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Nagai either “'it cannot put out [harenchi] school' greatly. The human who is warped with regulation it increases”,…With capital regulations of cartoonists and 2 dimensional child pornographic regulation opposite interview ★16


  • 2003年4月鹿儿岛县议会5月。 。在秀乡,一县收购的志布志社区会议是第一次当选男子和他们的支持者举行了4倍,已收到的一点九一〇亿日元总
    2003 April Kagoshima prefecture discussion. . At 曽 於 Gun Ku, the man and the supporters who are elected for the first time assembly of purchase assumed with the village of the same prefectural Shibushi city that 4 opening, 1,910,000 Yen total were delivered and received,

    • 247检查规则和法律的言论自由和宪法一种是明确的顶部,所以我作为解决方案的模糊串战前和战争历史的许多情况下,已成为扩大失控源总是解释我是一个班的检查记
      247 Type of regulation and censorship due to law by all means being expanded being interpreted becomes source of reckless driving Prior to world war 2 and history in game there is an example even with the string being unraveled time saddle Therefore with the constitution which is most significant law Clearly freedom of expression and prohibition of censorship being recorded, the [ru

      • 386卡斯沉默滚装分际他们所不知道的组合概念混淆真正的无知和对法律的差异
        386 Confusion in the law and the difference of concept of mixture it is not recognized Saying nothing with the social status of the real uneducated, the [ro] refuse

        • 419391什么信号。 Etara考虑是否有诽谤罪和伤害罪? “这本书是”“你”有?和诽谤,源维基百科“诽谤罪(再杀害名利),列于第230条规定的刑事指控 419 391 So Because some trust When you think whether damage crime and honorable damage crime exist “Like this the fact that you write” is “you” don t you think And honorable 棄 loss and source Wikipedia “Honorable damage crime the niece it is good the so it is the za to be the crime which is stipulated in criminal law 230 provision
          • 419391什么信号。 Etara考虑是否有诽谤罪和伤害罪? “这本书是”“你”有?和诽谤,源维基百科“诽谤罪(再杀害名利),列于第230条规定的刑事指控 419 391 So Because some trust When you think whether damage crime and honorable damage crime exist “Like this the fact that you write” is “you” don t you think And honorable 棄 loss and source Wikipedia “Honorable damage crime the niece it is good the so it is the za to be the crime which is stipulated in criminal law 230 provision

        • 461冠军,所以有不少在正则表达式南特青年杂志开始色情红色长的时间,是与流石太过分为止,但我认为“青年杂志”比我多,和名乘津,青少年问题将不会很远该杂志说,该男童将不再需要青年杂志称为故事首先,如果它不会破坏的色情刊物的代表性,这是一个成人漫画杂志什么是小青年
          461 But [ero] expression in the first place youth magazine the reason which how rather normally is from former times In regard to champion RED to do is with you think too as expected, but The “youth magazine” being identified, above the [ru], it is not the problem to over there If it becomes a story that [ero] expression is useless in the youth magazine, In the first place it becomes the youth magazine without necessity With the boy magazine is not produced, therefore the just a little adult cartoon [tsu] [te] is youth magazine what

          • 495おまえは 東京大学物語 を 提示 して 、 さもそれは セーフ ってことにして現状 も 数学的帰納法的 に セーフ ってことにしたいようだが 、東京大学物語自体 、 今回 の 規制 につながるまでの 過程 の魔术of re没有错希望工作可以告诉谁?

            • 649那么,听到这,我弟弟民,IDFSAvh5yV0说,532539544563嘿我一直在与大家讨论,编号:FSAvh5yV0,上面写着,你觉得呢?
              649 It is to see you probably will hear in the [a] Me and, as for IDFSAvh5yV0, 532 539 544 563 With you argue, it is Well, everyone, ID: FSAvh5yV0 Thing, how you think?

              • 668“不要开始抱怨太多,但他们是剥落的裸体站在级的书后,我的女儿? “我们已经改变了世界的亿邮等 668 gt The rear his own daughter the ero book being peeled alternately in the nude excessively complaint you say is gt It has been about you to change into such world with by your therefore it is

                • 7县,市指定的儿童在家里受到性虐待的2001年案例指导中心之一是四环素治疗166例(162对妇女儿童的案件),调整后的天空
                  Sexual abuse case 166 case inside the home which the child advisory board of 7 prefectures 1 designated cities handled in 2001 (You inspected 162 cases the girl) concerning

                  • 80改变了已故的经济学者对这些扩展,这一问题的趋势,所谓的模式转变不是贝鲁基上瘾
                    As for change of tendency of the economic academia of eighties latter halves, being something which is in regard to the extension, Those which can be called paradigm shift and the like have not happened

                    • 837我失去了两个OTA的地方来延伸至未来三年?什么人不增加维塔,我不能再与手淫满意强奸 837 Secondary ota which loses the destination runs 3 next Becoming not can be satisfied with masturbation the tsu te person whom you rape increases it is it is not
                      • 7我失去了两个地方来的OTA延伸至未来三年?什么人不增加维塔,我不能再与手淫满意强奸 7 Secondary ota which loses the destination runs 3 next Becoming not can be satisfied with masturbation the tsu te person whom you rape increases it is it is not

                    • 840名称:下午,也没有名称[圣人]时间:2010 / 03 / 17日(星期三)16:21:49编号:IWK2Ngu90增加反对太田出版(816→917名)841名:没有名称签名人数下午和[圣人]时间:2010 / 03 / 17日(星期三)16:22:23编号:wp0Dv11vP 840 100人或增加
                      840 Name: Name it is not in the afternoon [sage] Contribution day: 2010/03/17 (water) 16: 21: 49 ID: IWK2Ngu90 Opposite signature number of people increase of Ota publication (816 name -> 917 names) 841 Name: Name it is not in the afternoon [sage] Contribution day: 2010/03/17 (water) 16: 22: 23 ID: wp0Dv11vP 840 100 human increases?

                      • 915条例,以增加上帝的有害的书籍,唱埃扎鲁得到不同的字,因为是自由市场经济的真实,以消除人类的能力,不仅不足以在市场上采取行动自由法律禁止的行为或抑制自己的选择,这种假设是很少列为一 915 In harmful books regulation enlargement of God As for the word hand which does not advocate uncommonness as the free market of economy so been Freely it removes the human where the sufficient ability behavior to do is not enough As for prohibiting the kind of behavior which obstructs the selection itself in the market with law This is included as prerequisite
                        • 915埃扎鲁在神的话语的手看看,因为它是一个自由市场经济,或消除了人们足够的能力,不仅行动自由选择的行为干预市场本身或者是法律所禁止,这种假设是很少被纳入 915 As for the word hand where God is not visible as the free market of economy so been Freely it removes the human where the sufficient ability behavior to do is not enough As for prohibiting the kind of behavior which obstructs the selection itself in the market with law This is included as prerequisite

                      • Harenchi家长会是最后时刻系列是当时罕见的包括在年底也增加了一系列的谴责“学校推最接近屠宰与他的学生家长教师队伍,”纳阿的部署,儿童,妇女...光刻的地步是爆杀Iteta
                        As for [harenchi] school serialization at that time being impeached in PTA, being driven by serialization end “The PTA corps which surges in school also the teacher pupil slaughters easily in just before end” Because with it made the development which is said, the girl… blast has drawn to the point of being killed

                        • Tsuzimoto清水Hukushima瑞穗和社会民主党领导人,而且它和信人保坂,这是他反对创造力调控
                          As for the corporation people party the Fukushima not seeing [ho] and Tsujimoto Kiyoshi beauty of the party chief and Nobuto etc Hosaka are to that and, It is the standpoint where it is opposite to creation thing regulation

                          • Tsuzimoto清水Hukushima瑞穗和社会民主党领袖274,并且它和信人保坂,这是他反对创造力调控
                            274 As for the corporation people party the Fukushima not seeing [ho] and Tsujimoto Kiyoshi beauty of the party chief and Nobuto etc Hosaka are to that and, It is the standpoint where it is opposite to creation thing regulation

                            • Www6。P lala or jp fynet 2scrap126gyakutai html(←请删除空格)■2008年(截至5月),智力残疾的陌生人 一人(受害人死亡的儿童女19岁,他们的会议),造成60人死亡 谁的父母怀疑年■智力残疾儿童的父母谁杀害儿童 0 136个可疑的人■2006年2007年谋杀儿童知障 による 子供殺害 … … 1 人 ( 被害者男児 、 加害者妻子 もち 中年 )・ 親 による 子供殺害 … … 158 人※ 実際 の 警察庁 の HP に 掲載 されている 統計 から 抽出 されたものttp www6 p lala or jp fynet 2scrap126gyakutai html lt Please delete the space 2008 May point in time Doubtful person intellectual the child murder…… 1 people by obstacle Victim 19 year old woman encounter system The child murder…… 60 people by the parent 2007 Doubtful person intellectual the child murder…… 0 people by obstacle The child murder…… 136 people by the parent 2006 Doubtful person intellectual the child murder…… 1 people by obstacle the victim boy assailant wife and children having middle age The child murder…… 158 people by the parent Those which are extracted from the statistics which are published to HP of the actual National Police Agency ttp kitaharak e xblog jp 9325588 lt Please delete the space If pornographic cartoon and animation it prohibits the Dean gravure “The being attached of these “actual fathers” and “the stepfather” and as for the mother the man who meets” Child Child Characteristic Mark 虐 待 It does ku ru So It does As for parent Child Offering accompanying Shooting ku ru So It does
                              • 亲生父亲肇事者,但也有许多前40名在Ku百分之井后继父百分之二十二,百分之十二的男性获得母亲节 As for the assailant the actual father is most with the 40 the man to whom the stepfather meets the being attached of the 22 and the mother next was the 12

