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  • 2通道,而不是他们的家伙,我不明白,即使在公司高层人事部门,奈伊生姜的事
    Instead of the people of 2ch, in even the Personnel Div. of first-rate enterprise therefore thing what which you cannot understand, [shiyouganai

    • 708ゆとり 教育 による 学力低下 の 上流層 czcV1Rlf0 の 経歴日本 の 三流大学院 に 五年間在籍 し 、日本人 が アメリカ の 超一流大学院 に 留学 しても 授業 に 付 いて 行 けない ケース が 多 いそうですね 708 Personal history of high level layer czcV1Rlf0 of the scholastic ability decrease due to elbowroom education Five years it is on the register in three flow graduate schools of Japan The Japanese studying abroad in the super first rate graduate school of America the case which cannot be accompanied in class is many don t you think so is
      • CzcV1Rlf0日本的上层阶级和小规模的研究生招生五年在日本的职业生涯,现在33岁 Personal history of the high level layer czcV1Rlf0 of Japan Five years to be on the register in three flow graduate schools of Japan presently 33 years old

    • czcV1Rlf0电子搬Ø Fuitamaji在上午疼痛,并希望把少了一个日子─
      In the elite [tsu] [pu] [ri] of czcV1Rlf0 [huitamaji] So 1 Japanese-Chinese less attaching from morning and, [ru] w

      • Huzii清隆知名品牌,总裁兼首席执行官路易斯是Vitonjapankanpanipurejidento
        Fujii Kiyoshi filial piety That famous brand, it was Louis [vuitonjiyapankanpanipurejidento] & CEO

        • NULL The tsu te you say or reading this article overseas studying abroad how without needing separately because it does wwwwww How saying the ru people cannot look at the thing ahead 5 years 10 year it is probably will be The people who spread Japan keeping decreasing international influence keeping decreasing Japan just keeps becoming weak 5 10 year tip excellent international group 5 10 years the talent is well in Japan and says and means especially When it is good being Japan it reaches the point where ahead overseas studying abroad group is favorably treated forever absolutely from this current Korean China likely Therefore inevitably little by little it probably will keep increasing but The especially line tsu the one which is solved is absolute profit from now on
          • 未来5 10年,我也感到一个人谁害怕津市永远说,他们或者说我在日本的好将是一个良好的国际学校人员 Ahead 5 10 years excellent international group the talent is from now on and says and means especially When it is good being Japan speaking forever it is the ru people crisis atmosphere it passes

        • Pugya━━━≡≡≡≡≡⊂`⌒m9 ^Д^)⊃“高道德教育≠”这甚至不理解!
          [pugiya] ━ ━ ━ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ⊂ `⌒ m9 ^ д ^) ⊃ “high educational background ≠ high moral” understanding margin! ! ! ! !

          • “编号:czcV1Rlf0横枪邪恶,但他们,而且他们很少在正常雇主评价包括哪些世界大学排名
            > ID: czcV1Rlf0 However it is bad with interruption, the worldwide university ranking [tsu] [te] also the appraisal from the employment main thing being included normally, the [ru

            • “编号:钙+ xkF / T0代前从我们这里不打紧,到这里来茹
              > ID: cA + xkF/T0 Therefore in you the story which is not relationship, it comes here

              • ■“大学入学:Kyousandai,在物理,益川在申请人有效增加署为2.4次/京都”(每日日)的年度京都产业大(北区)09一般认(早日)申请人数最近这是10年来,主要是26日在该大学的总分钟刈
                * “University admission examination: With capital product large, benefit river effect applicant increase As for Department of Physics 2. 4 times /Kyoto” (everyday jp) The Kyoto industrial large (north Ku) 09 general admission examination (prior-term schedule) the number of applicants being 10 years recently On the 26th, it understood with totaling the same university that it had become most numerous,

                • 不,不,205踢瓦特的韩国留学生人数有负面谁踢消极是如此有趣,我别无选择,只能看一个人?在最新的日本韩国古环境脱节,但上层的东西,越来越多的外籍家庭折扣Kikomori 205 As for well well being defeated to the w Chinese at the number of foreign students however it is helpless To be defeated to the South Korean it is strange the person seeing numerically but it is But in other words as for the Korean upper layer the environment which keeps coming out steadily overseas The Japanese higher rank the domestic pulling being confined
                  • 根据大学,研究生本科生人数,如果合并的国家,日本的1999 2000财政年度的151人,下降09至10年度的101 According to the same university at the number of foreign students classified by country who adjust the university departments and graduate schools as for Japan in 1999 2000 They were 151 people but 09 it decreased to 101 in 10

