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  • 尽快。国内需求将搬不动腿轴电力放松管制和扩大内需一直倡导消除核电,有没有购买力
    > As soon as possible. Unless the axial foot is moved to domestic demand enlargement with the deviation from nuclear plant and electrical freeing which administration has advocated Domestic demand expanding, there is no purchasing power

    • 武野要立即投身到圈子扰乱日本经济,也削减开支加息是什么? ?
      > The annual expenditure shaving, also it increases taxes Collapsing the Japanese economy, you bring to circular heavy decline? ?

      • 1 512日本印钞票银行和购买国债 1 512 Bank of Japan prints the gold and buys the government bond
        • 1 512日本印钞票银行和购买国债 1 512 Bank of Japan prints the gold and buys the government bond
        • Nathan和不知何故它去黑暗的央行。什么是连印,不能做任何事情 This how when die it is tsu saddle Bank of Japan Printing the do it does not become

      • 2006年和1997年的97 100 NULL

        • 495什么是民主鹰派有一种感觉的巨大的财政央行白河正确是说正好相反的结果,反对任何认为是由于一个傻瓜,而不是货币政策有利于记者在哥里白河的 495 As for democracy supporting the monetary policy of Shirakawa rather than saying that gori you pushed Therefore the fool without thinking at all opposition opposition you just said The tsu te feeling which is the financial hawks where the Shirakawa of the Bank of Japan proper is tremendous result does but
          • 731。通胀将继续加大在日本日元,日元市场银行的市场一脚,我们使用的是事实,日本人民,GDP将是一个名义可能增加 731 By the fact that Bank of Japan continues to increase circle to the market it becomes inflation as for the notion that where Circle of the market is used in the Japanese citizen it means that Pretext GDP means to increase

        • 537“合并”? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?央行已经放弃了与活什么中央银行的合并持何立场? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 537 “Merger” The central bank throwing away the position of the central bank it combines with something it is
          • 我Ttena 537中央银行的立场?不工作(这将是20年持续通缩),商业杂志的达洛尼加央行目标 NULL

        • 624预期通货膨胀上升,实际利率下降,不信任的逻辑是有夸大发布様相投资增加 624 Expectation inflation rate rising The substantial interest decreasing plant investment increasing becoming the aspect which becomes inflation Because logic is not trusted to there kana
          • 624预期通货膨胀上升,实际利率下降,不信任的逻辑有什么要在资金投入和不喜欢的通货膨胀增加 624 Expectation inflation rate rising The substantial interest decreasing plant investment increasing becoming the aspect which becomes inflation Because logic is not trusted to there kana
          • 如果贷款利率也降低了负的金融机构,它的立场,以便作出 NULL

        • 699 1,即使通货膨胀继续加大对日本银行的日元2踢市场的市场圈,如果你Warenakere日本人民,国内 u200b u200b生产总值的句子1和2的名义被迫增加思湾和我有冲突? 699 1 By the fact that Bank of Japan continues to increase circle to the market becoming inflation 2 If circle of the market is not used in the Japanese citizen pretext GDP does not increase As for composition of 1 and 2 when it has contradicted the thought cup
          • 695没有债务负担,债务不大,即使在通胀增加踢央行的市场区分市场圈了一圈之后,日本人民可以Warenakere国内生产总值名义增长在强制 695 Without being thing and the debt which is not debt burden completely difference It puts out By the fact that Bank of Japan continues to increase circle to the market becoming inflation If circle of the market is not used in the Japanese citizen pretext GDP does not increase
          • 减少国家debt m拉鳕接受日本央行国债492什么(笑)唯一可能增加的债务转移到达洛尼加对中央银行(笑) 492 When Bank of Japan the government bond undertakes with something debt of the country decreases it is laughing The debt for Bank of Japan just increases the ro laughing
          • 难道这个家伙他们去487,而从该央行民主团伙瘟疫真的笨鸽 487 Therefore as for raising at such a Bank of Japan the foolish pigeon conspirators of the Democratic party As for the fellows truly pest

