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If only the 3D television bought the 3D television and the 3D glasses, it is not possible to enjoy 3D image, “the pitfall of the 3D television”


  • 158 Kakarujan我不希望是使简单的,但在技术上回馈作出Mendoku麻烦
    158 Being simple technically, rub it is [do] habit to do to obtain, time it is required it is Production side does not wish to do

    • 1三维爆炸是什么年度最佳时髦(σ·∀·)σ¯ Â ¹ Þ!,这是索尼在虚拟二维或三维和可以转换为广播
      1 3D the [tsu] lever which is called repeatedly popularity language grand prix (Σ ∀) Σ of this year ゙ [tsutsu]! ! Shelf Even with 2D broadcast it can convert to 3D SONY make with imagination when

      • 335大屏幕,高分辨率,高刷新率(降低闪烁),相对较低的价格,因此瓦特现在终于撕裂了扭曲
        335 The large picture, high resolution, high refreshment rate (flicker reduction), it is low relatively price w Therefore being even now finally

        • 363哦,真的吗?我和360余Tteta思死Nubeshi
          363 The [tsu], so being? Whether useless you think we 360 Should die

          • 3DTV的是一个真正的开始,我怀疑是强大的,并知道我真正的不同
            [ge] [e] real it does First it was suspicious in 3DTV, but it is the real thing is different after all

            • 3D是一个流量终于值得了“星际迷航”看到,“杰克击败霍姆斯是一次过我撕裂,”可以邲雨 The 3D flow is proper Finally you saw with the “start wreck” “we becoming homuzu it finishes and tears and play which defeats the jack” it is possible
              • 苏未经审查性录像出来底部的三维碰撞,如果我不能伤害获得的一万点○○万日元出 The non correction ero animated picture which extends the rear end becomes 3D if is We may put out 1 000 000 Yen

            • 444从监视器不需要特制的百叶窗更好地体现,因为是常见的商业
              444 Because the workmanship whose shutter system is more special in the monitor does not need, as a commercial item general

              • 461古达罗或逐渐薄马赛克红外线传感器来检测和挥手支付业务
                461 The hand is shaken and when the operation which is paid is done the infrared ray sensor perceiving, when the mosaic gradually keeps becoming thin the [ro] which is

                • 489水平,进入你的任何影音性别方面头像让我的心女演员,甚至有点印象 489 So at that level of abata favorite AV actress before the eye When SEX it does whether just a little you are impressed
                  • 228视大呢?驰能如此严重中毒,你不应该 NULL

                • 514很可能在三维点我不是在旧体制,支持虚拟硬盘有一个普遍的3D坏〜
                  514 Unless it has corresponded to the 3D system the shank perhaps with useless something At this point in time as for 3D of VHD of former times general purpose it was -

                  • 534○时间或LCD技术,或表达他们顺利和国内配套的图像,三维图像是什么,因为它会增加一倍,从第一个视频源第一名,小组的性能比色大衣,不喜欢与纳基亚发动机的功率你所看到的,什么是它传入的制备 534 The ○ time liquid crystal compensating the picture inside the technology which it expresses smoothly Because 3D image tsu te the original image source from first reaching time is ru The panel being possible efficiency if color those which were painted compared to receiving that the engine which it indicates it does not ride How will do the air which is not does
                    • 534○时间或LCD技术,或表达他们顺利和国内配套的图像,三维图像是什么,因为它会增加一倍,从第一个视频源第一名,小组的性能但我觉得好像没有看到对方纳基亚是什么传入的制备是什么发动机功率 534 The ○ time liquid crystal compensating the picture inside the technology which it expresses smoothly Because 3D image tsu te the original image source from first reaching time is ru The panel being possible efficiency if color those which were painted compared to receiving that the engine which it indicates it does not ride How will do the air which is not does
                    • 更正的图像,是互补的颜色为一个真正的动手比基色毛色Dzukanai人们发现错误的开始根据经验,从美的错觉Shiku That the image which is revised color were painted those which compared to was based on the actual experience with the color which is not based on the actual experience Because it is compensated with true color it misunderstands more beautifully

                  • 672人間 の 顔 を 認識 して カメラ が 自動 でおいかけたり 、 背景 だけをぼかしたり システム があるからあれを 応用 すれば 人間 の 周辺 だけ 浮 きあがるような 効果 は 出 せそうだな 672 Recognizing the face of the human the camera being automatic it begins to be it gradates just the background because there is a system If it applies that just around the human put out the kind of effect which comes up the shelf which may

                    • 788视眼镜快门控制和图像处理系统在原则上可能会出现的情况是,我
                      788 Don't you think? with shutter control and image processing system circumstance of the glasses also such in principle is possible

                      • null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 Now the image where weird actress and the actor where the hair is long from the well produce to crawl flowing but the ru it is It gets near gradually thinking that is the cod image becoming suddenly 3D That woman sprang out from TV it is
                        • 486,直到演员像Guwau书割日影音· · ·厚度零利率,但动机您花女演员一起购买 486 Book dividing like actress and actor oven gu wa u AV of thickness zero… There is an interest but it seems the viewing way in purchase motive

                      • NVIDIA公司,个人电脑受潮的大屏幕电视游戏“3DTV的播放”很容易-在美国进行的三维松下松下等离子电视和等离子电视的3D体验活动“VIERA系列”的技术支持NVIDIA的三维视觉
                        NVIDIA and the PC game can be enjoyed in the large picture TV, “3DTV Play” Executing the Panasonic 3D plasma television and the experience event in the - United States In the 3D plasma television “VIERA” of Panasonic 3D of NVIDIA Vision technology corresponds

                        • Tsumere正视足以看他们的工作出来,我的意思是塑造和可以感受相机和独立之间的差距的现实,我们不得不体验刚度不可能基 NULL
                          • Tsumere正视足以看他们工作的,和形状,可以感觉到不同的意图和我的相机的差距,现实的情况是一件事是不可能将被迫经验基 NULL

