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“Celebrates the major earthquake of the Korean supporter Japan” the disturbance… whichThe photograph of [suponichi] “to make the face of the audience expose, personality damage” and the Korean side the refutation reporting ★6


  • 08:23 71编号:VBMtcRcN0(4 56)和459杆和我做自我介绍,我只设置一个业余virgin m负性生活不知道这行的肺部南特真正熟食店? Datte日本性别女无关,而是塑造完整 08 23 71 ID VBMtcRcN0 4 56 459 The lever is the case that you worship the real thing Oneself it introduces that the amateur ephebe who deri how goes is being defeated group of life combining Even the Japanese the manners girl is lazy and fairing therefore there is no relationship
    • (神奈川) :2011 09 29(星期四)05:08:23 71编号:VBMtcRcN0(4 56)和459负的杠杆只有处女业余生活,但不知道我行肺南特真正熟食店我这样做,我设置和介绍自己吗? Datte日本性别女无关,而是塑造完整 Kanagawa prefecture 2011 09 29 wood 05 08 23 71 ID VBMtcRcN0 4 56 459 The lever is the case that you worship the real thing Oneself it introduces that the amateur ephebe who deri how goes is being defeated group of life combining Even the Japanese the manners girl is lazy and fairing therefore there is no relationship
    • (神奈川) :2011 09 29(星期四)05:08:23 71编号:VBMtcRcN0(4 56)和459负的杠杆只有处女业余生活,但不知道我行肺南特真正熟食店我这样做,我设置和介绍自己吗? Datte日本性别女无关,而是塑造完整 Kanagawa prefecture 2011 09 29 wood 05 08 23 71 ID VBMtcRcN0 4 56 459 The lever is the case that you worship the real thing Oneself it introduces that the amateur ephebe who deri how goes is being defeated group of life combining Even the Japanese the manners girl is lazy and fairing therefore there is no relationship

  • 12:43 68编号:VBMtcRcN0(5 56)479卖我知道感觉血,但他们很生气和嫉妒,感受最美丽和可以形成大约只有470词:举报回资产流泪眼 12 43 68 ID VBMtcRcN0 5 56 470 Fairing and only the reason shelf which is felt the extent preponderant good looks which cannot be modified The feeling which deviates in envy you understand 479 Name it is not it is the tear eye
    • (神奈川) :2011 09 29(星期四)05:12:43 68编号:VBMtcRcN0(5 56),但他们很生气和嫉妒,感受最美丽的形容词不够,只有470成立我知道感觉血液出售479资产流泪眼错觉 Kanagawa prefecture 2011 09 29 Thursday 05 12 43 68 ID VBMtcRcN0 5 56 470 Fairing and only the reason shelf which is felt the extent preponderant good looks which cannot be modified The feeling which deviates in envy you understand 479 Name it is not it is the tear eye
    • (神奈川) :2011 09 29(星期四)05:12:43 68编号:VBMtcRcN0(5 56),但他们很生气和嫉妒,感受最美丽的形容词不够,只有470成立我知道感觉血液出售479资产流泪眼错觉 Kanagawa prefecture 2011 09 29 Thursday 05 12 43 68 ID VBMtcRcN0 5 56 470 Fairing and only the reason shelf which is felt the extent preponderant good looks which cannot be modified The feeling which deviates in envy you understand 479 Name it is not it is the tear eye

  • 17:16 47编号:VBMtcRcN0所观察到的478茹Netouyo不可抗拒的警笛(6 56)↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓在这里疯狂 现在我只丑到可以嫉妒的专业知识和自然风光的韩国★2%,增加了对靠靠抵制产品的示范效应股数 伟大胜利 17 16 47 ID VBMtcRcN0 6 56 478 The fact that it does not have the eye which you see is just the sufficient busu 専 which is envied in natural beauty of the South Korean Presently here in the midst of the madness ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ With effect of the Kao Soap Co Ltd boycott demonstration share of the Kao Soap Co Ltd product number rise 2
    • (神奈川) :2011 09 29(星期四)05:17:16 47编号:VBMtcRcN0(6 56)观察478眼茹不仅难看,足以成为一个专门的韩国天然美女吃醋★2%,增加了对靠靠抵制产品的示范效应股数 大↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓ 疯狂的胜利Netouyo魔鬼在我目前 Kanagawa prefecture 2011 09 29 wood 05 17 16 47 ID VBMtcRcN0 6 56 478 The fact that it does not have the eye which you see is just the sufficient busu 専 which is envied in natural beauty of the South Korean Presently here in the midst of the madness ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ With effect of the Kao Soap Co Ltd boycott demonstration share of the Kao Soap Co Ltd product number rise 2

