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“Method of eating whose Calais is correct” it mixes? It does not mix? “Eternal argument”


  • 203津日本的食物或船尾我会潜入,不隐藏?什么ー1 Naijan什么50年的韩国历史?日本殖民统治50年前它在中国属国一月?退伍军人和退伍军人和奶类食品垃圾食品Udaro海事何谷维差异呢?下面听起来像是一个人谁来到韩国Hattifattener出吃驴的狗屎? 203 The Japanese eats hiding the kosokoso u is densely and or thinks that it does not do There is no also historical tsu te 50 year of Korea it is To 50 years ago above that the Chinese tributary it is at the Japanese colony When oceanic Mammalia are eaten the ro where excretory ones as for eating dimension is different completely and is There is no something below the Korean tsu te human who eats unko which niyoroniyoro comes out from the hole of ketsu
    • 264嗯,我觉得在我庸俗愚蠢朝鲜族?万维网首页滤纸和我们说,是从刚吃了狗屎韩国老将?什么食物是狗屎博闻我为什么在你?而不是母亲的母乳万维网生动,他们 264 Well the Korean being vulgar thinks that it is despicable race Though the worldwide wide ro do and with say therefore as for eating unko just the Korean You unko eating in place of the breast milk of the mother it became large it is the ro which is It is enormous www

  • 253呀它也坏编号:IB9nAVaK0他们为什么不听他们的好
    253 Useless it probably will put out that, is ID: When it tries hearing in IB9nAVaK0, it is good

    • 333严重,如果这样,无论Majemajenidanida,他会是一个文化,特定的饮食韩国
      333 If with [maji], so is, [majiemajienidanida] probably is to be the Korean Peninsula specific meal culture with anything

      • 3诸如Dji你从来没有正源楼中小企业四环素怀石料理咖喱正统明星们在餐厅呢?在宴会命令是类似下面的咖喱事
        Will not, and others orthodox group meeting-place Calais which is put out at the restaurant of three stars you have not eaten, don't you think? it is the [ji] [ya]? Order of the Calais meeting-place like below is the thing

        • 425 Sugidaro我是一个多步他们的家伙我一直在我的嘴巴瓦特20它已经指出,在光顾的方式我喜欢的东西在哪里我是一个男人与一个老人他们治疗了许多年了一年多的国家的碘开口后,芮什么这家伙听起来很多,我津字? 425 The mouth opening the ru walking the ru person too multi to be the ro w which is That to be pointed out begun and 20 years or more passing already the ru Good year it is many even with the old boy who is stripped The mouth opening in state of the element ru person what Greatly so here like we the manner talking Sawayama it is even in the ru person it is it is not
          • 那么,有压力,我觉得个人镇市中滨崎步伊手Sugidaro我是一个多步开嘴,他们的家伙我瓦特 After walking privately throughout the city as for being moved by te stress The mouth opening the ru walking the ru person too multi to be the ro w which is

        • 487次让我们说的是混在垂直声音不用担心在眼前搞乱,他们也知道不舒服
          487 While sloppy sound raising before the eye, as for the opinion that there is no either not being understood it is unpleasant to be mixed,

          • 582混合Jirezu没有帮助赵顺子子的一样,他们有拿出不到几个小片和知识,在津特鲁你是你吃的,当然让我们的混合牡蛎,甚至会Dekin混合Zeru 582 Mixture the ginger is not that stirring is something which you eat Of course you knowing kind of wheat rice Japan the ru way the ro ro being attached little bit even mixing it is it to be possible probably will be but
            • 让我们不要混合学校,为我们的鸡蛋怎么样混合Zeru学校的什么位置?饭 The egg applying boiled rice probably is what position what for group and mix group both parties which do not mix

          • 596嘿,我笨,是不是真的,我还混吃它让我们把比你的鸡蛋和大米片大量大米片?嘿我真的很愚蠢 596 It is foolish don t you think when the e truth the ro ro rice when the large quantity than the egg and the boiled rice applies the ro ro it is Although that it is mixing you do not eat The ho it is with it is foolish don t you think the e
            • 596嘿,我笨,真的让与食物混合还没有我多投入了大量的大米片你很多大米片?嘿我真的很愚蠢 596 It is foolish don t you think when the e truth the ro ro rice when the large quantity than the egg and the boiled rice applies the ro ro it is Although that it is mixing you do not eat The ho it is with it is foolish don t you think the e
            • 时间把生鸡蛋咖喱是我的正义是国家唯一的大米混合饭让我们的蛋和蛋 When the raw egg attaching in Calais just the egg and boiled rice side mixing putting in egg boiled rice state is we justice

          • 675“669”,“把烤饼吃”“嗯,咖喱? 675 gt 669 gt gt Attaching to sukon you eat gt gt Huh that Calais
            • 675“669”,“把烤饼吃”“嗯,咖喱? 675 gt 669 gt gt Attaching to sukon you eat gt gt Huh that Calais

          • 712故障运行近混合得体的知识和迷人的“,这不是什么我卡诺晓德鲁,纯大豆乌冬面,即使没有果汁猿真似东南亚门”
            712 What being entwined, whether [ru] intellectual viewing, as for the raw soy sauce noodles the southeast Asian juice is not side the monkey was imitated rubbing It is not something which the nature, which “it mixes and side” and so on cannot be known

