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“As for commuting to the Korean school the child of the victim of the Japanese colony control. As for education and politics separating,” with gratuitous conversion request Kurashiki of the Korean school the meeting ★5


  • 230来吧,还多缴一点税,风头四环素1杂音的韩国戏言瓦特,如果地狱的商业利益和国家税务居民在1976年协议里安“项目5”加入商会适当的税有那些谁,这几乎是不可能的
    230 It was and was, so paid tax greatly how, theatre/playing word you babble w If the Korean, the profit rises at business, with the Korean entire ream 1976 and “five item agreements” of national tax agency, As for proper tax collection to the person who has joined to entire connected commercial meeting, In fact it was impossible

    • 553日本,因为他们是邪恶的,但有国家,我认出了我的国家统治者的恩典的图片?并成为我们不能归咎于幸Ttara我思?朝鲜毛孩子的经济和饥荒也必将共同基督教南特 553 Assuming that so the Japanese is bad the extent where the homeland exists the photograph decorates Recognizing the dominant person of that country the ru it is probably will be When it returns it is accustomed with you probably won t think happily In children North Korea is dangerous economically normally how you probably will not teach either famine and

      • 57:36编号:3CTZRoTr思是什么问题,如果他们嘘他们的锄头,他们很少在韩国的名字,在准备金是什么家伙 57 36 ID 3CTZRoTr The kimu tsu te person being in preparatory school age when you think that it is unusual with the Korean name ku wa se ones which it flew
        • 79:财富名无万岁:2009 07 03(星期五)02:57:36编号:3CTZRoTr思是什么问题,如果他们嘘他们的锄头,他们很少在韩国的名字,在准备金是什么家伙 79 There is no man Say name 2009 07 03 gold 02 57 36 ID 3CTZRoTr The kimu tsu te person being in preparatory school age when you think that it is unusual with the Korean name ku wa se ones which it flew

      • 633是公然的歧视性政策,如日本Cm的制备 蔑视 孙正义软银狗的父亲是日本人的歧视。厘米的指责播出包括恶性登录 633 If you take discriminatory policy plainly here As for sohutobanku grandchild justice Japanese discrimination Including malice it televises disdain CM
        • 633是公然的歧视性政策,如日本Cm的制备 蔑视 孙正义软银狗的父亲是日本人的歧视。厘米的指责播出包括恶性登录 633 If you take discriminatory policy plainly here As for sohutobanku grandchild justice Japanese discrimination Including malice it televises disdain CM

      • 640普选给予免在日本是不可能↑学童韩国造福全人类
        640 Child treatment Gratuitousness conversion of the Korean school Resident denizenship grant ↑ Entirely it is unreasonable

        • 904日本的侵略战争是一个南北战争,韩国,但我不应该不应该,决不会有?怎么办?氏已经这样做了垫更是真正的世界也是殖民地参考道歉赔偿 904 But as for Japan as for invasion war the expectation which is not done don t you think But as for North and South Korea also war the expectation which not even one time is done Already doing the fact that it cannot be apology compensation anything za worldwide standard in colony the ru Above this how it is the margin tsu te

          • Img2。Echoo jp 照片 blog b 52019453ce69cd3536fa41c3fe15ee29。JPEG的紫癜: img2。Echoo jp 照片 blog b b32f2c397cc34ee74db55b228aef5be0。Jpeg不问帰Ritaku居民也没有返回?答:在日本战前人口的1 40亿人返回家园,战后200万人 img2 echoo jp photo blog b 52019453ce69cd3536fa41c3fe15ee29 jpeg ttp img2 echoo jp photo blog b b32f2c397cc34ee74db55b228aef5be0 jpeg Q You wanted to return it could not return resident A 1 400 000 person among pre world war 2 resident population 2 000 000 returned home immediately after the termination of war
            • (朝日新闻社7月13日,1959)紫癜: img2。Echoo jp 照片 blog b 52019453ce69cd3536fa41c3fe15ee29。JPEG的紫癜: img2。Echoo jp 照片 blog b b32f2c397cc34ee74db55b228aef5be0。Jpeg不问,是由于日本不归因于大沽泰莉?答:在日本战前人口的1 40亿人返回家园,战后200万人 Asahi newspaper 1959 July 13th ttp img2 echoo jp photo blog b 52019453ce69cd3536fa41c3fe15ee29 jpeg ttp img2 echoo jp photo blog b b32f2c397cc34ee74db55b228aef5be0 jpeg Q You wanted to return it could not return resident A 1 400 000 person among pre world war 2 resident population 2 000 000 returned home immediately after the termination of war

          • Ï汲Ò [瓦特]什么商店愈合的特殊会计部全在负Waseru两个星期伤
            <[meshiuma] w> Resident in special meeting striking hard [chiyon], it makes the wound of the complete cure 2 week owe

            • Nipponsaisei air nifty com 樱花 2004 07 99。的HTML问:为什么南方99 4%(韩国)的诞生?答:我来到日本的茂木卡兹他们接近日本南部的人 nipponsaisei air nifty com sakura 2004 07 99 html Q Why the 99 4 southern part Korea being graduate A The southern person who is close to Japan came to the income in Japan
              • ■问:为什么南方99 4%(韩国)的诞生? ●答:我是在日本的茂木卡兹他们接近日本南部的人 Q Why the 99 4 southern part Korea being graduate A The southern person who is close to Japan came to the income in Japan

            • [韩国]韩国和福利欺诈的非法移民偷渡的非法劳工汇款婚姻放火杀人强奸抢劫盗窃侵犯人权组织和平组织南希南希性别黑金弹子明丹贩毒教派的宗教组朝总联的多瓦北Ntsukyouso南希刚行政法司法养老金待遇欺诈行为的受害者得到什么,如果核导弹网络恐怖主义侵略竹岛是日本侵略更在媒体绑架
              Mob [ese] Dowa Cult People group Entire ream Nitukiyou group North teaching group Drug illicit sale Pachinko [yami] gold Characteristic manners [ese] human rights group [ese] peaceful group Injury Theft Arson Burglar Rape Homicide Disguise marriage Illegal entry Illegal stay Illegal work Illegitimate remittance Welfare illegitimate receipt Annuity illegitimate receipt It invades the administration of justice legislative administrative mass communications Kidnapping Nuclear missile Cyber terrorism Bamboo island invasion How seeing, the victim the Japanese is