  • 23“引起了与另一株的问题,”Dahlonega我不会反对,说什么从什么 23 “Another problem is caused” Therefore the tsu te you say there is no intention of refutation it is the ro which is
    • 无异议的情况下嗑在角落也无妨,像伊根的对这些韩国政府有什么痛苦,我不禁W公司 In any case even with picking the corner of the nest of boxes without refuting you do not enter don t you think it is Don t you think the Korean government tsu te it is painful and others like shelf w

  • 374“我们认为”W,我只会 374 “You think” however just probably will be w

    • 56:15 15编号:VBMtcRcN0(2 56)也丑陋,最自然的美整形韩国仍然丑陋的偶像468的敌人在做什么没有资产流泪眼错觉 56 15 15 ID VBMtcRcN0 2 56 Fairing as for busu while it is busu To do what in preponderant natural beauty of the South Korean idling the enemy trap 468 Name it is not it is the tear eye
      • (神奈川) :2011 09 29(星期四)04:56:15 15编号:VBMtcRcN0(2 56)也丑陋,最自然的美整形韩国偶像是什么留下难看我什至不468的敌人资产流泪眼错觉 Kanagawa prefecture 2011 09 29 wood 04 56 15 15 ID VBMtcRcN0 2 56 Fairing as for busu while it is busu To do what in preponderant natural beauty of the South Korean idling the enemy trap 468 Name it is not it is the tear eye
      • (神奈川) :2011 09 29(星期四)04:56:15 15编号:VBMtcRcN0(2 56)也丑陋,最自然的美整形韩国偶像是什么留下难看我什至不468的敌人资产流泪眼错觉 Kanagawa prefecture 2011 09 29 wood 04 56 15 15 ID VBMtcRcN0 2 56 Fairing as for busu while it is busu To do what in preponderant natural beauty of the South Korean idling the enemy trap 468 Name it is not it is the tear eye

    • 644 ×○的精神体 644 × Body ○ mind
      • 添加 Addition

    • Dahlonega从韩国旗帜的真正意图雪猴w m不可避免的湮没辐射
      Therefore the banner truth what of the South Korean the [ro] which is helpless and is With radioactivity the Japanese monkey total destruction w

      • Dahlonega剥夺和几年一万元罚款泊位
        The [ro] which is or more the fine of several year participation right deprivation and 10,000 dollar

        • IgA和闻到船尾和混合泡菜和精液和Chinkasu充分支持者身穿红色礼服整个集合混合 When the red clothes the supporter which it wears gets together all the way The kim chee and the semen and the chin refuse you question is the smell of blending densely does
          • 当然不能呼吸和嗅觉Hidemaru着打支持者填补了红色礼服 When the red clothes the supporter which it wears gets together all the way The kim chee and the semen and the chin refuse you question is the smell of blending densely does

        • Netouyo无论如何,如果Netouyo爆炸,类似的道歉和赔偿请求监视器゙゙我们的胜利
          In any case if [netouyo] and [netouyo] you call repeatedly, our victory [nita] ゙ [nita] ゙ which requires apology and compensation

