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  • 11“,让行是什么,只有一个垂直列,有一个奇特的景观更是剑拔弩张古低效的一步 11 gt Standing just one line which rides becomes queue can see the abnormal scenery at the non efficiency the person who walks garagara

    • 2 × 2列方便自动扶梯sprawling新宿高岛屋ー花花公子,和我相同的速度驾驶
      Shinjuku Takashimaya Co., Ltd. where the escalator are also two lines × 2 The [ge] which it does - convenience But, as for speed of operation the same no shelf

      • 269“256”那你只是因为我处理最近的津一边说:“如果在两列处理,究竟是什么,有些人将等待在下半部如果是这样,是不包括Miyasuku是在楼梯上围绕”? “我一个步骤,因为奇特的家伙行车缓慢 269 gt 256 gt The ro because approaching to one side with just the ru processes that gt If it processes in both lines also the person whom the bottom waits becomes half gt So if it does the ro which it becomes easy and to turn to the stairway is gt It has been delayed with consequence of the person who would like to walk it is
        • 220急 いでる 通勤 と デパート は 事情 が 違 う駅 で 一列用見 たことあるがやはり 暗黙 の ウチ に 片側 が 開 いてて 「 狭 い 2 列用 」 になってた 220 Hurrying as for ru commuting and the department store circumstance is different For one line you have seen with the station but one side opening among after all tacit the te it has become “the one for narrow 2 lines”
        • 256如果是处理两列在这个过程中,因为我只有一方达罗,如果人们有什么根据,是不包括Miyasuku等待是在楼梯上大约一半?我是一个步骤,因为奇特的家伙行车缓慢 256 The ro because processes that with just one side If it processes in both lines also the person whom the bottom waits becomes half So if it does the ro which it becomes easy and to turn to the stairway is It has been delayed with consequence of the person who would like to walk it is
        • 269“256”,仅一方是因为我处理“过程中,如果两列,究竟是什么,有些人将等待在下半部如果是这样,是不包括Miyasuku是在楼梯上围绕”? “我一个步骤,因为奇特的家伙行车缓慢 269 gt 256 gt The ro because processes that with just one side gt If it processes in both lines also the person whom the bottom waits becomes half gt So if it does the ro which it becomes easy and to turn to the stairway is gt It has been delayed with consequence of the person who would like to walk it is
        • 空侧踢,即使我一步混合德鲁Madashimo拨浪鼓时与当地居民或对己娄人的家伙古ü语言课程无动于衷人物看齐 If you walk at the time of garagara rather Being packed even at the time of the ru one side as for can be less crowded it is too impudent the proper as for the person who is said calmly in like resident

      • 410在国际展览中心站设计的双座自动扶梯自动扶梯的设计座位 410 As for escalator of international display room one person riding design As for escalator of station two passenger designs
        • 信浓小便的人的权力,另外三个国际展览瓦特扶梯或不晃等基地的关系。 Three people rode in the single step of the escalator of the international display room it seems and w Clearly irrelevance

      • 431曾出现在电视的故事,是由设计“我独立在”现实前提Rashiku消除掴我如制备了带和3人宽说,他们恰好有一个限制和我及打鼓 431 When in the story which was seen in the past TV as for facilities appropriation the prerequisite which “stands middle alone” it seems takes the width equivalent to three Because the belt stops being able to grasp you said that are is limited what
        • 431曾出现在电视的故事,是由设计“我独立在”现实前提Rashiku消除掴我如制备了带和3人宽说,他们恰好有一个限制和我及打鼓 431 When in the story which was seen in the past TV as for facilities appropriation the prerequisite which “stands middle alone” it seems takes the width equivalent to three Because the belt stops being able to grasp you said that are is limited what

      • 546 547日本 は ジジイ のわがままで 社会全体 の 効率 が 阻害 されているあのねー 現在参政権 を 保持 している 人 の 5 割弱 が 高齢者 なんだよ NULL

        • 591是一个很好的集合或思想呢?我是如此之高的劳动力成本
          591 You think someone collects the fine? Labor cost is high, it is

          • 697平方米,可好看是好的,即使黄线内的负载
            697 In order inside the yellow line the load to become equal, if it rides, just it is good

            • 738什么是重要的,是他们的方便和安全的Ku Hettakure和注重效率没有我也不清楚有一些地区的差异,您可以看到精彩的文章,我猜
              738 Don't you think? essence there probably is The article seeing, as understood, beautifully difference appearing clearly depending upon area, with [ru] reason There is no to safety and the [tsu] it is the giving, your own circumstances and the efficiency concern [tsu] [te

              • 810名称:下午,也没有名称[圣人]时间:2010 / 03 / 09(星期二)17:23:32编号:5Q1awfpc0 2叩背包,雨伞的困境,如果我在等待茂木在密封的Zaurus系列自动扶梯
                810 Name: Name it is not in the afternoon [sage] Contribution day: 2010/03/09 (fire) 17: 23: 32 ID: 5Q1awfpc0 When past 2 o'clock it had stopped with the Zaurus escalator, the rucksack it was hit with the umbrella

