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Masaaki incumbent Tanimoto of non post, 5 selections securely


  • 174“石川县章Netouyo民主党人”这样Ssuka万维网
    174 “As for the Democratic party Ishikawa prefecture ream such a feeling [tsusuka] www of [netouyo]”

    • 2010(支持民主党县章)由都道府县联合会宣布暂停地位,民主党候选人批评州长多选的谷本正宪石川
      2010 (it supports also the Democratic party prefectural ream) criticizing the multi selections of Masaaki's Tanimoto nomarch Ishikawa, it runs states From the Democratic party prefectural ream position stop dealing

      • 203苏重复了多次,但“崛起的石川党(奥田)”这是第一个支持我的第一谷,这种权力的基础,进入了民主奥田硕武“石川”新兴民主党参加了石川县章组比,与党,支持民主党谷先生当之无愧的石川县章 203 However it repeats many degrees because “rising Ishikawa the Okuda party ” was Tanimoto support from the original beginning Okuda building doing to enter democracy this time that support parent “rising Ishikawa” flowing together to the Democratic party Ishikawa prefecture ream above becoming the largest intraparty group It is proper for the Democratic party Ishikawa prefecture ream to support Tanimoto
        • 省长的比赛,除了谷先生,前国会议员,众议院桑原裕(64)谁独立候选人有三个新人,以及主要的政治县各方最后一次竞选,他目前的车程,民主自由,支持或建议的新公明党,日本的谷总部由社会民主党总部的建议,县章 As for the same governor selection other than Tanimoto 3 new members of the Kuwahara Yutaka 64 and others non post of former Democratic party member of the house of representatives ran as a candidate but The principal each party inside the prefecture similar to previous selection rides together to the incumbent democracy our people the prefectural connected prefectural headquarters of Komeito nominating Tanimoto Or it supported the corporation people party headquarters nominated
        • 这个州长的竞选,但直到我反对多选,自民党支持现任最终离开没有强大的反对派 The latest governor selection hurt the Liberal Democratic Party in multi selections in the opposite direction to very limit but Without putting out powerful anti candidacy the incumbent was supported after all
        • 除了谷先生,前国会议员,众议院桑原裕(64)谁独立候选人有三个新人,以及主要的政治县各方最后一次竞选,他目前的车程,民主自由,公明县章谷,推荐或支持该司的县,由社会民主党总部的建议 Other than Tanimoto Yutaka the Kuwahara of former Democratic party member of the house of representatives 64 and others 3 new members of non post ran as a candidate but The principal each party inside the prefecture similar to previous selection rides together to the incumbent democracy our people the prefectural connected prefectural headquarters of Komeito nominating Tanimoto Or it supported the corporation people party headquarters nominated

      • 415穆来队二郎但你结合保持良好的工作生活突然结束在一个ー抱歉花花公子Shinjirou小泽当选这是什么! ! 415 The Sinzirou VS Ozawa tsu te the ge which is done The ma which does it is the grommet ji wax The raw wa se te putting away very work suddenly at election lifetime the ru But you ask

        • 434多少技能和法律规避漠视法律,在没有疼痛Daroaru刚腕人物什么要求,什么是真正只是Tsuketakatta刚腕小泽生效的媒体? 434 When the te you say or the hardness arm te mass communications want to attach to Ozawa with just the kiyara tsu te Many hardness arm tsu pu ri do not exist in actually aitsu the ro which is That certain when it does about the evasion of the law ability which ignores law
          • 小泽是一百十二瓦特过于草率“刚腕”拉的时代,而牡蛎,就像喝了涡扭转写Mareta的 112 Too sloppy it is shelf w Ozawa will show the “hardness arm” to scratch turning the feeling which is swallowed conversely in the eddy

        • 44:20编号:hpVBJfAH0出生的日本新!若干规定和子女免税额第一任国王Innovation ll未来是光明的等待什么财富♪281周年名无 10 2009 08 30日(周日)20:45:41编号:5oqOnIYm0民主混蛋余克财富299日本名无行 10周年 圣人 2009 08 30日(周日)20:45:50编号:88U a5HZ0民主的胜利啊! ! ! ! ! !日本是怪异的淘气这辈子难得! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !财富999周年名无 10 2009 08 30日(周日)20:52:40编号:aSFAXIe80我们来说,它有自己的民主手中没有感觉,日本人 44 20 ID hpVBJfAH0 It is new Japanese birth Bright future waits First child treatment the tsu and the ♪ which probably will be received 281 Name it is not tenth anniversary 2009 08 30 day 20 45 41 ID 5oqOnIYm0 The person whose democracy is hateful keeps coming out of Japan 299 Name it is not tenth anniversary sage 2009 08 30 day 20 45 50 ID 88U a5HZ0 tsu plain gauze democracy large victory Now Japan is born and changes 999 Name it is not tenth anniversary 2009 08 30 day 20 52 40 ID aSFAXIe80 Us there is no democracy it is the feeling which can by the hand individual of the Japanese
          • 财富166周年名无 圣人 2009 08 30日(周日)20:44:20编号:hpVBJfAH0出生的日本新!若干规定和子女免税额第一任国王Innovation ll未来是光明的等待什么财富♪281周年名无 10 2009 08 30日(周日)20:45:41编号:5oqOnIYm0民主混蛋余克财富299日本名无行 10周年 圣人 2009 08 30日(周日)20:45:50编号:88U a5HZ0民主的胜利啊! ! ! ! ! !日本是怪异的淘气这辈子难得! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !财富999周年名无 10 2009 08 30日(周日)20:52:40编号:aSFAXIe80我们来说,它有自己的民主手中没有感觉,日本人 166 Name it is not tenth anniversary sage 2009 08 30 Sunday 20 44 20 ID hpVBJfAH0 It is new Japanese birth Bright future waits First child treatment the tsu and the ♪ which probably will be received 281 Name it is not the tenth anniversary 2009 08 30 Sunday 20 45 41 ID 5oqOnIYm0 The person whose democracy is hateful keeps coming out of Japan 299 Name it is not tenth anniversary sage 2009 08 30 Sunday 20 45 50 ID 88U a5HZ0 tsu plain gauze democracy large victory Now Japan is born and changes 999 Name it is not the tenth anniversary 2009 08 30 Sunday 20 52 40 ID aSFAXIe80 Us there is no democracy it is the feeling which can by the hand individual of the Japanese

