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Sinzirou Koizumi “1 people it came out that, there is no spare time when joy and sorrow it has done”, persevere “I at the Liberal Democratic Party. Whatever person leaving a party, the Liberal Democratic Party does not disappear”


  • -----小泉纯一郎先生二郎,长崎民主党州长击败自由民主党的鸠山(兄弟)历史性的崛起,是自我与谢野馨在破坏性的捕鱼鸠山内阁的支持率下降百分之三十八北Ntsukyouso,被控与非法捐款
    … Sinzirou Koizumi, gaining force… … The Democratic party With Nagasaki governor selection in the Liberal Democratic Party historical defeat … Hatoyama (the younger brother) fishing in Yosano, self-destruction… In Hatoyama Cabinet support ratio 38% decrease… north Nitukiyou group, with illegality donation exposure…

    • 100影片欺骗性间谍参考大量垃圾] [由纪夫鸠山的媒体采访长期的政治行贿基金] [上民主党人新闻掩盖事实,他们对这样一个重要的选举,百分之四十的选票是赢获得绝对多数
      100 Reference animated picture of mean construction of mass rubbish As for Yukio Hatoyama chronic offender of illegitimate political fund Hiding such serious fact, the Democratic party fights, election acquiring 40% of the numbers of polls Doing, you obtained absolute stability large number

      • 112个以上的自民党支持者诸如此类什么Tayo确定“去投票,最坚实的Shinjiro m出去玩,”我和 112 The sponsor OK like thing says from in addition to our people “Coming out from wherever in order Sinzirou most to have been secure that you vote” don t you think
        • 即使是自由的支持者以外的112行是什么这样说Tayo一些东西“,二郎出来投票从任何地方”和我 112 The sponsor OK like thing says from in addition to our people “Coming out from wherever in order Sinzirou most to have been secure that you vote” don t you think

      • 15:21编号:fvfZ6J210 590鸠山由纪夫是哪头,我认为东京和关东学院二郎? 606:财富周年名无 10:2010 03 17日(星期三)18:17:22编号:vteOV6ZM0 593最初是从日本殖民统治的韩国领土,由日本一方面声称Shidashita 15 21 ID fvfZ6J210 590 Sinzirou of Kanto institute Tokyo University Hatoyama You think that either one the head is good 606 Name it is not tenth anniversary 2010 03 17 water 18 17 22 ID vteOV6ZM0 593 Originally it was Korean territory but From the Japanese colony control Japan started insisting possession right selfishly
        • 他的491头。复制并粘贴本人巨魔编号:3cZlYDtU0 LDP工具,以确保它是一个团队 491 Accompanying Length Devastating kopipe it has done ID 3cZlYDtU0 Securely with our people construction group shank
        • 当然雍库的花进次郎他们很有趣,足以瓦特瓦特好吧,我会感到害怕民主代理只是她一直 The true democracy operative grows in Sinzirou sure w In funny extent w Well just that fearing however the ru tsu lever Toda wax
        • 编号:fvfZ6J210的古雍哈南当然进次郎民主代理商,他们很有趣,足以瓦特瓦特好吧,我会感到害怕只是她一直 ID fvfZ6J210 The true democracy operative grows in Sinzirou sure w In funny extent w Well just that fearing however the ru tsu lever Toda wax
        • 编号:fvfZ6J210的古雍哈南当然进次郎民主代理商,他们很有趣,足以瓦特瓦特好吧,我会感到害怕只是她一直 ID fvfZ6J210 The true democracy operative grows in Sinzirou sure w In funny extent w Well just that fearing however the ru tsu lever Toda wax

      • 174我认为这是小泉延长保质期较长,一旦我是在小泉面前, 174 So you think that is the place where it is the one time another appreciation expiration before the Koizumi You prolonged life by Koizumi
        • 减少低840日元(市场干预出口工业和调度法(制造)我做了),是延长 840 Weak yen induction market intervention with export industry the manufacturing industry prolonging life with dispatch method amendment it is
        • 减少低七百五十六日元(市场干预出口工业和调度法(制造)我做了),是延长 756 Weak yen induction market intervention with export industry the manufacturing industry prolonging life with dispatch method amendment it is

      • 184?全会辩论认真尊严和风格,是一个生动的刈文书893也成为大老板
        184 Plenary assembly discussion? That dignity and character were enormous The vessel to which with the joke pulling out is accustomed in also the don of 893

        • 289编号:nSFgE0070少摆在我们面前,什么是不敌视美国自由民主党,郗育知道
          289 ID: nSFgE0070 You as for less, being full in hostility to our people, as for [ru] [yo] which understands

          • 3日,星期五/ 19(超节选)问题的葬礼后,二郎先生出来是有道理的政党的办事处,我在午夜茂木
            FRIDAY 3/19 day number (super excerpt) After the funeral, Sinzirou who has been stuffed to the office of the political party branch was present to past midnight

            • 47总督,三个党是不可能的,我为副团长的公共关系的良好隐士的角色?
              47 The president, as for party three part that it is unreasonable, assuming, The area of public information deputy general manager is good, don't you think? it is?

              • 607 政治攻击小泉真二郎先生,谁Tajitaji Hukushima瑞穗 “其余的孩子的座位。支持”→“踏至,否则该命令 607 Sinzirou Koizumi super attack Fukushima not seeing ho tajitaji … “Koizumi childcare 休 Supporting ” if gt “you do not step on order
                • 607 政治攻击小泉真二郎先生,谁Tajitaji Hukushima瑞穗 “其余的孩子的座位。支持”→“踏至,否则该命令 607 Sinzirou Koizumi super attack Fukushima not seeing ho tajitaji … “Koizumi childcare 休 Supporting ” if gt “you do not step on order

              • 720闽信徒,像在对池持组成人员中包括工人,雇主似乎坚持,我不再聘用哟溃公司Rerya 720 But as for the minsu believer like we would like to bring to the composition of the manager anti worker by any means Enterprise collapses and there is no ri ya employment it is yo which is
                • 720闽信徒,像在对池持组成人员中包括工人,雇主似乎坚持,我不再聘用哟溃公司Rerya 720 But as for the minsu believer like we would like to bring to the composition of the manager anti worker by any means Enterprise collapses and there is no ri ya employment it is yo which is

              • 720(本田宗一郎,松下幸之助四环素年龄的差异),本田宗一郎,松下幸之助的时代,但纠纷安古Korazu劳动力的比例比现在低,让我们的管理是很容易?我应该建立自己的财富与两个固体
                720 (Soichiro Honda, Konosuke's Matsushita day it was different) Soichiro Honda, Konosuke's Matsushita day, considerably labor's share being lower than now, dispute does not happen, management the [ze] which is easy? It is the expectation which property builds also two people securely but don't you think?

