“Finally the teacher and the [tsu] [chi] [ya] [tsu] it is” “the proving the degree of favorite etching. Therefore the favorite we would like to be useful and”…The woman junior high school student, the characteristic circumstance ★2 which accelerates with carrying
2 586人住在每所学校仅是一个绝对的编号:BcVn0RaB0理由说,大部分从Barenai 586
One person two person stays without fail in each school
ID: Because in the kind of reason which BcVn0RaB0 says, as for large portion it is not discovered
20年前的地方,但在神奈川县高中的时候,一个高中老师(女),在一些与学生关系不大,但它也同样常常 Before the 20 years rank it was the Kanagawa high school student but at that time high school teacher the woman with relationship with the pupil had been whispered at part but That much often it was not
若要继续,咨询,甚至是高中教师矿石只是工作的一小部分 That and as for me being high school teacher Counseling only it is extremely portion of work
30达罗或灾难性的婚姻区域筹备活动,但它是老太太说洛里老师瓦特 The [ro] w where 30 old ladies are the 婚 life preparatory school or the locality of misery
Don't you think? so as for [rori] teacher person
3年经验,2008年高中男女出生性别的47 3%,女性46 5%图表率 2008 High school 3rd grade Sex experience ratio Man 47 3 Woman 46 5 Graph
40岁的男性和女性在20岁,但神奇的一刻,30岁的男性和女性12岁或所有的东西纳阿 If the man 40 year old the woman 20 year old however you understand the man 30 year old the woman 12 year old at all that it is
496 Ku m原本美好的旧高早熟,而不是在过去的16 u003d 12 Erubeki能亲完成后,现在在学校结婚年龄限定年 496 On the other hand becoming the physique better than former times with prematurity from the ru In 16 year old current 12 years old of former times When the small school you graduate it should give the qualification of marriage
嗯,是一个早熟的老太婆的千古名男子究竟是什么(即使在中年)的速度却是残酷的男孩,真正 Well as for the woman with prematurity as for the man even when passing how long becoming middle age the boy was quotation from former times but This is terrible as expected
80去了她的这种平静的非法事件他们有什么漂¸许如此轻易就一个人作弊的事情那么就好像没有人看,如果没有必要非丈夫的不是特别因为你瓦特,例如孩子的不道德行为,甚至不觉得什么,不是放荡不够瓦特 80 Being such woman tsu te unconcerned fickle immorality it does it is probably will be Special there is no setsukuru if it is the necessity to try not to make other than the master is the potato Well it may permit the fickle immorality of the man simply however is w Whether saying such child does is the hu separately and others it does not do either the tsu te feeling Sufficiently the hu it does and is and others the ro w which is
仅仅因为你,这样的孩子,被不道德的,甚至没有什么感觉,一个良好的个性 NULL
950假记者是疯了,他们要收取90小宫山的问题,从乌特的供词和完全相同的语气四环素女生卖淫无形媒体达罗与30岁以上的人是死是谎言 950
The [te] which is accuse of a crime to we want the [kichigai] fabrication reporter
Therefore the prostitution woman Takao's who to nineties arrives to the mass communications confession sentence and tone completely the same as for Komiyama the [ro] which is 30 generations or more
As for the liar die
NULL If gt it is the person who studied Tsuyama incident even a little although the lie which can be perceived is many gt Never as for you there is no liar Komiyama s kindred don t you think probably will be W gt Or there is no fishing of the joke don t you think probably will be ww gt It was continuation of wry smile at lowness of knowledge level to Tsuyama incident of the Komiyama reporter gt These two people it is the do amateur level which in what does not understand are gt This weekly Asahi Komiyama reporter and the certain grandfather only are bet on judgment is an expedient But gt regrettable from these two people only emit doro conclusion comes out with judgment and w which cannot be proven Tsuyama 30 human murder 12th Less turn 637 642 649 668 677 681 698 〓 〓 〓 〓 〓 捏 Common practice reporter Weekly Asahi Komiyama discernment rare 〓 〓 〓 〓 〓 To the nickname Komiyama discernment rare “liar Komiyama” it was the ton demonstration reporter who attaches
我有很多这样的,有多少不Wakaran,朝日记者阿基小宫山是什么?信用金?和我 Such being a large quantity as for the large quantity it is from or the wa which is not Komiyama discernment hoping the Asahi reporter It can trust and is With you think
