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“With “capital punishment abolition group” & surname etc classified by married couple busy” Chiba method phase, at half year execution zero…The number of capital punishment not yet execution people, finally past in the highest 109 people the ★2


  • 109南特很少被判处死刑,但我不知道什么是死刑犯中外国人的比例也感到惊讶的是,人们
    Although capital punishment decision how it does not come out rarely, also 109 people were surprised to the condemned criminal being Percentage of the inside foreigner being agreeable, it probably is about some what

    • 216死刑。 Mawasetara在荒岛上生活的每个人,以及如何将学生在这里如果柯教授?互相残杀,以及如何? 216 Capital punishment When it makes everyone the unmanned island live Cooperating it keeps living kana The murder it is agreeable kana
      • 216死刑。 Mawasetara在荒岛上生活的每个人,以及如何将学生在这里如果柯教授?互相残杀,以及如何? 216 Capital punishment When it makes everyone the unmanned island live Cooperating it keeps living kana The murder it is agreeable kana
      • 一个荒岛的地方,并留下109人,记住,那么我好一旦来了 Leaving 109 people to the do tsu or the unmanned island then it should have made favorite distantly already it is

    • 242吐気 がするばばぁ身内 が 凶悪犯 に 襲 われますように60 年代 フェミ の 抑止力 に 襲 われますように60 年代 フェミ の 特徴 は 、 他人 や 国家 がどうなろうがしったこっちゃないってところ 242 The 吐 air does the a Way flesh fell is attacked in brutal offense Way it is attacked in deterrent of sixties huemi The feature of sixties huemi others and nation how probably will become but it does and the tsu it is this ya saying the place
      • 像往常一样在未来242折叠一个家庭成员是滔天罪行的女巫干呕费米特点60年代,这里Yanaittetokoro骂人的人,成为国家所 242 The 吐 air does the a Way flesh fell is attacked in brutal offense Way it is attacked in deterrent of sixties huemi The feature of sixties huemi others and nation how probably will become but it does and the tsu it is this ya saying the place

    • 30年期居民税按月支付梅鲁万未婚工人(包括地方税)和所得税约15万元
      The celibacy white-collar worker of salary 300,000 year the inhabitant tax which you supply () with as for total of income tax such as citizen tax 150,000

      • 310氖我加湾!脑和生殖器官中删除,即使行!
        310 Don't you think? cup -! If only the brain and the genital organ it removes, OK!

        • 338年的平安时代,日本的818年中几乎已久的废除死刑没有被认定为意外 From 818 of peaceful age over the long term of 338 years in Japan as for the capital punishment system being abolished The fact which is not known unexpectedly
          • 恶作剧执行改变每位部长的立场,这样的政府是反在法律平等 Like this doing as for stance of execution changing every administration and the minister of state It opposes to the equality under law

        • 494,任何人不得伴随着不断梅鲁法律程序,刑事程序法,任何内容均不得设立475,任何人,人们,年轻的生命,这是肿胀烧蚀Shiku自由,以及其他处罚该部不能让 494 If many people do not depend on the hand continuation which law decides what If it does not depend on Code of Criminal Procedure 475th provision no person and the person the life Because or freedom the 奪 cannot inflict re or other punishments
          • 494任何人不得以法律程序不断梅鲁,Shiku年轻的生命是自由的陪同下烧蚀肿胀,以及从其他惩罚不能让家人 494 If many people do not depend on the hand continuation which law decides what If it does not depend on Code of Criminal Procedure 475th provision no person and the person the life Because or freedom the 奪 cannot inflict re or other punishments
          • 宪法第31条,任何人均可以通过法律程序,如果不断梅鲁,Shiku年轻的生命是自由的陪同下烧蚀肿胀,惩罚不能让其他家庭 The Japan constitution 31st provision If many people do not depend on the hand continuation which law decides the life or freedom the 奪 cannot inflict re or other punishments

        • 58什么是犯罪,犯罪没有意义谷,我的意思是,如果犯罪退出昆虫的腿
          58 The offender [tsu] [te], there is no crime consciousness, like whether the foot of the insect the insect [ru] of crime it does, it is

          • 595それは被害者 の 心 が 手厚 く 保護 されてからの 話 しだよね今 の 日本 はそこまでいきつかないしそんな タイミング にすらなっていない死刑 を 廃止 するならその 前 に被害者 の ケア を 完全 にし他们想 595 As for that After heart of the victim being protected carefully it is story don t you think Current Japan goes to there the handle or It has not become such a timing If capital punishment is abolished before that We want making CARE of the victim complete
            • 国家已经废除了死刑,但我有一个相应的南特死刑的位置万维网太愚蠢忽视在外国它遵循万维网 The country which abolishes capital punishment is a capital punishment fit punishment however it is www Ignoring that in the foreign country imitate www which how is too foolish
            • 平和 な 時代 の 死刑廃止 に 何 の 意味 があるんだか …私 の 手 は 綺麗 なままよって 死 ぬときに 自慢 したいのだろうか Peace there is some meaning in capital punishment abolition of age it is … Will my hand when clean raw dying being perplexed probably want to brag

          • 627“例如,如果我知道一旦栗吃”什么魔鬼好如果它不是连梅甘娜维塔并不是说同意或反对死刑,并没有看到任何 627 If gt one time it witnesses it is understood gt Looking at that it is not the case that still you can call capital punishment opposition or approval etc When it is don t you think they are the demoniac or ogre domesticated fowl and animals Huh
            • 627“例如,如果我知道一旦栗吃”什么魔鬼好如果我有梅甘娜语言维塔不符合死刑尚未同意看到任何 627 If gt one time it witnesses it is understood gt Looking at that it is not the case that still you can call capital punishment opposition or approval etc When it is don t you think they are the demoniac or ogre domesticated fowl and animals Huh
            • 是这样的,或者说,你赞成还是反对死刑与千叶的不是没有,我只想说恩达思或不 This tsu te capital punishment opposition or approval there is no releasing which is said the te You think that is just the story whether Chiba works or does not do of but it is
            • 这并不意味着,但推翻了死刑判决,萘乙酸,但我认为这是残酷的,没有大宗原材料的希望 Capital punishment decision is overturned although it is not the case that without you utilizing also desire ru one However you think that it is cruel

          • 769老妇是我现在已经废除死刑的理论,我不,我不是从沉默的恶魔矢田有什么不对 769 This it does not do the a from yada it is it is not Capital punishment abolition is cherished opinion what Now saying nothing the error to demon it has converted however
            • 球员需要接受死刑的死刑任何Desho唉,我不杀人民的集体 As for the necessity to do capital punishment it is not everywhere It does with yes 哀 thought the yo The party who admits capital punishment is the human murder group
            • 这将是更好的是,无死亡,他们已经Munnarashinai良好 This is good thing capital punishment the te it have do and be train be the one which good

          • 847责任ñ过程中,法官同意判处死刑的刑罚,根据对暴徒被判处死刑,苏,一后(临时前囚犯)的苏下的谋杀罪判处死刑,如果源制备Rubeki反对法官负责 847 The judge who approves having ro decision is responsibility in death penalty decision to oppose to lowering death penalty to brutal offense the original prisoner temporary being discharged afterwards When homicide is committed the judge who opposes to lower death penalty should take responsibility
            • 847当然,法官负责制备Rubeki裁决,赞成死刑的 847 Of course the judge who approves death penalty decision should take responsibility
            • 我是623,我花了一些在法庭审判时,不能完全 623 Time applying the decision which that it is not easily possible putting out with judgment the ru it is

          • 877为什么神奇的16分钟,如果我认为相似率或将作为“现状已在日本的安全和稳定的死刑”保持部队成功地摧毁世纪的现代结构的变化了(某些国家,如人权组织)是“处决过去累积数时,超过的人数开始”利用传播媒介,博闻故意采取国内外的批评提高 877 Why if you think whether to the system like today from the 16th century it keeps changing of you understand gt Japan the present condition where the public order which is stabilized with the capital punishment system is maintained gt How doing as for the power specific country and human rights group group etc which we would like to destroy With the timing which gt the number of executions accumulates starts exceeding past number of cases gt Making use of the mass media voice of domestic criticism is picked up especially largely
            • 关于优点和废除死刑,司法部长千叶“文缺点是否你想要一个全国辩论”已反复,并作为具体的运动,该部内设立一个研究小组是什么文过滤器没有帝国 Capital punishment system Continuance concerning by all means as for Chiba method phase “we would like to cause national argument” that repeatedly it is but inside the ministry The concrete movement such that it starts workshop has not caused at all
            • 如果您一直在谈论的任期之间的刽子手司法部长鸠山由纪夫,但当然不同 If of course with Hatoyama execution has become condition of legal phase inauguration But as for story difference

