+高速公路250单位时给我,然后再安装篮子行脚,古有点高,但我想在线 Free way 250 foot flat + front basket installation OK
When it comes out, a little being high, you buy,
125cc组中型家伙像傻瓜汽车达罗四环素制备权力当一个小600cc组摩托车驾照,然后采取一个小溃了紫菜海带,而不是平面的一个大 When 125cc it can ride by the car license of the small sized two wheels the ro where the party who is taken is foolish like Way medium sized 600cc conversion the large sized laver is opposite The expectation where the small sized laver depends on crushing by all power
摩托车执照或制备蜡,都市地解决好这个小型车好多了,我在东京生活德鲁 Motorcycle license inside kana and the capital which probably will be taken living the ru and about this scooter may be effective small turn
125轻便摩托车骑手一Famibai多个时钟持津市,我没有使用的知识可能是一种检验,这样您就保费没有自己的汽车由一个持我能做到这一点非常有利于增加 125 You can know whether field attaching 1 unit possession it trains and is and As for vehicle inspection however it is not Plural stand ku having the ru and huamibai special contract considerably are profitable what No stand having because either the te does not increase premium
来自125个,它们是好的,甚至不把摩托车在广场上,在维护和检测费用骑手 If 125 it can ride with motorcycle special contract and There is no vehicle inspection and Because you can hold down cost of maintenance it is good
125非I ² ¶ º ½ ²车· · · kwsk M 125和礼。如果我只是一个× 125 [kakoii] non scooter 125 [hosui]…
kwsk [erimi] 125. Just [tora] 125 how the [tsu] [te
298二轮摩托车,通常小于1许可证只须在 298
It limits the normally automatic two wheels to AT with the small-sized two wheels
License above is needed
338罚款和多国依赖w50cc〜200CC沙滩为从电源温泉亚视的便利,将没有英俊的马阿及于河床 338
When it is countryside, it is many well enough, ATV of w50cc - 200cc
Because well it can ride with no hell, for [konbini] & the river area you play and it probably is what
490轻便摩托车是一种荣誉,但他们最担心的是,从Obahan Shiyoru恐惧,呼吸没有你甚至自行车功率四环素制备什么四个父母许可的钱,突然父母或骑自行车,农村学生还因为它是一个环 490 Even the bicycle obahan it has not ridden unreasonable to do the field attaching because it depends we fear So as for fearing bicycle kana of the high school student of countryside Furthermore with that riding license taking suddenly with the money of the parent therefore four wheels of the parent
地址125是最好的110个自行车是很多,我认为我们之间的停泊警察和我看到的几乎原付一月这种差别的东西的家伙 Address 110 was the highest motorcycle 125 something the eye which was seen is almost the field attaching Being wrong with kind in the police you stopped and the re te ru person multitude saw
51:14编号:???0川崎重工,是轻便摩托车类2种『KLX125 Dyuarupapasumoderu』,『Ḏ跟踪器125 Motadomoderu』由Sun发布12月15日 51 14 ID 0 As for Kawasaki Heavy Industies Ltd dual purpose model KLX125 of field attaching 2 kind class motadomoderu D TRACKER 125 is sold from December 15th
363102名称:财富周年 10名无 圣人 时间:2010 03 16(周二)18:54:49编号:BFEm wdl0这在这个类的大小如果达罗愚蠢的家伙说,要高津如果他们没有知识的人是软弱自行车是自行车的延伸,认为我 363 102 Name Name it is not tenth anniversary sage Contribution day 2010 03 16 fire 18 54 49 ID BFEm wdl0 High saying saying the ru person the ro which is foolish If in this class this size it is cheaper one The motorcycle as for the person who does not know thinking that it is extension of the bicycle the ru
5892心肺功能的余地,我将不起一辆自行车,在台湾瓦特数千英里以外的东西的方式作出的位移少量赛(守法)的精神营养(油),有时对人的生命丸子苏凝结时间,我们并不认为与它自行车 589
20,000 kilometer what with the Taiwan make bicycle room and
Heart lung function liberal burn w
By the way if the small aerodynamic volume displacement (law abiding mind) with nutrition (oil) it does not consider and turns about turns life is reduced
Human and motorcycle simultaneous
5晃你只野生乘坐卡玛洛Bikusuku南特wwwwwwwwwwww 5
[bikusuku] as for how riding the [kama] field the [ro] wwwwwwwwwwww which just is bright
60驾照并不是一个Ttena广场我将加载自行车头盔或出租或公斤袋或行李?摩托车行业死? Being able to ride with normal license 60 kilometers being able to put out Baggage or bag or metsuto it is placed It is not motorcycle tsu te what Motorcycle industry it dies
我是否需要授权,不是你,我要去较低戈自行车一点钱并获得直到Aiitoshitemo车? As for the place where license is necessary assuming that well it is good Unless the car or the motorcycle just a little lower acquisition cost already don t you think useless something
761流动注射(电子燃油喷射)所以,流动注射控制器是什么?我还将与氧传感器如旧Kyabusukuta课程发展处或类似的东西,只是不更换 761
Therefore FI (the electronic fuel injection), it probably is the FI controller?