                • 东西,加州大学洛杉矶分校毕业是一个形象Yakuchaninatte樋口例如,说一句话一些“公仆”什么感觉 Something as for the image of UCLA soldier finishing becoming the gu chi ya oral ya If something you expressed in one word it was” the servant” tsu te feeling
                  • 只有这样,美国哈佛大学毕业的!除了品牌,嘿我不知道究竟是什么好 Very that Harvard soldier finishing With other than the brand which is said something is good concretely don t you think it is probably will be the e

                • 中国和资本主义国家将成为世界第二大经济体今年,在日本同类Sun和继续动摇社会主义国家预算志

                  • 中国,台湾是368啊,是的,敌对的国家瓦特日本人民Mitara台湾,有一次我认为这是好事,他们很熟悉,已成为日本的一部分,往往甚至什么时候,即使在所有台湾的日本老人,她的美丽,而不是使用我们的完美日语日语 368 Don t you think as for sled ya Taiwan and China it is hostility country it is w When you see from the Japanese the Taiwan person thinks that familiarity is good One time there is a tendency which has become the Japanese portion is always and Whatever saying as for the Taiwan senior citizen Japanese is perfect On the other hand cleaner Japanese than our Japanese using the ru
                    • 使用英语Ttara奇怪,皮疹!到达罗还是愚蠢?韩国学生有类似趋势,扎实的英语能力,因为我等待的时间不会演变韩国 When English you use strangely the rash The ro which it makes foolish and is There to be a tendency where also the foreign student of the South Korean is similar because always becomes firm with the South Korean English ability does not evolve

                  • 也增加了韩国日本学生,如果你付,所以我觉得我已经来筋合是什么说土豆是没有学生,哈佛大学,因为一个强日元趋势的赌注,如果日元原始力量看起来脾气好,而且也来研究曲轴,我想我从可疑思来津 The student of China and South Korea increasing from the Japanese if it pays with that Harvard how like this Shortage so the air does also the reason which it comes saying but because certainly it is powerful increase in yen value tendency If originally steadily you have studied abroad by power of increase in yen value although even appealing is because it does not come Thinking doubtfully whether the ru it is it is not that
                    • 增加甚至高于日本和韩国,如果你付,所以我觉得我已经来筋合是什么都没有说土豆是哈佛学生,因此,日元坚挺的趋势赌注,如果日元原始力量看起来脾气好,而且也来研究曲轴,我想我从可疑思来津 China and South Korea increasing from the Japanese if it pays with that Harvard how like this Shortage so the air does also the reason which it comes saying but because certainly it is powerful increase in yen value tendency If originally steadily you have studied abroad by power of increase in yen value although even appealing is because it does not come Thinking doubtfully whether the ru it is it is not that

                  • 亲美在英的积累,美国经验主义,上升Kudarou的经济学,大阪,和经济,一桥大学和长期符合长远的立场部部在日本京都法学院
                    Even in the Japanese country The parent United States, the Kyoto University method department, Osaka University department of economics and one bridge large department of economics which is accumulation of empiricism of English and type And so on position probably will keep rising in the long term

                    • 什么是国家的女孩,但在这样的布阿瓒“缠扰女人”和Nonoshitsu并获得优质的产品和定制对布阿缠扰瓒 With something as for the countryside daughter although it is such a woman “The stoker” abusing that boy it makes clothes that boy in the stoker
                      • 什么是在我这样做蠢事乡下姑娘? “→显然,乡下姑娘这只是简单布阿瓒名称 The countryside daughter does such a foolish thing with something it is ” gt Somehow the countryside daughter is the boy the name te just is simply

                    • 从国外的学生“获得了”多知识刈就像一个大球,并回答老师是“将他移交维塔,这对”阿须答辩战斗 As for the pupil “in order to obtain the knowledge from the foreign country ” answering that was many but as for that teacher “In order for you to convey your own thing and is in order to quarrel ” that you answered
                      • “为什么不反驳,为什么?”的信息与本地学生的困境,“打不好,超过Shiku方便我们的学校”,它是响应,纷纷 “Why not refuting ” With it was asked to the student of the locale but “quarrel we are poor we would like to pass pleasantly in the school” You say that with it was earnest to reply