              • _NULL_
                Last year, front Prime Minister Aso in “absurd Japan”, latent energy of the net was exhibited, but The day there not to be Japan with “foreign carrot administration” (Separate treasure island) ttp: //www.amazon.co.jp/% E2% 80% 9C % E5% A4% 96% E5% 9B % BD % E4% BA % BA % E5% 8F % 82% E6% 94% BF % E6% A8% A9% E2% 80% 9D % E3% 81% A7% E6% 97% A5% E6% 9C % AC % E3% 81% 8C % E3% 81% AA % E3% 81% 8F % E3% 81% AA % E3% 82% 8B % E6% 97% A5 - % E5% 88% A5% E5% 86% 8A % E5% AE % 9D % E5% B3% B6/dp/4796676740 Publisher: Treasure island corporation (2010/3/5) ISBN - 10: 4796676740 ISBN - 13: 978 - 4796676748 Sale day: 2010/3/5 Amazon.co.jp Ranking: Book - 22,953 rank This ranking being able to point on higher rank, knowledge and others you will close danger in the world As for carrying out day Of 3/21 from 0 o'clock in the morning 23:59 PM they are

                • “宇野彻韩国学生是日本殖民统治受害者津40 50你是沟通的情侣?什么样的日本殖民统治的受害者,还是一个机构70,这也是他的孩子? gt As for commuting to the Korean school the child of the victim of the Japanese colony control Middle to advanced age 40 50 passing ru Or as for victim tsu te of the Japanese colony control Becoming in 70 being the body which the child can make

                  • “看:在20世纪初书目盟国协会协会1974年的林业森林土井『韩国推广
                    > Reference: Mountains and forests of the Doi forestry organization 'Korean Peninsula Bibliography' ally association 1974 of the first half of the 20th century

                    • ⇒之一,经常在日本的朝鲜人强奸,针对朝鲜人的歧视,强盗,确定,马努怯了解历史,等滥用 Frequency of the rape burglar by the ⇒ resident South Korean One never in filth such as discrimination and historical recognition of the Korean the 怯 ma nu
                      • ⇒之一,经常在日本的朝鲜人强奸,针对朝鲜人的歧视,强盗,确定,马努怯了解历史,等滥用 Frequency of the rape burglar by the ⇒ resident South Korean One never in filth such as discrimination and historical recognition of the Korean the 怯 ma nu
                      • 教育孩子,把他这是历史的正确认识和半岛原住民面前我谨如果首先削减远程教育与政治 If it cuts education and politics and separation inhales and is first your peninsular natives Doing correct historical recognition in the child that education margin

                    • ⇒外交道歉是错误的,和无休止的税收为一古出血继续道歉要求,以及韩国人表现出的态度,不应富裕温厚纳鲁 As for ⇒ apology diplomacy error the apology request which continues meanderingly discharging the tax One the Korean does not have to show the attitude which becomes affluent gentle
                      • ⇒外交道歉是错误的,和无休止的税收为一古出血继续道歉要求,以及韩国人表现出的态度,不应富裕温厚纳鲁 As for ⇒ apology diplomacy error the apology request which continues meanderingly discharging the tax One the Korean does not have to show the attitude which becomes affluent gentle

                    • ⇒日本非法土壤的韩国人。盗窃,暴力行为,日本,F5键一次袭击,如意外弯曲韩国非法罢工,对古之际有关的暴力事件频密,来模拟全面关注每一个熟人亲属工作 The illegal earth by the ⇒ resident South Korean Theft and Japanese assault behavior F5 attack Because often one the Korean when it does not submit to unjust dispute assault works to affinity in the time when it is related until the relative acquaintance make note be thorough
                      • ⇒日本非法土壤的韩国人。盗窃,暴力行为,日本,F5键一次袭击,如意外弯曲韩国非法罢工,对古之际有关的暴力事件频密,来模拟全面关注每一个熟人亲属工作 The illegal earth by the ⇒ resident South Korean Theft and Japanese assault behavior F5 attack Because often one the Korean when it does not submit to unjust dispute assault works to affinity in the time when it is related until the relative acquaintance make note be thorough
                      • 弹子435顷主要由韩国韩国人经营的是不是非法的商业 435 The pachinko which the South Korean has managed mainly as illegality cannot manage with Korea

                    • ∧ ∧ ∧² ヽ  ̄ ̄ ̄ 首页§首页§ ∞ ( 人) “对朝鲜的殖民统治上学,方法,可使用日本的日本殖民统治受害者的儿童血液 ∧ ∧ ∧ i REPT ¯ ¯ ¯ 92 haahaa … XXINF 92 human “Commutes in the colony dominant Korean school using the blood tax of the Japanese the child of the victim of the Japanese colony control
                      • ² ヽ  ̄ ̄ ̄ 首页§首页§ ∞ ( 人民 ) “韩国学校宇野彻在日本殖民统治的儿童受害者 i REPT ¯ ¯ ¯ 92 haahaa … XXINF 92 human “As for commuting to the Korean school the child of the victim of the Japanese colony control
                      • ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧ ( ·ω·)()“在韩国宇野彻学童是日本殖民统治的受害者 ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧ Ω “As for commuting to the Korean school the child of the victim of the Japanese colony control

                    • ■为什么呢?韩国仍是一个神秘的山,三重县
                      * Why? In Yamanaka remains of puzzle The Korean southern part, [sanchiyon] Gun

