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“The child cannot be deposited to Gakushuin anymore,” “the guardian who protests to the event schedule change and the school with circumstances of the Imperial Family children”…The ripple the ★4 which spreads


  • 140厘米池卡诺花到了极限,投篮命中率爱子公主给你,或者是在剩下的苏Banchou进修学院的1名年你
    140cm leaves name as a Gakushuin school gang leader kana Or no year later Aiko mark one-on-one contest is done kana

    • 23:10编号:???0★学习中心“的课堂混乱”,“闻名,他们欺负”,其实在学习院小学的王子公主的女儿爱子曝光,其父母(8)8这两年,很多学校周日,6天之后学校 23 10 ID 0 With Gakushuin “grade collapse” “as the ijime many school the famous” guardians the actual condition disclosure Crown Prince in the eldest daughter of the house Aiko of Gakushuin elementary course 2 year 8 on the 8th attended school after 6 days
      • 他们为什么不知道自己的儿子是在学习院初中,直到我是叩Busayo的秋进修学院是什么?儿子瓦特秋我们痛恨的方式孩子欺负津 Hitting Gakushuin the ru busayo tsu te The son of potsupo to junior high school not knowing that it is Gakushuin w By the way the son of potsupo was hard on and was disliked with the tsu child
      • 这篇文章是学习院幼稚园○地地前董事,如果写成如果是山,我很惊讶 Like whether with the article just that is ○ mountain of the former chief of the Gakushuin preschool of Having written you were surprised
      • 面试,但只有543可以ADHD的预算,他们将在该名男童看目观洞Gakushuin re低头向下 543 Perceiving the ADHD boy with interview although if you should have dropped just it is don t you think the hu it does the Gakushuin eye and it is the hole

    • 287然而,这项研究是不够的家伙不残酷,不反对日本,看看教育系统会议
      287 But, the [ro] which about the person who cannot be studied as for being savage, if physical education meeting affiliation and the east institute of technology are contrasted, is understood and is

      • 312太子妃雅子的失败是更好地适应环境,才可培养出良好的前缀是把从学校的导师和我将充分填补通信
        312 Rather than the school being able to make through, tutor attaching, the one which you place in the environment which it can train properly is better The Crown Prince all the way probably is full with [masako] adaptation obstacle and

        • 3月3日说什么,我就什么地方去,我说我希望我说,学习院选举DQN公开周三直升机父母是一个阶级的傻瓜儿子和他的家庭的组成是烦人,因为暴力是一个像成人表达才阿伊我搬到我回信说我没有任何外来 3 3 waters Day off Is Gakushuin what you say is at the point in time when it chooses Out town go The DQN foolish son is low the brain monster parent You being like raging with coming of age ceremony therefore annoyance it is to apply Don t you think the person with you do not say but it immigrates even overseas
          • 32,我说什么什么的地方去,我说我希望我DQN学习院选举直升机阶级的傻瓜儿子的父母和家庭的宪法和,因为它已经成人的暴力困扰表现,才艾喜欢说我是但是,该国提出的我不要 32 Is Gakushuin what you say is at the point in time when it chooses Out town go The DQN foolish son is low the brain monster parent You being like raging with coming of age ceremony therefore annoyance it is to apply Don t you think the person with you do not say but it immigrates even overseas
          • 什么是王储Kurenaki Yatsumaranzo和波多野说,当像悠仁学习院避免蒙达梁将收件箱当我决心要踊跃发言,紧密结合拍摄您的同行之间的锐气,如果你志 Hatano silence presumes how long it is The 悠 benevolence way when avoiding Gakushuin the way If power being good you do not say ma viewing It probably has previously arranged with Toumiya side densely with the companion

        • 49老教师私立小学在东京,或大师纳阿孙
          49 Veteran teacher of private small school inside capital, Whether Nitukiyou ancestor/founder

          • 51 Sai re下,在这样恶劣的选举鲍瑙伊学习机构
            51 Don't you think? such pauper please does not choose Gakushuin

            • 551宫根王室和说明的是,它好看是什么关系传真若干规定已使用
              551 The [miyane] house and the Imperial Household Agency relations are appealing, FAX is received in program and

              • 576 577郦吃他的父母到学校的第一次会议上,我没有打算访问担心Torisaru正在访华与家长维塔连接到准星或转让学校的学校发出的或者说,它的位置不会莫森 NULL
                • 565父母谁不用去上学,低年级的我第一次黎痴协会逃学孩子,但我看到维塔愚蠢的父母 565 In first attending school of the child who non attends school low with grade The parent who does not attend is visible in the foolish parent it is but

              • 627? ? ?什么用于知道该说什么为市民提供更多?每周在一般杂志妇女杂志,学习,研究所写他们曾经多次 627 The general people using what above that you say that you know In general magazine and in woman weekly magazine Gakushuin thing has been written many degrees so far

                • 639名称:可爱的妻子,他们[圣人]时间:2010 / 03 / 09(星期二)10:11:26编号:7eb70xeS0玛什么是从从宫内厅局长提问时真相色调分钟
                  639 Name: It is lovely the madam [sage] Contribution day: 2010/03/09 (fire) 10: 11: 26 ID: 7eb70xeS0 Listening doing from Imperial Household Agency Director, because it increases Truth understands

                  • 688 - 690爱子加入学校谁也说,读它,我可以看到我的申请有所下降
                    688 - 690 The person who pre-reads extent that it becomes being, don't you think? the applicant is the sharp decrease red sandal wood in grade of Aiko entrance

                    • 777嗯编号:0ytWYryk0在世界上的图标的标准是妈妈?图标什么是谁,我妈妈冷静瓦特
                      777 The [hu] - it is ID: [maman] of 0ytWYryk0 standard of society? Don't you think? it is enormous human what, [maman] [tsu] [te] w

                      • 779对不起对不起,对不起,如果我保健什么四环素残疾或世界那思不少事情是这样的,因为我觉得遗憾的雅子,以及朋友和兄弟姐妹或母亲的母亲 NULL

                        • Dattara我们面前,我的唐人街餐馆男孩音乐老师的儿子是一名教师的校友
                          Woman teacher being the teacher of music, when the boy child is the son of the Chinese restaurant, you as for we the classmate raw shelf

                          • Janakarou四环素我运行的离奇愤怒葛从自由分钟,不排除采取爆炸
                            The resentment which can pick up freedom with the rule which reason does not understand exploding It ran to eccentricity, it is it probably won't be?

                            • [眼泪]小林善纪水岛,总裁各类正确! ! !讨论从这个角度核查问题行为的细节,我曾经总统水岛
                              Even if The sound argument stuffing adjusting of President Mizushima! ! ! It tried collecting the details to behavior verification problem discussion, from Mizushima president point of view

                              • “(↑酒井法子逮捕一年前的今天,2008年,从每周8个月)禁雷公约[前]妻子马里阿保山童装part8中田英寿的大爱] [ 在公寓的Nde生活是押尾逮捕的现场高基本有7名妇女在他的报告作为一个模式“泽尻英龙华”泽办公室女主人的真实姓名。尤里雄Byutikurinikku属于毒品测试发射后的演员
                                ” (1 years ago of ↑ Sakai Noriko arrest From 2008 August weekly today) TBC Mari possession part8 < Nanami > As a model of the lover who has lived in the apartment which had become arrest actual place of Osio study with woman seven actual name reporting The Kao Soap Co., Ltd. essential < 沢 rear end Erika > As for office 沢. Immediately after the laying off to medicine inspection of post talent High friend pear [biyuteikurinitsuku

                                • ●●该聘请了模型药物的指控●● 童装山前妻,真名:马里保“马里保公司的名单(注:艺名玛丽亚)结婚前的孩子,是10多岁的常Gangime” (即显示效果使用药物),它是
                                  - - The enterprise summary which appoints the medicine doubt model - - < Malia > Yamamoto KID original wife, autonym: Mari possession “Mari possession (note: Stage name Malia) Before getting married with the kid, often from thing of the teenager Cancer/gun Guimet” (the effect of medicine use appears,) Was

                                  • そうなんだよなどう 考 えても 次男 のほうが 自由 があるし 縛 られないキコ もそう公務 だけ 出 て 後 は 普通 の 人 みたいに 自由 がある雅子 さんたちはずっと 監視 があってないからなあ So it is what How it is thought the next man freedom and it is not bound Also kiko so After just the official business coming out the normal person there is a freedom likely Because as for Masako directly there is no supervision
                                    • “纪子等”后,才公开了那里,希望在公共服务的巨大数量的自由,一般人来说,没有什么,其余的思我们几乎 gt Also kiko so After gt just the official business coming out the normal person there is a freedom likely Unless at the frequency where the official business is tremendous almost there is either the day off Thinking

                                  • 不要在太阳出来的时间差皇家儿童诬蔑诽谤,如果成年人Madashimo
                                    If adult slander slander of rather child Gradually, the Imperial Household Agency starts moving with honorable damage, it is it isn't?

