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The ★2 where support ratio depreciation of Hatoyama administration does not stop


  • *裂缝进入与美国的同盟关系审议的普天间问题
    * Crack is inserted in the alliance relationship with the United States intentionally with problem of the Futenma base

    • 10 月 末松義規 ・ 衆院議員 が 自身 の ブログ で 新潟地震被災地視察 を 渡部恒三 を 水戸光圀 、 自身 を 渥美格之進 に 見立 てて「 黄門様 の 珍道中 」 と 表現 、 新潟県内 で 行谁提出的人在捐款数额的多寡四环素在选举期间,他们更宇洋,梅塔志愿者组织收集私人基金黑岩筹资在竞选民主党名称歧视的资金是在同古但抵达日本,和土豆是这一行为违反选举法嫌疑 October Yosinori Suematu member of the house of representatives with itself burogu the Niigata earthquake suffering area inspection Mito light 圀 itself Atsumi case 之 diagnosing Tsune Watabe three in Shin “The person who raises money with the multi 寡 of the amount of the fund raising which it expresses in the yellow gate way distinctiveness road ” does inside Niigata prefecture discrimination Furthermore the Kuroiwa space large house ocean and others which is in the midst of electing and together with the name of the Democratic party which similarly is in the midst of electing The fund raising which you gathered was given to the private volunteer group but this behavior is also doubt of violation in the Public Office Election Law
      • 10谁违反选举法众议院,政策秘书五岛星期一(收购)拘捕 October Goto member of the house of representatives policy charge private secretaries Public Office Election Law violation Purchase So it arrests
      • 周一7末松义则水户光国的众议员渡边幸三访灾区新泻在他的博客,你必须为十六进制为“道路三干雅渥美Tadasu自己喜欢黄门”,并表示在新泻县行谁提出的人在捐款数额的多寡四环素在选举期间,他们更宇洋,梅塔志愿者组织收集私人基金黑岩筹资在竞选民主党名称歧视的资金是在同古但抵达日本,和土豆是这一行为违反选举法嫌疑 July Yosinori Suematu member of the house of representatives with itself burogu the Niigata earthquake suffering area inspection Mito light 圀 itself Atsumi case 之 diagnosing Tsune Watabe three in Shin “The person who raises money with the multi 寡 of the amount of the fund raising which it expresses in the yellow gate way distinctiveness road ” does inside Niigata prefecture discrimination Furthermore the Kuroiwa space large house ocean and others which is in the midst of electing and together with the name of the Democratic party which similarly is in the midst of electing The fund raising which you gathered was given to the private volunteer group but this behavior is also doubt of violation in the Public Office Election Law

    • 14法学院科学京都大阪青山凛郁夫村井,庆应义塾大学医学院和工程,早稻田于系上
      14 Upper [yuu] Waseda reason manufacture Murai Osaka University science department Hayasi Iku man Keio medical department Aoyama The Kyoto University method department

      • 1,当民主党议员的指责所提交的证据,以响亮的声音吼喝破案件 One the case where democracy Assemblyman is reprimanded it presents evidence it affirms with 怒 voice large sound

        • 1,民主党议员认为,因为没有责任,有义务将信息传送和抛弃他们杉雨思科收款 One as for democracy Assemblyman because there are no times when you are moved by obligation as for favor you think as term and do not move feeling
          • 1,韩国人觉得有没有义务,义务转让的信息,他们思杉雨和抛弃科收款 One as for the Korean because there are no times when you are moved by obligation as for favor you think as term and do not move feeling

        • 285 Netouyo达,津持家伙我知道我Netouyo即使老将分配达罗少吃,这个故事只是遵循一个统一的全体人民的吃饭 285 netouyo passing by his having even netouyo consciousness the ro where the ru person is little and is National everyone just eats the fact that dividing is eaten evenly the following story
          • 285 Netouyo达,津持家伙我知道我Netouyo即使老将分配达罗少吃只是你和所有穿制服的吃人 285 netouyo passing by his having even netouyo consciousness the ro where the ru person is little and is National everyone just eats the fact that dividing is eaten evenly the following story

        • 397编号:F + v8FIZt0的恩戴纳阿的一步,但它是一个悲惨的生活
          397 ID: f + v8FIZt0 You have walked miserable life, it is probably will be

          • 810,他们没有看到任何反驳反论Rashii m家伙德鲁桃红我写的,或是其他地方Netouyo 810 tokoro kamawazu netouyo Writing the ru person seems refutation you have refuted with you have not seen densely

            • 920编号:F +韩国人当时仍v8FIZt0
              920 ID: f + v8FIZt0 Korean It stayed still

