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57.3% which work of the Cabinet support ratio 36.2% non- support 50.7% House of Councillors selection poll schedule democracy 33.1% our people 26.1% Hatoyama Cabinet it shakes and does not appraise…The Japanese television


  • 1994年6月27日,圣普的Hazime在松本市,长野县县,一个是造成当天,沙林毒气袭击,并试图动摇他们返回津市奥姆真理教沙林毒气袭击基督教真理,而是他们的责任和他们的狂热追随者的教主麻原彰晃马苏
    Sarin incident of Nagano prefecture Matsumoto city which occurred on 1994 June 27th is begun, when it tries looking back at [oumu] truth teaching sarin incident, It is made the flax field of the founder and crime of those mania trust believers

    • 1“(3)新公明党2 3%(4)党3 5%(5)社会民主党2 8%,氖─我 1 gt 3 Komeito 2 3 4 Japan Communist Party 3 5 5 Corporation people party 2 8 Don t you think w

      • 2001年富士百分之四十的支持率,但发明假太Warotawarota
        As for support ratio 40% of the Fuji Telecasting Co. 2001 [warotawarota] To a fabrication it fabricates too much

        • 282:名无冰面上财富生活@禁止:2010 / 03 / 13(星期六)12:58:32编号:gtEAT0VH0美国广播公司的丰田扑我的案件我开始出文彰鲁米是假新闻
          282 : Hikami name it is not @ live strict prohibition: 2010/03/13 (Saturday) 12: 58: 32 ID: gtEAT0VH0 Starting being able to designate the fact that ABC fabricates reports with case of the Toyota busing as light don't you think? the [ru

          • 325 > 県内 の 主要各党 が 前回選 と 同様 、 現職 に 相乗 りし 、 民主 、 自民 、 公明党 の> 県連 ・ 県本部 が 谷本氏 を 推薦 または 支持 し 、 社民党本部 が 推薦 した結局 、 相乗 りだもんなぁ...
            325 > The principal each party inside the prefecture similar to previous selection, to ride together to the incumbent, democracy, our people, Komeito > The prefectural connected prefectural headquarters nominated or supported Tanimoto, or, the corporation people party headquarters nominated After all, it is riding together it is,……

            • 356进入第二个任期现任选出的五名(64)是独立于当事国的建议爱诺里
              356 Being elected, the incumbent which rushes to 5th period (64) non post of each party meeting paste nomination

              • 3月14日石川县知事选举- -双赢的交流(和意味无)3月14日市长选举的轮岛,石川县- -子民系列胜利3月14日若宫,福冈市长选举- -一个独立的选举击败现任自民党提名03 / 14 和歌山県橋本市長選挙 - - 自民系勝利03 / 14 栃木県大田原市長選挙 - - 自民系 が 勝利03 / 14 岩手県奥州市長選挙 ← おざーさんの 超 お 膝元03 / 14 岩手県久慈市長選挙 - - 子民系列赛胜利
                03/14 Ishikawa nomarch election - - Riding together victory (there is no meaning) 03/14 Ishikawa prefecture Wajima mayor election - - Our people type victory 03/14 The Fukuoka prefecture shrine it is young mayor election - - It tears our people supporting and the non post incumbent is elected 03/14 Japanese ode Yamagata Hasimoto mayor election - - Our people type victory 03/14 Tochigi prefecture Otawara mayor election - - Our people system victory 03/14 Iwate prefecture inner part state mayor election <- [za] - your super paternal home 03/14 Iwate prefecture Kuji mayor election - - Our people type victory

                • 473往往是一个胜利,不仅其剩余的不信任政治在这Ja喜欢还是留在联合政府,但是,促使加拉蓬 473 The ro when it wins overwhelmingly has no other choice but to induce garapon with alliance is Only the political infidelity it remains this way
                  • 473往往是一个胜利,很可能they m联盟 473 The ro when it wins overwhelmingly has no other choice but to induce garapon with alliance is Only the political infidelity it remains this way

                • 522党所有的人内阁批准“,坚持Eeyan想想看,在民主和公正的手公章,连我坐在瓦特 522 Party of party of everyone Cabinet support ratio gt even fairness When the fair no za selfishly democracy the tsu which is solved you take unintentionally it can obtain and is w
                  • 对内阁的支持率跌到的刹车四环素最近分层球员摩擦民主或不为36 2%? Snuzzles in democracy the party of the stratification which in Cabinet support ratio in slump the brake Applying without being 36 2

                • 640之间的低支持率的差异伐丽流的真正原因是不愿意欺骗人,但真是太奇妙了,我认为这个水平是人类的天性?毕竟,钱是由人类造成严重的指控?不可能的,如刚度文现金财务管理注意的信心,如果怀疑的诚信和正直的政治家应牛 640 Actually but this level it just has maintained wonderful Difference of ahou where there is disliked human As for cause of support ratio decrease with the humanity Also money doubt after all is something due to the humanity If the noble politician who designates the clean sober as effect financial management of self confidence Attention is paid and money doubt and the like it cannot happen
                  • 他们没有在最后每个人都有一席之地有理由相信,他们说,有关指控是在首相的财务影响进行情报 The effect which is not known that and concerning the money doubt of the prime minister Excuse after all place no one is believed

                • 673“不,我Ochokutsu,因为我只来了人们的反应时,他们说Netouyo 673 gt Well the netouyo tsu te speaking be sure to becoming direction because the person who reacts is it falls and is just the yo ku tsu te ru
                  • 661不,我Ochokutsu,因为我只来了人们的反应时,他们说Netouyo 661 Well when the netouyo tsu te you say be sure to becoming direction because the person who reacts is it falls and is just the yo ku tsu te ru

                • 715→辞职辞职党魁小泽一郎一郎小泽秘书的E→煤矿大选胜利会来的参院选举胜利,这种情况?瓦特达罗某事之前,你呢?我越来越来随地方选举的结果,更民主,我Damedame瓦特 715 Ozawa party chief resignation gt the House of Representatives selection large victory Ozawa Secretary General resignation gt House of Councillors selection large victory Either such a scenario is not visible or … w Your extent the ro which is the thing The result of local election entering steadily however the ru Already democracy useless useless w
                  • 狭义的,因为我喜欢的东西是什么他们说,从苏四环素管教了747好看胜将作为选举的结果,这样下去,或者不会是自食其果 NULL

