59共同消除白色当前特别帐户 59 Resident in special meeting of cosponsor removal margin
768没有,EH不只是威胁,其中包括富士Masugomi NULL
富士电视台847! ! NULL
MAD的BGM↓夫人Dzura Dzura Dzura我Yappa本岛 _NULL_
Morae Dzura家伙我有过光头首先解决糖尿病 _NULL_
NDE我看到它在对社会的不公平解雇黑撤出依靠解决您无法解决的黑人社区,根据法律477小仓先生 477 According to Ogura not being able to solve law Darkness society solves It should have tried asking withdrawal of your unfair dismissal to darkness society
null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 NULL
操作可以模糊,任意侵犯人权的定义 Definition of human rights violation being ambiguous 恣 mind use is possible
Odzura先生,我躺在转移秃头! ! NULL
小仓的光头我躺在偏差 The baldness it does the ku slipping ru Ogura
“你(指已获准在观众之间并没有看到),但周辺重,他们不这样说,在知识(黑人社会),解决了什么人是你,但尚未造成僵硬僵硬的原因我应该“,”坏事,即使你知道谁的解决方案我认为这只是“ Without being seen that “everyone it points to the viewer completes while knowing even with the peripheral re the human of such darkness society The tsu lever which it solves the tsu lever which still happens the expectation which happens is” “as for useless thing being understood the te only that Solution method passing the medium tsu you think that the person it enters don t you think is”
“你(这似乎给观众点)左右,在不说,从解决人们在什么知识(社会黑暗)不应该生硬的原因”,“什么是坏的是你知道如果人们有一个解决方案,我认为这只是“ You can see the person of such darkness society while knowing even with around that “everyone it points to the viewer The tsu lever which it solves the expectation which happens is” “as for useless thing being understood the te only that Solution method passing the medium tsu you think that the person it enters don t you think is”
什么是不是说他慈我已经在世界上不仅从他的血的事实是,你有藤转让的任何地方的话iela暴力。阿国防或 Saying saying the ru person just does not know by his As for tsu te having that in society fact as for the zu and others which conveys that it is great Somewhere of this speech violence Being protection
在所有Odzura和暴力。人类和接收阶段。 WWW我主张的是同一水平 NULL
你做一个与惠子长野事?老家伙 _NULL_
公园也许是对隐私权和易碎by歹徒袭击和写什么,如果我被一阵救济法将审议明天侵犯(人权)由十日infringement通过 If the human rights violation relief method which enters into deliberation from tomorrow is approved Relating with [yakuza], whether the [ru] [tsu] [te] you just write residence search & the [paku] and others [re] [ru] Right of privacy (human rights) infringement with
唯一的繁殖゙翻译的电视新闻节目往往镶嵌十日,但我做我会在各方的形式转换为原始,和我就投,这将是我翻译的情况下,如果你゙イル它 To be good reporting program of the television the mosaic applying with in yakusa ゙ I performing in a way that it is the original party however the ru just have performed yakusa ゙ which associates probably am what
我在镶嵌将由亲属出场基本上只乘 NULL
圆形头直出,“这是一个阴谋Dzura↓据称失踪Odzura! ! 111! ! Shaving the head it comes again” ↓ zura doubt disappearance This is conspiracy of ozura 111
什么是退休的民主Choso洋介死的阴谋? NULL
在公众的强烈反应,即使,当然,马上,联邦调查局,中央情报局,应找出演示彻底解决这个国家的情报机构 As for large rally of public opinion as proper, Immediately, FBI and CIA, the Secret Service neighborhood of this chairman It is the expectation which is inspected thoroughly
我在民事审判中不公平解雇法做已经敏锐地感觉到必须愿意解决 As for me civil judgment doing with unfair dismissal, the [ru] solving with law The [hi] it does that you do not give and the [hi] does and with has realized
我有一个愿望自我显示797它倒鸡 797 There is a chicken race/self revelation desire with the opposite, don't you think?
我继续在舂Odzurasure踢永远也Shitsuko每个涌 NULL
“我多付Odzura?我也支付绅助 NULL
我不能比绅助Odzura NULL
无论如何,在本丸危险的第一件事情现在,布什政府的法案,以保护人权和外国胡萝卜 _NULL_
日本富士电视台的示威皇民党的批评(日本)是打破了!委员会为基础的犯罪集团,稻川给予←(u003d代表“。炳圭”)的权利。国家。岛田新岗。山口退休。渡边次郎的心脏辅导员协会 The Japanese imperial people party (resident) intrudes in the Fuji Telecasting Co. critical demonstration! <- Designated mob Inagawa meeting affiliation (representative = “. 炳 圭”) The right. Mark. Mob Shimada 紳. Retirement and Yamaguchi. Polar association senior adviser Jiro Watanabe
最后57顷nonny - nonny屁股 _NULL_
根据校长的采访昨晚开始在首位,十年前,我的朋友A先生没有麻烦试图做的(有一个在这方面与自己的有组织犯罪集团的方法理论)进行了磋商的事 According to the interview of main person of last night as for original beginning over ten years ago By your how will do the trouble which is not A of the acquaintance this one itself the mob authorized personnel To be you consulted also theory
社会的大黑蜈蚣出来的房子,请尽快帮助我只 The big centipede appeared in the house … Darkness society please help me quickly
该部指出,收入和毒品的主要来源是毒品交易的黑帮中心 As for the same ministry, the medicine transaction where [yakuza] centers the stimulant principal revenue source It points out that it has done,
这是一个从线词组什么的团伙已经从他们采取Mushiri看起来那么弱的基本人权342 NULL
您可以打孔拆除已采取津市Ttena平方韩国歹徒终于蛆电视 NULL
韩国空军,以消除日本真的 NULL
这是一个爱加倍的Inaru乙伟大的行为,因为岛田,甲壳既感激,所以我会多次B先生 As for that B great It was agape behavior Shimada from now on with feeling of appreciation several times met to B
如果你阻止别人 立即防止损害时,首先进入揉Mareta和骚扰,警方和法院充分达洛尼加秃顶的家伙滚 When being involved in the harassment and trouble If the ro bald guy who is sufficient at the police and the courthouse