                        • “·三维VIERA系列茹?在视频3D视图“作为一个先决条件,3D眼镜和立体VIERA系列』『需要,3D和Burureisofuto支持蓝光播放器”(和电影)也应 gt 3D VIERA So to see 3D image gt As a major premise the 3D glasses and 3D VIERA being necessary 3D corresponding blue rape layer and the 3D corresponding blue ray software gt The movie and the like it is needed
                          • 如·三维VIERA系列在视频3D视图?作为一个先决条件,3D眼镜和立体VIERA系列』『需要,3D和Burureisofuto支持蓝光播放器(电影等)也应 3D VIERA So to see 3D image As a major premise the 3D glasses and 3D VIERA being necessary 3D corresponding blue rape layer and the 3D corresponding blue ray software Movie and the like it is needed
                          • 换句话说,MikuMikuDance的3D内容的问题,如果解决不了输出 In other words if MikuMikuDance 3D reaches the point where it can output as for contents problem it is the case that it is solved

                        • “电视”和“眼镜”和“运动员”和“软”无扭曲,我不能看到三维图像!楚科这些都是伟大的,如果一并出售!为什么我什么是招股说明书,但我觉得他们的免费游戏
                          If “the television” and “the glasses” and “the prayer” and “the software” are not even, 3D image is not seen! These collecting, if it can sell, the large profit! Don't you think? the [ro] which is [tsu] [te] plan what, as for we however there is no air which is bought

                          • とりあえず,三维在紫癜利益影片:/ / www.youtube.com /手表?V u003d 5MTxXAedZIk紫癜:/ / www.youtube.com /手表?V u003d 2wg,rJbVozw
                            Temporarily, please even with 3D animated picture ttp: //www.youtube.com/watch? v = 5MTxXAedZIk ttp: //www.youtube.com/watch? v = 2wg-rJbVozw

                            • ブラビア の 3D 変換機能 ってどうなんかな実際 には 変換 ミス も 考 えられるわけでどうも 信用 できないんだが8それは 既 にあるようなDirect3D 対応 のやつならあとは モニタ 次第 で 可能 じゃね The 3D conversion functional tsu te of the brassiere beer how no kana But actually being the case that also conversion mistake is thought it cannot trust very it is 8 That already seems a certain way After if person of Direct3D correspondence don t you think with monitor circumstance possibility
                              • 我不知道,因为我已经错过了从第一个数字3D软件locations re没有在程序甚至还意味着购买电视不能Kashikire是什么积极的古肮脏的图像在电视上的表现 This from first is pointed out Therefore software insufficiency buying the 3D television meaning saying you say Depending upon program image being dirty with even area deji it cannot utilize the efficiency of the television

                            • 三。什么Þ奥厄两杯从原来的后,我看到家人,请电话说是什么样的两个单独Ttara请购买每一个老兵说Yamemasuta什么是一〇 〇 〇 〇 〇 〇日元每次 3 2 terehi ゙ tsu te glasses has been attached originally Because it is with in the family we would like to see when after 2 the tsu te you say With the difference sale 1 it reaches 10 000 Yen and the ma inhales and says You buy it stops it is
                              • Narun谁已经戴眼镜的你怎么办? Narun谁已经戴眼镜的你怎么办? Narun谁已经戴眼镜的你怎么办? Already using the glasses the ru person how becomes it is Already using the glasses the ru person how becomes it is Already using the glasses the ru person how becomes it is
                              • 三。什么Þ奥厄两杯从原来的后,我看到家人,请电话说是什么样的两个单独Ttara请购买每一个老兵说Yamemasuta什么是一〇 〇 〇 〇 〇 〇日元每次 3 2 terehi ゙ tsu te glasses has been attached originally Because it is with in the family we would like to see when after 2 the tsu te you say With the difference sale 1 it reaches 10 000 Yen and the ma inhales and says You buy it stops it is

                            • 三维ü加上购买后绝对喜欢玩买我绝对可与人工阴道一个USB! ! ! !
                              Love plus you do with 3D, You buy without fail Attaching also rear USB [onahoru] You buy without fail! ! ! !

                              • 三维全息图像显示用肉眼或从良好的显示器
                                Hologram Display Naked eye 3D After becoming display, with calling and

                                • 三维渗透超9百分之Etara我可以考虑排减单位,或两者蔓延,思到底首页
                                  When the diffusion rate of 3D exceeds 9 tenths, you think, however perhaps, Possibly it spreads also you cannot think to there and

                                  • 乔治卢卡斯是也将意味着它是星期六广播达罗3D世界遗产也许值得关注蔌如是枝金出单瓦特www是不够的索尼公司和索尼 Therefore SONY and Lucas George seriousness As for SONY Saturday THE worldwide heritage 3D is televised the ro w which is perhaps www kore you just see The gold sufficiently there is a sufficient value which is put out
                                    • 喜欢的AV早日回到谈判桌边三维古Irane理由不扩散我南特氖三维马赛克 The reverse side of 3D it is quick desire As for AV chart irane Don t you think as for the reason the mosaic the reason which solid how spreads

                                  • 五年后,马阿线上的3D电影和游戏电脑显示器大大假名万美元,从3D二进制I德鲁其他答复是不是没有事如苔 When we assume that well you buy after the 3D monitor for PC becoming about 50 000 kana The ro which as for the movie and the game already 3D correspondence advancing from the ru is not moss ru thing and is
                                    • “一个普通的电视节目和三维Burureisofuto是,这不能在端午饼干 gt To 3D it is not possible to convert usual television program and the blue ray software Natural is the cracker
                                    • 普通电视节目,三维的Burureisofuto之前,你说你这不能wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww To 3D it is not possible to convert usual television program and the blue ray software The ro wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww which is natural

                                  • 什么是不受欢迎首先和食物是不抓着这些早期的采用者,但它是真实的,对不对?他们喜欢,他们让好人,我在资本了津市 Although such is bitten the Early adapter which Unless it is in the first place to spread saying but as for fact If the gold being left over entrust such to the ru people it solves being good it does the yo
                                    • 如果売Ritakere在日本,因为他们的爱神的影子受欢迎,我们需要电脑梅鲁视频爱欲与故障东西 It is necessary to like to sell in Japan with the eros to can be entwined Therefore video and personal computer with shade of eros spread red sandal wood

