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Wish to transfer the 14,000 elementary and middle school in Fukushima Prefecture. Situation will hinder the restoration by the next generation.


  • 177 Edano“将不会立即影响,”甚至影响了它的10年后说:“我没有上没有什么影响后说:”这是在逃避增益 177 The branch field “at once there is no influence” it is dictum Influence appearing 10 years later influence is not with is not said “as for me afterwards” Now it can escape
    • 我可以期待政府关心321年后10? 321 Thing something of 10 years later it is visible in the government which is made the air

  • 265为什么沙漠?津市但我什至在鸟取县青困难
    265 With something desert? Afforesting with even the Tottori dune, being troubled, although the [ru

    • 361流程和基本码的地方是破解地球和杂草覆盖,因为他们拒绝去污恩戴顽固的政府和学校是我仍然是一个净化柏高层次,可向市长不要看到孩子们反应相当严重,如果你指定一个公民,我呼吁Netouyo博客是从门的运行过程,同时升挂土烟的放射性 361 As for the essential schoolyard and the garden garden because administration and the school the stubbornness is to the decontamination is refused The place where it is covered in the earth and the weed it continues to be high level Kashiwa city something netouyo calling the citizen to whom the mayor appeals the decontamination with burogu Completely serious correspondence is not shown While the children hoisting the earth smoke of the radioactivity you sending the schoolyard the ru
      • 361流程和基本码的地方是破解地球和杂草覆盖,因为他们拒绝去污恩戴顽固的政府和学校是我仍然是一个净化柏高层次,可向市长别看所有严重抚养被称为民间Netouyo分配的博客我是从学校的院子门口悬挂的运行,而土烟的放射性 361 As for the essential schoolyard and the garden garden because administration and the school the stubbornness is to the decontamination is refused The place where it is covered in the earth and the weed it continues to be high level Kashiwa city something netouyo calling the citizen to whom the mayor appeals the decontamination with burogu Completely serious correspondence is not shown While the children hoisting the earth smoke of the radioactivity you sending the schoolyard the ru
      • ※有没有在灾区孩子们可以听到这种方式Koenaku请保持单词承诺直到他去世的重建现场放射病 Until the children of suffering area die being radiation sickness please remain in the locale and endeavor to revival There is no either not being audible in such wind

    • Eventhough不相关的辐射安全系统゙哈哈゙゙゙系统千疮百孔。厨房和我
      As for the birthplace there is no anything related to radioactivity with the [shi] ゙ [shi] ゙ [ha] ゙ [ha] ゙ being lazy because cheaply. 厨 It puts out,

      • _NULL_
        Entire stone. It should think of conversion seriously │ Blue Forest └ ┐ Government and present condition of business scholar and producer ├ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ┤ The grindstone which you think. It cannot it be other than converting │ │ . ┌ ─ ─ ┐ │ └ ┐ . │ Ishikawa │ │ └ ┐ ┬ ┐ ├ ─ ─ ┼ ─ ─ ┬ ─ ─ ┘ └ ┐ │ └ ┐ │ Fukui │ Toyama │ │ ┤ └ ┬ ─ ─ ┼ ─ ─ ┼ ─ ─ ┼ ─ ─ ┐ Sarcophagus │ │ Hyogo │ Kyoto │ Shiga │ Gifu │ Nagano │ │ ┤ ┌ ┴ ─ ┬ ┴ ─ ┬ ┴ ─ ┬ ┴ ─ ─ ┘ │ ├ ─ ┤ Osaka │ Nara │ Aichi │ │ ┤ └ ┬ ─ ┴ ─ ┬ ┴ ─ ┬ ┴ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ┘ │ Tokushima │ Wakayama │ triple │ ┴ ─ ─ ┴ ─ ─ ─ ┴ ─ ─ ┘

        • 。 0 +♂♀库 F2 X - MENS
          . 0 + XXMAL XXFEM - > F1 . 0 + F1 - > F2 X-MENS

          • 下北半岛北端的本州丰富或日本最大的城市之一
            Even in Japan the prominent rich self-governing community is the Shimokita peninsula of the main island most north edge

            • 与核有关的设施在日本,这可能是向所有的福岛核废料处理设施
              The processing place of the atomic energy-related facility and the nuclear waste in Japan should have been made in all Fukushima prefectures

