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  • - SYK - 菅直人(左),第一单48“ぴ人对自己国家的立场背叛”的出台,首日售出200万册
    <菅 Naoto> SYK (left flank) first single of 48 'it passes [tsu] [pi] treason' sale, at first day 2,000,000 main complete sale

    • 213,“高丽海”你觉得在最近的线程上的某个地方,如果在“朝鲜海”为什么“旧地图”,没办法我得 213 If the “Empire of Korea sea” has come out the air does in sure whether recently the do tsu of The “Korean sea” how the “old map” it is it cannot boil don t you think
      • 韩国呼吁在日本西部的罢工,但仅仅是我得到的快乐(指责) As for being called south Empire of Korea in Europe and America rejoicing the ru although The mere Japanese hitting it is good but it is temporary

    • 601李承晚我不?半岛上的两个土地处理美军向南摧毁+大浦洞芦洞→→休战对日宣战,朝鲜604
      601 There is no Japanese plum acceptance evening? 604 Declaration of war -> North Korea cease-fire agreement cancelling in Japan, south Shin + [tepodon] [nodon] -> because US Forces in Japan copes with front section two peninsular landing

      • 691韩国人拥有这些,“东国礼”似乎已经感到自豪和小,它是什么,我要表自己国家的附庸国,以中国,韩国,西 691 Way Korea names the self “the country of east courtesy and” has made proud but this is the country of his et al west It is manifestation what where China has made Korea tributary

        • 90中国历史也有许多情况下“不能由执政党治理”疯离开作为缓冲区域的原住民原住民,部分是因为日本的外交立场不会把它在检疫法我不会有世界各地的垃圾已经让男人在手身着进入日本会改变,如果我已被放置!哦?日本Dattsu模糊结束了! 90 As for China even historical in many cases “Although you can control not controlling ” as for the native while it is the native kichigai leaves with law of isolation but There is also the diplomacy of Japan and makes buffer area but Japan inserting the hand strangely because the clothes of the human were dressed The inside of the world probably will be has been bothered but a As for becoming dim the tsu which is Japan

          • Bit ly reczAG呻 bit ly rf628W bit ly reczAG http bit ly rf628W
            • 我今天在HTTP亚热本部视频: bit ly reczAG呻 bit ly rf628W Teaching even with animated picture of here http bit ly reczAG http bit ly rf628W

          • Fabyon! AA运行时爆炸,并希望一点一滴乌耶兹德゙゙゙
            [huabiyon]! While [zuto] ゙ [to] ゙ [to] ゙ exploding, the AA desire which it runs

            • Japanese chosun com 网站 数据 html dir 2005 02 20050223000080分之23的Html韩国是美国的第三敌人(美国调查)TTP: japanese chosun com 网站 资料 html dir 2005 09 20050916000041分之16。HTML japanese chosun com site data html dir 2005 02 23 20050223000080 html As for Korea 3rd hostile country of America American public opinion poll ttp japanese chosun com site data html dir 2005 09 16 20050916000041 html
              • 国际组织,TTP 10000美元的会费数额韩国8100欠交: japanese chosun com 网站 数据 html dir 2005 02 20050223000080分之23的Html韩国是美国的第三敌人(美国舆论调查)TTP: japanese chosun com 网站 数据 html dir 2005 09 20050916000041分之16HTML As for nonpayment amount of the international organization contribution of Korea 81 000 000 dollar ttp japanese chosun com site data html dir 2005 02 23 20050223000080 html As for Korea 3rd hostile country American public opinion poll of America ttp japanese chosun com site data html dir 2005 09 16 20050916000041 html

            • UP2 Pandoravote net up24 IMG pan2jij00003557 jpg的TTP: UP2 Pandoravote net up24 IMG pan2jij00003558 jpg的TTP: UP2 Pandoravote net up24 IMG pan2jij00003559 jpg的TTP。 : UP2 pandoravote net up24 IMG pan2jij00003560 JPG“美国即将进入南海天然气水合物得到你的野心是什么韩国” up2 pandoravote net up24 img pan2jij00003557 jpg ttp up2 pandoravote net up24 img pan2jij00003558 jpg ttp up2 pandoravote net up24 img pan2jij00003559 jpg ttp up2 pandoravote net up24 img pan2jij00003560 jpg “America using the Korean ambition has been about to obtain methane hydro rate of the Sea of Japan”
              • 韩国Yahyahya海面亚非海!海半岛Mareta封闭海不恨日本人吗?它从阳台进入手在竹岛周围日本领海 a hi ya hi ya hi ya As for the sea where south Korea is confronted the Sea of Japan The peninsula which is surrounded in the Japanese sea We dislike the sea Because also the vicinity of the bamboo island is the Japanese territorial waters Without entering selfishly don t you think