                                  • 什么是更好的214说我们使用的生产成本,各种新闻和一些飞行开始铋甚至将是对眼镜“麻烦看滚装”我们也说和w三维 NULL
                                    • 3D软件的三维和三维兼容的球员甚至没有放在3D眼镜3DTV的是,你呢? The 3D corresponding software applying the 3D glasses with the 3D not yet corresponding player Seeing with 3DTV if in 3D saying
                                    • 你看维塔的3D飞行,也走出去什么是BI,不再被视为从角度E或我不写ü的Nde各地不同?哇Tenaijan虚拟男孩,而且什么奇怪的 The 3D tsu te saying springing out it is not visible from the angle which just is visible and turning is different it is the ro which is It is not different from the virtual boy it is in what
                                    • 如果你不再有Porigoneropasokongemu许,从一开始,3D和取悦影片 porigoneropasokongemu becomes unable to permit if is From first please make image as an image to 3D
                                    • 如果没有组合Kke 68三维相机和设置自定义的女孩呢? 68 With the 3D custom girl the tsu ke which it is not possible combining with the camera
                                    • 我的意思是不是唯一的,或AV或游戏吗?三维最终幻想,或有可能 AV or the game it melts without meaning don t you think huainaruhuantaji 3D it probably will put out
                                    • 这将为目前的电视或电视的声音就像我在茹做可以在出现交叉的方法不戴眼镜的DVD播放机 It should have made the television which is seen with intersection method it is without being So if it does with the current television without the glasses it is possible with the current DVD player

                                  • 从成人世界本身Poshatta我想即使一応到光盘光盘
                                    As for the world of the adult however it tried probably to correspond to also the laser disk once the laser disk itself is the [po] plain gauze [tsu] the empty

                                    • 但他不是一次性的技术,但日本的一些影院] [小行星探测器由于他们来了!隼HBTTE []
                                      However the screening mansions it is few You threw away either the Japanese technology it is it is not Return! It is quick the [bu]

                                      • 但只有一点点的3D好莱坞失败的历史南特三维Guhodonomonojanaiyo大声说,他们才开始 There is only a history of the 3D how failure Just a little Hollywood just started calling 3D there are no those of the extent which makes a noise
                                        • 913ε:三维“这是爸爸Bakabon〜” 913 Ε 3D “It is the foolish Bonn father ”
                                        • 怎么性津ー,北京经济技术开发区,我认为PS3的三维什么麻烦您签出的一份声明 Possibility BDA thinks the 3D corresponding verification tsu te of PS3 declaration has put out with specially whether but

                                      • 化身像2次,因为他们说我不想Ookatta毕竟是抓住了本质,什么Tsumannai当然不是我 abata As for two times we would like to see say and therefore the fact that you say like you apply unless after all contents have been complete tsumannai is proper don t you think

                                        • 单静止图像的三维应变和Ki是不可能的(除非你是在3个,而且在数字机)从视频节目,以开发创新的三维信息,即使没有足够的应变基图像已完全走出来,我真的不 The excessiveness to put out the fact that one still picture is caused in 3D becoming in also 3 surface figures if the ru but difference Developing the epoch making program it causes the 3D picture from animated picture doing Don t you think the information which is not enough the empty it comes out by any means does not become complete

                                          • 南特的3D,一个功能只提高了硬盘的价值,因为,在这之后,几乎不会被任何软件思想 3D how with function just in order to increase the value of hard After that thing of the software the expectation which how is almost not thought
                                            • 一些源二维和三维图像分析仍处于测试我创业的一些解决方案 Image analyzing the 2D source at part also the solution for business that is started it makes 3D but still test stage

                                          • 即使⇒影碟639录影带,影碟⇒屋宇署即使公司已经快速解决和增加阵容人数重复旧名称,重新编码
                                            639 At the time of VHS ⇒ DVD, at the time of DVD ⇒ BD, Each company re-[enko] of the old work increased the number of temporarily line-ups over again

                                            • 另166人完全依赖奇怪Waranai几乎没有任何的努力,我要编辑或拍摄愚蠢的话? 166 If it does not influence completely separately photographing or foolish thing time of compilation how It does not change almost but it is

                                              • 另一方面,如果茹¨案例作为另一个人用一只眼睛窥视孔窥视性的行为,三维并不意味着他们没有什么 On the one hand as it is the behavior which from the eye hole peeks the sex of others with the one eye when you consider 3D does not have what meaning
                                                • 为了让您的眼睛,你的东西作为津说什么,直到你现在的数据库积累补充 As for being able to grasp the thing with the one eye It compensates with the accumulation of the present database You saying don t you think according to the ru it is what

                                              • 四环素我购买的3D显示它,NVIDIA驱动程序必须有办法,得到它的方式,以及对DirectX和立体他会自动播放电视潮湿,更舒适,但1600 × 1200屏幕分辨率有限,游戏
                                                3D correspondence display you bought So, the driver of NVIDIA is needed By the way, because [kotsuchi] multi-layerizes, the game of DirectX automatically, can be enjoyed from TV But however, resolution of game 1600x1200 limitation

                                                • 在广播三维学士学位考试,这两个所谓的垂直,使电视是左,右分裂过境法“是真实的,我不想在立体眼镜的事”显示 With the 3D test broadcast of BS the television 2 being divided vertically Because it is indicated in left and right stereoscopic vision it was possible with generally known “intersection method” To tell the truth nothing glasses needs

                                                  • 在此之前的一个或怎么办?糯698现在还是字幕,他们覆盖面的人物? 1 What only too natural thing w 698 How margin Subtitle has been stuck on the surface of the characters when

                                                    • 在看到在索尼大厦,三维图像,他们认为这与人们和他们在那里锻炼三层平面Ḏ产品覆盖 You looked at 3D image with the SONY building but Depth having become plane surface of three layer The feeling where the person and the thing have been stuck there
                                                      • 效果用肉眼看到的立体图像,包括各地的深度方向,包括来自于两个方面立体定向点由3个职位 Because the naked eye stereoscopic vision which has the turning effect does depth direction including 3 normal position dimensionally the position where frame out it does appears due to point of view
                                                      • 纵观数码相机液晶与肉眼看到四环素维塔三维图像拍摄 Looking at the liquid crystal of the digital camera with the naked eye the picture which you take is visible in 3D

                                                    • 大多数家庭的电视严冬的人,大小ü Su费比思出什么我们不飞出铋的,我会残害谋杀Ja氖 Generally springing out at size TV for home how you try Don t you think the human where bust rise springs out disjointed murder case it is
                                                      • 三上Nozoketara从像三维全息屏幕及电视,你会不会认出了我的裙子底部优质的产品 To see the picture from under when you can exclude in the skirt 3D recognizing The kana which is not holography like TV
                                                      • 他家每天三维纳阿客厅难道你不希望看到一些三维摄像机? Usually you looking at your own room which lives with 3D like Also the 3D video camera for home it is it is with to do the yo