Þ ¼ ¼ ®キ监管方面,但我希望这件好事觉得我从另一个来自¯ Ø Ø位置何玉来自津红,而年轻人爱的真实面目。洲E m视为干涉Ü It is to call [shiyoshi] ゙ classified by [ki] it is not riding, however you think,
While the [otsusanoha] ゙ sun of regulation side to make the face deep-red, love of the young person. In order to disturb, it is visible, [chi] [ya] [u] [wa
“我将预备役部队是在关西20中学的男教师已经马克家长罪行 > Junior high school teacher of 20 generation men who are in Kansai
It is the crime extra troop, to mark PTA, dissolving
さっきの 例 で 言 えば「 父親 よりも 年上 の 、 妻子持 ちの バーコードハゲ 」 に呼 び 出 される 度 に 、 友 だちとの 約束 すら 断 って嬉々 として ホテル に 行 って何 の 見返 り没有任何(但如果有卖淫),太阳池心等待被调用,并按照有 If you refer to example of the tsu coming In “father compared to bar code baldness of wife and children having of seniority” In the degree which is called even promise with the friend cutting off Going to the hotel 嬉 as 々 When without there are no many collaterals it is but prostitution The day when it is called next is designated as expectation
年纪比他父亲的真正的性关系时,老师要求宽松,并有两年,我的妻子和孩子也被改变什么 In the teacher who the actual father compared to is the wife and children of seniority With the relationship which has sex in the degree which is called Slipperily as many as 2 years there was also a tsu lever which that way is
一头牛就是一个喜欢色情小说10年-一种感觉,唤醒将Hoihoi恋童癖者被捕时,警方是在我买呕吐雏妓Kukara这样瓦特写的文章感兴趣持 Because such article you write Interest having in minor prostitution
The place where it tries probably to buy it is [wake] which becomes business in the police
A certain semantic [rorikonhoihoi] article shelf
Three flow [ero] novel like contents shelves w of generation
下面的两个动漫色情或卖淫的未成年人只是监管,鼓励?工具条诙谐的广告! As for the secondary pornography of animation and cartoon minor prostitution encouraging to the habit which is regulated?
Construction announcement article!
不过,古金说,从乱伦和案件的制度一样成为儿童的Nde女孩是我们的动物是可能的,我认为部分计算 However in case of the near relation 姦 when is Rather than calling the precalculated ku there is an animallike part it is with As for the case where the child becomes gal system You think that it can be
如果你想防止青少年的性活动,如果不是反和奸Gukotoha出文不是惩罚青少年 If character and conduct we would like to try not to do in the young people in case of fornication unless it tries also the side of the young people to punish it is not possible to prevent
他们是摆在我们面前,出城,一个非常好的工作,我E和汇广场这样的孩子! !我有一个孩子ーYanaitomajimedechantoshita Edaro清洗它愚蠢! ! Ja氖根据我一团糟! !童的真实的。维珍Hozaki或没有时间! !我一直在等待清醒的女人是慈济是什么处女秀,这意味着她在家里Hikikomotsu! ! You appearing in the city being work secure encounter with such child So unless it is being serious the ro where the child which it does properly can and is the fool seeing Don t you think it is to act playfully With ma ji child The ephebe each time babbling and the tsu te As for the serious woman the virgin protecting waiting although the ru It pulls is confined at the house and it is ru tsu te what thing
“等等,等等,我洲处女!”→当受访者经历过水户 “ do do ephebe chi ya u wa ” gt When investigating the experience being completed it replies
但是,在正在研究在海外Biruttenowosonomama Yarun上空叶德娴Kunekune男子和儿童在国外的方式我想谈谈我已经得到了一个坏伐丽流尔加须津是什么同性恋skippy的孩子这仅仅是一个非常受欢迎的人 Even ahead overseas studying abroad the tsu ge which is made the girl tsu te same sex of the Japanese there are times when it is disliked it is kunekune doing with child like way of talking you do tsu te the fact that you flatter to the man that way even in the foreign country it is the shelf But in man large popularity
但是,热爱自由,以搭配一个与臼杵Noi ll被视为犯罪或犯罪行为的未成年人性行为的认可不小 But as for romantic love freedom, the 淫 line for the minority is crime
Is thin without meaning that recognition as a crime behavior?
余津富裕成年人与未成年人发生性行为,而风不援交。在财政预算案和金钱利益 In other words
The gold having, as for the [ru] adult there is no support intersection and a 淫 line, the [te] wind. Drop the gold into right
你是从就业初中45名教师现在主要糖尿病麻豆东京大学毕业生年龄贞操家庭安全? 45 years old Tokyo University soldier/finishing Home patrol Ephebe large demon derived Diabetes Is, but
From now employed in is junior high school teacher?