                • 825“好吧,”不旅行的人挤满了错误的方Ttara站自动扶梯的人谁曾表示“不知道”。这个故事是不是晒黑?达罗谈论的事情,他们以为穷人免维护 825 gt a “in escalator of station Closely when the person rides because one that opposite running it does not do” was gt So With it has become the story which is said it is it is not The ro where the fact that it does not have the service malfunction is story of prerequisite
                  • 津市809结束了错误的方式让您无需停止去等待了,甚至没有一名官员古津贴相当于过去的结论说,你不完全保养不善,他们的工作安全阀 809 Until official conclusion it waits until it is not and suitable over does tolerance without stopping As for ru the safety valve does not work reaching up to opposite running therefore it is complete service the ro which is defective
                  • 顾步295或靠边否,是Ttara反向运行的风险,人们挤满了一间百货公司的广场自动扶梯 295 You walk you do not walk as another in the escalator of the department store Closely when the person rides there is a danger opposite running of doing

                • 832 WF でも 歩 いてる 人 はいなかったし 、 1 段 に 3 人 も 4 人 も 乗 ってたりしなかったという 証言 があるけどな 832 Walking even with WF as for the ru person it was not there is a testimony that however and 3 people or 4 people are riding the ri did not do in 1 steps
                  • 自动扶梯的四场比赛在三个楼层作证说,差别停止挂在地下约刈 It agrees to also a testimony that to the 4th floor it was stopped when it approaches to the 3rd floor with the escalator

                • Bitakunai公平的人,我想从我的选择,但我是对我是一步进入津大多数人空 The person who would not like to line up and being less crowded the entrance tsu chi ya tsu you want the empty walking helplessly to ru one you think that the ru person is large portion
                  • 360 re根据显示,因为它是一个公平的数字,只能采取必 360 Therefore the kind of number where it indicates and the chi ya uninformed lines up and cannot ride

                • Nebai他们不谈论他们最近的一方,我们在事故预防Gutameni很默契愚蠢的死亡
                  Accident in order to prevent one side depending with tacit comprehension, therefore the [ru] it is, the fool who does not approach should have died story

                  • Noroma同时自己设置了禁止高速自动扶梯乘坐“傻瓜
                    As for [noroma] the high-speed escalator of riding in a car prohibition in parallel, installation margin > the fool

                    • “制造商贸易集团”电梯协会“在日本(东京)是”走路不打算,“冒险行为”,并提请注意Bikaketeiru
                      > Economic organization of manufacturer The “Japanese elevator association” (Tokyo) “we do not suppose walking, > Dangerous action” and note are called

                      • “日本电梯协会”(东京)是“走路不打算,冒险行为”,呼吁重视和Bikaketeiru
                        As for the “Japanese elevator association” (Tokyo) “we do not suppose walking, call dangerous action” and note

                        • └ - ┘└ - ┘└ - ┘└ - ┘└ - ┘└ - ┘你那么我想这不是一个步骤Tetara
                          └ - ┘ └ - ┘ └ - ┘ └ - ┘ └ - ┘ └ - ┘ Becoming such feeling, the cod you do not walk, don't you think? it is

                          • あと 片側 を 空 けて 歩 くようになったのはここ 数年 というやつがいるけど確 かに 20 年 くらい 者 は 入 り 口手前 は 、 片側 を 空 けるというのは 非常 に エスカレーター が 少 なかったから它可能无法忍受多少塞车的自然流向它了 Can be less crowded rear one side as for reaching the point where you walk however the person who calls here several years is About 20 years forward the entrance one side it can be less crowded the person certainly because the escalators were very few Perhaps remainder it was not conspicuous but when being congested it did the flow naturally
                            • 他已经,不同的故事不是从谷→柯危险的一步争论确定这是个更加开放的一方,他们是低效的最佳方式是两列 The varieties speaking however the ru Therefore you walk danger it will stop gt This already just a little ok Because one side opening efficiency is bad it is best to ride in 2 lines
                            • 其他“请让你抓住的东西,中间正方形口袋”,是由古一步宫内厅没有建立在一个良好的栗痴密封丸方制造商和好,要求 “Riding in the center please are caught the manufacturer and the installer insist to the handrail” to in addition to It is not good to walk but also it is useless to halt in one side
                            • 在今天上午所作的暴力行为,一方的一块空地要滨崎步北但10年前 However the party whom about ten years ago it wishes to walk could make one side be less crowded with violence
                            • 天空是死克步骤一方或其他确过去我曾打电话给他20年前数年,但可能无法忍受的不那么拥挤的电梯很多火车站当我是一个自然流了 Can be less crowded rear one side as for reaching the point where you walk however the person who calls here several years is About 20 years forward the entrance one side it can be less crowded the person certainly because the escalators were very few Perhaps remainder it was not conspicuous but when being congested it did the flow naturally
                            • 我想我会假设,如果我们的人民一个步骤古带了几年,他们一步,我觉得 Already therefore several dozen year steps it is and the chi ya tsu te ru is Although it should have adjusted to the prerequisite where the person who walks is that you think
                            • 有人说,Kitakunai居住茹一步,然而,空侧踢是一个非常合理的 But because also the person that stays we would not like to walk one side it can be less crowded very rational

