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Foreign Minister Okada “the Liberal Democratic Party administration, until now without being fact as for saying is regrettable”,…The Japanese-American nuclear secret agreement, the lie ★3 of the country which is disclosed


  • 170非核三原則 はただの 政府 の 方針 でしかないだろ バーカ w日本 は 憲法九条 と 非核三原則 があったために 安全 だったという左翼 の 神話 が 嘘 だった 事 が バレ ただけだろ
    170 Denuclearization three principle only it is policy of simply government, the [ro] barker w which is As for Japan you say that it was safe constitution nine provision and because there is a denuclearization three principle, Myth left flank being lie just is [bare] the [ro

    • 1994年,冈田克也鸠山由纪夫一郎小泽,直根,羽田内阁几年?瓦特 1994 The Haneda Cabinet Ichiro Ozawa Yukio Hatoyama 菅 Naoto Katuya Okada That w
      • 1994年,冈田克也鸠山由纪夫一郎小泽,直根,羽田内阁几年?瓦特 1994 The Haneda Cabinet Ichiro Ozawa Yukio Hatoyama 菅 Naoto Katuya Okada That w
      • 冈田克也,1994年鸠山由纪夫小泽一郎,菅直人,是羽田内阁 1994 The Haneda Cabinet Ichiro Ozawa Yukio Hatoyama 菅 Naoto Katuya Okada That w
      • 冈田克也,1994年鸠山由纪夫小泽一郎,菅直人,是羽田内阁 1994 The Haneda Cabinet Ichiro Ozawa Yukio Hatoyama 菅 Naoto Katuya Okada That w
      • 冈田克也,1994年鸠山由纪夫小泽一郎,菅直人,是羽田内阁 1994 The Haneda Cabinet Ichiro Ozawa Yukio Hatoyama 菅 Naoto Katuya Okada That w
      • 冈田克也,1994年鸠山由纪夫小泽一郎,菅直人,是羽田内阁 1994 The Haneda Cabinet Ichiro Ozawa Yukio Hatoyama 菅 Naoto Katuya Okada That w
      • 冈田克也,1994年鸠山由纪夫小泽一郎,菅直人,是羽田内阁 1994 The Haneda Cabinet Ichiro Ozawa Yukio Hatoyama 菅 Naoto Katuya Okada That w
      • 冈田克也,1994年鸠山由纪夫小泽一郎,菅直人,是羽田内阁 1994 The Haneda Cabinet Ichiro Ozawa Yukio Hatoyama 菅 Naoto Katuya Okada That w
      • 冈田克也,1994年鸠山由纪夫小泽一郎,菅直人,是羽田内阁 1994 The Haneda Cabinet… Ichiro Ozawa Yukio Hatoyama 菅 Naoto Katuya Okada

    • 28 ¡ °(∀`É ° °)啊± Ë ¬ Ë ¬ ktkr宏伟回旋镖
      28 . ゚ (゚ no ∀ `゚) ゚. [ahiyahiya] Magnificent boomerang ktkr

      • 383那么,不包括在立法,保障人权的非法入境者
        383 Therefore, the protection of fundamental human rights bill is applied to also illegal immigration the [ro] which is

        • 514,“陈女士Ø瓦特”部长,因为在这个愚蠢○执政党瓦特并不催泪瓦斯,但行李,因为他们是白痴,他们有时是痛苦的,是在E更好看,我们是真正的白痴扮瓦特“和当他们成为执政党麻石勇说,事件的反对党,谁在淡化的瓦特在目前的内阁意识和反对党Waranu螨奇怪他会不来了很多人我ry 514 gt mizu O tongue w Therefore gt such fool at administration ruling party minister of state w Although you say that the seeing ○ po is foolish there is no air which refutes is but occasionally that fool still in mashi It is visible the pitiful actuality where w That gt furthermore the martial romance speech whose opposition party age are brave became the ruling party it is it is tone down w In the present cabinet the people of the feeling which yet is not different from opposition party age being with mass smell don t you think ry

          • 570中国和朝鲜,而中国是敌人,“持Ttemasu,Ttemasu电影,子弹。克路,可以在任何时间发射的城市和日本的军事基地和美国的核飞弹 570 As for China and North Korea which on the one hand are imaginary enemy China “having it increases making it increases the bullet The nuclear missile directing to the Japanese and the United States city and the base It is discharge possible with anytime
            • 570中国和朝鲜,而中国是敌人,“持Ttemasu,Ttemasu电影,子弹。克路,可以在任何时间发射的城市和日本的军事基地和美国的核飞弹 570 As for China and North Korea which on the one hand are imaginary enemy China “having it increases making it increases the bullet The nuclear missile directing to the Japanese and the United States city and the base It is discharge possible with anytime

          • Kokkai ndl go jp SENTAKU syugiin 0001分之129 12905120001018a html执政内阁Shinseito羽 羽田孜和小泽一郎,日本新党,公明党首冈田克 前原诚司,枝野幸男的DSP 自由 江田五月社会民主联盟,改革直noncabinet盟友管 鸠山由纪夫港未来党先驱新党协会 kokkai ndl go jp SENTAKU syugiin 129 0001 12905120001018a html Ruling party of the Haneda Cabinet Sinsei party Haneda 孜 Ichiro Ozawa Katuya Okada Komeito The Japanese new party Seizi Maehara and branch field Yukio Democratic Socialist Party Free party Social democracy combination Eda May tube Naoto Meeting of reformation Cooperation outside official building Ahead per seat new party Yukio Hatoyama New party seeing leprosy
            • 东史郎解散众议院不能从过去关心这些事情,但事情一英里 But the thing many angular arms of such former times swiftly from calling the House of Representatives dispersion margin
            • 这些人就是我读了94年的众议院分钟?瓦特的是,他们头米娜小泽的Nde我读了这个链接,鸠山由纪夫,冈田,我在做什么Ttaku回旋镖瓦特紫癜超大管: kokkai ndl go jp SENTAKU syugiin 129 0001 12905120001018a html And others it is dense the House of Representatives minutes of 94 years you probably read w However everyone this link it is long reading everyone Osawa Hatoyama Okada tube… The tsu you want and no oversize boomerang do and the ru it is are w ttp kokkai ndl go jp SENTAKU syugiin 129 0001 12905120001018a html

