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菅 “In Prime Minister Naoto citizen it does not have understanding,” that eight one being filled…Disgraceful behavior it exposes, if is, it should protect last pride and the resignation declaration ★2


  • 240不幸的是,过去两年,美国自由民主党在一个burst m行使政策不知道的所有 240 Regrettable here 2 years as for our people in use of policy does not relate completely but it is

    • NULL 00 11 54 Oshima Kyushu man The Democratic party new fresh breeze meeting lt Farce 1 Hirayama Sincerity The Democratic party new fresh breeze meeting lt Farce 2 Kenzi Kosaka Liberal Democratic Party Haruko Arimura Liberal Democratic Party 14 00 17 00 Haruko Arimura Liberal Democratic Party Nisida 昌 Osamu Liberal Democratic Party lt Main point check Kenzi Kosaka Liberal Democratic Party Kato Osamu one Komeito Kawada dragon flat Party of everyone Tomoko Tamura The Japanese Japan Communist Party Kiyouko Nakayama Rise the Japanese new party reform Fukushima not seeing ho Social Democratic party safeguarding of the Constitution combination 菅 the financial offer to North Korea with the Democratic party There is a new news item don t you think so is
      • 参议院预算委员会的今天,刺在棺材里的议员们将西田 At present House of Councillors budget committee the schedule where Assemblyman Nisida sticks leaving

    • “南特同政客谁”说和我南特,是一个具有据表明,煤是在紧急情况下出血鳃人 “Politician how anyone the same” how saying it was the man who proves that it can place the do your great moxa in the ru and emergency

      • “我们不是四面楚歌的演义?”成人应香椎炒现卖的是南特。总理约
        “The [tsu] [ke] where four surface 楚 songs are Sangokushi? ” As for the adult who how says shy thing. It is about the prime minister

        • “鸠山没有耳朵确保人们听到”可以“不明白的人,”这是怎么回事什么民主党? It did not have the ear which the Hatoyama “citizen hears” 菅 “The citizen does not understand” The Democratic party tsu te how becoming the ru
          • W ll支持的人,但他们还没有10% Still 10 thing citizen has supported w
          • 该Tteiu不明白的地方的人呢? ? The citizen of somewhere understanding saying you say

        • ┏━━┓┏━━┓┏━━┓┏━┓┏┓┏┓┏┳┓┗━┓┃┃┏┓┃┗━━┛┗━┛┃┃┏┛┗━┓┃┃┃┃┃┗ ┛┃┃┏━━┓┃┃┗┓┏┓┃┗┻┛┏━━━┓┃┃┃┃┗━━┛┏┛┃┃┃┃┃┗━━━┛┏━┛┃┃┃┏━ ━┓┏━┛┏┛┃┃┃┃┗━━┛┗┛┗━━┛┗━━┛┗┛┗┛
          ┏ ━ ━ ┓ ┏ ━ ━ ┓ ┏ ━ ━ ┓ ┏ ━ ┓ ┏ ┓ ┏ ┓ ┏ ┳ ┓ ┗ ━ ┓ ┃ ┃ ┏ ┓ ┃ ┗ ━ ━ ┛ ┗ ━ ┛ ┃ ┃ ┏ ┛ ┗ ━ ┓ ┃ ┃ ┃ ┃ ┃ ┗ ┛ ┃ ┃ ┏ ━ ━ ┓ ┃ ┃ ┗ ┓ ┏ ┓ ┃ ┗ ┻ ┛ ┏ ━ ━ ━ ┓ ┃ ┃ ┃ ┃ ┗ ━ ━ ┛ ┏ ┛ ┃ ┃ ┃ ┃ ┃ ┗ ━ ━ ━ ┛ ┏ ━ ┛ ┃ ┃ ┃ ┏ ━ ━ ┓ ┏ ━ ┛ ┏ ┛ ┃ ┃ ┃ ┃ ┗ ━ ━ ┛ ┗ ┛ ┗ ━ ━ ┛ ┗ ━ ━ ┛ ┗ ┛ ┗ ┛

          • ○2005年3月创建,重建的受灾one无论如何,直到完全恢复的民事案件与预算期限大联盟
            The ○ people our being public, to make the time limit equipped large coalition government to March of next year real revival budget, in any case suffering area revival first

