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The Democratic party Japan Communist Party and others, concerning the capital regulations amendment plan of “2 dimensional child pornographic regulation”, the direction ★6 which ahead conclusion is sent


  • 147在这方面,但我的家伙是相辅相成的,在你其他两个国家的规例二维纳阿我没有做一些事情,我鼓励你和津思恩达不正确,他们举行各种负面的媒体到现在为止我们继续说,数字,现在是很好的证据表明,没有任何基础Sashitaru我只是穿这个动画漫画 147 But in your own person supplementation In such point applying regulation on two dimensions as for ru foreign countries you think as the ru by mistake it is Promotion something doing saying the tsu te where until now the various media is adverse effect It continued to be said the evidence whose it is good but which there is no be nothing much basis That this time fitting in animation cartoon just the ru puts out
    • 930没有小数点德鲁我有一个愚蠢的反对我们的社会,即使批准了儿童权利公约的方式缓慢相比,所有其他国家和机构的设置,如人权法,保护儿童的宗教瓦特, 〜我曾在的情况下,我不知道或不喜欢的方向,我们不认为他们之前,我不认为进展 930 Because setting of the system of the law and the like which protects the human rights of the child it was late in comparison with the foreign countries Even ratification of right treaty of the child the kind of society where the fool who opposes is advancing the ro w which the ru cannot boil and is While with it can dry religion and is not the wa can and having refuted you think situation in the kind of direction which you think that it does not develop

  • 223茹及我们以前见过,但我思温达的想成为家庭和改造罪犯的歧视,你的良心即使在这样一个自由,以表达不同的李娜和2通道我觉得,只要有良好 NULL
    • 223茹及我们以前见过,但我保留在家庭和军队的变革歧视恩达思犯罪的,骄傲地摆在我们面前的自由来表达不同Na和2通道我觉得,只要有良好 NULL

  • 540人,这些鱼塘(编号:编号:ywDao4dr0) 再通过
    540 Everyone, such swamp (ID: ID: ywDao4dr0) Don't you think? through

    • 549,以刺激经济发展的需要流动资金的老人德鲁塔马里的资产我收件箱
      549 Accumulating the senior citizen being packed in countercyclical measures, it is necessary to make [ru] property fluidize

      • 6971。提交法案,从承运人和民主党和警察无忧无虑的人民民主党“谁是那里的真实姓名的情况下他们的真实姓名,以前的损害民主党恨我们将谷大”男人?为什么没有真正的名字?不知道这意味着什么到这里来了瓦特
        697 1. The human and the National Police Agency carrier of the Democratic party doing worry, regulations plan submitting Therefore actual name “of the human of the Democratic party” put out Actual name the one which is put out, your [kirai] as for the damage to the Democratic party becomes the deca- [ku]? Actual name it does not put out with something? W where meaning of the thing which it does not put out is not recognized

        • 829,其中832都议会选举,他收到了深刻的印象美浓踢实力看,如果立法者投票分层
          829 , 832 If the capital parliamentary election ahead, the Assemblyman being impressed is received to exquisite skill of vote projection of the stratification being, it does, the [yo

          • 881尊重言论自由,书包或限制的规例订明?对成人藐视法庭的罪名是在20至Yottehaikenaitoha岁,书包 881 Freedom of expression was respected regulation was stipulated limited So knapsack 20 years old do the knapsack and the yo tsu te is not good with is the insult crime for the adult
            • 然而,“产品”,以便销售一空,所有这些“表达的尊重”,看看他们是否有不合理 Simply we would like to sell “the commodity” but for the sake of respect margin has the excessiveness these as everything “expression”

          • 92自民党,自民党重新规定儿童色情物品条例草案昨天简单的占有,通过图片和个人爱好的儿童色情影片“简单持有”儿童卖淫和儿童色情制品的法律有待于监管部门的压力和维塔四环素揭开了向国会提交最后草案的方向
            92 Our people, to child pornographic amendment plan re-submitting It regulates also the simplicity possession The Liberal Democratic Party on the 27th, the individual has the photograph and image of the child pornography with hobby, the “simplicity possession” targeting regulation The child buying spring pornographic prohibition method amendment plan in addition it entered into last adjustment with the direction which now submits to the National Diet

            • Etara了对福利制度的是从创意,身份证失业充分:kw5pXsN40好它使我们良好的饮食习惯这是浪费。
              The unemployed person being present all the way from creative system, when welfare increases, ID: kw5pXsN40 makes eat with blood tax, so is It was good, it was good

              • Twitter com himagine no9 状态 10659264451晃尾松(公)修吉原北地区(我们的自民党)町田,一项法令,以规范在区内进行远离他们的球员都罗感觉很好我克民主政府完善了新公明党是自我与他人恶意Kusowarota · · ·反对的期望。这是织补溃 twitter com himagine no9 status 10659264451 Large pine Akira Komeito Constituency north Yosihara Osamu our people this Constituency Machida And others it is dense tsura you remember and dissolve Because administration was taken in democracy you say that it will regulate with local regulations Malice exposure our it was public … with according to expectation of group of objectors kusowarota Already our Before the collapsing chi
                • 通过https: twitter com himagine no9 状态 10659264451晃尾松(公)修吉原北地区(我们的自民党)町田选区是由地方性法规规定带走从都罗意义上的民主管理好我可这些家伙新公明党是一个恶意试图完善· · · Kusowarota的期望其他对手。这是织补溃 https twitter com himagine no9 status 10659264451 Large pine Akira Komeito Constituency north Yosihara Osamu our people this Constituency Machida And others it is dense tsura you remember and dissolve Because administration was taken in democracy you say that it will regulate with local regulations Malice exposure our it was public … with according to expectation of group of objectors kusowarota Already our Before the collapsing chi
                • 通过https: twitter com himagine no9 状态 10659264451晃尾松(公)修吉原北地区(我们的自民党)町田选区是由地方性法规规定带走从都罗意义上的民主管理好我可这些家伙新公明党是一个恶意试图完善· · · Kusowarota的期望其他对手。这是织补溃 https twitter com himagine no9 status 10659264451 Large pine Akira Komeito Constituency north Yosihara Osamu our people this Constituency Machida And others it is dense tsura you remember and dissolve Because administration was taken in democracy you say that it will regulate with local regulations Malice exposure our it was public … with according to expectation of group of objectors kusowarota Already our Before the collapsing chi