                    • 他们可能不会进入头脑,肌肉的玉苏溃它丰富的活力踏坏的女孩变成丰富的葛 When there are times when it does not like the woman escapes from the muscular rich person who destroys the defective gold ball and turns
                      • 他们可能不会进入头脑,肌肉的玉苏溃它丰富的活力踏坏的女孩变成丰富的葛 When there are times when it does not like the woman escapes from the muscular rich person who destroys the defective gold ball and turns
                      • 他们可能不会进入头脑,肌肉的玉苏溃它丰富的活力踏坏的女孩变成丰富的葛 When there are times when it does not like the woman escapes from the muscular rich person who destroys the defective gold ball and turns

                    • 但我有684毕业,近10%,因为我们有各种各样的言论和我是什么思,这是我自己的,但它们是一个单一的家伙梅鲁也有许多积极的原因,分歧四环素讲话保持了古听到的情况,您是一个非常糟糕成绩 684 But I am the graduate school 10 keeps stopping generally But the reason various the person who stops in the positive reason that it was different from the fact that you think that by your you would like to do it is many Simply record being bad the case that excessively hearing kana it is not good being attached
                      • 所以,现在,而不是研究生院,请你本科生!他说,要求意味着我们的达是 Therefore now student to department please not be the graduate school come With their requests which are said hit the meaning of being

                    • 但是我回到竞争池持你在这里学到的东西!思頑張什么什么什么,什么是由于北罗在后三爱,所以我在有智出学习, But As for we carrying back the fact that it studied here you have a match it is The tsu te thinking persevering When it returned with that studying in inside without putting out
                      • 但是我回到竞争池持你在这里学到的东西!思頑張什么什么什么,什么是由于北罗在后三爱,所以我在有智出学习, But As for we carrying back the fact that it studied here you have a match it is The tsu te thinking persevering When it returned with that studying in inside without putting out
                      • 但是我回到竞争池持你在这里学到的东西!思頑張什么什么什么,什么是由于北罗在后三爱,所以我在有智出学习, But As for we carrying back the fact that it studied here you have a match it is The tsu te thinking persevering When it returned with that studying in inside without putting out

                    • 但是,当在日经指数公司的管理是研究,例如通用电气公司的总裁和“噢!我ー我们,什么时候该* * * * *这是你的哟
                      Simply, studying abroad, the occasion where it becomes ordinary staff of Nikkei enterprise, for example CEO of GE “-! Don't you think? [me] -, that time * * whether - -

                      • 余Arujan 199197在相对丰富的学院奖学金,对不对?凡大学,你在谈论的奖学金吗?在22岁至30岁的精英,它丢弃帧的雇员和公务员,假名Bitsukeruhodono飞行奖学金吗?他说,过去的一年,而1000年,他们采取了传入亿美元的资金很快,但我在学校读书毕业 199 197 If so institute relatively there is an abundant scholarship it is It is Story kana of some scholarship of the university of somewhere Until the elites of 22 year old 30 years old throwing away the framework of the employee and the government employee Scholarship kana of the extent which it can jump Past they while year receiving the be close to gold 10 000 000 are to study at the graduate school

                        • 你捐这么多以灵活和古塞里Reri结束再进数亿元,除非侵犯的程度将是愚蠢的制备
                          When about several hundred million it contributes, already reach the [ri] exhaust that the [ri] in correspondence, If it is not the considerable fool, you probably will take degree

                          • 写这样的妇女在糟糕的一天圆圈坐在静坐将铁,即使没有杠杆或差分 Such women stay down in the defective wheel remain with will of the iron do not move even with the lever
                            • 写这样的妇女在糟糕的一天圆圈坐在静坐将铁,即使没有杠杆或差分 Such women stay down in the defective wheel remain with will of the iron do not move even with the lever