The empty also the O2 sensor and the like is related, the cab scooter of former times likely
It seems that is not something where with just CDI exchange becomes somehow
86幼童也是工具定制的茹确实,我们津市DAX指数或宽松的或更好的采购,我不享受在萝卜白萝卜,但梅鲁识别系统,一个特殊的地址独奏本身,而是作为一个摩托车或建议津市Taoseru他们利用我们非常真实 86 Cub can do also custom the true tsu this it recognizes the fact that is and as an instrument But if the Cub system is enjoyed the person who does not buy Cub itself is good kabura or datsukusu especially SOLO recommendation But address the rather true tsu this with is to use as a scooter se ru
Bakasuku标准是否极低的行驶高度,或腹泻东西屋的讲者farter围巾,一个长长的车杉名或做一个国家的照明Rongusuinguamu Whether or not bakasuku as for the decision criterion The diarrhea flight the or fart it comes densely the muffler The speaker loading one person chin Don house state Height polar decrease with long swing arm tank commander stretching Doing too much electric ornament Kana
78鱿钓船,发光二极管,我疯了,这与汽车灯或克 78 It is the tsu te ru vehicle to which squid fishing fishing boat te LED acquires electric ornament and sows
Fi的所有925 +自行车。消声器的噪声控制在1000万左右敏感值 925
As for motorcycle everyone FI conversion +. With muffler for noise regulation about 100,000 price increase
Fyueruinjekushon采用风冷单缸四冲程发动机SOHC2阀,燃油效率,环保性能已经达到,以满足日本的新排放法规 It loads the air cooled 4 stroke one cylinder SOHC2 valve engine which adopts fuel injection, is low at fuel economy,
The environmental efficiency which conforms to domestic new exhaust emission standards is achieved
KLX125价格三百三十九点〇〇〇日元,d为TRACKER125的三十五点九零零万日元 As for price KLX125 339,000 Yen, D-TRACKER125 359,000 Yen
Tteta矿石报纸在时间分布E是基督徒,但提示你给他的诗制备四环素文文过滤器,以家伙谁幼崽制备四环素摩托车返回在雨天时采取坏在睡眠不足,但我拒绝听我Itenakatta位置Itenakatta基督教和期待已久的和Na思他们听到,但没有适当 However the large sized two wheels it had teaching the secret of how to cause to the person who in the person who is taken is taken in order of how to cause At that time the newspaper distribute still I When Cub is pushed down in day of rain while thinking that recovery is not attached it was not heard properly Although with special care you taught being insufficient sleep it was not heard The rubbish it is
551车辆执照→我命令四环素制备两轮,我没有得到训练,从 551 However automobile license gt you took in order of the two wheels there was no procurement authority training
在报纸Souiya从制备我什么工资第一个许可证学者贮80cc自行车,但我是在那里的传单夹Tteta只有250平方米的摩托车萝卜案例,最后与一个平衡的完整意义闭幕式是Razu制备瓦特 So after well at the time of the newspaper scholar first however it was the bicycle salary saving license taking riding in the Cub of 80cc the shelf The leaflet 250 sections which were put fully loading in that balance feeling you remembered After all you did not take just the automatic two wheels and the stripe were and were but w
Www connrod com lml star deluxe 4s html紫癜: www bikeok com 欧元 lml lml1b jpg www connrod com lml star deluxe 4s html ttp www bikeok com euro lml lml1b jpg
紫癜: www riversideshop co jp 家 次 allthaibike html ttp www riversideshop co jp home th allthaibike html