          • NULL O No F REPT l DREPT re REPT No REPT ─ ─ REPT ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ REPT ─ ─ ─ 92 ≡ REPT No 92 92 No No No No REPT No No 92 92
            • 601 1 §  ̄ ,! 601 One a ¯ DREPT ─ ─ re DREPT i Stopping deciding Is DREPT i ru i REPT re i gt REPT i REPT DREPT i ゙ HKRPT lt ni ni two ¯ REPT re ni 92 gt i 92 HKDRT gt lt i i DREPT i fi l i REPT REPT j HKRPT DREPT ゙ REPT UMLAT r REPT No r The Soviet DREPT 7 REPT

          • NULL TV tackle it is high the dust And so on with well known pop Hisashi Miyake 之 As for Miyake the Nishiyama reporter who discloses the truth of nuclear secret agreement problem Although the superior of belonging directly the assistant political editor being … Protection Nishiyama Removing the ladder you betrayed Outrageous jijii When with some days ago you write to the thread of somewhere the ID deep red people being present all the way … Nishiyama the spoon spoon talking source to the police by your Although you do to injury and blackmail on that The ro w where the one which you can protect is sugoi … Such it can protect it cannot boil it is
            • ★在做什么,是不是采取转让维塔真相的记者! ★三宅久之,是一种耻辱! ★做代言人一样载着你的权力尾棒的事情,我发现自己在镜子里,我娇 Even with doing what kind of thing taking truth the ro where those where it conveys are the journalist The Miyake Hisashi 之 knows the shame Shouldering the cat s paw of power advertisement man like thing doing being done care for you look ru by your with the mirror

          • Sun的程序中的3月10日人群9:00公理外事委员会9:00 ...卫生委员会的问题,群众受惠的孩子在我们开会的总理内阁委员会09:00众9:00公理教育委员会和科学12:40经济,贸易和工业委员会见10:00查看本次会议下午13:00 ... NHK综合预算委员会下午1时00分〜5:00看到13:00和官方发展有关的一次常会[174协助]国民议会特别委员会一般当然继电器93
            Deliberation relay March 10th Group of people 09: 00 Committee on Foreign Affairs Group of people 09: 00 Public welfare work commission … With prime minister attendance to child treatment question Group of people 09: 00 Cabinet commission Group of people 09: 00 Education scientific commission Group of people 12: 40 Economic industrial commission 310: 00 Plenary assembly 313: 00 Budget committee … NHK synthesis In the afternoon 1: 00 - In the afternoon 5: 00 313: 00 The special committee regarding official development assistance and the like <174th normal meeting> National Diet relay comprehensive [sure] 93

            • [初步]前原部长“汽油170日元粗略指导,引进环境税”↑这比真的吗?
              Maehara diplomatic relations phase “gasoline 170 Yen level with standard and environmental tax introduction” ↑ That compared to this truth?

              • “1994年5月太阳12日众议院程序的第18号众议院全体会议”5月12日,1994年“○羽田孜说:”秘密协议伊坎对尼克松的佐藤9691年,迷人的故事真相然而,“这是我来回答你,我们已经多次谁老年人画家,”事实与你的观点一样运输是我的秘密协定,没有Dearimasu gt 1994 May 12th House of Representatives minutes 18th number House of Representatives plenary assembly gt 1994 May 12th gt ○ Haneda 孜 Furthermore gt however it was truth circumstance question fish story of Sato Nixon secret agreement 1969 Though gt this already frequently me as the seniors have answered That gt the secret agreement as in indication was exchanged fact is not to be
                • 1994年众议院全体会议5月12日“”○羽田孜说:“迷人的故事,但我们的秘密承诺真理,尼克松佐藤伊坎九六九一年,这是我们的回答你,重申我们对其他长辈我们来找你啊,“事实与你的观点一样运输是我的秘密协定,没有Dearimasu 1994 May 12th House of Representatives plenary assembly gt gt ○ Haneda 孜 Furthermore gt however it was truth circumstance question fish story of Sato Nixon secret agreement 1969 though this already frequently me as the seniors have answered That gt the secret agreement as in indication was exchanged fact is not to be
                • “1994年众议院全体会议5月12日”“○羽田孜说:”迷人的故事,但我们的秘密承诺,尼克松佐藤伊坎9691年,这是我们谁重复了我们的其他长辈的真相画家来到我们答案,“事实与你的观点一样运输是我的秘密协定,没有Dearimasu gt 1994 May 12th House of Representatives plenary assembly gt gt ○ Haneda 孜 Furthermore gt however it was truth circumstance question fish story of Sato Nixon secret agreement 1969 though this already frequently me as the seniors have answered That gt the secret agreement as in indication was exchanged fact is not to be
                • “1994年众议院全体会议5月12日”“○羽田孜说:”迷人的故事,但我们的秘密承诺,尼克松佐藤伊坎9691年,这是我们谁重复了我们的其他长辈的真相画家来到我们答案,“事实与你的观点一样运输是我的秘密协定,没有Dearimasu gt 1994 May 12th House of Representatives plenary assembly gt gt ○ Haneda 孜 Furthermore gt however it was truth circumstance question fish story of Sato Nixon secret agreement 1969 though this already frequently me as the seniors have answered That gt the secret agreement as in indication was exchanged fact is not to be
                • “1994年众议院全体会议5月12日”(规划)“○羽田孜说:”迷人的故事,但我们的秘密承诺,尼克松佐藤伊坎九六九一年,现在是重复前辈的真相我们来回答我们的画家,“事实与你的观点一样运输是我的秘密协定,没有Dearimasu gt 1994 May 12th House of Representatives plenary assembly gt p gt ○ Haneda 孜 Furthermore gt however it was truth circumstance question fish story of Sato Nixon secret agreement 1969 though this already frequently me as the seniors have answered That gt the secret agreement as in indication was exchanged fact is not to be
                • 众议院程序第18,平成○1994年,羽田孜5月12日,但我们迷人的故事,尼克松曾秘密真相佐藤伊坎九千六百九十一年,这是我们谁重复了我们的其他长辈画家来到我们的回答,事实与你的观点一样运输是我的秘密协定,没有Dearimasu The House of Representatives minutes 18th number 1994 May 12th ○ Haneda 孜 Furthermore however it was truth circumstance question fish story of Sato Nixon secret agreement 1969 Though this already frequently me as the seniors have answered That the secret agreement as in indication was exchanged fact is not to be