          • NULL Having work it is delivered National pension payment in full exemption gt In spite even in payment in full exemption you can receive also annuity As for the medical expense which is while health insurance treatment payment in full no charge gt Going to hospital expense payment in full provision City barracks traffic free riding in a car ticket Top and bottom aqueduct basic fee exemption The commuting ticket discount of JR NHK payment in full exemption Substantial resident discount of software bank Special permanent residence qualification gt While it is the foreign register you can reside permanently also child 々 grandchild 々 in Japan To public housing project priority moving It is accustomed to the government employee with the foreign register To guardian of the Korean school help of subsidy gt Regardless of to income payment in full assistance
            • NULL Having work it is delivered National pension payment in full exemption gt In spite even in payment in full exemption you can receive also annuity As for the medical expense which is while health insurance treatment payment in full no charge gt Going to hospital expense payment in full provision City barracks traffic free riding in a car ticket Top and bottom aqueduct basic fee exemption The commuting ticket discount of JR NHK payment in full exemption Substantial resident discount of software bank Special permanent residence qualification gt While it is the foreign register you can reside permanently also child 々 grandchild 々 in Japan To public housing project priority moving It is accustomed to the government employee with the foreign register To guardian of the Korean school help of subsidy gt Regardless of to income payment in full assistance
            • NULL Having work it is delivered National pension payment in full exemption gt In spite even in payment in full exemption you can receive also annuity As for the medical expense which is while health insurance treatment payment in full no charge gt Going to hospital expense payment in full provision City barracks traffic free riding in a car ticket Top and bottom aqueduct basic fee exemption The commuting ticket discount of JR NHK payment in full exemption Substantial resident discount of software bank Special permanent residence qualification gt While it is the foreign register you can reside permanently also child 々 grandchild 々 in Japan To public housing project priority moving It is accustomed to the government employee with the foreign register To guardian of the Korean school help of subsidy gt Regardless of to income payment in full assistance
            • 朝总联还取消了要求解散民团和无朝鲜族学校 It abolished also the Korean school and people group entire ream of unnecessary and it dispersed claimed

          • TBS的操作信息,请阅读除了阅读萨卡日本韩国韩国队在日本接管由恩戴电视台,正试图冷静下来,只是把韩国足球队的道歉韩国人在日本的另一个工具,火的白人居民工作人员介绍了如何,日本采取了民主评论员一口气提上了韩国企业从赞助新闻Orose压力我离开Ikatsu 21这就是你所聘请的律师甚至肯定Binishiro TBS After doing information operation Just the apology sentence of the Korean soccer team placing it tried cooling off It is the TV station which is conformed to resident With something having explained the Korean sir car team with the Korean reading not to be the Japanese reading Staff of resident in neck margin Already in construction of the resident Korean as for the Japanese it is applying the ru Leave lower 21 from the sponsor Pressure of the Korean enterprise is applied on news reporting The commentator where breath of the Democratic party caught in the ku bi margin Some that employing attorney
            • 如果不从韩国的好词,但强大的正上方,例如口细支付1 5亿韩元道歉并支付罚款例如,韩国金在日本韩国居民如不付款不寻常的压力下被掩盖,尤其是在Masugomi如果我们添加一个过时的严重管理信息操作朝日和TBS As for excuse of the South Korean from calling apology and the fine pay The fine 150 000 000 won pay Only the tip of the mouth being great as for the gold the South Korean who cannot be paid The South Korean is abnormal Applying pressure on the mass rubbish it concealed resident As for especially being terrible Asahi and TBS Information expel the resident staff which is operated

          • TTP:/ / www.amazon.co.jp /%E6%9C%9D%E9%AE%AE%E4%BA%8B%E6%83%85 - %E6%9D%B1%E6%B4%8B% E6%96%87%E5%BA%AB - 367 - %E3%83%80%E3%83%交/ DP / 4582803679 / REF u003d SR _ 1 _ 2即u003d UTF8&QID u003d 1317267411&SR u003d 8 - 2朝鲜半岛局势(367文库)[平装]谁(作者),金永权(翻译)TTP:/ / www.amazon.co.jp /%E6%9C%9D%E9%AE%AE%E7%B4% 80%E8%A1%8C - %E8%AC%9B%E8%AB%87%E7%A4%BE%E5%AD%A6%E8%A1%93%E6%96%87%E5%BA%AB - %E3%82%A4%E3%82%B6%E3%83%99%E3%83%A9%E3%83%BB%E3%83%90%E3%83%BC%E3%83%89 /上午DP / 4061593404 / REF u003d pd_cp_b _ 1。西游记(讲谈社平装版)[平装]由伊莎贝拉伯德(作者),当冈惠子(作者),如乱宰和在这两个时代的韩国Chosun可怕手淫或阅读书籍详细信息,如恩戴掠夺人民最困难的小组有没有写
            ttp: //www.amazon.co.jp/% E6% 9C % 9D % E9% AE % AE % E4% BA % 8B % E6% 83% 85 - % E6% 9D % B1% E6% B4% 8B % E6% 96% 87% E5% BA % AB - 367 - % E3% 83% 80% E3% 83% AC/dp/4582803679/ref = sr _ 1 _ 2? ie = UTF8& qid = 1317267411& sr = 8 - 2 The Korean circumstance (The Toyo Library 367) [New book] [dare] (Work), Gold Permitting/inserting right (Translation) ttp: //www.amazon.co.jp/% E6% 9C % 9D % E9% AE % AE % E7% B4% 80% E8% A1% 8C - % E8% AC % 9B % E8% AB % 87% E7% A4% BE % E5% AD % A6% E8% A1% 93% E6% 96% 87% E5% BA % AB - % E3% 82% A4% E3% 82% B6% E3% 83% 99% E3% 83% A9% E3% 83% BB % E3% 83% 90% E3% 83% BC % E3% 83% 89/dp/4061593404/ref = pd_cp_b _ 1 Morning. Travelogue (The Kodansha publishers, Ltd. scientific library) [Library] [izabera] bird (Work), Time Oka Satoshi child (Translation) Reading such book, viewing Severe un-discriminating slaughter and plundering etc to the populace of the Korean both groups whose Li person Korean age are tremendous are written