        • 61福冈市市长竞选市长选举久地久慈市,岩手县奥州市奥州聪福冈市市长选举的选举,在今天的选举总督石川聪福冈,福冈县,石川县,石川县轮岛,石川县轮岛市长竞选市长选举桥本龙太郎市,和歌山县,市长选举初选大田大田,枥木县宫若市若宫 61 Present election Japanese ode Yamagata Hasimoto city Hasimoto mayor election Ishikawa prefecture Wajima city Wajima mayor election Ishikawa prefecture Ishikawa prefecture Ishikawa nomarch election Fukuoka prefecture Fukuchi Cho Fukuchi town mayor election Iwate prefecture Inner part state city Inner part state mayor election Iwate prefecture Kuji city Kuji mayor election Fukuoka prefecture The shrine it is young city The shrine it is young mayor election Tochigi prefecture Otawara city Otawara mayor election

          • 630嘿,人们会看签注Janakutsu社民党晒黑抛弃民主吗?瓦特Tetara会更不同,看到实际可支配 630 It was the citizen abandoned democracy corporation people nomination candidacy it is not to be the tsu te w Abandoning truly the cod the expectation which more is great difference
            • 在参议院选举中,小泽一郎,民主党人群瓦特不败长崎Warazu民主失败也与由社会民主党在新的自由民主滑坡击败建议人选 Ozawa democracy crushing defeat w Nagasaki… in spite even in group of people House of Councillors selection democracy complete victory our people new member tears democracy corporation people nomination candidacy with great difference

          • 799说:“民主党的支持率隆河内,和其他”,“吾妻宫的野兽”※不包括瓦特岛屿 799 gt The Democratic party support ratio as for being high another gt “ East Capital Is ke Is ” You exclude the islands section w
            • 隆河内民主批准,和其他说,“吾妻宫古兽” The Democratic party support ratio as for being high another “ East Capital Is ke Is ”

          • 800 +α剩余的约300人投票表决→53半的票数最后幅度几乎足以卢格2 1 550票,或约300票什么
            With about remaining 800 + Α vote, 300 vote difference -> 53 vote differences Half-and-half poll of extent as for end at a stroke almost 2; With 1 550 votes, about 300 vote [tsu] [te]?

            • 814田埼玉省长陛矫埃系统,但谁体面慰安妇,已对谷Kukara生动早期有关外国人去投票,即使不这样做保证 814 But as for Governor the Saitama Ueda minsu system The military comfort woman asserted and that it is not in the opposite direction from early on in regard to foreign carrot administration The ma tsu you question enormously the person

              • 833这正是我能兑现邮差先生,木户,从最近的车站(手)让我们的通知,地图是他在信中@五反田,东京
                833 As for that, the postal house is just competent We it is [chi] something, the puzzle map from the neighboring station (handwritten) with the [ze] @ Tokyo five counter rice fields which have the letter which reaches

                • 87 Kukara发生在书面社会民主党总部支持建议建议都道府县县章公明民主总部都道府县自民党推荐这本书章 87 Our people Prefectural ream Nomination Democracy Prefectural ream Support Fairness Prefectural headquarters Nomination Corporation people Party headquarters Nomination Because this is written with composition it becomes so
                  • 什么承诺骨折四环素批准了对人民的建议也是为什么民主党总部 Also the Democratic party headquarters approved some kind of reason nomination and tore the promise for the citizen probably will be
                  • 自由民主党击败民主党小泽瓦特石川公明每个支持和小泽的民主党候选人,现在是前民主党国会议员穆道府县拧章部队总部。胜利餐室 Ozawa democracy crushing defeat w Ishikawa… the Ozawa democracy headquarters compulsorily screw in former democracy Assemblyman to each prefectural connected riding together candidacy such as our people democracy fairness but reality Overwhelming victory

                • 93 Ttara说,中心说Ttara在下在某种意义上我猜非议什么是午睡场连败持续的国家和地方选举将是讨厌的,如果他们把国家和地方选举的自由候选人蒸气返回到民主党的邪恶如果有什么你会听到Karere 93 If say national government local selection successive defeats continue on the center there is mazui tsu te consciousness don t you think it is probably will be When you say at the time of the next our people candidacy also national government probably will be put out to the inquiry even with local election and If you hear with something you steam again the evildoing of the Democratic party and
                  • 93中央 にも 地方選連敗 が 続 けば マズイ って 意識 があるんだろうね次 の 選挙 でも 引 き 合 いにだされるだろうし何 でと 聞 かれれば 民主党 の 悪行 を 蒸 し 返 され与茹 93 If local selection successive defeats continue to also the center there is mazui tsu te consciousness don t you think it is probably will be It probably will be put out to the inquiry even with the following election and If you hear with something you steam again the evildoing of the Democratic party and

                • 971的方式是,如果别人不理解,而当时该国能够猜测与管教Bessyo投票,或不当地的故事,应该在这里运往消息说铁路浅野川? 971 Such is the word classified by polling station entering the ri ya it is to be able to presume and If you say that you cannot understand the person of entire country when thing of the Asano river and you call the railroad Also does local story should be here without being