                          • 准备产业,准备产业,“3月是没有根据的大学,”我们似乎是说,也是就业的项目表似乎比3月减少爆破子弹 In preparatory school industry in preparatory school industry “under MARCH there is no university” in order it puts out The under of MARCH seems that is the times when it is repelled even with the enterprise adoption entry seat
                            • 经过四环素的知识产业,研究所,“3月是没有根据的大学,”我们的意思和 You knew afterwards but in preparatory school industry “under MARCH there is no university” that it is said
                            • 经过四环素的知识产业,研究所,“3月是没有根据的大学,”我们的意思和 You knew afterwards but in preparatory school industry “under MARCH there is no university” that it is said
                            • 经过四环素的知识产业,研究所,“3月是没有根据的大学,”我们的意思和 You knew afterwards but in preparatory school industry “under MARCH there is no university” that it is said
                            • 经过四环素的知识产业,研究所,“3月是没有根据的大学,”我们的意思和 You knew afterwards but in preparatory school industry “under MARCH there is no university” that it is said
                            • 经过四环素的知识产业,研究所,“3月是没有根据的大学,”我们的意思和 You knew afterwards but in preparatory school industry “under MARCH there is no university” that it is said

                          • 区还暗国家的未来,它会出现在个人层面上,一切都落入他们手中的古说,安全,而不是他们是否真的好?是啊我的想法是什么区别?什么不同的时期来,我听到我们面前的畸型的四环素回日本的意见 If as for future of the country being dark you see at private level it enters into the hand cheaply with anything and It is good there is no even public order truly Will we thought probably be different The varieties turning the wa where we would like to inquire about your opinion which returns to Japan

                            • 发情因为我流连,而在内部器官的区别写一个坏家伙,粗(ALA)将覆盖
                              Because while defective [chinko] is inserted in the internal organs it is the estrus which [urouro] is done, roughly ([ara]) it becomes being lazy

                              • 因此,经济和政治,体育,文化等领域,也可能有许多水平低 Depending politics and economy and industry and culture and sport level has decreased entirely

                                • 国家大学水平高解礼,良好的故障,他们DesutsuД 记事ü p是什么意图的主要区别,在古意的结果,在该国好大学不 If level of the university of the home country is high that huoru it is good is д As both sides of the obtaining obtaining and the coin happened the fault that the merit and the globalization which prevent the outflow of the talent of the home country are late Different from the intention of the article u p main thing in the result which sighs the fact that there is no university which is good to the home country

                                  • 在妇女和妇女谁欺骗,搭便车的国家,教授穆放日穷人的性生活费用,以研究生院寄生没有考试中有一位妇女谁欺骗,但该国的农村妇女,直接“ ○乳头岛马,“他没有提供一种说教或坏 Deceiving the woman of the countryman the defectiveness where where it rides simply and has sex and lives upon to the cost of living of the woman Deceiving the woman of the countryman the professor whom you throw to the graduate school with non test it enters but Directly as for the defectiveness and the professor who do “ ma ○ ko nipple” preachment it is not to the women of the countryman
                                    • 您没有茂木丸卡兹取决于能力,或从一个国家的教育投资,我茂木丸卡兹如何确定中央和地方政府或寄生虫,或研究頑張什么,你会愚蠢的白痴Shiku The income is decided in ability it is not to be the te How it lives upon to the country and the self governing community therefore national what where the income is decided You educate invest when persevering it studies when It becomes ridiculous

                                  • 在现实中,有可能遇到的游离和双极性人格障碍症,正确地诊断和处理病人,状态很困难
                                    Encounter with the patient of dissociation characteristic personality obstacle and bipolar neurosis even in actuality Can be, but it diagnoses just and copes, in present condition it is difficult

                                    • 士兵中唯一的一首诗是百分之文的朋友,这些年来推出的,所有的士兵,在朝鲜Biruyouninatta叶德娴
                                      The American soldier causing only the companion crack, unnoticed, the American soldier reached the point where you flatter to everyone and the North Korean authorities

                                      • 大学及农村妇女的行动也墨付学部(您的签名从妇女出该国方),尝试产生放心孩子部门负责人,而通奸行为 Subject head professor meeting of the university the ink attaching the male you see in conduct of the countryside woman and to be attached put out Therefore friend of the countryside woman while it is the conduct feeling at rest the child of immorality childbirth everyone occasion

                                        • 如何化解,生活在日本与安宁,他们提出,铁路官员希望医生或全职或企业级,地位和收入风险Pafo医生“,”公务员“我会企业职工
                                          The peace to live in Japan, you say that you should have become the first-rate big business regular member or the government employee or the doctor, The rail doing, as for risk and position earnings [pahuo] the doctor > > the government employee > the big business employee Don't you think? empty

                                          • 如果你不希望这样一个讨厌的经验,没有偏离或50行,以更好地私立大学生物 If such ear we would not like to experience the one which does not go to the private bio university of deviation value 50 is better
                                            • 如果你不希望这样一个讨厌的经验,没有偏离或50行,以更好地私立大学生物 If such ear we would not like to experience the one which does not go to the private bio university of deviation value 50 is better

