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“Married couple same surname, just Japan forcing! It is not democracy!”“When Sizuka Kamei and Arakawa Sizuka get married, how it becomes”, “the person who cannot get married!”… Meeting ★5


  • 133米小菜要关心你的下一个家! Narana多少照顾,我不介意!我只是沉闷想到它是什么? 133 It does not become the not putting how air of the boiled rice of the house of next door If in the air when you say it does not become matter of concern is tsu te The do just it is it has made the air it is

    • 1937。 07。 1937年芦沟桥事变07。 07。局部停战军队11“nonexpansionist”石原说,他们计划汉字,共产主义的近卫“北。调度”3次→朝日亘日宣传运动,世界危机“太阳支全飞机坠毁”和搅拌(现实与宣传战的差距)在此之后,近卫文卫队是“先发制人的军事打击之前,与作为柯预算扩大战线”
      1937. 07. 07 Lu Gou Qiao incident occurrence 1937. 07. 11 Local cease fire agreement conclusion Army “nonexpansion” policy Kanzi Ishihara The same day, Fumimaro the Imperial Guards of communism person “north. Dispatch of troops” it extends to 3 times, the large advertisement -> to the entire world “Crisis of Asahi newspaper day support extensive collision” and instigation (actuality the war propaganda which alienates) After this, Fumimaro the Imperial Guards “in the troop the helper is struck”, that doing, acquiring budget first, to front enlargement

      • 227“我只是试图阻止日本陆军自卫队南特所以是的,我只是不会在日本,什么是真实的故事,即使是宪法第9条 227 Therefore gt just the Self Defense Force how Japan stopping it will make the troop therefore even constitution nine provision just substantial Japan it becomes the tsu te story which will be stopped It is like the
        • 我只是尽量阻止日军自卫队南特好吧,我不会在日本,什么是真实的故事,即使是宪法第9条 Therefore just the Self Defense Force how Japan stopping it will make the troop therefore even constitution nine provision just substantial Japan it becomes the tsu te story which will be stopped

      • 229243但是,如果你这样做文精致,国家为中心的,他们是邪恶的人,那这样的结论 229 243 But when such a thing happens nation of man central principle is bad that you say It becomes conclusion
        • 我的意思是,为国家改革的目的是什么? “为了防止女子依赖男人,”难道我 As for purpose the tsu ke which is for national remodelling “In order to try not to depend the woman on the man ” the combining which is

      • 269“采取一个巨大的叹息的时间和金钱南特?体积和最浪费行政费用滚装达罗的魔力,只是挂了巨大的变化规律复制维塔法案,这是你的户籍制度维塔必要多奈津相撞,包括恩戴我复制从姓氏税法是好的,虽然目前达罗 269 gt Time and the money are required for enormous separately how haa The bill passing the ro which law it just changes catches to enormous and is Furthermore the ro where also administrative cost increases and is Generally even under present conditions it can pass with another surname therefore it is tax thrusting Don t you think law it is not necessary to change As for the family register system the ro which is otsuke under present conditions
        • 如果你在日本结婚或“公园”和“黄金”户籍是,我不喜欢上市 NULL

      • 309这是不是正确?新的。的姓氏,不同的汉字或做什么,无论是好是字母符号,阿拉伯语呢?因为没有那么多纳基亚Me或确定的,目前我认为伊藤孝障碍,?新的,所以无论怎样。我不知道我想要什么姓氏,甚至嗯,我想我真的想尝试,在行使 309 As for that so there is no something New When it makes surname as for various Chinese characters whether how it does that As for alphabet inscription whether it is good that as for the Arabic You must decide because thing is about a mountain You think that under present conditions the hurdle it is high So so with something new However you do not know whether we would like to make surname if we would like to do even well by any means You think that it should have tried exercising
        • 316“新。的姓氏,不同的汉字或做什么,“什么是一个很好的代表字母,阿拉伯语呢?我不讨论立法,然后是全部或 316 gt New When it makes surname as for various Chinese characters whether how it does that gt As for alphabet inscription whether it is good that as for the Arabic If after everything arguing that legislation it should have done
        • 336有一个姓什么? ,,,我觉得是这样?新的,所以无论怎样。我不知道我想要什么姓氏,并没有这样做对另一 336 Being a surname with something … You think that it is with something So so with something new Whether we would like to make surname however you do not know As for opposition it is not done separately
        • 他的名字和所代表的一个历史性的923代表血脉,姓氏和姓氏和核心家庭的财产和财产权利应该是家庭所有权,商标名称,遗传的名义,通过这些事情都没有一个最后的名字组合然后是同样的如果婚姻是好的Wakejan社会方便简单,但也行政 923 The surname which displays the person and the pedigree which display blood pulse family estate and the property right occupation etc which it should you succeed were designated as the nucleus The name letter seedling letter the house number hereditary name being the case that such ones have existed together To seedling letter one if you get married as for same tsu te also with respect to of simple putting out administration being convenient even socially Good reason it is

      • 414注册:阿松武田Hutoshi来源。在每一个生命,他们氏姓春信 法力(Imina)上午来源。亩←治信姓 与姓(昵称)与我们←武田太郎亩的名称,以解决特纳荷拉 414 Family register Takeda source court noble it is thick Clear trust Respectively at the time of living Person surname true name imina Source morning Clear trust lt With another surname k Seedling letter name term of endearment Taro Takeda lt To simultaneous k hora solution
        • 621此外,女性各个领域。买入姓氏,姓氏一个大胆的人做这么多姓铃木球员,为什么不能意识瓦特 621 As for woman everyone rice field Surname is used the man uses everyone Suzuki surname If about this another surname is done boldly you can be conscious can reform w

      • 490如何才能做到这一点,需要什么具体的证据?什么人说这是必要的,但还不够?那么,“证明”我做我想? NULL
        • 548现在,没有你不能证明魔鬼是摆在我们面前并非在所有瓦特和w讨论 548 Another proof of your the demon stop w At all becoming argument or w

      • 501什么人都这么说了,需要在日本的任何地方,“和你自己,为什么他们需要听到的人民思ü 501 The person that Japan and it is necessary anywhere is” if you inquire about the reason where you think as necessity for those people
        • 糯为什么我们首先要说明为什么需要日本的任何地方,问题是他们在我面前,并证实了我们 Most first w If you say that Japan and it is necessary anywhere whether why it is necessary it is natural to be interrogated

      • 506作为一个句子,说:“谁反对大陆的反对派主张只有人民,”这是清洁 506 As a composition “only the person who has rally in the continent opposes to lecture” clear the shank

        • 517是不是需要什么,我们需要解释原因的证据?上面讲的故事,但你应该把自己的姓或说津市Dounokouno纳阿歧视,是因为我爱的只是一个新的项目,应着手谈论爱子解礼Kunaku所有子 517 There being some reason what you explain whether it is necessary there is no proof of necessity In the above mentioned story discrimination of the child outside the 婚 saying how like this however the ru Therefore it is not necessary to make surname classified by married couple completely and it should have provided new item concerning the child outside the 婚 sufficient story what
          • 517是不是需要什么,我们需要解释原因的证据?在上面的故事,但你应该把自己的姓或说津市Dounokouno纳阿因为爱的歧视是告诉你一个新的项目应设置解礼Kunaku爱所有的孩子 517 There being some reason what you explain whether it is necessary there is no proof of necessity In the above mentioned story discrimination of the child outside the 婚 saying how like this however the ru Therefore it is not necessary to make surname classified by married couple completely and it should have provided new item concerning the child outside the 婚 sufficient story what
          • 陪在日本有倒塌危险的,而不是依赖,是的你思的问题是,婚前姓来自那里出来 Instead of the father characteristic in Japan depends there being a crisis of collapse Don t you think as for problem of another surname when it has come out of there thought bearing