            • 738是地方后泽塔大米,酱油混合任何其他文书,是否吗?让我们不要把混合后,古查
              738 After mixing with the soy sauce with the other vessel, after you put on the boiled rice, applying, it does not mix [guchiya] and the [ro] which is

              • 792我不知道是什么意思?什么是原始分钟出来Zatterumonowo混合柯?怎么说了另一种随志摩在穆来要求与咖喱乌冬面吗?那是说,津蒙达罗特鲁你到拉面和汤 NULL
                • 同样,方便面在没有面条,大米将进入您的 In the same way instant Chinese noodles Being the place there not to be a noodle you insert the boiled rice

              • 923んなことはないな団塊 より 上 の 世代 は カレー を 高確率 で 混 ぜて 食 うが 他 の モノ を 混 ぜて 食 わんなしかし 二言目 には 朝鮮人 か 病気 だな
                923 It is there is no thing The generation above mixing Calais with high probability, eats, from the nodule but other things mono mixing, the food cup But in second word Korean or sickness shelf

                • Hontaku Hayattara日本卫生法是不是韩国人作出了瓦特傻瓜模糊遗憾
                  When [hontaku] healthy method is popular in Japan, making the Korean foolish 悔 it stops, it is shelf w

                  • Iidaro了,和我四环素思,连锁咖喱“咖喱屋李玟壱番屋”我也问一个问题,壱番屋展开,代理商,“不要把,他就眼泪,谁都是吃怪胎思人们认为最恒星吃所有好吃“一直在讨论 NULL
                    • 连锁咖喱“咖喱屋李玟壱番屋”我也问一个问题,壱番屋展开,代理商,“不要把,他就眼泪,感觉更好所有恒星的食物怪胎谁是所有好吃的食物这是最思“一直在讨论 When it tries asking a question to also the first house which develops the Calais chain the “Calais house CoCo first house” The person in charge said “you apply margin it can boil margin you ate to want you think that how to eat you feel that the person is tasty is first”

                  • NULL No ha No No Person REPT l n t j l REPT j no REPT One HKRPT hu ゙ huhu … hu ゙ huhuhu … r r no U REPT re Y ⌒ ─ ⌒ Y i REPT No l no │ l l j l l No HKRPT ha l l REPT No No r no Kata Kata Kata…… r me and No REPT ゙ REPT ∧ j rv r ゙ i r V one ” r
                    • NULL l n t j l REPT j no REPT One HKRPT hu ゙ hii … hu ゙ yuhihiii … r r no U REPT re Y ⌒ ─ ⌒ Y i REPT No l no │ l kutsuchiya tsutsuchiya mochiyatsu …… l j l l No HKRPT ha l l REPT No No r no Kata Kata Kata…… r me and No REPT ゙ REPT ∧ j rv r ゙ i r V one ” r

                  • “”编号:c9XFjsNj0 Ø〜我! !颂白痴! !该绺褒听到更多谈论的白板Ttara狗屎联合贡献? (大声笑!
                    > > ID: c9XFjsNj0 - It is! ! Foolish [chiyon]! ! When [unko] you eat, the story which is praised from the white making hear more? (Burst of laughter! !

                    • ∧_∧(°ω°)库里博士的任命ー¬ ¸ ¸ ¬升丶丶荤□升/()矫·! (布鲁诺和 ̄,的i -发球ĵ
                      ∧ _ ∧ ( ゚ Ω ゚ ) Leave Calais - [ku] ゙ drill ゙ [chiya] C □ l 丶 l 丶 / ( ) Cute! (No ¯ and, i It does, - J

                      • カレー を 混 ぜないと 言 ってるやつも 、 別 に ルー とご 飯 を 別々 に 口 に 入 れてるわけじゃねえ wすくう 時 に 適当 に 混 ざり 合 うんだよ Saying that Calais is not mixed the ru person inserting ru and the boiled rice in the mouth separately separately ru reason well w When scooping to blend suitably it is
                        • 679梅鲁达罗了自己的过失冲床不会让任何混合面?没有人,“我们没有把任何”我不能说什么南特 679 If it does not mix altogether the flap the ro which is the thing itself out which it can be entwined to the noodle No one “mixes altogether” how it is not said

                      • 万叶仮名取得成果,因为它雕刻从大陆自由汉字文化小康
                        Culture from the continent, Chinese character unrestrictedly chopping up It bears fruit as ten thousand leaf kana

                        • 不久前,发生在我们家餐馆,Passapasade您的花花公子,吃饭,你也有缺点,纳豆和大米是一个多让我混合的程度
                          Before this, the fermented soybeans and the boiled rice were taken with the company internal dining room, but The [ge] obtaining [pa] [tsu] which the boiled rice does the [pa] with, the [so] it is the time, the kana which it mixes and makes overplentiful, that

                          • 为什么有两个1。翻译,但也非常接近,“永恒的辩论,”范围隔行扫描方式呢?另外已经在日本吃的食物,让我们不舒服能亲维塔行为粗鲁的人,好人,我不想辩论你不与混合忠清古查泽食物混合 1 With something both Although it is not the meaning which has competed “eternal argument” how you write it is Therefore already already in Japan mixing cooking as for eating being rude the behavior which gives the unpleasant impression to others The honest human mixes and eats and does and guchiya how saying and conclusion coming out there is no ru
                            • 为什么有两个1。翻译,但也非常接近,“永恒的辩论,”范围隔行扫描方式呢?另外已经在日本吃的食物,让我们不舒服能亲维塔行为粗鲁的人,好人,我不想辩论你不与混合忠清古查泽食物混合 1 With something both Although it is not the meaning which has competed “eternal argument” how you write it is Therefore already already in Japan mixing cooking as for eating being rude the behavior which gives the unpleasant impression to others The honest human mixes and eats and does and guchiya how saying and conclusion coming out there is no ru