        • Goimu我们的免息政府债券的投资资金的奴隶“,并从日本,FRB分行的好处,我总是有麻烦时,基拉鳄鱼出来ñ活120年的奴隶,直到水分什么健康或”的文件。沿鳄鱼刘若英应强制奴隶生活有落踢对方壹加壹已经由一个人的背叛自己的国家政府抢它欠税款
          Capital slave [goimu] being interest-free, the government note” Being moistened, being healthy, when you can live to 120 years old, don't you think? it is to be possible in the slave who is troubled the alligator By all means, it profits from FRB and branch office Bank of Japan is attached” with the paper. Borrowing Being assigned in tax by treason government You take mutually and rival and to defeat, if slave life coercion you do not do, the viewing alligator

          • Janee反正如果你不是说736日元是泡沫破灭不久日元,在公共工程项目,包括元发行赤字国债在任何我会通货膨胀,名义公共投资如果你不提起对日本人民,而且迫使国内生产总值矛不会死( )。 NULL
            • 即使在公共Warenaku 736,如果日元变弱日元名义国内生产总值将成为无通胀增长 736 It is not used in the citizen and also the te becomes weak yen If it becomes weak yen pretext GDP does not increase and also the te becomes inflation
            • 总之,日元已经成为日元走强的泡沫会很快破灭,在公共工程项目,包括从通货膨胀元的公共投资将是,除非日本人民和提高它迫使名义GDP矛不会死( )。 In any case already being able to repel the increase in yen value bubble immediately becoming weak yen it becomes inflation therefore it is Unless with the public investment which includes public works projects pretext GDP is increased to with either the excessiveness doing The Japanese citizen dies

          • NDE我的意思嘿想放弃对100000百美元444美元购买的产品 444 The product which can be bought with 100 value rising in 100000 don t you think the ru it is with meaning the e
            • NDE我的意思嘿想放弃对100000百美元444美元购买的产品 444 The product which can be bought with 100 value rising in 100000 don t you think the ru it is with meaning the e

          • NULL 545 Being decided in government the ro which is the ru Because as for you the mechanism of the central bank it is not understood writing semantic unclear thing from the tsu coming the ru The central bank by the fact that a some property is purchased with the gold which was printed supplies fund to the market Fund of the market is absorbed by the fact that the property is released conversely Are written already the sale operator and the redemption from government which that As for former in inflation latter it becomes disinflation This balancing seat of central bank And the property earnings enter into the Treasury of government with the payment earmarked to the government You have done the kind of imagination where redemption expense of the government bond enters into totally Treasury but that is different The fact that it enters is interest If so the government bond is incorporated eternally in the Bank of Japan balancing seat debt burden of government does not occur that much The reason that this debt of extent country to which the central bank buys the government bond decreases
            • 因此,央行在说许了什么,在政府国库支付580达洛尼加基础设施?向私营部门和政府债务,中央政府银行(政府)的债务,你在政府的自由裁量权随意尝试做销售的例子思确保所有分歧,央行今天上午接受这样的说法是永远免费利息及赎回基金是一个打印问题不是唯一的问题是钱,我是否保存温和通胀不会发生 580 a … Therefore the ro which Bank of Japan said and is the tsu te which has the payment earmarked to the government with subsystem of government When government owes in people government is different the central bank government owes completely You try if probably to do with discretion of government it is possible with a lot of to make undertake eternally Therefore as for the Bank of Japan fund the gold which was printed And problem of the interest and redemption does not occur Moderate inflation rate can be maintained whether or not just problem