            • W Netouyo Naijan相比微不足道,如果百丽是不是日本人,2000年的地震灾民数千南特Ginandayo 20000嘈杂深水鲱鱼大屠杀 20 000 earthquake disaster victim how Japanese if also 20 000 000 has not slaughtered you compare many thing it is not it is w netouyo to make a noise too much is what
              • 我写了乞丐获得Netouyo稼没有替代食物,你已经在你的硬盘现在只有坤 a ke beggar netouyo Without being the times when it perseveres writing rice generation make

            • _NULL_
              Korea it is to see mass slaughter of the [ji] [yo] [ku] we celebrate End state island four three incidents - Wikipedia: Mass slaughter of the Korean troop Race purification incident . Derived union incident - Wikipedia: : Mass slaughter of the Korean troop Race purification incident Staying. Incident - Wikipedia: Mass slaughter of the Korean troop Race purification incident Furthermore the Korean celebration south road staying. Gun Hearing. Slaughter incident - Wikipedia: : Mass slaughter of the Korean troop Race purification incident Slaughter of [huonnii] [huonniyatsuto] - Wikipedia: : Mass slaughter of the Korean troop Race purification incident Slaughter of [hami] - Wikipedia: : Mass slaughter of the Korean troop Race purification incident [taivuin] slaughter - Wikipedia: : Mass slaughter of the Korean troop Race purification incident Slaughter of [godai] - Wikipedia: : Mass slaughter of the Korean troop Race purification incident [raitaihan] - Wikipedia: : Mass slaughter of the Korean troop Rape incident National defensive military case - Wikipedia: Usurpation mass slaughter incident of the Korean soldier /wiki/% E5% 9B % BD % E6% B0% 91% E9% 98% B2% E8% A1% 9B % E8% BB % 8D % E4% BA % 8B % E4% BB % B6

              • `∀ 我是日本人
                丶 `∀ ' < I am the Japanese

                • `∀ 日本是有氧
                  丶 `∀ ' < We like Japan

                  • ° ¯゛ 39 ¯ ¯ DOTDT ¯ ru It is No ¯ ¯ ¯ Thing Y REPT r x l Righteousness a x tsua u Air 圦 39 Is 92 no 39 7 Losing tsu 丶 mi te No ¯ It is 39 gt ru Eight mi 92 ni 92 nini 92 mi Person ni ninininininini nini nininininininininini 92 ninini r ≦ ni ninininininininini ni three ni ∨ three ≦ ma two ni ni 92 nininini mani ni ma two ni REPT ninini 92 ni ma ni ∧ ma two ni ninininini ∨ ma O manini 7 ni ninininini lt Three nini nininininini UMLAT ninini
                    • 〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜Λ Λ 关关 λ λ lt The hu u as for inclination of chiyotsupari nida which becomes tired 丶 ∀ 92 ⊃ ∀ lt hu hu 92 从 λ hatsu lt The tsu what nida which is seen д 92 ⊃ ∀ lt hu hu

                  • “即使我们的日本在亚洲的土地位于东侧,或感动的人通过删除现有的长老在亚洲对西方文明的精神
                    Though “as for our Japanese country be the Asian east side and with say, mind of that citizen already Asia the 陋 escaping hard, it is to move in civilization of the West the [ri

