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  • 08分之2006/ 18,日本经济新闻“杀小猫”晚间版是一只猫板东诚砂子Tekita我有我的教育,“学生”选择[选定对加强以杀人,作为一个孩子的社会责任
    2006/08/18 Japanese economic newspaper evening paper “Kitten murder” Bando 眞 Sanago I chose “the raw” completeness of the cat which by my raises, selected filicide as the responsibility for society

    • 123傻瓜!我读好古的声明!财政预算案并不会小猫珠宝商对土地耐久性的关键 123 Fool Read the sentence well Because the kitten there is no durability of landing if you drop it deceases
      • “猫扭曲着身体,从那里的土地,他们也有较高的预算志”的孩子有什么基督教维塔 “The cat falling from the high place twirling the body lands” teaches to the tsu te child is

    • 226人看我,如果我是无法摆脱,当然,我只是将持什么做什么样的责任 226 If we deals with being about not to be visible in the person securely having responsibility the tsu te speaking just the ru
      • 226人看我,如果我是无法摆脱,当然,我只是将持什么做什么样的责任 226 If we deals with being about not to be visible in the person securely having responsibility the tsu te speaking just the ru

    • 284名称:油墨(爱知县)[圣人]时间:2010 / 03 / 13(星期六)16:09:52.66编号:DAUNFJUK内田桥2丁目,南区,名古屋26回合田本东洋镇的都市再生机构房屋Sutobyu谷歌地图也被285名称:油墨(爱知县)[圣人]时间:2010 / 03 / 13(星期六)16:12:00.95编号:DAUNFJUK
      284 Name: Ink (Aichi prefecture) [sage] Contribution day: 2010/03/13 (Saturday) 16: 09: 52.66 ID: DAUNFJUK The Nagoya Itiminami Ku Uchida bridge 2 Chome 26 It is main town residence of UR city mechanism Toyota Strike view you see with the google map, the [re] [ru] 285 Name: Ink (Aichi prefecture) [sage] Contribution day: 2010/03/13 (Saturday) 16: 12: 00.95 ID: DAUNFJUK

      • 37:54 44编号:T5 YUA9c0?专利法条约(12450)Yuruga美国现在将我们的小狗美军士兵录像投入到悬崖点奖 NULL
        • 619:财富周年 10名无:2010 03 14(星期日)10:39:19编号:sJxFCp7F0 613百分之窗户理论是什么意思,你不思然后我们恩达在这个意义上使用我 619 Name it is not tenth anniversary 2010 03 14 day 10 39 19 ID sJxFCp7F0 613 As for crack window theory being used in such sense you think that the ru it is it is not it is In the sense that how you say

      • 514→我不想清理鼠源性病原体或老鼠的存在
        514 Extermination of mouse -> The mouse existing, mediating the pathogenic agent well

        • 592 FBI が 殺人犯 の 研究 で 出 た 結果 だが・・・・もちろん 、 動物虐待 する 人間 がみな 殺人 をするわけではないだろうが連続殺人犯 の 90 パーセント が 過去 に 動物虐待 しているのだから 、它也将有,经津太阳能不违反法律或者社会福利线谋杀瓦特日食 592 But the result FBI coming out in research of murderer… Of course the animal probably is not the case that the human who abuses does everyone homicide but Because 90 percent of continual murderer past the animal you have abused There probably is relation To that it does not go to homicide and also the te the protection method violation tsu does in hutsu yo w
          • 我不是凶手凶手所有的谎言是谎言你所作的一切 There is no reason where the liar becomes everyone murderer but As for murderer everyone the liar consisting the ru

        • 596多只,如果他们知道奶奶的不是,在井场留下足够的空间哦瓒的关系?蝙蝠猫从立即Terya杰鲁从年轻,原材料,谁从沿左侧和苏昭来石流,学生打破了她的下腹部,在生活中来岸路,是不是没有风格,我一直吃尸体南特 596 It is that tsu te acquaintance the a with just change the i the a regardless of it is not Because you can swim the cat living because the ri ya it faces to the bank immediately while you live the possibility of flowing is low and When the stomach you break in that life the ro which the cadaver which flows from viewing how you do not eat in the joke and is
          • 596多只,如果他们知道奶奶的不是,如果留下足够的空间,Ibaachan关系?蝙蝠猫从立即Terya杰鲁从年轻,原材料,谁从沿左侧和苏昭来石流,学生打破了她的下腹部,在生活中来岸路,是不是没有风格,我一直吃尸体南特 596 It is that tsu te acquaintance the a with just change the i the a regardless of it is not Because you can swim the cat living because the ri ya it faces to the bank immediately while you live the possibility of flowing is low and When the stomach you break in that life the ro which the cadaver which flows from viewing how you do not eat in the joke and is

        • 637は 確 かに 自分語 りと 押 し 付 けがましさが キモ いし 、 ここで 言 ってもどうなるわけでもない 内容 だけど反応 として638みたいに 切 って 捨 てるのもどうかと 思 うんだ 637 But the contents where it is not the case that your own talking you push certainly and attach and wound increase heart you do to be here say also how become As a reaction 638 Cutting likely that you think how throwing away also it is

          • Uketa或从动物福利组织指责,动物死亡的猫我是在互联网上或Uketa后EMPRESS 1人
            Prosecution from the animal protection group was received that, die as for inside one of the cats which with Internet that man Transferring it received that

            • Www yomiuri co jp 照片 二零一零零三一二 067427 1 L jpg www yomiuri co jp photo 20100312 067427 1 L jpg
              • 紫癜: www31。atwiki jp 猫火 页 11。html的 ttp www31 atwiki jp cat fire pages 11 html

