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Hybrid car “pre- mortar”, in addition with abrupt acceleration in accident NY in stone wall the woman of crash 56 year old wound ★2 


  • 10倍于目前的经销商之一,很多时候你重现。什么是如果Kurenai提及到 Has reproduced to 10 times at the frequency about of 1 times In dealer reality Saying scrambling
    • 10倍于目前的经销商之一,很多时候你重现。什么是如果Kurenai提及到 Has reproduced to 10 times at the frequency about of 1 times In dealer reality Saying scrambling

  • 176千克力更容易指关节的普锐斯的表现已经是穆淘汰出局受伤,而是涉及garage m嫉妒的Ja
    176 kilometers coming out simply Crashing, the high performance of the pre- mortar which may be intact, As for [meriken] envying

    • 1トヨタ 車 を 除 く 車両 の 一般的 データ として 、 この 種 の 事故 の 運転者 の 年齢 と 性別 の 統計 をとってトヨタ 車 の 場合 だけの データ と 比較 してその 相関関係 を 比 べてみればいい丰田和其他Kattara比例的妇女发生率高,在年龄和身高,刹车和油门二三Idaro唯一改变率 1 Taking the age of the operator of accident of this kind and the statistics of sex as a general data of the vehicle which excludes the Toyota car Only in case of the Toyota car it should have tried comparing the correlation by comparison with the data Toyota and other than that both both being proportionate to the height and woman ratio of age when outage is high simply the brake and the accelerator The ro which is the hu seeing difference

      • 397,我们发现这是在这之后,赔偿金的单位回收购买。这是合法的

        • 480现代“宝马的价格不论你呢?
          480 Don't you think? [hiyundai] > as for BMW problem of price?

          • 835古可能是人数太多,在这几个月?我的理解是什么?如果你有空间的是这样的判断,在目前的西如果这些知识 835 It doesn t mean that the number of these several months becomes many extremely With the notion that where you say the shank If it has become so there is a margin which is judged because probably will be if you have known please present
            • 836伐丽流的话说,我才能知道的百分比 836 As said unless you must see in ratio don t you think

          • NULL Somehow assuming that the recorder you attached “As for the value which is recorded being called the thing which is fabricated” is ochi Then the method of being good was happened to think How if the se you step on and by mistake the ru are the ri ya which designates the accelerator as the brake it is good In other words depressing to center the accelerator When you depress to the inner part above that the brake that tries works It stops also the engine simultaneously Because the pre mortar engine stop is the design of prerequisite the brake or power steering there is no problem The change point to the brake attaches the click impression lightly from the accelerator Once when you depress to the brake limits the accelerator is invalid to restarting It equips also the normal brake pedal of course While travelling but the pre mortar which stops suddenly may appear
            • 如果没有我的东西必须停止或减少对什么是什么,做一些发动机重新启动一次侧 Somehow stopping in the shoulder there is no thing you obtained but the engine cutting once unless it restarts it was useless

          • Pds exblog so net ne jp 图片 博客 第48A 阿基多 0326 11 354de jpg这在相当频繁马阿的 pds exblog so net ne jp images blog 48a agito 0326 11 354de jpg Well extremely it is frequently
            • 紫癜: pds exblog jp 社会民主党 二十○万零五百零八分之一 19 61 c0071961 042795的。jpg ttp pds exblog jp pds 1 200508 19 61 c0071961 042795 jpg

          • Www autoobserver com 商业 更新 0311 TKY2010 02 丰田领导,国家公路交通安全局,意外加速,投诉edmundscom 分析,shows html www autoobserver com business update 0311 TKY2010 02 toyota leads in nhtsa unintended acceleration complaints edmundscom analysis shows html
            • 紫癜: www asahi com 商业 更新 0311 TKY201003110189。html的 ttp www asahi com business update 0311 TKY201003110189 html
            • 紫癜: www autoobserver com 2010 02 丰田领导,国家公路交通安全局,意外加速,投诉edmundscom 分析,shows html ttp www autoobserver com 2010 02 toyota leads in nhtsa unintended acceleration complaints edmundscom analysis shows html

          • Www bloomberg co jp 应用 新闻?进程标识 u003d jp09 conewsstory&膝关节置换 u003d 7203%3AJP&希德 u003d a7TiSc0xMM4g国家公路交通安全管理局迄今为止,其他致命意外的数目比丰田没有透露 www bloomberg co jp apps news pid jp09 conewsstory tkr 7203 3AJP sid a7TiSc0xMM4g NHTSA so far had not disclosed the death accident number of cases other than the Toyota car
            • 110人在事故中死亡,20福特,克莱斯勒表示,12起案件 Among the fatal accidents 110 Ford 20 cases 12 cases probably will produce Chrysler is