                            • _NULL_
                              * Circumstances of connected throwing [kopipe] devastating of this day (as for [kopipepatan] no ten types)… [kopipe] 15 times or more 14 times In 172 rank/6513ID 08: 10: 10 presently Yesterday 55 times In 85 rank/20475ID ↑ Also 1 years or more are devastated from before, the [ru] In 2 rank/25210ID * 100311 Plural “child [po] prohibitions. The Innai meeting” multiple report which requests prudent amendment discussion 32 Name it is not report 2010/03/12 (gold) 13: 09: 25 ID: DeqaRtjo0 The multiple post is devastating You do not question contents 35 Name it is not report 2010/03/12 (gold) 15: 22: 11 ID: OCFzWOLI0 As for the multiple post is not annoyance behavior vis-a-vis the user, Because it is the annoyance behavior for the system, 2ch it has become the regulation object

                              • _NULL_
                                [guguru], Microsoft, [yahu] group of manager member ttp: //www.kajisoku.org/archives/51394782. html Non existence young people regulation (the Tokyo young people healthy rearing regulations amendment plan) the cartoonists who are opposite Daniel and the writer etc who goes to petition with leading of light ttp: //twitter.com/dankanemitsu Tokyo technical university opposite Don't you think? opposite signature of the Ota publication it is like it gets together ttp: //www.ohtabooks.com/press/2010/03/16220834. html The autonomous citizen stating opposition ttp: //www.asahi-net.or.jp/~ PQ2Y-FKS/topics/topics12. html Opinion of concerning thunder phrase genuine person regulation of non existence young people of the Tokyo young people protective regulations htp: //gimpo .2ch.net/test/read.cgi/moeplus/1268749530/ Tokyo area. Woman's group union ttp: //www.chifuren.gr.jp/tokyo Optimistic corporation This corporation opinion for the Tokyo young people healthy rearing regulations amendment plan ttp: //corp.rakuten.co.jp/newsrelease/2010/0315. html The Kyoto Seika College [Reporting announcement] about the opinion book regarding the Tokyo young people healthy rearing regulations amendment plan ttp: //info.kyoto-seika.ac.jp/info/info/2010/03/post - 47. php Bamboo publishing The bamboo publishing opposes concerning young people healthy rearing regulations amendment plan ttp: //www.takeshobo.co.jp/mgr.m/main/what Corporation Japan Library Association <- New! Concerning “the regulations which amend the portion of the regulations regarding healthy rearing of the Tokyo young people” (request) ttp: //www.jla.or.jp/kenkai/20100317. html

                                • “如果你不能异质与经济”埃扎鲁在上帝之手“澳U和分歧。理由是言论自由“,”上帝之手在埃扎鲁“改革工作和作出任命。不是应该有一个异质证据在一起,因为他们没有很好的古桩,后。但没有空间的限制,如金钱,这意味着就没有指出最近的凯恩斯回归和池持凯恩斯 gt The simultaneous ku it is it is not possible if is economics from the reason which is different “the hand where God is not visible” With basis The reason that to it leaves “the hand where God is not visible” with it goes well gt expression in freedom Unless there must be a basis but The simultaneous ku it is it is not possible it goes well it is not the reason that Sutra Although the monetary restriction like the territory does not exist bringing up the Keynes revolution of Keynes and recent years the meaning of being meaningless
                                  • “什么之一埃扎鲁,在言论自由”上帝之手“的改革工作和作出任命。毫无根据“信息分离,增加多样性,就像现代社会的”不同的价值观共存,认为,虽然有类似的描述所有你所引述我那么多的经济利益由于市场没有货币问题代表 The reason that to it leaves “the hand where God is not visible” with it goes well gt no one expression in freedom There is no basis “Separation of information enlargement of variety and coexistence of the various senses of value in modern society” you call Although there is a merit which is similar to economic field As my less which you quote has expressed monetary problem does not exist in the expression market
                                  • “如果你不能异质与经济”埃扎鲁在上帝之手“澳U和分歧。理由是言论自由“,”上帝之手在埃扎鲁“改革工作和作出任命。不是应该有一个异质证据在一起,因为他们没有很好的古桩,后。但没有空间的限制,如金钱,这意味着就没有指出最近的凯恩斯回归和池持凯恩斯 gt The simultaneous ku it is it is not possible if is economics from the reason which is different “the hand where God is not visible” With basis The reason that to it leaves “the hand where God is not visible” with it goes well gt expression in freedom Unless there must be a basis but The simultaneous ku it is it is not possible it goes well it is not the reason that Sutra Although the monetary restriction like the territory does not exist bringing up the Keynes revolution of Keynes and recent years the meaning of being meaningless
                                  • 什么是真正的经济专家? “如果你要区分言论自由的”上帝之手在埃扎鲁“有责任与”澳。如果没有理由不,您以前的声明,他们在埃扎鲁的“上帝之手”理论“是没有关系的柯 Being truly economics special If gt it should distinguish you say that to it leaves “the hand where God is not visible” with it goes well expression in freedom gt Reason There must be a basis but as for you having written theory “of the hand where God is not visible” gt With just without being relationship
                                  • 如果你不能异质一起上帝之手“澳U和分歧经济”埃扎鲁。言论自由在地上“在埃扎鲁上帝之手”与任命为澳人。应该有证据,并没有解释 The simultaneous ku it is it is not possible if is economics from the reason which is different “the hand where God is not visible” With basis The reason that to it leaves “the hand where God is not visible” with it goes well expression in freedom Unless there must be a basis but You have not explained that
                                  • 您应该区分言论自由的“上帝之手在埃扎鲁”改革工作和作出任命。如果没有理由不,您以前的声明,他们在埃扎鲁一“上帝之手”无关论的科 If it should distinguish you say that to it leaves “the hand where God is not visible” with it goes well expression in freedom Reason There must be a basis but as for you having written theory “of the hand where God is not visible” With just without being relationship

                                • “老学校的动画,而不是真人版Harenchi ll让家长看到图案戏,因为我当时是小学女童裤子轮 gt harenchi school Instead of animation Former times photograph taken on the spot edition do with TV w Underpants completely visible drama of schoolgirl Because at that time it was the elementary school student the parent was not shown
                                  • 日本漫画的黄金时代时,看到了一代人在现实生活中学校Watta人Harenchi决赛 The generation who being real raw looked at harenchi school That time it ended the Japanese cartoon golden period

                                • “过渡到凯恩斯经济学从古典经济学从牛顿力学”量子力学“和一个共同的过渡
                                  “From classical economics it is in common with the movement to Keynes economics and to the movement “of quantum mechanics from the newtonian mechanics”

                                  • いくら 2 ちゃんで 汚 い 言葉 で 罵倒 しようとも個人的 に 金輪際自民 を 支持 することはありませんよふざけるなこの 件 だけじゃなく 小泉 の 医療制度改悪 のせいで 、 うちの 地元基幹病院 にも研修医 こなくなっ宋本地区,也尝试了一些东西二郎茂木负责,必须关闭,古无产科
                                    With some 2 you will denounce in dirty word also Private gold wheel occasion, there are no times when our people are supported You act playfully There is no just this case, with consequence of Koizumi's medical system deterioration, even in the local basic hospital inside Study medicine stopping coming, obstetrics closing it is intimate [shinjiro] whatever starting shouldering, grudge of the district is not gone

                                    • チャンピオン RED チャンピオン RED とうるさい 輩 が 多 いけど 、 それはその 雑誌 だけ 個別 に 対処 すればいい 問題 だろう編集部 に 直談判 に 行 くなり 、 署名集 めるなりして何 で チャンピオン RED が ダメ だから 、 全我什么都将四郎漫画书燃烧?
                                      However champion RED champion RED the noisy 輩 is many, if that should have coped just that magazine individually problem probably is It goes to direct negotiation in the editorial staff either, signature you gather or doing Therefore with something champion RED useless, it becomes all the cartoon 焚 book margin [tsu] [te], it is?

                                      • ・ 東京都 が 漫画 や アニメ の 児童 の 性行為描写 を 規制 するため 、 定例議会 に 提出 した青少年健全育成条例 の 改正案 に 対 し 、 漫画家 のちばてつやさんや 里中満智子 さん 、永井豪 さんらが15,参观了市政府提出上诉
                                        Because Tokyo regulates the sex description of the child of cartoon and animation, it submitted to the conventional national assembly Vis-a-vis the amendment plan of young people healthy rearing regulations, Chiba Tetsu of the cartoonist and Matiko Satonaka, Nagai and others on the 15th, it visited the Metropolitan Government Office greatly and appealed opposition

                                        • 一瞬 で 良 い モノ 臭 い モノ に 蓋 をするのは 簡単 だと 思 うけれど 、 ちょっとした 切 っ 掛 けで 一瞬 でもその 蓋 の 中 を 見 てしまった 時 、 抵抗力 の 無 い 人間 が 冷静 に 判断将伦恩呢? It is good being instant mono it smells and however you think that it is simple when little with the tsu applying looking in that cover ardently even at instant the human who does not have resistivity probably can judge that the mono cover is done calmly
                                          • 一瞬 で 良 い 方 に 判断出来 る 人 も 居 るかもしれないけれど 、 それは 大 きな 賭 けでもあると 思 う However perhaps also the person who can be judged in the one which is good being instant stays as for that you think that it is the big betting