                                    • 不踢我们存孩子“的感觉,现在的分歧主要探测ü The child cannot be deposited ” that feeling presently you search the small school which is different
                                      • 不踢我们存孩子“的感觉,现在的分歧主要探测ü The child cannot be deposited ” that feeling presently you search the small school which is different

                                    • 与此同时,“他的女人”是男孩家长见证孩子爱子公主伐丽流作为前思“离谱相同”揭示的具体性质
                                      On the one hand, “the woman herself” to Aiko by the boy child who thinks as equality with the child of the front coming out as a testimony of the guardian, Disclosing the concrete contents “of violence”

                                      • 为什么不是一位王子,该对夫妇邪恶古天皇说不想太多了?一旦你旁边天皇和皇后值得,我不哇!
                                        We would not like to be His Majesty the Emperor excessive badly, but is The Crown Prince married couple somehow it is not possible, kana? When calls to next emperor empress suitablly, the [wa] which is and the [ya] it does not do

                                        • 为什么是311(与王子的孩子)到学院学习,这是值得怀疑,如果有任何骚乱
                                          311 Why whether the child of that (Crown Prince is) in Gakushuin, the rough child is, it is doubt

                                          • 事物是对皇室的挑战不是这样我不?不可能的事情只是一个滚装Tteiu张组合他们说,如果是正常的儿童和残疾儿童的发展 There is no objection in adjusting to the Imperial Family it is it is not Simply it is the normal child with persisting adjusts the advancement obstacle child to that the tsu te what you say with just unreasonable

                                            • 于Bimakurunoni我有我的孩子并不方便他们足够逃学?但是,傻瓜,我刚好相反,Ttetara副本每天,她的母亲 By his plays and although the ru which is sown as for the child non about attending school is convenient it is it is not Everyday passing accurately but the cod it may make conversely foolish that mother

                                              • 人权委员会在其互联网的管理条例草案,法律很快,他们丧失了言论和表达和报纸出版自由的权利,也是与电视为我的目标观众运
                                                As for protection of fundamental human rights method free right of speech expression publication newspaper and the like is deprived with close bill Net regulation among those is that also purpose in order to increase TV audience rating has entered

                                                • 人权立法←2通道,互联网100名志愿者已经退出张贴如果你讨厌被分发到100多万,例如思我想会在无意中忘记张贴传单 Protection of fundamental human rights bill lt 2ch and Internet end Already the volunteer 1 000 000 or more in the midst of distribution If posuteingu hate absent mindedly in the post It is you should have thought that the leaflet was forgotten
                                                  • 继姓人权法和自由津贴的国家法律已经感到惊讶,我们问孩子 Though surname it is dense classified by of the protection of fundamental human rights method nationality method married couple treatment gratuitous conversion and the like One after another asking you were surprised

                                                • 什么投入将来自我们的信息和其他家长的信息,他们的女儿上大学,我从世界来私立学校比正常缩小南特学习中心 Therefore above Gakushuin how normal private school narrow worldwide what Information from the daughters who are in such inside the university and From also information enters the other parent probably will be
                                                  • 让我们不谈,只是望俊华伦天奴相似率高,在一般的王子家庭学生不学习院改为谈话 There is no Crown Prince family and replacing to the story of the general pupil in Gakushuin if it thinks it is story of simply monpe this
                                                  • 这也是错误的不离开学校进入全国梳学校惊讶地得知,孩子作出这样的崩溃应变基类 You are surprised to the kind of child who causes grade collapse being able to enter into Gakushuin and Also correspondence of the school which is not made leaving school is strange

                                                • 什么是几乎被强奸,因为他们是基督徒的人维塔被流弹思咬伤井多的足蹴,有点太像了Aiko Sabori Therefore generally that you were raped and passed were bitten in the stray national what which you teach that think Just a little at the extent which makes kicking the Aiko way you shirk too much
                                                  • 举例说,我不想取消如爱子,而不是说取消例如,要解除禁令,例如说: The Aiko way if you say that well is abolition If you say that it is not possible abolition If you say that we would like to do abolishing prohibition
                                                  • 什么是几乎被强奸,因为他们是基督徒的人维塔被流弹思咬伤良好,足蹴,是有点多,爱子太Sabori Therefore generally that you were raped and passed were bitten in the stray national what which you teach that think Just a little at the extent which makes kicking the Aiko way you shirk too much
                                                  • 从对爱子公主,入口或不再是一个问候,或者作为一个勺子接受,很多纬度“,”市场上的传言,我是 After Aiko doing the entrance garden it stopped greeting that it became spoon yes that Extremely there was a rumor that “elbowroom conversion” it has been done
                                                  • 是必需的,如爱子第二什么是覆盖,如果你会说,像逃学和消极的爱子是克 In a word the Aiko way and A you competing turn the Aiko way being defeated it became non attending school With it probably is the story which is said

                                                • 什么是即使许素义孝先生,版税Bakachupu对你半岛的反应,即使是不喜欢的东西许雅子就是我们摆脱未来进修学院:日元。绫子的早稻田高圆宫嫦女士→→→重症监护病房城西国际大学Akishinomiya浩先生表示,雅子Akishinomiya→秋筱宫悠仁幼儿园的水是褐色,在泰国腿Biniittane于Shigeku仅泰国放宽这项私人泰国加入双通,他们忍你女儿,她说,但在一个星期在泰国享受秋筱Tappuri giko doing whatever you permit but the Masako way whatever doing you do not permit That reaction of bakachiyupu of your peninsulas The royalty has escaped Gakushuin one after another High circle Acceptance child gt Waseda large Takamadonomiya 絢 child gt Josai international large Fall 篠 shrine Mako gt ICU large Fall 篠 shrine 悠 benevolence gt Ochanomizu attachment preschool Don t you think fall such a time in the tie you called the 篠 shrine to play freely and easily with private use The complement ge ku alone in the tie the enduring commuting As for the daughter flowing together with the tie fall the 篠 shrine had enough the tatsupuri one weekly tie After it probably will put out is
                                                  • “”皇帝。瓦里将改变为儿童,家长和学校活动的时间表,以抗议“研究所的学习什么古线 gt “Emperor The guardian who protests to the event schedule change and the school with circumstances of the children” It goes to Gakushuin with something
                                                  • “让我们保护在未来皇帝的女人”文惠智(公法。自明治时代东京陪审员61岁),爱子公主的未来已被皇帝的第一位女性日本帝国预期,发言津市小学是学习院,从欺凌传入男学生,如果你要逃学 “We protect future woman emperor” 那 Satoshi Sentence river the populace method Jury 61 years old Tokyo Ever since Meiji as a His Majesty the Emperor Japanese Imperial Family first woman in the future being expected Aiko which is with the Gakushuin elementary course which you have commuted the pupil of the man Receiving the empty unkind treatment you became non attending school
                                                  • “让我们保护在未来皇帝的女人”文惠智(公法。自明治时代东京陪审员61岁),爱子公主的未来已被皇帝的第一位女性日本帝国预期,发言津市小学是学习院,从欺凌传入男学生,如果你要逃学 “We protect future woman emperor” 那 Satoshi Sentence river the populace method Jury 61 years old Tokyo Ever since Meiji as a His Majesty the Emperor Japanese Imperial Family first woman in the future being expected Aiko which is with the Gakushuin elementary course which you have commuted the pupil of the man Receiving the empty unkind treatment you became non attending school
                                                  • 因此,穷人133。赶上Wareru m进入学院学习的,如果有其他组合 133 Therefore poor The newly rich says it enters into Gakushuin becoming it is the ro w which is Circumstances are thing what which the partner adjusts
                                                  • 学校的原皇家帝国。看到你然后再在附表事件的善意也改变一个小孩的哇!为什么我什么是对私立学校不能Dattara日本进修学院共同知识 Originally the school of the Imperial Family to put out the emperor Event schedule changing with circumstances of the children don t you think it is to call separately When it is the Japanese about Gakushuin there is no normal private school you have known the ro which is
                                                  • 审判方式是否会在学校,学习不听租赁费。家长可能不会 The study which tries the solution in the campus or does not listen to the royalty As for the parents it is not probably will be

