Cabinet support ratio 36.2% non- support 50.7% nuclear secret agreement “if it contributes to the security of the country is, while it is secret being, it is helpless”, in the top 47%…The Japanese television investigation ★3
问题13 日本和美国现在又或明或承诺,当您关闭,如应急免费使用一基地,包括郗眯蚜持朝鲜核 Question 13 With Japan and America promising the nuclear weapon bringing and the base free use etc at the time of the Korean Peninsula emergency secretly It became clear to have done
问题13 日本和美国现在又或明或承诺,当您关闭,如应急免费使用一基地,包括郗眯蚜持朝鲜核 Question 13 With Japan and America promising the nuclear weapon bringing and the base free use etc at the time of the Korean Peninsula emergency secretly It became clear to have done
125我希望我瓦特让我摆脱出来的习惯,更黄金储备债券 125
Although the buried deposit money it should have put out, don't you think? w
Also the government bond furthermore comes out, don't you think? the [chi] [ya] [u
214 一个秘密的外交谈判的承诺,思如果?达罗区 不如呼唤回答了维塔许多什么这只是一个问题 214 Therefore tsu te question what being many to invite and to answer the ro which is not strange and is
教育和E并没有在外交和军事,周围的人或不挂外交界义务教育离开,他们是很好的节能 Unless it keeps teaching either military affair and diplomacy with compulsory education The good way either diplomacy does not go well with while it is the citizen who is swindled
629队。但婴儿潮父母与父母,他们说,但婴儿潮一代,他们的父母,和行政工作的鸽子秋圈的朋友和家长,等后来我听说,狗屎,所以我抹布即使是婴儿潮,他们的父母,谁是地狱之间的人民,他们应该支持主题,在这孩子!津贴,津市Terurashii一人说,他们不年轻的差别,他们得到松散瓦特撒 629 Group However the nodule tsu te you say But also parents of your own parents husband nodule generation Parents then even with friend and circle and the like of parents as for hatopotsupo administration even rag droppings what Therefore in the parents of the nodule generation even in between whether entire someone has supported just that it becomes topic it seems Between those people after all with child treatment Saying that difference it is not in the young people where the rose it makes spread the ru it seems but w
NULL 3 14 Ishikawa nomarch election Riding together victory there is no meaning 03 14 Ishikawa prefecture Wajima mayor election Our people type victory 03 14 The Fukuoka prefecture shrine it is young mayor election Our people supporting is torn but the non post incumbent election for Aso group the substantial our people 03 14 Japanese ode Yamagata Hasimoto mayor election Our people type victory 03 14 Tochigi prefecture Otawara mayor election Our people system victory 03 14 Iwate prefecture inner part state mayor election lt The za originally with your super paternal home fight of democracy 03 14 Iwate prefecture Kuji mayor election Our people type victory Already Ozawa Hatoyama system it cannot win election democracy Our people unreasonably the party the one which is not reformed are good
NULL 3 14 Ishikawa nomarch election Riding together victory there is no meaning 03 14 Ishikawa prefecture Wajima mayor election Our people type victory 03 14 The Fukuoka prefecture shrine it is young mayor election Our people supporting is torn but the non post incumbent election for Aso group the substantial our people 03 14 Japanese ode Yamagata Hasimoto mayor election Our people type victory 03 14 Tochigi prefecture Otawara mayor election Our people system victory 03 14 Iwate prefecture inner part state mayor election lt The za originally with your super paternal home fight of democracy 03 14 Iwate prefecture Kuji mayor election Our people type victory Already Ozawa Hatoyama system it cannot win election democracy Our people unreasonably the party the one which is not reformed are good