                      • ★★通缉的毒品走私韩国中学的主要来源马关条约“ 嫌疑人”随志摩帮助我们为您的请求逮捕!韩国中学的主要来源马关条约“ 嫌疑人”随志摩帮助我们为您的请求逮捕! With stimulant smuggling designation arrangement The former principal of the Shimonoseki Korean first middle class school “ We request cooperation to the arrest of the suspect” The former principal of the Shimonoseki Korean first middle class school “ We request cooperation to the arrest of the suspect”
                        • ★★通缉的毒品走私韩国中学的主要来源马关条约“ 嫌疑人”随志摩帮助我们为您的请求逮捕!韩国中学的主要来源马关条约“ 嫌疑人”随志摩帮助我们为您的请求逮捕! With stimulant smuggling designation arrangement The former principal of the Shimonoseki Korean first middle class school “ We request cooperation to the arrest of the suspect” The former principal of the Shimonoseki Korean first middle class school “ We request cooperation to the arrest of the suspect”

                      • 。韩国前总统到日本玛那珂偷渡什么的说这是正在采取一些人不仅走私谁的?索奇志摩听到你为什么说的一样。一些前韩国总统 日本 什么是被运走,说我没有?受到威胁并不是说,居民受到来自日本的部队逮捕?正是在西证据,如果证据进行 Former Republic of Korea president resident increases saying that it is the stowaway The ro there is no just stowaway in and the person who it is forced is taken is and is With you say but So we hear Why As for former Republic of Korea president With it probably is not to say You say that the resident which it is forced is taken from the Japanese side is when is because you were threatened When we assume that is don t you think please put out evidence evidence
                        • 。韩国前总统到日本玛那珂偷渡什么的说这是正在采取一些人不仅走私谁的?索奇志摩听到你为什么说的一样。一些前韩国总统 日本 什么是被运走,说我没有?受到威胁并不是说,居民受到来自日本的部队逮捕?正是在西证据,如果证据进行 Former Republic of Korea president resident increases saying that it is the stowaway The ro there is no just stowaway in and the person who it is forced is taken is and is With you say but So we hear Why As for former Republic of Korea president With it probably is not to say You say that the resident which it is forced is taken from the Japanese side is when is because you were threatened When we assume that is don t you think please put out evidence evidence

                      • 〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜在这里,重要! ! here important matter
                        • )8 É 布鲁诺 ヾ8 8 no no DREPT 8

                      • 一个在超市收据或使用记事本或这种努力的支点回来问?编号:LpfPkq6t0他们细谷去皮如用菜刀提出的橙色皮革,你有知识津市蚊香什么,我们花了半年来干呢?编号:LpfPkq6t0什么智慧你住了那是什么?编号:LpfPkq6t0穿旧衣服或睡衣或在天堂是否这种努力?编号:LpfPkq6t0袜子都没有问题,如果履表穿孔两洞!工作,给你的?编号:LpfPkq6t0
                        Super with accumulating the receipt which is received, you use the reverse side when, as the memo pad such an you endeavor? ID: LpfPkq6t0 Peeling the [wa] as thinly as possible with the kitchen knife, when half year it makes dry that, the [tsu] [te] which becomes the mosquito taking incense stick knowing, whether tangerine the [ru]? ID: LpfPkq6t0 Such an intelligence squeezing, it has lived? ID: LpfPkq6t0 Do the clothes which arrival old are done make the pajamas and/or, such an endeavor? ID: LpfPkq6t0 The hole when two socks which were opened as for you wear, all right! Such an you endeavor? ID: LpfPkq6t0

                        • 丸我决定免费无论如何,发布和调太多废物和垃圾发电Tatte茹首页公告栏资历,他们应该得到我们的面前我,我在同一个纳税日本的生活。您将获得攻击瓦特 How se gratuitous conversion is decided therefore it lives in the same Japan and supplies tax and the ru is It is proper You cry with the bulletin board passing wastefulness wastefulness When it rides in excessive condition and notice To be attacked the chi ya u w
                          • 230:财富周年 10名无:2010 03 07(星期日)13:56:09编号:自由丸反正我决定jFX2wfdo0,这是自然的,我们正在对福利金的日本的生活是相同的发布茹也浪费了太多的权力来塑造他们的留言板上浪费Tatte资历摆在我们面前的位置。您将获得攻击瓦特 230 Name it is not tenth anniversary 2010 03 07 day 13 56 09 ID jFX2wfdo0 How se gratuitous conversion is decided therefore it lives in the same Japan and welfare is provided and the ru is It is proper You cry with the bulletin board passing wastefulness wastefulness When it rides in excessive condition and notice To be attacked the chi ya u w

                        • 之后,韩国,日本吞并朝鲜人是免于因扮韩国嗯,我们已经前往日本,就自己逃走一韩国歧视
                          After the day Korea merging, the resident Korean in order to escape from the status discrimination where the Korean Peninsula is harsh, escaping, covered the Korean Peninsula Japan with intention of the self

                          • 什么并不重要,因为在日本或韩国战争等,Desho殆难民或非法入境者谁,他 Their majority does with the refugee or the dense entry person the yo Furthermore the Korean War The reason tsu te which is not anything related to Japan
                            • 什么是无关的日本或韩国战争等,Desho殆难民或非法入境者谁,他 Their majority does with the refugee or the dense entry person the yo Furthermore the Korean War The reason tsu te which is not anything related to Japan

                          • 什么是殖民地瓦特的错误的受害者?这就是我就是这样在这个时期?这就是我选择了朝鲜本身?什么有个习惯,鼓励扒手什么卫最近对日本,日本战败,背叛轻轻瓦特什么朝鲜,并确保你娶她,似乎在她Gudagudaiu Victim tsu te w of colony control Something is not good At that time they were such age it is with to do the yo Korean itself does with the selective red sandal wood the yo That it makes Japan protect in the habit which snuzzles Japan is defeated to war and You betray simply w The Korean tsu te you getting married with your own intention it is the gu which is the gu afterwards don t you think the woman who is said it is like
                            • 殖民地孩子的口吃?和粘性,但我说思削减教育和政治吗? The child of colony control stuttering However education and politics think and the tsu drill stick and increase

                          • 什么是非法赌博和政府尽快国家Subeshi可能毁灭三十万点零零零亿日元柏青哥业
                            Government if possible should annihilate 30,000,000,000,000 Yen pachinko industry which is illegal gambling rapidly as a national policy