                                        • 东京是一个条例在修订的健康青年发展有三个控E在1月,第一届和28名科方式结束,东京国立青年委员会“关于在社区青少年健康成长要扩大媒体说:“这是发布的报告 With Tokyo you refrain from the reform of young people healthy rearing regulations in March but directing to that 28th period Tokyo From youth problems conference “media society While spreading concerning health rearing of the young people” with the report which is said was announced
                                          • 东京是一个条例在修订的健康青年发展有三个控E在1月,第一届和28名科方式结束,东京国立青年委员会“关于在社区青少年健康成长要扩大媒体说:“这是发布的报告 With Tokyo you refrain from the reform of young people healthy rearing regulations in March but directing to that 28th period Tokyo From youth problems conference “media society While spreading concerning health rearing of the young people” with the report which is said was announced
                                          • 东京是一个条例在修订的健康青年发展有三个控E在1月,第一届和28名科方式结束,东京国立青年委员会“关于在社区青少年健康成长要扩大媒体说:“这是发布的报告 With Tokyo you refrain from the reform of young people healthy rearing regulations in March but directing to that 28th period Tokyo From youth problems conference “media society While spreading concerning health rearing of the young people” with the report which is said was announced
                                          • 东京是一个条例在修订的健康青年发展有三个控E在1月,第一届和28名科方式结束,东京国立青年委员会“关于在社区青少年健康成长要扩大媒体说:“这是发布的报告 With Tokyo you refrain from the reform of young people healthy rearing regulations in March but directing to that 28th period Tokyo From youth problems conference “media society While spreading concerning health rearing of the young people” with the report which is said was announced
                                          • 东京是一个条例在修订的健康青年发展有三个控E在1月,第一届和28名科方式结束,东京国立青年委员会“关于在社区青少年健康成长要扩大媒体说:“这是发布的报告 With Tokyo you refrain from the reform of young people healthy rearing regulations in March but directing to that 28th period Tokyo From youth problems conference “media society While spreading concerning health rearing of the young people” with the report which is said was announced
                                          • 东京是一个条例在修订的健康青年发展有三个控E在1月,第一届和28名科方式结束,东京国立青年委员会“关于在社区青少年健康成长要扩大媒体说:“这是发布的报告 With Tokyo you refrain from the reform of young people healthy rearing regulations in March but directing to that 28th period Tokyo From youth problems conference “media society While spreading concerning health rearing of the young people” with the report which is said was announced
                                          • 东京是一个条例在修订的健康青年发展有三个控E在1月,第一届和28名科方式结束,东京国立青年委员会“关于在社区青少年健康成长要扩大媒体说:“这是发布的报告 With Tokyo you refrain from the reform of young people healthy rearing regulations in March but directing to that 28th period Tokyo From youth problems conference “media society While spreading concerning health rearing of the young people” with the report which is said was announced
                                          • 东京是一个条例在修订的健康青年发展有三个控E在1月,第一届和28名科方式结束,东京国立青年委员会“关于在社区青少年健康成长要扩大媒体说:“这是发布的报告 With Tokyo you refrain from the reform of young people healthy rearing regulations in March but directing to that 28th period Tokyo From youth problems conference “media society While spreading concerning health rearing of the young people” with the report which is said was announced
                                          • 东京是一个条例在修订的健康青年发展有三个控E在1月,第一届和28名科方式结束,东京国立青年委员会“关于在社区青少年健康成长要扩大媒体说:“这是发布的报告 With Tokyo you refrain from the reform of young people healthy rearing regulations in March but directing to that 28th period Tokyo From youth problems conference “media society While spreading concerning health rearing of the young people” with the report which is said was announced
                                          • 东京是一个条例在修订的健康青年发展有三个控E在1月,第一届和28名科方式结束,东京国立青年委员会“关于在社区青少年健康成长要扩大媒体说:“这是发布的报告 With Tokyo you refrain from the reform of young people healthy rearing regulations in March but directing to that 28th period Tokyo From youth problems conference “media society While spreading concerning health rearing of the young people” with the report which is said was announced
                                          • 东京是一个条例在修订的健康青年发展有三个控E在1月,第一届和28名科方式结束,东京国立青年委员会“关于在社区青少年健康成长要扩大媒体说:“这是发布的报告 With Tokyo you refrain from the reform of young people healthy rearing regulations in March but directing to that 28th period Tokyo From youth problems conference “media society While spreading concerning health rearing of the young people” with the report which is said was announced
                                          • 东京是一个条例在修订的健康青年发展有三个控E在1月,第一届和28名科方式结束,东京国立青年委员会“关于在社区青少年健康成长要扩大媒体说:“这是发布的报告 With Tokyo you refrain from the reform of young people healthy rearing regulations in March but directing to that 28th period Tokyo From youth problems conference “media society While spreading concerning health rearing of the young people” with the report which is said was announced
                                          • 东京是一个条例在修订的健康青年发展有三个控E在1月,第一届和28名科方式结束,东京国立青年委员会“关于在社区青少年健康成长要扩大媒体说:“这是发布的报告 With Tokyo you refrain from the reform of young people healthy rearing regulations in March but directing to that 28th period Tokyo From youth problems conference “media society While spreading concerning health rearing of the young people” with the report which is said was announced

                                        • 临调控对手障碍,残疾和大脑2通道,这句话是,拟订多信息流,古发送到稳定剂的校规 Regulation group the physically disabled person and the brain handicapped person speaking group of objectors Because of this in order for regulation group cooling off even in 2ch when the operative is being sent mainly information is flowing
                                          • 临调控对手障碍,残疾和大脑2通道,这句话是,拟订多信息流,古发送到稳定剂的校规 Regulation group the physically disabled person and the brain handicapped person speaking group of objectors Because of this in order for regulation group cooling off even in 2ch when the operative is being sent mainly information is flowing
                                          • 临调控对手障碍,残疾和大脑2通道,这句话是,拟订多信息流,古发送到稳定剂的校规 Regulation group the physically disabled person and the brain handicapped person speaking group of objectors Because of this in order for regulation group cooling off even in 2ch when the operative is being sent mainly information is flowing
                                          • 临调控对手障碍,残疾和大脑2通道,这句话是,拟订多信息流,古发送到稳定剂的校规 Regulation group the physically disabled person and the brain handicapped person speaking group of objectors Because of this in order for regulation group cooling off even in 2ch when the operative is being sent mainly information is flowing
                                          • 临调控对手障碍,残疾和大脑2通道,这句话是,拟订多信息流,古发送到稳定剂的校规 Regulation group the physically disabled person and the brain handicapped person speaking group of objectors Because of this in order for regulation group cooling off even in 2ch when the operative is being sent mainly information is flowing
                                          • 临调控对手障碍,残疾和大脑2通道,这句话是,拟订多信息流,古发送到稳定剂的校规 Regulation group the physically disabled person and the brain handicapped person speaking group of objectors Because of this in order for regulation group cooling off even in 2ch when the operative is being sent mainly information is flowing
                                          • 临调控对手障碍,残疾和大脑2通道,这句话是,拟订多信息流,古发送到稳定剂的校规 Regulation group the physically disabled person and the brain handicapped person speaking group of objectors Because of this in order for regulation group cooling off even in 2ch when the operative is being sent mainly information is flowing
                                          • 临调控对手障碍,残疾和大脑2通道,这句话是,拟订多信息流,古发送到稳定剂的校规 Regulation group the physically disabled person and the brain handicapped person speaking group of objectors Because of this in order for regulation group cooling off even in 2ch when the operative is being sent mainly information is flowing
                                          • 临调控对手障碍,残疾和大脑2通道,这句话是,拟订多信息流,古发送到稳定剂的校规 Regulation group the physically disabled person and the brain handicapped person speaking group of objectors Because of this in order for regulation group cooling off even in 2ch when the operative is being sent mainly information is flowing
                                          • 临调控对手障碍,残疾和大脑2通道,这句话是,拟订多信息流,古发送到稳定剂的校规 Regulation group the physically disabled person and the brain handicapped person speaking group of objectors Because of this in order for regulation group cooling off even in 2ch when the operative is being sent mainly information is flowing
                                          • 临调控对手障碍,残疾和大脑2通道,这句话是,拟订多信息流,古发送到稳定剂的校规 Regulation group the physically disabled person and the brain handicapped person speaking group of objectors Because of this in order for regulation group cooling off even in 2ch when the operative is being sent mainly information is flowing
                                          • 临调控对手障碍,残疾和大脑2通道,这句话是,拟订多信息流,古发送到稳定剂的校规 Regulation group the physically disabled person and the brain handicapped person speaking group of objectors Because of this in order for regulation group cooling off even in 2ch when the operative is being sent mainly information is flowing
                                          • 临调控对手障碍,残疾和大脑2通道,这句话是,拟订多信息流,古发送到稳定剂的校规 Regulation group the physically disabled person and the brain handicapped person speaking group of objectors Because of this in order for regulation group cooling off even in 2ch when the operative is being sent mainly information is flowing

                                        • 为取得的表达自由和民主社会的目的,但那些最应受到尊重的目的,以保护儿童色情制品的社会需求是绘图它们代表薄
                                          But as for freedom of expression with respect to the object which assures the actualization of democratic society, the maximum those which it should respect, With respect to the object, the social request which protects the drawing expression of the young child pornography is thin

                                          • 事实上的“人权法”反&#8203;对! ! [委员会成员街头广告上院&#8203;馆前]
                                            “Human rights relief method” of control of speech method counter & #8203; Opposite! ! Street advertisement

                                            • 人权与想像的事情,不自律“或亲调控主张书店Naijan Wakaran的好处,即使在E无论是不可能的,我们不能开工 Independence regulating there are no human rights in imaginative ones” With as for the regulation group of supporters which you insist even in the first place that not being possible is from the wa to be able to combine Even there is no merit it is in the bookstore
                                              • 人权漫画家也意想不到的事情,或者无法正确表达它的出版,甚至也没有多少或自我调节 Whether being human rights in imaginative ones the cartoonist and publisher side that is stated as securely unless whether self restriction about which it does it is not
                                              • 如果Dounimo Nakutsu天线,并说,如果是的人权,这是最好的,如果我已经在图片中,如果他们能够万世 The antenna how does not become and the tsu te human rights human rights says when it is If it completes with the picture that is best it is
                                              • 问问他们从报章的健康证明书,没有人权判断想象,我会写,直到容易与校规克 If possible judging it is not human rights in imaginative ones because you make the guarantee push that You take advantage to regulation group simply it is

                                            • 人类的人权有关的犯罪案件在日本,有利于人的权利的所谓的嘈杂,减刑的削弱能力,甚至只有说谎,暴力犯罪的犯罪的律师,以及目前的状态被宣告无罪
                                              In addition, as for the human rights-related criminal procedure in Japan, Because the attorneys of generally known human rights group are noisy, Mind 耗 weakness it just lies with even brutal crime offense The fact that it is reduced penalty and innocence is present condition

                                              • 伦恩确定了106耐寒非人类的时候?在心理学理论有你跑,看志位新茹 106 The time it probably can judge the human who does not have resistivity calmly When with psychology in you you look at new ones it is the theory which drives recklessly or is
                                                • 孩子们看见没有,因为他们是肮脏的,你不会失去抵抗方面当他们看到了一个没有污染的东西作为成年人不可阻挡 Becoming the adult by it tries not to showing dirty ones to the child to be compulsory it viewed dirty ones to The time probably there is no side there is no resistivity