              • ただ 朝鮮半島有事 の米軍出動 の 密約 が 失効 したとの 認識 が 示 され 、 韓国内 では 迅速 な 米軍展開 に 支障 が 生 じるのではないかと 懸念 する 声 も 出 ている
                Simply the Korean Peninsula emergency That secret agreement of the US military move lapsed, recognition is shown, inside Korea hindrance occurs in quick US military development That also the voice which you feel concern whether it is not, has come out

                • 井通过世世代代的论点是,如果此事总理从参数将是地狱,为什么不通过鸠山由纪夫,没有这样的调整将所有的鸠山由纪夫“Gimashita通过这些理由”已在Muhazu Generation after generation if it is the item which Prime Minister has taken over in even Hatoyama Is taken over therefore the expectation which such a thing it is not inspected the te Hatoyama “Such was taken over” the expectation which may be

                  • 什么军队也有点愚蠢持持核日本,它是人民的,我想使我们的外交政策上会 Japan we would like to have the nucleus is Also the troop having in that appearance we would like it to reach the point where it can do natural diplomacy is That is public opinion
                    • 如果它是一个神秘的秘密协议浪费在该国日本是一个体面的首位仁慈的力量 In the first place being the country whose Japan is honest if the yu u it does the troop it probably is secret agreement puzzle unnecessary

                  • 什么历届内阁,细川护熙,羽田孜,村山呢?或海士?先驱党或自由党,社会党这不是无关紧要
                    The successive Cabinet [tsu] [te], Hosokawa, Haneda, it is Murayama? Or Kaifu? Ahead per seat the free party, irrelevance there is no Japan Socialist Party

                    • 什么是回报只是摇摇过去,怎么办?最大的问题是在不久的未来表示担忧,该报告包括了秘密协议池美浓持土著人民反对核搬迁搬迁基地,充满感情,就是反对 With only looking back at the past how it does As for the largest problem which feels concern near future by secret agreement reporting of the nuclear bringing It means that opposite feeling of the transfer of facilities former people who oppose to base transfer of facilities is filled

                      • 什么是首相岸信介曾对自民党一个秘密〜首相宫泽喜一,长桥,谁曾知道小渊首相细川护熙,羽田孜,村山首相,安倍晋三,麻生太郎森不明,小泉纯一郎,福田
                        Secret agreement The prime minister who has known Liberal Democratic Party prime minister, bridge dragon and Kobuchi to bank - Miyazawa The prime minister who does not know Hosokawa, Haneda, Murayama, Abe and Aso Obscurity Forest, Koizumi, Fukuda

                        • 什么这个山谷。自民党和尊敬的金Kusareta我楼梯¾ ° ½ Ú ¯真正埋在一个E ³ Æ ° Ä ¸ ¯ Ó挪拉陈キ
                          This valley of what. [sure] which it buries with the honor and the Liberal Democratic Party man Say is exhausted As expected, don't you think? in [netsutouyonito] and others [kimotsu] �

                          • 介绍了自民党的序列草图将国士Netouyo思我们在一个垂直线的防御,描绘了一幅乐观的图片恩戴姬男子! ?出从盖南腌脱兎丰富,因为他们听到的和w How rejoicing in the forefront of tsu building national defense is thought that it stands the calling national loyal retainer netouyo ream which The Liberal Democratic Party conscription system introduction With hearing like the deviation from rabbit because you escaped w
                            • ,“汝亿邮一并考虑从广场,他在会谈中,我们也有思国士有很多他们说” “Because we ride in conference together you will think the national loyal retainer thinking of the extent that To be it is possible”

                          • 仍然在黑暗中“,以把握冲绳赔偿恢复秘密协议的证据全貌,先生在东京地方法院还西山相抗衡的目前的国家,在什么愤怒的专家和外交事务委员会的报告看到他的脸 Whole aspect even now is in the darkness” Evidence of the secret agreement which is related to Okinawa returning compensating expense the clamp Nishiyama which presently is disputed with the country at Tokyo district court showed the expression of anger to contents of the report by Ministry of Foreign Affairs and intellectual person commission
                            • 在与财政部合作,调查结果并不意味着没有充分披露在言辞和梅塔“ Cooperating with the financial affairs ministry unless whole aspect you elucidate there is no meaning of investigation” that tone of voice was strengthened

                          • 但在任何情况下,来此小时的这种那种高兴怎么办?更多信息,或与美国恢复关系,我来迫使我在这个方向 In any case nowadays putting out such something being delightful More the related recovery of America power is used in such direction

                            • 但它也导致了最后一次内阁的秘密资金,而且也作了一些秘密交涉的立场,若有,他们不能纳基亚Kasanai秀明是最好的第一次,甚至有如果我不能相信,如茹百分之其他谈判是不生气,我会 But also case of secretariat secret expense before this so therefore secret every negotiation which consists being the case that it is what In that case first most Mori there must be a thing which does not reveal that with thing If the partner who even that is not believed the kind of negotiation which divides such stomach is not possible that the trap which becomes

                              • 先知“民主政客可能大幅我是头十胜百分之超大飞去。 The prophecy person “oversize boomerang being divided the head or the chi the politician of the ru Democratic party is visible…
                                • 先知“可能大幅政客破了头,而回答超大飞去。 The prophecy person “oversize boomerang the bamboo grass tsu is way the politician who replies is visible in the head…

                              • 冈田离子圪台将是责任问题,并从美国自由民主免疫,现在的主要责任是Jiminga一郎小泽一郎,自民党强人进出袋,并呼吁家庭和设置Minsumo鸠山由纪是伊坎给我解决 Ion Okada probably would like to escape from current problem to a responsibility of our people but so circumstance Also Ichiro s Ozawa who was called the kingmaker in the Hatoyama family and our people responsibility is large In other words as for jiminga minsumo and set With oneself solution margin
                                • 我们并没有直到思加聪海士无论如何他们,即使他们听到一个好觉交谈小泽一郎海士操作Tteta goin瓦特是的,事情我花费时间和金钱,也非刈 How you know to about only se Kaifu therefore it is Kaifu If has worked story is heard in Ichiro Ozawa although it is good w so the ri ya which is done it spends time and the gold As for thing although it was not don t you think

                              • 冈田说,28日,但真正的,尽管许多议员说什么可能已经躺在我的民主,包括我在内,古暴力已过 28 As expected it is Okada it included by his to also the Democratic party and it was lie perhaps the Assemblyman Large number is past lie is disclosed in spite
                                • 哪些国家已作出了它的秘密进行?民主党曾秘密或没有?我请你愚蠢的秘密玫瑰达罗秘密协议 National how certain without having secret agreement As for the Democratic party there is no secret agreement The strictly confidential secret agreement rose inhaling the ro which is foolish