              • Twitter com himagine no9 状态 一百○六亿五千九百三十万三千七百○二小山委员会民主党人表示,这项法案是模糊的,现场是在资本短缺的答案 twitter com himagine no9 status 10659303702 The Democratic party hill member ambiguity of regulations plan it points out the scene where capital side is perplexed in the reply
                • 通过https: twitter com himagine no9 状态 一零六五九三零三七零二小山委员会民主党人表示,这项法案是模糊的,现场是在资本短缺的答案 https twitter com himagine no9 status 10659303702 The Democratic party hill member ambiguity of regulations plan it points out the scene where capital side is perplexed in the reply
                • 通过https: twitter com himagine no9 状态 一零六五九三零三七零二小山委员会民主党人表示,这项法案是模糊的,现场是在资本短缺的答案 https twitter com himagine no9 status 10659303702 The Democratic party hill member ambiguity of regulations plan it points out the scene where capital side is perplexed in the reply

              • ü专家称不宜或从残疾如果国家反对他们两人出来,如果你没有资格的专家说,谁的家伙叫法案荷兰国际集团的专家谁会这是所有球员说,他的法案四环素
                You should have removed although in there is no qualification, the people, intellectual person who this time advances this bill as the intellectual person When dissenting opinion is provided vis-a-vis the citizen therefore the bill which the unqualified people made the handicapped person as the intellectual person who is said

                • [政治]新公明党提交了一项法案,修改法律,禁止儿童色情物品的自由“简单持有”惩罚★7 1:有宝生涯φ★:2009 / 11 / 24(周二)13:56:09编号:???0和自民党新公明党20日,18日,谁拥有,只为了看性下的图像时代“简单的占有是向国会提交一项法案,修改法律,禁止儿童卖淫和儿童色情制品刑事处罚”汝个人
                  Child pornographic prohibition method Our people fairness amendment plan submitting Also the “simplicity possession” punishes * 7 1 : Success [uho] Φ *: 2009/11/24 (fire) 13: 56: 09 ID: ? ? ? 0 On the 20th, it owns the Liberal Democratic Party and Komeito just in order to look at the sexual picture under 18 years old with the individual The child buying spring child pornographic prohibition method amendment plan which deals with the “simplicity possession” punishment was submitted to the House of Representatives

                  • _NULL_
                    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Resident privilege - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Rate -> Reduction and exemption of property tax Precinct -> Non taxation of people tax citizen of Tokyo tax Precinct -> It is light reduction and exemption of automobile tax Year Gold -> Exemption of national pension premium Reduction and exemption of mind and body handicapped person support annuity latch Capital barracks residence -> Exemption residence of common service expense Reduction and exemption or collection postponement of moving guaranty money Water Road -> Exemption of basic fee Sewer -> Exemption of basic fee Delivery of flush toilet equipment grant Releasing Sending -> Exemption of broadcast listening fee Intersection -> Delivery of capital barracks traffic free riding in a car ticket Discount of JR commuting commuting ticket It is clear 掃 -> No charge loan of rubbish container Exemption of waste disposal commission Defense Raw -> Destruction exemption of hygienic place rent commission Teaching Growth -> Metropolitan high school Exemption of tuition of technical college Most Japanese do not know, probably will be

                    • ·前北朝鲜政府的默许,美国创建一个伪造,已被制造毒品走私
                      North Korea to make the counterfeit note of the origin and Japan and America of acquiescence of the Korean government, have having produced & smuggle the drug

                      • “什么”在生活中,有时味道持古Mareta性别认同障碍,如果你释放一个好的漫画对儿童的性暴力的穆人说,他和安认知障碍并不需要有认为主流 ” “Characteristic identical obstacle having similarly if with the notion that where it is the taste which is born it is to release the people who like the characteristic violence cartoon for the child Aren t they to main current it causes acknowledgment obstacle to have the necessity to convert the viewpoint that
                        • “什么”在生活中,有时味道持古Mareta性别认同障碍,如果你释放一个好的漫画对儿童的性暴力的穆人说,他和安认知障碍并不需要有认为主流 ” “Characteristic identical obstacle having similarly if with the notion that where it is the taste which is born it is to release the people who like the characteristic violence cartoon for the child Aren t they to main current it causes acknowledgment obstacle to have the necessity to convert the viewpoint that

                      • “这项法案事务委员会审议18天,由于该委员会投票19天

                        • ※该条例本身,樱井,在首都青年仓田Zyun生涯正式借调谁是警察(old.吉冈)众议员要求硬两个民主派青年导演行规米卡保安措施头代理厌倦了民主党人与一些团体四环素在一起〜
                          * Regulations plan itself is the National Police Agency carrier group transfer person Jun Kurata of capital Young people public order measure headquarters chief and 櫻 well (old. Yoshioka) Mika Two people of young people section chief With capital discussion group several you insist strong regulation in the Democratic party denomination it is something which was made Operative fatigue of the Democratic party -