            • _NULL_
              <6 national conferences> NHK interview “hill American duty assistant secretary, the Japanese government which is persisted in the North Korean kidnapping problem can be persuaded? ” * 2 [02/06] NHK victory girl special service code * Eriko and masterminds Ikeda producer Listening fee illegitimate diversion of NHK anew! Seoul branch manager Miyao Atsushi inflating the Korean [konetsuto] corporation and collection of data expense Furthermore dealing publication 7 annual concealment! Information of search leak in the NHK reporter and the baseball gambling round sumo wrestling association authorized personnel It announces that there is a possibility collection of data cooperative expense covering mob-related enterprise - NHK enterprise [06/02/15] NHK Yokohama entire bureau “ Lie ” With the reason attaching, denying the support of citizen meeting of the kidnapping victim [06/11] The media to operate, organization defense

              • “我们采取了泣螃蟹在湿东海小岛木如海滨沙滩来了”
                It cracks “in the white sand of the Tokai Kojima's beach and cries and gets wet and the crab is the [mu] [ru]”

                • 东海但许多表达了日本和韩国地图前吞并几乎为零
                  The Sea of Japan inscription is many even in the map before the day Korea merging as for Tokai almost zero

                  • 东海十日日元变得困难,因为只有先生的话如果美国在远东
                    When it does from America, FAR Therefore EAST [tsu] [te] word uses and just becomes the [zu] and others [ku] EAST SEA it is to be able to be the [wa

                    • 中国和分半钟,然后只,这些内容将得到净化,在大陆将尽一切谁 To China and a half dividing as for content everyone continent purifying being you receive how probably will be

                      • 什么是从韩国东海东海是什么? Therefore the sea of the Korean east being Tokai
                        • 奈达韩国继东海海域? ! ! ! As for the Tokai next Korean sea nida

                      • 什么是关键是半岛,但゙Hitomoto思那响亮而我离基地大门
                        But as for peninsular [hitomoto] ゙ [ki] off base shelf You think that it should have made a noise,

                        • 什么是关闭的家伙梁家伙我谈话沟通等867 867 Whether the people to whom such a story leads Ton chin can person shelf
                          • 它具有Janaku 553,这些家伙是什么意思旨在防止 553 In the tsu te sense there is no such and obstructs the purpose of the te and the people

                        • 任何债务,驳回交谈英美韩国GOSNAY我GOSNAY手?
                          What obligation, persisting selfishly, the [ru] Korean persisting even in the England and United States, in the story which is kicked?

                          • 包括生之间的这种无知日语韩语额外摩擦
                            Such ignorant Japanese bears the excessive friction with Republic of Korea

                            • 呵呵呵呵过过过过过过哦呵呵呵呵呵呵呵呵呵呵过过过过哦呵呵呵呵逾31
                              31 To [e] - to [e] - to [e] - to [e] - to [e] - to [e] - to [e] - to [e] - to [e] - to [e] - to [e] -

                              • 在这种情况下,竹岛(独岛)是 ■ ●岛屿领土的日本,韩国。俞(甘蔗区)上午● u003d 于山岛的古图(Zantou三)郁陵岛(有头有移动)东运的2公里岛 In this case the bamboo island the German island it is Japanese territory 嶼 chi paragraph yo Morning The 于 mountain island in the old figure the u za it is you question The attachment island which the 鬱 mausoleum island moves and the yo uninformed is on east 2Km
                                • ■竹岛(独岛)是 ■ ●岛屿领土的日本,韩国。俞(甘蔗区)上午● u003d 于山岛的古图(Zantou三)郁陵岛(有头有移动)东运的2公里岛 The bamboo island the German island it is Japanese territory 嶼 chi paragraph yo Morning The 于 mountain island in the old figure the u za it is you question The attachment island which the 鬱 mausoleum island moves and the yo uninformed is on east 2Km

                              • 如何不使他们采取了紧缩的今天很大的差别 Unless you manage with law among now it becomes very thing

                                • 它还修改了日本和林正治先生57海
                                  57 Siyouzi in the Sea of Japan Hayasi renaming shelf