        • 605没有,基米,名乘丽塔想要的是一个女人的恋父情结姓?因为你是说,但有不同的说,怎么四环素 605 Well you as for the woman who wishes to use the surname classified by married couple it is huazakon because With you say because you insist Until you said that it is different but what
          • 605没有,妇女需要的是名乘丽塔一个恋父情结姓是基米?因为你是说,但有不同的说,怎么四环素 605 Well as for the woman where you wish to use another surname it is huazakon because With you say because you insist Until you said that it is different but what
          • 南特外国人投票,我疯了疯不可能津市思多达子女免税额,婚前姓名,我不觉得关系 Foreign carrot administration how about the same as child treatment it is not possible Thinking that they are kichigai instructions however the ru you think that another surname there is no relationship
          • 对这些囚犯的风险,为什么立法要求姓姓是什么,仅仅提出如下问题,没有回答的位置 Until committing this kind of risk what reason which another surname legislation is done as for It just evades any which insist another surname it is not answered

        • 627当然,在父母与子女倡导者姓姓,如果你想辩论利益瓦特充分诡辩
          627 This [sure], philosophism being lazy w of surname propulsion group of classified by surname parent and child classified by married couple We probably would like to argue, please

          • 653了解◆ 別姓推進派自由 な 方 が 良 い旧姓 に 愛着 がある男 の プレッシャー が 減 る◆ 別姓反対派夫婦別姓 は 儒教 の 女性差別思想家族等 の 共同体 が 破壊 される日本 の 伝統 を 守 るべき倡导,支持下,维塔对现行法律的业务方面的敏感在哀伤的合法妻子的非法地位,增加接受这么多的孩子有你在这里胡散臭,他们行? 653 Comprehension Another surname propulsion group Free one is good There is attachment in maiden name Pressure of the man decreases Another surname group of objectors As for surname classified by married couple Confucianism Jane Crow idea Also such as family the same body is destroyed It should protect the Japanese tradition The child is pitiful Position of the legal wife goes down and immorality increases It can correspond with use of existing law Every one of propulsion group suspicious At such a place OK
            • 推進派自由 な 方 が 良 い旧姓 に 愛着 がある反対派夫婦別姓 は 儒教 の 女性差別思想共同体 が 破壊 される日本 の 伝統 を 守 れ推進派 が 胡散臭 いこんな 所 で OK ? Propulsion group Free one is good There is attachment in maiden name Group of objectors As for surname classified by married couple Confucianism Jane Crow idea Also the same body is destroyed Protect the Japanese tradition Propulsion group suspicious At such a place OK

          • 697和他们真正想彻底姓个人主义,贪婪,Shiku Shiku不可抗拒的愿望,那很好,但Serya或恢复我的阿松阿松Thingie是平的,或者如果来源比较 697 We want the surname classified by married couple by any means in order to make individualism be thorough wanting wanting it does not accumulate that you say if is When it is the source court noble it is the flat court noble when it makes are revive and the ri ya is good is
            • 697 Merubeki公认的姓,但为了彻底个人主义,这是消除自身对面 697 We want the surname classified by married couple by any means in order to make individualism be thorough wanting wanting it does not accumulate that you say if is When it is the source court noble it is the flat court noble when it makes are revive and the ri ya is good is
            • 您将有另一对夫妇的优惠制度,如果课程是新的家庭登记结婚,瓦里奇怪的是丈夫和妻子都没有提及 Person system of the classified by selective married couple being possible if you marry the new family register is formed there is no change in the husband and the wife being stated

          • 738你为什么不咨询维塔改变我丈夫最好不要如此吝啬的姓氏?思和虐待,但他们很快,而不是按他们的帐单,这是瓦特思姓本身如果您不同意,丈夫说,没有这样 738 In order there is no such in order to change surname into the master when it tries consulting how is Rather than the one pushing the bill you think that it is considerably fast but w Way the master is useless with that if you think that either another surname itself does not agree
            • 571行,如果姓,这可能是一个更好的产妇什么名乘 571 If another surname is OK It means to be possible to be identified motherhood
            • 585行,如果姓,这可能是一个更好的产妇什么名乘 585 If another surname is OK It means to be possible to be identified motherhood

          • 804 11.04.2008“进步知识分子”你想一个时代遗留下来了狂妄和屋良“推广姓
            804 Well, it does with those like the relic of the times when [a] “progressive intellectual” has swaggered the [yo] > promotion of surname classified by married couple

            • 8。 04航空母舰“提康德罗加”鱼雷的北越沿海进行侦察。基地和4个地方的报复性轰炸。 8。 04被发现死3民权活动家已失踪
              8. 04 Aircraft carrier “[taikonderoga]” carrier-based aircraft torpedo of north Vietnamese coast. 4 places such as base retaliation bombardment. 8. 04 The public civil rights go-getter three it has become the whereabouts unclear is discovered with the corpse

              • NULL 790 Already many years just plan certain difference Plan most as for having strange feeling why in another surname new Recognize the surname It is not being another surname tsu lever Speaking more even name afterwards it should try to be changed being it does the yo If there is a social security number possibility it puts out sufficiently In the first place also name may be given by the parent it is it is not That one freedom as for without being is strange It becomes tsu te story Avoiding such essential argument temporarily it will make also another surname possible As for tsu te Also the foreigner living in the district therefore the ru it is local denizenship probably will be granted temporarily Even similar to the tsu te it is Returning to principle thinking whether being full name tsu te what of whether another it should think surname being good whether it is bad
                • NULL We most as for having strange feeling why in another surname new Recognize the surname It is not being another surname tsu lever Speaking more even name afterwards it should try to be changed being it does the yo If there is a social security number possibility it puts out sufficiently In the first place also name being given by the parent freedom it is strange not to be It becomes tsu te story Avoiding such essential argument temporarily it will make also another surname possible As for tsu te Also the foreigner living in the district therefore the ru it is local denizenship probably will be granted temporarily Even similar to the tsu te it is Returning to principle thinking whether being full name tsu te what of whether another it should think surname being good whether it is bad
                • 另一个七百九十〇年是另一个法案。帐单。你的机会提出突出邓小平苏子目前民主党政府副本政权更迭氖Watta人这太迟了!什么东西日食 790 Already many years just plan certain difference Plan most as for having strange feeling why in another surname new Recognize the surname It is not being another surname tsu lever Speaking more even name afterwards it should try to be changed being it does the yo If there is a social security number possibility it puts out sufficiently In the first place also name may be given by the parent it is it is not That one freedom as for without being is strange It becomes tsu te story Avoiding such essential argument temporarily it will make also another surname possible As for tsu te Also the foreigner living in the district therefore the ru it is local denizenship probably will be granted temporarily Even similar to the tsu te it is Returning to principle thinking whether being full name tsu te what of whether another it should think surname being good whether it is bad
                • 在845家注册的存在,为什么不呢?为什么不留在户籍残余物?户籍或见过?古写上姓名。如果我把我决心写的第一个和最后一个名称浩纪罚款吗?嗯,确官员进入,也许你没有打多2个字符长,你也不愿Tteiu它瓦特 845 When the family register exists why being useless Why it is not possible with while the family register is left The family register attested copy you have seen Name you write Because it is large well enough if full name both are written there it is the solution don t you think As for the government employee who well is input certainly unless about two letters it strikes excessively However perhaps it is not good the tsu te which dislikes that w where also what you say probably is are
                • 我不要你总得达罗408还包括在表上的意见,苏返回恐慌,另外也不意味着什么,除非我现在这样,我不知道南特家庭的姓或家庭系统或什么的。梅鲁认识到家庭和Dattara之间的差距不是让你一个小故事,我基本上都认为是不可能的 408 Unless including either the kind of opinion which reverses that table however the ro which is useless the surname how family or the house system somehow it is not well understood Now because of that meaning how it is not other than therefore it is Difference As for the notion that where the family it recognizes the reason which becomes the story which alienates a little When is unless you think entirely fundamentally being useless it does the yo
                • 职业球员,为什么还要姓什么?新的。最后的名字?时更不自由改变吉尔也是一个好名字?怎么样谁是不是免费的吗? Group of supporters why adheres to another surname New As for surname Speaking more also name may be changed freely it is it is not Freedom there is no that one