                          • 『学校Harenchi』诗风和树木从提高死刑案件质量的产品“不适用”的答复(说谎的习惯东)进行了一些苏 NULL
                            • 『学校Harenchi』诗风和树木从提高死刑案件质量的产品“不适用”的答复(说谎的习惯东)进行了一些苏 NULL
                            • 『学校Harenchi』诗风和树木从提高死刑案件质量的产品“不适用”的答复(说谎的习惯东)进行了一些苏 NULL
                            • 当然※相关新闻 原 社会转到长居“,而不是一些学校Harenchi』 Original news related sure Nagai either “ it cannot put out harenchi school greatly

                          • 〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜 〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜
                            ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

                            • ー促进自由民主党议员或两个赌场,我想在社会丑恶现象被洪水淹没的城市官员上利柏青哥议连纳阿,这是最严重的警察也是一个教育的过程中,没有它?
                              - Liberal Democratic Party propulsion group Assemblyman was pachinko discussion ream of the police bureaucratic rising, The one where the casino is inundated throughout the city as for the social harm the [ro] which of course even education is worst

                              • 万二。纳粹民主。万治曼霁万二。纳粹民主。万治曼霁万二。纳粹民主。万治曼霁万二。纳粹民主。万治曼霁万二。纳粹民主。万治曼霁万二。纳粹民主。万治曼霁万二。纳粹民主。万治曼霁万二。纳粹民主。万治曼霁
                                卍. Democracy Nazis. 卍 卍 卍. Democracy Nazis. 卍 卍 卍. Democracy Nazis. 卍 卍 卍. Democracy Nazis. 卍 卍 卍. Democracy Nazis. 卍 卍 卍. Democracy Nazis. 卍 卍 卍. Democracy Nazis. 卍 卍 卍. Democracy Nazis. 卍 卍

                                • 丶 ∀ 你知道丸慈济颂煽但嘿似的,你可以搜索拼命儿童色情法修订身份Netouyoga 丶 ∀ kimowotaga 丶 ∀ rorikonga 丶 ∀ netouyoga Natural shape of child pornographic method amendment plan When so it searches it is rough wonder Fanning desperately ru is chiyon and the being understood which stops

                                  • 他的名字↓叽叽喳喳说 茂木突然从东京都政府大楼 It is with the ↓ from the twitter user You take from the Metropolitan Assembly Diet building hurrying

                                    • 但我有一个翻译,如果他们都感觉到,现在,现在在大学,谁,嗯,会议的父母,说什么Arimashi,但人们谁是父母或translation m与津14 07 00会议 However it is the meaning which is such meaning being agreeable Now presently you obtain at the university the parents forum with there being some which are said However it is the meaning which meets with the people of the parents 2 07
                                      • 关于选区的道路,在学校巡逻的父母,可能干涸,杂志等前缀 There is also a possibility of being put such magazine on the road which the parents of the small school inside constituency patrol

                                    • 但是,他们应当成为市民的联系Mirenai,“原始图形人类新的革命:圣教新闻社石井勋美”因此,万维网图形小说,池田大作:
                                      However you write for the person who is not the link seeing [re], “Story comic human revolution Original: Ikeda Daisaku Story comic: Ishii To be, seeing Saintly teaching newspaper publishing company ” Therefore www

                                      • 制备Ttara自由党政府,巨额债务是绝,人口老化问题仍然存在,经济向上,北方领土和竹岛津回来,你思还是什么?自由间谍...(尼特)将节能白痴是谁在社会是一个我什至有一个万维网
                                        When our people take administration, enormous debt disappears, few child aging problems cancel, business looks upward, bamboo island northern territory returns, that you think? …… As for [aho] which in our people operative (neat) is swindled, one person it is in the society member, well www

                                        • 原本打算利用色情像维塔能亲损害或那样的射击枪的用途应是消除不同性欲
                                          As for intended purpose of in the first place pornography being something in order to cancel sexual craving, the gun intended purpose shoots the object likely It is different from kind of any which give the harm

                                          • 台湾电路板(这件事,使得日本的救灾),我们破坏我们的大型敌对如果你想它也教授 Taiwan Bulletin board Japan disaster relief so Damage is large if is we would like to help
                                            • 中国论坛(足够的体面也不足为奇),我希望事情少受损害 China Bulletin board Extent honesty which is too unexpected You ask the fact that damage is little

                                          • 在会议委员会席位,讨论该法案,并是民主,共产主义,而占据多数的反对派我港未来网络生活
                                            Which parliamentary seat of commission and the plenary assembly which deliberate amendment plan as for, democracy, the common property and living person network Majority is occupied at the opposition party of the seeing leprosy

