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The woman pupil who collapses while running of class dies, the Osaka municipal blooms and this flower high school


  • 137 Tsuka,不是故事的地方是什么瓦特我把大阪,薯芋小伙子吗?本人踏上他们珍贵的时装你在你输入的元素,他们慈济疼痛家伙 137 The handle the tsu te place which attaches that… the ro w which is tsu te story In Osaka me ike te ru and ro tsu te Walking with proud fashion somewhere ru person as for the painful element entering the ru
    • 你都有强势作风,我个人认为这是一个国家地狱只是自私的骄傲 You inspected with utmost effort don t you think it is don t you think it is great You think that privately simply it is mean countryside pride but

  • 148教师为主的现场,也推动父母说什么,并问我,我观察到的每一个学生的病情变化的时刻,修理权限和我维塔改变了暂停执行的内容在教师自行决定欠 148 Saying that can send the parent there is an authority and an obligation where the teacher who controls actual place observing the physical condition change of carving moment moment of the pupil stops the fact that it runs with judgment of the teacher and or changes repair contents
    • 四环素一女孩被运行后,在第一圈,但老师回答了问题Ikake,这是在头两圈坏 1 The woman pupil 1st after running lap replied in questioning the teacher but 2nd lap You say that it collapsed midway
    • 四环素推动一圈后的女孩,但对教师Ikake问题的答案,这是在头两圈坏 The woman pupil 1st after running lap replied in questioning the teacher but 2nd lap You say that it collapsed midway
    • 家教是不是在推动三个在当时所定的目标公里马拉松的学生,该部门负责卫生和体育老师是30多岁的妇女 As for supplementary lessons class could not run the endurance running of 3 kilometers inside the setting time the pupil who in the object 30 generations of hygienic physical education course The woman teacher had supervised

  • 184在高中足球体育教师,然后进入“我不从它的形成和确定的立场,”即使马拉松“和数据采集,测量脉搏,”即使柔道“技术,而不是把因为他们注重的免伤身体的传入“我们有教学或完全一样的东西 184 As for physical education teacher at time of high school The soccer you do doing “after deciding formation and position do” To an endurance running “measuring the pulse beat the data taking” To a judo “applying skill compared to seriously considering passiveness way there is no wound ” Well enough it was guidance tsu po potato but
    • 什么骰子静脉青年。然后我们还必须压力或他们的老师或小组,我只是借它也绝非漠不关心,甚至是重大,所以害怕 Young time tsu te pulse Suitable rising unconcerned because is it overstrains it is When we fear the teacher if it does not keep being attached to the group there is also a pressure and

  • 1“高古,花咲”是此花区,此花(河野花)是从祖的浪速的古今古今』宋地区的名称(现森咲我们的冬季难波津谷,花卉在春季派生崎谷和鲜花以及所有)有这所学校的名称
    1 As for “it blooms and this flower high school” there is Konohana Ku Konohana (as for this) as for origin of Ku name 'Wreck Tsu of ancient and modern Japanese ode collection song' (in wreck Tsu It blooms and this flower Winter [ri] Now spring the [be] It blooms and this flower) It became this school name from there

    • 472根据年龄和外观,并确定是否会被性骚扰者无论什么情况,我
      472 With age and lux, that circumstance how probably will be The 痴 China it has done, whether or not it is, it is distinguished probably will be

      • 504岁的歌曲,这花是简单,不知道古佐纪“这是可爱的歌曲,例如难波津语言和w是扑克牌罕见的事件,时代和一读的地方去越是“教育”,说维塔 504 Gently It blooms and this flower did not know is old song with” that if you say although it is lovely w As for wreck Tsu song competition you drive it is most first to be read you can call “culture” at the extent which enters into also year and place name
        • 504温顺,“这首歌是老顾的扎基不知道这花”,但可爱例如宋伟难波津语言和在扑克牌开始阅读是罕见的事件,进入时代和地点作为“教育如”,说维塔 504 Gently “it blooms and this flower did not know is old song with” that speaking although it is lovely w As for wreck Tsu song competition you drive it is most first to be read you can call “culture” at the extent which enters into also year and place name
        • “高中学,古佐纪和花卉,”这个地方的名称开放此花区,学校名称,古今古今(导言化名),“我在你的咲森冬季花卉和难波津古古和花卉春季和扎基“派生出来的 “It blooms and this flower high school” Concerning school name is the opening place Konohana Ku which name ancient and modern Japanese ode collection kana beginning “In wreck Tsu It blooms and this flower Winter ri Now spring the be It blooms and it is derived from this flower”
        • 森喜朗的815古和扎基我国冬天的花是浪津区和浪速津Saki和所有春季花:港口的速 815 In wreck Tsu It blooms and this flower Winter ri Now spring the be It blooms and this flower Wreck Tsu Port of wreck

      • 510嗯,这不是我真的死德鲁使太远或刈或生病,是不是我 510 Well really dying therefore ru reason physical condition was bad could point to unreasonable something it met it is the ro which is

        • 557“Ja Udaro地下水池和风险差”,是如此的真实?他们没有的,是在遥远的雷声声类的校园仅仅是因为他们具有低风险呢?这是可预见不够,人们生病逆转苏子我也进出茹溺人,会死,日本各地许多学校每年否则 557 As for “the ro where the pool and the land degree of risk is different and is” so being true Because degree of risk is low to that the tsu te The thunder being far while sounding it is possible to teach at the schoolyard Running also the fact that the human who is drowned is present also the ru human destroying physical condition sufficiently If estimate possibility it puts out and so does not do it means that every year many people die being the school of the Japanese entire country

