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Puzzle of increase in yen value why in depression “the Japanese Yen” of debt large country being popularity in the investor in the world?


  • 179通信。失业人员是奴隶太多关于能源效率和更好的不合理的减少,这家伙什么都不做,只是浓维塔坏也将增加自雇的家伙变得不那么爱好同时,与它的非正式和开放的互联网购物资讯和k不过,这取决于他们如何使用它来得到它,那么他们可以做任何周五哇,现在的自雇的整洁最 179 As for the slave is decreased the one which calling Non rationality energy efficiency badness passes on The person the person whom nothing which have become inoccupation do that way is little Hobby growing worse also the person who becomes self management probably will increase and When now is the net shop you just open also such a k to put out How it becomes with the application circumstance of IT When this it is the large portion of current neat probably becomes self management There is a gold and is possible with ya anything
    • 语言老将石井卡诺什么是正数的现金?我谴责没有电影是来自贫困的天空发送充分奴隶 Cash outlays measuring being correct to say Therefore in so and others poor dispatch slave being lazy red sandal wood There is no excessiveness but…

  • 2什么是市场和日元昨天说,我会来自一个短期的高度,从挺举反正Yaran Deitore唯一一个或最后说Watta人津 Saying that it came from market condition 2 that increase in yen value it ended in yesterday saying the ru person foolish shelf How only se deitore is empty point of view probably is short term what but
    • 2这是什么市场说,日元昨天,我从一个短期的,从一个性情古怪的观点是无论如何Yaran Deitore唯一一个或说津市Watta人最后来 Saying that it came from market condition 2 that increase in yen value it ended in yesterday saying the ru person foolish shelf How only se deitore is empty point of view probably is short term what but

  • 345 1000年我曾在政府债券注入公共资金,公共投资万亿日元
    345 Public financial fill and public investment it is the red sandal wood with the government bond of 1,000,000,000,000,000 Yen,

    • 441加税的,从简单的,但你也从负面影响的这些洋纪达罗不是一个单点密集Baramaki基础设施,应该让这些钱一旦你拉的债券具有传入太阳眼许我没有看到,我将分发什么也没有 441 But because there is also such hand The ro whose simple tax increase adverse effect is large and is Whether from that the day eye undertaking the government bond Your that money should have been turned to below service However not to be the rose maquis with point centralized type a It probably is unreasonable it scatters after all wastefully however probably will be
      • 你说什么从年底,津毛税收债务或经济溃国家降低税率或征收富有池银行资金固体和他们有自由的愿望 After all because debt is dangerous the tax increase tsu te saying because the rich bank fund would like to collect ru reliably Economy reducing with tax increase the country collapses when nothing we want doing to die

    • 451和一点点通胀可能要加税,如果所得税,居住税和减税
      451 Consumer tax reducing taxes, the shelf which if it increases taxes, inflation may do income tax and inhabitant tax a little

      • 484你可以不考虑任何旨在华伦天奴我的意思?朱是一个很好的绝缘体,如果他们不购买和销售非古如瓦特好吧,伙计们,我可以飞枪四环素贝莱普积极挛缩当我是日本央行跳过这样没有被炸原子古事,有些事情变得 484 Mind assuring nothing is thought whether you say There is no with something and buy and sell and make a profit time well like w Well such doing the cod Bank of Japan gun flying butsu There are also times there is no party who is involved in positive and blow either the marks and are thrown but…
        • 德鲁踏除非我刹车,日本银行,只要到阿克塞尔浪费汽油支出踏我 Bank of Japan stepping on the brake limited to the ru the accelerator stepping on with fiscal expenditure gasoline Just it becomes wasteful
        • 理财制造该行是什么权力分配给日本央行的地方 Where doing the management that it produces the money places in circulation as for It is Bank of Japan

      • 595 Mafiafando这样溃,并希望从美国商界也是意图
        595 When you wanted to crush such Mafia fund, because was intention of American financial world

        • 726南特也触发了油价的波动(而不是汇率的比率)期货交易优质的产品,提升国家和是否...
          726 Petroleum price how violent fluctuations being too extreme (there is no ratio of rate of exchange) Listing the country, the futures that how, transacting as for…

          • 793 Yabakunai而是世界上最大的债权国,包括自民党Jijii我们来说,这是一个非常低出生率致命的错误是开始在他们的口袋马塔推动从制备的钱,甚至什么是下一代 793 Instead of it is not dangerous world s largest creditor nation However jijii failed fatally including the Liberal Democratic Party Because the gold it overstrains that from even the following generation and takes and embezzles with by your Super little child conversion started
            • 我已被判处死刑后,9 Jijii 100亿日元,下个月什么是极爱十点〇 〇 〇亿日元Udaro什么用蟹 1 000 000 000 Yen having when in ru jijii in next month it reaches 900 000 000 Yen and the ma inhales and capital punishment sentences Desperation being densely the ro which you use in 100 000 000 Yen something and is

          • 805债券赎回通货膨胀,让它翻身?维塔和金钱来增加市场的流动性会转出后,债券,基金也将购买储蓄债券,
            805 It redeems the government bond with roll over and inflation, rubbing, it does, but? If the rear government bond it issues, also the gold which arrives to city increases and, That being saved, and it becomes the fund of government bond purchase

            • 907我这样做,而美国仍然没有说奥巴马,他们开始一倍,出口量将更加强迫,他希望能够扭转减少人民币的胡子,那么中国的经济暂时它然后回来在这个时期,因为它太大,影响世界经济的方式,是不是到现在假设美元 907 Even now so it is good doing ru is opposite Furthermore when in the future the export quantity is made to redouble it is the case that obama starts saying America points to the close of the people origin even coercively wants but when so it does the Chinese economy backs up temporarily Because that influence is too large to the current world economy with that it is not that time When we assume that is the road which America is taken is weak dollar
              • 这意味着是世界经济的结束和破坏以外的日本间谍基地,鸠山家庭共产党 With you say as for the notion that where is Communist Bloc spy the off base Hatoyama whole group which Japan destroying the world economy end ending it is thing

            • Dabutsuku是从持有美元货币,人们不相信在发展中国家比日本Ja其他货币的水平
              Developing country other than Japan the key currency is not trusted, Because U.S. dollars and the like are possessed at popular level, the key currency is overabundant