              • qawsderftgyhujki; @ qawsderftgyhjukioaqswderftghyju
                qawsderftgyhujki; @ qawsderftgyhjukioaqswderftghyju

                • u003d姓,即使该法案应在单独的姓氏介绍已婚夫妇和外国人离开日本家庭婚姻登记法分离制度,“家庭姓,但我已经结婚了,反对派在55结婚。 8% u003d少数人甚至外国人投赞成票 日本时事新闻,日本5 8专题民意调查中,根据历史进行的一项调查显示,35选择性双姓系统的青睐。百分之五对反对派,55。 8% Even under present conditions surname bill family register separated marriage system bill classified by married couple It is the foreigner while also Japan has gotten married with another surname the married couple where should be introduced” that has gotten married in the marriage as for the surname home classified by married couple which however it is opposition 55 8 foreign carrot administration approval small numbered current events public opinion poll The Jiji Press Ltd as for 5 8 Japan historically is executed according to the public opinion poll result which in the surname system of the classified by selective married couple approval 35 Vis a vis the 5 as for opposition 55 8
                  • 113不,你甚至不把确定瓦特我和我的姓是由幸的,但我不思,有些人没有这样的 113 Well it has not scolded and w Because by himself became separately another surname however it becomes happy with you do not think It probably is the case that such person it is
                  • 222你知道,因为日本历史上还没有更多的选择使用单独的姓氏,我这里有分歧恩达 222 Therefore even as for Japan the reason which historically directly is selective another surname Here is different it is
                  • 349家是在过去两年,在日本的名字,和现在,我有,我会做一个家庭, 349 Even now even in Japan former times another surname home however it is keeping making the family the ru don t you think
                  • 364姓没有必要理会,因为我想分享一个国家即使这样做 364 If the same surname demo there is a country which is done therefore it is Specially it is not necessary to make another surname is
                  • 617但不改变法律,因为多数人反对当然姓,在唤醒池消费开枪,应继续不讨论 617 But of course because majority group opposes to another surname the reason where law is not modified It is not wake where the necessity to continue argument is denied
                  • 789“日本也应该引入2名”自称住所和茹人,但与汝思这样的文章来呢?但有人声称你永远思旧,我似乎并不同意向井Hazime 789 “Also Japan should introduce another surname” that because the person whom you insist stays you think that such article appears but That you think whether the eddy you insist from the tsu and former times but don t you think it seems that absolutely cannot obtain approval
                  • “你知道,因为日本历史上还没有更多的选择姓氏,我没有从我的姓和姓这将让混合在于创新超越烟灰缸 Therefore gt even as for Japan the reason which historically directly is selective another surname It is and the plate tsu and lie is not attached It made the seedling letter and surname mix and the chi ya tsu it is became the empty like this it is
                  • ↓↓取消已知介绍姓的名字取消复制 Surname introduction classified by married couple ↓ Alias abolition ↓ Name abolition
                  • 什么是你会说,为什么有必要夫妇分开姓氏? “不要强迫任何人,不强迫任何人 You insist that with something surname classified by married couple is necessary to there it is gt Is not forced by anyone and no one forces
                  • 你不能共用一个人(除非你远低于作为主要的原因姓氏故障)或以上,同样合理的,包括我的姓和法律程序来等方面,与同一姓氏 It makes same surname and passes and the person who fails is it is less than the case which fails another surname as a main cause significantly if is above including with another surname from the same surname anyhow to the procedure aspect making equality rational
                  • 你应该做的,如果人们希望有一个共同的姓,娘家姓如果我这样做的人想独立的姓氏 If the person who would like to make the same surname is it should have made the same surname and If the person who would like to make another surname is It should have made another surname
                  • 你知道,我说应该在家庭中去,以表姓什么?这不是山田先生同样也史密斯先生,河合先生 The ho and others even with another surname the person displaying the family does with the ru the yo Separately Smith with Kawai and with Yamada the same reason
                  • 制备双姓 u003d是一种法律制度,这些财产在Mushiri来到婚姻结婚日本的法律制度也仍然是独立的外国人登记 Surname bill family register separated marriage system bill classified by married couple While it is the foreigner coming being the Japanese and marriage It is the system which can tear off also property
                  • 和社会,即使多次以任何方式损害说,即使他们在一无名称系统生活会 As and said many degrees even under present conditions living socially with another surname what As for inconvenience the expectation which is not
                  • 因此,“谁是促进不拆除的日本去年”先说服人反对,“团体谁是促进拆除日本姓的最终目标已婚夫妇可以分开使用姓氏“,而不是扑了溃不应该 Therefore as for “the Japanese dismantlement last purpose do the people who promote the surname classified by married couple” Rather than persuading the people who oppose before “The human group which promotes the surname classified by married couple the Japanese dismantlement as a last purpose” is not smashed up and the te is not good
                  • 因此,那些谁促进夫妇分开姓氏的使用,因为这些事实终于来了,因为没有这些改革都不会做,并没有想清楚,说我不应该 Therefore because the people who promote the surname classified by married couple is such fact of this it does not modify in such reason and unless it is good speaking clearly it thinks the te that it is useless
                  • 在?我什么时候我会改善她的姓?不会的问题 So When it makes surname classified by married couple something how is improved it is There is no relationship probably will be
                  • 姓,反对派55。 8% u003d少数人甚至外国人投赞成票 在集集集集民意调查显示,在5 8天内进行选择的双姓系统35赞成投票。百分之五对反对派,55。 8% Surname classified by married couple opposition 55 8 foreign carrot administration approval small numbered current events public opinion poll The Jiji Press Ltd executes on 5 8th according to the public opinion poll result which in the surname system of the classified by selective married couple approval 35 Vis a vis the 5 as for opposition 55 8
                  • 我的意思是,自担风险的陌生人,谁不想那么恩戴选举?相反,对别人对,“我没有结婚南特姓承认,”谁的话,而获得?你还让人们谁不 Even others choosing on self responsibility someone how is troubled with that Conversely vis a vis others “another surname 婚 how it does not recognize” that saying Someone does profit No one as for the person who profit does is don t you think
                  • 我认出一对夫妇仅仅姓,而不是姓 u003d姓,姓,而没有任何理由 If another surname married couple is recognized it becomes not to be the surname family name On the other hand there is no reason which is made the same surname
                  • 我认出一对夫妇仅仅姓,而不是姓 u003d姓,姓,而没有任何理由 If another surname married couple is recognized it becomes not to be the surname family name On the other hand there is no reason which is made the same surname
                  • 我需要一个新的法案扮茹为什么你是在目前的姓什么?Advocates re出 Under present conditions it can make another surname if the new bill is necessary what with something It is strange propulsion group
                  • 整洁的想法是荒谬的瓦特683左右,为什么需要单独的姓氏 683 Meaning w which is unclear That you do not know at all whether another surname why it is necessary
                  • 无论选择地使用不同的姓氏,即使子女免税额,但我可以解释,并不能证明思恩达 To a selective another surname also to a child treatment However it is possible proof you think explanation that it is not possible it is
                  • 权力下放外国人移居赞成废除的姓氏注册处惊人的1000 0万我应该设置 Surname foreign carrot administration family register system abolition decentralization of power immigration 10 000 000 classified by married couple Becoming set the ru place is enormous
                  • 现在119,但他显然一些实名制其他夫妇结婚,该系统被篡改,所以我想呢?这是什么说我不认为显然是 119 So the a the reason which the married couple who already has really gotten married with another surname is it puts out Being fumbled you think the system as the ru with that Speaking clearly however you think that there is no relationship
                  • 目前已经在超过2名,但有可能不是那么多倾听别人,也没有必要改变法律麻烦维塔 Even under present conditions the surname classified by married couple above being possible until legislation doing specially it is not necessary to change Furthermore you must make other things while thing is about a mountain
                  • 调查的509将,有关的姓氏或社会压力的情况是,我们需要紧缩或事项,是否有人在梅鲁姓识别选项不与任何 509 Whether or not the public opinion poll regarding another surname recognizes the choices another surname being Someone becoming tight it is necessary there is a social pressure which it melts and says altogether there is no relationship in the fact that it melts and says
                  • 这是值得考虑,为什么在国会法案不要求?喜欢或2名法案须 There is a value which in the bill which is not needed why is examined at the National Diet The surname bill classified by ro which does not need and is
                  • 这种家长也依赖于妇女,这意味着,我们陪依靠?如果您同意一些,但是其原因,我认为我们应该拒绝两名称 It reaches the point where the woman depends on the parents home In other words the meaning of reaching the point where it keeps depending on father characteristic If some agrees but you think that it does not become the reason which denies another surname