                • 756129名称:财富周年@ 10名无[圣人]时间:2010 / 01 / 03(星期日)05:03:29编号:IOb7kt6YP小泉纯一郎88持什么我就行了四环素小额贷款向贫困压缩政府没有及早酷酷全线恩达有效修正各种企业会计制度,我是众所周知的股票由7000亿日元的不良贷款增加,反而是被引入到股市的会计结果,如果他们允许银行池人他们不减少,大型经济体竹应该由公帑介绍,目前财政大臣柳泽伯夫,足以修改圆坏帐系统会计什么
                  756 129 Name: Name it is not @ tenth anniversary [sage] Contribution day: 2010/01/03 (day) 05: 03: 29 ID: IOb7kt6YP 88 Koizumi compresses inferior claim, Because it kept having to minimum, don't you think? The administration first half does the system reform of various enterprise accounts, but it is There is no effect completely, on the other hand inferior claim increases 7000 Yen in famous stock price to have the major bank, in stocks The result of introducing current price accounts So in 々 it does not decrease, centering on inferior claim Financial Minister of State Yanagizawa whom we assume that it is sufficient with system reform of enterprise accounts, With economic charge Ministers of State Takenaka whom we assume that it should introduce public fund now, Policy opposition breaks out Koizumi adopted Takenaka's opinion, Yanagizawa was reshuffled So inferior claim decreasing instantly, once the shelf So ever since Riemann shock and in the world Public fund as for introduction “being imitated, becoming [ru]” policy, the [ru

                  • 917邮政民营化是绑架问题和朝鲜的道路公社直接最大的良好发展来看,我们的保健制度改革和荣誉小泽生动和敏感的人,即使我有相反
                    917 But as for postal services commercialization sensitivity Road public corporation reformation Medical system second look Past of the North Korean kidnapping problem largest development Minutely, when it adjusts also the fact that it does it is enormous, Ozawa is the exact opposite

                    • 948摆在我们面前,在我哟了出鳕目!哟我从我的角度向上增加的小泉时代。诡。 B和竹一样亮瓦特和Ku成为小泉时代的人民的生活现在没有什么思在执政的自民党没有人不 948 You appear to somewhere and yo which is 鱈 eye what It looks upward from Koizumi s day and yo where angle increases and the ru it is 詭 The quaintness Takenaka entirely shelf w Life of the citizen became good with no one is thought in Koizumi s day Now the ruling party is not the Liberal Democratic Party
                      • 948摆在我们面前,在我哟了出鳕目!哟我从我的角度向上增加的小泉时代。诡。 B和竹一样亮瓦特和Ku成为小泉时代的人民的生活现在没有什么思在执政的自民党没有人不 948 You appear to somewhere and yo which is 鱈 eye what It looks upward from Koizumi s day and yo where angle increases and the ru it is 詭 The quaintness Takenaka entirely shelf w Life of the citizen became good with no one is thought in Koizumi s day Now the ruling party is not the Liberal Democratic Party

                    • 956他们不给党在一个议案,希望获胜,努力改变个人支持小组权力,主要是很少或几乎没有
                      956 The party there is no relationship excessively, because it is elected mainly by power of the private sponsor Very it does not move under command one

                      • 958四环素拾像民主党四环素我父亲削减小泉的自民党,垃圾的最大捐款这是政权更替娜群众Yappari的利益集团的一些剩菜表面
                        958 Because the Koizumi father cut the right group of our people, however there is also a surface where democracy picks up spilling, The largest meritorious person of administration alternation after all is the mass rubbish, -

                        • Bikaketa呼吁的851票,自民党网你几次,因为它是这么晚,他们错了魔鬼假装这是今更韩国,它的荒凉我们鲁塔要求,并提出从一个选举苏说,瓦特或 851 After so long a time huri of the Korean doing assuming that error demon conversion so it is slow is The poll to the Liberal Democratic Party as for you whom many degrees called with the net sooner or later calling comes from the electoral commission It is Is so re Is ke It is dense With So It does And others w

                          • Dattara我们要模仿我的父亲,我应该成为自民党Ja氖批评?派系政治的批评,批评和敏感的胶团联,该系统的范围缩小或发送批判津ー,小泉我已经在世界上被剥夺自由的美国,对小泉的儿子新狗Tteta竹基地怎么办哟已经过去?但是他们Desho甚愚蠢的时代错误,即使每个人都在党内?梅鲁,但对财政整顿需要认识到,新自由主义的立场自由主义另一方面还不清楚他们的基地,自民党 You imitate the father when it is don t you think something which should do the Liberal Democratic Party criticism You criticize factional political criticism and the connection of Japan Federation of Economic Organizations criticizing the range reduction of the dispatch system Koizumi American dog Takenaka is based on new principle of freedom in the world being denied although the ru producing Koizumi s son the do to do the tsu te Also anachronism being extensive to a party of everyone it does the yo Being foolish The ro which necessity of restoration of sound government finance however it recognizes unless it makes that clear it is not based on to the standpoint of new principle of freedom with another side chance how is not in the Liberal Democratic Party and is Therefore the base means the same thing as the policy of the Democratic party Amendment kana of tax increase and government employee system Support ratio of the Democratic party falling don t you think even ru with problem “of politics and the gold” problem of policy the ze In this circumstance with something Koizumi is used in public information it is Don t you think meaning wa can
                            • NULL You imitate the father when it is don t you think something which should do the Liberal Democratic Party criticism You criticize factional political criticism and the connection of Japan Federation of Economic Organizations criticizing the range reduction of the dispatch system Koizumi American dog Takenaka is based on new principle of freedom in the world being denied although the ru producing Koizumi s son the do to do the tsu te Also anachronism being extensive to a party of everyone it does the yo Being foolish The ro which necessity of restoration of sound government finance however it recognizes unless it makes that clear it is not based on to the standpoint of new principle of freedom with another side chance how is not in the Liberal Democratic Party and is Therefore the base means the same thing as the policy of the Democratic party Amendment kana of tax increase and government employee system Support ratio of the Democratic party falling don t you think even ru with problem “of politics and the gold” problem of policy the ze In this circumstance with something Koizumi is used in public information it is Don t you think meaning wa can

                          • NULL Correction 210 In order gt to crush Asada rutsutsu which is the Asada profitable point source therefore the first correct railroad crossing with the rule which gives a demerit it introduces gt DG doing the proud second 3Lo of Asada and Ando obstinately the one oven which does not jump it did to die gt And adding point from before by the fact that you attach positively gt The fundamental point of jump to title only was converted gt And you opened the workshop of judgment of last summer in Korea and caused to Korea to international skating union chairman and entertained As the sample which uses yona gt as a textbook of the judge true middle is bad using gt In yona adding point the flow of demerit was made desperately on true middle Such a thing was done it is If these had political power it could prevent a little If the Japanese feeling such a is with politician meddles those where saying however you think the other side to the coconut When political power you use the ro which the extent which is prevented it is possible and is It is in the air as for the aho politician who kimumansei has been done Iran 312 There is no delusion and Korea is political power and the fact which comes with bribe
                            • NULL 292 In order gt to crush Asada rutsutsu which is the Asada profitable point source therefore the first correct railroad crossing with the rule which gives a demerit it introduces gt DG doing the proud second 3Lo of Asada and Ando obstinately the one oven which does not jump it did to die gt And adding point from before by the fact that you attach positively gt The fundamental point of jump to title only was converted gt And you opened the workshop of judgment of last summer in Korea and caused to Korea to international skating union chairman and entertained As the sample which uses yona gt as a textbook of the judge true middle is bad using gt In yona adding point the flow of demerit was made desperately on true middle Such a thing was done it is If these had political power it could prevent a little If the Japanese feeling such a is with politician meddles those where saying however you think the other side to the coconut When political power you use the ro which the extent which is prevented it is possible and is It is in the air as for the aho politician who kimumansei has been done Iran