              • FRB主席伯南克,“央行提高他们采取政府债券,性情演讲线切割或其他财政政策的购买 bananki FRB chairman “Bank of Japan increasing the purchase of the government bond should do tax reduction or other fiscal policies

                • FRB也一直处于兑美元的吸收兑美元的汇率时的资产出售一应在日元方向双向蝙蝠优质的产品
                  So dollar absorption with FRB property sale At anti- dollar it faces to weak yen direction at the point in time when the interest is increased being, it does, the [yo

                  • NULL The Soviet Union i REPT 彳 i HKDRT REPT lt bu tsu chi ya ke in FRB exchange rate tsu te of dollar HKRPT i HKRPT i ” DREPT i It is one voice of the crane of the VIP i Fishing in VIP speech that you say come to this ji ゙ ゙ ゙ ゙ ゙ ゙ ゙ ゙ Say I am one citizen who is not many relationships in FRB but don t you think i i ゙ REPT to i REPT ゙ i REPT REPT i REPT REPT i REPT REPT REPT REPT i REPT ku V gt lt 92 REPT The American residence B government employee As for sound it is processed by the desire of this person
                    • NULL ─ ─ REPT i REPT i REPT 彡 i i mi i i DREPT r The Soviet Union i REPT 彳 i HKDRT REPT lt bu tsu chi ya ke current exchange rate tsu te HKRPT i HKRPT i ” DREPT i It is one voice of the crane of the VIP i Fishing in VIP speech that you say come to this ji ゙ ゙ ゙ ゙ ゙ ゙ ゙ ゙ Say I am one citizen who is not many relationships in FRB but don t you think i i ゙ REPT to i REPT ゙ i REPT REPT i REPT REPT i REPT REPT REPT REPT i REPT ku V gt lt 92 REPT The American residence B government employee As for sound it is processed by the desire of this person

                  • Shiku焦点特定词汇有关的话,已在制度保障的情况下的字训日本的日本,汉语言是百分之七(九汉在日本学术Ḏ词汇字)
                    Already when it has not been the institutional guarantee, that specific vocabulary of language is scanty, in addition the Japanese way letter training Approximately 7 tenths of vocabulary being the Japanese Chinese language (as for scientific vocabulary 9 tenths the Japanese Chinese language)

                    • Surikaenai 297手边的人处于不利地位,为我瓦特的女孩对公职人员scampered,他们减税会减少政府雇员的工资,而他们是公务员和高消费倾向将有什么分别减少税务负担什么幸可以预期消除如果在减税的通货紧缩,刺激国内需求,低收入
                      297 Well being disadvantageous what just, for the government employee well the [ri] which it makes selfishly the citizen without being able to apply, w Salary of the government employee decreasing, if it reduces taxes that much, as for the citizen tax liability decreasing, happiness If the concave income layer whose propensity to consume is high different from the government employee is reduced taxes, you can expect also deflation suppression with domestic demand awakening

                      • Û Û局的W 823 1最接近事你让我浪推瓦特

                        • [2010年1月29日美元兑日元汇率在美国]] [实际国内生产总值2010年1月28日汇率美元/日元发表(*为失业保险在其新的债权的经济数据)
                          2010.1.29 Exchange Rate USDJPY (American economic indicator When announcing) 2010.1.28 Exchange Rate USD/JPY (* New unemployment insurance application number of cases announcement time)

                          • _NULL_
                            . _ = = = | \ = = 22 | _ _ \ _ _ _ _ | | | | | | | _ _ _ _ | ¯ & _ _ | | | _ _ Upper part correction _ | ¯ | | | | | | ━ | | 2222 | . | ⊃ | ] | - - - - - - - - - - x _ _ _ _ x - - - | | | | . | | - - x _ _ _ _ _ | _ | = | | | | | | ━ | | 2222 | . | . . | . | ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ | ¯ ¯ | 2222 | ¯ ¯ ¯ | | | | | | ¯ ¯ | 22 lll | | _ | | | | | | | _ | ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ . | ⊃ | . | ━ economic finger. Gun ━ ━ ━ ━. l l. ━ ━ ━. | | | | | | ━ = Upper part correction ¯ | _ | = | XXINF | _ | | | | llll l | | * | | | ] . | _ & ~ & _ _ _ _ _ | _ _ | 2222 | _ _ _ | | | | | | _ _ | 22 lll | _ | | | | | | _ | | | |

                            • ° : 、 : : : : 人人人人人人人人人人人人人 升Mimimimimimimi Ð Ð ° ::、,,,, 一 : “我有一个沉默的恐怖慢! “ (,!M Mimimimimimi Ð Ð 、 !  ̄ ý ý ý ý ý月月 ý ý y一岛辎辎 ý ,Mimimi鸺 ,在ヾヽ、ヾ咪咪拌) NULL
                              • 819。ṛ┐┌┐ヾ、ṛ( 月!。 ヾ 升º Æ“ ヽ ¸ 布鲁诺 Ú! 。,²。 、  ̄ ̄丁 ! ( NULL

                            • “。在13个病房的大理石瓷砖平行的Nde池莉新大楼由当地政府拥有的房屋覆盖贡
                              “. In Mitsugi it is covered with the tile of the marble the new building of the local government possession 13 It has stood in a row

                              • “中国银行业监督管理委员会(监会银色的)。负责。 。谁人昨天表示,“四环素词,中共当局正计划无效贷款机构的方式给予保障,在这些地方政府的投资
                                > The Chinese banking supervision control board (silver watch meeting) on. Patsy. . As for people person on the 5th, You said that > local government for these investment systems the Chinese authorities has planned the fact that the guarantee that it grants to financing is nullified,