                  • NULL 296 Prior to world war 2 it is such feeling even at middle constituency pre world war 2 bipartisan systems and the popular election which everyone forgets Medium size constituency system All the 466 parliamentary seats 16th member of the house of representatives general election 1928 The Japanese first popular election Ruling party Constitutional Masatomo meeting 218 parliamentary seat Opposition party Constitutional civil administration party 216 parliamentary seats Group 17 parliamentary seats Non post 15 parliamentary seat 17th member of the house of representatives general election 1930 There is a worldwide panic in the preceding year Ruling party Constitutional civil administration party 273 parliamentary seat Opposition party Constitutional Masatomo meeting 174 parliamentary seat Group non posts 19 parliamentary seats With this election it is the election which questions the propriety of national treasury charge of the compulsory education which the constitutional civil administration party insists The constitutional civil administration party which receives the support of nationwide town village meeting won big No angle it is dense in the story which is heard the shank 18th member of the house of representatives general election 1932 Ruling party Constitutional Masatomo meeting 301 parliamentary seat Opposition party Constitutional civil administration party 146 parliamentary seat Group non posts 19 parliamentary seats With the great victory where constitutional Masatomo meeting crosses over 300 parliamentary seats with the wonderful lily resetting administration alternation occurred 19th member of the house of representatives general election 1936 Ruling party Constitutional civil administration party 205 parliamentary seat Opposition party Constitutional Masatomo meeting 175 parliamentary seat Groups Showa meeting 20 parliamentary seat Social popular party 18 parliamentary seat National alliance 15 parliamentary seat Non post in addition 33 parliamentary seats After all the Japanese tsu te when something the choices are given chaotic conduct you take it is don t you think from former times wwww Certainly the following general election whether it becomes another version 1936 in the party of www everyone the Hiranuma new party Measure attachment new party Doing as for ru thing just idea changing as for constitution wwww which does not change completely As for the fog as for democracy there is no unreasonable something in the Japanese Read no se air with tsu te culture Because oneself you do not think good www
                    • 337“我听说日本结束时,我老了螺纹采取行动,维塔柯能亲存款选择,一旦帝国wwww东西Yakuguchaninattara口,蛮力从那里强迫定居模式我来帮不了从1000年 337 gt After all the Japanese tsu te when something the choices are given chaotic conduct you take it is don t you think from former times wwww When it becomes the oral ya ku gu chi ya depositing to the Imperial Family once with the pattern which regains one s strength from there and being control About 1000 you did therefore it is there is no ginger

                  • Toriaezu“石川新概念的”宽,无法理解的是,选举无法理解所有古万维网 Temporarily unless you can understand the concept w of “rising Ishikawa” www which is the election which you cannot understand completely

                    • Û Û栏目717小泽海豚万维网湿重737仰卧起坐要确实数字是广泛小泽Ijimesure
                      717 Ozawa dolphin [warota] www Abdominal muscles collapse ww 737 It is broad Ozawa [ijimesure] accurately

                      • _NULL_
                        757 Someone being what the person who understands it is? Kinoshita virtue 之 (coming it did, even if going) 74 Non reality (1) ▽ city physical education association leader prefectural sewer public corporation chief director [history] city agricultural cooperative director ▽ city discussion 5 period ▽ prefectural discussion 3 period ▽ agricultural course place Yasuhisa Nakatuka (medium handle wide [hi]) 49 Nothing new ▽ visit clinic President doctor [history] National Health Insurance Hasimoto citizen hospital duty medical ▽ Miyuki clinic duty medical ▽ prefectural medicine large Hirabayasi 崇 line ([hi] mule palm Takayuki) 54 Nothing new Electric work company president [history] city young people communication. Secondary chairman ▽ Chamber of Commerce and Industry youth section chief ▽ city discussion 3 period ▽ Osaka product large

                        • “ NULL
                          • Ä、 ) !。 ! ∠ NULL
                          • 相比之下, 加 谷本正宪石川先生现任独立选举中,5届的选举,以确保717名称:财富周年 10 新增时间:名无03分之2010 14(星期日)22时28分:48编号:YMKfMu0y0安居乐业豌豆崛江贵10509宫邦彦远藤邦彦山内山内10562 Bemasu赢得582什么的语气? ┌────────────┐ 如何消费的宫古苏 └────────────┘ 选项(海外) 搜索(S) 被 ──────────┐┌─── On the one hand plus with Masaaki incumbent Tanimoto of non post 5 selections securely 717 Name Name it is not tenth anniversary Contribution day 2010 03 14 day 22 28 48 ID YMKfMu0y0 Endo pea ji yo maggot 10 509 Yamanouchi yamauchi Takashi sentence takahumi 10 562 Election Seeing and it is dense Kunihiko kunihiko 582 You inspect concerning something ┌ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ┐ Seeing and the method of turning off densely └ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ┘ Option O Search S ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ┐ ┌ ─ ─ ─ 92 ⌒ i No REPT 92 HKRPT lt REPT lt REPT i REPT i no r REPT
                          • 这种情况不再森林养护,谷石井花不自由民主党的支持获胜,是请新干线Hikenai谷的自民党在森林养护损失瓦特金泽有关的知识不是扩张和流泪可能是不同的我们在城市投资领域和踢的S工务局局长的,但他们利用好小松,小松是民主阵容是如此强大刈戈富裕的中国比很多其他县市不知道的情况下,自民党也瘦谷市梅鲁和总督会说他在自由谷,石川县公司拥有讲话 In the circumstance there not to be a soil saving corporation the Liberal Democratic Party support it cannot win dying Tanimoto and When also the Liberal Democratic Party makes become Tanimoto w which cannot pull the Shinkansen Perhaps the soil saving corporation and others with seeing in Kanazawa of the deficit the tear eye It comes out in field 々 city which it invests awfully and w Komatsu Ltd is pulled and it is good to pull out but Komatsu Ltd may escape to China Perhaps also field 々 city where the Democratic party is strong tilts in our people Our people brusqueness tsu it is above circumstance of other prefecture Ishikawa prefecture of the ri Also Tanimoto being yourself until you say that it stops it probably is the governor