                • 812865名称:财富周年名无@ 10 []时间:2010 / 03 / 14(星期日)22:56:03编号:请勿打扰/ UiQ80前原市长选举合并,岩手县奥州市地方书记小泽850相原正明没有电流小泽支持者支持前市长系统水泽主席小泽一郎小泽正树新Motoiti江差没有竞争,他们的一位前市长,城市的旧井合并前没有小泽小泽一郎在系统的帮助下,从支持者,政治对抗竞争不
                  812 865 Name: Name it is not @ tenth anniversary [] Contribution day: 2010/03/14 (day) 22: 56: 03 ID: DnD/UiQ80 850 Iwate prefecture inner part state mayor election Ozawa Secretary General local end Dispute of old city before the combining Ozawa 昌 description Nothing new Former city chairman Ozawa Ichiro system Mayor Ozawa sponsor old Mizusawa supports Tadaaki Aibara Non reality 1 1 period old Esashi mayors Ozawa Ichiro system There is no Ozawa sponsor support With the dispute of old city before the combining, there is no political party confrontation

                  • 957叔叔,叔叔! “排减据煤中的是什么只有我和参议院选举”。众议院选举中,“煤”有太多有效的,今后我将让我们收回所有地狱?在参院选举上,在东北Otchan一选民“(在这次选举中),您将进入对煤据维塔一个新的乡村俱乐部和自由民主党的煤民主改革 957 Old boy and old boy “It places moxa” tsu te makes just Upper House election When “moxa” is effective too much with the House of Representatives selection it means that recovery is not attached it is the ze which is At the time of previous House of Councillors selection one of old boys of voter of northeast “ As for the latest House of Councillors selection with the intention of placing moxa in the Liberal Democratic Party in democracy you inserted in reformation club or national new with moxa
                    • 467我或者我应该投票支持新乡村俱乐部在煤的民主改革 467 If in democracy reformation club you should have voted to national new with moxa

                  • NULL 92 92 No No REPT Person REPT mi n su Life DREPT 丶 REPT netouyotsunetouyotsunetouyotsunetouyotsu 彡 No No 彡 lt netouyotsunetouyotsunetouyotsunetouyotsu 彡 彡 彡 彡 彡 mimimimimimimi 92 The minsu way the tooth as for the idiot who faces jiminga ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ REPT ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ REPT 92 ro ≧ � ≦ ≧ � ≦ ro ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ No REPT 92 REPT REPT REPT ⌒ No REPT REPT
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                    • · 。ü ü ■□(:邻 :荤 ) :::Ø ü ü 。 〜 ヽヽ:::: ü ü⌒ ::: 卢武铉 丶 :: U □ U o c 92 o 92 U U REPT REPT U U ⌒ No 92 丶 92 92 92

                  • NULL 92 ¯ Three Three REPT 92 ≡ aiya ≡ REPT To nita ゙ ∧ ∧ nita ゙ REPT REPT REPT REPT ∧ ∧ Support 92 ∧ ∧ No 92 REPT REPT No 丿 No ∀ ha ∀ REPT ¯ no No human j
                    • ⌒ Pakatsu  ̄ ヽ、、 3 NULL
                    • 的I ⌒⌒ヽ)⌒洛伊我,(·) ヽ, ⌒⌒ )是可解释Shimashi é〜我 i ⌒ ⌒ REPT lj ⌒ i i No human j
                    • 的I ⌒⌒ヽ)!鞭 ⌒) ゝ i ⌒ ⌒ REPT ゙ ⌒ REPT i у i human 92 ku HKRPT
                    • 的I ⌒⌒ヽ)!鞭(·) ヽ, ⌒⌒ )是务实的马氏三重é〜我 i ⌒ ⌒ REPT ゙ i human 92 ⌒ l ⌒ 92 Person 92 No ⌒ REPT Γ ⌒ REPT ⌒ ⌒ 92 The ge it is to tell the truth to be visible the better e it is

                  • NULL As for the core layer which supports minsu intentionally bakasayo being the nodule old boy is the ↓ clear Laughing “ It hit the mass communications too much Aso can be popular it was popular ” The party chief who likes the teenage portable user as for 1 rank Taro Aso September 1st of 09 Woman junior high and high school students “ New administration it does not support ” 6 tenths or more … “ Therefore the rash manifest of the vote gathering either half does not actualize ” September 22nd of 09 The Hatoyama Cabinet there is a variety support ratio slump … As for 10 20 generations as for 30 and 30 40 generations above 40 and 50 generations 50 stand lt December 17th of 09 University student of entire country Hatoyama Cabinet support ratio 21 … Everyday the newspaper January 29th of 10 As for Ozawa dislike being strongest the child hand 30 generation women of benefit Explanatory insufficient 97 Secretary General resignation 74 Assemblyman resignation majority exceeding February 8th of 10
                    • NULL As for the core layer which supports minsu intentionally bakasayo being the nodule old boy is the ↓ clear Laughing “ It hit the mass communications too much Aso can be popular it was popular ” The party chief who likes the teenage portable user as for 1 rank Taro Aso September 1st of 09 Woman junior high and high school students “ New administration it does not support ” 6 tenths or more … “ Therefore the rash manifest of the vote gathering either half does not actualize ” September 22nd of 09 The Hatoyama Cabinet there is a variety support ratio slump … As for 10 20 generations as for 30 and 30 40 generations above 40 and 50 generations 50 stand lt December 17th of 09 University student of entire country Hatoyama Cabinet support ratio 21 … Everyday the newspaper January 29th of 10 As for Ozawa dislike being strongest the child hand 30 generation women of benefit Explanatory insufficient 97 Secretary General resignation 74 Assemblyman resignation majority exceeding February 8th of 10