              • 东京电力公司核电倡导者和这个国家的感谢,同时也可以
                That and this favor of country and Tokyo Electric Power Company and nuclear propulsion group

                • 东京电力公司的福岛第一制药核电站事故发生后的天气和希望福岛14000留学生,谁拥有多达40001千百67和青少年谁想要转移到现有的外福岛县县小到八天,并采访除以县
                  The small junior high and high school students of Fukushima 14,000 person Change of schools and desire After the Tokyo Electric Power Fukushima first nuclear accident, from Fukushima prefecture to inside and outside the prefecture already transfer the small junior high and high school students and the applicant who On the eighth, it understood with collection of data to the prefecture that it is promoted to be 14,176 person,

                  • 什么将永远消毒后第一个恢复或重建,可以在这种状态下是如何进行第一次调用,EH一些疏散的选项 Passing how long as for the decontamination without advancing How doing in this state the notion that where it can revive The ro which is also the choices that is you abandon revival evacuate and
                    • 但现在的部分,你想给更多的孩子将来的重建 So now we want thinking of the future of the children from revival

                  • 什么是我们西金下661消息 661 Under the money calling it is message
                    • 唯一的援助,我们Dattara 661亚热 661 When is helping

                  • 从它的个人癌症基因异常体作为一个物种,但比这个问题是不是生殖细胞体更糟糕的这里也影响子孙后代的严重问题将不会从一个师可能增加的问题卵母细胞而不是流产茹了重大影响的一代和未来将打破在胎儿和婴儿弱辐射可靠和曝光,因为通过不增加等待被迫决定从婴儿畸形时数,已知疾病,遗传隐性基因缺陷可能会受到影响,甚至如果没有这样的效果 Therefore as for the cancer gun abnormality of the somatic cell genetics for the individual but the seriousness as excessively it is not problem As for problem reproduction cell This is influence even after the next generation this one is serious Because the somatic cell increases with separation however there is no problem because the egg cell does not increase number having been decided from at the time of the young child when it is bombed in state of the young child and the fetus who are weak in radiation it is broken securely And big influence appears in the following generation Miscarriage the deformity and intellectual obstacle such influence appears Even if there is no influence and the te and gene defect furthermore is taken over by the following generation with inferior heredity and the possibility of emerging with generation of the grandchild are high

                    • 令人惊讶的是不只是争取更好的会津转让只有百分之十的我不能犯了一个错误,应该是小EH转移 You made a mistake it is only one tenth which is the wa where the thing which is not transferred is the surprise Excluding Aizu direction the ro almost should transfer
                      • 令人惊讶的是不只是争取更好的会津转让只有百分之十的还不能,嗯应该是小转 Still only one tenth the wa where the thing which is not transferred is the surprise Excluding Aizu direction the ro almost should transfer

                    • 关于25千克铀原子弹在广岛,估计 As for the Hiroshima atomic bomb With presumption uranium 25kg Extent
                      • 关于25千克铀原子弹在广岛,估计 As for the Hiroshima atomic bomb With presumption uranium 25kg Extent

                    • 其中的144人在一夜之间,约11所小学的学生(如今年5月),近10%的7000人的所有地小学生
                      As for the elementary school student among these 10,144, All the elementary school student approximately 117,000 people inside the prefecture (point in time of May last year) one tenth or less

                      • 农业,科技TEPCO和政府不希望在赔偿适合畜牧业
                        The adjusting skill of Tokyo Electric Power Company and the government where we would not like compensation for damage to agriculture and the livestock industry

                        • 删除。内部接触的工作,如果曝光引起了内部僵硬或它的多了几分温柔和Sundaro发生或在大脑中积累的智慧放射性物质的不利影响
                          Removal. Inside being bombed with job, the radioactive substance accumulating in the brain miso, the [ro] which adverse effect happens to intelligence and/or is completed If the filter loose thing which that does already is bombed inside, it happens

                          • 十五前的一个核事故发生在七月天,即省外谁旌旗27600学童单独天气
                            You say that from occurrence of nuclear accident to July 15th, even just the elementary and junior high school students 7672 total transferred outside the prefecture,

