东京是不怕火下的大地震和东京都市圈,都市区和下方直接,东部南开大地震后,在离相模湾,这将是第一位的沿海大地震后,看起来很容易的事梅尔 Inside capital, we fear the major earthquake and fire directly under the national capital region and, Directly under the national capital region and, southeast sea major earthquake and Sagami bay open sea major earthquake and, Either one comes first, as for ascertaining difficult skill
482,世界上发生意外,今年和明年。从传闻阶段,我,嗯还行 482 This year and next year in the world disaster Period being rumored from the ru the ro which still is all right
仙台平野是平静甚至在行人天桥平原还行,但不希望这样的水茅崎 _NULL_
但一定要全部转移他们的后代都没有稻草,经过东京湾地区意译我们这个时代“,来到了海啸,许多灾民正线 Simply it is not transmitted to the descendant completely when you translate freely even in Tokyo gulf area “Our age the tidal wave coming to the line here the multitude became sacrifice
如果海啸已经达到了12米高度以592佛,在相模湾和爸爸不是活coast NULL
镰仓大佛的是,通过河道流向已海啸助跑 NULL
但是,为什么他们往往接近的例子,其中456,木制房屋也发现了我周围的建筑物燃烧例如温和的高度我 456 But why place of the wooden house of example closes up tend Also the building of height approximately around that to tell the truth burning the ru it is don t you think
木制的房屋是安全的不超过一半,如果踢身穿火碎片 As for the wooden house if there are no drifting ones where the fire arrives safety above the half
全国动员倚在我们的发展! _NULL_
南特也不会帮助你的立场,遍满地面,我冷静思从那里Tteta并填写站在0米波从瞬态海拔什么似乎让视频看起来像方舟海啸长期的土地我不认为立场 Tidal wave image the one boat of the limit which is seen making because it was image of the wave of temporariness Even at elevation 0m because there is a dumping site however you think as the wa which is unconcerned You think that do not stand in dumping site how many parts
因此,在试图重建镰仓大佛的资本也在场 Consequently, either the capital which it tries to reconstruct the Daibutsu lord did not exist in Kamakura
在东京这样说,“山上安全的选择”是在神奈川县是相当困难的选择 _NULL_
大佛大佛是海拔差异不是海啸,也不会打破27米30米类 _NULL_
如在奈良大佛,和原来的文件称,该行现在不谈论它不再是一个道理海啸 NULL
不是海啸,我无法登陆升高海 Is not the tidal wave is the sea the land which rising the possibility Certain it is it probably won t be
如果分钟不Juncal地质调百丽做了什么,如果海啸至上 NULL
日本的国家的故事为来自各地的江户时代农民世代也Contd。,我的生活里,我收到了海啸到来 But the Japanese nationwide story living at the place where the tidal wave comes the ru it is even with the farmer who generation after generation continues from about the Edo era don t you think
(CATV?) 圣人 :2011 03 11(星期五)15:12:17 63编号: 让我们 对WWWW三条宫城县DV37YHNY0(宫城)没有资产突破519是一个流泪眼错觉 catv sage 2011 03 11 gold 15 12 17 63 ID DV37YHNY0 The ze which is on Miyagi prefecture people going participating wwww Miyagi prefecture it is not 519 Name it is not it is the tear eye
您笑一笑Itama例如Itakere 480 480 We probably would like to laugh you want to laugh before
我原来在达洛尼加镰仓大佛的东大寺曾是一个像神社?什么是它的晃藕池地震or ll听到什么被曝光喷来哦说,这是流? The Kamakura Daibutsu tsu te Higasioozi it met originally likely in the main shrine it is the ro which is That being let flow the tsu te which had become such wind swept you heard Discernment application response earthquake tsu te is that
我只是想让你担心房地产少在附近有任何裂纹或使不同的思也出席了会议海岸线海岸线和七百年前? 7 The shoreline and the present shoreline of several hundred years ago are not thought are different also so Or being real estate in that side you felt at rest even a little to be unable be able to harbor
因此,房地产和政府在海鞭只是Kakkoiida南特 NULL
我把从大假说垃圾亚拉亚拉亚拉自卫队他们的住房和灾害 NULL
先生“我不会等待产量的波 u200b u200b动,我们的避风港 NULL
我需要准备应对海啸时的陨石落在了脂肪,然后闪烁恐龙? _NULL_
户田所属城市的渔港。卷网船来了,鲭鱼和竹荚鱼的捕捞在骏河湾捕获 _NULL_
日瑞岩寺房子的家庭在海啸中寺庙安全 _NULL_
有的宁愿忘记在同一时间海啸和沉降 _NULL_
本来,覆盖周围的Kamakura m大佛在我们的工作大佛,大佛Tattenham津市仅存的根在什么拉斯维加斯海啸流建设 Originally but around Kamakura Daibutsu it is covered it is with the Daibutsu lord the building being completely let flow in the tidal wave just Daibutsu the tsu te which remains
立刻下降超过5 923 311宜家安普之一。难道他是唯一的浏览器已经Nokke我买了家具 923 311 5 being strongly the thing IKEA it is cheap general universal to fall Being in the furniture uza applied no beginning te was just the person
什么浏览器你不熟悉的棒小伙超微化石 The person who adheres being familiarly uza you applied what riding
线Kasetai学校,学校今年将不会有更多的沟通的例子远 NULL
自关原战役月,我将所有现在一次也没有什么达洛尼加由400年海啸打得落花流水?我觉得还是Sorosoro,我认为这是危险的行走自由 From Sekigahara battle time also 400 annual one time being done in the tidal wave saying the ro which is thing Don t you think already all right The tsu te thinking Or Gradually it is dangerous being thinking That is free
观音观音只是当地的大船,但现在他已经全身是埋在山上泄漏 Simply as for the large boat Merciful Goddess Merciful Goddess like local end now however it has been buried to the mountain there is an entire body
每个金观音Pikadenaikedo大船流行当地的泰国人 NULL
这东部琦玉107,我是一个住宅区里开垦和洪水淹没音 _NULL_
邻居也遏制赛车KKE Demachi 514天是什么?我有相当的底部在横滨举行 514 It is what The tsu ke where also the day no coming out town neighborhood is outside the regatta place The Yokohama tsu te well enough base there is a place
口袋里或邻里香椎哪一天Demachi 514 NULL
镰仓地区的589,在相模湾Kunaru趋势三浦半岛更高的海滩茅崎海啸〜Seisho _NULL_
防波堤可我没有转向婴儿潮沿海的生活 The nodule generation making the seacoast live, it should have made the breakwater