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Chairman of the Policy Affairs Research Council Liberal Democratic Party Isiba… for “latent deterrent maintenance of the nucleus” the nuclear plant it does not keep making the safest nuclear plant in, the it should, if world continue the ★2


  • 2014年建立的事实,甲烷水合物开采竹岛韩国南部

    • 397不扩散核武器条约值可以离开,因为合理的条件

      • 446我去,但早晨的阳光茶瓦特舔“韩流”是有的,但最狡猾的媒体one

        • 8697好了,人的鱼雷旋转的用武之地。 8697 Even if it is human torpedo stupendous turn
          • 我不管它是你的前869参考 869 There is your standard what with something

        • Dattara 549,你只需要说服前 549 When is you have no other choice but to persuade probably
          • 在度过了一生Munaramadamashidana 549 NULL

        • Hey ll欢呼TEPCO死去的女儿在他的职业生涯只有微不足道的原因?石破叛徒! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !这回颜射碎片和人! ! ! Tokyo Electric Power where the daughter is employed with the reason attaching which is nonsense you have supported well Isiba of traitor Someone the bu tsu kill this kudzu

          • Iijan正常浮动,或过于普通海反应堆十日
            Normally calling it is with float system, the transoceanic reactor normally over?

            • NULL The commercial nuclear plant the light water reactor from with the plutonium which occurs As for the nuclear explosion device saying that it makes it cannot make the nuclear warhead as a weapon Corporation Atomic fuel policy workshop HP 4 Discussion Omission As for problem But as for military plutonium reactor kind of Pu which was pointed out in chapter 2 it regards 238 240 and 241 etc even in many technical problematical points relation To be the exothermic body be the emission radiation source explosive power being uncertain being unstable technically the nuclear weapon of the reactor class plutonium which cannot put reliance It produces boldly it is the point someone recognizes the merit which is possessed
              • 通讯第41号2003年5月反对核物理(1 2),但是发展的科学家会议,他们可能不会在核反应炉军用钚,从所谓的轻水反应堆获得的钚,丰富了钚239只有60%左右,这意味着你不可能制造核武器 Meeting communication 41st number 2003 May of the physical researcher who opposes to nuclear development 1 2 But as for military plutonium saying that it makes with reactor with the plutonium which is obtained from the generally known light water reactor Plutonium 239 only being the degree of concentration 60 with this it is not possible possibly to make the nuclear weapon

            • W,但并没有说反对核武器清楚的人,我石破256,最好的方式拥有自己的核武器,如果我们考虑真正的安全 256 But main person of Isiba nuclear weapon possession the reason which is opposite w Speaking clearly if of security is thought truly Owning the nuclear weapon number one
              • 和核武器,我们成立了一个核爆炸装置 It makes with the nuclear weapon and the nuclear explosion device simultaneous is
              • 坦白说,我W,而是针对256石破自己没有核武器,最好的办法拥有自己的核武器,如果我们考虑真正的安全 256 But main person of Isiba nuclear weapon possession the reason which is opposite w Speaking clearly if of security is thought truly Owning the nuclear weapon number one
              • 如果你真的打算拥有核武器,“白退出国际原子能机构”和当前的例子中,我们 Being serious if the intention of having the nuclear weapon call “secession margin from IAEA”
              • 没有什么说Gudaguda和白色长一英里开始发展核武器 1 It is the gu which is the gu speaking already swiftly nuclear weapon development start margin
              • 黄柏国际社会的制裁,突然有30个愚蠢的核武器 30 When the nuclear weapon it has suddenly the fool who is sanction from international society

            • _NULL_

              • “不管工作”,而是“是否是有意义的创造”出了问题,答案是“否” In other words “it can make whether or not” are not and the te “is the meaning of making whether or not” it is problem Answering is “the no”
                • 嘿,我会回答是获得936 951 951 Don t you think you answered with 936