          • “米Moraenai甚至老人的钱从你我都让布莱恩约2600000亿日元玉堂基金社会保障基金Moraenai即使老年人是我们做你798 798 The do se you becoming the aged person you cannot receive The ri ya which designates the social security fund of approximately 260 000 000 000 000 Yen as the fund it is to call is The do se you becoming the aged person therefore gold what which cannot be received
            • 我布莱恩到约2600000亿日元基金社会保障基金,即使旧Moraenai我们对你做798 798 The do se you becoming the aged person you cannot receive The ri ya which designates the social security fund of approximately 260 000 000 000 000 Yen as the fund it is to call is The do se you becoming the aged person therefore gold what which cannot be received

          • 一个人的背叛自己的国家政府,中央银行出卖自己的国家,在巡游的人对自己国家的背叛官僚背叛自己的国家,日本,政治家是一个人对自己国家的本间的背叛
            Treason government, treason central bank and treason bureaucracy, treason politician As for Japan with on parade of treason and the [ho] it is the [ma

            • 下降了30工资是什么租金1997年至2006年略多一点说Imashou 856,从1997年至2006年在日本不希望在什么薪水是10年后,10%我们与美国的同情到2007年的经济衰退为1 5年后,什么是工资,薪金下降30% 856 You will say already a little directly With 3 percentage decrease where the salary which from 1997 has received in 2006 is 10 years passing Japan where salary has not risen With 10 years passing from 1997 to 2006 America where salary reaches 1 5 times In 2007 being visited in depression we assume that allowance decreased 3 tenths
              • 从1997年到2006年略多一点上说工资Imashou 856,日本和1997年至2006年不想要什么,甚至10年后的工资为1 5倍,10年后是什么我们同情与美国于2007年进入衰退,工资下降了30% 856 You will say already a little directly With 3 percentage decrease where the salary which from 1997 has received in 2006 is 10 years passing Japan where salary has not risen With 10 years passing from 1997 to 2006 America where salary reaches 1 5 times In 2007 being visited in depression we assume that allowance decreased 3 tenths

            • 不仅对日本经济在国内投资自由化政策和核电尽快的去打好一天会越来越严格
              As soon as possible unless investment is directed to domestic demand with deviation from nuclear policy and electrical freeing policy, the Japanese economy benefit 々 becomes harsh

              • 东京证交所6月19日已成为部署下跌完全接受,在美国股票价格暴跌的前一天恶化看到整个美国经济指标板,结束了日经股票平均指数的迁安市871952日元224前一天下跌24日元线
                Tokyo stock market of 19 days, the American business indicator deteriorates the eaves commonly and accepts the fact that American stock price of preceding day slumps and becomes fall across the board development, Final value of Nikkei stock price average depreciated in front Hibi 224 Yen 52 sen cheaply 8719 Yen 24 sen

                • 也有她的高级退休养老金WWW我不为什么你的东西日元疲软损害自己费心officials ll在等待更好的决定,日元升值可能购买静安奢侈品海外十日出国旅游,但本地公共服务我然而,私人公司也放弃了重要的 NULL

                  • 什么是市民,首相鸠山像个傻瓜一致

                    • 什么看,说,我就是不花冤枉钱,或者使用

                      • 从卡盘引发日元贷款前,如果你的正常的国家,我国通货紧缩或通货紧缩将是一个正常的返回wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww是什么让日本的外国贷款每月购买日元钱或wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww NULL
                        • 颤振wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww日元提高到从您购买的钱借给每月wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww是什么让,返回日本的外国贷款圆 NULL

                      • 以上,在美元贬值可能的情况的,应当
                        Above, scenario of dollar decline it may be being, does not become so

                        • 以从一些干预日元的强势,美国的埃克森美孚公司的份额优势,案例不会威胁美国的密集蟹后采购额!只要旱稻多。它是操作?它的话,我有足够的资源两全其美!公职人员,做它的头! Increase in yen value utilizing stocks of the American Exxon mobile buying up secretly from intervention something The United States threaten afterwards The favorite just is the United States You can work It can have also the resource and it is a stone two bird The government employee the head use
                          • 前2 3。随着火势可能引起的任何达洛尼加参与外债 Before 2 this 3 It intervened the ro which is That the fire was attached to the debt of the foreign country with cause