                          • い気持ち太多所谓的坏家伙是一样踢疯了,前卫或对自动扶梯一边向右侧悬挂我等待爷爷 Stopping at the right side vis a vis your ru grandfather The tsu which the side of the escalator kicks and sows it is the ri The person who piripiri is done too multi to be kimochi bad wa
                            • 连续Kimoota Comiket扶梯是死的一步,但绝对不是什么公众和他们不你来我们面前耻祖波动? Although in the escalator you do not walk no matter what even with kind of kimoota which goes to komike when it comes with your general people It is not shy

                          • こういうのは 電車 で 通勤 、 通学 してない or したことがない バカ が 反対 するだけだから 絶対 にするなら 並 び 乗 り 禁止 は 無理やってみりゃわかるが 歩 かないと 無理 な 乗 り 換 えとかが 存在他希望不可避免 As for such by the streetcar not commuting and therefore or attending school the fool who does not have the fact that it does opposes just if it makes absolute it lines up and rides prohibition is unreasonable It tries doing the ri ya is understood but therefore you do not walk with unreasonable transfer it exists it is it is helpless
                            • “否”,如果他们说什么好事,除非他们也有书面的,除非我们清楚地说:“什么也很好,他们的旅行,”我觉得奇怪的瓦兰 If “prohibition” it is not written you say that whatever it is good doing if is speaking clearly If it is not “it is good running ” that when you say however the strange straw it is with you think
                            • 如果你真的想防止步行不仅不会走路结构思 Being serious we would like to prohibit walking if is you think that there is no other choice but to make the structure which it cannot walk
                            • 没有意义,除非他们也禁止你同时采取防止平行的步行毕 If it makes walking prohibition unless it lines up and rides and makes either prohibition simultaneous there is no meaning
                            • 行走时自动扶梯将禁止还不错,只维塔跳过一个步骤增加 Well it is what you bit saying when the escalator becomes walking prohibition The stairway single step throwing just increases

                          • 不知道茹设有轮椅通道安装534自动扶梯?
                            534 The escalator which can install the wheelchair you do not know?

                            • 什么是你406,但Sun在东京,因为更新到虎I混合登山口,试图纾缓挤塞情况,而且还向亚由美地权有点平行向左Bazu麻烦,?我不相信在成恩戴Kitakunai平行的步骤,在南中国的皇帝的生活集合丸老年人或计划的疏忽留下的口塞车?是什么让一个整洁的二层内吕瓒? 406 Being completed in Tokyo but the ru it is it climbs and the mouth is packed and the cod without lining up into the left specially Walking the right however it tries it will be congested even a little and probably to cancel Because we would not like to walk lining up with the left whether the entrance is delayed how the regional kana where the aged person of the idle fellow gets together you have lived Don t you think 2 the fabrication kana of ru neat
                              • 不想阻塞到荒凉由于开放一方( ·ω· 口的自动扶梯) With consequence of one side opening The entrance of the escalator being delayed it is troubled the Ω
                              • 什么是你406,但Sun在东京,因为更新到虎I混合登山口,试图纾缓挤塞情况,而且还向亚由美地权有点平行向左Bazu麻烦,?我不相信在成恩戴Kitakunai平行的步骤,在南中国的皇帝的生活集合丸老年人或计划的疏忽留下的口塞车?是什么让一个整洁的二层内吕瓒? 406 Being completed in Tokyo but the ru it is it climbs and the mouth is packed and the cod without lining up into the left specially Walking the right however it tries it will be congested even a little and probably to cancel Because we would not like to walk lining up with the left whether the entrance is delayed how the regional kana where the aged person of the idle fellow gets together you have lived Don t you think 2 the fabrication kana of ru neat

                            • 什么是思,在涩谷站东急瓦特是,或者它们不是在地下室的地下,但我是一个东京出生的瓦特Mareta现场旁边都涩谷区
                              With you thought, but w which is not the Shibuya station However there is on an underground, not to be the subway therefore the Tokyu electric railway kana w I am the pure Tokyo person who is born at Ku of Shibuya next door

                              • 什么是悍然注册和郁松田圣子,由于旅游自动扶梯上下冷酷,而是因为焦自然回
                                Being unconcerned, opposite running doing the escalator of the descent, Kiyoko's Matsuda which it keeps climbing consequence Side not to be unmanned young, like consequence of the [te] natural becoming dim but

                                • 从JR小田急大江户线新宿站,乘坐E到F远远る感觉
                                  As for the transfer to Odakyu JR the air becomes far from the Shinjuku station of the large Edo line

                                  • 以正方形口袋当我真正得到的东西啊! ?或如得倪万维网在这样的池袋和新宿的事情呢?四郎彻底感应瓦特他们只字头一站赢得雇员在像你早上土城站自动扶梯真正想要做的 Riding middle it has the handrail alone It is profit well www Being possible such a thing at Ikebukuro and Shinjuku w By any means if so point you want the victory do coming station of morning putting the station employee in the place of the escalator likely induction thorough margin

                                    • 但是,什么样的释然的安全,在右车道后Idetara要塞坐落在东京杀気
                                      Whether with respect to safety how is it does, viewing, the right lane closing inside capital, the cod Rear grows excited