          • ·∀·)布鲁诺 However there is no pre mortar the car of namaka For handicap When the remodelling car with stepping on the accelerator there is a similar feeling and waits The abrupt acceleration which is different from the standard sized car in weight of the steering wheel which operates the accelerator by the hand Because it becomes noting it drives gt ∀ no

            • “东京和大阪”和“鸟取县,岛根县,”像相比,死亡人数贝鲁
              “Tokyo and the Osaka prefecture” and, kind of those which compare the death number of cases “of Shimane prefecture and Tottori prefecture”

              • ★丰田“普锐斯”在纽约州的事件突然加速,后两家底特律汽车路透社丰田混合动力轿车“普锐斯”于7月9日在韦斯切斯特县,纽约的道路,陡峭的前一天击中石墙加快,司机已造成56所负U型岁女子受伤事故 Toyota “pre mortar” abrupt acceleration accident follows to preceding day in NY state 2nd case Detroit 10 days Reuters Hybrid car “pre mortar” of the Toyota Motor Corporation on the 9th While travelling it accelerates rapidly the road of the New York west chess tar Gun and collides to the stone wall The accident to which the woman of 56 years old where it drove owes the wound occurred
                • 最近 はやりの コンビニ で 急加速 して 店 に 突撃 してた スィーツ たちももしかしてこの 問題 の 犠牲者 なのか 、この 56 歳 のおばはんが 日本 の コンビニスィーツ たちの 仲間 なのかはっきりさせて 欲 しいもん它 Recently accelerating rapidly with konbini of the fashion has charged at the store also suitsu Being the victim of problem of the oak lever This 56 years old it is or clearly it is the companion of Japanese konbinisuitsu being able to point desired the potato it is the shelf

              • アメリカ の ブレーキメーカー を 政治的理由 で 使 ってやってるのに 問題出 しやがってと 、 米国民感情 を 逆撫 でにした 事 Using the American brake manufacturer in the political reason although the ru problem putting out and the tsu te and with irritating the American people feeling
                • アメリカ の ブレーキメーカー を 政治的理由 で 使 ってやってるのに 問題出 しやがってと 、 米国民感情 を 逆撫 でにした 事 Using the American brake manufacturer in the political reason although the ru problem putting out and the tsu te and with irritating the American people feeling

              • 三全行业的1月份美国汽车销售,通用汽车公司丰田汽车和重大价值的折扣汽车(GM) GM UL 池脱颖而出的措施,预期为12 5万套那个 As for March of all industries American automobile sale quantity substantial discount and American general motors of the Toyota car GM GM UL It is seen that it becomes annual percentage rate 12 500 000 depending upon the opposite step which it sets forth
                • 他们有一个非常公平和百分之825的年销售额和销售至少葛 825 At least unless it divides with the annual sale quantity and the sale fairness it is not

              • 中共668扩大美国的反古尼削减经费是不喜欢的鸠山Arienaku
                668 For America to prevent the enlargement also in The money source the Hatoyama way is cut off, it cannot be, is not

                • 中国 と 一緒 だな コレ中国 で 不良 を 見 つけた 人 には金一封 をあげるということになったら翌日 から 不良率 が ハンパ なくあがった原因 は 言 わずとも 知 れず自作自演 は スグ にばれるだろ China and simultaneous shelf kore In the person who finds the defectiveness in China When it comes to the point of lifting the gold one seal Proportion defective it rose from the next day without hanpa Also without saying not knowing cause The ro which as for original our performing is discovered in sugu and is
                  • 231我应该在普瑞斯英雄和自己离家出走的海洋守护者一样吗? 231 Being the same as the sea shepherd dog when reckless driving our performing it does with the pre mortar it is accustomed to the hero it is it is not

                • 丰田12月8日,美国广播公司和E车适应试验和单方面转移到电子电路教授人为短,该计划提出疑问的锗安全罚球丰田汽车电子控制单元即使广播发表了一项声明,谴责 As for the Toyota Motor Corporation the experiment of same professor who is done e g this month 8th ABC makes the electronic circuit short circuit artificially Dramatizing unilaterally that it conveyed it broadcast the program which throws doubt to safety of the electronic control unit of the Toyota car assuming The declaration which you criticize was announced
                  • 丰田12月8日,美国广播公司和E车适应试验和单方面转移到电子电路教授人为短,该计划提出疑问的锗安全罚球丰田汽车电子控制单元由于广播,发表了一份声明,谴责 As for the Toyota Motor Corporation the experiment of same professor who is done e g this month 8th ABC makes the electronic circuit short circuit artificially Dramatizing unilaterally that it conveyed it broadcast the program which throws doubt to safety of the electronic control unit of the Toyota car assuming The declaration which you criticize was announced