                        • 会发生什么事,如果日本经济是在你做416? NULL
                          • 它会从没有考生416票 416 Because that vote does not take you do not do

                        • 但我是在新自由主义的信徒,有什么丰富的国家联系,以保证一个舒适的居住国外有一个认识
                          But as for we believer of new principle of freedom, Yutaka of post nation because very, has understood the fact that mortgage it does comfortable overseas life

                          • 作为政府债券的购买,也宇野不停止银行349 319 319 349 The bank buying the government bond stopping spare time it is the same
                            • 周五东部的发行Dattara什么印。公共投资来重建它的白色 When that it is the gold printing the government bond issuing east In revival public investment margin

                          • 你最好的书国债和消费什么是圆的印刷

                            • 例如说当你疯狂了丰富的慈出租或者不损害是难以通过国库直接,由当时的公共工程是印我们的钱,已经。为了增加循环,兼顾储蓄,有计划的废物应具有的价值仔细稀,和捕鱼国的情况来如果年轻的高增长时期的经济联系你移动你的双脚从轴的收入,根据圆的恢复,我十日 Speaking roughly Being too rich being troubled at the time of the ru through the government bond the direct The money which it printed by the fact that public works projects are turned Previous While considering even in saving increasing in quantity circle to waste deliberately because it accompanies value thinning it should become prudent When it balances with the country of economically young high growth period From the government bond moving the axial foot to the tax revenue when it depends on the collection of circle kana
                              • 例如说大概,津市很难当你富有或在库房出租公共工程随着时间的推移,以上。为了增加循环,兼顾储蓄,浪费的情况下,有计划捕鱼来如果年轻的高增长时期国家经济和税收收入从政府债券移动腿轴,圆如何才能恢复和十日 Speaking roughly Being too rich being troubled at the time of the ru through the government bond the direct The money which it printed by the fact that public works projects are turned Previous While considering even in saving increasing in quantity circle to waste deliberately because it accompanies value thinning it should become prudent When it balances with the country of economically young high growth period From the government bond moving the axial foot to the tax revenue when it depends on the collection of circle kana
                              • 在不影响通过国库直接Munoha涌入我们的市场是公共投资的钱印的声明,以上。应该是一个认真的储蓄价值稀释,如果分钟狩猎故事叫 Through the government bond the direct The money which it printed as for pouring in to the market with public investment The bu it is previous Because value thinning of saving is accompanied it should become prudent If with the story which is said you understand

                            • 促进收购和免税稀土原料希望成为在日元化石燃料产生的成本
                              Way production cost goes down even with purchase promotion and increase in yen value of = enterprise, Exemption from tax as raw material and the like of fossil fuel [reaasu

                              • 债务和增加税收我得到日本的国内生产总值要从日元畅销的干预,以扭转经济南特 Because tax increase and debt back up business when circular sale intervention how you do Japanese GDP it goes down

                                • 债务超过726多个。如果我的供应

                                  • 共产主义革命?巴卡Cold m分结束 NULL
                                    • 冷35种。停止等待80岁的人说我出生价值脑WWW 35 Such cold The brain tsu te you say it is www The person where sense of value has stopped at eighties

                                  • 其他工业化国家目前我有一个转移到金融业,什么是作为辅助制造业的关键
                                    As for other advanced countries the manufacturing industry as a secondary industry Shifting major industry in financial [tsu] [te] ones is the present condition

                                    • 十日Tteta说,10000名员工下岗的强劲表现,但美国大制药
                                      Although the American formulation major company is the achievement favorable, employee 10,000 layoff saying, the shelf