Www honda co jp 铅 照片 01 图像 photo jpg PCX 126公斤紫癜: www honda co jp PCX 照片 02 图像 photo jpg家伙太轻地址→V125 九八公斤紫癜: www1。suzuki co jp 电机 addressv125 图像 top sub jpg www honda co jp LEAD photo 01 image photo jpg PCX 126kg ttp www honda co jp PCX photo 02 image photo jpg It is dense it is too light gt address V125 98kg ttp www1 suzuki co jp motor addressv125 images top sub jpg
不必要Mettoin,他们是大床的125CC组或沉重什么〜氖坤和过分拖延じゃ齿轮,超过Ja PS250大Ginandayo Because metsutoin it does not need the carrier deca it is the 125cc tsu te putting out don t you think kana GEAR be too slow it puts out PS250 deca passes and it is what
_NULL_ 551
When of normally, license four wheel automobile such as automobile license (AT limitation it includes) it has,
-> It becomes examinations in academic subjects exemption
When practical skill normally two wheels training is received at the official recognition driving school of exemption,
-> Only technical skill course (strictly, is a subject 1 time limit of [shiyumireta] + dangerous estimate)
-> As for two wheels license acquisition car course exemption
-> When it passes to the graduation official approval inside the training place, it just rewrites at driver's license center
Driving school of non official recognition (practice place)
-> There are times when it becomes procurement authority course exemption depending upon the training place (main point verification)
-> Exam is field test in the driver's license research institute
そろそろ 125cc 以下 は 電動 になるよそれ 以上 は 趣味 の 免許 で 125cc はぶっちゃけ 無理 だな警察庁 は 外圧 がない 限 り 制度 を 厳 しくすることはあっても緩 めることはぜったいにないそれがお但官僚 Gradually the or less of 125cc becomes electromotion Above that with license of hobby as for 125cc bu tsu chi ya ke unreasonable shelf If the National Police Agency there is no external pressure as for making the system harsh being The ze tsu you want there are no times when it loosens That is government office work
不到125cc组的时间将是电力,但它仍将作为一个爱好自行车 Gradually the or less of 125cc becomes electromotion Above that with license of hobby as for 125cc bu tsu chi ya ke unreasonable shelf If the National Police Agency there is no external pressure as for making the system harsh being The ze tsu you want there are no times when it loosens That is government office work
一个月或3,但仍,特别是在两轮,屁股是最好的密封双管周围茂木惯性小康仍是一个蜡防守自己曾经是怎样从生活的大门“交通意外额叶”,而我,, The time where the March burn it is accustomed still is to be most yaba and with Especially because the two wheels become lifetime are using the frontal leaf it probably will protect the body Even then it prevents and is to be cut off “the traffic accident” some burn…
但是,现在的古一部分是甜蜜的,但可能有标准,摩托车的10倍多踢少数接收 So presently it is perhaps the part where standard has become sweet but as for 10 times or more receiving with the large sized two wheels minority group
不过有一个由感应强NSR50老798也很慢80井对逐渐增加的时候,它将继续公里的距离感觉你呢? Þ ¼ Ä ¹ × Ý 798 It starts coming out than NSR50 of former times is slower Overtaking the time where NSR reaches 80 kilometers Don t you think the feeling which it keeps setting away from there gradually Silane keto ゙
CB230 1 1 1 XR230金融交易报告444 444 CB230 FTR XR230
什么V125G地址,请体面Tetara换油,这在很大程度上是沉闷?如果他们驾驶的日本汽车和发动机,但10个小轻便摩托车西茹负担往返在两个物种千里主要是对平淡的生活,? The address V125G tsu te doing in that appearance of oil exchange the cod the do it is extent it has When it is the car if the Japanese car however it runs with 100 000 kilometer room As for the engine small field attaching 2 kind the do it is at extent generally life
