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Woman Oobu of science is not “as for me his person. If the person of destiny is, coming before the tomorrow dormitory,” notice -> the next day, in enormous thing…China (there is a picture)


  • 255昔 の 日本 もこんな 風 に 笑顔 が 溢 れていたっけな今 じゃみんな 死 にそうな 顔 か 歪 な 笑顔 しか 見 ないけどね 255 Japan of former times the tsu ke where the smiling face overflowed in such a wind However the face or the strain now everyone may die only the smiling face you see don t you think
    • 性别比例1:9,而在学校或从一个不同的世界不扩散罕见Shiku德鲁他们一直纵容我的压力有很多人 Man and woman ratio 1 Therefore 9 the unusual world making awfully care for in the midst of attending being warped the ru person is many

  • 402隐士和我相当困难?女性在科学和比我对50至1时,还没有男朋友纳阿可爱的女儿 402 It is difficult rather don t you think it is We was about man and woman ratio 50 to 1 with science but His person without being was with the lovely daughter

    • 706这是一个有点这样的家伙,因为我喜欢男人Kimowota日本玩世不恭的性质
      706 The Japanese [kimowota] man character becoming distorted likely, therefore the [ru] person little so, it isn't?

      • 72中国共产党从一个国家,这不是社会主义的原则,这些都是无关的阿里共产党瓦特Majime然后我做更好的北朝鲜的社会主义
        72 As for such as for China without being socialism and therefore [te] Japan Communist Party principle country, having relationship in Japan Communist Party ant w The North Korean one socialism doing in [majime], from the [ru

        • 759已满。你是怎么四川虱湿重。虱大陆和日本。西虱生态必须根据样品的提交将不同于国立传染病研究所
          759 Fullest capacity. The louse or ww which is received The Sichuan Province. Louse and Japan proper. Because mode of life of the louse probably will be different Because the national protecting against infection laboratory please submit the sample

          • 765日本已表示,会削弱他们的归属感远远温和的古代Karazu
            765 Because Japan is loose in ancient characteristic Before long, it probably becomes so Thinness it puts out also sense of belonging,

            • 851频繁的挑衅和抗日加速,以反映人民的民主意愿的东西时,仍然在日本的立场,他们会更加愉快的思
              851 When democratization something it does, reflecting public opinion, counter day accelerating, provocation behavior occurs frequently, Even then Japan of patience means to do the directly hateful thinking

              • 854中国农村是一个明确的津市一个孩子的政策,堕胎当我年轻的学生,直至他们有很多男人的女人
                854 With certain Chinese countryside with one person [tsu] child policy, When the woman is born, has interrupted as for empty young layer the man is many

                • Dattara新的转折的反政府集会,我是圣女瓦特琼是一个庞大的政治家,有可能像这样被
                  When it is counter government meeting of the fresh force, with the suitable step loyal retainer shank w Perhaps [jiyannudaruku], it was such feeling,

                  • Ja科学大多数国家比日本和其他半镐什么人听到我希望我是性别比例
                    Most countries other than Japan as for man and woman ratio of science however the [ho] the [tsu] [te] you heard half-and-half,

                    • NULL NULL
                      • 亠厂§ NULL

                    • N是唯一的傻瓜!什么Bikaketara电话,他是一个伟大的欢呼文基鲁
                      Are only the foolish people, - it is! When the [tsu] [te] it calls, large cheer occurs, probably will be

                      • wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
                        • 国家wwwww人wwwwww wwwwww谁口wwwwwwwwwwww wwwwwwwwww Medium wwwww national wwwwww human wwwwwwwwwwww human wwwwww mouth wwwwwwwwww

                      • Wwww专辑球在它纪德谁Warota我围栏他们有很多修河内什么是女子的脸,在中国儿童小手脚
                        With human getting together too much [warota] wwww The girl [tsu] [te] face Chinese being small, the hand and foot it is long it is many, don't you think?

                        • _NULL_

                          • “这次手术是租金收入一种致命的疾病,我需要○○万元,”一个人可能不是这么多的泡沫,现在来对迟浩田说:什么是好的,如果富人有钱的例子大池 “Bet you transfer and on incurable disease and it is 10 000 origin necessary in operation” Perhaps the man so is not The bubble it puts out and the leprosy which is the rich person saying if it says it may be accustomed to the large rich person immediately
                            • 五四六米这也许不是一个泡沫会很好,如果气候迟浩田什么丰富 546 Perhaps the man so is not The bubble it puts out the leprosy which is the rich person saying it probably is tendency

                          • てか 中国 って 金持 ちふえてるから美人 はものすごく モテ まくってるだろうねいろんな 金持 ちからあれやこれや 貢 がれてそう
                            The [te] or Chinese [tsu] [te] rich person increasing, from the [ru] Don't you think? the beauty probably is the [tsu] [te] [ru] which [mote] is sown tremendously That and this and being supplied from the various rich person, so