                • 丰田汽车公司去年根据援助计划在8月3至7月下旬,更换车辆的位置,他们购买的是由美国政府19日进行的一周。 4%,轿车销售市场份额 The Toyota dealer late from July last year to 3rd week of August is executed the automobile by the American government which you buy and change the support program Under 19 Automobile sale share of the 4 was acquired
                  • 多丰田经销商,直到9,它显示了数据视图稍微超过了新车销售的慈济埃德蒙兹 The plural Toyota dealers have exceeded the data of edomunzu a little concerning the automobile sale to 9 days With the viewpoint was expressed

                • 丰田汽车突然加速,问题是控制,直到07年高速道路交通安全局美国运输部(NHTSA)的报道,国家公路交通安全局在报纸“作为问题的07突然加速调查工作的一部分如果你跟我们的四环素,不超过顾介绍说,是不是“,并介绍了天空 As for the trouble that by 07 the Toyota car accelerates rapidly becomes vicious American Ministry of Transport highway traffic safe bureau NHTSA we are reported As for NHTSA you discussed to 07 “as a part of investigation of abrupt acceleration problem in the same paper but It is not the case that you insisted introduction strongly” that you expressed
                  • 什么是179并不局限于普锐斯,我已经认识到了我的情况突然加速 179 Only the pre mortar it is not but the case of abrupt acceleration is recognized

                • 乘坐层到美国是什么这样一个危险的生活顾雌花水杆百千万亿可怜的小黑人或拉美裔的几十,数十人的故事
                  Black or Hispanic poor layer Just a little, if the gold it stacks, danger of life is not reflected upon, in at such story Layer [tsu] [te] riding the sesame is with is in America

                  • 什么是通用汽车和克莱斯勒的取得梦幻般的“尼达,奈达汽车他们邪恶”与Keretara争吵,或者你知道这是什么新丰田插图处理 It is GM when Chrysler “ nida which is started rapidly and nida where the car is bad” the cause becoming married re cod Toyota seeing it can and it copes is to be able to combine

                    • 什么离家出走的男司机呢?瓦特或女性,为什么你为什么不都只是脱亚音 Violence exposing of the man driver it runs w When it tries inspecting why the just woman

                      • 休○死了,叶月小心地把事情阻碍该加速器和刹车的位置,用户进行召回所有车辆“照顾伐丽流Dzukanakatta语言 The hiyu ○ die di you become aware in arranging the position of the accelerator and the brake conversely executing all the car recalls Until the user “it is said you did not become aware
                        • 的事,但我现在可以收集所有车型进一步,但我直接Shiyouganee,Boketsu But all the car collection something it is possible after so long a time you correct and the way don t you think the e it is you are boketsu

                      • 但是,死亡或wwwwwwwww出莫森为什么呢?我jdslvhkbwrhgki64uijfeek crhbdjkl峡
                        So as for the deceased wwwwwwwww which does not come out Why? As for that crhbdjkl it is the jdslvhkbwrhgki64uijfeek gear

                        • 冲突→源→冲突→Suretai实际接触(想象力)葛达罗太大,湿重湿重有人说哈罗本人首页 suretai gt Crash Source gt Collision Actually gt Contact imagination It is too exaggerated the ro ww which is Someone call to JARO ww
                          • 你有什么其他制造商可以来每天南特文碰撞事故,通常便宜。南特的事情,他们得不到任何有关的消息 Crash accident how everyday occurring at any manufacturer the ru normally intense With becoming news how it is not

                        • 制备赔偿纳阿美国也有可能安装不正确我踏油门和刹车,是一个陌生的国度,你腐津
                          Therefore you step on the accelerator and the brake and make a mistake and the indemnity may take as for America Rotting at the strange place, the [wa] which is [ru] country

                          • 加速器,撞上了石墙,并推动56个,他们嗅觉我们对所造成的负面U型岁女子受伤事故黄金自己的工作单位 It accelerates rapidly and collides to the stone wall The accident to which the woman of 56 years old where it drove owes the wound occurred Gold aim original our performing smell
                            • 首先,与国家的同意和自己的工作,我们正在过钱一Puriusuyuza恐怖主义,美国政府和企业,溃 In the first place the American government giving the gold to the pre mortar user original our performing it points The terrorism which it has been about probably to crush 1 enterprises with nation involving