            • _NULL_
              THEFR _. _ [hi] ゙ [ta] ゙ [aaan]! ! . “ / ; ' 3 REPT DREPT [hi] ゙ [ta] ゙ [aaan]! ! [hi] ゙ [ta] ゙ [aaan]! ! “ ∵ i l : ` [hi] ゙ [ta] ゙ [aaan]! ! ! : ∵ _. ((_ HKRPT U j! _ ))) _ [hi] ゙ [ta] ゙ [aaan]! ! . ∵. / ; ' 3 `REPT - [tsu] ) [sono] ' REPT. UMLAT THEFR ` _. ((_ 从 l ⊃ ⌒ _. [e] - '' ⊂ j 从 . UMLAT `and J ∵ / ; ' 3 REPT DREPT REPT `' - - - - - '''' ' ¯ _. _ - - - - 'UMLAT 从 [hi] ゙ [ta] ゙ [aaan]! ! ! ) i l [hi] ゙ [ta] ゙ [aaan]! ! ! / ; ' 3 REPT DREPT ` _. ((_ HKRPT U j! _ ))) _ THEFR “ i l . `∵. [hi] ゙ [ta] ゙ [aaan]! ! ! J ∵/ ; ' 3 `REPT - [tsu] ) [sono] ' REPT 从/; 'HKRPT U j! _ ))) _ THEFR “ [hi] ゙ [ta] ゙ [aaan]! ! ! ) : l ⊃ ⌒ _. [e] - '' ⊂ j! HKDRT. UMLAT ) [sono] ' REPT 从/; ' . UMLAT `' - - - - - '''' ' ¯ DOTDT '''' '- - - - - 'UMLAT: ` . . [e] - '' ⊂ j! HKDRT. UMLAT [hi] ゙ [ta] ゙ [aaan]! ! . UMLAT `' - - - - - '''' ' ¯ DOTDT '''' '- - - - - 'UMLAT: ` .

              • “这是什么原因猫的Atarazu部分见之前,我可爱的宠物猫死”多生孩子(1鳕鱼,五公寓人行道刈,川田。降水量(28)2008年6月19号大阪5岁的福利收件人保持宠物猫 “Returning to the part of the cat from the child to see and not hit 1 cod on the sidewalk and the like before the apartment The cat where 5 die was lovely” Kawada Clear 28 2008 6 19 Osaka city 5 cats you raise with the jobless welfare receipt person
                • “刈比孩子”,川田可爱的猫。清除(28)2008年6月19日大阪失业综援受助人保持5宠物猫 “The cat was lovelier than the child” Kawada Clear 28 2008 6 19 Osaka city 5 cats you raise with the jobless welfare receipt person
                • 什么Atarazu北罗看到动物成一个住宅(公寓)通过看到了下来,死亡是恩戴池预算 When it returned to the house when 1 saw and did not hit and looked under the apartment falling it had died

              • ※市,爱知县Tiisagata牧,日本最严重的国家,通过欺凌※□完整的正式自行车盗窃敲诈,如果子女在其权力关系的犯罪分子串通一气警方充分农业商会,市教育委员会充分受害者他们是邪恶的
                * The Japanese worst countryside Love Knowledge Prefecture Small Maki City * □ agricultural cooperative commercial meeting city hall board of education police completely with If crime of the authorized personnel children who are in related to the power perfection through The motorcycle theft blackmail unkind treatment assumes that the victim is bad completely,

                • また 、 路上 にある 犬猫 の 死体 が 原因 で 交通事故 が 起 きた 場合 には 道路管理者 である 国 や 自治体 に 賠償責任 が 生 じるため国交省 の 国家公務員 や 各自治体 の 地方公務員 が 一日 に 数回 の 道路 パトロール 時 に 犬猫 の 礫死体 を 発見 した 場合 には 回収 し飼 い 主 を 示 す 首輪 や タグ が 残 っていないか 回収 した 犬猫 の 礫死体 を 詳 しく 調 べている
                  In addition, when the corpse of the dog cat which is road surface traffic accident occurred with cause, because reparations obligation occurs in the country and the self-governing community which are the road manager When the national public service personnel of the diplomatic relations ministry and the local government employee of each self-governing community on the first discover the gravel corpse of the dog cat at the time of the road patrol of several times, you collect, You inspect the gravel corpse of the dog cat which is collected in detail whether the collar and the tag which show the owner do not remain

                  • マンション 住民 や 動物愛護団体 から 情報提供 を 受 けた 愛知県警 は 、 動物虐待事件 の可能性 もあるとみて 捜査 を 始 めた
                    As for the Aichi prefectural police which receives information offer from the apartment inhabitant and the animal protection group, animal abuse incident Seeing, that there is also a possibility, it began investigation

                    • 乔送回了个别动物处置引取少年里引取成熟个体数日。狗的数量屠宰105195 24742 29942 98556猫数336349 36121 299316共54735 151677 6179二十○万○七百六
                      Pulling taking animal The frequency of pulling taking The number of dealings Maturity individual It is young the individual of age Return 譲. Number The frequency of destroying Dog 105,195 24,742 29,942 98,556 Cat 54,735 151,677 6,179 200,760 Total 336,349 36,121 299,316

                      • 从出生到第一次繁殖猫Subeshi是一个很好的压力井(育种是一个声音,可以举起镐我哭万维网,在繁殖季节)是首先我来节育有哪些费用♀拾小猫约三百万日元
                        Because the cat propagates with good spirit First the [se] which should prevent conception (as for breeding season calls and voice can - www) We the kitten picking up, XXFEM prevented conception the first breeding season time As for cost about 30,000 Yen