                          • NULL homepage3 nifty com finland loghouse topic0707 12 htm 2001 The Australian language study study Professor Kazuo Misono Homestay approximately one month Several times 2002 08 Testimony that summer vacation TOEIC lecture high score Professor 串 rice field Mihoko ttp killerqueen cocolog nifty com engelbert 2009 03 post 7ba7 html 2004 03 Kanto Gakuin University department of economics graduation 2004 09 American Colombian University Art scientific graduate school Department of Political Science Studying abroad 2006 05 American Colombian University Art scientific graduate school Department of Political Science Completion master degree acquisition 2006 06 The American strategic international problem laboratory CSIS research worker ttp www csis org media csis pubs 0603qus japan pdf ttp www csis org media csis pubs 061212 jcp pdf English it is funny white easy meeting Professor special advisor from the below mentioned sight deletion being completed ttp www eigo omoshiro com contents02 html 2007 02 amitejirepoto 2 hears in the Koizumi research worker of interview publication “CSIS ” 2007 05 Return home 2007 08 The Japanese American sign meeting attendance As a CSIS part time research worker attendance ttp www2 jiia or jp pdf report 070817 us j ireport j pdf 2007 09 Member of the house of representatives Junichiro Koizumi Private secretary 2008 09 Koizumi Junichiro non running declaration Sinzirou announcement 2008 10 Liberal Democratic Party House of Representatives Kanagawa prefecture 11th constituency branch length 2009 09 Member of the house of representatives After the returning home the Land Self Defense Force Maritime Self Defense Force experience enlistment Party friend meeting military affairs mountain branch Special member ttp homepage3 nifty com taiyukai0024 takeyama html
                            • NULL To be and be ten pre ten pre 1988 04 Kanto institute six inlet small school entrance junior high school high school From small two to high school graduation baseball soaking 2000 04 Kanto Gakuin University department of economics entrance The English conversation classroom ttp homepage3 nifty com finland loghouse topic0707 12 htm 2001 The Australian language study study Professor Kazuo Misono Homestay approximately one month Several times 2002 08 Testimony that summer vacation TOEIC lecture high score Professor 串 rice field Mihoko ttp killerqueen cocolog nifty com engelbert 2009 08 post 7ba7 html 2004 03 Kanto Gakuin University department of economics graduation 2004 09 American Colombian University Art scientific graduate school Department of Political Science Studying abroad 2006 05 American Colombian University Art scientific graduate school Department of Political Science Completion master degree acquisition 2006 06 The American strategic international problem laboratory CSIS research worker ttp www csis org media csis pubs 0603qus japan pdf ttp www csis org media csis pubs 061212 jcp pdf English it is funny white easy meeting Professor special advisor from the below mentioned sight deletion being completed ttp www eigo omoshiro com contents02 html 2007 02 amitejirepoto 2 hears in the Koizumi research worker of interview publication “CSIS ” 2007 05 Return home 2007 08 The Japanese American sign meeting attendance As a CSIS part time research worker attendance ttp www2 jiia or jp pdf report 070817 us j ireport j pdf 2007 09 Member of the house of representatives Junichiro Koizumi Private secretary 2008 09 Koizumi Junichiro non running declaration Sinzirou announcement 2008 10 Liberal Democratic Party House of Representatives Kanagawa prefecture 11th constituency branch length 2009 09 Member of the house of representatives After the returning home the Land Self Defense Force Maritime Self Defense Force experience enlistment Party friend meeting military affairs mountain branch Special member ttp homepage3 nifty com taiyukai0024 takeyama html

                          • NULL I do not become another patience in the persecution for the minority group of this country The ladies and gentlemen of minority group it is not possible to persuade majority group As for people majority groups in voice of our minority groups the ear there are no times when it can tilt As for such a people majority groups control nonsense country other than already ruining it is not Reformation how how much the tsu te which was done it is wasteful As for the various reformations which now are advanced how the se entirely there is no reformation for all people majority groups Our minority groups either do not cooperate do not expect to such a ones and of course Our minority groups already such a country You do not desire at all As for the choices which are left to our minority groups simply one as for such a country it is already to ruin If the bu tsu chi ya ke te you say already there is only government turning over Ladies and gentlemen of minority group This it probably will keep advancing the conspiracy whose government turning over is fearful in the opportunity together isn t

                            • _NULL_
                              It is dense it is enormous Prime Minister Sinzirou Koizumi Secretariat director Shin Abe three Financial affairs minister of state Tanigaki 禎 one Minister of Foreign Affairs Aso it is thick bright Diplomatic relations minister of state Isao Hiranuma Minister of State multipara Town village Nobutaka Agricultural minister of state Shigeru Isiba Thick labor minister of state Masuzoe main point one (with it is denizenship approval what, when, it stays teaching to other things) General affairs minister of state Even if 櫻 well child Minister of Justice Rice field Tomomi Literature course minister of state Sigeaki Nakayama Defensive minister of state Tamogami 俊 male Environmental minister of state Koike lily child (state affairs official: Kunihiko Takeda) Nation. Committee Saza 淳 line The inside oversize retainer Yosimasa Hayashi (Circulation of money charge) The inside oversize retainer Nishimura 眞 Sato (Okinawa northern charge) The inside oversize retainer Nisida 昌 Haruko Osamu Arimura (Reform of the administrative structure charge) The inside oversize retainer Small. Junichi (Consumer and food safe charge) Such a Cabinet seeing, like w

                              • _NULL_
                                The missionary immigrates ↓ Capitalist for sugarcane farm management settlement ↓ The farm manager puts out the king system abolition of Hawaiian kingdom, the coup Merger is requested from the causing United States ↓ Original Marines of native people protection military intervention ↓ It combines Hawaiian kingdom to the United States * The worst development in the case of Japan * The speech seal which explains the danger of immigration the Chinese mass immigration promotion and human rights relief (protection) with the bill with child treatment ↓ With foreign inhabitant fundamental law permanent residence right, right and the local denizenship which become the government employee get 5 years later (Already at point in time of bill passing 5 years the foreigner who has elapsed even with illegal stay at that point in time get?) ↓ Prefectural assembly takeover and independence resolution ↓ People's Republic of China approval & People's Liberation Army intervention * We want be sure to read 'Searching with mercy, and the timber chute' the cartoon which comes coming out Please read

                                • ⌒i生活第一。 )。 É(、 ,、 ) 布鲁诺。 。 党脏泽 公开ª ¼ ¼古ゝ : ーヽ :: ■■■↑创新挫折在这个北罗,■■■■■■ 自由民主党投票面对请! ■■■ ⌒ i Life first No No and 92 No 92 It is dirty the 沢 party ku eeyuyu HKRPT 92 REPT 92 92 When it comes with the ira tsu to this face of the ↑ Please vote
                                  • , ヽ 我。 ::: 。)( 。 。 ━ ━ ⌒i生活第一。 )。 É(、 ,、 ) 布鲁诺。 。 党脏泽 公开ª ¼ ¼谷ゝ : ーヽ ::: ■■■↑艾拉创新北罗面对这种情况,■■■■■■ 自由民主党投票 92 REPT Me 92 ━ ━ ⌒ i Life first No No and 92 No 92 It is dirty the 沢 party ku eeyuyu HKRPT 92 REPT 92 92 When it comes with the ira tsu to this face of the ↑ Please vote

                                • ●☆Kesekki的代理人可表示,我是春天☆●“”这是出零用钱我们Resuanka位置能亲
                                  - * The [kesetsuki] operative of main Korean Airlines people national group of resident growing, whether the [ru] * - < < The less anchor doing, or it is dense, it gives and the [zu] it is the [chi] [ya] useless

                                  • これは 新自由主義 ( 笑 ) の 旗手 アメリカ にそそのかされた 事 もあります正社員 もどんどん 減 らして 非正規雇用者 も 増 やしまくりました当然 の 流 れとして 国内 の 貧困層 が 激増 し 、 内需 が这减少了(经团连,自民党)愚蠢的人是金钱,你不明白这是在你的血液,而货币流通 As for this new principle of freedom laughing also it has been seduced in guidon America The regular member and decreasing steadily the non proper employer increase and the stripe chestnut increased Domestic poor layer increased as a proper flow domestic demand reduced These foolish people Japan Federation of Economic Organizations our people you had not understood the fact that the money is the blood In other words the money it is to be something which circulates
                                    • 在国外销售的货物,不再在经济危机,但这还不够与溃一直是国内需求已经成为材料不出售所有 However in the economic crisis When the thing becomes unable to sell in the foreign country adjusting to the domestic demand which has already crushed completely It means that the thing becomes unable to sell

                                  • たぶんこいつの 肩 には 小泉 の 弱者切 り 捨 て 政策 で自殺 した 莫大 な 数 の 霊 が 取 り 付 いてる小泉時代 の 自殺者 は 突出 してる餓死者 も 相当数 もでた
                                    It is dense perhaps in the shoulder with Koizumi's weak cutoff policy Spirits of an enormous quantity which commits suicide attaching, the [ru] As for the suicide person Koizumi day extending, the [ru] Are the death by starvation person and considerable number