你知道,我猜他们喜欢他们有什么不同,你在结婚基督教的位置,只有一个负责任的制备Tatte津,我是一个正派的人滚装宁 That way something you misunderstand but you have gotten married with the disciple riding With just the tsu te which simply takes responsibility is 寧 ro honest person what
儿童,他们从青年的乐趣溺,我不知道Dzuke,作为后备军的地位肉厕所 While being young from the child which is drowned to characteristic pleasure locates and as the meat toilet extra troop it probably is what
区是儿童死亡率高,但它也四环素危险泽山保韦产妇案件 At that time also mortality rate of the child is high, Sawayama there was a case where also the parent is dangerous so
嘘八百942946,绝望的旋转,这种疯狂巴巴的身份写了一个周刊朝日■■阿基小宫山家伙文章是这样的女人为什么ー板前拥有两个议员纳鲁男性和女性。线程被滥用的东西煽,在一个合适的遗憾,我写的文章将被用于 942 946 Lie 800 as for natural shape of babaa which writes this kichigai article of weekly Asahi of desperate information operation Komiyama discernment rare As for it is dense the ro which is old woman what Don t you think 2 medieval times of man and woman board of ru Being fanned with denunciation thread something you probably write the fabrication article on the complications vexatiously
嘘八百942946,绝望的旋转,这种疯狂巴巴的身份写了一个周刊朝日■■阿基小宫山家伙文章是这样的女人为什么ー板前拥有两个议员纳鲁男性和女性。线程被滥用的东西煽,在一个合适的遗憾,我写的文章将被用于 942 946 Lie 800 as for natural shape of babaa which writes this kichigai article of weekly Asahi of desperate information operation Komiyama discernment rare As for it is dense the ro which is old woman what Don t you think 2 medieval times of man and woman board of ru Being fanned with denunciation thread something you probably write the fabrication article on the complications vexatiously
因此,学生也亲如Zasou难以离开空白,还是最终的关系,在许多折扣或直到他们的尾巴 Because of that you cannot secede the pupil easily Finally trying probably to close relationship it pulls the tail to the future
因此,这种地位的人,也没有实质性的原因,诱惑不Daronee首页抑制 Therefore as for man of such standpoint Considerably unless there is reason the ro where temptation is not held down and is well
在优质的产品和调整指导札付文的女儿如此盲目,并想办法只对那些它一起抓 Therefore guiding thoughtlessly, making clothes in the daughter of the bill attachment, at only such a place in order not to be able to work, you treat
在学校的图片是好的,他们害羞美容教师丰光萌ħ位置的分歧不在于 Unless of the picture beauty woman teacher Yutaka Mitsuru it is H thin beauty boy pupil, it does not sprout
在小学和中学怀孕是基督教恶化的机制,我不应该依靠助理性活动,从小学是纯粹的,不知道从勇士锭锭勇士的意思是我刚问如何施肥,基督教埃罗罚款,直到我过性创伤的问题是一段! ! Ja氖我混在这里的含义是施肥的卵子和精子! ! ! ! ! In the Konaka school you teach the mechanism of pregnancy but you do not teach to sex Because we the time of the small school it was pure how doing whether it makes fertilize when it asks You got angry it is Because the meaning of being gotten angry was not recognized those where it asks for a while were the trauma Teach properly to sex Don t you think as for this the spermatozoon and the ovum fertilizing meaning the wa can
沃达是一个半鼠患的最终程序隧道俱乐部爆炸?思连他们是否出小学生的。已成为时尚,甚至也不上学的孩子如何感受是什么样的过去,或与最近的时尚Narushi纳阿甚至我认为这取决于 Don t you think with it is with program of the ru zu it ended in the misfire but the murine tsu it is dense club You remembered whether was Even with elementary school student conversion How it becomes with circumstance and Recent fashion with Former times how Konaka study growing likely there is no fashion of feeling with you think
备忘录是一个超过13岁参考,不会恋童癖,直到ー你那么的美好?在冲动的青年谁是短期的迟,但退缩对羊肉的鼻子,同时他们更羡 Well standard 13 years old or more there is no [rorikon], don't you think? so it puts out, the [ma] - the [do] - with is to call?