                              • 制备铭记四环素,即使是国王刺探秘密条约返击为什么这么晚?国家利益将不保存任何打开的暴力是什么?和什么时候成为民间社会的民主? Dig secret agreement after so long a time with something and apply doing it is the air which is taken even with the neck of the ogre Something it becomes national interest to disclose From democracy tsu te sometime it became the citizen group

                                • 前总理和外交部长,现在我听到柯达罗在一个男人田中真纪子外相田中真纪子,我不是民主党 Be able to hear in ro makiko where Tanaka makiko is in the prime minister and the foreign minister of successive foreign minister and is Now the Democratic party it was not it is dense
                                  • 前首相,外交大臣,没有他们的知识,“出了什么事” When successive prime minister and the foreign minister do not know “something even with problem”

                                • 区和继续这个政府的“重大自然灾害,”说文是如此激烈(ι Д`)Éμ° Ï ¯ Ä饘厕!
                                  When such an administration continues, “large natural disaster” may happen,… (Ι ' the д `) the no O my [ko] ゙ [tsuto] ゙!

                                  • 即使Manyufesuto只写Itenai达罗摆在我们面前谁写津市碰撞瓦特Mutokoronandayone什么?对吗? The ro w which even you only lie is written on maniyuhuesuto and is The tsu te the place where it thrusts it is what don t you think Don t you think
                                    • 428你刚才说,在与谎言是什么意思树桩,您希望自民党 428 How it did saying the Liberal Democratic Party finishing lie thing just is expressed in election speech the ro

                                  • 司法如果有什么凹凸,甚至透露这不是秘密,甚至一元基金
                                    If with what the rose doing justice, secret expense to 1 Yen unit publication margin

                                    • 同时,对在2006年冲绳回归代表的谈判,两个东西文学滚装吉野文六前外交部司长美国媒体一般一大堆了在1月(91秘密证词)
                                      On the one hand, even if with the person in charge in of reversion of Okinawa to Japan negotiation, the Yoshino Bunroku of former Ministry of Foreign Affairs American Bureau Chief who testified secret agreement to the media in February of 06 the [bu] it is the [ro] ill-smelling it is (91)

                                      • 四郎和40什么的,如果你有孵化瓦特之间莆田刺探年前的时间问题,你说的是什么字知识津市优先?这些家伙 When story of 40 years ago it digs and apply there is a spare time when it does Futenma s problem somehow margin and w Priority tsu te word knowing ru And others it is dense
                                        • 未来,它不会阻碍普天间之间的差异问题,我会更痛苦Shiku Also the Futenma problem in the future as for having a rough going you probably will not be wrong furthermore becomes painful don t you think probably will be

                                      • 因此,“柏青哥,帕奇是不是赌博,”那是傻子,从而阻塞逻辑和通讯真雁 Therefore “pachinko and pachisuro are not gamble” that and so on it means that the logic which you say and is foolish has gone unchallenged

                                        • 在任内吕海部俊树,前自由民主党领袖内阁名称(主)海部俊树冈田克也鸠山由纪夫小泽一郎(2)海部俊树冈田克也鸠山由纪夫小泽一郎(2打破如下)宫沢冈田克也鸠山由纪夫小泽一郎小泽一郎内阁Itirou鸠山由纪夫冈田克也宫泽内阁(改进)克也冈田,鸠山由纪夫一郎小泽,菅直人根,羽田内阁冈田克也冈田,鸠山由纪夫鸠山由纪夫小泽一郎一郎一郎,细川内阁←行宾果!直侃,鸠山由纪夫村山富市内阁内阁(改进)鸠山
                                          The Democratic party leader who connects name in the old our people Cabinet Kaifu Cabinet (primary) Ichiro Ozawa Yukio Hatoyama Katuya Okada Kaifu Cabinet (second) Ichiro Ozawa Yukio Hatoyama Katuya Okada Kaifu Cabinet (secondary reforming) Ichiro Ozawa Yukio Hatoyama Katuya Okada Miyazawa Cabinet Ichiro Ozawa Yukio Hatoyama Katuya Okada Miyazawa Cabinet (reforming) Ichiro Ozawa Yukio Hatoyama Katuya Okada Hosokawa Cabinet Ichiro Ozawa Yukio Hatoyama 菅 Naoto Katuya Okada The Haneda Cabinet Ichiro Ozawa Yukio Hatoyama 菅 Naoto Katuya Okada <- Side line bingo! Murayama Cabinet Yukio Hatoyama 菅 Naoto Murayama Cabinet (reforming) Yukio Hatoyama 菅 Naoto Hasimoto Cabinet (primary) Yukio Hatoyama 菅 Naoto Hasimoto Cabinet (second) Yukio Hatoyama 菅 Naoto Hasimoto Cabinet (secondary reforming) Yukio Hatoyama 菅 Naoto Kobuchi Cabinet (primary) Ichiro Ozawa 菅 Naoto Kobuchi Cabinet (primary reforming) Ichiro Ozawa 菅 Naoto Kobuchi Cabinet (secondary reforming) Ichiro Ozawa 菅 Naoto

                                          • 在正确的词组正确的东西,什么是什么之间的关系是必要的,他们应该是没有必要的支持自己的党的分别是不必要的,国会议员和内阁部长反对不能错误的决定,一定要承认这些人以及精细磨擦 As for with correct ones being correct with a certain matter by mistake being the mistake As for necessary thing necessity as for unnecessary thing unnecessary Unless in the same way those to be small you cannot recognize can judge the citizen the party which each one has supported vis a vis the Assemblyman and the Cabinet minister Be sure to mistake the road

                                            • 在营地谈政治犯在半岛北部,说:“纳尼追赶肢体你好吗?”“我们必须比南北语言Ttara穷人,我被逮捕,罪名是泄露国家机密伟”“直到学生的“”是什么意思?“”那么下一个岛屿两国之间的分歧时,你将是褒如果我泄露国家机密的欢呼很久以前,“什么是宪法纳尼652瓦特侵犯我? 676“这是平了日本的核过敏。古用得好,承诺或什么心理创伤 Conversation of political offense at the internment camp which is the north section of a certain peninsula “Your nani doing it was caught it is ” “North is poorer than south that when you said it was arrested with state secret leakage crime it is” “The national making a mistake shelf which is born…” “What ” If “the island country of next door the state secret which long ago has leaked is called repeatedly you are praised it is even ” 652 W where nani is violation of constitutional provisions what 676 gt The Japanese produces nuclear allergy full opening Utilizing this well that it received mental damage somehow detsuchi lifting With “responsible tsu te thing of Okada s present minister of state” kneeling on the ground you will make apologize before the citizen w As the neck of the ogre taken with the army of occupation posturing behaves in okara “also omae is the patsy with the party” With the rod tsu of love in order to teach that you say with the body it does ww