                                • “它很方便也有恶,以及婴儿潮一代大批退休,储蓄开始反转关闭 gt Furthermore in being inconvenient the nodule generation retiring in large quantities it starts breaking down deposits and savings
                                  • “它很方便也有恶,以及婴儿潮一代大批退休,储蓄开始反转关闭 gt Furthermore in being inconvenient the nodule generation retiring in large quantities it starts breaking down deposits and savings
                                  • 和邪恶是方便了,而且有婴儿潮的大批退休,储蓄开始反转关闭 Furthermore in being inconvenient the nodule generation retiring in large quantities it starts breaking down deposits and savings
                                  • 和邪恶是方便了,而且有婴儿潮的大批退休,储蓄开始反转关闭 Furthermore in being inconvenient the nodule generation retiring in large quantities it starts breaking down deposits and savings
                                  • 和邪恶是方便了,而且有婴儿潮的大批退休,储蓄开始反转关闭 Furthermore in being inconvenient the nodule generation retiring in large quantities it starts breaking down deposits and savings
                                  • 和邪恶是方便了,而且有婴儿潮的大批退休,储蓄开始反转关闭 Furthermore in being inconvenient the nodule generation retiring in large quantities it starts breaking down deposits and savings
                                  • 和邪恶是方便了,而且有婴儿潮的大批退休,储蓄开始反转关闭 Furthermore in being inconvenient the nodule generation retiring in large quantities it starts breaking down deposits and savings
                                  • 和邪恶是方便了,而且有婴儿潮的大批退休,储蓄开始反转关闭 Furthermore in being inconvenient the nodule generation retiring in large quantities it starts breaking down deposits and savings
                                  • 和邪恶是方便了,而且有婴儿潮的大批退休,储蓄开始反转关闭 Furthermore in being inconvenient the nodule generation retiring in large quantities it starts breaking down deposits and savings
                                  • 和邪恶是方便了,而且有婴儿潮的大批退休,储蓄开始反转关闭 Furthermore in being inconvenient the nodule generation retiring in large quantities it starts breaking down deposits and savings
                                  • 和邪恶是方便了,而且有婴儿潮的大批退休,储蓄开始反转关闭 Furthermore in being inconvenient the nodule generation retiring in large quantities it starts breaking down deposits and savings
                                  • 和邪恶是方便了,而且有婴儿潮的大批退休,储蓄开始反转关闭 Furthermore in being inconvenient the nodule generation retiring in large quantities it starts breaking down deposits and savings

                                • “我们将根据其份额急剧下降,其他食品八八零日元在印度生产的牛仔裤?我工作在中国,所以现在他们Ttara高 gt You eating share in other companies the wa which goes bankrupt 880 Yen jeans are India make but When now it makes in China it is high
                                  • 我们将根据227股崩溃其他哑板 227 Fool You eating share in other companies the wa which goes bankrupt

                                • よくよく 考 えてみたら 民主 リスク のある 日本 の 方 がまだ マシ と 投資家 が 判断 しているわけだから海外 はどれだけの リスク を 抱 えてるんだろうと 想像 すると 恐 ろしい Therefore very carefully when it tries thinking the Japanese one which has democracy risk the reason which still mashi and the investor have judged The foreign country holding how much risk when you imagine that the ru it is probably will be is fearful

                                  • 东京都,为3500公里和sup2面积4 ,储量3750亿立方米和sup3 Shiku是,将由大规模的沉降和矿山它采严格的规定,并没有任何特殊情况发生,同时承认有时 One capital four prefecture as for area 3 500km sup2 As for reserves 3 750 hundred million m sup3 When it mines that because it becomes large scale ground subsidence mining is harshly regulated The place and when it is recognized exceptionally it is

                                    • 什么打算多提的部分是劳动关系的瓦特Naijan财富 投资 企业 工资 工人 消费者 企业 分红 津市极少数小组说,财富的最富有的退休下降谁从这个怪圈您还选择债务周期,即上的灰尘的灌装周期,热状态 As for the part of the truth which is what work comment excessively relationship it is not it is w Wealthy person Investment Enterprise Allowance Worker Consumption Enterprise Allotment Wealthy person The retirement uniting which the dropout is done grasping the most of wealth from this circulation from the ru It turns to circulation with the government bond but with the a chi being disgusted of circulation above plugging up state
                                      • 赛来保证企业的留存收益,工人节省消费者并不富裕来投资的股息 Enterprise to run to internal reservation guaranty the worker to save consumption because the wealthy person allotment does not come it does not invest

                                    • 什么是坏的,因美元持日本的实际经济和日元之间的差距继续长,日本是一个维护成本高的结果,钻井将与其他国际竞争力 If Japan has dollar unskillfully real phases of the economy the increase in yen value which alienates to continue result High cost of the Japanese is maintained international competitiveness is shaved it becomes on the one hand

                                      • 什么是根据它与中,低流动性,他们的状态,降低他们的愿望赚取外汇,日元一直进展
                                        Therefore, when flowability has been low, depending on the thing whose obtaining of foreign money craving is low, It has become increase in yen value advance

                                        • 今年截至星期一(估计)来计算,或对我们的债务一个估计的人口大约是683人谁报纸来这本书是这样,一旦分钟的产品,是它,直到它是太多日元 When point in time estimation population of January this year approximate value with it calculates it stacks the debt per 1 to approximately 6 830 000 Yen and has risen Understanding the lever u the newspaper article which does the how to write is said is too terrible

                                          • 他们将被邀请参加日圆,他们会给力量的长期低利率政策和美国经济问题和欧洲的金融不稳定的观察希
                                            As for causing increase in yen value, with the public finance insecurity of Greece when anxiety and the United States of the European economy low interest policy converts to long term observation It can increase strong thing

                                            • 但事实上,将不得不别人做相反的交易,交易价格只有一个很小的数目,可以免受别人交换 However Because actually probably does someone opposition transaction it is opposite to those the empty you probably exchange someone If with transaction the small quantity just is possible

                                              • 作为一个搁置后,没有任何效力古Narukara财富再分配的税收已成为免税和所有,他们将超级社会差距
                                                But rear digression, when it becomes all tax-free, because also the effect of reallocation of the wealth which tax has is gone, It becomes super differential society

                                                • 债券持希腊希腊看到新闻了,她的四大欧盟Hyahha Dekinakattara在卷所附插图在该国发行债券每月爆炸!莫霍克是有效的,才为您准备! ?
                                                  When news you see As for Greece when claim it cannot issue in such as April Huge Greek bond having, when [ru] EU countries large it explodes in involvement, [hiyatsuha]! Preparation of the morphine can is good or, you! ?