                                            • 在第一次喂养,有限的停车指引,销售水稻衣架台岛希望得到确认,如牡蛎,到便利店池冲突绝对禁止被删除,或缩小确的Comiket法定退休年龄。青年日报少年彻底教师苏满内衣,恩戴流行漫画家要提请乳头勃起柯包括渗透性,出版商必须准备Kitakya光刻绝对合理的“老”指定销售始终进行监督和有限的停车位,如日,2瓒“Shimashi报告 During the advance shipment don t you think should have been decided the tsu hanging guideline To limit the counter gaki without fail off limit As for konbini and the like removal or shrinkage necessity Age of komike definite Thoroughness Boy magazine youth with teacher mansuji of panchira to being transparent 勃 happening nipple Drawing being packed the cartoonist who popularity would like to take the publisher needs preparedness of that appearance To draw by any means to go back and forth ya “lawful age” appointment and counter limitation … And so on and so on It reaching the point where it is watched always 2 “it informed” in “the arrest meshiuma ” 厨 it becomes good society it is well w
                                              • 在第一次喂养,有限的停车指引,销售水稻衣架台岛希望得到确认,如牡蛎,到便利店池冲突绝对禁止被删除,或缩小确的Comiket法定退休年龄。青年日报少年彻底教师苏满内衣,恩戴流行漫画家要提请乳头勃起柯包括渗透性,出版商必须准备Kitakya光刻绝对合理的“老”指定销售始终进行监督和有限的停车位,如日,2瓒“Shimashi报告 During the advance shipment don t you think should have been decided the tsu hanging guideline To limit the counter gaki without fail off limit As for konbini and the like removal or shrinkage necessity Age of komike definite Thoroughness Boy magazine youth with teacher mansuji of panchira to being transparent 勃 happening nipple Drawing being packed the cartoonist who popularity would like to take the publisher needs preparedness of that appearance To draw by any means to go back and forth ya “lawful age” appointment and counter limitation … And so on and so on It reaching the point where it is watched always 2 “it informed” in “the arrest meshiuma ” 厨 it becomes good society it is well w

                                            • 外国人法自由投票(无墙乐东)东京都政府,铁路建设,以及外国居民基本法
                                              Protection of fundamental human rights method Foreign carrot administration (The wall which does not exceed) Capital regulations, steamrolling and foreign inhabitant fundamental law etc

                                              • 女士,t jp 统计 数据 Crimerate2。html的 强奸事件的数目(件 100 000) 78 08加拿大案件(两维Roriero非法)32 05美元的个案(二维Roriero非法)日本1 78结果(无尽帝国在日本),该报告的罪案率为13 3%(2008年人口普查) ms t jp Statistics Data Crimerate2 html Canada 78 08 Case Two dimensional roriero is illegal America 32 05 Case Two dimensional roriero is illegal Japan 1 78 Case eroanime empire In Japan as for declaration ratio of characteristic crime 13 3 2008 investigation
                                                • NULL lt Rape case 1999 or 2000 of G8 100 000 person gt Canada 78 08 Case Simple possession prohibition Second Prohibition America 32 05 Case Simple possession prohibition Second Prohibition however being unconstitutional invalidity England 16 23 Case Simple possession prohibition France 14 36 Case Simple possession prohibition Germany 9 12 Case Simple possession prohibition Russia 4 78 Case Italy 4 05 Case Simple possession prohibition Japan 1 78 Case ttp ms t jp Statistics Data Crimerate2 html Canada 78 08 Case As for two dimensional roriero it is illegal America 32 05 Case As for two dimensional roriero it is illegal Japan 1 78 Case eroanime empire In Japan as for declaration ratio of characteristic crime 13 3 2008 investigation

                                              • 如在漫画书之前,他找到了适合中,他们留下了嫁出去的女儿,津宰说我是一个男孩和滚装后来的裸体如臀部图片出来,这本书藏为什么我当我被逮捕 In the comic book which the daughter who keeps marrying has left When you see from before when you see from the suit and rear producing the rear end with the nude it means that the picture of the ru boy has been recorded but When this book is possessed it probably is to be arrested

                                                • 如果一次分配的预算,“色情犯罪的漫画和无尽〜”证据分钟,神奇的故事可笑的是,他们没有 If one time it does division “ ero cartoon and eroanime characteristic crime ” becomes the story which You understand that it is detarame which does not have basis
                                                  • 我是超出了这些人的教育的控制,对传入的刺激犯罪行为的Nde读父母的责任色情漫画,没有它? Reading ero cartoon it received stimulus and committed crime… there is no such a self control heart As for raising in the human the ro which is responsibility of the parent

                                                • 对一个民主党人,也反映了联盟新公明党也猜测的义务出售公明
                                                  In addition there is also a thought that in the capability person of the Democratic party we would like to sell favor in Komeito on the basis of the alliance of Komeito,

                                                  • 对于一个健康的膳食学生,越来越多的出版商是坏事,他们也很好的行业,它的结构部门继续消费罚款 In order to utilize the healthy publisher Steadily as for vicious ones the mechanism that is good even for industry inflicting penalty it keeps turning off
                                                    • 170之前,作为一个言论自由的健康观念的变化。它可以用来保护它 170 The concept of freedom of healthy expression like you change It utilizes in protection becoming the thing shelf
                                                    • 对于一个健康的膳食学生,越来越多的出版商是坏事,他们也很好的行业,它的结构部门继续消费罚款 In order to utilize the healthy publisher Steadily as for vicious ones the mechanism that is good even for industry inflicting penalty it keeps turning off

                                                  • 当然我不是说他们不削减和w火消,所以真正有可能电话或电子邮件和Twitter从今天到明天,我需要检查民主党众议员 With you cannot declare Of course as for we there is no fire fighter w Therefore whether so it is true from today extending through tomorrow In regard to telephone and mail and Twitter you think that it is necessary to verify in democracy capital discussion
                                                    • “思考”,他们对一个来自Twitter的众议员 下一届会议上,该项目委员会“戈在货架上”对国家前途的治疗 Concerning the future treatment of “continuation deliberation” from certain capital discussion Twitter Continuation deliberation at commission puts matter in “shelving” state that say

                                                  • 我们的Nde叫332朝鲜知道哭,我可以在职业福利万维网强奸和纵火
                                                    332 Www where the Korean who with welfare designates rape and arson as occupation has wailed

                                                    • 我将制备津市和下任自民党的支持者和倡导者牢固的共识,法规的真正含义
                                                      That regulation propulsion group When it is the collective will of the Liberal Democratic Party supporter and is real intention It receives securely

                                                      • 我无法Xt45w90g0 ywDao4dr0自由扑不再是頑張他们!
                                                        Xt45w90g0 ywDao4dr0 Unless it perseveres more, our people hitting is not settled!