                            • 十年后,它变成了收入来源,我做我是开放的土地觊觎Sabaota废墟OTA
                              10 years later becoming the land of ruins [ota] drivelling, the [ru] When it should have opened to also [sabaota] become revenue source it may

                              • 十日町安室奈美惠胸部的热量是总部设在东京的新闻和公司住所
                                When the head office and the employee's house of Tokyo newspaper become Namie Cho chest heat

                                • 博士iela灯塔是如此的放射性危机没有得到很好的,说好了什么,我们为此而说这是好什么是从政府机构按那么好,买韭菜种植Tteki茨城此外,还有黄柏1046总放射性 The teacher whose Tokyo University is great calls all right Either melt down has not done so is To call the radioactivity to the body because so is You say that the mass communications and government are all right So so at this time buying the leek of the Ibaraki product when the radioactivity you measure There was also 1046
                                  • Seifuga真的35,抖动引起的噪声和防止伊予WW被迫出走什么是真正的很多球员只是看的人,说什么食糖消费青睐的放射性,限制运动或居住自由,不必由之路 35 seihuga and minshiyuga in only saying truly actuality the party tsu te which is not visible it is many ww To prevent population outflow you turn off the radioactivity or restrict the freedom of residence moving or only either one there is a method

                                • 可能是甲状腺癌患者u200bu200b的增加是狠狠的决定
                                  As for the thyroid cancer increasing fiercely decision

                                  • 因此,经过痛苦,但我有一个当地人,当地人,我不更重要的是从短缺愤怒?这种情况不是他能理解自己的位置?东京电力公司和工作人员短缺的问题,核安全,核安全研究所委员会,人是活的,我看到每个人的身体完整Nounou太多?我得到了同样的事情在欧洲下周我生下了我是被恐怖分子炸毁了思 But as for meeting to the painful eye with that local people what the local people you do not get angry more with something it is the combining which is Being able to understand the circumstance which by your are placed With something as for the Tokyo Electric Power Company employee and atomic energy safe committee and people of atomic energy preservation institute Being everyone body satisfactory living lightheartedly don t you think the ru it is probably will be When the same thing you do around Europe being blasted by the following week with terrorism you think as the ru but it is
                                    • 看来,当地人真的不买931分钟,并优先为“不假装知道,”即使没有人比其他什么困难的决定 931 Way the local people do not understand truly but Priority is acquired they are not anything ones other than deciding of worry “of the inclination which is not understood”

                                  • 国会事务委员会主席对不起Datte原口415位Tsuiteru一応没有放射性污染,从拘留中
                                    415 The [me] is even blastopore House of Representatives general affairs chairman, being attached to the position once, the [ru], does not relate to radiation contamination

                                    • 在完成居民,边界关闭,IC高速公路封锁,子弹列车迁移到传递沿线Czene - 新那须盐原白石
                                      When immigration of the prefectural people completes, closing of prefectural boundary and IC blockade of the highway, as for the Shinkansen if the Nasu salt field - it does not make pass to new Shiraishi, viewing

                                      • 在转移到省的情况下,他提前到十五天,七月,4500人57学童发现,在夏天希望nine 907十留学生
                                        With the case of change of schools, 4575 elementary and junior high school students moves to July 15th inside the prefecture, the small junior high and high school students 799 person is desired in summer vacation

                                        • 在那个冬天北风,并受污染的伊势湾,琵琶湖,人们暴露水平在短时间内死亡几个小时 When it is the winter with the north wind it is polluted from Lake Biwa to the Ise bay and the level which in several hours dies to brief Is bombed the inhabitant
                                          • 在工作 u200b u200b中没有更多的东西什么是当前的土地污染,以及对公众造成滋扰 Above this making the thing with the land where the present time was polluted you put annoyance on the citizen

                                        • 奇。达洛尼加旅游资源,而不是任何怪物和博物馆
                                          Oddity. It does to with also the sight-seeing resource, to a ghost museum it is the [ro] which is

                                          • 如何区分和关东关东关东歧视西 West Japan discriminating Kanto Kanto discriminates north Kanto kana
                                            • 我不梳或实际行或在北海道西部482 482 Only it goes to west Japan or Hokkaido fact