          • 57:30编号:TV9VL NB0或护士学校,高中或逃学的学生收集元,此种图像命名 57 30 ID TV9VL NB0 The school for physically handicapped and mentally retarded children the high school which gathered the non attending school child naming of such image
            • 243名称:财富周年名无 10 时间:2010 03 17日(星期三)23:26:14编号:TV9VL NB0如果你从高中毕业这是什么花,他们形成扎基的恢复和Ku,苏预算,并且将只 243 Name Name it is not tenth anniversary Contribution day 2010 03 17 water 23 26 14 ID TV9VL NB0 It blooms in the resume when and this flower high school soldier finishing tsu te it is written you drop just that

          • 591迪拉姆救护车到达之前,我会人工呼吸或老师瓦特
            591 Until the ambulance arrives, it probably is AED you have breathed the teacher artificially, but w

            • 597对这样的活动,吸引了9 15,我开始热身到分钟,是在9 15分钟的热身练习,学生基础,一般都不会从那里,直到我猜想需时约10分钟后 597 Doing section life because with the ru ground 9 15 it has started preparation motion in The pupil whom you witness it probably will enter and 9 15 as for it does not come off to there don t you think probably will be When normally it prepares exercises from there about 10 minutes probably will be required and
              • 纳鲁负担得起的罚款死刑,如果我们不运行,直到其体温温暖的是不是这样的快乐了 Being such a cheerfulness without preparing exercising while the body is not warmed If it starts running well enough it can die being room

            • 610。西奥多普遍裸体在学校门口及大门内
              610 . Naming the door opening, before the school gate dance with bareness

              • 619这是什么事后,但事后Chaa津觉仁也很快护理位Dattara不好反正如果我是岌岌可危,这是一个极坏的苍白或刈Watta人在最后一圈
                619 When this was the ground, although it collapsed, however know it is whether you could become aware immediately, It is result theory [tsu] [chi] [ya] [a] result theory, That very that 1st lap to be tremendous complexion was bad at the point in time when it ends if it is to feel giddy, anyhow

                • 92根据学校的,而不是长期患病而你当时是我?没有意识到他的家人对自己,只是没有在医院测试 92 According to the same school there is no chronic disease The chronic disease met don t you think it is This person or the family there is no consciousness just did not inspect at the hospital
                  • 据一所学校,而不是长期患病而你当时是我?没有意识到他的家人对自己,只是没有在医院测试 1 According to the same school there is no chronic disease The chronic disease met don t you think it is This person or the family there is no consciousness just did not inspect at the hospital

                • “什么是教育和3这不是不可能的身体强制学生趋学生在规定的时间公里马拉松 gt Could not run the endurance running of 3 kilometers inside the setting time the pupil who the object The excessiveness it can point to the impossible pupil physically riding there is no education

                  • “浪花津”,“佐纪古和鲜花”是一个小,大阪,在校歌中常见短语
                    “Wreck Tsu”, as for “it blooms and this flower” alma mater song small, junior high school of Osaka Frequent appearance phrase

                    • “让Mushiri基层病例400英尺感谢周围的汉字火的感觉是一个钝的稿纸上写笔芯杯我一个短语副本
                      > Weeding In 400 stuffing manuscript papers ripening language eye full transcribing Time of fire fighting was, but sluggishly the [ze] which remembers Chinese character with favor of the foot

                      • 〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜在事故现场的地点是不可见的负责老师
                        ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ As for accident occurrence actual place, from the charge teacher it was in the position where you cannot recognize

                        • しかし 、 それを 境 に スポーツ 選手 を 養成 する 高校 じゃねえんだろここなんでここまでやる 必要 があるのかな 〜 〜俺 の 高校 なんか マラソン 大会 でまじめに 走 ってるの 半分 くらいだったよ But don t you think that the high school which trains the sport player to boundary ro here which smiled With something it is necessary to do to here kana We high school something running seriously in the marathon conference it was about half of the ru
                          • 是否有需要培训运动员高校籍Yaneendarokokonandekokomadeyaru的〜〜我是运行半程马拉松我津市的东西我的高中严重 Don t you think the high school which trains the sport player separately ro here which smiled With something it is necessary to do to here kana We high school something running seriously in the marathon conference it was about half of the ru

                        • ちなみに 脳 への 血流 が 途絶 えると 1 分間 に 10 % の 割合 で 社会復帰率 が 低下 していきます
                          By the way when the blood style to the brain stops, in 1 minutes resocialization ratio keeps decreasing in ratio of the 10%

                          • 不是一种慢性疾病或残疾,从没有在课堂上被残疾儿童,没有任何地方,他们来比平均低柴刈子行有点后劲
                            Because it is not the chronic sickness and the handicapped person, because there is no object of protection grade, there is no destination of the child where the physical strength only is a little lower than mean value

                            • 两个7冷Resuomosure脊髓wwwwwwwwww特立独行月份之前完成马拉松比赛是5个死亡余wwwwwwwwwwwwww公里
                              With the February cold-proof marathon 7 kilometers all-inclusive running were done Spinal cord [resuomosure] wwwwwwwwww As for the heretical child death it is together stripe obtaining wwwwwwwwwwwwww