                        • □市长选举冰(富山)现任厅。滋先生(57 4无)表决权的中央⇒ü市长选举是对这个词是14日届满的同伴,结果公告之日起就是现任候选人的教堂。滋先生(57) u003d自民党公明不建议新人们除了已故大厅的四个非投票,选举确定马塔 □ ice seeing mayor election Toyama prefecture Incumbent hall Shigeru 57 with non poll 4 selections ⇒ result The central mayor selection which tenure accompanies expiration to be notified 14 days as for the candidate the incumbent hall Shigeru 57 it is not other than democracy our people fairness national new nomination 4 selections with non poll of the hall person were decided
                          • 奥州市市长和市议会选举因任期届满(常数34)是一个14天的投票表决将在同一天 Inner part state mayor selection and the city parliamentary election which tenure accompany expiration constant 34 you vote on the 14th on the same day are counted
                          • 桥本市长竞选从我一古好:市长投票和计票明天桥本 桥本市长选举因任期届满6月14日,和歌山县,投票和计票会 As for Hasimoto mayor selection you do not understand well Election Hasimoto mayor selection Tomorrow throwing ballot counting Wakayama The Hasimoto mayor selection which tenure accompanies expiration is counted on the 14th throwing

                        • 中央市长选举(山梨县)现任田中久雄(62)再没有为中央ü⇒市长是对任期届满的同伴比赛的结果当选是一个公共的通知14天内的候选人是现任田中久雄(除62)相反,确定马塔田中连任无投票
                          Central mayor election (Yamanasi prefecture) Hisao incumbent Tanaka (62) re-elects with non poll ⇒ result The central mayor selection which tenure accompanies expiration is notified, 14 days as for the candidate Hisao incumbent Tanaka (62) there are no other things, Re-election with Tanaka's non poll was decided

                          • 久慈市市长选举的投票率,投票率嘿Hanpa瓦特:70。 61%
                            Don't you think? poll ratio of mayor selection of Kuji city, [hanpa] [e] w Poll ratio: 70. 61%

                            • 久慈,岩手市长(百分之六十八的选票)7400 *自现任山内。支持新的远藤铃木俊一(民主社会民主党)7000 *小泽一郎系统
                              Iwate Kuji mayor selection (ballot counting ratio 68%) Incumbent Yamanouchi 7400 * Our. Suzuki Shunichi support New member Endo (democracy corporation people) 7000 * Ozawa Ichiro system

                              • 什么是制备祖民主奥田硕石川县石川县武联邦广场的新兴民主的权力基础,我们已经建立了一个系统,它可以争取成为民主党总部,自由民主党和岩石的力量坚实的未来一定会抱怨切言1
                                Okuda building support parent rising Ishikawa of the Democratic party taking over democracy Ishikawa prefecture ream, Because the system which can be confronted to the Liberal Democratic Party with future power as steady was constructed, Altogether you probably cannot call complaint as the Democratic party headquarters

                                • 什么是百分之六十八,在7000表决久地长选举的选票?我已经理所当然地认为,约3%,思四环素
                                  Mayor Kuji selecting, being 7,000 votes in ballot counting ratio 68%? Whether the [te] [tsu] drill still about 3%, you thought

                                  • 他们不会“,”桑原先生,在5个最大的反对党国家党支持的地章作出决定,苏谷,市长选举
                                    It cannot put out 2 people,” > Kuwahara repels to the decision of the party prefectural ream which supports Governor Tanimoto who aims toward nationwide most numerous 5 selections

                                    • 元,但它可以更好地行动消极的决心,真正Ketara小泽帝国继续输给过今天在岩手“小泽
                                      When with the successive defeats continuation it is defeated even in present Iwate Ozawa empire, the one which advance and retreat is decided as expected is good, however probably will be, > Ozawa

                                      • 内部。候选人是国家资助的人的公共投资,如课余儿童保育,护理和服务的集中提供医疗理赔
                                        In. Candidacy, insisting the investment to person such as public public of pupil nurture and the monistic offer etc of medical nursing nursing service

                                        • 初步选举奥州奥州粪便的重量他们能够桃红石和坝,可以吗?
                                          Inner part state city election bulletin The droppings it is heavy Inner part state city may be when the Isawa dam is possible, it is dense?

                                          • 制备不会投票支持现任,但在金泽的时候,他们仍接近百分之六的得票率
                                            But as for this time the incumbent not being able to take vote Kanazawa city, even then poll ratio 6 tenths is close

                                            • 前民主党众议院国会议员桑原裕(64)的新人谁有三个独立候选人,是不是民主柯在预算负家伙空 Yutaka the Kuwahara of former Democratic party member of the house of representatives 64 and others 3 new members of non post ran as a candidate but The dense Tsuga the ro which is the being defeated of democracy at the point in time when it falls
                                              • 『同意450独立』是什么,什么什么?我 450 Agreement The non post tsu te it probably is no what The tsu te you think