                                    • 二台于柯铋在流大学,只有教育可以为未来的什么也没有连接到父旅费世袭政治家的嘴,是不是认为一线的宣传,但没有知识在达罗
                                      Being preoccupied with playing at 3 flow universities, it visits America with connection of the parent and nothing does, just educational background future Obtaining for the sake of, although there is no either knowledge, it does public information, but there is no either fragment of belief Is the hereditary politician just of the mouth the [ro] where

                                      • 二郎,这是远远超过大型游戏是翻盖像立法者或舛添老谢野馨假摔
                                        From like veteran Assemblyman who Yosano has run about in confusion or Masuzoe Sinzirou considerably the great shelf

                                        • 什么套,人肩瓦里瓦里谁最终结束,或不明白的地方预算,他没有当地人民不会集中在鼻子污垢多极少数的恩戴自民党手中 The Liberal Democratic Party finishing ending with the person and the hand which are said grasping the shoulder uniting doesn t that it is budget even in the district it understand The district how it probably is the person who is not seriously considered with the nose droppings
                                          • 少数恩戴什么一对肩膀和手留在自民党谁不仅打破人的脖子“,”我勤奋工作,在自民党 In the Liberal Democratic Party Grasping the person and the hand which remain uniting the shoulder only it perseveres with utmost effort” “I persevere at the Liberal Democratic Party and increase
                                          • 少数恩戴什么一对肩膀和手留在自民党谁不仅打破人的脖子“,”我勤奋工作,在自民党 The person who remains in the Liberal Democratic Party Grasping the hand uniting the shoulder only it perseveres with utmost effort” Persevere “I at the Liberal Democratic Party and increase
                                          • 沃达风中的变化是锻炼?十进制:“我等待民主党人对风力较弱,没有顺风,风是不反对自由民主党 Wind direction changed because Shin “The wind for the Democratic party becoming weak it is not the case that the wind for the Liberal Democratic Party has become fair wind
                                          • 瓦里瓦里的自民党谁是你不知道你对这一地区的预算最终结束时,当地人民不会集中太多的鼻子污垢 The Liberal Democratic Party finishing ending with the person and the hand which are said grasping the shoulder uniting doesn t that it is budget even in the district it understand The district how it probably is the person who is not seriously considered with the nose droppings

                                        • 什么是有偿维塔安倍晋三领导的统一是一个自然作为一个组,我真的到麻生太郎所为Gudaguda在左翼自民党或公明
                                          Agreeing uniting, but [tsu] [te] supporting the head naturally as a group what However to Abe - Aso it was [gudaguda] with the left wing inside the Liberal Democratic Party or place for fairness

                                          • 他们不再债务,因为自民党,自民党和自愿解散,并没有只思苏老志位直接党做什么新的有趣?蛮横和完全错误的,但我觉得这个故事不思首页 The Liberal Democratic Party stops turning the neck with debt the Liberal Democratic Party the independent solution party does Only redoing with the new party will it probably be strange to think that it becomes Necessarily extravagant you think that it is the story which cannot be thought but is
                                            • (节选),众议员小泉进次郎“,但许多人从自民党叛逃,自民党不绝没有 Excerpt Koizumi Sinzirou Assemblyman “whatever human leaving a party from the Liberal Democratic Party the Liberal Democratic Party is not the case that it disappears

                                          • 以自由Democratic m叛逃总是指出,解礼打开盖子,如果历史的胜利,而是反政府武装是我在选举和邮政
                                            If the secessionist always coming out, at the time of the [ru] and postal services election something structure opposing rather, however the [ru] opens the cover to our people, historical great victory

                                            • 但是,一些前212的理想排名三陷阱古报业志位是依靠别人给我的地方是它是肝脏等Watta人据经理秘书 212 But a little before it was 3 rank with private secretary ranking of the ideal which hears in the manager When such liver is the 据 wa tsu on side is the reliable trap

                                              • 但是,为什么3楼Kimuyona非法或重量,只有富裕继续惊叹于柯,毛还是会赢得2008年世界年
                                                However, why just illegality 3F of [kimuyona] continues to be overlooked and adding point of wonder, even then true middle wins at 2008 world

                                                • 像,类似的一方,当部队继续扩大的良好工作,许多自民党议员它们巧妙像小泉真二郎先生,党的团结统一,声明,强调认为,重要的是引进 Quite it seems like one person party the work where the Liberal Democratic Party whose original Assemblyman is many is nice The case where it keeps doing power enlargement It seems that Sinzirou Koizumi states one characteristic of the party introduction of the idea which is emphasized is important
                                                  • 你应该尝试的情况下团结起来,反对党的第一次,而不是消极力量 NULL

                                                • 关于“不感兴趣的兴趣也与他的屁股深刻印象”,叛逃舛添做文章释放苏
                                                  Concerning Masuzoe's secession disturbance “interest or interest it is not”, also the form which with pierces and releases was good impression

                                                  • 十进制:“谁是最愿意,成为,而不是拟Ttena语言” 当记者约?十进制:“这不可能 Shin “As for becoming the top by his would like to become we would like to become that saying it is not something which is accustomed” When surroundings push Shin “It cannot be
                                                    • 正常“以下”什么是第二个儿子,但采取消极的方向,“进入下一个木”不作任何想消极的意义 As for the normally “next” tsu Tetsu ku next man although it is 0 direction becoming like “it advances next” meaning it does not become 0

                                                  • 在160亿美元债务日元返回苏谁?这种基金必须按照民主力量已被许多反古进一郎以下是在我的战术来自一口气叩古瓦特 So debt someone of 16 000 000 000 Yen returns The distinctiveness Jiro s anti became many Because is such a financial ability with has the excessiveness in democracy following it came being the strategy which hits this w
                                                    • 在160亿美元债务日元返回苏谁?和有能力的基金这种难得的铃木一郎是躺着面对未来瓦特思 So debt someone of 16 000 000 000 Yen returns The distinctiveness Jiro s anti became many Because is such a financial ability with has the excessiveness in democracy following it came being the strategy which hits this w

                                                  • 在24个被摧毁平庸公司达罗父亲的河畔终身雇用制度,但ー企业报在安全区的责任,不属于内弁庆指出
                                                    24 As for destroying lifetime employment vaguely the [ro] which is administration of the father Enterprise [da], it is the venture, -, self responsible [da] Unless it tries that so by your will come out of the safety zone of inside Benkei's,

                                                    • 在两代就是世界贫穷不得不没有父母的Okonatsu免费高中教育或地方,这当然也可Okonatta的非自由政策的正规就业,并请潮来摆
                                                      Something worldwide 2 rank If it did not do before the far such as gratuitousness conversion of high school education, it could not go Poverty of the parent generation, non proper employment conversion caused Naturally, our people it did this with policy

                                                      • 复制并粘贴巨魔管理人员MwHOPy9j0连续投球民主党人确信它瓦特 MwHOPy9j0 The Democratic party operative Devastating kopipe connected throwing As for regulation being secure shank w
                                                        • 编号:MwHOPy9j0规章连续投球是复制并粘贴可靠曳瓦特民主代理商 ID MwHOPy9j0 The Democratic party operative Devastating kopipe connected throwing As for regulation being secure shank w

                                                      • 复制并粘贴身份证更要添加,因为该委员会Rerurashii不太弹出,身份证,如果身份证_ 9Wu / O5W / 0或或9Wu /●5W / 0 Iirashii或更好
                                                        [kopipe] doing ID, because when the less is done popup, rate is added the less, seems, In case of ID ID _ 9Wu/O5W/0 it does or, 9Wu/ - 5W/0 With the one which is done calls and seems

                                                        • 大臣鸠山邦夫,自由民主党前楼提交了一份辞职信16,这表明愿意与前贸易大臣平沼赳夫和独立
                                                          As for the Hatoyama Kunio original general affairs phase which submits the secession report to the Liberal Democratic Party on the 16th, Hiranuma Isao original economic industrial phase of non post Desire was shown in cooperation