              • NULL 571 continuation Continuation In 9 years ever since joining party with just those which become open above scandal 90 case Arrest person 50 or more Pole Scandal list of the Democratic party 2007 compilation April The public private secretary of member of the house of representatives Yutaka Banno It serves the receipts and disbursements patsy of non post candidacy in the Aichi prefecture parliamentary election arrests with purchase suspicion May Yuuzirou Ono Tokyo Setagaya Ku discussion It arrests with purchase suspicion with standardized local selection May Aso English city Japanese ode Yamaiti discussion It arrests with entertainment hospitable suspicion with standardized local selection May Member of the house of representatives Kanziyu Sato Assuming that it deceived the allowance of the public 2nd private secretary and took it arrests with false pretenses May Sato line trust Yokohama city discussion About donation 25 000 000 Yen from incoming order trader Political fund it arrests with the public selection method violation which receives July Sato line trust Yokohama city discussion with bid disturbance suspicion re arrest July Satoshi Yamada Member of the house of representatives Personal history 詐 name doubt was detected but mayor selection running in the reason secession and Assemblyman resignation November Abe Yosihito Hokkaido discussion Salesman of bar and end of the quarrel It hits the bottle of the whiskey and divides it arrests with the injury suspicion which is accustomed to cutting the face and neck muscle November Kenji Tamura Shizuoka 42001 year at donation 250 Ku from the individual and enterprise the group which are contributed during House of Councillors selection period defeat group staff Sponsor executive office leader transferring 100 000 Yen it arrests with the purchase suspicion which requests arranging the vote November Asano Makoto the Gifu 1 Ku defeat You promise remuneration and you arrest with suspicion of promise of the purchase which requests calling the poll by the telephone November Capital Member of the house of representatives Aichi 15 Ku defeat and proportion revival election public private secretaries Public 1st private secretary Selection anti office work the Bureau Chief city discussion and others 5 people one after another with suspicion of promise of purchase arrest
                • 629名: 10 时间:2010 03 09(星期二)09:49:38编号:cX意义 EGRoM0 622名无财富周年来建国以来持续9年,在表中的丑闻垂直只有四环素超过90! 50多个逮捕!波兰人。民主党人! ! !名单怀疑民主的丑闻。教师工会的支持母亲的山梨县县,在参议院民主党主席正在进行的舆东在参院选举,这是我发现在一个有组织的竞选资金从小学和中学教师收集的20倍 629 Name Name it is not tenth anniversary Contribution day 2010 03 09 Tuesday 09 49 38 ID cX EGRoM0 622 continuation In 9 years ever since joining party with just those which become open above scandal 90 case Arrest person 50 or more Pole The Democratic party The Democratic party scandal list Doubt In the midst of continuation Sedan chair stone East Yamanasi prefecture school personnel union of the support parent of Chairman the Democratic party House of Councillors In 20th House of Councillors selection gathering campaign spending organizationally from the school personnel of the Konaka school has been ascertained
                • NULL 571 continuation Continuation In 9 years ever since joining party with just those which become open above scandal 90 case Arrest person 50 or more Pole Scandal list of the Democratic party 2007 compilation April The public private secretary of member of the house of representatives Yutaka Banno It serves the receipts and disbursements patsy of non post candidacy in the Aichi prefecture parliamentary election arrests with purchase suspicion May Yuuzirou Ono Tokyo Setagaya Ku discussion It arrests with purchase suspicion with standardized local selection May Aso English city Japanese ode Yamaiti discussion It arrests with entertainment hospitable suspicion with standardized local selection May Member of the house of representatives Kanziyu Sato Assuming that it deceived the allowance of the public 2nd private secretary and took it arrests with false pretenses May Sato line trust Yokohama city discussion About donation 25 000 000 Yen from incoming order trader Political fund it arrests with the public selection method violation which receives July Sato line trust Yokohama city discussion with bid disturbance suspicion re arrest July Satoshi Yamada Member of the house of representatives Personal history 詐 name doubt was detected but mayor selection running in the reason secession and Assemblyman resignation November Abe Yosihito Hokkaido discussion Salesman of bar and end of the quarrel It hits the bottle of the whiskey and divides it arrests with the injury suspicion which is accustomed to cutting the face and neck muscle November Kenji Tamura Shizuoka 42001 year at donation 250 Ku from the individual and enterprise the group which are contributed during House of Councillors selection period defeat group staff Sponsor executive office leader transferring 100 000 Yen it arrests with the purchase suspicion which requests arranging the vote November Asano Makoto the Gifu 1 Ku defeat You promise remuneration and you arrest with suspicion of promise of the purchase which requests calling the poll by the telephone November Capital Member of the house of representatives Aichi 15 Ku defeat and proportion revival election public private secretaries Public 1st private secretary Selection anti office work the Bureau Chief city discussion and others 5 people one after another with suspicion of promise of purchase arrest
                • 持续9年来在90多个垂直表612成立以来,只有四环素丑闻! 50多个逮捕!波兰人。民主党人! ! ! 2009年清单民主丑闻2月和5月11日仍不能解释有关问题西松孙捐赠任何东西,作为党党魁小泽一郎辞职,目前还不清楚为何辞职 612 continuation In 9 years ever since joining party with just those which become open above scandal 90 case Arrest person 50 or more Pole The Democratic party The Democratic party scandal list 2009 that 2 May Without being able to explain at all in regard to 11 day west pine donation problem Either the resignation reason being clear without Ichiro Ozawa the Democratic party representation resignation
                • 持续9年来在90多个垂直表622成立以来,只有四环素丑闻! 50多个逮捕!波兰人。民主党人! ! !名单怀疑民主的丑闻。教师工会的支持母亲的山梨县县,在参议院民主党主席正在进行的舆东在参院选举,这是我发现在一个有组织的竞选资金从小学和中学教师收集的20倍 622 continuation In 9 years ever since joining party with just those which become open above scandal 90 case Arrest person 50 or more Pole The Democratic party The Democratic party scandal list Doubt In the midst of continuation Sedan chair stone East Yamanasi prefecture school personnel union of the support parent of Chairman the Democratic party House of Councillors In 20th House of Councillors selection gathering campaign spending organizationally from the school personnel of the Konaka school has been ascertained

              • NULL 635 “As for the core layer which supports jiminsu intentionally bakasayo being the nodule old boy is the ↓ clear Laughing “ It hit the mass communications too much Aso can be popular it was popular ” The party chief who likes the teenage portable user as for 1 rank Taro Aso September 1st of 09 Woman junior high and high school students “ New administration it does not support ” 6 tenths or more … “ Therefore the rash manifest of the vote gathering either half does not actualize ” September 22nd of 09 The Hatoyama Cabinet there is a variety support ratio slump … As for 10 20 generations as for 30 and 30 40 generations above 40 and 50 generations 50 stand lt December 17th of 09 University student of entire country Hatoyama Cabinet support ratio 21 … Everyday the newspaper January 29th of 10 As for Ozawa dislike being strongest the child hand 30 generation women of benefit Explanatory insufficient 97 Secretary General resignation 74 Assemblyman resignation majority exceeding February 8th of 10
                • 635“济民”是什么上帝的黄金傻瓜谷小夜结节或故意写在片假名☆ 635 “ jimin ” the bakasayo nodule tsu te which is written specially with katakana it is to come the tsu

              • NULL NULL
                • 儿童津贴摆脱现状,实现民主党宣言→公路生成表地区的自由意志→地区中,只有北海道自由的负担,另一种是分类经营柯支付九万一亿日元废物切→切只有0 6万亿元存款,并发现了金矿→五→降落伞不加税不是酒税,烟草税增加伊萨汉娜许→3邮政和电信将是降落伞的作用政府雇员的工资,取消→达百分之二税率以来发出的削减后的第一年的临时法案→ Chart manifest actualization circumstance of the Democratic party Child treatment is put out gt The district bears It converts the highway free gt Just the district and Hokkaido no charge conversion and the other things are pay Business reducing the wastefulness of 9 1 trillion Yen with categorization gt As for reduction just 0 6 trillion Yen Buried deposit the gold is excavated gt There was no buried deposit gold It does not increase taxes gt Tax increase tobacco tax and liquor tax You do not permit order exerted from above gt Order exerted from above it could point to postal services three part Labor cost 2 percentage reduction of government employee gt Bill after year after next advance shipment Provisional tariff is abolished gt It maintained The deficit financing bond is controlled gt Past issuing the largest deficit financing bond Clean politics is done gt Hatoyama Ozawa other illegal donation and tax evasion Domestic demand expanding it does business recovery gt It rushed to deflation advance and Hatoyama depression Okinawa US military the base is made to move gt It makes move in the country or reality Perpetuation Foreign carrot administration Surname of married couple Human rights violation relief law protection of fundamental human rights method gt However it is not recorded before the chart manifest you do because of people group and the South Korean