                                          • 宇航员,总统和亚洲的首枚金牌加州大学盘,赢得了广告牌的货品销售经被拆年
                                            Astronaut, the California large chancellor and the Asian human first gold disk, Building board conquest and year best sales selling Nikkei

                                            • 小泉的政策竹中平藏在世界就像一个中间路线,一个傻瓜文狂热的声音,很多人会回到从前社会主义
                                              Koizumi Takenaka policy like worldwide even on the moderate route, Voice of the foolish people that happens large number reset to the original socialism,

                                              • 我可以研究什么,我想在日本学习的地方瓦特良好的摆动翅膀,我推出降低研发成本
                                                It can research something in the country, w Although it is the [ri] which the research expenditure it shaves and sows Being influence is good, we would like to research, don't you think?

                                                • 我无法想象一个小522 Ja瓦特大学的学术背景,不是我或者你想要做的与设备的缺乏或没有弗兰克放心!什么是前缀,但他们还有其他的国民,以及一些公司Gurikonderuyatsutokamoita学院(或神秘,为何从脱亚输入)勉强这仍然是在实验室和设备余达 522 Academic clique we the university which is the just a little imagination it is not attached w Doing freely and easily Frank you feel It cannot insufficiency of the equipment and material with like to do As for tsu te however it was And just the register putting in other things the gu ri densely it is with the ru person and the lintel it is in the laboratory of certain enterprise Whether you inserted with something still puzzle After all because this the equipment and material was not in the laboratory however was helplessly …
                                                  • )之后,您经治疗后已缠扰井袋来自教授叩不好,将是属于实验室的旋钮 After that you from the defectiveness and the professor with stoker treatment make the sack hitting are thrown out from the post laboratory

                                                • 或者他们到球员,我们不得不说,医药(笑)让瓦特或医疗是的最重要的是参与国际竞争,使你说啊Terya喜欢的位置,在日本最高的山峰,集体决定,我失去 That when you say and others it is dense enters somewhere the medical department laughing and kana it is the ze w which is But as for sled ya medical science important matter brain of the Japanese highest peak such is dense with the group the tsu Saying with ri ya sled ya international competition the trap which is defeated

                                                  • 排舞两个日本硫黄岛和冲绳对不合理或小,因为没有长远的资源
                                                    Therefore as for Japan the small country which is not the resource long war the excessiveness Repetition of sulphur island and Okinawa line

                                                    • 政治利益的建设者,反税,粘连,或不可能性城市,50个大学偏差如何对科学的是,他们嗅觉
                                                      Political builder right, tax measure, adhesion and unreasonable town reviving, The deviation value 50 science university does that smell

                                                      • 方式。 。 。谁曾在德国学习半个世纪前的人,“德国人正在看每一个日本人欣赏移动
                                                        By the way. Half a century before studies abroad already in Germany the person who “German admires looking at the every movement of the Japanese,

                                                        • 日本是108一年前应征入伍南特瓦特也许,但你的家乡在征兵
                                                          108 Don't you think? conscription system how in Japan, it is, w As for your native country conscription system causing brick

                                                          • 是件好事,他们也感到羞耻是穷人的英语在精神Kezu更有利研究,积极而不是理论件, Also it is good to be ashamed of the fact that we are poor English but it does not tidy up that with spiritual theory on the other hand the one which is dealt with research positively is good

                                                            • 显示,球员对MBA社会文化村是“装饰你的”战利品妻子想不外乎在这对MBA公司之间的竞争金牌,我不能用单一的内部采取的MBA“的员工竞争产品X萨塞塔这家公司同时,在“千呼万唤始出来,只是因为我是发出了一项在未来的竞争工商管理硕士双平行研究,甚至条件反射回家Tteiu Tazusae”你将在椅子上就座在沉默什么
                                                              It is understood, village social culture MBA the “decoration” is plugged for the party trophy wife like Only it is the decoration, It cannot utilize MBA inside the company Simply, “the rival x corporation makes MBA TAKE with competition between enterprises and to the employee is high and others Inside” the [tsu] [te] you call the conditional reflex which is said just sent out to studying abroad with side line competition With you think Therefore with special care MBA it is the [zu], obtaining, returning home, “as for you saying nothing, sitting down in the chair, the [te

