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Child treatment, “the child of the foreigner, domestic residence important matter is assigned, thing” examination…Long wife thick labor phase ★2


  • 155我会出没的恶魔和疯狂屠杀南特Kichigaisayoku联合国人权委员会
    155 It is the hideout of United Nations human rights commission how [kichigaisayoku] and the [kichigai] slaughter demon

    • 201 u003d纪子我们的孩子,但他们将被注册的居民(谁Tteka初中但是从另一个)除了父母外国人登记 u003d没有达罗毕业从父母几乎没有作出日本居民如,但我那里有亲戚,如果他们申请 201 As for child noriko the inhabitant having registered however it becomes the object but from tsu te already junior high school graduation As for the parent those which undertake the inhabitant register of the foreign register Japanese Because it has not done the ro which does not come out and is If the kindred other than the parent applies however it comes out don t you think
      • 从流动知道有很多外国人争先恐后地申请,我如何阻止这一过程? Application rushing in that it flows to the foreigner profusely after knowing Procedure can be stopped combining

    • 214当时我不打算通过一项法案,保护人权和选举权,被三同时刮半核准民主和公正的
      214 Being approved denizenship and the protection of fundamental human rights bill the time, it probably is the [ru] and it is not possible There is also 3 year half and it is approved with alliance of democracy and fairness and

      • 21池变得富裕,大正采取抓住土地!四郎道歉并保证!大池现在是有钱的人正在采取一个妓女!四郎道歉和赔偿!池变得富裕,大型儿童被送往支付!四郎道歉和赔偿!是根本错误的,如果韩国人会说瓦特 21 Being forced being taken robbing the land you became the large rich person Apology and guarantee margin Being forced being taken you became the large rich person to a prostitute Apology and compensating margin Being forced being taken with child treatment you became the large rich person Apology and compensation margin It is strange fundamentally but if the Korean w you probably will call
        • 这就是问题比蛆梅鲁正交我们道歉和赔偿工作尚未对记者狼藉的边缘 It is grub insect where that compared to being problem works and after crashing the riot still requests apology and compensation

      • 309じゃぁじゃなくて 、 出 すけどその 分保護費 を 削 るんだよ出 さないってのは 他方他施策優先 から 外 れる前回参議院 に 出 した 時 には 2 重取 り OK だったけど 、幸说,他们也是一个法案,规定不包括数字
        309 However there is no [a] and the [te], puts out protective expense is shaved that much, it is Coming out saying, comes off from the other other measure priority When putting out to previous House of Councillors, however it was duplication taking OK, That provision passed through the latest bill, even fortunately

        • 378条,如果你说什么,没有国籍的儿童福利增加的国籍条款。绝不是不是消除的入息限额的条件?我跟着诡辩,只有孩子的支持,他们有充分的理由或欺诈明表示,无论是限制或收入或国籍的条款,以恢复你,如果你说你坚持只有两个选择子女的利益真相 378 If you say that it is something which the child treatment which does not have the nationality provision expands Nationality provision Unless the income restriction which is condition of abolition is done it is useless The philosophism that just the part whose are convenient has followed child treatment It is fraud clearly child treatment is followed truly With you say if is it makes the nationality provision revive or income restricts Either one there are only 2 択
          • 第国籍。当有问题的收入限制和消除民主党现在是既家伙传入自民党Keiseikai是,它是进入社会党主张安规内 Nationality provision Because there is income restriction at the time of abolition problem does not occur With those where you insisted were Japan Socialist Party and accepting that The Liberal Democratic Party Keiseikai… both are the parties of the present Democratic party …

        • 4 649年后的收入免税取消家属离开子女津贴消失了。加强对所有养老金和医疗保险税负担百分之二十的住宅税瓦特
          649 After four years the child hand stopping applying, with while also deduction for dependents is abolition income. Inhabitant tax With health insurance annuity all burden increase consumer tax 20% shelf w

          • 417例如,外国人已确定该法案我本人双重税收,公正司法的孩子谁不重视花索诺在思维,这可能不公平的方式也百万日元 417 For example that the foreigner who many 1 000 000 Yen repeats tax and decides the bill fairly fairly was assuming As for not providing child treatment to that person whether it is not unfairness that It is also how to think of saying
            • 因此,如果民主党搞好580民主党人谁决心我二套辩论相当可观的是公平的,我不要吃 580 Properly if argument is repeated and the bill is decided fairly fairly it is good even at the Democratic party The Democratic party is useless

          • 658噢,我明白畸型的瓦特,我也听到了仿真领域,赤字将意味着在这个模拟的人?谁无子女与电影院的工作是单人,她甚至没有减少反而增加 NULL
            • 658哦,我看到他们瓦特,并希望您是否也进入了仿真领域 NULL

          • 832“和牡蛎收集我区蠕蠕从内战的儿童难民”如果每一个垂直框孤儿院害羞使用外汇,我也无话可说,但4位 832 gt In civil war state the child gathering from area of the refugee straw straw gt Exchange difference utilizing if every box of orphanage it raises even at 4 columns possible something well

            • 894我认为这是现实有效的机制,我的每杆免费吃饭和消除幼儿园幼儿等待
              894 However you think that the area of waiting nurture kindergarten child cancellation and school lunch expense free converting quite is realistic and effective, don't you think?