                          • 传统的法国美食的基本来源,白汁,Vurutesosu,伐丽流Dzuke用于加厚的espagnole
                            When among the basic sources of traditional French cooking, [beshiyamerusosu], [vurutesosu] and [esupaniyorusosu] it is used in the [ro] seeing attaching

                            • 余然487可恶的知识本身的构思,而逆转吃烤鸡蛋咖喱瓦特(.. °)踌°
                              487 Destroying the egg, whether itself, eating it is not to be unspeakable that However intellectual viewing w Burning Calais ( . . ゚) [uma

                              • 你做了吗?恩戴打扰我,我也饱受困扰混合Zeru吃,而你的大米和娄平衡的思想,如果我想做成烩饭或咖喱明招更好的我想开始进行混合与泽让它成为捕鱼是什么? You do still Because as for we while balance of ru and the boiled rice thinking you eat it is troublesome but the group which mixes Even that it is troublesome it is with from first mixing the wa which is wanted starting Rather the Calais risotto calling if it starts whether we it can fish the fact that it is like the ze which is
                                • 你做了吗?恩戴我困扰,我什至懒得从Zeru吃你的饭思想和娄平衡混合,好像我做了烩饭或咖喱明招更好的我想开始进行混合与泽让我们是不是捕鱼? You do still Because as for we while balance of ru and the boiled rice thinking you eat it is troublesome but the group which mixes Even that it is troublesome it is with from first mixing the wa which is wanted starting Rather the Calais risotto calling if it starts whether we it can fish the fact that it is like the ze which is

                              • 你是谁或想购买的大米直接将其挂科咖喱?咖喱通常是进入咖喱包,是不是吃所有茹和一个小广场的大米从那里?因此,不应混为一谈茹让Gutcha扮苦了看南特 As for you putting Calais on the rice directly ingesting Normally inserting Calais in the Calais pot from there little by little in the rice Placing the ro which you eat and is Therefore there is no either expectation ugly gutsuchiya of mixing and how being possible but

                                • 個人的 には 食 べ 方自体 は 個々 の 自由 だとは 思 うけど人 の 目 があるところで グチャグチャ 混 ぜてる 音 や口閉 じて 食 べてないからか クチャクチャ 聞 こえてくる 人 の However as for how itself to eat individual it is free with you think privately guchiyaguchiya mixing at the place where it has the eye of the person ru sound and The mouth closing because it is not eaten kuchiyakuchiya the person who is audible
                                  • 让我们从加莱混合,诚实Kimoi古查什么人说谁的家伙在一个小汤匙咖喱西 The Calais tsu te which is smaller than guchiya mixing Calais on the spoon You say the people whom honest kimoi

                                • 先证者是通过公告栏读卖新闻来说,“小町说,”但在2010年81月23,“库里,谁拥有所有正确的饮食?”的文章在这个问题张贴和“咖喱让我们不要他吃了混合 “,但与文章的问题 NULL
                                  • 先证者是通过公告栏读卖新闻来说,“小町说,2010年”被张贴在1月23日,太阳“什么是混合咖喱,让他吃了 ”这是一个问题的文章 NULL

                                • 具体的解决方案,他们购买的生食,他们有一个混合让古查,学习和理解的内容的礼仪书
                                  As for concrete solution method, does the [guchiya] mixing eating the immature person who the book of the manner buying, Understanding contents, you attach to the body

                                  • 即使你的抓地力,在外部,内部和设备口味,甜度,我们的大米质地咸味从口混合筛,美味Indaro Even grip saltiness outside and taste of tool inside and Because sweet taste and the food impression of the boiled rice blend in the mouth it is tasty it is the ro which is

                                    • 即使是584克茶泡饭“,让划伤混合”的老将发挥不洁食物?表观克茶“,而逆转”,即,甚至吃,“与抓”家伙食品让混合缺席ü 584 Even the brown soaking “to scratch and to mix and” it is vulgar to eat Applying brown “destroying while” being “you scratch the fact that you eat and mix and” the person who is eaten does not stay
                                      • 澳大利亚(和一名意大利英)的人 我是不是所有的食物混合,然后用泽 The Australian person the English system and the Italian system the people ate and or were… mixing doing increase are

                                    • 古Yarurashii好路线,但日本出国旅行的四环素(我真的做好日本)这是什么切断首先是牛排,他们或持蚩阿特更换叉的作为与筷子水稻之友权鹰之鹰郁花吃好,像图像或1 The Japanese who goes to overseas travel does well however it seems as for we however the country you do well First after cutting the stake entirely into the right hand with the fork changing or with the chopstick My me it is not good as a friend of the boiled rice to eat the kana which is like image
                                      • 个人,美喰家伙,他们都来自削减第一什么是汉堡包,但同时也发现这个家伙ü喰面条用筷子!思考 After privately first cutting hanbagu entirely the 喰 u person and The spaghetti also the 喰 u person is what with the chopstick With you think