                              • 什么一个人,但一位资深的定型评论说,“预防”这是什么奇怪的意外,但是当它不是以Ja复发Sumasa 1 However what comment of crest cutting type is said probably is manual what “the recurrence prevention” tsu lever it is as for strange accident When recurrence something it is done it does it probably cannot surpass simply but
                                • 1紋切 り 型 の コメント を 言 うのが マニュアル なんだろうけどさ 、 「 再発防止 」 って再発 なんかされたらただじゃすまされないだろうが 1 However what comment of crest cutting type is said probably is manual what “the recurrence prevention” tsu lever it is as for strange accident When recurrence something it is done it does it probably cannot surpass simply but

                              • 什么马拉松,成年人和我总是在最高职级,小仲隆什么是不多了敌意单位在完成思这只是问题的能源和什么没有运行过死,无论他们如何思区不再害怕旅行,通常死于并知道瓦特 Endurance running the reason which how you resign and die running or Just problem of vigor the shelf being convinced Konaka high and by all power Running however all inclusive running it has always done with ranking the higher rank After becoming the adult knowing that it dies normally fearing w which it becomes unable to run
                                • 它已经Baiin进入任何正在运行的田径是好的,如果你来刈也许是从坏的形状好,我在课堂上我完成了完美的亚由美地达 Walking passing attending class properly all inclusive running it has done therefore it is there is no calling The physical condition bad causing re it is to do If it runs the favorite it should have entered into with also the overland section it is to put out

                              • 从一个男人,一个女人的病情变化,即使他们每天柔道运动从一分钟我经常,当他们有时身体不好狗屎触发 Therefore the man as for change of physical condition of the woman you do not understand well but Everyday it is extreme awfully in the judo section exercising Sometimes when physical condition is bad it is
                                • 但是,当学生们有一天你认识到它非常骇人听闻的罪恶他们来塑造运动的我 But at the time of the student starting exercising in physical condition being bad for the first time tremendously Stimulant reaching there was a day

                              • 从大环城公路,“这花和古佐纪”学生拷贝津市我中学一直认为,维塔将看到任何迹象表示敬意的感觉 From the belt highway that big “it blooms when and the signboard of this flower junior high school high school” is visible the usual Passing the ru pupil what kind of feeling thinks as the wax which is associated

                                • 从这个就像古弱支气管哮喘发作,我一跑了一圈,他们的冷思400米的茹是勉强能够运行在我 The bronchial tube being weak because immediately the seizure of the asthma it becomes like 1 lap 400m me where the fact that it runs at last is The eye which you see remembered was cool

                                  • 从高心率突然变得危险的家伙的运行缺乏运动,是不是如歌我和维持其运转的是让你的心率达到最大心率表决心
                                    The motion insufficient person running, when suddenly it becomes high heart beat, therefore danger, making the heart beat meter attach, the upper limit of heart beat deciding, unless it can send, the [ro] which is useless

                                    • 仲间大阪。区和高中的花咲 饮食文化 47,大阪。区和高中的花咲 播放 高中学,47中等学校东京47八王子実践 特进 47爱知工业设计高中47名古屋名古屋市商业高中 全科 47商业高中学校,德岛县 综合信息 47津工业高中 机 石卷市女子高中47 自由国际 47千叶。高正 信息 御殿西高中47 特进 47高中规定西日本短大 类 公教中学,47中等47冲绳 nakama Osaka city It blooms and this flower high school food culture 47 Osaka city It blooms and this flower high school the play 47 Tokyo school high school normally 47 Hachiozi practice high school special Shin 47 Aichi industrial high school design 47 The Nagoya municipal Nagoya commercial high school all course 47 Tokushima commercial high school information of synthesis 47 Aizu industrial high school machine 47 Ishimaki municipal woman high school international culture 47 Chiba Positive high school information 47 Gotenba west high school special Shin 47 West Japanese junior college 附 high school � 47 Okinawa Catholic high school normally 47
                                      • 仲间大阪。区和高中的花咲 饮食文化 47,大阪。区和高中的花咲 播放 高中学,47中等学校东京47八王子実践 特进 47爱知工业设计高中47名古屋名古屋市商业高中 全科 47商业高中学校,德岛县 综合信息 47津工业高中 机 石卷市女子高中47 自由国际 47千叶。高正 信息 御殿西高中47 特进 47高中规定西日本短大 类 公教中学,47中等47冲绳 nakama Osaka city It blooms and this flower high school food culture 47 Osaka city It blooms and this flower high school the play 47 Tokyo school high school normally 47 Hachiozi practice high school special Shin 47 Aichi industrial high school design 47 The Nagoya municipal Nagoya commercial high school all course 47 Tokushima commercial high school information of synthesis 47 Aizu industrial high school machine 47 Ishimaki municipal woman high school international culture 47 Chiba Positive high school information 47 Gotenba west high school special Shin 47 West Japanese junior college 附 high school � 47 Okinawa Catholic high school normally 47
                                      • 偏差高中排名,大阪府,大阪2010年。区和高中的花咲 播放 →在大阪52。区和高中的花咲 声明食品 →50正常 The Osaka prefecture High school deviation value Ranking 2010 Osaka city It blooms and this flower high school the play gt 52 Osaka city It blooms and this flower high school the food sentence gt 50 Normal
                                      • 大阪122。区和高中的花咲 饮食文化 47,大阪。区和高中的花咲 播放 47大阪キ栏目━━━━(°∀°)━━━━¯! 122 Osaka city It blooms and this flower high school food culture 47 Osaka city It blooms and this flower high school the play 47 The Osaka kita ━ ━ ━ ━ ゚ ∀ ゚ ━ ━ ━ ━ tsu
                                      • 大阪校差的信息。区和高中的花咲 饮食文化 47,大阪。区和高中的花咲 玩 47 The Osaka prefecture Information of high school deviation value Osaka city It blooms and this flower high school food culture 47 Osaka city It blooms and this flower high school the play 47