                                            • 副州长谷本正宪石川1991年,1994年石川总督选举(小泽一郎,日本新生党,公明党和新党的支持),石川县的失败是在1998年2(小泽自由党,自由民主党和民主股)2002年3选出的自民党候选人赢得第二个任期(小泽自由党,自由民主党和民主股)2006年4赢得了第二项(D -小泽一郎和自民党股)2010年5必胜的第二项(D -小泽一郎和自民党股)和小泽一郎的Netouyoaho瓦特这是你们的胜利瓦特
                                              Masaaki Tanimoto 1991 Prefecture deputy governor Ishikawa 1994 Ishikawa nomarch election (the Ozawa Sinsei party, support such as Komeito and the Japanese new party), Ishikawa of the Liberal Democratic Party candidacy is beaten 1998 2nd period election (Ozawa free party, riding together such as the Liberal Democratic Party and the Democratic party) 2002 3rd period election (Ozawa free party, riding together such as the Liberal Democratic Party and the Democratic party) 2006 4th period election (riding together such as the Ozawa Democratic party and the Liberal Democratic Party) 2010 5th period election certainty (riding together such as the Ozawa Democratic party and the Liberal Democratic Party) [netouyoaho] shelf w Don't you think? the victory of Mr. Ozawa - w

                                              • 南条市长选举众议员,州长选举,州长和市长石垣石川町田市长说,这是一个6场连败
                                                Capital discussion assistant selection South Ziyouiti long selection, nomarch selection and Machida mayor selection Stone wall mayor selection With the latest Ishikawa governor selection and 6 successive defeats shank

                                                • 厨师爆炸Netouyo ve生根被推荐的自由万维网
                                                  Don't you think? the [netouyo] calls 厨 hurt supporting Tanimoto whom our people nominate, www

                                                  • 县县第150章也锐意双方的政权和执政党Mutoiukoto民主意愿有可能所有纠纷
                                                    150 Say that at the prefectural national assembly it draws both intention with all ruling party system, But democracy prefectural ream may will be tangly,

                                                    • 嘿浅野川的水浸问题,是952的众议院威信从伤口成员给州长和博谷长谷...
                                                      952 Asano river flood damage problem Governor Tanimoto damaged the dignity of member of the house of representatives 馳 Hiroshi because well…

                                                      • 在抗抗反日。谷本正宪北鲜知的事情父母或创价学会是一个在韩国统一教会的坚定信仰者布瓦工匠波特秽许多商人僧侣和贵族非人的女真族后裔谁的韩国,日本石川县抵达我柏青哥客厅的大小餐厅里,整个系统是一个真正的民族主义妇女四环素北韩计划,提供主要的关键领域石川县一个数字定居点北右翼伪代理 In anti Japanese counter counter As for Masaaki Tanimoto parent North Korean governor the Korean of the woman Makoto family end 裔 which visits Japan to Japan the 穢 multi non human court noble merchant monk With Soka academic society or the fanatic of the unification church prefecture the whole Ishikawa to spread the pachinko house burning butcher shop with race mixture of the craftsman Korean potter Ishikawa It is the woman Makoto type North Korean nationalism person who assures the plan which offers residence area the false to right wing North Korean operative in principal area of the prefecture
                                                        • 无理的联盟有利于谷的石川将是巨大的错误估计是桑原 The fact that combined Ishikawa turned to Tanimoto support probably means that is large miscalculation for Kuwahara
                                                        • 有曾经在县章多选民主的批评,他们强烈迟浩田持周围的金泽市当地的一个谁支付由日本新生党,前长期维塔谷。县议会成员去年秋天加入民主党,谷,谁领导了五方向数字移动选举 There was also a voice of multi selection criticism inside democracy prefectural ream but Kanazawa city on the center having strong ground The old Sinsei party which supports Tanimoto from 1st period Prefectural discussion and others last autumn flows together to the Democratic party The movement which is directed to Tanimoto 5 selection was directed

                                                      • 在讨论过程中,他们弥次交通邲菲,一个议会法案,只有民主计划扩大其意见正交梅鲁通过就业措施
                                                        While discussing as for jeer flying about, being approved with the Democratic party denomination plan only the opinion book plan which requests the expansion of employment policy

                                                        • 在谷中西,在中西8任州长前118期间死于肺炎
                                                          118 Front of the Tanimoto with Nakanishi, as for Governor Nakanishi during tenure of 8 periods passes away in the pneumonia

                                                          • 坂井是一个城市政令指定城市赶下了台现任州长被批评桥本合伙用车

                                                            • 奥田硕孝和491参与了案件党羽,因为没有统一战线和小泽,小泽老系统是错误的,说 491 Because Takakazu Okuda was does it is not the mobster in relationship of Ozawa between joint struggle Ozawa system is strange

                                                              • 好意外引起火灾,其他人少真的,我想我爬行差异马吉外国人来投票 我瓦特 It does the tsu oak well As the true other person the less done it is foreign carrot administration finite difference … maji it exceeds w
                                                                • 马阿,其中已确认无论如何制定的法律和人权的外国人投票 Well with this Foreign carrot administration Protection of fundamental human rights method Being formed even with nature it decided

                                                              • 如果我们没有输给谷浩回到以前的比例众议院选举,然后州长候选人,甚至不知道赢得如果仔细隆夫 With the Lower House election before this 馳 Hiroshi without reviving in proportion when you have been defeated Running as a candidate to governor selection if you did well perhaps it could win
                                                                • 民团还认识我,我745我得到Tatte宣称自己与民主党合作后,民团的代表选举 745 After the Lower House election the tsu te where Democratic party itself has cooperating to people group you have declared and Recognizing also people group the ru

                                                              • 官方的“建议”对其他用来表达他们支持分钟的无线系统,它就像夜间估计瓦特井 Official recognition gt nomination gt support Expression is used properly but well standard like w which is rubbed