                • “从东京大学教授上野千鹤子紫癜讲话:/ / momonippon.iza.ne.jp /博客/入境/ 599290 /
                  ” The Ueno Chizuko From the lecture of Tokyo University professor ttp: //momonippon.iza.ne.jp/blog/entry/599290/

                  • “可选择姓”,当屋良Ntsukyouso“可能不会选择茹姓了下旬
                    When it becomes “another surname selection possible”, Nitukiyou group “Can select another surname it is old-fashioned so not to do,

                    • “外国人投票”有罪的人干闪烁在日本的韩国人意图“姓氏”的真正用意是(最小单位和家庭)和拆除社会报复
                      As truth of “foreign carrot administration” is expiation to the resident Korean Korean, Truth “of surname classified by married couple” (the minimum unit does the family) is dismantlement and vengeance of society

                      • “大东亚战争和斯大林的阴谋”三田村武夫“大东亚战争和斯大林的阴谋”是由三田村武雄项目简介
                        Village Takeo “Greater East Asia War and strategy Mita of Stalin's” It is “Greater East Asia War and introduction program of strategy Mita village Takeo author of Stalin's”

                        • →允许双重国籍(如部长,千叶)→进入从中国传入的大量移民,等等(她的说法,自由民主党)→外国人投票(民主党领导人几乎一致 gt Dual citizenship admission Minister of State et al Chiba gt The immigration large quantity it accepts from China and the like saying to the democracy our people the ru gt Foreign carrot administration democracy staff most everyone approval
                          • →允许双重国籍(如部长,千叶)→进入从中国传入的大量移民,等等(她的说法,自由民主党)→外国人投票(民主党领导人几乎一致 gt Dual citizenship admission Minister of State et al Chiba gt The immigration large quantity it accepts from China and the like saying to the democracy our people the ru gt Foreign carrot administration democracy staff most everyone approval

                        • というか 結婚 して 口座名変更 していなかっただけじゃない ww香港 で 起業 しようって 時 に 口座名 を 直 しておかなかった 間抜 けがいるからという 程度 のことが 夫婦別姓 の 法制化 の什么将是一个理由吗?也不笨瓦特 With you say or got married and account name just had not modified ww which is not Because the stupidity which does not correct account name at the time of the tsu te which it will start a business in Hong Kong is Says thing becomes the reason of legislation of surname classified by married couple it is The fool w which is not
                          • 487,它需要一个特殊的用途是什么时候考虑一项法案,国会不值钱?我继续无视这一点Kemasu为什么?瓦特不需要?条例草案姓瓦特 487 Especially it is not necessary using the time of the valuable National Diet to examine the bill which is not necessary don t you think It continues to ignore this point with something w Without needing it does the yo Another surname bill w

                        • 专政和民主党和前出生的战争陈述卫队。政府(共产主义)事情会非常相似
                          When and the Democratic party dictatorial system is born, the pre-world war 2 Imperial Guards sentence. The Cabinet (communism) it resembles closely It probably becomes the situation which it does

                          • 他们头687和我交谈,当试图在香港,日本的娱乐体验的新兴公司,但我需要证明及银行结存,每一种都有其不同的时间程序的名称来永远我不会依赖 NULL
                            • 691“时,试图在香港的企业家在日本的经验,银行存款余额的声明说:”我的名字,需要每一个不同的程序来永恒的“我不花时间字母a 691 When gt trying to start a business in Hong Kong the result in Japan and balance proof etc of the bank gt It was necessary but it is because the name is different one by one eternally in procedure gt Time being required it was not possible it is it probably will put out

                          • 他说,我们虽然冷战结束和Watta人,真正的权力结构和土地裕地缘政治冲突不会改变任何东西哇,姆兰德,北朝鲜,它的结构,从伊朗到日本和欧洲不看汝茹事情发生所作的威胁 While you being said that and Cold War ended to tell the truth geopolitics land power and sea power At all opposition structure has not changed from North Korea and Iran which are the rim land from that structure Japan and That the threat to Europe occurs it doesn t mean that it is possible to see
                            • 可爱的偶像或他们的东西,我们甚至可以称之为新冷战,是从根本上为思维塔扎根在地缘政治基础 Or this is called new cold war Also thing probably is possible but as been based on geopolitics root you can think

                          • 伊朗目前与北朝鲜,中国和俄罗斯的欺骗在朝鲜和古巴的核危机,核危机在1962年他们认为在今年的高亲和力和古巴导弹危机
                            The North Korean nucleus and the Cuban crisis The Chinese and Russia deception Present North Korean and Iran nuclear problem, is thought that the Cuban crisis and similarity 1962 are high,

                            • 你在做什么今天,它是男性和女性18岁,嫁给他或参数提高了18岁及以上年龄的嘿麻烦你说话,这样的谈话,但为什么它的年龄 By the way now doing as for ru Marriage suitable age is pulled up also the man and woman applying to 18 years old it designates also the person and lawful age as 18 years old applying Don t you think story and But such the story combining e which can be rubbed
                              • 595嗯,是的,他们甚至Arujan形式瓦特1。文严厉惩罚的是,梅鲁谁打破的社会环境应该是一个婚姻 u003d 595 Well even so it is written it is w 1 Disadvantage happens by the fact that the person is changed with social circumstance you should not have married