                  • NULL netouyokarutonitonetouyokarutonitonetouyokarutonitonetouyokarutonitonetouyokarutonitonetouyokarutonitonetouyokarutonitonetouyokarutonitonetouyokarutonitonetouyokarutonitonetouyokarutonitonetouyokarutonitonetouyokarutonitonetouyokarutonitonetouyokarutonitonetouyokarutonitonetouyokarutonitonetouyokarutonitonetouyokarutonitonetouyokarutonitonetouyokarutonitonetouyokarutonitonetouyokarutonitonetouyokarutonitonetouyokarutonitonetouyokarutonitonetouyokarutonitonetouyokarutonitonetouyokarutonitonetouyokarutonitonetouyokarutonitonetouyokarutonitonetouyokarutonitonetouyokarutonitonetouyokarutonitonetouyokarutonitonetouyokarutonitonetouyokarutonitonetouyokarutonitonetouyokarutonitonetouyokarutonitonetouyokarutonitonetouyokarutonitonetouyokarutonitonetouyokarutonitonetouyokarutonitonetouyokarutonitonetouyokarutonitonetouyokarutonitonetouyokarutonitonetouyokarutonitonetouyokarutonitonetouyokarutonitonetouyokarutonitonetouyokarutonitonetouyokarutonitonetouyokarutonitonetouyokarutonitonetouyokarutonitonetouyokarutonito
                    • 107不是Netouyo我不在乎结构趋于,将自己变成了殴打日本 107 That netouyo how how it probably will become it does not care but Japan itself raggedly It keeps becoming probably will be
                    • 331在Netouyo的会得到除了嘲笑沾沾自喜 331 So in addition netouyo it enters into rapture with as foolish probably will be
                    • 619“是否真的是谎言Netouyo,大葛,我几乎可以说,他们染色鹰 619 gt netouyo tsu te true lie exaggerated and others me speaking dirtily it is feeling
                    • 厨师如雨后春笋地北爆炸Netouyo瓦特Netouyo辛苦,你不唤Netouyo什么,我会从袋Ketsubanto W where the netouyo calls 厨 grows Being desperate unless netouyo and the netouyo tsu te you scream ketsubanto it is done from upper length

                  • Shikashite,金融资源Baramaki支付我们的孩子是免费的,高中,在那里
                    Only doing, as for the revenue source of the rose maquis such as child treatment and high school gratuitous conversion, somewhere

                    • [政治],“日本媒体和政治操纵的”北朝鲜,民主的政治鸠山由纪夫对朝总联。工艺指令还确认了民主党...★2接触
                      “In the Japanese mass communications and political world construction” North Korea, in the Korean entire ream Hatoyama Democratic party government. You verify also the contact with construction order… Democratic party Assemblyman * 2

                      • “姓”是一个姓是家长和孩子不可避免地“两个名称亲子”不同使孩子不会让坏智力量表
                        “Surname classified by married couple” inevitable Surname differs between the parents and children, “surname classified by parent and child” is brought, as for the adverse effect which the children receive measuring You cannot know

                        • “松本沙林毒气事件”:一个主观的症状中毒了大量前从犯罪的开始时间! [亘麻原彰晃的律师。修先生]→从工作
                          “Matsumoto sarin incident”: Directly from crime start time from before The symptoms of poisoning consciousness person was large number! [Flax field public defender crossing over. 脩 From literary work] ->

                          • ↓ │  ̄  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄─(°∀°)“分裂解体〜〜! │ ∩∧∧∩  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ∩∧∧ (°∀°)“师师师师师师!师〜〜〜〜〜! “(°∀°) ” “ ” ̄ ↓ 92 │ ¯ 92 ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ─ ゚ ∀ ゚ lt The bu it is the re the bu it is the re 92 92 │ 92 ∩ ∧ ∧ ∩ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ 92 ∩ ∧ ∧ 92 ゚ ∀ ゚ lt Separation separation separation separation separation separation Separation gt ゚ ∀ ゚ 92 lt 92 ” 92 ” ¯
                            • ¸ 。蒲  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ 父 普 ½ ¸ ½ │ 。 的支持率还 。蒲 半焊矫。 │ ½ 津 甚至随着瓦特 ¸。 │ ½ 津 ½ 津 。父 普 、、 Éヽ:Vヽ¸ ¸。 。½ ¸ ½ │ ,,Ð  ̄ ⌒ ヽ。 ku ku pu ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ 92 ku ku pu su ku su │ In addition support ratio pu su ku su │ su tsu Even depreciation w ku │ su tsu 92 su tsu ku ku pu No REPT REPT ku V ku su ku su │ mi ¯ REPT No REPT ku su su No and REPT su tsu mi r su No ⌒ REPT 0 Γ ⌒ 92
                            • ↓ │  ̄  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄─(°∀°)“分裂解体〜〜! │ ∩∧∧  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ∩∧∧ (°∀°),“分化分裂分裂分裂分裂分裂!师〜〜〜〜〜! “(°∀°) ” “ ” ̄ ↓ 92 │ ¯ 92 ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ─ ゚ ∀ ゚ lt The bu it is the re the bu it is the re 92 92 │ 92 ∩ ∧ ∧ ∩ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ 92 ∩ ∧ ∧ 92 ゚ ∀ ゚ lt Separation separation separation separation separation separation Separation gt ゚ ∀ ゚ 92 lt 92 ” 92 ” ¯
                            • │  ̄  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄─(°∀°)“分手〜! │ ∩∧∧∩  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ∩∧∧∩ (°∀°) “分裂分裂分裂分裂分裂!师〜〜〜〜〜〜! “(°∀°) ” “ ” ̄ 92 │ ¯ 92 ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ─ ゚ ∀ ゚ lt The bu it is the re 92 92 │ 92 ∩ ∧ ∧ ∩ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ 92 ∩ ∧ ∧ ∩ 92 ゚ ∀ ゚ lt Separation separation separation separation separation Separation gt ゚ ∀ ゚ 92 lt 92 ” 92 ” ¯
                            • 。── ── ── ── 升ヽ( 升━━(吨)━━━━┥ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ l REPT 92 l ━ ━ t ━ ━ ━ ━ ┥
                            • 我我住牡蛎 92 92 92 gaki bear

                          • ↓↓↓『你』照顾3月20日是大网站收集的一天! [5000]次会议锦标赛@↓↓↓◎◎◎家庭关系,保护日本国民对民主党政府◎◎◎她的人选择婚前姓名的夫妇,我们可以姓“姓“我们的目标是向国会提交一项法案,修改民事法律制度的高度,我写
                            The ↓ ↓ ↓ 'as for you who become aware' on March 20th big sight gathering! <5000 human meeting @ Japanese meetings> ↓ ↓ ↓ * * * The national conference which opposes to the surname classified by married couple and protects the bond of the family * * * As for the Democratic party administration, “the surname system of the classified by selective married couple which” the married couple can also use separate surname You have aimed toward the National Diet submitting of the civil law amendment plan which it includes