                                                                • 宫古GJ!瓦里奇怪的是那个谁把自由民主党是这样的可能,不要从瓦特 Seeing and it is dense GJ Perhaps because the kind of eccentric who is inserted in such a person probably will not insert in our people w

                                                                  • 崛江贵远藤豌豆安居乐业10509宫邦彦邦彦山内山内58253的10562票差是什么值得在选举中投票
                                                                    Endo pea [ji] [yo] maggot 10,509 Yamanouchi [yamauchi] Takashi sentence [takahumi] 10,562 Election Seeing and it is dense Kunihiko [kunihiko] 582 Ozawa madness wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww

                                                                    • 当然是一个小502。孙照顾,我只是想去的每一个失败 502 This sure small Therefore harboring what which is made being defeated it makes one by one the air it is
                                                                      • 创建线程请求637◆◆◆当然★548◆◆◆ 637 Thread compilation request sure 548

                                                                    • 感觉到他们在国家政府过多在一般选储蓄和债务,而奇怪的是,前自由民主党(从媒体借来的。是不是对Con巨魔)在心上,慈济见限的小泽这主要 But the one which in the original our people is in the Democratic party wonder From before the general election it detects the debt of government that they are excess savings of the citizen borrowing of the mass communications It is not swindled in fanning As for the incenter when Ozawa is abandoned the main thing
                                                                      • 总督的建议,是有限的,在去年三,“云还表示,在大选之前,党的政策,”四大领袖。考虑禁令“的制度化和记 We to restrict the nomination of the governor to 3 periods last year gt Before the general election even in the party policy collection which is announced “the head 4 Examination” it has recorded concerning the institutionalization of prohibition

                                                                    • 我希望我只找到445不可能的,因为它赢得犯罪津市或韩国和货币兑换处或火焰或周围的人或 445 Human time it does and or every office burns and or Korea and the gold exchanges Winning with crime only the ru way it is not visible
                                                                      • 我希望我只找到445不可能的,因为它赢得犯罪津市或韩国和货币兑换处或火焰或周围的人或 445 Human time it does and or the office burns and or Korea and the gold exchanges Winning with crime only the ru way it is not visible

                                                                    • 或来自501丛谈腰袋瓦特 501 Story or w where the bundle comes out of the west porch
                                                                      • 577或足以后,填写一堆瓦特1 577 The bundle which it adds was not enough rear one w

                                                                    • 政府官员说,前招募西原彰(50),提出了对古支持“的知名度和计算省长有效的工作,让他同借口
                                                                      Hiroshi Nishihara of the original general affairs bureaucracy which supports (50) to increase degree of distinction, support > Making sit together with the governor with pretext works the self-interest of the effect

                                                                      • 是啊,井盟军对社会民主党,自由民主党候选人苏估计小泽君秋Wakannee,但往往小型战争。这一损失是一败涂地万维网瓦特华好,他们对一个好看的东西我喜欢白血细胞破坏癌细胞的 However the a well the wa can well the candidacy anti our people fair democracy corporation people allied forces whom Ozawa recommends swaying small The crushing defeat was www warosu W where that is good and sways Leucocyte like the cancer gun cell is defeated it rubbed
                                                                        • 是啊,井盟军对社会民主党,自由民主党候选人苏估计小泽君秋Wakannee,但往往小型战争。这一损失是一败涂地万维网瓦特华好,他们对一个好看的东西我喜欢白血细胞破坏癌细胞的 However the a well the wa can well the candidacy anti our people fair democracy corporation people allied forces whom Ozawa recommends swaying small The crushing defeat was www warosu W where that is good and sways Leucocyte like the cancer gun cell is defeated it rubbed

                                                                      • 有? Kke是不是我不支持民主党的规则是什么人选?老将谁是重罪严重违反党的“民主石川县章

                                                                        • 本月16日,州长室西原百分之他们忙碌的时间表“是输入的邀请,”让我们因为轿所有当选Nottara This month 16th cutting overcrowded schedule in governor s room Nishihara gt To invite when “it rides in the portable shrine you say that being elected because it rubbed

                                                                          • 桑原,但它是误导写将与民主党总部派出了,事实上,这不是
                                                                            As for Kuwahara when the Democratic party headquarters made support, there is the entry which has been made to mislead, but there is no such a fact

                                                                            • 比石川选举中,市长选举将是更好的投票轮岛同样困境
                                                                              Ishikawa gubernatorial election compared to, Similarly how Wajima mayor to elect of present poll becomes matter of concern

                                                                              • 比这次选举的结果,将是对骨折县章处罚欢呼什么党是谷
                                                                                This election result compared to, tearing party right, Tanimoto punishment of the prefectural ream which is supported becomes matter of concern

                                                                                • 民主党人,甚至是负数卡诺哈纳皇座,说不要紧?要任命,选举踢皇座负,它是通过 oza was defeated the Democratic party says there is a relationship unless with kana When election is left to oza it means to be defeated but as for that through

                                                                                  • 民主,远藤的运动,扩大了双方的结构梁海拔改革社会民主党抱怨市政荣耀...紫癜:/ / www.kahoku.co.jp /新闻/ 2010 / 03 / 20100313t31019的。htm精心的,他们正在进入这扎马
                                                                                    As for Endo who develops the election game which lists the organization of democracy and corporation people both parties appeal city governmental renovation… ttp: //www.kahoku.co.jp/news/2010/03/20100313t31019. htm The air it is agreeable, inserting, this [za] [ma

                                                                                    • 沿海渔业官员也相当的支持者,特别是因为前首相铃木善之的父亲
                                                                                      The fishing industry authorized personnel of the especially coast section well enough the supporter ever since Suzuki Yosiyuki former prime minister of the father It is