            • 。政府当局彻底飞脚他挖掘测试゙Tarame众议员的自民党,他挖掘傻瓜化,按他挖掘受害者东北,管结果打乱了主要测试゙Tarame LDP。系统,如果自民党首相世袭投出,政府将早已。苏格了绝对好。由于困难的时候,如果你希望促进消除核武器。゙Tarame自民党肚子。蔡,打破村,由于艰难的时刻。
              . Administration to be hit in the northeast sufferer, foolishly of the mass communications be hit, hitting to Liberal Democratic Party [te] ゙ [tarame] Assemblyman, It persevered well. The large result of the 菅 which collapses the Liberal Democratic Party [te] ゙ [tarame] nuclear system. If Liberal Democratic Party hereditary prime minister, it probably throws out administration long ago. The 菅 became extinct well to that. Hardship way. We request deviation from nuclear propulsion. The Liberal Democratic Party [te] ゙ [tarame] field. Please break the village. Hardship way.

              • 〜民主党和总理金太郎饴,仿佛谁也代表的民主党人
                If as for the Democratic party the Kintarou candy of Prime Minister and -, whoever substituting, the Democratic party the same

                • 一个大联盟的明年三月的最后期限,其目的不仅是恢复灾区
                  Large alliance starts being attached the time limit to March of next year, as for the purpose only suffering area revival is

                  • 一旦我通过的法案津市十日梅尔说两句话,我也不在那里我一直对这一法案的详细内容是什么很少接触 When two bills it is formed that it stops saying the ru mentioning the contents of this bill in detail the ru place tsu te it is little
                    • 法案在民主党狩猎漫画分钟危险 The dangerous bill of the Democratic party which understands with cartoon

                  • 上面的草Merubeki话。摘要盗窃不远矣层。淫。 Goyo发现蚊子致命疾病。被驱逐的乐靖原子。 。灰尘。我将与居民痔疮回肠类的家伙党。电器疼痛派吸引人才的损害原。疾病。时报周刊“现代”之称彦池田东海3K ·特里不治之症倾向太阳狗(在犯罪。理论),市长岸本英夫玄海镇,一半的往复劣迹津市单仨尕总督靖古河大桥,孙正义,谁请川崎核电安全海江田京都禅Edano管
                    It should stop first decaying. It is layer Present summary Badness Stealing electric non-. 淫. Dead illness variegated mosquito business. Capital leaving school easy person atom. . Dust. Man ream don't you think? [kura] ileum Hemorrhoids people party. Original attraction group talent electricity painfully damage. Symptom . Time weekly house organ “today” day tilt incurability Professor Yoshihiko Ikeda of the 3k terry dog Tokai university (the criminal passing. Theory), hero Mayor Cho Kishimoto Genkai, healthy Governor prefecture Furukawa Saga Good and evil, it goes back and forth, the odd person Kaieda Virtue Kawasaki Heavy Industies, Ltd. Chairman people grandchild justice Ohashi of branch field tube Kyoto University nuclear safety measure request Taro nuclear Chief Fukushima Self Defense Force fire fighting left flank corporation people party Japan Communist Party Yamamoto Saito Tokyo stock exchange glue Valley President [pu] president Miki Kamei The warehouse it is heavy Branch field tube [mu] being discovered ! The [ze] which in the branch field the individual will be donated

                    • 不幸的是,十日税收贡献,最左边的水槽滴水不你足够了解的人,我可以暂停的说的东西,可以判断一个十日的照片,但他们分布在餐馆每天晚上寿司食品饮料的第一个集合有什么意义呢?这Dekobokuro Regrettable it has not had understanding sufficiently in the citizen Tax discharging donation to extreme left you drink eat at every night sushi restaurant and the scattering and others oak being thing Thing of deciding pause collection of the photograph you say This dekobokuro
                      • 什么赫克没有那家伙是有意义?在为期五天的,嗯你不仅吃在餐馆每天罚款饮料 The dense Tsuga what significant thing was done just At two weekly holiday everyday you drink at the high class restaurant and just have done to eat the ro

