三年前,但并u200bu200b不便宜,购买思什么160,000的两倍速度的全高清VIERA实际产品的交易是在32唯一的一次 Three years ago, at that time with 32 thinking VIERA which is full HD with the only time speed, that it is cheap with 160,000 of actual thing special price, although you bought
井像锯齿即使全开津奈u200bu200b木737 _NULL_
人们从过去看电视是一个常数,净看电视,电视并不需要多大的意义,宣布我不 NULL
不,不,63并不需要这样的南特殆电视严重 NULL
半岛电视台购买做它与BBC地面克雷勒 If BBC and arujiyajira you do with the ground wave TV you buy
吸出来的家伙自豪地观看直播电视现在好了我知道那种主题 Well when it is such sure empty muka where the iki ru person is present with the pride which TV is not seen immediately as for being attached however it is understood
在BD刻录机可以存储它比我高,通常电视 It is higher than TV depending upon the BD recorder store don t you think normally
有没有人听到我的电视Iteru处置无842 NULL
死很容易只是因为没有健全的眼镜Iteru电视点的桑拿 The TV point being with the sauna because the ru there are no glasses just sound enjoying the ru
什么Teiu,销售Reyo他们不作电视NHK预计十日马虎 The [te] say, or to some extent NHK TV which does not appear make and sell
从第一次国内Gesuru显著降低了高品质的中国制造的是更好地等待了几年 Rear several years the one which it waited is good, because high quality domestic production it reduces for the first time rather in China make
他的建筑附在PT2数字记录服务器刚度 NULL
如果你正在录制的家伙Makuritai注意的调谐器数量 NULL
但我JCOM,这是500日元每月定期接收电视节目,它不擅长 NULL
或者说,即使所有的正常功能南特湾,你如何 NULL
但是,并非所有思那你期望在年底的新闻报道变得更加混乱模拟 NULL
但是,迁移后的销售有所放缓,去年8月15日日至21日为38,下降3% _NULL_
十日Shinee或那样的动机Ahorashiku龙慈只有电视频道,我们正在看一个像样的电视节目表打开后移上一个方便的USB调谐器+ Alt + T键按Ctrl + Alt + T USB tuner convenient shelf With Ctrl + Alt + T television on With Shift + Alt + T program schedule on When approximately it does, you see, the [re] [ru] One by one the channel of the closed circuit television it fumbles and/or with probably bites being ridiculous motivation die the [e
十日下午11点的高峰,但我绝对不是电视 But 11PM of peak period, now it cannot televise no matter what,
只有外部硬盘支持REGZA 903 USB(兼容的网络配音)IODATA和“DTCP - IP光盘录像机”PC现在可以Tteru +(DVD -与R) 903 USB external HDD corresponding [reguza] (network dubbing correspondence) with… IODATA “DTCP-IP Disc Recorder” + now using, [ru] PC (the DVD-R attaching)
名称,这样我就出今年的运气已经4922? NULL
根据不同的型号和价格环境十日492 492 It depends on also the type and price or environment
哭泣和流泪的眼睛,因为我是买了3英寸23万6年前 _NULL_
唯一的HDTV,但是没有32英寸全高清和意志,我希望它的确是购买电视不再是月经期1个月的我的房间里看电视为什么会 When it becomes 32 types there is no full hi vision and there is only a te hi vision but is it probably is with something … The television of your own room to see to become without the re because 1 months it passed the television we would like to buy as expected
唯一的负面是不损害电视台的骚扰好线,我们只有继续每天 NULL
电视本身是不是在抱怨,抱怨大电视台 NULL
地球数字电视有数字调谐器也不是没有像样的Dabutsui安全的会踢Yamouhitotsuto思什么是稀缺的一些 Area deji TV has been overabundant but area dejichiyuna is shortage of goods It is cheap you think as ke ri ya one more but approximately there are no either those of value
我希望从现在开始你可以看只有它没有调谐器 Because even now it can view also the tuner not attaching te however it is good
比如我购买并没有问题,即使在地面数字调谐器数字我不干 NULL
如果发现得早,直接向惠普瓦特JMA地震即使在浴缸仅限于98电话线切割 _NULL_