                        • 作为一个孩子,因为猫可以说他们从那里降落作为高预算Tatte,我们有5人死亡可能有智预算和预算,而从地面后尖叫 Time of the child as for the cat dropping from the high place passing When it can land Because you say when you drop from the 5th floor while screaming falling It has murdered
                          • 作为一个孩子,因为猫可以说是从那里降落高的预算,我们有5人死亡可能有智预算和预算,而从地面后尖叫 Time of the child as for the cat dropping from the high place passing When it can land Because you say when you drop from the 5th floor while screaming falling It has murdered

                        • 修正× 傘 を 盗 んでばかりいるやつのなかにはそれが 自転車泥棒 に 発展 する 可能性 が 高 い○ 傘 を 盗 んでばかりいるやつはそれが 自転車泥棒 に 発展 する 可能性 が 高 い Correction × The possibility that developing into the bicycle thief is high in the person who the umbrella only steals ○ As for the person who the umbrella only steals the possibility that developing into the bicycle thief is high
                          • 有些家伙刚刚偷的Nde我偷了他的雨伞高,他们有可能发展成自行车小偷,但它是一个说或者他们只是借一个小翻译 The possibility that developing into the bicycle thief is high in the person who the umbrella only steals As for this person whom you steal just you borrowed excuse it does a little however

                        • 兼职并到高中,因为他没有通过DQN家庭的女儿入学考试的同学从他们迁居成长,我们在妓女和欺诈和Kosodoro男同学吃
                          But the reason where the eldest daughter of the family is the classmate Failing in high school admission examination, it goes to fixed time system and frequently changes the house of the man of the DQN classmate Growth to the prostitute who is eaten with [kosodoro] and fraud

                          • 冷杉Yaamyaa猫,有些人试图Yaamyaamyaamyaamyaamyaa名古屋,反对的占噪声(u003d ^,^ u003d)
                            Cat rubbing [ya] [a] seeing [ya] [a], the Nagoya human rubbing [ya] [a] seeing [ya] [a] Seeing [ya] [a] seeing [ya] [a] seeing [ya] [a] seeing [ya] [a], noisy [gi] [ya] [a] (= ^ & ^ =)

                            • 出色地完成了干净的刑事或猫万维网。我想湿重虐直场厨师小动物或死亡。疯狂可爱的动物或想湿重
                              The criminal whom it exterminates the [wa] www which was done well Cat. Although 厨 it should have died, the ww small animal 虐. When the animal is loved [kichigai] ww

                              • 刈400或从悬崖还没有预算或迟浩田板东诚也砂子 400 In addition Bando 眞 Sanago Still not falling from the cliff
                                • 479你为什么砂子池预算板东诚然而,从悬崖 479 In addition Bando 眞 Sanago Still not falling from the cliff

                              • 刈猫811,恐怕当我看到这个该死的猫布马美国Safari是一个长度约为5 6倍 811 When the puma seeing with the American safari we feared in cat habit is It was the length about of 5 6 times that of the cat
                                • 811长5是不好的,如果你的可爱Nuko前缀的两倍多高度 811 The nu it is dense pitiful When you place in the height of 5 times that or more the length it is useless

                              • 动物权益组织在名古屋,南区,名古屋穆惠普家伙你使他采取一个初步的生活,走24岁的单身汉被控诈骗人民生活的猫
                                The person who the initial is exposed by the animal protection group HP of Nagoya city and takes? The Nagoya Itiminami Ku the man who lives 24 year old Celibacy 1 human living You are accused with cat swindling and take

                                • 可惜这是杀猫显示遭真的好主意,同等重量的,我想没有什么可支配的人的生活Raren Weight what is to be felt life The human whom you throw away roughness me is one is good to the same eye The ho is with the cat which is killed is yes 哀 thought …

                                  • 同市内 の 動物愛護団体 によると 、 10 匹 の 中 に マンション の 住民 で 、複数 の 捨 て 猫 を 譲 り 受 けていた 男性 の ペット が 含 まれていた 可能性 のあることがわかり同団体 が正在考虑包括违反动物福利法的刑事指控 According to the animal protection group of the same city in 10 with the inhabitant of the apartment Takes over the group of throwing away cats the pet of the man who being included having the possibility being understood The same group examines criminal prosecution with such as animal protection method violation suspicion
                                    • 据该市动物福利组织,公寓居民10只狗,认识到有可能包括人谁抵港后EMPRESS多猫,该组织丢弃稀有动物正在考虑包括违反动物福利法的刑事指控 According to the animal protection group of the same city in 10 with the inhabitant of the apartment Takes over the group of throwing away cats the pet of the man who being included having the possibility being understood The same group examines criminal prosecution with such as animal protection method violation suspicion

                                  • 呼叫661的同时,他们说,它的保护福利养父母,他们说我想一些我们的捐款黄金部队家伙“给
                                    661 While saying, that it is the village parent collection which is the protection which is protection because the [tsu] [te] which the financial contributions aim person is you say > the side which is transferred

                                    • 哦,是的是的是的是的是的是的是的是的是的是的是的是的是的是的是的是的是的严重的夷夷夷夷夷呀! !
                                      Being harsh, the [e] [e] [e] [e] [e] [e] [e] [e] [e] [e] [e] [e] it can be able be able be able be able be able be able be able be able be able be able be able be able be able be able be able be able be able be able be able be able be able be able be able be able be able be able be able be able be able be able be able be able to obtain, huh! !