                    • 不能说是第一次与日本首相,总理还对自己的国家,如果没有背叛你只做不称职不称职+
                      Also the Japanese history upper beginning was disabled prime minister whom it should call Well, if just disabled still it is good Disabled + treason prime minister

                      • 与谢野馨的耐受性良好,没有基层医疗讲话推动内阁团结党主要由德远
                        Instead of intraparty also Yosano's nuclear propulsion speech acquiesces without either the air which standardizes inside the official building with the deviation from nuclear plant

                        • 东京电力公司的保护,促进大加税Waretakunai说Dunolly小学
                          The Tokyo Electric Power protection and nuclear propulsion It is large tax increase we would not like you to say

                          • 从 ▽ ) B ∨ ゝ ⌒)┌┸──────┐ (( 。 。 ヽヽ 卢武铉) ヽ(││││卢武铉 ││ゞ · ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ 从 ▽ lt HKRPT i ∨ 92 ⌒ ┌ ┸ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ┐ REPT REPT No REPT │ │ HKDRT no │ │ │ │ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯

                            • 但“国会居民睡眠”中的“沉睡的管居民”小泉Guguttemo WWWW Warota有更多文章
                              But “Koizumi The National Diet The [gu] [gu] [tsu] [te] the article “of drowse of the 菅” being many with drowse”, [warota] wwww

                              • 信子化痰,周刊,“我不知道有至三月?”因此我写Iteta真是笑话,并没有更多的好运气没很少添加到震前的铸造无论如何,如果辞职的,,,多么妙语,但 The Noboru child is in the weekly magazine has “to March the oak and others However” you write tsu te joke If result how the se is driven before the earthquake disaster one luck was good to resignation although the tsu te ochi shelf
                                • 东北从3月11日地震后,民主党人〜一个月或更长的五年仍是“考虑”,我 From March 11 Nitto Hokkaido University earthquake disaster already 5 months The Democratic party increases still “examining”

                              • 八方梗死大鼠袋滚动○× ×四面楚歌
                                × Four surface 楚 songs × Eight one being filled Mouse of ○ sack

                                • 出售黄金的国家利益可能走出706民主党人出来,政治家,不仅这样的机制 706 From the Democratic party in national interest as for u Prime Minister Kanai It does not come out and the mechanism which such a politician is not
                                  • 库雷尼成为总理和人民谁是细跟不是接管 Properly unless the person who takes over that becomes the prime minister
                                  • 韩国民主党的是,注射不说给总理Hakushinkun十日可能害怕 As for the Korean Democratic party among those hakushinkun it may propose to prime minister candidacy being the fearful wa

                                • 南特是一个骗子,但拥有权已经获得了管
                                  However lie it is attached and as for how designation it has obtained long ago, as for the 菅

                                  • 即使在所有破楼足立一个系统,在日本首相官员就建设到管理系统堵塞这一优惠待遇搭载慈抱无能的政府官僚官僚的政策,所有项目都用长矛对付长城类似
                                    Our public government being disabled, in the bureaucracy everything In Japan which in piggyback built up bureaucratic largest dominant favorable treatment system with policy of carrying Trying that Prime Minister probably will destroy the bureaucratic system, after all, in the Great Wall of China With the spear, kind of those which face

                                    • 只是为了追求轰动效应,日本首相今天作出的最严重的核电厂过敏一个民族出来,请记住,没有国际社会的线条残留Nakya活着的国家,它提供了一个安全或之前例如Bakkari甜的家伙,思Tteru Just for the popularity taking worst prime minister who created the citizen of the nuclear allergy As for the current Japanese if the game wa it is not in international society forgetting the thing which is the country which it cannot survive Being safe thinking that it is natural the ru presumption guy tsu temporary
                                      • u003d◯大加税调控 u003d△ u003d△ u003d◯媒体宣传保护TEPCO核电胡萝卜 u003d × 699外国(包括被迫停止,由于重建),它看起来像 699 Foreign carrot administration × Nuclear propulsion ◯ The Tokyo Electric Power Company preservation △ medeia regulation △ The large tax increase ◯ inevitably even for reviving Such a feeling shelf

                                    • 唯一的解决办法,我认为脑益益意义上的司法事务委员会的代表河合勇士VS 8.9楼?
                                      8.9 The House of Representatives Committee on Judical Affairs River well hit and miss vs Eda idea The 菅 and Eda the brain dissolving, the [ru]?