          • NULL As for the capital punishment abolition disputant the person where by his is intimate the parent the sibling the child the sweetheart and the close friend stays cruelly Japan the public order which is stabilized with the capital punishment system being maintained The criminal being capital punishment decision from the crime contents And there is no explanation of the good reason there is no crime control effect in the capital punishment system and the te is good Therefore as for reason “capital punishment abolition disputant criminal Please stopping in indefinite penal servitude the tsu te being able to insist And that it was the human who can do that assuming Other by your making to also the unrelated victim bereaved family coerce You think that it is the mind where the one quite is unsound
            • 废除死刑的青少年的父母(父母,兄弟姐妹,子女,情人,最好的朋友)是安乐死,即使在死亡什么罪犯,犯罪,死刑是对犯罪的威慑无绝缘行,你可以申请封我请把它改为终身监禁,因为犯罪是一件好事宫内厅?它是由作为一个人,钌,我的其他家庭成员或胁迫受害人无关?我生病的心这样的看法,极 As for the capital punishment abolition disputant the person where by his is intimate the parent the sibling the child the sweetheart and the close friend stays cruelly Japan the public order which is stabilized with the capital punishment system being maintained The criminal being capital punishment decision from the crime contents And there is no explanation of the good reason there is no crime control effect in the capital punishment system and the te is good Therefore as for reason “capital punishment abolition disputant criminal Please stopping in indefinite penal servitude the tsu te being able to insist And that it was the human who can do that assuming Other by your making to also the unrelated victim bereaved family coerce You think that it is the mind where the one quite is unsound
            • 我们的观点是,糸井的死刑废除死刑· · ·前缀在这里不执行司法部长的职责,是反问题的执行呢?穆为了我提交法案,因为这意味着在部长辞职相反的耳朵立法机关 The opinion of the capital punishment abolition disputant the position it is with the coconut solving … Minister of Justice opposing to execution as for not executing duty it is problem because If the ear as the minister of state resigning When if opposite mind the serving wine mu bill should have been submitted as a legislature
            • 我宁愿说,在全民投票或司法部长谁,古诚鲍没有为什么处决,但没有选举,没有翻译千叶解释走入?原因是“因为他们没有死刑的废除死刑”是不是我好是的,他们从任何责任呢?是 As for I would like to saying Although with the referendum designates who as Minister of Justice of there is no meaning where Chiba is chosen Capital punishment there is no explanation of the reason which is not executed and the te is good Because the reason “therefore the capital punishment abolition disputant capital punishment is not done” with is good There is an explanatory responsibility it is it is not is With it means saying

          • NULL Dead ro se dead ro se dead ro se dead ro se dead ro se dead ro se dead ro se dead ro se dead ro se dead ro se Dead ro se dead ro se dead ro se dead ro se dead ro se dead ro se dead ro se dead ro se dead ro se dead ro se Dead ro se dead ro se dead ro se dead ro se dead ro se dead ro se dead ro se dead ro se dead ro se dead ro se Dead ro se dead ro se dead ro se dead ro se dead ro se dead ro se dead ro se dead ro se dead ro se dead ro se Death ro se dead ro se dead ro se dead ro se dead ro se dead ro se dead ro se dead ro se dead ro se dead ro se Dead ro se dead ro se dead ro se dead ro se dead ro se dead ro se dead ro se dead ro se dead ro se dead ro se Dead ro se dead ro se dead ro se dead ro se dead ro se dead ro se dead ro se dead ro se dead ro se dead ro se Dead ro se dead ro se dead ro se dead ro se dead ro se dead ro se dead ro se dead ro se dead ro se dead ro se Death ro se dead ro se dead ro se dead ro se dead ro se dead ro se dead ro se dead ro se dead ro se dead ro se

            • Senakattara预算在未来选举和老妇人的耻辱Razu知识,选民是愚蠢的球记住我:青决定 When you cannot entrap the shame not knowing grandmother with the following election as for the voter being gachi foolish the rule
              • 神奈川癌症的人要我,我会做,在未来的选举,并预算 You could drop with the following election but it is Kanagawa human cancer tsu te giving

            • W或人道主义达罗或死亡,或需要,以及该事项Yokutsu,该材料已被处理的法律是什么法,不,是不会削减在现代国家的死刑也的确认为这是什么我 The ro w which is Capital punishment humane is necessary when also such a throat arm is good the tsu te Conforming to law those which are processed Well capital punishment thinks that there is no collar with useless probably will be modern nation

              • “这就是我不喜欢杀人的人不是真正的好社会”我祖我骨折 “It probably will be possible to kill that person Don t you think it is useless That it does not become true good society” tearing the ru it is don t you think
                • 它是什么限于这个疯狂,8犯罪分子的打击,当你来杀我的家人 Only such a kichigai when its own family is killed The criminal is made eight tearing

              • ※表:※有关当然蒂鲍惠子和司法部长 政治 Hukushima瑞穗一天回旋镖海岩石井的反对党姓 我们努力实现※外国人之前进行表决: Chart Related sure Not seeing ho Minister of State Chiba Keiko method phase Fukushima opposition party age Boomerang So efforts to surname foreign carrot administration actualization of classified by harsh everyday… married couple Before
                • 处置从我,是社会败类,但它并不是一英里触发任何演习姓南特 Surname classified by married couple how extremely is wordy also the arm from calling The kudzu of society swiftly dealing margin

              • 〜〜我将要等到部长应辞退在理论上死刑,如果不是这个部的执行死刑的废除
                [ma] - - Capital punishment abolition theory With the cherished opinion of this minister of state If capital punishment it does not execute The shelf which should dismiss - This minister of state

                • ヽ西至 ª ª :) 研究 我猜你没有工作 REPT toe ee r Like the function te it is good it puts out
                  • 217所以我不是在许多る利益拿钱,而不是黄金和承担额外的司法拘留 217 Therefore from the gold which catches at the prison The gold which catches with excessive judgment and the like becomes many it is it is not serving
                  • 古打快速又简单!这是舒适的监狱,“”监狱“”“”“丸和决心,快乐锻炼人的监狱监禁所行 Making quick to easy As for living feeling Jail gt gt prison gt gt gt gt gt detention room When everyone jail going is decided the guts pause it does
                  • 如果服终身监禁,如果不是处决死刑犯不必无论从晚上到今天上午,在监狱工作,在看守所会议 If indefinite punishment unless from morning to evening you must work with the jail If the condemned criminal who does not have execution at the prison the brassiere brassiere

                • 不要踢我,鸠山内阁收到了相反的论点。碎片最好的球员,但他们扭曲
                  If opposition it undertakes, is,… As for Hatoyama Cabinet. Just matching some sometime first rubbish

                  • 为什么不忘记杀死那个谁的,这样他们邪恶wwwwwwww是的是的是的是的是的是的是的是的是的让对手超死刑ü Therefore bad thing people what which was done the murder chi ya you obtain and calling are wwwwwwww The capital punishment group of objectors super u ze it can be able be able be able be able be able be able be able be able be able be able be able be able be able be able be able be able to obtain
                    • 585蔌续被折磨了很长时间才死是杀害你快速积累 585 Being killed quickly it accumulates After long haul torturing if capital punishment you permit

                  • 什么是不判处死刑是对犯罪的威慑或谁不明法理学说今天,你有E Karimasu助理教授核实案件
                    If capital punishment in deterrent of crime saying, today clear in the law When there is no theory and the [te], verification example teaches it is saved

                    • 什么是好看蒂鲍惠子狙蒂鲍惠子四郎如果我要辞职,如果是连工作或思想和原则,小偷蒂鲍惠子税
                      Tax thief or work margin Keiko Chiba If it is not agreeable to principle insistence, Keiko resignation margin Chiba Keiko Chiba where something is the aim

                      • 什么是年龄傻瓜贝鲁849 U比值以及道德和生与死的意义不同?
                        849 The [tsu] [te] fool who compares the times when birth-death view and ethical view are different?

                        • 什么积极的家伙反对,反对票与台湾说,公平和E辞职插图!恩戴四郎而辞职!
                          The person who Taiwan resigns seeing, be able and if opposition opposite [tsu] [te] righteousness 々 boldly say and! It is with resignation margin and!