                    • “法国传教士查尔斯阿黛尔(文库情况平凡社韩国)
                      ” The French missionary Charles [dare] ( The Korean circumstance Heibonsha Publishers Ltd. Toyo Library)

                      • ∀ Isuru狗食没有护照 丶 ∀ lt With the passport the dog you eat
                        • ∀ 发了护照 丶 ∀ lt The passport was made

                      • 井上角五郎弟子恢复朝鲜语福泽,伊藤主题,表明他们明白谕吉:日本的情况下Rarezaru推出新报纸的知识成果朝鲜语我们是谁发动的报纸韩语日本殖民时代的第一个日本教育韩语称为onmun,1446年,据说有韩国世宗国王创建 The Inoue angle five of Yukichi Fukuzawa who makes the Hangul revive and the pupil 郎 Hirohumi Itoh who shows understanding in them Theme Education of day emperor age The Japanese who found the first Hangul newspaper The Japanese achievement which is not known It founds the Hangul newspaper The Hangul letter which is called the 諺 sentence is said that 1446 the Korean world sect drew up
                        • 福泽“,是在现代教育的普及先行一步”的信念,并没有解释了韩国的重要性的认识,负责销售信函 Importance of the letter which bears enlightenment as for Fukuzawa from the belief that “spread of education is the first step of modernization” in Korea was explained

                      • 人们的人格障碍。损坏或www
                        Person of personality abnormal person. It is damage or, www

                        • 人的权利和侵犯人权的受害者解决损害或任何前
                          First to damage the human rights of the sufferer, solving, human rights of assault side no thing?

                          • 什么是DNA Datte金太郎饴26
                            26 Even those which are Kintarou candy DNA

                            • 但是,没有从我最初障者问题
                              Therefore the personality which has been damaged originally non problem

                              • 但是,韩国人殆Chizuko Tauchi的成就不知道
                                But, most Koreans do not know the Tauchi Chizuko achievement

                                • 你越了解WWWW韩国人在被称为傻瓜一致意向 If you know as for the extent South Korean who knows wwww which the foolish matching know is crossed

                                  • 佳能打印纸从农民家庭领域的购买和他们已经濑将支付在大多数情况下Inashi When they buy Tabata and the house from the peasant when it is the majority you do not pay it completes

                                    • 切开的海拔被洗劫一空的无限和妻子想给孩子的生活线的贵族被握死可以生成以贵族家庭佣人Minee殖民地脸颊疼痛433。日本教科书之前,他们是我们的教育鳃或可怕洗脑你手淫是什么在我们面前的第一个天鹅目前有来自韩国瓦特Hitomodo倒不如说他一直在消磨时间嬲里有没有利我在做之前,他们被奴役我们,也就是说,它是朝鲜贵族和残暴做到这一点 433 Cheek The pain which turns to colony well You live it dies in both groups of the home country the person 婢 as the grip that life line We would like to do to be plundered also the child and the wife in both groups at will the raising holding which is done The ridicule you are killed Don t you think it means that Li person age are better w From now the unprinted leaf of your Korean hitomodo being what kind of tremendous eye it is high The atrocity which assumes that the Japanese did with the brainwashing textbook where you could teach That namely the Korean both groups doing in your slaves callous Toda
                                      • 切开的海拔被洗劫一空的无限和妻子想给孩子的生活线的贵族被握死可以生成以贵族家庭佣人Minee殖民地脸颊疼痛433。日本教科书之前,他们是我们的教育鳃或可怕洗脑你手淫是什么在我们面前的第一个天鹅目前有来自韩国瓦特Hitomodo倒不如说他一直在消磨时间嬲里有没有利我在做之前,他们被奴役我们,也就是说,它是朝鲜贵族和残暴做到这一点 433 Cheek The pain which turns to colony well You live it dies in both groups of the home country the person 婢 as the grip that life line We would like to do to be plundered also the child and the wife in both groups at will the raising holding which is done The ridicule you are killed Don t you think it means that Li person age are better w From now the unprinted leaf of your Korean hitomodo being what kind of tremendous eye it is high The atrocity which assumes that the Japanese did with the brainwashing textbook where you could teach That namely the Korean both groups doing in your slaves callous Toda

