1970年夏的战争:版画家雕塑家的8 - 15 / 12,8,看着女儿的脸,滨田智明◆中国 - - 滨田智明(93)第十届步兵熊本地方的悲剧,你要在图片左侧◇三团参加了招聘队伍,东京美术学校(现东京芸术大)毕业1939年12月 Opening of the hostilities summer of 70: 12 8 and 8 15/in Block print house sculptor, Hamada intellectual discernment * Face - - Hamada intellectual discernment of the daughter who was seen in China (93) * Tragedy We would like to leave with the picture As for enlisting in Kumamoto infantry 13th regiment supplement party of local end, Tokyo school of fine arts (Present Tokyo art large) December of 39 you graduate
4。让我们输入了一次由法国空间和写 NULL
1。让我们把曾经的空间不是美国人写 1 The American writing 1 times it will try inserting the space
3。让我们输入了一次由法国空间和写 NULL
4。让我们已经进入一个空间,一次写韩文 4 The South Korean writing 1 times it will try inserting the space
什么样? W此方破裂,如果我敢说每个其处宁过滤不从贫穷快乐Shiishi什么,W赞扬 No way If you say to the 其 place Diplomatic relations try becoming extinct w 此 one does not trouble at all The 寧 ro it is delightful and w which praises
韩国人,然后再试一次没有破裂有关Waritakunai Diplomatic relations it will become extinct We would not like to relate with the Korean already altogether
麻烦的是我遇到困难,因为没有达洛尼加民主党国会议员和Masugomi破裂 Diplomatic relations becoming extinct as for being troubled the ro where are just democracy Assemblyman and the mass rubbish What is to trouble
ID:乔布斯在B 9B2 / r3ka0复制和粘贴 ID: 9B2/r3ka0 Work quaintness of [kopipe
黄柏思另一种方式来做到这一点,你批评它,做同样的事情来模仿 Because you criticize that when you think whether another method it does imitating the same thing the ru
W我将得到一个流浪汉说好邻居邻居寄生虫 It is you drive to the neighboring country You can call the parasite of the neighboring country well, don't you think? W
“(下解放是区)弱国家权力,即侵占(当时的大韩帝国),您不断在心中再次羞辱,”武野Nonghen日本的祖先是不称职的爸爸Nonghen谁只疏忽Nonghen反向Midaro “Kuniriki is weak to the optical returning repeating paragraph the 侵 奪 humiliation of the Korean Airlines empire of that time is cut again in heart” It should grudge the ancestor who is disabled with the idle fellow As for grudging Japan the ro which is opposite grudge
科赫也是我们在日本的小结构上线甚至破裂一种是只仅供参考,也是一个大嗓门Gininarandaroushi此信息反正我是一个前所未有的韩国大繁荣 As for this diplomatic relations becoming extinct absolutely the structure cup So in our small Japan it is unprecedented large Korean boom what don t you think How the wax where also this speech of the se lines up into the many noise it does Wretchedly and it is wretched and
不,谢谢(几乎AA No Thank You (AA abbreviation
丢弃韩日条约,不破裂,是对日本人民的共同心愿 Cancelling day Korea treaty diplomatic relations the fact that it becomes extinct is the Japanese national common request
为什么没有中国殖民朝鲜半岛? _NULL_
义务兵役制可以歼灭日本明年应该马上回答? _NULL_
什么是不幸的,是不是在鼓吹过过过过铢邻居过过过过过过过゙卡哈封面的话力量的方式过了! ! As for unhappy tsu te not being able to choose the neighboring country ha ゙ kaha ゙ kaha ゙ ka which is this lines
W兰花将停止笑太贺不宣扬的科赫邻居W的话 W which cannot choose the neighboring country This lines passing laughing stopping ma viewing w
什么是不幸的,是不是在说教了邻居过过过过过过铢过过过过゙卡哈力线在这里盖了过来! ! As for unhappy tsu te not being able to choose the neighboring country ha ゙ kaha ゙ kaha ゙ ka which is this lines
我是一个游戏,将惩罚国家的邻居选择Betara When it can choose the neighboring country some country probably is the punishment game
达洛尼加我还没有听说过,我说不是日本津市潮来选择你的邻居和 Unless there is a gill be the Japanese being the neighboring country the ru you have heard don t you think it is the ro which is