什么V125G地址,请体面Tetara换油,这在很大程度上是沉闷?如果他们驾驶的日本汽车和10种,但两个茹轻便摩托车发动机,小幅走西万公里,大致约乏味的生活? The address V125G tsu te doing in that appearance of oil exchange the cod the do it is extent it has When it is the car if the Japanese car however it runs with 100 000 kilometer room As for the engine small field attaching 2 kind the do it is at extent generally life
什么是署谁获得了471训练!做什么,我不是一些学校的副本吗?如果你存知,什么是我们的教学 Subject tsu te 471 As for the procurement authority course which is there is no reason which it is passing to the school it is it does When it is knowing you can instruct probably will be
什么是肌蓬松周围设置的脚,仍然只有国内变数维塔最快的250cc组摩托车或辊 Around the foot closing the eye softly in setting it just changes the roller even now scooter most speed above domestic 250cc
什么是肌蓬松周围设置的脚,仍然只有国内变数维塔最快的250cc组摩托车滚子以下 Around the foot closing the eye softly in setting it just changes the roller even now scooter most speed above domestic 250cc
什么是解散,在4000所购买的房子浣熊日元Tteta广场华伦天奴125cc组更换引擎是一个秘密与柯瓦特 At the dismantlement house buying rakun for 4000 Yen replacing in the engine of 125cc is riding secret w
产经新闻图片:本田踏板车125cc组推出“PCX” Product sutra newspaper Picture The 125cc scooter “PCX which HONDA sells”
伐丽流多说,我买不起它了,但太高,你说,日本已成为穷人 Already being too high even with this the hand does not come out but it is With the extent which is said as for Japan poorly Becoming
语言伐丽流过高,并支付不起了,我说,日本是穷人 Already being too high even with this the hand does not come out but it is With the extent which is said as for Japan poorly Becoming
但他们不知道多少重量超过491幼童那么我是那个谁做的家伙基督教的位置过滤升开始非常糟糕的自行车,这是真正的好人 491 The actually accompanying pushing down the liter motorcycle it was the good person where you taught the how to cause but it is Only the extent which is heavier than Cub it was understood The well it was truth good person
799的乘客和货物的购买,他们会和工作,一个业余爱好是110或幼童或幼童泰国 799 It probably is commuting for shopping In work commuting hobby the Cub 110 tie Cub kana
但他们也接近奥拉大分初始类型,这是没有问题了,召回反复几次 However also [ora] is close to early type considerably, recall several times over again
If now, there is no non problem?
但是,在汽车的重量轻126千克什么?超过Bigusuku Girukara重,你是麻木感 Don't you think? so, the 126kg [tsu] [te] it is light at vehicle weight?
Because [bigusuku] is too heavy, feeling it is paralysed kana
余瓦特311 Toritakunai这种半心半意,并会津乘Ritaku到它的大广场,而你可以驾驶摩托车平行自行车停放自行车车位,但我不希望是唯一的时间和金钱日本的官僚机构,而且也非常合理的一个下雨天什么你就如屋顶行李装载的是它甚至不承认或标准扮我的新措施 311 Being such a vague the wa w which we would not like to take Riding although it is huge inside the ru it probably will stop wanting to ride and the gold and time we just would not like to apply business the wa But the stop wheel it being possible in the stop wheel space of the motorcycle day measure of the rain like the car being done also approximately the baggage is recorded with the ru roof being attached But tsu te ideal new standard it does not recognize the Japanese government office assuming that probably will be it was