              • “不适当的假设,”十日说,当我拿着家伙摇晃起来的核工业已经不发一言野生的,但日方能够存活消除核武器是不可能的 Supposition inadequacy With you say the excuse ji the person et al of nuclear industry shakes the word which was seen and at the point in time when the za it has done the possibility Japan continuing other than the deviation from nuclear plant is not possible
                • 即使是结构的主要兴趣,但不明确的,僵硬的能力和取得信息泄漏时造成混乱和恐怖袭击,但比如我是不是很思 Although even right structure of the nuclear plant it could not clear information It can correspond to the vandalism which can happen the case of leakage and terrorism With however it is not to be able to think at all don t you think
                • 我正进入一个地震活跃期,日本will m世界上最危险的主要位置 Now when it enters into the activity period of earthquake as for Japan for the nuclear plant It probably is the most dangerous place in the world

              • “无核三原则”是不是宪法,他不仅是一贯的政策决定,

                • 不仅仅是自卫凝胶超disembowelment出来N的专守防卫,“哎呀,我写吗?轰让我们继续在核电厂在日本的进攻比这更?” Above putting out exclusive defense posture only harakiri self protection it is it to be possible “The tsu and it is good or is In the place where attack is continued in Japan above this The ze where the nuclear plant is dokan ”
                  • 不仅仅是自卫凝胶超disembowelment出来N的专守防卫,“哎呀,我写吗?轰让我们继续与日本,这一脚更多的核攻击?” Above putting out exclusive defense posture only harakiri self protection it is it to be possible “The tsu and it is good or is In the place where attack is continued in Japan above this The ze where the nuclear plant is dokan ”
                  • 什么是沿在战争中的主要攻击点?一旦酱十日没用到人类? The field departing in war in the attack point viewing When it does humane useless or the bean jam
                  • 而山是多方面的,为什么我需要超过50核电对生活在那里我得到这么挤在狭窄的平原人为本的植物被留下? 915 Furthermore in order to crowd in the narrow plain where the mountainous region was many remained the person living in the ru place The nuclear plant as many as 50 or more why thinks as necessity 915

                • 不过,我加入了禁核试条约?我会偶尔矮人?

                  • 东京电力公司和部管理Idaro拉屎,甚至没有做与核潜在的资金来源组织的首要任务以及被绑架的反间谍从初级预防的责任比伊予色拉寺更好的是不是由国家法律部长

                    • 为核燃料循环的研究报告会2001年5月级钚和武器级钚反应堆

                      • 什么是核武器的类型可以转换为汝主了呢?

                        • 他们将核电的最后堡垒已经失去了一天不均匀光暴露在电力供应和需求能够得到满足,即使没有核武器的“核威慑潜在的”,还是愚蠢?

                          • 他们没有一个核电厂了!最大的私营发电厂的二氧化碳排放量的自备发电量相当于一个天然气电厂核电厂 - 川崎 - 一个传统的火电的一半,一个在1u200bu200b到60分钟福岛核电站,核能发电输出和一组规模面积等效输出

                            • 以“核”honorificabilitudinity的原子力前美浓感谢。 Datte例子,仍然是尚未解决的科学的垃圾处理方法,甚至原子。甚至不存储的地方采取了通过那里发生的浪费,Moraimashita福岛核事故将研究在这个时候,

                              • 以色列已在该国南部内盖夫沙漠计划建设2025年类两个1.2亿千瓦核反应堆

                                • 作为唯一的国家遭受日本,稍微肮脏炸弹和Kamou蒸发原子弹轰炸,并没有发展高功率武器武器

                                  • 凡国家拥有429对海洋Dattara核电厂 429 When is the country which is the nuclear plant transoceanic is somewhere
                                    • 创建这样的主上的水蜡安全完整 Therefore the safe nuclear plant it probably will make all the way in the sea
                                    • 没办法可以南特401对海洋核电厂 401 The nuclear plant how it is possible transoceanic the ro which cannot boil and is
                                    • 请告诉大家说,732核海 732 Everyone please support ocean Uehara departure

                                  • 原子。如果您对拥有核威慑和结果踢,反应堆及相关设施至少是不坏划归自卫队控制

                                    • 嘿190,它是联系在一起的,EH不工作,也没有书面 190 It is and is the ro to which the tip of the linking is written and is unless it can make

