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In House of Councillors where “the administration leaving of ruling party staff citizen starts” selection refrainment Cabinet support ratio “dangerous waters” the ★2 which trembling spreads in government & the Democratic party


  • 142现在,顾行要小心,从来没有参加表决,直至选举日瓦特生病不保存任何打开的表决线古天气恶劣,甚至一个人一个人 142 Temporarily paying attention to physical condition to election day w which goes to absolute poll Weather being bad 1 1 it is possible to go to poll

    • 1。全国纪念龛→反对建设需要创建一个安宁的环境访问皇帝2。 3外国人投反对票。姓反对
      1. Yasukuni Shrine -> The tranquil creation of environment which His Majesty the Emperor can worship is needed Opposite to national mourning facility construction 2. Foreign carrot administration opposition 3. Surname opposition classified by married couple

      • 2003年4月,他们率代表团访问作为民主党重新碧事业与国家主席胡锦涛招待会,中国
        Leading delegation, as the Democratic party representation again you visited to China even in 2003 April, received the interview of the 胡 brocade 濤 head

        • 202只有一个,“这是很好的,”如果有,研究,教师开始在北,“学校教师联合会”(在所有教师,但没有)如何,或者是发生了Egetsu,李明说,释放你什么 202 When we assume that just one there is a “good thing” ” the union of the teacher of the school” is not all teachers including north teaching group but How whether it did that it is not egetsu the thing shelf where the tsu lever becomes clear

          • 33 63 Æ Æ º º发言的魅力,但我看到了突击它比次郎小泉舛添诚实辛格在议会今天的议题

            • 3中国胡锦涛,中共中央对外联络部,瑞国王,国务委员唐家璇,人们说的传入外交部副部长武大伟会议,忽略了在亚洲和美国的重要的双边关系并批评首相小泉纯一郎的外交政策,形成了关于交流与民主党和共产党的共识,进一步加强
              In China as for 3 people 胡 brocade 濤 President and royal family also the 瑞 inside central opposite To receive the interview of outside communication department manager, the China house plug state affair member and military affairs large diplomacy sub-managers greatly, seriously considering the United States, Asia As and the diplomatic policy of Prime Minister Koizumi who neglects the Sino-Japan relations is criticized, intersection of the Democratic party and the Chinese Communist Party Agreement was formed concerning more strengthening and the like of flow

              • 402血液日本猪肉桶自助餐(海外),以恐吓,在中国,韩国和承包商利益的地区的奖金是华丽Bihetsurai叶德娴,很长时间没有Kattara凉鞋卖国媒体甚至不拼命希美公共政策前这是愚蠢的Terubeki我们下台
                402 As for blood tax of the Japanese scattering at will (in the foreign country), in addition intimidating the district with earth building right You flatter to the Chinese Korea recklessly and flatter, the citizen you become desperate in the treason policy which either the desire does not do When there is no mass communications geta, it is foolish the lower field it should have done long ago

                • 405如果戒严在缅甸境内的政权,如果继续保持这一离开民主党 约哈纳小泽可能会限制投票权的市民做瓦特:拖延赢得选举政治→小泽半身像由人(民主党):选举支持拖延胜→刚特鲁就是为什么只有法,使民主党 405 When the Democratic party administration continues this way Whether martial law about poll restriction Ozawa is popular in the Burmese beam w General people We would like to win election in order gt to be supported in the citizen politics it perseveres Ozawa the Democratic party We would like to win election gt in order to be able to win just the Democratic party law it makes Therefore
                  • 不,人们希望亚里塔的政策后,日本波民主浪潮,使我思这些家伙真的非常失望 Whether no and others it is dense truly the Japanese the citizen was disappointed to the Democratic party which next wishes to do the policy which is made to think from the next just
                  • 但无论怎样了,直到并不容易,百分之民主党一团糟,这是同样的自民党 The Democratic party how becoming guchiyaguchiya the party it does not crack so simply ma as for this the Liberal Democratic Party the same shelf
                  • 古引导什么,只能破坏日本?我希望自由民主党废物,摧毁恐怖主义和官员希望日本停止 Only leading Japan to ruin without being possible The Democratic party and call the good rubbish our people and the bureaucracy stop the terrorist behavior which destroys good Japan
                  • 嗯,我可能使国家民主党奇怪的相似率华伦天奴刚特鲁不仅改变了法律!是什么想法,因为它是 NULL

                • 527如果你认为看影片,的方法之前,我们的民主年底在日本完全腐败 3月12日我们的儿童福利法。 Steamrolling 527 Looking at this animated picture if so you think your nature has finished to rot End of the Japanese democracy 3 12 child treatment methods Steamrolling
                  • 527如果你认为看影片,的方法之前,我们的民主年底在日本完全腐败 3月12日我们的儿童福利法。 Steamrolling 527 Looking at this animated picture if so you think your nature has finished to rot End of the Japanese democracy 3 12 child treatment methods Steamrolling
                  • 盖伊不像这部影片的目的是什么有趣的是在日本的民主 3月12日我们的儿童福利法。 Steamrolling Looking at this animated picture the person whom nothing feel is strange as a person End of the Japanese democracy 3 12 child treatment methods Steamrolling

                • 569的孩子到了家庭的主要增长付出什么样的实际失业的若干规定的父亲陈一号案 569 As for child treatment however you could receive father inoccupation tsu te home large multiplies with real it is probably will be
                  • 所有剩下的成员被逮捕和监禁在另一个小泽许鸽,诚实,没有失业的水平 Honesty the Ozawa pigeon being done already even with arrest commitment As for remaining 党員 everyone unless it becomes inoccupation the level which is not permitted

                • 697德格“上帝小泽最近的选举中,你去不去?自民党是混乱有725人,他们不能支持这个思是什么,很多普通百姓 697 te gt God Ozawa of election Recently how becoming the ru 725 As for the Liberal Democratic Party having been tangly it cannot support at all … Like this the person who is thought so is multi in the general citizen
                  • 自民党是一团糟,他们,那些谁不能支持这个思是什么,很多普通百姓 NULL

                • 85,这个家伙我是谁然的传入捐款知识扫描禁止在这个时候非法捐款,并吗?人们不仅有效的执法洙津Idaro没有这样的善意 85 Enterprise group donation and prohibition Receiving illegal donation at present time the ro which is not meaning in the people who intellectual viewing have been done to shake and is Such protecting law securely the ro which is the effect in only the ru person and is
                  • 乐天120或没有荣誉和意义不具体说明是否该公司是这个反日 120 This Whether concrete anti Japanese enterprise is where unless it shows there is no meaning Lotte Co Ltd