                          • 从我到她的工作做好Kusobabaa千叶我的若干规定从纳税人体面的薪水!我将尽109支持在一个月内执行个月后的生活谁湿重
                            Properly, therefore salary you have received from tax of the citizen, secure work margin Chiba [kusobabaa]! When it executes within 109 human one months Lifetime supporting, ww

                            • 从瓦里死刑世代致命仇讨要,有一些在考试中取得摆脱我一个真理
                              Because you would like to revenge by yourself It abolishes however capital punishment and with the notion that where you say there is a reason

                              • 但是我不是849津市思翻译和死刑,我在日本的任何事情,有很多人被我什么思什么是垂直和死刑的作用,以防止罪案情况,导致实际他们也是在该国的和平与稳定的最高或事实(除了最近的方式减少)的一个简单的比较与外国不同的历史黄金达罗 849 Thinking that with anything it should have made capital punishment there is no ru meaning Simply you think that in Japan the present condition capital punishment system has been useful to crime control The human has occupied large number and really most it stabilized with advanced nation As for building public order whether fact as for decrease of the manner of recent years as another The ro which it can compare with the foreign country where also historical details differ simply and it is
                                • 856 > 歴史的経緯 も 異 なる 外国 と 単純比較 できんだろそう 、 他国 との 治安 を 見 て 死刑 のある 日本 の 治安 がいいからといって 、 死刑 が 治安維持 に 一役 かっているとは 言 えないそもそも,思维方式我把重点放在维护治安秩序,飞行高度,直到我们的时间我们的警长或执达主任简介 856 The ro which gt it can compare with the foreign country where also historical details differ simply and it is So looking at the public order of the foreign country the Japanese public order which has capital punishment calling from calling assistance you have applied to maintenance of public order with you cannot call capital punishment In the first place as for how tsu te to think of seriously considering maintenance of public order sheriff and the local magistrate large to the times when it participated

                              • 作为类似死刑幻想死亡邪教。但是,他们有很多狂热,国际社会。死刑 の 流 れが 形成 される 中死刑 の 執行 を 敢 えて 加速 させるなんてのははっきり 言 ってお 隣 の 支那 や 北朝鮮 にも 等 しい 非道 な 反人権国家 を地 で 行 く 行為 だし 、 今後 ます会踢他们得到了国际社会的玛的强烈批评和谴责 The death which quite like splendid ones glorifies capital punishment However the fanatic is many international While the flow of capital punishment is formed As for how accelerating the execution of capital punishment boldly speaking clearly support of next door 那 and the inhuman counter human rights nation which is equal to also North Korea The behavior which goes at area it puts out it means in the future to receive strong criticism and criticism from more and more international society
                                • 作为类似死刑幻想死亡邪教。但是,他们有很多狂热,国际社会。死刑 の 流 れが 形成 される 中死刑 の 執行 を 敢 えて 加速 させるなんてのははっきり 言 ってお 隣 の 支那 や 北朝鮮 にも 等 しい 非道 な 反人権国家 を地 で 行 く 行為 だし 、 今後 ます会踢他们得到了国际社会的玛的强烈批评和谴责 The death which quite like splendid ones glorifies capital punishment However the fanatic is many international While the flow of capital punishment is formed As for how accelerating the execution of capital punishment boldly speaking clearly support of next door 那 and the inhuman counter human rights nation which is equal to also North Korea The behavior which goes at area it puts out it means in the future to receive strong criticism and criticism from more and more international society
                                • 苏似乎重复,“死亡,”鸠山(兄弟),连死的时候并没有执行确认 Way it repeats but When “dead God” Hatoyama the younger brother being even it had not executed in capital punishment decision order

                              • 凶悪犯罪人 を 放置 して 自分 がそいつからの 犯罪 にあったらどの 面下 げて 何 を 言 うのか 楽 しみなんだがなエセ 人権活動家 が 身 に 降 りかかったらどういう 反応 するのか 見 てみたいもんだ字母a Leaving the brutal criminal when by his accompanies and is in crime of the handle and others Which aspect lowering whether you say what but pleasantly everyone it is When the ese human rights go getter befalls in the body whether what it reacts the potato which tries seeing it is the shelf
                                • 695久 しぶり 、 基地害凶悪犯罪 が 正義 になったら 日本終了 だな Wお 前 のような 狂 った 奴大喜 びという 訳 だ 695 Long separation base damage When brutal crime becomes justice the Japanese end shelf W It seems like you and it is the meaning person exultaion which deviates

                              • 千叶学校,将废除死刑是认识到,来自Meta我当然执行委任知道留

                                • 半年無執行 だったことなんて 過去 にも 結構 あるんだしまだ 騒 ぐ 程 の 時期 ではないんじゃないかいいやまあ 、 この 人 が 執行 するとは 思 えないが Well enough it is even thing how past is semi year non execution it is to put out About makes a noise is not time still or it is it is not But well well it executes you cannot think this person

                                  • 南特姓,并开始说话,如果得出这样的事情真的重要Iidaro
                                    Surname classified by married couple how, the [ho] it is with how it is good, the [ro] which is Such a ones are put out to the inquiry

                                    • 南特线法官或595,如果我违反了行为人的事情了,我Muchakucha语言津的资本梅塔演讲中,我还没有最后确定废除死刑的人权,千叶南特线长,他们采取时间司法Naijan之前停止服用,如果我需要南特法院或刑事方人类 595 Saying ru thing the muchiyakuchiya shelf Human rights of the assailant are neglected to if it is judgment how it does not do and Spending long time judgment how it does not do Deciding Assuming that Chiba stopped If capital punishment abolition is cancelled the courthouse how it does not need it is As for you whether human of offender side
                                      • 595言 ってる 事 が ムチャクチャ だな加害者 の 人権 をないがしろにするんなら 裁判 なんて 行 わないし 、長 い 時間 をかけての 裁判 なんて 行 わない確定 した 死刑 を 取 りやめるなら 裁判所 なんて 要 らない我是你的男人前端剪犯罪 595 Saying ru thing the muchiyakuchiya shelf Human rights of the assailant are neglected to if it is judgment how it does not do and Spending long time judgment how it does not do Deciding Assuming that Chiba stopped If capital punishment abolition is cancelled the courthouse how it does not need it is As for you whether human of offender side
                                      • 民主走狗执行死刑 我喜欢中国,它甚至不是一个工作班 The Chinese way the ro which executes van van capital punishment and is As for the Democratic party of hanger on work margin
                                      • 问题是,死刑的如社会民主党和对经元龟井讲话他们没有更严重的河野洋平蒂鲍死刑联盟执行长 As for problem seriousness Assuming that this Chiba stopped If capital punishment opposite Kamei and the corporation people have coalesced there is no execution of capital punishment

                                    • 县那珂垃圾的垃圾,直到你死,如果我们的推动,在死囚处决按钮忘记
                                      The condemned criminal should have pushed the execution button is When dying to, annoyance it is to apply the kudzu

                                      • 叫醒913驱动器进行诬告或说什么你不执行恶意开始达罗坚定苏指责挂?你只是我有罪任意确定由法院来梳东西没有应变或司法裁决梅鲁美国部长的权威机构,它们的长度经过试了条件 913 Rather than hanging the false charge the ro where the method which does not execute decision is more vicious In the first place what from here the tsu te false charge wake which is said After passing long trial decision is twisted with the judgment of Minister of Justice when Courthouse something losing legal phase deciding guilty innocence selfishly the ro
                                        • 死刑,这一消息引起了对执行Aaaananteichiichi电视是错误的,我好胃站的立场一句?我将签署与司法部长四郎执法信有什么声音我达米的摩斯拉 Capital punishment the a a a a where punishment is executed The TV bureau which how is picked up one by one with news becomes angry Something is strange it is We dami voice of kingugidora in Minister of Justice margin tsu te Oh with while saying the wa signing to the execution book

                                      • 周围的学生运动,或类似的阶段怜再Mutoiuyatsukane千叶说,通用电气这样穿一次扔石块和汽油弹鬼
                                        Chiba which throws the stone and the molotov cocktail time of student movement, facing toward riot squad? The person combining that the same type phase is pitied,

                                        • 唤Nettouyoku多方式沿国际管理在民主党流,对废除死刑制备 NULL
                                          • Tatte被发送到死刑并没有改变这无论如何是不紧你正在等待执行死刑 How although ahead the se it does to send passes capital punishment is done it changes or The ro where the method which waits for capital punishment is harder and is
                                          • 她是民主的方式狙了死刑,我会取消双重交叉它既成事实 As for democracy aiming for the abolition of the capital punishment system in the form which keeps accumulating fait accompli the ru
                                          • 执行按钮(按钮是,知识然)的人说我们必须向新闻界和媒体将只剩下一个或 Whether or not the execution button the button as for being said that intellectual viewing pushes as for the person whom you can push just which it is