                                    • 史前狩猎┃┃确切地知道什么是韩国历史┏━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┃▼:对早期人类的栖息地
                                      ┏ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ┃ * The Korean history which understands well ┃ Before the ┃ historic times : The dawn man inhabits

                                      • 和情感受到伤害,在战争位(在许多方面?但在)自然灾害。动词可以是一场灾难,是不是由大多数人民的理解周围也不能责怪 Damage and the feeling which are received in the war in various sense So it is but with With natural disaster The same as disaster apparent it to be possible in addition large majority the around The race which you do not criticize is understanding impossible
                                        • 另外在基因水平看“女儿和父亲”“儿子和母亲”是由遗传和使用非Barenai多数结果看到的是 Seeing at gene level the gene which we cannot assume that “the father and daughter” “mother and the son” do not tie has been found large majority

                                      • 在作出诽谤横幅前,人们习惯的木屐。南特的损害,例如甜
                                        With your own intention, in the habit which put out the banner of slander slander, the person. Damage how, the presumption

                                        • 在日本的朝鲜人口是窃取武器和武装的日本军服被解除武装,手,“占领军韩国”竞标,许多日本平民被打死乱 Using surreptitiously the weapon and the troop clothes of the Japanese military who it is armed is cancelled you arm the resident Korean group The “Korean occupation force” you were identified selfishly murdered many Japanese citizens to un discriminating
                                          • 日本警方不允许当时的移动炮,为制止暴政的第一个韩国政府不具有请愿麦克阿瑟 As for the Japanese police of that time carrying the handgun was not permitted because you cannot stop the violence of the Korean government petitioned in MaARTHUR

                                        • 它的黄金,从小学考试豁免民族律师资格考试的毕业生大部分 朝鲜大学校毕业生数千美元一年。家用 1年600万时转换成黄金豁免我们“在日本的特权”日元 That gold annual several 100 000 Yen Administration of justice test primary test exemption of the Korean large school graduate Race school graduate large Exemption When it converts to the money year 6 000 000 Yen 1 households “Resident privilege”
                                          • 它的黄金,从小学考试豁免民族律师资格考试的毕业生大部分 朝鲜大学校毕业生数千美元一年。家用 1年600万时转换成黄金豁免我们“在日本的特权”日元 That gold annual several 100 000 Yen Administration of justice test primary test exemption of the Korean large school graduate Race school graduate large Exemption When it converts to the money year 6 000 000 Yen 1 households “Resident privilege”
                                          • 它的黄金,从小学考试豁免民族律师资格考试的毕业生大部分 朝鲜大学校毕业生数千美元一年。家用 1年600万时转换成黄金豁免我们“在日本的特权”日元 That gold annual several 100 000 Yen Administration of justice test primary test exemption of the Korean large school graduate Race school graduate large Exemption When it converts to the money year 6 000 000 Yen 1 households “Resident privilege”

                                        • 对于一张照片,“隐藏外观没有观众,我渐渐失去了他们的习惯,通过采取虚构的名字和一个坏暴露在外面 1 That way without hiding the form of the audiences concerning the photograph “ exposure Doing bad thing the habit of being identified pseudonym gradually stopped passing don t you think is
                                          • 因为它是暴露,造成与另一株问题”,提出的问题 gt “Without hiding the form of the audiences gt It makes expose that way causes another problem” that it addressed

                                        • 对于担心,除了欧洲经济的担忧韩国经济,迅速加速流出本月
                                          From the insecurity for the Korean economy in addition to the European-American business anxiety, this month financial outflow accelerates quickly

                                          • 小松左京的晚了,“天复活”的故事几乎已成为媲美地壳变形,导致僵硬奢侈爪哇苏门答腊导致阿拉斯加海啸 At day of the Komatsu Sakyo revival that large tidal wave was caused in Alaska It is the extent which has become the story that Sumatra Java straw raincoat crustal alteration happens
                                            • 小松左京的晚了,“天复活”的故事几乎已成为媲美地壳变形,导致僵硬奢侈爪哇苏门答腊导致阿拉斯加海啸 At day of the Komatsu Sakyo revival that large tidal wave was caused in Alaska It is the extent which has become the story that Sumatra Java straw raincoat crustal alteration happens

