我聊天瓦特你被证明是一个很好的未来人才按类别什么是韩国人? 1000年调查结果有一个大的坏,无动于衷,电视 94% 已经挖色的案例研究,“韩国和日本的电视剧,”你喜欢?来源日本胜利90%的投票派东京MX电视台: W to which being the ri pushing is proven and the chi ya tsu te increases Do you like the South Korean talent Large scale 1000 human questionnaire results Dislike and indifference together the 94 “The Japanese drama and favorite Korea style” either one The Japanese group 9 extremely with Tokyo MX television poll the overwhelming victory Source
我聊天瓦特你被证明是一个很好的未来人才按类别什么是韩国人? 1000年调查结果有一个大的坏,无动于衷,电视 94% 已经挖色的案例研究,“韩国和日本的电视剧,”你喜欢?来源日本胜利90%的投票派东京MX电视台: W to which being the ri pushing is proven and the chi ya tsu te increases Do you like the South Korean talent Large scale 1000 human questionnaire results Dislike and indifference together the 94 “The Japanese drama and favorite Korea style” either one The Japanese group 9 extremely with Tokyo MX television poll the overwhelming victory Source
挪威,发生类似事件腰双Uyo不再是一个例子,其中肯定有阻力线,以更多,更有力和网络之间的凤尾鱼干二甲苯Netouyo牙齿现实的差距,即使再怎么大声井 netouyo how making a noise the tooth creaking of the sesame me Alienation of the net and actuality steadily keeps becoming extreme uyo which among those becomes unable to withstand may cause the incident which is Norway like
挪威,发生类似事件腰双Uyo不再是一个例子,其中肯定有阻力线,以更多,更有力和网络之间的凤尾鱼干二甲苯Netouyo牙齿现实的差距,即使再怎么大声井 netouyo how making a noise the tooth creaking of the sesame me Alienation of the net and actuality steadily keeps becoming extreme uyo which among those becomes unable to withstand may cause the incident which is Norway like
接二连三的达洛尼加贾尼我下垂的原始情景喜剧电视剧河伯恢复后(笑) When it recovers, the [ro] which is [jiyanitaredorama] rapid fire what of cartoon original [heboshinario] (laughing)
旭日初升的太阳旗,你会的地方,我担心敌人皇帝万年来从未发生,应该让所有的日本国旗 Day chapter flag and Asahi day flag, you generation and His Majesty the Emperor hurray The enemy fearing, as for [ru] thing the shelf which it should do without fail Everyone day chapter flag having, it is dense
民团是移出到河边,我将集中在地方选举中给予投票权的外国人永久法案早日通过 As for people group changing shift, Early of the permanent residence foreign local denizenship grant bill all power is increased to legislative conversion
汉。让观众想要率和股票价格不停止靠在越来越多 Korea. Unless being devoted it stops, the [ze] where steadily stock price and audience rating go down
没有594,从它的行不回应业已所以这是一个演示 594 Well because what therefore does not designate demonstration as the thing which is not already is the reaction it is all right
没有594,这是一个演示我想得那么 594 Well because what therefore does not designate demonstration as the thing which is not already is the reaction it is all right
疯狂开始Memashita WW WW Netouyo Memashita洙在哉朱Netouyo开始疯狂和疯狂开始WW Memashita Netouyo朱再 Ww where resident in stop [netouyo] starts becoming insane Ww where resident in stop [netouyo] starts becoming insane Ww where resident in stop [netouyo] starts becoming insane
知道514是受欢迎,因为媒体的骗局是洗脑安全核炸弹和层弱信息,他们舞蹈和神户地区的信息只有在与核销售严格来说是不同的部分科学海啸和地震NDE级数学考试前,学习不同的语言 514 As for being a degree of distinction favor of fabrication reporting As for having popularity the feeling weak layer which 踊 and others makes information As for the atomic bomb and nuclear safe brainwashing the atomic energy at just the rank which is used the different thing As for the Osaka and Kobe Awazi and east Japan earthquake damage and tidal wave damage Before the commenting which it learns Different thing National language learning The level which mathematics is tested
知道514是受欢迎,因为媒体的骗局有核炸弹和层次的信息较少,他们舞蹈的资料东和神户困惑只是卖你之前严格地说部分核科学海啸和地震NDE级数学考试从语言研究的不同 514 As for being a degree of distinction favor of fabrication reporting As for having popularity the feeling weak layer which 踊 and others makes information As for the atomic bomb and nuclear safe brainwashing the atomic energy at just the rank which is used the different thing As for the Osaka and Kobe Awazi and east Japan earthquake damage and tidal wave damage Before the commenting which it learns Different thing National language learning The level which mathematics is tested
茹将使法律一堆挤钱从大跨越 If law in order to squeeze the resident in empty money about the mountain it probably will make
然后我头Kunakatta好“, Rear we the head it was not good” With
(续)在※(★1:8月7日(星期日)21:00:03): It continues Before 1 08 07 day 21 00 03
这些“占领军”韩国企业老板先“朝总联”等成了瘪三 These “Korean occupation forces” Manager organization kept becoming “Korean entire ream” and [yakuza] etc
问题是国际常识比韩国常识背离社会偏见的态度 Deflection attitude of the Korean approaching which deviates from social sensible international common sense is problem
韩国人在日本的战后人口,不管不相关的国际法律地位的困境,臻至“占领军韩国是一个民族的胜利”,是欺骗,甚至3万武装认真横冲直撞出现在了各大城市 Position with respect to many international laws there is no postwar resident Korean group in spite selfishly when “the Korean occupation force which is the victory citizen” is 詐 to name by your becoming 30 000 human thing armament group the tsu where it appears in the nationwide metropole and rages and sows it is
在日本的朝鲜人口武装窃取武器和日本军服被解除武装,自由,“占领军韩国”竞标,许多日本国民被肆意杀戮 Using surreptitiously the weapon and the troop clothes of the Japanese military who it is armed is cancelled you armed the resident Korean group the “Korean occupation force” were identified selfishly murdered many Japanese citizens to un discriminating
韩国非法占领了日本,日本的敌人领土 As for Korea which occupies Japanese territory illegally, Japanese hostile country
(60业界韩国烧烤%是在日本的朝鲜居民)从五个通过空手道组织已小有什么内田真由美,对财的创始人。宜家(Cheyoni)AZ大濠惠是参加并Michiru星野业务 - 娱乐“在日本的朝鲜人才管理朝鲜居民”•夏树大濠佐藤惠美,承德市2010年的黄金朝鲜居民经理12月01日,在公园的日子“并不比日本韩国朋友多,”大岛买出来并加入AKB韩国城探路的大久保 (As for 6 tenths of burning meat industry the resident Korean & Korean system) Uchida 眞 Yumi was passing from small 5 as for the karate group which, the founder 崔 . 宜 ([chie] [yoni]) When Hoshino it is full, large moat blessing is on the register as for AZ-ENTERTAINMENT where business contents “the resident Korean & South Korean talent management” Large moat as for manager of blessing gold The resident South Korean, forming virtue As for Natuki Sato in the performance 2010 December 1st “the friend of the South Korean is more than the Japanese”, that coming out Mai Oshima is scouted in new Ookubo Korean town and joins to AKB