                                      • 单,这可能是被迫的发展创造一个金融机构的借款人

                                        • 可以支持平均,这是更好,老人可以支持在年收入的6亿日元平均老人和4万美元的年收入是多少?什么是摆脱deflation m试图让我可以在6亿日元平均收入 NULL
                                          • 每年就很难维持一个年收入491 u200b u200b日元,现在 491 Maintaining current annual income in the circular base becomes yearly very much

                                        • 周五呀银行你wwwwwwwwwwww没有意义购买政府债券,正好有在银行,政府是不是说我津市钱?我们写我读条,然后,从经济底漆犹豫去皮赖几本书 gt Government having buying the “debt repayment government bond” to Bank of Japan gt Government the government bond which the bank has is bought with that gold it is there is no meaning Your wwwwwwwwwwww money is being what the ru is After you ask because the economic handbook some volume thing of the extent which is read doing you write
                                          • 2。国民年金已运作在日本,主要是政府债券 2 The national pension is used mainly with the Japanese government bond
                                          • wwwwwwwwwwww银行摆在我们面前没有任何意义,以购买政府债券呀那将发生在银行的钱,政府是不是说我津市?我们写我读条,然后,从经济底漆犹豫去皮赖几本书 gt Government having buying the “debt repayment government bond” to Bank of Japan gt Government the government bond which the bank has is bought with that gold it is there is no meaning Your wwwwwwwwwwww money is being what the ru is After you ask because the economic handbook some volume thing of the extent which is read doing you write
                                          • 明确如何对债券的偿还 u003d负债(笑)销售差异的国际银行 gt Government having buying the “debt repayment government bond” to Bank of Japan gt Government the government bond which the bank has is bought with that gold it is there is no meaning Your wwwwwwwwwwww money is being what the ru is After you ask because the economic handbook some volume thing of the extent which is read doing you write

                                        • 因此,央行一些从第二反正我读了670多次黄柏瓦特说,政府在基础设施只是解决方案摆在我们面前的误解,说Tteru只适用想象这板谁拥有的观点得到广泛领域只是浪费时间每个柱塞 670 Therefore as for the central bank when it is subsystem of government when no degree you say w Read this temporarily from calling Some your misunderstanding being unraveled expands range of vision With such a bulletin board suitableness saying with just the imagination the ru it is simply time it is wasteful
                                          • 因此,央行一些从第二反正我读了670多次黄柏瓦特说,政府在基础设施只是解决方案摆在我们面前的误解,说Tteru只适用想象这板谁拥有的观点得到广泛领域只是浪费时间每个柱塞 670 Therefore as for the central bank when it is subsystem of government when no degree you say w Read this temporarily from calling Some your misunderstanding being unraveled expands range of vision With such a bulletin board suitableness saying with just the imagination the ru it is simply time it is wasteful

                                        • 在不影响直接通过687债券,这笔钱是我们的印象是,央行,浇入市场,包括公共投资,政府可以南特 NULL

                                          • 如何能以货币价值一落千丈打印帐单,如果说307强Makutsu
                                            307 Forcing, if you say, the thing kana which declines heavily the [tsu] [te] value of money which prints the paper currency and sows

                                            • 如果15日,隆平部长陈Ueshima野田改为明天分
                                              If 15, from tomorrow changing to Noda, Uesima dragon flat the minister of state

                                              • 如果NDE,一旦出现对世界政府 u200b u200b“中,央行万亿日元光坏账在1400它被称为什么是默认 NULL
                                                • NDE如果看它在光线不好的债务后1400万亿到世界中央银行政府日元,什么是默认称为 It is with debt of 1 400 000 000 000 000 Yen government for Bank of Japan to step on when it pushes down… That is called in the world the default tsu te
                                                • 如果NDE,一旦出现对世界政府 u200b u200b“中,央行万亿日元光坏账在1400它被称为什么是默认 NULL
                                                • 如果NDE,一旦出现对世界政府 u200b u200b“中,央行万亿日元光坏账在1400它被称为什么是默认 NULL