                • Nachisuminsu也是对党的成本问题和旋转像疯了,该公司表示,它认识到特米我被释放或事情只是说看只有会议室希拉,政府赞助的养老金Zitirou旧纪录,也是最大的问题这项调查将涵盖的破坏和背叛的问题会导致制造 teme and others operates and recognizes information even with the tsu te office expense problem which is sown as for the nachisuminsu party at just the interview place chira when it is something which releases sufficient ones which were made to see It probably is slowdown of old autonomous labor state expenditure council and fabrication public opinion poll of the result of concealing betrayal problem even with the annuity record which is largest problem but
                  • 党Nachisuminsu甚至更多的问题和旋转像疯了,在办公经费支出,承认和我和特米只是告诉观希拉只在会议室发表的,市镇理事会Zitirou奖学金是在养老金记录,最大的问题这项调查将涵盖的破坏和背叛的结果问题制造 teme and others operates and recognizes information even with the tsu te office expense problem which is sown as for the nachisuminsu party at just the interview place chira when it is something which releases sufficient ones which were made to see It probably is slowdown of old autonomous labor state expenditure council and fabrication public opinion poll of the result of concealing betrayal problem even with the annuity record which is largest problem but

                • NULL NULL

                  • Shiku,日本成为穷人,即使在收入双重征税,肯定不会少于700人以上的应纳税所得额的最低万人 Some Japan says became poor with will not be times when number of people above dual taxation income 7 000 000 Yen the lowest are less than number of assessable income people
                    • 和双重课税财政部的3000000000000日元把戏井制备四环素不正确,或者是绝对不会出现赤字 When with it does the financial affairs ministry 3 000 000 000 000 Yen swindled with dual taxation and took because with the mistake substantially it was the deficit will not be

                  • [经济部长正行忠志摩(朝总联汽车)]万名总额6813丰田的劳动力产妇万Uketa五二五零日元工会组织捐赠收入
                    <Direct 嶋 Masanari economic industrial phase (automobile entire ream)> Among earnings sum total 68,130,000 Yen, contribution of 52,500,000 Yen was received from the affiliated group of all the Toyota labor unions of the graduate parent

                    • _NULL_
                      - The Democratic party would like to doing Promoting, the fact that such as foreign carrot administration it is not the manifest by all power CO2 25% reduction : As for Japan harsh restriction, as for money and technology to foreign country Foreign local denizenship : The foreigner to participate in Japanese politics, Tsushima Korean territory As for Okinawa after the becoming independent to China Foreign inhabitant fundamental law : If, 5 years it stays even with the dense entry person, the Japanese It is heavy nationality admission : The Chinese and the North Korean person the Japanese policeman and Self-Defense Official Surname admission classified by married couple : The Japanese family system and destruction of society and marriage of the Chinese & Korean system Family register system abolition : Destruction of the lineage, the offender is active with the entire identity unclear person Human rights violation relief method : Protection of fundamental human rights method One person public of control of speech, net crushing and mass communications Nitukiyou group education : The Japanese and unqualified teacher who dislike Japan, abnormal characteristic guidance Presently 280,000 person Yasukuni Shrine substitution facility : The Japanese continues to concede eternally, ruin conversion of war dead memorial Permanent peaceful Research Bureau installation : The Japanese continues to apologize eternally Okinawa vision : In the Okinawa population 1,300,000 annual 30,000,000 foreigners 10,000,000 human immigration promotion : With tax of increase of crime, formation and Japanese of foreign autonomous area welfare Also east Asia the same body : In the Japanese historical history, for the first time to the Chinese tributary Hatoyama conversation : The past historical view of day Korea all denial On the one hand to the Japanese apology Pachinko conversion legalization : Injury legitimately The North Korean human rights method amendment : You can reside the deviation from north person on the country The Chinese visa annual income important matter abolition: Illegal stay increase in sight-seeing visa Blocking : Net censorship and child pornographic correcting/rule. Regulating the counter government sight with pretext Holiday method amendment : Consecutive holiday decrease and holiday holiday in every area disjointedly Child treatment : When nationality ignoring, the child is in native country of the migrant foreigner, it provides High school gratuitous conversion : Also the Korean school which is not the curriculum which is similar in the Japanese high school is gratuitous

                      • _NULL_
                        It is swindled in the manifest When it chooses in the support group, cannot be the Democratic party * Support of the Democratic party (relationship) group Combination (the Japanese Union entire association) └ autonomous labor (all the Japanese self-governing unit Unions) Nitukiyou group (the Japanese school personnel union) Leather labor cooperation (revolutionary worker association) Core group (revolutionary communism person alliance nationwide commission) Corporation study same (socialist student alliance) Red Army Faction (communism person alliance Red Army Faction) People group (main Korean Airlines people national group of resident) The Korean entire ream (main Korean entire combined meeting of resident) North Korea (the Democratic Peoples's Republic of Korea) Solution same (village release alliance) Anti-Japanese mass communications (TV, newspaper and magazine) Pachinko ( 9 tenths of the pachinko industry all manager of Japan resident Korean) The plate gold (the resident Korean is many consumer credit and president) Town declaration right wing (the resident Korean is many in the representative) Mob (as for member village 60%, resident Korean 30%)

                        • Ø ³ Ñ以下绝对的民主,社会民主党,共产党,我要争取比城市新公明党等。有过敏体质的人将是自由党的传入板即将推出 As for next absolutely oumu democracy the corporation people the common property insert other than fairness As for the person who is our people allergy Already the new party which it is possible immediately probably becomes the saucer

                          • “未决定拯救政治生活,”这是什么话或Rumitai时,我给你在人民最困难的津Sazu钱到达,20年,30区是没有你的好处是,在经过一年的有效需求撒袖口松了什么付钱麻烦儿童鳕鱼 “Politics which rescues life” saying ru like now most being troubled because the gold it lifts in the ru human Although the transfer 20 years the effect has become destitute 30 years later when treatment is gone in child treatment something which is troubled The bill which the rose spreads the gold
                            • 789地方政府同意子女免税额790最后失败了,要加税,二进制大Muwakedesu 789 Agreement 790 More and more it is the case that it advances to self governing community failure and the large tax increase with child treatment
                            • “未决定拯救政治生活”,而说他们或津Sazu很难传递给你钱,现在的人,20年来,有30人撒袖口或松散的金钱来支付子女到什么优势,如年 While “politics which rescues life” saying now most being troubled in the ru human the gold The transfer 20 years in child treatment something where the effect is produced 30 years later The bill which the rose spreads the gold
                            • 他们四环素持的印象,在自民党很多人抗拒自私高的法案,他们支持国家的儿童福利,而不是 On the other hand being selfish in the child treatment bill whose national support is high you call the Liberal Democratic Party which resists The person who had impression is many
                            • 他们四环素持的印象,在自民党很多人抗拒自私高的法案,他们支持国家的儿童福利,而不是 On the other hand being selfish in the child treatment bill whose national support is high you call the Liberal Democratic Party which resists The person who had impression is many
                            • 他们四环素持的印象,在自民党很多人抗拒自私高的法案,他们支持国家的儿童福利,而不是 On the other hand being selfish in the child treatment bill whose national support is high you call the Liberal Democratic Party which resists The person who had impression is many
                            • 在儿童津贴,我还将填补国内外的黄金你的孩子,他们的工作,但没有,只是这样,我说的是什么人来津在西日本 Because with child treatment the money it lifts to also the child who is in the foreign country all the way As for work however it is not coming to everyone Japan under calling saying the ru like trap which is rubbed
                            • 维塔也将增加至584申请人和公共援助,金融崩溃仅次于关心和关注我们,受助儿童的结合 584 Also the welfare application and receipt person probably will increase and Adjusting to child treatment the air which already is only public finance failure does