                                                • 他们是实实在在的,或版税向井地四环素更好的教育,在家里他们是谁喧闹神经神经(电视四环素纪子或没有在家里许多年教育,修)优于与父母同住的接吻没有?人们喜欢这个地方更好的教育,是罕见的四环素惠!什么是基本适应障碍成为一种习惯,但从未批评我的现在和原来的后发言,简直是疯了 To tell the truth was brought up with mischievous home of the figure thick nerve the person who Doing to reach leaning toward the royalty don t you think TV kiko which was brought up at the house where many years do not heal anymore You call from the parents home and it has done to live are not Being favored was brought up the person who such a place It becomes tsu te adaptation obstacle As for basis original by your current your own shelf After the head it is strange to criticize in the habit which does not have either the fact that you talk
                                                  • 南特的不甜纹862神经质他们向市民公布,未能适应,他们很多年没有修 862 The neurosis how it is sweet it is not to be when it is adaptation obstacle It makes the citizen to announcement when many years have not healed anymore

                                                • 公主皇冠公主Wagamama Wagamama?夫人¨鲁鞭鞭鞭剔鄹
                                                  In crown princess [wagamama] [wagamama] Princess? [te] ゙ [u] ゙ [i] lady [hu] ゙ [roku] ゙

                                                  • 原334减是“在死刑帝国宪法亵渎话:”如果我去到公主这是什么前缀糸井,亵渎的事伤害u003d死亡u003d死刑Naijan
                                                    334 But originally as for less “as for disrespectful speech with Jipango constitution capital punishment” what Whether or not Royal princess enters into this, the position it is, solving, harm = capital punishment So being It is not disrespectful = capital punishment it is

                                                    • 反日勢力 による 天皇制破壊 ・ 皇室破壊工作■ 本当 は 怖 い 最近 の 皇族 の 学習院離 れ ■まず 経緯 を 見 ると創価一家 の 雅子 さまが 皇太子妃 になった →宮内庁次長 に 創価信者 の 風岡典之→马塔成为王室开始学习院已被隔离 The emperor system destruction Imperial Family destruction construction with anti Japanese power We fear truth Gakushuin leaving of recent royalty First when you look at details Masako of the Soka family became crown princess gt In Imperial Household Agency assistant director wind Oka model 之 of Soka believer inauguration gt The Gakushuin leaving of the royalty started …
                                                      • 不要进入学院和孩子首先学会感到自由,如果他们支付版税维塔瓦特学习院是四环素,否则她是一个教育在王室工作的学校是在其他地方,如果他们不能把传入Omake拥有它达罗学校的故事线踢 If there is no air which supports the royalty from first the child is inserted in Gakushuin is w Therefore as for Gakushuin school what which was made for educating the royalty other than that the ro which is omake It cannot accept that if the school of out town go it is tsu te story
                                                      • 例如,一个孩子胃进入学习中心,如果您担心有些人在同一年获得皇家儿童,但大多数居民的学习,该所的国籍洗钱日本(日本茂里苏玛),那么我已经习惯了 As the children of the Imperial Family the person who feels concern about the fact that it becomes the same grade it is If gaki is inserted in Gakushuin the u As for such mostly resident Gakushuin although resident does nationality rondaringu does to become the Japanese although it increases being utilized from the ru

                                                    • 吉田松阴是289,我会教给12岁的主人
                                                      289 The feudal clan you lectured Yoshida Shoin mainly with 12 years old

                                                      • 后预算和学习院Yachiru,梅塔的知名度和我从一开始,迫使他的妻子对他们有利的超娥王储和常识,公众舆论的印象逐渐难怪喜欢奇数哇
                                                        When we assume that Gakushuin popularity falls, exceeding common sense, way the Crown Prince and spouse favorably treats by his, Because it started coercing, when it probably is what, it seems that impression of public opinion changes gradually

                                                        • 周一不仅很好吃,但对抓老百姓否定的,因为体能和精神敏锐性和责任感区,抛光,他们正好用它来鞭 It is not only eating also calling in order not to be defeated to the populace in order to polish the physical strength and intellect and sense the rod using it reaches probably will be
                                                          • 周一不仅吃得更好,可没有负的身心视力的人,因为古抛光,意义将被分开,用鞭子 It is not only eating also calling in order not to be defeated to the populace in order to polish the physical strength and intellect and sense the rod using it reaches probably will be

                                                        • 哦,什么,为什么,为什么,看到悲伤全国学习?由于w和四环素筑驹行采取高中后,草案的常数,思如果纳阿伊南达狙东京大学,东京大学只是为了 The a what therefore you grudge in Gakushuin when w After that high school taking an examination because it went to chiku scene Tokyo University you aim and when you think that it is what Sure enough that way to Tokyo University
                                                          • 学習院 の 子 はみんな 可愛 そうなことになっているね …今 まで 本当 に 我慢 しながら 、 愛子様 に 合 わせてきたのにひどいしっぺ 返 し Don t you think the Gakushuin child everyone lovely so has meant especially… Until now while being patient truly the Aiko way although adjusted Terrible retribution

                                                        • 在淡淡的,一旦被滥用止吐方法,爱子公主,谁是可能隐藏的王储官员的证词事物或迟持“
                                                          Being insidious, facing toward Aiko spitting filth, The baggage was hidden, publishing the testimony of the Toumiya authorized personnel that so is”,

                                                          • 在谷歌,从与同年龄,爱子的孩子比较“什么是一杆,预计搜索关键字”自闭症爱子“,”失败,爱子“,”爱子发育障碍“,”Asperger的爱子“,”智能闭爱子失败“,”孤独症,阿斯伯格的爱子“一门和一个并行I Tteiu德鲁的名单 With guguru from comparison with the child of other same age When the Aiko” tsu te it strikes search expectation keyword “Aiko Autism” “Aiko Obstacle” “Aiko Advancement obstacle” “Aiko asuperuga ” “Aiko Autism Intellectual obstacle” “Aiko Autism asuperuga ” The tsu te the fact that you say the ru it is along with zurazura
                                                            • 在谷歌的“爱子”什么是一杆,预计搜索关键字“自闭症爱子”,“失败,爱子”,“爱子发育障碍”,“Asperger的爱子”,“弱智自闭症爱子”,“孤独症,阿斯伯格的爱子”津俺德鲁看起来公平并呼吁长名单 When “the Aiko” tsu te it strikes with guguru search expectation keyword “Aiko Autism” “Aiko Obstacle” “Aiko Advancement obstacle” “Aiko asuperuga ” “Aiko Autism Intellectual obstacle” “Aiko Autism asuperuga ” The tsu te the fact that you say the ru it is along with zurazura
                                                            • 轻井。为什么四环素示威结束在他的审判是由上年可能来自同年龄的孩子相比,在公园里,已扎根于从空中缓慢发展的爱子 It is light the well Perhaps you tried the reason which reaches to the basket castle from the preceding year With park debut from comparison with the child of other same age Because you became aware in lag of Aiko advancement