                                                          • 太阳142是捏造放弃他的手是不一样的秩序的第一首单曲的俳句诗氖废料,我会假死亡和会愿意放弃四环素语言和语调
                                                            142 Fabricates is selfishly the rubbish By yourself the not being entwined order which is celibacy are different, that you probably say, but the rubbish Condition being densely, don't you think? it has fabricated, - Die the rubbish

                                                            • 对不起463和474是叛徒是什么,我说我合格瓦特四九一瓦特代理人,最后我对任何人之前,津市你在一起?瓦特 463 The me it is 474 The wa w which is competent to a traitor 491 Finally whether we operative w Fighting with your someone the ru it is w
                                                              • Ikemen的突然增加了民事间谍,魅力,青年,热情,不要嫉妒仅仅因为你没有一个电子暨北表示,它在你的思想 Something the minsu operative increased suddenly ikemen and charisma it is young passion intelligence Because you have not held no one the tsu te you envy is

                                                            • 对经济学系偏差,关东学院,她的知识? 45让我们津市頑張wwwwwwwwwwwwww Terujan粪便往往愚蠢的瓦里wwwww Deviation value of Kanto institute large department of economics knowing the ru 45 the ze wwwwwwwwwwwwww which is The droppings fool persevering comparatively well the ru it is wwwww
                                                              • 一郎如下:我担心的小数? ?不要笑到45湿重是什么担心的瓦特傻瓜偏差 Fearing Sinzirou the ru You burst into laughter is ww The tsu te w which fears the fool of deviation value 45

                                                            • 平沼,党反对邮政事业民营化,如果哇完美结束对邮政服务私有化和渡边党反对党的行政改革,以复制的邮政储蓄债券,美国,但民主党的评价,这个家伙通过我自己的那种去,是杰鲁Ikanaku还阻挠三个二进制小数 In the opposite direction to postal services commercialization Watanabe etc who Hiranuma who leaves a party and is opposed by reform of the administrative structure and leaves a party If postal services commercialization has ended perfectly The Democratic party as for leaving a party through the American government bond is appraised with mail storing but it is dense binaries and the 三 進 not going Becoming therefore by your kind of those which escape
                                                              • 平沼,党反对邮政民营化,并复制了党的来源和反对派退出渡边行政改革进行评估,只有球员之一是outta 3也是Ikanaku二进制小数因为它是像杰鲁 In the opposite direction to postal services commercialization Watanabe etc who Hiranuma who leaves a party and is opposed by reform of the administrative structure and leaves a party If postal services commercialization has ended perfectly The Democratic party as for leaving a party through the American government bond is appraised with mail storing but it is dense binaries and the 三 進 not going Becoming therefore by your kind of those which escape

                                                            • 张津,因为它看到拉你的脚,因为他们迫切鸽子差分弟弟想有机会我只是滚动津市体塔拉请从那些对民主党不利的沉默民主党成员点 Therefore democracy that body cod ku Saying nothing chance rolls with just the ru Like the younger brother pigeon moving unskillfully pulling the foot the ru way as for being seen In the extent which has belonged to the Democratic party 0 point
                                                              • 志摩与你的话,我可以运行一段时间做模糊甚至没有这么多鸽子?我不喜欢阅读和空气,对志野tergiversate索赔没有战略,那么在运行会被认为最强大的国家的错误 If also the pigeon does there is no this extent blurring with don t you think already it can manage it is a little honestly Simply the air you cannot read when firm thought and the strategy there is no defection time time With the national management most unpalatable state

                                                            • 当我看到总统大选支持河野太郎最近的行为是思四环素它是没有希望的,愚蠢或舛添伊塔塞科或只是一个良好的感觉,我持,邻里和距离像父亲饥饿前缀柯叩自民党时,有没有更好的学徒我 When observing at that Taro Kono is supported with president selection you thought that how it will do it is foolish is not but Recent speech and behavior can have good impression One it is thick simply Sekou or Masuzoe that side putting in place distance The father liked the Liberal Democratic Party hitting but as for there the one which is not learned is better
                                                              • ↑91,厚生劳动大臣舛添洋一是一个了不起的家伙是傻瓜我好从家庭加班Dekirurashii去的家庭零促进法(众笑) 91 Thick labor minister of state Masuzoe main point one ↑ Tremendous fool It is dense is the family it is the propulsion person of viewing method Because overtime work generation becomes zero it is the family is viewing is possible it seems It was good laughing

                                                            • 彻很快反对党民主党。从铁路制定税收,包括自民党和它的反对法律,被洪水冲走,日本
                                                              Already immediately the Democratic party Tetsu to the opposition party. Because it is formed taxation method with steamrolling, The opposition party which begins the Liberal Democratic Party is cleared from Japan

                                                              • 志位阻燃标准给予同样的重量,和三个旋转那么简单之前和之后的第2A每小时可以很容易地设计3升或以上的点3Lz(Ù ¯ A)和3楼(一痌踢)已Miwake踏紧,毛泽东是一个游戏的来源,取得了3次用3个最基本的技术,他们百分点,平均程度的轮换3Lz未经授权的使用被视为井2,3点扣,只要没有对不要修补收件箱 Acquires adding point the standard which Because it is the same as difficult 3 revolutions the device to be possible to the front and back of simple 2A simply in the point above usual 3L The stepping on reason of 3Lz rutsutsu and 3F huritsuhu ゚ is strictly converted true middle 3 1 tournaments is the profitable point source which is used If the degree average which the skill 3Lz where the fundamental point is highest with 3 revolutions uses with illegality treatment it does not give a demerit and does not correct either 2 and 3 points it stops being able to install

                                                                • 我已经是[民主]政府的满意度调查,不支持率百分之36.2%,50.7了秘密核武器“仍然是不可避免的,即使你在顶部贡献百分之四十七一个秘密的国家安全”...日本的电视调查★3下雨天的[政治]小泽一郎,民主党击败来自该地区...“停止小泽”的[香川县]自由民主党的支持率为25.4%,自由民主党的支持者支付22.0%的妇女的声音王国。古是一个很高的比例,[政治]管理鸠山由纪夫捍卫生命六个月,“没有工作”,“没有足够的托儿”,“没有希望”3月14日
                                                                  But from that democracy what Cabinet support ratio 36.2% non- support 50.7% Nuclear secret agreement “if it contributes to the security of the country is, while it is secret being, it is helpless”, in the top 47%… Japanese television investigation * 3 Ozawa kingdom So even from never Democratic party defeat… district “Ozawa stop” voice Political party support ratio inside prefecture Our people 25.4%, democracy 22.0% With our people supporter support of woman. Ratio high It is and the Hatoyama administration half year which protects after, “there is no job”, “the nursery school it is not enough”, “there is no expectation” Local election result of 03/14 Ishikawa nomarch election - - Incumbent (our public corporation nomination, democracy prefectural connected support and Ozawa support candidacy retreat) Ishikawa prefecture Wajima mayor election - - Incumbent (our corporation nomination and fairness support) The Fukuoka prefecture shrine it is young mayor election - - Our people supporting is torn, the non post incumbent (however Aso group) Japanese ode Yamagata Hasimoto mayor election - - Our people type incumbent Tochigi prefecture Otawara mayor election - - Party type new member of original our people present everyone Iwate prefecture inner part state mayor election - - Democracy type new member (Ozawa paternal home, candidate just two furthermore both Ozawa group) Iwate prefecture Kuji mayor election - - Our people type incumbent Like old Japanese empire becoming assemblage, the ruin [ma] [tsu] it does, but [gu] and others what wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww

                                                                  • 我是完全离开Kke前缀自民党和公明党,你提吗?什么是好的,从个人的分层是不相关的诽谤‥瓦特〜嘿,我并不觉得煽动喜欢的谣言我通常用瓦特万维网 So if you said our people and the fair tsu te distance was put in place completely it is the tsu ke which is It slanders slanders the individual by the fact that it is not relationship riding because the stratification was proud Don t you think the extent which becomes e w The ro www which false rumor instigation w how you do not use normally and is

