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Prime Minister Hatoyama “good ones it was possible. This is carried out”,…To “warming measure bill” National Diet submitting of greenhouse gas 25% decrease clearly writing


  • 米像税务翻新和唐宁街说,吃饭的家伙伐丽流筋合Ihanai或减少25%!
    The prime minister official residence, 25% reduction there is no reason which is said in the kind of person who has been repaired grandly with tax!

    • 11日,政府举行了关于全球变暖的总理办公室的部长级委员会,总结了全球变暖法案的内容
      Government on the 11th, to open terrestrial warming problem Cabinet minister commission at the prime minister official residence, the terrestrial warming measure basic bill Contents were collected

      • 15%是不够的亚! 1990年的京都议定书,而不是几年,他们意味着没有!脊髓反射Tteiu
        15% it is insufficient! Unless it is 1990 of the Kyoto protocol, there is no meaning! The [tsu] [te] the spinal cord reflected shelf which is said

        • 478短期协议,以减少二氧化碳的产生和发展的能源开支增加by ve在听到这种奖励显然是京都议定书
          478 Development expense of the next generation energy it did not increase even with the Kyoto protocol, it seems There is no such incentive in the short-term carbon reduction protocol, it seems

          • 485各方实现幸福是短期减碳时,选举是政党,而是一个体面的Tteiu意识到我了事没有幸福感 485 As for the happy actualization party when electing meaning has kept calling to short term carbon reduction Although it is the happy actualization party the mark having you say

            • 602“我参加了政府宣布了一项重要前提,只有环境税已表示,它需要准确
              602 Although > major power is participation statement prerequisite, just environmental tax has clearly written the fact that you take accurately

              • 810我们在选举之前,动员民团约我什么腐烂,棕褐色和支持的方式可能会欢呼民主Netouyonetouyo!葛第海拔,复制并粘贴到政治制度的报道,大规模的调控立即
                810 Is your eye rotted? People group mobilizing at election front and back, [netouyonetouyo] you have called repeatedly it is It probably is democracy support, but! After all, same informing, large-scale regulation it puts out [kopipe] of political type,

                • Dattara第一,二洗衣机和总理办公室干燥机返回的汽车,我在洗衣房的浴缸和太阳它固化天堂瓦特
                  1 When is first, the returns do 2 laundry dehydrators of the prime minister official residences, as for the laundry do with [tarai] and the sun drying w

                  • NULL With COP15 where 190 countries or more participates Advanced nation among the support gold 30 000 000 000 dollars which to developing country are put out Japan puts out the half 1 750 000 000 000 Yen As for Hatoyama if the so just it is it supplies being accustomed to the leader your itself flower It is theory You think that the world aligns for terrestrial benefit In order to pay this burden charge with the party of at this meeting your the anti Japanese flower Environmental minister of state Eizin Ozawa declared that environmental tax is introduced depending as for gasoline tax maintenance Because it is done it means that environmental tax is added anew The first word which India bet on Japan at this meeting is the money chi yo u quickly to be is As for Chinese itself when it is developing country persisting from the ru There is no either obligation which CO2 reduction obligation and the money put out furthermore Half of the Japanese support gold means to go to China because As for help because it is distributed by the discharge quantity Extending many China Half it keeps having In addition to that because the Japanese 25 reduction is the achievement impossible Japan means to buy discharge right from China
                    • NULL With COP15 where 190 countries or more participates Advanced nation among the support gold 30 000 000 000 dollars which to developing country are put out Japan puts out the half 1 750 000 000 000 Yen As for Hatoyama if the so just it is it supplies being accustomed to the leader your itself flower It is theory You think that the world aligns for terrestrial benefit In order to pay this burden charge with the party of at this meeting your the anti Japanese flower Environmental minister of state Eizin Ozawa declared that environmental tax is introduced depending as for gasoline tax maintenance Because it is done it means that environmental tax is added anew The first word which India bet on Japan at this meeting is the money chi yo u quickly to be is As for Chinese itself when it is developing country persisting from the ru There is no either obligation which CO2 reduction obligation and the money put out furthermore Half of the Japanese support gold means to go to China because As for help because it is distributed by the discharge quantity Extending many China Half it keeps having In addition to that because the Japanese 25 reduction is the achievement impossible Japan means to buy discharge right from China
                    • NULL With COP15 where 190 countries or more participates Advanced nation among the support gold 30 000 000 000 dollars which to developing country are put out Japan puts out the half 1 750 000 000 000 Yen As for Hatoyama if the so just it is it supplies being accustomed to the leader your itself flower It is theory You think that the world aligns for terrestrial benefit In order to pay this burden charge with the party of at this meeting your the anti Japanese flower Environmental minister of state Eizin Ozawa declared that environmental tax is introduced depending as for gasoline tax maintenance Because it is done it means that environmental tax is added anew The first word which India bet on Japan at this meeting is the money chi yo u quickly to be is As for Chinese itself when it is developing country persisting from the ru There is no either obligation which CO2 reduction obligation and the money put out furthermore Half of the Japanese support gold means to go to China because As for help because it is distributed by the discharge quantity Extending many China Half it keeps having In addition to that because the Japanese 25 reduction is the achievement impossible Japan means to buy discharge right from China
                    • 从人民群众新政府想在环境税,保险费痛苦的负担,但对全球变暖的担心,在没有明确证据 New administration from premium and the citizen who suffers from further burden of environmental tax you were worried about terrestrial warming which basis is not clear
                    • 汽油价格比160日元以上的临时率实际上是魔鬼3名,而你停止和假古星期一继续施加压力,除了临时华伦天奴环境税率维塔个月 As for provisional tariff when or more of gasoline price 160 Yen continues 3 months when it stops while the error to demon converting Actually environmental tax is added in addition to provisional tariff