              • NULL ⌒ i No ∀ ha ∀ The excessiveness you do and can win No North φφ ¶ Korea 92 No ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ Month hi No 92 Kurosu haze as for cost of living ku ee □ □ yuyu HKRPT 92 REPT It should have maintained with tax of the Japanese 92 Time Time Time Time Time The 孩 child comes to Japan in large quantities As for the necessary personnel which fills up the foreign carrot administration of minsu and others it is dense And others it is dense 4 years later Ozawa has been about to re elect with vote it is the shelf
                • ⌒⌒ 栏目キ━━━ · 。 · ━━━!! ⌒( 人)⌒: :::: ┬西至² ª ª │ ー ∧∧∧∧∧∧MMMM “” ─ ──┐ヽ 砷化镓系统ヽ Χ─  ̄  ̄  ̄砷酸星期一 布鲁诺布鲁诺布鲁诺 布鲁诺 É蜇 他们面向对象 ⌒ ⌒ 92 kita ━ ━ ━ 92 92 92 ━ ━ ━ ⌒ human ⌒ 92 ┬ toeeei 92 │ 92 ∧ ∧ ∧ MMMM ∧ ∧ ∧ gt lt ─ ─ ─ ┐ REPT REPT mu hi Χ ─ ¯ ¯ ¯ Month hi No no no 92 No 92 No The L it is o o

              • Razu的支持脚百分之八十在六个月内还百分之三十民主政府,这也难得扮膼我我我我我做了它会这样(的投篮;)在我我我我
                Has also the 80% the democracy support which at less than half year the 30%… [tohoho] Also such an administration is unusual,… [tohohoho] Don't you think? like this the [tsu] [chi] [ya] [tsu] it is it is probably will be with something,… ([]; ) [tohohohoho

                • Watakushi男子信心溢山口的决定,外国政府和“空洞无物的政治家缺乏决定性两位数”一个可以嵌入如Arimase标签〜鸽〜〜我 Me like hatoyama as for the man who overflowed in self confidence from foreign government it is never lacking “in decision power irresolution As for being pasted the label politician” and so on be it is
                  • 山口鸽子总理向领导和茹是历史罕见,政治秘书小泽是好的,但我们吞咽清浊 hatoyama prime minister produces the prime minister who shows the leadership which successive generations is seen rarely ozawa Secretary General clearly 濁 is the mu nice politician of adjusting
                  • 山口鸽子总理向领导和茹是历史罕见,政治秘书小泽是好的,但我们吞咽清浊 hatoyama prime minister produces the prime minister who shows the leadership which successive generations is seen rarely ozawa Secretary General clearly 濁 is the mu nice politician of adjusting

                • _NULL_
                  <Branch field charge phase > business categorization 2nd. Start of object selection 50 corporate body publications March 9th 11:16 transmissions Everyday the newspaper * 9 days public-service corporation of 50 where it announces * ▽ Cabinet prefecture jurisdiction = economic committee ▽ National Police Agency = Japanese traffic management engineering association ▽ financial agency = nationwide credit guarantee association ▽ general affairs economical = administrative information system laboratory and radio wave industrial meeting, Telecom high technology research support center, Telecom engineering center and local autonomy U.S. Information Center, the Japan Information Processing Development Center and the Japanese data communication association, Self-governing community satellite communications mechanism ▽ Ministry of Justice = civil judicial affairs association ▽ Ministry of Foreign Affairs = international agriculture and forestry cooperation association, the Japanese international cooperative center ▽ education scientific economical = large Japanese silk thread meeting ▽ public welfare Ministry of Labor = Japanese food hygienic association and nationwide social American Insurance Association, Medical equipment center, safe hygienic technologyTest association ▽ Ministry of Agriculture Forestry and Fisheries = nationwide farmland possession rationalization association and animal husbandry American Institute of Technology, Formula feed supply stable mechanism, the Japanese forest American Institute of Technology and overseas forestry [konsarutantsu] association, [marinohuoramu] 21, City agricultural mountain fishing village interchange activated mechanism, in. Fruit production shipment stabilization fund association, day. Grain official approval association ▽ economic industrial economical = Japanese constructive mechanization association, new energy foundation and rivers environmental control foundation, building material test center ▽ national traffic economical = all the Japanese track/truck associations, aeronautical preservation facility reliable center and national technical research center, Advanced constructive technical center, public indemnity for areal loss mechanism, park forested land management foundation, dam source environmental improvement center, Road new industrial development mechanism, road environmental laboratory, road spatial advancement mechanism, better living, residential guarantee mechanism, Residential management association, road system advancement propulsion mechanism, private urban development propulsion mechanism ▽ environmental economical = natural environment research center, Industrial waste disposal business promotion foundation The Japanese environmental improvement education center

                  • “切好,即使他们的工作在年初谷る强烈的意见”,并说这还是以前的 “Because how it is good it is natural for the opinion which calls work margin quickly” to become strong
                    • 你想与它在“矿”is ve如此之好 Going down ru simultaneous” However me “well so it is what

                  • “委员会”白山先生森田,管理顾问公司董事长是由在07 08岁,占总民主党众议员科牧捐赠二千四点○○万日元 “Hakusan as for the management consultant company which rice field suspect meeting” Chairman Mori manages 07 08 years Assemblyman Maki donates 240 000 Yen total to the Democratic party branch of representation
                    • “委员会”白山是在国民议会质询指出,赞成的剥削制度敌对集团的现实 In order for “Hakusan meeting” to become profitable asking the actual condition of system abuse of the rival group at the National Diet is ascertained

                  • “小泽问题的”问题“鸠山”,“联盟的幸运海龟”,“外国人来投票”,“学校援助朝鲜”,“以补偿慰安妇”,“假日扩散政策”,“高速欺诈自由”,“反对死刑” “协助治疗隐匿”
                    “Alliance” “foreign carrot administration” “Korean school support” of “Ozawa problem” “Hatoyama problem” turtle luck “Compensation” “holiday dispersed policy” “high-speed free conversion fraud” “capital punishment system opposite attitude” to military comfort woman “Support to occult remedy”