                            • イベント の 発起人 が 生徒 はなく 国家重点大学 である 電子科技大学 サイド が 企画 したってのもなぁ
                              The originator of the event there is no pupil and the electronic course skill university side which is the national importance university planned [tsu] [te

                              • 一个更奇怪的文章瓦特18岁的大学生学费“卖处女”紫癜:/ / gigazine.net /编辑?/新闻/评论/ 20070703 _ virginity_to_pay_tuitions /学费,等かかるお 金 のために自分 の 処女 を 1 万 ポンド ( 約 247 万円 ) で 売 ることにしたそうです
                                1 W which is surprised to the related article more Woman Oobu of 18 years old “the virgin sells because of tuition” ttp: //gigazine.net/index.php? /news/comments/20070703 _ virginity_to_pay_tuitions/ Because of the money which depends on tuition and the like With 10,000 pound (approximately 2,470,000 Yen) we had decided to sell your own virgin, so is

                                • 中国有746清洁裤子和我是一个非女生矿狭窄约3天,我收到了奖学金获得者审判他们毛继筑波科学
                                  746 As for foreign student of the Chinese woman non- cleanliness Underpants About 3 days wearing, the [ru] it does, Me, in Tsukuba science state expenditure foreign student kana Trichome and others seeing You received

                                  • 中国的“女孩日”在日本,,“国际妇女节”如果你读出袋,他们是妇女解放的害怕和姑妈剩下的工作就是每天谴责对妇女的歧视
                                    “[garuzu] day” of China, in Japan “international lady day” being called, Left flank and women's lib we fear, has been day when Jane Crow is impeached

                                    • 什么中国已展开了一个我一起被捕的家伙?泰邦不相信她的女儿是什么?
                                      The person who instigates the Chinese [tsu] [te] concentration was arrest? Lever this daughter [taiho]?

                                      • 什么是从中国女人没有化妆,达罗仍然在清理在这张照片真实可爱,但太多Ë Ü展示栏目的W

                                        • 其余的是销售超过765 30 Gangare马阿中国人,我认为这很难
                                          765 As for the unsold item of 30 road or more however you think that also the Chinese man suffers hardship, Well [gangare

                                          • 制服世界津市149 Yametara之一,中国独生子女政策,现在的全球变暖和世界粮食资源演示吨,我要崩溃
                                            149 When China stops now one person [tsu] child policy, the worldwide uniform & the world it collapses The resource and the food and terrestrial warming ton demonstration it means especially

                                            • 南方系 の 異民族 の 血 が 混 じってそうなエキゾチック な 感 じの 子 だねそれにしても 楽 しそうでいいな
                                              The blood of strange race of south type blending, so Don't you think? it is the child of the exotic feeling Nevertheless pleasantly so calling

                                              • 周围的天堂达罗覆盖着人的感情理工大学认为有用的人
                                                If the university of science around the [ro] which is the man being lazy Playing with man heart, no lever…

                                                • 在中国共产党党“不会退缩甚至杀害100万至200万枚核弹的人”,或说Terurashii津
                                                  The Chinese Communist Party seems “with the nuclear weapon 10,000,000 and 20,000,000 being killed the citizen, it is not perturbed, that” saying, the [ru

                                                  • 在中国或知识然实际上是自由药片或子女较少,上海蟹农政策,我要等一个小女孩和成熟垫董事会抛前12或怀孕年龄河流和美味的蛋的螃蟹
                                                    Truth intellectual viewing in China simply with the pill or little child policy Because that, in cultivation of Shanghai [gani], front of the egg is tasty, sowing on the river The woman who ate that crab maturing young, waiting In 12 years old pregnancy

                                                    • 在学校我是一步从学校门口女童学校操场,学校操场侧窗是在我们的男花,但所有的类病例瓦特湿重豆
                                                      Woman Takao walking the schoolyard from the school gate, [ru] midst, the window of schoolyard side of the school building becomes the bell with the man who is hungry, w Even in class although ww

                                                      • 在电子科技大学,四川成都,由大学主办的“女孩日”活动是“要求的一部分,他们每个墙”,我公布了对女学生的信息寻找一个男朋友,节日大声Gitonatteshimattasoudesu淹没数千名男子于预期
                                                        Sichuan Province Chengdu at the electronic course skill university which is in city, the university planned is link of the event of the “[garuzu] day” In “every you ask and the wall”, when the message where a certain schoolgirl collects his person is posted, several thousand which exceeds expectation The man became the rush tide celebration noise, so is