                            • 你说什么津市798的姓氏无关对什么是有选择性的和无关?外国人的机会,投票?在这种情况下,我认为这是无关紧要 798 Non Seki relating selective another surname non Seki relating vis a vis something saying the ru Perhaps doing foreign carrot administration When we assume that is you think that it is unrelated
                              • 256不,如果你希望你的姓氏是正确的Baiin将回到它是随机的东西混音和原始状态 256 If calling you obtain would like to do another surname those which are made the chi ya mixing You should have reset to a state where the origin is correct it is
                              • 立石我的胃扎西不仅接收受益两个名字的习惯法婚姻系统,然后拳打脚踢,只有哑巴什么?啊娘肚子的东西方便的白根 With another surname the factual 婚 just I to let stand cannot receive the benefit due to the marriage system and the te stomach do to be Just tsu te well Don t you think circumstances some oak and others of such te me obtaining huh u

                            • 儿玉源太郎,岩小山,乃木希典,西乡从道,山本权兵卫,如多哥平八郎人典型的事情,当然是别人,他努力工作,明治杰鲁随斗争无处不在胸部热谷一些
                              Gentarou Kodama, Izu Oyama, Nogi rare model, Saigo secondary road, Gonbei Yamamoto, Heihachiro Togo With the typical person who was said As for thing of course thing, with everywhere with utmost effort participation struggle In the Meiji person whom it accomplishes There are some which make the chest hot

                              • 別姓推進派自由 な 方 が 良 い旧姓 に 愛着 がある男 の プレッシャー が 減 る別姓反対派夫婦別姓 は 儒教 の 女性差別思想家族等 の 共同体 が 破壊 される日本 の 伝統 を 守 るべき子供 が 可哀维塔倡导下,面临的法律地位而设立的妻子通奸如此敏感,这样在胡散人臭,他们行? Another surname propulsion group Free one is good There is attachment in maiden name Pressure of the man decreases Another surname group of objectors As for surname classified by married couple Confucianism Jane Crow idea Also such as family the same body is destroyed It should protect the Japanese tradition The child is pitiful Position of the legal wife goes down and immorality increases Every one of propulsion group suspicious With such feeling OK
                                • 我猜想这是475和绝望踢不继续与谎言,但摆在我们面前的倡导者和支持者,而脆,为什么?即使您还没有尝试我从附近的主张,而不是我的区别 475 On the other hand although you why are the Bali Bali propulsion group unless there is a propulsion group lie it continues to be attached obstinately don t you think it is probably will be Considered as side you are propulsion group you are not wrong
                                • 规范是世界上最后的名字在日本姓的姓氏,但大多数是历史上出现Pureisunemu○○(地名)的名称,或叫,和这位女士直到夫妇住在同一个地方,从日本等特点来这部分是因为日本的法律姓姓是什么,他们夫妇俩生活在日本共同驳斥基本失败是 Natural But as for surname of the world mostly family name As for the Japanese surname seeing historically the place name 0 place name the name which it melts and says has come from such quality of Japan If the married couple does not live in the same place but there is also another surname As for the Japanese law as for the married couple living together has become the basis Depending as for another surname the so gu trap it is in Japan It is refutation

                              • 北川已经从瑞典驱逐在一九七五年,欧洲,日本红军战士负责涉嫌违反护照法
                                Kitagawa was forced was repatriated from 1975 Sweden, was arrested with passport method violation It is to be the Japanese Red Army European charge soldier

                                • 原住民达罗的野蛮习俗吃ü像狗或人的食物和支那津韩国人的姓是什么肉?
                                  It seems like surname [tsu] [te] Korea and the support 那 person classified by married couple The [ro] which is folkways of the unexplored native who eats the dog and/or eats the human flesh?

                                  • 反日活动南特以前的生活无论如何,这也是伟大的,我是事倪Gubeki血统继续在附近Chinpiragorotsuki
                                    How previous life of the [se] anti-Japanese go-getter how, with [chinpiragorotsuki] of there Birth and the person whom it should succeed probably will be great thing well are and

                                    • 否定意见:让光婚姻的意义,与志在病房麻石,以维持家庭秩序
                                      Depolarization opinion: It makes the meaning of marriage fade, when maintaining the order of the family, it is not desirable

                                      • 启罚款,你说,在婚礼上“○○× ×的房子和家庭婚姻”,说他们没有说什么任何方式ü When detailed thing you say it becomes at the time of wedding “0 house the marriage tsu te of the × × house” without either the expression which is said
                                        • 怎么可能会更改为他的对手的名字后,我们结了婚,这是相当有限自治 When you get married the tsu te where your own name are modified to the characteristic of the partner It is restriction of considerable independency

                                      • 和自然,并在西方的“VENONA”的“谜”同样重要的是,历史的,国家安全局被惠普公司提供,研究金融衍生工具。罗斯福和周围的共产国际,苏联国防部军事情报序列同情者,间谍300人左右。显示的东西,是非常古老的蠢
                                        Nature to do, regard to Europe and America “VENONA” equally to “the enigma” being important history charge, At HP of NSA to be released, with the researcher F.D. Around President Roosevelt The Soviet sympathizer and spy of Comintern and GRU etc approximately 300. Having wriggled It is shown

                                        • 国学尊皇的影响包括外国人这是你的决定,并行使antiforeigner尊皇竞争的力量,他们现在
                                          The valuable emperor when influence and the 攘 barbarian of national study decision above, in addition become valuable imperial 攘 barbarian motion, is simply the power dispute

                                          • 在伟大的881详细写,但是他们没有,以及为什么史密斯一家史密斯一家不会便只得没有?吉田先生,史密斯先生的家中,尽管史密斯史密斯史密斯一家有一所房子,在史密斯家们会说,那所房子河合山田了没有房子会参与?老实说,我不知道为什么或什么 881 Long however you wrote becoming respectively the Smith Family stops being the Smith Family It is not the reason don t you think As for Smith Yoshida being separately in the Smith Family the Smith Family it produces the Smith Family That probably is the Smith Family but it probably is the Kawai house but it probably is the Yamada Family but There is no relationship don t you think You do not know whether honesty something is the reason it is don t you think
                                            • 也就是说,吉田吉田先生的房子,我听到史密斯先生是担心他们的家庭将成为史密斯 As for Yoshida the Yoshida Family as for Smith there is a possibility of becoming respectively the Smith Family it is even

                                          • 在你的愚蠢Desho 838万维网姓姓氏在日本和国际婚姻是不同的,因此 838 You being foolish it does yo www Therefore surname classified by married couple in the mixed marriage and surname of the classified by Japanese domestic married couple are the different thing
                                            • 姓是一个家庭的解体婚姻法的目的,是指不废除 Surname classified by married couple is expedient for abolition family dismantlement of the legal 婚 and is not purpose

                                          • 垂直Sure m戒烟的基础认股证如每周星期五伪君子的传单,危害手淫损害不劳而获的收入基数
                                            Weekly Friday like Hypocrite base damage non-workable earnings person [sure] it can stand it will stop with the base damage masturbation leaflet of business and