                                                        • 我的意思是在日本,我的东西他们是谁加拿大迄今许多海外儿童的虐待和强奸,首先以44讲述基督毕竟这是由于宗教的限制,克服歌,甚至在多次监管乡间渡假别墅这大的多性犯罪是漫画,但国王癌症的宗教人士,从动画出来。给我班 The tsu te you say or with in the first place child abuse and the foreign country is more preponderantly with rape but it is Canadian what even 44 times that Japan When the regulation where that goes too far is cause Don t you think rear religion As for the Christ sphere regulation being too multi characteristic crime large occurring frequently As for this you know that religion is the cancer from cartoon and animation it is it is not Sect Prohibition margin
                                                          • 我的意思是在日本,我的东西他们是谁加拿大迄今许多海外儿童的虐待和强奸,首先以44讲述基督毕竟这是由于宗教的限制,克服歌,甚至在多次监管乡间渡假别墅这大的多性犯罪是漫画,但国王癌症的宗教人士,从动画出来。给我班 The tsu te you say or with in the first place child abuse and the foreign country is more preponderantly with rape but it is Canadian what even 44 times that Japan When the regulation where that goes too far is cause Don t you think rear religion As for the Christ sphere regulation being too multi characteristic crime large occurring frequently As for this you know that religion is the cancer from cartoon and animation it is it is not Sect Prohibition margin

                                                        • 我维塔病毒在人类生长调控,“ 他们漫画家,按一个打击儿童色情物品的三维★16 · 政治资本监管条例2 ”的2 D色情限制对“民主党众议员,他们对我们的要求电子邮件或电话匆匆 “我碰到的人的电话,他们也不知道”的众议员前※: The human who is warped with regulation it increases” … cartoonists with capital regulations of 2 dimensional child pornographic regulation opposite interview 16 “2 dimensional child pornographic regulating and opposing ” The mail and the telephone rush… which you ask to the Democratic party capital discussion capital which “from the person who does not know depends on carrying” discussion Before
                                                          • 但是,但是,反对转让Etara的自民党众议员呼吁赞成事件“有很多意见,我们主要的”,但被切断,瓦特Gatsha But Telephoning to the Liberal Democratic Party capital discussion with the latest case When it conveys contrary intention “The large quantity receiving also the opinion of approval it increases ” With But gachiya it was cut is w

                                                        • 我能对世界的潮流津677,如果你考虑的第一个理诘维塔,日本,性犯罪的发案率的东西,他们是统计低我不知道? Dattara,有何区别世界变得更美好 677 Fighting as for ru current of the world To the last we assume that of phenomenon is thought with reasoning if is As for Japan as for rate of occurrence of characteristic crime it probably will be low statistically When is as for by mistake being the world
                                                          • (也许我也顺带影响了出生率)维塔说,议员们应该说这是什么,只是统计数字,我们不会说这本漫画书业纳阿 The causing brick which it has had an influence on also birthrate next It keeps saying but the statistics which should as for the Assemblyman who can say that it is not probably will be Only it keeps insisting it is in cartoon industry

                                                        • 打断。纲要草案过滤删除“正义事业”为“青少年就业,如有必要,工作”,“如果你有残疾或疾病的年轻人”,“履家长使用互联网。服务乘虚而入,如果你经常检查青少年互联网使用的现状,“第三个是说明拟议条例的具体规定是一并不少见,这些包括 Reforming With essence plan filtering is cancelled as a “legitimate reason” When “the young people work with respect to business it is necessary ” When there is an obstacle and a disease “in the young people ” “Guardian utilization wearing of Internet When utilizes offer service verifies the utilization circumstance of Internet of the young people always” Three was illustrated but As for such concrete stipulation it is not included in regulations plan
                                                          • 东京和三个县移动,但似乎工作,千叶,神奈川县,是目前具体的条例草案,是尚未公布 The movement which cooperates in 1 capital 3 prefectures a certain way but in Chiba prefecture and Kanagawa prefecture seems that concrete regulations plan has not come out for the present yet
                                                          • 埼玉县,那里的条例郗里,10日到2009年底突破。发布纲要草案,一个是要求在一个月公众意见 In Saitama prefecture to precede regulations amendment in 2009 10 end of the month reforming Essence plan is published Public comment was collected over 1 months
                                                          • 还准备提交或不? 84我只是去了一对在东京都政府法令停止 Or the reason which is the preparation which submits 84 If opposition to capital regulations because capital regulations are obstructed it does and dissolves