                                                                    • 我的意思南特津,“鸠山由纪夫先生,小泽,并很快要采取的民主党,是不是唯一的责任人的支持率在下降,现在是现在思那么什么感觉说:“而且我不是一个南特熙 How saying however the ru “Hatoyama there is no Ozawa and just a citizen and wants taking responsibility quickly even in the Assemblyman of the te Democratic party So the feeling which is thought has appeared in current support ratio decrease” How the reason which joy has been done it puts out
                                                                      • 小泉以降 の 四人 の 総理大臣 の 支持率 の 推移 を 見 るともう 見事 なまでに 代 が 代 わるごとに 支持率 が 全体的 に 低下 している When you look at the change of the support ratio of Prime Minister four after the Koizumi Already whenever generation substitutes to beautifully support ratio has decreased entirely

                                                                    • 我要去,“但僭越没有一种谦逊的态度”,在看涨,从上述角度说,这个人太
                                                                      How, “but you say, or it is 僭 surpassing” without the humble attitude that, with strong one side falling down, Speech of the eye line, as for this person is too multi from above

                                                                      • 我还没有受到批评,来自罪犯本人谷垣祯一津市运作上次选举的不是我自己受到批评,受到批评,我们甚至不知道谷垣祯一
                                                                        Tanigaki being criticized, Tanigaki himself being criticized also [ru], the [ru] it is not to be, war crime of election before the [te] working Tanigaki, being criticized from the [ru], being [ru] reason

                                                                        • 或政治组织,成功地将资金,余下的拓谷“死亡税”我要真二郎
                                                                          It relocated political organization fund safely?, When leaving it solves, “inheritance tax” catches, it is Sinzirou

                                                                          • 执政三党的政策统一您好联络工作,退休金的拖欠期限延长至10年免费学校学费,及子女免税额,个人所得税的农民补偿,整理克的全职雇员邮政业务,扩大基本就业补贴我会支持
                                                                            Policy of ruling party 3 party Hello between pursuit payment date of work window unification and national pension in 10 extension and high school tuition gratuitous conversion, Child treatment, farmer individual income compensation, business categorization, postal services staff regular member conversion and employment grant expansion It supports basically

                                                                            • 抛出的大腿对民主党的代理人,他们动员起来,洁具焼饼二郎小泉的支持率一年级国会议员或仅仅在这里
                                                                              Is high baking the roasted cake in the Koizumi Sinzirou popularity of first grade Assemblyman, the operative of the Democratic party It opposes with general mobilization and the [chi] [yo] is as for here?

                                                                              • 政治 小泉进次郎先生“某些情况下,考虑资金扰乱』和『有这个党该做党的任何国家的建设与大家合作,无论是Bimasuka大选”熊★3 Sinzirou Koizumi “The revenue source without thinking that this which is done you do cooperating with the party and everyone the country the party which is made it chooses which ” with… Kumamoto 3

                                                                                • 数个月的平均每月变动的消费开支“失踪”,而不是减少Ttena伊藤认为呢? Change of one monthly average consumption expenditure “Disappearance” You think that with the extent which is said it does not decrease but

                                                                                  • 有关这件事,灰尘大,民主党和共产党和朝鲜和Ntsukyouso,它是什么抗议说,他们不能被剥夺了几乎在第一韩国的外交权,日本的协议,这是一个很大的区别他们 In regard to this case as for Korea and Nitukiyou group and the Democratic party and Japan Communist Party and the mass rubbish first the next Being deprived diplomacy right with day Korea agreement you say that substantial protest was not achieved but As for this big mistake
                                                                                    • 被剥夺外交权在1905年韩日协定11是每个月的第二个,2个在公众充分。抗议活动是有能力 Diplomacy right deprivation being second next day Korea agreement of 1905 November at February point in time sufficiently Public It was in the standpoint which protest is achieved

                                                                                  • 木津! !小泉仇恨恶梦重演wwwww wwww Ë Ë皋皋¸可爱的偶像Neuyo奈达闪烁,但是什么时候呢?安倍晋三会持续下去,在开放的准备,例如麻生太郎霍龙奈达精彩的比赛,他们Neuyo永远?
                                                                                    [kitsu]! ! Koizumi 憎 it does, wwwww nightmare second coming wwww [hi] ゙ [kuhi] ゙ [ku] So As for [neuyo] [nida] which when collapses? With Abe last expectation, the expectation which is phorone with Aso As for the gourd if it fights with [neuyo] how long, good [nida]?

                                                                                    • 机管局的自由始终是他们的支持者在机管局的代理商有趣的人偷走了○往常一样,解礼见分我应该怎么零荒野感 AA of our people supporter is funny always AA of the people ○ operative always with pakuri sense zero Like this doing you should have distinguished
                                                                                      • 余间谍坏人我Yamawaku他们的运气谈制假法案和愚蠢的骗局破坏巨星节能选民 Swindling the voter with fraud Festo don t you think the national ruin foolish bill it makes and the operative of the ru usotsuki scoundrel who is sown being 涌 it increases

                                                                                    • 民主党原本,今次他们没有骂,没有他们的工作是那些谁根据劳动工会和民间团体,谁刚刚成为领导成员活着推出咬叛乱组织的规则只有在整个集团,在国会 Originally Democratic party Assemblyman conforming to the rule of organization of the labor union and the citizen group with the people who worked There is no structure counter and expulsion because there is no mistake surviving becoming the leader the sufficient becomes the Assemblyman The person at the National Diet becoming the group just the ru
                                                                                      • 民主党人727丢弃就好像是金钱或税收支付给民主党您目前,我们正在鼻子(人力资源),他们的工作不仅是 727 Paying to Democratic party Assemblyman ru tax throws away and the gold is and it is the cousin So Democratic party Assemblyman does not work presently the number of heads the head or the zu as only

                                                                                    • 民是最大的威胁二郎,或者说我笨,因为你呢?哦,并说,风筝会ー自由的支持者,但有一个故事,如果Ttena索纳从Tteiu‥‥或代理人这样一个民主的支持者?
                                                                                      Largest threat of [minsu] is Sinzirou, that saying, [ru] reason? Don't you think? fool? The [a] - is, densely - is, that if we should call, it does from the democracy supporter being our people supporter, very that oh accompanying, although it is story. Such the operative [tsu] [te] the fact that you say?

                                                                                      • 没有民主少数领导人,说一些例如,只有在气流将在该组织流动离开过去,研究员第二代自民党议员不要小看一个角色的人的习惯,正如马的数量劳累也多,第二,在皇后的使命和他的童年,从低质量的三上,将志高当他们第一次跑到前座崇拜父母正义感的一代政治家,有些事情
                                                                                        If the quantity of Democratic party the little leader says, something, while it is habit from the past Just is let flow to the flow of the wind which is while organizing, is not useful only as the number of heads The 輩 which blames two world Assemblymen of the Liberal Democratic Party it probably will be many, As for being two world Assemblymen the patrimonial mission impression and the justice impression, to great Assemblyman who is to see from child age When aspiration, running for the first time, high will, with there are some which are said

                                                                                        • 浩沙纪692本书则很少会write m周围吹了很多球员,他的父亲和他的父亲,他的大脑了毛毯卷和Kino“轨道”也方津 692 Brain party of father and father around Being blown in various ways the ru it is probably will be To a size of this vessel furthermore the follower you spread it is riding in also “the rail”
                                                                                          • 692博赛凯那么这个文书将很少是你们写了很多东西,吹他的父亲和他的父亲,他的大脑了毛毯卷和Kino“轨道”也方津 692 Brain party of father and father around Being blown in various ways the ru it is probably will be To a size of this vessel furthermore the follower you spread it is riding in also “the rail”

