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Well below regulatory limits provisional detection of radioactive cesium in rice. Rice and soil, their own testing - Tome city


  • ... ...中通福岛,会津,枥木,茨城和大米... ...是我不?然后,放射性铯检查,谁宣布... ... 94吧?

    • 1 7 7 在 库 旋钮 旋钮 ,L ·一,我 7 , 辐射我在日本的谷物, 一可以接受的。超铀和铯500和贝可 公斤铀100贝克 公斤钚,放射性碘未设置临时标准10贝克 公斤 财 NULL
      • 人。由于放射性同位素检测,食品是“低放射性废弃物,”想成为 Person At the point in time when the radioisotope is detected that food becomes “low the level radioactive waste and” goes down
      • 发生radiocesium水平指标(Cs134,Cs137),单位:8 0 Minamikatamachi Sorenishitemo圣多美圣多美Yoneyamacho无法检测到圣多美Toyosatocho 2 1 11 6 2 9 Nakadacho城镇圣多美圣多美圣多美圣多美Towacho 3 7贝可 公斤东京电力公司,我给了良好的镀洒 NULL

    • 387 铯1000。阿Q 公斤 387 gt It is that iodine and it is gt As for cesium 1000 q kg
      • 即使千铯和碘。成人急诊的阿Q 公斤的标准 Iodine and cesium 1000 Being q kg as for emergency standard of the adult

    • 490测试结果,而大米,还是2 1至11 6贝克,857美元一応什么不是真实的,它370Bq是基准Rashii对欧盟的婴儿 NULL
      • 在牛吃的稻草也这Janee我检查NdeⅠ和本次选举可能会降低不管怎样,Janee所有的美国检查的一部分?十日废话这个简单的把戏安全检查,以行政的例子说,我们睡 So is made to eat this rice plant straw and by the cow Also you inspect the United States at part all well How when the se low so is choosing densely inspecting the ru it is well Sleeping call the safe relief or the sleep talk in inspection of such child deceiving administration
      • 测试结果1,而大米,还是2 1到11 6贝克,857美元一応什么不是真实的,它370Bq是基准Rashii对欧盟的婴儿 NULL

    • 53)没有污染的高浓度Yappa↑你的下一个宫城天以上至5月20日23时许至15午夜夜■3■3 14 53 March 14th nighttime 15th night March 20th morning 23 days ↑ And Miyagi prefecture of your tsu pa next door a higher density being polluted the shelf
      • ■ 主要参考遥远的污染排放或之后3月20日(8月16日11:53)引起我们旁边二十三日至Yappa↑■20年5月3日午夜15时至5月14日晚上■3难道在宫城县的高浓度污染 NULL
      • 未在宫城县和仙台市的真实,该中心是深边界污染肯定福岛,岩手县和南方北部边境较少污染 Miyagi prefecture is polluted Fukushima prefecture boundary south and Iwate prefecture boundary north terribly The center which centers Sendai city was not that much polluted

    • 63我会责怪核事故污染的福岛
      63 Pollution is consequence of Fukushima nuclear accident, don't you think?

      • 691或损害农业和不可避免的这个时候,贝洛说什么危险食品成分,以保护农业?这也是叠起放弃 691 As for damage of agriculture in this case whether it is helpless that Or eat the dangerous food the tsu te you say in order to protect agriculture Also abandonment is the can dust

        • ID Bakkari Iteru废话声明:LxrJz0IR0,北美的标准公式是粘贴在自己的网址,为什么我们所有的文件看世界卫生组织食品标准,ID:ID和EUF / mJx90:像一个廉价的欺骗LxrJz0IR0。沸点不会来,如果厨房?我很清楚,从丹东的代理商,他们做了什么
          [detarame] [tsu] temporary writing, the [ru] ID: LxrJz0IR0 Numerical formula of the North American standard which by your you pasted with URL and, The data of the food standard of WHO seeing, everyone Why, ID: EuF/mJx90 And ID: LxrJz0IR0 Like [inchiki] it is cheap. The 厨 boiling, the wax which was wrapped? And others, it is dense the [tsu] [te] it is the Tokyo Electric Power Company operative clearly don't you think?