                                              • 孙科与电信和电子杂志,在减少业务中断,例如,我们看到24之间没有饥饿,并确定预算或尖端科学和技术在清晨新闻流动字幕的关系预算更换对不起
                                                For example replacing and the like the budget which with business classification it abolishes & reduces… Budget of leading technology decides with the subtitle news which flowed early morning at day tele 24 With you saw, if it is not good… relationship it is not, it is not completed

                                                • 它是什么,我深津字好,我想也许是对流行的上升或,外交,马塔马塔走了之后,我想我的确感到〜什么是有明显的失败 This tsu te talking to the proud ge however the ru that it will make opportunity of popularity surfacing thinking the ru however perhaps With respect to diplomacy it is the Akira kana failure … again and the tsu chi it waited the tsu te feeling

                                                  • 将不会挑起的错误的案件支点魔术在名护市土地购买苏您的意思是
                                                    Perhaps, doing, the error to demon to convert you instigate the case of side field old land purchase it is not in order probably will be

                                                    • 川岛播磨482海军和帝国,但请记住,什么是留在对船舶还积极名册 482 Harima of the imperial national navy has remembered that it remained on the roster as a warship of active service still but
                                                      • ,从美国海军战舰物种减少的现状,和未来的前景将不会附近兴建 From the present condition where the ship classifications battleship have atrophied almost there is no prospect that it is built even from now on

                                                    • 已安然渡过2000年的丑闻,正明教授加布穿孔在琉球,直到所有的文件和苏4亿美元,显示了瓦里肩膀代,美国以获得相关的几个秘密协议的正式文件
                                                      2000 incident already has weathered, the Ryukyu large our section governmental discernment the [be] [ma] you open and procuring the American document regarding, plural secret agreements such as the document where the professor shows the take-over of 4,000,000 dollar

                                                      • 废话或默许,甚至思是什么,我能得到这样亲爱的或其他非外交梳子?在这个媒体,我的朋友,“胡说八道”只是说说,或通过任何设备有关的问题,我是认真的驴子很可能有利于儿童 It is the ku and others well… tacit comprehension already well Such losing when diplomacy it can keep doing that with you think it is combining In addition when it comes with the mass communications ” it is such a ku and others well” in only you speak yaba so with maji child treatment related question everything through…
                                                        • 隐含的意思或某人,他们大或征茂花〜枕字的确认美国和它的兼容瓦特瓦特Desho没有津市缮 米眼睁睁看着出瓦特的结果Ppoku Tacit the pillow language is something in wide sense There is no either verification to America there is no either w correspondence w The tsu po ku which puts out the result you see and it repairs and with just the ru does yo w

                                                      • 座间甲wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww Netouyo违宪违反了宪法〜〜♪外国人票,而他们所说的话或违宪这个所谓的痛苦,并说他们看到国防部或www的位置是什么说他们Dabusuta质地良好Netouyo的白宫新闻万维网上的便利翻译当古选举在即,要报告此马马虎虎更多氖我从来没有给自民党表决 netouyo za well wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww Violation of constitutional provisions violation of constitutional provisions ♪ As for foreign carrot administration while unconstitutionality saying national defense saying concerning this The dubbing star texture e www whose of wa www netouyo whose excuse is ugly are convenient As for the mass communications when House of Councillors selection becomes close the wa which is wanted reporting this more This poll dies already absolutely in the Liberal Democratic Party

                                                        • 当时,“事实上,研究发现,古月的第一个深我的Ja氖”? “他们没有过去的管理知识,当然”或Jamai( ·ω· )?语言Jimingajiminga老将在责备的口气差Ijan奥马或在这种情况下瓦特“〜和他们过去的行政部门被称为Tteta丈夫!与自民党美图谎言!”这细川护熙羽田孜内阁,以“故意忽视” u003d三重三重え回旋镖将如何派拉瓦特? This time “investigating deeply don t you think the fact which is understood for the first time” “As for successive administration not knowing the proper” Will not or the Ω jimingajiminga as for saying in this case the large mistake it is with criticism oven forcing purport w Or “it is and and you know successive administration it is the husband The Liberal Democratic Party is the lie attachment ” With you say Hosokawa Haneda The Cabinet applies “was ignored the quibble refuse intention of boomerang transparent intend” w

                                                          • 当时,日本新生党领袖,内阁哈达(4月28日〜1994年6月30日,1994年),日本新生党后政党,公明党,日本新党,民社党,自由党,社会民主联盟的执政联盟,委员会改革党党魁noncabinet盟友,作为奖金港未来民主党,羽田孜,细川内阁昨(8月9日〜1993年4月28日,1994年)是第一代的120名外交大臣
                                                            At that time, with Sinsei party party chief, the Haneda Cabinet (1994 April 28th - 1994 June 30th) The coalition government by the political party below Ruling party Sinsei party, Komeito and the Japanese new party, Democratic Socialist Party and free party, meeting of social democracy combination and reformation Cooperation outside official building Ahead per seat new party, new party seeing leprosy In addition, as for the Haneda 孜, Hosokawa Cabinet immediately before (1993 August 9th - 1994 April 28th) with It was the foreign minister of 120th generation

                                                            • 我不是那个谁授权的代理人进入大选,或排Mappō唱照顾,分发颠覆文学被认为是由中国主导的,当然他们是在提请自民党利益鼻子坏
                                                              However the person whom it does not like the operative is recognized, the mysterious document is distributed with the House of Representatives selection, When it is controlled in China end method idea is advocated, [sure] whose are inconvenient to our people does not extend

                                                              • 我们的子女免税额?韩国是免费的学校?经济措施?而忽略了题目,我指望的人平井氖演示,使在未来选举中的民主党委员赞成
                                                                As for child treatment? As for the Korean school gratuitous conversion? As for countercyclical measures? Bending topic, in order with the following election in the Democratic party to become profitable, don't you think? score of the citizen it has done to make, -

                                                                • 我试图回避日本的产品,我尝试敌人间危境教育网络南特柯体面的赌注是否在日本核爆
                                                                  Seeing the Japanese product, the [re], does the Japanese nuclear weapon explode properly? How, don't you think? the hostile country which it tries betting how to be the [e] [wa

                                                                  • 日本的防卫三大严格无核原则组合鸠山由纪夫表示,与冈田Watta人Abaki秘密协议的最后
                                                                    Okada's secret agreement [a] with denuclearization three principle strict observance speech [konbo] of coming and Hatoyama It ended the Japanese national defense

                                                                    • 是唯一明确的事情,日本应该拥有核武器,如果美军现在从伊拉克撤军
                                                                      Now when the US military withdrew, Japan must be armed with nuclear weapons, just became decide

                                                                      • 是必要的,或不不只是三分钟无核原则刈是不现实的?
                                                                        In a word, as for denuclearization three principle did non realistic just understand without being?