                          • →叶蜂科负分裂的上届立法局议员选举众议院民主党→锻炼微分加速改革 - 包括自由民主党鸠山内阁辞职→其余的是现在的课程? ?它的流
                            Well democracy to be defeated with House of Councillors selection and -> intraparty separation -> the movement of the political world reorganization which includes our people to accelerate, of course present Hatoyama Cabinet resignation -> the tip of that? ? It probably is the flow

                            • ↓在参院选举投票中,人民。可爱的偶像公平 5 8集集的时事新闻民意调查三月份天,根据民意调查,鸠山内阁的支持率30。 9%,较上月4。想在8点 ↓ Ahead House of Councillors selection voting people It lines up current events public opinion poll According to the March public opinion poll which the Jiji Press Ltd executes on 5 8th Support ratio of Hatoyama Cabinet 30 To become the 9 from front month 4 8 points it went down
                              • ○民主政府议案,参议院选举。日本时事希望类似规模 u003d 3,在30日的内阁民意调查,安倍内阁的支持率。下跌百分之九,民主党和政府要阶段底价大小 To ○ government democracy and House of Councillors selection motion It spreads the Abe Cabinet and the similarity In March of the Jiji Press Ltd public opinion poll Cabinet support ratio 30 It depreciated in the 9 trembling spread furthermore into government the Democratic party

                            • 。爆睡了前国王的嚣张气焰。国王的骄傲和轻率,朝鲜民主主义人民共和国内阁也较差,这些优厚的薪酬。我认为,野元预算
                              . Blast 睡 the arrogance of king, before. The arrogant of boar sudden dash king And so on, the Democratic party to be inferior the person of the Cabinet minister, this Support. You think that it is the element of falling,

                              • まだ 残念 なことに 民主党 を 支持 してる 人 たち日教組組合員連合組合員在日韓国人中国 の 工作員部落 の 住人9 条信者自虐的市民団体 の 皆 さん反米主義者パチンコ 店員衆院選挙 で 投票 したから选民投票支持你无论如何
                                The people who still support the Democratic party in regrettable thing Nitukiyou group union member Combined union member Resident South Korean The Chinese operative Resident of village 9 provision believers Everyone of masochistic citizen group Anti-American principle person Pachinko salesman Because you voted with the Lower House election, the voter who has been supported with nature

                                • 上议院选举类似的众议院大选中,而是在参议院121个议席的一半,经常是什么,只有在选举中的席位的知识?期间与21个众议院席位上届立法局议员的选举在去年夏天的选举安倍政府是一个非选举席位自60持始终不变 As for Upper House election Not to be the general election the House of Representatives way the te Half parliamentary seat 121 parliamentary seat of House of Councillors constant it just reelects you know that The parliamentary seat which is reelected with 21st Upper House election at the time of previous Abe administration summer of this year Because 60 it has with parliamentary seat of non reelection it remains that way
                                  • 上议院选举类似的众议院大选中,而是在参议院121个议席的一半,经常是什么,只有在选举中的席位的知识?期间与21个众议院席位上届立法局议员的选举在夏季上届选举安倍政府,因为一旦非选举议席,仍然 As for Upper House election Not to be the general election the House of Representatives way the te Half parliamentary seat 121 parliamentary seat of House of Councillors constant it just reelects you know that The parliamentary seat which is reelected with 21st Upper House election at the time of previous Abe administration summer of this year Because 60 it has with parliamentary seat of non reelection it remains that way

                                • 不错,如果我真的感到十分即使在人类的火力好-这样做或不选择从政治舞台上或W政府
                                  Because there is no political world reorganization or administration selection, it is possible to be human request kana To be possible unreasonable painful brown to be done, however it is the leprosy which is to be, w

                                  • 也有不好的法律超过3人被称为纠正人权法的行为姓地方普选外国十进制梅鲁估计卖国民主党人,但结果!
                                    Three large bad laws of the surname human rights violation relief method of the classified by foreign local denizenship married couple which the treason Democratic party implements know are crossing in the citizen, it is the result!

                                    • 也许人们应该与我的工作是从收集负责保守派更好民主党的前瞻性,从小泉的自民党在Shinzirou轿甚至没有打算在那里坐?
                                      From the Liberal Democratic Party at Sinzirou Koizumi and conservative power gathering the new party which is shouldered in the portable shrine from the Democratic party, if it makes Perhaps, the citizen rides in that, it is it is not?

                                      • 事实上,如果没有什么机会,在上届立法局议员选举穆赤预算众议院民主党席位包括接近情况下,他们轻易抹去
                                        Actually, if only little opportunity it is, House of Councillors reelection parliamentary seat of the Democratic party falls in the circumstance which is close to total destruction simply

                                        • 互联网上的548,阅读在现实世界梅鲁暴力和民主党的严重的事情诈骗消息是,它不 548 On Internet you can read also the kind of news which discloses the deception of the Democratic party but In the actual world so it means not going
                                          • 互联网上的533,阅读在现实世界梅鲁暴力和民主党的严重的事情诈骗消息是,它不 533 On Internet you can read also the kind of news which discloses the deception of the Democratic party but In the actual world so it means not going

                                        • 什么是儿童的利益,但是这就是自由的高速,能亲亿邮和投票权或挑战谁的非法入境者,将削减为在女性议员归莲藕或削弱国家权力的东西表现的预算水平或者,什么是或不是为日本领土的教育挑战,而不是国家和工程师在家庭分裂本质,负责任的,反日和民主党,即任何一方的反明等报国家利益。因为,虽然不是什么令人惊讶的是,明等等人。 Child treatment not to be the level which how high speed free conversion how says Dense the woman whom it tries to give denizenship to the challenge person who enters renkon it says In naturalized Assemblyman pointing to budget cutting performance for Kuniriki weakening Japanese territory be able to point to the education that it is something of challenge instead of nation the family Essentially the Democratic party to be the anti Japanese political party e g separation is schemed clearly national interest It is the political party which opposes therefore the reason which in the eye of the citizen becomes clear If you mention the proper the ro which is proper
                                          • 什么是儿童的利益,但是这就是自由的高速,能亲亿邮和投票权或挑战谁的非法入境者,将削减为在女性议员归莲藕或削弱国家权力的东西表现的预算水平或者,什么是或不是为日本领土的教育挑战,而不是国家和工程师在家庭分裂本质,负责任的,反日和民主党,即任何一方的反明等报国家利益。因为,虽然不是什么令人惊讶的是,明等等人。 Child treatment not to be the level which how high speed free conversion how says Dense the woman whom it tries to give denizenship to the challenge person who enters renkon it says In naturalized Assemblyman pointing to budget cutting performance for Kuniriki weakening Japanese territory be able to point to the education that it is something of challenge instead of nation the family Essentially the Democratic party to be the anti Japanese political party e g separation is schemed clearly national interest It is the political party which opposes therefore the reason which in the eye of the citizen becomes clear If you mention the proper the ro which is proper