                                            • 大跃进和文革历史的兴趣,以及天安门广场,西藏,东突(维吾尔族),目前在蒙古,清洗和残酷镇压,历史文化传统,种族清洗和灭绝的破坏,在汉我们有一个线同化政策
                                              Famous large rapid advance and the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution in history, Presently not only the Tien An Men incident, Tibet and east Turkestan (the Uighur), in Mongolia, the cruelty Assimilation policy to purgation and oppression, destruction, race purification extermination and Chinese race of historical traditional culture action The [te] it is

                                              • 如果“依赖于她的配偶,如果如果是姓”,“说,她父亲的姓氏是依赖父母的”我的意思应该是津 “If it is the same surname if you say that the woman depends on the spouse” “when it is another surname as for the woman when it is the expectation which means to depend on the father of the parents home” Saying the ru it is
                                                • 潘基文在乌诺,因为它是,两个在一个人的姓氏事件名称学校是有决心的Nde收件箱Zenu Hayo聪价值观的一个重大转变现有Ranu我会得到自己的舌头 Although large conversion of this much sense of value is accompanied as for another surname group presuming the existence ze nu which is not known It is intention what which puts out tongue in the dawn of renaming

                                              • 如果四环素由780复制到B较少机械苏和传播工作,在第一位置,我不希望国民大会的法律?和其他法案将通过自动成为我并没有说任何人 780 Because A passed of passing also B if is sufficient the mechanical work In the first place law or the National Diet do not need because That the other bill passes automatically it becomes with no one is said
                                                • 例如,如果难以言言725 Hayo Hazime栖息不是瓦特对不起,这并不这样看的 725 If one word you say if it is completed you do not suffer hardship w Because it is not completed being the case that it becomes such

                                              • 姓如果获得通过,我说我对他们的户口,丈夫和妻子? u003d“他是一个人的人应属于”正确的?您是无情的,在国际婚姻是这些?我的意思是,如果该法案通过的姓,如吉田吉田先生的遗体,“史密斯的是它的家”
                                                When the surname bill classified by married couple passes, it means that the husband on the family register and each wife have the person don't you think?? = “The person is something which belongs to that human individual”, is, don't you think?? You in the mixed marriage like this are obstinate! However the [tsu] [te] you say, if the surname bill classified by married couple passes, That > Yoshida continues to be Yoshida, assuming, > The Smith family it produces that house,

                                                • 姓尊重江户时代在奉献马江藏书内置我在对所有屋檐户主(我1846年所有85个村庄),“姓”,并已被描述,和县讲中Minamiazumi 33人的2345个村分别由16人,他们只是“姓”什么是持
                                                  Properly there is a seedling letter even in the Edo era The river Furuta's building offering collection register (1846 don't you think?) the “seedling letter” being stated in everyone of the household head all the village 85, it does, It has the “seedling letter” only 16 person among 2345 in explanation/learning excluding of 33 villages of the Minami Azumi Gun

                                                  • 它应该废除家庭没有要求我们面前的并非如此思什么!我们不能说,它和 The family system should not be abolished that although you insist You so do not think With being said it is troubled
                                                    • 什么只是回到原来的苏,神奇的,我吊在巨大的时间和金钱,如果他当我试图改变现在的系统 When just you reset to the origin the tsu te it tries to modify the system which now is The tsu te time which how was done and the money catches to enormous therefore it is don t you think

                                                  • 它被称为“高维塔议会登记法(暂定名)”,和人民的召唤Bikake川上弘先生,柳松本和他的同事
                                                    As for name “the Assemblyman union which devises of family register method (the tentative name)” with, As for calling person Yoshihiro Kawakami and Matsumoto dragon people

                                                    • 幸将117人的姓氏是可以理解的,但人们不明白的原则,方便他们不愿意绍兴Û Û
                                                      117 Because it became another surname, the person who becomes happy however you can understand, You cannot understand the person who dislikes that Opportunism [warota

                                                      • 我没有停止参拜夫妇切蛋糕和龟井静香静香龟井,谁在信浓解礼一样,每个人都姓夫妇说,韩国
                                                        Everyone The Korean way to get married with the person of the same surname, the [ke] [re] To look at cake cutting of Sizuka Kamei and Kamei Sizuka and spouse and it is the [te] not to have

                                                        • 我烦恼的事情会677区的情况下进行的姓氏观念?日本共产党Yomenai你?答案是E 547和他们有写?瓦特说:“学校的最终目标建议的概念无姓龟”接吻实现对日特非它很大的障碍?约穆是我建议外国人在同一个投票推理的家伙,你很愚蠢通过 677 That and non capital of the thing where concept of surname is gone being agreeable what Japanese it is the communism person who cannot be read The answering 547 It is written but it is w “Losing the concept of surname the last intended how hurdle of recommendation group” being too high actualization impossible something Foreign carrot administration has recommended the person was with similar logic to this Already aho the through stripe shank

                                                          • 我认为当你的情侣,与我所夫妇Rashiku更好地为姓的法案四环素姓复制是一种常见的姓氏和便利将记得,我(这是我的姓是在便利返回 Assuming that another surname bill passed That the married couple it seemed that it is good because you think the same surname what when being the married couple It should have made for convenience same surname with you think this surname classified by for convenience is opposite

                                                            • 戦後 の 警察 は 戦勝国特権 を 振 りかざす 朝鮮人達 の 無法行為 に 全 く 手出 しできなかった
                                                              The postwar police shook victorious country privilege and could not interfere completely illegal behavior of the Koreans who the [za] are done

                                                              • 户籍法的781?选举法律或没有?国家在户籍。能亲尽可能Dekin对,你和我和国籍法
                                                                781 Family register method? The Public Office Election Law it is not? With family register country. It is it to be possible the fact that it gives the [ro] which is, nationality method it puts out that,

                                                                • 所以多少次,说758,但现在没有意义的立法的紧迫性郁花的重要性,他们既不是所有 758 Therefore however you call many degrees If urgent characteristic it is not that now completely there is no meaning legislation of doing without either importance
                                                                  • 津市表明人表示将表明需要球探是早期采取津市顺便提一句,如果他们的手也被其探测反驳 Show the necessity show the tsu te saying if the ru person also refutes searching by his next it is quick

                                                                • 所以选举。梅鲁姓认识到婚姻,同性婚姻和选择的选择。复杂。婚姻和选举。不同的。婚姻如“混乱”,如果我们不能解释的事情,可能导致更多的选举。婚姻的理解和主张增加姓,我觉得维塔 Therefore selection Recognizing another surname 婚 the selective same sex 婚 and selection Double 婚 And selection Uncommonness The notion that where the 婚 and the like it is connected “disorderedly” If so you can explain that it is not more selection The approval person and the understanding person of another surname 婚 think that it increases
                                                                  • 所以选举。梅鲁姓认识到婚姻,同性婚姻和选择的选择。复杂。婚姻和选举。不同的。婚姻如“混乱”,如果我们不能解释的事情,可能导致更多的选举。婚姻的理解和主张增加姓,我觉得维塔 Therefore selection Recognizing another surname 婚 the selective same sex 婚 and selection Double 婚 And selection Uncommonness The notion that where the 婚 and the like it is connected “disorderedly” If so you can explain that it is not more selection The approval person and the understanding person of another surname 婚 think that it increases
                                                                  • 无?“没有关系”,甚至?哦,你也喜欢这种“无关”,因为人们说洲或“选举。在2名婚姻不打扰任何人,”为什么磨损或引进 Or completely even “irrelevance” Well or as for you such “irrelevance” therefore the tsu chi ya u person “selection As for introduction of another surname 婚 system Annoyance is not applied by anyone” that being able to declare