                                      • 喜利ÛÛÛ hhhhhhh慰混乱,她的倾盆大雨倾盆大雨倾盆大雨倾盆大雨倾盆大雨倾盆大雨倾盆大雨ÛÛÛ更津市
                                        [i] and the [a] hhhhhhh [tsu] one [u] [u] [u] [u] [u] [u] [u] [u] it is, Chaos [tsu] [te] [ru] [u] [u] [u] [u] [u] [u] [u] [u] [u] [u] [u] [u] [u

                                        • 因此,谈论上帝的身体皇后,梅塔猫你Motomu返回所有群体 Because of this the transferring main thing consults the same group In order for group side to return all cats it requested

                                          • 在中,昭和区,文狂热都在观看类似事件在全国各地发生的类似事件的消息迅速Tempaku区 From the middle similar incident Showa Ku and even such as Tenpaku Ku occurring You observe at that similar incident happens immediately with entire country with news
                                            • 已增加的外国人我失去了一份工作,也许我最终会被吸收大型事件的基 Also the foreigner who loses job has increased and among those Whether big incident happens don t you think

                                          • 在环境犯罪学理论可以遏制犯罪活动,包括暴力犯罪元丸夹紧了窗户的理论也彻底百分之轻罪 Crack window theory The crime which includes brutal crime by the fact that you manage also slight crime thoroughly can be controlled With theory in the environmental crime study which is done

                                            • 埃勒盖主题须津是也就是所谓的预算和一只宠物狗扔盖呒额袋装的小猫是一个很好的一首歌
                                              One throwing falling inhaling one 仔 cat of the sack stuffing, you say [eroge] subject song was, was good tune

                                              • 女帝10男性为主的儿童也进行了现场招聘本月晚些时候。总共有7个动物收到你想要它,并促进护理否认“女皇的接触, The man after the October has put out collection to the sight Transferring mainly child When we would like to take over total 7 you have communicated but That it denies note was urged” that it has done
                                                • 515小猫从运动神经尚未发达,三层楼的死叩木付 515 Because as for the kitten still the motor nerve it does not advance when it is accustomed to hitting from the 3rd floor it dies
                                                • 女帝10男性为主的儿童也进行了现场招聘本月晚些时候。总共有7个动物收到你想要它,并促进护理否认“女皇的接触, The man after the October has put out collection to the sight Transferring mainly child When we would like to take over total 7 you have communicated but That it denies note was urged” that it has done
                                                • 女帝10男性为主的儿童也进行了现场招聘本月晚些时候。总共有7个动物收到你想要它,并促进护理否认“女皇的接触, The man after the October has put out collection to the sight Transferring mainly child When we would like to take over total 7 you have communicated but That it denies note was urged” that it has done

                                              • 如54010及以后,在声音的方向看,听取唐Gyaoo下雨天有声音会比一年前,我更想十米进取,滚动去是猫在路上驾驶在真ñ猫我觉得他们的弱点是懦夫,我只是一辆汽车撞倒,当我们四环素猫漫步,一边去四环素四环素的思考将返回时,你的动作推出了许多倍有一段时间差猫什么是人仍下落不明场面,我从任何意义上的电子商务,没有确定从原来的元抚养流浪猫我 540 It is before 10 years above but The sound day Don of a certain rain the voice giyaoo being audible when you look at the direction About ahead 10m kana the cat road surface being middle the cat turned is inside You think that running it could leap to the car which you go away but As for we where the air is weak with the mean person while occasionally looking back that way you walked and went away The cat turned for a while is inside but When in some time looking back the cat stopped moving Even now you remember that spectacle We decided that the cat is not raised from that Looking at the alley cat from the origin it just touches the feed do not doIt decided Looking at the alley cat it just touches the feed we have decided not to do
                                                • NULL 548 It is before 10 years above but The sound day Don of a certain rain the voice giyaoo being audible when you look at the direction About ahead 10m kana the cat road surface being middle the cat turned is inside You think that running it could leap to the car which you go away but As for we where the air is weak with the mean person while occasionally looking back that way you walked and went away The cat turned for a while is inside but When in some time looking back the cat stopped moving Even now you remember that spectacle We decided that the cat is not raised from that Looking at the alley cat it just touches the feed to the thing which you do not doIt is
                                                • NULL It is before 10 years above but The sound day Don of a certain rain the voice giyaoo being audible when you look at the direction About ahead 10m kana the cat road surface being middle the cat turned is inside You think that running it could leap to the car which you go away but As for we where the air is weak with the mean person while occasionally looking back that way you walked and went away The cat turned for a while is inside but When in some time looking back the cat stopped moving Even now you remember that spectacle We decided that the cat is not raised from that Looking at the alley cat it just touches the feed to the thing which you do not doIt is

                                              • 如不能被逮捕之前,请您谈谈93为动物保护法的惩罚
                                                93 Before the penal regulations of animal protection method is possible, if story it cannot arrest

                                                • 如果是强制性的猫科动物饲养室充分电影许可证登记制度,饲养宠物,例如杰鲁反滥用个案
                                                  1 If the complete interior raising of the pet registration system raising license system cat is obliged, it can prevent such abuse incident

                                                  • 它的存在,我有一个孩子抛弃什么波伊波伊拾小猫,“不应当依赖于牧羊犬有智!有一个不错的斯派西!(含义请丢弃的助手),”哦,说是什么,但我们已经投戈字母a This that is the kitten the po it is in the child who is picked up and the po is throwing away the ru and “In inside you cannot raise Throwing and others the tsu plain gauze it is To throw away mind ” When the tsu te you say you throw and the chi ya tsu it is are the shelf
                                                    • Souiya老,我有一只小猫一次性悬崖波伊波伊新鲜的艺术家的罕见岁女子,或骄傲地宣布,他们猜测什么不同,他是一个傻瓜来,老太太的包叩生产 So former times it is born well with the grandmother writer and the po is in the cliff and the po is throwing away the kitten of building the ru and You misunderstood what the foolish grandmother whom it publishes to the proud ge is in the sack hitting was