                                                          • 在越南的美军在冲绳附近拉美军基地就是他们手合这些家伙说什么相同的输出线和柯是前脱节通过更好Kaseta的主要问题大问题,从我认为这是比较好的,他们采取自愿撤离的责任 Moving around the Okinawa US military base The US military keeps appearing With the same as the party who is said As for such hand being agreeable the one which makes keep coming out is better The u before becoming large problem responsibility taking You think that independence the person who leaves school is good Because it becomes this large problem
                                                            • 使美国在旷野军事基地,住宅中有一个球的集合,可类似于美军基地,然后大声行 It could designate the US military base as the wilderness the house started getting together there when it does the US military base is noisy keep coming out It has been similar

                                                          • 在这一天,爱子公主是逃学的问题还是他们会见了晃野村一成山庄的宫内厅,称这是丑闻的各种意外的Nde王储
                                                            As for the non- attending school problem of Aiko which this month 5th, shrine Hiroo one Naruto Nomura of the Imperial Household Agency in interview makes suddenly clear, various The ripple is called

                                                            • 埃泰基督徒做大约在同一时间,像周围的雅子『痴迷传销』的gonna要停止抱怨,津,什么是“出一篇文章,是工作人员 When teaching the same time the Masako way the staff who has been fixed to multilevel merchandising is around We would like to have that stopping grumbling the article that the tsu te tsu te it is” had appeared
                                                              • 665远的不喜欢入内雅子你是让我和所有 但不是他们卡诺觉没有向有关人员是否有进攻 665 The Masako way after being entered the Imperial Court you did until now Entirely it is that what… However you do not know whether there is a malice in this person kana it is
                                                              • DQN的782791和教育程度较低的基督徒做Chupu华伦天奴,如雅子是“准”这是我们谁的根源欧劳Tteiu 782 791 Low when teaching to educational background DQN chiyupu the Masako way “the carrier group” tsu te you say It is the one where you are in the route
                                                              • 大约在同一时间“就这样,雅子『痴迷传销是什么,一旦』我想停止抱怨,”有工作人员的文章 The same time “the Masako way the staff who has been fixed to multilevel merchandising is around We would like to have stopping with grumbling the article that it turns” had appeared
                                                              • 爱子议员,但我不这样的话,也许家庭是毁了一次动摇了雅子 Aiko so probably will not be but Being swung in Masako perhaps one house ruin
                                                              • 雅子也许我会是有很大的兴趣现在持好喜欢655 655 The Masako way because there is a variety don t you think … Perhaps it should have had interest from now on
                                                              • 雅子和爱子瓒含有的Nde,您可能期望很大扑 Also Masako Aiko including it can expect that perhaps considerably there is also a busing
                                                              • 雅子,谁进入东京大学的学位,“印度学生”是思我们感觉就像是 It was thought that Masako is the bachelor at Tokyo University where you enter the “Indian human student” Like feeling kana

                                                            • 她是一个宝贵的学习是唯一的翰林院的传播者,考虑皇室的方便,这是不可避免的
                                                              Therefore the Imperial Family business the only value what of Gakushuin, it is helpless to consider the circumstances of the Imperial Family,

                                                              • 子供 を 同校 に 通 わせている 父親 も 「 1 年生 の 1 学期 から 、 すでに 学級崩壊状態 」 とし 、 問題行動 を 繰 り 返 す男子児童 について 「 担任 が 全 く 注意 をしないので 増長 してしまった我 Also the father who has made through the child in the same school in “from 1st grade 1 terms puts grade collapse state already ” repeats problem conduct Because “charge does not note completely concerning the boy child it is to grow impudent
                                                                • 据该杂志,“大致”在今年3月出现,两天前,爱子公主是放学回家途中,男孩与行为问题的冲突已指出,从围绕太阳 According to the same magazine as for having “violence” with thing March 2nd this year as for Aiko the leaving school middle always empty problem conduct It collides with the boy children who are pointed out

                                                              • 学习中心是于瓒不仅是对古位线,以避免在一个爱子同一所学校?当这样的纪录,比从爱子在同一所学校的声誉的事情,雅子也是“下压力”或Ku是邪恶的话,“没有考虑雅子女士对”出来或说他们然而,它 悠 Simply as Aiko the fact that it goes to the same school just was avoided there are no times there is no Gakushuin When in the same school kind of record and reputation exceeding it does from Aiko in addition Masako becomes condition bad “with stress” “There is no consideration vis a vis Masako” that it may propose it puts out

                                                                • 宫内厅“似乎已渗透不仅另一个那位先生”市原悦子“所谓的同学,什么呢?”
                                                                  The Imperial Household Agency “it seems that already only it has disappearing to that one as transfer student” Etsuko Ichihara “you probably will call? ”

                                                                  • 富士百分比外国人和日本TBS电视台孙19.99%19.99%18.84%电讯电讯12.59上午渴望Hieda,富士主席在高丽大学的名字“韩国”%投票权的土地。授予博士学位的生意! [电视]日本TBS电视台的暂时停止,直至对治疗的结果比地面沉降没有动摇...,研究王牌制作人开始进行,葛丰富,他们正在失去许多员工不小心★7
                                                                    Right to vote ratio of foreigner et. al [huji] 19.99% TBS 19.99% Day tele 18.84% Tele morning 12.59% Chairman Fuji Telecasting Co. Hieda area “Korea” of yearning at the Empire of Korea university name. Conferring the business administration doctorate! … Achievements and treatment and shakily, the capable producer where the ground subsidence of TBS does not stop start escaping, the employee who loses motivation are many * 7

                                                                    • 帝国。在子女的便利瓦里奇怪的事件将抗议错误的学校,家长会抱怨,如果在皇室的官方时间表多作怪,说如果恶作剧的感觉奇怪帝国任命的时间表投诉神奇分钟和感情ü Emperor If event schedule changes with circumstances of the children protests to the school schedule changes with circumstances of the official business of the Imperial Family The guardian who says complaint is strange but if schedule changes with circumstances of feeling of the Imperial Family the feeling which says complaint you understand
                                                                      • 292,我不能隐藏了,保护王室?苏显示忠诚?为鸵鸟?被归咎于暴力的孩子 292 However it cannot hide already In order to protect the Imperial Family In order to show loyalty Thing because of growing hoarse principle It made consequence of the rough child
                                                                      • 丰富的,他们希望签署一份保证在皇室贵族哇别无选择,只有改变恩典是如此顽皮的人参加 In place of the Imperial Family nobility business signboard desired newly rich populace It reaching the point where it commutes changing mischievously from elegance It is helpless
                                                                      • 同样的第2级罚款“皇陛下的母亲”,否则我可能会在受虐待的口气骂津市 2 properly the mouth without abusing “the Imperial Family the royalty” dirtily at the same level the ru Whether the mother it is
                                                                      • 帝国。济将在奇怪的事件 u003d儿童的家长错误的理由,会抱怨,如果在皇室,会议记录和感受的官方时间表多有趣的恶作剧恶作剧ü说如果你对皇室的理由抱怨情绪计划魔法 Emperor If event schedule changes with circumstances of the children protests to the school schedule changes with circumstances of the official business of the Imperial Family The guardian who says complaint is strange but if schedule changes with circumstances of feeling of the Imperial Family the feeling which says complaint you understand
                                                                      • 王室不满意父母的孩子一样,甚至不知道雅子持什么方面,我认为是正常的 Having respect normally in the Imperial Family the Masako way in the parent and child doubt and dissatisfaction You think that the parent whom it has it enters
                                                                      • 男孩了,所以我在王室Umarenai是,他们需要特别的教育标准杆雨出生,但无论如何 How the se boy does not bear in the Imperial Family it is to put out Being borne how Woo whose se special education is necessary per it puts out