                                                                • 提交6月15日 一项法案,纠正侵犯人权 国民议会政治 权力鸠山由纪夫,日本拆除? 部落解放。意见“人权法”旨在通过“投票”外国“姓”诉说,并踏★4 人权法(侵犯人权的救市)的问题 1)没有国籍的规定 On the 15th to the National Diet submitting Hatoyama administration Japan to dismantlement … Village release same “Protection of fundamental human rights bill” formation you aim with opinion “foreign carrot administration” “surname classified by married couple” are even stepping on 4 1 There is no nationality provision
                                                                  • ●●“选择性姓”或为什么他们是邪恶势力,并选择●●姓(婚前的名字,但目前使用的维塔 )当你已经确定,它是有选择性 “有不同的姓,已婚夫妇,”为借口,户籍制度家。 ↓过渡到公民身份和国籍,从公民个人的个人,在日本传统的家庭体系的崩溃 “Surname of the classified by selective married couple” why being bad Although surname of the classified by selective married couple maiden name you can use also present condition when… it decides… With selection with the excuse that “another surname married couple it is” the family register system the house It moves to the private register from the register ↓ To become the private register family system collapse of the Japanese tradition
                                                                  • 提交6月15日 一项法案,纠正侵犯人权 国民议会政治 权力鸠山由纪夫,日本拆除? 部落解放。意见“人权法”旨在通过“投票”外国“姓”诉说,并踏★4 人权法(侵犯人权的救市)的问题 1)没有国籍的规定 On the 15th to the National Diet submitting Hatoyama administration Japan to dismantlement … Village release same “Protection of fundamental human rights bill” formation you aim with opinion “foreign carrot administration” “surname classified by married couple” are even stepping on 4 1 There is no nationality provision
                                                                  • 支付给政党。另一方面,在民主党的支持基础33选择性她娘家的姓的青睐。 6%(对59 4%),自民党的支持基础24。 3%(对69 3%) Political party support Being another when you see in surname of the classified by selective married couple approval at democracy bearing stratum 33 6 opposition 59 4 At the Liberal Democratic Party bearing stratum 24 3 opposition 69 3
                                                                  • 网络版的“正确”的极端分子。操纵“联合国”政府设法推动姓即使他们反对人民的深厚,在日本根深蒂固的性别平等表明,Con Web edition “sound argument” Radical You work in the man and woman joint participation of Japan which is swindled “United Nations” The government which even in the opposite direction the citizen is deep rooted it tries to promote the surname classified by married couple in spite

                                                                • 日本的户籍制度,使一对夫妇和他们在户籍儿童,这将意味着没有姓顾代表一对夫妇和他们的孩子 The Japanese family register system makes the family register with the married couple and that child but meaning of the surname which displays that married couple and the child is gone With say

                                                                  • 更 に 、 大中華圏 の 拡大 、 世界覇権 の 掌握 は 、 全人類 が 危機 に 瀕 することにも 繋 がる
                                                                    Furthermore, as for expanding the large Chinese sphere and holding the worldwide leadership, all mankind verges to crisis It is connected

                                                                    • 权力下放移民投票权,取消户籍一零零零零零零零外国人投票姓哇我应该设立办事处
                                                                      Surname foreign carrot denizenship family register system abolition decentralization of power immigration 10,000,000 classified by married couple Becoming set, the [ru] place is enormous

                                                                      • 李。同我国的关系正常化(即工艺的第一阶段目标)口。民主联合政府的组成(目标工艺第二阶段)下。人民民主共和国,日本首魁○○设立执行作为战犯(第三的工艺长期目标),在日本的一对间谍任务之后发布的内阁,成立田中在第二季度。 。科志立即“民主联合政府”的形成,准备完成工具
                                                                        [i]. Diplomatic relations normalization of our country (goal of the first term construction) Mouth. Formation of democracy combined government (goal of second period construction) [ha]. Establishment executing of Japanese people democracy republic 0 as the ringleader of war crime (Goal of third period construction) As for duty of the Japanese release second period construction group after the being formed of the Tanaka Cabinet, on. . Section, namely There are times when preparation construction “of formation of democracy combined government” is completed

                                                                        • 此外但现在,那些谁促进结婚的父母分开时使用姓氏的日本人和外国人这是什么,他需要我不在乎!我做了一些人,我从Tteiu认识到它想要的!这是什么是什么,只是说,发现和瓦特 But after so long a time when this tsu te Japanese and the foreigner get married the people who promote the surname classified by parent and child Necessity how how it does in calling the yo The person such as that and saying says is therefore it is if recognizing The tsu te it just says that w which is understood well
                                                                          • 没有这样的讨论292,我不知道我为什么如此的姓氏我反对Toriaezu姓痴迷 292 Either such argument do therefore temporarily another surname it is opposite what Why you do not know whether so you adhere to just another surname
                                                                          • 谁需要的人,以促进亲子姓,他需要我不在乎!我做了一些人,我从Tteiu认识到它想要的!这是什么是什么,只是说,发现和瓦特 NULL

                                                                        • 然而,“选举。梅鲁姓,这是承认对婚姻或同性婚姻的承认并不导致变更,恕不另行选择吗?”对这个问题,总是说:“我灵敏的手,我们面前如果想眼前的是瓦特矿嘿我这样说“的要点之一覆盖 However “selection About another surname 婚 Isn t recognizing connected to recognizing the selective same sex 婚 ” With vis a vis the doubt which is said the usual If “you would like to do you selfishly yare w As for me meaning such a thing well” persistence
                                                                          • 人们不同意婚前姓的,某些人是真正的“,而且包括为什么每个人进入四环素选举。我和你没有分开姓氏婚姻的认可有关”是什么,在约思思考 Among the people who do not approve another surname as for certain fixed people to tell the truth “there is also a reason which the person respectively is packed and selection About another surname 婚 You think that it is possible to recognize you think in kana” extent

                                                                        • 的推移,如果你不喜欢我的最后更改,以便维塔(法律)是,没有石头也受到不利的继承权,名称普通法婚姻习惯法,即使在法律之外,我Idakejan美满的婚姻,子女结婚如果只是良好的认知
                                                                          If the [u], your own name letter changing so hate if (with respect to law) you do not marry, just it is good it is Even with existing law outside the 婚 the disadvantage there are no times when it wears in the 婚 fact 婚 inside edge and also heirship it is if and, the child you should have acknowledged just it puts out,

                                                                          • 看到国际婚姻华伦天奴,您可以更改我的国籍,所以如果你想分开姓氏,完善的售后服务,为归化goin
                                                                            If we would like to make so another surname By his changing nationality, it should have made mixed marriage, don't you think? it is So, after that the [ri] [ya] perfection which is naturalized