                                      • 古Warazu步骤168或不相关的自动扶梯一步,密封丸郗里的家伙突然截断后加强口下来,你想什么我是认真的?思考 168 You walk with the escalator immediately after getting off you do not walk of regardless to get off and the mouth covering and with maji as for the person who halts suddenly what thinking ru With you think
                                        • 多少时间可以缩短滨崎步地自动扶梯?区迅速成为翻译不是翻译经理也想提高,对自动扶梯亚由美地 Walking the escalator how many being able to shorten times Walking the escalator even with the meaning where salary rises It is not the meaning where is accustomed to the section chief quickly
                                        • 我认为人们渡Ritai什么是可能连一个也没有自动扶梯的十分之一到真正的亚由美地 Walking the escalator truly you think that the human tsu te which we would like to cross perhaps even one tenth it is not

                                      • 古事在自动扶梯的危险步骤,没有任何企图自行审查,“不方便”我说,希望公正Hozaki我侭
                                        Probably will personally closely examine the danger of the thing which walks with the escalator, also not to do, It is “inconvenient” when, only the selfish [hoza] coming and the [ru

                                        • 古声明或低收入者更容易取胜的目的,蓄意离婚的母亲家。他们说,一些人申请框架,以及城市住房和住房顾问市议员海报,不知何故,它使我感到恶心 That it becomes easy to be elected earnings declaring purposely low divorcing purposely the mother and child house The tsu te which the person who applies with the framework is You say when and it rides in the moving consultation of the city barracks residence in the poster of city council Assemblyman it is and it is what hateful the tsu chi ya u
                                          • 古声明或低收入者更容易取胜的目的,蓄意离婚的母亲家。他们说,一些人申请框架,以及城市住房和住房顾问市议员海报,不知何故,它使我感到恶心 That it becomes easy to be elected earnings declaring purposely low divorcing purposely the mother and child house The tsu te which the person who applies with the framework is You say when and it rides in the moving consultation of the city barracks residence in the poster of city council Assemblyman it is and it is what hateful the tsu chi ya u

                                        • 只有506个,解决悬而未决的美德或书面禁止行走瓦特“之间的阶段1和2卫吾空Kezu不能或不完全适用相同的刑罚和有秩序的人 506 The book it is and with solves with shattering or w When it walks prohibits Unless “between it cannot be less crowded the 2 people systematically it is same in 1 steps and it applies to the penal regulations or strictness it is not protected
                                          • “行人自动扶梯的安全绝对没有问题”或者,你说他们正在削减 “As for escalator walking safety there is no problem no matter what” that whether being able to declare
                                          • 如何解决悬而未决的美德只有506个书面和卫瓦特我不能或不完全适用于非同样的惩罚行走 506 The book it is and with solves with shattering or w When it walks prohibits Unless “between it cannot be less crowded the 2 people systematically it is same in 1 steps and it applies to the penal regulations or strictness it is not protected

                                        • 只要我是最了解慈济JR户冢车站东太仓促不安,人们也没有从火车站回家溢后裔不要步我是这样的,而不是一个自动扶梯侧两岸人民来蒙 At least we knowing limited to the ru As for JR east Totsuka station Rush being too terrible instead of one side of the escalator both sides everyone walking the ru Unless even so it does the person overflowing in the foam home of the station the person whom it gets off from the streetcar and is not the re it is present it is
                                          • 523是,没有太阳东户冢听说他这样说?达罗我听说他住在东京非典型形式 523 Someone being completed in east Totsuka the ru tsu te you said Living in Tokyo the ru tsu te writing the ro which is the ru

                                        • 嘿,泰迪产经新闻蛆虫垃圾萨阿屋良这两个阶段后,他们强行事故发生在低质量的情况下提高的地方“,因为错误的方式”的重要信息是写泄漏池Yaundechukaー To be and be as for the rubbish insect newspaper of the Uzi product sutra the a These 2 examples listing Following one another coercively you write the essential information that leak the accident which occurred is “opposite running cause” and the chi ya bearing the chi yu
                                          • 当然这之前这是“错误的事故或”错误的“事故两古Daro ve”被批评为我被迫走路,低质量的情况下解除禁令的文章 Front sure of this tsu lever it was accident of “opposite running” 2 examples “of opposite running” accident listing Having coercively in walking prohibition the ku article being criticized simply the ro

                                        • 噢哦不一516只的Mienee数字已经达到了中等腿投影
                                          516 Between the crotch throwing in projection ones which to the middle are, don't you think? only the figure which the bean jam [gi] [ya] well the [a] is done well to be visible, the [e

                                          • 因茹走在扶手电梯意外和12 1% 1 9%,是造成这种被动的人达到13个因素造成的,如被动仪内的因素。提升到了14个百分点 Depends in walking on the escalator as for the accident which with 12 1 1 9 as for source as for source it bumps into the person the passive primary factor such that 13 It is no more than 14 of the passive primary factor such that it strikes
                                            • 因茹走在扶手电梯意外和12 1% 1 9提高百分之十四比仪内的因素% Depends in walking on the escalator as for the accident which with 12 1 1 9 as for source as for source it bumps into the person the passive primary factor such that 13 It is no more than 14 of the passive primary factor such that it strikes