                                        • 什么是关键的球员并不是说我们面前南特161,一般市民如果我会支持这项议案,舛添添要一瓦特达罗知道它的这种选举到现在害羞
                                          161 You there is no keyman, how saying, when as for the people Masuzoe moves Masuzoe is supported, w Seeing such present election, the [re] the [ro] which is understood and is

                                          • 从党的一应适用于香港的内阁秘书的辞职,小泽形势发展的声音,党的领导和总理负
                                            When from intraparty, aspect break should be assured with Ozawa's Secretary General resignation and Cabinet remodelling, there is a voice, but as for the prime minister and the party executive committee Negative

                                            • 他说:“金权政治的问题,”噤用权力基础上的既得利益应收面积口,在盖呒鹅夹紧与收买影响力和恐吓产业集团,多情的目光投宗教组织
                                              噤 You look at the mouth with “problem of politics and the gold,” load on top vesting on the support parent, It tightens the economic organization with profit induction, and intimidation fall sends the wave in the sect

                                              • 他还表示,家长和被迫投票支持子孙“,”什么是他的生命真的感动了对方,如果我从Shiku严,短暂休会到达认为我独自维塔更好的利益的若干规定茹 And either their parents vote do not obtain “for the child and the grandchild” Actually let do to the other political party passing life becomes harsh therefore it is If the benefits just you can receive it is mashi becoming it falls to short circuit thought

                                                • 众议院设置主要是亲民党和新公明武藤敏郎在座椅上三分钟,两个温子持以?如果是这样,社会民主党和国民新党古差别呢?埃洛伊像上述位置助理人 When Komeito and the people party main thing unite it is on the thing which has 2 3 from here parliamentary seat at the House of Representatives When it becomes so the corporation people and the national new party how move The eroi person of the tsu coming teaching
                                                  • 当然,雌花设置联盟新公明党以及众议院民主党众议院2 3不能与国民议会议席,使不超过经营 Of course if Komeito and the Democratic party unite alliance because it means to have or more the parliamentary seat of 2 3 at the House of Representatives There are no times when it cannot do the National Diet management

                                                • 但是,跳→业务规则!步骤→秘书长小泽的辞职!除了肉类,直到预定的基地迁移Razu→Orz
                                                  Hop -> It is business classification! Step -> Ozawa Secretary General resignation! Meat leaving -> Ahead base moving rule Orz

                                                  • 党的官员“,以评估这些政策如果更多的人已成为民主,马塔支持分离率政权的开始,”真的,我不是唯一的白痴瓦特年明克鲁前,我死了早谷民主党人,即使我思津 The ruling party staff “citizen becoming calmer if it reached the point where policy of the Democratic party is appraised support ratio the administration leaving started” Only the fool it is truly it is w which is Year before opening from die quickly thinking as the Democratic party although the ru
                                                    • 后评价制度,改变,如果这些政策已经在国家民主党更是难以长期支持率,也没有返回元素 NULL

                                                  • 减少排序柯营商,如条例草案的自由投票的重要性,高中子女补贴,浪费,如果人们享受制度改革成果,在普及上升到未经训练的眼睛可以预期
                                                    The wastefulness reduction with business categorization is executed, The important bill of child treatment and high school gratuitous conversion etc is voted, If the citizen enjoys the fruit of administration alternation, as for support ratio rising It can expect even in the amateur eye

                                                    • 凡比例代表制,在参议院选举中,两名民主党。 9 21个百分点。 1%,自由民主党20。 5%(上升2 5个百分点)阶段之间的差异马塔和冷凝 Even ahead voting of House of Councillors selection proportion representation as for democracy 2 9 point decreases 21 With 1 Our people 20 5 front month ratio 2 5 point increases with difference was reduced furthermore
                                                      • 125选民是“不要在参院选举我们,小泽辞职”,因为我希望 125 Because the voter expects “the do before the se and the House of Councillors selection Ozawa probably will be resigns” that

                                                    • 创价Yappari来到这里充满了地方选举是Burebure鸠山由纪夫表示,与卡拉OK场所的免费的方式对付朝鲜的威胁,结果在别人的gonna的辉煌学校对创新价值的舔免费无限高速Baramaki外国人支付托儿所有南特思尊敬,因为他们也没有了约郁脱落非常,非常的形式联盟已经公开露面E的社会中人民的友好关系浮动
                                                      [kodomo] treatment in foreigner limitless rose maquis Expectation of high-speed free conversion in [peropero] [tsu] and price hike gorgeously changeover Directing to the Korean school gratuitous conversion, Hatoyama which is blurring blurring Local election of intimidation and purchase speech being lazy Coming here, after all people public alliance was visible in Soka academic society and connection with honeymoon Cause how you come to mind with extent a lot of it cannot write very very

                                                      • 前民主选举Yabai和Tteta思,刈驴子是比我预想的瓦特Ketara强行打开盖子,甚至想到,我喜欢写意能亲维塔 From before the electing as for democracy when as yabai you think the cover you open above expecting yaba the wa w which is applied When such a it is free hand it gives how thinking it is unreasonable
                                                        • Tsuka,我不想公开谈论面对每个进入再敏说现在我瓦特 这么久才说,四环素选举 The handle now at each time the story which was inserted in minsu is done the ear the face it does openly it is w … … That much you said before the electing although

                                                      • 区,我的甜蜜,爱他人大型严志位无情的志愿者,您为自己多留在世界中心南特一个多么美好的人,自恋
                                                        You are sweet by your, severe extent are harsh in others Service activity love, central barrel by his of the world has served, it probably is how element clear forcing person what, that oneself you are intoxicated

                                                        • 卖国的日本民主党“叛国”的罪名的!阿维塔能亲民主党的卖国明天!叛国罪(第〜刑法典第77章第80条),以摧毁该国的管治架构,并在其领土内,行使主权权力,消除了。犯有骚乱的目的是为了缩小与民主宪政梅鲁等级的基本秩序 NULL
                                                          • 卖国的日本民主党“叛国”的罪名的!阿维塔能亲民主党的卖国明天!叛国罪(第〜刑法典第77章第80条),以摧毁该国的管治架构,并在其领土内,行使主权权力,消除了。犯有骚乱的目的是为了缩小与民主宪政梅鲁等级的基本秩序 NULL

                                                        • 即使你启动你自己的诗在日本的政权不改变投票反对党在选举中没有辜负改变至E现在我思和恶作剧津你奇怪?维塔确实改变了政权更替,日本是许多人的恶作剧行为古奇我的生活 Voting to the opposition party with election if only causing it does administration alternation By his present living does not change at all the te As for Japan thinking that it changes the combining of the ru If administration alternation many people do the conduct that it changes their own living into opportunity Japan changes
                                                          • 早在去年秋天是最近换了政府谁是愉快的脸很黑,他们都面临着奇怪哇,这太滑稽笑津洲 As for the time where fall of last year it has become administration alternation buoyantly the person who is the face recently changing to the everyone dark face the te being strange it is about the laughing tsu chi ya u