                                                  • 对宠物狗和猫,他们的部分原因是一次性每年,几十万被送到毒气室所有Jappun The dog cat which is thrown away in jiyatsupun Every year Several 100 000 Those are all gas chamber sending

                                                    • 对轻微犯罪,在过去几年里谋杀案增加的情况下,丰田市,和我说什么我认为,在派遣法 In here several years as for misdemeanor and murder case increasing dispatch method after being amended … In other words that when you say whether something would like to call… Don t you think Toyota city
                                                      • 什么达罗的?就像这些谋杀事件的做法我放日到医院之前,我写迅速赶上 Such riding the practice like ro of homicide which is rubbed Catching quickly throw into the hospital

                                                    • 小动物屠宰质量低离奇谋杀ー签署丰富的邻居! ! !
                                                      As for slaughter of small animal sign of bizarre homicide The neighbor escaping, -! ! !

                                                      • 尽量不知道这一个诅咒哈努犯罪! ! ! ! !启并不总是发展成一个奇怪的凶杀案特征是什么?并探讨在刑事哦未来的趋势进行的男孩哦,他们担心
                                                        1 The criminal pays attention to this 祟 [ri] of the [nu] and is! ! ! ! ! It is dense, the [yu] incident [tsu] [te] or always it is not developed into bizarre murder case? The fearful [wa] well well In future trend of criminal main point note shelf

                                                        • 工业区,中川区中区中村区,守山区,南区港区,郊区,多瓦在这里Yabai区
                                                          Minami Ku Minato-ku Moriyama Ku Middle Ku Nakagawa Ku Nakamura Ku Industrial district, suburb, Dowa area As for here [yabai

                                                          • 志位忙,但在工作中狗屎的变化,我是讨厌的地狱说,书记在一个老人的马塔老年开始 Although kuso it is busy with work of shift system Saying the kind of senior citizen where becoming dim starts being temporary the wa which is great and is bothered
                                                            • 思Tetarashii什么是与宗教胶系统上,也喜欢隆起,从Mendoku思浩什么时候老人 Thinking inside that it is religion system the te it has stuck it seems but Spare time the senior citizen tsu te me it is do habit with you thought from the bottom of the heart

                                                          • 恩戴Tarashiku附近的古宫内厅的房子停车场死猫是一个没有良好的关系,“我为什么一死猫放里写你自己!”我怎么会写,而大喊大叫, There is no association and the cat has died at the parking zone of the nearby house whose relations are not good to seem “Threw you the corpse of the cat it is the ro which is ” With you yelled inside and were packed

                                                            • 我们不知道,我怀疑这不是一个思,只有一人,直到杀猫中,他是原始链接先见茹听起来您知道报价 1 Because it is quoted to only the middle being thought that the criminal it is not understood the ru 1 When ahead original linking you see as for the person whom we assume that you killed the cat being understood the ru like shelf
                                                              • 我想转移到一街的一具尸体,如果是那样的罪魁祸首,如果杀“持什么样的责任”,但他不认为这是明显的 The corpse rolling to road surface when we assumed if at ru point in time you were killed because the criminal “with responsibility” you did as for without being you think that it is clear but

                                                            • 我想,我觉得在这种蜘蛛德察于气枪,并开枪打死或螳螂或蝉或儿童常常
                                                              Time of the child to be good the spider or the mantis or the cicada pipping with the air gun, you play Don't you think? it probably is such feeling what

                                                              • 持续双位数字丢弃老太太的小猫近八成,但他们滋补长子抑郁症是什么副业
                                                                The grandmother who continued to throw away the kitten although it is close to 80, doing a side job, has raised the eldest son of depression

                                                                • 摄入量和香烟家伙家伙,我看津市Mutoka十进制色情漫画了大麻和可卡因鹤哈亚总是与猫的Tteiu水平感到满意的飞跃如强奸罪的钱总是很多小瘫痪左侧伦理
                                                                  The tobacco inhaling, as for the [ru] person by all means it advances to the hemp and cocaine when [ero] cartoon as for the person who is seen when the [tsu] [te] which rapes be sure to say the leap about of the same As for the person whom it can be satisfied at level of the cat the large quantity it is Ethical view is paralysed with leaving the small crime

                                                                  • 早 く 犯人捕 まえないと 大事件 に 発展 する 可能 せいがあるぞでも 愛知県警 じゃだめか去年 の 蟹江町 の 殺人事件 、 2008 年豊田市 の 女子高生暴行殺人事件 も 未解決 だもんな
                                                                    Unless the criminal you catch quickly, there is a possible consequence which develops into large incident So Aichi prefectural police useless? Murder case of Kanie Cho of last year and woman Takao assault murder case of 2008 Toyota city it is unsolved it is

                                                                    • 是的,我尼亚法规办公室Nuko 462是Nuko顺应爱我得到的狗也复膜Mofumofu哟我谦恭地来的
                                                                      462 The [u] it is the [ya] It is, and others also the dog loving, the [ru] [ze] But the [nu] it is dense group, the [nu] densely it is good, - the [hu] doing also the [hu], [mohumohu]