              • NULL Because the adopted child there is a problem which it has in the foreign country as for there problem however the ru It relates to also the inheritance problem of resident and the Chinese who form the commodity as the problem which is annexed to kore greatly don t you think The inheritance tax tsu te as for saying tax paying in the foreign country when ru flesh fell inherits as for Japan it cannot collect tax you have known Just from this child treatment the mechanism which the Japanese tax steadily keeps being shaved spreads it is How When the tsu te it is said because there is no cunning by your however there is no wa can … The bad people are now the head twirling around that the ru as the kana which is not think

                • Tsuka,通常被认为是Etara,究竟是什么,外国居民的子女在国外,序列暂时来到日本,但很快就回来,你以后,我维塔若干规定有利于儿童的?健与野密切与当地政府办公室的移民和在哪里?什么是恩达思瓦特 When the handle you think well the child tsu te which is in the foreign country of the resident foreigner Accompanying temporarily in Japan returning home immediately child treatment you can receive don t you think it is The entrance tube it can cooperate the municipalities public office minutely to somewhere and it is The tsu te you think but it is w

                  • [付给我们]对日本的孩子逆向歧视,促进移民政策,我开始接近我[樱桃小鼠H22 / 3 / 15]紫癜:/ / www.youtube.com /手表?V u003d U8 - 6sDWi9h4和特写u003d youtube_gdata这种民主梅鲁政策十进制
                    Japanese opposite discrimination, the immigration promotion policy which is advanced secretly [cherry tree H22/3/15] ttp: //www.youtube.com/watch? v = U8 - 6sDWi9h4& feature = youtube_gdata The policy which this advances democracy

                    • [政治]好处我们的孩子,“在韩国居住的外国人子女,苏司的要求,”10年之久的研究...他的妻子是健康的反对派部长批评了目前的街头★3
                      Child treatment, “the child of the foreigner, domestic residence important matter is assigned, thing” examination… long wife thick labor phase With according to existence you criticize 10 from the opposition party * 3

                      • “姓”是一个姓是家长和孩子不可避免地“两个名称亲子”不同使孩子不会让坏智力量表
                        “Surname classified by married couple” inevitable Surname differs between the parents and children, “surname classified by parent and child” is brought, as for the adverse effect which the children receive measuring You cannot know

                        • “要确定其实孩子的监护权在外国居住的事实,对家属的收入免税,”我只是不能剪百分之九十九?一个是生活平井井:报告的义务 在抚养权收入 u003d总收入:依赖 u003d应彻底应该得到部,地方政府依赖豁免这个你应该 “There is a fact of deduction for dependents of income tax in watch protection factual verification of the children who reside in the foreign country ” The 99 it cannot cut with just this As for the notion that where living is designated as one It has made There is an income there is an obligation of income return Watch protection The expectation support having supported and deducting When it should have made this each self governing community be thorough from the thick labor ministry
                          • 1。津贴的支付,以在日本居住的外国人子女做伐丽流线?基础是否存在?(被告)将不付给我隔克分钟,如果纳税国内住房的Nde 1 As for provision of child treatment to the resident foreigner being done At that time as for standard certain Reply living on the country if you have supplied tax it does not discriminate and is provided
                          • 非常糟糕的法律工作四环素238可笑的是,我们付钱给儿童非法移民离开上升并支付更多的税,在日本是什么不好,所以我只是改变了家属对儿童的多少而定相似率扣除额它将 238 Although truth should have changed the amount of deduction for dependents according to the number of people of the child just is Then because the gold the rose it is not defeated to resident and the dense entry person who do not pay tax When you mention child treatment is the bad law which is not was made don t you think it is probably will be

                        • ↓↓↓『你』关心的是[5000]次@ 3月20日会议地点设置日本人民的大日子! ↓↓↓◎◎◎对家庭关系的国家竞争让她姓◎◎◎民主管理,以及其他许多夫妇也可以选择姓“姓”我帮助写系统我们的目标是向国会提交一项法案,修改民法
                          The ↓ ↓ ↓ 'as for you who become aware' <5000 human meeting @ Japanese meetings> On March 20th big sight gathering! ↓ ↓ ↓ * * * The national conference which opposes to the surname classified by married couple and protects the bond of the family * * * As for the Democratic party administration, “the surname system of the classified by selective married couple which” the married couple can also use separate surname You have aimed toward the National Diet submitting of the civil law amendment plan which it includes

                          • 一:一:一:一:一:一:一:一:一:一:一:)( ·ω· )啊 我 °沮丧 U型ü i i i i i i i i i i i Ω It had buying with this child child treatment it is it does in calling the yo You can receive also the foreigner and if you have buying u u Ω But the inside Japanese because the father or the mother it is not you cannot receive it is… l SECT l l l It does ─ J Γ ¯ REPT i i i i i i i i i i i i Ω So it is what… Don t you think kana it forces … u u
                            • 98萨阿,所以让他们进入有这样的自由结构〜看你那么,外国人采取传入首先它会褐煤许多高障碍子女免税额 98 Therefore don t you think the a and such mechanism were made to insert our people it does The various hurdles it was high for the foreigner to receive in the first place child treatment to that it is

                          • 下院的传入请求解决新公明党项,是由多数的批准,其中包括高度修正附录I和考虑支持对孤儿院的居民是没有资格申请钽 At the House of Representatives Komeito correction demand ruling party The acceptance and examination etc of the support for the entrance person of the child protection facility which does not become the provision object The amendment which is included in supplementary provision was approved at approval large number

                            • 不称职的主席,首席部长的妻子甚至不能回答了议员们青睐Matomo合理则久田村我是steamrolling迟浩田打掉的问题,“导言地狱”急就章我们的子女免税额
                              Disabled long wife minister of state who in the approaching of Assemblyman law Hisashi Tamura even the reply cannot be made [matomo] The chairman discontinues question, in steamrolling “Introduction child treatment steamrolling to hell”