                                                              • 最近可能没有对它们的认识也开始学习很好,在富裕的南特奇诺研究无望白痴儿童,是从酒吧家伙要超过国内Ja筷子字母a Recently you do not know whether it reaches the point where also the fact that it is excellent you study abroad but How it will do former times even in the studying abroad how rich children with aho which is not Because the country and it was something which the person who is not applied in the stick does in the chopstick
                                                                • 最近可能没有对它们的认识也开始学习很好,在富裕的南特奇诺研究无望白痴儿童,是从酒吧家伙要超过国内Ja筷子字母a Recently you do not know whether it reaches the point where also the fact that it is excellent you study abroad but How it will do former times even in the studying abroad how rich children with aho which is not Because the country and it was something which the person who is not applied in the stick does in the chopstick

                                                              • 有抱负的欧洲研究人员和你该怎么办的大学箔美国高级研究员
                                                                As for the researcher who has ambition even in Europe at the American first-rate university the research worker Doing, it tries to apply the foil die

                                                                • 有线电视新闻网和其他网站,公开煽动问题的丰田,日产和本田等是诽谤什么样的路线到马自达
                                                                  With CNN and the like, the Toyota problem is fanned plainly, other HONDA and NISSAN, in a manner of speaking slander is done to Matsuda

                                                                  • 根据一词的科学和技术的母语国家的定义,所以我南特津市语言的社会科学领域的长期回报,而不是所有
                                                                    It is on due to the definition of advanced nation, but with home country language technology terminology and social sciences terminology etc Maintaining entirely, [ru] language how so it is not

                                                                    • 没有在成绩夺得不应被排除在外克说,她没有 10月24日 好寺胁,“为什么只有韩国和互动”,与周边国家的报纸Karemasu,并可以共享部分很多是因为他们 NULL
                                                                      • 没有在成绩夺得不应被排除在她的思想和不必柯 10月24日 好寺胁,“为什么只有韩国和互动”,与周边国家的报纸Karemasu,并可以共享部分很多是因为他们 NULL

                                                                    • 混球的比例,但有良好的,说喜所有的中文或韩文的整体水平严重百分之例如鹅卵石,而男人并不像工程的精神,多想好
                                                                      Speaking well, but boulder mixture as for ratio of the ball 1 tenths? The South Korean Perseverance in order seriousness, for the excellent person to move up entirely even among them in comparison with the Chinese there is no fragment

                                                                      • 然而,普通的利润与销售额的比率和2个百分点对两家日本公司,三星公司的18.7百分之威胁
                                                                        However gross sales recurring profit ratio 2% Vis-a-vis the Japanese enterprise, Samson is 18.7% of threat

                                                                        • 直接在两个国家之间的战术核武器或威胁使用死神最近的战争?瓦特你在干什么时,冷战Zutsu论点呢?瓦特的年龄,“我将使用核武器”的威胁时,叩抨击来自世界各地,但瓦特并不是没有自己的知识您没有本身的原因,是北瓦特的例子 Being here recent times between 2 countries which it goes to war directly with respect to strategy you used the nuclear weapon in threat w It is dragging cold war age how long w Current age “the nuclear weapon is used When” with it threatens itself becoming the reason Although it is hit from the world w The ro w which is not the reason which does not know the North Korean example and is
                                                                          • “理论”是什么语言,但邮票的愿望?迟浩田持瓦特也出了冷战时期的无事就读的学生,对现代战争瓦特说学费的叙述揭示了战争的看法 We want talking “theory” but it is w Although either you have not studied abroad talking the foreign student Either not be able to calculate school expenses Bringing up the war view of cold war age w which talks modern game

                                                                        • 第一个国际舞台,所以我们输“如果日本人都被排列在这样的军事风格队伍能亲华伦天奴是不可能在所有的,是不可能的,因为许多古只需按下电源的Nde,甚至还包括内部林冠任何无法在很多的不满 Therefore at the international place it is defeated first gt In case of the Japanese giving class it arranges Because this kind of troop system just holds down after all by power In any case the excessiveness unreasonable are many dissatisfaction accumulating inside many things not going well the cover
                                                                          • 如果日本都被排列在排名能亲华伦天奴,在他的权利,服从指令,最有效和最有力的底部 NULL

                                                                        • 紫癜:/ / www2s.biglobe.ne.jp /〜日本/ jogbd_h12 / jog131。html的
                                                                          ttp: //www2s.biglobe.ne.jp/~ nippon/jogbd_h12/jog131. html

