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“That person directly was easy”, “in the politician stress test necessity. Unless that it can clear, the prime minister is not possible,” - 菅 child Mrs. Noboru, you talk to press corps


  • 18区选区的代表,东京(武藏野,府中,小金井市)众议院正在考虑在全国的选民都
    The Lower House election Ku The Tokyo 18th Ku (Musashi Noichi, Fuchu city and Koganei city) to everyone of voter All citizen sees

    • NULL y 39 39 39 39 No ⌒ REPT REPT No REPT Γ ⌒ REPT DREPT ⌒ ⌒ 92 92 ¯ two U 39 i ⌒ ⌒ REPT 92 ゙ i 菅 human Well it is butsuchigiri … 92 39 92 No one about allows to come near … Pigeon ⌒ l ⌒ REPT no l ⌒ REPT no ¯ r U r U no ¯ no ¯
      • 旋钮 ZZZ · · ·让我们的不是谁我Tsutoppu,页面 , 所以我们不仅有利于与其他人 A ( )鸽子· (⌒升⌒ヽ No It is we two top … Zzz… he y 39 39 39 39 No ⌒ REPT REPT No REPT Γ ⌒ REPT DREPT ⌒ ⌒ 92 92 ¯ two U 39 i ⌒ ⌒ REPT 92 ゙ i 菅 human Well it is butsuchigiri … 92 39 92 No one about allows to come near … Pigeon ⌒ l ⌒ REPT no l ⌒ REPT no ¯ r U r U no ¯ no ¯

    • “太太”,因为他们已经知道?政府卫生署,不站起来,蝙蝠管 ” Line up “you did not know DH system the 菅 does not stand in at bat

      • “要解决的问题迅速,螃蟹和核灾难,很容易”的说法,如果追捕,“已经不能容易解决的事情,”是什么,我就傻瓜那不勒斯? “Solving earthquake disaster and nuclear problem rapidly at the same time it was easy” if you understand but “It could not solve at all but it was easy” don t you think the tsu te the fool
        • 所以,你穿没有立即飞津市Bisouninattemo撤销掉了核爆炸 The nuclear plant becoming may blow off settling it pulls and is to be confined with reason the shank

      • 一个自觉的妻子和胜曝气,多么无耻的情侣对齐教条丈夫痛苦的皮肤不厚
        Being unyielding, our consciousness excessive wife and, the husband who is arbitrary the skin of [tsura] is thick The married couple being even, it is impudent

        • 丈夫压力测试“是不好的五分钟或10分钟!三爱在30分钟了!” Stress test to master “In 5 minutes and 10 minutes useless As for 30 minutes without putting out ”

          • 不要以为在垫子上通道寄生虫和死
            You think that on the tatami mat it can die, is, the parasite

            • 不要打猎或几分钟,这些家伙什么意识来889 889 You understand it isn t and others it is dense did with some consciousness
              • 他没有看到它更容易寻找分钟 That person directly was easy If you see you understand

            • 什么是它这样做无论木屐遂由首相小泉邮政民营化,我认为从门后缀Merubeki遂长矛自由化和核电也取消了总理侃
              Prime Minister Koizumi being involved in postal services commercialization, as accomplished, After 菅 also the prime minister accomplishing the deviation from nuclear plant and electrical freeing, you think that we should stop,

              • 从一对夫妇真嗣放射性铯
                The cesium married couple who spreads the radioactivity and scatters

                • 你可以跟无常浅思斋宫,所有的责任和指责别人的内容 Thoughtless thing talking with the idea As for content and responsibility consequence of all others
                  • 我在过什么如果电源调整Yaberyaiittemonjane Riding in condition don t you think you talk with anything and the ya are and say it is

                • 压力测试,以公众! !在不久的将来人数累积压力,因为大多数的管 Even in citizen stress test Stress the number of citizens who accumulate is most numerous soon with consequence of the tube
                  • 达洛尼加是没有常识的人的意图没用前的压力测试 Unless there is common sense as a human before the stress test the ro which is useless