                                                    • 如果新的304兔,三维纳阿Ja旧名称的角度...但对这一事件之前,Cg语言,而不是压力,一些吉尔汉索罗的贾巴的4专u003d阿利奥森本,看瓦特配音版
                                                      304 If the new work the rabbit the extent which angle and the old work to 3D is converted… On the other hand before adding [jiyaba] something of CG, episode 4 View you want in dubbed-in edition of the [han] solo = Morimoto rheo w

                                                      • 如果普遍三维恶魔...三维(曼联),在这种不正常的视听趋势是真正的中国和日本兴奋赢得天堂瓦特
                                                        If 3D spreads,… The Chinese who is excited with 3D demon (ogre child) AV This abnormal natural disposition the Japanese win it is as expected w

                                                        • 如果有任何3D视频的时候播放系统,只有一个二维博闻没有一个问题,试图传播的投资将超过一倍3DTV的乡间渡假别墅和分歧,它们是相同的2DTV殆等,以及(2交替显示处理只在屏幕上持续高速 能够添加软件同步快门眼镜),所以将知识传播之间Ranu So far if only 3D image it is the private playback system the problem which becomes duplication investment different from one for 2D too much probably will largely spread but it was not but As for 3DTV at present time 2DTV and most same contents operation time software and shutter glasses synchronous function for 2 picture alternate indication processing Becoming addition because just the ru is while knowing it spreads probably will be
                                                          • 到现在为止的3D系统,播放是一个在目前二维图像,博闻没有一个问题,试图传播的投资将超过一倍3DTV的乡间渡假别墅和分歧,它们是相同的2DTV殆等,以及(2交替的屏幕显示功能只为我应该添加新功能的速度 同步快门眼镜和软件),因此知识将蔓延至Ranu So far the playback system for 3D image the problem which becomes duplication investment different from one for 2D too much probably will largely spread but it was not but As for 3DTV at present time 2DTV and most same contents operation time software and shutter glasses synchronous function for 2 picture alternate indication processing Becoming addition because just the ru is while knowing it spreads probably will be

                                                        • 如果电视的3D电视和三维BRAVIA』由『3D眼镜只能收听三维图像“,但可能的,Burureisofuto的电视节目是不正常的3D If television program is 3D corresponding television program the 3D glasses and 3D With BRAVIA only 3D image audition But gt possibility to 3D it is not possible to convert usual television program and the blue ray software
                                                          • 如果电视的3D电视和三维BRAVIA』由『3D眼镜能听但只有三维图像,三维Burureisofuto普通电视,不能成为 If television program is 3D corresponding television program the 3D glasses and 3D With BRAVIA only 3D image audition But gt possibility to 3D it is not possible to convert usual television program and the blue ray software
                                                          • 我们因为它的指关节,FPS游戏,如3D游戏,但会加强我们的阵容很快,我扭,我几乎没有任何电影 Because it is meriken as for the 3D game of FPS and the like however you line up are complete probably will be early The movie how it is not even almost
                                                          • 的时候,你需要以每秒2帧渲染三维电视人数的一半的帧(二维内容)号码不能显示(不要)没有理由达罗 Per second the number of drawing scenes with 2 time necessary 3D television The number of half scenes the 2D contents it cannot indicate the ro which it cannot point is not reason and is

                                                        • 如果近似解三维真的,你可以变得模糊或双组合在任何情况下,他们把重点放在观众,不会参选的视频组成的工作 Generally when it is truly three dimensional the viewer does not adjust focusing the place where Becoming blurred and or becoming double the trap which does not consist as an image work
                                                          • 如果406与观众的图像准备好了,我想摆脱奇怪垂直津Chaa Kurenai 406 The image which is prepared associating to the viewer the strange tsu chi ya there is no re which is opened in the vertical being off center

                                                        • 德鲁现场,他们是年轻的鲸鱼443,图像是该建筑物的一部分将在坦克上
                                                          443 The whale swimming, as for the [ru] scene and the like, portion of the building becoming the tank, [ru] image

                                                          • 快门在机箱的前面406,当我的右眼也快门是开放的态度,什么是在正确的心目中的形象,当我的左眼快门的是开放的,所以我们要看看在左眼图片,维塔我还看到一个三维李 406 As for the shutter it being before the eye when the shutter of the right eye opened in what attitude you show to the right eye the picture which the shutter of the left eye When opening because the picture which is shown to the left eye is shown being side three dimensional it is visible
                                                            • 不只是细胞和背景,也有立体绒毛或皮毛,它们可以执行情况良好,如果你更严重,因为该地区的吉卜力伦恩在这一个阶层的 There is no just cell and a background it does the hair properly threely dimensional It is possible even in that class therefore it is if the area of jiburi makes seriously it can actualize in a better shape because

                                                          • 您应该能够3D是对传入的磨损护目镜的切入点,做一个价值的东西增值功能,能够防止疲劳的眼镜
                                                            To become tired in the 3D glasses, if being accustomed eye prevention functional what as an added value Also the point of the goggle is accepted, being, it does, the [yo

                                                            • 情色色情,但大多数人说,我想看看大自然是一个须津加赫异教徒
                                                              As for everyone however [eroero] you say Most, the [tsu] [ge] which is done - we which the large nature would like to see it probably is heresy?

                                                              • 成人软件,但他们说,我没有,我不买你的基鲁饱和也必飞韩国在为您带来高清晰度的塑料面也 However the adult software says the tsu te this and with Kousei detail the Korean fairing face the tsu Springing out you grow tired and it stops buying it is it is not combining