                                  • 当陪同针对实际狗屁家伙东海无情无知的西方 u200b u200b人是无用的,如果不解决Datte什么不精的时候卖东西到目前的情况下,或用一个829。有许多情况下,伴随着 829 It is the spare time no kana which associates to wa word saying Toda who does not cope properly being conspicuous Truly receiving it is every wa of the party where the ignorant European American person is obstinate East Sea 併 description Time single It is case a lot of 併 description
                                    • 当陪同针对实际狗屁家伙东海无情无知的西方 u200b u200b人是无用的,如果不解决Datte什么不精的时候卖东西到目前的情况下,或用一个829。有许多情况下,伴随着 829 It is the spare time no kana which associates to wa word saying Toda who does not cope properly being conspicuous Truly receiving it is every wa of the party where the ignorant European American person is obstinate East Sea 併 description Time single It is case a lot of 併 description

                                  • 念孙32 1951年2月u200bu200b1号015联合委员会外事委员会,法律事务和渔业对国家通信委员会在周一,日本拉斯克信盟军总司令部最高司令的开幕5分钟下午下午二点一与李承晚线第一个和平条约。日本丸事件李承晚
                                    The 015th National Diet Marine products judicial affairs Committee on Foreign Affairs combined examination meeting 1st number 1953 February 23rd (Monday) in the afternoon temporarily 45 amount opening of a meeting Combined national military highest commander General Headquarters Rusk letter Peace treaty of Japan Japanese plum acceptance late line First. 邦 circular incident Japanese plum acceptance evening

                                    • 总得改变好像说的东西,但十日奈达我们可以改变,因为那里是我们一直在使用794国际开放的骄傲现在该国在世界上的名字在我们以前的fuff自满这是一起? 794 Those which are used internationally until now Because pride of the gourd does not permit nida which is modified being said If the country in the world name does not modify for the viewing self satisfaction which is your et al ku with something it is viewing
                                      • 这个在达洛尼加流你需要做的,除非他们惨败美国和韩国的故事进入了气“这种情况在日本是一个坏奈达”什么是下栅看到来自南特涌逃生被 1 If Korea does not like the ro which if you should have argued with America thoroughly sufficient story is With this flow “as for becoming like this nida whose Japan is bad ” The empty chiyon tsu te which how escapes it is despised

                                    • 惜Shimishi韩国的官方发展援助是发达国家了马虎,拖欠联合国会费,也减少了捐款救灾,经济不稳定今天比在基金组织的监督职责 Korea to some extent grudges ODA which is obligation of advanced nation fails to pay the United Nations contribution The extent which reduces also the disaster contribution presently is under IMF watching economically the instability
                                      • 韩国没有意义的镇纸将追捕分钟他从分钟挂我有意义的物业,厂房脚马虎Nareyo发达国家 gt Korea to some extent is accustomed to advanced nation There is no expectation meaning of multiplication understanding in the person where meaning of addition does not understand

                                    • 惠普的间谍,在这个线程已经是零瓦特
                                      HP of the operative of this [sure] already zero shelves w

                                      • 想想我见过做第2步※,只是一个没有科赫,谁拥有更多的表现在韩国天是受竹Chikiri If procedure 2 is done you think that it is understood but the extent where this speech does not overtake the South Korean has with topic of the bamboo island and it is the drill

                                        • 我Kusochon分钟披露这样做不好,从世界各地 Therefore it is disliked from in the world it is You understood kusochiyon
                                          • 噢哦噢哦噢哦有瓦特Kusochon不同 The kusochiyon za well well well well well well well w

                                        • 我不敢离开本页面左侧的三分钟内独↑我觉得Twitter的不稳定和Hangul搜索Twitter的独岛←不敢看你在这个位 Just a little your this try seeing lt Searching the German island with tsuitsuta in the Hangul But the search tsu te operational instability of tsuitsuta while it is the page at 3 minute relieved try being from calling
                                          • 十日为每个县要敢于在国际协会字节 The International Communications Association which is each prefecture and the like with the byte try doing
                                          • 我不敢离开本页面左侧的三分钟内独↑我觉得Twitter的不稳定和Hangul搜索Twitter的独岛←不敢看你在这个位 Just a little your this try seeing lt Searching the German island with tsuitsuta in the Hangul But the search tsu te operational instability of tsuitsuta while it is the page at 3 minute relieved try being from calling

                                        • 我会到857韩国Corea等人的情况下,他吸我们是从一个文件来在基因水平理由Rashii Tokaiu fuff日本前 857 As for without being Korea and having made te Corea Because it comes before from Japan the viewing reason which is the ku which is said it seems It is kuso at gene level the fellows

                                          • 我国开始于被“苦和碎晚大约100年新增加的解释 Our country that it started in approximately 100 year lag” was chased in painful justification
                                            • 我国开始于被“苦和碎晚大约100年新增加的解释 Our country that it started in approximately 100 year lag” was chased in painful justification