                                        • 噢韩国人也很肮脏,在日本是的他们是罪犯的死亡率。塵 いるんだろな帰化 して 日本国籍手 に 入 れても 朝鮮人 は 朝鮮人本質 は 変 わらないもんなはいはい 死刑反対死刑反対犯罪率日本一 の 朝鮮人歓喜 wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww a a As for the Korean crime ratio Japan one is it is Super it is dirty even in the sled ya condemned criminal The dust it is it is the ro which is Being naturalized inserting in the Japanese nationality hand as for the Korean the Korean As for essence it does not change it is It is and is capital punishment opposite capital punishment opposition The Korean joy wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww of crime ratio Japan one
                                          • 噢韩国人也很肮脏,在日本是的他们是罪犯的死亡率。塵 いるんだろな帰化 して 日本国籍手 に 入 れても 朝鮮人 は 朝鮮人本質 は 変 わらないもんなはいはい 死刑反対死刑反対犯罪率日本一 の 朝鮮人歓喜 wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww a a As for the Korean crime ratio Japan one is it is Super it is dirty even in the sled ya condemned criminal The dust it is it is the ro which is Being naturalized inserting in the Japanese nationality hand as for the Korean the Korean As for essence it does not change it is It is and is capital punishment opposite capital punishment opposition The Korean joy wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww of crime ratio Japan one

                                        • 国家拆卸社会混乱,目标是促进人权可言的暴力犯罪的名称
                                          For social confusion national dismantlement, brutal crime talking the name of human rights and promoting is the object

                                          • 国旗,发生了什么事在日本内阁就不是这样的人爱国家?一方面,非法移民,采取球夹紧是非法的,我们一贯反对 Is the method which does not love the national flag and the nation why probably that becomes the Cabinet minister of Japan On the one hand being consistent in illegal entry and the management of illegal stay it seems that in the opposite direction
                                            • 但是外国人投票卡斯的立场,赞成和反对的法律赞成你一轮的国旗和国歌新法案 The refuse of the rank which throws opposite vote circular you of day generation concerning the law which is made national flag national anthem it puts out It is foreign carrot administration approval

                                          • 在原材料成本,废料废物死亡“巴巴四郎的负担!”

                                            • 在处决下令在自民党时代的司法部长的是从人民好,他们没有花两个Hazime

                                              • 如果总理的支持者听到死亡率100%达罗? Gambol我是哑巴!
                                                When the support ratio of the prime minister you hear in the condemned criminal, the [ro] which is the 100%? You act playfully, it is well!

                                                • 如果我们的名乘Ritai人,如果一个复杂的现代国家,汤应支持现任司法部长,甚至没有思想死刑的态度,在转移危险死刑制度几乎没有!死亡!仿白痴,不要再大声Guyouna If we would like to be identified the citizen of the modern nation where we are refined it should support the attitude of present Minister of Justice it puts out Well peril of the system capital punishment either without thinking capital punishment Capital punishment With it should stop the foolish kind of imitation which makes a noise
                                                  • 599602 六亿零四百六十万七千六百一十一国家仍继续对其他无线系统,如死刑,在现代社会中的野蛮的惩罚,他们没有在现代国家的再入境待遇 599 602 604 607 611 The country which still continues the savage punishment like capital punishment in today s society already does not receive the treatment of modern nation

                                                • 学校接受了死亡的内阁办公室的调查记录是85,6%,今年谈谈四环素2月9日在一个新闻发布会上的号码,古迈代传入的“暂停他们非常高的重量“他补充说,”不管你是所有民意调查中只有一个表,我认为可能有必要认真考虑维塔一点时间“,并介绍了天空 Capital punishment admission group past in public opinion poll of the Cabinet prefecture the highest in 85 6 In press conference February 9th rising is mentioned of this year “we would like to catch heavily with the very high number” that While doing “in just one public opinion poll has displayed all public opinions whether or not is already a little prudently That you think” whether it probably is necessary to think that you expressed
                                                  • 自分達 に 都合 のいい 世論調査結果 がでると 、 「 こういう 結果 もあるのだから 」 ともてはやし 、都合 の 悪 い 結果 が 出 ると 、 「 一 つの 世論調査 だけですべての 世論 を 表 している是否将“为丰富和 With the public opinion poll result whose are convenient to by your the ru and “is also such result because ” with praising When the result whose are inconvenient is produced “in just one public opinion poll has displayed all public opinions whether or not is ” you call and escape

                                                • 它220件,这样做很多摆脱了?或释放到野外说キ炼¶ Þ ²! Goin死刑后,棺材费用。你们不但干应收代位权,从我知道的事情分钟? 220 Therefore abolishing the party how it was completed Or kichika ゙ i that shoot to the field The ri ya which is made capital punishment after that as for cost the casket Only subrogation there is a can such a thing you do not understand
                                                  • 见你,如果我不想推动司法部长应取消印花税?一名成员的反死刑。你刚才唱的位置 If hanko we would not like to push legal phase it should have stopped don t you think it is With one Assemblyman capital punishment counter Advocating the ro
                                                  • 订单则不同,因为他们不知道,不公平。什么是死刑不负责的司法? Without knowing it does the reason where order differs but 冤 As for capital punishment on administration of justice side responsibility Is not certain is
                                                  • 这里是一个了不起的百分之九十九的1000。我要怎么批评你则w死给我留下了千思海胆呢? It is enormous The 99 here thousand Criticism or w Such a we conceivably Chiba should have been designated as capital punishment don t you think it is

                                                • 它的即时死亡或安乐死的程序甚至不必知道他们的知识往往是有限的帷幔死后什么?平均不是14的利弊尚未看到一个笑话,我知道,例如,如果一些栗池的地狱一分钟的认知程度梅甘娜或不是魔鬼,但如果我不喜欢死刑和维塔和语言 Thing of 絞 neck punishment you do not know well only the rear capital punishment approval disputant You probably will know also it does not do When it is instantaneous death when it is mercy killing There is no joke Average 14 minutes There is also consciousness Hell If one time it witnesses it is understood Looking at that still you can call capital punishment approval and the like it cannot boil When it is don t you think they are the demoniac or ogre domesticated fowl and animals
                                                  • 它的即时死亡或安乐死的程序甚至不必知道他们的知识的绞刑是什么往往局限于死刑的利弊后?平均开玩笑14日还没有看到任何死亡例如,我知道如果一些黎嗤的地狱一分钟的认知程度如果它不是魔鬼,没有梅甘娜,并同意说维塔 Thing of 絞 neck punishment you do not know well only the rear capital punishment approval disputant You probably will know also it does not do When it is instantaneous death when it is mercy killing There is no joke Average 14 minutes There is also consciousness Hell If one time it witnesses it is understood Looking at that still you can call capital punishment approval and the like it cannot boil When it is don t you think they are the demoniac or ogre domesticated fowl and animals
                                                  • 死刑应当Houridase在唐人街,也使不犯罪和人权的剥夺,是对安乐死没有南特达罗的一样挂在脖子上也许意外的发生并非一个狂热的基 ro which the neck it hangs and how the mercy killing like it rubs Opposite shelf Human rights depriving whatever doing the one ri it should have put out to China town not to become crime It is not capital punishment As for accident the causing brick which happens

                                                • 它让我们投票的外国人和外国免税的免费学校免费通行早期古朝鲜!
                                                  It is quick the Korean school free conversion Foreign carrot administration Foreign tax-free Be formed!