                    • ※9月,他们失去了在民事法庭,以便为赔偿金在1月的第一被告的审判,受害者
                      * In September of the same year with the accusation of the victim with civil judgment one making clear decision at indemnity payment order defeat/miss 訴

                      • ※最初发现的问题,众议院成员Mabuti澄章奈良县的代表将在都道府县联合会的伦理委员会民主党,主张真理
                        * The beginning when problem is detected, member of the house of representatives horse deep water Sumio of the Democratic party Nara prefecture connected representation holds ethical commission inside the same prefectural ream, asserting truth elucidation

                        • 一个较低层次的温泉是漂亮〜〜〜一湄公河下游水平,英俊〜〜
                          Also water level of the hot spring goes down, the [tsu] [pa] [a] - - - Also water level of the Mekong river goes down, the [tsu] [pa] [a] - -

                          • 一般人Hazime津哉啊不希望这样的支持率上的政策是会支持的邪教痴迷者不仅如果这一趋势继续下去,将支持任 Support ratio the kind of policy which rises no one is not done … It is to be supported from the sled ya normal person If it goes this way it stops being supported from only the cult fanatic
                            • 我看到过在民主党委员会的坚定信奉者,是第一个职业球员,他们黑川纪 However you looked at the Democratic party fanatic in the off line meeting kishiyo of the approaching eye well was

                          • 不动副总理逃税。部长二言目井睡懒觉秘书民主党支持者部长要么就是这样一个威胁,一旦它的背后是人所为?
                            In tax evasion prime minister Vice firm. Secretary General In drowse minister of state Being late minister of state In second word with place for others If it turns to the reverse side, only intimidation Is such a democracy supported?

                            • 不是没有一丝辞职! 4楼上届立法局议员委员姬井由美子周一(冈山选区)私文书有印假的,送文件,检察官同行使怀疑
                              Yet there is no trace of resignation! April Councilor well Yumiko princess (the Okayama constituency) with suspicion such as possession sign private document forgery and the same use document committing

                              • 个人捐款传入的10年制备四环素5 0亿的90万美元,法律,苏并不需要计算出的名称和五〇 〇 〇 〇 〇 〇日元元以下收集,匿名捐赠“约60百分之水果, 4000至三万点○○○万日元 Among the private donation 590 000 000 Yen which are received in 10 years and with respect to law 50 000 Yen or less where it is not necessary to put out name It becomes the calculation which you gathered anonymous donation” rises to approximately 6 tenths and 340 000 000 Yen truly
                                • 临时和每百万每年约有2000人成为集元计算,约记名捐款的问题,人民之声电台的四个捐款 Per 1 people 40 000 Yen donating temporarily in 1 years from approximately 2000 people You gathered to become the calculation which in contents of anonymous donation voice of doubt

                              • 之后,12,酒后驾驶而被捕,川村先生是在岩手县岩手县议会成员,县农民政策负责人章辞职
                                December The Kawamura farmer person who is Chairman of the Policy Affairs Research Council of Iwate prefecture ream with prefecture national assembly Assemblyman Iwate flagrant delict to be arrested with drinking driving, after that, Assemblyman resignation

                                • 什么是您回避爆炸南特805鸠山由纪夫说,在你的大脑之前,所有的假标签,说和姬醚嗯与谢野馨(Netouyo同级低级杂志的邪恶Shiku)故意不起诉无辜的人表示遗憾仕立 て 上 げてるのも ネトウヨ と マスゴミ何 で 国民 がお 前 の 脳内 オナニー に 従 わなければならんの ? 805 The label which is fabricated entirely inside your brain Yosano and the vulgar weekly magazine of jimin it puts out the fact that tax evasion how you have called repeatedly Hatoyama netouyo the same level Being vexatious making clothes the false person who is not prosecuted purposely in the bad guy ru netouyo and the mass rubbish If the citizen does not follow the masturbation inside your brain with something viewing
                                  • 张Uyouyoonani m Netouyo运气拉什么的人的腿,但它拒绝让步的每一天,就在死亡改革在日本我 Although everyday system reformation it has persevered don t you think The foot of the person who has persevered pulling netouyo which uyouyoonani has been done dies because of Japan

                                • 他们必须作出了贡献总理表示,新界南总趋势,今年翻译说,他们认为 NULL

                                  • 他说:“这样做任意减少个人捐款书记,谁是他的情报”,负责科与新闻秘书,个人捐款鸠山由纪夫,全部10卷年7500000000九千万大量日元 “Because private donation was little the private secretary being arbitrary you did by his did not know ” that had pushed responsibility to the private secretary but As for the private donation to Hatoyama in 10 years total 7 590 000 000 Yen huge amount
                                    • 他说:“这样做任意减少个人捐款书记,谁是他的情报”,负责科与新闻秘书,个人捐款鸠,在10年的5亿和9000亿日元巨大的 “Because private donation was little the private secretary being arbitrary you did by his did not know ” that had pushed responsibility to the private secretary but As for the private donation to Hatoyama in 10 years total 7 590 000 000 Yen huge amount

                                  • 传真 v8FIZt0日本,以及更多!黎池摆在我们面前,我们先wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww↓我们的人民之前 f v8FIZt0 Japanese to study more Your standing ↓ You You wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
                                    • 826 ll也来瓦特编号:F v8FIZt0德鲁我就会写下流泪眼拍摄池是太痛苦了瓦特 826 In addition it came w ID About the case where f v8FIZt0 is too painful Ramming down with the tear eye the ru w
                                    • 858编号:F v8FIZt0日本,以及更多!黎池摆在我们面前,我们先wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww↓我们的人民之前 858 ID f v8FIZt0 Japanese to study more Your standing ↓ You You wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww

                                  • 偷税漏税,非法组织。合作的选举捐赠,金融法的行为,违反保密规定的不批评,我已经去了呢?
                                    Tax evasion, illegal group. Donation election cooperation, public finance law violation and obligation to keep secrets violation It is strange not to be criticized, don't you think??