                          • 加速度的意外情况下是可能的国家,都与没有得到证实“车错〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜 〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜 〜〜〜 There is a case of the acceleration which is intended even in the country but abnormality that it is not is verified on car side”
                            • 358それ クルーズコントロール の 設定速度 を 上 げても 直 ぐにその 速度 まで 上 がらないので 何回 も 上 げていたら設定速度 が 高 くなりすぎて 急 に 加速 し 始 めたってやつでしょ ?它是什么,我说晒黑在软件缺陷的愚蠢保持这种 358 Increasing the setting speed of that cruise control because immediately it does not rise to that speed when it is increasing many times Setting speed becoming too high it starts accelerating suddenly passes with the person does the yo Such a aho thing doing don t you think you say it is probably will be that it is bug of the software

                          • 区2010年极端一些多期问题(任意?)或者是不是?对于例如,和怀疑,是将意味着差异四环素此外,在每一个决定 Trouble number of cases 2010 is many extremely the 恣 mind It isn t to have become If with it doubts In addition it probably becomes the meaning of being different but then it probably is judgment of each one
                            • 无论有多少,而且丰田↓ 米保护预测,对其他制造商和数量的比例,如发现数字 How the Toyota to protect it seems the many way but when this numeric ↓ you see in comparison with the number of cases of the other manufacturer extending the ru

                          • 名誉损失丰田为自己!我有很多和Ki Omotsu吸毒者,我喜欢这个世界上车祸?哦?
                            As for [yota] the [ro] which is rumor damage itself! Such our loss accident no case happening in the world, you think as the [ru] is? [a]?

                            • 嗯,我踏德鲁制动器在一项关于浮动2866 6173紧接着自然油门脚跟是正常的,当然是所有踏刹车并作为支点脚跟,并说我或我们 The ma the accelerator stepping on naturally but the heel at the time of the ru as for the brake as for raising the heel the proper Usually as for the brake the heel that in the fulcrum it is said step on don t you think
                              • 浮动脚后跟刹车制动通常是干燥,但他们的课程全部为支点踏脚跟,并说我或我们 But as for the emergency brake as for raising the heel the proper Usually as for the brake the heel that in the fulcrum it is said step on don t you think

                            • 在前一天对丰田汽车,在加利福尼亚州,只有二千○八箱子文伤害一样迅速的加快使普锐斯
                              Preceding day, 2008 make pre- mortar just caused similar abrupt acceleration incident in California state centering on the Toyota car

                              • 在加利福尼亚州,有8据报道,自加速器和Prius和博闻天,我迫不及待地重新毕运注意的问题丰田汽车突然加速
                                That in California state the pre- mortar accelerated rapidly on the 8th, being reported largely Ever since, again attention has focused in abrupt acceleration problem of the Toyota car

                                • 在外国人扑是完全愚蠢的乞丐或不十分动荡耻祖古达罗种族主义勒索金钱没有太多
                                  Also the [ro] race discrimination where are not busing completely and are robbery of the gold the good place the beggar doing, without being shy the foolish foreigner

                                  • 在日本20年来前,警方宣布Ttajan在尘埃中的群众运动嵌入式逃跑是什么,以确保车辆可能造成车针之间的刹车和油门踏差说:“也许并没有在汽车缺陷贝鲁音“的”“没有对媒体宣传的一部分编造 In Japan the tsu te mass rubbish where at car drives recklessly campaign pasted also 20 years is before In police announcement you can see the stepping on mistake of the accelerator and the brake as cause but because of sense whether there was no defect “in the car you inspect” “” Just the part reporting fabrication campaign was done

                                    • 在日本,丰田和飒溃粪便争取城市隐藏大规模的灰尘
                                      Because in Japan the mass rubbish conceals information [satsusa] collapse droppings Toyota

                                      • 在日本,这个问题是加速器和油门踏板在卡诺丰田总裁:“扮因地制宜个称职的总统稻叶(听证会(丰田,美国)熟悉)被传唤
                                        In Japan as for abrupt acceleration problem of accelerator pedal certain? President Toyota: It is detailed “in circumstance of the locale, (President American Toyota) Inaba you are summoned (to public hearing) as a fitness

                                        • 在美国公路交通事故死亡33963人,去年死于byABC直场,我想用视觉形象普瑞斯基本上坏Njan
                                          The number of American last year of highway traffic fatality people 33963 people byABC Basically unskillful something it is In image image pre- mortar use Although it should have died

                                          • 在美国的攻击波[美国]丰田击败福特,但他们也抱怨许多“阴谋论”(朝日新闻)[10 / 03 / 05]
                                            Although complaint is many even in Ford, the Toyota hitting It is due to the American electromagnetic wave attack, “strategy” theory (weekly Asahi) [10/03/05