          • Kimora多莫Sasen确保他们有wwwwwwwwwww Fuhihi wwwwwwww 153啊
            153 [a] - and others [do] - heart [ku] [te] sir plug wwwwwwww [huhihi] wwwwwwwwwww

            • MAFF,→0的转换系数从土壤水稻━━━━━━┓铯铯含量水稻从土壤中包含任何┏━━━━铯实验的数字。 1(MAFF,实验室数量)农业部预计,500贝可 米→公斤确保甜头如果作为对铯过渡指标土壤5000贝可 米公斤的土壤(白米饭)有多大的迁移“系数“0。 1(一10分钟过渡到铯水稻土)的假设 Ministry of Agriculture Forestry and Fisheries experimental numerical value… The cesium quantitative ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ┓ which from the ┏ ━ ━ ━ ━ cesium soil is taken in to the rice From cesium soil movement factor to the United States gt 0 1 The numerical value of Ministry of Agriculture Forestry and Fisheries and laboratory If soil of 5000 Becquerel kg gt 500 Becquerel kg it is sweet in the United States supposition As for Ministry of Agriculture Forestry and Fisheries the index the United States the milled rice the cesium of some extent moves from the soil of It becomes ” movement factor” 0 1 1 10 of the cesium in the soil moves to rice with You supposed
              • 什么宫城宝典进行了放射性物质的检查,到福岛稻田接受4月15日第一次核事故,但发现铯从大米,该国的暂行规定(每公斤500贝可)放射性宣布,它显着低于 Receiving Fukushima 1st nuclear accident the radioactive cesium detects on the 15th Miyagi prefecture Tome cities which do the radioactive physical inspection of the paddy field from the rice plant Although provisional it regulated was worthy of the country 1 kilo to hit it announced that 500 Becquerel it was less than substantially
              • 该Janaku秸秆614,放射性在稻草和大米的方式,我应该测量铯比例将提交由3公里大米是7:Rashii 93,稻草和大米将出来,例如洗再往下,但我想数字是不是在美国从未宫城购买 NULL

            • “并和稻草,细胞业界的广泛污染,还必须考虑,很多牛出了什么污染对水稻的影响,筛选更多的还是乐,这老实但有一部分不知道“讲座 NULL
              • 赖斯。我刚刚成为固体食物从牛皮卡牛 Rice plant Therefore the extent where the cow which you ate becomes the pika cow it is

            • 东京_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _儿童经常流鼻血许多在宫城县医院现在下降的白细胞不明原因的头痛,看来激增呕吐患者
              _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ In Tokyo it reaches the point where many children produce the nosebleed well, at the Miyagi hospital the leucocyte decrease, headache and vomiting of cause obscurity The patient probably will produce while increasing rapidly, is

              • 临时国家规定(每公斤500贝可)低于300下降明显,无论如何,我对EH 400贝克 gt Provisional regulation value of the country 1 kilo it hit and 500 Becquerel was less than substantially How se there are about 300 and 400 Becquerel it is the ro which is
                • 然而,有什么有趣的是已经等于其他食物的临时标准值 Although is same tsu te as the provisional reference level of the other food is already strange

              • 之间有任何的圣多美,宫城县公共卫生协会,并进行了576巡查的兴趣呢?
                576 Between Miyagi prefecture American Public Health Association and Tome city which carry out inspection There is what kind of interest?

                • 也就是说,刚刚经受检验仪器的短期少数无法衡量 NULL
                  • 但我不相信任何人所说的数字?不是说你有 NULL

                • 事实上,赖斯的新铯的解决方案,它是一个铯污染大米 Just a your doubtful United States The cesium the United States which was polluted Cesium shelf
                  • 从污染和扩大了在名古屋远长 Because pollution has expanded to here already in Nagoya
                  • 现实终于铯赖斯先生也可疑 Your doubtful United States Also the cesium more and more in actual taste

                • 人体辐射的年度限额为1mm希沃特
                  The annual radiation limit of the human is 1mm sievert

                  • 什么每公斤约8000或以下或低放射性污染贝可将?
                    Then every 8000 Becquerel or less of kilogram is low the level radioactive contamination substance It becomes kana?