                                                        • 参议院自由在这次选举中,小麦秸秆和丸山瓦特舛添Shoboi现任家伙,我是不知道这些小家伙,他们想对那里的伊塔瓦特塞科嘿选举选举! Ahouyo!但是,指望孩子氖wwww军三原
                                                          Incumbent with the latest our people House of Councillors selection, [shiyoboi] person [tsu] or w The person where Masuzoe and Maruyama, one Sekou we would like to see thickly, degree of distinction is in election is strong These majority are non reelection what, don't you think? w It is! [ahouyo]! Don't you think? the Miho [ji] [yu] it is it should expect to the child, - wwww

                                                          • 只希望在154停在亚军的候选人,如果重复的比例是有手舛添辞职竞选参议院席位的自民党辞职参选比例舛添添要一没有100%,并重新碧卡兹是好看赢得之间的舛添差异选票,你可以把其他自民党候选人的比例很大
                                                            154 There is the hand where Masuzoe resigning, calls House of Councillors re-running If Masuzoe resigns, because it is proportion, candidacy of the next point just carries there is no Liberal Democratic Party parliamentary seat decrease And Masuzoe runs as a candidate again in proportion The 100% as for being elected you are not wrong With the poll which Masuzoe makes, it is possible to be elected other our people proportional candidacy in large quantities,

                                                            • 只有球员谁的既得利益和伪类的代理人,在选举和民主反对派主要对GE削减outta工作四环素“Netouyo民主政权的基督徒知识分子”什么嘲上粘贴标签,并讨厌它是什么我不知道他笑Kurikaeru里里...车厢内的底层熟,我想...“Netouyo”我觉得我的浮动我眺监测所有的笑是如此肮脏,从安全区,笑嘻嘻的脱亚什么Yobawari阿谭会
                                                              At the time of one House of Representatives selection false intelligence of democracy believer and operative party of vesting class Pasting the disagreeable label where just by your after finishing to escape well, call to democracy administration group of objectors “[netouyo]” and so on The ridicule laughing, the wax which hurts you think as… with and others the [wa] it is to boil the chestnut you can apply,… … Base layer “[netouyo]” the [wa] [ri] doing, from safety zone [niyaniya] floating the disagreeable smile Watching the monitor, [ru] feeling was what kind of ones, it is probably will be

                                                              • 号法律还会见政府官员,而不是做任何事情,但资金是我总是欺诈环瓦特!它的话和民主行动党的委员会多数类瓦特
                                                                No, nothing being able to do either government employee method amendment satisfactorily, as for the revenue source by all means there is something, is, w Fraud group! Speech and behavior of the Democratic party is most grade commissions, w

                                                                • 四环素超过他们在选举中胜出宣言是在一些公共书面工程项目,以减少批评是当之无愧的,是要做到这一点,伟大的,如果有人在您打开,也难以从公开,古坏印象不同,我会偷偷是 There is also criticism in public works projects reduction but above you write on the manifest and winning with election doing that puts out naturally If direction it converts after extensively to opening should do Because kosokoso you do impression becomes bad

                                                                  • 国际投资集团Tepun官员6月15日在北朝鲜后,他们说什么滚装明聨合在韩国的消息,“在中共国际联络部,瑞王室访问中国和几个主要的银行,几个对朝鲜和跨国公司Tepungurupu。实际上投资谈判结束 That the tepun international investment group authorized personnel of North Korea on the 15th in the Korean 聨 combination news made clear according to the ro “At the time of royal family 瑞 Chinese Communist Party foreign communication department manager visiting morning the plural major banks and group of multinationals of China tepungurupu Anti north morning Negotiation of investment it ended in fact
                                                                    • 国际投资集团Tepun官员6月15日在北朝鲜后,他们说什么滚装明聨合在韩国的消息,“在中共国际联络部,瑞王室访问中国和几个主要的银行,几个对朝鲜和跨国公司Tepungurupu。实际上投资谈判结束 That the tepun international investment group authorized personnel of North Korea on the 15th in the Korean 聨 combination news made clear according to the ro “At the time of royal family 瑞 Chinese Communist Party foreign communication department manager visiting morning the plural major banks and group of multinationals of China tepungurupu Anti north morning Negotiation of investment it ended in fact

                                                                  • 在古许多成员也从民社党和草率,电影绪菜硬肮脏从秋立场气流泽,在社会主义制度这是真正的本质 And the Democratic party as for that many Assemblyman those which flowed from Japan Socialist Party Rashly because potsupo and the 沢 is conspicuous dirtily to become aware it is good difficult but As for essence the ze which is Japan Socialist Party administration what
                                                                    • 说他们没有知识,而是如何在公共行政和民主党他们知道我最好让这句话,是任何人都蓬勃发展 However you do not know someone said the Democratic party the phrase making is good after all Administration of the citizen it leaves this is popular

                                                                  • 在电视机437多民主已经批评,但我漂亮,我认为踢尽快找到解决方案,因为它是 437 Already being criticized well enough it increases democracy at many of the television but If you look at that you think that it is unraveled directly
                                                                    • 超越,说只要听这些人谈论政治的批评是适得其反, That it is audible you say Long story of politics is done You criticize These are the counter result

                                                                  • 在这种情况下,也发现了一个新的教师工会事业从北海道,党在众议院竞选的非法捐款的成员,“马塔,是公共管理分离开始”(官方执政党)和枯萎听到声音
                                                                    While such as that, the camp of same party member of the house of representatives from the Hokkaido school personnel union Incident and it was detected anew, “the administration leaving of the citizen started”, (ruling party staff) with the voice which receive illegality donation are heard

                                                                    • 媒体操纵信息,涵盖政治,不公平的利润。组织经济,切割Shiku的井作为整个社会的利益,这是人所共知的净 The mass communications operating to conceal political intelligence unjust interest Economy is organized As for shaving the profit of all societies considerably with the net with common sense the shank
                                                                      • 现在的民主党初选,“是显示出了两个例子,党的制度,因为”脏,但这种作用。概述吸引国家利益豁免,因为这是犯罪的隐患 Originally as for the current Democratic party although it is the role which “shows the model of after bipartisan systems” It is dirty Crime and the concealment Intimidation Right Outline attraction National governmental abandonment Therefore

                                                                    • 子女免税额u003d我们,澳» Þ Ü Ë ¨ Ý ÞÝ Þ ×圣战应变文Gutameni日本民主党支持者削减其权力,党率u003d汉奸卖国的人在日本的恐怖松鼠
                                                                      Child treatment provision = Reed ゙ [wa] [hi] ゙ [nrate] ゙ [in] [jihado] which is caused because the treason terrorist lith party which is led shaves Japanese Kuniriki The Democratic party supporter = Resident treason person