                              • 世界上没有任何与日本216人,与我会晒黑的博爱精神的,每个人的驾驶,因为在日本广泛Gisugisu精神,现在也似乎是允许他们像你ー但嘿你ーづ成为一个快乐的人,直到我成为世界的一个例子,看看日本的做法 216 Is with the consequence where and others just your like by yourself should have avoided like mind spreads The tsu chi ya it is it is in Japan which current gisugisu is done If everyone has the mind of friendship Japan the person in the world is accustomed well happily it is The ma zu the Japanese practicing shows model to the world it is
                                • 这是可能的转移,可以为我所谓的民主的投诉?这是对什么是安全的呼吁民主党的总部?之后,兄弟会或没有? 56行 When this tsu te you telephone to the Democratic party it is possible to convey complaint The Democratic party headquarters tsu te telephoning safe place kana Friendship it does not do afterwards 56 Comprehension

                              • 严重不知道458的结构待观察,直到它成为非法移民居住的非法砍伐,然后再签证? 458 The visa being cut off the illegal stay person that is born it becomes illegal stay The mechanism not being understood with maji you

                                • 为什么不771或塞拉利昂西非?去年,Tokudane!我在旅行中野美奈子与安娜
                                  771 The west African Sierra Leone how is to be? Last year, [dane] which is solved! So at the point where Nakano Minako analog makes passage

                                  • 也打破了巨大的回旋子民(笑)现在,你批评民主党来时,但现在我在我们自己的思想,它甚至不是一个很好的基调,从一切 In addition as for our people or enormous boomerang laughing After when now criticizing the Democratic party inspecting sufficiently from this time whether it does not mean that by your does in advance margin
                                    • 也打破了巨大的回旋子民(笑)现在,你批评民主党来到时,我们不推进自己的,但它并不是一个很好的基调,从一切 In addition as for our people or enormous boomerang laughing After when now criticizing the Democratic party inspecting sufficiently from this time whether it does not mean that by your does in advance margin

                                  • 什么德鲁≒非法移民居住在子女免税额的非法移民家庭的子女?成为免费的高中? If the child stays even in the family of illegal entry ≒ illegal stay With the child hand hitting the ru High school it is converted free
                                    • 因为它是一个走私的故事在w≒中我应该说像非法非法移民 Therefore story of this dense entry person w Midway becoming dense entry ≒ illegal stay like story however the ru

                                  • 什么是613鸠山由纪夫在俄罗斯的儿子?如果真是这样,我的儿子,就是我在国外!他说,他们和父亲,儿子,说他们,什么贡献,向日本Tenaijan瓦特 613 Being in Hatoyama son te Russia If that truth the son what has done in the foreign country it is You call the father call the son what it does not contribute to Japan are w
                                    • 目前的国内需求和刺激国内市场,会议纪要将有助于日圆疲弱是什么出售的小损害利用海外日圆 Flowing to the domestic market selling circle in order stimulates domestic demand to use in the foreign country The damage is small as long as contributes to weak yen

                                  • 他的首席检察官的平成时代。樋口的位置区原已故国王房地产平成平成平成逃税昭和区的管小泽平层汪区鸠山睡眠
                                    Long wife Heisei inspection. King Tube Heisei drowse king Hatoyama Heisei tax evasion king Ozawa Showa Heisei real estate king Field [gu] [chi] [e] Heisei being late king

                                    • 伊拉克,救世军在做马糖果三人Berochu白痴,即使在伊拉克毕生拘留一名少年,让超出了我们的子女免税额范围? The candy of the Iraqi 3 foolish trios it is good mumblingly berochiyu did the Iraqi beauty boy watch protection life With even work the ze which is the object of child treatment

                                      • 伐丽流报道说,346更好,我认为是右翼大东亚共荣领域,对韩国,我不是歧视
                                        346 But the story which is said well, Because right wing designates the Greater East Asia Co-prosperity Sphere as right, There are no times when the Korean is discriminated it is, don't you think?

                                        • 你赚一无证非法外国人或外国人就是为什么目前的子女免税额,甚至无法申请第一名 Therefore obtaining the foreigner and unjust earnings of dense entry as for the ru foreigner Even original application without being possible current child treatment
                                          • 你赚一无证非法外国人或外国人就是为什么目前的子女免税额,甚至无法申请第一名 Therefore obtaining the foreigner and unjust earnings of dense entry as for the ru foreigner Even original application without being possible current child treatment

                                        • 個人的 には 、 富 の 再分配 や 租税制度 として 是 か 非 かの 方 が重要 だと 思 ってるんで 、 納税 している 外国人 が 納税額 に 応 じて支給 される 分 にはいいんじゃねっ是有能力
                                          Private, as a redistribution and a tax system of wealth whether right or fault of Thinking, that it is important, the [ru] it is with, the foreigner who has paid tax according to tax payment amount Don't you think? it is to call as long as is provided the [tsu] [te] standpoint shelf

                                          • 冰分钟的年龄代谁使用你,暴雨暴雨暴雨暴雨暴雨暴雨暴雨暴雨暴雨暴雨暴雨暴雨暴雨暴雨暴雨暴雨暴雨,我没有提出Shinachon支原体
                                            Amount of the expectation which is used in your glacial age generations, is not in [shinachiyon], the [ru] [u] [u] [u] [u] [u] [u] [u] [u] [u] [u] [u] [u] [u] [u] [u] [u] [u] [u] [u] [u] [u] [u] [u] [u] [u] [u] [u] [u] [u] [u] [u] [u] [u] [u] [u] [u

                                            • 努鲁Arusangiin Nishite Tooseba Saseru禾禾禾Bubun Katebashuusei Shuusei Nattoku布鲁诺Imahagumin Tonikaku行伊克报! !铝米信托! ! tonikaku imaha gumin No natsutoku iku shiyuusei saseru Al sangiin kateba shiyuusei bubun nuru nishite tooseba OK Al Trust mi Al
                                              • 努鲁努鲁392ḎKateba Saseru Daque只尹下禾Arusangiin基地Rainendo行万维网 392 rainendo ha giin ni nuru saseru dake Al sangiin kateba nuru OK Al www