                                              • 如果你到市场上以美元计价的产品,否则我无法获得足够的the m下强势日元

                                                • 如果你是在宏观Fri m看我可以打印毫无根据

                                                  • 如果你赌679日元的“国际”,他使用的混乱 NULL
                                                    • 打印的票据Makutsu世界各地,后来的面额十日 NULL

                                                  • 如果我们通过密集Teiu让让让让贪婪金钱在猜测乡亲,为简单reason ll不好?在此之前,我住在工人Katsukatsu严重的是这个工程很好的错 If the gold is transferred to the party avariciously earnestly with gesu the tsu te which is used earnestly you say simple reason Being useless Before that being serious it is strange for the worker who works good to live katsukatsu

                                                    • 如果没有通过反日本银行将直接从445政府(政府债券),我希望我们有兴趣回到了债权人的垃圾 NULL
                                                      • 什么是因为日本政府在社会保障体系依靠债券的实际利率,多次描述 As explained many degrees because the social security system it depends on the substantial interest of the Japanese government bond
                                                      • 没有经历抗日银行445直接从政府(政府债券),但我只让你返回到债权人的利益 NULL

                                                    • 很抱歉,但也可以加入到功率在国外Gabagaba Argens酒店织锦的773地震重建的旗帜
                                                      773 There is a flag-symbol of the brocade, earthquake disaster revival it is Although [gabagaba] it can throw even foreign with public exemption

                                                      • 必须防止出口减弱,赢得了韩国经济对外部需求的依赖不合理
                                                        The unjust won of the Korean economy of outside demand dependence obstruction of the export with cheaply is needed

                                                        • 惊讶它仍然是在晚上高中毕业生专业的研究生来了! W日本

                                                          • 我从它的量化宽松政策的问题,我没有在714与通缩按照实际利率 714 Therefore the substantial interest not going down with deflation problem what quantitative relief should have been done
                                                            • 日本运营商必须有个人的原因没有通缩 The ya which is not deflation there is a good private circumstance in Japan

                                                          • 我们将作为QE3 866 FRB原意的最终目标,应油价下跌
                                                            866 If in sort of intention of the beginning of FRB QE3 ends in vision, as for crude oil price it is the expectation which declines heavily

                                                            • 我完全超出各货币的价值,但我说,晚上去了战后十日
                                                              After the war most low price saying, however the [ru] You say from value of money with completely exceeding, the [ru

                                                              • 我应该在哪里使用,以增加国家债务万亿日元◆10?一位受访者的选择。在两个重建日本经济(五个一石u003d [1]鸟)采用的是不聋。 U. S.国债购买(赞扬美国u003d)间谍国外,约10万亿美元的外汇干预,野田彦,日元从08月04日估计[1]通货紧缩实现康复,就业状况好转,日元,财政收入稳健
                                                                * Also 10,000,000,000,000 Yen increasing the debt of the country, it should use somewhere? Choices Reply person 1. You use in revival, (the = stone five bird [1]) The Japanese who is not economic tone-deafness 2. The American bond purchase (= toward America morning Mitsugi) Yosihiko operative and Noda of foreign countries With exchange intervention from August 4th presumption approximately 10,000,000,000,000 Yen [1] With deflation breaking away, revival actualization, employment environmental improvement and weak yen, increased revenue public finance soundness

                                                                • 我知道什么对减少国家债务债券,以吸引接受鳕鱼489很 NULL

                                                                  • 我要死了卖给别人,而我598伤害

                                                                    • 换句话说,在偿还债务,成为银行在市场上,成为中央银行Idake差异 gt In other words the tip of paying back the debt becomes the bank of city or becomes Bank of Japan or just the difference
                                                                      • 也就是说,在偿还债务,成为银行在市场上,成为中央银行Idake差异 NULL
                                                                      • 换句话说,在偿还债务,成为银行在市场上,成为中央银行Idake差异 gt In other words the tip of paying back the debt becomes the bank of city or becomes Bank of Japan or just the difference

