The London restaurant, as for the meal of the course where meal generation consists of the price increase 3 plate of 1 tenth or more in these 1 years 45 pounds (approximately 5700 Yen)
670党的菜单。 。如果在3000课程瓶。 。 Munja已经在约4000?御前傻瓜吗?什么样的经济意识这是一个日元一瓶的葡萄酒 670 Party menu If in 3 000 courses 1 bottles It may be about 4 000 it is Fool you The bottle wine is thousand Yen tsu te what kind of economic conception
ID:ID和k3RKShB10:zKDnynVp0一个ID是需要总结:说什么我想SJDXw0Cr0?在其他地方做多大? ID: k3RKShB10 ID: As for zKDnynVp0 in a word as a conclusion ID: Something would like to call to SJDXw0Cr0, it is? You do with out-town?
SOMETHING ·好东西店 Good thing house SOMETHING
W我已经告诉我们什么食物Itenai教科书 What kind of cooking it is not written It is some information w
80我去他的主要烹饪错误 80 Cooking was unpalatable even at zenith period
“米从292日元,不太清楚南特店便宜又好吃的食物,反正solid d最好不要护理店 NULL
我会高度后,日元贬值这个产品,我正好可以弥补在电力的强势日元Kunaru NULL
不恩戴由他转选中,“来吧已被执行后保留”我只是把理论和Mareta NULL
4精致的法国美食 4 High class French cooking
不想有多高590? NULL
伟大的印度食物在伦敦将Yappari After all if London it probably is the Indian cooking
我听说539潮来 539 That the wa you have heard
达洛尼加的不便宜的问题,然后我选择704 704 Then choosing the fact that it is cheap the ro which is not problem and is
这不仅仅是食品饮料唐654 654 The do just it is to drink you ate is
不是自然的通过,粘材料,它是自以为是的特点和这家伙 ID:zKDnynVp0 Cannot do through character, adhesion quality, and the self-righteousness which the feature shelf of [koitsu] < ID: zKDnynVp0
与中国476 m中国式面条真正辞职 476 Any Chinese things you admit the Chinese noodles of the Chinese type as expected
什么KKE ,与美国女子结婚,发现居住在日本国内和英国 吃的食物,生活的KKE什么最坏? The tsu ke … which is what Getting married with the American woman Living to the Japanese house Eating the English cooking … The tsu ke where tsu te is the worst life
W我亚热通货紧缩在日本和英国出口的你 Exporting the Japanese deflation to your England w
什么英国增值税(销项税额)20%的KKE The [tsu] [ke] which is the English [tsu] [te] VAT (consumer tax) 20%
从衰退中来到伦敦引起了骚乱长引肯定是陷入麻烦甚至津市餐饮 In London where the riot rose from the depression which is prolonged also food service industry has fallen to predicament
为什么能引起大量增加学费在法国骚乱 Therefore even in France the large scale riot rises with school expenses increase amount
另一个盘菜鱼和马铃薯称为津市三平方哩,是不是达洛尼加 When you mention three The fish and the potato something riding in one plate already the ru it is the ro which is
我将所有在一个板块,为什么成491。 491 It is about probably to pile up to one plate entirely with something it is probably will be…
周一夫妇现在,它是怎样的?预算餐 What kind of it rubbed the current couple Budget of meal
做这么小医疗预算 NULL
在喜欢烹饪゙Urinara监控什么`Д 次丶 丶 `д ' Very such a time [urinara] cooking [nita] ゙
在日本,中国,中东以及如何在苦难中的幸福,目前,对日元升值的通货膨胀率被压制,直到你达到对整个日元一旦正式邀请Sutagufu狂欢,抗议和示威活动继续进行活动将频频发生 In reality in Japan of the Middle East and China the happiness in unhappiness inflation is controlled because of increase in yen value but when it advances to one time weak yen direction temporarily At a stroke sutaguhu will be caused demonstration and protest activity probably will occur frequently at every place
在中东和中国当前区域频繁去年骚乱 NULL
在曼谷゙超过912高斯,W运动会清楚的每份或我的,地点在日元以内饭少了,但我有很高的啤酒 912 You pass with ha ゙ nkoku per we one food or less shelf w Well rice generation for hundred Yen or less hi ゙ ru is high but it is …
周一喜欢香菜或705?我觉得没有更多的不适瓦特扭转这种局面不舒服,但只停留一个星期吃一顿黄柏 705 Even pakuchi like it is When just one food you eat but strange feeling When one week you stay the one which is not conversely strange feeling w which is felt