                    • 什么都没有的345北美和欧盟的标准呢?参考%的北美小麦为例1千克价值是什么呢? 500是太高,贝可 公斤,很明显 345 North America and reference level tsu te which of EU For example as for the North American per wheat 1kg reference level 500 Becquerel kg It is clear to be the value which is too high
                      • 366 儿童世卫组织紧急门槛标准是100贝可 366 gt Reference level of the child is 100 Becquerel with the emergency standard of WHO
                      • 目前我有每公斤300贝可?美国的食品法规可应用于从课程的食物 With existence every 300 Becquerel the kana which is kilogram Therefore the United States of course the food it can apply the regulation value of the food

                    • 从核电厂的放射性物质检测,如铯855,(不论价值)什么我就可以将要低放射性废物?应用秸秆作为牛食品标准,如动物饲料,将
                      855 If radioactive substance such as cesium of nuclear origin is detected, (relation to value) It is low, it becomes level radioactive waste [tsu] [te] thing, don't you think? it is? Because the rice plant straw becomes the fodder of domestic animal such as cow, standard as a food is applied

                      • 但由于该国不承认有因果关系,但从未 So the country does not recognize the causal relation no matter what probably will be however
                        • 但由于该国不承认有因果关系,但从未 So the country does not recognize the causal relation no matter what probably will be however
                        • 沿着如果我们不承认之间的因果关系的第一个实验 The causal relation is not recognized if is in experiment viewing

                      • 农业和渔业政策Tteru逝完全忽略,放射性完全恢复,以便政策
                        With that radioactivity revival policy of perfection disregard and Completely such as agricultural fishing industry policy the 逝 [tsu] [te] [ru

                        • 危险`∀ 丶145↓。厨房,也再次击败
                          145 ↓ 丶 `∀ ' It is dangerous. 厨 Again defeat

                          • 厨房留下494 TPP! ! ! ! TPP绝对安全打击毒品关税Yaiidakedaro! ! ! 494 TPP 厨 it came out The tariff cheaply the ro where is just the medicine ya calling TPP without fail opposition
                            • 我不知道为什么TPP Yaranai在保证良好的薪酬不定时什么 Paying to guarantee because it is good being time limit why TPP you probably won t do

                          • 因此,回到以前的标准核事故,该措施会在一定程度
                            You will reset to the standard of time before the nuclear accident and with that, how measurable quantity probably will be

                            • 国家标准和行业标准将被忽略100dqn
                              It should ignore national standard with 100dqn as an industry reference level

                              • 圣多美颜色(绿色)是在北上山脉Tsuiteru面积森林

                                • 在685农场直送圣复杂的邻里。那些已经出售美国的起源 NULL
                                  • 在685农场直送圣复杂的邻里。那些已经出售美国的起源 NULL

                                • 在其他一些地方的食品消费,如果它白痴瓦特圣多美稻草,并分发省外

                                  • 在宫城县进行了检查实际上消极的优势,宫城县有一个总面积Ohsugi,他扭转随机猜测是否受污染区域或祖父可怕

                                    • 在此专家“过渡因子是一种意识,从实验室研究的正常条件下计算的数据,是否直接适用于与本核事故污染的土壤是高层次不明确”的,说, As for the specialist “as for movement factor a certain meaning normally concerning this experiment of the time Being the data which was calculated from research of the room the high density due to the latest nuclear accident Whether or not it can apply to the pollution soil that way it is not clear” that you say

                                      • 好吧,我不只是w是零,我稍一关是确保较高的上游北上,去与在河里流,如果我怀疑有吹入 Well however it is not zero don t you think w Simply becoming high somewhat with going north Kawakami style Ichinoseki from the ru Keeping flowing to the river Blowing as for ru doubt a certain kana
                                        • 风去了太平洋,沿河流和山脉传递什么,我觉得是在一关肯定稍高的地方我刮到了 The Pacific Ocean side the wind keeping flowing alongside the mountain and the river Becoming high somewhat with Ichinoseki ahead it blew the ru feeling