                                              • 但是上帝的概念是留给了古色浓社会科学,经济学和要求,和学习表明,熊彼特托马斯阿奎那,从预经济学的经济时期,社会利用的余额不问神什么解释了一个历史事实 However concept of the God which in social sciences color densely is left Schumpeter calls tomasu akuinasu economics and custom is from economics of pre economics age Without using God social balance is explained passing as for one study historical fact
                                                • 这是好的呢?尽管这场危机的形势下,在各种互相对立的老将,如果同一监管的反对,对我来说是“荒谬的”,是从 It is to call it is not with that Although you say that it is such a crisis situation being antagonistic in the same regulation group of objectors for we the empty “it does not become story”

                                              • 但是,在506,请出图片的第一个不存在的青年,因为我要保护的非权利存在的青年一休和尚的愚蠢大约一小时后你!徒步旅行,那瓦特,只说的话,我疯了一样津市瓦特,大家说,他的意思是说这是不完全顿珍汉 506 That comparatively to before about your one hour However one 休 well Because we would like to protect the right of the non existence young people First please produce the non existence young people from the picture With only say it is empty na w Everyone saying the ru such a word w of the head strange wa But with completely the 頓 distinctiveness China the reason which said thing

                                                • 作为女子259现在,259真正将是太自私认证捕鱼一样腐烂 259 Temporarily as expected as the same decaying woman 259 It fishes and recognizes the wa … which Selfishness it passes
                                                  • 我来自日本的一些人说Chatta的已经到来了这种方式太,男人和女人无尽头部腐烂 Already the head it is in such wind and the tsu chi ya tsu is many people looking at the decaying woman from the ru The ze where the man and the woman the hen tie pass Japan and are

                                                • 僕 は 必 ずしも 犯罪抑止効果論 に 与 しないが 、人間 の 本能 に 関 わるものであるというのならなおさら 、 表現 によって 充足 させることにより 、抑止効果 が 発生 する 可能性 は 無視 できないものとなるだ蜡 I giving do not do always in crime control effective theory but You say that it is something which relates to the instinct of the human if is depending on the thing which is made to suffice all the more with expression As for the possibility the control effect occurring it probably becomes something which cannot be ignored

                                                  • 努只知道在同支持者和反对者的仇恨,如果你贴上标签粘贴标签上的支持者和反对者异常

                                                    • 吉卜力,甚至目标的头巾(有点曝光控制偶数),如果我通过了这个条例,闻浩对我这一个伟大的高度,它们可以表达和媒体中规定的最小是必要的 jiburi and turban shell inside object Even with little exposure regulation When this regulation approves the possibility expression and speech of being regulated is high even with small thing It is necessary to spread this problem to keep largely and in the opposite direction
                                                      • 吉卜力,甚至目标的头巾(有点曝光控制偶数),如果我通过了这个条例,闻浩对我这一个伟大的高度,它们可以表达和媒体中规定的最小是必要的 jiburi and turban shell inside object Even with little exposure regulation When this regulation approves the possibility expression and speech of being regulated is high even with small thing It is necessary to spread this problem to keep largely and in the opposite direction
                                                      • 吉卜力,甚至目标的头巾(有点曝光控制偶数),如果我通过了这个条例,闻浩对我这一个伟大的高度,它们可以表达和媒体中规定的最小是必要的 jiburi and turban shell inside object Even with little exposure regulation When this regulation approves the possibility expression and speech of being regulated is high even with small thing It is necessary to spread this problem to keep largely and in the opposite direction
                                                      • 吉卜力,甚至目标的头巾(有点曝光控制偶数),如果我通过了这个条例,闻浩对我这一个伟大的高度,它们可以表达和媒体中规定的最小是必要的 jiburi and turban shell inside object Even with little exposure regulation When this regulation approves the possibility expression and speech of being regulated is high even with small thing It is necessary to spread this problem to keep largely and in the opposite direction
                                                      • 吉卜力,甚至目标的头巾(有点曝光控制偶数),如果我通过了这个条例,闻浩对我这一个伟大的高度,它们可以表达和媒体中规定的最小是必要的 jiburi and turban shell inside object Even with little exposure regulation When this regulation approves the possibility expression and speech of being regulated is high even with small thing It is necessary to spread this problem to keep largely and in the opposite direction
                                                      • 吉卜力,甚至目标的头巾(有点曝光控制偶数),如果我通过了这个条例,闻浩对我这一个伟大的高度,它们可以表达和媒体中规定的最小是必要的 jiburi and turban shell inside object Even with little exposure regulation When this regulation approves the possibility expression and speech of being regulated is high even with small thing It is necessary to spread this problem to keep largely and in the opposite direction
                                                      • 吉卜力,甚至目标的头巾(有点曝光控制偶数),如果我通过了这个条例,闻浩对我这一个伟大的高度,它们可以表达和媒体中规定的最小是必要的 jiburi and turban shell inside object Even with little exposure regulation When this regulation approves the possibility expression and speech of being regulated is high even with small thing It is necessary to spread this problem to keep largely and in the opposite direction
                                                      • 吉卜力,甚至目标的头巾(有点曝光控制偶数),如果我通过了这个条例,闻浩对我这一个伟大的高度,它们可以表达和媒体中规定的最小是必要的 jiburi and turban shell inside object Even with little exposure regulation When this regulation approves the possibility expression and speech of being regulated is high even with small thing It is necessary to spread this problem to keep largely and in the opposite direction
                                                      • 吉卜力,甚至目标的头巾(有点曝光控制偶数),如果我通过了这个条例,闻浩对我这一个伟大的高度,它们可以表达和媒体中规定的最小是必要的 jiburi and turban shell inside object Even with little exposure regulation When this regulation approves the possibility expression and speech of being regulated is high even with small thing It is necessary to spread this problem to keep largely and in the opposite direction
                                                      • 吉卜力,甚至目标的头巾(有点曝光控制偶数),如果我通过了这个条例,闻浩对我这一个伟大的高度,它们可以表达和媒体中规定的最小是必要的 jiburi and turban shell inside object Even with little exposure regulation When this regulation approves the possibility expression and speech of being regulated is high even with small thing It is necessary to spread this problem to keep largely and in the opposite direction
                                                      • 吉卜力,甚至目标的头巾(有点曝光控制偶数),如果我通过了这个条例,闻浩对我这一个伟大的高度,它们可以表达和媒体中规定的最小是必要的 jiburi and turban shell inside object Even with little exposure regulation When this regulation approves the possibility expression and speech of being regulated is high even with small thing It is necessary to spread this problem to keep largely and in the opposite direction
                                                      • 吉卜力,甚至目标的头巾(有点曝光控制偶数),如果我通过了这个条例,闻浩对我这一个伟大的高度,它们可以表达和媒体中规定的最小是必要的 jiburi and turban shell inside object Even with little exposure regulation When this regulation approves the possibility expression and speech of being regulated is high even with small thing It is necessary to spread this problem to keep largely and in the opposite direction
                                                      • 吉卜力,甚至目标的头巾(有点曝光控制偶数),如果我通过了这个条例,闻浩对我这一个伟大的高度,它们可以表达和媒体中规定的最小是必要的 jiburi and turban shell inside object Even with little exposure regulation When this regulation approves the possibility expression and speech of being regulated is high even with small thing It is necessary to spread this problem to keep largely and in the opposite direction

                                                    • 周一编制08月07日在“调查和审判的主要问题检察官”是不充分考虑证词的可信度,▽扮回联络损伤的客观证据,▽部队需要巨大的努力和调查姿势被发现在质量低劣和数量调查的事项,但作为主席
                                                      The highest inspection collected in August of 07, as for “the main problematical point of investigation and the trial”, Examination of confidence characteristic of testimony the insufficiency, supporting the ▽ objective evidence is scanty, although it is ▽ great labor and the thing plan which requires investigation power Both mass it was the investigation attitude which unfavorable comparison does, and so on with it summarized

                                                      • 嗯,不首先在现实看,很多人说这是不是把传入的第一次看到它,但我知道,当然我只是在这看 The ma you cannot stare actuality staring the human whom that it does not try to accept saying the multi as for thing This sure you just see it is understood
                                                        • 嗯,不首先在现实看,很多人说这是不是把传入的第一次看到它,但我知道,当然我只是在这看 The ma you cannot stare actuality staring the human whom that it does not try to accept saying the multi as for thing This sure you just see it is understood

                                                      • 嗯,我读了记录,在过去来到现在(我对玉的乐趣,Binikitadakedakaradoudemoiindaga Netouyo和Netosayo瓦特的)这个时候,“上帝之手看到埃扎鲁”,或说他们是苏内,而且我觉得是否真正,那个“比喻为”一个比喻,如果比喻或没有你也不要抱怨某事,除非你在这个故事首先,只是需要更多的解释,“神看着埃扎鲁手“这一概念本身,我指的是广泛的,如果您使用伐丽流史密斯年龄,哦,我们仍 Well now past the log was read but Therefore we just came to play in order to tease netouyo and netosayo but how it is to call w Now “the hand where God is not visible” as for proposing that you think as expected we how But don t you think if that “figure of speech” being the case that it does not have many complaints separately If figure of speech in a sufficient story that with figure of speech additional explanation becomes necessary In the first place the tsu which is concept itself and the width “hand where God is not visible” It is used in Smith s day when and furthermore presently being able to meet when you use at all connotation You think that it changes but Therefore it has been shaken with say rather truly still story what of the times when “God” has lived
                                                        • 这是一个738应让埃扎鲁的上帝之手“埃扎鲁见上帝之手”的人谁相信,1987年或10月19日作为的事件发生在太阳的地方模式转变是通过?但不能从无知或反驳? 738 That should entrust to the hand where God is not visible In the occurrence where the party who believes “the hand where God is not visible” rose on 1987 October 19th How as for through whether the paradigm it shifted Or therefore ignorance you cannot refute