The girl it is young, the short circuit of reason direct feeling while it is enviable, however you are nonplused concerning the nose
大学教育并提出了一个小小要求 Application of the just a little education university it puts out
如果我做在944初中的时间,后来甚至做了很好的荡妇,为什么我做了你它。 944 Doing at the time junior high school if the ru it is the nice doing ma it is The ro where perhaps doing also after that the ru it does also you do the ru it is are
如果我做在944初中的时间,后来甚至做了很好的荡妇,为什么我做了你它。 944 Doing at the time of junior high school if the ru it is the nice doing ma it is The ro where perhaps doing also after that the ru it does also you do the ru it is are
如果龚甚至中学生和教师,并以我班的学生我会变成,像切来自每个像疯了其他恃强凌弱,朋友,我是你的老师的名字和联络或电子邮件交流或日期在许多方面它是从教师谁拥有更多的儿童卫呒峨我会运动对儿童瓦特句 Although we it became Class raw and junior high school teacher do exchange pupil and combination kon the mail The name consultation it dates and or has done From the tsu te ru which ijime it does with the teacher and sows Like the friend the child who touches is chosen in the partner don t you think it is probably will be Because the child consoles the teacher don t you think In various sense w
如果学生和教师或反对女人,我将发起对儿童文学来自于连接到朋友,每个像疯了其他欺负,我是你的老师的名字和联络或电子邮件交流或日期在很多方面我我韦和儿童会更好教师瓦特 Also woman teacher does exchanges pupil and combination kon the mail The name consultation it dates and or has done From the tsu te ru which ijime it does with the teacher and sows Like the friend the child who touches is chosen in the partner don t you think it is probably will be Because the child consoles the teacher don t you think In various sense w
如每一次看到这样的故事,卡诺花的贞操和思什么会使继续在维尔京科住宅呢? Such news at each time you see, the ephebe being the ephebe, that it will stay on
You think kana?
对教师和法律上606,一所中学每年在大约两分钟一个人就够了,我是学生,教师有失控 606 When the partner is the teacher Lawfully per one grade At about junior high school two amounts Generally about one person The teacher who provides the hand to the pupil is
606教师反对法律,并获得面向地方独处什么我有两个在许多学校 606 When the partner is the teacher Lawfully per one grade At about junior high school two amounts Generally about one person The teacher who provides the hand to the pupil is
当你成长为一个与未成年人发生性行为的儿童受害者的成人,将来成为有兴趣的学生在教师的实时会感到不可抵挡的是教师称之为卑鄙与未成年人发生性行为,单身 When in the future becoming the adult it can grow the damage child of 淫 line,
Time of the student becomes absorption the teacher who
To tell the truth in the [tsu] lever which is mere mean 淫 line teacher you probably will become aware
当你没有对教师和消防队员消防警察站在与未成年人性行为的事情是搅拌后不买 When about the teacher who 淫 line is done and the fireman who sets fire doing, there are no any which are conspicuous
After the officer who is shoplifted
思和我们会编造什么区别鱿鱼直觉小宫山记者写了一篇文章,安岐 Misunderstanding of the Komiyama discernment rare reporter who writes the article?
You try probably to be either whether fabrication of
性别而后者仅仅是初中和高中同学和高级妇女打开两腿分开的Ku叔叔将该拿的钱Kimoota一些Mogurikoma少女不想要性用品商店是,警方不会回来援交一些愿望 If only the classmate and the senior the woman junior high and high school students who SEX are not done it is if there is a gold it probably is the old boy but it probably is kimoota but the woman junior high and high school students who open the crotch it is The latter is not support intersection and there is also an intention that the gu ri increase densely even at the manners store of the police and the reverse side being connected you want
Eraku幼儿在他们的住所与性有关的,这很难,但我们讲话Tteta我思一次尝试是好的,也叫Shiku The eraku young child staying at the manners store because very it was good being innocent although you intend to designate the next It stopped immediately
性别而后者仅仅是初中和高中同学和高级妇女打开两腿分开的Ku叔叔将该拿的钱Kimoota一些Mogurikoma少女想性别没有警察的意图,而且不会回来援交也 If only the classmate and the senior the woman junior high and high school students who SEX are not done it is if there is a gold it probably is the old boy but it probably is kimoota but the woman junior high and high school students who open the crotch it is The latter is not support intersection and there is also an intention that the gu ri increase densely even at the manners store of the police and the reverse side being connected you want
性教育教师被送往从AV界提名的学生谁 The sex education guidance member is dispatched from AV industry, the pupil designates the partner