                                      • 如放射性水溶性物质铯会很自然净化
                                        Therefore as for the water soluble substance like the radioactive cesium naturally It probably will be decontaminated

                                        • 如果你是放射性废物是最不可食用的部分,但它是繁琐的,因为它 Though when the non yes food section becomes the radioactive waste But as for that with that troublesome thing
                                          • 低放射性废弃物不应该无论如何 In any case low it does not become with the level radioactive waste

                                        • 如果没有在初步欺骗性第一个验证开始
                                          First unless it begins from verification of deceptive provisional value

                                          • 它已经成为无用的家伙茶民主党政府,例如核恐怖^ ^我有以下的标准罚款这是良好的本地消费总量
                                            Don't you think? below reference level it was good Properly, the area area of production turning off the entire quantity, don't you think? the ^ ^ It is the [tsu] [chi] [ya] useless in the companion of the nuclear terrorist of the Democratic party administration and the like

                                            • 宫城,福岛,千叶,茨城,群马,埼玉,神奈川,对放射性物质的稻田在静冈信息
                                              Miyagi prefecture, Fukushima prefecture, Chiba prefecture, Ibaraki prefecture, Gunma prefecture and Saitama prefecture, Information of radioactive substance of paddy field unpolished rice of Kanagawa prefecture and Shizuoka prefecture

                                              • 废水,尿液和废水中的海湾所有滴流污水u200bu200b处理厂厂恢复视力是不确定的时刻
                                                Life draining, it does, as for the urine and the industrial liquid waste discharging inside all bays Aim of restoration of the sewage disposal plant for the present undecided

                                                • 当你在它恢复到正常的基础Gitara)100 Seshiumuyou元素。成人10贝克 公斤。它的子贝可 公斤 When it passes that the time reset to standard normally Cesium Iodine 100 Bq kg Adult 10 Bq kg Child Is
                                                  • 当你在它恢复到正常的基础Gitara)100 Seshiumuyou元素。成人10贝克 公斤。它的子贝可 公斤 When it passes that the time reset to standard normally Cesium Iodine 100 Bq kg Adult 10 Bq kg Child Is

                                                • 微妙的东西这样的条件下食品十日十日胚芽武器应该从地球Iteru多草鞋,但没有太大的坏想解释的稻草可以超过这个线程属于农民的参考价值铯我Betakunai Even with cesium fall of this sure farmer Although the explanation that is many the rice plant straw of the reference level exceeding it is completed however the wa ru to be Being attached to the rice plant straw mainly the embryo bud coming off from the ru the re when it is unconcerned those of such a delicate state we would not like to eat
                                                  • 它指出这一主题的许多农民Betakunai微妙的东西,比如食品十日十日胚芽武器应该从地球Iteru多草鞋而不衰 Although the farmer this sure is many however the wa ru to be Being attached to the rice plant straw mainly the embryo bud coming off from the ru the re when it is unconcerned those of such a delicate state we would not like to eat

                                                • 我不会离开多少按通过此的638怎么回事?真正Makutsu是我离开后,由于它是安全的严格的门槛梅尔Masugomi和日本政府承认在南特的危险是没有紧急电话号码,例如难以思 NULL
                                                  • “食物或放射性物质的初步参考值决定如何等待”TTP: katukawa com P u003d 4467 “Was provisional reference level of the radioactive substance of the food decided how doing ” ttp katukawa com p 4467

                                                • 我不借钱给掩盖号码反正分钟数730检测到这一因素表明,以糙米过渡,而不是告诉你是否有危险因素调整过渡到水稻是百丽 730 The numerical value which this time is detected temporarily understands It is found that it is not the case that it conceals numerical value If and you inspect the movement factor to the unpolished rice and the movement factor to the milled rice You know whether being dangerous whether how is
                                                  • 我觉得食物是好的,但如果Betakunai这个数字59 59 If this numerical value the all right air does However we would not like to eat

                                                • 我将削减大米好多了3名来自今天出来大声从W Sundaro在拉斯维加斯分钟个月的时间占傻瓜不要购买从我们以前的旧米的安全距离 Therefore you the fool becoming not to be buying up great fuss about nothing it puts out the safe rice of old crop it is the ro w which is The United States about of 3 months the one which the tsu is solved is good from among now
                                                  • 如果你不买旧的大米占韩元 NULL