                                                  • 内记ーBidayo 880 Gottsu主要货币美元已被吸收到基层茂木什么梅塔包括小型货币日元人民币Yattara使得它实际上 880 Actually when that you do yen yuan the minor currency which is included being absorbed completely in dollar it is the American exultaion Pivot currency tsu as for such
                                                    • 日本的领导下,美国美元,只要有,日元不会相信我怀疑保持安全 As for the Japanese guidance layer dollar If the United States of the currency exists the Japanese circle believing that it is peace probably is not to doubt

                                                  • 到目前为止,418税收收入所得税向富裕和低质量,不想消费税等,应如何对通货紧缩的二进制
                                                    418 Until now increasing consumer tax, because it reduced taxes the income tax of wealthy layer, the tax revenue did not rise however and, deflation advances, it is good kana

                                                    • 刷在什么应该成为政府草案重新变得困难,因为我的资源祖,希望看到一个加税Narushi愚蠢的理论,也不再需要(希望,但货币价值以下)的手,但最好的方式摆脱目前的困境字母a
                                                      Also the revenue source being troubled, because it is [ru], it becomes the government note and should have printed with some appearance and, [aho] we would like to see to that and also tax increase theory becomes unnecessary but and (value of money goes down) Current predicament it is the best hand which escapes although

                                                      • 南关东气田气体却很少列入地下水,地下水还包括罕见的高浓度的碘,在有高浓度的碘也是世界Shiku,日本,智利,是世界未来两个IDE罕见碘生产国和排名
                                                        As for the gas of the Nankan east gas field being included by the underground water, in the underground water high concentrated iodine implication, The place where high density iodine exists is unusual even worldwide, Japan coming after Chile, has become iodic product departure of worldwide 2nd rank

                                                        • 卡兹卡兹Guhodo拆卸和韩国出口到世界的时候,从国外日本,是要在方程所取得的货币魔法Tan楚摩梨同时说,他们压铸模 In other words Korea exporting to the world hard if it makes the extent which is made Japan it dies from the foreign country it dies while calling the gold tongue Mali 儲 It means that the equation ru has been completed
                                                          • 卡兹卡兹Guhodo拆卸,并出口到韩国的世界了,要自己对使得方程日本的神奇储 In other words Korea exporting to the world hard if it makes the extent which is made Japan it dies from the foreign country it dies while calling the gold tongue Mali 儲 It means that the equation ru has been completed

                                                        • 和外汇储备,“在这方面,政府定期与私营部门和国家的国家”的外国资产,境外资产,日本18,因为在世界1991年连续三年的资产! Foreign reserve “those which government possesses in foreign property of nation” With the property net foreign claims which government and people have 18 year ream ever since 1991 With continuation as for Japan the greatest in the world
                                                          • 之前在日本的广场协议,在日元对美元汇率平井井现在比200日元杀死该行业强势货币,货币贬值导致的繁荣 Before the plaza agreeing Japan had made the foreign currency above now but circular dollar was 200 Yen Currency high industry is crushed the currency prosperity is brought cheaply

                                                        • 国家离谱“,日本的97当前帐户余额百分之国家债务”几乎每年仍然之后的是,在泡沫崩溃的贸易顺差几乎每年即使在他们声称谁靠近自己的人民泡沫破裂辜债权人国在世界经济衰退的迹象还没有黑20的有越来越多的在他们的土地价格持续国内生产总值的世界第二近古
                                                          Outrageous national “Japan” 97% nearby obligee of debt of nation native people Even after the bubble collapsing the trade black-ink balance is put out almost in all years Even after the bubble collapsing almost current account is the black-ink balance in all years Claim nation the greatest in the world Depression going down nearly 20 years continuously price of the land steadily, although the [ru] Still GDP worldwide second rank

                                                          • 在第一次世界大战中,或德国或苏联的负面垃圾后,衣衫褴褛的二进制赔偿崩溃,蔌格晋级下返回Defogirisha货币债务,Kakaeta类似炸弹,冰岛和欧盟任何国家从阿米莉亚,救济,其中你刚才更好地为日本,然后将是不良贷款,在日本,金贷款
                                                            The rag doing to be defeated in World War I, the indemnity Germany which is claimed Russia after the Soviet collapsing, debt to return, the currency reducing [dehuogirishiya] The Icelandic like bomb EU which is held and With what [ame] of national relief compared to, the [ro] where Japan is just the better [tsu] [te] Among those, also the gold which Japan is lent becomes inferior claim, don't you think? it is

                                                            • 在美国就有黄金储备,1公斤量Rashii日辺数百里如此之大,即使制备
                                                              The reserves of the gold the enormous quantity of the extent which around hundreds kg 1 days is taken seem even just inside the United States

                                                              • 在这次辩论中,现在,日本的巨额财政赤字一直在发达国家最严重的,财政部是“巩固财政未来的道路,6年中期发展计划,政府在1月苏将显示在财务规划“,并补充说,日本政府和受电话Bikakemashita投资信托基金是否足够维持未来 Among these the enormous deficit of Japan which becomes worst with advanced nation became argument but Financial affairs economical side “the way of future restoration of sound government finance means to show in mid term fiscal planning of the schedule which government decides in June” that explanation Because the Japanese government bond in the future keeps maintaining sufficient confidence when it becomes the object of investment it called

                                                                • 外国债券的销售只有6 4%(2009年底),只是一个“通用电气在海外的资金吞掉拖欠拉(默认)的风险,他们成为一个低 As for sale of government bond to foreign country barely 6 4 2009 3 end of the month not passing gt Fund being pulled up from the foreign country at a stroke the danger is low of becoming non fulfillment of obligation default
                                                                  • 外国债券的销售只有6 4%(2009年底)也一样,并于戈撤出国外的资金即饮(默认),拖欠的风险,他们将低 As for sale of government bond to foreign country barely 6 4 2009 3 end of the month not passing gt Fund being pulled up from the foreign country at a stroke the danger is low of becoming non fulfillment of obligation default
                                                                  • 如果对一五○日元→200日元要泼水的音响系统,以及如果有拖欠的失望和日元疲软,日元Narushi If circle the bu becomes the bu 150 Yen gt 200 it becomes Yen weak yen and If there is disappointment of non fulfillment of obligation and the like it goes down in the same way

                                                                • 如399,使国家预算可以买得起的福利和退休基金Atere赎回债券,减少公务员的薪金,他们的 399 Salary of the government employee decreasing if that much it applies to the redemption and welfare and pension funds of the government bond it can designate room as national public finance
                                                                  • 是必要的,日本现在需要踏穆刹车的是,他们仍然有经济 In a word as for Japan for the present as for the necessity still to step on the brake of public finance it means without being