                                      • 在保持对自己的过去拥有核武器,核电是危险的我说这通常不是说237离奇和十日说出来,应仅用于核武器的继续 Nuclear weapon possession you to oppose until now by yourself You must continue the nuclear plant because of the nuclear weapon unless The thing of semantic obscurity proposing 237 Normally it is dangerous speech don t you think
                                        • 印度,巴基斯坦和朝鲜有一些(朝鲜)核武器,甚至没有,一些武器级钚,以开发高浓缩铀 India Pakistan or North Korea DPRK with even Weapon class plutonium or the highly enriched uranium is developed in the nuclear weapon
                                        • 在保持对自己的过去拥有核武器,核电是危险的我说这通常不是说237离奇和十日说出来,应仅用于核武器的继续 Nuclear weapon possession you to oppose until now by yourself You must continue the nuclear plant because of the nuclear weapon unless The thing of semantic obscurity proposing 237 Normally it is dangerous speech don t you think

                                      • 在压轴,从联邦数字是在俄罗斯举办“献给日本诗歌”的消息已发送 With denouement from the figure union which was done in Russia the message poem which in Japan is lowered was sent
                                        • 世界花样滑冰锦标赛在俄罗斯举行四月 The figure skating world championship which in April was done in Russia

                                      • 在口中,它现在实际上是石破,“核武器的拒绝,接受核电”派聊天者“核武器。拒绝,拒绝核电”,或邪恶阵营的变化,“容忍核武器,核电可以接受的”学校的变化还不错,但我只能 Well this Isiba mentions really and the chi ya tsu is with thing “the nuclear soldier Denial nuclear admission” group “Nuclear soldier Denial it changes to nuclear negative” group To “nuclear weapon admission it changes nuclear admission” group Only being but the reason which becomes…
                                        • 但是,新的20000海啸,四核电厂。当爆炸,但我不会做,大约百万人死于思Tteta没有Okineejan NULL
                                        • 在Buchikoma当核导弹。这一下降是相同 When the missile the spots it can be troubled with the nuclear plant When it was dropped the same

                                      • 在朝鲜核发展核恐怖主义为借口,放弃

                                        • 地震,这也Iranaku五土民出售或支付相关的海啸 Also the gold which is paid to earthquake tidal wave concerns or the earth people stops needing
                                          • 隆与动力储存,海啸,地震零故障率 Failure rate to do also extra power source high the tidal wave earthquake measure zero

                                        • 如果你只是保持能力生产核武器,EH不够好,如果一组两个小组的研究堆

                                          • 如果你有一个核武器技术234美元,在巨大的,发热,并从辐射和降低炸药周围,而不是装到到飞机,导弹核爆炸,但你肯定是不确定的功率低A“核爆炸装置”是使转用于核武器和反应堆级钚(LWR)验证,从限制派生的钚 NULL
                                            • 悲剧福岛,40年前,“第二代”已被延长寿命的反应堆,核反应器目前主流的意外,如福岛,第三代由被动安全(由设计)刚度引起的强迫 As for Fukushima tragedy the reactor “of the 2nd generation” of 40 years ago by the fact that you have prolonged life In the 3rd generation reactor of present main current as for the accident the Fukushima way with the passive backstop facilities appropriation it cannot happen
                                            • 这个实验,验证和转换为核武器(通常在核武器级钚使用)反应堆级钚的目的,是建立在控制技术,包括核输出抑制 As for purpose of this experiment diversion characteristic verification to the nuclear weapon of reactor class plutonium usually weapon class plutonium is used for the nuclear weapon It was establishment of the control technology which includes the control of nuclear yield

                                          • 如果没有人提出这个城市的风,但总有一种先发制人的攻击风险 If at wind direction one it is not made in the city center being the case that it is the danger which always is preemptively attacked
                                            • 不再生活在危险的城市,因为风是一种 There is danger which at wind direction one stops being able to live in the city center

                                          • 它不会批准该条约是较弱的美日277。它不与撤军的代名词?
                                            277 Japan and America it is cheap at that time not to ratify NPT. But secession and synonymous reason?