                                                      • 因此,它关系到社会科学,是否确好,今天是一个自由主义的罗蒂迹象表示,是受电子能亲到理论的力量,同时也间接通过该福柯,在那里大我想我会来,不会影响 NULL
                                                        • 首先,在思想史,处理与社会科学问题,如阶段,看看尼采仍然有些异端说,你有力量Janakarou In the first place when handling the idea historical problem regarding social sciences As for looking at Nietzsche as end you call just a little heresy or there is an excessiveness it is it probably won t be

                                                      • 在一个民主社会“,或如何”“什么是真理或”只有从确保自由选择的过程中,与所有其他经济自由,表达自由是一种特权地位义近的位置不 In democracy society “how it does ” “something truth ” because it is free guarantees the process which is selected very In comparison with economic freedom etc freedom of expression is the case that it has been given privilege position

                                                        • 在国民议会开幕之日起18日,他们重新碧已提交由自民党国会议员的儿童色情法的修订 In the ordinary diet session which on the one hand is opened from 18 days from Liberal Democratic Party Assemblyman amendment plan of child pornographic regulation law The pattern which again is submitted
                                                          • 在国民议会开幕之日起18日,他们重新碧已提交由自民党国会议员的儿童色情法的修订 In the ordinary diet session which on the one hand is opened from 18 days from Liberal Democratic Party Assemblyman amendment plan of child pornographic regulation law The pattern which again is submitted
                                                          • 在国民议会开幕之日起18日,他们重新碧已提交由自民党国会议员的儿童色情法的修订 In the ordinary diet session which on the one hand is opened from 18 days from Liberal Democratic Party Assemblyman amendment plan of child pornographic regulation law The pattern which again is submitted
                                                          • 在国民议会开幕之日起18日,他们重新碧已提交由自民党国会议员的儿童色情法的修订 In the ordinary diet session which on the one hand is opened from 18 days from Liberal Democratic Party Assemblyman amendment plan of child pornographic regulation law The pattern which again is submitted
                                                          • 在国民议会开幕之日起18日,他们重新碧已提交由自民党国会议员的儿童色情法的修订 In the ordinary diet session which on the one hand is opened from 18 days from Liberal Democratic Party Assemblyman amendment plan of child pornographic regulation law The pattern which again is submitted
                                                          • 在国民议会开幕之日起18日,他们重新碧已提交由自民党国会议员的儿童色情法的修订 In the ordinary diet session which on the one hand is opened from 18 days from Liberal Democratic Party Assemblyman amendment plan of child pornographic regulation law The pattern which again is submitted
                                                          • 在国民议会开幕之日起18日,他们重新碧已提交由自民党国会议员的儿童色情法的修订 In the ordinary diet session which on the one hand is opened from 18 days from Liberal Democratic Party Assemblyman amendment plan of child pornographic regulation law The pattern which again is submitted
                                                          • 在国民议会开幕之日起18日,他们重新碧已提交由自民党国会议员的儿童色情法的修订 In the ordinary diet session which on the one hand is opened from 18 days from Liberal Democratic Party Assemblyman amendment plan of child pornographic regulation law The pattern which again is submitted
                                                          • 在国民议会开幕之日起18日,他们重新碧已提交由自民党国会议员的儿童色情法的修订 In the ordinary diet session which on the one hand is opened from 18 days from Liberal Democratic Party Assemblyman amendment plan of child pornographic regulation law The pattern which again is submitted
                                                          • 在国民议会开幕之日起18日,他们重新碧已提交由自民党国会议员的儿童色情法的修订 In the ordinary diet session which on the one hand is opened from 18 days from Liberal Democratic Party Assemblyman amendment plan of child pornographic regulation law The pattern which again is submitted
                                                          • 在国民议会开幕之日起18日,他们重新碧已提交由自民党国会议员的儿童色情法的修订 In the ordinary diet session which on the one hand is opened from 18 days from Liberal Democratic Party Assemblyman amendment plan of child pornographic regulation law The pattern which again is submitted
                                                          • 在国民议会开幕之日起18日,他们重新碧已提交由自民党国会议员的儿童色情法的修订 In the ordinary diet session which on the one hand is opened from 18 days from Liberal Democratic Party Assemblyman amendment plan of child pornographic regulation law The pattern which again is submitted
                                                          • 在国民议会开幕之日起18日,他们重新碧已提交由自民党国会议员的儿童色情法的修订 In the ordinary diet session which on the one hand is opened from 18 days from Liberal Democratic Party Assemblyman amendment plan of child pornographic regulation law The pattern which again is submitted

                                                        • 在我是很危险的法例规管,但突然不能同意的漫画家是反对知道情况如何,你已经到什么程度,我们要什么为什么要我,我要说的是,清楚地表明, It is regulated in we mark However concerning very you cannot approve abruptly dangerous regulations As for the cartoonist who is opposite how recognizing present condition how doing until now That don t you think we want showing clearly to say whether and how we should do from this
                                                          • 民主党众议员,国会谁的激烈反对,该条例规定华伦天奴漫画,这在文章中出现投诉 Democracy capital discussion appealing opposition to cartoon regulation regulations the national assembly became complicated With it had appeared in the article
                                                          • 语音,电影,电视,戏剧,小说,游戏,语音,条例和法规,是非常危险的,以及玩具有可能拒绝博闻所有部门 Voice and the movie also the television drama the novel the game speech and the toy etc are regulated in the same way They are very dangerous regulations it has the possibility all section atrophying largely
                                                          • 语音,电影,电视,戏剧,小说,游戏,语音,条例和法规,是非常危险的,以及玩具有可能拒绝博闻所有部门 Voice and the movie also the television drama the novel the game speech and the toy etc are regulated in the same way They are very dangerous regulations it has the possibility all section atrophying largely
                                                          • 语音,电影,电视,戏剧,小说,游戏,语音,条例和法规,是非常危险的,以及玩具有可能拒绝博闻所有部门 Voice and the movie also the television drama the novel the game speech and the toy etc are regulated in the same way They are very dangerous regulations it has the possibility all section atrophying largely
                                                          • 语音,电影,电视,戏剧,小说,游戏,语音,条例和法规,是非常危险的,以及玩具有可能拒绝博闻所有部门 Voice and the movie also the television drama the novel the game speech and the toy etc are regulated in the same way They are very dangerous regulations it has the possibility all section atrophying largely
                                                          • 语音,电影,电视,戏剧,小说,游戏,语音,条例和法规,是非常危险的,以及玩具有可能拒绝博闻所有部门 Voice and the movie also the television drama the novel the game speech and the toy etc are regulated in the same way They are very dangerous regulations it has the possibility all section atrophying largely
                                                          • 语音,电影,电视,戏剧,小说,游戏,语音,条例和法规,是非常危险的,以及玩具有可能拒绝博闻所有部门 Voice and the movie also the television drama the novel the game speech and the toy etc are regulated in the same way They are very dangerous regulations it has the possibility all section atrophying largely
                                                          • 语音,电影,电视,戏剧,小说,游戏,语音,条例和法规,是非常危险的,以及玩具有可能拒绝博闻所有部门 Voice and the movie also the television drama the novel the game speech and the toy etc are regulated in the same way They are very dangerous regulations it has the possibility all section atrophying largely
                                                          • 语音,电影,电视,戏剧,小说,游戏,语音,条例和法规,是非常危险的,以及玩具有可能拒绝博闻所有部门 Voice and the movie also the television drama the novel the game speech and the toy etc are regulated in the same way They are very dangerous regulations it has the possibility all section atrophying largely
                                                          • 语音,电影,电视,戏剧,小说,游戏,语音,条例和法规,是非常危险的,以及玩具有可能拒绝博闻所有部门 Voice and the movie also the television drama the novel the game speech and the toy etc are regulated in the same way They are very dangerous regulations it has the possibility all section atrophying largely
                                                          • 语音,电影,电视,戏剧,小说,游戏,语音,条例和法规,是非常危险的,以及玩具有可能拒绝博闻所有部门 Voice and the movie also the television drama the novel the game speech and the toy etc are regulated in the same way They are very dangerous regulations it has the possibility all section atrophying largely
                                                          • 语音,电影,电视,戏剧,小说,游戏,语音,条例和法规,是非常危险的,以及玩具有可能拒绝博闻所有部门 Voice and the movie also the television drama the novel the game speech and the toy etc are regulated in the same way They are very dangerous regulations it has the possibility all section atrophying largely
                                                          • 语音,电影,电视,戏剧,小说,游戏,语音,条例和法规,是非常危险的,以及玩具有可能拒绝博闻所有部门 Voice and the movie also the television drama the novel the game speech and the toy etc are regulated in the same way They are very dangerous regulations it has the possibility all section atrophying largely
                                                          • 语音,电影,电视,戏剧,小说,游戏,语音,条例和法规,是非常危险的,以及玩具有可能拒绝博闻所有部门 Voice and the movie also the television drama the novel the game speech and the toy etc are regulated in the same way They are very dangerous regulations it has the possibility all section atrophying largely

                                                        • 在警方的官僚主义,expressman天下一,恶作剧的家伙有关的合法权益,别有用心的草刈我们离开市场的创造力
                                                          Even in the police bureaucracy, the party who relates to order exerted from above and legal right, turns the creative thing market to the mowing place, [yo] [u] [tsu] [te] secret design

                                                          • 在青睐,估计只有二进制梅鲁也没有感情,他们也文档的数据,这里是“现实”我只是想来碰撞 If group of supporters implements in only the emotional argument which the data or the data is not this just thrusts “actuality”
                                                            • 紫癜: kaito2198。blog43。FC2的。com 博客港 425。html的也许你的法规同意富野 ttp kaito2198 blog43 fc2 com blog entry 425 html As for Tomino whether in regulation approval don t you think

                                                          • 增加了法律,使“儿童色情物品”准Tetara这也是正在发生严重的地方通过额外的时间如果你有840人,涉及恶作剧之间的关系,人的创造性,特鲁山老脱亚是所有性罪犯塔詹 It may be added by that law it had become the “quasi child pornography” being added by maji being done even with approval the cod Now 840 It was the ru place it is to people and everyone characteristic offender who relate to the people places or the relationship of creation