                                                                          • 美国的研究是很有意思,但在Tteta持,全由等待6个小时或3万学生谈话(显然,迈克尔摩尔的电影是宣传电影是什么断裂法案思可能故事)朝鲜突然紧张的校园枪击事件文,疯狂杀害了该国的同事谁克程了枪的方式一次女教授 However in the American studying abroad it has interest very from before with fracture with 6 hour waiting You thought that the bill story of the foreign student of 30 000 dollar somehow is the propaganda movie Story of Moore s Michael movie seems truth the South Korean who firing at random incident is caused suddenly in campus Directing the gun facing toward the colleague to woman professor the person the shooting stripe the country which comes
                                                                            • Naranairashii必须从头检查罚款不是发票或医生的照顾或以上的每一个小布都电话利大于弊,生活得非常Miniku hu The telephone applying and or being attended by the doctor one by one the bill it is small check whether it is not swindled You must do it seems and very residence scurvy so

                                                                          • 至252和现代战争的权力,但公众舆论和两个战略核战争维
                                                                            252 War between large countries of today, Therefore strategic nucleus and 2 dimensional war of public opinion

                                                                            • 艺术大学或想象的故事于长远彼德恩戴?我谈话直接相关的科学或实际国力?
                                                                              It is with word play story of literature of emptiness study? Or being substantial, story of the science which connects directly to Kuniriki?

                                                                              • 这些文字和测试工作的步伐,但对我来说,黎教授的Nde我在大学学习和法律当地风俗在日本瓦特美国法律,但它是西方的,当然复制战争的法律,也是在卡斯还 Enunciation test straw raincoat labor it is and asks in with also the professor who researches the American of the university of local end law w But as for the Japanese law being the refuse of course being the European American copy even among those as for law from postwar period furthermore the refuse
                                                                                • Tsu m说什么国际法,是对你,和正确的话,日本的法律规定狗屎我该商标wwwwwwwwwwww预算,我面 You saying very the law of ru foreign country being correct As for the Japanese law kuso no shelf wwwwwwwwwwww The wa which in we falls to the 腑

                                                                              • 这是武悟“科威特的学生,伊拉克和伊朗总统”太多想要成为医学院的“什么是日本,我Iteta善良的人失踪追求纯粹是因为经济衰退的学术 As for this principal “the Kuwaiti human student Iraqi and Iran principal “medical department desire is too multi” the tsu te you have sighed As for Japan the human who overtakes study purely with consequence of depression stopped being it is
                                                                                • 纳达是总统“太多想要成为医学院的”什么是日本,我Iteta善良的人去追求纯粹是因为经济衰退的学术 Nada principal “medical department desire is too multi” the tsu te you have sighed As for Japan the human who overtakes study purely with consequence of depression stopped being it is
                                                                                • 这也是一种危机感觉忍者武持Tteka瓦特什么浮士德不是拍摄时你瓦特刈分钟 Don t you think also Principal tsu te or Faust has now the crisis atmosphere w When you understood it is whether gun rebellion it is shone w which is not

                                                                              • 这种大量的逃 - 包括他。战士一起,平壤的每一天,每一天,如果他们打我
                                                                                The multitude which includes such a him deviation from. As for the North Korean authorities, everyday everyday, beating combination it made the American soldier be,

                                                                                • 难道他们不说699或意外Busaiku许多美国人和人民Egeresu瓦特饘§ Ù东欧,它为Ⅱ氖我们北欧Yanokoha
                                                                                  699 That [busaiku] is many unexpectedly in the American and the [egeresu] person you say, is, [ko] ゙ [rua] w The Eastern Europe and north Europe [ya] saw is [ii], don't you think? -

                                                                                  • 食品动物关注信托(事实)在美国食糖。集团对提高糖。农业(在关于营养。维塔能亲牲畜废物)相关洛杉矶时报(角落的美国主要报纸)关于美国FDA※政府本文的重点家禽粪便,其实消费者协会说,家禽粪便思伐丽流四环素影片以及与洛杉矶时报专题涉及条款要求禁止在牛饲料(日本翻译)
                                                                                    Food Animal Concerns Trust (FACT) The American sugar. Raising opposite group Sugar. Raising (the nurturing which centers the fowl manure. Raising which gives the waste to the cow) related information Publication article of the Los Angeles times paper (section of the American principal newspaper) * Way in the American Government agency FDA, the consumer union of FACT and others, feeding to the beef cattle of the fowl manure is prohibited, request The animated picture which is thought that topic of the publication article of the Los Angeles times paper was handled, (there to be Japanese meaning)