                                            • 媚米派 のせいで 日本 は 舐 められ アメリカ が 付 け 上 がった日米安保 のせいで 足元 を 見 られている自民党 が 与党 に 復帰 してもこれまでの 媚米 は 止 め自主国防路線应深化同俄罗斯的关系的目标应是多边安全和深化与印度的关系也被认为是Erubeki手打迟浩田是什么一半领土损失太多领土仔细处理许多方面的利益古应
                                              Japan was licked with consequence of 媚 American group and America attached and rose It is looked at the foot with consequence of Japan-U.S. Security Arrangements The Liberal Democratic Party returning to the ruling party, as for the former 媚 United States the stop Toward the independent national defense route and security between the many countries should aim It should deepen also something with related to Russia, it relates to northern territory, excessively many national interests are lost Also the hand striking and the like should be thought at territory half It should deepen also something with related to India

                                              • 宝马和奔驰,保时捷,如加速器踏板下暂停古格自由表达,表情踏板机构,应在地板上的支点 BMW and merusedesu Porsche likely as for accelerator pedal It is not suspended type it should make the organ type pedal which designates the floor as the fulcrum

                                                • 巴巴地狱天堂的缘故!津市思想和我价格下降,他们只是平淡的倾向ー响声我! ?
                                                  To some extent it does and [re] [babaa]! Thinking, that the [te] [me] - the [do] just it is stock price it goes down with the consequence which makes a noise, the [ru] it is! ?

                                                  • 广告活动将使汽车更安全,什么是数据的使用,并且丰田将复活 And using that data when it makes the more safe car if large you advertise Toyota revives
                                                    • 丰田应该是一个伐木作业和私家车司机早期古反应 As for Toyota of quickly the shelf which it should try to record the log of response operation and the car of the driver

                                                  • 我们痛恨的国际世界[眨]显示,批评和谴责日本海豚渔业斗士“海豚的暴行”和“动物星球”...在广播美国的决定
                                                    Disliking person Japanese of the world Atrocity and impeachment of Japanese The program “dolphin soldier” which criticizes dolphin fishing, with the “animal planet” the broadcast decisive… United States

                                                    • 我会满意,但不要紧,通过他的普瑞斯是勉强及格的通知6个月前我本月初开始,Gmail在丰田国际六合彩凯恩欺诈或你现在所做的,已到世仇什么是垃圾邮件,而且我从
                                                      By his this month in beginning the pre- mortar reaches at last half year ago passes Being satisfied, it increases However there is no relationship, in Gmail TOYOTA INTERNATIONAL LOTTO [tsu] [te] [supamumeru] had come Being mistaken in panic, fraud you do combining, it is lowest,

                                                      • 我会考虑把89生活在共产党的统治?
                                                        89 Under the Chinese Communist Party controlling living, it becomes the [ru] and such conception?

                                                        • 我只是停止了一小型飞机柯Reshipuroonapairotto的方式销售,美国公司在美国,却成了塞斯纳小型飞机的代名词
                                                          It became pronoun of the small aircraft Cessna Although it is the American enterprise, in America reciprocation For the owner pilot sale of the small aircraft was stopped, it is,

                                                          • 我达美国还是一种决心摆脱与日本公司赔偿经济衰退的东西?
                                                            America decides that it escapes from depression with the indemnity from the Japanese enterprise, passing, thing?

                                                            • 我首先3个月美国的市场份额16。 8%,并采取在上月击败回顾了安全问题12。大幅上升至8% March beginning As for Yoneiti place share 16 Before suffering a blow with the recall problem which is related to the 8 and safety month 12 From 8 substantially It expanded
                                                              • 不过,它不吹了丰田在美国的销售,基本上是没有结果的葛美的东西 Still because decisive shock has not appeared in the Toyota American sale as for the United States the result not being lifted substantially

                                                            • 或者它背后的这个假我狙在韩国三星和现代国家的公司参与韩裔美国人,对日本最大的目标,中美关系,加剧了现代汽车的销售上升
                                                              On the reverse side of the latest fabrication resident in American South Korean and Korean national policy enterprise Samson [hiyundai] participating, it increases As for the aim, deteriorating the relationship of sale enlargement between Japan and America of the [hiyundai] car the most significant object

                                                              • 拉吊褐煤油门踏板和一个厚厚的橡胶垫非诚崔晃的I ² ¬ ¼ ¶
                                                                In addition the thick non genuine rubber mat was caught to the accelerator pedal, it is [shi] ゙ [yamaika

                                                                • 据警方透露,该车辆是车祸伤害记得文,池很少列入持维修丰田经销商已经 According to the police as for the vehicle which causes accident being the recall object car It had been brought for repairing already in the Toyota store