                                                                      • 最近 、 愛知県 で 凶悪犯罪 が 急増 してるけどさ 、 サツ に 捜査能力 がないのを 、見透 かされてどんどん 愛知 に 集結 してんだよ Recently however brutal crime is increased rapidly in Aichi prefecture there is no investigation ability in the police Being penetrated it has collected is steadily in Aichi
                                                                        • 未成年人犯罪(骚扰)和先不谈暴力犯罪(强奸),他们可能会导致高 Slight crime the 痴 China relieved the ku and brutal crime rape the possibility of reaching is high

                                                                      • 根据动物福利和控制的法律,“杀人的原因,在不到一年的监禁→穿逮捕疤痕,或一点〇亿日元罚款”,我将在未来不到一年
                                                                        According to animal protection management law, “The murder, or you damage in the [ri] which is seeing -> Under penal servitude 1 year or fine of 1,000,000 Yen or less” Assuming, that it was arrested, it comes out under 1 years, the [chi] [ya] [u

                                                                        • 每隔两女,来自9个在农场动物的生殖功能周一岁4个月,平均4年生存率生育年龄做到了
                                                                          Concerning one time 2 females It has reproduction function in 9 months after the raw Minimum of 4 as for years reproduction possibility As for field average 4 year existence Like this is

                                                                          • 爱知县警方工作不力或不希望牺牲今年,我抓住罪犯Maero早谷
                                                                            The criminal catch the disabled Aichi prefectural police quickly We do not want increasing the sacrifice above this

                                                                            • 猫u003d基督教民主杀死结核证明祖父什么! m9(^Д^)· þ ¬踢ー! ! !
                                                                              The cat murder = democracy believer = nodule [ji] [ji] saying, to be proven, the shelf! m9 (^ д ^) [hu] ゚ [ki] ゙ [ya]! ! !

                                                                              • 猫是居纳凯雷推箱子宽永,巨峰,天明,在寺庙内的大饥荒日本人灭绝
                                                                                If the cat of warehouse turn does not stay, Hiroshi long, Kyoho, with large famine of the daybreak and Tenpo The Japanese was exterminated

                                                                                • 猫的死亡人数是死于交通事故,每年收集在1000年的东京都政府官员约20006头

                                                                                  • 男性 は 読売新聞 の 取材 に 対 し 、 「 猫 が 好 きで 、 多 くの 猫 を 飼 ってみたかった When the man “we like the cat vis a vis the collection of data of the Yomiuri Shimbun Company wants to try raising many cats
                                                                                    • 男性 は 読売新聞 の 取材 に 対 し 、 「 猫 が 好 きで 、 多 くの 猫 を 飼 ってみたかった When the man “we like the cat vis a vis the collection of data of the Yomiuri Shimbun Company wants to try raising many cats

                                                                                  • 男性 は 2 匹 を 返 したが 、 6 匹 については 、 「 1 匹 は エアコン の ダクト 穴 から 転落死 し 、 5 匹 は マンション 周辺 や 駅前 に 放 した 」 などと 答 えたという The man returned 2 but Concerning 6 “as for 1 from the duct hole of the air conditioner the falling down dying 5 released around the apartment and before the station” that and so on you say that you answered
                                                                                    • 该两名男子被送回狗,6只猫,“一个死鱼是通过在空调管道孔下滑可能释放的公寓和环境方面的动物,说:”答案的案例和 The man returned 2 but concerning 6 “as for 1 from the duct hole of the air conditioner the falling down dying as for 5 you released around the apartment and before the station” that and so on you say that you answered
                                                                                    • 该两名男子被送回狗,6只猫,“一个死鱼是通过在空调管道孔下滑可能释放的公寓和环境方面的动物,说:”答案的案例和 The man returned 2 but concerning 6 “as for 1 from the duct hole of the air conditioner the falling down dying as for 5 you released around the apartment and before the station” that and so on you say that you answered

                                                                                  • 积极的。疯猫的重大事件和良好的锻炼应变文文案件株这样的猫虐待,或者他们许多人来说,更严重呢? ,。泽喜一(70)2009年8月27日船桥,千叶县,食物和住所偏离一年前,Oohara武穆刺伤一名妇女的生活用刀子什么是持注(72)2008年7月5日隔壁和住在租来的房子碎片,伊势,神奈川,因为如果他们在公园里,无家可归的流浪猫有7坏溺爱踏还表示,每年租金,房东疯狂被勒令离开,用刀子刺伤永吉房东。幸(72 Righteousness The serious incident where the cat abuse person causes such an incident and the serious incident which the kichigai cat lover causes either one is many combining Happy city 70 2009 8 27 Chiba prefecture Funabashi city From about 2 years ago we do the feed attaching of the alley cat are noted Stabbing to death the woman who lives in next door with the kitchen knife Takeshi Ohara 72 2008 7 5 Kanagawa prefecture Isehara city With the leased house as rubbish residence homeless similar life the alley cat was doted upon with the park You step on also 7 annual house rent and push down can order retreat to the expert and upset stabbing to death the expert with the knife Eikichi Happiness 72 2008 7 5 Prefecture small Yamaiti Tochigi When you are hard on the person who holds the alley cat with the park which sleeping has done to stay you misunderstand and beat with the iron pipe 20 the married couple of years old 2008 7 3 Fukuoka It does not give the meal to the child of 1 months after the raw and abuse makes die
                                                                                    • “以这种方式被滥用,我只是将这种情况下,安是一个希望与垃圾家伙饲料的流浪猫 gt Abuse So in such a condition the kind of person who the feed has been done to attach in the alley cat causes such an incident it is