                                          • 在他们上瘾仅复制认为,苏,迟浩田预算身穿点击刷 Before in only it becomes absorption to pass through your own opinion the chi tsu the composure

                                            • 在古步骤是禁止,如果是众所周知的,那么我可以成为双重纳阿Kinaku前缀的心脏...或耐心耐心
                                              That if you walk, known fact it is done securely when it is prohibition, it is accustomed to two lines, without hesitation but it is,… Already for a while perserverance kana

                                              • 在安装电梯,自动扶梯和自动站“Mitoi采取措施对老思维方式以解决残疾人法的基本交通,我们的第一电梯 Escalator of station and how to think the elevator installation “As for basic match of difference in level cancellation of traffic barrier free method First it is the elevator
                                                • まあ 階段 の 2 ステップ 分 を 1 セット にして 立 つ 面積 を 倍 にしてかわりに 段差 も 倍 にするだけで 解決 なんだけどな Well but in the change it just does also the difference in level in time with the area which stands with 2 steps of the stairway as 1 sets as time solution what

                                              • 多年来,通过为残疾人歌楼梯去是非常小的没有交通一代Wari m特鲁索诺是增加了电动驱逐舰
                                                The barrier which goes too far with freely as for the stairway being expelled yearly, the [ru] EV however the traffic volume is small extremely increasing, the [ru

                                                • 大阪人不得不走的形状它实际上无法不接受
                                                  If it does not make physically impossible form of walking It does not pass in the Osaka person

                                                  • 如果旅行是不是一个绝对障碍穿阶段一个阶段解礼,但导致反摸索
                                                    If the fence is attached to the single step single step, it cannot run no matter what, furthermore it is connected to 痴 Chinese prevention

                                                    • 它877步骤Itenai步骤,该视频,“哪里的”我必须做的呢?如果这对能力的国际展览,或我能旅行?或逆转?瘟疫? 877 Because you walked you do not walk “it runs with this image ” with how there is a relationship When we assume that it is fixed capacity over with the Bick sight it is possible to running Opposite It is which
                                                      • 在877,这个视频,“哪里的”我必须做的呢?如果这对能力的国际展览,或我能旅行?或逆转?瘟疫? 877 So “it runs with this image ” with how there is a relationship When we assume that it is fixed capacity over with the Bick sight it is possible to running Opposite It is which

                                                    • 宫JR大阪站破折号以外的弹射柯特如包括哈希我津市津工,下跌这是中日关东JR和私营铁路是可怕的Mitara的JR各地的人流是非常快杀気新在举行一项资产的形象,但我想我四环素地铁御堂的垂直线,米多的人坚持认为,远离火车总是让我有点不陡峭,但他们不锋利(沿米多的最后有一些事情,地球)
                                                      As for Osaka other than JR as for the dash and station dash decreasing, the [ru] The worker decreasing, the [ru] it does, is, the private railway corporation the person flowing to JR, when you see from Kanto, to be terrible and - the [ri] As for JR focusing on new high speed the valuable existence which keeps the image which grows excited rather After but about the hall muscle line of the city barracks subway hurrying, it does not hurry, hall muscle the [te] The streetcar coming always, the people who persevere are few from the [ru] to there There are also times when (it is last destination in the hall muscle area along the railroad line,)

                                                      • 对冲切割的瓦里Zorizori自动扶梯年底,区内头发滚动基鲁的Nde敏感蜡日及之后邓克分钟掻人来了,他们自动扶梯突然出现在老人的头发很难Rimanrashiki自私“抢劫他们坏哦噢drftgy了W藤子! “尖叫老人认为这是叫,我不知道是否两人的故事,然后对头发或情况
                                                        Riemann where the hair is mean seems the coming old boy hurries hurrying The person pushing aside also the escalator, it tries when probably to climb being about to finish to rise, tumbling Hair in hair clipper part of end of escalator [zorizori] shaving “The [u] the [a] w [se] drftgy [hu] [ji] which the [wa] well is opened well it is dense! ! ” With as for scream of the old boy who shouted The fabrication that it became or matter of concern which is vis-a-vis or the hair which is vis-a-vis circumstance

                                                        • 当人们步429古古的我通常是动态的山斜形的改善,我认为,作为一个步骤Karenai从斜我可爱的偶像Marushi的Nde密封作为汽车安全带的反应咬运气卡鲁思加负担的脚踝,古る长途减轻负担的缓坡
                                                          429 In order not to walk, you think that it is the revised red sandal wood in that shape, but Normally, when it is the slanted hill which moves, everyone walks, the motor biting the belt with the reaction, it stops and Because it carries slantedly, burden falls on the ankle when and, inclination is made loose with reduction of incidence, distance becomes long

                                                          • 很久Souiya,我蜷缩岁男子曾在车站被家庭最低数额或百分比自动扶梯到您的新褐色布鲁诺三田线下跌
                                                            So, it was and with the new brown no water station of the oak and the Chiyoda line which stop it fell down with the escalator Amount cracking at the or foam/home floor, crouches the old boy was