                                            • 宇野被用来作为一种威慑,是一件好事之间的区别,一旦你主动向世界的道路时,日本进攻 u200b u200b没有夹带Muyouna了世界各地的核电厂建设 Those where you use as deterrent are not to be wrong Making the kind of nuclear plant which involves in the world When Japan is attacked should have made the world the road accompanying
                                              • Koranai可引起核事故,并让世界上最安全的核电站事故或相当于硬家伙哈总是这样愚蠢的原因 The fact that the safest nuclear plant is made in the world As for nuclear accident not happening Is not equivalence and Accident happens by all means As for it is dense being foolish
                                              • 在促进核电厂取消的核心措施做的很好,我绝对测量放射性Susumero With nuclear promotion and with abolition from calling Recommend the nuclear measure and the radioactivity measure without fail
                                              • 所有你需要的是一个核炸弹的生产,而且还愿意把如果不Datibomu The fact that it is necessary being the atomic bomb is not the nuclear plant If the air which is mass produced even with the dirty bomb but difference
                                              • 见梦看十日Bakkari在创造世界核电安全的方向废除核武器的现实,只是充满饥饿的民主党人 With the direction which makes the greatest in the world safe nuclear plant… Nuclear abolition or dream tsu temporary seeing as for not looking at actuality at just the Democratic party the medium fullest capacity

                                            • 就足以收到此输入,我可以种植在日本? In the extent which can accept this as for Japan being able to grow ru
                                              • 什么是线我肯定想与许多代案 It reaches the point where many generations keep associating

                                            • 我以前从没有愚蠢的军事科技风险管理考虑国家,恐怖主义的潜在目标得出一个全面的核基地组织和朝鲜,而 Being regarded foolish country which cannot designate crisis management as before the military technology from the ru on the other hand arukaida and North Korea making in earnest the target of nuclear power facility terrorism the possibility Certain

                                              • 我有一个条款,我将推动什么主色调的主要对手也只有傻瓜茶的bukkake

                                                • 我!核威慑?由于为维护Hozai Vacaville需要,如果是这样,到退役核电应体现在第九条这些吗? ! !现在不存在,如核威慑,等等? ! !坏的榜样,世界的核两端知道大家 One Deterrent of nucleus That vuaka also maintenance is necessary because you have babbled if so is the nuclear plant opposes to constitution 9 provision We should make all closed reactor Now deterrent and the like it does not exist in the nucleus and the like If the nucleus is used everyone it is found that the world ends
                                                  • 我!核威慑?虽然为维护Hozai Vacaville需要,如果是这样,到退役核电应体现在第九条这些吗? ! !现在不存在,如核威慑,等等? ! !坏的榜样,世界的核两端知道大家 One Deterrent of nucleus That vuaka also maintenance is necessary because you have babbled if so is the nuclear plant opposes to constitution 9 provision We should make all closed reactor Now deterrent and the like it does not exist in the nucleus and the like If the nucleus is used everyone it is found that the world ends
                                                  • 由于日本Soreto现有钚,核武器很多,形势始终是工作的显著金额 Because that and Japan already possesses mass plutonium with when as for the nuclear weapon of the suitable quantity the circumstance which can be made
                                                  • 这样,在406攻击的主要目标,而拥有非常危险的武器 406 As for the kind of nuclear plant which becomes the mark of attack by comparison with the possession of the nuclear weapon very danger
                                                  • 这样,攻击的首要目标,很危险的拥有核武器,而 As for the kind of nuclear plant which becomes the mark of attack by comparison with the possession of the nuclear weapon very danger

                                                • 或无法从责任,从分钟人说我没太无能人操作作为一个出色的完成了核电厂! Assuming that the nuclear plant which is superior completed Because it understood that the human who operates that is disabled the excessiveness No one takes responsibility and
                                                  • 让我们不需要任何发展核武器的核电厂 Because above this of the nuclear plant it does not need the nucleus the ze which will be developed

                                                • 政府将收回至少我觉得最好看的公共航空,这样你就不会敢例子是,我将不得不狡猾厌倦民主党人

                                                  • 日本核官员的话是不是非常不诚实不适用

                                                    • 日本的核电厂,但人为全国各地的灾害Sotchi→地震和海啸中的人造地震Bisoudakarane打击津市飞

                                                      • 替代867什么支持者“万无一失発作Rimasu原来的”永远不会写? WW 是就在真正的唯心主义

                                                        • 有几个原因,包括钚弹的杂质Munode很多,例如,立即退化 Is many the reason but for example because impurity plutonium the large quantity is included the atomic bomb is directly to deteriorate
                                                          • 从Haare我绝望的人降解周期等,但我不喜欢走有四野的回报,时间差 NULL