                                                                • 我们正努力创造最佳的3D成人为您娱乐!请提出再次访问我们真正很快。 We are working hard ON creating the best 3D adult entertainment for you Please come visit us again real soon
                                                                  • 1“(但是,转换三维效果缺乏,所以邲素飞,1月10日将) 1 The 3D effect fades gt however with conversion as for the condition which springs out says that it becomes 1 10
                                                                  • 220二维和三维似乎已经纠正了这一点,并具有能力 220 Revising 2D it seems that is also the times when it loads also the function which it makes 3D
                                                                  • 495 3D和意识的意义,同时也看到,在爱丽丝奇境是来自人民的注意,他们可能善于socchi 495 When you refer to the 3D impression because also the Alice in wonderland which was seen with notice was in 々 perhaps it is good even with that
                                                                  • 556岁,看到电影院黑色星期五三维当我在看这一切来的Nde柯避免在受害者面前飞行破获部分左折了。知识可能无法筛选,在第 556 When former times Friday of 13 days you look at 3D at the theater Because one part of the victim who is attacked flies before the eye while everyone avoiding however you see If now the remainder Perhaps it cannot screen with regulation
                                                                  • 894 Sentaobujiasu的一天,我是广播的红色和蓝色的眼镜,3D版电视 894 3D edition it broadcasts sentaobujiasu they were the red blue glasses with the television between this
                                                                  • 9三维的程度的任何产品,如果出售的3D眼镜Desho茹 9 In order and to be able to sell the 3D commodity it is accustomed also the 3D glasses where time gap degree is attached it comes out being it does the yo
                                                                  • 一件手工旧好莱坞电影3D ll 484一件事有预感她看到新闻 484 Something in Hollywood to 3D the tsu te news which has been converted the coming which was seen does the old movie in one scene one scene manual operation
                                                                  • 三维VIERA系列在3D视图中Ru的三维电视图像和3D电视眼镜,如果『三维BRAVIA』只能看到三维立体图像VIERA系列 3D VIERA So to see 3D image If television program is 3D corresponding television program 3D glasses and 3D With BRAVIA only 3D VIERA So you can look at 3D image
                                                                  • 三维可以享受电视画面将被释放索尼和松下的下一阶段井 The television which can enjoy 3D image following one another from SONY and Panasonic it is sold
                                                                  • 三维头像和借口的垃圾桶或什么是质量,电子思不仅发明一个繁荣,因为它 The 3D tsu te mass rubbish abata to dashi In order to fabricate boom only you cannot think
                                                                  • 三维头像的颜色,我在赌博持四环素感兴趣的人看到了,我开始还记得,我想普通 As for we with the mouth which with abata had interest in 3D The varieties you saw but the wa which reaches the point where you think that normal is good
                                                                  • 丸的情况,而不是在全屏幕三维视图埋也是Yappa想,如果不看的东西你不希望你的屏幕尺寸比什么达罗种子飞出坏了电脑,但也许毕Ikeru And the tsu pa how thinking unless sight there is a kind of circumstance which all the way is filled up with the picture as for 3D the ro which is useless Projecting spreading above the tsu te picture which was inhaled there is no reason which appears it is with to do the yo Perhaps personal computer something the ike ru don t you think
                                                                  • 也许,二维→三维正常工作,甚至是二维→三维认为,这样的感觉能力 Perhaps also 2D gt 3D conversion function just 2D gt The 3D tsu po it is and you think that it is the function which is made feeling
                                                                  • 二维2D或不二维2D2D二维或不二维2D2D二维或不二维2D2D二维或不二维 2D 2D OR NOT 2D 2D2D 2D OR NOT 2D 2D2D 2D OR NOT 2D 2D2D 2D OR NOT 2D
                                                                  • 什么二看这部电影时,两个流浪的血液,他是在三维第二,你闪烁的汽车在路上开车回到 The blood being perplexed 2 movies seeing when 2 flat knots are 3D while the car driving in the way back the eye has done the CHIKA CHIKA
                                                                  • 会有什么,但很难的话 我个人的3D或者说多少,你说你有一个价值或意义上的重要性 It probably is what it makes word the zu leprosy however Whether importance being which extent that whether you say rather than the sense of value which is made privately 3D you call something
                                                                  • 四环素线色情影院懒得看学校,因为他是三维,有量贩店不问未来的乳房和比约恩内思头 The school shirking it went to seeing in the cinema but Because it is pornography 3D otsupai coming out with biyon there is the memory which unintentionally pulled the head
                                                                  • 在17 72万圆不久之前,视频品味的却是一个三维的工作很多四环素,凡古手通知。这足以有效转移更深远的解礼 177 20 Before nearly the year with hobby circle 3D Image the large quantity was made but the example where the hand reaches If it is more distant it just shifted sufficiently there is an effect
                                                                  • 如果是三维埃勒盖出来,三倍,由妻子妻子维过渡是二维降水将依赖于任何人都江东区Erogewota无 If 3D eroge comes out openly it moves to three dimensional wife from two dimensional wife also erogewota is gone who hesitating
                                                                  • 我们正努力创造最佳的3D成人为您娱乐!请提出再次访问我们真正很快。 We are working hard ON creating the best 3D adult entertainment for you Please come visit us again real soon
                                                                  • 我只是在3D运行是一个3D游戏或看电影或不看电视Nanzo不看电视Nanzo As for 3D the trap which only it runs to the game or the movie With 3D television program what which view wants it is not Television program what which with you say or view wants it is not
                                                                  • 我,我觉得维塔在左眼或三维不可能看?我无法看到三维生活视而不见没有优势 We the left eye is not visible but it is you think that it is visible The one eye closing if it is not visible threely dimensional there is no lifetime edge in we
                                                                  • 整个这一切,相机有两个镜头和两个还有没有常识,世界被设置为拍摄的照片,任我发现,只有买什么二维 What does in the camera 2 being a lens being able to take also the picture with 2 sets Unless it is the world where it becomes common sense buying whatever only 2D you see and the re are
                                                                  • 没有新闻可你为什么笑在您的3D,但戏剧节目和纪录片和歌曲〜 You probably will not look at the laughing and news with 3D don t you think and the documentary and song program and drama
                                                                  • 经过三维立体耳机扬声器支持三维桌椅就座兼容3D杯三维立体墙三维门三维· · ·三维Potechi窗帘的3D支持支持支持,需要一个单独的英国 After 3D corresponding hetsudohuon 3D corresponding speaker 3D corresponding seat chair 3D corresponding table 3D corresponding magnetic cup 3D corresponding wall 3D corresponding curtain 3D corresponding door 3D corresponding potechi 3D corresponding tissue etc Is necessary
                                                                  • 茹和色情伪3D思恩达有第二和公正的虚Shiku Onaru将在那里流石 As for false 3D ero it comes out with you think but it is doing as expected to there emptiness it makes the ona ru already and the ku just becomes the shelf
                                                                  • 谷胶467的3D头部电脑安装显示它我冉视频输出,如果需要的电视节目吗? 467 If 3D image it can output with the head mount display which is connected to PC Television how main point viewing don t you think