                                                                    • 日本银行,因为是胃和所有购买政府债券,银行将要购买国际 NULL
                                                                      • 什么是你喜欢日本的通货紧缩银行这么大?哦另一个坏通缩 Bank of Japan so with something deflation loving Well Already deflation hate

                                                                    • 日本银行,财政部和财政部,不会立即
                                                                      As for Bank of Japan, the financial affairs ministry and the Ministry of Finance, [chi] being [ma] it does

                                                                      • 然而,一些笑声,这白痴不禁↑ But the thing of this fool of the ↑ laughing you do not enter
                                                                        • 551之前,你真愚蠢 551 As for you the ho it is with the foolish shelf

                                                                      • 现在,我们是透明的,但不知道从嘈杂物凄确保KNO自己近30年背后的申诉被人参加了当地政府雇员和OB的气息
                                                                        Because the ombudsman where now OB of the splash and the local government employee and the human where breath caught are on back nearly 30 years made a noise with original our performing tremendous We are converted transparently

                                                                        • 由于兴趣转化为现实的金融业是政府债券的收入并不多,发现的金融泡沫
                                                                          It is something where the financial bubble as for the actual entering of financial industry is more than the interest earnings by the government bond,

                                                                          • 由强势日元造成通货紧缩的实质不是介质从央行的target m通货紧缩“日元”我浪费Contd。干预只是作为一个长期的问题 Therefore as for essential cause of increase in yen value deflation target what of Bank of Japan If the media “increase in yen value” just problem apparent is done not to be deflation wasteful intervention continues
                                                                            • 美国一定要来住在日本不会对美元下跌和美国对日本经济的崩溃将某种强势日元 America is not good living unless weak dollar it is Japan becomes somehow even with increase in yen value When the American economy collapses also Japan collapses

                                                                          • 甲壳,我认为富人更超过1000万日元超过20万的年薪或经营收入方面刷Ritakunai NULL
                                                                            • 什么是我每年减少,这意味着人们的平均收入 In other words average income of the citizen every year has decreased therefore it is

                                                                          • 的高点和2012年6月暂时关闭在黄金期货心脏G u003d4568日元交易在东京商品交易所
                                                                            2012 June drill which is center of transaction even in the gold futures market of Tokyo industrial item exchange 1 gram = 4568 Yen renewed the highest value temporarily

                                                                            • 目前,贸易顺差也不为过呕吐出来了,但太远了,您在窒息不能呼吸 re
                                                                              Temporarily, as for the excessive trade black-ink balance, unless it spits out, To suffocate even with sucking too much, the [chi] [ya] [u

                                                                              • 而日本276银行+稳定的国内价格的经济增长的目的

                                                                                • 这是关于央行的白河大将军的自由裁量权

                                                                                  • 通过协调干预,以温和的,我应该生活在美国实施管制不影响杀害 While moderately cooperating intervening unless it does not utilize America and does not kill and must control
                                                                                    • Dakejan的钱投入到U S 流动什么是您购买美国债券和外汇干预,但也 gt Exchange intervening simply the American bond buying the money is just flows to America
                                                                                    • Dakejan资金流向U S 什么是您购买美国债券和外汇干预,但也 NULL
                                                                                    • 不会介入时间,但不是唯一的光线干预周 Intervention is not done timewise and it does not intervene even with the week opening
                                                                                    • 在市场干预,现在到底是黑暗的分配采购 The market being the place where it intervenes you buy pillow re te end
                                                                                    • 虽然适度的干预,我住在美国实施管制不影响杀害 While intervening moderately unless it does not utilize America and does not kill and must control

                                                                                  • 针对公共工程洗脑,这是当地政府雇员的阴谋
                                                                                    Public works projects opposite brainwashing is conspiracy of the local government employee

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