                            • 以前的名称:。不可多得的好(公园曾尔)的学校名称:坦普尔大学研究期间,美国的学校:高中后,在韩国,日本东京,在本科学生奖学金入学TUJ学期毕业1
                              Name Before: . Virtue rare ([soni] [paku]) School name: Main school of temple university America Studying abroad period: 1 terms In Tokyo Korea after the high-class school graduating, in TUJ department level scholarship student entrance

                              • 传入的居民在进入日本,波茨坦宣言“胜利人”,并声称,“驻韩美军占领,”自愿围绕骚乱开始Memashita When Japan accepts the Potsdam declaration that resident is the “victory citizen” you insisted were identified the “Korean occupation force” started raging at every place
                                • 传入的居民在进入日本,波茨坦宣言“胜利人”,并声称,“驻韩美军占领,”自愿围绕骚乱开始Memashita When Japan accepts the Potsdam declaration that resident is the “victory citizen” you insisted were identified the “Korean occupation force” started raging at every place
                                • 韩国可以调用自己的名字一样,这是因为他们都宣称它自己的犯罪 The Korean name Therefore as for being identified kind of those which it has declared that by his is the offender is

                              • 但是,由于学校8朝鲜人来继续教育学院的论点继续教育办公室4月15部,严令关闭日限日 But the Korean school 8 school to continue because it continued class as for the prefecture education section when it closes at limited to April 15th you commanded
                                • ● 1948 年 4 月 23 日 、 これに 反対 する デモ 隊約 7000 名 が 府庁前 の 大手前公園 に 集 まって 気勢 を 上 げた 1948 April 23rd the demonstrators approximately 7000 names which oppose to this in the park forward the large before the prefecture agency getting together spirit was increased

                              • 你的高中,在日本,韩国,中国学生的韩国自由的故事,希望成为一个好机会,高中要扩大对其他少数民族儿童提供机会 That it becomes the good opportunity where as for story of gratuitousness conversion of high school from the resident Korean Korea and China pupils the children of the minority other than that spread chance of high school entrance into a school you ask
                                • 谁拥有了控特例入学儿童去日本的父母,这总是看大桶 As for the parent where the Japanese and the child who refrained from especially entrance entrance into a school are as for this be sure to see the bucket

                              • 儿童的受害者,而不是受害者的孙子(三)和孙子(IV)和一个玄孙一代,如果我不知道这将是10年
                                Calling the child of the victim rather than The grandchild of the victim (three worlds) with the great-grandchild (four worlds) probably will be When 10 years after it does, it becomes generation of the 玄 grandchild

                                • 前一段,是这样的一个框来的糖果全部被打桩wad ve在一个富庶的房子的车库中 On just a little front it is accumulated the incident where the bundle of notes comes out of the candy box all the way it was in the garage of the house of the wealthy person of chiyon
                                  • 一个是日本最富有的,嗯莎拉虚业百万富翁不合理的损害管理,日本,日本古你的钱,必须符合穷人 One it is the Japanese highest wealthy person the pachisara emptiness industry magnate who harms Japan goes out the money goes to the poor Japanese

                                • 北草统一原则鹦鹉和病死率
                                  Soka standardized principle [oumu] North Korea & CFR

                                  • 区是它的626是他们,我相信我的非政治性和精神博爱韩国这是一个大学校的歧视,他们的工作,很多居民一一点这不是自由意志相反的,你懂日语?事实上,这是明显的歧视性政策制备这里南特文纹,是不能接受的自由流动来反对,这是它在日本的损害大 626 Many residents work There is no either fragment of friendship mind such as politics which the Korean school discrimination apparent is done is don t you think If first a little the Japanese who has understanding gratuitous conversion opposition without being it does the yo In fact gratuitous conversion opposite motion how it does not occur is it is If discriminatory policy is taken plainly here very that it is the large damage of Japan
                                    • 150,而绑架者是滑稽,或采用金,北部Chung Ku的差别是基于八九三瓦特或其支持者的893所缴交的税款维塔说,它是什么,为什么一个有良好的基础设施在韩国上学? 893 Yattara这个民主我帮助它一起瓦特 150 Kidnapping crime damaging the gold coming off just north chiyon 893w The Korean school which it is possible to call subsystem of 893 where it moves under the support Having the necessity with something to support with tax When this was done democracy supported 893 the question tsu to do and the wa w which is the yo

                                  • 可日本纳税人的钱,如寄生虫组的居民群体的恩戴崇拜都有恶性的恐怖分子也被称为人类的肖像 Also the human the resident kind of parasite which worships the portrait picture of the mean terrorist who cannot be called Can tax of the Japanese be thrown to the group of the group
                                    • 可日本纳税人的钱,如寄生虫组的居民群体的恩戴崇拜都有恶性的恐怖分子也被称为人类的肖像 Also the human the resident kind of parasite which worships the portrait picture of the mean terrorist who cannot be called Can tax of the Japanese be thrown to the group of the group

                                  • 周五日本国歌。肖像的家长和孩子的黄金雕像删除。窗体的大学将被销毁奇怪了父母的蔌车扯一批洗脑
                                    The Japanese national anthem singing in unison Gold. Portrait photograph of parent and child, removal of bronze statue Gold. Batch of the parent and child is removed Intramural cancellation of the strange brainwashing book which becomes active idea

                                    • 唉,因为这是有目共睹,放弃战争结束后的财产和获得Dosakusa In addition because it was regrettable to abandon the property which is obtained with postwar dosakusa is
                                      • 唉,因为这是有目共睹,放弃战争结束后的财产和获得Dosakusa In addition because it was regrettable to abandon the property which is obtained with postwar dosakusa is

                                    • 四环素谁下的受害者的学校面具,北朝鲜在韩国及双向生活惯犯
                                      The common practice offender group which wears the mask of the victim, that is the resident Korean and the Korean school

                                      • 四郎Tteka促进民主的专政国家的士兵的鲜血瓦特
                                        Soldier of dictatorial nation with blood tax of democracy nation rearing margin [tsu] [te] or w