                                                        • 埃娜幼儿东西,他们疯了花花公子的形象是在这些愚蠢的响亮茹茂木这是什么中国不知道这是一个相当弗兰克方面的差距 The ge obtaining which the gap of the surface and the aspect of kichigai which the true Chinese tsu lever u you say and can horse around does Young child something well enough the oak and others which is Frank
                                                          • 袭幼儿东西,他们疯了花花公子是在茹表面的差距,并发出巨大的茂木什么这些白痴,难怪中国是相当弗兰克 The ge obtaining which the gap of the surface and the aspect of kichigai which the Chinese tsu lever u you say and can horse around does Young child something well enough the oak and others which is Frank

                                                        • 天啊出来,而且完全好小伙子ü矿思我很可爱 To … this speaking lovely the person who thinks well enough it is it is ore which is When is this completely out
                                                          • 天啊出来,而且完全好小伙子ü矿思我很可爱 To … this speaking lovely the person who thinks well enough it is it is ore which is When is this completely out

                                                        • 女学生“怎么样呢?男学生“如何为负流浪狗科的血!
                                                          Schoolgirl < This? Male student < The blood it was perplexed it is defeated, the dog!

                                                          • 如果是这样,是中国和日本早已Muyouni希美的球员之一(亚洲风格的欧盟),我Ttetarou与美国的战争 So if it does way the party desires long ago China and Japan one the Asian type EU becoming fight America the wax
                                                            • 582“不行,您可以在亚洲型假后,欧盟作出 582 When we assume that gt the Asian type EU was possible temporarily The ro which it is possible cannot boil and is

                                                          • 工業高校出身 の 友人 の 話 では 、 大多数 の 男子 の 中 に 建築科 に 数名 の 女子 がいる男女構成 なので 、 十人並 みの 容姿 なら 男 に 不自由 しないそうだ
                                                            In the story of the friend of industrial high school graduate, in the most boy several women are in architectural course Because it is man and woman constitution, if ten average figures it does not inconvenience to the man

                                                            • 张孟潜↑发音样?教育片假名和E!
                                                              Zhang Mengqian ↑ this how you pronounce? Teaching with katakana!

                                                              • 当然,日本的10倍以上的人口,10次美丽的,我也不会我也有10倍 Of course because population is ten times that or more Japan If the beauty and ten times so without being ten times it is however it is probably will be don t you think

                                                                • 很多人是因为他们非常津市一个中国政策,我的孩子是什么?那么在这里我很同情瓦特
                                                                  The man is many extremely with consequence of the Chinese [tsu] [te] one person [tsu] child policy, it is the [tsu] [ke] which is? As for well there the [wa] w which is pitied

                                                                  • 德鲁我住美国,我只需几分钟干涸的相当不错,我不喜欢这个女人从没有使用什么雅致的中国空气马铃薯 America living however the ru because you do not use the air in the Chinese tsu te foppery the potato woman and such whatever doing it divides into the lovely child it is

                                                                    • 思大家的孩子们出的图片,他们喜欢踏纳鲁!什么感觉
                                                                      Don't you think? the [ru] way stepping on picture was remembered Everyone of hungry ghost! [tsu] [te] feeling

                                                                      • 我只有756 NHK的元旦步行计划看见,但我只是洗了一个风暴正处在一个使用洗涤剂我在高中我河在中国的房客是,我们的邻居老太太,她的洗菜或下游几十米思四环素科学教育,而我就是我
                                                                        756 NHK walking program you saw in just New Year's Day, but it is, it was China, it is, don't you think? But the [tsu] [te] which the boarder of high school the detergent uses in the river and sows it washes it is, Neighborhood, the vegetable washing with several dozen meter Kawasita, the [ru] it is, don't you think?… You tried what kind of science probably to have educated

                                                                        • 我应该在这些条款中只有中国的消极方面,像这样的事情 Only the negative aspect of China becoming the article however the ru The people in rubbed such
                                                                          • 我希望,575个国家你恨日本人慈济教育水平 575 Japan disliking at education level you expect what to ru country it is

                                                                        • 挂太郎动员学生和科技男子奔放,让新闻响亮白痴Ginishite耀西宏
                                                                          Even if the [ro] where the [ze] and the engineering department large male student probably making foolish news to an agitation made mobilization

                                                                          • 排减一池在此等候的人群结构,但在现在的数字,绝对不是叛乱熊熊
                                                                            1 When so while this crowd expects, you display the form, Without fail, the [ro] which becomes the frenzy riot and is

                                                                            • 明天回家之前,如果任何人的命运,“张贴讨→迟浩田会见烤第二天,房屋被烧毁,撞伤了自己两层楼的3个月后坐毕一个月伤害,爱的代价是...
                                                                              If the person of destiny is, coming before the tomorrow house,” notice -> It meets to the next day burning attacking, house total destruction, also this person jumps from the 2nd floor, descending, the serious injury of blow 3 month, As for compensation of love…