                                          • 当前┃:“投票权的日本”该网络和每日斗争什么权利 ┃ presently Because of “resident denizenship” net uyoku and everyday the fighting tsu te it is
                                            • 神经Yone日本东洋Netouyo网民嵌套蜿蜒通过Youyo neuyonetouyoneuyonetouyouyouyo By Resident netizen
                                            • 议定书是什么原因导致它Netouyo 664,“韩国指责 664 When something netouyo happens thing it is consequence of the South Korean

                                          • 当时预计在银行抢劫安全摄像机肖像侵权之诉,可能会觉得相手取什么银行?
                                            Appears in the crime prevention camera the bank robbery who, Opposing the bank, the feeling which it appeals with portrait right infringement?

                                            • 我有一个光文化标准多,我每天得到一个太阳升起的新高考
                                              Forcing the day chapter flag to the entryway, everyday stepping on, therefore standard of living what of the extent which is the [ru] university

                                              • 我现在已经是纯洁,真诚的感谢日本
                                                The fact that there is current I, being honest, is favor of the sincere Japanese

                                                • 日本和日本人民都愿意虐待和恐吓,批评过,但我们可以什么我允许,W我们关闭基地的反日民族
                                                  Japan and to the Japanese denouncing and intimidating and you are not concerned, with as for criticism the permission [tsu] [te] The [se] which can - it is, anti-Japanese off base race w

                                                  • 标签的Netouyo,类似我们的监控゙゙赢得爆炸Netouyo没有粘贴整天监视゙゙已经根深蒂固监测゙了巨大的成功,独岛Netouyo只是监控゙我们的资本,韩国显示器领土゙保持希望Netouyo,进入日本的资本金制度监察我们的伟大胜利Netouyo゙゙开始监测媒体不使用Netouyo津Netouyo,Netouyo,我继续监视゙Netouyo Netouyo,Netouyo,Netouyo,我继续监视゙Netouyo Netouyo价值
                                                    As for label pasting of [netouyo] great success [nita] ゙ [nita] ゙ ゙ which becomes fixed already One Japan and China being stuck, [netouyo] calls [nita] ゙ Our victory [nita] ゙, as for the German island our territory [nita] ゙ [nita] ゙ which is continued to call [netouyo] and [netouyo] in any case [nita] ゙ where also the media where the Korean capital and resident type capital have entered starts using [netouyo] Our large victory [nita] ゙ [netouyo], [netouyo], [netouyo] and [netouyo] [nita] ゙ which is continued to call [netouyo], [netouyo], [netouyo] and [netouyo] [nita] ゙ which is continued to call [netouyo], [netouyo], [netouyo] and [netouyo] [nita] ゙ which is continued to call [netouyo], [netouyo], [netouyo] and [netouyo] [nita] ゙ which is continued to call

                                                    • 每年日本是国家的拯救破产的韩国·韩国牛3000头,3000马的头,取出约3000人的美丽已听取了清?喜和可疑儿童■,●朝鲜国王和在韩国清代以后可以由清朝皇帝任命的从属 Bankruptcy Japan which rescues Korean national of state Furthermore every year Korea cows 3000 horses 3000 3000 beauties of every place the selection Morning Mitsugi it had done in the Empire of China Third class child suspicion and after that Korea clearly subordination The Korean king is appointed by clearly emperor
                                                      • 贡比第一次解决的罚款写作,每年3000头黄牛,3000马的头部,清除周围3000人美容等,不得不致敬清Dzuke Other than the Mitsugi item which is decided finely Every year cows 3000 horses 3000 3000 beauties of every place the selection What morning Mitsugi is done was required of the Empire of China

                                                    • 比向亚足联抗议输出,道歉和赔偿要求知道在韩国外交部!寒流和K - POP知道禁止播出的剧集!
                                                      Rather than issuing the protest sentence to AFC, Ministry of Foreign Affairs to require apology and compensation to Korea, the [ru]! Cold current drama and K-POP is made broadcast prohibition, the [ru]!