                  • Tteiu环境大臣鸠山由小泽一郎或Kurukurupa为什么私生子,二氧化碳的百分之二十五以上的教育,更友好的经济发展和环境技术行业在减少,而且也没有办法自称是没有事实根据或混凝土你好吗?一个疯狂? The environment which Hatoyama per it fails it could be round and round the Ozawa tsu te it says The minister of state why when CO2 the 25 is reduced industry of environmental technology Steadily growth hanging economic development or no basis and the concrete way Completely you insist that it is not Being kichigai
                    • 如果您认为日本地面和393说我没有? 393 If the Japanese it believes that it is possible wasn t basis it is not spoken

                  • [政治]鸠山和他的妻子买了洗衣机和烘干机是由松下一个“不适用 - VR5600L”“豪华”住宅装修超过一万七千九点零零万日元平均成本
                    The Hatoyama husband and wife 2 as for the laundry dehydrator which is purchased Panasonic make “NA - VR5600L” “Luxurious” official residence repair Average budget 1,790,000 Yen super

                    • “他是个有趣的追究有关瓦特,以保护核力量和安全的全球负担的认识是不够重下降在日本,我希望我提出一个沉重的税务负担, ” W whose less is funny to this In order understanding of the earth and to protect security we assume that the atomic energy is propelled the extent which collapses Japan we apply burden and overtaxation heavily it is that
                      • “他是个有趣的这个瓦特,以保护生命和促进全球核,负担非常沉重,足以下跌在日本,我希望我提出一个沉重的税务负担, ” W whose less is funny to this In order understanding of the earth and to protect security we assume that the atomic energy is propelled the extent which collapses Japan we apply burden and overtaxation heavily it is that
                      • 核力量,确保安全和促进公众了解SDP的数字提取要求删除的前提 Concerning nuclear power generation understanding and security of the citizen We assumed could retreat the deletion demand for the corporation people party that it propels in prerequisite
                      • 核力量,确保安全和促进公众了解SDP的数字提取要求删除的前提 Concerning nuclear power generation understanding and security of the citizen We assumed could retreat the deletion demand for the corporation people party that it propels in prerequisite

                    • “全球变暖税(环境税,2011年),以工人阶级和丰富的折叠蒂诺马追宝实施财政地狱在一个环境税的时代逐渐被更多的痛苦把我 gt Terrestrial warming measure tax environmental tax execute from 2011 Working class between namapo and rich person Furthermore hurt with environmental tax age of the hell where it is attached come
                      • “全球变暖税(环境税,在2011年)会在地狱的时代,把更多的痛苦我蒂诺马追工人阶级和丰富的实施财政折叠宝 gt Terrestrial warming measure tax environmental tax execute from 2011 Working class between namapo and rich person Furthermore hurt with environmental tax age of the hell where it is attached come

                    • “全球变暖税(环境税,在2011年)在警方戈提供更多的汽油价格,汽油来自财政万维网有效的价值
                      > Terrestrial warming measure tax (environmental tax) execute from 2011 Working class between [namapo] and rich person, Furthermore hurt with environmental tax, age of the hell where it is attached come

                      • “姓”是一个姓是家长和孩子不可避免地“两个名称亲子”不同使孩子不会让坏智力量表
                        “Surname classified by married couple” inevitable Surname differs between the parents and children, “surname classified by parent and child” is brought, as for the adverse effect which the children receive measuring You cannot know

                        • “日复一日,大量的纸张(原木浆制成)消费,我们成为一个严重的污染和环境退化的根源
                          ” Everyday everyday, the abundant paper (the pulp which designates the lumber as the raw materials) it consumes the origin, has become serious pollution source of terrestrial environmental deterioration

                          • “此外,全球变暖税(环境税)将在2011财年实施,”此外,全球变暖税(环境税),以实施在2011财年的,“此外,全球变暖税务(环境税)措施,2011财年实施的, gt In other things terrestrial warming measure tax environmental tax executing from 2011 and gt In other things terrestrial warming measure tax environmental tax executing from 2011 and gt In other things terrestrial warming measure tax environmental tax executing from 2011 and
                            • 此外,全球变暖税()环境税的实施,2011财年,在ー?跆拳道我蜘蛛税通缩或明年年初经济衰退,他们更有可能没有结束瓦里 In other things terrestrial warming measure tax environmental tax executing from 2011 and In other things terrestrial warming measure tax environmental tax executing from 2011 and In other things terrestrial warming measure tax environmental tax executing from 2011 and
                            • 此外,全球变暖税()环境税的实施,2011财年,此外,全球变暖税()环境税将从2011财年实施,此外,全球变暖税(环境税)将从2011财年实施, In other things terrestrial warming measure tax environmental tax executing from 2011 and In other things terrestrial warming measure tax environmental tax executing from 2011 and In other things terrestrial warming measure tax environmental tax executing from 2011 and

                          • ↓5第一页是“社会的实现削减百分之80的数字(1):从家庭,如二氧化碳的排放量的东西以技术为导向的经济发展目标”到“●维塔,就变成零大纲 The form of the society which actualizes ↓ 5th page “80 reduction 1 Vision A ” In “economic development technical inclination The CO2 discharge quantity and the like from home in general it becomes zero to increase
                            • 为了减少二氧化碳的排放,“·在密封Memashou以各种报刊杂志 � For CO2 discharge quantitative reduction “as for purchase of various newspaper publishing company weekly magazines and the like you will stop
                            • 例如排放量增加所行的模拟强盗抢夺公司的一些好钱,利用和模拟流氓谁不减少排放权交易的任何事情,甚至维塔 The discharge quantity and the like as for increasing the yakuza ma which is and altogether discharge right transaction and the like which does not decrease is with method The yakuza ma which swindles the gold from good enterprise and takes is place line