                • 可再生能源法案,法案以减少温室气体排放量,有一项法案之前的核事故
                  As for the renewable energy bill, with the bill in order to reduce the greenhouse effect gas, There was a bill from before the nuclear accident

                  • 因此,美国举行了辩论,还南多,我决定作为政治家的韧性 Therefore many times United States in holding the D bait toughness as a politician is judged

                    • 因此,遵循与墨索里尼或齐奥塞斯库和他的妻子同样的命运
                      It may trace the same end road as Mussolini and the [chiyaushiesuku] husband and wife

                      • 国家继续接受最极端的压力测试? As for the citizen who continues to take the severe stress test
                        • 现在好了,我的人来说,压力测试 But well now the citizen during the stress test

                      • 国家还不能满足甚至五个月后,即使在地震发生后,将缓解阶梯酒吧Soryaa与临时房屋 Also five months after the earthquake disaster passing even the still temporary dwelling it does not make satisfactory pub ladder in a state where It probably is the sled ya a easy

                        • 在他任职期间与地震,但核事故造成的连接等痛苦和悲伤的人 ,但没有什么好它与目前的销售 Although the being connected and nuclear accident of earthquake disaster occurred during tenure … The citizen sheath hardship and the like how being good harshly
                          • “可再生能源”和“核电推广”将于分钟狩猎是设置 “Renewable energy” “propulsion of nuclear plant” It probably will understand that it becomes set
                          • 国外捐赠,与朝鲜,已经较长时间十日核事故响应,然后链接躺在几英里的地方 Foreign donation the being connected of North Korea and correspondence at the time of nuclear accident you probably will bite already News item does many coming out the ru

                        • 在拉斯维加斯穿着坦克核事故与数字福一开始冷却稳定在三部法律的脚张津长矛彻底拉断注水以及Gazeneta自民党发泄也是一种自由,并于对接布
                          The vent and seawater fill in Liberal Democratic Party [gazeneta] the finish foot while being pulled, Three methods it finished to do and also luck one reached to stability cooling In the first place, nuclear accident was the rear end wiping of our people and

                          • 女士先生们,昨天我做饭以下?什么做不来居住Kitasou错开与他的妻子病危,我将强调高档餐厅每天晚上出来呀
                            Child Mrs. Noboru, was cooking dining together of yesterday how? Sled [ya] every night high-class store eating out the trap [a] where either stress does not accumulate With the married couple returning to the official residence with the tottering step, it probably will cause it isn't?

                            • 如果是舆论说,我们不交叉和当前的政治愚蠢忠 If that calls public opinion being called foolish group of people politics it is helpless

                              • 安倍晋三是前国家损害外交部长死亡,说:“40年梅花久保被认为是在安倍晋三(80),在首相安倍晋三在接受朝日新闻周刊采访时父亲的家庭管家忽视,前外相安倍承认对于内部转移细节回到家,一个相对 The death of former Foreign Minister Abe was damage of the country” that with Abe house gate Kubo plum which passed 40 years as a housekeeping lady 80 with interview of weekly Asahi The father of Prime Minister Abe it conveyed inside the home which former Foreign Minister Abe confesses relatively in detail
                                • 安倍晋三是前外交部长国家损害死亡,“死亡,惜 The death of former Foreign Minister Abe was damage of the country” that with Abe house gate Kubo plum which passed 40 years as a housekeeping lady 80 with interview of weekly Asahi The father of Prime Minister Abe it conveyed inside the home which former Foreign Minister Abe confesses relatively in detail

                              • 安倍立即逃跑至少一次压力测试 Also as for Abe when stress it tests it decreases instantaneously the diarrhea

                                • 工党首相谁不是公民的日常奢侈感门店每天Meshiuma瓦特
                                  Prime Minister it is the day laborer of citizen feeling everyday at the high-class store [meshiuma] w

                                  • 当时,“我得是什么,”说的话是从与案件不必要的麻烦,如果没有事先挖色思立即中风 “We some oak the oral ya ” without advance previous arrangement that time because you spoke excessively with the idea it became trouble