                                                                                        • 神奇的507分钟,从现在他们智商低Shiku这些由白痴新线球员瓦特即使浪费 507 Because and others it is dense intelligence quotient is low considerably w which understands immediately After starting a new paragraph wastefully aho
                                                                                          • 神奇的509分钟,从现在他们智商低Shiku这些由白痴新线球员瓦特即使浪费 509 Because and others it is dense intelligence quotient is low considerably w which understands immediately After starting a new paragraph wastefully aho

                                                                                        • 简单的语言,你要采访一位政治家的你要活它解礼的方式相机图片自己的话,我认为这就是 If simply the camera was directed it was accustomed to the picture We would like to collect materials the politician who can talk in your own word which lives You think that with it is the sufficient thing which is said
                                                                                          • 我敢说,他们的工作是我应该比任何其他来源的任何给您去过的政治家Giteru片木 accustomed to was the politician with something Already the throat origin passing the ru lines shelf Becoming the hard wood try working the tsu te it is

                                                                                        • 编号:3cZlYDtU0 Yobikake投票选出他们自己的自由民主党,在选举委员会“的举报电话称,”所以不要忘记!证据不消失瓦特↓
                                                                                          ID: 3cZlYDtU0 It begins to call poll in the Liberal Democratic Party, Way each one, “by the telephone information” is not forgotten in electoral commission! The evidence w which you cannot turn off ↓

                                                                                          • 编号:3cZlYDtU0编号:RRP3DLRJ0你Bikake诱导的自民党投票的呼吁,而且你在任何人的痛苦谁wwww明爱眼井也为两年,从我的哀悼名Hottokimashou瓦特
                                                                                            ID: 3cZlYDtU0 ID: RRP3DLRJ0 As for the poll to the Liberal Democratic Party calling inducing clear in everyone's eye, but don't you think? wwww Because and others, it is dense well 2 names seem the grief way w which will come relieved

                                                                                            • 编号:MwHOPy9j0一起,他们古臭,注意收集,这样机管局没有,我的差距还
                                                                                              ID: MwHOPy9j0 The fellow, with such an antiquated AA it cannot gather the ear and eye, furthermore slipping, the [ru

                                                                                              • 自民党候选人坚持的多泡沫区,由于自民党领导层,领导这对于它的Nde的改革问题望
                                                                                                As for the Liberal Democratic Party candidacy which perseveres on many this lines of fall, Because there is a doubt in guidance power of the Liberal Democratic Party executive committee, just this desires executive committee renovation

                                                                                                • 自民党单一的工具。董建华来到说得Sugidaro万维网Warota力量不仅是因为家庭成员不仅被遗忘的利息和其他许多自民党议员吓唬老害瓦特 Single engine our people construction 涌 It comes too much warota www Some other our people Assemblyman Only old age damage and family Assemblyman where you cannot forget the right searching it is Empty tsu te war potential to throw too much the ro w which is
                                                                                                  • 自民党单一的工具。董建华来到说得Sugidaro万维网Warota力量不仅是因为家庭成员不仅被遗忘的利息和其他许多自民党议员吓唬老害瓦特 Single engine our people construction 涌 It comes too much warota www Some other our people Assemblyman Only old age damage and family Assemblyman where you cannot forget the right searching it is Empty tsu te war potential to throw too much the ro w which is

                                                                                                • 自由民主党和491剂,民主的代理人,工会代理人,共产主义的代理人,代理人的创价,官员和工作人员,以及朝鲜特工在日本,中共的间谍同时,他们还按代理电视,每个人都放弃了,因为我复制和粘贴 NULL
                                                                                                  • 当然在所有(二郎)在小泽一郎的民主党的鸠山首相,但没有任何关系。更有什者的证据表明,自民党代理真的要坚持复制和粘贴,形成不滥用最新回顾 Completely although there is no sure Sinzirou and a relationship in to the Hatoyama prime minister Osawa Democratic party Denunciation Relegating kopipe and those where the less is written being our people operative most evidence

                                                                                                • 自由民主党,提出以下小数点后一郎值得严重,然后发送到我的人?无论如何,我不是说新闻媒体或邪恶的梳子,梨,我想我不会是这样做会更好 As for the Liberal Democratic Party attaching Sinzirou to the appropriate post with maji When it should have dispatched to the citizen don t you think it is How the se badly only you call the mass communications therefore it is Rather than not doing you think however that the one which is popular is better
                                                                                                  • 607“如果他是另一个人在记住我:青达罗二郎有趣的辩论 607 When gt Sinzirou and the D bait it can point with gachi funny so The ro which it did and is another
                                                                                                  • 马阿,二郎更多的色彩,因为我希望看到的人和地方,即使如此,Otaota在政策辩论,并希望即将到来的事情发生了 The wa which is wanted appearing in various places in Sinzirou well as we The place where otaota it does seeing with policy dispute something like doing

                                                                                                • 茶是坏的或已知第三方自民党代理现实?随分马氏B只后悔后来减少人的舞蹈是一个两层
                                                                                                  Knowing the actual condition of our people operative in the third party and the [chi] [ya] being unpalatable? Becoming the repetition of B layer, the human whom you regret from after just it decreases extremely increase

                                                                                                  • 著名的讲话录像Q&进行了讨论次郎小泉进2010 3 12国会议员质询小泉进次郎自民党众议院内阁委员会1。二。 2月3日2009年11月18日,众议院内阁委员会小泉小三分之二千○一十 2众议院全体会议辩论小泉进次郎(自由改革俱乐部)委员会的自由民主党(在东京回合)09年12月18号残端讲话长崎喜我和所有戈罗小泉仁进粂胜下列广告在石墙旁边打气讲话在街上的人说,还没得奖 出发点奖金 次郎小泉进横须贺中央站 The famous speech question discussion animated picture of Sinzirou s Koizumi 2010 3 12 House of Representatives Cabinet commission The question of Assemblyman Sinzirou Liberal Democratic Party Koizumi 1 2 2 3 2009 November 18th House of Representatives Cabinet commission Koizumi Jr 2010 3 2 The House of Representatives plenary assembly discussion Sinzirou Koizumi Liberal Democratic Party reformation club Liberal Democratic Party roadside speech meeting among Tokyo circles 2009 12 18 The support speech with Nagasaki Support speech with stone wall It tried comparing Sinzirou side 粂 victory benevolence and Koizumi Being defeated The roadside speech which even Sinzirou s front Koizumi of election starting point can be said The Yokosuka center before the station Sinzirou Koizumi Speech

                                                                                                    • 要紧的是比什么都更团结“紫癜:/ / stat001。Ameba.jp / user_images /一十八分之二千零一十万零三百十六/ ahare4 / 5e类/ 83 /焦耳/ o0680046810453858551。伊莱·朝日新闻社的”S一位数或人民的支持率有些无聊或不烦恼多
                                                                                                      As for being more important than what it agrees unite” ttp: //stat001. ameba.jp/user_images/20100316/18/ahare4/5e/83/j/o0680046810453858551. jpg Asahi newspaper “1 people it came out that, how many the spare time when joy and sorrow it has done there is no support ratio

                                                                                                      • 这个问题不可替代的公式E,如果垃圾分钟,掴制备的本质是什么,很少有详细的能力维塔 When doing to divide the problem which is not replaced to numerical formula discovering essence almost there is no ability to think finely