                                                • 我得到了更多的舒适和可靠的大米储存在九州JA直销
                                                  Has selling directly the United States of JA storage with the Kyushu product the one which relieved certainty

                                                  • 我用了平民志愿者的放射性材料的价值,结果没有检测到十日东北
                                                    As for value of the radioactive substance the people of Tohoku University or the volunteer putting out not yet detection and the result, the [ru

                                                    • 我脂溶性铯或锶领域不是只有我立即下降流出水溶性Tetara你入河进入很多时候,你不能进入水?半衰期为30年的实际稻田Desho 10年的半衰期 The cesium strontium are water soluble The rice field can replace the water The water taking in and out many degrees the cod Dissolving the re it isn t to fall Even at half life 30 year it does the substantial half life of paddy field in about 10 years the yo
                                                      • 这84米的,香蕉中的钾不能从83米不积累,以及铯水平比浪费本身 84 Therefore this the rice plant there is no unpolished rice 83 Because it does not accumulate the kalium of the banana itself comparing with the cesium wastefulness

                                                    • 或者只是一个骗局或之间的检测结果有什么差异海豚
                                                      Inspection method by mistake is or, fabrication of the result? Either one shelf

                                                      • 所以936是一个数字,我很惊讶,我相信他并没有被污染宫城头,但仍挂在只有十英里的数据没有在宫城县的绘制。 936 Therefore that figure being plotted when it does not have the data of Miyagi prefecture is just the ru Although the tsu it has hung believing that Miyagi is not polluted yet although the ru person is You are surprised but it is
                                                        • 然而,问题是这个城市,他们在圣多美顶部是,宫城县 NULL
                                                        • 铯785的圣多美土壤和水稻秸秆和水稻的研究是如此重要的主角猜测的污染在宫城县的整体水平 785 Tome city is the leading part of rice plant straw incident As for cesium value investigation of the soil and the United States although prefecture pollution level of the whole Miyagi is presumed the importance

                                                      • 所有20岁以下贝克勒尔 公斤“未检出”的输出力矩比千叶,这是相当好的 Under 20 Becquerel kg entirely “not to detect” it did When you compare to Chiba considerably the mashi shelf

                                                        • 放射性但来给你更比东部切尔诺贝利许多位置,政府宣布的绝对安全出来了东

                                                          • 放射性物质在土壤和水稻(更新2011年8月15日)载日期 - 2011年8月13日11测量土壤中含有放射性物质和水稻日期在城市测量(日期收集:周二8月10日,2011,11),宫城县的测量机构公共卫生协会
                                                            The radioactive substance which is included in the rice plant and the paddy soil (2011 August 15th renewal) The rice plant of the city and the measurement result of the radioactive substance which is included in the paddy soil Measurement date 2011 August 11th - 13 days (picking day: 2011 August 10th, 11 days) Measurement system Foundation Miyagi prefecture American Public Health Association

                                                            • 放射性物质的总量分别发布了813井Fukuichikara远远超出了切尔诺贝利

                                                              • 放射性物质的核电厂,如检测铯撤消Sudato 848(不论价值)我可以将将是低放射性废料?

                                                                • 放射性物质的测量包含在稻田土壤和圣多美,宫城县

                                                                  • 放射性铯137是移动方便,从维基工厂
                                                                    From Wiki Radioactive cesium 137 is easy to move to the plant

                                                                    • 早川教授放射性污染地图(修订版III)圣多美,宫城县已免除污染
                                                                      The radiation contamination map of Professor Hayakawa (three 訂 editions) Tome city of Miyagi prefecture has escaped pollution

                                                                      • 是否有问题瓦特414是你的大脑结构不能了解污染机制发现 414 As for having problem w which is structure of your brain which cannot understand the mechanism of pollution
                                                                        • TTP: www enup2 JP newpage31 HTML“3的土地污染,”看我 NULL