                                    • 总理大臣的世界,你做我吗?并说有一个销售术语“对了是”,民主党“仍在底部”的顺利 The prime minister of world does what There is a word that “on the top is” but In the Democratic party “under the bottom still is” matches well
                                      • 我搞砸了世界里面的一部分,没有一个在民主党的错误 Society becoming strange as for ru cause there is the Democratic party not to be wrong

                                    • 总理萨利赫的妻子围绕选举喉咙,但是它周围的件,低着头获得选民性确保管时,选民的女主人的感觉。它是说什么喜欢的东西拍立业反向 As for the wife of the prime minister the election throat although it is put out the around the road it apologizes to the voter who goes and turns As for piece and tube in lover and occasion impression of voter You say that the thing kind of word which in opposite is done it was to reel
                                      • 阿姨围绕这些选举销售,但它周围的件,低着头获得选民性肯定,那是什么案件管理是女主人乳缲日 As for the old lady the election throat although it is put out the around the road it apologizes to the voter who goes and turns You call the piece and the tube that the lover and the milk it was to reel

                                    • 您收到会员TEST西田,虚。答案是,它的德国? ? ? ?
                                      TEST receiving from Assemblyman Nisida, emptiness. The fact that you reply is [do] when? ? ? ?

                                      • 我也有压力和紧张的麻烦不能觉得自己很蠢 Being foolish does not feel stress stress it is troubled but it is

                                        • 我去的绅士似乎不是总理的办公设备最后
                                          The Noboru child may to keep stealing fixture end of the prime minister official residence, is

                                          • 我真正的人类败类对准奢侈圈每天晚上不管什么关于已婚夫妇的受害者也有进入和无住所居住在临时房屋现在螨
                                            Even now in the temporary dwelling not inserting, the sufferer of refuge living is in spite the married couple being even, every night luxurious concentration as expected the kudzu of the human

                                            • 我认为人们会修改以后就变得平静期
                                              If future age become calm, you think that it is the person who is taken a second look

                                              • 据我从什么类型的杂音很多独自在说我不满意津市谈话说,他真的在这里Netouyo十日837 837 Actually netouyo saying here either the ru person without conversing being formed because hits alone hits the kind of type which you say preponderantly is many

                                                • 无论如何,你放心在这过程中面临的管住看着这个有趣
                                                  Anyhow, [huzake] of the tube it is with this the face without seeing, it is completed, because it will be refreshing

                                                  • 日本可以了解试题可渡河最小的十日Komoranai论点,即使坏事 Whether you can understand Japanese of the minimum question that there being a hateful thing pulling and not being confined
                                                    • 说真的,我是最最坏的无耻与配偶对齐 The ho it is with the married couple being even being impudent impudent being lowest worst the shank

                                                  • 日本夫妇之间活动家从抗日学生,我常常Wakaran
                                                    As for Japanese of married couple of anti-Japanese student movement leaving home body Don't you think? to be good it is from the [wa

                                                    • 日本是今年前直到去年,“易”我有一个自己的感觉和目前的销售,或狩猎一分钟如何管理是异常 Becoming the Japanese top from last year extending through this year you call “ease” It can have feeling you understand itself with this administration how was abnormal

                                                      • 森田,无论Souiya 25“官僚和部长们说我是什么很难津市谈与总理谈泄漏”你和你的鸣叫是什么管我是傀儡的家伙会 25 So whether well it is Morita “because the story which is made the prime minister leaks story doing and the zu and others saying and saying the ru bureaucracy and the Cabinet minister are” tsu te tsuito doing the shelf The ma the tube it is dense was the puppet it is probably will be
                                                        • 峰会判断他的出访,如我照顾的助手和所有不必要的官僚作风 As for travel abroad of summit and the like the bureaucracy and the aide taking care entirely his own judgment is unnecessary