                                                                        • 朝鲜劳动机关,否认秘密协议,美国的核武器是“欺骗”09年7月13日19时42分朝鲜劳动党机关报“10月13日工作文件”,它包括了一个秘密协议,有关双边核持志涉及报告说,日本政府“没有任何秘密协议,有关的说法,”欺诈“,并发布了评论,批评”
                                                                          The North Korean work party organ, as for the Japanese-American nuclear secret agreement denial “deception” 2009.7.13 19: 42 As for the North Korean Korean work party organ “work newspaper” on the 13th, between Japan and America Pertaining to reporting which we assume that there was the secret agreement regarding the nuclear bringing, The Japanese government “there is no secret agreement”, that concerning insisting “it is deception”, that The criticism which you criticize was published

                                                                          • 梅塔开始我的家伙的头发原料ü电子通东京小学4年的男子“大夫,你已经答应冈田Barashi到现在为止只选举前猪肉的学生理事会桶形秘密思,尚未 I am the 4th grade boy where the hair of chinko which it commutes to the small school inside capital starts growing “Teacher as for Okada just for popularity taking before the electing the student council Until now you think that secret it has done it is not good taking apart promise

                                                                            • 民主党 の 山岡賢次国対委員長 は国民生活 と 直接関係 のないことをやるわけにはいかないと 申 しております
                                                                              As for national anti- Chairman Kenji Yamaoka of the Democratic party We have said that national life it is not possible to do the fact that directly it does not have relationship,

                                                                              • 民主党 の 詐欺 や 犯罪行為 は 棚上 げで 過去 の 粗探 ししかしていないかつて 、 戦勝国 と 仕方無 く 交 わさせられた 密約 で 国民 が 何 か 損 をしたのか ?在民主党欺诈方式清单正在进行中,但我没有直接联系的差别与人的生活
                                                                                Fraud and crime behavior of the Democratic party only past faultfinding have done with shelving At one time, with the secret agreement which is not victorious country and manner and can make exchange something citizen losing? Manifest fraud of the Democratic party presently in progressive, connects directly to the life of the citizen not to be wrong, but it is

                                                                                • 潘朵拉的盒子,是说你打算导致反美的民主或导致这种民主,对其他民族压迫的崩溃成为右翼新纳粹和加速时,谈到这个情况有一天我会这一悲剧被认为是直接或间接向敌人民主党方面,以便其他人将加速 This is connected to the collapse of democracy It is connected to the anti American which democracy intends It is Pandora s box As for being able to say simply when every world becomes this kind of situation right wing conversion accelerates Neo it will become Nazis and oppression to other race probably will be accelerates The democracy which takes part other race then the enemy regarding Direct Even indirect Tragedy
                                                                                  • 自由的支持者两个议员,右翼亲边,但似乎是一个右翼圈子,了解现有 As for our people supporter of 2 easily being parent American right wing and established right wing the circular being understood shelf

                                                                                • 现在,你把红地毯,在高逸烟幕对人民,对我Deshoー你在做回哟!请继续关注! ! The a with koitsu eye saddle increase to do prosperously in the citizen solving to do what with the reverse side because with it has done it does the yo 乞 u expectation

                                                                                  • 皇马在日本Temashita建立核潜艇在美国第七舰队所属
                                                                                    To tell the truth, with the American seventh fleet post building the atomic submarine in Japan, it increased

                                                                                    • 知 らなかったのなら 、 自民党末期 の 総理大臣 が 知 っていたかどうかはなんとも 言 えないはずだ You did not know if is whether or not Prime Minister of the Liberal Democratic Party final period had known It is the expectation which cannot be said at all

                                                                                      • 秘密协议的38年 - 被剥夺了该国800或4转
                                                                                        It became direction conversion of 180 degree 38 annual secret agreement - for the country which is denied

                                                                                        • 细川内阁内阁28日羽田孜,村山内阁的Nde和公平,这并不奇怪,在不知情的情况内阁,因为没有任何证据表明,一项秘密协议转让的存在位置的官员说,外交部副部长村田先生的经验
                                                                                          28 As for the Haneda Cabinet along with Hosokawa Cabinet and the Murayama Cabinet, the Murata and others foreign-affairs vice minister experience people Therefore the Cabinet which testifies that existence of secret agreement was not conveyed, you do not know and wonder there is no either [te

                                                                                          • 维塔触发笑太多的不同,首次和人民,他们Keburi浮动瓦特白色民主党
                                                                                            The way of the making merry democracy 党員 and difference the way of the losing interest of the citizen being too extreme, w which can be laughed

                                                                                            • 而不是在309喜悦,因为我无法在无核三原则,直接看?瓦特
                                                                                              309 Whether the denuclearization three principle second look enters, therefore on the other hand there is no joy something? w

                                                                                              • 自民党嘿!为什么我不应该解决的医疗问题,如果邮政私有化计划的问题?解决安全和减少儿童的医疗问题,如果小泉的自民党邮政私有化计划( ,_`ゝ)踢¯
                                                                                                It is, the Liberal Democratic Party! If the postal services it commercializes, it solves annuity problem and medical problem it is without being? If the postal services it commercializes, the by Koizumi Liberal Democratic Party which annuity and medical problem and little child conversion and security is solved… ( ' _ & `) [hu] ゚ [tsu

                                                                                                • 蔡我希望他们所有的玫瑰和保密问题上升到国家间的安全,使有关这不是发生了什么知识四环素 So the rose we would like to do the secret item regarding the security between nations if is Entirely you have not known the rose it does and the chi ya obtains how becomes but
                                                                                                  • 如果我2001年定为一年,信息法,2000年的自由处置左右,我预测大量机密文件 In order to adjust to the Freedom of Information Act 2001 extending to approximately 2000 large quantity dealing of the ru secret document