                                                                    • 帝国。子女 の 都合 で 行事予定変 わり 、 学校 に 抗議 する 保護者 もえらそうに 最初 から 入学 させるなよどれだけ 自分 ところが 良 いと 思 ってるんだよ抗議 する 親 も 親 だわ ! Emperor The guardian who protests to the event schedule change and the school with circumstances of the children The gill so From first you enter is Thinking that how much your own place are good the ru it is The wa where also the parent who protests is the parent
                                                                      • 1“,”皇帝。瓦里将改变为儿童,家长和学校活动的时间表,以抗议说:“当时的父母说这样的蠢事,这是不到一半的学习院瓦特的存在价值 1 gt “Emperor The guardian who protests to the event schedule change and the school with circumstances of the children” Says such a thing the foolish parent who is at the point in time when Gakushuin existence value below reducing by half shelf w
                                                                      • “皇帝。儿童将很奇怪事件的瓦里方便,没有针对学校和家长的抗议,帝国烟草公司说你只能得到这次活动的资格,真正奇怪的位置 gt Emperor The guardian who protests to the event schedule change and the school with circumstances of the children Well the ro which as for the Imperial Family is the sufficient qualification which event schedule is made to change as expected and is
                                                                      • 帝国。子女 の 都合 で 行事予定変 わり 、 学校 に 抗議 する 保護者 もえらそうに 最初 から 入学 させるなよどれだけ 自分 ところが 良 いと 思 ってるんだよ抗議 する 親 も 親 だわ ! Emperor The guardian who protests to the event schedule change and the school with circumstances of the children The gill so From first you enter is Thinking that how much your own place are good the ru it is The wa where also the parent who protests is the parent

                                                                    • 当孩子从入院时的对手是很难毕业的正常的孩子迟浩田一行有先进的一个特殊阶层一些预算,我仍然在初中不能 When graduating of that child from when entering those where some composure comes out Don t you think without the normal child leaving possibly commonly it advanced to the class for physically handicapped and mentally retarded children of junior high school
                                                                      • 每周妇女杂志本周公布,家长积极“教室混乱”后,人民和接触情况 This week in the woman weekly magazine of sale the active guardians The actual condition of “grade collapse” one after another disclosure

                                                                    • 悠仁从池Institute m水平的预算学习的困境你在你的茶布鲁诺水线你?
                                                                      Gakushuin level falling, from the [ru] as for 悠 benevolence the combining which is to go to brown no water?

                                                                      • 我不能相信,只要对小学生王室的名称应该得到良好的心脏最近的人的传媒钉在十字架上手指
                                                                        The royalty of the expectation which moves aside heart to the citizen appoints the elementary school child and makes in a similar way the prey of the mass communications how it is not believed

                                                                        • 我在做在店里宫根,“哦,你的合并在一个国家的高级官员的感受”这种感觉(和思维)和我们的孩子沟通。历史查看(人人平等)和我都需要 However you did at the miyane house “In nation the a is attached it could make through the child with the feeling which” Such feeling thought with View of history the person equality is both necessary
                                                                          • 宫根店将有531对在文章中并没有提及这样的事 531 At the miyane house vis a vis such article it did not touch at all

                                                                        • 我看见你现在,我就像是对日本经济和日本航空解决方案的一部分的感觉
                                                                          Now was seen, the kind of air which does one end of the Japanese economic sinkage,… it is JAL conversion

                                                                          • 我被踢至接收适当的治疗和特殊需要,而家长对学生的教育课程,如运是罕见的爱子一样差
                                                                            Pitiful Aiko way If it is not born from such a parent, entering into special support grade, although it could receive appropriate 療 growth

                                                                            • 我认为,不知道700的原因可能是说我们要说的内容,只有王公一时的方便?只要没有试图确定什么是不知道是否对公共服务的方便自私的理由 700 For the present only circumstances of the royalty it is possible to be said it depends on the content of the circumstances perhaps you want it is it isn t If it is not ascertained it will judge whether being circumstances of the official business whether they are the circumstances of selfishness but it is not
                                                                              • 700我说,我们不只是一个方便使用费安排的内容现在觉得呢?只要没有试图确定什么是不知道是否对公共服务的方便自私的理由 700 For the present only circumstances of the royalty it is possible to be said it depends on the content of the circumstances perhaps you want it is it isn t If it is not ascertained it will judge whether being circumstances of the official business whether they are the circumstances of selfishness but it is not

                                                                            • 或者,真正扰乱类,学习韩国真实的故事?我喜欢公立学校教室倒塌
                                                                              Class is disturbed how, truly Gakushuin story? Grade school like of the public institution which has collapsed

                                                                              • 新一代324,是皇室王子悠仁谷辎我从参数只通过该染色体的存在
                                                                                324 Therefore in the next generation of the Crown Prince the only existence to which 悠 benevolence takes over the y chromosome of the emperor house don't you think?

                                                                                • 普通 水岛通道的宝座。言论自由和辩论 樱桃小鼠H22 3 9 文字评论(144)skytajio(1天以前)本影片还有一个视频,一个问题,我已组成以消除负面评论,每隔几小时 The Imperial Throne continuing Freedom of discussion and speech cherry tree H22 3 9 Text Comment 144 skytajio 1 Before the time This animated picture and other animated picture doubt and negative comment in every several hours Don t you think entirely being deleted the ru
                                                                                  • 普通 水岛通道的宝座。言论自由和辩论 樱桃小鼠H22 3 9 文字评论(144)skytajio(1天以前)本影片还有一个视频,一个问题,我已组成以消除负面评论,每隔几小时 The Imperial Throne continuing Freedom of discussion and speech cherry tree H22 3 9 Text Comment 144 skytajio 1 Before the time This animated picture and other animated picture doubt and negative comment in every several hours Don t you think entirely being deleted the ru
                                                                                  • 男学生在校女学生ü这样的沟通,并使用暴力对爱子公主的王位继承人,并给您去过,或将在学校国歌正是基 It commutes to that kind of school the pupil of the man whom in the woman pupil furthermore the Imperial Throne succession person Just inside the school e g so it thrives violence in Aiko which comes Something probably has happened