                                            • 卡诺悟自由民主党表示,制度是不是目前的儿童的支持,我不是(笑)嗯,这并不是说我不知道 Being the case that the Liberal Democratic Party did not know whether current child treatment is some kind of system Good Heavens laughing Well however there is no strange thing don t you think
                                              • 当时的时间,自由民主党和津Keiseikai Nesheim的权力,其核心人物小泽一郎的民主党现任秘书长 As for the Liberal Democratic Party of that time Keiseikai has controlled power that central Ozawa of the person presently is Democratic party Secretary General

                                            • 原因是:我加入了民主党,因为我的许多外国! ⇒民主党的外交
                                              Reason: Because the democracy 党員 = foreigner is joined large number, don't you think?! The political party ⇒ Democratic party for foreigner

                                              • 噢铝科斯Sureba敕使布杜Chuugokujin Kyuufu! !阿恩Beigun 1 Tettai布鲁诺!铝布鲁诺南Sensenfukoku Kyuushutsu驯服自卫队Shutsudou珞Saserebachuugoku贺闵哈下靳米嗯 kiyuuhu teishi sureba chiyuugokujin Bow dough okosu Al beigun tetsutai No ato arune minsu ha waga Nak jieitai shiyutsudou sasereba chiyuugoku ha jinmin kiyuushiyutsu No Reservoir sensenhukoku Sail Al
                                                • 612铝哦角色扮演布杜Goyametara Tettai Beigun! !单铝布鲁诺荤斯倍Chuugoku Korede! ! 612 beigun tetsutai go yametara Bow dough okosu Al korede nihon ha chiyuugoku No Mono Al
                                                • 噢铝科斯Sureba敕使布杜Chuugokujin Kyuufu! !铝苏尔Sensenfukoku Saserebachuugoku驯服哈金卢武铉闵Kyuushutsu Shutsudou自卫队洛Beigun小工具 kiyuuhu teishi sureba chiyuugokujin Bow dough okosu Al beigun tetsutai No ato arune minsu ha waga Nak jieitai shiyutsudou sasereba chiyuugoku ha jinmin kiyuushiyutsu No Reservoir sensenhukoku Sail Al
                                                • 铝ḎDaque Seikatsuhogo Chuugokujin Afureru斯倍!塔内禾Ireteru Sensenfukoku布鲁诺布鲁诺等Daque Chuugoku nihon ni seikatsuhogo chiyuugokujin ahureru dake Al chiyuugoku No sensenhukoku No Seed ireteru dake Al
                                                • 铝ḎSurunaozawa Doukatsu Morau Sabetsu禾志手Chuugoku! ! chiyuugoku sabetsu suruna ozawa ni doukatsu shite morau Al zetsutai shiyuusei ha sasenai Al
                                                • 铝ḎSurunaozawa Doukatsu Morau Sabetsu禾志手Chuugoku! !铝下Shuusei Sasenai自从 chiyuugoku sabetsu suruna ozawa ni doukatsu shite morau Al zetsutai shiyuusei ha sasenai Al
                                                • 铝ḎSurunaozawa Doukatsu Morau Sabetsu禾志手Chuugoku! !铝罗斯Ḏ在日高禾Tottara全先斯倍Chuugoku小工具! ! chiyuugoku sabetsu suruna ozawa ni doukatsu shite morau Al zetsutai shiyuusei ha sasenai Al

                                              • 国籍条項 なしなら 所得制限 が 絶対 に 必要 である 事 を 一番理解 してるはずの 現民主党 が 所得制限 なし 国籍条項 なしの 在外支給 を 行 おうとしてるのだから 意図的 な 日本破壊 If there is no nationality provision income restriction being necessary absolutely number one The present Democratic party of the expectation which you have understood income restriction is not there is no nationality provision Because it has been about probably to do overseas provision intend Japanese destruction
                                                • Furubokko是民主选举之间的差异无薪后,才外国孩子在国外生活穆 When it provides to gaki of the foreigner who lives in the foreign country With election it makes democracy hurubotsuko not to be wrong
                                                • “什么,为什么只有一个Suretai”11年(支付)的方式柯,苏司的要求,考虑到我们的孩子在日本居住的,“11年 gt 1 suretai that way it is what with something “Would like to examine 11 provision it directs assigns domestic residence important matter in the child and thing” 11

                                              • 在我的副本我谨铁路它就会在充分意识到这一问题,不管它是什么,他们郁子女免税额,在他的头脑基金的众议院选举立法草案收购严重达罗 Even by yourself while the tsu te which has the problematical point having recognized Forcing voting that inhaling the ro where how much that is unpalatable regardless and is Long wife Purchase fund with House of Councillors selection child treatment
                                                • 津市还包括海胆501碰撞,还是你不急就章从不到足够的故意少 NULL

                                              • 大臣Rashii你的妻子,你看起来很长,而不是去办公室海报养老金排队达里坤什么川瓦特
                                                Going to the [ri] which is Kawagoe, useless doing to put out to the signboard and the poster of the annuity office, long wife minister of state of rapture it seems w

                                                • 子女免税额,并在日本,2008年6月苏,出生率下降的下降并破坏了日本民主党特定的人,是日本的出生率下降u003d“促进”反-
                                                  Purpose of child treatment, is atrophy and ruin of thing and Japan which moisten the resident special [a] person Little child conversion measure of the Democratic party = The little child conversion of Japan < promotion > measure

                                                  • 对他不能说什么头案卫生部长类哦敢让我做我的无能习惯
                                                    In [kuse] of disabled Minister of Health and Welfare it let do well and well the [tsu] [te] could say it rubbed The long wife of disabled