                                                                                  • 穆3名居民谁是住在一层楼,“那么大,像打商标的东西的声音,他离开屋顶,他们是黑小猫死的Nde NULL
                                                                                    • 据管理员和公寓的居民,我想看到的猫7月23日的第一例死亡 According to the manager and the inhabitant of the apartment as for the cat which first dies being found same July 23rd

                                                                                  • 紫癜:/ / www.mudaijp.com /可湿性粉剂/可湿性粉剂内容/上传/ 2009 / 09 / 097。JPG格式紫癜:/ /福冈tanteifile.com /文件/ img_file05 / 1的。jpg紫癜:/ /福冈tanteifile。的COM /文件/ img_file01 / mj.jpg紫癜:/ / gekiteki.ld.infoseek.co.jp /图像xxx21 / 0815 / ab05的。jpg紫癜:/ / www.rak3。太平绅士/首页/用户/ inuneko / 2。 JPG格式紫癜:/ / kogenta - site.tripod.com /福冈/ img20020525192223的。jpg紫癜:/ / sankei.jp.msn.com /照片/事务/犯罪/ 081006 / crm0810061221014 -小。原来,这家伙无论如何JPG格式达罗通风系统,以确保我的愤怒Kimowota邮件或阴险,他们主要饲养
                                                                                    ttp: //www.mudaijp.com/wp/wp-content/uploads/2009/09/097. jpg ttp: //fukuoka-tanteifile.com/file/img_file05/1. jpg ttp: //fukuoka-tanteifile.com/file/img_file01/mj.jpg ttp: //gekiteki.ld.infoseek.co.jp/image-xxx21/0815/ab05. jpg ttp: //www.rak3. jp/home/user/inuneko/2. jpg ttp: //kogenta-site.tripod.com/fukuoka/img20020525192223. jpg ttp: //sankei.jp.msn.com/photos/affairs/crime/081006/crm0810061221014 - p1. jpg How narrowly the callous it is the [ro] which is the person When the mail it does in the original owner insidious resentment clear it seems The [wa] which is [kimowota] system securely

                                                                                    • 美军↓↓↓同时猫儿童世界革命 Cat ↓ Child ↓ The US military ↓ Worldwide simultaneous revolution

                                                                                      • 老鼠虫猫为什么不呢?和“到消失的不幸猫”的流浪猫绝育手术或什么,我说,还是你冷酷 As for the mouse with the vermin as for the cat so as for the reason which is not And “for the sake of the unhappy cat is decreased ” saying Being unconcerned it does that the alley cat is castrated it is don t you think

                                                                                        • 舒适的生活道路,他们预期大小调整为老人和Ku我宫内厅分配,还包括一个邪恶市中心的青年,但较低的地板和乡村Kukara早期的两极分化。如果一方不容易被残酷和无情
                                                                                          Although it is the expectation where the road is prepared lives and circulation widely and as for feeling is not bad Including also the down town, as for the old person the countryman As for the young person converting bipolar from early on, the lower stratum floor. Direction side does the coldhearted thing which is not the blood or the tear tend

                                                                                          • 苏杀的家伙,我喜欢疯狂的家伙疯了汤一轮会谈饲料罂粟的流浪猫的家伙,我出去或有关猫的头部和淘气 It is dense the way when the person who is killed and kichigai it puts out the feed attaching stripe the person who comes kichigai exposure provide to the alley cat relate to the cat it becomes the head strange combining
                                                                                            • 移动到12奴隶达罗维塔视为一个糟糕的晚上,如果他们有很高的机会邻居疯了。 NULL

                                                                                          • 菊地秀行 の トレジャー・ハンターシリーズ・エイリアン 怪猫伝 が 怖 かったな宇宙猫 の 怨霊 だから 地球 の 祈祷 や 護符 が 全 く 通 じない
                                                                                            Treasure [hantashirizu] alien mysterious cat transmission of Kikuchi 秀 line We feared Therefore revengeful ghost of the space cat prayer and the protection sign of the earth do not lead completely

                                                                                            • 该集团的官员称,这名男子去年7月至10月,苏探测和北岛康介在主要互联网网站他们一次性饲养猫,其中5爱知县县八猫后EMPRESS事业的总说,在这之后,主要是女皇“属于猫死了,”并通过电子邮件发送的猫的照片,我死 According to the same group authorized personnel as for the man last year 7 October through the site of Internet which searches the owner of the throwing away cat Total 8 cats were taken over from 5 people inside and the like Aichi prefecture but after that you transferred and mainly “the cat died falling down” that The photograph of the cat which dies was transmitted with the mail

                                                                                              • 达尔文,773栏目キ━━(°∀°)━━!在回来了!在我从诱饵下降到跳狞被抓获被停赛瓦特戈 773 Darwin kita ━ ━ ゚ ∀ ゚ ━ ━ So the feed which was hung jumping karakaru which you catch is falling from the back w

                                                                                                • 这两个狗回来,我有一个眼睛受伤,一“组织的官员可能会滥用 To call that the wound was done in the eye concerning 2 it was reset as for the group authorized personnel “There is also a possibility of abuse
                                                                                                  • 这两个狗回来,我有一个眼睛受伤,一“组织的官员可能会滥用 To call that the wound was done in the eye concerning 2 it was reset as for the group authorized personnel “There is also a possibility of abuse
                                                                                                  • 这两个狗回来,我有一个眼睛受伤,一“组织的官员可能会滥用 To call that the wound was done in the eye concerning 2 it was reset as for the group authorized personnel “There is also a possibility of abuse