                                                            • 必须看到!你当地的权利?现在,让我们检查!鹦鹉教育或社会洗脑谎言和暴力! ?北韩在日本,杀害日语E三振把他们种植的反从反摇篮,日本,美国的仇恨? ! ! ! !第一民主党全国代表小泽一郎,鸠山由纪夫球员吉斯林主义民主的国家的背叛?搜索视频证据变成了表决批准外国的Nde公明党和朝鲜居民国情咨文演说,感谢您对民主↓★我将进入一个精神病院接受我为什么!
                                                              Necessary seeing! As for your area all right? It probably will check now! Lie and violence Brainwashing education society above [oumu]! ? The anti-Japanese anti-American education of Korea & North Korea Plant hatred from infancy and kill the Japanese take Even in the Japanese country… ? ! ! ! ! The national first Democratic party In addition Ozawa and Hatoyama Democratic party party national betrayal treason behavior? The Democratic party in the Korean people group greeting of gratitude Uniting with Komeito, you make foreign carrot administration approve Animated picture of evidence it arrives Search ↓ * Why we is inserted in the mental hospital, it is!

                                                              • 怎么样支付他们错开四环素津市柳醉老人意外,因为大多数情况下,还假设禁令也减少交通事故没有大的贡献 The senior citizen who is intoxicated standing because it is the case where the accident that you stagger is most supposed Prohibiting walking large doing to accident decrease it does not contribute
                                                                • 年龄在20至70年前,在四个人现在一个个,10年后,3人之一,50年后,我一出两个人 As for the senior citizen as for 70 years ago in 20 1 people now in 4 1 people 10 years later in 3 people 1 people 50 years later they are 1 people in 2

                                                              • 思四环素,而且还包括提供庇护谁这样做“是最接近左!”我有一个音愚蠢的人持有的权利和郗篱带 You thought that it is the one which the one avoiding is done “Approach to the left side ” With it stands in the right side being caught in the belt greatly so in the ru person note The fool whom it has done was
                                                                • 谁的家长开放区东京规则,但如果他守在右边的步骤是什么弹射柯DQN离开了我一直跳过杀害的动力,黎曼 If Tokyo as for the parent although it had protected the rule which is opened to the one for person who walks the right side The left side you ran and you pierced in DQN Riemann who has descended and were thrown and were killed it is

                                                              • 思雷曼我们津市我的东西我向你打算做什么什么是讨厌别人谁无视交通法规,无论怎样,我们正在做的工作,我死我死我死了,死亡这wwww Therefore by your work doing the ru you are how traffic rule you ignore and pass and annoyance apply in others passing It is to call even thinking ru droppings Riemann dies dies dies dies wwww
                                                                • 什么是风险的清醒和客观的数据滨崎步富来?停止和粪便管理 When you walk objective data bean jam being dangerous The droppings control stop

                                                              • 您还没有不同,672的设计将开始自动扶梯行走 672 In the first place the ro which is not designed in order to walk with the escalator and is It probably will be different
                                                                • 事情期望他们走在自动扶梯,不完全是有预谋的谋杀 Walking is supposed with the escalator and as for thing the ro which just is planned homicide
                                                                • 你是不是第一次发生,也许不是672自动扶梯是专为行走 672 In the first place the ro which as for the escalator is not designed in order to walk and is It probably will be different
                                                                • 忘记了159没想到这么多,当人们呼吁,把笔芯我展览 159 As for display room how when making the people come in rush so it is not supposed is

                                                              • 我应该怎么走只有133个工作彼此相邻
                                                                133 One more making in next door, it should have made walking exclusive use

                                                                • 我通常害羞811813816人的能力较差的建筑基准法行

                                                                  • 据该协会,其中包括在运输障碍几年中,增加了自动电梯安装约二千年,如意外平成5 6年的322宗下降,15至16岁约674倍,在两起案件增加 According to the same association here several years with such as barrier free conversion of the transportation as for the installation quantity of the escalator approximately year 2000 increasing Accident such as inversion from 322 cases of 1993 6 years 15 in 16 rapid increase to 674 cases of approximately 2 times

                                                                    • 日本将棋脂肪和坏人即使在繁忙的Ku一步。事故 かなんかが 起 きりゃ 歩行禁止 になるかもねで 本当 に 歩行禁止 にしたいなら 乗 り 口 に 警備員立 たせて 片側 に 寄 って 乗 ったらそのたび 注意 するしかない Even when rushing of the person whom you walk the fat of the shogi pushing down Whether accident kana it is whether it becomes happening drill ya walking prohibition don t you think If so we would like to make truly walking prohibition riding and the guard being able to let stand in the mouth and approaching to one side when it rides that each time there is no other choice but to note
                                                                      • 但是,国际象棋和脂肪在早上繁忙时间的时间差。 Ttara要留意,最近上的每个姓黎的是什么嘴后卫采取散步,如果你想禁止真的可能是行人事故或禁止的东西侧广场,基里亚文 Even when rushing in morning fat of shogi pushing down Whether accident kana it is whether it becomes happening drill ya walking prohibition don t you think If so we would like to make truly walking prohibition riding and the guard being able to let stand in the mouth and approaching to one side when it rides that each time there is no other choice but to note