从事实背后的动乱策划者癫狂只是要笑啊WW Kitsuru自以惩Rizu尚未交付。 Ibukari嘲笑和公司写了骚乱土民Mutoseshimo世人又一天(秸秆挫伤)只也富本 嗚 call Laughing it passes, the chord 哉 ww Simply, the ringleaders of the 癲 mania which designates riot as effect are not disgusted yet, even insolently. One day you plan earth people riot again and the [mu] and the [se] do and doubt folks this doubtfully ridicule (the bruise straw) only the [hu] 也
作为最低限度的礼貌,以保障唯一的外国人之一,将评估后,对方在亚洲(除中国)马上要增加一个同胞抗日成为第一个正确的同样的感觉是一个坏李承晚如果这样的元素不卖所有案例研究的历史Igami Merely to protect the courtesy of the minimum as one foreign country then you appraise The feeling where we would like to increase the companion other than China to mutual Asia is same In the first place if being counter day Japanese plum acceptance evening is bad learns correct history There is no element and the like which quarrels
为了彼此,我将不得不评估亚洲(除中国)立即觉得你想增加家伙的第一个抗日分子这样的销售是不一样的案例研究所有Igami这不是一个坏的历史,是正确的李承晚 As for we you appraise The feeling where we would like to increase the companion other than China to mutual Asia is same In the first place if being counter day Japanese plum acceptance evening is bad learns correct history There is no element and the like which quarrels
佟星蜘蛛是令人难以接受的,是薄気味悪困境,来到了泣 The condition where the road it does any which go eerily and with lowers the eyebrow and as for the child starts crying
像即将推出,另外这轻率的言论,狂跳分公司 Such a [huzake] of the maggot coming are as for speech the times when [bun] you beat plop-plop come
发送`∀ 丶Pachinkasu泡菜在日本 [pachinkasu] resident kim chee 丶 `∀ ' You send
嘿现在日本是世界上爱Chosun大学民主党人?我们要求日本人民是民主党人满了吗?如果自民党反正我做说anything ll韩国民主党例如没有,民主党人试图尽快解散 Just a little now Japan is the Korean favorite Democratic party It is the Democratic party of resident and the naturalization human being lazy If the Liberal Democratic Party anyhow the Democratic party you cannot call to Korea at all The Democratic party probably will be made to disperse quickly
在反日亲日瓦特周边国家没有邻国 Anti-Japanese country is not the neighboring country W where parent day country is the neighboring country
在釜山,济州岛和韩国的邻居是一个好邻居 _NULL_
天王寺东高津不传邻区( ·ω·)Kawaisosu _NULL_
如果一个韩国“韩国家庭领养父母同意律师执照,如果不要求(条韩国民法870) In case of the South Korean if there is agreement of the parents of the adopted child, permission of the Korean home method institute is not needed, (the Korean Airlines people national method 870th provision)
委员会的朝鲜。恐怖袭击的肆意仔细分层?创价学会使用恐怖“组盯梢”指责高科技武器※损害更多的武器和技术的评论浪潮BMI,如果敌人的恐怖评论目的连同损坏的煤气照明技术细节,“没办法”和思意义上说,军事家伙打成了别人的都卖岁的未来在非常强一点我想你怀疑受害人手中字 Also in North Korea In un discriminating terrorism of stratification main point note Prosecution of the terrorism “group stoker” which uses the high tech weapon of Soka academic society The electromagnetic wave damage details and technical explanation gas lighting damage and the detailed commentary summary of technique by the BMI weapon If terrorism is purpose as for the enemy “never” thinking coming military common sense When it is to doubt the word of the victim please think that it is fixed in technique of the party well
委员会的朝鲜。恐怖袭击的肆意仔细分层?创价学会使用恐怖“组盯梢”指责高科技武器※损害更多的武器和技术的评论浪潮BMI,如果敌人的恐怖评论目的连同损坏的煤气照明技术细节,“没办法”和思意义上说,军事家伙打成了别人的都卖岁的未来在非常强一点我想你怀疑受害人手中字 Also in North Korea In un discriminating terrorism of stratification main point note Prosecution of the terrorism “group stoker” which uses the high tech weapon of Soka academic society The electromagnetic wave damage details and technical explanation gas lighting damage and the detailed commentary summary of technique by the BMI weapon If terrorism is purpose as for the enemy “never” thinking coming military common sense When it is to doubt the word of the victim please think that it is fixed in technique of the party well