                                                                      • 客观,什么是他说的情况,自民党是如此自私已经在客观编辑在这情况,,他们光刻和自民党武装分子,而不仅仅是外部视图,以便博闻好仅仅是因为他们 Seeing objectively as for the scenario that the Liberal Democratic Party was selfishness You say that it was compiled objectively Because it is thing the Liberal Democratic Party doing resistant power scenario just it is drawn It is good calling the viewpoint which is not removed so largely
                                                                        • 客观,因为它一直在风中编辑了它是什么故意说,自民党,而武装分子,他们作为自民党光刻真的很好只是因为他们不认为这样的博闻外 Seeing objectively as for the scenario that the Liberal Democratic Party was selfishness You say that it was compiled objectively Because it is thing the Liberal Democratic Party doing resistant power scenario just it is drawn It is good calling the viewpoint which is not removed so largely

                                                                      • 我们有大量的投资是关系到联合国有关决议,并作为一个纯粹由中国的立场,即是没有触及任何国际招标金融投资制裁,联合国制裁决议的注意中国也一直在正式反对的是看到一些忽视 Relation with the United Nations sanction resolution is observed in regard to the latest large sized investment but it does not mention the United Nations sanction resolution altogether as the pure economic investment with international bid Is the Chinese standpoint objection is put out temporarily from part and China is seen that you ignore

                                                                        • 我们淡轮是纳税人,谁的作品属于他们好看易卜拉欣淡轮工程是属于我们为他们好看易卜拉欣淡轮纳税人的作品是属于我们为他们好看易卜拉欣淡轮纳税人的作品是属于我们为他们好看易卜拉欣淡轮纳税人的作品是属于我们为他们好看易卜拉欣淡轮纳税人的作品是属于我们的纳税人,谁的作品属于您更美观的易卜拉欣过去,我们必须填写在日本颜射淡轮一切正常是属于你好看淡轮卡兹卡兹是更好的纳税人前瞻性纳税人wwwww
                                                                          Will not, and others is made the blood tax which Bubble [wa] Will not, and others is made the blood tax which Bubble [wa] Will not, and others is made the blood tax which Bubble [wa] Will not, and others is made the blood tax which Bubble [wa] Will not, and others is made the blood tax which Bubble [wa] Will not, and others is made the blood tax which Bubble [wa] Will not, and others is made the blood tax which Bubble [wa] Will not, and others is made the blood tax which Bubble [wa] Japan wwwww which is used in order the [bu] [tsu] to crush by all power

                                                                          • 我是一个小左317中心,人们谁怜悯自助和自愿户神秘的北本人,而不是8排屋暨
                                                                            317 As for we rather than center left, with saying a little, eight marks of the tenement house the Edo popular self-help independent principle person who would like to hold human feelings

                                                                            • 我认为,他们相当高的可能性,它不会る暗古茹柯咪嗯均呈阴性,但在日本众议院立法草案的未来选举,民主 The Democratic party being defeated with Upper House election instead of the Japanese future becomes bright On the other hand you think that the possibility of becoming dark is high
                                                                              • 我认为,他们相当高的可能性,它不会る暗古茹柯咪嗯均呈阴性,但在日本众议院立法草案的未来选举,民主 The Democratic party being defeated with Upper House election instead of the Japanese future becomes bright On the other hand you think that the possibility of becoming dark is high

                                                                            • 战争结束后,引起了媒体的力量减缓,从每误报最强朝日文革
                                                                              After the war, the shade occurring in power of the Asahi newspaper which is the strongest media From when large falsely reporting of the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution

                                                                              • 据政府人士透露,蓝晨,“先锋(占卜)与地位”联邦拳打脚踢,朝鲜大学(小平市,东京)和全国10所学校的学生(约2000)在韩国高中学生组成
                                                                                According to government-related muscle, “the spearhead (the plug [po] [u])” of entire ream with defining morning blue, The Korean large school (Tokyo Kodaira city) 10 schools (approximately 2000 people) it consists of the pupils of the Korean high-class school which is in the student and entire country

                                                                                • 政治评论员说,在其最新预测小林善也赢得了“民主党65席”,“自由民主党37席”附近,也在风,赢得在参议院的多数党如果选举是一个非民主的结合 The psephologist Kobayashi good fortune 弥 with the up to date acquisition parliamentary seat estimate To become the “Democratic party 65 parliamentary seat” the “Liberal Democratic Party 37 parliamentary seat” even in the head wind The Democratic party is non reelection that independent majority is acquired together with House of Councillors
                                                                                  • 但是,即使一切手段,其中2 3目前的目标是要维持在参议院的多数获得通过的,它不能再什么规定不使用不当 Biting regardless 2 3 provisions using because it probably will not be possible either re approval As for becoming present last goal to maintain majority with House of Councillors you are not wrong

                                                                                • 教师正在开展的政治方向,亲平壤的学校,学生教导成为工会成员,我与实际的修改,以确保家庭半在整个北学校狡猾的政治思想教育的浮动被雕刻
                                                                                  Political charge teacher of each school which receives the indication of the Korean entire ream, has guided the pupil who becomes the alliance member, The actual condition which is thorough the political idea education which corresponds to the North Korean home country in the school involving again became relief

                                                                                  • 无处可去脱机而来的经济衰退,它可以解决的最后一次,我们直接去谎言像民主党它 In order to throw the anger which does not have the destination of current depression Don t you think as for being able to solve previous that in order to throw the anger to lie of the Democratic party that it is we

                                                                                    • 是什么汽油Tteta说,古安公路思Ttara汤正是出来多少废物和排序的价值恪格说,即使不是作为一个外国人,甚至对事物或谁在一切都坏,我和没有发表讲话 The tsu te which becomes cheap you say that way to produce gasoline As for the highway on the other hand even price hike you say and That when you think whether with categorization how much wastefulness comes out confronting at all or Bad thing doing who does not stop and

                                                                                      • 最后08年前的日期涛访胡锦涛访问,由于某种原因,他们与池田大作池田会议上,胡锦涛主席会见,但没有,这似乎是在日本政治局势感兴趣,您会看到我不
                                                                                        To visit 08 years in last time, before the 胡 brocade 濤 visiting Japan, the [do] The reason which the [u] meets with meaning or Ikeda Daisaku which is said, but becomes 胡 brocade 濤 Ikeda conversation this time how the oak and others However to be, it seems that has interest in the Japanese political situation

                                                                                        • 有了较大幅度因为只有一小选区制,如果计算对自民党在2009年自民党做鬼和有趣的斗嘴风几乎相等票数的选举年
                                                                                          Therefore small constituency system great difference just was attached, If it calculates in our people anti- fault our people, almost even with the House of Representatives selection 2009 the number of even votes It changes pitter-patter with wind direction circumstance

                                                                                          • 柯和免费的分类收费的二氧化碳排放量的减少有利于美国的海军陆战队基地的外国人的子女投票,是我们全面Naa m人的结果
                                                                                            Foreign carrot administration Child treatment The US military Marine base Highway fee Carbon dioxide reductions High school free conversion Categorization Etc. It is result what which is synthesized, -