                                                                                • 本人不知道,不过,雅子妃:麻原彰晃我们的重症监护病房(高圆宫家):绫子的早稻田大学(高圆宫家):悠仁的城西国际:我会逃避皇室和王室只包含您的茶妇女布鲁诺星期三学习院 NULL
                                                                                  • Li蚩库在课堂上一步,杰鲁丢东西,负出了问题,我无法相信我的伤害呢!儿童研究所这样做,是他们学习不 In class it stands and walks how the irrelevance which throws the thing makes the wound owe As for the child who does such a thing in Gakushuin being it means that is not good
                                                                                  • “没有,是由RII的投马津汇和与人交谈广场谁曾经从学习院大学学习院罕见的学生的小学,初中 gt Being born encountered the person even one time Gakushuin graduate and or has not spoken In other words Gakushuin small school junior high school high school university
                                                                                  • “爱子公主 逃学 ”没有存款踢其他儿童的学习学院“,”为什么纳基亚柯存款 gt “The child cannot be deposited to Gakushuin anymore ” “ If it should not have deposited it is
                                                                                  • 他们之所以被执着思去,立即重新碧阴间的人回过头来,吃一个肮脏和危险的运行或不喜欢?我说的是相当普遍,是因为学习院 Because it runs… it is dangerous Therefore you eat… vulgarity Because inclination solid… you are led away to the 冥 prefecture again As the reason which is happened to think directly such a place Therefore Gakushuin with saying normally well enough no shelf
                                                                                  • 会议地点在土木工程学院语言学习26人可能四环素ü Nikoyon毕业 26 It has encountered the person Gakushuin engineering works manufacture department nikoyon subject soldier finishing
                                                                                  • 儿童学习研究所是一个错觉我行津市什么是孩子,他们会更好地全部停止好伙计 Going to Gakushuin as for the ru child as for everyone good child tsu te delusion to some extent the one which is stopped is good
                                                                                  • 其中妇女谁低质量的问题,采取博闻帝国的过去有充分周刊“问题学习院”的功能 Even among them as for the woman weekly magazine which picks up the Imperial Family problem so far largely being even “Gakushuin problem” It ran a special edition
                                                                                  • 南特研究生院学习数学在30分钟内测试为志,让我做的100个问题,60小时,我觉得更多的问题Toketara Gakushuin soldier finishing how being able to let do arithmetic test 30 minute 100 questions to trial during time 60 questions You think that it should have dissolved one it is
                                                                                  • 和雅子不同的颜色与我所研究确定的人,没有父母接触,父母的反抗 Gakushuin and Masako being secret the varieties deciding without examination also the guardian probably will be repels to the guardian
                                                                                  • 四环素没有到学习中心,父母在哪里复制DQN相同的组合被限制 It has not limited to Gakushuin but if the parent DQN being able to make through wherever it is same
                                                                                  • 在这个时候,我有我Inakattarashii尚未决定是否尝试把你Agarou学习院小学“可以接受的外部考试”和事情你和交谈德察 So it rises to Gakushuin elementary course or will take an examination It had not decided yet it is to seem but When “external entrance examination yes” distantly is story with the latest thing thing
                                                                                  • 如果“品牌学习院”如果坠空,这也意味着,由于家长的怪物 If the “Gakushuin brand” fell it is consequence of a certain semantic monster parent
                                                                                  • 学习院大学的毕业生,即使我认为它只是四环素纳阿会议地点只有一次会议系列中的位置,他们至今 So if you say we just one time encounters with the Gakushuin university graduate person so far and just encountered with system
                                                                                  • 它本身就是一个奇怪的动荡须子说踏写回一市民普遍从恩戴我只有贵族和王室和贵族建立了许多学习院历史是什么 Gakushuin tsu te establishment and the history directly met to the court noble nobility and royalty exclusive use therefore it is Generally the general people depressing itself it is strange to corrupt in
                                                                                  • 我知道了期待已久的进入学院,结合人的爱子如“再见”或不说,组合,我没有踢接受教育的希望 With special care although you inserted in Gakushuin the Aiko way adjusting “The coming ge it is you make say the way ” unless The kind of education which you have expected cannot be received therefore it is
                                                                                  • 木40多岁的人谁是住在东京,思Madashimo他们想,如果妇女遵循相同的路径为孩子复制是什么小学的学习院大学部,思老家伙是邪恶的,他们是我的感情难怪刚 40 generation men who live inside capital from elementary course to the university were passing to Gakushuin Thinking that we would like to have tracing the same road to also the child If the woman rather as for such man as for thinking that feeling it is bad just I the oak and others
                                                                                  • 木40多岁的男子在东京生活,什么是复制学习院小学到大学 40 generation men who live inside capital from elementary course to the university were passing to Gakushuin Thinking that we would like to have tracing the same road to also the child If the woman rather as for such man as for thinking that feeling it is bad just I the oak and others
                                                                                  • 本人不知道,不过,雅子妃:麻原彰晃我们的重症监护病房(高圆宫家):绫子的早稻田大学(高圆宫家):悠仁的城西国际大学:进修学院,也避开了帝国茶带着你的大学布鲁诺周三 NULL
                                                                                  • 达罗有趣的故事本身已经不可能做碰撞津市我很少写信给国家的发展去学习爱子残疾儿童 The Aiko like advancement obstacle child the excessiveness does in Gakushuin and is thrust and the ro whose the ru itself already story is strange and is
                                                                                  • 黎池被踢或交谈,或只说在走廊上,也有人古如歌Tteta思一握的方式,是很好的戏,我真的的意思是,韩国学习,哇 It can speak with the corridor and or stands and however you think that story it is a certain scenery well Don t you think turning round useless how you say as expected or Gakushuin are enormous

                                                                                • 津市宰649,但该杂志也曾有过这样,雅子像前一段时间“找不到秘书中学的研究,发现孩子的支持”,但它是悩Tteiu您的文章, 649 However this had been recorded before the weekly magazine Just a little before the Masako way “the rearing person in charge where you can see the study to junior high school is not found” that Even trouble there was an article which is said
                                                                                  • 但是他们说,被欺负,但他说,即使是在假期上课时间,始终走在范围,在子女抚养办事员爱子瓒警司发现的,我不知道是什么让茹 However the tsu te which is hard on you say even in class even break always SP and to Aiko which is surrounded in the rearing person in charge is possible the fact that what is done the oak and others

                                                                                • 溜溜绝育DQN让我们愚弄Let ll有一个木根链条
                                                                                  Prevent conception operate to DQN YO This the [ze] which is the [mugen] chain of the fool

                                                                                  • 爱子一样,所有的小疣,但路,我认为我们都希望在梅萨基奈暴力密封像爱子对自己不利 Simply however kusogaki is the 遜 the Aiko way without being defeated to the partner with itself we want Aiko way case making violence stop also you think

                                                                                    • 爱子公主将学校连续2010年3月9日14:40据宫内厅的先生和夫人的王子,公主爱子,隆宫长子于3月9日的女儿在学习院小学二年级班级,4种语言在第一届会议为期两天类是出席
                                                                                      Aiko with 2 day continuation attending school 2010.3.9 14: 40 According to the Imperial Household Agency, the eldest daughter of the Crown Prince husband and wife, as for Satoshi shrine Aiko on the 9th, you attended school to Gakushuin elementary course 2nd grade class, attended in class of the national language of the 4th time limit

                                                                                      • 爱子公主,王储(8)的女儿,并一直未能参加学习的初级学院,或明,宫内厅5州署的学校表示,当天的丑闻多种高品质的产品 Crown Prince eldest daughter Aiko of the house 8 when it has entered in a state where you cannot attend school to Gakushuin elementary course on the 5th the Imperial Household Agency made clear Case has expanded the various ripples
                                                                                        • 你唯一的工作水平,茶即使驼的背,在几年后坐着,不做得不够南特柯海外外交服务,当然,什么王子结婚的有外交部沟通 Returning home just work of tea drawing level there is no thing which overseas embassy duty how was done of course So to the seat several years passing to Ministry of Foreign Affairs you get married with the Crown Prince

                                                                                      • 爱子是一种奇怪的发展,你会Furimui静香克萨恶作剧更换Tsuiteike摆脱教室起飞不是我会牺牲一个奇怪的棕褐色和发展?它Noitara什么大的麻烦,例如在课堂上 Aiko keeps being attached to the silence which changes to class from rest it sends strange voice Inclination peeling go it sends strange voice It is without being When such it is in the classroom very that it probably is large annoyance
                                                                                        • 有一个220株旺角俊安嘶嘶声,甚至Furimui提出了一个奇怪的儿童不应 220 The child where hiss monpe which is caused reaches increases strange voice being Inclination you do not have to peel
                                                                                        • 爱子是不是一个奇怪的棕褐色,并在各自的静香克萨Tsuiteike替代恶作剧的发展打破课堂起飞?它Noitara什么大的麻烦,例如在课堂上 Aiko keeps being attached to the silence which changes to class from rest it sends strange voice Inclination peeling go it sends strange voice It is without being When such it is in the classroom very that it probably is large annoyance

                                                                                      • 爱子是最愚蠢或类?从哪个责怪男童池泄漏给你的预算,我可从早上学校界线 As for Aiko being most foolish in class Dropping out it designates ru thing as consequence of the boy of next door Because it means especially the school go properly from morning
                                                                                        • 这是任何人的意图何在?下一步的事情,而不是一个男孩,在附件E是对真正的元老的期望 As for this from someone s intention It was not that next boy you did not attach to the expectation of the parents home father