宣讲不超过四对日本与邻国的邻国双方看起来很糟糕的公司,专门从事软件在不久的距离正是我脱亜入欧邻近的环太平洋地区的海洋,但总的友好国家的民主国家隔离区深化与眼科合作 gt Above choosing the neighboring country Therefore as for the Japanese four side ocean The countries entire te of the Pacifc Rim neighboring country Now deviation from sub entrance Europe Distance just is close severs relations with the bad friend of special a which the neighboring country face is done Cooperation cooperation with the amicable democracy nation of the Pacifc Rim will be deepened
一个好的IDE,以最少的情况下说这一步,如果他说是的,我闹,津不超过宣讲邻居邻居 NULL
对马,在一个城市,停靠到一个更残酷的杀戮 With the Tsushima and Iki entrance 寇 Extremely, you did cruel murder one and
工作填充方案。也用不着间谍 China of construction being lazy. Operative It does not need
帰Reyo在日本,与日本所有的罪犯 Resident and resident offender everyone accompanying, return
当然是有道理的,首先中粮连续邻居 First the neighboring country of the land continuation making chummy is muscle
您正好有一份特殊的感情与邻国连接仅仅是因为他们刚 Simply therefore the neighboring country with does not have to touch in just the reason which is said with special feeling
您正好有一份特殊的感情与邻国连接仅仅是因为他们刚 Simply therefore the neighboring country with does not have to touch in just the reason which is said with special feeling
我一直说,他十日麻烦津市日本断绝外交关系后,我,幸福Shiidaro什么的对手有一个讨厌的麻烦?他妈的它,我们看看日本,他们放弃了其他困难 When diplomatic relations it becomes extinct that Japan is troubled saying however the ru person it is hateful the partner is troubled riding the ro which is delightful and is Already Japan abandoning it makes be troubled and the chi ya obtains
日本是世界领先的贷款,以资助该国我投资的基金组织 Japan moneylender financial country of the worldwide top class which has invested to IMF
我们没有日本的推移和其他重复,没有认识的那些试图入侵的小岛腿的历史线索,教朝鲜挑衅的感情,伪造邪809我不喜欢心爱的陌生感 809 It has been about to designate the thing German island which teaches the history which it fabricates as basis of invasion Without understanding the Korean feeling repeatedly provocation it is If it lifts to in addition to when it is bad only the good way there are no we who are the Japanese who is not the drill
中国伪造的破TTP韩国丁酸来源: www youtube com 表V u003d evf8 EZCwJE In the Korean beginning fabrication the Chinese buchi being cut off ttp www youtube com watch v evf8 EZCwJE
我很可能会超过790 Amousorosoro海绵日本经济援助的国家干预不剩我一个在日本也赞同恢复停止,我们现在听到了很多钱的时候贷款Shiteyatta愚蠢的我几乎断已被归因与 790 So it is what The a it stops takari already gradually As for Japan which supports economically in the country the foolish shelf It may fail the ear gathering the large sum lending the occasion where it becomes now return 1 people do not remain and accompany either resident and return
我很可能会超过790 Amousorosoro海绵已经与一个剩余拉兹也让居民返回现在对齐Shiteyatta借出耳朵当国家几乎破产,停止我的钱归于 790 So it is what The a it stops takari already gradually As for Japan which supports economically in the country the foolish shelf It may fail the ear gathering the large sum lending the occasion where it becomes now return 1 people do not remain and accompany either resident and return
我是一个甜蜜的韩国为例,日本,首先改变了Collarenebri不是说埃雷迪亚 If Korea presuming upon Japan the ru changes expression it has licked
我觉得在“东 u200b u200b亚”的位置,以打破坏公司 NULL
我觉得在“东 u200b u200b亚”的位置,以打破坏公司 NULL
按在U S 联合国哥里结束,我也从这个观点来,如果我的国家转变成一个,通过它的强烈的情感语音理论的意见 United Nations end of the American ri pushing emotional argument country whose speech right is strong Therefore in the place where opinion passes the transfiguration red sandal wood also such opinion emerging You wrapped
是不是很疯狂地罗610 610 kichigai does not heal easily