                                                                                                        • 这并不意味着我是叩一谷垣祯一,或忠丰岛,或谷垣祯一,与谢野馨或没有经验的“纪要是,我们将继续遵循”并说,例如,是不是容易的参院选举中获胜 Hitting Tanigaki the ru it is not to be the te Tadamori Oshima Tanigaki Yosano “The amount which does not have experience keeps following us” that if you say House of Councillors selection something the ro which is easy victory
                                                                                                          • 元谷垣祯一总督决定,无论什么颜色我们认为,重要的是,每个人进来頑張漏斗在一起“ 去获得自己返回顶部 President Tanigaki deciding as for that probably are various opinions also probably will persevere with everyone being settled important matter” The intention itself becoming the top
                                                                                                          • 在或大岛忠盛,或谷垣祯一,或与谢野馨,“没有任何经验分钟的是,我们将继续遵循”并说,例如,是不是容易的参院选举中获胜 So Tadamori Oshima Tanigaki Yosano “The amount which does not have experience keeps following us” that if you say House of Councillors selection something the ro which is easy victory
                                                                                                          • 总统选举,我认为他们面前卫和E看到了,我觉得现在维塔实际支付给总统,我对谷垣祯一表决通过科诺 However with president selection you voted to Kono because Tanigaki became the president the tsu te air which supports the president truly being visible before it is great you think that is
                                                                                                          • 次郎小泉进“”“”“”“”“”“”“”“”“”“”“”“”“”“”谷垣祯一Nantoka Sinzirou Koizumi gt gt gt gt gt gt gt gt gt gt gt gt gt gt gt gt gt gt gt gt gt gt gt gt gt gt gt gt Tanigaki nantoka
                                                                                                          • 这并不意味着我是叩一谷垣祯一,谁是帮助自民党戈或不超过?我们已经有了它 Hitting Tanigaki the ru it is not to be the te Tadamori Oshima Tanigaki Yosano “The amount which does not have experience keeps following us” that if you say House of Councillors selection something the ro which is easy victory

                                                                                                        • 这是一个垃圾Kuzusuretai任意任意任意Kuzusuretai Kuzusuretai但它Kuzusuretai任意任意任意Kuzusuretai Kuzusuretai但任意Suretai
                                                                                                          1 [suretai] the 恣 [kuzusuretai] which is mind The 恣 [kuzusuretai] which is mind The 恣 [kuzusuretai] which is mind The 恣 [kuzusuretai] which is mind The 恣 [kuzusuretai] which is mind The 恣 [kuzusuretai] which is mind The 恣 the kudzu which is mind

                                                                                                          • 这让全职自由Hottoitara一非正规雇员,我一直是所有家庭的劳累,成为安乐死成为猎物的猎物奴隶制的法律,南非是他什么一个巨大的贫民窟但日本经团联的最终目标是成为我们幸人不能被奴役(本田宗一郎,松下幸之助四环素的年龄差距)和美国灾难性的失败的人,自由民主是溃这首不得不外出的家庭没有他的世界
                                                                                                            When that way our people relieved it is The regular member is the family, it is obtaining the viewing method immediately becoming, with everyone overwork death it is with netherworld, it is you view The non proper employer becomes obtaining the slave system immediately, makes enormous slum town and has become south Africa The ultimate purpose of Japan Federation of Economic Organizations is not that the citizen becomes happy To slave converting the citizen (Soichiro Honda, Konosuke's Matsushita day it was different) America failing devastatingly, if our people it is not collapsed It is the family with netherworld, it is it has become the setting which views

                                                                                                            • 頑張麻生太郎是自民党頑張位置妲己,我支持从官邸茹麻生太郎的自由民主党( 摄)─┛〜〜߿º Ý ¸ Ä º信息港
                                                                                                              The Liberal Democratic Party persevering Aso persevering - Because Aso stays, the Liberal Democratic Party it has supported the [ji] [e] which is (' the [he] `; ) y ─ ┛ ~ ~ [sokontoko] [yoroshiku

                                                                                                              • 颜射茶668克,在麻生太郎和安倍晋三没想到不到頑張四环素二郎我认为,另一种是被迫期望 668 In bu tsu chi ya ke Abe was not expected that much As for Aso however you think that it persevered Sinzirou does not obtain expects already
                                                                                                                • 另一件事是不同于其他政治家或政府,而我什么都不同乐器或小数点但次郎大只者 But Sinzirou it is merely there is no person The kana that it is with you say the vessel is different The other politician you probably will bite mono is different
                                                                                                                • 颜射茶668克,在麻生太郎和安倍晋三没想到不到頑張四环素二郎我认为,另一种是被迫期望 668 In bu tsu chi ya ke Abe was not expected that much As for Aso however you think that it persevered Sinzirou does not obtain expects already

                                                                                                              • 鸠山节奏本身是下降的普及和三个保持在大约相同的我看你,在高起点鸠山由纪夫的支持率Dokkoidokkoi长的时间,即使在今天的恩戴刈麻生太郎内阁的支持率发射 As for depreciation tempo itself of support ratio as for these three people and Hatoyama generally with about the same However it is transitive Hatoyama support ratio when starting was high it is with even presently When starting of the Aso Cabinet and of the do tsu densely it is support ratio the well tsu dense extent
                                                                                                                • 在麻生太郎和安倍晋三,另外的差异,从安倍晋三,他们很年轻,但还有别的东西,麻生太郎年龄也层面则退休维塔 Because as for the Aso and Abe difference as for Abe it is young still it is ahead but As for Aso the level where even age retirement is visible gradually

                                                                                                              • 鸠山邦夫先生,还是你的意思多动症,或狂躁,你有一个E也抑制冲动,不生病什么的?那天晚上,我看到的东西或茹选组图片,恩戴阅读漫画,你是怎么决定表示压力井 As for Kunio Hatoyama perhaps doing multi kinetic obstacles The 躁 illness something the sickness which cannot hold down impulse is kana Looking at the image or whether in night new 撰 group kana it is of reading cartoon Resolving with spirit you state and the chi ya tsu are kana

                                                                                                                • 鸠山闵首小泽一郎在日本众议院的癌症是看鸠山由纪夫在日本兄弟末期癌症,您的要求好看,但往往发现,愚蠢的兄弟在日本的Nde侵蚀,没有,邦夫,他将获得的一次性先看看1自由是自由民主党是由纪夫讨的一块巨石应该是当时和现在,日本政治常识的白鸽首先指出,所有Luz的在纳粹宣传部长说什么他讨厌ü因此,应删除自由民主党和现在,它应该是一个庞然大物■“ As for Hatoyama house the Japanese cancer gun As for Ozawa minsu the Japanese late cancer gun If you try looking at the sibling of the Hatoyama house It is found well that the foolish sibling has spoiled Japan Therefore you ask abandon kunio first Also the fellow is useless our people now should become the monolith In that way becoming the monolith attack yukio in our people Very the fellow it is the getsu be rusu advertisement phase as it is called in Nazis First the pigeon which deviates from general feeling should be exterminated from the Japanese political world Therefore our people now are proper with the monolith Whereabouts “of Hatoyama Democratic party administration” anti dew diplomacy 1955 Soviet naval spy domunitsuki visits the Hatoyama Ichiro residence the Hatoyama Yukio 7 year old The secret agreement which Ichiro Kono secret negotiates in Moscow sells northern territory is exchanged 1956 By the Japan and Soviet Union joint declaration Prime Minister Ichiro Hatoyama northern territory to the Soviet Union Ichiro Hatoyama Ichiro Kono Northern territory is sold to Russia in the Japan and Soviet Union joint declaration Dignity Ichiro Hatoyama Youhei Kono Running of the bureaucracy and the Chinese Communist Party which made rampant price inflation 狗 Yukio Hatoyama Taro Kono Friendship diplomacy which deviates Period Ichiro Hatoyama Presently at Moscow University as the Russian cooperator while rearing
                                                                                                                  • 动画“惠”提防非法贷款的北方领土问题。非法?法律?小心下载! 〜版权法 Animation “blessing” Northern territorial issue In illegal financier note Illegality Legitimacy In download note The Copyright Act amendment

                                                                                                                • (摘录)※有关当然前原诚司[政治]部长,“鸠山邦夫先生坂本龙马?我是那么好龙马,极度不适和我
                                                                                                                  (Excerpt) * Related [sure] Maehara diplomatic relations phase “Kunio Hatoyama Sakamoto Riyuuma? Because as for me Riyuuma we like, the quite unpleasant impression

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