                                                      • 此外,“(围绕一个政治家),具有较高的知名度,如果时间和精力上长一点的工作,所以我认为朝鲜问题得到解决 In addition if there is a time when popularity is high around “ as a politician depending is already active a little vigorously You think that it solved also the North Korean problem
                                                        • 国家Irya认为公众关心,这是不容易呀 Nation thinking the citizen that how it is good it needs and the ya the sled ya the trap which is easy
                                                        • 我需要,但不是作为一个政治家的第一场职业没有你 Well unless it is the professional from first as a politician it is troubled but it is
                                                        • 政客恶棍,受害者公开 Citizen Villain Politician Victim

                                                      • 民主党民主党削减链,甚至没有做任何事情萨拉,不也同样负有责任巴雷,他们不遵守法律 The Democratic party of the Democratic party which finishes to rot does not apologize doing whatever being discovered responsibility you do not take Law is not protected
                                                        • 民主党人拒绝削减烂顶部 The Democratic party which finishes to rot top of Kudzu

                                                      • 特别是当没有什么地震是安全与和平
                                                        At the time of earthquake disaster without especially at all, that it was calm safe

                                                        • 由朝鲜特工Shingansu生活日本·请求宽大处理
                                                          From life of Japanese North Korean operative [shingansu], quarter suit

                                                          • 男士配件揭幕战,但不称职的总理不会Buritai灾害简
                                                            The Noboru child wants the way of the heroine, however it is probably will be, after all the accessory of disabled prime minister

                                                            • 百万人每年一次由君子谁挖色与一些愚蠢的一千年一万年一次的感觉最糟糕的情况下为黄金时间做好准备。这是否重建工作刚刚超过梅尔终于呼夫妇字 In thousand years one time In foolish prime minister 菅 In thousand years one time The worst ready Noboru child Two people together In 1 000 000 year person of one time Married couple Do do it stops at last Revival it came at last here
                                                              • 不过,美食我刚才讲的,或者不进行政治与恩戴滑稽又重建思什么痰,也 Although is only high class eating out becoming topic the ru to do politics and revival It does not advance but it is with it is strange with you think it is after all

                                                            • 破坏性激进像哭穷左派,永田洋子的原理,如穷人功率管具有良好的口型翼
                                                              The left flank where the mouth is good = 菅 The power principle person who swindles the like pauper Unskillful left flank of mouth = Nagata Youko like destructive radical group

                                                              • 禁止白色叛徒政治家有没有抗日爱国
                                                                The anti-Japanese traitor who does not have patriotism becoming the politician prohibition margin

                                                                • 秘书处的秘密资金不挖掘屁股丈夫,W达洛尼加绑架确保拍摄获奖除以退休金带圆
                                                                  [ketsu] of the master hitting Secretariat secret expense, whole the [tsu] carrying off in the retirement lump sum grant substituting, the [ro] w which is [ku] contrivance

                                                                  • 第一夫人使南特研究员傻瓜真的不是这个愚蠢couple ll恨!什么?这种态度愚弄公众!这是堕落获得地位和抛出当这些人甚至就在你的石头Gomikuzu寒意! koitsu first lady how is made foolish Truly dislike this foolish married couple What The attitude which makes this citizen foolish When you become the simply person the stone and the rubbish kudzu it falls to the status which is thrown
                                                                    • 这个愚蠢的妻子,西罗落入地狱。 This foolish married couple fall to the hell…

                                                                  • 经济是一个薄弱点,没有外交意识,危机是从零左管理能力
                                                                    Therefore as for economy unskillfulness, diplomacy [onchi], left flank as for crisis management ability zero

                                                                    • 绘画回到从肠道政治家日工慢慢不 Therefore day laborer politician The intestine boiled and the chestnut returned
                                                                      • 从政治家的寄生虫产生由工人每日 Therefore the parasite politician who consists of the day laborer and rises
                                                                      • 绘画回到从肠道政治家日工慢慢不 Therefore day laborer politician The intestine boiled and the chestnut returned

                                                                    • 美国,与东海伴随没有使用,但我喜欢的反应,当韩国宣布,驼背,只有日本,Netouyo未来海战 America does not use the 併 description of Tokai in the future only the Sea of Japan calls When with announcing it is the Korean like reaction netouyo
                                                                      • 没有任何证据“最整齐Netouyo低学历”的可能性很高,它只是说我从十日慈自我推荐 Though “ netouyo low educational background neat” calling many bases without also the possibility that being mere self introduction from the ru is high but