                                                                • 我总是→二维到三维认真处理? →我们的生活方式是三维的,谁是荷兰国际集团,通过两维的利益,我们要研究
                                                                  It relates to two dimensional -> three dimensions how long, it is? Therefore research of three dimensional -> two dimensions the one which is advanced beneficial what to we

                                                                  • 我所看到的相当疲劳的2D或3D化身宫内厅将我感觉很好,即使是在疲劳的眼睛?严重或他们继续寻求长期踢和眼睛疲劳
                                                                    However [abata] you saw, you became tired well enough The air which becomes tired does from 3D [tsu] [te] 2D It probably won't be good to either the eye? When long haul it continues to see, eye spirit fatigue is terrible when

                                                                    • 我认为,重要的是要快,我看到了需要的分钟数眼镜萘乙酸,不容易感到按摩师 You think that also easiness is important but the number of people minute which the glasses see as for being necessary massage is easy the air which is not

                                                                      • 我说从现在开始,如果你问这个组合电影院之间最近的电影院Yappari精明,时尚,精明,
                                                                        If the cinema it has making say from we, now, the cinema up-to-date popularity in between after all

                                                                        • 或3D,但这么多的裸体愿望少了呢?争吵或枪杀,因此只要看看维塔,在真正的我,演员的观点和3D座位旁边的人,我会为蓝光出蓝光播放器帧点座位的观众 However naked eye 3D wish less it is many it is good so Rise of the bust shot so being visible as for when with just the viewer of the middle seat is human point of view of the seat of next door the performer is 3D corresponding burureipureya It becomes frame out it is
                                                                          • PlayStation 3的3D和可升级支持蓝光播放器,索尼中心的组合,如果他们有问题什么语言 Play station 3 3D corresponding burureipureya When there is a possibility of being upgraded you talk the SONY inquiry center
                                                                          • PS3是三维,可以升级支持蓝光播放器,索尼中心的组合,如果他们有问题什么语言 In addition play station 3 3D corresponding burureipureya When there is a possibility of being upgraded you talk the SONY inquiry center
                                                                          • PS3是三维,可以升级支持蓝光播放器,索尼中心的组合,如果他们有问题什么语言 In addition play station 3 3D corresponding burureipureya When there is a possibility of being upgraded you talk the SONY inquiry center

                                                                        • 或者因为他们津市右眼视力和部分在他的左眼,一个朋友纳阿委员会在内存中被取消在所有三个在任天堂虚拟男孩立体看做得很好,“什么是浮动正如我很开心,和维塔”塑造见过骂遗憾 Vision of the right eye and the left eye being inclined ru consequence or the virtual boy of Nintendo Co doing There is the memory which is not visible at all threely dimensional The friend “surfacing it is visible” that just is the tsu te funny was vexatious

                                                                          • 持Tteta 640索尼头戴式显示器,但他们在一个安全装置停止工作时间
                                                                            640 However the head mount display of SONY it has The backstop working in 1 hours, it stops

                                                                            • 毕竟,只是因为我使用了不同的视野,津,谁看到的,立体的位置茹是在同旧的红色和蓝色的玻璃看到
                                                                              After all, using range of vision difference, therefore just the [ru], the stereoscopic vision which is seen with the old red blue glasses how to be visible is same

                                                                              • 毕竟,系统组成50000000不发生?我不想连1毫米瓦特
                                                                                After all, to arrange with the system, 500,000 rank the reason which is required? W which does not want either one millimeter

                                                                                • 法国环法自行车·的3D工具,拥有了录制的内容的回忆,有一个门Dattara任何的建议,在阿尔卑斯山山来屏幕是一个伟大的意志的最佳 Tool do France there is the memory where the 3D contents were recorded but as for that when what kind of is as for the picture which gets off the Alps mountain it probably is highest cute
                                                                                  • 小向在三维带已经在内存中的内容记录的利益影碟,我是那么,不是吗? There is the memory where the 3D contents were recorded with benefit of the Komukai strip DVD but that was what kind of is it is the ro which is

                                                                                • 然后出国旅游程序?电影?外台的味道,最好只规模的同时,也说明

                                                                                  • 现在,启用例如三维电视节目或购买四环素作为在三维看到足球?三维程序并不意味着我Tenakya支持? ,,,支持3D的电视,而现在则是什么事情,我不能学到的东西是什么采购 For example assuming that now TV of 3D correspondence was bought You see with program or 3D of the soccer the re ru If program 3D it does not correspond there is no meaning it is don t you think … If with as for the notion that where you say now presently 3D correspondence TV buying what even in profit saying it is thing don t you think
                                                                                    • 3D是一个人的海腿,他们已经在最后两个州Wattara家里没有在生理三维头像和恩戴茹工作不会积极研究在喜欢吃辣Yanarannokaarie他们思见纳基的石头,氖 3D physiologically was useless When it finishes looking at abata Whole family boat becoming drunk state of house Already two degrees probably there are no times when you look at 3D positively With something such it is harsh doing to think if you do not see viewing Don t you think to be able to be
                                                                                    • 未来10年甚至20年前,做了什么,或者说3D或什么年龄?支点今更为何恢复? Even 10 years or 20 years ago from this the age of 3D somehow the tsu ke which was not said And it has restored after so long a time with something
                                                                                    • 老迈克和我在任何迪斯尼3D电影卡诺哈纳Bi蔌费,现在还非常容易有目共睹,视力之间的差异 Former times Michael s 3D movie you saw with deizuni That was pleasant Vision difference of both eyes became extreme it springs out even now kana

                                                                                  • 电影Ja“在”在茹克四环素思挂眼镜回家,但它只麻烦?ぶっちゃけ TV はつけっ 放 しで 聞 き 流 してる 派 でジックリ TV 見 ないし映画見 に 行 くから 家 で DVD とかたまにしか 見 ないし皆 さん 時間 あるんだねはっきり 言 ってつか 暇 なんだねやる我不知如何事? A cinema and is however you thought that “there is” Specially the private glasses applying you see at the house You attach bu tsu chi ya ke TV ignoring with the tsu releasing in ru group Thoroughly TV you do not see and Because it goes to the movie seeing DVD sometimes only you see at the house and There is everyone time don t you think it is Speaking clearly don t you think it is handle spare time what Doing it is not combining
                                                                                    • 三维关于在房子里的大屏幕,真的只分享我发现化身非常疲劳,所以我认为电视显然是说什么也不会留下深刻的印象看到Mosonai Therefore abata in that large picture 3D however it was enormous Actually seeing with TV of the house there is no so you are not impressed probably will be die Speaking clearly you think that you just become tired

                                                                                  • 直接到人类视网膜和其他Arurashii,最终,神经外科,或直接向视神经显示器
                                                                                    Already there is the display which is projected to the retina of the human directly it seems and, Ultimate in the cranial nerve and the optic nerve the direct?