                                                                                      • 爱子是第198 ·警司已根据几类体面教育前的走廊和楼梯,因为没有其他人都进入楼志垂直适应障碍,我认为我们将围绕嘴的需要,保护人员在两间教室,没有人喜欢他们浪费了领先的框架为那些税的严重性名称旁边的我附在天皇的教练〜小子平均每 198 As for SP the education person in charge who is done properly to Aiko thinks that it is necessary Way the other pupil does not enter in the floor of adaptation obstacle under the corridor and the stairway several names Before the classroom in entrance front and back the respective guard official 2 name Even inside classroom education person in charge to next door attendant The u wa tax squander it is terrible for gaki 1 there is no either such a Imperial Throne succession right
                                                                                        • 924语言Ttara爱子Desho去说坏的,好的教练前缀,贴近人民,他们觉得需要调整的障碍是不好的 924 When you say to there being useless it does the yo The education person in charge who is done properly to Aiko thinks that it is necessary It is not good to leave in the side of the human of adaptation obstacle

                                                                                      • 王子和他的妻子的暴力,他们将学习,暴力你留在皇室的黑暗黑暗研究所当皇帝和他的妻子皇后
                                                                                        As for the Crown Prince and spouse discloses the Gakushuin darkness When you become emperor empress and spouse, it probably is to disclose the darkness of the Imperial Family

                                                                                        • 由435凛本人 u003d结果的爱子,他们改变态度关闭它,大年立Tsubeku是什么房子的体面的,也没有回避的高质量的教育,在正交梅鲁儿童的名字?倒塌不再是确保一流的质量,数量不稳固很快,也许一些人组成一个模糊的运行 435 It faced with the attitude which is close to that the result of Aiko shift Shouldering the house which has name in that appearance in order that it stands it was sidestepped it is it is not in the children who request good quality education First becoming not be able to guarantee quality grade collapse Eventually becoming not be able to guarantee also number whether it becomes management and stand each it is off center don t you think

                                                                                          • 皇太子秋筱宫在你你在执行公务在非洲这样苛刻,从你的第二个儿子的安慰就是我擅长雨河在泰国,而适当地批评了他兄弟的太棒了! As for His Imperial Highness the Crown Prince although also the among of such is in the official business in severe Africa Fall the 篠 shrine while criticizing the older brother suitably playing with the tie the re therefore it is to call The next man cell ease don t you think it is enormous
                                                                                            • 226马阿,什么是第二个儿子的舒适说,嘿,从瓦特的男孩只有Yatteku什么是传统规则 226 Well as for are ease of the next man cell with you say or … w Don t you think as for the eldest son conforming to tradition from the paragraph serving the e

                                                                                          • 秋筱宫我这样的宝座三年我避免了神奇的学习学院分钟三位数是第二王子王子
                                                                                            Fall the 篠 shrine way, it is with the [wa] where it understands that Crown Prince this, Imperial Throne succession 3rd Imperial Prince avoids Gakushuin,

                                                                                            • 美雪在河内等偏远地区的困难,但茹,会议纪要,可你是人类耐力区,如从在东北,山形,在Ku耐心,刈许多天才儿童的家伙来 When being the remote region the snow as for being deep however it is troubled that much being able to make the human patient ru As for the person who comes from Yamagata to Tohoku University being patient the excellent child was many
                                                                                              • 782僻说,是啊是啊是啊是啊花花公子wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww 782 The ge which it does it can be able be able be able be able be able be able be able be able to obtain Bias wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww

                                                                                            • 自称生涯中遇到挫折,第一次,在未能至E仪式感的步骤
                                                                                              As for collapse of calling carrier, You could not remember the procedure of the first, festival 祀

                                                                                              • 花雅子か撕裂了这条路线的制造,并期待着什么让步学习中心?愛子 が 勉強 についていけない 以上学習院側 にこれ 以上 の 譲歩 は 不可能 なわけでだとすると 考 えられる 事 は学習院 のせいにして愛子 の 勉強 を 自宅学習 に 切 り 替 えることか
                                                                                                As for Masako expecting what concession on Gakushuin side The latest apprentice lifting it did kana? Above Aiko is not good being attached to study, On Gakushuin side as for concession above this with impossible reason That is, as for being thought that we assume To a Gakushuin consequence Changing Aiko study to home study?

                                                                                                • 豆粕的皇室权力梅鲁,萘乙酸,只是我能煽津津津持持肩并肩,学习学院,帝国
                                                                                                  In order to look down upon the authority of the Imperial Family, it has the shoulder of the Imperial Family, Fanning with the Gakushuin shoulder, the [ru] it is it is

                                                                                                  • 达罗进修学院是愚蠢的,从学校的地位复制皇家瓦特我慈济思値打什么都一去不复返了专利?瓦特 As for Gakushuin therefore the school which the Imperial Family can make through the ro fool w who who is status and is When the royalty it stops being thinking that there is some worth the ru it is w

                                                                                                    • 这一行为是,你和那个家伙或骑马的儿童很可能在残酷的暴力足以要对地震E的是的,但已经是第镇在140厘米出生船尾2年级学生在体质动障碍,与父母和突然改变作为一个好学生,不同的人,“你知道頑張”而他们的父母不使用,如果有人,我的城市的朋友或崇高的字眼,“!”什么你们学院学习呀它喜欢它的长相是骂一如我应该困扰着Monsutapearentsu朋友 This assailant A you probably will produce turn town don t you think is It will tremble to the upper class student and the extent which rises being rough the cruel child it probably will put out is Becoming the horseback riding when it does plop plop is Although 2nd it is grade the physique whose 140 centimeters are already stern So with ADHD between the parents like another person it changes suddenly model raw “Persevering don t you think ” with you apply throwing word using to the friend At the place where the parent is not “don t you think city ” In tsu te friend You abuse Your like it probably will put out is Gakushuin is becoming the monster pair Lenz s hideout the ru so “High school expenses paying like this margin well margin enormous threatening attitude it seems from the ru ”
                                                                                                      • 不适,当他们对水流的生动报告褐色厚复制到您的大学附属幼儿园就像是悠仁,不知怎地相信一个在100%和1的内容石井彰思看,但我不一样,雅子,它是什么时,有符合学习院Kasenai纪子像传统意义上的和沟通的文仁亲王combination ve学院是什么据悉,我喜欢Hanayo芳子确 The 悠 benevolence way when tsu te reporting which it commutes to the Ochanomizu woman large attachment preschool flowing enormous strange feeling it was 1 Seeing how without agreement 1 However contents do not think 100 are correct with the 眞 child way it is good it has made through the child way fall under the 篠 palace and the Gakushuin going which is the semantic tradition which is Noriko calling to Gakushuin something certain is certain at point in time
                                                                                                      • 与父母或监护人将被忽略他们有很多欺负学校的声誉,隐藏,如学习内容学院的鞋子,或者我们的球,欺凌,将要隐藏的资料作为办公文具不来 Guardian side It is famous between the guardians as the school where the unkind treatment is many The kind of contents where you ignore hide the shoes apply the ball hide the stationery Gakushuin side The unkind treatment has not risen to the headquarters as information
                                                                                                      • 周围的门我是它有什么,她说妒津市和预算是一个单亲学习研究所,东京大学,但预算的空气,我是说,但我觉得刈当选东京庆应义塾大学获得的家伙瓦特乌卡拉语言学院学习中心60家长百分之学习,并带回家神奇什么我收到分钟或任何桃红学习中心 Simply saying with the jealousy where the parent was dropped into Gakushuin the ru it is the ro which is Although around we it stayed it is it fell to Tokyo University however Tokyo University it passed you insist person w that Keio it chose with atmosphere Because as for 6 tenths of Gakushuin the parent you call Gakushuin understanding Gakushuin what kind of it is dense you have taken an examination the house which passes
                                                                                                      • 这一行为是,你和那个家伙或骑马的儿童很可能在残酷的暴力足以要对地震E的是的,但已经是第镇在140厘米出生船尾2年级学生在体质动障碍,父母在前面突然转变到一个不同的人,作为一个好学生,“你知道頑張”而他们的父母不使用,如果有人,我的城市的朋友或崇高的字眼,“!”什么你们学院学习呀它喜欢它的长相是骂一如我应该困扰着Monsutapearentsu朋友 This assailant A you probably will produce turn town don t you think is It will tremble to the upper class student and the extent which rises being rough the cruel child it probably will put out is Becoming the horseback riding when it does plop plop is Although 2nd it is grade the physique whose 140 centimeters are already stern So with ADHD between the parents like another person it changes suddenly model raw “Persevering don t you think ” with you apply throwing word using to the friend At the place where the parent is not “don t you think city ” In tsu te friend You abuse Your like it probably will put out is Gakushuin is becoming the monster pair Lenz s hideout the ru so “High school expenses paying like this margin well margin enormous threatening attitude it seems from the ru ”