                            • ◆◆◆◆小泽一郎是民主党拉什 此人的身份代表国家,“执政党的秘书长”,“在人们‥秩序”为人民,但在哪里? 大阪 民主党的身份承诺,迎接新年晚会的权利,民主党民团在朝鲜居民难以置信的讲话表决联盟吉生科众议院区1敦熊田,“感谢Minasama可能取胜”是,,, The Democratic party it seems This person represents the country “the Secretary General of the administration ruling party” “ It is for the citizen of somewhere for the citizen” The greeting of Democratic party Assemblyman where at the Korean people group Ikuno branch is not believed You greet in the New Year party of people group and Kumata member of the house of representatives the Osaka 1 Ku which promises denizenship you do thickly “It could be elected with favor of everyone ”…

                              • 。 沙林注射。四环素他的车家伙,我ripped第一骨折伞袋的地铁沙林毒气的原因 1994年6月27日在松本沙林市,长野县是在高温造成爆炸和毒气成分天县的攻击沙林注射。二手车喷洒到大气中有毒气体,造成7名 Sarin geyser The party who made the car in the subway why tearing the sarin sack ahead the umbrella The sarin geyser which in the sarin incident of Nagano prefecture Matsumoto city which occurred on 1994 June 27th heats the binary gas component and ventilates The car is used Binary gas spraying is done in the atmosphere 7 people died
                                • 正是这种沙林注射。 Kukara附近法官官邸车,证明了核查注入于大型风机沙林毒气,沙林毒气的核查注射。这辆车,空中各种注射,以维持毒气成分的浓度。可以猜测,或没有能力 As for this sarin geyser To be verification of the testimony which we assume that the car from the judge official residence vicinity injected the sarin with the large sized blower with verification Sarin geyser Maintaining the binary gas component density from the car the wide ranging geyser in the atmosphere Whether ability possibility no it can presume

                              • あなたは 、 この 選挙 で 、民主党 が 議席 を 伸 ばして 、 参議院 で 過半数 の 議席 を 確保 することで 、 社民党 や 国民新党 と連立 しなくても 内閣 を 運営 できる 状況 が 生 まれることを 期待 し什么玛,或不期望? (一)预计35 5%(2)不要指望55 8%(3)不知道,不回答8 7%∈ 问6 ,如果您投票选举立法草案众议院现在或比例代表制投票支持哪一方? (1)民主党33 1%(2)自由民主党26 1%(3)新公明党2 3%(4)党3 5%(5)社会民主党2 8%,(6)国民新党 As for you with this election The Democratic party extending parliamentary seat by the fact that parliamentary seat of majority is guaranteed with House of Councillors the corporation people party and the national new party It does not coalesce and it expects that the circumstance where also the te can manage the Cabinet is born or doesn t expect 1 You expect 35 5 2 You do not expect 55 8 3 It is not understood you do not answer 8 7 Question 6 Do you when we assume that now you vote with Upper House election in proportion representation vote to some political party 1 The Democratic party 33 1 2 The Liberal Democratic Party 26 1 3 Komeito 2 3 4 Japan Communist Party 3 5 5 Corporation people party 2 8 6 National new party 0 5 7 Party of everyone 5 8 8 Reformation club 0 0 9 New party Japan 0 0 10 In addition 0 0 11 You do not vote 5 8 12 It is not understood you do not answer 20 2 Question 7 The Hatoyama Cabinet starting it is half year at March 16th

                                • ・ 朝鮮学校無償化見直 し・ 外国人参政権法案提出延期・ 子 ども 手当 ても 翌年度 から 外国人 への 支給基準見直 しいずれもまっとうな 判断 であり 鳩山 はなかなかいい 線行 ってる
                                  Korean school gratuitous conversion second look Foreign carrot administration bill submitting and postponement Child treatment from next year provision standard second look to foreigner The [ma] [tsu] you question which to be judgment, as for Hatoyama the very good line going, the [ru

                                  • 东京地方检察厅,邮政,宽保住宿的严重罪行的非法销售。对指控没有逮捕或起诉企图石川先生的调查是不是失控的检察官谁是非法逮捕头检察官三井大阪秘密资金的问题是恐惧(2002年)小泉派,追求持有不到起诉说
                                    Tokyo area inspection special 捜 section, inn illegitimate sale of the postal services can [po] which has serious crime characteristic. Either investigation of attempted incident doubt does not do, As for Ishikawa arrest without being reckless driving of investigation? As for investigation pursuit of bribe problem is feared, the Osaka area inspection department manager Mitsui malicious arrest (2002) Koizumi one group, limpness of investigation you grasp now

                                    • 为什么新公明党在选举灭绝创价学会的?这是因为每年有一项法案,授予日本投票权
                                      Why Soka academic society Komeito exterminating at small constituency? Because that every year had produced the resident denizenship grant bill

                                      • 主要政党一样,在县去年大选,现任分享,民主自由,支持或由新公明党,日本的谷总部由社会民主党总部的建议,县章建议
                                        The principal each party inside the prefecture similar to previous selection, rides together to the incumbent, Democracy, our people, the prefectural connected prefectural headquarters of Komeito nominate or support Tanimoto, or, The corporation people party headquarters nominated

                                        • 主页境内或境外消灭八六一瓦特南特骗子,他们抓住了,我立即选举
                                          861 Whether total destruction other than paternal home w It forced to election and as for how large lie was discovered directly

                                          • 什么是从什么Netouyo嗯,傻瓜,我只是希望谴责日本和乐和蒙昧主义的政治故事
                                            Well from the story [tsu] [te] of [netouyo] [tsu] [te] politics, Denouncing the foolish people, the foolish people and the Japanese, just we would like to enter in rapture it is what, don't you think?