                                                                    • 而在错误之间的性能和右往左往出租无能不称职的老板最常见的类型
                                                                      Being too disabled, you run about in confusion and the error to demon convert in the performance Typical type of disabled superior

                                                                      • 自恋型人格障碍什么的垫房可通过电阻测试回收
                                                                        The self love characteristic personality handicapped person who can be cleared with tolerance inspection no [za] room

                                                                        • 这也是丈夫前利弊这是瓦特
                                                                          Don't you think? the master is the previous offense person, to whichever w

                                                                          • 遗传性立法者试图制作成恩戴乱伦的池塘暨狂Busayo什么,为什么?
                                                                            With something during [kichigaibusayo] [tsu] [te] near relation committing incest the swamp bearing with the putting out 婚, Assemblyman descent it tries to be able to point to that?

                                                                            • 阿姨是一个原则的例子之间的差异
                                                                              This old lady has made a mistake in principle principle

                                                                              • 阿很多已经分配给其他人员是一种原始的政治停滞一块没有得到诅咒
                                                                                Bearing political stagnation, the fragment of [ru] prime mover extremely is other personal affairs

                                                                                • 面对吸吮管,它肯定是迄今为止看到的丑陋的脸恢复康茹议会议事实况转播,但没有说,妇女和酒店住宿,尽快简先生首次当选国会议员不思酒店的帐单时,舀正是汉是在这个时候的心情,是在什么地方“政治资金”我认为他被吸引到依靠“金”的。我认为从眼帘由一位夫人输出力矩的生命阶段锋利的样子。这对夫妻是想立即致富 From the tsu which it does as for the face of the 菅 however you say that it is the resume You see with the National Diet relay 菅 the face had become scurvy with did not think to here When 菅 after the member of the Diet first being elected directly the woman and hotel lodging the scoop being done Just hotel generation whether it puts out from somewhere that had become matter of concern You think that from this time 菅 you were fascinated by “the money of the politician and” had applied With “gold” When you look at the life stage of the husband and wife you think that there are times when it is visible clearly The husband and wife thinks that when we would like to become the rich person Being able to arrive even with the employment jobless man most reputation in shape 菅 The money which comes out of the striking coming out saw hammer which now is used is the tax ♪ don t you think That if there is a feeling which from election prompt first grade Assemblyman age can be applied you think that it is “easy”
                                                                                  • 当第一个家伙的Kusobabaa想当政治家选举什么尻马方管从吸吮。“君子”的宣言。 。让我们不要把车选 It does from the tsu which riding in the rear end horse of the 菅 the kusobabaa me of the politician posturing When it is dense it becomes election “ Declaration of Noboru child” It pastes in the election car it is the ze which is

                                                                                • 鸠山说,在100天上升下胸罩就职843记者“是100天,你是怎么成为首相?有什么压力比原来思?”,“鸠山就任首相前没有什至没有尝试比较的压力,第十日“它的水平和西雅图在人类历史上每一个接收谁是神相应的例子是什么样子的辉煌 843 As for Hatoyama with the dangling of inauguration 100th day It is reporter “inauguration 100th day but becoming the prime minister how was Rather than thinking was there a heavy pressure ” Before becomes “Prime Minister Hatoyama because heavy pressure you did not think it will compare but it is not” It is the method which does the receiving answer like tsu te God The 燦 way it is the level which shines in mankind history
                                                                                  • 如果总理和在同一时间的球员之一,感到心脏疼痛不眠,每多,一天的压力应该由斗争的支持,必须围绕 When the normal human has done the prime minister in the same time the extent which everyday you cannot sleep Pain of heavy pressure and heart is felt around is desperate and you must support the expectation

                                                                                • (前外相安倍),也应该看到“朝鲜我(人),但
                                                                                  (Former Foreign Minister Abe) the self 'I am Korea (person)

                                                                                  研究 開発