                                    • 只有分钟吃一个小的混合Zeru让我们不要混合:混合在一个大的公共Zeru:DQN,教育程度较低,Dokata,把一个生鸡蛋选择:大阪
                                      Is eaten it does not mix, on a small scale equal to the amount which mixes: General people It mixes prosperously: DQN, it is low educational background, [dokata] and [chiyosen] The raw egg is used: Osaka

                                      • 后来,纳豆鸡蛋和饭,把一案后,心情合并让我们用酱油和其他冲床,我认为也不同混合米 After as for the egg applying boiled rice and the fermented soybeans after mixing with the soy sauce and the flap with another feeling you put on the boiled rice You think that the empty this is different
                                        • 后来,纳豆鸡蛋和饭,把案件从合并后的大米,让冲床和酱油和另一工具,我想混也不同 After as for the egg applying boiled rice and the fermented soybeans after mixing with the soy sauce and the flap with another feeling you put on the boiled rice You think that the empty this is different

                                      • 呐喊!雅子是一个母亲或怪物 - 有可能是他们爱子公主进修学院的? ◆太子妃雅子爱子公主,王储,执行主任,研究所东园学习。当代政治周报(2010 / 03 / 27),页:58“爱子公主上学恐惧症”在伐丽流◆爱子公主的父亲,逃学问题,太子妃雅子,天皇,皇后美智子每周邮报问题的作用( 03分之2010/ 26),页:34元心痛“充分考虑” -天皇和皇后爱子公主逃学问题,“前所未有”的需求◆爱子,逃学,学习院小学,皇帝,皇帝美智子
                                        Large dispute! As for Princess Masako being the monster mother you can be - Aiko in Gakushuin? * Princess Masako, Royal princess and the Crown Prince Aiko, Executive Director Gakushuin east garden. Government Weekly today (2010/03/27), Page: 58 With the role of father Crown Prince who questions “Aiko refusal to attend school” * Royal princess Aiko, non- attending school problem, the Crown Prince, Princess and emperor Masako, Empress Mitiko Weekly post (2010/03/26), Page: 34 Heart it could hurt, with “consideration insufficient” - Aiko non- attending school problem Their Majesties the Emperor and Empress < exceptional case > demand * Royal princess Aiko, non- attending school and Gakushuin elementary course, emperor, Empress Mitiko AERA (2010/03/22), Page: 88

                                        • 咖喱?本人混合所有Zemasu我们整个民族,和wー伟大的,我从韩国大学的传统饮食。キ痌
                                          The curry rice? With - the [ze] it is it mixes entirely, w Because it is traditional food habit of the great our homeland and large Korea! [kiritsu

                                          • 嗯,我有决心不混古查忠清,让丑陋的食物,它们降低了人类文化的水平的方式,我喜欢这样的不良饮食习惯是在心里kishimen东等 Well as for we you see and tsu accompanying guchiya mix and eat and how do not do under any condition and As for the human where the cultural level which does the manner of such poor meal is low Don it has done to pull in heart however

                                            • 在大多数文化中的世界,“哦,他们喰狗屎!”是“雏妓”是最大的蔑视言论和公平可爱的偶像,浩沙纪航班的食物避免感周一,如达罗证明
                                              In cultural sphere of most of the world, “droppings 喰 and others obtaining! ” “Child of prostitute! ” With the biggest disdain expression which lines up The fact that it has become, the food flight seems like proof of size of the evasion impression and the [ro] which is rubbed

                                              • 在家里会吃它让我们有一个混合的方式,所有这些日式食物,庸俗的,但我韩国
                                                At the mecca mixing, eating puts out the manner, how to eat the Japanese style when it is Korea, is vulgar

                                                • 大米是一个炸鸡蛋,我像一个碗或钠对水稻吃猪肉和蝙蝠炸尖叫。混合Zetariu。让我们不要混合或者是 As for we as for the egg applying boiled rice the katsu bowl or the bowl of rice topped with broiled eel the kana which is eaten likely katsu It mixes the u It does not mix and or does not do
                                                  • 我会把你的蛋Zeru大米混合良好,保持最低,我瘦,他们都才刚刚品尝食物的同时,他们集中矮 NULL

                                                • 如果你只是吃一口Zeru混合型的混合轻轻让我们不要萨拉萨拉类型
                                                  If plate plate type it does not mix If [torotorotaipu] equal to the sip amount which is eaten mixes

                                                  • 如果有任何辣椒你们两个可以 受访者:timeup的程度,这是一个依旧,我亦在印度茹看,进入混杂类 When there is a red pepper applying whether the ru the Reply person timeup When mixing it does it is problem densely in the ze when Indian human you see from me it mixes and enters into category densely in the ze

                                                    • 它的混合泽雷Baiin如何? “”
                                                      How doing, it should have mixed, it is? >

                                                      • 当然原来的J 科协新闻 主题 饭和咖喱饭楼是“混合Zeru派”? “我们不要混合学校”? ★11日与我的男朋友让我们吃咖喱不满净 美食风暴讨论有关混合搞乱!妈妈:“所有你吃他的咖喱很惊讶”★13 2区后继续 J CAST news Original sure As for rice and ru of the curry rice “the group which mixes” “The group which does not mix” On net large heated discussion 11 Mixing Calais sloppily in his person whom you eat dissatisfaction Don t you think “you were surprised to that Calais of the mother eating” 13 2 It follows later

                                                        • 恩达的方式,韩国人吃狗屎你知道吗?或推殖民国附?
                                                          By the way the Korean [unko] eats with something, it is? Being pushed to the suzerain?