                                    • 但是,如果他们说他是运行良好,尽管接触,我·······老师,我说: However that properly you had communicated if you say it could send in spite…… teacher don t you think the person
                                      • 但是,这是为了运行一个人,也许他们没有成为老师即将进入眼睛 Because so this time it came to the point of running alone in order also for the teacher to enter into the eye whether it was possible to have been attached don t you think

                                    • 但高中毕业,另一位是缓慢的,但他们已经在面对死亡运行是脂肪或周年纪念日,这所学校有一个危险,但我只是不想继续,大年结合死亡风险有没有意义的旅行,直到他们 When it is high school inside when it is late already 1 lap it was However it is sent with the face debu may die that it was dangerous it is the shelf But as for this school like it continues until the risk which dies making shoulder the meaning where it can send it is combining
                                      • Ja并在100所学校Kirodebu部队5公里的家伙,其实我在班是5月底Waranai不合理的,没有它? The school inside 5 kilometers you did but In class not ending there were 100 kirodebu Actually as for the unreasonable person the ro which is unreasonable

                                    • 体操电台亦已经消失在家里生孩子或如果它是一个意外去年暑假托盘
                                      When it went home with the tray day off of last summer, there was an accident when with, also radio gymnastics of the children had disappeared

                                      • 作为军队一样,在越战老兵案例与它的痛苦,采取一意义上的货物
                                        Being the same as the troop, it has the joint impression in the comrade who gets over suffering together mono is

                                        • 作为妻子Ninigi,Hoderi(彦海)Hoori Hosuseri(彦山)我生
                                          As a wife of [ninigi], [hoderi] (sea Yukihiko) [hosuseri] [hoori] (mountain Yukihiko) you bore

                                          • 偏差高中排名,大阪府,大阪精工学院高级学校,2010年高级中等学校76天王寺规定大阪教育[薄熙来],高中前75领先[数学],75中学天王寺[数学],75高中平野大阪教育中74个条款的规定大阪教育池田高中中北野74中等学校高中领先前73中高中学,南开Seihuu 72中高中学,天王寺72中等72
                                            The Osaka prefecture High school deviation value Ranking 2010 Osaka city. It blooms and this flower high school [the play] -> 52 Osaka city. It blooms and this flower high school [the food sentence] -> 50 Normal

                                            • 做体育课的学生,没有体力了! ! ! ! !太阳或父母出他们在说什么 Do the class of physical education for the pupil who does not have the physical strength Will the guardian probably propose

                                              • 健康和积极生活的两个定点观测,甚至挪拉ー议员的统计概率,将死时,你死了
                                                Being the mind and body healthy ocean weather ship observation, don't you think? active 2 and others - with even, when statistical stochastically, dying, it dies

                                                • 关键字:搜索成海璃子:多字以下的提取(或):0和我没有看到任何人?
                                                  Keyword: Forming sea 璃 child Search method: Multiple word (OR) Extraction less number: 0 No one sees, when is?

                                                  • 其中,200,000,300,000,应在(E中空意义上的)用尝试部署到各小学,中学思北海道Ttara,他们Morawanaki Yaikenaikarajane百分之一万点零零万日元预算或什么?
                                                    At one as for 200,000 and 300,000 the expectation which caught (the [u] [ro] remembering) When you try the Hokkaido Konaka school probably to dispose entirely, no hundred million Yen budget must cut and others, the [wa], because, don't you think??

                                                    • 医疗检查是不是所有古异常(心电图圣轻度在某些情况下,不是所有的心电图异常的古也看到,吸收)在太阳津市发送正常的生活,突然基应变心跳骤停“Brugada综合征”,如心脏病有 With physical checkup there is no completely abnormality and minor ST rise being found in electrocardiogram inspection When certain but completely there is no abnormality even in the electrocardiogram although is usual life is led A certain day abrupt heart stop is caused there is a heart disease of “ burugada syndrome” and so on
                                                      • 但是,轻微的先天性心脏病,基层梅萨d和c更好中止他是否考虑在相像事故的马拉松和学校的 When even in the innate heart disease minor D it is C with ranking the marathon there is a school which it can point but If of accident is thought makes stop the person who

                                                    • 古今像在古代和现代,椎耻祖的古今古今思恩达应该不错,但这个名字我来京万思
                                                      Don't you think? like you take from ancient and modern Japanese ode collection, ancient and modern Japanese ode collection it is shy with the thought cup You think that also sound of name is good, but it is,

                                                      • 名无财富183 @ 10周年[圣人]03分之2010/ 17(星期三)23:16:15编号:ynTYR38O0以及是否有东西Konohanasakuyabime大阪嘿维基由香里我见过的任何关系wwwwwww真正愚蠢的财富,使220名无大阪@ 10周年[圣人]03分之2010/ 17(星期三)23:22:55编号:ynTYR38O0 201您将面临是红色的大阪府津wwwwww这是真还是大脑2通道
                                                        183 Name it is not @ tenth anniversary [sage] 2010/03/17 (water) 23: 16: 15 ID: ynTYR38O0 That Wikipedia you tried seeing, whether it has no gruel temporary in [konohanasakuyabime] but it is Don't you think? as for Osaka something related to everything [e] wwwwwww The Osaka [tsu] [te] [ho] it is with [aho] so 220 Name it is not @ tenth anniversary [sage] 2010/03/17 (water) 23: 22: 55 ID: ynTYR38O0 201 The Osaka prefecture people or it is the face deep-red, wwwwww This 2ch brain?