余轻便摩托车的奖金,他们穿的驾驶执照(在?),或者如果不允许250cc组和行动,鼻子将要求伸肌 Arriving to normal license with being defeated the ru field attaching the scooter AT If to 250cc It permits when unless it does demand does not increase probably will be
你叫什么津白磁带202是富来嘿嵌入式,到现在为止没有什么不同企业之间的摩托车及“地址的Nde我觉得好思” 202 The white tape pasting because some whether ru assuming that it is and solves if now already 50cc Until you are wrong you know that “address” is without it is with the tsu shank which is not problem
你知道一个公平的价格轿车自行车外观,而且还包括费用不知道,在不久的1.00亿谷Bigusuku The sport motorcycle seeing, if price like the sedan and others or, [bigusuku] is expense included nearly 1,000,000 doing and others it is not
全球的战略模式,但这一制度薄弱,但我希望我有更多的苦和闲置工业化国家以外的停止只能使用我喜欢它、 Removing the idling stop system Although if it should have made cheaper Although it is the worldwide strategic car The ro which such a system only advanced nation you use and is
刈莫无330当我奥伦,汽车驾驶学校的营+为普通摩托车一套约2400万泽 330
Me it is the time, however it was not, normally automobile + the [ze] which normally is about 240,000 with training place lodging together of set of the automatic two wheels
助力车用两个物种被发现在附近的一个旁路幼童90只小鸟,90在自己的一种处理运行时,天鹅座X本田轻便摩托车踏板车在台湾制造两个物种中还发现,少数目前维塔 As for the field attaching two kind which is happened to see with the bypass of neighborhood The birdie type of 90 which it runs with maipesu and Cub 90 Address Shigunasu X other Taiwan make scooter The field attaching two kind scooter of HONDA is visible at present in minority group
区也很好,但现在道路轮胎,“原意”和“傲慢心”在更年期,却忘了前检查Æ ¬左右的位置E操作 Now however the road and the tire became good, the time where inspection before the operating “of the original intention” and the “arrogant heart” is forgotten at calamity year and [niyahaha
南特挖掘机pcx 10,我米,但多一倍以上80公里的排放量/ H区的红让 But aerodynamic volume displacement of 10 times that or more my shovel how pcx
As for meter the [ze] which is red zone from 80km/h
和相对较小,他们希望出境的远见和愿望封起来我喜欢250的继任者很滑板车 The successor aircraft of such a it is from four sight we want putting out
The relatively small 250 scooters we want, it is
在过去的10年,自行车和5个国家的收入和Ge m百分之百的高价值,但我津市亿美元下降瓦特 5 tenths or more it has marked up the motorcycle is in here 10 years,
As for national income 1,000,000 decreasing, although the [ru] w
如何处理短途旅行自行车觉得自己没有一个长期稳定度疲劳 When it is about address, short range can run bicycle feeling, but when it is long distance, because there is no stability, you become tired
如果车辆停在前面,不应该做的是改变我们在合适的行车线后,滚装车,警戒级别由加快电力他们没有车,不能滚装越南后,他们补充好古1号或振铃据说 If there is a parking vehicle in the front, being cautious the car of rear, unless the lane you pass modifying on the right
It is not good, but because there is no acceleration force, surpassing is not possible well, in the car of rear
Klaxon is sounded
如果驾驶学校,如果行区,在小于“摩托车许可证”Borland建议在收购 It goes to the training place, if is, we recommend the acquisition “of two wheels license normally” small size AT compared to
宝马至少仅用于后座煞车他们喜欢并想借此后制动器只 At least when BMW using just the rear brake likely, just the rear
The brake that we want trying is applied
小津250 Sai m说你不是一个人谁在天堂,是胡蜂或忽略?我认为没有任何GTS250ei不在乎是否指定 Small 250 saying, saying, as for the [ru] people
VESPA you ignore?
It is not in the GTS250ei how eye, or so is?