                                            • 什么炊多行和硬而不作出的传入或自由民主党板,我收到了与自民党的区别我正常凝结 Unless our people it becomes the saucer going the multi person leprosy making do our people shortening difference normally the ru
                                              • 不信任,自由民主党并非被迫对自民党赞成票,并 Is not the case that it trusts the Liberal Democratic Party but in order to make the Democratic party oppose you vote to our people you do not obtain
                                              • 什么炊多行和硬而不作出的传入或自由民主党板,我收到了与自民党的区别我正常凝结 Unless our people it becomes the saucer going the multi person leprosy making do our people shortening difference normally the ru
                                              • 哎呀呀啊呀呀呀呀呀呀你呀啊右端的自由民主党Watta人wwwwwwwwww Our people it ended The za well well well well well well well well well well well well wwwwwwwwww
                                              • 尝试步骤后,自由反对力量只有一个机会成为民主党党 When the lower field it tries to be able to point to our people the democracy which accidentally is the opposition party 1st party just became the ruling party

                                            • 他们呼吁和分歧,受访者还收到了踢优于其他数字往往要小心,因为有些茹谷低 Different from the telephone because the method which receives investigation in reply becomes prudent There is a tendency where the number appears lower than other companies

                                              • 代理商致力于媒体,是不是在部队奇怪的声音,他们的组合批准君秋
                                                The mass communications private operative is and, fairness that being, support ratio lifting compulsorily, the [ro] which is that condition

                                                • 但文论据伤害案和2000年企图谋杀和纵火罪被监禁成为她丈夫的情妇亲密率领演讲,监狱被逮捕
                                                  But because attempted murder and arson and confinement incident to the husband of the lover where in 2000 the seminar with opportunity had become intimate are caused, It was arrested and served time

                                                  • 你是否支持政策,或不支持? (1)支持39 0%(2)不支持40 9%(3)不知道,不回答20 0%的E 问13美国与日本和韩国 在紧急情况时使用的自由基地核武器持包括池宫李明说,现在,我曾答应你和关闭 Don t you support this policy or support 1 It supports 39 0 2 It does not support 40 9 3 It is not understood you do not answer 20 0 Question 13 With Japan and America nuclear weapon bringing and base free use etc at time of the Korean Peninsula emergency It became clear to have promised secretly
                                                    • “ 问题13日本和美国之间 ,以及免费的基础应急时使用,包括朝鲜核郗眯芽持”明表示,现在,我已承诺关闭或 gt Question 13 With Japan and America nuclear weapon bringing and base free use etc at time of the Korean Peninsula emergency gt It became clear to have promised secretly

                                                  • 你有多少国家瓶Shobon Shiyouga闪烁,◎欢迎负荷,但没有明显的,如果Hottoke永久居民投票,日本确有闪烁可爱的偶像 You will do how much shiyobon but as for the country is to fall into ruin Although it did not place in very the manifest permanent residence foreign carrot administration relieved the ke Japan collapses securely
                                                    • 你有多少国家Shobon Shiyouga闪烁瓶,如果外国人投票Hottoke,日本当然闪烁可爱的偶像 You will do how much shiyobon but as for the country is to fall into ruin Although it did not place in very the manifest permanent residence foreign carrot administration relieved the ke Japan collapses securely

                                                  • 其他的,并认为,这是我们工会的年龄晚,以至于权力不应依赖持什么思 Already you feel that union has become old fashioned as and had power so you cannot think
                                                    • 对。你一票呢?以及有关,我感到有点不舒服 Group Being a vote Strange feeling is felt somewhat with in regard to the notion that where you say

                                                  • 华伦天奴教育的若干规定在今天的其他四环素,福冈市聪奥州市在岩手县,福冈县,福冈县知事选举中,石川聪轮岛,石川县,石川县轮岛,石川县市长竞选市长选举桥本龙太郎市,和歌山县,津市市长选举嵌入式一応富来选线大田大田,枥木市长竞选市长选举宫若市若宫,福冈市市长竞选市长选举奥州久地久慈市,岩手县
                                                    Teaching with other [sure], the present election which receives, the 貼 [tsu] it solves once Japanese ode Yamagata Hasimoto city Hasimoto mayor election Ishikawa prefecture Wajima city Wajima mayor election Ishikawa prefecture Ishikawa prefecture Ishikawa nomarch election Fukuoka prefecture Fukuchi Cho Fukuchi town mayor election Iwate prefecture Inner part state city Inner part state mayor election Iwate prefecture Kuji city Kuji mayor election Fukuoka prefecture The shrine it is young city The shrine it is young mayor election Tochigi prefecture Otawara city Otawara mayor election

                                                    • 发生了什么事在两天内?鸠山 政府的支持率上升30%→43%Netouyo脱粪和愤死wwwwwwwwwww There was something Hatoyama Cabinet support ratio 30 gt 43 and zooming netouyo deviation from droppings 憤 death wwwwwwwwwww
                                                      • 519“Netouyo脱粪,愤死wwwwwwwwwww 发生了什么事,两天?鸠山 政府的支持率上升30%→43%和“ ↓”编号:u75who2 0? 519 gt netouyo deviation from droppings 憤 death wwwwwwwwwww There was something Hatoyama Cabinet support ratio 30 gt 43 and zooming gt ↓ gt ID u75who2 0
                                                      • 编号:xPSq9fxq0津市碰撞Maretara写什么,我不投锚定我,“不感兴趣”我听到万维网 ID xPSq9fxq0 Until the anchor striking in we although the less it has done when it is thrust “there is no interest” even www

                                                    • 各缔约方,但是,因为它是“不民主党取得了外交自民党外交重商重商如:”显然,这只是 In the point which the political party with is said simply “ It is heavy the Liberal Democratic Party which can do trade diplomacy It is heavy the Democratic party which cannot do trade diplomacy ” It was just this clear
                                                      • 扭转了执政党和反对党的自民党在参院两年,我是在自民党的负责人和政府Zutsu After our people the ruling and opposition parties being reversed with House of Councillors 2 years our people are zutsu and administration have taken charge are
                                                      • 现在哎呀,10%的自民党的30%,没有太多的支持率,我没有赢得自民党参院选举 te umbrella a Unless political party support ratio with the democracy 10 becomes about our people 30 House of Councillors selection it cannot win our people

                                                    • 哦好,重复夏天在宪法中我希望他们击败刚特鲁没有民主自治镇的主要内容,连续负垃圾我只要求戒指地方选举从母亲作为奖金支援小组离奇,扮充分参院选举舞弊丑闻它,痛苦的感觉是在看我还没有wristed So well with House of Councillors selection of the summer it probably is the Democratic party large crushing defeat There is no element which it can win In the power of money constitution doing from the scandal rapid fire in addition support parent it came with the group being lazy which is doubtful it rubbed Just this doing to be defeated the continual rag with local selection it is pitiful for the eye not to awaken yet