                                                        • 未来,您可以与原発即失控,因为我去推动,促进原発认真Oenaku成为执政党,“我在津市战斗的威慑理论?它的最终比例是挤满了包括对津反对党碰撞攻击景点 When in the future the ruling party it becomes unable to smell because with maji the nuclear plant it has propelled with deterrent theory When it propels and is advanced it moves also the nuclear plant which the hand has become unable to smell” So fighting ru In thrusting full load Being attacked by the opposition party the wa which finishes and is
                                                          • 一旦欢迎,也是在技术方面,也是在经营上,你必须去工作,什么是世界上最安全的核电厂 If it becomes very regarding the technology aspect and regarding the management aspect in the world the safest nuclear plant You must keep making
                                                          • 上任后状态一直没有令人信服的新的主不能 The present condition which cannot do the new nuclear plant When you suppose there is no persuasive power
                                                          • 什么不应该去创造世界上最安全的核电厂1 1 You must keep making the safest nuclear plant in the world
                                                          • 什么不应该去让世界上最安全的核电厂 You must keep making the safest nuclear plant in the world
                                                          • 什么不应该去让世界上最安全的核电站× You must keep making the safest nuclear plant in the × world
                                                          • 什么是浪费,我创造了世界上最安全的核电厂上班什么是世界上最安全的核电厂 You must keep making the safest nuclear plant in the world
                                                          • 今后,无论我先找估计和思核威慑理论津市成为执政党的重视?它的最终比例是挤满了包括对津反对党碰撞攻击景点 When in the future it becomes the ruling party with maji with deterrent theory the nuclear plant Thinking that it is implemented ru In thrusting full load Being attacked by the opposition party the wa which finishes and is
                                                          • 以敢获取,然后去钍核电将转向消耗色调核废料存款我得到了英国和法国 The taking Ae not obtaining having keeping in England and France the ru nuclear waste Keep converting to the thorium nuclear plant in order to keep consuming
                                                          • 十日的主要核威慑力量,如果有什么可怕的权力利益意识会说将是一个愚蠢的政治家至今 The nuclear plant force de dissuasion in the politician aho the meaning where there is an electrical right tsu te which points to speech is enormous to here
                                                          • 去,但政治家都必须承担这种 The politician if you do not suppose either such probably is circumstance but
                                                          • 另外,在技术方面也对管理方面,你必须去上班什么是世界上最安全的核电厂 Regarding the technology aspect and regarding the management aspect You must keep making the safest nuclear plant in the world
                                                          • 因此,如果没有一个很好的方法,以稳定的电力销售需求比922的主要行贿 922 Stabilizing electric power demand other than the nuclear plant if there is a method of maintaining it is good being that
                                                          • 国防部长先生,石破,前国防部长“在核问题和核力量”听 In Isiba who successively fills the posts of Director General of Defense Agency and defensive minister of state “the nuclear plant and the nucleus You inquired about the problematical point which it goes round”
                                                          • 左,右,比核电多英里的Masugomi危险 Left flank makes right wing and the mass rubbish runaway the method which than the nuclear plant danger
                                                          • 愚蠢的父母自由小马鹿狗屁!而且〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜Gazu自民党一直在推动核 Doting parent and contempt kuso our people The Liberal Democratic Party the zu with the nuclear plant which is propelled
                                                          • 我可以停止核电厂现正等候“什么与我的战争 It moves also the nuclear plant which now has stopped” So it fights
                                                          • 是什么力量推动我从这样一个愚蠢的家伙413核Irane 413 Because such foolish person has propelled the nuclear plant It is and don t you think and others it becomes the tsu te it is
                                                          • 是什么力量推动我从这样一个愚蠢的家伙核Irane Because such foolish person has propelled the nuclear plant It is and don t you think and others it becomes the tsu te it is
                                                          • 核研究所在结构水平没有主原子弹等 There is no nuclear plant such as atomic bomb it can make at atomic energy laboratory level
                                                          • 现实情况是,失控或作出让步,但弹出的主 But the nuclear plant to smelling converts and makes to right with a pop and the hand has become unable is actuality