                                          • 如果以关东和福岛同等的地位,宫城也命中,但没有手 However Kanto and Miyagi in case of the same state as Fukushima there is no step
                                            • 不要Nakya第一部分还包括宫城县,茨城县常远 If originally either the Ibaraki and Miyagi portion must include extent

                                          • 对于859的放射性物质散布儿童在爆炸发生后立即
                                            859 Though it is dense, for With scattering the radioactive substance immediately after the exploding out

                                            • 对于下一代的重建也已受污染的一个值或没有? The next generation revives polluting too much the notion that where it is is not combining

                                              • 我不知道思政府和简单,不仅逃脱口说做不欺诈Ttetara Just the mouth clean thing saying with the fraud which government is popular and does you probably think that the cod it can escape

                                                • 我吃在东北放射性污染的东西不是说食品乌诺十日十日W〜儿童从爆裂或者如果我用在学校教育电脑最近的声誉受损 The radioactivity being polluted as for the food of northeast that you do not eat as for saying it is rumor damage from the ru that w As for child of recent years in school Because how to use the personal computer you are taught
                                                  • 在福岛放射性污染城市儿童应撤离所有 If the child everyone does not evacuate even in Fukushima city Radiation contamination of the level which does not become

                                                • 我希望如果我在中学,我会亚热Madashimo是我们,东西,用来花的手驹重建小学生 It is desired if it is rejoicing starting As for the junior high school student rather as for the elementary school student The child is used in the hand scene something of revival
                                                  • 祖冲从特洛伊木马的政府重建! Revival of government from Troy Therefore the Trojan horse of chiyon tsu

                                                • 我想一个更好的词恶心踢这个傲慢的自我中心和脂肪的东西,能与恢复干涉下一代 The situation which is not unable to cause hindrance to the revival by the next generation Being such an arrogance it can spit selfish word well you think that is
                                                  • 十日重建白 我真是马虎老害我们 Revival… The ho it is with old age damage to some extent margin

                                                • 支付任何补偿费用Yaikenakunarundayo为什么人们喜欢乙肝和321
                                                  321 If and the B type hepatitis why compensation cost the payment [wa] there is no citizen likely, it stops being able to go, it is

                                                  • 放射性污染的区域“康复债券”捆绑作为一个人的牺牲,以保持它馆前的孩子,我不知道在哪里可以找到无辐射飞溅的核燃料例如洗澡Bisekakeru之间的绝对必要性
                                                    In order to maintain [tatemae] which is called to radiation contamination zone “mark of revival” Being accustomed to binding the child as a human sacrifice, from with splash of the nuclear fuel [ru] radiation You do not know whether the inevitability which is poured without during becoming extinct is somewhere

                                                    • 无论哪种方式,富士产经集团的主要倡导者和叛徒
                                                      In any case, nuclear propulsion group and [hujisankeigurupu] are the traitor

                                                      • 昆虫自杀狮子 - - - 达洛尼加壮举不仅驱逐常任秘书长
                                                        The insect of Jishi double suicide - - - as for banishing the vice minister the [ro] which is only feat

                                                        • 测量方法:卫生部,“计量手册u200bu200b中的粮食紧急放射性物质”的诡协理由于各种测量γ射线谱仪
                                                          Measuring method: The public welfare Ministry of Labor to it corresponds “the radioactive physical measurement manual of the food in emergency” The nuclide measurement with Γ line spectrum meter

                                                          • 热门政府迫使人们固守本地过滤宁无法得到自愿的决定(Rubeki市保护居民的健康,特别是如果政府刻意隐瞒英 u200b u200b里) Either independent judgment is not possible the self governing community top which is attached to 寧 ro local end and coerces to also the inhabitant If government has concealed intend all the more the self governing community should protect the health of the inhabitant
                                                            • 如果邪恶是隐藏了什么我已经融化了Edano知识 The branch field the melt having known that it has knocked down it is bad to conceal

                                                          • 现在我该怎么集中津市1?这是在三个月立Tanakattara不可避免的前景 1 What being hasty after so long a time ru When goal is not in sight in 3 months it is inevitability