                                                            • 壹岐也和你所要做的,但问题是很难有规范,是模棱两可,我认为问题出 Whether it does to keep too much having what although it is the problem which there has not criticized very There ambiguous way as for regulating tries probably to be irrelevant
                                                              • 壹岐也和你所要做的,但它是非常困难的问题,志位,法规仍然模糊,这一点我认为问题出 Whether it does to keep too much having what although it is the problem which there has not criticized very There ambiguous way as for regulating tries probably to be irrelevant

                                                            • 大约有这一规定,792在具体苏像手指?至于分区,例如,使人们能够选择自己的代表望穆,如果这种监管目的,而且也对如何才能自由市场 792 A certain regulation points to some kind of ones concretely For example like zoning try to be able to select the expression which the people desire by their If it is regulation of such object when making the market free even it is necessary thing
                                                              • 在18年后,维塔岁的设置看坏不到18年,并监管应以规范和语言Warere流行的漫画,动画,游戏 包括 NULL

                                                            • 如果你想更积极的原因,所有我可以在查明真相的价值,思想的自由市场,而且比任何其他有效的政治制度,它足以指出,这是合理的蜡 If you say that positive we want the reason indeed at the time of discovering the truth and the value The free market of idea being more efficient than other any political system at the same time if it points out that it is rational it probably is sufficient
                                                              • お 前 の 理屈 だと 、 真理 と 価値 の 発見 と 程遠 い 範囲 において 、 思想 の 自由 を 無秩序 に 保護 することから 生 じる 行 き 過 ぎた弊害 を 排除 できないと 言 ってるんだよ When it is your reason it occurs from the fact that freedom of idea is protected disorderedly in the range which is far with the discovery of truth and value it went too far Saying that the harmful influence cannot be removed the ru it is

                                                            • 如,并期待在其发生时提交的法案,以及简单的儿童色情非法藏有“漫画,动画和视频是使用一台计算机”是一个为规范的内容,以期进入那个 Bill when submitting When you see other than illegality conversion of the simplicity possession of the child pornography “cartoon and animation the computer Regulation to of the image which was drawn up of making use” in range of vision It has become the contents which you inserted
                                                              • 如,并期待在其发生时提交的法案,以及简单的儿童色情非法藏有“漫画,动画和视频是使用一台计算机”是一个为规范的内容,以期进入那个 Bill when submitting When you see other than illegality conversion of the simplicity possession of the child pornography “cartoon and animation the computer Regulation to of the image which was drawn up of making use” in range of vision It has become the contents which you inserted
                                                              • 如,并期待在其发生时提交的法案,以及简单的儿童色情非法藏有“漫画,动画和视频是使用一台计算机”是一个为规范的内容,以期进入那个 Bill when submitting When you see other than illegality conversion of the simplicity possession of the child pornography “cartoon and animation the computer Regulation to of the image which was drawn up of making use” in range of vision It has become the contents which you inserted
                                                              • 如,并期待在其发生时提交的法案,以及简单的儿童色情非法藏有“漫画,动画和视频是使用一台计算机”是一个为规范的内容,以期进入那个 Bill when submitting When you see other than illegality conversion of the simplicity possession of the child pornography “cartoon and animation the computer Regulation to of the image which was drawn up of making use” in range of vision It has become the contents which you inserted
                                                              • 如,并期待在其发生时提交的法案,以及简单的儿童色情非法藏有“漫画,动画和视频是使用一台计算机”是一个为规范的内容,以期进入那个 Bill when submitting When you see other than illegality conversion of the simplicity possession of the child pornography “cartoon and animation the computer Regulation to of the image which was drawn up of making use” in range of vision It has become the contents which you inserted
                                                              • 如,并期待在其发生时提交的法案,以及简单的儿童色情非法藏有“漫画,动画和视频是使用一台计算机”是一个为规范的内容,以期进入那个 Bill when submitting When you see other than illegality conversion of the simplicity possession of the child pornography “cartoon and animation the computer Regulation to of the image which was drawn up of making use” in range of vision It has become the contents which you inserted
                                                              • 如,并期待在其发生时提交的法案,以及简单的儿童色情非法藏有“漫画,动画和视频是使用一台计算机”是一个为规范的内容,以期进入那个 Bill when submitting When you see other than illegality conversion of the simplicity possession of the child pornography “cartoon and animation the computer Regulation to of the image which was drawn up of making use” in range of vision It has become the contents which you inserted
                                                              • 如,并期待在其发生时提交的法案,以及简单的儿童色情非法藏有“漫画,动画和视频是使用一台计算机”是一个为规范的内容,以期进入那个 Bill when submitting When you see other than illegality conversion of the simplicity possession of the child pornography “cartoon and animation the computer Regulation to of the image which was drawn up of making use” in range of vision It has become the contents which you inserted
                                                              • 如,并期待在其发生时提交的法案,以及简单的儿童色情非法藏有“漫画,动画和视频是使用一台计算机”是一个为规范的内容,以期进入那个 Bill when submitting When you see other than illegality conversion of the simplicity possession of the child pornography “cartoon and animation the computer Regulation to of the image which was drawn up of making use” in range of vision It has become the contents which you inserted
                                                              • 如,并期待在其发生时提交的法案,以及简单的儿童色情非法藏有“漫画,动画和视频是使用一台计算机”是一个为规范的内容,以期进入那个 Bill when submitting When you see other than illegality conversion of the simplicity possession of the child pornography “cartoon and animation the computer Regulation to of the image which was drawn up of making use” in range of vision It has become the contents which you inserted
                                                              • 如,并期待在其发生时提交的法案,以及简单的儿童色情非法藏有“漫画,动画和视频是使用一台计算机”是一个为规范的内容,以期进入那个 Bill when submitting When you see other than illegality conversion of the simplicity possession of the child pornography “cartoon and animation the computer Regulation to of the image which was drawn up of making use” in range of vision It has become the contents which you inserted
                                                              • 如,并期待在其发生时提交的法案,以及简单的儿童色情非法藏有“漫画,动画和视频是使用一台计算机”是一个为规范的内容,以期进入那个 Bill when submitting When you see other than illegality conversion of the simplicity possession of the child pornography “cartoon and animation the computer Regulation to of the image which was drawn up of making use” in range of vision It has become the contents which you inserted
                                                              • 如,并期待在其发生时提交的法案,以及简单的儿童色情非法藏有“漫画,动画和视频是使用一台计算机”是一个为规范的内容,以期进入那个 Bill when submitting When you see other than illegality conversion of the simplicity possession of the child pornography “cartoon and animation the computer Regulation to of the image which was drawn up of making use” in range of vision It has become the contents which you inserted

                                                            • 差异和Unka 950面包超人没有用吗?我吃你的身体和所有的东西或做 950 Also the un pan man is different from useless it is Eating with being my body the ru it does
                                                              • 952“我向你保证,我应该像协会,并做得空或扮确 952 gt Promise of academic society becoming like however the ru when you do too much it is vain Certainly

                                                            • 市场已经得到了表达自由,如果你否认决策效率,决策和价值观的真相,因为没有任何东西,即使是从执政党当时,经济学家的理论,选择了一个模式转变骂积极,考虑什么是维塔? When you have the free market of expression deciding truth and sense of value if it is to deny performance In many reasons the administration political party of that time compared to theory of the economic scholar who selects paradigm shift was correct With you probably will think
                                                              • 正如在821写的,在自由市场的效率哈耶克,谁辩称,逻辑也属于这一思想的自由市场仍然 821 As so written haieku and others discussed performance logic of the free market which It is applicable to also the free market of idea that way

                                                            • 德鲁或便利店,首先我从伊罗曼加和我可能是外来的入侵和淫秽书籍,在古这么多线我只是日本妇女和儿童问题 In the first place konbini although the woman and the child go the large quantity So the ero book appeals and or attacks and or with eromanga which can become the object reads and any ru are just Japan
                                                              • 我认为这是一个很糟糕的感觉,我看到德鲁伊罗曼加我可能成为袭击的目标,并输入你正在看自己从一名男子 If you see from the man by himself appeals and or attacks and or with eromanga which can become the object reads and thinks that it is the hateful feeling the ru way

                                                            • 您好!极右派奥拉!奥拉是来争取极左Roripedo今天在网络上消灭家伙!我需要你们的支持和条例的修订青少年健康发展的通道,东京是自由民主党和ORA每个人都渴望! otsusu The ora extreme right As for ora the ze to which also today with the net fights for extreme left roripedo guy eradication Approval of young people healthy rearing regulations amendment plan of Tokyo where also everyone is earnest wish of ora and the Liberal Democratic Party To support
                                                              • 您好!极右派奥拉!奥拉是来争取极左Roripedo今天在网络上消灭家伙!我需要你们的支持和条例的修订青少年健康发展的通道,东京是自由民主党和ORA每个人都渴望! otsusu The ora extreme right As for ora the ze to which also today with the net fights for extreme left roripedo guy eradication Approval of young people healthy rearing regulations amendment plan of Tokyo where also everyone is earnest wish of ora and the Liberal Democratic Party To support
                                                              • 您好!极右派奥拉!奥拉是来争取极左Roripedo今天在网络上消灭家伙!我需要你们的支持和条例的修订青少年健康发展的通道,东京是自由民主党和ORA每个人都渴望! otsusu The ora extreme right As for ora the ze to which also today with the net fights for extreme left roripedo guy eradication Approval of young people healthy rearing regulations amendment plan of Tokyo where also everyone is earnest wish of ora and the Liberal Democratic Party To support

                                                            • 我津苏Kimowota到儿童发现维塔毕及成人世界的流动性表现演员表面上是虚构人物! “
                                                              The sexual expression to which the overhead character and adult actress are visible in the child on the external form is let flow to society [kimowota] [me] [tsu]! ”

                                                              • 我说了很多次,我很关心的是,你的意思是什么漫画家的抱怨说,他们已成为问题的代表性和远志 However you call many degrees we becoming matter of concern becomes problem is far with the expression which the cartoonist who The tsu lever which says complaint
                                                                • 这一次漫画家,我觉得应该做的事情ü前做盲目地说,压制言论自由,但也反映了发行 Don t you think you think that this time reflecting also the cartoonist and publisher side before it is control of speech thoughtlessly doing we should do