                                                                  • 排名4681通用汽车公司19 7%( 40 4%)排名第二的福特汽车16 1%( 32 8%)3丰田,16 0%( 37 9%)排名第4本田11 0%( 33 5%)等级5克莱斯勒9 8%( 43 4 %)6日产等级7 2%( 33 4%)7位现代4 3%( 11 4%)第八起亚3 1%( 6 5%)9位大众奥迪2 8%( 16 0%)10宝马集团等级2 4 %( 27 5%),通用汽车和福特汽车公司是从两个地方,当日本汽车的销量徒步旅行支那志贺思,现代汽车(笑),还阿米莉亚疾驶什么是对宝马车的市民你是一个好邪恶的色调分钟?什么什么思 468 1 rank General motors 19 7 40 4 2 rank Ford 16 1 32 8 3 rank Toyota 16 0 37 9 4 rank HONDA 11 0 33 5 5 rank Chrysler 9 8 43 4 6 rank NISSAN 7 2 33 4 7 rank Today the automobile 4 3 11 4 8 rank KIA 3 1 6 5 9 rank Volkswagen audi 2 8 16 0 10 rank BMW group 2 4 27 5 Because GM and Ford are in 2 rank it can sell the Japanese car with think it is… But hiyundai laughing wagen and BMW rising from here ame publicly suitability of the car understanding ru The tsu te you think

                                                                    • 是由丰田,通用汽车和丰田破产扑更为奇怪的国有结合国有企业,摧毁了以提升国家或糖果保护公众通用汽车
                                                                      Being done at Toyota, government-managed industrialization GM which you manage fails Furthermore listing the country, [toyotabatsushingu]… Doing to there, as for the or [ame] public where where we would like to protect GM

                                                                      • 普瑞斯我运行变速杆卡诺觉什么的普瑞斯,移位杠杆中立的议案发生在2866 6173即使没有新闻自由它的后退按钮不是一个传入柯不成立的杠杆第二封阿刹车踏恩戴克无传入范围乙并不总是需要的传入给变速杆的正常反应,并不意味着我们是稍为迟缓的反应在电脑运行的时候立即如果同一开关我回应它(不包括土耳其滞后图标) The shifter of the pre mortar how becoming whether ru however intellectual viewing The shifter of the pre mortar can move also the button not pushing te freely Unless about 1 seconds the lever is kept it does not accept neutral The brake stepping on unless it stops it does not accept the back It accepts the B range with anytime In brief as for the shifter being the same as the switch of the computer operation it reacts it is instantaneously not to be the te It reacts is a little lately If normal AT it reacts immediately don t you think you exclude the time lag of the torque converter
                                                                        • 在第一个地方,一个社会问题意外踏它不正确,因此只能在1991年授权的AT In the first place the accident due to the stepping on making a mistake of AT converting to social problem as for AT limitation license being possible with that 91 years

                                                                      • 普瑞斯杀手可能是一个狂热的文! ?什么是责任在它的丰田guy re所有的技能和组合遭是什么意外的普锐斯广场 Perhaps when it does whether pre mortar homicide happens Riding in the pre mortar making waza and accident encounter It designates that as all Toyota consequence the chi ya u tsu te person
                                                                        • 不仅有利于如果丰田和本田Haipuritto促进,首先,美国没有认真地挑的Nde混合 When haipuritsuto it propels at only Toyota and HONDA it becomes the profit and being serious in hybrid you did not challenge first America
                                                                        • 而我,我应该去,因为丰田Prius事故Ttara Toriaezu良好 It is good With the pre mortar the accident tsu cod it makes temporarily the Toyota consequence and should have solved therefore it is

                                                                      • 曼达拉践突然加速加速器去,当然瓦特的漂白说谎,完全是为了研究
                                                                        Abrupt acceleration is the accelerator 践 is, and others what it does naturally w Verifying accurately, when it is the liar, be bleached

                                                                        • 有关普锐斯,因为这种缺陷在气体中踏板在地上垫拉,04─09已被召回的车辆确信一年前路透
                                                                          In regard to the pre- mortar, because the trouble where the accelerator pedal is caught to the floor mat is discovered, The vehicle of 04 ─ 09 years make has become the recall object REUTERS Front [sure