                                                    • 居住要求和目标儿童,这加强了对永久居民身份和外国人可能就业的要求是必须的
                                                      Residence important matter of the child who becomes the object and settlement important matter of the foreigner and strictness conversion of work possible residency qualification This is necessary

                                                      • 庞大的财政资源,造福675儿童不应低估税收公平纳税人不 675 As for the enormous revenue source of child treatment tax the expectation which cannot neglect the fairness of the taxpayer with reason

                                                        • 废除在野的自由民主党或子女免税额,儿童的家庭。选举应该是一个扣除的承诺
                                                          As for the Liberal Democratic Party or opposition party child treatment abolition, all the household children. The shelf which should elect deduction in pledge

                                                          • 成千上万,不知道什么样的一个还提供了数亿美元的收入,他的法案,目的

                                                            • 我们可能是民主党人,而且对儿童的支持率所要求的是日本国内唯一的子女免税额将精选 留目黑手党和朝鲜或任何海外恐怖组织四环素·的焦点,如果不姓条件看到您的到来,我将是一个对国际儿童津贴的问题? As for the Democratic party child treatment of the eyeball becomes todome probably will be If just the child of the domestic Japanese whether also support ratio rose although is … you were hasty If Mafia and the North Korean terrorist organization of the foreign country with condition it fills up therefore child treatment is provided it becomes international problem don t you think it is
                                                              • 其中66居民“谁懂得智慧在各种特殊情况下,专门多年的Nde生活在日本”是你,我要特别注意,他们手厚穿?民主党人认为,从黄金半岛系列W大汗是阴险Dounimo 66 Even in resident as for “the people who with especially special circumstance have lived in long time Japan” exception attaching careful treatment Don t you think it provides it is w Even how is considered at random in peninsular system can be careless the Democratic party which it is the empty
                                                              • 海外付款,直到孩子本身,我认为日本狗屎子女免税额,以真正结束恶作剧Metara我认识这个人疯了,真正的思 You think that child treatment itself is the droppings but to the overseas child as for provision the wa which you think that the head it is strange truly When this is recognized Japan ends truly

                                                            • 我已经支付142外国人无暗矢鳕柯Attaro收入不多?这不是写出鳕目坤赞我要让你头来 142 Income restriction the ro which is attached The non darkness providing to the foreigner recklessly it is high The neck put out You cutting The coming out 鱈 eye you write it is it is not
                                                              • 另外,如果不注意工作的美国古日本儿童,以及是否津贴应支付给孩子谁在美国Ku日本工作 If or child treatment is provided to the Japanese who works in the United States When child treatment should be provided to also American who works in Japan kana
                                                              • 我已经支付142外国人无暗矢鳕柯Attaro收入不多?这不是写出鳕目坤赞我要让你头来 142 Income restriction the ro which is attached The non darkness providing to the foreigner recklessly it is high The neck put out You cutting The coming out 鱈 eye you write it is it is not

                                                            • 我收集到我们,贩卖儿童,在串行来到日本更离谱,当您收到一个不正确的死亡但是我藏在粮食只是轻微放射性Ttara志位恐惧滚装 Gathering the child with trade in human life After accompanying in Japan when shoots with just the little food the oak… Dying hiding when doing illegitimate thing from outrageous receipt… It is fearful
                                                              • 我收集到我们,贩卖儿童,在串行来到日本扮滚装不诚实在对死亡的恐惧隐藏我们发布Ttara借出一小食品 Gathering the child with trade in human life After accompanying in Japan when shoots with just the little food the oak… Dying hiding when doing illegitimate thing from outrageous receipt… It is fearful
                                                              • 没有任何坏事,但他们从何时成了猴子能够从一个不诚实的可怕的过去将法律上的主要问题 Illegitimate thing is not done and when the te at one time illegitimate thing being done from becoming the law with many loopholes which can do outrageous receipt from the ru It probably has become large problem but

                                                            • 收集居民正是最好的所得税和消费税,公司税削减福利支付清理日本害虫税
                                                              It collects taxes accurately from resident, consumer tax is best Income tax, the noxious insect can be cleared with corporation tax reduction and Japanese treatment provision

                                                              • 明年在一个孩子的家庭福利少于60000亿日元获得百分之八超儿童年税免税额将在很大程度上增加税收约350000亿日元? 44万亿大孩子的未来会Dzuke债务政府债务
                                                                1 From next year child treatment 8 tenths of 6,000,000,000,000 Yen or less of labor household the child treatment which becomes super large tax increase Approximately tax revenue 35,000,000,000,000 Yen of this year? Debt 44,000,000,000,000 Yen in the future at big government the child the debt attaching

                                                                • 是的,明年满意玛涌及塞尼亚规则从E改变今年的疯狂出究竟有什么歧视思徒步旅行结束 Being next year It is rule changes from this year So chiyon and China are agree upon think It is what which is discrimination starting raging after all that way

                                                                  • 有一个对日元差别货币的货币价值,多数国家在哪里?什么是愚蠢的我跑之外孤儿院苏管教不好?由于子女免税额,或在发达国家哑I re良好的投资全部撤出?如果这家公司,股东我想谈一谈想立即下台或共同管理,如果他们Dekinee,我卖股票支付
                                                                    Now vis-a-vis the Japanese Yen most as for the money which is difference in value of money the country of somewhere? The [riya] orphanage which unskillfulness is done you manage and pass and are left over it is well? With consequence of child treatment, investment from superior advanced nation it withdraws entirely and the [chi] [ya] [u] is well? If this the company, the shareholder make the normal management retire instantly that, becomes story, but it is If it is possible and well with becomes, stocks it sells out it is