                                        • 因此,对财政援助的资金,也从韩国学校官员“不流同样整个学校的投诉已泄漏”(政府官员)和一些分析
                                          In this way, concerning the help gold which is paid, even from the Korean school authorized personnel “Payment in full dissatisfaction dissatisfaction is leaking to equality not to flow to the school,”, (government source) there is also analysis that

                                          • 因此,我含朝鲜假装在日本的朝鲜人的生活谁愿意作出朝鲜在日本的归化,并应被驱逐到外面尽早古 Hiding Japan being naturalized to the Korean including the Korean who does to become the resident Korean where Japan has been completed increases moment quick To overseas should be banished
                                            • ⇒外交道歉是一个错误,并道歉,应允许韩国 As for ⇒ apology diplomacy error One you do not have to apologize to the Korean absolutely
                                            • 不要荒谬和没有投票权之间的韩国人维塔中能亲分歧 When denizenship is given to the Chinese Korean Not to be wrong it means outrageous thing
                                            • 在日本的朝鲜人谁愿意根据取得的生活是贫困的生活,但他们也没有什么归因于韩国 Returning in Korea poverty there is only life in the resident Korean where the life basis has been completed
                                            • 我与包括日本人和韩国人假装已经入籍,应驱逐到外区尽快提交 Being naturalized already including the Korean who does to become the Japanese increases moment quick To overseas should be banished
                                            • 然而,所谓伐丽流不愿归,从增加只是一个小村庄维塔新增加志位 But that when it is said it is troubled e g you are naturalized in addition therefore new village just increases
                                            • 这么多的日本人Risumashita增长了他们使用的化名为752韩国 752 The 此 re as for the Korean starts using pseudonym for the sake of to become the Japanese does it increased
                                            • 韩国,朝鲜,韩国将是什么,以及我们遣返一英里半岛 The Korean probably is North Korea and south Korea but swiftly in peninsular nation forced repatriation margin

                                          • 在人民的名义提出,从古代的绘画半岛的“过度...我们”或“金博士医疗奈率..陀”长期他们是他们第一次和最后一个名字,许多
                                            In ancient times, as for name of the crossing the sea person from the Korean Peninsula “Egakibu. . . Our” and “medical doctor 奈 ratio king. . 陀” And so on long full name is many, is

                                            • 在关闭与远程教育和政治线性牢牢摆在首位高中课程不能掩盖从法律的角度稍逊者相似率并不是教育,韩国学校说你甚至不能是免费的 Separating education and politics securely if you think Law of education has not been satisfied curriculum is not the indistinct in the first place high school The ro to which with from the viewpoint which is said the Korean school is not accustomed to even the object of gratuitousness conversion and is
                                              • 此外,如果建议或反对的内容和教育部的意图,要坚持纠正,和财政援助,减少中风的自由志 If and contents oppose with the intention of the education scientific ministry If it advises and does not follow correction gratuitousness conversion and public finance assistance are the discontinuation

                                            • 大前891还是愚蠢?发生了什么是困难?哪个国家将重返重要的事情?黎池枫艰难的道路?四郎柳池,它一次克服?我只是说你大前我讨厌麻烦吗?在日本的朝鲜人日本我会腐烂 891 omae fool Therefore difficulty how it did Any tsu te it returns to the homeland probably are important thing Confront difficultly Confronting conquest margin As for omae suffering hardship just the ear the ro which is what The calling Japanese rot the resident Korean
                                              • 他们在朝鲜的日本占领军正代知识汇编对居民及持有罪 The Japanese of the generation who does not know the Korean occupation force reached the point where it has the sin impression vis a vis resident

                                            • 如果你是参与亲朝鲜和韩国的学校,这与今年秋季规则“,并描述了天空
                                              There is a relationship in the Korean school and the Korean entire ream If, it is applicable to this rule”, that you expressed

                                              • 如果模糊线,对韩国的殖民统治的受害者,我维塔从政府赔偿的若干规定
                                                If the victim of colony control if it goes to Korea, the compensation you can receive from the Korean government,

                                                • 宇野彻韩国一所学校我叫什么是从校长这类假日本殖民统治的儿童受害者的政治宣传你的学校,了解韩国,圆我知道我为基础的反日托儿所
                                                  1 As for commuting to the Korean school the child of the victim of the Japanese colony control Such the political propaganda which is fabricated the principal shouting, therefore the [ru] it is, After all the Korean school when it is the anti-Japanese racketeer training center, is the circular being recognized

                                                  • 思Ttara是谎言,韩国人的子女好父母听到绒毛“爷爷,为什么这个世界上,他们不熟悉的业务,回到日本,但回来后即将发生战争,并说他们这样做是不可能在日本二进制电讯局长?“”而在日本,他们仍抱怨说,他们为什么不回到自己的家园?(支那,但在北方,他们在没有外交关系又折回)“ When think the children of the Korean should have heard in the parent that it is lie “With something the grandfather of 1 worlds while saying that it was accompanied in unreasonable doing Japan did not return to Japan at postwar return business ” While “being complaint to Japan even now not returning to the homeland why Although even in North Korea which does not have diplomatic relations it can return by way of the support 那 ”

                                                    • 总区警察总部,大阪府,大阪警察局和国务院调动3000名警察部队是从韩国建设被迫取消
                                                      The Osaka city police bureau and the national local police Osaka prefecture headquarters mobilizing the police force 3000, forced removed the Korean from the government building

                                                      • 恩戴我喜苏并驱逐出日本即将归还给了儿童津贴和生活的禁止入境或金钱Kuretsu瓦特支付(如果您没有在日本的生活)
                                                        It makes forcing repatriation & life entry prohibition, If the extent which with handle child treatment the gold is squeezed resident returns treatment rejoicing, if it comes out and Good Heavens w (lifetime does not visit Japan)

                                                        • 情报委员会通知朝总联青年98 - 09 - 02,以及在互联网上的问题,研究反动组织的发展合作的人
                                                          The Korean entire connected youth section information committee communication 98th - 09 - 02 About cooperator rearing with Internet and the investigation of the reaction person group