                                                          • 您是指船舶。大利基误解了所谓的咖喱我粪便。我们亚达你说什么?我会说一些不味前往大阪,有不受欢迎的人...
                                                            Perhaps doing, the boat. The niche which droppings Calais how is said the thing being misunderstood, large. Commenting being said, [ru]? Also that Osaka person keeping saying, distasteful it is disreputable…

                                                            • 我想每44 Tatte津说我漂亮,我是不会与这样的牡蛎让所有混合卫生纸狗屎餐?纪要德鲁他们写说我这样的好人说津市你吃什么食物从莫伊来,嗯我只是漂移或看起来象我在和他们如何证明他们的食物遏A或 44 It is every clean the tsu te which was said Stirring entirely it seems like the toilet paper where unko is attached Being the case that you eat the rice the shank Coming it is the empty the cooking tsu te which is eaten saying and the ru person writing such opinion well however the ru Trying to justify that by his has done dirtily how to eat seems that this it is it is it is not visible and
                                                              • 186平方米的东西在烤箱烤箱和奶酪融化,让水稻中泽和混合第二天便 186 Mixing with the United States in the next day the ro ke ru cheese placing on there are times when the chin it does with the oven
                                                              • 661具体来说,我吃的食物,让自己从混合森Ritsu踢?眩光公会 661 After concretely being accustomed to piling up you mixing by your cooking tsu te what which you eat The hi it is dazzling
                                                              • Razu仅限于加来,我也混炖瓦特让天真让我们不要现代思我们通常混合 Not just Calais however it mixes also the stew w Today the tsu it is dense thinking that it does not mix normally
                                                              • 举例说,有关的咖喱,就如何吃的让我们吃之前,井之间的所有分歧,搞乱混合,必须得到纠正 If you say in regard to Calais before eating after mixing everything sloppily The method of eating with the mistake is something which it should correct
                                                              • 咖喱饭的水是分不开的,人吃咖喱饭和水从现在它的确是没有在混合 The water is attached to the curry rice and it is the thing but after mixing the curry rice and the water as for the person whom you eat without being as expected the shank
                                                              • 当你吃咖喱,混合Zeru我应该,我应该让我们不要混合,如何将一个小,甚至混合可以这样说 NULL
                                                              • 我想每44 Tatte津说我漂亮,但他们说这样德鲁分钟,我经常写津市家伙说什么我吃所有泽混合牡蛎,他们是如何合理你吃你mangy只有这样,因为它是不能兼顾 44 It is every clean the tsu te which was said Stirring entirely it seems like the toilet paper where unko is attached Being the case that you eat the rice the shank Coming it is the empty the cooking tsu te which is eaten saying and the ru person writing such opinion well however the ru Trying to justify that by his has done dirtily how to eat seems that this it is it is it is not visible and
                                                              • 我担心的只是一点,但我在第一次所有Zeru混合或吃咖喱牛肉饭或 Simply when becoming the point air the curry rice or the beef bowl eating Entirely first it mixes it is
                                                              • 每个人都好〜让我们所有的食物混合成的(笑)刚刚混合Zeru文化就像吃一顿饭,和酱油你刚刚从让我们所有的混合膳食 After everyone clean mixing you ate laughing After clean mixing also culture and bean jam applying boiled rice like ones which are mixed just eating now it does the seed
                                                              • 虽然你和我说的随波逐流这样,究竟是什么Raisukare让什么混合饮食Yakacha十胜 As for we making such wind that this it is it is while saying The chi ya or the chi ya mixing the tsu ke which ate rice Calais
                                                              • 让我们回到混合后骂大米,可口的食物,最好的源故障梅鲁老将米 NULL

                                                            • 我的281也大致像一个绝望的敌人韩国的父母,但建议有泽Zeru混合混合
                                                              281 By your roughly however it mixes, the enemy of the parent of the Korean recommendation like desperation, with it does not mix

                                                              • 我等待,以更好地确定在美丽的Tsuttara吃还是你喜欢吃的混乱和清洁 When you eat cleanly when you eat in guchiyaguchiya Either one is good when it hangs clean one being decided in calling the ru it does
                                                                • “你可以让这个家伙直混合古查石井特鲁让食品”they m邪恶,当某些结束讨论什么是方便 “ guchiya it mixes and the person who has been done to eat should have corrected” when conclusion is attached to tsu te argument are inconvenient it is

                                                              • 我结婚万691 Wakaran吃了严格的纪律鱼早期Shiku西元伯特利小餐和不删除从前面的骨头待定里返鱼,我们听到的所有的食物,不仅是前勿体从一个我不会说礼仪或吃日本食品 691 As for we the fish from the food cup it is from the wa The wife does not turn over the fish under any condition Removing the bone from grain side eating the ru From small time training harsh Originally only grain side you ate it seems but Because am wasted because I say that you eat The Japanese food manner is not one probably will be
                                                                • 你是我的年龄来说,“我想向所有儿童膳食谁发生?风俗习惯?纪律吗?”思和四环素 By your is around your this thing year “Method of eating which such is childish will be done with something As for manner As for training ” With you thought