                                                                • 如在841的成本趋势推动型通货膨胀,总比没有选择,但并没有出售的商品?茹Nitsuke韩国的出口产业已经看到了对弱势韩元仮初性能低质量 841 As for tendency of cost push inflation appearing however it is helpless Rather than mono not being able to sell it is mashi because The won being cheaply you look at the Korean export industry which is producing the temporary first achievement attaching
                                                                  • Desho毛时候气?然后,出口占GDP的比重为15至梅鲁点时,强劲的经济复苏,出口的比例还远远不够 When gasoline reaches time being dangerous it does the yo Then as for the ratio which export occupies in GDP at about 15 percent When export becomes favorable business it recovers you cannot say

                                                                • 如果一个聪明的政治家,对国内产业,外国投资,100万亿到200万亿将茹,Ja民主党鸠山可惜不可能
                                                                  The politician where the head is good if, domestic industry, with investment overseas, 100,000,000,000,000 probably can be designated as 200,000,000,000,000, but Hatoyama democracy regrettable the excessiveness

                                                                  • 如果你喜欢证书,存款是在该国的价格大约为683人,最终从销售和蜡,蜡时刻秋天,我卖给他赔钱 We would like to write if is per one person the gold which has been lent to the country approximately 683 Because price depreciates instantaneously it tries probably to sell Don t you think after all the person whom it tries probably to sell loses
                                                                    • 价格最终回落至883目前销售蜡,蜡,我卖给他赔钱 883 Because price depreciates instantaneously it tries probably to sell Don t you think after all the person whom it tries probably to sell loses

                                                                  • 如果出现这种情况,政府将继续发行债券可不必对利率上升的担心,所有的古价格将允许通过发行政府债券,政府所有开支无限期
                                                                    So, if it becomes, as for government to continue government bond issue unlimited, without designating the rise of the price interest completely as the air it becomes possible It reaches the point where it can provide fiscal expenditure with all government bond issues

                                                                    • 将消失812周五,茨城县静冈机场机场及废纸将下降值得比你多嚼不烂维塔使用,而不是把他们失去的地方本身和资金尽量保持夕我的价值不 812 As for the gold it is not gone but above using when it overstrains value going down it becomes the trash When it tries to maintain the Ibaraki airport and the Shizuoka airport and Yuubari the gold itself there is no value Depending unless you must cut somewhere
                                                                      • 将消失812周五,茨城县静冈机场机场及废纸将下降值得比你多嚼不烂维塔使用,而不是把他们失去的地方本身和资金尽量保持夕我的价值不 812 As for the gold it is not gone but above using when it overstrains value going down it becomes the trash When it tries to maintain the Ibaraki airport and the Shizuoka airport and Yuubari the gold itself there is no value Depending unless you must cut somewhere

                                                                    • 少数津市256余管理是相当愚蠢的,是不是我四环素制备民主党政府如何解决?来吧,她不鼓励早日解决喾 256 On the other hand aho grasping administration from the ru the Democratic party administration took in order to cancel that it is the ro which is The a the a it probably will have cancelling it is not quickly
                                                                      • 256因此,我为什么四环素制备民主党政府如何解决?来吧,她不鼓励早日解决喾 256 Therefore the Democratic party administration took in order to cancel that it is the ro which is The a the a it probably will have cancelling it is not quickly

                                                                    • 巴卡→Tokanai来自日本的强大,他们(笑日元)刚刚失去了在瓦特日圆疲弱日圆→刚鹤出口产业的竞争优势。阿米莉亚奴隶或愚蠢或W瓦特这可能是因为事情发生在日本的W低等级 Fool Increase in yen value gt Japan to force because it does not solve laughing competitiveness just is lost with increase in yen value w Weak yen gt being weak yen the export industrial victory chord Therefore with aho or w this the ame slave w Japanese appraisal saying low probably is thing but w
                                                                      • 日本经济增长843无限期地不长古Girutotteiunohakoredake抹去继续吗? 845在日本的国内生产总值是15出口业百分之是,你往往Ukunai条件? 843 Just this with the Japanese economy which does not grow you do the fact that it continues too much to be long taking says how long 845 Export industry in Japan of 15 percent there is no ku where condition is different with GDP is

                                                                    • 我希望政府区分国家,甚至超越南特,我知道欺骗了多少钱?氖氖主持人马铃薯分ñ什么差异,政治学和公共管理的家伙?瓦特比日本的行政权力,更多的国家债务,是不是借贷来配置一个行政机构,以聪明的人 NULL

                                                                      • 我薄的退休金,但你们最好的圈套津市我从外面马阿金Rashiki 0看到残存的理论破产有鉴于此梅鲁但是,如果它可以是一个正数 The gold seem coming ones remaining well considered as outside the trap where the one which fails inside the ru is better You diluting annuity but 0 If the plus number it is possible with respect to theory to dilute
                                                                        • 大家都说婴儿潮,日本Metara的养老金,他们正开始自杀,请你崩溃的日本球员的若干规定 Everyone of the baby boom generation please commit suicide because of Japan When you start receiving annuity Japan fails