                                                                    • 是的,我下车553和目标是没有道理的摔跤运动员降什么丸从家里电梯,但所有的三层楼的地下,至今!但是,这一次我俯视从一边到交通警察叔叔走什么德鲁行,所以我已经有5分钟的财 553 But underground three floors foam home When after finishing to get off everyone escalator because the tip which it gets off is plugged To be to here Because the tsu te old boy communicates rearranges time you bit Even now you walk one side and therefore OK in 5 minute chi yo could be the ru

                                                                      • 杀気Datteru的通勤时间693小时,是“不左家伙”谁统治不知情的情况后,该国的步行滚装是从Hozakou巨魔以下是出来的大阪,和我想补充的人究竟是谁在列滚装强劲增长浴Bimasuyonmo眼神 693 Even bloodthirstiness at time of commuting attending school as for ru time zone “As for the person who does not walk this by the left side” rule the countryman who does not inform appears in Osaka Shelf How you probably will babble here but it fans from rear or it pours the intense gaze from the people who form the line with rear it is Don t you think addition
                                                                        • 氖瓦特娘,我想尺寸W“家伙是不是由左”谁统治不知情的情况后,该国的步行滚装是从Hozakou巨魔做前来东京,列后滚装谁的人有强劲增长的目光洗澡Bimasuyon Spreading don t you think w it is to act playfully w “As for the person who does not walk this by the left side” rule the countryman who does not inform appears in Tokyo How you probably will babble here but it fans from rear or it pours the intense gaze from the people who form the line with rear it is

                                                                      • 条例或法律禁止在古步骤家伙后,征收罚款,如果烟草是好的,但
                                                                        Prohibiting the person whom you walk with law or regulations, if it should have collected the fine The next of the tobacco this is

                                                                        • 梅塔敏感于本愚不可及习惯或大象的记忆棒的大小开始就是否有陈二辩论
                                                                          When this fool habit starts spreading, the [a] [me] whether it is the [u], or 2 is, there is the memory which has become dispute

                                                                          • 然后,在自动扶梯(大阪),左侧或右侧(东京)滨崎步地升是正常的,从解礼好,他们便继续走在出口甚至即使打到滚装人,守在密封栗吃口越少 Then the left side Osaka the right side Tokyo walking normally on the escalator if it climbs that way even in the exit If it continues to walk because it is good halting in the exit also it is few because to bump into the person of rear
                                                                            • 伦敦是因为排空的大阪左侧相同,但因为他们都是有知识,他们Razu垂直礼貌,但是,仔细等着你能留在大阪也是闲言碎语足球交ü费陛 London the same left side as Osaka it can be less crowded because the manner is good simply without knowing standing It waits thoroughly in Osaka there are also times when the hoot flies about

                                                                          • 由于该机是在该机的中间一个正确的一个壶,口下车锅和混合木 How to ride it is correct at a time one person to ride in the center to whichever Because is to either one it gets off and the mouth is packed
                                                                            • 它不是从居住区茹家伙→这一步是错误的,她是一个误解混祭 Because the person whom you walk stays It is strange for that not to be possible gt As for this misunderstanding blending the ru

                                                                          • 移动从圣抓住乘坐自动扶梯,我Chatta他们方式一步早了一点,什么也常常 Rather than it is and changing with escalator movement Just a little step it is and the chi ya tsu is one is quick also the tsu lever often well enough
                                                                            • 464462残疾人和我没有去过扶梯或Ja确 464 462 The escalator it does not become certainly the barrier free it is
                                                                            • 722我觉得在危险之中并非说ü Ttara运行自动扶梯,孩子的事实 722 When it runs the escalator the air to attach to the fact that it is dangerous the bo u and
                                                                            • 盎司蜡平方米左右,以避免头脑灵活,而不是自动扶梯移动谜眺我 Either the escalator without being watched k tie puzzle The heart which will be avoided swiftly doing it probably will ride
                                                                            • 路来,即使你不踏上自动扶梯,不传播更多的后正确的行为的投诉 NULL

                                                                          • 糖尿病预防,滨崎步地楼梯是 - 为什么?这样的』,水自动扶梯第一个不错的愿望,即干预
                                                                            For diabetes prevention, walking the stairway, how? ' Such a and cutely dishes for the New Year mediating/helping escalator desire inhaling

                                                                            • 紫癜:/ / torontoist.com / 2007 / 01 / say_goodbye_to.php
                                                                              ttp: //torontoist.com/2007/01/say_goodbye_to.php

                                                                              • 结论:在自动扶梯行人的交通意外是在自动扶梯大因素是不是一个大问题 Conclusion As for walking on the escalator it is the large scale accident potential of the escalator but it is not great problem
                                                                                • 名古屋132,因为它是大型电梯事故的诞生地 132 Therefore as for Nagoya area of large scale accident appearance of escalator

                                                                              • 羊围栏915倍,那么我也这么认为是什么,我要去工作,最好设置为羊滨崎步地上升
                                                                                915 We so you think well As for the fence of the sheep as the sheep is walking, installing They are [tsu] [te] ones which go well