                                    • 刚开始我等到他们有更多的在您的金金金心戏,我觉得每个暂停
                                      JUST Every heart It does not stop Another In you Drama it has started JIN JIN JIN Feeling, the [ru

                                      • 前4个国家的上院成员资助党Huzii敏夫1名秘书1原国有独资秘书(藤井先生的长子)的大麻安倍晋三9日周一被捕。伊智江东会关闭驾驶巴士,阻碍司机Nagutta 12个Ku涉嫌侵犯他人身体上的侵犯,继续在酒店性侵犯被捕说,年轻的女主人包括Hukushima松井久星期一
                                        Secession April The former public 1st private secretary of Councilor Tosio Fujii Former public 1st private secretary (Fujii's eldest son) It arrests with the hemp possession September Abe. Turning aside Koto Ku discussion The travelling blocking of the bus and driver was beaten It arrests by official business execution disturbance December Fukushima 寿 one capital discussion It was packed accompanied the hostess by the hotel and assaulted It arrests with woman assault injury suspicion It continues

                                        • 卡也辞职只是因为这次选举中,无论多么正义一个额外的衣服,尽量而不是不到一年的众议院 Calling the resignation card with however much election measure while either 1 years do not pass same this year as the House of Representatives the chi ya It is repelled excessively just
                                          • 发现我们有一个电话运动,动员选民和竞选总部教师 In addition also the election measure headquarters having had the teacher the telephone maneuvers to the voter mobilize has been ascertained

                                        • 同时,日本提高效率和生产力,但是,随着战争加上还破坏了一个大木建筑,他们不得不障碍加起来的技术和高额合作 On the one hand Japan productive performance although it improved Also large scale burning with the war of the wooden building going hand in hand With the amount the high hurdle added to technology

                                          • 周一12绀野辞职有罪。在众议院(区1宫城县)日本电信电话亲工会,80人对涉嫌一批会员指导操作的手机数百元的利益
                                            You resign with involvement system December Koo. That the telephone maneuvers business were entrusted for NTT Union over 80 ten thousand Yen of the member of the house of representatives (Miyagi 1 Ku) group, it arrests with interests induction suspicion

                                            • 周一5平。聪橿原市议会(后来发现党)超过11年以上的城市欠税六百三十六点六九零万日元是
                                              May Flat. 諭 City assembly Assemblyman Kashihara (secession after the being detected) Spans a little more than 11 years and failing to pay city tax 6,366,900 Yen

                                              • 嘿嗨,编号:F + v8FIZt0←受欢迎,他们疯了吗?
                                                Don't you think? don't you think? [e] [e], ID: f + v8FIZt0 <- this popularity deviation?

                                                • 国民 は 辞 めろと 言 ってるのに 辞 めないでそのまま 選挙突 っ 込 んでいくとしたら When the citizen saying that stop although the ru without stopping assume that election it keeps thrusting that way
                                                  • 国民 は 辞 めろと 言 ってるのに 辞 めないでそのまま 選挙突 っ 込 んでいくとしたら When the citizen saying that stop although the ru without stopping assume that election it keeps thrusting that way

                                                • 在众议院周一10中山忠(东京地方法院作为妇女的私人书记安俊佐佐野,裙子间谍)馆的积极成员被逮捕,对违反滋扰条例,东京警方怀疑 October Justice life member of the house of representatives Nakayama Tokyo 2 Ku private private secretary Yasutosi Sasano inside the skirt of the woman assuming that stealing 撮 the Tokyo annoyance prevention regulations violation suspicion So it is arrested in the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department
                                                  • 10作为竞选工作人员已在众议院成员书记吉弘每月店收购,逮捕了涉嫌违反选举法 October Meter house 圭 front member of the house of representatives Hiroshi Assuming that had luck mobilization the private secretary purchase it arrests with public selection method violation suspicion

                                                • 在这方面,首相鸠山由纪夫,日本和许多其他政治家,不同的方式表明立场前,两人来到过去的问题,柯愿意通过谈判方式解决问题一直在呼吁关注 In connection with this as for Prime Minister Hatoyama unlike the other many Japanese politician vis a vis past problem It showed forward standpoint directed to the solution of problem and when there is an intention which is negotiated it was conveyed
                                                  • 鸠山由自己的各种希望对指控道歉都没有解释,更丰富的各地戈 Although various doubts have risen the fact of the matter where main person of Hatoyama does not do and escapes and turns explanation

                                                • 在预算中苏在一切选举中击败民主党候选人,并结束了第一步,使日本的美好未来 So conclusion It hits the Democratic party candidacy with all elections and drops The first step which makes the Japanese future where that is bright
                                                  • 区叩670,这是最重要的组合,而流泪,眼指地震 670 While swinging the finger with the tear eye it hits the key it probably will solve it becomes
                                                  • 在预算中苏在一切选举中击败民主党候选人,并结束了第一步,使日本的美好未来 So conclusion It hits the Democratic party candidacy with all elections and drops The first step which makes the Japanese future where that is bright

                                                • 小泽一郎:他的父亲是后战争归,和语言,我们从北朝鲜人民
                                                  Ichiro Ozawa: It is said that after the war you were naturalized with the father and the Korean of the North Korean graduate,

                                                  • 张Risuru 543标签家伙将成为其他低级别的家伙给她一个人,而且最糟糕的德鲁小泽及鸠山的民主党人在球罪犯的最严重的集合 543 The person who label Hari is done comes relieved Also the person who is made the partner low reaches level So it is gathering of the offender being Hatoyama and Ozawa who are the ru Democratic party worst are worst
                                                    • 613 Udaro刑事奴才差异(在他手下的利益还没有犯罪)与犯罪老板谁Dattara达罗 613 The ro which is different and is When the follower the offender furthermore is with the crime which does not become the profit of the follower the boss the offender The ro which is
                                                    • 五百八十六顷从达罗什么这个问题,以及对犯罪前 586 Vis a vis the offender therefore what is natural the ro which

                                                  • 当然这是君子谁投赞成票的非劳动民主党谁不能参加或(或684)的 The worker ladies and gentlemen who as for to this sure being voted other than the Democratic party or the person who cannot vote 684 Is
                                                    • 现在你已经在投票上总工人同盟,也要照顾你这样做,他们混蛋 Such a thing without becoming aware the worker ladies and gentlemen who voted to the Democratic party you are aho

                                                  • 我们表弟除了联合政府不久,以及关于解决有关劳动和福利部长职位的问题,我们
                                                    Join to the cousin coalition government quickly, the minister of state post of public welfare Ministry of Labor relationship Concerning problem solving margin