                                                                                      • 由于公明党的净土真宗石产地是很微弱,但脆弱,因为共产主义的社会民主党和保守的地方性质
                                                                                        Because it is the pure land Mamune's land handle, therefore as for Komeito very the weak and conservative land handle also the corporation people common property is weak

                                                                                        • 相原没有电流850小泽正明的支持者支持前市长系统水泽主席小泽一郎小泽正树新Motoiti他们没有预先在旧的城市合并的竞争,当地的书记小泽一市长市长竞选中,岩手县,枝下奥州一郎小泽一郎,前一个阶段的系统井竞争在合并前,未经原市小泽支持者的支持,而不是对政党
                                                                                          850 Iwate prefecture inner part state mayor election Ozawa Secretary General local end Dispute of old city before the combining Ozawa 昌 description Nothing new Former city chairman Ozawa Ichiro system Mayor Ozawa sponsor old Mizusawa supports Tadaaki Aibara Non reality 1 1 period old Esashi mayors Ozawa Ichiro system There is no Ozawa sponsor support With the dispute of old city before the combining, there is no political party confrontation

                                                                                          • 石川县知事选举于9月14日,我们的投票路线,谷本正宪先生现任独立(64),但肯定的是五选
                                                                                            Ishikawa nomarch selection was done on the 14th, poll, Masaaki incumbent Tanimoto of non post (64), made 5 selections secure

                                                                                            • 绍兴キ━(°∀°)津━(°∀°)津━(°∀°)津━(°∀°)津━!!知足10100山内Takahumi远藤10 400 kita ━ ゚ ∀ ゚ tsu ━ ゚ ∀ ゚ tsu ━ ゚ ∀ ゚ tsu ━ ゚ ∀ ゚ tsu ━ Endo ji yo maggot 10 100 Yamanouchi Takashi sentence 10 400
                                                                                              • 山内得主キ━━━━━━(°∀°)━━━━━━ 势均力敌!上总通知他们补充戈民主! 10509隆文远藤山内Takahumi安居乐业10562 Yamanouchi this definite kita ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ゚ ∀ ゚ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ Large cliffhanger Democracy chasing reach Endo ji yo maggot 10 509 Yamanouchi Takashi sentence takahumi 10 562

                                                                                            • 编号:O49h6LQW0 Warota穆写愚蠢的狗屎不理解
                                                                                              ID: O49h6LQW0 Either understanding do, the droppings [wa] [ro] it is foolishly is written

                                                                                              • 自民党县一章,但考虑派出自己的候选人,现任国会议员,选举赔率轴失败,他们被认为是低的,估计是因为上次选举中谷先生 Our people prefectural ream incumbent members of the Diet individual candidacy supporting was examined in the axis but As for victory calculation that it is low it judged with the House of Representatives selection crushing defeat recommended Tanimoto same as previous selection
                                                                                                • “上升”谷的支持是很长一段时间,“上升为民主”加入了石川县章,当然石川县章会投票给民主党谷 As for “rising” because with Tanimoto support “rising” flows together to democracy Ishikawa prefecture ream from former times naturally democracy Ishikawa prefecture ream Tanimoto support
                                                                                                • 不过,尚不清楚是否决定建议任何理由,反对由选举谷5现任总督支持的候选人 However vis a vis present Governor Tanimoto who is riding together candidacy with fifth selection Whether nomination is decided in some kind of reason it will not be distinct
                                                                                                • 外地征询其对自民党的候选人,但总理的同意振动Razu森,建议最终被谷 But also our people groped individual candidacy supporting but Prime Minister Morimoto the neck inclination vertically After all it became Tanimoto nomination
                                                                                                • 桑原,谁跑,由小泽击败,小泽Darabuchi派出了,因为可能有轴之间的冲突 Being seduced in Ozawa run that Kuwahara and the opposition axis which it probably will produce it supports Ozawa whom darabuchi

                                                                                              • 自由电视Mojan我所说的民主Tteta报纸自由民主党的建议,并指我说,我的意思正确偏见,但民间思四环素电视 However democracy the tsu te says heard with TV Our people it is partial facing to say or call democracy our people nomination properly As expected you thought that it is civil law TV

                                                                                                • 规避法律原有的510对古南特荒诞不符合当地的欢呼和州长的行动是什么该决议并未破坏许 510 To evasion of the law you cannot say but originally the behavior which is not permitted How the irrelevance which goes to the support of governor selection and the like of resolution sabotage tsu te district
                                                                                                  • 高古,已成为越来越有可能失去在未来选举中,我将更好地探索新的工作给您去过瓦特 Because the possibility of being defeated with the next governor selection became high The person who searches the re place of employment is good w

                                                                                                • 谁是谁是李Kesou小泽翻三番的分数,所以他们增加预算谷,然而,是不是只有民主反叛县章 Ozawa raising the defeat miss ke so with triple score with the person It tried probably to take over Tanimoto but the Democratic party prefectural ream structure just opposed to that the ro
                                                                                                  • 不同的颜色,但很复杂,而思什么什么是正确答案,如果谷的转向?我欣慰的是这是事实 However the varieties it was complicated if such inserting in Tanimoto it is possible to think as correct answer kana If this truth it could be relieved but it is

                                                                                                • 谷与自由民主党的支持,?桑原,前民主党议员不支持民主党
                                                                                                  As for democracy our people and together Tanimoto support? So as for the Kuwahara of former democracy Assemblyman only support of democracy

                                                                                                  • 谷思温达和胜特鲁不知候选人垂直,兵库,石川县,中西,民政事务官员前州长从京都害羞
                                                                                                    If candidacy of Ishikawa graduate it raises, you think that it can win, but it is, As for Tanimoto as for the Nakanishi of Hyogo and front governor Ministry of Home Affairs bureaucracy of the Kyoto graduate