                          • ↓↓↓『你』照顾成立3月20日今天一大网站! [5000]次会议锦标赛@↓↓↓◎◎◎家庭关系,保护日本国民对民主党政府◎◎◎她的人选择婚前姓名的夫妇,我们可以姓“姓“我们的目标是向国会提交一项法案,修改民事法律制度的高度,我写
                            The ↓ ↓ ↓ 'as for you who become aware' on March 20th the Bick sight gathering! <5000 human meeting @ Japanese meetings> ↓ ↓ ↓ * * * The national conference which opposes to the surname classified by married couple and protects the bond of the family * * * As for the Democratic party administration, “the surname system of the classified by selective married couple which” the married couple can also use separate surname You have aimed toward the National Diet submitting of the civil law amendment plan which it includes

                            • ∧∧∧∧∧∧∧∧∧∧∧∧∧∧∧∧∧∧∧∧∧∧∧∧∧∧∧∧∧∧∧∧∧∧∧“什么乱?苏染色人类如果地球本身的性质是自然复苏! “”打着打着爬行爬行是...哈哈哈哈呵呵...不幸的呵呵“”是啊!好主意!这是最好的! “”如果人类的Biteshimae闪烁!ー许呵呵呵呵! “∨∨∨∨∨∨∨∨∨∨∨∨∨∨∨∨∨∨∨∨∨∨∨∨∨∨∨∨∨∨∨∨∨∨∨
                              ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧ < It isn't understood? If the mankind itself who pollutes the earth is not, the nature revives naturally! > < As for [hu] [tsu] as for [tsu]… As for [hu] [tsu] as for [tsu] as for [tsu] as for [tsu] as for [tsu] [tsu]… As for [hu]! > < So is! That is good! That is first! > If < it is because of that, the mankind et. al fall into ruin! [a] -! > ∨ ∨ ∨ ∨ ∨ ∨ ∨ ∨ ∨ ∨ ∨ ∨ ∨ ∨ ∨ ∨ ∨ ∨ ∨ ∨ ∨ ∨ ∨ ∨ ∨ ∨ ∨ ∨ ∨ ∨ ∨ ∨ ∨ ∨ ∨ Paste 彡 > < three [hua] -, . - - - - - - - /' ¯ ⌒ REPT, 222 丶, {- ' REPT _ ¯ ¯ ` - < [hua] -, _/ / ///REPT / l { | | {. - - - - - - REPT `-' - - -, \ ¯ ~ 7/\///. - - REPT /// . r ┴ - / | `- - - r - -, ` _ REPT REPT. {\ / HKRPT | - [ku] (/ / , Hu ', | `丶, `REPT - - - - } l ( ) ` ' ( ) ( [ne]; [ku] [ri] (No//\ V | {[mi]} `丶, REPT | `\ ! (_ human _ _) ' , | DREPT HKDRT - ' \/ {[mi]} `REPT REPT; ; ; l \ r - '/ l | ┬ | REPT No [to] l HKRPT | / “~ \ | REPT REPT | REPT _ r - = REPT l ! `-' No/[rinori] l | / l DREPT REPT | ` | [to],/_ ¯ `-' - ' ┴ ┼ - - ┐ l/ REPT [to], \ | | | \ ¯ REPT \ ¯ ~ | ” REPT \ REPT} | | | | l REPT \ 6 = = 9 REPT | / / | REPT , \ 6 = = 9 } [to], / / | l \ `REPT, \ | | /\ REPT REPT/ / | l REPT \ \ | | / \

                              • ○风系统Toriaezu阳光下,他们采取诸如可再生能源电力公司的政策一定购买价格,并不是消极的,但我们都宫内厅估计,具体目标是不可能的乡间渡假别墅里苏保 ○ Renewable energy of the sunshine wind force and the like the system which the electric power company buys at fixed price Temporarily it does not deny policy but the excessiveness being too much a set point Completely there is no concrete estimate but it is

                                • この 25 % って 世界全体 ではどのくらいの 割合 でこれを 削減 することで 温暖化 にどの 程度影響 があるのかってのはどこか 具体的 な 数字 が 出 てるの ?来的人,直观地思恩达不是说我 25 tsu te worldwide altogether this in about some ratio By the fact that this is reduced having some influence in warming applying somewhere as for the concrete number appearing the ru Unless it is that you think that either the citizen does not come the pi is with it is

                                  • 一旦满意Dekirya千吉良浴邲呒苊褒的掌声,即使是垂直于外国资金对欺诈财富除尘器南特总排放量的流动不利于古环境Î ¯ Î ° °为什么我与他们,但美雪,市民是结束极端贫困这只是预算 In the discharge right how fraud which does not contribute to terrestrial environment completely the large dusting Even with discharging national wealth in the foreign country applause applause it pours and is overpraised the re Large being satisfactory as for drill ya ho ゚ tsuho ゚ is happy what the ro which as for the citizen in extreme poverty Piercing just it is dropped the shelf

                                    • 为好,他们希望其他国家的服装25%(实际上35%上升击中低质量或不听专家的意见和花圃他们青臭我们唯心主义)温室气体,它们的密切和900万亿日元的债务Idaku具体和实际的战略,以实现这一目标,顾人与维塔是进入国家财政破产介绍尚未发布
                                      The appearance which is good to the foreign countries we would like to do, but for the sake of greenhouse gas 25% reduction (substantial 35% or more) And so on you question and while opinion of the intellectual person et. al hearing the ideal theory where the fish flower garden is inexperienced [buchi] lifting, be close to debt 900,000,000,000,000 the man who leads the national public finance which is held to failure Furthermore at the same time concreteness in order to achieve the goal realistic Plan is not published yet,

                                      • 什么Poppo共产主义?我科的主流观众穷人富裕的钳位保护或中国,但我认为我过分保护
                                        [po] [tsu] [po] [tsu] [te] communism person? As for general layer tightening As for poor layer protection As for wealthy layer over-protection But something Chinese like what

                                        • 什么是不可能时,衰退和临时工在抖动的瓦里,在联合国的百分之二十五浴二氧化碳Biteita欢呼的承诺,以帮助其他国家减少和总理男孩结束
                                          We end is not visible with dispatch work When depression and the fighting [tsu] [te] being, the prime minister promising the 25% reduction of CO2 and the support to the foreign countries at United Nations, poured applause