                                                  • 少数溃的小姐,夫人和溃发作,这是执行,其说法是当然司法部和司法部长的职责呢?执行的法院。这是必要的权力?执行死刑法,刑事诉讼法第475条,由司法部长秩序 Mistake you grasp and crush grasp and crush the young woman As for execution there is no duty of Minister of Justice It is the authority of Minister of Justice don t you think As for execution The cutting deciding of Minister of Justice It is authority don t you think Code of Criminal Procedure 475th provision Execution of capital punishment is in accordance with the order of Minister of Justice
                                                    • 427法 では 6 ヶ 月以内 に 大臣 が 署名 し 死刑執行 すべき命令 は 6 ヶ 月以内 にしなければならないのであって 署名 し 執行 すべきとは刑事訴訟法第 437 条 には 書 いていない 427 With law the minister of state signs within 6 months and capital punishment should execute You must designate order as within 6 months Being you sign and should execute with You have not written on Code of Criminal Procedure 475th provision
                                                    • 6法427,以便在一个月内签署了执行部长至6个月被处决,这件事必须在一个月内签署的475刑事诉讼法法个月,他们不得构成 427 With law the minister of state signs within 6 months and capital punishment should execute You must designate order as within 6 months Being you sign and should execute with You have not written on Code of Criminal Procedure 475th provision

                                                  • 就像谁是谴责的家伙,他们剖开胃部医科学生的培训解剖学,材料用作如果它们组合此外针,没有在医疗纠纷案件医生的培训正在扼杀着未来很多次石井隆也可以提供装备的贡献,但他们也将导致学生的作用,安全性至关重要的应用谁马克 The condemned criminal like people being opened up the stomach in medical raw dissection practice in addition stitching up in the future many degrees as the teaching aid using medical accident If so utilizing in the rearing the doctor who does not kill the patient also degree of contribution is high although and the person is utilized because it is useful although it becomes also making up for

                                                    • 年轻的上诉Shiku要求重审,上诉和非常赦债务进行复原。若 しくは申出 がされその 手続 が 終了 するまでの 期間及 び 共同被告人 であつた 者 に 対 する 判決 が 確定 するまでの 期間 は 、 これをその期間 に 算入 しない In addition appeal right recovery Or claim emergency appeal or favor of retrial Coming out of pardon Or Until the stating coming out is done and the hand continuation ends period and with the joint defendant Thickly until is the decision for the person decides period this That It does not include in period
                                                      • 但上诉时代的权利。青年Shiku要求重审,并在一些大赦特别上诉。若 しくは 申出 がされその 手続 が 終了 するまでの 期間及 び 共同被告人 であつた 者 に 対 する 判決 が 確定 するまでの 期間 は 、 これをその 期間 に 算入 しない However appeal right time Or claim emergency appeal or favor of retrial Coming out of pardon Until or the stating coming out is done and the hand continuation ends until period and thickly is the decision for the person decides with the joint defendant period this It does not include in that period
                                                      • 但上诉时代的权利。青年Shiku要求重审,并在一些大赦特别上诉。若 しくは 申出 がされその 手続 が 終了 するまでの 期間及 び 共同被告人 であつた 者 に 対 する 判決 が 確定 するまでの 期間 は 、 これをその 期間 に 算入 しない However appeal right time Or claim emergency appeal or favor of retrial Coming out of pardon Until or the stating coming out is done and the hand continuation ends until period and thickly is the decision for the person decides with the joint defendant period this It does not include in that period
                                                      • 但上诉时代的权利。青年Shiku要求重审,并在一些大赦特别上诉。若 しくは 申出 がされその 手続 が 終了 するまでの 期間及 び 共同被告人 であつた 者 に 対 する 判決 が 確定 するまでの 期間 は 、 これをその 期間 に 算入 しない However appeal right time Or claim emergency appeal or favor of retrial Coming out of pardon Until or the stating coming out is done and the hand continuation ends until period and thickly is the decision for the person decides with the joint defendant period this It does not include in that period
                                                      • 年轻的上诉Shiku要求重审,上诉和非常赦债务进行复原。若 しくは申出 がされその 手続 が 終了 するまでの 期間及 び 共同被告人 であつた 者 に 対 する 判決 が 確定 するまでの 期間 は 、 これをその期間 に 算入 しない In addition appeal right recovery Or claim emergency appeal or favor of retrial Coming out of pardon Or Until the stating coming out is done and the hand continuation ends period and with the joint defendant Thickly until is the decision for the person decides period this That It does not include in period

                                                    • 幼女誘拐殺人事件 の 犯人 とされた 、 飯塚事件 の 冤罪者久間三千年 さんは 、 直接証拠 は 皆無 、 DNA 鑑定 はでたらめ 、本人 は 逮捕後一貫 して 無実 を 主張 していたにもかかわらず 、 嘘 つきの 目撃者 の 証言 と 、 でっち上 げのあやふやな 傍証 を 無理 やりこじつけて 、 久間 さんを 犯人 と 決 め 付 けた 福岡地方裁判所 ・福岡高等裁判所 および 最高裁判所 の 下記 11 名 の 裁判官 どもによって 謀殺 された
                                                      It is young, it made the criminal of woman kidnapping murder case, as for false charge person Hisama 3000 year of Izuka incident, as for direct evidence nothing, As for DNA judgment random, This person after the arresting being consistent, insisted falsehood in spite, testimony of the witness of the liar, the apprentice The Fukuoka district court where the excessiveness you do the uncertain supporting evidence of lifting and strain, the criminal scolds Hisama You were murdered by below-mentioned 11 judges of the Fukuoka high court and the Supreme Court

                                                      • 我并不强迫重审Dattara柯可相撞规定的最后期限,真正密封死刑,死刑和Dattara执法。云母解雇好主持人?
                                                        Providing the execution time limit of capital punishment, it is it cannot pierce by any means densely, when it is forcing retrial, in addition it is capital punishment, law. It is to call with dismissal the mica?

                                                        • 无损检测,以及他们在床上家伙对接邦夫的继任者,日本朝日新闻叩为什么会萎缩呢?
                                                          Is with, the person Kunio's of the successor way doing the rear end wiping, in addition it is hit in the Asahi newspaper, it is the [ro] which is?

                                                          • 日本东京地方法院,平成10年,Sun公司3月20日的裁决(第983判例时报222页)
                                                            Tokyo district court 1998 March 20th decision (judicial precedent times 983 page 222)

                                                            • 是违反人民谁四环素尸体挂千叶‥‥共识
                                                              Chiba The corpse whom it hangs In those which oppose to the collective will of the citizen.

                                                              • 有名死刑囚 の 裁判 でいっぱいいる 弁護団 は 人権論者 や 死刑廃止論者 が 自発的 にやってるので奴等 の 自腹 ( 広告活動 だから 当然 w その 後本書 いて 印税稼 げるし )
                                                                Because as for the defense counsel which all the way is with judgment of the famous condemned criminal the human rights disputant and the capital punishment abolition disputant doing voluntarily, the [ru] Our stomach such as person (therefore announcement activity naturally w after that book writing, royalty it can make and)

                                                                • 杉浦聪894富士肯左晃,但表示撤回其
                                                                  894 Satou Megumi But Masatate Sugiura withdrew speech so

                                                                  • 柯碰撞不能印章,但不应查看犯罪,政策应规定处决人数
                                                                    It is, crime apparent should not do, that it cannot pierce densely itself, but to express statement it should convert the execution time limit of capital punishment numerically

                                                                    • 根据司法部,是一个记录作为在年底积压的107人在2007年底,高,现在他们的状态,它超过了津市
                                                                      According to Ministry of Justice, as for at end of year point in time past being most numerous as the number of not yet execution people, With 107 people of 2007 end of year, presently it is in a state where this is exceeded

                                                                      • 正因为如此愚蠢,司法机构,“嘿只是死在你最败类”私生子谁比什么,我计算三年超过100亿浪费纳税人的钱活必要的决定 With consequence of this aho administration of justice “don t you think only die the people who do e kudzu” tsu te judgment After utilizing above necessity it is the calculation which makes the blood tax of year 300 000 000 or more wasteful

                                                                        • 死囚区谁在狱中会见了一双“古继续只要司法部长现在我去同反民主管理,资本死刑,执行问题没有 Therefore as for the person who goes to interview in the condemned criminal vis a vis the prisoner “as for current Minister of Justice capital punishment group of objectors don t you think Because the Democratic party administration continues if there is no execution don t you think
                                                                          • 生月月一餐一囚犯谁,你有什么我有我的知识津市的税款?约三千点〇〇〇万日元 NULL