                                                      • 哦,和339政府批准,统一的支持率民协会,在阳光下电讯在党的拥有或低于它想上出了名的结果,苏左除了在早上攻击倾向万维网紧张,我只是蛆 339 So so It has gone down administration support ratio and standardized association minsu support ratio from also the day tele last time Also the te or other companies going down in the ru Just the famous grub being caught by the fact that the result of the left approaching is put out even from terrorist morning ru www
                                                        • 麻生太郎的支持率百分之九在崩溃的日本没关系,但我没有办法竹下登内阁瓦特百分之四至创纪录的低w Therefore Japan it did not collapse it is even with the support ratio 9 of Aso era all right w By the way the 4 of the Takeshita Cabinet successive lowest w

                                                      • 国际货币基金组织研究也成为可能,这样一个组织,组织自身的“预防性检查职能,”持志,以及充足的营运资金为基础,没有不同的情况对规划Mareta助学贷款

                                                        • 在殴打自民党领导层并不意味着我不是蜡和传入底板民主党的支持率不反对另一方Akadanaaomaera Zannendanaomaera武维塔没有身体万维网 The vu a is you That support ratio to the Democratic party probably will go down Unless there is that saucer there is no meaning it is The executive committee as for the ragged Liberal Democratic Party the body of the party which already it can fight is not formed Don t you think the za it is it is shelf you www

                                                          • 外国人投票,伪人权方面的法律,为外国居民,姓,卖国法案解散国家的法律,其他日本国籍法是政府,离开他们差,最终,他将被迫提前投票通过茂木箭头您关心的事情和公众舆论中心论仍然不被认为是在政府的漠视民意相似率害羞的事情,该行预测的古左年底左翼政府没有谬误,什么是对民意之间的差异小泽适当的时候向中国表示敬意和人民在做什么奇怪Waranai中共党和政府,人民自己
                                                            Foreign carrot administration, false protection of fundamental human rights method and foreign inhabitant fundamental law, surname classified by married couple, nationality method deterioration The treason bill which dismantles other Japan probably will be is forced is voted rapidly Finally national public opinion and the like there are no times when it is concerned in their left flank administrations If even now self-conceit, of 或 [ru] thing is thought with administration of public opinion disregard, the future is estimate possible As for left flank administration there is no error, it becomes the public opinion to which by mistake it opposes to be, Method and what of the Chinese Communist Party administration it does not change Splendidly when Ozawa morning Mitsugi doing to China, it named by himself field operations captain of the People's Liberation Army It is not mere diplomatic rhetoric, only is expression of Ozawa's true character

                                                            • 如果民主自由取得压倒性胜利的353个席位,当有人像他希望到约106从预期的各方合作,我不走了上院的功能将大约10个或更多?我估计,如果事情是不合理的分工 353 If our people win overwhelmingly in like democracy of that time parliamentary seat rises to about 106 Simply because you cannot anticipate the political party which cooperates to take House of Councillors function Furthermore about 10 necessity When separation something it does it is the unreasonable number …

                                                              • 如果行的所有各方在选举之前一边倒的青年自由众议院,但它是自由民主党制备大家愚蠢可以在第三Wakara表决的民主选择这个时候是否真的形成一个新的政党或我们,现在太愚蠢 To droop to our people and the young man going to the party of everyone before the Lower House election and the re the third choices developing although the party of everyone took the vote of democracy Whether or not as for aho of our people being this time seriousness it is the new party it forms from the wa when already the too fool to be
                                                                • 桝添 さんが 新党作 ったら 自民党 の 長 い 歴史 もあっさり 終 わりそうだよなぁそういう 意味 では 歴史 に 名 を 残 すな 、 桝添 さんコメンテーター として テレビ に 出 てた 時代 が 懐 かしいわ w When measure attachment makes the new party it may end also the history where the Liberal Democratic Party is long simply is In such sense name is left to history measure attachment Have appeared as a commentator age bosom to force to the television wa w

                                                              • 威胁,力量在其反对小泽的选举技术本土ripped获胜是什么重要Baramaki
                                                                Intimidation, it is rose maquis anything and the power which opposes to the technique even with paternal home of Ozawa election winning is meaning

                                                                • 市长是小泽一郎,高丸对小泽批评说,在自民党系统民主的胜利是必然的基础
                                                                  With the mayor selection which is Ichiro's Ozawa ground, The Liberal Democratic Party affiliation victory as for the criticism by the fact that it does for Ozawa inside the Democratic party increasing It is inevitable

                                                                  • 应该是这样的 我要广兼行政Kenzi鸠山由纪夫,跆拳道 噢,民主党人 Such an expectation it was not Hiro and law history It is Hatoyama administration useless you are disgusted the ya well the Democratic party
                                                                    • 应该是这样的 我们不能Shiyouzi鸠山由政府东跆拳道 噢,民主党人 Such an expectation it was not east illumination two It is Hatoyama administration useless you are disgusted the ya well the Democratic party
                                                                    • 应该是这样的 我们不能高村薰鸠山由纪夫管理,跆拳道 噢,民主党人 Such an expectation it was not Kaoru Takamura It is Hatoyama administration useless you are disgusted the ya well the Democratic party
                                                                    • 应该是这样的 我们不能鸠山管理三宅久之,跆拳道 噢,民主党人 Such an expectation it was not Hisashi Miyake 之 It is Hatoyama administration useless you are disgusted the ya well the Democratic party
                                                                    • 应该是这样的 我们不能鸠山肯野口管理,跆拳道 噢,民主党人 Such an expectation it was not the Noguchi Ken It is Hatoyama administration useless you are disgusted the ya well the Democratic party
                                                                    • 应该是这样的 我应该明彦鸠山由纪夫行政村,跆拳道 噢,民主党人 Such an expectation it was not Akihiko Nakamura It is Hatoyama administration useless you are disgusted the ya well the Democratic party
                                                                    • 应该是这样的 我应该鸠山哲行政吉田,跆拳道 噢,民主党人 Such an expectation it was not Tetsu Yoshida It is Hatoyama administration useless you are disgusted the ya well the Democratic party