                                          • 全球变暖税()环境税的实施,2011财年
                                            Terrestrial warming measure tax (environmental tax) it executes from 2011

                                            • 因此,25%的836试图削减?当繁荣是Madashimo,我将Raren什么与这么大的自我经济现状的租户 836 The 25 it has been about to reduce with that If at the time of prosperity rather associating to such an ego in times of great depression and others the re it is …
                                              • ⇒40倍,是因为你以前所有的抑郁症在大选之前,如果麻生太郎 40 If Abe ⇒ Aso it could elect before the great depression Entirely your consequence

                                            • 因此,该委员会说,外长们没有指定计时系统,是在法案的通过设立一个同意在一年内采取法律行动
                                              Because of this, in Cabinet minister committee of the same day system It did not state clearly establishment time, it agreed by the fact that after the being formed of the bill legal measure is devised within 1 years

                                              • 在明天的生态运动的不是很大,如果我是削减二氧化碳之间。煽四环素NHK的是广播电台和电视的时间应减少百分之三十 With the large campaign that with echo of tomorrow it is not in time CO2 削 In NHK which it fans 30 percent in broadcast radio wave and air time it should reduce
                                                • 在明天的生态运动的不是很大,如果我是削减二氧化碳之间。煽四环素NHK的是广播电台和电视的时间应减少百分之三十 With the large campaign that with echo of tomorrow it is not in time CO2 削 In NHK which it fans 30 percent in broadcast radio wave and air time it should reduce

                                              • 在电子与信息技术产业协会研究所 下村,副委员长,总统和松下电器产业株式会社社长大坪文雄总裁率领。佐佐木,执行副总裁,副总裁兼索尼公司总裁Ryoji钵,总统执行副总裁Kaoru矢野,NEC公司董事长兼首席执行官的执行副总裁兼首席执行官每小时三菱电机公司总裁兼首席执行官总统和副总统的东芝公司,则雄周四夏普总裁Katsuhiko田,主席和副主席的主席,董事长,总裁兼首席执行官兼代表董事富士通河村隆道德Mazuka副主席 Chairman Fumio Otsubo The Panasonic corporation Representative President Head secondary chairman Simomura Hiroshi Mitsubishi Electric Corporation Typical execution part President execution part Secondary chairman Kaoru Yano The NEC Chief Executive Officer President execution official Secondary chairman Chubachi it is good Osamu The SONY corporation Typical execution part Secondary chairman Secondary chairman Norio Sasaki Corporation Toshiba Director President typical execution part Secondary chairman Between mound morality The Fujitsu corporation Chairman and president Chief Executive Officer Secondary chairman Katuhiko Machida Sharp corporation Chairman and CEO Chief Executive Officer Secondary chairman Takashi Kawamura Corporation Hitachi Ltd Typical execution part President Chairman and execution part execution part Secondary chairman Isao Uchida Yokogawa electrical machinery and appliances corporation Chairman Chief Executive Officer Secondary chairman Kataoka government Alps electric corporation Representative President Chairman Yoshio Haga The Japanese paper manufacture Inc president Secondary chairman Kazuhisa Sinoda Oji Paper Co Ltd Inc president Secondary chairman Large It is clear Rengo Co Ltd Inc president Secondary chairman Bank Husband The Hokuetsu Kishu Paper Co Ltd Inc president Secondary chairman Well Mind high Daio paper manufacture Inc president Secondary chairman Kunio Suzuki Mitsubishi Paper Mills Ltd Inc president The Sumitomo Osaka cement corporation The Hitachi cement corporation New day 鐵 blast furnace cement corporation Mitsubishi material corporation Shining star cement corporation Aso rahuajiyusemento corporation Denki Kagaku Kogyo K K corporation corporation day shii Ube Industries Ltd corporation the Tsuruga cement corporation the Pacific Ocean cement stock meeting Kanda cement stock meeting The Ryukyu cement corporation The Chichibu Pacific Ocean cement corporation corporation tokuyama east saw corporation day 鐵 cement corporation Yato cement corporation
                                                • NULL Chairman Heaven cell Akihiko The Idemitsu industries corporation Chairman Chief Executive Officer Secondary chairman Wood 彌 One Cosmopolitan petroleum corporation Representative President Secondary chairman Isao Matsushita Corporation Japan energy Representative President Secondary chairman Suzuki one man The Tonen General Sekiyu K k corporation Representative President Secondary chairman Nishio course New Nippon Oil Co Ltd corporation Representative President Secondary chairman Arai purity Showa Shell Sekiyu corporation Representative President Chairman Ichino period raw Chairman Tokyo Gas Co Ltd Secondary chairman Yutaka Ozaki President Osaka Gas Co Ltd corporation Secondary chairman Koutarou Mizuno Chairman Toho Gas Co Ltd corporation Secondary chairman Hiroki Ogawa Chairman Saibu Gas Co Ltd corporation Secondary chairman special duty director Takahashi clear tree Japanese gas association executive office leader Chairman Rice granary Hiro 昌 The Sumitomo chemistry Inc Chairman Chief Executive Officer Secondary chairman Kenji Fuziyoshi Mitsui chemistry Inc Chairman Chief Executive Officer New Year s pine decoration Masahiro Asahi Glass Co Ltd Inc Chief Executive Officer chairman execution official Secondary chairman Ozaki original correcting rule Kao Soap Co Ltd Inc Representative President execution official Secondary chairman Takao Kondo Inc the Japanese catalyst Representative President
                                                • 日本制造钢铁协会,日本2丘正宗新总统。佐藤,日本JFE副总裁肇巴达总裁,公司副总裁副总裁总统博友野住友金属工业有限公司钢铁公司。米泽,神户制钢所的总统和副总统的专业公司。新井俊高级执行副住友商事株式会社,丸红钢铁公司总裁Takashi伊藤忠日本汽车制造商协会主席 首席运营官志贺俊之副董事长兼行政总裁,董事长和首席执行官,日产汽车公司,本田汽车有限公司董事长青木哲渡边副总裁 Chairman Masa sect Oka two New Japan make Corporation President Secondary chairman Horse rice field one JFE steel corporation President Secondary chairman Friend field Hiroshi The Sumitomo Metal Industries Ltd corporation President Secondary chairman Sato Loyal retainer Corporation Kobe Steel President Secondary chairman The United States 澤 克 The C Itoh Co Ltd Marubeni steel corporation Chairman Secondary chairman Arai Shunichi The Sumitomo Corporation corporation Special duty execution official Chairman Satoru Aoki Honda Motor Co Ltd corporation Chairman Chief Executive Officer Secondary chairman Toshiyuki Shiga The Nissan Motor Co Ltd corporation Chief Executive Officer The highest execution patsy Secondary chairman Watanabe 捷 Showa The Toyota Motor Corporation corporation Secondary Chairman Chief Executive Officer Secondary chairman Well volume Hisashi one Matsuda corporation Chairman Chief Executive Officer Secondary chairman Masuko Osamu Mitsubishi automobile industrial corporation Representative President Secondary chairman special duty director The name tail it is good Yasushi The Hokkaido Electric Power Co Inc The Tohoku Electric Power Co Inc Tokyo Electric Power The Chubu Electric Power Co Ltd The Hokuriku electric power Kansai Electric Power The Chugoku Electric Power Co Ltd Shikoku Electric Power Co Ltd Kyushu Electric Power Co Inc Okinawa electric power
                                                • 石油协会呻 www paj gr jp 日本水泥协会呻 www jcassoc or jp 电力协会呻 www fepc or jp 电子信息学院技术行业协会呻 www jeita or jp 日本化学工业协会呻 www nikkakyo org 日本汽车制造商协会,日本煤气协会呻 www jama。 or jp 造纸协会呻 www jpa gr jp 钢铁协会,日本呻 www jisf or jp 石油,铁矿石,水泥,只是一个“挣扎汽车工业乙“也许有些家伙命名 Petroleum union http www paj gr jp Corporation cement association http www jcassoc or jp Federation of Electric Power Companies http www fepc or jp Corporation electronic intelligence technical industrial association http www jeita or jp Corporation Japanese Society of Chemical Engineers Japan http www nikkakyo org Corporation Japanese gas association Corporation Japanese Automobile Association http www jama or jp The Japanese paper manufacture association http www jpa gr jp Corporation Japanese steel union http www jisf or jp If just the iron ore and the petroleum and the cement the causing re which the person “desperate automobile industry quaintness” is it is