                                                          • 我宁愿以同样的人,或什么的,但这并不能归咎于由于漏斗之前任何时候?怎么样会感觉更好 The same race what it puts out On the other hand although it could return until now with anytime it probably will return with something also without doing The wa where that one becomes matter of concern
                                                            • “哦”是否因教授所说的排减单位“菜”,捍卫国家的意识之中,这是因为后裔转让维塔 ” You teach “some because of Kure it is ” Is in order 崔 “protects race consciousness to convey that to the descendant
                                                            • 你没有那么传入民族进入就会发现你对日本没有什么自己的沉默和敌意 There is no Japanese and saying nothing the group which designates hostility as the dew the te vis a vis by your the race which it accepts how it is not

                                                          • 我颜射的受害者是韩国恐怖国家韩国人学校,是纳税人的注入将不会回到横田惠 NULL

                                                            • 戦後 、 朝鮮人連盟 は 余 りに 大々的 に 犯罪 を 犯 しまくったが 為 に 、朝鮮人 である 事 が 暴露 されると 犯罪者 であると 告白 しているも 同然 と 言 う 状況 になってしまっ和,为这么多的日本人Risumashita韩国增长了他们使用假名 The tsu where after the war Korean union commits crime excessively and extensively sows it is for the sake of When being the Korean is disclosed when it is the offender you have confessed it is similar we have become the circumstance that The 此 re as for the Korean starts using pseudonym for the sake of to become the Japanese does it increased
                                                              • 279在日本的朝鲜人逾期居留逾期没有权限合法留在日本政府特别永住者 279 About � illegal remaining behind The resident Korean Korean is not illegal remaining behind you obtain special permanent residence permission from the Japanese government and stay lawfully
                                                              • 620韩国在你的榜样,你在船上,我方截面U津市日本和语言 620 You compare and you riding in the boat Japan the ru are even with the Korean
                                                              • 戦後 、 朝鮮人 は 余 りに 大々的 に 犯罪 を 犯 しまくったが 為 に 、朝鮮人 である 事 が 暴露 されると 犯罪者 であると 告白 しているも 同然 と 言 う 状況 になってしまって和,为这么多的日本人Risumashita韩国增长了他们使用假名 The tsu where after the war the Korean commits crime excessively and extensively sows it is for the sake of When being the Korean is disclosed when it is the offender you have confessed it is similar we have become the circumstance that The 此 re as for the Korean starts using pseudonym for the sake of to become the Japanese does it increased
                                                              • 韩国人联合会日本在10月举行,我们将采取12昭和成暴力极左翼组织的转变 The resident Korean union which is organized to 1945 October keeps transfiguring to extreme left violence organization

                                                            • 所不同的是猖獗,直觉石井特鲁,太愚蠢,谴责其他国家的爱国主义2通道的话,这样的家伙,他们是一对真正的叛徒
                                                              2ch where the large foolish person who when it is patriotism, misunderstands the fact that the foreign country is denounced prevails, very such people, are the true traitor

                                                              • 接下来是韩国人野被装运在日本棒球广义上的序列了。我有一些的奴隶,我与那个谁是开放的,甚至是回家的合作
                                                                Now, the South Korean field which in the Japanese sphere boundary is accompanied with broad forcing taking. Slave no person? However it is, although it accompanies and also and others opens and returns home cooperating

                                                                • 政府担心该国的反抗,我们决定杀死Watta人与共产主义毫无疑问,一个人 The Korean government which fears the rebellion from the country executes the people who have the doubt which relates to communism It did
                                                                  • ●韩国人有望成为一个共产主义Memashita什么是开始使用媒体编造历史 The Koreans united with the communism person used the mass communications and began the fabrication of history

                                                                • 日本战前的报刊文章『企津市渗透/恩戴忍鬣圆(舞鹤〜回合鬣自己的元山班轮。岛根县,人口走私的尝试
                                                                  Article � of pre-world war 2 Japanese newspaper 'Denseness. Bright/fresh human part discovery at [ru]/Ogura front of station (Ogura city)' The Fukuoka everyday life 1926/3/14 (1/3) Kitakyushu & Fukuoka 'Bright/fresh human denseness. Group discovery/among same spirit 36/捕 passing 16 name, repatriation' China 1926/3/23 () The Shimonoseki Yamaguchi 'From Korea to the interior of a country/from the interior of a country/the horsefly bee without taking to Korea, it ended,/the denseness. A little more than bright/fresh human group 30 name' The Osaka Asahi 1926/4/7 The Korean Asahi () The Shimonoseki Yamaguchi 'Bold bright/fresh person. Crossing secret passage/Genkai by the sailing ship, to the bell promontory/being able to know in the Fukuoka station, the examination and others [ru] (the Munakata Gun. Village)' The Fukuoka everyday life 1926/4/11 Evening (1/2) Munakata Gun Fukuoka 'In mysterious system steam ship/60 name concealment/large-scale denseness. Group/by the hand of the Pusan station arrest' The Osaka Asahi 1926/4/13 The Korean Asahi () Pusan & Korea 'Denseness. . Bright/fresh human taking pushing spatula [ru]' Osaka everyday 1926/4/16 (11/7) Moji Fukuoka 'Denseness. Bright/fresh person/power. Boat sinking/sea while drifting as for rescuing landing to [re]/Shikoku Uwajima' The Osaka Asahi 1926/4/17 The Korean Asahi () Uwajima Ehime 'A little more than stowaway 70 name/in Pusan repatriation [ru]/with police protection to adding/crossing over. Or homecoming it points' The Osaka Asahi 1926/4/20 The Korean Asahi () Pusan & Korea 'Denseness of bright/fresh person. It lands group/and to Tsuyazaki (Munakata Gun Tsuyazaki Cho)' Kyushu daily report 1926/4/21 Munakata Gun Fukuoka 'Secret passage of the bright/fresh person/Yamaguchi prefecture which bothers the head/it passed the bad mediation trader,/pitiful their feelings