                                                        • 名称和良好的学校,学校护士,我也发现,我思四环素护士学校及以后的怀疑
                                                          You call school name, there is also protection teacher discovery and, That you thought whether it is the [te] [tsu] drill school for physically handicapped and mentally retarded children

                                                          • 在中学体育教育的投入,没有辅助动力。我没有草Mushiri有两个,不排除大约只有一次3。唉,也只有7南特将于今天上午杀害接受辅导和参加马拉松比赛,你公里 In physical education power while being inserted as for high school assistant It was weeding however Furthermore only 2 and 3 times the extent which does not appear Limitation Although it participates in also the marathon of 7 kilometers the how yes 哀 thought which supplementary lessons it dies being made to receive it passes
                                                            • 592在我们面前扭转这么多,我不想辅导万维网如果我是因为受氖水壶分钟死的工作,是否有?湿重 592 You would not like to take supplementary lessons conversely so with something it is www Whether or not it died being consequence of supplementary lessons separately don t you think the amount can the ro ww which is

                                                          • 在古事纪之毗売Kibana佐久晚上,在日本』编年史符号和开放的『Kibana耶姫 In addition in old thing description wooden flower 之 Saku night 毘 sale At the Japanese book period wooden flower opening 耶 the princess you inscribe

                                                            • 大阪。区和高中的花咲(此花区,大阪市)17日,女孩为期两年的综合培训课程(17)下跌了5个卫生和体育课的当天运行的作业,宣布,它已杀死17天 Osaka city It blooms and as for this flower high school the Osaka city Konohana Ku on the 17th the comprehensive subject 2nd grade woman pupil 17 It announced that with supplementary lessons class of hygienic physical education on the 5th it collapsed while running died on the 17th
                                                              • 大阪。区和高中的花咲(此花区,大阪市)17日,女孩为期两年的综合培训课程(17)下跌了5个卫生和体育课的当天运行的作业,宣布,它已杀死17天 Osaka city It blooms and as for this flower high school the Osaka city Konohana Ku on the 17th the comprehensive subject 2nd grade woman pupil 17 It announced that with supplementary lessons class of hygienic physical education on the 5th it collapsed while running died on the 17th

                                                            • 大阪。辅导有关事故的高中生,这花是佐纪古最初,在我们(3月3日)是应做的事与其他学生,制止学生来申请在这种不景气的请愿3月5日,是这些学生每天一名教师,并在名义进行的唯一的课程两圈(一圈约500米)正在运行的1 Osaka city It blooms and about the pupil accident in this flower high school Supplementary lessons at the beginning in the past day March 3rd with the other pupil it had come to the point of doing but because the particular pupil requests the physical condition defectiveness it discontinues Day March 5th particular pupil 1 name and was executed with only charge teacher 1 course it was something which 2 lap 1 lap approximately 500m runs
                                                              • 大阪。辅导有关事故的高中生,这花是佐纪古最初,在我们(3月3日)是应做的事与其他学生,制止学生来申请在这种不景气的请愿3月5日,是这些学生每天一名教师,并在名义进行的唯一的课程两圈(一圈约500米)正在运行的1 Osaka city It blooms and about the pupil accident in this flower high school Supplementary lessons at the beginning in the past day March 3rd with the other pupil it had come to the point of doing but because the particular pupil requests the physical condition defectiveness it discontinues Day March 5th particular pupil 1 name and was executed with only charge teacher 1 course it was something which 2 lap 1 lap approximately 500m runs

                                                            • 大阪校。花高中学,扎基→古和此工作的影响,这个职业是一个全球性的媒体部门驹泽大学全球媒体研究学院
                                                              Educational background Osaka city. It blooms and this flower high school -> Komazawa University global media [sutadeizu] department global media subject When it is such a personal history, in job hunting influence…

                                                              • 大阪,除了“这花和古佐纪的一分钟”我的意思是,即使我会读“这花和古佐纪”是一句没有一个字
                                                                Other than the Osaka person “it blooms and this flower” reading, meaning you do not understand, probably will be As for “it blooms and this flower” not to be the sentence, [te] one word

                                                                • 她还从没有得到足够的时间必须是在谁比学生有足够的额外的旅行时间课程 NULL

                                                                  • 如果我做的是结乳头线,两名病人可自命方式分裂胸部其中4自上而下的推动,将其视为科穆英尺
                                                                    Method in order the chest about 4 centimeters to be dented, pushes the place where the line which ties the nipple with the patient as looking up is divided equally 2 from directly above

                                                                    • 如果我是作为一个书面的力量,汤几乎接近猝死在她的学生面前,529人坏“和早期古李饘§ U”或做或迟到,我叫救护车疯狂可爱的偶像· · ·
                                                                      529 Excessiveness 1 Writing, if according to the [ru], it dies almost suddenly and is close However, before “it raises the schoolgirl who collapses quickly and [ko] ゙ [rua]” does the [ri], The [paniku] [tsu] [te] ambulance what it calls was late, when it is…

                                                                      • 学校护士及心脏AED(自动体外除颤器表达式)是Razu回来意识,被救护车送往医院 Protection teacher heart Massage and AED the automatic external type removal small dynamic vessel you used but consciousness did not return by the ambulance was conveyed in the hospital
                                                                        • 549是一个体育老师,因为他们提出的照顾,在事故的利益不能做任何事打乱 NULL