我们十分重视与男子像岁的年轻人一些国家愚蠢的处理,将受到恼人的图形 Every age [aho] of part like young person representation handling
As for the serious human the diagram which receives annoyance
我告诉你嘿Ja年轻的法律或非www杉没有贞节真正的概念是什么跆拳道 Non existence youth regulation law saying, don't you think? in [ru] case the [e] www
The being disgusted [ya] virtue conceptual shortage cedar which is what
我是一个谁认为本条是由贝尔贝尔妄想铭记他们坏书面新闻“哦,假装已经失去了你的第一次我:”什么?达罗色情小说的爱情故事写出来,而在热汤刷口不能站在厨房的镇压首页 1 The reporter where the head is bad wrote barebare such an article someone believes with delusion it is “New huri it does and the chi ya tsu is the a ” a While the patience juice putting out with the outlet of the sexual desire which the kitchen cannot hold down the ro which is lines of the ero novel which you write
这就像一个熊我什至不能吃的东西没有Idaro热压机 Sexual desire something the ro which is not the reason which is held down and is Meal like it rubbed You are patient
我等待开始了外交疾病,即使现在,在楼梯上的内衣,我们看到夏天性感内衣透气性恪,古Chiramise同一个孩子或大乳房,如着着压力,乳腺癌和国家体操和舞蹈,以及攻击什么切割部分 Starting in malingering, if there is also the present, [panchira] with the stairway, summer season the being transparent showing of the sexy underwear,
Similarly as for the big child of [chiramise] and the chest, the gymnastics kind of arrival which is emphasized it wears, sways the chest purposely, ravine attack of the chest shoots and is also
日本妇女的贞操比利戈Ntsukyouso初中教师的培训,日本是日本的统治阶级,在中国,你都可以作为奴隶的结构提出了韩国人 The Japanese woman being the junior high school student, lifts up the virgin to group teacher Nitukiyou, is trained,
In resident and the Chinese and the Korean who are the Japanese dominant layer
With mechanism something which is presented as the characteristic slave the shank
是的,我向你下一个单元格,以规管我做什么?老师还是你们?条例甚至中学生在对角线上我? It is and is the next regulates what it is It is carrying Or it is the teacher With respect to tilt it regulates even with the junior high school student
魔法分钟,但我是一名教师,我对网络会议的情况,我一直在顺利地方?看到你不知道那里现在的年龄限制? The teacher understands but it is however encounter of the net it is said well Where Don t you think now with age regulation everywhere the excessiveness
本人不正确的一步“,侮辱了她的丈夫和女儿无尽的老师,”我要什么样的作用左右 If the one step you are wrong, because it is around “the metamorphosis teacher [tsu] [te] part which insults the daughter and the husband,” don't you think?
毕竟670,通过把学校辅导,它不太可能报告扭转失去信任Nawanai受到学生咨询 670 After all by making counseling the school Don t you think the notion that where it is consulted from the pupil and it has become difficult to inform conversely because reliance is not impaired
不过,不认同的受害者,并通知该报告是毫无意义的,即它也是100%,右侧学生色调纪要 But the victim not specifying informing the meaningless tsu lever it puts out Even me as for thing the 100 it is divided into the pupil that it informs don t you think
毕竟670,通过把学校辅导,它不太可能报告扭转失去信任Nawanai受到学生咨询 670 After all by making counseling the school Don t you think the notion that where it is consulted from the pupil and it has become difficult to inform conversely because reliance is not impaired
这是683南特氖瓦特游成为褴褛,险些跌倒报告 683 How becoming ragged don t you think w YOU to inform the chi ya stopping being
然而,这是极为罕见的“案件的成功说服”应上方的“黎痴愈合优先”是对的,但我无法报告 However as for that quite rare with “the case which persuasion said well” Most it should take precedence “it recovers and” for information it is not possible it is
稀有的,但廉价的南特1至1 5,和孩子有最好的规格 Extremely although it is rarely 1 1 5 how cheap the specifications highest child is
煽动默许故事的流动是极端的,但我希望有稻叶暂停,并没有放宽了危机管理能力是一个事实,在这是真的,我们是一个很好的宠物机构,涉及教育工作者事实上,你,一个人的父母晚上是有问题的孩子会非常糟糕 In the extreme story 煽 motion we want stopping to the flow of acquiescence to do,
Simply, as for elbowroom as for crisis management ability being nil it is fact,
Being made the fondling animal where the body is good fact
When the educator has supported to that, when it becomes, very the vicious shelf
In the end road of the child which has problem in the parent it probably is certain
现在是一个人或者我对我们的教师的目标是意识到这一点,从他们的家伙也有很多有恋童癖,由于早期或登录动画瓦特 Now because the person who is conscious of rorikon ahead of time with animation or influence it is many The teacher aiming with that aim the ru person it is probably will be w