                                                                      • 所以,我和简先生开始谈论加税或发行债券对外国津市线或宽恕中央银行债券承销龟井,对低质量的限制现金收款熊征的言论东洋或梅,梅东洋收集或支付现金维塔什么诉诸养老金资产,政府(东京地铁公司,有限公司)或出售出去,所以,贷款总额或规章 Therefore 菅 begins the story of tax increase the government bond goes to the sale in the foreign country does the speech which admits the underwriting of government securities Kamei by Bank of Japan Increasing the limit amount of the yo inside the yu it tries to gather cash it will go back annuity to be able to pay to gather cash it tries It tries probably to sell government property Tokyo metro stocks the regulation of total emission of loan does
                                                                        • 所以,我和简先生开始谈论加税或发行债券对外国津市线或宽恕中央银行债券承销龟井,对低质量的限制现金收款熊征的言论东洋或梅,梅东洋收集或支付现金维塔什么诉诸养老金资产,政府(东京地铁公司,有限公司)或出售出去,所以,贷款总额或规章 Therefore 菅 begins the story of tax increase the government bond goes to the sale in the foreign country does the speech which admits the underwriting of government securities Kamei by Bank of Japan Increasing the limit amount of the yo inside the yu it tries to gather cash it will go back annuity to be able to pay to gather cash it tries It tries probably to sell government property Tokyo metro stocks the regulation of total emission of loan does
                                                                        • 所以,我和简先生开始谈论加税或发行债券对外国津市线或宽恕中央银行债券承销龟井,对低质量的限制现金收款熊征的言论东洋或梅,梅东洋收集或支付现金维塔什么诉诸养老金资产,政府(东京地铁公司,有限公司)或出售出去,所以,贷款总额或规章 Therefore 菅 begins the story of tax increase the government bond goes to the sale in the foreign country does the speech which admits the underwriting of government securities Kamei by Bank of Japan Increasing the limit amount of the yo inside the yu it tries to gather cash it will go back annuity to be able to pay to gather cash it tries It tries probably to sell government property Tokyo metro stocks the regulation of total emission of loan does
                                                                        • 所以,我和简先生开始谈论加税或发行债券对外国津市线或宽恕中央银行债券承销龟井,对低质量的限制现金收款熊征的言论东洋或梅,梅东洋收集或支付现金维塔什么诉诸养老金资产,政府(东京地铁公司,有限公司)或出售出去,所以,贷款总额或规章 Therefore 菅 begins the story of tax increase the government bond goes to the sale in the foreign country does the speech which admits the underwriting of government securities Kamei by Bank of Japan Increasing the limit amount of the yo inside the yu it tries to gather cash it will go back annuity to be able to pay to gather cash it tries It tries probably to sell government property Tokyo metro stocks the regulation of total emission of loan does
                                                                        • 所以,我和简先生开始谈论加税或发行债券对外国津市线或宽恕中央银行债券承销龟井,对低质量的限制现金收款熊征的言论东洋或梅,梅东洋收集或支付现金维塔什么诉诸养老金资产,政府(东京地铁公司,有限公司)或出售出去,所以,贷款总额或规章 Therefore 菅 begins the story of tax increase the government bond goes to the sale in the foreign country does the speech which admits the underwriting of government securities Kamei by Bank of Japan Increasing the limit amount of the yo inside the yu it tries to gather cash it will go back annuity to be able to pay to gather cash it tries It tries probably to sell government property Tokyo metro stocks the regulation of total emission of loan does
                                                                        • 所以,我和简先生开始谈论加税或发行债券对外国津市线或宽恕中央银行债券承销龟井,对低质量的限制现金收款熊征的言论东洋或梅,梅东洋收集或支付现金维塔什么诉诸养老金资产,政府(东京地铁公司,有限公司)或出售出去,所以,贷款总额或规章 Therefore 菅 begins the story of tax increase the government bond goes to the sale in the foreign country does the speech which admits the underwriting of government securities Kamei by Bank of Japan Increasing the limit amount of the yo inside the yu it tries to gather cash it will go back annuity to be able to pay to gather cash it tries It tries probably to sell government property Tokyo metro stocks the regulation of total emission of loan does
                                                                        • 所以,我和简先生开始谈论加税或发行债券对外国津市线或宽恕中央银行债券承销龟井,对低质量的限制现金收款熊征的言论东洋或梅,梅东洋收集或支付现金维塔什么诉诸养老金资产,政府(东京地铁公司,有限公司)或出售出去,所以,贷款总额或规章 Therefore 菅 begins the story of tax increase the government bond goes to the sale in the foreign country does the speech which admits the underwriting of government securities Kamei by Bank of Japan Increasing the limit amount of the yo inside the yu it tries to gather cash it will go back annuity to be able to pay to gather cash it tries It tries probably to sell government property Tokyo metro stocks the regulation of total emission of loan does
                                                                        • 所以,我和简先生开始谈论加税或发行债券对外国津市线或宽恕中央银行债券承销龟井,对低质量的限制现金收款熊征的言论东洋或梅,梅东洋收集或支付现金维塔什么诉诸养老金资产,政府(东京地铁公司,有限公司)或出售出去,所以,贷款总额或规章 Therefore 菅 begins the story of tax increase the government bond goes to the sale in the foreign country does the speech which admits the underwriting of government securities Kamei by Bank of Japan Increasing the limit amount of the yo inside the yu it tries to gather cash it will go back annuity to be able to pay to gather cash it tries It tries probably to sell government property Tokyo metro stocks the regulation of total emission of loan does
                                                                        • 所以,我和简先生开始谈论加税或发行债券对外国津市线或宽恕中央银行债券承销龟井,对低质量的限制现金收款熊征的言论东洋或梅,梅东洋收集或支付现金维塔什么诉诸养老金资产,政府(东京地铁公司,有限公司)或出售出去,所以,贷款总额或规章 Therefore 菅 begins the story of tax increase the government bond goes to the sale in the foreign country does the speech which admits the underwriting of government securities Kamei by Bank of Japan Increasing the limit amount of the yo inside the yu it tries to gather cash it will go back annuity to be able to pay to gather cash it tries It tries probably to sell government property Tokyo metro stocks the regulation of total emission of loan does
                                                                        • 所以,我和简先生开始谈论加税或发行债券对外国津市线或宽恕中央银行债券承销龟井,对低质量的限制现金收款熊征的言论东洋或梅,梅东洋收集或支付现金维塔什么诉诸养老金资产,政府(东京地铁公司,有限公司)或出售出去,所以,贷款总额或规章 Therefore 菅 begins the story of tax increase the government bond goes to the sale in the foreign country does the speech which admits the underwriting of government securities Kamei by Bank of Japan Increasing the limit amount of the yo inside the yu it tries to gather cash it will go back annuity to be able to pay to gather cash it tries It tries probably to sell government property Tokyo metro stocks the regulation of total emission of loan does

                                                                      • 日本明仁天皇和首相国家部长若超额债务。我会到中国来乞求外国销售
                                                                        If it becomes debt excess, Prime Minister His Majesty the Emperor and the country. Going to China for selling, it means kneeling on the ground diplomacy to do, but it is,

                                                                        • 日本的货币是世界第二大经济“日圆”是一个绝对需要浩纪
                                                                          Absolute needs of the Japanese currency “circle” which is economic power of worldwide second rank are large

                                                                          • 昆金目,因为他们没有工作了,我来善于自我满足Dattara? Shikerya饥饿的金钱,暴力不会受到直接和紧密泣瓦特货币学生饥饿是会得到更多的上场时间在孩子小谷柯泣意味着他不瓦特 When is being oneself satisfactory liking therefore it works the gold it does not need don t you think The gold desire storm ri ya the gold speaking desired it cries gently and is attached either it rages unless or it does w As for the honor student as for the share which the child which cries compared to can be received speaking little thing w

                                                                            • 明天,突然利率至5%,让我们试试吧!让世界的阿鼻叫唤é!
                                                                              Tomorrow, the [ze] which suddenly will try designating the policy interest as 5%! The [ze] obtaining where the inside of the world is agony!