                                                                      • 学生,苏司的硬盘完全错误的马拉松比赛的!旧的怎么做,应该完全赔偿老式from m不是一个谁是可怕的力量,做推进到一个异质和体育事业都在一起,我不得不教即使水平的研究“这样一个不幸的孩子我也没有其他选择“其他人什么都不做停止! ! The ro which in the pupil the hard marathon assigning is strange in evenness and is Even study was in level it guides it is to put out The excessiveness to do it can send just physical education everyone simultaneous ku it is how it is terrible Therefore it has become without human one person compensation for damage should owe accurately With old fashioned method “however such unhappy child it is it is helpless” how Stop the method already
                                                                        • 在力量和学生人数ü分歧,使相同的菜单梅鲁正交制服,学生不坏的形状和体力,耐力或其内容能亲首页 Because the same menu to evenness and numerical value are sought from the pupil where the physical strength is different The physical condition defectiveness and the pupil who does not have the physical strength can give the contents above the physical strength

                                                                      • 家教是马拉松三个也没关系,我要迫使他们在旅行为没有定肯运行时间公里的马拉松比赛的学生设置的时间。它也可能死于 As for supplementary lessons class could not run the endurance running of 3 kilometers inside the setting time the pupil who in the object 30 generations of hygienic physical education course The woman teacher had supervised
                                                                        • 输入的是就业的穷人年轻谷的25米游泳时间设置。忠志斯佐措施事情我一直游泳茂木时间,孩子可能没有人身危险,也有Dattara溺 Time of swimming you swim poor being inserted by supplementary lessons group 25m The time of swimming however to do again measuring it was When it is the child which that is not the physical strength being drowned whether it is dangerous

                                                                      • 将这个学校的名字在投票万维网特征是什么,我还特别姬♪3 Konohanachiru♪方式表决的要求为您的需要,所以我所有的力量来分钟,我把重点放在柯奥拉奥拉心〜我做好事〜 This school name which is what becomes in the air www By the way konohanachiru princess it is During character voting power of poll request ♪ everyone is necessary what in ♪ especially 3 dividing power into ora giving Heart of ora is made vigorous
                                                                        • 这所学校的生活是什么名字,简历,“扎基谷高中毕业的花”来写入和学生团体或家长DQN This school name which is what In lifetime and the resume “it blooms and this flower high school graduation” the book even in the body of the pupil who is done being accustomed DQN parent

                                                                      • 岩佐当然,在高中,一个姐妹学校,街道是Ninigi你必须有一个高中最近?
                                                                        Certainly in 磐 long high school and the sisters school, There probably is a [ninigi] high school which it is possible recently to neighborhood?

                                                                        • 序号为749的古今古今著名的化名:“我森扎基在您的瓦卡冬季花卉和难波津古古和花卉,在春天和扎基平安时期”,这浪津“宋”是指“任何人的知识津歌曲“打的游戏卡一直与高中的代名词,而这通常是这首歌,咏诗的女儿在竞争”,此花区(这不是)“在这个诗歌名称的由来启动情况在“花”字
                                                                          749 The famous Japanese ode which is kana beginning of ancient and modern Japanese ode collection “In wreck Tsu It blooms and this flower Winter [ri] Now spring the [be] It blooms and this flower” “As for this wreck Tsu song” it makes pronoun “of the song which has known anyone” in peaceful age, Competition you drive, it has become the usual practice to compose this song when starting the competition, it is in There is this high school, “Konohana Ku (it is not this)” origin of a word of name The phrase, “this flower” of this Japanese ode

                                                                          • 总是有不可避免的不知道,我记得我为什么德鲁究竟有多少人在两个马拉松死在高中 Even with your own graduate high school about two people you dying in the marathon conference there is ru memory but it is Why whether it does not become not to be being strange it is helpless
                                                                            • 号召防火德鲁我觉得有很大的国家生死存亡谁看到最后,他会是什么感觉 After all whoever dying seeing becoming ru state because it is helpless whether it probably will call it probably is the tsu te feeling

                                                                          • 您好所有的家伙不必须有一个实体的家伙,而不是什么呢?于是,他们身体的邪恶?卫,所以他们有后劲?踢东西意味着一些东西收到了数学和语文辅导在一个次要的东西可以在体育工作? ,,,和,1公里是在全速运行时给我们8分钟的底部不削减 In the first place unless the person who is not must be compared with the person who has the physical strength with something reason Unless there is a physical strength it is bad so When there is a physical strength it is great so Supplementary lessons is received as for meaning of the thing which it is in margin and the physical education taking supplementary lessons you can obtain something with mathematics and national language something … With running 1km by all power the base which is not cut off sent 8 minutes
                                                                            • 但他们没有实力而言,学生就业的名字是如此可爱的旅行是不可能这样做,或认证教师欺凌 Although there is no physical strength which it runs the pupil whom the excessiveness you do and is sent lovely so School official recognition ijime of teacher main leadership of the name supplementary lessons

                                                                          • 我,我承认,当时弃权率,并认为至少不寻常的病人,它甚至建议
                                                                            At the point in time when at least abnormality is felt in physical condition Recognizing rapid waiver, recommendation margin