                                                                    • 根据自民党子女免税额,也是几十年来如此,我们只付出了最多的外国人在国外的子女付给我们一年一个孩子,这只是说,他答应的事情,他的妻子苏长直看看它一年来解决他妻子的头部位置不支付之间有什么上帝和语言的差异 Under the Liberal Democratic Party administration No ten years as for child treatment to the overseas child of the foreigner the fact which was provided In only 1 years with child treatment long wife who promises the fact that it takes a second look that Long wife who is solved in one year which densely passes Calling God it does not become inconvenient
                                                                      • 在事实上,只有自民党政权已经支付给我们的子女在海外数十年的外国人儿童福利的支付,我们在一年的孩子,说他答应的事他的妻子苏长直和上帝看到它之间有什么说的位置不拿工资的差异 Under the Liberal Democratic Party administration No ten years as for child treatment to the overseas child of the foreigner the fact which was provided In only 1 years with child treatment long wife who promises the fact that it takes a second look that Long wife who is solved in one year which densely passes Calling God it does not become inconvenient
                                                                      • 自民党政権下 で何十年 も 児童手当 ては 外国人 の 在外 の 子 どもにまで 支給 していた 事実わずか 1 年 で 見直 すこれは 長妻 さん 凄 いね Under the Liberal Democratic Party administration No ten years as for child treatment to the overseas child of the foreigner the fact which was provided It takes a second look in only 1 years Don t you think this long wife is enormous

                                                                    • 梅西安Yaran只有弃如果我是在中国和北极的贫困儿童,是没有通过坏人也将恩戴姬穷人的环境呢?这比从一个完整的豆死亡华伦天奴 If the child whom the Chinese and North Korea indigent difficulty layer throws away Only meshi it is even with like inferior environment rejoicing the ro which becomes the adopted child of the scoundrel and is Rather than dying being hungry that way because it is mashi
                                                                      • 在日本,在历史上罕见的你像我一样保持运行的国家收集,日本等待像一只发了疯的恶棍,不给罕见 In Japan scoundrel and kind of kichigai which are not happened to see rarely getting together Japan With managing the nation which is said therefore the ru it is the kind of curious matter which remains in history

                                                                    • 梅西安吃了862,因为他们有自己的店铺阿漕政治,但是,收集票持什么傻,说嘘八百我所听到的超越蒙昧主义是,从整个集合ṛ傻瓜我很快得到了津市他们投票,他们是一大品种撒金钱的傻瓜
                                                                      862 In order by your to eat [meshi] as a cruel political house, Although the vote which the foolish people have is gathered, Being the lie 800 whose being audible is good to the foolish people, Spreading the gold which was gathered people from the whole folly in the foolish people of various specification, collection vote it is quick to do, it is

                                                                      • 正是自民党获得的燃料是在日本的外国小时你已经给我们子女的利益大 It is what or our people expectation child treatment it has provided to the child whom the tsu and the resident foreigner leave to native country is
                                                                        • 2。或者支付给谁的父母离开该国的婴儿?(答)将在申请支付 2 Being provided to also the parent who leaves the child to native country If reply it applies it is provided
                                                                        • 我批评他是776,这可能是支付给件→如果他们绝对要支付 776 Is to criticize the person are times when it is provided gt it provides unconditionally how to be
                                                                        • 财政破产,如果他们提出质疑,但我们谁的东西是谁应该在解决通货膨胀→外国人子女免税额,许多民主党人 However the person who child treatment being provided to also the foreigner problem apparent is done is many if the Democratic party Public finance failure gt the expectation which is solved with hyper inflation

                                                                      • 民主的日本中共党支部党要摧毁日本的东亚社会的一部分,因为炸弹没有下降,同时,我觉得打击的国家资本主义经济,能亲维塔
                                                                        As for the Chinese Communist Party Japanese branch Democratic party, also the Japanese east Asia in order to make portion of the same body It is the air where it destroys, simultaneously drops failure gives large shock to capitalism economic nation as the bomb,

                                                                        • 海外款项可用于财务压力是由出生率造成的不利于经济政策1。我们,儿童补贴减少,取消2。豁免家属,废除婚姻扣除3。所得税,营业税大幅增长4。逆转一百二十万点零零亿日元削减养老金储备
                                                                          Provision does not contribute to economic measure or to birthrate to the foreign country The possibility of happening with public finance pressure 1. Reduction and abolition of child treatment 2. Abolition of deduction for dependents and deduction for a spouse 3. Income tax, consumer tax substantial rise 4. Destruction of annuity reserve funds 120,000,000,000,000 Yen

                                                                          • 现在是什么时候现在十万点零零亿日元,我想这是一个踢屋良储wwww海外人士经纪人。什么是经济?孩子。什么是经济? Yanishiro角度来看,日本。不要以为我们离开戈的任何东西也吸异物和骨氖wwwww这是真的,政府倾国我滚装讲话民主党议员wwwwww本人承担责任,我们民主党! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Now no degree no 10 000 000 000 000 Yen the broker of the foreign country gains don t you think it is probably will be wwww People Business tsu te Child Business tsu te In either ya margin as for Japanese The body and the bone the way of the plain gauze being lifted in the foreigner it may remain there is no at all wwwww The Democratic party tsu te it is tilt national government truly don t you think wwwwww Responsibility taking the Assemblyman stop democracy 党員
                                                                            • 他们是甜嗫节能来,人们为民主党投票忍不住滑卖国“民主派”是这个家伙立即。我挂津 As for the person who is swindled in sweet whisper absent mindedly votes to the treason Democratic party there is no ginger but Becoming “democracy 党員” as for the ru person same It hangs

                                                                          • 真是一个傻瓜你面前,但它像慈济思所得税和消费税税收看来,扭它从对家属及配偶免税而成,
                                                                            It is foolish But as for you thinking that the revenue source is income tax and consumer tax, [ru] like, It contrives from deduction for dependents and deduction for a spouse, it is