                                          • 我的推托与韩国已经是一个谎言,我应该简单地否定 South Korea attaching difficult habit unless ru it is untruth you must deny just

                                            • 既定事实的非法占领竹岛从日本海的领土野心,我是不允许的(⌒〜⌒)
                                              Illegality occupation of bamboo island fait accompli conversion, Because you do not permit the territory ambition to the Sea of Japan, don't you think? (⌒ - ⌒)

                                              • 日本和韩国已经要求韩国的强烈吞并
                                                Because as for day Korea merger there was the request where the Korean side is strong

                                                • 日本海否认,否认大航海时代
                                                  As for denying the Sea of Japan, denial of large navigation age

                                                  • 日本男性体力劳动,慰安妇和日本女性作为一个管家。“
                                                    As for Japanese man manual labor As for the Japanese woman as a housekeeping lady and a victory girl…”

                                                    • 最小。在2010年当选参议院选举中,心情下降 People It is elected even with 2010 Upper House election of atrophy mood
                                                      • 最小。在2010年当选参议院选举中,心情下降 People It is elected even with 2010 Upper House election of atrophy mood

                                                    • 欧洲的影响是不是创造了世界大航海时代,通过地图,所谓的国际标准
                                                      Passing large navigation age, the European influence which made the worldwide map with reason, in a manner of speaking international standard

                                                      • 环保从海,但热气海,但两个是好事不名为按达洛尼加新市踢在了邻居的南特日本海,日本和韩国的481海的许多名字为代价从韩国热海一个我踢我觉得在家中友谊的最好证明和热海Yappari有害的韩国和三个绿色的海洋 481 When the Sea of Japan is the Sea of Japan the ro which is not any which push and some name how neighboring country in Korea in sacrifice is It is good to name newly 1 Therefore sea of the Korea style hot blasts Atami 2 Therefore sea of environmental preservation green sea 3 As a Korea Hitomo good proving the friend sea Comes after all Atami most exactly
                                                        • 至于证明韩国与三海绿色的友谊不过是环境保护海两个是热海的热空气韩国一海我是一个很好的任意球命名不是踢与在邻居南特海名费用按新市达洛尼加我觉得在家里最有害Yappari热海 The ro which is not any which push and name how neighboring country of the sea in sacrifice is It is good to name newly 1 Therefore sea of the Korea style hot blasts Atami 2 Therefore sea of environmental preservation green sea 3 As a Korea Hitomo good proving the friend sea Comes after all Atami most exactly

                                                      • 直接给国家和AAA Tokaiu Yaiijan Dattara
                                                        When is, AAA the direct plain gauze calling it is in the name of a country which is said

                                                        • 第一个是世界地图,但与西方文明社会中的符号是建立一个全国性的哲学
                                                          Therefore as for in the first place worldwide map, notation what in the western civilization society which made the philosophy of the country

                                                          • 答:该国像往常一样在韩国的名字“东海(到T)”确定,可能需要更改的歌词不 A As for domestic name inside Korea until recently sort “Tokai with as for the necessity to change OK and the lyric it is not to the ton ”
                                                            • •该国的名字叫做海自由弓周围的东西 Name inside the home country probably calls the sea around something but it is free
                                                            • 国际捐助来如此多的手不充分,当然家 Because it is busy inside the home country either naturally many international contribution has not done

                                                          • 编号:津岛7w0nQJijO家伙是真正的还是我理解它的领土,并在日本乃至国际上从历史的角度不明确镭
                                                            ID: 7w0nQJijO True characteristic it is dense Tsushima Japanese territory puts out clearly considered as historical viewpoint, So understanding even internationally, the [ru

                                                            • 美国!美国!美国!美国!美国!美国!
                                                              USA! USA! USA! USA! USA! USA!

                                                              • 美国,当然,还有一个作为一个本地电话名韩国名字也不会否认,就韩国人,我思牛称为剥夺了他们的东西或所有日本人你永远不会觉得饱 Of course because either America probably does not deny that it is the Korean name as a local name The South Korean thinks that sort it should have called something until now and As for the Japanese as for the air which denies that separately completely it is not

                                                                • 薯芋美国这种干预的国家
                                                                  Foreign intervention in domestic affairs to both countries by the United States and [ro] this