                                                    • 持续9年来在90多个垂直表594成立以来,只有四环素丑闻! 50多个逮捕!波兰人。公元2007年民主丑闻名单第1章周一Tsuzi聪大阪委员众议院前众议院下届众议院在区17候选人的出版物,如朝日新闻,未经允许引用 594 continuation In 9 years ever since joining party with just those which become open above scandal 90 case Arrest person 50 or more Pole Scandal list of the Democratic party 2007 compilation 1 January With Tsuji Megumi front member of the house of representatives newspaper article of book and Asahi etc of next term House of Representatives Osaka 17 Ku candidate no permission quotation
                                                      • 持续9年来在90多个垂直表587成立以来,只有四环素丑闻! 50多个逮捕!波兰人。丑闻名单民主章规定的9月2日垣的国家秘书资助每月木明上院成员,藤田幸久2007年。逮捕涉嫌违反兴奋剂药品管理法 587 continuation In 9 years ever since joining party with just those which become open above scandal 90 case Arrest person 50 or more Pole Scandal list of the Democratic party 2007 under compilation September The public second private secretary Sasaki discernment of Councilor Yukihisa Fujita Arresting the suspect with stimulant control method violation
                                                      • 持续9年来在90多个垂直表618成立以来,只有四环素丑闻! 50多个逮捕!波兰人。民主党人! ! !民主丑闻名单,2009年小组鸠山由纪夫周一3月7日假。个人捐款披露问题 618 continuation In 9 years ever since joining party with just those which become open above scandal 90 case Arrest person 50 or more Pole The Democratic party The Democratic party scandal list 2009 that 3 July Fake of Hatoyama Yukio representation Private donation problem is detected

                                                    • 支持率下降,即使没有谷,津Tatte卖国欺诈杆损坏11名民主党议员与内阁的基础,我希望他们继续说谎各地也说,卖国最无能的政党和日本的宪法至高无上的Butchigiri内阁柯模嗯瓦特和w Continuing to say from about tsu te November which is not support ratio depreciation and the te strikes such a liar base damage fraud treason Cabinet the ru the Democratic party w Well therefore the Japanese constitutional government supreme butsuchigiri worst disabled treason political party the Cabinet w
                                                      • 支持率下落 が 底 を 打 ったって 11 月 くらいから 言 い 続 けてるよな 民主党 wまあ 、 日本憲政至上 ブッチギリ 最悪 の 無能売国政党 & 内閣 だからな w Continuing to say from about tsu te November where support ratio depreciation strikes the bottom the ru the Democratic party w Well therefore the Japanese constitutional government supreme butsuchigiri worst disabled treason political party the Cabinet w

                                                    • 星期一至3倍力弥世田谷区议会(一郎小泽书记元在上次总统选举,地方选举),有运动的女性劳动者的性别,发送文件,检察官毫无疑问的非礼负组合造成伤害
                                                      March Rikiya Abe Setagaya Ku discussion (the former Ozawa Ichiro private secretary) while electing the standardized local selection of last year, the [wa] it is in the woman of luck mobilization, the [se] doing behavior, It makes the wound owe and the forced [wa] is the [se] in doubt of the 致 scar document committing

                                                      • 最后时刻,它自己的工作,在红地毯的其他丶`∀ ←我在乌约暗杀鸠山做什么用带他们看球员
                                                        Don't you think? another last moment prosperously with original our performing 丶 `∀ ' <- And the like it is dense using, you camouflage in [uyo], the Hatoyama darkness killing, how,

                                                        • 权利。谁是一个人陪同标题普遍Subeshi彻底的背景调查,以各种来源
                                                          Right. Should be thorough the identity inquiry to the related various parts concerning the accompanying person who names designation

                                                          • 森田由创始人委员会主席白山白山仓泽,从牧办公室说那里学会了如何利用该系统的两个资深国会的证词中发现
                                                            Methodological instruction of system abuse is done to Chairman rice field Hakusan Mori, from the Kurasawa Hakusan meeting founder the place where Also is detected from testimony of both being the office of Assemblyman Maki,

                                                            • 母鸡众议院国会议员鸠山由纪夫2005星期一六年私人书记,苫小牧寺坂康雄部逮捕嫌犯对违反酒后驾车带的道路交通法毕
                                                              2005 compilation June The Tomakomai station arresting suspect the private private secretary and temple hill Yasuo of Yukio Hatoyama member of the house of representatives with flagrant delict of the road intersection method violation due to liquor air having driving

                                                              • 每月一次,6715,“难道他们都错了所有民主 671 When it is May “Everything of democracy is bad it is it is not
                                                                • 它在这些“枪贝尔,大概671至688民主 NULL

                                                              • 民主“提高二十○万点零亿日元”的承诺,在9万亿美元减少废物和使用黄金储备
                                                                It utilizes also 9,000,000,000,000 buried deposit gold with democracy “20,000,000,000,000 Yen device” pledge and wastefulness reduction

                                                                • 民主党的这种结果并,当你看到一个男人为首的事情不可能,而且什么都不再超过6个月没有办法通过走出来听到有人甚至提出他们将在那里听到了思徒步旅行但是 Now when something result which the Democratic party did bean jam that the person who is not visible is assume Hearing wherever coming out it does not start Hearing in whoever coming out it does not start Also half year passes already But what is not with thinks is never
                                                                  • 如果有一个人或无法看到民主党狙这家伙怎么会损害智力 Now whether the Democratic party aims for what that the person who is not visible is when we assume Accompanying probably is intelligence obstacle

                                                                • 添加到670霍隆,创新 一些地方他们是在这个愚蠢的瓦特小丑多NetA的自然日特有趣麻烦瓦特的格言怒江 670 To add to the phorone section analects tsu and w nu book … Being too foolish because natural news item is funnier than the entertainer of around there side w which is troubled

                                                                  • 燃料Nettouyo家伙因为日本,归化公民,日本的反日,弱信息,刑事非法入境者,所以这几乎思,我们的间谍被捕“Nettouyo”所以那个谁爆炸钌,您将会看到,承认●●互联网的生活变得更轻松,然后他们大笑,我德鲁 Calling netsutouyo the person whom it fans… resident the naturalized person and the anti Japanese Japanese feeling weakness the illegal entry offender and the operative Almost because you think that it is applicable to this “ netsutouyo ” so recognizing the people who are called repeatedly when you see In addition Making a noise the ru with laughing net life a little becomes easy probably will be
                                                                    • 2通道在我离开,我看到当然津市最近回来,当时仍然是一个“Netouyo”,让人们笑四环素或非典型形式 For a while however it hurt separated from 2ch recently returning when sure you see Still occasionally “ netouyo ” writing because the ru person is you laughed
                                                                    • 让我告诉你表决权Netouyogajimingaminsumanse瓦特 netouyogajimingaminsumanse Denizenship cross over is W which is understood