                                                                                                    • 这也是古泡菜的气味,我病了一个真正的“千呼万唤始出来,他们都指出,因为前挥动着他们的行为,金妍国旗是好的,但他期待已久看性能和支持者的态度柯曾穿着在贫困酱 That in addition the kim chee being ill smelling truly mukamuka the wa which is done” With special care from before the performance whose kimu yona is good it is directly thick the polar flag Inclination or the za having done although with special care performance showed the appearance which applies the miso with trick of the manner of the supporter
                                                                                                      • 这也是古泡菜的气味,我病了一个真正的“千呼万唤始出来,但他们的表现还不错的玉娜金,与身穿酱科的支持者有不文明的举止中 That in addition the kim chee being ill smelling truly mukamuka the wa which is done” With special care from before the performance whose kimu yona is good it is directly thick the polar flag Inclination or the za having done although with special care performance showed the appearance which applies the miso with trick of the manner of the supporter

                                                                                                    • 这达罗?在小学这个孩子谁,由当时的自动扶梯上大学,我去?学习院做什么? The ro which with elementary course this is These children how becoming the time where with the escalator it enters the university the ru it is The Gakushuin university tsu te how what

                                                                                                      • 远程学习的机构或山椒皇太子秋筱宫变成了愤怒,因为他说,雅子妒正确的决定?
                                                                                                        As for fall the 篠 shrine sidestepping Gakushuin It is the case that it is correct judgment Was Masako was jealous and accustomed to getting angry to Hiroo Toumiya?

                                                                                                        • 雅子和王储,可能不会觉得它是植根于帝国时代的变化和我的国家是正交 As for the Crown Prince and Masako in the citizen and the Imperial Family whom age seek having changed Perhaps you probably will not become aware
                                                                                                          • 顺便我是皇后和皇太子和太子妃适用的,但我不适合申请 By the way the Crown Prince is corresponding and as for the empress however it corresponds as for crown princess It does not correspond don t you think it is

                                                                                                        • 雅子是天皇和皇后王子,并得到人民的支持不思踢的位置
                                                                                                          The Crown Prince and Masako becoming Empress emperor, support of the citizen cannot think is received with

                                                                                                          • 韩国的泡菜味道色彩Tatte学习的东西!有学习进入礼貌研究所可爱偶像Desho?制备可怕的野蛮茹志南特将赢得竞争,赢得王室! Also Gakushuin is the kim chee ill smelling tsu te thing It does with the husband who was inserted in Gakushuin in order to learn courtesy the yo Competing with the royalty how being savage gains victory we fear the ro forcing
                                                                                                            • 3月4日上午木材:学习中心,必将遭到王储明日传真3 5中午,五:山椒晚上王储:你有没有早退结果大致大家都在会议的进修学院 3 4 wood Morning When from Toumiya side tomorrow you interview in Gakushuin FAX 3 5 gold Noon Hiroo Toumiya Evening Gakushuin interview Assuming that there was violence in either one margin it has left early case

                                                                                                          • 颂也有商店大阪Puipuide本间束后,反灯笼堂岛的作用,日本每日新闻超级转换发生自发薯芋
                                                                                                            Don't you think? the [ho] is [ma] Osaka how has become, it is and the [ro] Super anti-Japanese metamorphosis everyday after the broadcasting the [chi] it is the [pu] to be, the [pu] it is, or with the hall island roll the store of [chiyon

                                                                                                            • 首先,学习院小学一直是爱子公主大津,他们是公平和可爱的偶像青山学院小学幼儿园和庆莎“以你的大三个一”,竞争是很窄的10倍门是来,即使在入场,并有一个除了年费大幅捐赠,不能照顾到困难的经济财富,传入的学生的教育,他们都接近上层阶级,目前最流行的原因有一个坚实的纪律 In the first place the Gakushuin elementary course which Aiko has commuted celebration 應 It lines up with the justice private school immature building and Aoyama institute elementary course at one “of the entrance examination big three” Competition rate to be the 10 times super narrow coming gate always after the entering tuition of every year Unless it is affluent economically attending school e g the large amount financial contributions exist other than As for being able to point being difficult as for the pupil to receive the education which is close to everyone beautiful people training The expectation where what will have been secure is the reason of preponderant popularity
                                                                                                              • 在一分钟的孩子说,他们有权处置莫塔学童谁也喜欢天或3天的品味学习院,调查报告说,四环素行前或没有回应的具体 Power in opinion of the child of the place where it had the ro the kind of school which deals with the child of the partner there is no dignity and is Gakushuin on the 3rd in other words in the questionnaire which goes before the reporting did not have the especially reaction that
                                                                                                              • 我看着跟大家似乎一点也不像哈里波特和职系的计算机教室电视新闻,从三个食堂膳食学习院,在恩戴爱子是不合理的,或不找借口Meru的时间讲话 However the news of TV you saw as for Gakushuin from 3rd grade the personal computer classroom and haripotsuta with everyone there is a meal likely with the dining room because it seems In Aiko with unreasonable something there is no excuse making which is stopped gradually
                                                                                                              • 首先,学习院小学一直是爱子公主大津,他们是公平和可爱的偶像青山学院小学幼儿园和庆莎“以你的大三个一”,竞争是很窄的10倍门是来,即使在入场,并有一个除了年费大幅捐赠,不能照顾到困难的经济财富,传入的学生的教育,他们都接近上层阶级,目前最流行的原因有一个坚实的纪律 In the first place the Gakushuin elementary course which Aiko has commuted celebration 應 It lines up with the justice private school immature building and Aoyama institute elementary course at one “of the entrance examination big three” Competition rate to be the 10 times super narrow coming gate always after the entering tuition of every year Unless it is affluent economically attending school e g the large amount financial contributions exist other than As for being able to point being difficult as for the pupil to receive the education which is close to everyone beautiful people training The expectation where what will have been secure is the reason of preponderant popularity

                                                                                                            • (按学习中心)2 / 3,预计封闭周三3 / 4休息周四有3 / 5→学者五公开是符合王储与学习中心3月6日茂木响亮的消息是,大的是对非洲的官方星期六世界上所有3 / 7太阳3 / 8月4日期限(语文)只参加类似雅子,顺应吃饭沿健儿←新!我们所说的话在新闻发布会上,在旁边的一类男孩,宫内厅
                                                                                                              (Gakushuin side interview) 3/3 waters Day off 3/4 wood Day off 3/5 gold Day off -> Hiroo Toumiya & Gakushuin interview 3/6 earth To the Crown Prince Africa News to be dispatched in the entire world, agitation 3/7 days 3/August The 4th time limit (only national language) without eating attendance and school lunch, the Masako way it returns together, <- new! The boy expresses in class and interview of next door regarding the Imperial Household Agency

                                                                                                              研究 開発