                                                                            • 经过几年的剩余任期总统,她的一些巨大的潜力来的口中出来,并在韩国的学校,如联合国负责?现在,仅仅从中止的时间不像样那些反正谁是外国人
                                                                              The Korean school gratuitous conversion likely There is even a possibility United Nations meddling No year tenure after that chancellor remaining, the [ru]? At the point in time when in any case the foreigner is designated as the object person Honesty it is not, therefore it is, now you stop, the [re

                                                                              • 编号:iy1jgHGP0土拉你知道我用瓦特的〜你是一个笑话,我以前甚至没有足够的反应,不会理会瓦特
                                                                                ID: iy1jgHGP0 TUUL how using, don't you think? - w Also the not using [te] the foolish shelf, specially sufficiently even with the reaction plug w

                                                                                • 苏高质量的产品,他们从市场中摄入和储蓄债券流动,使老年人的护理工作,是不是更好苏储蓄流向市场将退休的老年人和老年人 In order to make the work of the old person sucking up saving the old person with the government bond rather than letting flow to the market Retiring the old person the ro where the one which lets flow saving the old person to the market is good and is

                                                                                  • 要分发的债务在日本和日本人民的外国居民,我都为他自己的钱,如果他们能得到有利于儿童的鸠山相信Dekin
                                                                                    If child treatment is done with the Hatoyama private funds, but large approval what The Japanese citizen owing, you can agree upon that it scatters to resident and the foreigner and are

                                                                                    • 该厅594首页丸川是不是我说我听到『高中大学丸川说,这些事情池田(大发厂所在地),是人们生动四环素頑張日本国东京大学毕业生
                                                                                      594 Circular river office side Such a thing say saying, We 'The circular river Ikeda attached high school graduate (is the Daihatsu factory) with is the person who perseveres enormously with Tokyo University soldier/finishing

                                                                                      • 还接受了短期的就业和收入证明是不必要的,而且很可能有些在一份工作,可踢家伙在短期安置回今年,一个外国人在一个月支付给前增加子女免税额让我们可以帮助
                                                                                        Income proof to become unnecessary, because even with short-term work it became yes, Also the person who mediates the job of short term with kick back aim probably will produce to produce, W this year before child treatment is provided, the foreigner may increase to month,

                                                                                        • 这一反对像许多普通的毛克的声音你瘦多听听右翼最近的民主和Ki像在欧洲的仇外暴力成瘾的宣传宣传,而他们关闭?
                                                                                          While being close, Europe the riot of foreign rejection happening likely Recently, from town declaration of democracy the ear being able to tilt in town declaration of right wing, the [ru] general people it is many,… this it is dangerous, it is it is not?

                                                                                          • 这是什么儿童津贴,或仅一个月来日本,是什么原因kishimen一旦诉讼到下一个孩子,一旦由于kishimen哪些程序,子女津贴提交的现有条件下的调查我把它留给一些 This child hand hitting just 1 months coming to Japan procedure doing if it returns coming to the following child procedure doing it returns it keeps putting out child treatment with it means saying up to the next present condition investigation submitting
                                                                                            • 这只是1个月或到日本,一旦由于kishimen哪些程序,子女津贴提交的现有条件下的调查,我让一些 This tsu te just 1 months coming to Japan procedure doing if it returns it keeps putting out child treatment with it means saying up to the next present condition investigation submitting

                                                                                          • 这是他的话,长度的外国和思我们刚刚脱落了相当大的短期内结束战斗瓦特深
                                                                                            In speech of this long wife, foreign spirit as if short-term decisive battle is thought considerable unreasonable that you come,… w

                                                                                            • 选择性双姓制度,破坏目前的民事法律原则,以统一的家庭使用姓,家庭解体,因此推出了蜘蛛很不能忍受
                                                                                              The surname system of the classified by selective married couple collapses the principle of the family with respect to the present civil law which standardizes the surname of the family, Being something which leads family dismantlement, you cannot admit at all

                                                                                              • 通过并在日本,500人20家通过密切合作,以防止当地政府的儿童津贴和社会保障移民泄漏等维塔一些地方法规,100万人 When with native country marrying the municipalities public office of 20 places the entrance tube and the inhabitant registers 500 adopted children closely in Japan 10 000 you can receive a leak child treatment
                                                                                                • 入境事务Dekinakya密切与当地政府办公室,无论如何,我也Tokojan猴子?它不能从E思 If it can cooperate with the entrance tube which being full municipalities public office closely and is not the basket it is and the cousin is That is possible because with you cannot think
                                                                                                • 通过并在日本,500人20家通过了防止泄漏的儿童福利的排减几个可能的地方法规100万人居住市 When with native country marrying the municipalities public office of 20 places the entrance tube and the inhabitant registers 500 adopted children closely in Japan 10 000 you can receive a leak child treatment

                                                                                              • 通过经济刺激方案,该基金承诺在这里,老人就像在该国的强心针,是面临着更换政府债券偿还债务的情况是,他们成为不可能 The old person pulling out fund here as for business floating by the fact that you use redemption It means that the refinancing of the government bond which it receives in the country becomes impossible
                                                                                                • 关于销售税和低质量的借款353,但只对使用伐丽流偿还债券,而不是商业用途,不维塔 353 Increasing consumer tax temporarily that just is used in redemption of the government bond at business It is not the case that you can use