                                                            • 由于山是喜欢什么,如果一切都会很好的老挝处置 Because it probably is all right from year when 姥 you throw away and make the mountain like how probably will be
                                                              • 我做津市Bakkari剩余药渣?结束分裂 Remaining as for ru the refuse tsu temporary It ended
                                                              • 我喜欢孩子,并会在津说法是是 Making move is as for the child…

                                                            • 看在该地区为主,给孩子们,如疏散和应急准备方面谨慎区
                                                              You can see the child of the area which is appointed to precaution area and emergency evacuation preparation area etc as the center

                                                              • 福岛县福岛快现在只恢复了从福岛线为地下核试验和核废料的地方 The Fukushima prefecture people keep coming out of Fukushima quickly Because Fukushima revives from now on as a underground nuclear test blast and a nuclear abolition place
                                                                • 是啊,他们应该思福岛关闭 You think that Fukushima should close it is

                                                              • 福岛县,与国家相互勾结,并隐藏后,立即从快爆炸的主要信息 Because Fukushima prefecture conspiring with the country hid the speedy information immediately after the nuclear exploding
                                                                • 反媒体基层医疗正视的具体措施,我们认为至少不会在福岛县的复兴 As for the counter nuclear media as for the air which thinks of the concrete measure of Fukushima restoration honestly it is not smooth

                                                              • 福岛是燃料的未来,他们只有三对基达+更令人惊讶的还不流离失所的90组1切尔诺贝利反应堆Kudarou订购%反应器
                                                                Therefore Fukushima the reactor 3 basic + spent fuel reactor 1 Chernobyl it will pull out in the future, probably will be The person who still 9 tenths is not evacuated is the surprise

                                                                • 福岛第一制药1 4号682655公斤4公斤173颗原子弹 173 Atomic bomb 4kg Fukushima 11th 4 682655kg
                                                                  • 福岛县的东西,以便Itenai 552达洛尼加自来水 552 Therefore the ro which Fukushima prefecture people something is not hit and is
                                                                  • 颜射茶踢,我没有 u200b u200b得到人们的生活还没有,嗯,是不是有什么水平?什么福岛 The bu tsu chi ya ke ru and the person living still whether ru the ro which is tsu te level what Fukushima tsu te

                                                                • 福岛这个时候大约只有放射性物质的1 1000秒的价值还包括土地不会马上陷入 Don t you think as for the latest Fukushima only 1 1000 as for the radioactive substance including also the fact that it has not fallen to the land
                                                                  • 1福岛Terabekureru 180万放电放射性碘 由7 7吨SPEEDI总257吨u在3号机组3月6日共有12个二氧化铀的估计:00 0 3月24:11是00 Terabekureru共在18个小时,只有311万 Discharge quantity of radioactive iodine 1 800 000 tera Becquerel In case of Fukushima 1 3 with machine uranium oxide Total 257 t At uranium gross 7 7 t SPEEDI With as for the estimation March 12th 6 00 March 24th 0 00 In other words With just sum total of 11 days and 18 hours 3 110 000 tera Becquerel

                                                                • 裂变反应是他们当中约有4(1公斤左右铀)%的燃油全切尔诺贝利,180吨铀燃料释放到大气中是7吨3600公斤(相当于200公斤的铀计)估计 The fission reaction the 4 among these the uranium approximately 1 kg As for Chernobyl Whole fuel 180 As for ton and uranium 3 600kg As for the fuel which is discharged in the atmosphere 7 tons presumption converting to the uranium 200 kg suitable
                                                                  • 裂变反应是他们当中约有4(1公斤左右铀)%的燃油全切尔诺贝利,180吨铀燃料释放到大气中是7吨3600公斤(相当于200公斤的铀计)估计 The fission reaction the 4 among these the uranium approximately 1 kg As for Chernobyl Whole fuel 180 As for ton and uranium 3 600kg As for the fuel which is discharged in the atmosphere 7 tons presumption converting to the uranium 200 kg suitable

                                                                • 还可以制成瓦砾垃圾的方式在横滨山下公园
                                                                  By the way, also the Yokohama Yamashita park does with the rubbish trash