                                                                                                • 西山,72年4月,国家公务员法(泄密 - 他们唆使下)被逮捕涉嫌
                                                                                                  April of 72, National Public Service Law violation (secret 漏 you obtained Nishiyama and - were and teaching 唆) were arrested with suspicion

                                                                                                  • 许多前自民党人们应该顺利冈田和小泽和鸠山由纪夫在天堂湿重湿重吐痰,他们不是傻瓜瓦特和前社会民主党声称,自民党旧宪法

                                                                                                    • 该评论还指出,国际原子能机构总干事当选,国际组织选择在维也纳之弥大使天野,该代表团是任命的,还强调,日本的核不扩散努力,说:“傲慢”,并批评
                                                                                                      In addition as for criticism, Amano where in next term executive office leader of IAEA is elected and is appointed 之 弥 The Vienna international organization mission ambassador, effort of the nuclear non- spread of Japan Concerning having emphasized “it is haughty”, that you criticized

                                                                                                      • 质量恶化不是多余的,医生,教师,律师,媒体,教师,医生,他们也发出正确的环节很多律师 Because it is not reformed excessively quality the wa ru ku the doctor the teacher and the attorney the mass communications asupe being many in the teacher the doctor and the attorney problem
                                                                                                        • 恶化的质量是不正确的多余的,医生,教师,律师,他们还发出多媒体 Because it is not reformed excessively quality the wa ru ku the doctor the teacher and the attorney the mass communications asupe being many in the teacher the doctor and the attorney problem

                                                                                                      • 这意味着三个“无核原则的表述”之前,谈论这件事?阅读它的人是“作为一个国家对无核三原则,以摧毁一个秘密协定”,我不是说在E?基督教的E ² Û谁有E
                                                                                                        In other words this case is story what of statement “in the past” of denuclearization three principle? Depending upon the reading way that “as the country you cannot say you stated denuclearization three principle in order to cancel secret agreement” it is kana? Teaching, the [eroi] person

                                                                                                        • 这是对靖国神社的访问,在自己的思想通,推动总理的是,我失去了很国家利益。“”5名被绑架和政府需要梅鲁不能确定朝鲜重返谁不是“本地人”是不是从十点零亿日元节省,这是另一个“,”国歌“基米一代好”是不恰当的感到不舒服,因为民主 The prime minister pushing through the thought of the self doing Yasukuni worshipping has impaired national interest very” Unless � “kidnapping victim 5 is returned to North Korea it is not necessary for government to decide” Because the people of � “district cannot save either 10 000 000 Yen it is to call is separately” Because” � “national anthem as for you generation” is not suitable in democracy nation strange feeling is felt
                                                                                                          • 我觉得应该有民主国歌“酌情”因为单位制备慈济百分之九十,是一部讽刺历史的想法是不是“”如果日本首相改变什么是吉尔相信,持 Suitable national anthem may be in democracy nation it is it isn t ” Because the � “nine percentage one unit is taken it isn t not to mean 詐 to name personal history ” If � “by his becomes the prime minister it has the conviction that it can change Japan

                                                                                                        • 这是自作自受击中超大四环素鸠山菅冈田小泽了他的回旋不六个月卡诺冈田鸠山内阁级辞职
                                                                                                          As for this there is no boomerang of Hatoyama Cabinet general resignation level? Okada catching, half year was made the oversize boomerang which in Hatoyama [ozawa] 菅 Okada direct bomb hit

                                                                                                          • 逃税将在port m也希望美国军舰确定我等待和核子武装° Î ¼ Î ¯ ° ¶ ¯ ° × Å栏目我将如何复制苏瓦特
                                                                                                            The nucleus it has equipped being decided, the [ru] US military warship in the future entering port The intention combining w which tax evasion we would like to see, as for [ho] ゚ [tsuho] ゚ with [shiranakatsuta] we pass

                                                                                                            • 那我是418!猜猜这个家伙是展示池栗科↓↓↓分拣暴露和商业秘密的停滞民普选前?,预计在E举行Chinge↓ 418 It is it is don t you think Being conspicuous gesu guy of ri house minsu of ↓ ↓ ↓ popularity hovering before the electing secret disclosure and business categorization It is the being visible being visible ↓ chinge
                                                                                                              • 由分拣好这样凯希你做生意!可排序的业务!让特优捡垃圾小时! Because such it is good business it will categorize Business categorization The zu the tsu categorizing the way the ze

                                                                                                            • 长期与一国对另一国的日本,是两国国家关系的唯一问题,不会等到经济
                                                                                                              When the Japanese anti- foreign country as for relationship with a certain country With just problem in bilateral stops being completed

                                                                                                              • 零点新闻的消息,例如昨天,在病房,前首相岸信介,首相铃木善之麻生Hazime前总理,前首相安倍晋三,名称中使用的图片,羽田先生锤志狙他们及其亲属和麻生太郎和安倍瓒是?小泽一郎是自民党干事长?鸠山的家庭? For example with this news news zero of yesterday as for the image which was used bank former prime minister former Prime Minister Yosiyuki Suzuki Former Prime Minister Aso 4 names of former Prime Minister Abe in other words Aso and Abe properly the relatives sharpshooting As for Haneda As for Ozawa who is the Secretary General of our people As for Hatoyama whole group
                                                                                                                • 但是,前自由党总理谁现在是在一种情况,即承认我是不是偷偷摸摸的,我一件好事吗?我有其他事情要隐瞒什么? Now there is a circumstance which is recognized being However it is to be good Former prime ministers of our people kosokoso have done what combining All the way there is a secret to in addition to kana

                                                                                                              • 韩国人自我放纵,在总理站之一,占据韩国
                                                                                                                The Koreans we would like to be popular, at will with, first-class area before the station was occupied in the Korean