                                                                                                • 这个家伙线程保卫猫,有很大的不同,并叫苏可爱的偶像白痴穷人海豚死亡
                                                                                                  As for the party who protects the cat with this [sure], The pitiful dolphin is killed, the fool and 50 step hundred step which shout that is,

                                                                                                  • 这是一些对210赔偿要求,他们解思农场时,发现了在衣柜里然尸体肿胀。果汁
                                                                                                    210 When discovering the cadaver of the field which expands at the storeroom, you remembered it isn't? Compensation and thanking/apologizing. Juice

                                                                                                    • 这是有关527细菌Yabai基因食品,人类通常Noraneko我希望搬迁,对腐败细菌改建Yabaku如不及时解决,得到解决,如果发酵
                                                                                                      527 As for that however normally it is possible to be Nora cat extermination If for the human the [yabai] bacterium being attached to a certain food deteriorates and is disassembled, corruption If the bacterium which is not [yabaku] being attached deteriorates and is disassembled, fermentation

                                                                                                      • 这部电影有没有人忘记,港协滑行一样,在建筑物的山谷飞鼠发展这一对猫“猫邲非实物,”部分对一个池塘一次性猫的演变。“猫”什么是有故事 It is someone s work you forgot but the cat of this hand evolving with SF the ravine of the building like the multiple unit steerable antenna rust It glides “it flew and the cat” and the cat which is thrown away in the pond evolved “ There was a cat” tsu te story
                                                                                                        • 这部电影有没有人忘记,港协滑行一样,在建筑物的山谷飞鼠发展这一对猫“猫邲非实物,”部分对一个池塘一次性猫的演变。“猫”什么是有故事 It is someone s work you forgot but the cat of this hand evolving with SF the ravine of the building like the multiple unit steerable antenna rust It glides “it flew and the cat” and the cat which is thrown away in the pond evolved “ There was a cat” tsu te story

                                                                                                      • 野良猫 でも 飼猫 でも 自分家 の 敷地内 に 入 ってきてたら 蹴飛 ばさないと毎回通 り 道 にしたり 、 居着 いたりするから 猫 をみたら 蹴飛 ばそうね With the alley cat and you going inside the site of your own house with the 飼 cat unless the cod you kick Each time it makes the pathway to stay because it arrives when you look at the cat don t you think you probably will kick

                                                                                                        • 阿瑞Nuko Tetara以外的动物,因为他们只限于Razu可爱更新的Nde熙Gorongoron如何处理一拍手触摸它,是的,但荣誉确实可爱的头部时,由来自斯里兰卡斯里兰卡Nuko是否发展的人认为这是谁把美军虐待 It is outside being the cod the nu depending densely when the head pickpocket pickpocket doing however it is it is lovely truly don t you think Such time with a pop when touching by the hand rejoicing gorongoron doing furthermore lovely is Is you do not drive not just densely the animal whether it develops into the person who abuses or it does not do you think that it is off base
                                                                                                          • 動物 を 繰 り 返 し 虐待 している 時点 で 相当 に 病 んでるんだから 特定位 はしてくれそこから 殺人 に 発展 するかしないかは 解 らないけど 発展 した 場合 に 無差別殺人 になりそうで我担心他们 Repeatedly falling ill the animal suitably at the point in time when you have abused therefore the ru it is specific rank does However you do not understand whether from there it develops into homicide whether it does not do when it develops it may become un discriminating homicide being we fear

                                                                                                        • 顺便提一句,他们还邪恶谷名古屋安全低收入水平足够低,在孝南的北南区土地
                                                                                                          By the way as for Nagoya being north high south low area, about Ku of south income level to be low public order is bad

                                                                                                          • 预算和我们没有得到窗外343,抛出徒步旅行思〜出光束,只在房间里 343 Appearing in the window you dropped it is not to be that it threw from midst of the te and the room only think it is
                                                                                                            • 什么是其中之一,是将释放,整个事情迅速升级 1 Such riding when it shoots it escalates steadily it is

                                                                                                          • (3月13日,在26日到2010年,读卖新闻○七分钟)读卖新闻在线顶部 2010 March 13th 07 26 The Yomiuri Shimbun Company YOMIURI ONLINE To top
                                                                                                            • 读卖新闻在线2010 03 13 07:47:09 YOMIURI ONLINE 2010 03 13 07 47 09

                                                                                                          • ,Huzita秀久(52)并返回给供应商2003年12月8日的痴迷者猫轹贝冢市,大阪火车,自行车轮胎和波纹跟踪,并把石头,对涉嫌危害交通
                                                                                                            Suguru Hisashi Fujita (52) 2003.12.8 Osaka prefecture shell mound city The streetcar 轢 in retaliation of the cat which grows hoarse, you put in place the tire and the cardboard and the stone etc of the bicycle in the railroad track, arrest with traffic dangerous suspicion

                                                                                                            • ,耕一中田英寿(60)2007年7月27日邻居,并用刀子刺伤公寓在说,他们损害的投诉来到猫,大阪,对涉嫌企图谋杀 Koichi Nakata 60 2007 7 27 Osaka city Complaint of cat damage it sticks the neighbor of the apartment which comes to saying with the kitchen knife arrests with attempted murder suspicion
                                                                                                              • ,荒木Masamiti(60)和Ku 2005年8月29日小金属相撞的蝙蝠一直困扰邻居口袋吹镇,崎玉,对涉嫌侵犯他人身体 Rough lumber right track 60 2005 8 29 Saitama prefecture Fukiage Cho Doing it arrests with injury suspicion e g the neighbor who has been bothered with the cat droppings is poked with the metal bat

                                                                                                            研究 開発