                                                                                    •  有线电视新闻网和其他网站,公开煽动问题的丰田,日产和本田等是诽谤什么样的路线到马自达
                                                                                      & #160; With CNN and the like, the Toyota problem is fanned plainly, other HONDA and NISSAN, in a manner of speaking slander is done to Matsuda

                                                                                      • ( Д )±下哈阿中国和韩国作为一个国家的政治家是“优秀”华伦天奴不考虑政治,即使没有鸠山由纪夫有损于像民主党在该国,也许有点夜雨国家利益鸠山和民主党有“叛徒”更好的质量在中国的政治家和韩国已经马萨不来达到我们的尺寸,这是在对比较优秀的聋人人民的声音,一切事物崎小草食日本大奖赛可能只等待他们要杀死他 д haahaa As for China and Korea As a nation Perhaps the politician it is “excellent” At least… Hatoyama And The Democratic party and sea urchin The home country it does not become disadvantageous and the sea urchin Thinking of national interest Politics is done As for Hatoyama and the Democratic party with “traitor” It has come to the dimension which is not finished … The Chinese and Korea one as for quality of politician About they are not comparing ones On it puts out It is excellent … Us Ahead small of voice As for the Japanese race The sufficient it waits for the fact that you are killed in them Perhaps it is the herbivore
                                                                                        • 385多?有一个伟大的叛徒的毕业生成为日本的部长,他也是一名研究生of m李津 385 So Because the nice traitor where with the graduate had become the Japanese Cabinet minister was Also participation of the graduate being conspicuous the ru

                                                                                      • (在我们眼里,也许钱)什么补充翻开,来Ikake世界裙子,这不是在世界疯狂的选举手段,甚至是危险的不够,我不自己抓人死亡公开 With gold aim it turns the skirt perhaps with public the tsu te the worldwide tsu te which is chased Therefore the kichigai world which does not choose expedient the person dying like this the extent which is not done it is dangerous

                                                                                        • (这是粗鲁)什么是富有的人,无论你的战斗作风,他确实是弱(一)选择一个吵架 Don t you think it is impolite Surely furthermore weakness of quarrel so the gold the unrelated man of the wind which it has me connection is acquired
                                                                                          • (这是粗鲁)挑选打架不管风什么财主,他而言是弱者,我们确实打 Don t you think it is impolite Surely furthermore weakness of quarrel so the gold the unrelated man of the wind which it has me connection is acquired

                                                                                        • )对农村妇女谁“嫁给一位富有的美国野喜弱侧,这可怜的孩子谁成为怀孕的事,把它产生 Side of woman of countryman Furthermore “it is weak you get married to the rich house it is immoral and the defective child which becomes pregnant is laid
                                                                                          • 是谁“娶了一位富有的美国奇诺高新技术疲软农村妇女,穷人的孩子谁怀孕的事情,把它制作 Side of woman of countryman Furthermore “it is weak you get married to the rich house it is immoral and the defective child which becomes pregnant is laid
                                                                                          • )对农村妇女谁“嫁给一位富有的美国野喜弱侧,这可怜的孩子谁成为怀孕的事,把它产生 Side of woman of countryman Furthermore “it is weak you get married to the rich house it is immoral and the defective child which becomes pregnant is laid

                                                                                        • )说:“嫁给富有的美国喜野弱点,与贫困孩子怀孕的事,把它制作 Furthermore “it is weak you get married to the rich house it is immoral and the defective child which becomes pregnant is laid
                                                                                          • “弱野喜结婚富裕家庭,与贫困孩子怀孕的事,把它制作 Furthermore “it is weak you get married to the rich house it is immoral and the defective child which becomes pregnant is laid
                                                                                          • “弱野喜结婚富裕家庭,与贫困孩子怀孕的事,把它制作 Furthermore “it is weak you get married to the rich house it is immoral and the defective child which becomes pregnant is laid
                                                                                          • “我嫁给有钱人的野喜疲软的房子里,可怜的孩子谁成为怀孕的事,把它产生 Furthermore “it is weak you get married to the rich my house it is immoral and the defective child which becomes pregnant is laid

                                                                                        研究 開発