当您从国家加快国内要重新转退缩的加速器在一个红色信号,前两车车队有一个时间差,而不是车周期,在那里他们,像东京和GoStop许多交通拥堵在另一端分心,一平方米Paratta津市Razu销售额在今年Yafuoku The signal resetting the accelerator before the car line of the car with red when re accelerating from a state where rpm has gone down domestic 2 cycles There being a time lag rather from the scooter inside capital likely GoStop and procrastination At the many place being nervous conversely after all 1 years not to ride the sale tsu pa and others tsu it is with yahuoku
当您从国家加快国内要重新打开备份下来的加速器,而不是有一个时间差,特别是来自两个周期车在东京GoStop像许多交通拥堵,并在他们的另一端沮丧,津市Yafuoku Paratta出售一年广场Razu Especially resetting the accelerator when re accelerating from a state where rpm has gone down domestic 2 cycles There being a time lag rather from the scooter inside capital likely GoStop and procrastination At the many place being nervous conversely after all 1 years not to ride the sale tsu pa and others tsu it is with yahuoku
必须有一些人是痛苦的障碍和对价什么是神奇的,但我在一分钟内,他们当然,他们没有办法增加维塔它为鲁莽驾驶的麻烦和反向驾驶读下杰鲁 The hurdle rising as for the person that being it is painful price reading sure however you understand When it lowers because the person who does annoyance driving rash driving conversely increases there is no manner
志位471的描述非常详细!所行Ttara教学,在思Urashii什么我走了瓦特有限,因此避免Ke蔌日嗯哦,我也不敢部分 471 Detailed explanation is very When the training place it goes AT limitation the tsu te which will be stopped you think don t you think it seems w Therefore being able to meet you have avoided it is to be it does also the part
恩达我思齿轮雅马哈和钠我希望你等于出卖轻便摩托车就好像两个物种的 The field attaching two kind edition of GEAR of YAMAHA being like the kana which is not put out -
You think that suitable it can sell, but it is
我可以山摩托车升降机是有限的9小时?不仅长,至少可以得到这样的授权和思Tokanai我们经历了一个自行车 However it is possible normally with the two wheels of MT limitation cancellation 9 hours Because there is only an extent being shortest as for licensing acquiring Thinking that you experience such a thing with the bicycle and do not solve
我可以山摩托车升降机是有限的9小时?不仅长,所以可以在最短的许可,我们恒星思阻燃剂 However it is possible normally with the two wheels of MT limitation cancellation 9 hours Because there is only an extent being shortest as for licensing acquiring Thinking that you experience such a thing with the bicycle and do not solve
我想本田和泰国没有从每一步Enjinbekobeko维塔平说出现可能会改变周围的野蛮人装备,您进行了锡精密的零件加工,低混乱 Because level there is no step
Rear tie HONDA the processed precision unreasonable oral [ya] of the part is low
It being possible with the tinplate, whether [ru] the extent gear which you can think at each time it changes [enjinbekobeko] you say
我是冷和705只装的V125,V125我不知道他们提出以下采购Utoki 705
Because as for we there is only V125 with loading characteristic and protection against the cold characteristic, when the next buying, if present condition it is V125
是或津市357 FI是需要改变规范出租车模型,但日本甚至不Ja 357
When it is the model which is not FI there is a time which also the cab modifies in the Japanese specification
曼荼罗是在公共道路不少经验的产品,其余的掌握,例如电路我早从实践中的第一个由业余风险预测放缓,这显示了一个例子古耐心是什么开车回到了道路安全的先进技术让 When the public road is experience is stacked, then will be acquired high-level technique with such as circuit
And, returning to the public road, it probably will patiently show the model of careful driving
First it will try practicing from an earlier deceleration than danger prediction and the amateur
最后20南特如果保费7000级之间的差距大约是Famibai顾炎武特别就几乎没有了 If it becomes finally 20 classes, reaching about premium as many as 7000 Yen
Difference of [huamibai] special contract is gone almost
本田瓦拉德罗的雅马哈125 ANF125另有825 xT配对。地址125铃木125(欧洲规格)议员。 12。钐125川崎KDX125是,目前的生产滑板车采购维塔,但我不隐瞒自己的知识 825 Other than that HONDA baradero 125 ANF125 Yamaha XT 125 Sea bass Address 125 the European specification DR 12 SM Kawasaki KDX125 The non scooter of 125 where presently it has produced Whether or not you can buy however you do not know don t you think