                                                                          • 梅鲁的市场份额迅速加快百分点的缺陷数量2008年2009年2005年 2010年美国 丰田→16 7%17 0%56 1%(二千○一十八分之一千一百三十三)本田11 0→10 8% %5 6%(二千零十八分之一百一十三),通用汽车→22 2%19 8%7 5%(二千○十八分之一百五十二)福特→14 4%15 5%19 2%(二千○十八分之三百八十七) 丰田是最邪恶的古,福特将它遵循 The American share The ratio which is occupied in the number of abrupt acceleration troubles 2008 2009 2005 2010 Toyota gt 16 7 17 0 56 1 1133 2018 HONDA gt 10 8 11 0 5 6 113 2018 GM gt 22 2 19 8 7 5 152 2018 Ford gt 14 4 15 5 19 2 387 2018 Don t you think Toyota is worst the next becomes Ford
                                                                            • 他们过马路交通比较多,或者受伤,我已经达到了石墙停止这种 It crosses the road where the traffic density is many relatively collides to the stone wall and stops Now being completed with the wound
                                                                            • 宋四环素一个已经去世的车发生火灾或碰撞,突然加速,在日本前女子问题 Even in Japan the housewife making the car accelerate rapidly in the past with collision destruction by fire the death It had become problem
                                                                            • 当他突然加速,并指出在从车道,使道路,过马路交通比较多,他们停止了,撞上石墙 When having been about to come out to the road of the private road the pattern where it accelerates rapidly it crosses the road where the traffic density is many relatively collides to the stone wall and stops
                                                                            • 此外,混合动力汽车,据在纽约州和美国媒体9天,“普锐斯”文的意外伤害迅速加快 In addition according to the American media even on the 9th hybrid car “pre mortar” accelerating rapidly in New York You say that accident was caused

                                                                          • 男子驾驶(49),据Sun 11日在挪威南部(克里斯蒂安桑)克里斯蒂安桑油门踏板不再是谁,我回到驾车在附近 The man whom it drove 49 according to On the 11th the Norwegian southern Cristie un sun Kristiansand when it drove near The accelerator pedal stopped returning

                                                                            • 百合赖说,早谷,祢津,所以他们也可以要求我们在接触用户,主要官员,而不是丰田公司的1700万美元的危险工作的社会问题,甚至可能继续◆电子电路的问题,他们理应分钟Tsukatsu说,丰田没有看到 Because you ask quickly… don t you think the tsu the request Unless so it does it exposes the user dangerously and the cartridge still does The Toyota authorized personnel Also the employment 170 000 being dangerous it is large social problem The Toyota opinion Policy Problem has not been found in the electronic circuit
                                                                              • 我所要做的电力供应基础设施亿邮力量调整和扮新的工作,或者,而低质量的方式,与新政池持水户 However and unreasonable doing electric supply below it has been about to arrange that new employment the midst when you have raised with like niyudeiru

                                                                            • 社会 丰田汽车工厂,在生产线中的硫化氢气“车”→死亡的自杀式汽车生产线工人 At the Toyota factory in car on production line “during hydrogen sulfide being filled” gt in inside of car of car suicide corpse of line worker
                                                                              • ○○170,但谣言的硫化氢在车上我完成Prius的自杀Rashii松厂 170 But rumor 0 pine factory Hydrogen sulfide suicide it seems at completion inside of car of car of the pre mortar

                                                                            • 经过10年之久,您对他们所说的东西,直到美国马塔开始津市明葛和伟大的美国人“普瑞斯〜大”或因此说我们的谎言 When about 10 years later the American being exaggerated you say and or clear lie are attached “The ma is the pre mortar of the American started” that being said so
                                                                              • 662将有一个很难的制动普瑞斯生效真 662 The brake of the pre mortar is true to work as for being a timing which becomes difficult

                                                                            • 美国ABC,图像处理u003d梅鲁认可电子设备丢失丰田。報道 で3 月 13 日 1 時 30 分配信 時事通信【 ニューヨーク 時事 】 米 ABC テレビ は 12 日 までに 、 2 月 22 日 に 放映 したトヨタ 車 の 急加速原因 が 電子制御装置 の 欠陥 であることを 立証南伊利诺伊大学出版社有关实验和吉尔伯特,梅塔承认,图像操纵
                                                                              The United States ABC, image operation it recognizes, = Toyota electronic equipment defect. In reporting March 13th 1:30 transmissions Current events communication To 12 days, it televised the American ABC television on February 22nd We assume that it proved that cause of abrupt acceleration of the Toyota car is defect of the electronic control unit Concerning the experiment reporting of gilbert south Illinois university professor, the fact that it is something which operated image was recognized

                                                                              • 美国加利福尼亚州检察官,起诉丰田- “是刻意隐瞒缺陷,”在加利福尼亚州检察官是12作为一个隐藏的缺陷,即在汽车丰田车故意,文民事诉讼中的更好。
                                                                                American California investigation, Toyota was hidden suit - “defect intend” As for the trial counsel of American California state on the 12th, the Toyota Motor Corporation intend in the car defect Assuming that the fact that it was hidden, it caused civil lawsuit