                                                                  • 现在在看“我捍卫了群众的民主垃圾”我们的人说一句话,并关闭了反正我不知道有多少介绍:什么是正常的形式从网络Netouyo我是少数例外“2通道的唯一信息不要吃(痌キ的人“这将是一种 Even now “democracy it protects the mass rubbish” that being said as for composition of the ru person excluding the exception of extremely part Normal writing ru netouyo tsu te how much probably will be information has shut out How “information it does not take in it probably is the party of the type kiritsu from only se 2ch net ” but
                                                                    • 该Uzai Warimasen是奇数“Nettouyo说:”我们的人正在编写并说这是最常见的写少数例外 uzai does not change but Being called “ netsutouyo ” as for composition of the ru person excluding the exception of extremely part Normal entry is the majority

                                                                  • 皇帝656是一个decent m Netouyo在排除是咆哮关于马里Netouyo万维网狂热的自民党胡说
                                                                    656 The emperor the garden plant craftsman and filth somewhere of exclusive [netouyo] is honest what, www [netouyo] after all the Liberal Democratic Party fanatic

                                                                    • 真正的日本的崩溃,而不是527,虽然?南特球员失去了政权更替后,他的工作,如果小泉里诺塞井哲和我连一个朋友是谁非正规就业〜每Fukuda m,使他们一次性清除瓦特“,因为日本民主党倒塌“什么不对的地方,直到它并不保护的前提是不连贯? 527 However nowhere real Japan as for collapses As for the how person who with we acquaintance becomes unemployed after the administration alternating less than 1 it is and As for the acquaintance who around Koizumi Fukuda has become non proper employment sweeping the extent which throws away it is but w Unless the inconsistent prerequisite that is defended desperately to there “Japan collapsed with consequence of the Democratic party” it is unpalatable taking densely what

                                                                      • 礼物的价值和赠与税缴纳秋妈妈兰,但当地税务机关有积极的税务调查和报告是否鱿鱼札幌国税局是目前高等学府
                                                                        But as for [potsupo] paying the donation tax of mother giving amount the Muroran tax place of local end, Whether or not the Sapporo national tax bureau which presently is that upper system declaration is correct tax investigation is done

                                                                        • 福原先生已被送往医院,因失血性休克死亡的骨盆骨折
                                                                          Hukuhara was conveyed in the hospital, but you die with the bleeding characteristic shock due to Pelvis fracture

                                                                          • 筒井信孝星期一9众议院席位的众议院(新泻区6)梅鲁事务,是“向新泻地区第一个总支部6民主党人”的政治资金报告和05年,05筒井选在大选后提交演习费用预算报告,收到的邮资为同一三个副本发现,221220份,共有重视重复日元
                                                                            September Member of the house of representatives tube well Nobutaka (the Niigata 6 Ku) serves representation, 05 years's amount political financial income and outgo report of the “Democratic party Niigata prefecture 6th Ku entire branch” and, Tube well side 05 years after the general election in the election campaign cost income and outgo report which is submitted, Copy 3 total 221,220 of the same territory acquisition of postage cyclotomic overlapping, being attached is ascertained

                                                                            • 紫癜:/ / www.manekinekoduck.jp / index.html?编号u003d 58725&FILE_NAME的u003d 4891eccd16e7142ade38c2a1e2a90811&气相色谱u003d 3
                                                                              ttp: //www.manekinekoduck.jp/index.html? id = 58725& file_name = 4891eccd16e7142ade38c2a1e2a90811& gc = 3

                                                                              • 编号:F + v8FIZt0你这是...哦,Narubeshi死...是什么样的发挥死了吗?是U说,傻瓜什么是愚蠢的家伙
                                                                                ID: f + v8FIZt0 … That shelves 汝 The deceased it is playing, should become dead spirit… the [tsu] [ke] which is? The foolish [tsu] [te] [are] where the person who is said is foolish

                                                                                • 编号:F + v8FIZt0结果Netouyoretteru粘贴从我没有赢得葛比别人更丰富的解决
                                                                                  ID: f + v8FIZt0 Because it cannot win in anyone around, [netouyoretsuteru] pasting, escaping, [ru] case

                                                                                  • 编号:F + v8FIZt0结果葛outta我也没有得到日本的嵌入式标签
                                                                                    ID: f + v8FIZt0 Because it cannot win, resident label pasting, escaping, [ru] case

                                                                                    • 観树佐藤星期一3众议院成员(前政务部长)借用秘书对国家指控而辞职的名称资助
                                                                                      March Member of the house of representatives Kanziyu Sato (original autonomous phase) With name debt doubt of public private secretary Assemblyman resignation

                                                                                      • 该联盟捐款马原组(群马县总工会日本联邦)(1000日元)、群马县的教师工会(600万),县章社会民主党(30万)和政治资金管理法等,政治组织尚未提交报告和资产持续两年轲,群马县,日本和韩国商会常设系统Niataru朝总联组织被禁止(5000万美元)的外国捐款还包括罕见 In contribution origin combined Gunma the Japanese Union entire association Gunma prefecture association 10 000 000 Yen the Gunma prefecture school personnel union 6 000 000 Yen Corporation people party prefectural ream 300 000 Yen other things with political financial readjustment method as for the political organization the income and outgo report continuing 2 years when it is not yet submitting the Korean entire connected system which confronts the foreign group where contribution is prohibited Main Korean Gunma prefecture commercial meeting of resident 500 000 Yen it is included
                                                                                        • 该联盟捐款马原组(群马县总工会日本联邦)(1000日元)、群马县的教师工会(600万),县章社会民主党(3000万)等,并捐献政治资金管理法在群马县,日本和韩国的朝总联Niataru商务部外国组织厅系统中的地位被禁止(50亿元),还包括罕见 In contribution origin combined Gunma the Japanese Union entire association Gunma prefecture association 10 000 000 Yen the Gunma prefecture school personnel union 6 000 000 Yen Corporation people party prefectural ream 300 000 Yen other things with political financial readjustment method as for the political organization the income and outgo report continuing 2 years when it is not yet submitting the Korean entire connected system which confronts the foreign group where contribution is prohibited Main Korean Gunma prefecture commercial meeting of resident 500 000 Yen it is included