                                                                  • 这是说我会得到很好的分布,并提出在其他蔬菜安全十日 Already circulating be possible to say that the vegetable which was made at such a place it is safe the ru
                                                                    • 在日本社会的信任分发武器不应被毒奶粉 You do not have to trust the Japanese society which being unconcerned circulates the milk which was polluted
                                                                    • 污染量是花花公子我孟子756 756 It has done already The ge obtaining pollution quantitative shelf which it does

                                                                  • 通常情况下,TEPCO轩。折叠糕点周围恰好有“最重要的花园和葡萄园喜欢你的房子,我便与粪便污染”,当然是乐来道歉 Originally if Tokyo Electric Power the foremost one With the candy snapping turning “The house way important garden and the field were polluted with unko ” With coming to apology the proper
                                                                    • 东京电力公司的员工,民主党人,部委官员,核安全员工,学者滥用大规模滥杀的凶手 The Tokyo Electric Power employee and Democratic party Assemblyman multipara economical bureaucracy as for atomic energy preservation member and business scholar un discriminating mass murder offense

                                                                  • 那么,宣武和500名来自韩国巡航导弹也说,如果防御(战斧类似产品),有一个核电厂在福井的内发射出了问题大量范围,但我会 NULL
                                                                    • 曾有人指出,儿童的福岛核泄漏事故不断出来,情况就清楚是否转移从第一次是 So far outflow of the child to outside Fukushima prefecture due to nuclear accident was pointed out but as for the actual condition of change of schools becoming clear the first time
                                                                    • 福岛县福岛核电厂不在身边不再回到那里 It cannot return hukushima anymore in Fukushima of the time there was no nuclear plant

                                                                  • 镐头和第三牛肉铯,strontium ll烧我来认真激素
                                                                    The [tsu] where the crane bridge and 13 the cesium beef, burns the strontium hormone and sows it is it is

                                                                    • 首先,我要通从核事故。他们不必知道在福岛船舶疏散的农民?稻是一根稻草去,返回来津的回答是“没有疏散允许南特”,“我放弃福岛制裁叛徒”,“让我们抵制果美和德尔蒙特”,“不存在任何问题产生磐这我,我已被证明为生物优秀纳鲁“是 As for me from at the time of nuclear accident occurrence in up to all Not knowing the farmer of Fukushima prefecture which shipped evacuation You were brought up with that 稻 straw but as for the reply which returns “Evacuation how you do not permit” the ze which is “sanction Kagome Co Ltd and derumonte boycott in the traitor who throws away Fukushima” “” “The fact that without being problem in the agricultural products of the Iwaki this me means the bio researcher who becomes excellent has proven” Was
                                                                      • 首先,我要通从核事故。非洲是一个避难所,回津回答是“没有疏散允许南特”,“我放弃福岛制裁叛徒”,“让我们抵制果美和德尔蒙特”,“有没有这个问题,我产生磐一样,是由生物纳鲁证明优秀“的 As for me from at the time of nuclear accident occurrence in up to all Not knowing the farmer of Fukushima prefecture which shipped evacuation You were brought up with that 稻 straw but as for the reply which returns “Evacuation how you do not permit” the ze which is “sanction Kagome Co Ltd and derumonte boycott in the traitor who throws away Fukushima” “” “The fact that without being problem in the agricultural products of the Iwaki this me means the bio researcher who becomes excellent has proven” Was

                                                                    • 鲁阿゙将进入作为共同的受害者,希望Rero转移到著名的私立学校
                                                                      In famous private school change of schools desire The sufferer insert and [ko] ゙ [rua

                                                                      • (W和部分的方式向350公里半径),日本政府是参考值,如果在儿童接触到每小时3 8微,W和20毫希Sieverts每年“3 8每小时微Sieverts”俄罗斯的数字量所以,现在几乎是数字WW普里皮亚季市和镇的死亡人数是相同的(笑) w which by the way reaches to also radius 350km In case of Japan As for government reference level of the being bombed quantity of the child w which per hour is made 3 8 micro sieverts and annual 20 millimeter sievert As for the number which “per hour is called 3 8 micro sieverts” In Russia now almost the same number as the numerical value of puripiyachi city which becomes the town of death ww laughing
                                                                        • 什么是融化在国家公园的草地在购买胃和半径20公里 Buying radius 20km in the country it dissolves in with the lawn park

                                                                      研究 開発