以125,但作一些补充? k9恩戴已经死亡,因此,是一个问题的铃木 But addition 125 to ride what Because k9 already has died sea bass there is no problem is
津市874助力车法定的速度三十〇公里每小时法定的速度轻便摩托车或两个品种津六十零公里每小时 874
Legal speed 30km of [tsu] field attaching/h
Legal speed 60km above [tsu] field attaching 2 kind/h
测试运行的方法轻便摩托车和504。我想这是将居民分散的小预算是从头开始采取减免罚款或罚款的时间从头元桥Hazime向左或向右在其任耀西肿胀,可能从一个预算分散,这是一个完全不同的发展狙 504 Law with field attaching running and test Because travelling is different at all When it is the one shot aim the causing re which falls it is Time of expanding or one bridge with left turn right turn Small demerit being taken finely finely the person who falls like it is it puts out
熟悉自己的标准扣除额,减去30,如果他将获得的获奖运行到一个点内完成 Understanding demerit standard well only the running which if all inclusive running it is possible within the demerit 30 point it is possible it passes
然在公用道路上612是一个创新思机车从三个两个共同的命运轮式交通工具前往月球,并一応四环素持特别许可在目睹了各类事故和有兴趣的一点他们的标准Shiyoru孩子山羊孤儿 612 In public road also destiny the same body and empty Also the license where the automatic two wheels are special to that the thought tsu and viewing gaki unreasonable to do the March palm two wheels with your own standard it depends force it is to look at accident because you take until it had just a little interest Once the child who lost parents in road accidents
真正反映不好不面对现实,一会儿吗? Shinogenai风雨采取东西向公众不像30余人的感觉,我拒绝了,与现实 Already unless you look straight actuality a little mazui it is it is not Such a rainy wind not being able to put out either 300 000 to the vehicle which cannot be exceeded has atrophied feeling of the general people and this is actuality
紧凑型自动车牌这不是色轮,我改变了颜色选举登记主任滚装原付文宁号码 The license plate of the small-sized automatic 2 wheels there is no color attachment and the [te], change the 寧 [ro] moped into the color equipped number
而她的慈济5739平方米,轻便摩托车?如果您不能半离合器操作,测试和第一牛思发展,没有人收到的回转和元桥Hazime在金刚山但它只是从扮四环素沟通困难,而不是更好的驾驶学校 5739 The field you attach and ride and it is the ru tsu te scooter If semi clutch operation is not possible first as for one shot test you think that it does not pass and Because the one bridge and the slalom on the other hand are more difficult than MT even with AT limitation The training place the one which it passed is good is
可打开油门,从什么一说一特鲁你Hippatsu速度,这将是最好Waseteji泰凯哇柯创新打开带速度过早吨739菟 739 Accelerator opening too much Pulling with 1st gear of the place as it is called in MT it seems the ru way because it rubbed Adjusting to the speed change of the belt the ji wa the tsu opening the ke it becomes mashi
该按摩师浩纪石井花的想法,和未加工羊毛的位置2阶段也是急难一块大石头30 000害怕不被警察欺负打算会见超过125踏板车 As for massage being large thinking or we fear also big accident and The hair growing in the scooter two stages and being 30K over That you are not hard on in the police it is the intention of being satisfied by 125 scooters
这两个品种的马阿279摩托车摩托车轻便摩托车,这不是坏的,无论如何,但如果限制自行车 279
As for this there are no automatic two wheels, [te] field attaching two kind
If well stop wheel place of 50cc limitation but which being full useless
这个类的人谁体重津市权力798踏板车,加速度是一个相当差瓦特乌卡拉现在,100公斤11马力,但车在路上,我觉得这样的PSX,我们期待一个温和的? 798 Because as for the scooter of this class at weight of the person who is riding acceleration is different extremely w Now 100kg However it is riding in the scooter of 11 horsepower Then expecting this PSX approximately tsu te feeling kana
(吧〜O〜) Faaaosaito很小,而不是预防。我食处褒是转向灯关闭屋良屋良能够自动踢它是从PCX收到风很可能疲劳 92 The o as for huaaaosaito saying rather than anti that it is small sized Ability being automatic the Wien car which is cut off was praising aim time Because PCX probably will receive the wind the shelf which may become tired
铃木Vekusuta Avenisu古顺便说一句,没有安全标准,事情不能指望从不合理的利润 By the way [avuenisu] [vuekusuta] of the sea bass not to be safety level, because you cannot expect profit, the thing of the excessiveness