                                              • 媒体操纵信息,涵盖政治,不公平的利润。组织经济,切割Shiku的井作为整个社会的利益,这是人所共知的净 The mass communications operating to conceal political intelligence unjust interest Economy is organized As for shaving the profit of all societies considerably with the net with common sense the shank
                                                • 媒体操纵信息,涵盖政治,不公平的利润。组织经济,切割Shiku的井作为整个社会的利益,这是人所共知的净 The mass communications operating to conceal political intelligence unjust interest Economy is organized As for shaving the profit of all societies considerably with the net with common sense the shank

                                              • 对于核电力,在走出“不可或缺对付全球变暖的”志摩的意见和忠和工业部长的权力不排放温室气体,已张贴在社会民主党杰鲁核能的号角,与志在预算作为一种手段,促进Kasenai失踪的温室气体减排目标的实现
                                                Concerning nuclear power generation, when generating electricity because the greenhouse effect gas is not put out, “for warming measure indispensability” With opinion of the direct 嶋 multipara phase which is done and opinion of the corporation people party which puts out the deviation from nuclear plant had been opposed, but the greenhouse effect It settled by the fact that it propels as the expedient which it is essential to the achievement of gas reduction goal

                                                • 对排放量交易计划巡赛,外交部,并决心两家公司的梅鲁国家排放“整体系统”,即使两人曾声称,某些行业和工会“的经济排减能亲负面“,理由是”单位制“你正交,该协议是困难的 Centering on the discharge quantitative transaction system the environmental ministry and Ministry of Foreign Affairs the country decide the discharge quantity every of enterprise “gross system” The part industry and Union “adverse effect is given to economy” that it repels vis a vis insisting “Basic unit system” was calculated agreement had a rough going
                                                  • 梅鲁战时经济用来确定的业务量每年以法规的国家,有可能在该国的巨大力量能亲 Regulation of total emission The wartime dirigisme where the country decides amount used at every enterprise it means to give tremendous power to the country

                                                • 并于是一个博爱填写,如果他们支持那些谁是枯燥的世界,污染少,不浪费资源将用于使,不公平或没有死一个我泣达里语,生活既能够满足和保证 Being friendship to overflow in kindliness even the inside of the world to support the people who are not Pollution is little the resource effectively is utilized without wastefulness everyone dies unjustly Without crying life is questioned with relief the ma tsu it is possible
                                                  • 并于是一个博爱填写,如果他们支持那些谁是枯燥的世界,污染少,不浪费资源将用于使,不公平或没有死一个我泣达里语,生活既能够满足和保证 Being friendship to overflow in kindliness even the inside of the world to support the people who are not Pollution is little the resource effectively is utilized without wastefulness everyone dies unjustly Without crying life is questioned with relief the ma tsu it is possible

                                                • 思Ttetara行文字的产生和对环境的税率是暂时的,或临时率不引入瓦特环境税
                                                  Thinking that substituting the provisional tariff is environmental tax, the cod, Provisional tariff that way environmental tax introduction or w

                                                  • 我听到它,没有任何宗教教主Tteka任何话,他反常的像总理和世界的SF你出来的创始人基地
                                                    This [tsu] [te], that… founder [tsu] [te] of cult religion? Therefore well, that founder the prime minister Off base it participates the worldwide like of SF which deviates