                                                        • 民主党“区邀请任意调查”是不愿管作为自民党主任的下一大成,禁止简单的占有,而不是由国家确定的等待在日本8大国的国家(八国集团)和指出,只有俄罗斯政府重新执政,促进思想苏 The Democratic party doing “恣 mind investigation is caused” that but in regulation passive as for the Liberal Democratic Party prohibiting the simplicity possession It is the thought next large pine director pointing out as for not having been decided in the country that principal 8 countries G8 with are just Japan and Russia urging reconsideration to government and the ruling party
                                                          • 民主党“区邀请任意调查”不愿意作出规管,自民党不仅是禁止的8大国的国家(八国集团)指出,拥有只有日本和俄罗斯政府,执政党苏正协助重新思考思考 The Democratic party doing “恣 mind investigation is caused” that but in regulation passive as for the Liberal Democratic Party prohibiting the simplicity possession It is the thought next large pine director pointing out as for not having been decided in the country that principal 8 countries G8 with are just Japan and Russia urging reconsideration to government and the ruling party
                                                          • 简单的占有和个人交易的规例已分发到性传播生殖器乱伦和儿童经常描用来调节无 Near relation incest and the sexual organs sex description which used the child being proper those where it circulates becoming regulation It does not regulate the simplicity possession and private transaction
                                                          • 那么,下任砖大成知识可能维塔自由的支持者说,如果你有儿童色情物品没有提到该国的管制简单占有等待确定 If the ma you our people supporter whether you can call the intellectual brick Next large pine director refers concerning the child pornographic simple possession regulation which has not been decided in the country

                                                        • 民主现在是1 731或布鲁特斯?踏 み 絵 だね739俺 からすればお 前 が 聞 いていると 主張 してるだけだ何 の 根拠 も 無 い 、 これ 以上 に 信頼性 の 低 い 情報 は 存在 しないわかったな ?梅鲁了我的发言我脖子上的东西吗?她是30岁以上Giteii是 731 Well as for democracy Brutus kana Don t you think it is the stepping on picture 739 If it does from we you just insist that you have heard There are no many bases the information whose reliability is low above this does not exist It was understood Your own neck you do not do 絞 me ru speech and behavior it rubbed Therefore 30 year what which it is possible to pass
                                                          • 我维塔7057纳阿认为作为烧伤相同,说一些人持津市我所谈及的是老707岁的小学grounds m不 705 About 7 year old children having everyone the ru keeping depending when the thing you ask it is the same With as for we which is thought being old 707 It does not become basis it is the elementary school student

                                                        • 气味,你会闻编号:为同胞独立香电影往往与此手当然为患ywDao4dr0
                                                          It smells, it smells ID: From ywDao4dr0 appears frequently well in [sure] of this hand also dependence the same smell as the person

                                                          • 社会民主党,“苏,更好地表达自由”已表明,以加强法规,可诱导破坏马铃薯狙ü足并统治美浓谨慎态度 The corporation people party doing “freedom of expression is damaged” that we have shown prudent attitude in regulation strengthening the pace of the ruling party May be also the aim of inviting the disorder

                                                            • 穆赖!大百科全书Nikoniko:“不存在的青年,”当然它的会谈,从总量的30写-大百科全书Nikoniko紫癜:/ / dic.nicovideo.jp /桶/ 1 /%E9%9D条%9E%E5公司约661次%%9层声发射%E5公司%9C条%奥迪A8%E9%9D条%92%E5公司%买0%91%E5公司%的B9%三烯B4 / 661 -
                                                              You ask! Happy large encyclopedia: [sure] which you talk concerning the “non existence young people” The entry 661st from 30 - Happy large encyclopedia ttp: //dic.nicovideo.jp/b/a/% E9% 9D % 9E % E5% AE % 9F % E5% 9C % A8% E9% 9D % 92% E5% B0% 91% E5% B9% B4/661 -

                                                              • 第一次会谈的常会被固定荷兰国际集团的新公明党和民主党双方提交了一份反建议,以规范采购,并在众议院解散众议院取消 At ordinary diet session ahead the Democratic party which submits the counterproposal which regulates purchase and the like our public both parties were advancing correction conference but With the House of Representatives dispersion it became waste plan
                                                                • 第一次会谈的常会被固定荷兰国际集团的新公明党和民主党双方提交了一份反建议,以规范采购,并在众议院解散众议院取消 At ordinary diet session ahead the Democratic party which submits the counterproposal which regulates purchase and the like our public both parties were advancing correction conference but With the House of Representatives dispersion it became waste plan

                                                              • 第一,但是无论儿童和青年部坎普地方政府和不存在,或是否会改善美国自由民主党的经济或在该国卫说,安全问题,因为它位于 The good chi where is in each self governing community child po and the non existence young people section and the regardless of te If it makes our people business becomes good is when the country can be protected with security is when therefore large lie
                                                                • 18个部委和机构,地方政府,青年部,或者有多少,是否有什么思 18 Thinking that in each ministry and board and each self governing community the young people section is just which
                                                                • “阿拉亚玉枝”或他们擅长寻找年轻,因为受害人不会说不是漫画 ” Shintani 珠 blessing If “the young people do not see it is good when therefore cartoon it is not the story as for the victim it will not be
                                                                • “阿拉亚玉枝”或他们擅长寻找年轻,因为受害人不会说不是漫画 ” Shintani 珠 blessing If “the young people do not see it is good when therefore cartoon it is not the story as for the victim it will not be

                                                              • 简单拥有可调节的说,他们控制了几秒钟,电影业,减少逮捕任何视觉文化 You call simple possession regulation and second several regulations are temporary and it reaches the point where it can arrest with anything Movie industry image culture is atrophied
                                                                • 我这么长时间他们较少有几秒钟控制在这里,为什么?我可能会写Minikuku The less tsu lever here are with something what long second several regulations catching the ru it is Entry being difficult there is no ginger

                                                              • 经过修改的说明讨论了自民党和公明党国会议员小宫山广子,有一个从民主党众议员郁夫山花投诉草案的说明
                                                                From Assemblyman Youko Komiyama after the explanation of the correction conference of the Liberal Democratic Party Komeito, from Assemblyman mountain flower Ikuo There was explanation and addressing the issue of the Democratic party original idea