                                                                                    • 第一,是否有瓦特Abatahebiroteshon Mekaru Fainarudeddosakitto岁男子,并说什么电子产品?他们手流收入周一许多津市什么样的关于没有或AV小知识的人鸥遣他们补充说,他们喜欢的电视业,3D图像和我有一个很好的3D软件我想指出,在头位的PC如果该人是抖动和不,他甚至谷梅甘娜无而且也因为它制成的固定疲劳最 First abatahebiroteshiyon w The kana which with you say or is also the home appliance mekaru grandfather and the final dead circuit Allowance about does not overtake basket tsu te everyone knowing the ru it is AV where the profit is many as for the image which is like To 3D the TV industry which has been converted should have come out the 3D software but If PC therefore as for position of one person putting out head most fixing but there are no glasses and probably will complete also the te So as for having made jitsu you become tired
                                                                                      • 你不必担心快门三维一般表达他们制备纳基亚南特与显示器同步眼镜 Shutter system 3D The glasses how monitor synchronous taking and others you must be because General is not and is the ro … which
                                                                                      • 在北美年底三星三星三维628会增加他们的知识的人抱怨您的健康危害和维塔和壹岐思在电视上疯狂? 628 Samson in North America is pleasant with the 3D television charge With you think and start and the person who appeals healthy damage increases News of Samson end
                                                                                      • 孔预算和3D电视!兼容的软件需要!脑的低外记者的沟通工具大家的工资预算 Pitfall of 3D television The corresponding software was necessary It is low other than the brain reporter of gadget communication Everyone is to fall the empty
                                                                                      • 影碟的功能,使用的任何软件,我终于要做这些广播多角度和位置的数字数据 The multiple angle of DVD and data broadcast and simultaneous shelf of area deji The software which after all used such a troublesome function does not appear
                                                                                      • 影音组成他们喜欢的人很多图片没有太大的意义上的3D及 AV whose rise of the person is many as for the image which is like To 3D converting excessively it seems that is not meaning…
                                                                                      • 成人影碟信浓某种痛苦样使他成为一个多角度刈什么是最不 Multiple angle and hanging also adult DVD almost it was not and It makes it probably is difficult what
                                                                                      • 我Souiya三维两倍的带宽是来自左,右图像的要求是什么?在压缩需求没有区别,或直至一倍或权利? So therefore well 3D tsu te left and right both image necessity zone is time it is don t you think Or finite difference compression the left and right it does not enter with to time
                                                                                      • 我为什么会发生什么,如果它的3D液晶显示器和普通的球员?他们应尽量Yappa侦察直接采购? NULL
                                                                                      • 或者说,PS3游戏机,苏所说的是持,立体信号混叠它还支持出局电视,但我恩达思不是说什么是原来的瓦特错误 If with you say or bring up the story of PS3 the possibility the game of 3D television correspondence coming out It is unless the tsu te you say you think that originally it is strange but it is
                                                                                      • 电视广告的收入是worse m特鲁周一鸥什么样的所有非慈济知识的免费软件Kerya氖电视行业不作出3D软件,三维电影,漫画班邦尤多谁能够铃木石井的Surutsuー购买?我喜欢横纲产品是什么产品 As for TV the software knowing non ke ri ya simply basket tsu te everyone the ru it is Don t you think the TV industry where the profit is deteriorated the 3D software the reason which is made it does the movie and animation van van to 3D it converts possibility are thin and Someone buys The wa which is the sumo champion like commodity of the tsu te commodity
                                                                                      • 第一,是否有瓦特与卡尔Fainarudeddosakitto Abatahebiroteshon岁男子?如果有足够的东西,他们必须补充说,他们希望他能小的PC的头部位置遣3D软件的是人,我和抖动,而且使它变得固定谷梅甘娜无疲劳,因为最 First abatahebiroteshiyon w The kana which with you say or is also the home appliance mekaru grandfather and the final dead circuit Allowance about does not overtake basket tsu te everyone knowing the ru it is AV where the profit is many as for the image which is like To 3D the TV industry which has been converted should have come out the 3D software but If PC therefore as for position of one person putting out head most fixing but there are no glasses and probably will complete also the te So as for having made jitsu you become tired
                                                                                      • 进喜地三维Yattandanattewakatta旧观念或其他消费电子产品潮流的今更津市而是我与他们多Waranai方法 The system and what of 3D of former times those which do not change being popular after so long a time the ru The home appliance manufacturer is already the idea running out chi ya tsu is becoming you knew whether with you say
                                                                                      • 马阿的美化Kattara买一个可爱的三维动画人物,二维据点太高,你不会注意到 When animekiyara of 3D is lovely the kana which probably will be bought Well the stronghold of 2D does not reach being too high probably will be

                                                                                    • 给我一个人Ikarasa好东西三维,以前的工作,蓝光/高清安泰我,我不知道你使用的是更多的估计
                                                                                      Because 3D something it is good being relieved, past BD of the work/HD conversion more Does and does and is to implement to be able to combine

                                                                                      • 胶井的电影院,谁在罂粟的房间下装发挥红外灯红外摄像机
                                                                                        Connecting the infrared ray camera of the infrared ray lamp attachment, The [ke] doing the electricity of the room, it did your [botomuzu] [tsu] densely

                                                                                        • 萘乙酸ー贫困和方式,我认为日语性交与卡罗尔,什么是伪3D索尼,数码相机照片和茹↓何以如此的技术紫癜:/ / www.ps5。净/上/下载/ 1268710808的。gif紫癜:/ / www.ps5。网/上/下载/ 1268710876的。gif紫癜:/ / www.ps5。网/上/下载/ 1268710220的。gif紫癜:/ / www.ps5。网/上/下载/ 1268710545的。gif,但奥拉是一个非常容易stain m wwww
                                                                                          Will not, and others [tsu] [te] conception the [ho] is with - is poverty, By the way, As for SONY false 3D [tsu] [te], The digital camera photograph like the ↓ it is the [tsu] [te] technology which it is possible ttp: //www.ps5. net/up/download/1268710808. gif ttp: //www.ps5. net/up/download/1268710876. gif ttp: //www.ps5. net/up/download/1268710220. gif ttp: //www.ps5. net/up/download/1268710545. gif But as for [ora] pleasantly everyone it is very, wwww