                                                                                            • 柯和同在预算地方的选举,而你恢复冻结是什么道路,轧制和陆汝或在转移了对道路建设预算的一部分自由
                                                                                              It makes road budget and passes and freezes and the time for electing it makes revive with the place attaching, The [ri] which it tries to be able to divert portion of free conversion budget to road construction, with blurring it sows

                                                                                              • 死亡背后的策划(!),并为生命,谁参与阴谋,谁在监狱领导和群众生活3年徒刑
                                                                                                As for ringleader capital punishment (! ! ! ) Or as for indefiniteness imprisonment and conference participation person and crowd conductor indefiniteness or imprisonment of 3 years or more

                                                                                                • 比548的图片,或持酱媒体的操纵,是没有问题的多层持? 548 Rather than saying that it has image operation of the mass communications that there is no problem it probably will be given is
                                                                                                  • 他们多少?无论我是津市知识?这个故事没有什么新的,但“媒体的力量浩纪 It is many Knowing with something the ru it is Although it is yesterday present story gt Power of the mass communications is large

                                                                                                • 民主党人说你强迫另一方坚持公明wwwww wwwww分层Girukaramou它交给谁不卖国双方自由wwwww公路都不好不好削减赤字债券支付禁止金色降落伞免费高中孩子乱乱的政策全球温室气体排放公务员体制改革坏都不好养老保险制度改革取消了朝总联联合湖25汽油税预算让人们疯狂减少政府下共产党公务员杆(工会民主组织
                                                                                                  As for the Democratic party the [ro] wwwww which already is unreasonable Stratified fairness it adheres and wwwww The partner it is not done in anyone whom both passes and probably will be entwined policy treason wwwww Child treatment [me] [chi] [ya] oral [ya] High school free conversion [me] [chi] [ya] oral [ya] Compulsory prohibition useless Deficit-financing bond issue decrease useless Highway free conversion useless Gasoline calculation hand tariff abolition useless Annuity reformation useless Government employee system reformation useless Terrestrial warming exhaust 25 per reduction [kichigai] The Democratic party support group… The Chinese Communist Party People 潭 The Korean entire ream Combination (in affiliation autonomous labor of Union of government employee) Nitukiyou group (the North Korean man Say group) Village release alliance ([zainichi] [yakuza] area of influx) PropulsionPolicy in… Foreign carrot administration Protection of fundamental human rights bill Foreign inhabitant fundamental law Surname of classified by selective married couple Abolition of family register system Dual citizenship method 10,000,000 human immigration plan If how it does, it is accustomed to the air which appraises the Democratic party it is? wwwww [kichigai] wwwww where probably is just the human of special [a

                                                                                                  • 然而,支持率低迷的因素就是没有一个具体的政策或管理,它们导致了许多不确定的观点推动
                                                                                                    But, Because policy of specification is not the primary factor of support ratio hovering, whether, it is connected to administration floating, the viewpoint of opacity is many

                                                                                                    • 田中角荣,丰田,日本自卫队以及创价学会,“日本的中央”,揭示了中国议论纷纷四环素『萨皮奥』间谍主题狙的隋展系列,
                                                                                                      The Chinese spy activity which aimed “for Kakuei's Tanaka, Toyota, Self Defense Force and Soka academic society other Japan center” is disclosed, topic tumultuous 'SAPIO' serialization, finally book conversion

                                                                                                      • 省略)和鸠山由纪夫的新党管前是民主党人,13年中国 日本友好交流(1978 2008)』从“人民网日文版,”9月2,2009 Omission As for tube person and Hatoyama from before the Democratic party joining party Sino Japan friendship interchange 30 year 1978 2008 from “People net Japanese edition” 2009 September 2nd
                                                                                                        • 略去)中国 日本友好交流13(1978 2008)』年从“人民网日文版,”9月2,2009 Omission Sino Japan friendship interchange 30 year 1978 2008 from “People net Japanese edition” 2009 September 2nd

                                                                                                      • 线或不选举,公明党,民主党比其他,自由民主党的支持者和选民选举区是一个独立的思维灵活的线路,但有一个错误,我不会愚蠢 Unless election it goes other than Komeito and Japan Communist Party and the Democratic party supporter as for non party layer and the Liberal Democratic Party supporter who go to election however thought is soft Once because the fool it is not don t you think
                                                                                                        • 恩戴众议院民主党和公明党Giruto一双非常负的科2 3 ü不可避免的使用条款饮食管理 When the excessive Democratic party is defeated too much uniting with Komeito the House of Representatives you make the National Diet management which uses 2 3 provisions it stops obtaining

                                                                                                      • 维塔不要只考虑选举,小泽的民主自由法案辞职,但我将那光秃秃的左津总统,等有可能迫使你的房子上都消耗战 NULL
                                                                                                        • 减排单位和只考虑选举,小泽的民主自由法案辞职,但我将那光秃秃的左津总统,等有可能迫使你的房子上都消耗战 When of just election is thought as for democracy Ozawa resignation as for our people you call bald president The trump remaining the shelf where the ru does both to be the unreasonable tsu po become war of attrition may

                                                                                                      • 而金融危机成为一种标准,“向我们支付孩子”和“高中自由,说:”财政部长可以采取让日元和玫瑰撒古藤井前 Public finance becomes “child treatment” and “high school gratuitous conversion” etc the rose spreads in crisis level Financial affairs phase before the Fujii increase in yen value admission the speech which comes off
                                                                                                        • 346名称:可爱的妻子,他们 圣人 时间:2010 03 12(星期五)23:17:09编号:gLX9PgmL0今天通过的“免费高中”,“我们的子女免税额”的 346 Name It is lovely the madam sage Contribution day 2010 03 12 gold 23 17 09 ID gLX9PgmL0 Today it was approved about “high school gratuitous conversion” “child treatment”
                                                                                                        • 而金融危机成为一种标准,“向我们支付孩子”和“高中自由,说:”财政部长可以采取让日元和玫瑰撒古藤井前 Public finance becomes “child treatment” and “high school gratuitous conversion” etc the rose spreads in crisis level Financial affairs phase before the Fujii increase in yen value admission the speech which comes off

                                                                                                      • 能亲奥巴马政府的默许飞已经与梅鲁协商,并宣读了联合国秘书长特使突然造访 obama administration gives tacit comprehension already can read also the lightning visiting morning of the United Nations Secretary General special representative the thing which has the conference
                                                                                                        • 能亲奥巴马政府的默许飞已经与梅鲁协商,并宣读了联合国秘书长特使突然造访 obama administration gives tacit comprehension already can read also the lightning visiting morning of the United Nations Secretary General special representative the thing which has the conference

                                                                                                      • 虽然说他们被禁止和186降落伞,降落伞,继续保持一个独立的公司。虽然汽油掉下来的古伪善科学和技术在企业公开承诺分拣科,同时致力维持自由高速的现状,农村公路只
                                                                                                        186 While saying, that it is compulsory prohibition, compulsory continuation independence corporate body maintenance! The cutting which hit technology with business categorization When gasoline is made cheap, while pledging, maintenance of the status quo When high speed it converts free, while pledging, just the highway the remote region