                                                        • 核事故或造成初始Tteiu票友媒体的是一种无张力的主要点是行为习惯掩盖现在和核去东京电力公司 The tsu te you said or nuclear accident the beginning when it happens as for the media Tokyo Electric Power Company it was the attitude which protects but Now the deviation from nuclear plant the nuclear plant lose the persistence shelf

                                                          • 核燃料循环的时间不从国外进口,核协议,什么都不做是不生产核武器

                                                            • 梅尔核武器和核电厂故障又一次失去了信誉just狡辩

                                                              • 池田信夫]客座教授,大学教授,研究生院工商学院[上武大学
                                                                (Jobu College special duty Professor SBI university with graduate school curriculum honorary professor Ikeda Nobuo)

                                                                • 浓缩铀和235多万分钟从日本,但你不能集中钚239 Uranium 235 lt font gt amp nbsp And as for Japan as for the concentration of 10 000 shots or more it being possible it cannot concentrate plutonium 239
                                                                  • 浓缩的铀235,但你不能集中钚239 Cannot concentrate uranium 235 it being possible concentration of plutonium 239
                                                                  • 而日本为10000分钟或更多的钚 And Japan possesses the plutonium of 10 000 shots or more
                                                                  • 而日本为10000分钟或更多的钚 And Japan possesses the plutonium of 10 000 shots or more

                                                                • 然而,核物理基础研究和十日,不仅继续
                                                                  So, as for nuclear physics or basic research it continues unless

                                                                  • 由于钚的放射性杂质较大数额的热量也有担心,爆炸性的包括爆炸性缠 Furthermore because of the radioactivity of impurity plutonium because the calorific value is large There is also the worry where the explosive which wraps the around explodes naturally
                                                                    • 该热值很大,并亲自作证,然后触摸炸弹 And the calorific value being large the person who touches testifies this bomb afterwards

                                                                  • 石破,耶稣会核I u003d该科Bitsukete初步结果
                                                                    As for Isiba, tying the nuclear = nucleus, thinking, the [ru] philosophist

                                                                    • 经过生产核武器,然后导入源,甚至核材料,甚至材料,技术应该转换所有Shinakare When the nuclear weapon is produced everything it returns the nuclear matter and the materials and technology to the import origin and you must drive
                                                                      • 首先,核武器是最便宜的,不是那么容易了 In the first place the nuclear weapon it is not something which it can have so simply

                                                                    • 编号666总之:只是想看看恨自由扭转释放从ID的方式是Hashige FQQaEFNA0我代表候选人之前,众议院代表在中山州长自民党派系看出:一少FQQaEFNA0系列这是众所周知的,有没有对Hashige如何Kakiko情报部门

                                                                      • 该井事故茹意识,实现了核安全毕竟是日本这个国家是那么肯定是注定要成为一个灾难或消除核武器和孙子伤口 Actualizing the nuclear plant whose Japan is safe because China and South Korea as for accident ru are secure After all this country was the deviation from nuclear plant and the destiny which is involved in the disaster of the grandchild
                                                                        • 该井事故茹意识,实现了核日本是在这个国家安全的,因为他毕竟是注定要明确或成核灾难的伤口 Actualizing the nuclear plant whose Japan is safe because China and South Korea as for accident ru are secure After all this country was the deviation from nuclear plant and the destiny which is involved in the disaster of the grandchild

                                                                      • 辩论已被截断避免浪费和492好了,如果不是大多数结构是“一个坏木屐从讨论方便逃生”被判定“抬腿门”是调整到认为占了相当大的数目,我会 492 Well wastefulness truncating it does not care the fact that you avoid argument but Mostly “because are inconvenient it escaped from argument” that being judged The side which is aligned to the opinion which makes “faultfinding” probably will occupy large number and…
                                                                        • Desho得不到解除457英尺 457 There is no faultfinding it does the yo

                                                                      • 麻生太郎观众问卷“应该由日本核举行的”我国55%的股份等,必须由国家拥有41%等的唯一的幸存者,使不应该保护自己Rubeki Asao viewer questionnaire “Also does Japan should possess the nucleus ” It should possess 55 Therefore you should protect your own country by your etc We should not possess 41 Therefore the only being bombed country etc

                                                                        研究 開発