                                                                  • 我们固定w 3月14日石川县知事选举- -双赢的交流(和意味无)3月14日市长选举的轮岛,石川县- -子民系列胜利3月14日若宫,福冈市长选举- -骨折的自由提名现任民选独立日(麻生太郎自民党派系,但真正)3月14日市长选举太郎,和歌山县- -子民系列胜利3月14日市长选举大田,枥木县- -子民系列胜利3月14日在岩手县奥州市市长选举←垫的超ー您家的领土(原来他们之间的比赛民主党)3月14日市长选举久慈- -子民系列赛胜利
                                                                    Correction edition w which comes 3/14 Ishikawa nomarch election - - Riding together victory (there is no meaning) 03/14 Ishikawa prefecture Wajima mayor election - - Our people type victory 03/14 The Fukuoka prefecture shrine it is young mayor election - - Our people supporting is torn, but the non post incumbent election (for Aso group the substantial our people) 03/14 Japanese ode Yamagata Hasimoto mayor election - - Our people type victory 03/14 Tochigi prefecture Otawara mayor election - - Our people system victory 03/14 Iwate prefecture inner part state mayor election <- The [za] - your super paternal home (originally fight of democracy) 03/14 Iwate prefecture Kuji mayor election - - Our people type victory

                                                                    • 我们恨850,因为不受欢迎的谷垣祯一和麻愚人节的其他党的相同的模式,但我同意恶作剧和毛或附加在选举玛代伤害和麻烦民主党人,现在是自由党在包括本人作出贡献的下降支持博闻 850 The same pattern as foolish Taro When also Tanigaki now dislikes and therefore with the person unpopularity for the other party substitutes it is troubled When with election measure attachment it substitutes in the Democratic party it is dangerous but it is now it has contributed to the support ratio decrease of our people largely with secession implication
                                                                      • 我们恨850,因为不受欢迎的谷垣祯一和麻愚人节的其他党的相同的模式,但我同意恶作剧和毛或贴在选举前麻烦和恶作剧玛代,但现在它包括自由民主党的支持本人作出了贡献下降浩规矩 850 The same pattern as foolish Taro When also Tanigaki now dislikes and therefore with the person unpopularity for the other party substitutes it is troubled When with election measure attachment it substitutes in the Democratic party it is dangerous but it is now it has contributed to the support ratio decrease of our people largely with secession implication

                                                                    • 我们恨859,因为不受欢迎的谷垣祯一和麻愚人节其他各方相同的模式,目前我曲柄降低恶作剧及故障率东西几代民主党支持者,ñ帕塔不变“或附加到选举前玛我同意恶作剧和毛茸茸的,但现在你明白了多少钱,你要作出贡献,博闻预计将下降自由民主党普及包括什么呢? ? 859 The same pattern as foolish Taro When also Tanigaki now dislikes and therefore with the person unpopularity for the other party substitutes it is troubled Something under the present conditions where support ratio of democracy steadily has depreciated the same pa it is it is When gt measure attachment it substitutes before the electing it is dangerous but it is now it has contributed to the support ratio decrease of our people largely with secession implication The do just it is going down the ru
                                                                      • 谷垣祯一马塔时确定孩子觉得自己已经解决了许多重点Zureta说几句话,或不批评大量的资金的流入国外,但是他们买!他们 Something Tanigaki does the air where the speech to which focus slips is many When the child te applying is decided being the case that you criticize the fact that the large amount of gold flows to the foreign country even when without Simply it is purchase Is it is…

                                                                    • 我绒毛邦夫党投任何党派或党派或全体党员或舛添平沼
                                                                      The Masuzoe new party or everyone party or the Hiranuma new party voting to Kunio new party either one, the [ke] it is good

                                                                      • 我编译的乡亲票紧抱在小泽已经既得利益
                                                                        Vote of the party where Ozawa hangs on already in acquired interests was collected firmly

                                                                        • 提供免学费的人从高中具体,统一您好工作,已故的付款期延长至10年的退休金,开始丸伤害和排序操作
                                                                          From concrete to person High school tuition gratuitous conversion, hello work unification, extension to 10 between pursuit payment date of national pension, And business categorization starts

                                                                          • 普天间是856左侧的民主党支持者。我想作一个相当大的影响选票
                                                                            856 As for Futenma the left of democracy support. You think however that effect is produced on vote rather,

                                                                            • 湿重650 657编号:PZsePAyt0我来好墙杆池瓦特编号:ve6RBLz80机管局真的没有任何意义的爆炸特性Netouyo厨师
                                                                              650 657 ww ID: PZsePAyt0 Don't you think? wall striking is favorite what, w ID: ve6RBLz80 Don't you think? AA which does not have sense is feature of the [netouyo] calls 厨

                                                                              • 独立的选举立法草案楼夏天无论如何,但民主左派不会投票时,它牵涉到冲绳最。如果投票远离民主,而不是小泽不熟悉或有多大影响选举 As for the non party however with House of Councillors selection of which being full this summer almost you do not vote to democracy probably will be Okinawa and others with seeing the left When vote leaves from democracy is there an impact in some election Ozawa it is not understood well it is it is not
                                                                                • 党派的659自由反。刈的一次大选,以民主方式表决君秋 659 Counter our people of non partyFair vote facing to democracy previous House of Representatives selection

                                                                              • 目的地而不是将出血玛宏外国税的问题。是什么样的后面不要试图了解他们的立法之间没有分歧,筱败类,但我实在太辛苦了,他们最傻瓜等没有兴趣在政治,反对 Instead of ahead problem to send in the foreigner with the tax discharging large increase You are not wrong It does not try probably to understand kudzu bill tsu te reverse side quite The foolish person who almost does not have interest vis a vis politics is too multi it is
                                                                                • 赤字增加了可继续如果这种趋势继续下去,这不是仓促没有加税的东西 If it goes this way without the deficit continues to increase at all being possible It is thrust in consumer tax tax increase

                                                                              • 经济措施,重建资金,该联盟的立场,脸色苍白,我很高兴,如果人们的投诉和相似率
                                                                                Countercyclical measures, revenue source for restoration of sound government finance and stance etc of Japan-U.S. alliance Indifferent, it should have appealed, it is

                                                                                • 编号:PZsePAyt0后墙,投篮命中率回到池?
                                                                                  ID: PZsePAyt0 In addition it goes backward to wall striking?

                                                                                  • 编号:PZsePAyt0阿赫亚,听起来就像是日益严重的偏执古瓦特曼达拉大脑毒品吞下吗?
                                                                                    ID: PZsePAyt0 Don't you think? it is like delusion inside [ahiya] and the brain gradually has become terrible w When the medicine you drink?