                                                    • 我在做什么后,在全球变暖的警监会森林防火电视厘米,因为她说?降水将增加,如果全球变暖维塔
                                                      With rear television CM warming the Yamabi thing [tsu] [te] doing with cause, however the [ru] As for IPCC such a thing saying, the [ru]? When it warms, the precipitation with the expectation which increases

                                                      • 或面对面与我们的民主将是啊Tsuka排放交易如何将不会削减和恩达思欧舒丹购买政策 You buy with handle about some discharge right transaction it is probably will be You think that it cannot reduce with the haphazard policy of democracy in roku but it is
                                                        • 我们可能会紧张,从交易中,排放第一候选人也开始建议与希腊在欧洲的危机方式的可能性瓦特 Because the Europe and possibility of the road accompanying started being suggested in the Greek crisis Whether it is put forward as the candidate of the next discharge right customer w

                                                      • 摆在我们面前来静静地去生活,以便不打扰,如果你在生活的其他人妄想从任何他们所取得的钱从何它茹 Living in delusion if it is the ru in order not to become annoyance of others quietly keep living As for you because there is also a gold which can do that
                                                        • 这使你向我们所有的人在那里工作,他将如说是啊,请别人,还是运气 Hardship is put in only the citizen but by all means please persevere Like other personal affairs you say it is probably will be

                                                      • 政府混合动力汽车,JFE钢铁敷由二氧化碳的排放量作为一种节能措施,节能,高效热水器,但后来我来到了屋外,如高绝缘,这是过去的,而且产生任何比多二氧化碳东西辜放电 As for government as for CO2 discharge reduction quantity JFE As steel Kurashiki energy saving step producing the hybrid car the high efficiency hot water supply vessel and the high adiabatic residence etc the ru These in each case although it produces from former ones discharge CO2 mainly
                                                        • 公司成立于1000转化为您的家庭护理民主的方式,不仅JFE分钟排放量仓钢太阳能电池为100 0万户 By the way Assuming that the solar array for the Democratic party favorite home was installed in 10 000 000 household as for the discharge reduction quantity JFE It reaches steel Kurashiki discharge quantitative amount

                                                      • 无论有关全球变暖的二氧化碳我的学徒贝尔和葛邮件问题一直,没有得到西方杀死新兴诚实,我不欺骗 894公司有义务地方,如中国的实际排放量更丰富,越来越多了 我戈 Whether or not it is related to CO2 warming although with mail problem the invent and the bare te ru It rides in the young country crushing of Europe and America foolishly honestly is… 894 Actually enterprise escaping steadily to the place where it does not owe the obligation of discharge such as China the ro which is the ru
                                                        • 有关全球变暖是否是真正的麻生太郎分别二氧化碳开始反对的二氧化碳减少,名义和实际减少二氧化碳排放量只有走出去埃塞环保组织,其产生最减少并不鸽 Whether or not CO2 is related to warming it opposes to the reduction plan of the substance CO2 which Aso puts out to another with nominal reduction the ese protection of the environment group which is produced in the pigeon where substance Co2 is not almost reduced it comes out and is dense

                                                      • 日本企业有一个明确的“海外生产基地,不考虑埃扎鲁E”类危险的境地,没有Iwazaru首页
                                                        The Japanese enterprise clearly “of production foothold is not thought in the foreign country, you do not obtain”, that says dangerous circumstance of the extent which is not obtained

                                                        • 日本大清洗!清除! 100.00万人民正进入1000年,日本如果能达到博爱为什么400.0万
                                                          As for Japanese purgation! Purgation! 10,000,000 inserting Chinese, if 40,000,000 friendship it does the Japanese, it can achieve, it is the [ro] which is

                                                          • 普利司通Toriaezu鸠山由家庭是脆弱的二氧化碳是二氧化碳的25%和80交易默默地我不知道有多少削减温室气体排放%?我从一个大束梦想没有告诉人们我无法到达的25整幢鸠山Makanae%的资产比例 Temporarily the Hatoyama whole group the CO2 foil At Bridgestone CO2 You do not call the 25 and about the 80 make reduce it is probably will be Discharge right transaction The large kerchief it expanded many notices without in the citizen therefore it is The 25 provide the part which it cannot arrive entirely with property of the Hatoyama house

                                                            • 材料在日本和(钢),二氧化碳开始摆脱日本企业在海外的国际竞争力的行业输给了日本,只是因为茹是一个非常艰难的行业,以减少 Furthermore the Japanese basic materials industries which have international competitiveness the steel and the like CO2 reduction very difficult industry for the sake of Only coming out of Japan it became Escaping to the foreign country of the Japanese enterprise started
                                                              • 材料在日本和(钢),二氧化碳开始摆脱日本企业在海外的国际竞争力的行业输给了日本,只是因为茹是一个非常艰难的行业,以减少 Furthermore the Japanese basic materials industries which have international competitiveness the steel and the like CO2 reduction very difficult industry for the sake of Only coming out of Japan it became Escaping to the foreign country of the Japanese enterprise started

                                                            • 条例草案,“2020年以25%降至1990年相比,”中期目标,“说,公平和有效的国际框架,所有主要国家,您已同意一个雄心勃勃的目标的前提”显然 With the bill mid term goal “of 1990 ratio 25 reduction “all the major powers being fair by 2020 ” effectiveness With a certain international framework when it agrees enthusiastic goal with the prerequisite attachment” clearly writing
                                                              • “”到2020年降低25%,较1990年的“中期目标,”所有主要国家有一个公平有效,“它的国际框架,你已同意一个雄心勃勃的目标,说:”假设和 gt Mid term goal “of 1990 ratio 25 reduction “all the major powers being fair by 2020 ” effectiveness gt With a certain international framework when it agrees enthusiastic goal with the prerequisite attachment” clearly writing