                                                                        • 民主党人什么可以不执行死刑的人数谁,不论其杀害(默认情况下病人的谋杀)对谁杀的人,因为死刑的人数(死亡谋杀我,我 u003d或佐藤)由谁的人有杀人(谋杀Hyahha,他们说,死刑的人数。谋杀)“”“”“”“”“”“”“” u003d见分的该球是非常 The number of people where the Democratic party executes capital punishment and says and as for thing does the human murder regardless of the homicide disease person of default With Because there is a � capital punishment the number of people who do the human murder we is killed between the homicide houses With Because it does not become � capital punishment the number of people who do the human murder hiyatsuha homicide saying Homicide � gt gt gt gt gt gt gt gt gt gt gt gt gt gt � � As for distinguishing the � and the � serious
                                                                          • ↑厕所在这种状态下,他们波顿(Tamotsu 厅),其中我将让我们坐24小时没有窗户?瓦特达罗古早逝相当好wwww The botsuton toilet which does not have the window in this state of the ↑ preservation The room 24 hours you can sit straight it is the ze which is w To be quick the ro wwww where the one which has become capital punishment is mashi
                                                                          • 民主党人什么可以不执行死刑是死的。魔法分钟也是猴子解剖我们拥有了所犯罪类很多民主党支持者 The number of people where the Democratic party executes capital punishment and says and as for thing does the human murder regardless of the homicide disease person of default With Because there is a � capital punishment the number of people who do the human murder we is killed between the homicide houses With Because it does not become � capital punishment the number of people who do the human murder hiyatsuha homicide saying Homicide � gt gt gt gt gt gt gt gt gt gt gt gt gt gt � � As for distinguishing the � and the � serious
                                                                          • 这需要保持人均囚犯成本二十八万日元 月三万三千六百点〇万日元 2年,350万个 7年104人,100万费用3 50亿年发生像一个巨大的浪费,在日本的政治人物,我们所使用的费用是多少? ? ,,,,司法部长不签署死刑判决资格。应该驳回 Per maintenance cost one person who depends on the prisoner 280 000 Yen month 3 360 000 Yen year 2 3 500 000 Yen 7 years s amount 104 people cost of 1 years 350 000 000 Yen In such a thing such an enormous wasteful cost being used is the form of Japanese politics Is not signed to as for kind of Minister of Justice who execution with being disqualified It should dismiss with

                                                                        • 法相 だけど 、 個人的 に 基 づき 、 裁判所 で 正規 の 手続 きを 経 て 死刑囚 じゃなくても 被告 に 金 がない 場合 は 司法側 に 責任 が あるのではないですか ? > 動機 も 明 らかにされないまま 死刑判決 されているにも 関 わらずそれを 執行 を 粛々 と 判決 されているにも 関 わらずそれを 執行 させないとは 素晴 らしい 。它是精神的规律!法律规范的流石等司法!法官忙石井你喜欢我们,以便杰鲁思歌曲和歪曲法律是模糊的顶部和其他代哇 But legal phase of privately on the basis passing proper procedure at the courthouse when there is no condemned criminal and the te there is no gold in the defendant on administration of justice side responsibility Is not certain is gt Without either motive making clear capital punishment it is decided relation That execution is decided as 粛 々 relation It does not make that execute it is splendid With legal mind shank As expected Minister of Justice who administers law Because it seems the busy way in the 捻 ji bending law If Minister of Justice substitutes to other one you think
                                                                          • 228如果你没有你没有钱的被告人被判处死刑的律师会告诉 228 When there is no condemned criminal and the te there is no gold in the defendant the public defender is attached
                                                                          • 299嗯,你不是人被判处死刑,更光滑hidoi别人呢?作者:忘了 NULL
                                                                          • 299注定要死亡的陷阱,不这样做的“死亡”惩罚“”字是一个能亲后Watta人能亲二E后,最终有可能在同一监狱案最终到期日死亡嗯,因为他们国家的最后一次全体会议的Watta人同罪 299 In condemned criminal and tsu chi ya circumstance trap As for capital punishment you call “death” literally it is to give “punishment” After giving after ending you became the corpse when penal servitude was finished with expiration in the same way Therefore when it is finished making up for crime well
                                                                          • “不公平。什么是死刑不负责的司法?也受到司法机构的裁决,无论是负责执行的管理 gt 冤 As for capital punishment on administration of justice side responsibility Is not certain is In the administration of justice which gives a decision and there probably is a responsibility in the administration which executes
                                                                          • “久间章生是三千年先生2006年9月和今年1月证实死亡,”从最后执行两年多的 gt Capital punishment has decided Hisama 3000 year in 2006 September gt From decision it was executed in a little more than 2 years
                                                                          • “审判的供述,没有证据,”目前仍在判处死刑或他们是在明朝和动机 gt Regarding the trial to make confession without either objective evidence gt Without either motive making clear capital punishment decision
                                                                          • “民主派”每名乘什么,同时,继续无视事实,即多数人的意志了死刑的人 ” The Democratic party” to be identified the fact which continues to ignore the public opinion of capital punishment approval large number
                                                                          • ↓水平个人主义的自我(宽)病理网站什么人谁反对死刑,我那么高我倾向于自闭症 ↓ Unsound individualism level self diagnostic sight asupe Capital punishment the human tsu te which opposes our closed tendency it is high it is don t you think
                                                                          • 一位595岁的伐丽流多少的问题可以采取即使对被判处死刑的犯人被处死一个灵活的,有一个良好的光泽的选择 595 Because how much soft correspondence whether it can come off is the times when it is questioned vis a vis the condemned criminal whom punishment decides as for execution taking The choices that may be it stops
                                                                          • 什么用于测试作为对葛持国内载人火箭射击,什么是由于船员死亡Koretara安全,1。减为终身监禁 Using the condemned criminal as a crew member for the launch test of the domestic manned rocket Safety returning this cod 1 With reduction of sentence in indefinite penal servitude
                                                                          • 但是,司法部长,我等待的决心,因为我本人反对死刑不执行法院判处死刑 But legal phase therefore private opposition to capital punishment capital punishment being decided with judgment it does not execute capital punishment
                                                                          • 即使是最高法院确认了死刑,他是无罪的家伙不做某事很 Capital punishment deciding deciding with the Supreme Court the te and very there is no innocence applying the reason where the person stay it puts out
                                                                          • 和643,还有家庭Kiwamu任何惩罚。我不会因为受害人,但我不执行死刑 643 But inflicting whatever kind of punishment researching completely Executing capital punishment is not the case that the victim returns it is
                                                                          • 因为我没有执行规定不应当确定的死刑判决后,我不如我维塔慈济在此基础上,以司法部长的投诉6个月内 Unless you must execute within capital punishment decision decision latter half year it is stipulated that therefore it is This there is also the tsu hand which appeals Minister of Justice to basis but it is
                                                                          • 在烧死,淹死的惩罚,镇压,研究活埋,钉在十字架上(钉在十字架上),跨句,斩首(Zanshu),中毒,裂缝车(车)几年。地面,鱼锅,如石刑执行的许多不同的方式为志 Fire punishment and drowning punishment crushing to death and being buried alive 磔 sticking cross punishment the 斬 neck the za it is The palpus poisoning and the car fissure the ma za which comes it comes 挽 It came the kettle 茹 also execution method such as stone striking was various
                                                                          • 如果你不能做一些司法部长和刽子手!井大声不错,如果你反对作为加耶成员死刑 Capital punishment it cannot execute if legal phase something you do And is the ro if capital punishment opposition it had been supposed to have made a noise as gaya Assemblyman
                                                                          • 如果你说这是不人道的死刑,废除死刑对我来说,缺少人道的罪行 If you say that capital punishment non is human after there is no non human crime Capital punishment is abolished
                                                                          • 如果没有理由的执行顺序也是为什么要对死刑执行命令 In capital punishment decision or there must be a reason in execution order but If there is no execution order also the reason is unnecessary
                                                                          • 我们没处罚传入和死刑犯,但裁定死刑的罪行的价值 In other words although the crime which is worthy of to capital punishment was committed and capital punishment irrevocable judgment came out receiving being punishment it is thing
                                                                          • 我念叨,死刑本身是不是我的责任,取消,让他执行死刑是在说磁带万 We does not blame the fact that itself capital punishment abolition is designated as cherished opinion and in such human Capital punishment execution margin word cup
                                                                          • 我是从千叶民主“司法部长被解职命令的执行”不出来 Being the place where Chiba is reshuffled There are no times when “the legal phase which orders execution” appears from democracy
                                                                          • 我认为这种行为是299许素取出的血液和器官的谴责只是因为它?执行阶段,健忘,要求他们自我选择 299 Therefore the condemned criminal with saying you think that the behavior which removes the blood and the internal organs is permitted Oneself it should have had selecting at execution stage it is
                                                                          • 我认为,死刑应该,而且记住,而是违反宪法,该宪法应先调整 As for capital punishment you think that it is proper but Because you think that it is violation of constitutional provisions constitution it should amend first
                                                                          • 执行和分钟,我是充满死亡保养。我是司法部长否认支付Baiin首页 Capital punishment as for cost of maintenance of the amount which has been executed the payment in full death The legal phase which it has denied should have paid it is
                                                                          • 日本还将从黑手党Daijobu 100个销售和贩运毒品蜂拥杀了人什么恶毒的外国人死刑,你来 When it is Japan 100 people killing drug sale and trade in human life doing Because it does not become capital punishment the daijiyobu tsu te Atrocious foreign Mafia uniting doing wrapping the shank
                                                                          • 明确每人每年500的费用,约为整个事情取决于万,什么是死亡 Per certain one person about 5 000 000 expense it catches is in 1 years the condemned criminal tsu te
                                                                          • 智利司法部长被任命为千叶我,如果我,我们将其翻译和线路有一个良好的四环素自由党政府在未来回来,苏处决元塔马里塔马里 When in the future returning to our civil administration right is appointed the honest method phase which 粛 々 it does not do the execution which Chiba accumulates to accumulating it is the meaning which becomes necessary
                                                                          • 死刑囚 もたまんねーな w法務大臣 が チンポ になったり マンコ になったり ウンコ になったりするたびに執行 されたりされなかったり w覚悟決 めてんだからとっとと 殺 ってくれって 感 じだろうな Don t you think the condemned criminal the cartridge it is w At each time Minister of Justice becomes chinpo and or becomes manko and or becomes unko It is not executed w Therefore preparedness it has decided it kills swiftly and it probably is the tsu te feeling
                                                                          • 死刑本身。必和公平的处罚,前现代(主要是前18世纪),是一个共同的惩罚 As for capital punishment body Along with punishment front modern times in general before the 18th century general It was punishment
                                                                          • 石市中悲617,E也抱怨废除死刑并不意味着这里 617 Sad kana appealing capital punishment abolition here there is no meaning
                                                                          • 经过死刑确认,在法律,但其执行应签署部长在一个月内数个月,平均电流,历时7年 After the capital punishment deciding although with law the minister of state signs within 6 months and capital punishment should execute Present condition catches average as many as 7 years
                                                                          • 読 んでて 大 きな 間違 いをしている 奴 が 結構多 いので 言 っておくが 、 裁判所 が 死刑判決 を 下 しても 執行 については法務大臣 に 任 されるので 、 大臣 が 執行 しないという但是,如果没有什么是非法的 NULL
                                                                          • 该问题已在该国废除了死刑,即使你杀一个人,10至终身监禁,即使他们杀害的人,例如,如果一个家庭四环素是Idaku尝试对他的悲伤,我的家人全部遇难这是古据说,在许多情况下, In capital punishment abolition country becoming problem 1 people killing even when 10 people killing therefore life sentence For example when there is a family in the partner who holds grudge Don t you think the incident that having become many to the family it is made everyone murder it seems
                                                                          • 这是一个时代的伐丽流的问题多少可以采取灵活的,即使对被判处死刑的囚犯执行死刑,有一个良好的光泽的选择 Because how much soft correspondence whether it can come off is the times when it is questioned vis a vis the condemned criminal whom punishment decides as for execution taking The choices that may be it stops