                                                              • 明年夏天696科米现在,同人志小说的色情漫画版忠实,石原慎太郎,罚款是地段好,“都知事石原慎太郎,原来的”样本柯分钟的专利使用费和杂志及书籍封面他们的价值市政府派往前线的踢
                                                                696 Following summer with [komi], to cartoon converts Sintarou's Ishihara novel temporarily faithfully the [ero] member magazine which, the large quantity is put out the one which calling Properly “the original Writing on the Ishihara Sintarou” [tsu] [te] cover And you see and send this journal and royalty suitable share to the Metropolitan Government Office and attach

                                                                • 暴力杰克『余』,但Zuko的一把刀头骨,有人好脾气的图标!余Dopyu眼睛球这是真实的图标

                                                                  • 曾陶伊已成为众所周知的,在日本,我看色情或不伤害美国人,如果错误地看到脸红碗或海鲜餐厅颜射,SM调教仪系统,是把主人的奴隶时,到微笑第一次
                                                                    Also ZENTAI is becoming famous Visiting Japan, the [bu] [tsu] applying sea bright/fresh bowl seeing at the restaurant, when the damage person who blushes it is, the pornography you see not to be wrong America, as for BDSM system the way of the step loyal retainer who master and the slave inserts the smiling face lastly

                                                                    • 本条所要求的家长直升机家长组,并且采取了色情Jijii从来没有这样的漫画与一些新的Yonda它
                                                                      In brief Also [jijii] PTA and cartoon of the monster parent group you have not read That and such an obscene novel it puts out, solving, this regulation

                                                                      • 杉田的东西,例如亚洲浆纸714,在他的书,而我提出的是,代表色情暴力心理实验的结果,反对派从没有强有力的证据,我
                                                                        714 For example as for cedar rice field something of APP, in book, The pornography awakens cruel characteristic, however the result of the psychological experiment that is presented, Because almost there is no firm basis like group of objectors don't you think?

                                                                        • 条例色情男subvirile→→→在日本的出生率下降推翻他在外国↓→→大家伙增加一半日本家伙。 Anarugabagaba↓→我看到妇女下降到日本忙理工大学和肛门之间的区别黄金或直肠病。
                                                                          [ero] regulation -> energetic decline of man -> furthermore little child conversion -> the Japanese fall ↓ After the foreigner it is [po] large participation -> half increase -> the Japanese man. Fall ↓ Japanese woman [anarugabagaba] -> anus course large it is busy The pouring gold of extent and the anus course which become?

                                                                          • 毕思想正交及我的资料,这种自由获得,出版,发行和自由有着密不可分的联系,认为必须有一个互补关系
                                                                            It seeks information and idea and as for the freedom which procures this, it must think, that freedom and the inside and outside of the publication and distribution etc just, there is a relationship of mutual compensation,

                                                                            • 民主党将派遣什么结论,第一,确定或不是?法案像往常一样,有责任禁止向未成年人销售的努力
                                                                              As for the Democratic party the conclusion advance shipment [tsu] [te], there is no OK? Amendment plan provides sort, effort obligation of sale prohibition to the minor until now,

                                                                              • 洛里202或没有幻想,他们没有看到现行条例的一些205?麻烦,即使没有这个概念,包括我表达什么“年龄”是一个严重的罪行受到性有害

                                                                                • 漫画503这样我的意思是不是18岁的青年漫画或O的东西吗?说我应该说所有的古无立法平均高皇帝远 503 tsu 18 prohibition it has become there is no such cartoon with youth cartoon tsu te thing Something present method regulation meaning nothing speaking completely becoming story the ru

                                                                                  • 漫画家教师管理的反对,冠军红知道它是什么,是否顾方舟棘壳的表达,等我从你想在整个说,草莓的事 As for cartoonist teachers of regulation group of objectors champion RED to be after the chi reading through don t you think mono we want saying Red shellfish ku pa a And so on expression is known combining
                                                                                    • 也就是说,如果不惭愧地承认,我绝不反对Ttena哥打将真正说,但有些人,当我进入 Speaking as expected saying densely it is it is not Admitting group of objectors if there are no times when you are ashamed however the person such as that it was it makes extent and the time it is
                                                                                    • 哇,×不同意,但我也反对的Ku○为你的形象,但也反对邪恶的古对手形象 It is the ya the failure Although × it is approved however there are also times when opposite image is made bad Although the ○ it is opposite however there are also times when image of group of objectors is made bad

                                                                                  • 点是这个问题的东西是含糊不清的内容管制标准,因此许多人谈论他们的逸邪恶或是否有耀西河内坎普目前的儿童没有讨论的东西最也 This time problem apparent the point where it is done The fact that content criteria regulation is ambiguous it means that argument has almost not done Whether present child po being good it is bad the human whom it tries probably to elude story is too multi
                                                                                    • 線引 きが 曖昧 だからなぁやりすぎなのは 、 ダメ だと 思 うもう 少 し 規制内容 の 詳細 だしてくれないとねぇ Therefore drawing ambiguity As for being doing too much you think that it is useless Already unless details of regulation contents it puts out a little don t you think the e

                                                                                  • 然后我说我想我900什么是香蕉共和国...的脖子。两人退休期间举行的,我只是不是叶德娴毕政策措施的东西迅速,子女免税额
                                                                                    900 The banana republic [tsu] [te] being said, therefore about the [ru]… Neck. Halfway resignation two time it was and, child treatment and high-speed free conversion simply flattery measure what? Policy the potato it is

                                                                                    • 然而,凯恩斯革命和范式转变伐丽流说,会杀死我们,但我这个人了持志经济学,实的任何东西,我知道他们,他们思什么 Simply when Keynes revolution is mentioned paradigm shift The a as for this person bringing up economics however the ru to tell the truth you do not know in what it is the shelf with you think
                                                                                      • 实际上,如果你在大学学习经济学,如与经济史和经济史异类,思恩达说,故事Raren思想 If economics was studied is at the university you think e g economic history and economics history are done the simultaneous ku are that it is to be thought it is story whether the te you say but it is ……

                                                                                    • 特别是与色情,正如该文件显示,而不是日益严重的犯罪,有报道说,甚至减少,而苏库辛斯基, Especially as cutin skiing dissertation shows in regard to the pornography Instead of it increases crime there is even the report that on the other hand it was made to decrease
                                                                                      • 偶像以及儿童色情制品,这是结论,认为应加强对漫画的限制 Among these it should strengthen regulation not only the child pornography and junior idling concerning cartoon With conclusion is put out
                                                                                      • 偶像以及儿童色情制品,这是结论,认为应加强对漫画的限制 Among these it should strengthen regulation not only the child pornography and junior idling concerning cartoon With conclusion is put out
                                                                                      • 偶像以及儿童色情制品,这是结论,认为应加强对漫画的限制 Among these it should strengthen regulation not only the child pornography and junior idling concerning cartoon With conclusion is put out
                                                                                      • 偶像以及儿童色情制品,这是结论,认为应加强对漫画的限制 Among these it should strengthen regulation not only the child pornography and junior idling concerning cartoon With conclusion is put out
                                                                                      • 偶像以及儿童色情制品,这是结论,认为应加强对漫画的限制 Among these it should strengthen regulation not only the child pornography and junior idling concerning cartoon With conclusion is put out
                                                                                      • 偶像以及儿童色情制品,这是结论,认为应加强对漫画的限制 Among these it should strengthen regulation not only the child pornography and junior idling concerning cartoon With conclusion is put out
                                                                                      • 偶像以及儿童色情制品,这是结论,认为应加强对漫画的限制 Among these it should strengthen regulation not only the child pornography and junior idling concerning cartoon With conclusion is put out
                                                                                      • 偶像以及儿童色情制品,这是结论,认为应加强对漫画的限制 Among these it should strengthen regulation not only the child pornography and junior idling concerning cartoon With conclusion is put out
                                                                                      • 偶像以及儿童色情制品,这是结论,认为应加强对漫画的限制 Among these it should strengthen regulation not only the child pornography and junior idling concerning cartoon With conclusion is put out
                                                                                      • 偶像以及儿童色情制品,这是结论,认为应加强对漫画的限制 Among these it should strengthen regulation not only the child pornography and junior idling concerning cartoon With conclusion is put out
                                                                                      • 偶像以及儿童色情制品,这是结论,认为应加强对漫画的限制 Among these it should strengthen regulation not only the child pornography and junior idling concerning cartoon With conclusion is put out
                                                                                      • 偶像以及儿童色情制品,这是结论,认为应加强对漫画的限制 Among these it should strengthen regulation not only the child pornography and junior idling concerning cartoon With conclusion is put out
                                                                                      • 特别是与色情,正如该文件显示,而不是日益严重的犯罪,有报道说,甚至减少,而苏库辛斯基, Especially as cutin skiing dissertation shows in regard to the pornography Instead of it increases crime there is even the report that on the other hand it was made to decrease

                                                                                    • 犯罪 にならなければ 無害 だって 発想 は 都合 よすぎるな何度 も 書 くが 、 BL 漬 けで BL 脳 になるとウィーン 少年合唱団 で 性的虐待 があった ニュース が流 れても 、 そういう 女 の 子疼痛或损坏无法理解“哦萌”你在你的想象或 If it does not become crime even harmlessness conception is too lucky You write many degrees but when with the BL soaking it becomes the BL brain Has sexual abuse with the Vienna boy choir the news which Flowing pain of damage not be able to understand the girl such “It sprouts and” with imagines and the ro which is the chi ya u
                                                                                      • 211尖塔我看,我的分层知识津市即使无害,也可以同意,从家伙 211 Reading being accustomed the ru or that knowing even harmlessness in ru layer But you can agree upon it is with that …

                                                                                    • 私人放债人及警察降落伞利益吞噬老虎机“后,贿赂他们”雅高山(教授,前帝京记者),“烧蚀他们变坏弹子日本的骄傲支付金色降落伞
                                                                                      Pachinko right Order exerted from above of 貪 [ru] presentation loan trader and police “As for order exerted from above deferred payment of bribe” The pachinko which Takayama Tadayuki (the great professor original Teikyo journalist) “takes the pride of the Japanese and degrades