“所以,我不知道的家伙,和我,”他说Tetara位置南特,我不知道她是我能 “From the person who is not such a reason wa can how being able to call we ” whether the cod her it does it is
现在连我19岁的女友,谁是第一号的第一个男朋友呢?是第一次经历这样?从亚里也是一个可爱的哦妍该男子拍阁当然,他们听到,私人学校和中小学教师,如果我很欣慰地听到什么是不 We current 19 years old her the 1st first his person was what kind of person The beginning experience was what kind of feeling When the tsu te you hear at the time of junior high school the teacher of the private school With hearing it made gaku way Well because certainly it is lovely Because so it was not the spear man you felt at rest
现在,598女孩将女孩和女教师,男教师的鱿鱼是男学生,男教师,直到Tsukko至刚抨击了手,教师和学生他妈的男孩的应变直到字符不是Dotchi意志 598 In the teacher who provides the hand to the pupil shigo in the boy pupil and man teacher who grows hoarse the tsutsuko rare ru boy pupil In man teacher in the hame and others re ru woman pupil and woman teacher the squid the woman pupil who is done Well the fact that character is not warped probably is which
什么是体育老师之间或学生和教师的关系,许多教师觉得自己脆俱乐部活动 The pupil and teacher tsu te which has relationship Physical education teacher the kind of air whose is many in section life Bali Bali teacher does
所以,在这里,但相当语言的Nde可能不想被利用作为一个策略问题,说他们有一个共同点,包括我的手出苏教师(即是洗脑),可能 When remainder here it is method there is a possibility of being abused it is with However we would not like to say Extremely the teacher who produces the hand being common you say and have included it has brainwashed there is a thing
现在,598女孩将女孩和女教师的鱿鱼他妈的男孩男教师是男学生,男教师,直到Tsukko至刚抨击老师,直到没有失真将个性Dotchi 598 In woman teacher shigo in the boy pupil and man teacher who grows hoarse the tsutsuko rare ru boy pupil In man teacher in the hame and others re ru woman pupil and woman teacher the squid the woman pupil who is done Well the fact that character is not warped probably is which
达罗气质不会使他们的子女Tteka反感他们好教师 Feeling badness saying therefore the favorite the child the ro where it is the case that becomes the teacher
现在,他们从其他职门槛年轻的女大学生更谈不上,所以他们在大学低偏差,¾信息港许多孩子,他们会做正确的我(我倾向于仅供参考) The story of young OL being effective from current woman Oobu, the [te], the extent whose deviation value of the university is low,
The child which [setsukuru] immediately is done is many, don't you think? (to the last tendency)
电子邮件使用的肆无忌惮的父母监控,教师与儿童发生性行为的妇女多的未成年人,他们真的 Making use of the mail where supervision of the parent is not effective, as for the teacher who 淫 line is done it is many truly in the woman child
电话五六二天岁,因为它并不是孤立的,在染色的全国网络程序来介绍你的朋友,他们清理出六个它,伐丽流Tteiu成年妇女之间的等级差别,他们必须思出生了做 562 Furthermore day tele former times now with the kind of person who is not conspicuous dirtily clean don t you think with program of the nationwide net which is and it introduces The tsu te which is wrong to the adult woman you remembered that the elementary school 6th grade where you say has appeared
(当然,我是一个成年人的罚款),所以从这个选举对我或对儿童文学的东西收入的看法只是一种浪费人才 Of course properly you have become an adult From among these it chooses it is even The eye and the earnings which I saw in talent something only the wasted child
相反,它悩他们在说什么希望有这样的猴子到最近的中学教师,这似乎是一个良好的饮食食处五木 On the other hand as for the tsu te trouble which has made advances in such monkey For the teacher of junior high school biting the appearance it is like
今年早些时候,一封情书教师的原始之美的严重不良时半“爱发送给四环素” Being this year A flavor is in the middle useless origin is not the love letter in the teacher the “love mail” was sent
知识四环素发生的事情,我已经奠定了没有受过教育的人是处女行南特四环素教师谁性别,疾病的可能性不大(调情是谁,因为孩子被认为是严重的妇女儿童什么不能为E)什么是它解决和语言 Accidentally you knew alone teacher The manners how doing saying the person it puts out To raise from the virgin because only the callous you do the sickness is not possible Therefore the serious child thought the fickleness of the girl of the partner saying With you said die
有的,但不是我们的孩子,和怀疑什么似乎很欺骗丈夫最近,而是出于怀疑,这是愚蠢的,说他们减轻他秘密返回到供应商的愤怒和性工作 But the reason which the child is recently the master is fickle very that it seems doubting Stage of doubt in retaliation by your with the manners working with secret resentment is done clear and others It was the question fish foolish