                                                                              • 景気 が 悪 くなると 投資 や 海外製品 の 輸入 が 減 って 円高 になって 、景気 が 良 くなると 投資 や 海外製品 の 購入 が 増 えて 円安 になる
                                                                                When business becomes bad, import of investment and the overseas product decreasing, becoming increase in yen value, When business becomes good, purchase of investment and the overseas product increasing, it becomes weak yen

                                                                                • 最奇怪Waranakere索诺狭间的经济形势在这个国家,因为需求几乎是稳定的资金,银行存款增加了一段时间后增发债券,债券基金和消化它又一次几乎与它多是 If economic circumstance of this country at that time does not change almost because credit requirement almost is fixed When the government bond is increased doing for a while almost just the same cash in bank as that increasing That and reaches digestion fund of the new government bond

                                                                                  • 朝圣者在Kangansu Furuchin,日元之间没有分歧做全世界生活在真实的时间
                                                                                    If pilgrim, entire world simultaneous live broadcast are done with the full chin of [kangansu], it becomes weak yen not to be wrong

                                                                                    • 桑木说,阿支出肿胀,税收的减少,日本的债务总额在国内生产总值按梁占百分之200杆六合
                                                                                      As for the expenditure which expands coupled with the tax revenue decrease, The Japanese debt sum total was pushed up in the GDP ratio 200% vicinity

                                                                                      • 此外,在过去的经合组织对从中国进口的敌对国家的国内生产总值的比例大于日本,韩国,新西兰,捷克共和国和匈牙利不是通货紧缩在一些国家之一
                                                                                        Furthermore, as for in direct recentness anti- GDP ratio of the import from China being larger than Japan in OECD countries, It is Korea, New Zealand, Czechoslovakia and Hungary, but no country is deflation

                                                                                        • 洲和他们上升到小组莳纳阿专业制造并没有任何实质是人们期待已久的你的房子日本艺术
                                                                                          The mono making which is your with special care Japanese specialty Simply, being similar, the special sub- rose 蒔 it is and the [chi] [ya] [u] does

                                                                                          • 然288福泽谕吉有意义的解决方案不打印在此期间多次请及所有旋转的Nde
                                                                                            288 Completely is, reaching to this period which the rotary press turning, of not reprinting Yukichi the meaning solution viewing

                                                                                            • 然而,现实生活环境中,日本人民希望的人毁灭阿根廷
                                                                                              But, substantial living environment of the Japanese citizen probably will be is devastated in the same way as the Argentinian citizen

                                                                                              • 熊征限制采购,不但如此,他们付出熊征的位置可通过三个途径销售的国内金融机构突然倒塌,首先,我只是发送到一个万日元。邮政私有化收益的犹豫是因为我毁了?东京。可怜的公职人员如巫术在国家体制内,情况稳定。饥饿或
                                                                                                You sell to for the domestic financial institution The [yo] inside the [yu] buys and just has supported Ahead just it has done to send failure to a [yo] limit amount 30,000,000 Yen inside [yu] A certain day suddenly the sutra. Collapse or hesitation payment off As for postal services commercialization because of that? Tokyo University. In bureaucratic way witchcraft national system peace General people poor. Starvation kana

                                                                                                • 现在,什么是性革命,推翻政府,该国新的国家时,扮债务之前,我能洗建立新的国家
                                                                                                  Now, revolution rising, present administration being knocked down, when new nation of the new name of a country is established, it can designate the debt of front nation as [chiyara], it is

                                                                                                  • 瓦特他们采取增加政府债券购买1 8万亿日元,“他们接近极限,”2009年3月央行行长和2009 3 19,日本央行于18日开幕当天的货币政策会议,购买金额长期债务1个月确定的1 8万亿元到1万亿400000000000日元增加,为一亿日元 w In government bond purchase 1 800 000 000 000 Yen increase amount “The limit it is close” that Bank of Japan president 2009 3 19 As for the Japanese bank with the monetary policy decision assembly which was opened on 2009 March 18th negotiation amount of the long term government securities the so far It decided that from every month 1 400 000 000 000 Yen it increases to 1 800 000 000 000 Yen
                                                                                                    • 瓦特他们采取增加政府债券购买1 8万亿日元,“他们接近极限,”2009年3月央行行长和2009 3 19,日本央行于18日开幕当天的货币政策会议,购买金额长期债务1个月确定的1 8万亿元到1万亿400000000000日元增加,为一亿日元 w In government bond purchase 1 800 000 000 000 Yen increase amount “The limit it is close” that Bank of Japan president 2009 3 19 As for the Japanese bank with the monetary policy decision assembly which was opened on 2009 March 18th negotiation amount of the long term government securities the so far It decided that from every month 1 400 000 000 000 Yen it increases to 1 800 000 000 000 Yen

                                                                                                  • 糯我或我猜想这也是他们在现在卖什么好?它是什么太非技术工人的悲谷的头脑一定下的工作Chonkoro We w If what it sells from now on it is good don t you think it is probably will be When the air is attached only the simple worker who works under chiyonkoro the tsu te It is too sad
                                                                                                    • 我是在333工人的工作支付的最低工资是公平的美浓同情,没有工作的邪恶的财富是什么错误认识 333 Working with salary like minimum wage the ru worker It pities but Work there is no wealth as for bad tsu te recognition it is strange

                                                                                                  • 美国股市预计在价格之内进入股市和多托丸儿童津贴支付资金流向,从今年的1 6倍 When provision of child treatment starts fund flows into the stock market suddenly and stock price rises The American stocks in these 1 years reached 1 6 times

                                                                                                    • 苏回到带回家的外贸顺差纪录财富持津我,最终,另一方(货币区)的国家只有从自己的Nde什么,采购货品来自运气
                                                                                                      Having in the trade black-ink balance, to regain the wealth of amount of the [ru] foreign currency in the home country, ultimate, the country of the partners (the currency sphere) Buying the empty commodity, only it carries to the home country it is