大约20年前,是肯定和安全的鱼和片源,是2,000日元左右第1点啤酒° C _NULL_
如果不到一半的质量相同的欧洲 NULL
从this m仍有一半,但现在 Therefore now although it is half price even then this what
如果不可避免的历史浅农业从494 494 Because history of agriculture is shallow, it is helpless
如果就如日本的主要工作是移民,我认为日本甜蔑视Kosazu稳步引起骚乱等 NULL
例如没有采取在美国和加拿大举行的食物,日本移民的年轻人 Because as for the young person whom you cannot eat immigrating to the American Canadian Japan is becoming fixed
如果没有你的形象从奇摩奇摩奇摩肝胃不希望有684肝胃奇摩 684 Heart it is and heart is and heart is and heart is and heart is and heart is from the corpse picture
如果预算没有踢,也是极好的印度咖喱店 NULL
如果预算没有踢,也是极好的印度咖喱店 NULL
弥敦道我将有一个拥挤的美味扁豆十日看德国483 483 The boiling together or don t you think tastiness of the German lens bean it is
当然,即使穷人的土地打下高纬度地区,国家感受到了人居环境困难的饮食文化 Also latitude being high also the land is poor food culture is brought up and you felt that it is the country of zu leprosy environment
什么是不渴望被出口减少饮食文化 Enthusiasm to making excessive food culture export it is not kana
总之,不厌恶恼火,价格高于,英国食品 NULL
我告诉你93。鳗鱼与先进的技术菜比这更好的纪念裂缝是在日本不只是世界 93 However it is and the tsu solves Eel cooking which is the technology where tearing is refined is just Japan As for those above this there is no world
我告诉你93。鳗鱼与先进的技术菜比这更好的纪念裂缝是在日本不只是世界 93 However it is and the tsu solves Eel cooking which is the technology where tearing is refined is just Japan As for those above this there is no world
我爆完达洛尼加,这要归功于这些左翼的社会政策的各种财务费用274 274 Public finance ending with social security expense every favor of such left flank policy, the [ro] which is the [ru
我进行了在伦敦,伦敦几次,总体上是不瓦特我不觉得在晚餐的食物,这是十日Kichitsu我们说嘿,我说我已经具有较高的折旧酒店和餐馆 However London several times it went that it made kichitsu being densely because the dinner you have not eaten there is no reality w Generally London the hotel being high the restaurant saying cheaply being said however the ru don t you think the e
推荐快餐烧烤系列的Supittsuiko比萨饼出 As for the recommendation the fast food pizza, [supitsutsuiko] of out grille series
林森的形象Guguttekudasai Eintopf As for the picture the [gu] [gu] [tsu] [te] with Linsen-Eintopf
欧元区之间没有差异,是一个资源丰富的国家Papuru货币区会爆炸 Not to be wrong the European sphere, [papuru] of the resource national sphere currency probably will be bursts
此外,英国已经忘记了,有一个真正的反日教育方案和相关的第二次世界大战虐囚问题不应 In addition, is done officially to England you do not have to forget that it is the anti-Japanese educational program which in regard to the captive abuse problem of the second next great war
每日小报纸,皇帝并没有与战俘问题的处理,没有立场,因为日本袭击无情拒绝道歉和赔偿,包括 As for tabloid every day, handling emperor and captive problem, It blamed Japan which refuses apology and compensation obstinately and raised
每磅哇日元感受到不同的是什么在5700日元不是一年前,它通常是从日本日元换算是怎么回事,从去年八月中没有10%左右 1 Because as for pound circle about 1 tenths than August of last year becoming increase in yen value ru was normal When it is the Japanese Yen conversion being the case that they are 5700 Yen even in 1 years ago The u wa it does not do the tsu te feeling separately
根据不同的季节,但141 4 比如我通常是在 200英镑五年前,但当时翻译成日元的Ttetara线永远耶再次 141 However it depends on also time when they are 4 5 years ago 200 pound exceeding because ru was normal Going to the time as for cod circular conversion the sled ya in already great thing
比194的异国料理出麻烦,我会更比饭或烤炸猪排饭是否合理? 194 Don't you think? specially rather than foreign cooking putting out, the [tonkatsu] fixed food and the broiled fish fixed food as a comparison propriety?