                                                            • 此外,全球变暖税()环境税的实施,2011财年,并同租来的房子分钟子女免税额,没有新的财政资源 In other things terrestrial warming measure tax environmental tax executing from 2011 and In other things terrestrial warming measure tax environmental tax executing from 2011 and In other things terrestrial warming measure tax environmental tax executing from 2011 and
                                                              • 小麦秸秆和捐赠资金是黑暗的,但是这个人是高中儿童免费津贴,应对全球变暖 Warming measure High school gratuitous conversion Child treatment Which and this money source of darkness donation whether tsu shelf

                                                            • 此外,全球变暖税()环境税,从2011年实施,从一个愚蠢愚蠢的狗屎的钱我也远远骗子球蛋白A大量的欧洲变暖的已被禁止贡金枪鱼德格
                                                              In other things, terrestrial warming measure tax (environmental tax) executing from 2011 and, In other things, terrestrial warming measure tax (environmental tax) executing from 2011 and, In other things, terrestrial warming measure tax (environmental tax) executing from 2011 and,

                                                              • 池田清彦教授解释了全球变暖的假数据“问题的”1 / 2 2 / 2
                                                                Professor Kiyohiko Ikeda explains “terrestrial warming data fabrication problem” 1/2 2/2

                                                                • 然而,和平奖鸠山由纪夫制备苦潮湿日本经济,摧毁人民,那么也许诺贝尔和平奖,因为制备示范吨
                                                                  But, destroying the Japanese economy, Hatoyama which torments the citizen can take peaceful prize, therefore, well peaceful prize ton demonstration prize, whether you take, don't you think?

                                                                  • 玉现在日本Tsubururu瓦特万维网 “”)啊,啊,啊,啊嘿鸠山先生睡觉! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! orzorzorzorzorzorzorzorzorzorzorzorzorzorzorzorzorzorzorzorzorzorzorzorz rzorzorzorzorzorzorzorzorzorzorzorzorzorzorzorzorzorzorzorzorzorzorzorzo orzorzorzorzorzorzorzorzorzorzorzorzorzorzorzorzorzorzorzorzorzorzorzorz rzorzorzorzorzorzorzorzorzorzorzorzorzorzorzorzorzorzorzorzorzorzorzorzo tsu plain gauze w Now Japan the ru www which it closes gt lt The Hatoyama sleeping and well well well well the a orzorzorzorzorzorzorzorzorzorzorzorzorzorzorzorzorzorzorzorzorzorzorzorz rzorzorzorzorzorzorzorzorzorzorzorzorzorzorzorzorzorzorzorzorzorzorzorzo orzorzorzorzorzorzorzorzorzorzorzorzorzorzorzorzorzorzorzorzorzorzorzorz rzorzorzorzorzorzorzorzorzorzorzorzorzorzorzorzorzorzorzorzorzorzorzorzo
                                                                    • 什么叫Biteeeeeeeeeeeeee是啊是啊是啊是啊是啊是啊是啊是啊是啊嘿鸠山死亡 Hatoyama die be able be able be able be able be able be able be able be able to be able be able be able be able be able be able be able be able be able be able to obtain The tsu te scream te e it can be able be able be able be able be able be able be able be able be able be able to obtain

                                                                  • 祖父老妇人,如果我462块税“制备的家伙,他们是年轻,”鸠山“我们亩挤压” 462 The tax revenue how it was completed The pop old lady “it squeezes from the young person taking” Hatoyama “k”

                                                                    • 维塔,进口生产国,如果二氧化碳真正考虑根据环境的能力,减少二氧化碳的环境评估要求
                                                                      If of terrestrial environment is thought truly, in the imports The CO2 environmental taxation which responds to the CO2 control ability of country of origin is necessary

                                                                      • 缔约方会议应苔藓,但不是僵硬氖瓦特思Tteta在第一次挺举,而是虚伪,欺骗,而我试图在日本的严重不利十进制家伙的事 Although with COP it made the moss being disgusted don t you think it is shelf w First thinks that delusion and it is hypocrisy foolish it is dense being serious the disadvantageous thing of Japan it has been about probably advancing

                                                                        • 苏自己的弯曲流转税作为补偿,飞往其他国家忽视的巨大的经济目标。凡汇票或罚款 Economy is ignored and the goal which is not either the way is put out and our tax is discharged in the foreign country as a compensation Somewhere of bill beautiful
                                                                          • 我有一个体面的法案,新政府提交的?就像你和津草案不仅疯狂思首页 It was honest with the bill which new administration submits it was Deviating only the ru seems like only the bill which cannot be thought…

                                                                        • 表面上的目的:“赢得了”思想的目标:革命的社会主义“革命从战争上面”来实现→一九三八年,国家总动员法,法律并提交给国家的实力,日本的经济计划控制极权国家,并成为一个共产主义国家的官僚※文反恐法案开始改造伤害左派政变,并说维塔法案
                                                                          Object on surface: “In order to win war” Idea object: Achieve socialist revolution with “revolution from above” -> 1938, to submit total mobilization method and electrical national management method, Japan planned economy It kept remodelling to the fascism nation and the communism nation * The bill terrorism which the left flank bureaucracy causes, you can call the bill coup

                                                                          • 该部实验民主党风间直树的二氧化碳和二氧化碳上的讲话我有一个在国民议会中Nakakoshi浩是什么地震,在过滤器安巨大的爆炸融合,在能源技术产生无限我不能?
                                                                            So if you say, Democratic party Assemblyman Naoki Kazama with experiment of the multipara ministry with the fusion of CO2 and CO2 causing large explosion Therefore you speak it is at the [tsu] [te] National Diet where [te] that becomes Nakagoe major earthquake, with the technology unlimited energy Is obtained, it is it is not?