                                                                      • 有一种危险的事我公司生产的混合新手变成超西ESSEY Super with also the ese west Japanese product new rice which arrives blends and is a thing and is dangerous it is the shelf
                                                                        • 安全问题,甚至怀疑是否就算是新手,以便尽快 Whether the new rice comes off so quickly doubt putting out safety doubt

                                                                      • 正常的国家,如果一个普通的政党,而受污染的食品监管提前梅尔 If normal country the normal political party regulation of the food which was polluted is advanced

                                                                        • 津市已售出2980日元5公斤新手越光大米在显示屏生产,福岛667 667 New rice Koshihikari of the Fukushima prefecture product the United States which is indicated is sold at 5 kilometer 2980 Yen
                                                                          • Tteta销售的西红柿昨天在超市出售,福岛县 NULL

                                                                        • 畜牧业在东北和其他牲畜养殖must真的想种田,例如不但可以使这些思胃被购买了一个国家或工作在高价格对全国牲畜覆盖Baramakitai辐射力达洛尼加products亚热迁移到北海道和九州 NULL
                                                                          • 与高价出售给做了东京踢黄柏 NULL

                                                                        • 白皮书公布的数字毫无根据的安全,或者如果你要推广的生命安全不仅是一个不确定感 If safety we would like to appeal numerical value announcement margin As for the safety which does not have basis only the distrust you bear
                                                                          • 乐了,即使我可以诚实地在现有技术的数字出版或 It is natural to come out Although if numerical value should have been published honestly

                                                                        • 的,在啤酒中的微量元素辐射防护效果降低染色体畸变的范围内,34%至37 X射线鞋窗口赖氨酸,对染色体畸变效应重粒子束染色体畸变这是首次发现 gt And as for the effect of radiological defense of the minute component which is included in the beer the chromosomal aberration by the x ray with the shoe dough lysine the 34 37 to doing decreasing chromosomal aberration It is heavy the effect could recognize even to the chromosomal aberration by the corpuscular ray
                                                                          • X射线饮酒后血液中的三个重离子束辐照实验小时啤酒可以减少约26% 37%的染色体异常 gt After the beer drinking in the blood of 3 hours the x ray heavily irradiates the corpuscular ray with the experiment which to the 26 the 37 decreasing chromosomal aberration It was possible

                                                                        • 而┗━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┛贝克勒尔人体细胞的死亡在500贝克 u003d 1细胞死亡每秒贝克勒尔ONE u003d 1单位发出的放射性辐射和每秒一个衰变,放射性Mareta原子吸收放射性1贝克 u003d一个500人的身体伤口直接与重要的细胞的分子结构得到辐射破坏的细胞中的DNA是恶性的 NULL
                                                                          • 它应确保放射性碘在08半时发现 Don t you think it is the expectation which has also the radioactive iodine of the half life 8 day which this time is not detected securely

                                                                        • 该值低于临时规例,我们有一些从没有检测到即将公布的担忧 Because there is also about it announces that the fact that it is less than provisional regulation value was not detected we fear

                                                                          • 豌豆301“闪烁鲸鱼盖多比罗”

                                                                            • 这当然似乎膀胱癌的摄入比8Bq
                                                                              Bladder cancer certainty it probably will put out with intake above 8Bq, is

                                                                              • 金足河流域或疾病的名字是458 Itaiitai斯蒂芬?这也是比较高的吸收率镉Irashii什么是美国
                                                                                458 The Jinzu river drainage basin which runs name in the itai-itai disease? Also absorptance of American [tsu] [te] cadmium is high relatively, don't you think? it seems

                                                                                • 铯普及率 研究 ,0 u003d没有水快于预期。 1个放射性污染土壤 水流动的铯从铯普及率 困难 ,0 u003d没有水的速度比预期的东京大学的研究领域了。 1个放射性污染土壤 水流动的铯从铯普及率 困难 ,0 u003d没有水的速度比预期的东京大学的研究领域了。 1个放射性污染土壤 水流淌出巢的铯铯从东京大学 研究 硬普及率等领域,而不是快于预期 NULL

                                                                                  • (钟民主党人。主席先生浩川内,一个特殊的科学和技术)
                                                                                    (The Democratic party group of people. Hiroshi technology special chairman Kawauchi Person)

                                                                                    研究 開発