                                                                                          • 虚拟男孩和一本头像原则立体视图或我觉得我德鲁四环素他的道具来回平行胶合板板不同的3D电视? When it is the virtual boy who utilizes the principle of stereoscopic vision the large instrument which was made with the veneer lining up on front and back however it was the ru like feeling abata or this 3D television is different
                                                                                            • 四环素持选择转换为三维立体视差距离向上和向下它可能是没有听到什么,我认为随着视频制作软件 It had the option which converts distance to top and bottom parallax Because the 3D image production software tsu te you have not heard perhaps you think as viewing in stereoscopic vision

                                                                                          • 过去20年的标准相比,虚拟硬盘三维电视和三维分钟虚拟硬盘三维立体功能的电视并不需要需要需要需要需要播放器的虚拟硬盘标准的软件支持要求,如果没有优秀电视什么是变焦拍摄需要电视 As many as 20 years standard of former times VHD The comparison of 3D and 3D television VHD 3D 3D television Corresponding television There is no necessity Necessity Corresponding prayer Necessity Necessity Corresponding software Necessity Necessity The standard where photographing tsu te zoom of the amount VHD where the corresponding television does not need is superior
                                                                                            • 嗯,我却没有使用3D的位置是什么变焦拍摄?我相当严重射击 NULL
                                                                                            • 在视频制作,三维或如何应对技术和具体的,重复了他的研究很为我担心你,我不知道我喜欢我的公众意识波场南特 On site of image production how doing in the wave of 3D conversion whether it will correspond concrete technically examination over again Although the tsu te which has been made in great fear it is degree of acknowledgment how such a thing what of the general people
                                                                                            • 过去20年的标准相比,虚拟硬盘三维电视和三维分钟虚拟硬盘三维立体功能的电视并不需要需要需要需要需要兼容的软件球员不应该需要的优秀标准更好的电视虚拟硬盘电视 As many as 20 years standard of former times VHD The comparison of 3D and 3D television VHD 3D 3D television Corresponding television There is no necessity Necessity Corresponding prayer Necessity Necessity Corresponding software Necessity Necessity The standard where photographing tsu te zoom of the amount VHD where the corresponding television does not need is superior

                                                                                          • 这不是立体声,但与E ¨复眼,一只眼睛和墓究竟是什么,我实在告诉掴三维
                                                                                            Stereoscopic vision is not caught, unless it is the compound eye, but is, fact Closing the one eye, grasping the 3-D, the [ru

                                                                                            • 这些模糊的信息提供给感官,如模糊,采取了一些尝试,以补充从大脑中的数据库中的信息
                                                                                              As for the person the information which enters into senses unclearness, in indistinct case, removing information from the database inside the brain It tries to compensate

                                                                                              • 这是什么,这对球员很好,即使我要懒得支持电视?只派出苏交替左右的球员,你是一个跛脚鸭右眼的图像 If this tsu te it does not make the television correspond specially and the te the prayer should have corresponded it is it is not If only image for the eye left and right is sent out alternately from the prayer the combining which is useless

                                                                                                • 连小朋友都知道关于我们伊坎达罗不仅软件,但?必须有每个人的3D电影影院怎么样模糊图像模糊的经验是很奇怪你为什么不起飞电影眼镜 But unless there is a private software the ro where about ikan even the child is recognized and is When the glasses it tries removing the movie of 3D correspondence at the cinema it becomes dim strangely and the tsu te which is image of becoming dim About experience it is the expectation anyone
                                                                                                  • 356用左和右的3D显示的差距,图像转移到下一个水平两张照片,我将Surun快速更换显示创新华伦天奴布芭滑稽滑稽 356 Because it is the 3D indication which utilizes the parallax of the eye left and right doing on side horizontally The image 2 it slips the bu changing at the tsu and high speed it indicates it is
                                                                                                  • “Burureisofuto正常3D和电视节目,他们可以享受这方面的生动和转换视频 gt Converting the usual blue ray software and television program to 3D image it is possible to enjoy This it is enormous
                                                                                                  • 但看到三维图像,这就是我会看到我在深度的薄层,画脸的方向错开和为什么我不能帮助它 But 3D image seeing how you say or that polar thin layer in depth direction Shifting indicating it increases the mark how it will do the picture surface it is not it is the ro which is

                                                                                                • 通常显示了一个伪3D正确的时刻渲染,只有一个三维头像游戏可敬屋宇署3D内容本人或恩戴标准也将提请双重的成本(对于所有的游戏),是我从下一代觉得
                                                                                                  False 3D conversion function of program is correct usually For the time being, only [abata] BD there are honest 3D contents, die 3D correspondence of the game drawing burden reaches time, it is with As for standard correspondence (all the game correspondences) the kana which is not from the next generation machine

                                                                                                  • 阿很多不同,农村的241人的电影院当地的电影院?
                                                                                                    241 Cinema of local end of Katada building Being something which is different so depending upon the cinema?

                                                                                                    • 除了肉眼本身,或三维问题是,已经取得了软件...
                                                                                                      If problem of the software which it offers it makes another, naked eye solid itself has already been possible and…

                                                                                                      • 顺便说一下,三维望谁我德鲁什么是电视?立体“排减单位只看到”有什么说什么的视觉吸引力 By the way 3D television tsu te someone desiring the ru You probably will say that “just it is visible” there is some charm threely dimensional in image
                                                                                                        • 在小学,我图片,分为两个独立的左,我看到了右眼分解的家伙 The person whom at the time of the elementary school student you saw with the picture disassemble in two You see separately with the eye left and right it is
                                                                                                        • 所有图片都是一样的两个平行板,但他们的眼神左,右,不能也不应该在三维发生 Arranging 2 same pictures looking at each one with the eye left and right there are no either times when it is not visible threely dimensional

                                                                                                      • )紫癜:/ / www.youtube.com /手表?V u003d JGL21dV6dfg
                                                                                                        ) ttp: //www.youtube.com/watch? v = JGL21dV6dfg

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