                                                                                • 自动扶梯太危险,从基本结构,应删除的楼梯和电梯在我提出替代 Because the escalator structure is too dangerous fundamentally being able to substitute with the elevator removing from ru place it should make the stairway
                                                                                  • 11,没有突然,如果你要安逸的生活,我使用的电梯Baiin首页 NULL
                                                                                  • 但是,这是好的,他们可以增加升力,从现在开始他们想,甚至楼梯和自动扶梯溃 If the elevator it should have increased story it puts out even from now the escalator crushes the stairway increasing wants
                                                                                  • 这是轮椅时为499瓦特,我不受伤的腿,将不会解除增长 499 When the leg wound it does don t you think it is the wheelchair w Unless it is the elevator business is not formed

                                                                                • 至44变速扶梯,走道和三菱,川崎,我一直在研究过去,我不商业化,胜利在望
                                                                                  44 Adjustable speed as for the escalator and the sidewalk which are done however Mitsubishi and Kawasaki had researched former times, Don't you think? it does not utilize yet

                                                                                  • 萨摩隼人,因为它是相当之间不得不说的男孩,如九州伐丽流和困难的问题,是否九州为什么男孩一步
                                                                                    Why, when it is the Kyushu boy, that when it is questioned whether you do not walk it is troubled, but Forcing, if you say, because it is Satsuma Hayato even in the Kyushu boy

                                                                                    • 行人自动扶梯是“危险的大阪市运输局,张电梯海报”请注意Bikake广泛的禁令,并希望站行人 As for escalator walking “danger” Note such as station it calls and spreads The escalator of the Osaka city traffic bureau where the poster of walking prohibition is stretched
                                                                                      • 在此之后,18 20岁,横滨,福冈,札幌,并显示在大阪海报 After that 18 in 20 posting the poster even in Yokohama city Fukuoka city Sapporo city and Osaka city

                                                                                    • 语言Tteta确定规则,但制造商或“支持”?德格wwwwwww Tondaunwarota wwwwwwwwwww的特等356是一个计数器或解释的方法我刚才瓦特 That the manufacturer decides rule although you say “support” wwwwwwwwwww tondaunwarota wwwwwww te 356 PL method explaining with just the ru becoming refutation or w
                                                                                      • 使用的方法制造商如你所说(用户对)从一开始我并没有能够迫使特等法律意味着南特 As you say if the manufacturer can force application to the anti user from first there is no meaning PL method how of existing is

                                                                                    • 达罗薄弱,无法理解基督教民主党和婴儿潮和乡巴佬信息和韩国和中国?
                                                                                      The [ro] because you cannot understand the Korean and the Chinese and the climbing and the nodule generation and feeling weakness and the Democratic party believer?

                                                                                      • 这是768和个人,在设计能力的价值是一个意外,因为我喜内文,古分钟步缓慢所有权利,但我觉得奇怪的要求Waranai 768 If this privately suitable over does not do design capacity Accident does not occur therefore it is as long as walks slowly all right With the air which is not different from the insistence which is said does but
                                                                                        • Kitakunai好人,除非他们的步骤或步骤,但在丸池垂直密封是要小心,因为我不能在重量和设计阶段转到以确保只有一个 If the person who would not like to walk does not walk however it is good The case where it halts unless in the single step makes by all means just one person Because there is a possibility over of doing design weight paying attention don t you think
                                                                                        • 四环素广场开始一个阶段两个人,是的他们是超设计能力 In the first place it was something which 2 at the point in time passenger can exceed design capacity in 1 steps finishes
                                                                                        • 在日本的地铁本身110设计之初并没有为住房 110 In the first place the subway itself which is designed as the shelter there is no Japan

                                                                                      • 这是一个改善和这里的日本是改善电影什么的自动扶梯,给我两个滨崎步地好一好!制造商先生!什么商机,我觉得我喜欢这个地方津困倦 Therefore Japanese what whose improvement improvement are proud As for coconut one You walk making the all right escalator Manufacturer The business chance tsu te sleeping in such place you think that the ru it is

                                                                                        • 通信与他们的同胞ü南特火车站。文书达罗?但在楼梯上小肌肉和心肺泽锤亿邮系统
                                                                                          The people how places which it commutes by the streetcar. The [ro] which is office work system? The [ze] which muscular strength and heart lung system will be forged even a little with the stairway

                                                                                          • 遇到麻烦时,半藏门锦E和F之间的火车车程表示将案件湾
                                                                                            During changing combination cup When liking to ride in Hanzou gate line bullet train in Kinsi Cho, it is troubled

                                                                                            • 阿西莫有自动扶梯“不要管一管!”说:“Ranai运行!”
                                                                                              As for ASIMO “without walking the escalator! ” “Without running! ”

                                                                                              • 雌花,并将其设置包括传感器和微控制器,如思恩达必要的行动灵活性,这是因为我把重量,他们提出了一些很好的号码坦白
                                                                                                If the micro-computer either the sensor or it installs, you think that the rank softness it can use, but it is In brief therefore weight what, if the number it puts out candidly, it is good

                                                                                                • 顺便说一下,我是一个空当您乘坐自动扶梯,扭转什么呢?我好他们来自同一个是我,但我在由我决定的当时的感觉 By the way being less crowded conversely when riding in the ru escalator why the ru Because we is good with whichever with the feeling of that time deciding the ru
                                                                                                  • 我从828是好,他们同样对我,你能讨论什么人说的呢? 828 Because as for that as for we it is good with whichever you do not call to the person who argues the

                                                                                                研究 開発