如果您没有看到或没有看到,徐怀钰。等待大约在Ttetara思被确定为更好地我看到通常来自于转化无线电Digiana It is not seen if it is not necessary to be seen and 綺 One being decided is good thinking around inside the cod the digital analyzer the empty the radio wave which is converted comes being seen normally the ru
如果该委员会还批准在日本电视制造商的谷歌是唯一与地面电视突破 If [guguru] TV is approved even in Japan, it can sell The TV manufacturer parts with the ground wave There is only this
它很大,我们认为这是一个长一点的孩子可以不再购买到河里,如果你点击屏幕 NULL
它也可能被认为不再入河买,如果你点击屏幕长一点要孩子是极大 NULL
安义县安义县津市我说我,我不进入维护guyz? Tattenham便宜吃甚至电视本身,WWW我打猎NHK接受应收费用 It is cheap, it is cheap saying, however the [ru], will not, and others cost of maintenance inserting, the [ru]? Even if, the television itself passing the [tsu] cheaply, NHK listening fee catches, it is, www
布劳恩管的电视,只有产品在十日十日这是什么游戏,硬盘录像机要连接亚拉亚拉亚拉DVD LD左右,我离开它挂狩猎努力探索 In the picture tube television LD DVD the HDD recorder in addition to having been connected The book or the game software to stack around rising because the te time bets on excavation it has left
183我等待大约两年的时间去,直到你下来,并在或低于32英寸全高清高速 NULL
另一个牛买了高清录像机,内置调谐器,这是伊朗 NULL
我不REGZA BD刻录机从810 50 000围绕尽快 NULL
让战斗仍然有担保WWW four 21英寸管道和三个SD布朗布朗高清29英寸管我独居,但油壶317 317 But it is and others one person lives 29 type HD picture tube 3 units and the ze www where 21 type SD picture tube 4 are guaranteed It can fight still
海外只为NHK(英语)→广播(视频直播海外派递)国际电视站→(半岛电视台和CNN),如对地震的方法可以观看现场直播在日本的净分布→→生活在一个真实网络电视是必需的,如单赛格便携式电视 For NHK foreign country English broadcast gt Live image to foreign country transmission gt TV station of foreign country CNN and arujiyajira live broadcast gt with net Live transmission gt even in Japan with net raw viewing possibly By the way necessary television with such as earthquake disaster the television of portable type of wansegu and the like
当时,再卖什么不是Ppokatta不多也全面提速 At that time those which are not above time speed which is not full applied sell the plug tsu po and
我可以连接世嘉土星和特工十日什么是传统的电视和VHS录像机和数字电视电缆铺设散一个更好的地方 Carefully intellectual viewing area dejiterebi and bull ray recorder former television tsu te VHS video and the Sega Saturn and dream cast You can connect kana
辉似乎有一个良好的家庭是不符合传统的PIN码黄色数字电视与蓝光录像机连接地 NULL
我失去了姬从预计的地面Owakon阳光卫视的好棒球 As for we of the baseball lover as for area [deji] where the sun television stops appearing [owakon
我将不再需要从模拟调谐器189 Datte多少?分钟,现在理所当然地认为它是产生更多静安思 189 Even the number of analog tuners stops needing it is probably will be That much furthermore becoming cheap from now on you think that it is natural but it is
自2015年,CRT显示器可能Digiana转换有线电视,不打算购买暂时 Because with the digital analyzer conversion of CATV the picture tube you can use to 2015, there is no schedule which is bought for a while
菲尔菲尔规格规格规格菲尔75 NULL
14号出口或地面 NULL
周一意义上,没有一个不是菲尔规格 NULL
( Ω )左右 NULL
达洛尼加什么不会使零售商购买商品在傻瓜Fabyo Tteta未取得活出一个简单的电视调谐器30000 30,000 television not to buy, with simple tuner absence of stock the [huabiyo] [tsu] [te] it is at the mass sales store foolish [tsu] [te] what it lives the [ro] which is