                                      • 四面楚歌(四面楚歌)wwwwwww或在小学写作我Gitai wwwwww稼字符做达洛尼加
                                        Four surface 楚 songs (it is to close the [so]) it is possible to be, the [ro] wwwwww which is Whether the composition of the elementary school student who would like to make the number of letters wwwwwww

                                        • 在选举制度的改变是在两年前,但它不是以压倒多数投票的民主党人高,我们没有电感
                                          Administration it alternated with election of two years ago, but it is the case that it is not the Democratic party polled preponderant high, it is,

                                          • 如果你再次运行K→十日Yappa安全检查还是要在越南和土耳其头晕击败像原来発売日泰 When even then safety is verified k gt and tsu pa re work In Vietnam and Turkey the nuclear plant likely we would like to sell the hula hula doing is case of defeat
                                            • 什么摘除眼球立刻赢得了小学是disbanded m不608主 608 It makes nuclear dispersion and passes and there is no chance in deviation from nuclear group
                                            • 在口的首要政治消除右翼商人,曾经是新闻界的敌人 At the point in time when the deviation from nuclear plant is mentioned the political world financial world Right wing and the mass communications were turned to the enemy
                                            • 如果在旧自民党的主要兴趣,我可能甚至不慢的速度 When it is the Liberal Democratic Party from former times there being a right in the nuclear plant assuming that you did speed is slow it is certainly
                                            • 酷迄今拥有核电厂Datte好了,说什么也不番泻叶 Even nuclear plant to here in terrible thing… Well it is not said 詮 but

                                          • 如果没有从该法案的通过“儿童津市达达”或一些狗屁只是对总理的骄傲第一没有单纯的文字!我累的人,民主党不是解雇,直到条件就像是周一装备 If the bill does not pass you say that it does not stop Mere “Dadaism tsu child” A pride and droppings in is the prime minister so have no other choice but to As for the citizen repugnance very the ru is in the Democratic party which until condition is met does not reshuffle such a mon

                                            • 媒体已经达到管,它是适合更多的媒体 As for the mass communications hitting the 菅 the one in the mass communications circumstances it is from calling
                                              • 侃“妮塔火腿Anyo Kamusa Haseyo゙” 菅 “ aniyohaseyo kamusahamunita ゙”

                                            • 安倍和麻生太郎,但确实有一个还没有被理解很细,白Rupizu用什么你做了一件真正令人耳目一新Wakaran说明这篇文章的清单 Aso and Abe have not understood just but there is a thing list which was done properly but As for this rupizu whether the ho it is with what was done at all it is from the wa with the empty data being attached explanatory margin
                                              • 自民党Masugomi扑自安倍政府也凄马集310 310 The Liberal Democratic Party hitting of the mass rubbish was tremendous from time of Abe administration

                                            • 富士电视(HIE)CIA美在东京地方检察厅清和- LDP -电通,日本朝日电视公司 - 旭Moonie会议
                                              Fuji Telecasting Co. (Hieda) the = unification church = Asahi newspaper = Asahi National Broadcasting Co. = resident enterprise = Dentsu = Liberal Democratic Party Seiwa meeting = Tokyo area inspection special 捜 section = United States CIA