                                                                            • 近年来,成为儿童智力低下的社会问题,我是恢复正交家庭关系和家庭教育的权力需要,“姓氏”的政策的出台,他们违背了公众的任何要求Iemasu和 Recently devastation of heart of the child to become social problem the bond of the family and education power of home Necessity of recovery is required but as for introduction “of the surname system classified by married couple” in the request of the citizen Completely you can call the policy which is retrogressed

                                                                              • 这其中大部分是最糟糕的我刚才突然加速从海外制造业转移,但我的缺点与国内植物
                                                                                Therefore now as for the worst place, the domestic factory having, the [ru] and the disadvantage There is about overseas moving of the manufacturing industry is made to accelerate rapidly

                                                                                • 这是否是固定的达罗291红色中国仍然是不足够的监视社会基础将直接决定想象在参院选举多数在大约一年后我猜丸对中国大陆的人之一
                                                                                  291 Still, the [ro] which also in is not the basis of extent and is Whether or not this is fixed, it is decided in about these 1 years, don't you think? probably will be When majority you take with House of Councillors selection, also in with the conversion straight line it becomes national supervisory society, probably will be

                                                                                  • 这次增税Gunode Gunode他们摇动摇篮到宇宙和地球的振荡二氧化碳税分子Gunode
                                                                                    Because carbon dioxide molecules fluctuate, it increases taxes Because the earth fluctuates, it increases taxes Because outer space fluctuates, it increases taxes

                                                                                    • 首次公布的东西,你知道我没有傻子,除非他们尖叫或其他国家的斗争同意 Something that time when first it announces being desperate if other country does not agree That it is not the fool who has screamed was well

                                                                                      • 高CO2使他以减少费用。淡出2 Shishiro少雨,太阳固化氖天空亲吻我还购买2
                                                                                        Directs CO2 reduction the person who with expense high. Don't you think? you buy also dehydrator 2, - Sun drying margin becoming dim

                                                                                        • 鸠“但我不认为外国学校华伦天奴韩国和二氧化碳津贴一姓的外国人子女在国家生活中投票
                                                                                          With < life of citizen the foremost Carbon dioxide Foreign carrot administration Child treatment Surname classified by married couple The Korean school Only thing of the foreign country it is thought

                                                                                          • 鸠山由服装穿25的海外问题无任何刈百分之来实现他们的人数减少了Sazu离开现在说他们回家,以减轻负担,低质量的目标光滑发现麻烦事并希望双 Hatoyama the appearance attaching in the foreign country the 25 it reduces how without proposing and while it is present reduction target numerical value accomplishing The thing spots whose condition is good specially increasing those which what problem are not it redoubles burden and the tsu is

                                                                                            • 鸠山由纪夫,总理昨天上午,两人在向首相官邸前记者,关于全球变暖的法案,2020年将温室气体排放量百分之二十五,截至1990年相比,今年的既定目标是减少葛提升“是什么东西是很不错的思 Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama 12th morning before the prime minister official residence vis a vis press corps in the terrestrial warming measure basic bill Being attached the greenhouse effect gas to 2020 the goal which at 1990 ratio the 25 is reduced being clearly written You think that listing “very good ones was possible
                                                                                              • 鸠山由纪夫,总理昨天上午,两人在向首相官邸前记者,关于全球变暖的法案,到2020年温室气体排放量25亿美元,比1990年既定的目标是减少葛提升“是什么东西是很不错的思 Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama 12th morning before the prime minister official residence vis a vis press corps in the terrestrial warming measure basic bill Being attached the greenhouse effect gas to 2020 the goal which at 1990 ratio the 25 is reduced being clearly written You think that listing “very good ones was possible

                                                                                            • ( 在 ヽ 愚蠢与你打扰我将加强在你流泪纪律日益消极担押〜较低的数字,我们的有漂浮在〜 ー ヽ,如塞拉购买排放权,闵支持,如中国京,税务我们越来越多〜 human REPT Burden pushing to the fool steadily tormenting Your forms of the tear eye float in the eye REPT The Chinese way discharge right purchase and minsu support Kyocera way for it increases taxes steadily
                                                                                              • 布鲁诺 ⌒ )岛 ⌒⌒。 No ⌒ REPT Γ ⌒ 92 kiritsu ⌒ 92 i 92 i i i Being swindled is not that your citizens who choose such a me are foolish is l human 92 The foolishness which voted to us it is to be a responsibility in very hatchet one ¯ and ¯ ¯ SIME ⌒ and ni r iso ⊃ If there is an honest judgment as for our ugliness it is the expectation which can be penetrated l ¯ No ⌒ REPT Γ ⌒ 92 kishishishitsu ♪ ⌒ 92 i ⌒ ⌒ i i gt lt i Therefore burden pushing steadily tormenting human REPT Your forms which suffer float in the eye REPT

                                                                                            • (12月)“升( 人 ) ⌒⌒ ) ー ⌒ヽ ( 人 ) “你没有想到,困难四环素纳阿 December gt l human ⌒ ⌒ 92 92 i ⌒ ⌒ REPT 92 ゙ i It became very thing No ⌒ REPT human lt It was not expected it was troubled
                                                                                              • NULL 92 ⌒ 92 lt gt 92 92 ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT 92 TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT 92 TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT 92 TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT 92 TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT 92 92
                                                                                              • (12月)“升( 人 ) ⌒⌒ ) ° ⌒ヽ ( 人 ) “你没有想到,困难四环素纳阿 December gt l human ⌒ ⌒ 92 92 i ⌒ ⌒ REPT 92 ゙ i It became very thing No ⌒ REPT human lt It was not expected it was troubled

                                                                                            • ,,,,É É彡巛(ý⌒⌒)(⌒⌒ý)雷米 (⌒ ☆ ⌒)γ⌒ ⌒) 彡 巛 nono ⌒ Y ⌒ ⌒ Y ⌒ r e ⌒ ⌒ Γ ⌒ ⌒ ⌒ ¯ human human l l l Ll l ha i ⌒ ⌒ REPT REPT l i i lt gt lt gt i l human human 92 92 Victory declaration REPT 92 92 gt 92 92 ⌒ ⌒ 92 92
                                                                                              • 2 two 92 Y DREPT No r r DREPT r yu r yu i i i r No i l lt yokohamataiya the ze which such as you probably will be bought REPT Person REPT ni DREPT REPT REPT DREPT HKRPT gt

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