                                                                        • 津说,我要延长审判和再审什么亚四环素不敏感,更好地撕裂安上庄严的成本计算,如果你说,是最近都承认的几乎没有任何生命的再审乞河内塔梅我不能
                                                                          If you say from the aspect of cost, the [tsu] chestnut [ya] [tsu] it is the kana one there is no cheapness Cutting/deciding of prolongation of life understanding, thing of retrial claim saying, however the [ru] it is probably will be, recently and life 乞 it is retrial claim of for the sake of how is not almost recognized

                                                                          • 碧塔海推出109死刑犯谁在大逃杀生活安乐死的人你在做什么呢?
                                                                            [batorurowaiyaru] doing with condemned criminal 109 [tsu] [te] mercy killing being able to point 1 people who survive how?

                                                                            • 神奈川大诚在光束,但必须采取死刑上诉律师更加早期古( ·ω·`)不签署执行命令,和你这家伙是无视人权神奈川是不是一样吗?神奈川,没有死刑和输入Odashima哲夫绪东和传入我会做100滨崎步弓弦什么是执行死刑的执行
                                                                              The gold river truth as for large although the fact that the attorney who would like to become quickly capital punishment appeals was withdrawn (' Ω `) As for not signing to the dense Tsuga execution order book when human rights of the gold river are ignored, the same without being? Hundred steps transferring, is It does not execute condemned criminal such as Ogata Suguru period and the Odasima iron man who accepted capital punishment, the [te] Executing the gold river

                                                                              • 第710,第475条,476为1个月内从法院从第6个月5,在命令必须在数天内被执行或不? 710 From 475th provision and 476 provisions If from decision you order within 6 months and from order do not execute within 5 days It is not to be not to become
                                                                                • 苏剪了一些东西,在执行的顺序是没有办法这个老奶奶,萘乙酸他们不作弊,不说他们是谁裁剪 This the a puts out execution order something it cannot boil it is So what you do not declare that it does not put out is zuru

                                                                              • 結局 、 なにもできやしない 無能 フェミババア が 仕事 を 停滞 させ 、被害者 の 遺族 の 気持 ちを 蹂躙 し 腐 ってるわけかいい 加減 、 物事 の 本質 を 見極 めようぜ After all what is possible and disabled huemibabaa which is not the palm is stagnant work To devastate the feeling of the bereaved family of the victim rotting ru reason To some extent the ze which will ascertain the essence of phenomenon
                                                                                • 只要民主党继续喾,并制备池受害者在法庭上获胜家庭,垃圾是在司法裁决 If the Democratic party continues The victim bereaved family gained at the court decision with administration of justice makes the wastepaper
                                                                                • 食品和衣物,食品和生活,但显然是确。卫还配备了受害者家属的复仇 But certainly as for food expenses and life simplicity food and clothing With completion it is protected even from vengeance of the bereaved family of the victim

                                                                              • 继续现在,我为您带来的司法部长,千叶不愿意处决更Kotokai语言海胆例如繁忙或法院的一个重要的姓氏裁定喜欢它的真正执行死刑,即使检查的内容,如果你不能相信没有统一的法院,我不相信日本自身首先立法,司法做点事孙
                                                                                Here it is with densely, in execution passive Minister of Justice, the [tsu] is, Don't you think? as for Chiba furthermore you say thing scratching, with surname and the like classified by married couple busyness, with the [ma] [ji] the person Concerning the judgment where capital punishment like important decision comes out, even contents without closely examining It cannot trust even decision, if it is, in the first place Japanese laws itself It is not believed, therefore it is, the legal phase no refuse it is

                                                                                • 茹杰鲁事情,为感情,扭曲了蒂鲍惠子依法治国首歌?
                                                                                  In Keiko's Chiba emotional argument the 捻 [ji] law being the country which can do to bend?

                                                                                  • 蒂鲍惠子司法部长是“不是公务员工作作为一个男人瓦特的例子”
                                                                                    As for Chiba Keiko method phase the person shelf w like sample “of the government employee who does not work”

                                                                                    • 蒂鲍惠子(日本社会党→)(社会民主党→)(前民主党→)民主党(集团横路)光洙新(新金光洙)剂-包括对有关朝鲜居民在日本政治犯签署的“释放现有的”要求国民大会(2006附录一星期一)东京众议院民主党直根,代理领导人沃德18名民主党众议院上届立法局议员江田五月(社民连源)联邦参议院参议院主席商事冈,冈山县(副主席)民主党(社会主义元)(2004年退休后)観树佐藤民主党众议院(社会主义人民币爱知县第10区)(2004年辞职是涉嫌欺诈嫌疑),山下康雄

                                                                                      • 近年来,全国各地的挂还保留死刑,枪决,电椅,气杀,杀注(毒),并逐渐下降,相对。  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ 小身体上的痛苦不被认为是 主流的做法是 沉默的声音 历史的惩罚是成为文明和合作  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄∨  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄五(°д°)“⌒ ヽ Nonono ” Recently even between capital punishment existence position countries 絞 neck punishment and gun down punishment the electric chair gas shooting note gundown poisoning And so on it is you being squeezed relative It is thought that the ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ 92 physical pain it is little 92 Adopting method is main current It is noisy say nothing tsu In history of punishment with civilization conversion… ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ 92 ¯ ¯ ∨ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ V ¯ ¯ ゚ д ゚ lt ⌒ REPT no no lt
                                                                                        • 33でも ヨーロッパ では 、 反社会的 な 行為 をしたとみなされると裁判 ヌキ で 射殺 されちゃうんだよ … … テロリスト の 投降 も 認 めず 撃 ち 殺 しちゃうし日本 の 方 がまだ マシ 33 So in Europe when it is regarded that counter social behavior was done It was pipped with judgment nuki and the chi ya bore it does not recognize either the surrender of…… terrorists and pips and the chi ya u does The Japanese one still mashi