                                                                  • 日本战前的报刊文章『关闭。好奇发现了一些鲜人在小仓(仓)/駅头。你福冈1926 / 3 / 14 [1 / 3] [旅行]『关闭鲜人北九州市,福冈。找到一组/在名称中同势/遣返中国赶上名63』603分之1926/ 23,下关,山口] [旅游] [『从韩国〜内陆/从内地到韩国/蜜蜂采取虻最后的四环素祖/紧。超过13队名大阪朝日新闻』鲜人1926 / 4 / 7旭丽关,山口] [旅游] [『鲜人大胆。史托外出帆船/怎么钟崎横切的玄/填充众所周知警方审讯,福冈(
                                                                    Article � of pre-world war 2 Japanese newspaper 'Denseness. Bright/fresh human part discovery at [ru]/Ogura front of station (Ogura city)' The Fukuoka everyday life 1926/3/14 (1/3) Kitakyushu & Fukuoka 'Bright/fresh human denseness. Group discovery/among same spirit 36/捕 passing 16 name, repatriation' China 1926/3/23 () The Shimonoseki Yamaguchi 'From Korea to the interior of a country/from the interior of a country/the horsefly bee without taking to Korea, it ended,/the denseness. A little more than bright/fresh human group 30 name' The Osaka Asahi 1926/4/7 The Korean Asahi () The Shimonoseki Yamaguchi 'Bold bright/fresh person. Crossing secret passage/Genkai by the sailing ship, to the bell promontory/being able to know in the Fukuoka station, the examination and others [ru] (the Munakata Gun. Village)' The Fukuoka everyday life 1926/4/11 Evening (1/2) Munakata Gun Fukuoka 'In mysterious system steam ship/60 name concealment/large-scale denseness. Group/by the hand of the Pusan station arrest' The Osaka Asahi 1926/4/13 The Korean Asahi () Pusan & Korea 'Denseness. . Bright/fresh human taking pushing spatula [ru]' Osaka everyday 1926/4/16 (11/7) Moji Fukuoka 'Denseness. Bright/fresh person/power. Boat sinking/sea while drifting as for rescuing landing to [re]/Shikoku Uwajima' The Osaka Asahi 1926/4/17 The Korean Asahi () Uwajima Ehime 'A little more than stowaway 70 name/in Pusan repatriation [ru]/with police protection to adding/crossing over. Or homecoming it points' The Osaka Asahi 1926/4/20 The Korean Asahi () Pusan & Korea 'Denseness of bright/fresh person. It lands group/and to Tsuyazaki (Munakata Gun Tsuyazaki Cho)' Kyushu daily report 1926/4/21 Munakata Gun Fukuoka 'Secret passage of the bright/fresh person/Yamaguchi prefecture which bothers the head/it passed the bad mediation trader,/pitiful their feelings

                                                                    • 日本是免税!如果供应商 送家外国居民的亲戚在日本,“从收入中扣除”而不是“扣税”有一个特殊的 When the resident foreigner remits to the relative of the home country “deduction is not from income” There is an exception that “deduction it is done from tax ”
                                                                      • 当然,“机构亲戚”从那里,然后发送到供应商那里,什么是支付的费用,已全部汇出金额几乎直 Of course because there is a “kindred clearing corporation” Remitting there paying commission almost payment in full it makes do again to remit

                                                                    • 日本男性在战场上进行駆日,剩下的妇女,儿童,老人非常 As for the Japanese men being produced to drive to the battlefield remaining only the woman the child and the old person
                                                                      • 日本男性在战场上进行駆日,剩下的妇女,儿童,老人非常 As for the Japanese men being produced to drive to the battlefield remaining only the woman the child and the old person

                                                                    • 日韓併合時代 の 朝鮮半島 で 殺人事件 があれば 、 日本人 だろうと 朝鮮人 だろうと 巡査 の 大半 が 朝鮮人 の警察 がきちんと 捜査 して 、 犯人 はきちんと 処罰 されとるわ
                                                                      If there is a murder case with the Korean Peninsula of day Korea merger age, that it probably is the Japanese, that it probably is the Korean, the large portion of the policeman the Korean The police investigating securely, the [wa] where the criminal is punished securely and takes

                                                                      • 是什么样的日本已节能思,思江沼甘娜即使如谋杀和具体的人,唯一的事实中,努力通过所有口吻要真正的惊喜滔天罪行 Being swindled You thought that it is the Japanese but like concrete homicide the ogre which cannot be thought as the human domesticated fowl brutal Crime when it tries inspecting very carefully only chiyon you were astonished in the fact truth

                                                                        • 有人认为,绑架不要紧,除非你看我的态度,积极合作,以解决至少这些人都是和思股票可能还需要考虑我的错绑架问题 There is also the opinion kidnapping there is no relationship but If you do not show even in the attitude where at least they give assistance for the kidnapping problem solving positively Can be entwined you think that the necessity to examine can be
                                                                          • 他们说,日本是我们的深刻的歧视和仇恨,和仇恨正在深刻地被绑架到日本发射子弹或其他导弹 Japan discharges however you say that it discriminates in us and it harasses aiming the missile in Japan including kidnapping Doing it is harassed
                                                                          • 但是,对不起,我不会是孤立的只有绑架和导弹起飞过去 It is pitiful but if the past is separated only kidnapping and the missile it remains

                                                                        • 朝鲜460所学校去年二点〇 〇 〇亿日元支付超过过去半个世纪...北高中学的影响力,免费学校教育在线ü各民族朝鲜在朝鲜“学校生活”,在共约一对落实资金460亿日元,约20亿日圆去年,“教育赠款”已经转移到10天,他们明
                                                                          North, in the Korean school 46,000,000,000 Yen remittance Last year it has an influence on 200,000,000… high school gratuitous conversions North Korea past over above half a century, vis-a-vis the vocational schools the “Korean school” which do race education in the resident Korean Executing the financial offer of total approximately 46,000,000,000 Yen, last year “the education help money” of approximately 200,000,000 Yen having remitted on the 10th, It became clear