                                                                              • 是四环素的东西,现在的泡沫,在该国的某个地方像一个强力我担心,今后他们将很快
                                                                                Now being bubble peak period, you become aware in the near future, it is probably will be The country whether [do] [tsu] of likely

                                                                                • 最近日本NHK Tetara见津独生子女政策,如果你没有按4000000000谁去过17人增加到10亿人!语言和Tteta NHK of the other day seeing the cod When one person tsu child policy it does not do 400 000 000 person increasing in 1 700 000 000 person It has become With saying the shelf
                                                                                  • 津市836一个孩子的政策,以他的儿子回家,他们要追查女孩,我穿着一个人造的限制 836 With one person tsu child policy the home which the successor son wants artificially the girl is the restriction red sandal wood

                                                                                • 沃拉沃拉和他们的后代,并留下了在执行任务时从津市一胎化政策瓦特行的小女孩的男子
                                                                                  Because the women are few with one person [tsu] child policy [mu] occasion that also the man probably will leave your own descendant, straw straw and w

                                                                                  • 流入的中国间谍在婚姻中“普选”我看在台湾问题上的危机和苦难(带:装配线皇帝在日本,台湾。奉迎和礼堂,在民主党总部门前的抗议活动视频报道)生命线!从紫癜:/ / mamoretaiwan.blog100。FC2的。com /博客港 - 1026。html的
                                                                                    In disguise marriage operative You look at the Taiwan with influx Chinese “denizenship” problem agonizing and crisis, (Attaching: The National Diet line of His Majesty the Emperor. Respectful welcome and Members' Office Building, reporting animated picture of protest before the Democratic party headquarters) As for Taiwan the Japanese life line! From ttp: //mamoretaiwan.blog100. fc2. com/blog-entry - 1026. html

                                                                                    • 然而,许多学生是这名妇女也是如此,他们得到很多情况下,孕妇和毕业前离开学校

                                                                                      • 男人的财富照片,万维网Warota男人,我能感觉到,在中国和日本之间的能量差的东西 Photograph of men of destiny warota www Something the wa which feels the difference of energy of the Chinese and Japan man
                                                                                        • 1☆☆古塔如果您ー甲的图片看,我会道歉并赔偿死亡Warota NULL

                                                                                      • 绍兴Û Û Akawaiikarashouganai wwwwwww太匆忙那么,在友好的力量津市瓦特没有用Sugidaro行为 It rushes in too much warota wwwwwww Because well it is lovely there is no ginger the ro w which the tsu it hangs too much and wastefully conduct power is
                                                                                        • Û展示栏目wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww warota wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww

                                                                                      • 编号:QStc5pZK0粪便中球员的情况下早归谷池袋支那家伙
                                                                                        ID: QStc5pZK0 It is dense the support 那 guy shelf Ikebukuro return quickly, the droppings Chinese

                                                                                        • 跆拳道中国相关的有关中文交谈Ijan Warota好,这就是感人的大瓦特委员会关 To a being disgusted ya Chinese related topic warota w The te it is good it is as a bo of the ho … The Chinese edition large scale OFF meeting shelf
                                                                                          • Warotaamerika但该国是太大我喜欢这个地方良好的海藻 warotaamerika But huge country such place is good The paste it passes

                                                                                        • 这些人来自中国,不论它只是年轻和愚蠢的,不是北京的声音乡间渡假别墅Warota瓦特轻松超过扮,给我一个双蔑视是一个很好的成年人司法 As for and others it is dense not to be also in therefore the te mere young person China probably will be also as for this pleasant horseplay te warota w From now on ahead to become the nice adult who respects fairness ……
                                                                                          • 这些人来自中国,不论它只是年轻和愚蠢的,不是北京的声音扮Gikorekara容易的目标,给我一个双蔑视是一个很好的成年人司法 As for and others it is dense not to be also in therefore the te mere young person China probably will be also as for this pleasant horseplay te warota w From now on ahead to become the nice adult who respects fairness ……

                                                                                        • 钉宫病重田什么紫癜:/ / www.youtube.com /手表?V u003d Hq8ZPCswvqY
                                                                                          Whether the Kugimiya illness the main thing it is ttp: //www.youtube.com/watch? v = Hq8ZPCswvqY

                                                                                          • 関係 ないが 日本 の 技術科学系 の 公立大学 はこの 不況下 でも 就職天国売 り 手市場 である偏差値 いまいちでもいい 企業 に 就職 できる高校生 は 進路決 めるときは 考 えてみてね

                                                                                            研究 開発