                                                                  • 该国的名称来标识对菲律宾海和日本海的国际标准的名称,但我说的不公平,因为(菲律宾海)南中国海(中国南海)孟加拉湾(孟加拉湾)日本海(日本海上)和Facebook以及所有连接到几个国家 As for designating international standard name as name of specific nation however the Sea of Japan it is opposite in the reason that it is unjust Philippine Sea the Philippine sea South China Sea south China Sea Bay of Bengal Bay of Bengal Sea of Japan the Sea of Japan Everything touching to plural countries don t you think the ru
                                                                    • U S 国务院副发言人对此碳粉在接受采访时八天的国际公认的标题是“海”,我们认为“所有的描述,符号”日本海“统一”东海“有没有伴随着需要,并表现出认为 As for toner secondary reporting official of the American state department in interview of 8 days “as for the inscription which is acknowledged internationally that the Sea of Japan is you think concerning this” The opinion that with you express standardize inscription to the “Sea of Japan” and “Tokai” 併 you are not necessary to record was expressed
                                                                    • 什么白宇野评论→在东海白色代表的日本海单独 我只是坚持认为,东海也显示,因为只有他们不要进入你的心在国际上披露了日本球员的名字是眼睛比如我看 The people the Japanese name being used on international Therefore just it does not like that 併 it records you just insist In Tokai Sea of Japan margin gt in Tokai independent inscription the margin tsu te as for saying Discernibly the ru

                                                                  • 说什么废话是621 KORIA韩国称这是文明的发祥地睡眠狂所有废话,我以前的声明慈5000年的历史,它交配
                                                                    621 Sleeping, saying, it should call [negoto] As for KORIA area of civilization appearance As for Republic of Korea there is 5000 history Entirely you saying, [ru] thing random The [kichigai] skin being able to wait

                                                                    • 这也,我将狩猎分钟,让我和螺丝弯曲事实如何韩国 You understand even with this whether it has been about that how Korea the screw will bend fact don t you think
                                                                      • 韩国只要你想你的脸不仅甜 When the sweet face is done be sure to attach Korea and to rise

                                                                    • 这是76达洛尼加黄柏溃疡轻松击败同它的力量来调整在日本? “米刚性抗日事业在世界上 76 That Japan is the same When it rides in condition the ro which is smashed up simply and is Counter day happens in the world it is
                                                                      • 我们将更加懂得我的世界是多么恨 How much being disliked in world you know well whether the ru

                                                                    • 这片海域的名称只有一个!“日本海”
                                                                      THE NAME Of This Sea Is ONLY ONE! ! “Sea Of JAPAN”

                                                                      • 那么,除了点和射击,色调分钟我就觉得 Well other than foolish chiyon understanding you think as the ru

                                                                        • 韩国大家族后裔清会不高兴世能
                                                                          It probably is dissatisfied thing in the large Empire of China being attached Empire of Korea end 裔, the [u

                                                                          • 韩国意识,民族和理解,可以妥协,即使没有任何理由
                                                                            Considering and conceding to the Korean, it is not the race which reason you can understand

                                                                            • 韩国教科书的第一断言!领土的美国 韩国 韩国公民到郁陵岛,新皇后金谷。卷轴被绘以征服(14世纪)的反对 The first textbook of Korea asserts As for Korean territory to 鬱 mausoleum island Empress the Korean type citizens and God Isao new The picture scroll which draws subjugation the 14th century it repels
                                                                              • 韩国教科书的第一断言!领土的美国 韩国 韩国公民到郁陵岛,新皇后金谷。卷轴被绘以征服(14世纪)的反对 The first textbook of Korea asserts As for Korean territory to 鬱 mausoleum island Empress the Korean type citizens and God Isao new The picture scroll which draws subjugation the 14th century it repels

                                                                            • 韩国海洋这是从世界的唯一的负面之前,日本的日本韩国海域海海域是朝鲜的土地 Worldwide they are your being defeated the South Korean As for the Sea of Japan the Sea of Japan As for the Sea of Japan the Japanese sea As for Korea the North Korean land
                                                                              • 马虎,韩国人穿着世界KERO感 To some extent the South Korean learns common sense of the world

                                                                            • 首先,该方案具有较高的Bakachon。只有一个问题的第一块寿
                                                                              Fool-proof first China high phrase. After problem tidying up, it does, the [yo] [u

                                                                              • 高句丽是制度的一部分遭到她的丈夫在中国古代少数民族的其他人“是全国地方政府高句丽是中国的一部分”,并很好地适合地方的意见
                                                                                The high phrase 麗 a little more than the husband who is the small-numbered race which is in ancient China is the administration which portion of the person revives, “The high phrase 麗 is the Chinese portion and is local administration of the home country” opinion comes even place exactly that

                                                                                研究 開発