                                                                            • 数量承认区唐人街唐人街东京池袋★u003d数目注册外国县(人口在日本)东京一处402434人(最高人口的比例,主要是中国和韩国(23区)的罪行,比5年前,所有超过600万增加),228432人放置两个爱知,大阪,211782人的地点,神奈川,崎玉,5日举行的171889人121515人移民紫癜:/ / www.moj.go.太平绅士/新闻/ 090710 - 090710分之1 - 4。PDF格式★数量创价学会,东京都道府县的地方约330万美元1(最高人口的比例,总部设在东京,大作池田纯名誉院长

                                                                              • 新闻在大阪。“古古和今年初高中的花咲”今天上午听到什么来苏流,什么是缺少昨晚或今天早上分钟前古 With news “Osaka city It blooms when and now morning” the tsu te you ignore quickly with this flower high school It stops understanding whether last night being whether now morning is quickly
                                                                                • 但该名称(但舌头在平假名)感到惊讶的是在高中的城市更新 So such a name furthermore hiragana to blend with in municipal high school Furthermore you were surprised
                                                                                • 新闻在大阪。“古古和今年初高中的花咲”今天上午听到什么来苏流,什么是缺少昨晚或今天早上分钟前古 With news “Osaka city It blooms when and now morning” the tsu te you ignore quickly with this flower high school It stops understanding whether last night being whether now morning is quickly

                                                                              • 春天鲜花和围墙,现在双方的护栏和鲜花的春天花朵和冬季作物,我们现在难波津森
                                                                                In no [wa] [zu] Fence and this flower winter [ri] Now spring the side Fence and this flower Now spring the side Fence and this flower

                                                                                • 是什么之前运行有一半9:00时正在运行的一支发华伦天奴更换或穿马拉松后,学校与学校辅导
                                                                                  9:30 AM to start running before, pass as for thing, attending school for marathon supplementary lessons After the attending school changing clothes, it ran directly kana

                                                                                  • 是否有东西Konohanasakuyabime大阪嘿维基由香里我见过的任何与大阪wwwwwww究竟是什么愚蠢的关系
                                                                                    That Wikipedia you tried seeing, whether it has no gruel temporary in [konohanasakuyabime] but it is Don't you think? as for Osaka something related to everything [e] wwwwwww The Osaka [tsu] [te] [ho] it is with [aho] so

                                                                                    • 有什么区别和此花学院?でもまぁ 咲 くやこの 花 は 古今和歌集 に 由来 してるし花博 の 時 に 咲 くやこの 花館 あったしそもそも 此花区 って 区 があるのにこの 名前 を 馬鹿 にされるいわれはないだろ The Konohana institute being different So well it blooms and this flower has been derived from ancient and modern Japanese ode collection and It blooms the flower Hiroshi s time and this flower mansion it was and In the first place although there is Konohana Ku tsu te Ku The ro which is not the saying which makes this name foolish and is
                                                                                      • 被誉为古今古今,“我在你咲森冬季花卉难波津古古和Saki和所有的春天花朵”来自老调 NULL

                                                                                    • 根据具体的时间之间的女孩开始从学校护士急救找到坏女孩午餐递送公司,已要求救护车或有任何行动谁是不是说,这是所有古名矿 According to concretely as for the woman pupil After lunch delivery discovering the woman pupil where the trader has collapsed while the protection teacher begins quick fix time someone did what kind of conduct Who requesting the ambulance as for This completely has not become clear
                                                                                      • 具体的 には・ 弁当配達業者 が 倒 れている 女子生徒 を 発見 してから 養護教諭 が 応急処置 を 始 める 間 の 時間 、 誰 がどんな 行動 をしたか・ 救急車 を 要請 したのは 誰 かこれが古名是不是都 Concrete After lunch delivery discovering the woman pupil where the trader has collapsed while the protection teacher begins quick fix time someone did what kind of conduct Who requesting the ambulance as for This completely has not become clear

                                                                                    • 此外,它意味着什么,或者离家出走那是什么?恩戴脚慢的家伙,他们也没有办法,因为越来越多的垫什么推动他们自己的老师都不是在头部,只有生病的位置思 Generally running such a distance something being meaning As for the person where the foot is slow How it will do it is not it is with that no za which can be sent more in the reason as for this teacher Strangely dearly you cannot think the head
                                                                                      • 在523瓦特Kakiko你是我唯一的问题是能够确定实际国家等级划分教师的地位 523 In addition it is kakiko or w To the last however the appreciation of the situation ability of the teacher just is designated as problem don t you think

                                                                                    • 每一个在每一个啊我们只用于看电视在放学后龙珠茹Warezu重播使用一些在课堂上设置up ve纳阿小学课堂
                                                                                      [a] - Even in the small school inside TV it is installed in each every classroom Something without being used with class, re-broadcast of the dragon ball after the releasing section it is used just in order to see

                                                                                      • 津市我,我一直在说,万世疲劳假期,教师当时运行的是与暴力和疏忽,思,我们仍在祈祷恩戴津死亡问 You became tired you make go to bed and say and although the ru being thought that it is being lazy the excessiveness you did and were sent The teacher of that time dies and even now prays
                                                                                        • W是学校名称和教师不知他们是否生病,但你不这样做的想法 Name shelf w of strange school But if physical condition is bad as for the teacher unless thinking

                                                                                      • 现在是儿童营养不良或前长途运行的情况下,或你我吃糖果津市麦秸用膳时间,我们的危险行为
                                                                                        It is and is malnutrition As for the current child breakfast the tide candy which is not eaten the [tsu] eating, the [ru] When long distance it runs in such a circumstance originally dangerous action