                                                                                                      • 苏晃世租给非利润和出售债券还能消化,邮政储蓄银行的东史郎在日本出售债券的银行和金融机构现在,让我们努力为市场资金的需求是不健全已不再是一
                                                                                                        The government bond it sells in the bank It sells even in mail storing Entirely at Bank of Japan digestion margin Making that the profit is put out other than the government bond, can point to the effort which makes credit requirement in the market The financial institution of current Japan has even about unsoundly

                                                                                                        • 资源的上升,而哎呀,排名第一的制造业的问题,日本现在是固定的管理费拉金说,博时井梅鲁个百分点,劳动力成本产品成本指向特别立即志 You call soaring of the te or the resource but now most being problem fixed administrative expense namely especially with the manufacturing industry in Japan It runs out in the point that the ratio which labor cost occupies in product prime cost is large
                                                                                                          • 飙升的资源,而哎呀,排名第一的制造业的问题,日本现在是固定的管理费拉金说,博时井梅鲁个百分点,劳动力成本产品成本指向特别立即志 You call te or resource soaring but now most being problem fixed administrative expense namely especially with the manufacturing industry in Japan It runs out in the point that the ratio which labor cost occupies in product prime cost is large

                                                                                                        • 这到下一状态异常u003d由于国家垄断资本主义的资本主义国家,我在日本很难工人
                                                                                                          In next door capitalism national = national monopolistic capitalism nation of such a deformity Because certain, the Japanese worker suffers hardship, it is

                                                                                                          • 退休后,我一直在说,东史郎我们自己的网上经营,但他们认为这是正常ー氖那些谁经营你的任何资金,谁购买了债券和人口老龄化型稳定债券,进武藤敏郎保持稳定,这它的安全清除,变戏法你融资 The retirement lump sum grant operational margin you being said by your but the ru it is don t you think the ro where the one which is used in fund some type is good and is However the government bond says the stable route tsu te when little child aging advances this way Stabilizing the government bond purchasing the ru financial safe becomes empty and the so puts out

                                                                                                            • 長 く 続 けすぎると 維持費 も 不良債権 も 増加 していいこと 無 いけど 、日本 の 場合 は 老朽化 が 迫 った 首都高速 の 全面改修工事 など 、やるべきことがたくさんあるから 恵 まれている更多的
                                                                                                              When it continues too much to be long, however there are no times cost of maintenance and inferior claim may increase, In case of Japan extensive repair construction and the like of the capital city high speed which deterioration approaches, The fact that it should do is a large quantity is the person who because is favored because

                                                                                                              • 韩国经济是“鹈饲鸬鹚”,而不是吉尔例如,李肇星表示,将购买来自日本和韩国对关键部件,它是一个比喻为国家出口世界各地的所有 Is good the Korean economy “Cormorant of cormorant fishing” It is compared but as for this Korea Japan Purchasing the empty basic part it assembles figure of speech it does the circumstances which are exported in the world It is it is the thing

                                                                                                                • 顺便说一句,政府债券的银行持有,因此纪录一百二十六万点零亿日元 By the way the government bond holding of the bank past the highest was renewed at 126 000 000 000 000 Yen so is
                                                                                                                  • 顺便说一句,政府债券的银行持有,因此纪录一百二十六万点零亿日元 By the way the government bond holding of the bank past the highest was renewed at 126 000 000 000 000 Yen so is
                                                                                                                  • 顺便说一句,政府债券的银行持有,因此纪录一百二十六万点零亿日元 By the way the government bond holding of the bank past the highest was renewed at 126 000 000 000 000 Yen so is
                                                                                                                  • 顺便说一句,政府债券的银行持有,因此纪录一百二十六万点零亿日元 By the way the government bond holding of the bank past the highest was renewed at 126 000 000 000 000 Yen so is
                                                                                                                  • 顺便说一句,政府债券的银行持有,因此纪录一百二十六万点零亿日元 By the way the government bond holding of the bank past the highest was renewed at 126 000 000 000 000 Yen so is
                                                                                                                  • 顺便说一句,政府债券的银行持有,因此纪录一百二十六万点零亿日元 By the way the government bond holding of the bank past the highest was renewed at 126 000 000 000 000 Yen so is
                                                                                                                  • 顺便说一句,政府债券的银行持有,因此纪录一百二十六万点零亿日元 By the way the government bond holding of the bank past the highest was renewed at 126 000 000 000 000 Yen so is
                                                                                                                  • 顺便说一句,政府债券的银行持有,因此纪录一百二十六万点零亿日元 By the way the government bond holding of the bank past the highest was renewed at 126 000 000 000 000 Yen so is
                                                                                                                  • 顺便说一句,政府债券的银行持有,因此纪录一百二十六万点零亿日元 By the way the government bond holding of the bank past the highest was renewed at 126 000 000 000 000 Yen so is
                                                                                                                  • 顺便说一句,政府债券的银行持有,因此纪录一百二十六万点零亿日元 By the way the government bond holding of the bank past the highest was renewed at 126 000 000 000 000 Yen so is

                                                                                                                • ,Ð彡⌒ 我彡 、¤  ̄五十铃我我 ! ̄〜〜 五十铃,ヾi ー ヽ。 ⌒ 彡 ⌒ mi i 彡 mi HKDRT i ¯ hu ¯ HKDRT DREPT i HKRPT gt r II REPT No It is noisy saying nothing it is tax increase ∧ t gt i ∧ ⌒ REPT 92 REPT Λ ⌒ REPT i 92 and no ¯ 92 i 92 no i r No 92 ¯ i HKRPT no i l REPT No 92 │ l ⊂ i gt REPT 92 ku lt 92 nini gt REPT ⌒ ゚ lt 22 └ ─ ┘
                                                                                                                  • 。  ̄ ̄ ̄ 2 ¯ Two ∧ ∧ ⊂ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ Three

                                                                                                                • ,要跟生产损失诀窍都是我们什么也不做,日本,他们陷入了恶性通货膨胀的最终真正意义上的津市,它将说出津巴布韦 When this way is Japan mono the know how which is produced to lose everything after all hyper inflation in true sense When it falls very that it becomes the Zinbabwe state
                                                                                                                  • 等级59 28日99 31 181津巴布韦180等级 180 rank Japan 99 31 181 rank Zinbabwe 59 28

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