                                                                                • 而这东西,对标题美国人的好,加快发展速度,人民是大陆的基本气流减速
                                                                                  Such to start liking and, the American, abrupt acceleration and rapid reduction in speed Basic flow of continent person

                                                                                  • 苏溃或日本,或故意忽略它?这样的叛徒,特雷莎海因茨教授泽在您需要的脏Wwww痕
                                                                                    Or in order to crush Japan, seeing purposely, the inclination which you do not see? Such a traitor, 沢 roller help do dirtily together, Wwww

                                                                                    • 行动本身,即使在电线节流阀,燃油喷射量,点火正时,气门正时电子控制全
                                                                                      Operating the throttle valve itself with the wire, the fuel oil consumption, Ignition timing, valve timing all electronic control

                                                                                      • 诉讼设计,这是你的房子或流动,如果我们目前的补偿Gattsuri
                                                                                        If to sue with our performing, now flow indemnity [gatsutsuri] Don't you think? automobile accident faker and simultaneous -?

                                                                                        • 谋杀案Massuiin丰田汽车使得嘿,我wwwwww wwwwww病例超三菱
                                                                                          Don't you think? as for the car which Toyota makes homicide [matsusuiin] DEATH wwwwww It exceeded [mitsubishi], [anta] wwwwww

                                                                                          • 这不仅仅是丰田,但我Ginandayo对附近 什么是丰田通过加速和制动通道!哇,他们是第一个从商队古怪卫Rejiasuesu公司车 NULL

                                                                                            • 这家伙已经饱和基电力再涉水通过广播扑就是这样Ttashi丰田的假呕吐和美军在冲绳和中国没有意义,因为混乱的威胁,我在普天间我是卖国民主党浩纪麻生太郎和中川都扑这个作弊可能是否定的刈
                                                                                              You grew tired already When the person of electrical system ABC is fabrication, the [gero] [tsu] it is to do, Because this much as for the Toyota busing occurring the treason Democratic party has run about in confusion with Futenma, the shelf Because there is also the Chinese threat, as for Okinawa US military meaning although it is large Probably there was no such a fake busing which is Aso and Nakagawa

                                                                                              • 这是唯一的机会归咎于汽车,丰田汽车车祸
                                                                                                If even in our loss accident the Toyota car Don't you think? it is the chance which can be made consequence of the car it is

                                                                                                • 这种“突然加速”进行调查的年龄,性别和年龄组梅鲁经历了高性→→也许是最主要的妇女或没有?在这种补偿假金单位年轻球员
                                                                                                  When age layer and the sex which experienced this “abrupt acceleration” are investigated Age -> high Sex -> woman When does perhaps, without being to occupy large portion? So as for young man indemnity aim Fabrication

                                                                                                  • 选择的时机很好这个时候提出2005年的古wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
                                                                                                    2005 make now timing is good wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww

                                                                                                    • 通常我不会接收来自雌花阿克塞尔踏车足够的信心瓦特锄头什么是祈祷上帝是动态的,研究Damerika From usually belief heart is not enough w which it is probably will be Praying to God if the accelerator you step on as for the car the wa which moves the damerika me
                                                                                                      • 思也开辟了一个处理或将削减至零助攻,踏刹车正常工作雌花 Assist becoming zero you think and the tsu drill handle it finishes if the brake you step on It operates properly

                                                                                                    • 金融特别是大米,石油,军工,保险,证券有关的最后,他们在未来的担忧的一个回报位世界谁 Circulation of money of the especially United States and something related to petroleum demand for military supplies industry something related to insurance and something related to stocks and others These which is one end which makes in the world insecure… in the future retribution
                                                                                                      • 后回报的最后一位了解人类世界的奇怪的行为,它正在由他们自己打回事情Wakarubeki The human in the entire world understanding retribution When strange you act as for end rebounding personally We should know

                                                                                                    • 韩国提升产品质量是566澳其他国家(主要是韩国,美国律师胃)脱亚认为你有工具
                                                                                                      566 Fool? Korea has built listing the nation (resident in American South Korean attorney group focusing on), it is the [tsu] which is the [u

                                                                                                      • (一)要备份一个办事处,坚定地回应“佐佐木,木副总裁:”项目是要在日本推出,如与美国的地毯,什么是不同的结构电装的所有古的利用那个 In order as for me to be able to correspond securely we would like to back up from the head office side” Vice President Sasaki “In the country the floor mat which is similar to America being sold increase it is to do Those of denso make where structure is different completely are used

                                                                                                        研究 開発