                                                                                      • 身份的右翼宣传紫癜:/ / www.google.co.jp /搜索?Hl u003d ja&安全u003d关及q u003d%E8%格A1%97%E5公司%声发射%± 3%E5公司%8楼%B3%型E7%高炉%年%%81%E3展声发射%卟吩e6%广告%± 3%E4类%屋宇署%93&轻u003d&阿格u003d餐饮oq u003d
                                                                                        Natural shape of town declaration right wing ttp: //www.google.co.jp/search? hl = ja & safe = OFF & q = % E8% A1% 97% E5% AE % A3% E5% 8F % B3% E7% BF % BC % E3% 81% AE % E6% AD % A3% E4% BD % 93& lr = & aq = f & oq =

                                                                                        • 这又是教育法律和教育官员的特别法律禁止在学校的政治活动,也没有任何疑问,违反政治资金管理法 As for this other than the Fundamentals of Education Law and the Special Law concerning Public Servants Engaged in Education which prohibit the political activity in the school There is the doubt which has violated to also political financial readjustment method
                                                                                          • 这又是教育法律和教育官员的特别法律禁止在学校的政治活动,也没有任何疑问,违反政治资金管理法 As for this other than the Fundamentals of Education Law and the Special Law concerning Public Servants Engaged in Education which prohibit the political activity in the school There is the doubt which has violated to also political financial readjustment method

                                                                                        • 选举没关系什么的支持率已从胜特鲁简单,立刻在办公室的人通过投票来填写,如果与志异的Nde司法系统为候选人投票同一国家审查如果您禁用所有一切克制选举违反意义的讨论和表决。民主党 で 抑 えることが 出来 て更 に 反民主党的 な 国民 を 皆殺 しにできるアジア の 先進的民主国家 じゃ 良 くある 光景 だよアジア の 連携 をするなら 彼 らの 民主主義 を 真似 る 必要 が有 It is all right Support ratio to depreciate passing because it can win with election Simplicity poll system to candidate If it makes the same system as the national examination of Supreme Court justice it is good The so it is with by way of description entrance from the edge tsu restraining the human who voted with election violation If it makes poll invalid All discussion Being able hold down at the Democratic party Furthermore the counter Democratic party citizen can be designated as everyone murder The advanced democracy of Asia to be good it is a certain spectacle If the Asian cooperation is done it is necessary to imitate their democracy
                                                                                          • 选举没关系什么的支持率已从胜特鲁简单,立刻在办公室的人通过投票来填写,如果与志异的Nde司法系统为候选人投票同一国家审查如果您禁用所有一切克制选举违反意义的讨论和表决。民主党 で 抑 えることが 出来 て更 に 反民主党的 な 国民 を 皆殺 しにできるアジア の 先進的民主国家 じゃ 良 くある 光景 だよアジア の 連携 をするなら 彼 らの 民主主義 を 真似 る 必要 が有 It is all right Support ratio to depreciate passing because it can win with election Simplicity poll system to candidate If it makes the same system as the national examination of Supreme Court justice it is good The so it is with by way of description entrance from the edge tsu restraining the human who voted with election violation If it makes poll invalid All discussion Being able hold down at the Democratic party Furthermore the counter Democratic party citizen can be designated as everyone murder The advanced democracy of Asia to be good it is a certain spectacle If the Asian cooperation is done it is necessary to imitate their democracy

                                                                                        • 那么,每个人都在被编号:F + v8FIZt0“最民主的地方”,他们是合理的Q什么我是我
                                                                                          Well, from the [tsu] coming everyone ID: “[tsu] [te] where somewhere is democracy the” interrogating to, f + v8FIZt0 however the [ru

                                                                                          • 问:如果在外国儿童在适当的激增,如何处理了吗?答:目前的想法是不 Question When the overseas children who correspond increase at all coping Answer Under present conditions you do not think
                                                                                            • 问:如果在外国儿童在适当的激增,如何处理了吗?答:目前的想法是不 Question When the overseas children who correspond increase at all coping Answer Under present conditions you do not think

                                                                                          • 问:我包括在外国的子女,对外国国民的付款依据是什么?答:根据法律面前人人平等,而今后的议程 Question Including the overseas children what basis which treats in the person of the foreign register as for Answer It depends on the equality under law but it has made future examination topic
                                                                                            • 问:我包括在外国的子女,对外国国民的付款依据是什么?答:根据法律面前人人平等,而今后的议程 Question Including the overseas children what basis which treats in the person of the foreign register as for Answer It depends on the equality under law but it has made future examination topic

                                                                                          • 韩文日文★★★★★★○○○○○○★★★★○★★○●○○★★★★★★★○○○○○○★○★★★★○★○○★○ ★★★★★★○○○○○○★★★★★★○○★○○○韩文日文他们好,他们好☆○★日文糟糕,他们他们邪恶● Korea Japan 0 ○ ○ 0 0 ○ ○ 0 ○ 0 0 0 Good South Korean Good Japanese ○ Bad South Korean Bad Japanese
                                                                                            • 508因此,你切好Tonsuru,非典型,但我听见了吗? 508 Therefore but the ton sail good finishing hearing the ru it is
                                                                                            • null responseDetails invalid text responseStatus 40 NULL
                                                                                            • 你“是一个冷酷男子躺在”信息不是自己的知识 You “being unconcerned lie as for the information that it is the human who is attached” Unless it informs
                                                                                            • 韩文日文★★★★★★○○○○○○★★★★○★★○●○○★★★★★★★○○○○○○★○★★★★○★○○★○ ★★★★★★○○○○○○★★★★★★○○★○○○韩文日文他们好,他们好☆○★日文糟糕,他们他们邪恶● Korea Japan 0 ○ ○ 0 0 ○ ○ 0 ○ 0 0 0 Good South Korean Good Japanese ○ Bad South Korean Bad Japanese

                                                                                          • 鸠山由我所采取的一个突破,为恢复我说什么奇怪的支持率不开放,不是吗?
                                                                                            Unless break step is taken for support ratio recovery, go saying, the [ro] whose Hatoyama however you say, the break step [tsu] [te] is strange and is

                                                                                            • 龙记者招待会上,他的妻子说:“养老金制度改革将是一个改组以来,日本开始
                                                                                              Press conference speech of long wife “Pension scheme reformation, since Japan starting, becomes large reformation

                                                                                              研究 開発