                                                                                        • 看我们对心律失常的伤害是文的责任,学校,这个孩子是落后于你的朋友和一个星期的医务人员2卷Bitanoha午餐派活 As for overlooking the fact that the arrhythmia is caused on responsibility of school side This child about 2 weeks as for surviving the shade of lunch house and the medical authorized personnel
                                                                                          • 紫癜: www city kawasaki jp 25 25kinrou 家庭 roudou 柔 backno 09分之200609 2。媒☆让心律失常的预防 ttp www city kawasaki jp 25 25kinrou home roudou rou backno 200609 09 2 htm It will prevent the arrhythmia

                                                                                        • 美国科学院,平庸“赫特更衣室”不是我,是公认的非津实希望人们反应过度,不千里眼
                                                                                          With the American Academy Award, mediocrity mediocrity as for not recognizing the “heart rocker” fault completed you want in the person, So there are no times when it reacts excessively?

                                                                                          • 螃蟹和人员在东京的公司时,创造出简历个人电脑“,并不能转换,以满足我的简历,”这么少的悲伤Waretara思接受或
                                                                                            When Tokyo company past record of PC compilation it writes out, “you cannot convert to personal affairs either your own resume satisfactorily,” When with it is thought, just a little pitiful

                                                                                            • 让这不仅仅是因为在时间的工作的地方Nechinechi说?许老师说,这绝对是一个年轻的古在南特她辅导Dattara唉,我想死 How because it is not during time somewhere tsu te nechinechi it takes supplementary lessons Such it is young with it is the how yes 哀 thought which dies When by his is supplementary lessons of this child without fail this teacher permission
                                                                                              • 让我们不只是因为工作的及时Nechinechi为什么呢?徐说,这是这个孩子的老师,我的父母从未Dattara唉,我在年轻的古南特想死 Because it is not during time with something tsu te nechinechi it takes supplementary lessons Such it is young with it is the how yes 哀 thought which dies When by his is the parent of this child without fail this teacher permission

                                                                                            • 讲师说,退休的前紧急医疗技术人员已经从紧急出动支援中心
                                                                                              As for the lecturer, the original lifesaving loyal retainer whom retirement age you retire, was dispatched from emergency support center

                                                                                              • 走 れなかった 生徒 を 何度 も 走 らせて タイム が 上 がるわけでもないし 、 上 がったからといってなにかいいことがあるわけでもないし Many degrees being able to send the pupil whom it could not run being the case that the time rises Or because it rose saying something being the case that it is good thing or
                                                                                                • Dattara,调整案例为孩子的学习环境不正确的实力,希望他们不工作,学生健身班 When is we want making the grade for the pupil which arranged the environment where the child which does not have the physical strength can do study properly does not have the physical strength

                                                                                              • 达罗天或上帝的角色是山城堡什么Konohanasakuya
                                                                                                God, the kind of [ro] which is in [konohanasakuya] [tsu] [te] Mt. Fuji Or Amagi [perusona

                                                                                                • 这也是686教师案件将更好地利用他身体状况的证据之前,你知道,他们没有力量涉及两名教师,谁没有在第一圈的运行,这不是这是你的医疗状况是棘手的疾病Basedu差别,我不尽快恢复,以支持他们Shiidaro甚至难以诊断
                                                                                                  686 As for that there is no teacher relationship The evidence which your yourself physical condition grasp makes good The latest case as for the teacher because it is not the case that 2nd it can send lap compulsorily, circumstance so is not different [basedou] illness Don't you think? incurable disease -? The [ro] which it diagnoses even with the doctor and it is difficult is The recovery whose also moment is quick is supported

                                                                                                  • 这对死者和运行区Yoshikooseihoshiujigyoude扎基同花Hokashi
                                                                                                    The [ji] [yo] it does and is dense consequence We want the maggot [gi] [yo] arm Running Dying, besides the fact that is, it does, It blooms and this flower

                                                                                                    • 这里有辅导,他们组成三个家伙我喜欢一次,他们不得不在这个职位呼吸,即使她们只是和无载于头部的运行时间公里马拉松学生没有运行我错了? Here As for supplementary lessons class could not run the endurance running of 3 kilometers inside the setting time the pupil who in the object Although with only you have not written As with these supplementary lessons been able to send with the unreasonable time writing the ru person the head is strange it is don t you think
                                                                                                      • null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 Largest doubt this With the February cold proof marathon 7 kilometers all inclusive running were done Time of the endurance running of 3km outside standard appraising with this With something obstinate no supplementary lessons it can let do to there it is

                                                                                                    • 难波津434首歌曲(现森咲到冬季花卉浪津古古和花卉春季和柴)和木耶姫花咲(Konohanasakuya)不推出另一个呢?难波津唱梅花花卉,花这樱花花咲耶姫 434 Wreck Tsu song In wreck Tsu It blooms and this flower Winter ri Now spring the be It blooms and this flower with Or the wooden flower 咲 耶 the princess konohanasakuya difference it is not As for the flower of wreck Tsu song with the plum the wooden flower 咲 耶 as for the flower of the princess it is the cherry tree
                                                                                                      • 我找不到他们的知识434难波津歌曲一样扭转日本尴尬 434 Wreck Tsu song is not known how conversely as the same Japanese shame or the forcing

                                                                                                    • 高东中学,122大学崇拜[特进41个大学]特进,谋杀下属的家庭是一个真正优秀瓦特
                                                                                                      122 Higashi Osaka university reverence high school [special Shin] 41 As expected special Shin course of homicide university attachment is the excellence w

                                                                                                      研究 開発