                                                              • 我继续栗坷不确定垃圾这个主题,他是统治阶级家庭的人在让我们吃咖喱混合?因此,他们自己或与这样的人津居民,而不是有很多人这样的球当然澧吃传入后继续进入我是他们吃的让我认识到,丑陋的混合古查来在这种肮脏?除非被剥夺 sure of this topic continuing to raise the ru rubbish tsu te mixing Calais you eat It does with the human of the lineage of suffering dominant layer the yo Therefore as for by your such a person associating Being kind of vulgar such people come you see recognizing the tsu accompanying guchiya mixing eating Until it accepts next sure continues to stand it is it is not If it does not deprive
                                                                • 难道他们的人谁给予他们食品和津和韩国居民是这样的人,这样的人或人Kotojan只希望他能和肮脏的不符合来商店 You cannot permit the Korean eating as for the people that such a person associating It should not have gone to the vulgar kind of store where such people come sufficient thing it is

                                                              • 我还是玩肮脏的家伙南特泽瓦特10个D混合工程古查他们混合Zattedetekuru阞多项电子例( д )悛专口我只是接管东部工业工程面的肉酱Idaro多少?余瓦特喔Zatterunonante不给让混合特鲁矢野混合开始的混乱和混合古查让有 Doing still don t you think it is the ru w guchiya it mixes as for how the vulgar person 10 Blending when it comes coming out it is many Manufacture eeee д eeee manufacture manufacture The meat source catching on the noodle the ro where just the ru is many and is Don t you think w guchiya mixing and mixing that into guchiyaguchiya and the ru and from first blending however the ru how you do not happen to see
                                                                • 东部工业810多,甚至如果他们混合Zattedetekuru阞E(下 д )电子悛Idaro多达我有我的面条肉酱工业工程发展?我期待Zatterunonante不给让矢野混合特鲁从像的混乱中有人开始混合 810 Blending when it comes coming out it is many Manufacture eeee д eeee manufacture manufacture The meat source catching on the noodle the ro where just the ru is many and is Mixing that into guchiyaguchiya the ru and from first blending however the ru how you do not happen to see

                                                              • 所以我们不会抱怨Dattara韩国忘记进入雌花包含米饭和咖喱锅从你的第一个 NULL
                                                                • 韩国而是伤害近寄Ritakunai见分有用的我,他们更容易了韩国食品 As for the Korean Korea has done to eat one simply distinction being attached convenience However we would not like to come near

                                                              • 所以,我不是599混合Zeru一证明没有必要详细瓦特隆且津市了吗?也许我误解的是什么,我解释一下我Zeru预拌混凝土 599 All the more it is not necessary to mix w Applying furthermore at the same time the reason which is kneaded It mixes concretely to explain We is such ones the causing re which has been misunderstood the empty
                                                                • 也许813肉酱。你刚才宽马塔饥饿是什么它不就像温暖的手放在我错了 813 Perhaps the meat source Warming the sufficient omission which begins Being misunderstood such ones it just spread the ro

                                                              • 所有敏感过度Zeru混合咖喱家伙对婚姻的障碍,对这样一个奇怪的事不愿向任何人搞乱,但不Arujan When you hesitate with such a thing the be which is the hurdle rising too much of marriage The Calais sloppy as for the person who is mixed however it is little There is a strange part it is anyone

                                                                • 手咖喱吃的食物都不同,即使你错误地指出在印度〜 并说吃或使用手是什么,我们韩国人如何,而不是手勺用什么咖喱饭,混合以及Zemasu Calais which is eaten by the hand If the country is different also method of eating is different In India… how using the hand whether you eat that when you say Our South Korean that using the hand in place of the spoon bets Calais on the boiled rice mixes well
                                                                  • 咖喱仙台。记挑战:吃咖喱一路食物也不同移交给国家做它在印度的错误 究竟是什么,而不是用手或吃任何饭 那又有什么用的勺子,而他们的手在咖喱,和混合以及Zemasu The Sendai Calais Challenge description Calais which is eaten by the hand If the country is different also method of eating is different In India… how using the hand that when you say whether you eat using the hand in place of… spoons you put Calais on the boiled rice mix well

                                                                • 拍击你,他们黑了主人谁是晃地在82加莱Hiri视线
                                                                  82 Your form which smacks in black Calais where the storekeeper put out the [hi] [ri] has shone

                                                                  • 故事新保015美味“日式咖喱”1 / 3紫癜:/ / www.youtube.com /手表?V u003d 15L9NKBHKso
                                                                    Tastiness grommet [bo] 015th story “Japanese style Calais” 1/3 ttp: //www.youtube.com/watch? v = 15L9NKBHKso

                                                                    • 日本最早的咖喱“服部Ryuu百分之。在自服,马里的一个基督教的库里1885年启动仪式案例菜家本”服部重和代先生13,车间 The Japanese first curry rice “Hattori style percentages The head house” 13 generation Hattori Shigeru one people from 1885 at the Hattori type cooking workshop teaching Calais is start
                                                                      • 日本最早的咖喱“服部Ryuu百分之。在自服,马里的一个基督教的库里1885年启动仪式案例菜家本”服部重和代先生13,车间 The Japanese first curry rice “Hattori style percentages The head house” 13 generation Hattori Shigeru one people from 1885 at the Hattori type cooking workshop teaching Calais is start