汉城国立大学教授TTP反对抗日运动可能级联[韩国]:/ / www.youtube.com /表V u003d Dt8PRoWh1eU Seoul great professor who advocates objection in anti-Japan movement ttp: //www.youtube.com/watch? v = Dt8PRoWh1eU
汤是一种意见,巩固对欧洲意义上的韩国人的基础上讨论 As for merger view of our 輩 You considered on the basis of the Korean view of the European-American people
法是分开的姓氏为已婚夫妇,以弥补在日本,中国和韩国人生活更方便法 Surname method classified by married couple is law because the Chinese and the South Korean try are easy to live that in the Japanese country
津市日本采取我的方式开来承担的差旅费 _NULL_
直子的问题,并从我们的津贴,劳工及福利)答案交流会能够接收 From public welfare Ministry of Labor child treatment one question one answer) it becomes possible to receive,
福克斯的形状。钟先生Busuzakuro颜与值W Fox eye nose. Don't you think? attaching [chiyon] face [busuzakuro] w
这个例子给出的广泛损害另一方没有少了军队“模范战略”的受害者是 Damage of our troop is little in the partners Giving enormous damage, it made the “model maneuvers”
韩国和我趁这个调查我要回答超过90%的日本人永远应该断绝外交关系?严重 When this public opinion poll you take, Korea eternal diplomatic relations the [be] which becomes extinct finishing, don't you think? 90% or more of the Japanese citizen is replies? With [maji
韩国和日本在战争之前,美国不能水平,南特有几个日本和韩国的战争,如果美国 War cannot do the American front Japan or Korea if America is not Japan and the Korean how some time war the level which has been done
韩国志同道合的徒弟最好的例子来糊弄我们这个小日本肛门 _NULL_
韩国明星[带歌词]“如果我们放弃对日本的原子弹! “图南泊位荣获韩国1”他妈的以身作则砸盘“改名换姓歌手DJ DOC的韩国(百济)排名第二的首演音乐无0.1 Hittosonku゙゙他妈的砸盘韩国的名义发布。命中,韩国后图1南赚取泊位 The Korea style stars 'drop the atomic bomb into Japan! ' Korean [hitsutochiyatonanha] ゙ - 1 acquisition 'fUCk zAPAN' The Korean popularity singer DJ DOC changing name, (hundred end) with the name release Korean No .1 [hitsutosonku] ゙ fUCk which is done zAPAN Music run kink ゙ first appearance 2 rank. After that, Korean [hitsutochiyatonanha] ゙ - acquiring 1
韩国的代表及历史学家前面临着来自韩国,黑色和白色裁判喜欢它的情感前小谈Netouyo立场希望与日本的美国历史学家知识的代表辩论Gichigai正好证明了韩国人均,但可以看到太多也决心参加我错误认识Netouyo津市 Therefore as for netouyo the Korean likely feeling forward stories are few Doing debate forward in the Korean historian representation and the Japanese historian representation the black and white we would like to have attaching As for judgment with per American intellectual When Korea is gichigai proof probably is possible accurately but netouyo mistaking recognition the ru and decision there is also a part which is attached don t you think it is probably will be
这指出,人们一直在身边很长一段时间已经与朝鲜接触 NULL
(O )b从朝鲜半岛是日本的殖民地,半岛来台 o b Because the Korean Peninsula was the Japanese colony the peninsula became the Taiwan way
Dattara意大利半岛的殖民地,半岛已成为像索马里 When the Korean Peninsula was the Italian colony the peninsula had become the Somalian way
Dattara法国殖民韩国,越南等已成为半岛 When the Korean Peninsula was the French colony the peninsula had become the Vietnamese way
Dattara英国殖民地韩国,印度半岛应该是 When the Korean Peninsula was the English colony the peninsula had become the Indian way
美国殖民Dattara朝鲜半岛,半岛已成为为菲律宾 When the Korean Peninsula was the American colony the peninsula had become the Philippine way
葡萄牙殖民Dattara朝鲜半岛,半岛已成为像东帝汶 NULL
(建议在网上搜索谷歌图片。项)“文革子弹。大扫除”,“天安门事件46”“法轮功镇压”,“西藏维吾尔压迫”,“四川意外核设施”,“高速在中国铁路出轨”,“KTX “事故 ([guguru] picture web search guess. Item ) “Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution bullet. Purgation” “64 Tien An Men incident” “Legal wheel Isao oppression” “The Tibetan Uighur oppression” “The Sichuan Province Nuclear facility accident” “The Chinese rapid-transit railway derailed accident” “KTX Accident”