罚款作为从与未成年人发生性行为的中学教师,太贫穷和中等学校的教师不会伊藤诚和我在法律和自由性别认同被积极参与校外 Just junior high school teacher from 淫 line punishment stipulation removing from the object of active service when it is good having sex freely Unless recognizing with law junior high school teacher to be too pitiful
从管制到惩罚与未成年人发生性行为,积极初中教师道德正确的修改法律的维塔苏领域以外的特殊 From 淫 line punishment stipulation as for junior high school teacher of active service way you remove with exception The field which changes law is correct ethically
而且,你会看到从早忙到晚中学的惯性,所以他们将着眼于E和姑姑在成人看茹 Furthermore when you look at the junior high school student from morning to evening the eye being accustomed When you look at the adult it reaches the point where it is visible in the old lady
而走到一起的好,从什么不同的侵犯人权行为时,Yaritai没有耶尔?我认为自由的跨世PTA是一项基本人权,好并不是说每一个 When favorite ones, the spear wanting, when [yare] it is not, very that it is different from human rights violation?
As for the freedom which [sekurosu] is done you think that they are basic human rights,
PTA should not be called every clean,
若要继续,于嗯锝制度,让孩子走出你的手我不 That and the child tsu te which is produced the hand Remainder as for the system which plays it is not
但是,在成为博闻“Atashi m这么好,可能发生的是”终止瓦里 However after becoming large “the a it is to do don t you think the wa which has also such ” with end
认为有了孩子,仍严重失职或清洁类人员的压力,有华伦天奴“,看看他们是谁,甚至低于卓越”什么是儿童 So in addition to there With the class secretary or the child which does cleaning duty seriously Still “kindliness is shown to also the weak person” the child of the tsu te feeling
Chimau的是,一些学校也存在严重Yarimanyarichin如果平均 If it levels even in the serious school the spear man spear chin some person to be done to the thing which is the chi ma u
认真一733或732或你反对Ntsukyouso为什么我还需要一个漫长和严格? 733 With maji 732 Intensity of extent necessary shelf So Nitukiyou group how the ro which is what The kana which opposes
与当时聘用的教师背景调查。这是一个进行教学,将是很好,如果他们反对JTU的考试重要的事情 As for teacher when adopting personal investigation and characteristic It should have examined Nitukiyou group probably will be opposes but It is that extent important thing As for school teaching
该条例已能为一个孩子的受害者完全不同的方向,或者说你津市Û Û ½ Child damage saying, the [ru] you must regulate comparatively, in direction being different at all [warosu
贸易逆差¶ ¸( )一个栏目× Ý Þ ² Ý Ü Þ ¯栏目秀人,或骄傲 [tonikaku] ('д `; ) [to] ゙ [inranta] ゙ [tsutawa]
Or more proud [suman
达罗不希望女人瓦特青年发展条例法的儿童,使他们更好地青年高中线米卡金井让我们在结婚的日本经济将好这个る认真人雌花生产 The [ro] w which young people rearing regulations method does not need and is
As for the woman high school without going, the person who gets married is good
While being young with that, 3 children you should have borne
When it becomes like this with [maji], the Japanese economy the [ze] which becomes good
这个词本身是错误的或东西或损坏洗脑,洗脑和爱牛的差异,只不过是让手与受害者之间的差距,如果什么人? Pagurenaiyounishitaidakedeshou食物是走出去,使受害人的辅导工作 Brainwashing or damage the word itself which is said is strange and Falling in love and brainwashing are different and liking this person although it is associated selfishly in the victim If only it does and is to build Creating damage it probably is the harboring which counseling job that tries eats and is not the tsu pa gu re
但是,“他们在不知道真正的爱”在痛苦的,是当然,所以这是一个体面的“损害”是,我看的出来 Therefore so from as for suffering “the love which does not bear fruit” the reason which naturally is “Damage” has come out is what in that appearance
这是一个很生动的倾向,他们响应附和类附和勃起 With chime of class end 勃 happening
It reacts to the chime how with enormous natural disposition the shank
这是一个邪恶与未成年人发生性行为的是,他们是邪恶的班主任说,他们性行为或变相响亮的权利 It is 淫 line, this the teacher is bad
Because the right SEX to do the shelf head which may make a noise it is bad
那么,你认为他已经老了华伦天奴?伊藤大的影响我的漫画 You think that the u it is it was from former times but increasing ru As for influence of cartoon deca it is and with thinks
那么,通常,这是一个方向对应为了安抚他们,你所要做的升温,我与你我是什么 Well if normal that it corresponds to useless ru direction but That heat there is a method which is made to raise the tsu lever it is what don t you think
郁特鲁卡阿的投篮,而不是整个社会付出有良好的气质,这样一个雏妓“,”或“无辜的爱”未成年人征求或塞纳的或荣?但我真正和工具,以消除日裔〜 Such prostitute reason or [a] [] which with child treatment raises altogether societies
“Therefore the favorite” teaching [ru] what you seduce the China of somewhere is [chiyon] “romantic love innocence” in the minor?