                                                                                    • 编号:在你的脑袋Ybo95db70声音之前,在春天鲜花实物扎基年瓦特

                                                                                      • 自由Tteiu尝试一次,但也许就不会有悲剧的茨城机场
                                                                                        Seeing disastrous state whatever of the Ibaraki airports Cannot be what the [tsu] [te] you say to the one time our people already

                                                                                        • 觉任可能是一个木匠,他们都不在手不再从一家商店杆我很勾结的政治质量急于垃圾和人民群众的愚蠢的节能苏 The desperate mass rubbish and the political house have conspired in swindling such a popular folly therefore it is Already striking like the hand know it is whether it is not
                                                                                          • 而不是800余Emashou『答案将体现正反 800 I will answer to substituting It swindles with the manifest

                                                                                        • 该通讯是一个领先指标,而是一个有一种倾向,坚持以罚款,在其他民调反映了一个月后,月
                                                                                          Current events communication becoming leading indicator, you say that it is reflected on the public opinion poll of other companies 1 months later, Tendency is followed beautifully however

                                                                                          • 谷本正宪先生443(64)u003d自由民主党,社会民主推荐,民主的支持者瓦特
                                                                                            443 Masaaki Tanimoto (64) = our people, fairness, corporation people nomination and democracy support w

                                                                                            • 那么,在参院选举将结束猪肉桶折叠和小泽的辞职已经是追悔莫及后,由两位数古收款月底参议院选举的关键时刻越过日本线和整个选举到目前为止,谷维和,后见之明很遗憾, Well with set of the present raw scattering and Ozawa resignation After all House of Councillors selection present election is the crucial point which applied the future of Japan which completely differs dimension Regretting after the House of Councillors selection the time already it does slowly regret first becomes not standing
                                                                                              • 嗯,没有你们赢得了民主党小泽辞职聋哑人和参院选举将结束猪肉桶折叠 Well with set of the present raw scattering and Ozawa resignation After all House of Councillors selection present election is the crucial point which applied the future of Japan which completely differs dimension Regretting after the House of Councillors selection the time already it does slowly regret first becomes not standing

                                                                                            • 部财富(部的丰盛,在新语Miniplenty食品和用品)在绝对贫困状态干扰的案件,他们行的分配和控制,计划大。挨饿 NULL
                                                                                              • 部财富(部的丰盛,在新语Miniplenty食品和用品)在绝对贫困状态干扰的案件,他们行的分配和控制,计划大。挨饿 NULL

                                                                                            • 问题1 你支持一个联合政府,鸠山由纪夫,还是不支持? (1)支持36 2%(2)不支持50 7%(3)不知道,不回答13 1%的E 问题5 今年,定于7月参议院选举在1月 Question 1 Don t you support the Hatoyama Yukio alliance Cabinet or support 1 It supports 36 2 2 It does not support 50 7 3 It is not understood you do not answer 13 1 Question 5 This year Upper House election is planned in July
                                                                                              • 内阁早期老年业余淀我没有办法支持顾先生 It supports the ro becoming dim which cannot boil and is Don t you think to be quick the person do amateur Cabinet
                                                                                              • 安倍晋三受到了百分之二十八,在参议院选举中惨败左右,因此,同样的铁国王的延迟踏鸠山 Abe going down to about the 28 Because it was crushed in Upper House election Hatoyama the same iron is stepped on is concave

                                                                                            • 问题1“(1),以支持”向人民和病例 理由鸠山内阁的支持是什么? (5)和恶作剧谁不同意其他30 8% With question 1 is the reason where the Hatoyama Cabinet is supported what to the one which you answer that “ 1 it supports” 5 Because the person who substitutes to other things is not 30 8
                                                                                              • “率28 6%氏很大进行评估,或说我不是唯一的邪恶他们成为wwwww热点时,总理的支持率就是我 gt You appraise 28 6 Although only bad thing it is done it is appraised the ge e wwwww which is melted When we becomes the prime minister it means support ratio dangerous thing

                                                                                            • 陳情一元化 や 利益誘導 や 箇所付 けが 一番問題 だと 思 うが 、これも 政治 と カネ に 含 んでるのか ?
                                                                                              You think that petition unification and profit induction and the place attaching wound most it is problem, but This including in politics and the gold, [ru]?

                                                                                              • 马阿693余( ·ω· )Netouyo( u003d日本人民)为白痴谁是思想在日本的日本人和维塔万维网Netouyo一笑什么真正的白痴瓦特组织望无用 693 Don t you think well Ω The large fool www who thinks of Japan and the Japanese in first netouyo the Japanese as You can laugh netouyo tsu te w The true aho shelf the group is desired
                                                                                                • 马阿693余( ·ω· )Netouyo( u003d日本人民)是谁,人们的思想在日本和日本人民为主,组织,望无用 693 Don t you think well Ω The large fool www who thinks of Japan and the Japanese in first netouyo the Japanese as You can laugh netouyo tsu te w The true aho shelf the group is desired

                                                                                              • 麻生是内阁的预算。每个城市筑丰。市长的讲话的信号“来评价高古”的野方Mukaino敏明和“紧急区域经济政策,首相麻生太郎市长知道在这个饱受摧残的区域的情况 Concerning the supplementary budget of the Aso Cabinet the possession of chiku Yutaka each city The comment of trust mayor As for Mayor Akira direction field Satoshi of Nogata city which we assume that “you appraise high” “as for urgent regional economy measure only Prime Minister Aso which knows the circumstance of the district which becomes impoverished well
                                                                                                • 是若宫市。 。市长诚“多亏了追加预算,必须痛苦财政期间『贝尼奥夫改善人民生活,这个数字是非常感谢”,并介绍了天空 The shrine it is young the possession of city Trust mayor “with favor of supplementary budget it is very much grateful to be able to assure the improvement of inhabitant life to the time when public finance is painful” that You expressed

                                                                                              • (1)您的28 6%畸型我听到这家伙真说或Torasutomi例如我怎么确定或表? ? 37不,我已经没有发表官方声明,并最终取消之前,我们orz马阿 1 You appraise 28 6 Being serious we would like to hear but it is is this party what the chart probably the red sandal wood If truss Tommy you say being ok 37 After all being the case that the deviation from bureaucracy it is not done orz Well the trap which is natural

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