                                                                    • 有孩子的话木写的脊髓反射芒的想法告诉任何人这几天,我们将感到厌倦,他们的化学和本船上居民的成熟,情报是获得帮助,但东洋乖乖地市中的奇迹否
                                                                      The [shimo] word which is thought of in anyone in the young child characteristic which the spinal cord reflected is written these days when you make be nonplused, Character and the maturity where this board inhabitant is high, you admire you do not obtain gently in rich intelligence

                                                                      • 有趣,当我还是孩子,没有吗?让我们在餐厅组合混合有一些成人需要的组合,让教育上混合基督教维塔
                                                                        The [ro] which is necessary to mix into the child education and to teach mixing and is The [ro] where the adult mixes at the restaurant and does to mix the cod is strange and is

                                                                        • 正宗印度咖喱,是日式咖喱,但我吃了让赵赵混合用手指将您然后娄Shabashaba Baiin报社这是一个加莱英国根源是什么?我很高兴与脆
                                                                          Don't you think? as for mecca Indian Calais however with the finger don't you think? the [chi] [yo] the [chi] [yo] mixing, you eat [ru] of [shiyabashiyaba] Japanese style Calais in the English type Calais which is the roots you should have learned, don't you think? it is? It is to call is with [sakusaku

                                                                          • 歼在“好科协的人!虽然,我已经饱和,古逐渐加热会来!”
                                                                            Even if person in J-CAST “! The question which grows tired when, gradually became hot! ”

                                                                            • 歼在“缓慢,可能是第一,什么是比鲁古新模式热他们!Yoshitsu科协的人!”
                                                                              But the person in J-CAST “first loose, among those becoming hot, it is the pattern which extends! Even if [tsu]! ”

                                                                              • 歼科协人民在“好! 当地雇员古已成为热门!显像彻津市狙!Birutsu压力,他们对这个图!”
                                                                                Even if person in J-CAST “! It became hot! According to aim [tsu]! Now spirit being attached, the [tsu] which extends! ! ”

                                                                                • 科150分钟的咖喱饭,食物和滤纸或根据本摩日Furikake粉状食品一样,一切简单的事物,他们吃路发生后到您的白米饭所有刚刚从第一咖喱 150 To divide Calais and the rice after first just Calais eating after that in just the simple food where ru depends on the white boiled rice hurikake it rubs the powder lowers and is to eat likely and
                                                                                  • “库里只是简单地吃大米的所有问题,是对楼的,友好的人格股份 “As for Calais in just the simple food where ru depends on the boiled rice hurikake it rubs the powder lowers and is to eat likely and
                                                                                  • “本咖喱根据摩日Furikake食品和滤纸或粉末一切事物一样,简单的吃饭娄受到威胁的是 “As for Calais in just the simple food where ru depends on the boiled rice hurikake it rubs the powder lowers and is to eat likely and
                                                                                  • 咖喱饭我刷的第一分钟,吃从刚刚结束的第一次咖喱餐白米饭 We first to divide Calais and the rice after first just Calais eating after that you eat the white boiled rice

                                                                                • 编号:qnFDuYg90说:“在越来越多的希望”减少大见得津市,我可能光泽六思四环素嘿我现在出来
                                                                                  ID: qnFDuYg90 “it rose steadily”, that big line cutting, from the [ru], five and six directly That however you thought whether it comes out, don't you think? the [e

                                                                                  • 编号:vbvqNeHS0我感到困惑,我会像以前一样,我想请问,戒指1文盲傻瓜这是每个球员的强硬如其他你
                                                                                    ID: vbvqNeHS0 It is dense how it will do well The illiteracy it came with the fool on, it rubbed Your like has been confused is

                                                                                    • 荣格的人,他们不喜欢它,我不混泽泽泽混合混合混合泽郑和日本也有类似的味道更好,如果我混合泽泽泽混合混合中,我得做的是日本的混合泽与新闻界和优雅,在日本和韩国和日本雅俗庸俗孙肯辩解的混乱和日本料理它们的味道没有推动肯容值脏方法如果他们优雅地吃粗粮食品,但他们不会给麻烦别人,除了他们的首选混合柯泽泽井混合对他人的不舒服感食品
                                                                                      If it mixes [chiyon] and should have mixed If also the Japanese of the sense of taste which is similar to [chiyon] mixes and should have mixed If mixing the person who dislike to mix, mixes and should not have done to mix [chiyon] is to push sense of value of [chiyon] in the Japanese The Japanese of ageusia it justifies the how [guchiyaguchiya] vulgar to eat it is The elegant Japanese in the vulgar Korean and the vulgar Japanese elegance it is to push As for how elegant to eat however annoyance you do not apply in others, as for how vulgar to eat the thing remembering dissolving which makes others unpleasant When you sit together with others, sloppy it does other than the food of mixing mixing recommendation if possible, it is

                                                                                      • 西式咖喱没有一点(通常是咖喱)让伯特利粮食混合与非西方的是,他们已经看到了
                                                                                        Being little, the European wind Calais (normal Calais) the European-American people mixing, eating, as for [ru] you have not seen

                                                                                        • 让洲598牡蛎混合,汤如暂停,这头牛是扭转了在你的脑海糯米茶,我认为这是美味Shiku
                                                                                          598 The stirring [chi] [ya] uninformed, the juice it becomes turbid and, the grain deteriorating, viscosity appears and with the [chi] [ya] [u] does, You think that it is not tasty,

                                                                                          • 让这个家伙田森403 U在日本饮食的混合,你吃相像被宣布超Shitoru 60达罗る让混合多 NULL

                                                                                            • 贝鲁,但其他球员是不是混合让我们不要跟我周围的孩子混在一起,那么什么是城市的传奇混合Zeru搞乱呢?
                                                                                              Around we mixing sloppily other than the child, the other [be] [ru] person is not, but is, it mixes sloppily riding, city legend?