                                                                                                    • 谷本正宪先生174(64)自由民主党,社会民主党支持民主推荐
                                                                                                      174 Masaaki Tanimoto (64) Our people, fairness, corporation people nomination Democracy support

                                                                                                      • 远藤满意10 100→10509 409山内Takahumi 10400→10562 162在过去的4票的百分之发生了什么? Endo ji yo maggot 10 100 gt 10 509 409 Yamanouchi Takashi sentence 10 400 gt 10 562 162 There was something in the last 4 ballot counting
                                                                                                        • 708远端。您引导,帮助提高我不知道你去过留给投票,不要拥挤 708 It is distant lastly It leaves the place vote may come off It is production in order to mound

                                                                                                      • 郗摩亲切采取惊人的胜利,民主党什么石川县章舒适的双位数字的最高点吗?西以下的首次迷走神经分支供您享受在未来民主 You could enjoy the riding tsu pu ri to the beautiful victory horse of the Democratic party Ishikawa prefecture ream probably will be In the future the way of straying of the Democratic party branch skill
                                                                                                        • 郗摩亲切采取惊人的胜利,民主党什么石川县章舒适的双位数字的最高点吗?西以下的首次迷走神经分支供您享受在未来民主 You could enjoy the riding tsu pu ri to the beautiful victory horse of the Democratic party Ishikawa prefecture ream probably will be In the future the way of straying of the Democratic party branch skill

                                                                                                      • 青森县议会:书面意见,建议的自由“一网打尽”民主党郡议会的只有两起案件星期一2 11月12日的例会,研究正交的安全机制古美浓国家地区直接听到了请愿书,反对民主党的统一声音总开支,并通过书面意见茹6结果 The Aomori prefecture national assembly Opinion book plan “complete victory” of our people To only democracy 2 case Prefectural national assembly February conventional meeting such as the 12th and opposing to the petition unification of the Democratic party the opinion book plan which requests the guarantee of the mechanism which hears the voice of the district directly in the country total 6 approved case
                                                                                                        • 草案的意见一致,以支持中小企业通过取消最后一天的前景 As for the opinion book plan which supports the small and medium sized business of all the meeting agreements it is the prospect that it is approved in last day

                                                                                                      • 马阿,其他候选人没有一个闪光灯,一时间,预算从第一次表决,以迟浩田谷不认为任何方式,但在宣布决定的时间是我 Well other candidacy did not do in a flash because and as for fault you did not feel in Tanimoto The tip of voting had decided at point in time of notification to whichever but
                                                                                                        • 从112产妇县桑原工作,是对启动整个计划将会被驱逐期间,支持领导开展了一项运动政变谷 112 In addition as for prefectural job group of Kuwahara s graduate parent midst of election game You could fall from power the executive committee of Tanimoto support in the coup it is

                                                                                                      • 鸠山内阁的支持率有百分之七十的责任制度村井自由的心情,尽管选举的胜利来自终点欢呼在大量的管理人员(640,000万vs18)在长期的胜利
                                                                                                        Staff class coming to support in large quantities with the Hatoyama Cabinet support ratio 70%, from after effect of the House of Representatives selection Overwhelming victory mood was relation Governor our people type incumbent Murai (wins overwhelmingly at 640,000 vs 180,000) extent

                                                                                                        • (22 00分瑞普匈奴Kaihyou选票计96 07%),民主制度通常豌豆远藤10 100)10 100山内山内,崛江贵(自民党系统)10400宫邦彦邦彦这是你的大选举足轻重500 22 o clock 00 minutes hmm Ballot counting ratio kaihiyouritsu 96 07 Endo pea ji yo maggot 10 100 Democracy system 10 100 Yamanouchi yamauchi Takashi sentence takahumi Our people system 10 400 Seeing and it is dense Kunihiko kunihiko 500 It is large cliffhanger
                                                                                                          • 久慈市长(22 00分率96 07百分之表决)的联络制度远藤10400山内Takahumi 10 100自由民主制度 Iwate prefecture Kuji mayor selection 22 o clock 00 minutes Ballot counting ratio 96 07 Endo ji yo maggot 10 100 Democracy system Yamanouchi Takashi sentence 10 400 Our people system
                                                                                                          • 山内山内,崛江贵远藤豌豆安居乐业10509股利10562宫邦彦邦彦小泽582 wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww疯狂 Endo pea ji yo maggot 10 509 Yamanouchi yamauchi Takashi sentence takahumi 10 562 Election Seeing and it is dense Kunihiko kunihiko 582 Ozawa madness wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
                                                                                                          • 山内铅小泽大绵wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww Yamanouchi lead read wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww Ozawa owata wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
                                                                                                          • 远藤满意10 100山内Takahumi 10 400 96 07% Endo ji yo maggot 10 100 Yamanouchi Takashi sentence 10 400 96 07
                                                                                                          • (22 00分率96 07百分之表决)联络远藤10 100山内Takahumi 10 400 22 00 Ballot counting ratio 96 07 Endo ji yo maggot 10 100 Yamanouchi Takashi sentence 10 400

                                                                                                        •  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄“ ┬┘ 南特谷。 蛤一次性投戈 ∧ ∧ (  ̄ ̄ ̄ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯” ┬ ┘ Tanimoto how Dump ∧ ∧ ∀ mi ⊃ No ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ 92 92 92
                                                                                                          • 民主党总部的352本书民主党的我想我应该做了不同的候选人的多选索诺谷。我打败我们瓦特 352 When the Democratic party headquarters multi selections of that Tanimoto s are useless because another candidacy was built don t you think probably will be The Democratic party book Your crushing defeat me w

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