                                                                                      • 第7章第三,“和反对,年轻人的性刺激感受,并鼓励残暴,和自我。Shiku青年犯罪基因,这可能妨碍青少年健康成长什么是“积极的山lithography m他们进行犯罪
                                                                                        Third chapter seventh provision one “Vis-a-vis the young people, sexual feeling is stimulated, cruel characteristic is promoted, Or our. Or crime is induced, those which is a possibility healthy growth of the young people being obstructed” Drawing crime behavior affirmatively, don't you think? as for [ru] [mon] out

                                                                                        • 编号:Vb9xBOsp0编号:W52B / / 3P0一样,如什么是反对派帆船代理商的声音?我不反对,民主党显然是首位
                                                                                          ID: Vb9xBOsp0 ID: W52B//3P0 There is no annoyance something as such operative [tsu] [te] group of objectors? In the first place, the Democratic party does, clearly in the opposite direction, the [yo

                                                                                          • 自由都议会也是在这个时候是一票不能学习这样的(这两个东西宁愿集中在我这样一个很好的工具,以良好的间谍社会主义
                                                                                            The Metropolitan Assembly our people, with something and being this time, do not become either profit of such a one vote, (on the other hand the 2nd Japan Socialist Party operative It probably has stressed to the kind of substitute which becomes construction news item of the appearance

                                                                                            • 苏家伙了,但是他们出来说这样一个极端的例子,一个本能的欲望一双我可以反驳他,而不是本能,和博扎基问题,影响心理来自一个深刻的思想两极分化四环素配对的愿望和它的结论是不同的古 However the person who proposes such thorough argument is present you can refute that Vis a vis instinct desire size of the problem which comes from the fact that the idea which is inclined has an influence on deep state of mind Instinct conclusion differs with that for the desire which is not completely
                                                                                              • 反对的本能和欲望,并以搭配本能愿望和博扎基不是从出现的问题,影响了深刻的思想两极分化四环素心理学的结论是不同的古 Vis a vis instinct desire size of the problem which comes from the fact that the idea which is inclined has an influence on deep state of mind Instinct conclusion differs with that for the desire which is not completely

                                                                                            • 莫纳山本“与孩子光刻技术。早期古规定,在痛苦的妇女Kimoi日本人太色情的极端坏了。” Yamamoto mona “child characteristic drawing Regulating quickly as for the woman the Japanese of kimoi which is pain passes ero extremely already being hateful”
                                                                                              • 莫纳山本“与孩子光刻技术。早期古规定,在痛苦的妇女Kimoi日本人太极其色情”★2 Yamamoto mona “child characteristic drawing Regulating quickly as for the woman the Japanese of kimoi which is pain passes ero extremely already being hateful”

                                                                                            • 虽然隐藏的石原,石原试图通过性和暴力出版过小说的铁路被排除在调控,以保持小说书 NULL
                                                                                              • 虽然隐藏的石原,石原试图通过性和暴力出版过小说的铁路被排除在调控,以保持小说书 NULL
                                                                                              • 虽然隐藏的石原,石原试图通过性和暴力出版过小说的铁路被排除在调控,以保持小说书 NULL
                                                                                              • 虽然隐藏的石原,石原试图通过性和暴力出版过小说的铁路被排除在调控,以保持小说书 NULL
                                                                                              • 虽然隐藏的石原,石原试图通过性和暴力出版过小说的铁路被排除在调控,以保持小说书 NULL
                                                                                              • 虽然隐藏的石原,石原试图通过性和暴力出版过小说的铁路被排除在调控,以保持小说书 NULL
                                                                                              • 虽然隐藏的石原,石原试图通过性和暴力出版过小说的铁路被排除在调控,以保持小说书 NULL
                                                                                              • 虽然隐藏的石原,石原试图通过性和暴力出版过小说的铁路被排除在调控,以保持小说书 NULL
                                                                                              • 虽然隐藏的石原,石原试图通过性和暴力出版过小说的铁路被排除在调控,以保持小说书 NULL
                                                                                              • 虽然隐藏的石原,石原试图通过性和暴力出版过小说的铁路被排除在调控,以保持小说书 NULL
                                                                                              • 虽然隐藏的石原,石原试图通过性和暴力出版过小说的铁路被排除在调控,以保持小说书 NULL
                                                                                              • 虽然隐藏的石原,石原试图通过性和暴力出版过小说的铁路被排除在调控,以保持小说书 NULL
                                                                                              • 虽然隐藏的石原,石原试图通过性和暴力出版过小说的铁路被排除在调控,以保持小说书 NULL

                                                                                            • 表来到主师资水平郁金色情漫画,现在是没有自我说法并不令人信服
                                                                                              The master of [ero] cartoon of playing human teacher level appearing in the chart, unless oneself you insist, at all there is no persuasive power

                                                                                              • 表現 の 自由法 をつくって カルト をあきらめさせないと別 の 名前 でまたやるぜ規制派 で 名 を 売 ってる 議員 も カルト 票 の 後 ろ 盾 があるからいい 気 になっていられるわけだから Making the free method of expression unless you make the cult abandon The ze which with another name and is done Selling name in regulation group because ru Assemblyman there is a support of cult vote Therefore the reason where you can become the good air

                                                                                                • 褒Soyasa产品的目的是我享受gangbang强奸和谋杀等严重罪行外,市场占有率Sabukaru
                                                                                                  Brutal crime such as disjointed homicide rape multiple rape The commodity which intends the fact that it enjoys praises and the [so] and is done, The [sabukaru] market is possessed

                                                                                                  • 该运动的问题,代表自己的管理员,361005隆律师,由361005隆律师领导参加了活动,表达对公安情报局派,川浩一(Komiketto筹备委员会)的核心小组成员。谷善之(Komiketto筹备委员会),安田薰(Komiketto筹备委员会),英子米泽(Komiketto筹备委员会),额外的B寺庙的领导人的名字和人民Comiket双杆店铺疯子Comiket哦西经理乌(评论家)和知名人士组成的脸
                                                                                                    Yamaguchi your loyal retainer Attorney problem Typical agent himself of this motion, Public peace investigation agency the affiliated group of core group participates in the motion which is stated clearly The Yamaguchi your loyal retainer of attorney in head, Ichikawa filial piety one ([komiketsuto] preparation meeting). Valley 芳 line ([komiketsuto] preparation meeting), Yasuda or [ho] [ru] ([komiketsuto] preparation meeting), the United States 澤 Hideko ([komiketsuto] preparation meeting), With name of [komike] leader position boldly to line up, the related shop B-maniacs store manager of [komike] The cow island huh occasion (the critic) with, the prominent member gathers the face

                                                                                                    • 谋杀是对我们的父母几乎儿童性虐待]约百分之四的父亲,孩子的承诺1 4分钟除了赔偿金,他们有强烈的性交,儿童精神科根据一个研究小组的官员与儿童咨询办公室大阪教育大学医学院教授冈本雅子重点调查
                                                                                                      Homicide almost the parent> As for sexual abuse to the child, being something approximately 4 tenths by the actual father, furthermore damage It receives 1/4 of the children whom having been forced sexual intercourse, child psychiatrist Okamoto the research group of the child advisory board staffs who center Masako Osaka University of Education professor It was understood in fact-finding

                                                                                                      • 输入259是你的精神生活都倾向于拍摄舔你杉塔基狡辩,我说他们已经削减首先它是什么无害
                                                                                                        259 In the first place the harmless [tsu] [te] you declare, it lets escape to being, it is philosophism Your life licking too much Being struck in the cascade, mind do again to insert

                                                                                                        • 这不应该津市937黑格尔的愚蠢说:“理性的亚当斯密的”策划和“埃扎鲁在手”,早期尼采和上帝的概念,已陷入困境的思想家之间的垂直位置什么科学制备读正确除非是别人的困境,是错误的,史密斯“亚当斯密问题”,因为主题非常具有象征意义,但需要额外的时间说,上帝,我站的概念,但欧洲不说,我的上帝是完全例如它是不可能的甚至是不可能,友井 937 The foolish word tsu chi ya it is not good is “狡 knowledge of Hegelian reason” also Smith Adam “the hand which is not visible” Before the Nietzsche standing in God concept and between science it is the idea house of the position where you are worried If the dilemma is not grasped securely you misread Because there is a very “Adam Smith problem” symbolize topic in Smith as for excessive that however it is conspicuous don t you think Some lever which removes the concept of God to those age it is impossible Only now speaking strictly in Europe the impossibility although with you can say It seems that identifies Smith and the Smith principle person Hegel and the Hegelian principle person absent mindedly Concerning terminology and the person who does not say like this detailed thing is good As for being important being content of argument there is no concept it is die
                                                                                                          • 939“史密斯,”亚当斯密问题“,因为主题非常具有象征意义,它是多余的,但我对亚当斯密问题上的立场,但我认为这是不正确的 939 Because gt there is a very “Adam Smith problem” symbolize topic in Smith as for excessive that however it is conspicuous don t you think As for Adam Smith problem as for me you think that it is not formed but

                                                                                                        • 这些模型是在与一个自我触摸货架监管疏忽,甚至是相反的调节工具是什么行规定
                                                                                                          The trader shelves the negligence of self-restriction, To express statement opposition construction to even the regulation which is converted is done

                                                                                                          • 这屁股是屁股也是Ikana→→Ikana ve这里也一直是出版商和作者的循环,如果这个小,将有关该问题的讨论,即使没有造成什么事情了,但 This yaba it is and kana gt here and yaba is kana gt this how just a little kana The publisher and writer side doing the loop Only trivial ones it stops being able to put out even problem the story which is said
                                                                                                            • 现在你已经看到了过多的出版商写一个这样的理由我达罗问题的一小城市,什么也不做,可能过于东京集中,他们会来后,关西 Concentrating on rear Tokyo too entirely ru thing is problem ro To stuff too much is in such a small city The publisher ladies and gentlemen come to Kansai

                                                                                                          • 迟浩田持Sazu与威慑理论的东西时,即使你表明,不管争论亲,我真的不想条例逆转
                                                                                                            Control effective theory something also without bringing up, if only showing it does that it is unrelated, As for grounds of regulation group therefore the reason which can be destroyed don't you think?

                                                                                                            研究 開発