海德堡,波恩和科隆和周围的路上,我想我们吃河里的鱼菜 By the way we want with around Bonn and the kernel and Heidelberg eating also river fish cooking by all means
爱国主义异常(抗日精神),石强,对朝鲜今天不会煽动效果 NULL
痴迷了日本食品的医生,我需要帮助 NULL
销售Umu 460或以上的痴迷 460 The u u mu being attachment
而不是拉557被断开,而不是仅对基于出意大利意大利,意大利的商店是出 NULL
当然,如果一个更高的日元是烤章鱼和烤荞麦丽5700 NDE和烘烤好的见过你看在大阪 The Japanese pancake and the callous burning and the chow mein asking in Osaka if 5700 Yen you see certainly it is high
而四季,消除在跨专业的食品丰富的产品放射性日本列岛,Shiteyaritai留下了丰富的饮食或后代 Four seasons occasionally, losing the Japanese archipelago where the food is abundant with the name commodity of every place from the radioactivity, we would like leaving rich dietary life to the descendant
而该法案被视为溅入,如黄金,白银和小麦大豆商品流动的水声,没有邀请的生活成本高 _NULL_
而鹿肉牛排据说对待你的自信心我觉得生活和狩猎的人随处可见,农业人的差别过的回忆,成为哑口无言移动 It is treat, self-confidence fully was said in the stake of the deer meat which breaks off in the thinking which - The difference of hunting race and the agriculture race which move the residence anywhere was felt
该地下系统是134 ° C゙中心在亚,日式咖喱计数器是什么? _NULL_
该课程的一盘餐(3)由45磅(约5700日元)和伦敦的地狱我们做5700日元蔬菜,鱼和薯条啤酒现在只有在用尽来到茹不要放在盐水· · · 1 As for the meal of the course which consists of 3 plates 45 pounds approximately 5700 Yen The sufficient vegetable which at the hot water which the salt is not inserted is boiled in kutakuta Fish Chips Beer Now whether approximately 5700 Yen The London tsu te quite the hell shelf…
茹将获得获得约茹认为,当我忘记了我在放的日期,时间肯定是烤成什么津市烤箱恩戴对接,直到刚好在凝胶突出重点“的出炉” When boiling putting on the fire that the extent which you think whether the ru you forget it boils and When burning thrusting to the oven regardless “it burns to before the sun size which burns”
说到这,因为有座位下降一个鸡蛋一丁什么购买的公用厨房做饭唐人街入河客栈青年并联同吃了不相称的成本和厌恶,有些效果瓦特是在流泪 So if you say, distasteful of eating out with being embarrassed to unbalanced price, in use the inn changing Our 炊 at the joint kitchen, the shelf… dropping the egg into one even number before the coming out which you buy with [chiyainataun], w which cries in flavor of remainder
较高的w将东京Shinee通常有点担心更 u200b u200b多的50美元如果在一个像样的店铺的三个项目中的小正统的中国105 105 And 3 items of the extremely orthodox being in Chinese if honest store about 5000 it is Yen normal die the e When it is Tonkin just a little it probably will already be high and w
较高的w将东京Shinee通常有点担心更 u200b u200b多的50美元如果在一个像样的店铺的三个项目中的小正统的中国105 105 And 3 items of the extremely orthodox being in Chinese if honest store about 5000 it is Yen normal die the e When it is Tonkin just a little it probably will already be high and w
输出torque m高相比,超市有,可能购买约一欧元能仍然350cl When super you compare there it is high but it is even then the 350cl can You can buy in about 1 Europe
我正要欧元4套土豆和比萨和可乐 NULL
输出扭矩在828发现对日元,瑞士法郎和欧元价值的运动产生了差异虽然 828 When you see with anti circle price movements of the Europe and the Swiss franc it comes and is fixed being it is different but it is
这种烹饪剧场片花了我对日元2100(E19 10(E19 23)王侯的总和 一个令人震惊的讨价还价,突然我了解,在日本的饮食将是一个不同于任何我曾经遇到经验的纯粹简单,注重细节是什么神奇的效果。 This piece of culinary theatre cost me the princely sum of JPY 2 100 E19 10 E19 23 a shocking bargain And suddenly I understood that eating in Japan would be an experience unlike any I had ever encountered The sheer simplicity and attention to detail is nothing short of miraculous
饮食`Д 灵魂丶328゙良好的监控 328 丶 `д ' As for the Seoul meal good [nita] ゙
高涨的食品和劳动力成本,增值税在2和5%(增值税)的增加,似乎会导致上升的保险和餐馆 _NULL_
高近均质状态的爱国主义,我觉得558的反政府骚乱引起了不Koranai 558 Patriotism it is high, as for closely single race nation you think that the very counter government riot does not happen,…
&#8364;没有。 。它是被高估anyway m绝对反对对其他货币 & #8364; . . Vis-a-vis anyhow vis-a-vis the other currency Absolutely it is expensive what