                                                                                              • 金升至532追随者在民主忽视撒古确实是一个不同的资金瓦特Yattara外国的钱,您消费在日本思钱的家伙这么说?对国家和汇款将结束瓦特的生育率下降撒瓦里他们钱多多,嗯愚蠢的人只考虑了平行美浓Otsumu南特全国各地的孩子,金钱,节省时间,完成什么 532 The democracy believer who the rose spreads the gold as expected with revenue source disregard is different w When the gold you do in the foreigner you think that and others it is dense with something consumes the money in the Japanese country it is Remitting to the homeland to finish but w The rose spreading the gold in little child conversion measure there is only otsumu like the how young child whom that gold turns to the country aho turning to thinking and saving the human it ends
                                                                                                • 金升至532追随者在民主忽视撒古确实是一个不同的资金瓦特Yattara外国资金,你会消耗在日本思钱的家伙这么说?对国家和汇款将结束瓦特的生育率下降撒瓦里他们钱多多,嗯愚蠢的人只考虑了平行美浓Otsumu南特全国各地的孩子,金钱,节省时间,完成什么 532 The democracy believer who the rose spreads the gold as expected with revenue source disregard is different w When the gold you do in the foreigner you think that and others it is dense with something consumes the money in the Japanese country it is Remitting to the homeland to finish but w The rose spreading the gold in little child conversion measure there is only otsumu like the how young child whom that gold turns to the country aho turning to thinking and saving the human it ends

                                                                                              • 钓鱼瓦特iy1jgHGP0民主埃约保护你的手太粪便或日本人民的鲜血,但现在关于拓谷的故事前,将考虑首先表决的最后一根稻草,我Omotsu什么?但猜测的区别是什么天堂,他们支持母亲的钱包?我要说,直至发生暴力 NULL
                                                                                                • 苏是纳税人的钱到海外下垂自民党的不竭流量必须是一件好事,民主党,即使他们能找到我决定我该法案相当沉重的辩论相当可观的,但他们没有问题 But as for discharging blood tax limitlessly in the foreign country problem Properly if argument is repeated and the bill is decided fairly fairly it is good even at the Democratic party It must be the Liberal Democratic Party there are no times

                                                                                              • 韩国。表示关注的自由u003d高中-甚至联合国人权委员会在日本的审查报告排除
                                                                                                The Korean study. In exclusion with anxiety statement = high school gratuitous conversion toward Japan examination report of - United Nations committee Even

                                                                                                • 领取报酬Ttetara储备,有些国家是值得一量董撒卡和一名来自日本的发票
                                                                                                  Digging the buried deposit gold, the cod, Toa developing country and the bill from resident The volume which [wansaka] came out and is

                                                                                                  • 首先,因为他们有更多的孩子取消所得税减免的好处,葛应免于甚至不要认为财富的税收再分配,而这些,过于仓促地关系到国家的金融资源的基础性问题,野兽的恶作剧确定我坏
                                                                                                    Therefore in the first place, abolishing the deduction of income tax, the reason which it makes child treatment, It escapes from the argument, such tax system and redistribution of wealth with [chi] [ya] useless expectation, Therefore the problem which relates to the foundation of the revenue source of the country it decides hastily and it is [chi] [ya] useless what

                                                                                                    • 黄金将是相当直接的钱苏和你所在的国家,如果没有政府在外国媒体采访时的变化,Uhihihi你将是一个快乐的人! “我的表一和Kon亘伐丽流清楚地使用它们,即使他是一个外国人有一个谁在这个意义上答复的位置Ttena NULL
                                                                                                      • 在接受新闻节目“黄金将是相当直接的钱素和贵国访问,你成为一个Uhihihi皆大欢喜!”杆亘做,即使他是个外国人,谁曾在这个意义上,他回答的位置Ttena我很清楚我使用伐丽流表 NULL

                                                                                                    • 龙的妻子,来吧! “既得利益集团”或者我津市字的知识?后来,鸠Poppo货物。告诉他们!
                                                                                                      It is, the long wife! “Acquired interests” [tsu] [te] word knowing, the [ru]? After, with [po] [tsu] [po] commodity. Show!

                                                                                                      • ( 民主党 は 社会党 と 旧経世会 の 集 まった 政党 であるのが 重要 )所得制限 があるから 在外支給 しても 問題 ないと 主張 していた連中 と 同 じ 連中 が 所得制限 なしの 在外支給 をしようとして茹 As for the Democratic party Japan Socialist Party it is important to be the political party where old Keiseikai gets together Because there is income restriction overseas providing you insisted that there is no problem The same party as the party without income restriction it has been about to do overseas provision
                                                                                                        • 在野的社会党地段声称这是不错,但没有入息限额,现在是民主党和国籍 And without the nationality provision because there is income restriction when it is all right The Japan Socialist Party of the opposition party which at that time you insisted party presently the Democratic party

                                                                                                      • ,,外国法律,子女津贴,免费(赞成),民主党(外籍军团),新日本民主党新党大地的共产主义社会民主党新公明国(外国)国家的新的社会民主党执政的民主公明中学共产主义的新日本民主党新党大地(外国)反对(反对)的自民党,自由民主党成员,每个人(只有日语)成员的人(日文) … High school gratuitous conversion bill foreigner child treatment Ruling party approval Democracy 党員 foreigner fairness corporation people country new communist new Japan new party ground Democracy 党員 foreigner democracy fairness corporation people country new communist new Japan new party ground Democracy 党員 foreigner Opposition party opposition Our people everyone The Liberal Democratic Party member Japanese limitation 党員 of everyone Japanese limitation
                                                                                                        • 免费儿童津贴执政党的695高中外国法案(同意)民主党(外籍军团),新的共产党全国社会民主党新党大地新日本公明(右)的自民党成员(只有日语)人民党(日文版) 695 High school gratuitous conversion bill foreigner child treatment Ruling party approval Democracy 党員 foreigner fairness corporation people country new communist new Japan new party ground Opposition party opposition The Liberal Democratic Party member Japanese limitation 党員 of everyone Japanese limitation
                                                                                                        • 相反,由于日本是有限的,但觉得自己很愚蠢,我不能得到平衡达罗 Speaking conversely assuming that it was Japanese limitation if income and outgo does not come off The ro tsu te which is aho you think but

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