                                                                                      • 这个家伙我赞成民主ーKusobabaa达罗还与氖刽子手工作,但你撞真正理解,通常被认为是参院选举登记主任 Finishing to know however callous Toda the ho it is with work die The ro where also execution is work kusobabaa The person who voted to democracy think the House of Councillors selection well
                                                                                        • 为什么我不是释放传入判处死刑,今天在下面的例子如废除死刑很多? Being the place where proverb in the future it becomes capital punishment abolition now capital punishment decision receiving there is no reason where the ru party is released it is the ro which is

                                                                                      • 这将需要数十亿的资金,并考虑调查和诉讼费用而采取的大部分费用
                                                                                        When judgment cost most the investigation cost which catches is considered in this, it probably means that the gold of hundred million units catches

                                                                                        • 这种卖国Indaro像以前大阪府知事瓦特忙的家伙,对希望加拉戒指!你说什么慈济放射性废物
                                                                                          It is dense, it is busy with treason, it is the [ro] w which is Osaka prefecture governor before likely, have the round sand ring rise! The [tsu] [te] saying, the rubbish of [ru] level

                                                                                          • 这,似乎是一个部长或部长是错误的,我什至死亡纳阿我们一边的不平等
                                                                                            This, it is unequal, considered as the side of the condemned criminal… Hitting minister of state being like there is end minister of state

                                                                                            • 迟浩田Yaritee,很少像椅子上投篮手中已经出现巴巴希望看到这当然我是认真的这个〜 When this sure you see time it stopped wanting to do this babaa with maji Wild beating doing with chair like familiar ones the te obtaining

                                                                                              • 通过社会成本的进程司法部长吴金并不会从什么将是没有在法庭上行使身穿古转让也独立彰,修马里阿原因,可能是生气悟任可 Knows is you get angry but so if it does because also the reason which is not executed via the process which legal phase pays social cost will make individually clear perhaps the courthouse whether dividing the settlement arrives with that
                                                                                                • 意图不执行命令你吗?安静,以免在该市的时间 Not being order also as for the intention which it executes the combining which is certain Gradually because with the rag so is it makes placid
                                                                                                • 纏 めると 、 裁判所 は 法務大臣 に 刑 を 執行 してもいいですよという 許可 を 出 すだけであって 、 必 ずしも 刑 を 執行 しろと 義務付 けるものではないのです When it collects the courthouse to Minister of Justice may execute punishment the permission that just is put out is punishment is always executed The ro it is not to be something which is required
                                                                                                • 语言撕了线的可能性,我们将是机械地执行机制,它鸠山的弟弟是一个健全的多,但并非如此多思恩达 The Hatoyama younger brother keeps being done execution mechanically the mechanism which Whether those which it is not possible what you said so unreasonable story You think that it is not but it is
                                                                                                • 通过社会成本的进程司法部长吴金并不会从什么会,他们之所以不执行分开明修真理身穿法官可在其愤怒和分裂古可任悟 Knows is you get angry but so if it does because also the reason which is not executed via the process which legal phase pays social cost will make individually clear perhaps the courthouse whether dividing the settlement arrives with that

                                                                                              • 避免任何受害者亲属在上议院的逝世是用来哭什么是生命的肇事者模拟轧坏税务咬等待几年时间,但不会因此而自满,并会在采购原材料 The lynching and being useless capital punishment are useless Flesh fell of the victim cries falling asleep The assailant being caught several year taxes using surviving being discharged is the case that lightheartedly it keeps living
                                                                                                • 台湾的司法部长死刑,废除死刑,但它甚至没有垃圾千叶巴巴很快辞职,我也拒绝辞职,并在处决 As for the Taiwan capital punishment abolition disputant method phase denying execution resigning the shelf Also Chiba babaa quickly resignation margin the kudzu
                                                                                                • 废除死刑,或一个人的维塔废除死刑,即使他说他的家人杀害?无论他们都想听 As for the person capital punishment abolition margin When its own family is killed even Being able to call capital punishment abolition margin Hearing regardless like

                                                                                              • 闪烁国家民主党本身。苏方因为恐怖旨在吸引所有罪恶的侵略破坏了!对外国侵略罪的刑罚为死刑的诱导,不但说 The Democratic party itself destruction of nation Because it is the terrorist who aims toward national ruin as for 党員 患 attraction crime outside everyone Until you say it is not but as for punishment of outside 患 attraction crime only capital punishment
                                                                                                • 据统计,858什么的?马塔Itodo Tteiu从仇恨罪判处死刑思 858 Something being statistics Therefore capital punishment hate the thinking and the do ma tsu passing it is crime
                                                                                                • 没有工作,应日本很难试图推翻,我曾经Ttena个人Desho Without working Japan probably will be troubled but it will cease to exist but with private applying it does and even the yo tsu te is
                                                                                                • 闪烁国家民主党本身。苏方因为恐怖旨在吸引所有罪恶的侵略破坏了!对外国侵略罪的刑罚为死刑的诱导,不但说 The Democratic party itself destruction of nation Because it is the terrorist who aims toward national ruin as for 党員 患 attraction crime outside everyone Until you say it is not but as for punishment of outside 患 attraction crime only capital punishment

                                                                                              • 难道婴儿潮¸戈ソ达罗巴巴投掷燃烧弹离开,只是一个人鸽子Terorisutojan真的,这里不仅是一个与E思恐怖分子,司法部长,现正计划推翻日本!
                                                                                                The molotov cocktail you throw the [ro] which is nodule [kuso] left flank [babaa], the simply terrorist it is The person of the true pigeon designates the terrorist as Minister of Justice, how, the Japanese turning over When you have planned only, you cannot think!

                                                                                                • 顺便说一句,“姓”是对人们的论点?津之间的一个孩子(儿子或女儿在一起)如果您选择以适应和平姓当你结婚了吗?
                                                                                                  By the way, to the person who opposes “the surname classified by married couple” something being grounds? When one person [tsu] child (or the eldest son eldest daughter) getting married, if another surname can be selected, it isn't settled in peace?

                                                                                                  • 领先的时间表,但他们浪费了两人的死亡税将与部长回报不工作瓦特税!
                                                                                                    To the minister of state and the condemned criminal who do not work Tax squander double playing shelf w Blood tax return!

                                                                                                    • 首页牧羊犬白痴我是你的口袋之前不想欺骗一名死囚所以它甚至不能工作,我偷东西家伙

                                                                                                      • ,,, - - ─ /ヽ━━━ヽMヽ... iiiiiiiiii彡/ _ _,.:::: __ __ヽiiiii | .. iiiiiiiiiiiii”|:::| iiiii | iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii |, | 3 | .. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii,(●●)。| IIIi服务器| iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii“━━━━”| iiiii | iiiiiiiiiiiiiii“”“ヽ”/ ̄ ̄\“| iiiiiiii |投票给民主党是好的iiiiiiiii”“ “”“”“”“”\ ̄ ̄/“”| iiiiiiiiiii | iiiiiiiiiiii“”“”“”“”“”
                                                                                                        - - ─ = = = ─ REPT/to /iiiiiiiiiiiiii 彡 ≡ ≡ ≡ | ≡ DREPT REPT iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii 彡 ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ | ≡ [mimi] DREPT 丶 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii/¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ \ [mi] iiiii REPT iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii/ \ iiiiiii HKDRT iiiiiiiiiiii/ \ II REPT iiiiiiiiiiiiiii << ━ ━ ━ '/ REPT ━ ━ ━ REPT [mi] REPT . iiiiiiiiii 彡/ _ _. : : : : _ _ REPT iiiii | . iiiiiiiiiiiii >> | : : : | iiiii | iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii | , | III | . iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii, ( - - ) . | iiii | iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii >> ━ ━ ━ ━ << | iiiii | iiiiiiiiiiiiiii << << << REPT >> /¯ ¯ \ << | iiiiiiii | It was good voting to the Democratic party iiiiiiiii << << << << << << << << << << \ ¯ ¯/ >> >> | iiiiiiiiiii | iiiiiiiiiiii << << << << << << << << << << << >> >> ¯ ¯ << << >> >> >> >> >> iiiii | iiiiiiiiii << << << << << << << << << << << << << << << << << << << << >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> III | iiiiiiiiiiiiiii 巛 巛 巛 巛 巛 巛 巛 巛 巛 >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> IIII iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii 巛 巛 巛 巛 巛 巛 巛 巛 >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> iiiiiii

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