                                                                • 维塔能亲在扩散问题的永久外籍居民的地方普选是要改变一个主权形状
                                                                  As for giving local denizenship to the permanent residence foreigner who is in the midst of increasing rapidly It is the problem which makes the shape of sovereign nation modify

                                                                  • 网站管理员有一个请求对被拆除,被击中的背景的池进行夹紧采取的立场一球,而不是讲话警察,已在该州被忽视的信息可能会鼓励犯罪两人有危机感 Vis a vis the sight managers who do not respond to deletion request the National Police Agency in the background which sets forth the position which the management does not leave There was a crisis atmosphere for information being left when it is not unable to promote crime

                                                                    • 美国国会修订规例附表未来可以预料,如果考试委员会决定,继续走在决定是否事务委员会,在全体会议上容易。本人或通过不断审查和通过有关决定,并在全体会议上检获的闭幕全体会议开幕后,继续审查委员会的内部事务,站(约为6)在修订条例行政会议(首都),但议员们作出了故意作出新的修订,修改了故意不采取行动,使新的(事实上取消 As for schedule of national assembly side of the future regulations amendment which you can suppose when it is decided continuation examination and at commission Whether or not you follow the decision of � general affairs commission in the plenary assembly letter Whether adoption or standing up adoption it is measured When it decides as continuation examination in the plenary assembly During � adjourning opening a meeting general affairs commission it continues examines The � following plenary assembly around June schedule being similar it deliberates the same regulations amendment plan � execution side capital side it makes amendment newly and deliberates � Assemblyman side makes amendment newly and deliberates � failure to act in fact waste plan With you can think the pattern which becomes but in case of governor submitting bill there is no �
                                                                      • 和反对都议会反对,通过9个水稻酒吧,反对的东西,你穿着它创建,直接或提交一项法案,修改草案,池子异议。呼 ばわりといった 差別発言 を 連発 したりや 、 宗教関係者 を 委員 に 入 れるなどで 政教分離 を 無視 してる etcそうした 事 が 山盛 りで 法案以前 に 完全 アウト Vis a vis the Metropolitan Assembly through doing vis a vis dissenting opinion 9 tenths or more having worn with the pub rice original idea it submits amendment plan that way Dissenting opinion pond The discrimination speech such as calling is shot in rapid succession and or etc which ignores politico religious separation e g and the religion authorized personnel is inserted in the member with Such as that with the ranger before the bill complete out
                                                                      • 提交了一项修正案,琦玉县议会表示,他们正在开放,总了。公民在委员会的投票已经恩戴生活 We submit amendment plan to the Saitama prefecture national assembly which presently is opened Already entire Vote of prefectural people life commission has been completed

                                                                    • 自民党和新公明党是自民党的政策,我在固体,固体我党和新公明党主张修改有利于政策的修订建议
                                                                      Our people and fair both parties have set the policy of approving amendment plan Our people and fair both parties have set the policy of approving amendment plan

                                                                      • 要求的理由陈述提交类似的规定提出Firutaingu释放,兵库已经“少年福利法”,它已经推出
                                                                        Requires submitting the reason book of [huirutaingu] cancellation as for the similar stipulation which, already Hyogo prefecture in “boy protection regulations” the introduction

                                                                        • 该动议锻炼探讨后,政府,执政党与在野党,谨慎穆古ineradicability会谈更多的监管变化的设置与民主党社民党,自民党和公明党联盟是目前只
                                                                          After the administration alternating there was the movement which searches the conference between the ruling and opposition parties, but Prudent theory to regulation strengthening was deep-rooted in the Democratic party and corporation people party which unites alliance, our people, became the submitting with only the fairness

                                                                          • 该法进行了修订,去年6月,在旧政府“符合性好奇目的”和自由民主党提出禁止公明管“,或者多次获得报酬”只有民主党辩论的建议,双方
                                                                            With the same method amendment in the June last year of front administration age with our people fair plan which prohibits the possession “of the object which satisfies sexual curiosity” and, “Compensation or repeating, acquisition” it does it limits when both parties of the Democratic party plan which the deliberation entering

                                                                            • 贩毒和儿童色情制品,互联网上的非法资料,去年这些,一名信息和买卖儿童色情和其他非法药物销售已报告给最近的一年里,我们也最好的二万七案件超过区和许多,如果不是警方的要求,删除现正积极的与网站管理员检 About the illegal information on Internet such as buying and selling and child pornography of the medicine Illegal information of buying and selling and the child pornography etc of the medicine where you could move aside information in last year 1 years 27 000 case remainder becomes most so far The National Police Agency when it does not respond to the request of deletion came to the point of exposing the manager of the sight positively
                                                                              • 警方委员会“互联网热线中心”的项目,信息,最后一个,如非法贩运毒品和儿童色情制品问题,据报道,最近几年,我们二万七千七百五十一箱子上年的2倍増杆六合哦,现在是历年来最高的多谷 The National Police Agency entrusts in “Internet hotsutorainsenta ” As for illegal information of buying and selling and the child pornography etc of the medicine where you could move aside information in last year 1 years It increased to nearly 27 751 case and 2 times that of year before so far became most
                                                                              • 警方委员会“互联网热线中心”的项目,信息,最后一个,如非法贩运毒品和儿童色情制品问题,据报道,最近几年,我们二万七千七百五十一箱子上年的2倍増杆六合哦,现在是历年来最高的多谷 The National Police Agency entrusts in “Internet hotsutorainsenta ” As for illegal information of buying and selling and the child pornography etc of the medicine where you could move aside information in last year 1 years It increased to nearly 27 751 case and 2 times that of year before so far became most