Eradicable construction of the Japanese race the [wa] which as expected is -
金人庆说,在乙人或儿童,他们都否认了公众调查,我要求记者纳阿可怕的疯狂“朝日新闻 It is B whether child one person, in distinctiveness speech, public investigation is all denial with, the tremendous [kichigai] reporter is, it rubbed > weekly Asahi
青少年性Gutameni真正损害的预防,控制青少年...但应该是不存在的,我不介意从现实性年轻受害者,只有监管不存在的青年 Although in order to prevent the sexual damage of the existence young people, they are… expectations which regulate the non existence young people,
Sexual damage of the existence young people how how from calling, just the non existence young people are regulated
顺便说一句,最年轻的记录的知识什么我说,从小学乱伦 By the way, when it is the near relation 姦
The most young record where I have known the small school is low from grade
(奥莱彼得真正的形象泣大声说,他们没有看到他的母亲)或任何证据表明这两个人之间的关系,通常是我的母亲不同意和不硬 The real thing of the picture is not seen as for me but the mother cried with yell Unless the evidence to which two people are related tsu Tetsu it is accustomed to coming even with this The normal mother does not agree upon easily
::::我:。M(下 ● ) 嘿,什么感受? 彡 ∪ 米:用─ M、 ∪ 、彡 布鲁诺ヽ、 ヽ ヽ i ij( ::● 布鲁诺ヽ 10的 ヽ河ṛ〜迈诺特。“ 20丶 由  ̄:一代 :: 30的:::: :::我° i mi Don t you think e what kind of feeling 彡 ∪ mi i being attached ─ mi ∪ 彡 REPT REPT No and 92 REPT ij REPT No Teenager REPT r r mino gt 92 20 generations 丶 Charge ¯ 30 generations i ゚
现在什么感觉? ∩ _ _ _ ∩ ∩ _ _ _ ∩ 過去 に 俺 らが♪ ノ ⌒ ⌒ ヽ ハッ ー ハッ ⌒ ⌒ 丶 遊 んだ 女引 き 取 って ● (●)è ¯( 1 ¯ è(●)(●)丶现在,什么感受? ( ● )米: 终身保障 一:。M(下 ● ) 嘿,什么感受? 彡 ∪ 米:我与一位─ M、 ∪ 、彡 布鲁诺ヽ、 ヽ ヽ ij( ::● 布鲁诺ヽ 10的 ヽ河ṛ〜迈诺特。“ 20的 Now what kind of feeling ∩ ∩ ∩ ∩ Past we ♪ No ⌒ ⌒ hatsu hatsu ⌒ ⌒ 丶 The woman who played receiving hatsu hatsu 丶 Now what kind of feeling mi Life guarantee i mi Don t you think e what kind of feeling 彡 ∪ mi i being attached ─ mi ∪ 彡 REPT REPT No and 92 REPT ij REPT No Teenager REPT r r mino gt 92 20 generations 丶 Charge ¯ 30 generations i ゚
 ̄ ° Þ 、ü,,, ĵヾ亩 。喉j 冫,Þ ²升 、 布鲁诺:UL认证, ,  ̄ ̄ NULL
 ̄♪ 负责。丶 ♪: :: 联系:::: ::: : 丶( ⌒丶 : ::: : ⌒ ) ヽ ((ソ吨吨吨吨ソ ¯ ♪ 92 Bearing 丶 ♪ Charge 92 丶 ⌒ 丶 ⌒ REPT he It does i J The Soviet Union Even The Soviet Union Even