                                              • 对U. S.国库券收益的影响是退化代表民主选举机制于田中,但只在舌骗子佐贺富士three摘要总督在肯小泽一郎的政策优惠结束令口若党校主权国家复杂的斗争! (日记一场惊心动魄的高跟女)先生,我TBS!跪了地上和道歉上电视了!在记者看Korezo极伪造!足霸上午TBS“前局长50万日元汇率石川现场”!杀伐Taru政治景观,政治家们的技能,来自世界各地的经济学家,我们不笑,除非见当塔拉小泽,通货紧缩的日本银行的财务部货币政策! ! !邮政
                                                Influence of the American bond downgrade still the initial stage Tanaka Space/large house As for democracy typical selection fighting of main authority national group anti- right mixture group it is, Ozawa Ichiro policy lecture summary Rattan end Kenzo Passing through the tongue of nomarch liar Saga! (Piquant diary of high-heeled shoe woman) TBS president! Kneeling on the ground with the television, apologize! This the extremity of fabrication reporting! TBS morning [zuba] “Ishikawa former private secretary 5,000 ten thousand Yen delivering and receiving scene”! This bloody barrel political scenery, the politician who has ability is not found other than Ozawa It is laughed from the economic scholar of the world, deflation monetary policy of the Bank of Japan financial affairs ministry! ! ! In postal services reformation bill formation despair Kamei [buchi] being cut off Posture of advisor resignation Fate of this country which the success or failure of Ichiro's or Ozawa who becomes reinstatement decides The New York times “SPEEDi” data secret problem of the Japanese government authorities pursuit. Reporting Day of Ozawa judgment first trial decides

                                                • 市民是不是邪恶的,到现在为止,“不做什么”因为不仅是思什么 That also the citizen is bad that “it does not do at all” until now only because you do not think
                                                  • 这个国家将是一个不好的媒体炒作或平方津检查 It is certain also for the citizen who rides in fanning the mass communications to be bad

                                                • 当这次地震中,“总理,只是为了他的生存节”是,我现在已经废黜的耻辱,甚至一生积蓄能量
                                                  Such an earthquake disaster time “only your own prolongation of life as for the brand, prime minister who was not thought” Retiring after so long a time, lifetime is to go out

                                                  • 总理亲自将涉嫌假冒假装瓦特弥敦道将成为计划转移而被朝鲜逮捕的美国生物实验食物应能在退休流亡朝鲜
                                                    It makes the impersonator arrest with inclination and 菅 main person of the prime minister goes into exile to North Korea While the expectation which you can retire being arrested in North Korea and being transported by America and going the prey of organism experiment Don't you think? with it probably is the plan that it becomes, - w

                                                    • 您的意见或说明,如果你突然出了484有常识上的敌人部分负责一旦他们被释放达洛尼加 484 Suddenly you proposing by your when you order and announce the ro which responsible taking and others is done and is In common sense thinking in the enemy …
                                                      • 484“模拟”,伊朗将 484 “Faked” it is and it probably is viewing

                                                    • 我也尝试了所有瓦特Sugee输入将被输入EM空间←←菅直人菅直人827空间 827 菅 Naoto lt The full size space you insert 菅 Naoto lt The half angle space you insert Trying this everyone sugee w
                                                      • 单纯的话会不会情况,如果感觉像民主党政府长期不错,但不能肯定知道任何更多的邪恶 If the 菅 stops circumstance above this does not become bad But if it is the Democratic party administration it does not become good
                                                      • 鸠山,55,和管,只有两个主要的“国民卫队”后面的输入不害怕 55 Hatoyama 菅 with two generations continuing “national ga ” the wa which is embarrassed

                                                    • 我们希望这样一个在今天下午2:00众议院预算委员会的议员。希望你有一个从任何成员西田商事代表提出的问题!
                                                      Present at House of Councillors budget committee from 2 o'clock in the afternoon our and the like desire. Because Nisida 昌 there is the representation question of Assemblyman Osamu, expectation that!

                                                      • 我是直到209 209 It is Is ma re It is
                                                        • “听到不再相信人听说过” “It stopped having the ear which the citizen hears”
                                                        • 今天我保持了209 209 At today todome shelf
                                                        • 这是一个民事或 Seeing It is Is ma re It is