                                                                            • 积极的反馈积极的反馈和负反馈系统有关的选择性的夫妇说,另一个问题:什么是穆二进制伴侣的妇女地位,使对婚姻产生不良的社会不利梅鲁先生突破情况有所增加,应消除 Positive opinion and the depolarization opinion regarding the person system of the classified by selective married couple � Positive opinion As social advance of the woman advances with marriage changing the person in regard to social life The situation that has increased it brings disadvantage inconvenience this should be cancelled
                                                                              • 然而,姓法,知识产权Razu年轻女子没有看到她的丈夫和他们“通奸”作为姓氏,而不是“婚姻关系”如果你有恩戴结 However the woman where the husband and the unfamiliarity are young with the surname bill classified by married couple is not “immoral” While it is another surname When we assume that “married couple relationship” was formed
                                                                              • 积极的反馈积极的反馈和负反馈系统有关的选择性的夫妇说,另一个问题:什么是穆二进制伴侣的妇女地位,使对婚姻产生不良的社会不利梅鲁先生突破情况有所增加,应消除 Positive opinion and the depolarization opinion regarding the person system of the classified by selective married couple � Positive opinion As social advance of the woman advances with marriage changing the person in regard to social life The situation that has increased it brings disadvantage inconvenience this should be cancelled

                                                                            • 编号:3WJF24a80的上总由一味地听到人们说什么,假装无辜。我刚好粘防御
                                                                              ID: As for 3WJF24a80 innocent doing to shake, without hearing thing at all the person says Intently difference. Adhesion of the sufficient it has protected

                                                                              • 考虑是否有可能在某些情况下,扰乱姓氏是愚蠢的,而我,尽量Toriaezu分开姓氏!这是新的我不想。最后的名字,但你还必须障碍姓,我没有一个巨大的障碍,大约是1,而忽略真正的 It is the fool That without thinking whether there is a surname with something it will make temporarily another surname tsu te well is what New To make surname it is the case that it is the very hurdle which says that so Although making another surname there is a hurdle that disregard and as expected
                                                                                • 302姓不是新的。原则上,而且还具有相同的姓氏,这样在维塔的那么容易看到刚刚复制的婚前姓 302 There is no another surname new Although in principle it is the same even with surname therefore just another surname is easy it is visible in the feeling that it probably will pass
                                                                                • 救爱孩子?地点。促进立法?中方。拒绝。比尔?如何真正的,不是吗??我是一个主张是姓什么? ? Child relief bill outside 婚 Non Promotion bill The Chinese same 拒 Bill As for truth the ro which is which The propulsion person has made another surname it is kana
                                                                                • 考虑是否有可能在某些情况下,扰乱姓氏是愚蠢的,而我,尽量Toriaezu分开姓氏!这是新的我不想。对一些障碍,而且对婚前姓氏名字,所以有这样一个巨大的障碍,而忽视对,一个当然 It is the fool That without thinking whether there is a surname with something it will make temporarily another surname tsu te well is what New To make surname it is the case that it is the very hurdle which says that so Although making another surname there is a hurdle that disregard and as expected

                                                                              • 联合国进行第一代女权主义革命,内阁办公室“两性平等局”,“性别平等委员会”和日本的革命成功了设立分支机构,以下,“性别平等(性别Ikuoriti扭曲的概念) “独立的司法权,以防止司法的”监测委员会革命“干涉理论对恩戴成立
                                                                                United Nations which accomplishes feminism revolution first succeeds in the installation of the Japanese revolution branch which is called to the Cabinet prefecture “man and woman joint participation bureau” “man and woman joint participation meeting”, In order next, “the man and woman equal concept which is distorted (gender [ikuoritei])” to obstruct the disturbance from jurisdiction, it became independent from jurisdiction installation of “revolution supervisory commission” eye theory it is

                                                                                • 董事会监督公共权力的Feminazi,两性平等』『滥用借用的家庭文化的破坏名称否认指控『M法西斯主义』Jendafuri二进制铁梅鲁政策和估计,公众的注意力该论坛是
                                                                                  The bulletin board which watches [hueminachi] Public power is abused, 'name of man and woman joint participation' is borrowed and 'gender free' policy of cultural destruction and family denial is implemented It is BBS which prosecutes [huemi] fascism, awakens the note of the citizen

                                                                                  • 谁的恩戴希美★姓是在户籍而不是制造,直到希美★这是世界上少数家庭单元
                                                                                    As for the person who desires another surname on the family register * The fact that the family unit is made is not desired * As for this in world minority group

                                                                                    • 这也是相反的情况在工作中使用相同的姓氏,因为我不能肯定我姓?
                                                                                      This not to be recognized another surname, also the [te] is same The kind of case which uses maiden name at the workplace opposite?

                                                                                      • 这姓尤其是因为there m像在火和火焰长时间的感觉,他们软弱,不像瞬态议案,团队精神和促进思实力相当于谷ü
                                                                                        Especially, because the surname of classified by this married couple is an impression the [ru] way over the long period of time burning with the weak flame, Different from the motion of temporariness, as for organizing ability of the propulsion person you think that to tell the truth it has become suitable strong,

                                                                                        • 这种企业家精神和以不同的名称时,该银行的名称是根本错误的,而不是她的姓不解决
                                                                                          When the name of the bank starting a business, it is strange fundamentally for the name to be different, and, becoming surname classified by married couple, it is not the case that it solves

                                                                                          • 那么江场情况下,我决定我没有被证明为支付子女的免税额需要的外国人和海拔杰鲁儿童的具体例子?已经证明,在有需要的地方?换句话说,你需要证明我的上帝,我觉得这是不可能的 For example when the a concrete example is listed Necessity of child treatment provision to child of foreigner It is not proven under any condition don t you think Necessity was proven the somewhere of that In other words the proof some lever of necessity you think that it is impossible
                                                                                            • 616是的,民主党人决心证明,外国儿童的迫切需要,我不是一个子女免税额 616 The u it is as for the Democratic party urgent necessity to the child of the foreign country of child treatment Proving never it is not don t you think
                                                                                            • 什么是593我需要证明的目的Tteiu瓦特意图不同的解释,该法案是这样,在信中解释 593 The proof tsu te of gist explanation and necessity it is different w The gist tsu te as for the fact that you say as for this bill they are such ones that you say Literal explanation
                                                                                            • 那么江场情况下,为支付子女的免税额需要的外国人的子女,并解除具体的例子是杰鲁你没有得到证明?已经证明,在有需要的地方?换句话说,你需要证明我的上帝,我觉得这是不可能的 For example when the a concrete example is listed Necessity of child treatment provision to child of foreigner It is not proven under any condition don t you think Necessity was proven the somewhere of that In other words the proof some lever of necessity you think that it is impossible

                                                                                          • 阿6991年的法制审。森内阁法制局局长的时间。辅氏“有些事情我需要思结婚,这就是同古
                                                                                            Laws making clear answer 1996. Time Cabinet Chief of Cabinet Legislation Bureau Omori who is. 輔 “What does the person similarly does not think as necessary matter of marriage

                                                                                            • 非法占领车站周围的黄金地段,在居民的暴力,抢劫货物,在光天化日之下的人持续更新两位数的日本妇女被强奸 Violence to illegality occupation and resident of first class area before the station of every place plundering the commodity Furthermore continued to be raped in broad daylight boldly Japanese woman
                                                                                              • 围绕前总理寮屋居民的暴力,抢劫货物,在光天化日之下的人持续更新两位数的日本妇女被强奸 Violence to illegality occupation and resident of first class area before the station of every place plundering the commodity Furthermore continued to be raped in broad daylight boldly Japanese woman

                                                                                            • )“董事会件”是劳动保障组织,在国际上与日本赤军“ADEF(民主阵线工程的反战)”在该组织前存在是众所周知的,我
                                                                                              ) As for the “piece board” the support organization “ADEF which it has been about that the Japanese Red Army probably will make internationally, (the anti-war democracy front)” as for being organization of grain side in widely known fact the shank

                                                                                              研究 開発