                                                                                              • 赖斯和超过734鸡蛋,芮体宥立场让大米片的混合不是说从来没有与大米,炖的是一种感觉印象
                                                                                                734 Unless the egg applying boiled rice and it mixes no matter what even in type of [ro] [ro] rice and juice applying rice, certain it means is impressed to the attitude which persists

                                                                                                • 输入861,仍然是我没有真正的印度咖喱楼“楼”可爱的偶像是什么叫什么名字? ※元炸楼是在食用油脂如色拉油和面粉他们在西方使用浓缩汤克黄油 861 Calais tsu te ru something of the Indian mecca it is not inserted Even then “the ru ” tsu te it calls As for ru when in the West the soup the wheat flour which is used in the ro seeing attaching those which are fried with edible oil and fat such as salad oil and butter
                                                                                                  • 娄(食品)上传者:材料可能受到挑战维基百科全书(维基百科)』基于源代码的卢伽雷(法国:鲁镇)和油炸跳到葛不作为食用油脂水为重点的食品,如沙律油或黄油和面粉我是一个片状的东西 ru Food The source Free encyclopedia uikipedeia Wikipedia Saw through France which designates ru as the base roux With the wheat flour in order not to burn with edible oil and fat such as salad oil and butter it is something where it throws the moisture and fries makes flake condition
                                                                                                  • 输入861,仍然是我没有真正的印度咖喱楼“楼”可爱的偶像是什么叫什么名字? ※娄么溻油炸他们使用面粉增厚与西方克汤 861 Calais tsu te ru something of the Indian mecca it is not inserted Even then “the ru ” tsu te it calls As for ru when in the West the soup the wheat flour which is used in the ro seeing attaching those which are fried with edible oil and fat such as salad oil and butter

                                                                                                • 达罗511这是这个家伙,我不是说他们津长泽是单声道的食物混合吃它也从来没有让我们假设事情是混合?它疯狂思四环素 511 Mixing eating mixing prerequisite mono with absolutely unless you eat persisting the ro where also the ru person stayed and is You thought that it is kichigai

                                                                                                  • 这只是一个小商店做哪些付款许连黄金硬币的人mixed m削减樋口家伙,就像日本的手吃饭,筷子和印度的粮食津法国食品 The Indian person eats by the hand The Japanese the French cooking even like you eat is with the chopstick Even the people who have been made the gu chi ya mixing The money paying the store you say to put out permitting
                                                                                                    • 嘿,我知道你们所有的食品樋口Yamazenishite咖喱 它仍然是一个真实的故事 这 是的 我希望您放心新 Don t you think he even now the ru is probably will be eating Calais in the gu chi ya mixing e …… It is this true story …… obtaining e …… You could enjoy probably will be

                                                                                                  • 这在他们的名字你的大米和蛋和蛋米浩纪生活在他们读了大米曼达拉津谷亮谷亮一苏井在家吃你的住房寿司店我茶泡饭浩纪标准的差异使不同人民相互理解,或者说你津市塔克太从瓦特茶泡饭 When you read well well well The difference of life level is large Egg rice and egg applying boiled rice The difference of this name is large When the tea soaking is eaten at the Japanese food house Because the boiled rice it was left over at the home the brown soaking saying the ru person It is unreasonable to understand w
                                                                                                    • 我是比较正常,到商店他们Majera Kuchara和新每餐和车间工人大久保就像他们丸每天收集下跌线 Going to the store around the stable food house and new kind of Ookubo where the day laborer gets together and others kuchiyara and majiera put out on the other hand what normally

                                                                                                  • 这是一个有趣的人或东西,吃的Nde备注四环素的颗粒在一个国家和纳豆的船只进入混合Souiya Zenai So not mixing either the fermented soybeans well at a time one grain picking when it enters into the container that you eat the pleasant person whom you say stayed

                                                                                                    • 这是可能是你的精液中发现869在炼乳和香醋刈分钟,我瓦特
                                                                                                      869 The [u] it is as for the condensed milk and the French dressing being visible in the semen you understood in this you, w

                                                                                                      • 韩国在基层,吃日式混合Zezu没人埋怨说,误入歧途的混合会有什么限制在日本的例子Zezu食品,但好我不是说从 Above the roots are Korea without mixing but as for the Japanese style which is eaten the wicked road If you say only Japan without mixing eating who does not call complaint therefore it is it probably will be possible to be that

                                                                                                        • 、 长::::我 娄漆比目鱼 Caleynith卢普 (1872年法国〜1924) l i i r i i il DREPT r r rrr te lr i i r i i l i i l r i r l to Two r l i l ¯ rt r REPT r r i r r mi l ku ” i kareinisu ru Caleynith Loup 1872 1924 France
                                                                                                          • 他们邀请了父母,吃饭时和家庭护理下所采取的咖喱午餐是 Causing to the parents home the occasion where you take the meal in the family and simultaneous you have become aware in Calais of lunch

                                                                                                        研究 開発