                                                      • 我是说什么话Mattara梅尔确定新的代表,EH选举并不代表梅尔字典感?我无法不说话,因为他们决定不将代表总理→新建→没有任何意义,因为话代表 When new representation is decided however the tsu te which is stopped you said because the 菅 stops representation election is done it is the ro which is The 菅 does not stop representation gt new representation it is not decided gt the prime minister is not stopped There is no tsu te thing
                                                        • Morae后不立即向人们认识地震,但我Kuatta接近一半同情舆论管 It does not have understanding in the citizen Immediately after the earthquake disaster although also sympathy public opinion to the 菅 the half to be close don t you think
                                                        • 什么是管或管的自由硅烷,东北任何更多的受害者,以及面条Collarenebri To be the 菅 or be the empty 菅 or it does viewing the northeast suffering people Above this it is to lick is
                                                        • 即使在初选,小泽是锻打成管 Furthermore with even intraparty election Ozawa being defeated is intimate in the 菅
                                                        • 好多比管办将百丽什么推动核9 9 It probably is nuclear propulsion but it probably is what but if you compare to the 菅 much mashi
                                                        • 如果你想有一个真正意义上的生存,我不得不解散核 The 菅 we probably would like to prolong life truly only nuclear dispersion it was it is
                                                        • 摆在我们面前管,我认为什么辞职门逃生 Because 菅 you you resigned you think that the tsu te it can escape is
                                                        • 梅尔的话还是要真的吗?简先生的叔叔与狼 Stopping truly Therefore 菅 wolf old boy
                                                        • 简议员做任何人说什么谁是头彩的机会又矮十日 Once more that being chance The head has boiled if 菅 certainly you do
                                                        • 管“是你不明白的人不幸,都差不太多 菅 “Regrettable it has not had understanding in the citizen but it is not regrettable
                                                        • 管(韩国)直人(Kanchokujin)报价从 菅 Korea Naoto can chiyokujin from dictum collection

                                                      • 我绝对可以列入这类公司现在还是打...
                                                        The [ma] - is immediately the operative mingled…

                                                        • 推广不仅是主左,右,但如果管已被杀害现在权衡,只会开核复兴帷幕 But the right or the left only nuclear propulsion it is and it had become the temporarily heavily stone If the 菅 dies it probably becomes opening of nuclear Renaissance
                                                          • 在里面的右翼和国家的自杀性爆炸事件,但现在希望从外部侵略的主要提取的核武装Burutoniumu Right wing to be armed with nuclear weapons with burutoniumu which is extracted from the nuclear plant from outside However it probably is to like to oppose to invasion now with suicide bombing internal exposure state

                                                        • 政府担心的数字的成本避免疏散,先生说:“萨科小内阁顾问元纽约时报报道... ...
                                                          Government feared evacuation cost and avoided” Original Cabinet participation Kosako indication… NY times reporting

                                                          • 日本人民没有什么达洛尼加W〜思南特南特有骄傲的家伙来见那个家伙曾经 Until now the dense Tsuga looking at that you do The Japanese who is pride in it is dense and how thinks… ro w which the human how are not and are

                                                            • 有走了一英里就是想在一起,我们WWWW虚荣和骄傲 Vain heart and it makes pride simultaneous is wwww We want stopping being in any case swiftly
                                                              • 傲慢wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww Pride wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
                                                              • 因此,“话”而不是“你恃”这 Therefore “you leave” are not and “恃” are
                                                              • 逃避它,并取得35瓦特管 35 Therefore escaping tube w
                                                              • (刘瑠比ABI)(更多) Ahiru 瑠 ratio Above

                                                            • 机不需要收据的资金。秘书处的开支? ? ?总理和他的妻子,他的朋友们出或放下后加入水果吃的每一天,每晚上Zanmai食品行走在总理位子? ? ? As for fund The machine where territory acquisition does not need Secretariat expense As for prime minister and lady and companions Every day every night Beauty food concentration eating walking As expected The seat of prime minister After getting off Going out
                                                              • Desho不超过一个幸福的妻子重要,但他的骄傲 So your own pride compared to the mood of the lady do with important something the yo

                                                            • 杀了人,首要的问题[野田]冈田Edano管“SPEEDI说服事故发生后立即对数据的公布
                                                              Human murder, 菅 branch field Okada Noda Advising the publication of the SPEEDI data “immediately after the accident

                                                              • 民主党(或外国居民),民主党的支持者(或外国居民)Bimashita当选首相菅直人,这个人↑ Democracy 党員 resident foreign yes The Democratic party supporter resident foreign yes These people of the ↑ chose 菅 Naoto in Prime Minister
                                                                • 我不需要再次尝试的第菅直人和小泽一郎的影响,是政府成立之前的播出 Before the administration establishing Ichiro 菅 Naoto and Ozawa meaning of the thing which visiting England is done now has the necessity one time to try thinking it is without being

                                                              • 申诉人的权利的立法,外国政府胡萝卜,背叛自己国家的民主,只要解散法案侵犯!
                                                                If the human rights violation relief bill, foreign carrot administration, there is a treason bill, democracy is dispersion! !