                                                                            • 趋势代表作者的特殊的,就像是一个趋势,选出一对什么是它获得的倾向,而不是一个特殊的观众特别痂购买漫画作家光刻
                                                                              Special natural disposition of the writer is expressed, that rather than saying, on the other hand you make buy to the reader layer which has special natural disposition in order Electing the writer who has special natural disposition, it seems that you make cartoon draw,

                                                                              • 这fanzine在日本销售,一直是最有问题,这对性洪水
                                                                                Because of this, inundation of this kind of characteristic description most problem apparent is done regarding member magazine spot sale meeting

                                                                                • 这不是它,你自己的意识和摆脱它是与本条例运是规范我们的意思是,他们在性恶,这当然是玛,现在,我说,什么是阅读当然思武藤敏郎的工作是什么,这样的增长,形成大城市的政府,你是你母亲的,它是受到监管,他们思什么是翻译,几乎完成,以突发,他说We m是相同的,事物 This So not to be the te It is something which regulates those whose character is worse Being said When they are these regulations when it enters You are conscious by your increase Of course the shank now that That mothers Capital regulations It has become such shape With thinking when you read that work The proper that thinks targeting regulation with meaning the shank As for that another Almost it puts out when is being said it is the same and thing of the ru

                                                                                  • 这如儿童色情卡通强奸少女的条例,以便不看色情杂志在仪内的青少年我喜欢慈济我说,一个大型的反道德意识 Will try these regulations not to show the pornographic magazine to the young people Young child pornographic cartoon such as woman rape will spread the consciousness that counter it is moral The tsu te saying it is no more than a ru
                                                                                    • 或洛里或小女孩,我一直在谈论这样乐E的了,现在我能做到的人感到惊讶,这种承认还煽津 It is young woman or rori already it exceeds such story although the chi ya tsu te ru Still fanning with such recognition you are surprised to the ru person being

                                                                                  • 都市青年条例的修订规例“代表”反对青年漫画家都司,“目前的条例所规管强奸(强奸),他们只限于在高障碍,如色情”和修订,需要说明 Young people regulations amendment plan of capital “Expression regulation” cartoonists rally As for capital young people section “with current regulations object of regulation rape u can and the like It is limited by open characteristic description and the hurdle is high” that necessity of amendment plan is explained
                                                                                    • “,反对拟议的修订,漫画家和出版业内人士表示,千叶的光辉”是含糊的,须接受监管,“将违反言论自由”,而不是古强 gt Vis a vis amendment plan Chiba Tetsu and others the cartoonist and publication industry “the object of regulation being ambiguous gt It is not unable to infringe the freedom of expression” that it is strong opposition
                                                                                    • 在修订之前和色情的儿童色情制品的修订建议他们不只是一个形式的儿童色情制品和修订之前,他们在那里和书面性交专门针对儿童的“刺激性感觉性虐待“更具体的 The child pornography you do not write before the amending with the mere pornography In amendment plan being written the child pornography sexual intercourse and the sexual abuse for the child concretely “Stimulate the sexual feeling those which” before the amending more concrete

                                                                                  • 高市提交者早。在众议院(自民党)成员是“我们保护孩子,木希美将讨论在年初公开到位维塔”谈话 Takaishi of the submitting person it is quick Member of the house of representatives our people in order “to protect the child The fact that early it is deliberated at the place where it is visible in the citizen is desired” you said
                                                                                    • 高市提交者早。在众议院(自民党)成员是“我们保护孩子,木希美将讨论在年初公开到位维塔”谈话 Takaishi of the submitting person it is quick Member of the house of representatives our people in order “to protect the child The fact that early it is deliberated at the place where it is visible in the citizen is desired” you said

                                                                                  • #Hijitsuzai 35前Ritsuito movatwitter钮分钟的反应都议会大厦 hijitsuzai 35 minutes ago From movatwitter Reply ritsuito The Metropolitan Assembly Diet building u
                                                                                    • 名无财富731 10周年的新产品!03分之2010 18(星期四)15:49:57编号:H1EUAh2a0 Twitter的用户比他说↓ 东京都政府大楼突然从茂木 731 Name it is not tenth anniversary New 2010 03 18 wood 15 49 57 ID H1EUAh2a0 It is with the ↓ from the twitter user You take from the Metropolitan Assembly Diet building hurrying
                                                                                    • 编号: Qx9b5gB0是真正的越野基地?刑事定罪或间谍?氖或昆虫,它们添加到禁写访问Demakopipe破坏,报请运作 ID As for Qx9b5gB0 real off base what Or convinced offense operative Don t you think demakopipe devastate and if report to management and only drive to aku prohibition
                                                                                    • :2009 09 23(星期三)15:02:19编号:0bvPRc6v 10人被轮奸,我失去了你的大脑,让其他职等颜射晃马萨的眼睛水,大家也Tteta强奸 2009 09 23 water 15 02 19 ID 0bvPRc6v Being raped by 10 people the water bu tsu applying in OL which faints making wake up In addition with everyone 姦 tsu te shelf

                                                                                  • (人权委员会也成为外国人)2)可以非常模糊,任意解释的对人权的定义
                                                                                    (It is accustomed to the protection of fundamental human rights member even with the foreigner) 2) Definition of human rights being very ambiguous, 恣 mind interpretation is possible

                                                                                    研究 開発