                                                                                                                • 马铃薯是拾↓“羽田内阁”总理 羽田孜(高级顾问民主党)财政部部长 藤井裕久(高级顾问,民主党,山内,原鸽。财政部长)司法部部长 中井洽(民社党民主党前副总统)卫生部长 大内。吴邦国(前民主党主席社会党),民政事务总署,国家公安委员会部长 石井(董事,民主运动委员会),贸易和工业部长 羽田孜Eizirou(前民主党副总裁),国防部长拉姆斯 神田笃(民主来源。处罚主席)主席先驱新党 鸠山由纪夫(民主党领袖,总理 They are picking up ones but the ↓ “The Haneda Cabinet” Prime Minister Haneda 孜 the Democratic party Supreme Advisor Minister of Finance Yasuhisa Fujii the Democratic party party Supreme Advisor inside original Hatoyama Financial affairs minister of state Minister of Justice Nakai 洽 original Democratic Socialist Party Democratic party secondary representation Minister of Health and Welfare Ouchi File Chairman original Democratic Socialist Party Minister of Home Affairs and National Public Safety Commission chairman Ishii one Democratic party election measure chairman Commerce industrial minister of state Field Eizirou original Democratic party secondary representation Director General of Defense Agency Kanda thick original democracy Punishment chairman Representative manager ahead per seat new party Yukio Hatoyama the Democratic party representation Prime Minister Rising party party chief Ichiro Ozawa Democratic party Secretary General the Democratic party original representation Rising party Assemblyman Katuya Okada Cabinet Minister of Foreign Affairs the Democratic party original representation and Hatoyama 129th time “Denuclearization three principle in the National Diet plenary assembly as for this proper thing Though and others me the notion that where it keeps firmly maintaining the reply regarding clearly 1994 May 12th Thursday the chairman Doi it is high the child ○ Murayama wealth city you 1969 November on back of the joint communique after the Sato Nixon conversing “In case of emergency Japan recognizes the nuclear bringing to Okinawa in fact” has signed to the secret agreement that the fact which Recently it was disclosed by the special representative of Prime Minister Sato of that time
                                                                                                                  • “我还包括未经辩论,非。 s的四项原则”已被嘲笑为中川的gonna我也泉下熙 “Not to argue including fault They are four principles” that you had bantered also Nakagawa under the spring rejoicing it probably is the ru
                                                                                                                  • “无核三原则,这是当然,我们需要优质的产品和对什么是公平思清楚,我们也将坚持 Though gt and denuclearization three principle as for this proper thing me we would like to say that clearly it keeps firmly maintaining
                                                                                                                  • “无核三原则,这是当然,我们需要优质的产品和对什么是公平思清楚,我们也将坚持 Though gt and denuclearization three principle as for this proper thing me we would like to say that clearly it keeps firmly maintaining
                                                                                                                  • “无核三原则,这是当然,我们需要优质的产品和对什么是公平思清楚,我们也将坚持 Though gt and denuclearization three principle as for this proper thing me we would like to say that clearly it keeps firmly maintaining
                                                                                                                  • “无核三原则,这是当然,我们需要优质的产品和对什么是公平思清楚,我们也将坚持 Though gt and denuclearization three principle as for this proper thing me we would like to say that clearly it keeps firmly maintaining
                                                                                                                  • “无核三原则,这是当然,我们需要优质的产品和对什么是公平思清楚,我们也将坚持 Though gt and denuclearization three principle as for this proper thing me we would like to say that clearly it keeps firmly maintaining
                                                                                                                  • “无核三原则,这是当然,我们需要优质的产品和对什么是公平思清楚,我们也将坚持 Though gt and denuclearization three principle as for this proper thing me we would like to say that clearly it keeps firmly maintaining
                                                                                                                  • “无核三原则,这是当然,我们需要优质的产品和对什么是公平思清楚,我们也将坚持 Though gt and denuclearization three principle as for this proper thing me we would like to say that clearly it keeps firmly maintaining
                                                                                                                  • “无核三原则,这是当然,我们需要优质的产品和对什么是公平思清楚,我们也将坚持 Though gt and denuclearization three principle as for this proper thing me we would like to say that clearly it keeps firmly maintaining
                                                                                                                  • “无核三原则,这是当然,我们需要优质的产品和对什么是公平思清楚,我们也将坚持 Though gt and denuclearization three principle as for this proper thing me we would like to say that clearly it keeps firmly maintaining
                                                                                                                  • 三无核武器的原则,其中,当然,我们希望优质的产品和对什么是公平思清楚,我们也将坚持 Though and denuclearization three principle as for this proper thing me we would like to say that clearly it keeps firmly maintaining
                                                                                                                  • 及“三无核武器原则”,这是当然,我们希望优质的产品和对什么是公平思清楚,我们也将坚持 And “denuclearization three principle” as for this proper thing Though me we would like to say that clearly it keeps firmly maintaining
                                                                                                                  • 和无核三原则,当然,我们希望优质的产品和对什么是公平思清楚,我们也将坚持 Though and denuclearization three principle as for this proper thing me we would like to say that clearly it keeps firmly maintaining
                                                                                                                  • 嗯,“无核三原则”,我相信我们可以加强墙“秘密协议”将要抛出加强代理转向戈,加强在现实球的代理人,在进入津市墙体裂缝对,“首相羽田孜Hazime”或者说我的传入损害我可以飞通过自己的碎片,但是从一分钟我身体不舒服,而不是盲目的民主党人至今是什么呢?正常情况下应该做的目的,是至今没有不能做这种愚蠢的 Believing that the u the mu the wall “denuclearization three principle” can be reinforced it was the intention of throwing the reinforcer “secret agreement” but As for the reinforcer to tell the truth with iron sphere after the crack appears to the wall “Haneda former prime minister” flying to the fragment by your The notion that where… the damage was received We you do not understand well but it is with something in the Democratic party tsu lever frame manuke reason Normally if intend it is not the ro which manuke thing it is not possible to here and is
                                                                                                                  • 定位表,我是真正重要的是什么Tatemae无核三原则,守如果我不说什么什么护,只会后Gudaguda Although tatemae that was important protects the public and denuclearization three principle To tell the truth it has not protected being when it does and keeps passing then it just becomes gudaguda probably
                                                                                                                  • 对我们来说,最重要的问题“无核三原则”,或采取“日美安全”,或采取进基鲁 For the citizen as for the most important problem You take “denuclearization three principle” or take “Japan U S Security Arrangements” It runs out

                                                                                                                • ヲザー 「 非核 3 ルール って 誰 がつくったの 知 らないんだろ 、 君 は 。法律 で 決 まっているわけでも 何 でもないでしょ 、 んなもの 。 君 は 日本国憲法 を 読 んでるかね 粪便?“ wosa ゙ “Denuclearization 3 rule tsu te someone made You do not know it is the ro which is as for you Even when being the case that it has been decided with law without being whatever it does and the yo is the thing As for you reading the Japan constitution the ru combining Droppings ”

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