                                                                • 相反,该 u200b u200b法案需要白色的白管不购买节能鸠山倡议,但我从行政管理向同一方向开始的问题 Rather than with saying although in Hatoyama initiative energy purchase bill margin of the margin 菅 it is the same direction from administration beginning doubt should have
                                                                  • 该管的“傲慢”,这将是一个较长的时间并没有足够的总理满意是不是最好的短期 “Pride” tenure of the 菅 it is not shortest prime minister Don t you think already because you did sufficiently long it probably is the satisfactory red sandal wood

                                                                • 经济是一个薄弱点,没有外交意识,危机是从零左管理能力
                                                                  Therefore as for economy unskillfulness, diplomacy [onchi], left flank as for crisis management ability zero

                                                                  • 结果与废黜三个要求得到满足,如管什么是被劫持为人质,因为没有公认的地震 The result of the 菅 such as the resignation 3 important matter which is formed earthquake disaster for the hostage it does not recognize
                                                                    • 守财奴其次是黄金的话只有从地震原小说集 Gathering of the miser where just story of the gold is preceding from earthquake disaster beginning

                                                                  • 西田先生继电器,使从14:00 NHK上议院
                                                                    Nisida it comes with NHK House of Councillors relay from 14 o'clock, -

                                                                    • 谁金太郎饴191匹
                                                                      191 Kintarou candy [tsu] [te] who it is good

                                                                      • 达洛尼加不是一个做任何事情瓦特Tteiu东西的人能够理解,EH不as ll让你知道,我才明白,EH猜测只是猜测分歧十日 The citizen can understand thing no kind of one which is not done and is the ro which w The ro which the tsu te does not try you say or probably to have understanding is the ro where is just thought of expectation or the misjudgement which you have understood
                                                                        • 这两次他们没有这样做不仅仅是一上来485多结束 485 You just say no one it did not turn after all honestly

                                                                      • 达洛尼加署理的空罐也可吹送生存呢?亚热溶解皮疹梦见! (社会)回答白色民主党人? How narrowly the ro which is performance for prolonging life the empty empty can of the callous And be off center and break out and dispersion do Society the Democratic party solution party margin

                                                                        • 那么,为什么个人武田安娜新闻观察9个主要的事情,我没有什么 Well mainly news watch 9 with something as for what Takeda analog individual in thinking however it is not
                                                                          • 那么,为什么个人武田安娜新闻观察9个主要的事情,我没有什么 Well mainly news watch 9 with something as for what Takeda analog individual in thinking however it is not

                                                                        • 阚这样的事情“只是描述,形成坚实的回归肯定的是,它说什么是圣基茨和达洛尼加废黜,并在皮肤表面的那门管或愿望Sankei ll弥敦道厚度 Such a thing 菅 “the shape which it retreats retires just was expressed saying don t you think don t you think wish of the ro and the product sutra which are … It is to lick the thickness of the skin of the surface of the tube is
                                                                          • 这并不是说达洛尼加圣基茨管什么,而皮肤表面的那门管或愿望Sankei ll弥敦道厚度 Don t you think as for such a thing 菅 saying don t you think wish of the ro and the product sutra which are … It is to lick the thickness of the skin of the surface of the tube is

                                                                        • 雷斯憎恶和尴尬,以配合他们已经做了多少知识,菅直人
                                                                          The numerous shame not knowing which is done it matches disgraceful behavior whether 菅 Naoto

                                                                          • 首相表示辞职提到冈田大联盟。
                                                                            Prime minister, resignation as for declaration… Okada the Dalian stand reference

                                                                            • (和口语个人)不依 u200b u200b赖于有一个核电厂约什么会我确定是什么?十日核出口到国外的总功率的10%是因为酗酒继续相同,爱不够的,可以作为独立的是确定在所有解释 NULL

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