                                                                                                        • 这是什么厌恶吾守在什么制备大规模收购垃圾比赛我以为政府车队
                                                                                                          The mass rubbish where idea agrees Purchasing, administration taking Being protected with the escorted convoy Whether this disgraceful behavior

                                                                                                          • 这正是我们的博爱,友谊和精神这项工作的精神,我们能亲位置金钱世界各地的孩子们,日本列岛,分享与韩国中华民族的他们,我们不!布鲁诺 基督教基督教博爱 Very this is mind of friendship Showing this friendship mind Our money to children in the world giving Isn t the Japanese archipelago the people and the Chinese citizen of the Korean Peninsula will be shared No ⌒ REPT r Γ ⌒ REPT r REPT REPT ⌒ ⌒ 92 ¯ REPT i ⌒ ⌒ REPT HKRPT The Soviet Union REPT ゙ i 92 human No u REPT 92 Person DREPT 7 REPT 丶 丶 i 92 REPT Friendship teaching founder

                                                                                                            • 迟浩田我恨日本人,因为他们的预算批准,执行政策,只是为了向日本疯狂报复茄子抗日“,”因为我没有政治 Support ratio falling the ru reason The Japanese dislike in the Japanese the enemy only the policy which is formed there is no desperate “counter Japanese” political party in execution therefore it is is
                                                                                                              • 437氖反美反日,但仍有教徒不理解民主的传入损害傻瓜只沉闷 437 The do just it is with anti Japanese anti American administration receiving damage The foolish democracy believer whom you do not understand yet is don t you think it is
                                                                                                              • 迟浩田我恨日本人,因为他们的预算批准,只跑政策,疯狂的日本茄子复仇“反日”,因为它是政治 Support ratio falling the ru reason The Japanese dislike in the Japanese the enemy only the policy which is formed there is no desperate “counter Japanese” political party in execution therefore it is is

                                                                                                            • 迟浩田拍摄了以下法案和卖国人以下的人,并强迫取样。小泽卖国税单将讨论经济放缓和重复犯罪有关的鸠山,北委员会起诉大师其他不当行为的有关组织,愈合。有关中国的过渡鸠山由丰田汽车(上海世博会)诣立法问题,参拜靖国神社,Chi m等待秩序武器级的核基质有关战争死者丑闻 To strike out the treason bill one after another one after another force harvesting adopting Treason bill rapid fire schedule Tax increase and discussion Hovering of business Affiliated of Ozawa s Hatoyama crime behavior and inquest of prosecution meeting North founder other things injury of affiliated group 癒 Assemblyman problem Change related to Toyota Hatoyama Chinese visiting Shanghai Hiroshi Yasukuni Shrine something related to war dead Scandal of nuclear weapon class has done to wait order with queue but
                                                                                                              • ,抽样前进。小泽卖国税单将讨论经济放缓和重复犯罪有关的鸠山,北委员会起诉大师其他不当行为的有关组织,愈合。有关中国的过渡鸠山由丰田汽车(上海世博会)诣立法问题,参拜靖国神社,Chi m等待秩序武器级的核基质有关战争死者丑闻 Force harvesting adopting Treason bill rapid fire schedule Tax increase and discussion Hovering of business Affiliated of Ozawa s Hatoyama crime behavior and inquest of prosecution meeting North founder other things injury of affiliated group 癒 Assemblyman problem Change related to Toyota Hatoyama Chinese visiting Shanghai Hiroshi Yasukuni Shrine something related to war dead Scandal of nuclear weapon class has done to wait order with queue but

                                                                                                            • 通道,Yurusan矿是绝对的! !助理太阳再次超出了盲人的人! !什么是已知的是,从湖的Nde在上次选举的人的过失,我为人人氖民主党人投票 The u I without fail am loose In addition in people 潭 exceeding help When the people 潭 has been entwined to previous election Because you have known don t you think everyone citizen as for voting to the Democratic party
                                                                                                              • 通道,Yurusan矿是绝对的! !助理太阳再次超出了盲人的人! !什么是已知的是,如果在上次选举湖故障恩戴的人,那些人投票支持民主党,人人氖 The u I without fail am loose In addition in people 潭 exceeding help When the people 潭 has been entwined to previous election Because you have known don t you think everyone citizen as for voting to the Democratic party

                                                                                                            • 除了参议院选举未来一两年的地方选举之前,星期一! !好了,就在那个时候降水化解人民表示哀悼。 !
                                                                                                              Not only Upper House election February of next year Before the standardization local electing? ! When - it does, grudging the citizen clear and others the shelf! !

                                                                                                              • 面对民主党溃栗滨,完全无视在报纸上的其他意见,我来到了Chirahora组织溃柯几乎没有明显的压力沿我的意图 The ri which the Democratic party observation of the newspaper face of the partner crushes with perfection disregard and sows If it does not parallel to mind pressure applying being crushed in fact also the ru group coming out sporadically the ru

                                                                                                                • 韩国高中生“韩国青年联盟”汽车参加2010年3月13号00:42 MSN产经新闻:韩国,宰高中学生总联合会在日本的朝鲜人(朝总联)根据朝鲜金日成金正日伞相信,在社会主义革命和说:“韩国居民青年团总书记在日本(蓝晨)”被迫自动加入,让他们的父母已收集和主持下周五12日,刈民
                                                                                                                  The Korean high-class school Pupil in the “Korean youth alliance” automatic joining 2010.3.13 00: 42 MSN product sutra: Pupil of the Korean high-class school, main Korean entire association of resident (the Korean entire ream) in affiliation, The Kim Jong-Il General Secretary and socialist revolution of North Korea are believed “main Korean youth alliance of resident (morning blue)” automatically to join, As for the guardians the support gold and the like on the 12th, it understood that it is collected,

                                                                                                                  • (一多)◇只要这些“菜的来袭” 自民党,自民党干事长森喜朗忠大岛,“要的不信任和猜疑对鸠山内阁大圈,”他说 1 Continuation Extent it is distant “the saucer” our people On the one hand Secretary General Tadamori the Liberal Democratic Party Oshima emphasized “the wheel of the infidelity and the doubt for the Hatoyama Cabinet is spreading” that
                                                                                                                    • 如何在这样的情况下,选举呢?在选举或不在线,他们会说Idaku表达政治的不信任和对他们目前的 The lever it is going to election in circumstance That it does not go to election you say that by your you have held the infidelity vis a vis present politics It becomes opinion statement

                                                                                                                  • ,“请相信我的联盟仅维持Dekinu』是”愤怒的话,“自我赞美是最危险的”的发行垃圾债券和对自由的高速公路,记录的承诺
                                                                                                                    Rage to the speech which “'you rely on and' just with anything cannot maintain related to alliance”, “As for the Self Defense Force praise danger” Highway free pledge of conversion wastepaper Government bond amount of issue, past maximum

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