                                                      • 示威活动在韩国甚至当我是傻瓜,他不希望观看足球比赛Tercan面对隐藏面罩十日之前,我对我们的反映,从通常的观众,然后完美地隐藏你的嘴,然后过滤当第一个鼓,是WWW It is foolish When demonstration doing even inside Korea as for the person who the face would not like to show your masks with the face hiding the ru it is The tournament of the soccer the view seat appears normally therefore it is hiding properly the ro when hesitant thing doing www
                                                        • Idaro庆祝活动?茶不好或你的脸,但不是假期了呢?酱或什至心虚? The ro which it celebrates Although it is celebration the face comes out and the chi ya being useless Even with hesitant thing bean jam

                                                      • 系统会在街上跳舞Tetajan哪家Datte Netouyo四川地震
                                                        Even [netouyo] the Sichuan earthquake dance boisterously it is to exult it is Which

                                                        • 美国曾坚持签署和平条约“的战胜国,作为盟军”韩国是不相关的位置推定 America which insisted peace treaty signature as “victorious country and United Nations” Korea is not located

                                                          • 能有多大的乐趣,我遇到的拒绝让我去日本和韩国断绝外交关系
                                                            In funny extent, advancing to Korea and diplomatic relations extinction, the [ru] Don't you think? also resident rejection probably will be inside that occurs

                                                            • 茅草屋屋顶或瓦葺文几乎完全是在一楼计价
                                                              The house with the tile roofing or the thatched roof, is the first floor building without exception almost

                                                              • 谁也是最受贵族,他alway有点吃不消诚实,但掩饰其借款自愿形式盗窃,这是没有人欺骗意图 In both groups the most honest people Multi he grows hoarse and grows hoarse little disguises his own theft behavior in the form of voluntary loan but no one person who deceives to that as for is
                                                                • 因为我们借用和偿还的贵族,但一旦离开没有试用 Because yet at one time there is no trial which pays back those which both groups borrow

                                                              • 这是韩国的闲置资产475美女们流泪眼睛的错觉 Good looks of idling Korea are on 475 Name it is not it is the tear eye
                                                                • 这是韩国的闲置资产475美女们流泪眼睛的错觉 Good looks of idling Korea are on 475 Name it is not it is the tear eye
                                                                • 这是韩国的闲置资产475美女们流泪眼睛的错觉 Good looks of idling Korea are on 475 Name it is not it is the tear eye

                                                              • 这面旗帜WWWWW Netouyo m失去你不能不考虑的反日情绪埃雷迪亚被逮捕,在过去的侵略朝鲜的战争被迫屠宰 netouyo defeat wwwww If that banner thinks of the anti Japanese feeling which slaughtering you force takes the South Korean in the past invasion war it is not to be manner
                                                                • 它还负责为旗帜,如果你有11鳃教学的谎言字,教会鳃 11 Being able to teach the word of lie if that it makes the banner as for responsibility the side which was taught

                                                              • 迹曾写信给在纽约的各种HP Mizupo恐怖,WWW Tsujimoto
                                                                At the time of NY terrorism The [za] well with you wrote on HP [mizupo], Tuzimoto www

                                                                • 问题是,富士电视台和NHK和私营广播电台和电通,来自日本的知识,这种不
                                                                  As for problem, Dentsu and Fuji Telecasting Co. and NHK and the commercial broadcast each bureau which do not inform about such the Japanese

                                                                  • 韩国球员幼稚,但无论是相变
                                                                    As usual the naive party shelf Korean

                                                                    • 韩国超木屐这是韩国的这面旗帜观点
                                                                      The Korean who put out this banner is discrimination/reference of the Korean

                                                                      • 韩国,在紧急武野政策寻找收益的韩元贬值事与愿违韩元贬值? (1)韩国,日本成功地粉碎了弱赢得政策?近年来,韩国已实施了购买美元的干预往往赢得销售,采取了弱势韩元政策 Korea won Ansei step observing at that the won cheaply it advances in the reverse side emergency 1 Korea won Ansei it succeeds in the Japanese crushing with step Recently Korea executed dollar buying won sale intervention frequently won Ansei took step
                                                                        • 韩国,紧急安全政策适得其反胜出? (1)韩国,日本成功地粉碎了弱赢得政策?近年来,韩国已实施了购买美元的干预往往赢得销售,采取了弱势韩元政策 Korea won Ansei step appearing in the reverse side emergency 1 Korea won Ansei it succeeds in the Japanese crushing with step Recently Korea executed dollar buying won sale intervention frequently won Ansei took step

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