                                                                          • 柏青哥和老虎申达里语强奸缓解那里的朝鲜人的祖母和祖母,这是人们吃的食物,韩国进口的肉类是“日本”之前的“作为一个人的”可耻的行为为什么不 At the place where are raped to the Korean the grandmother and the 曾 grandmother the pleasure the pachinko and the slot The burning meat which is the Korean race cooking is eaten … As for this “As a human” is not the behavior which the shame zu should “Japanese” in the past probably will be

                                                                            • 梅鲁采取了书面通知,要求首相鸠山由纪夫正交收费学校和韩国,其中包括外国学校Musube
                                                                              In order to convert all foreign schools which include the Korean school gratuitously the request book which seek from Prime Ministers Yukio Hatoyama was adopted

                                                                              • 欢迎rampant m韩国愚蠢可笑的爱国主义是吹捧辱骂其他国家,是真正的邪恶
                                                                                2ch where the large foolish person who when it is patriotism, misunderstands the fact that the foreign country is denounced prevails, very such people, are the true traitor

                                                                                • 武装团伙,抢劫,勒索集团,轮奸,强奸,纵火,葛在每个居民和住宅燃烧,或法官的材料已被洗劫,出售自己的土地表面新鲜巴拉克等,并要返回,并要求道歉,并从义近的情况下也使日本人民生活的打击赔偿
                                                                                  The group you arm, plundering, group blackmail, mass riot, group rape, arson and the area lifting, every inhabitant after burning residential quarter, as your own lands you make the base which sells the goods which are plundered through the barrack, etc Sufficiently because large shock was given to life of the Japanese citizen, we would like to require apology and compensation and return home

                                                                                  • 民主党是骗子的一个世纪里,海胆合适的空前规模的大乌鱼吹语言
                                                                                    The Democratic party the swindler of century, calls the unprecedented large striped mullet blowing just is suitable

                                                                                    • 穆你们的希美,日本和恩戴沉说,美国船,是溺你和你的后裔,北,“教授克我”,说四环素当北国克教授什么样的国家?最后,另一个国家,“教授柯我!”乞他们,教授刈后,我会侮辱借在该国货币?这是你们的精神, As your abnormal play desires the boat Japan sinking you and your descendant being drowned “It helps in North Korea When” with saying is North Korea the country which is helped After all in addition “it helps in other country ” With 乞 it is after being saved blaspheming that country it requests the gold it is probably will be That is nature of your abnormal play
                                                                                      • 迟浩田持在日本的家园这一点,它会是什么自然后代,这是生命的基础 When that happens those where it keeps making the descendant with my own house in Japan were natural thing the life basis was possible
                                                                                      • 迟浩田持在日本的家园这一点,它会是什么自然后代,这是生命的基础 When that happens those where it keeps making the descendant with my own house in Japan were natural thing the life basis was possible

                                                                                    • 编号:4Fch8QMj0栏→3栏4栏→1→2我本人是一列
                                                                                      ID: As for 4Fch8QMj0 4 line -> 3 line -> 2 line -> 1 lines With it has become, it is

                                                                                      • 自分 たちの 同胞 を 飢 え 死 にさせて 自分 だけ 贅沢三昧 している 金豚 には 抗議 の 声 ひとつ出 せないくせに 、 日本 では 何 をやっても 許 されると 思 っている 卑怯卑劣 な朝鲜在昆虫人口乌兹 In the gold pig where you are hungry and die and can point your own compatriot and by your luxurious concentration you have done voice one of protest In the habit which it cannot put out in Japan doing whatever it is permitted that the mean mean Uzi insect group which you think Resident Korean
                                                                                        • 自分 たちの 同胞 を 飢 え 死 にさせて 自分 だけ 贅沢三昧 している 金豚 には 抗議 の 声 ひとつ出 せないくせに 、 日本 では 何 をやっても 許 されると 思 っている 卑怯卑劣 な朝鲜在昆虫人口乌兹 In the gold pig where you are hungry and die and can point your own compatriot and by your luxurious concentration you have done voice one of protest In the habit which it cannot put out in Japan doing whatever it is permitted that the mean mean Uzi insect group which you think Resident Korean
                                                                                        • 自分 たちの 同胞 を 飢 え 死 にさせて 自分 だけ 贅沢三昧 している 金豚 には 抗議 の 声 ひとつ出 せないくせに 、 日本 では 何 をやっても 許 されると 思 っている 卑怯卑劣 な朝鲜在昆虫人口乌兹 In the gold pig where you are hungry and die and can point your own compatriot and by your luxurious concentration you have done voice one of protest In the habit which it cannot put out in Japan doing whatever it is permitted that the mean mean Uzi insect group which you think Resident Korean

                                                                                      • 菟的时候是不那么呼救说?编号:LpfPkq6t0
                                                                                        So as for request of support without doing to about to say? ID: LpfPkq6t0

                                                                                        • 这是你的小家伙在抗日战争的济州岛奇怪的组合逃避屠杀走私质量低或在南特韩国Wanai丰富的伙计
                                                                                          Not fighting at the time of resident how Korean War, escaping, the party who enters densely? Don't you think? the person who escapes from the slaughter of the end state island the majority -?

                                                                                          • 这是忽视自己的文化和最半岛,朝鲜,和我在北方的影响力,在韩国学校彻底,权利要求,看看他们是否有不合理的自由我想我
                                                                                            Most neglecting the individual culture of the Korean Peninsula to, In the Democratic Peoples's Republic of Korea, Being under plain influencing of the Democratic Peoples's Republic of Korea therefore Korean school what, Gratuitous conversion margin is unreasonable insistence,…

                                                                                            • 问:为什么17日的济州岛的百分之?答:战争结束后,摆脱了济州,首任总统李承晚,谁在日本非法入境者,低质量的大屠杀
                                                                                              Q. Why the 17% being end state island graduate? A. After the war, escaping from the slaughter of the end state islander by Japanese plum acceptance late president, because it entered into Japan densely, is

                                                                                              • 韩国人起草了约250只的名称并没有战争结束后返回的机会非常好,曾在1万多名居民,140万可以返回 Among the residents which as for the Korean who is conscripted being 250 names which pass after the war is the opportunity of return home sufficiently 2 000 000 are 1 400 000 returning home

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