NULL 3 14 The election result which was seen from democracy side Case of VS our people Defeat Ishikawa prefecture Wajima mayor election Defeat Japanese ode Yamagata Hasimoto mayor election Defeat Tochigi prefecture Otawara mayor election Defeat Iwate prefecture Kuji mayor election The case where the VS our people are not formed Substantial default The Fukuoka prefecture shrine it is young mayor election Our people supporting is torn but the non post incumbent election As for this non post incumbent for Aso group victory of substantial our people Substantial default Ishikawa nomarch election Former democracy representative of the small Sawako raising democracy prefectural discussion ream opposes to the policy of the party in non support Also our people turn to the support of the riding together multi selection incumbents of nomination this is elected
当谈到自由民主党14%的实质18%桝goin瓦特您以后对自民党的分裂。我认为3%的跌幅生效 When with it becomes don t you think about the substantial our people 18 democracy 14 w The ri ya measure which our people separate With effect about 3 decrease combining
VTR是最后哇,朝日和古立的父亲代理人会较轻(我是加藤?)我有我一中断 The VTR ending, harshness of the father of remainder the old 舘 with Asahi operative (the kana which is Kato? ) You break off and the [chi] [ya] [tsu] [te] are
_NULL_ Before the electing After the electing
Child treatment is put out -> The district burden (nationality ignoring = resident, to provide to also the child whom the migrant foreigner leaves to native country, even with the adopted child ok)
Buried deposit the gold is excavated -> There was no buried deposit gold
Public works projects 9.1 trillion reducing the wastefulness of Yen -> As for reduction just 0.6 trillion Yen
You do not permit order exerted from above -> Order exerted from above it could point to postal services three part
Labor cost 2 percentage reduction of government employee -> Bill after year after next advance shipment
It does not increase taxes -> Tobacco tax and liquor tax tax increase and inheritance tax and internal reservation taxation (laughing) it examines also the tax increase of consumer tax income tax
Provisional tariff is abolished -> It maintained (automobile acquisition tax, motor vehicle weight tax, gas oil transaction tax and volatile oil tax local road tax)
The deficit-financing bond is controlled -> Past the largest deficit-financing bond issue (sum total 44,000,000,000,000 Yen)
Clean politics is done -> Illegality donation and tax evasion of Hatoyama Ozawa north teaching group Incumbent Assemblyman arrest
Domestic demand expanding, it does business recovery -> Deflation advance, CO2 It rushed to 25% reduction statement and Hatoyama depression
Okinawa US military the base is made to move -> It makes move in the country, or reality. Perpetuation
From concrete to person -> Road service working expenses 60,800,000,000 Yen increase (to constituency whose democracy is weak)
It converts the highway free -> Earth day 1000 Yen stopping, it marks up
Gasoline tax abolition -> So the [tsu] [ke] which is? [huhuhu]
Lowest hourly wage 1000 Yen -> No that
Each house guarantee of farmer -> The agricultural cooperative tightening! @ Nagasaki
Manifest there is no statement -> Korean school gratuitous conversion Human rights violation relief bill
Foreign inhabitant fundamental law Surname classified by married couple Foreign local denizenship The political life 懸 [ke] [te] the ♪ which is done
“我滚装小泽讲话,岐阜紧急议案”打印在岐阜县十章民主党全国代表大会13日开的困境岐阜县章一郎小泽,秘书长(67)文章提出了一个特殊的紧急动议辞职正交梅鲁毕飞出,他的房间1 00和陷入混乱 “Ozawa stop” Gifu prefecture connected over ten people print the emergency motion article In Gifu city 13 days was opened in the Democratic party Gifu prefecture connected conference which Secretary General Ichiro Ozawa 67 requests resignation the urgent special motion plan which springing out The meeting place fell to mayhem temporarily
岐阜县章民主党全国代表大会,工会代表 其中包括地方选举产生的地方代表,几个反代表,小泽派10个普通公民“的局长正交梅鲁小泽”辞职县联合会组成的特别紧急议案提交而行政垂直和新 In the Democratic party Gifu prefecture connected conference over ten people who consist of the labor union representative and the ordinary citizen who include local assembly of local election The counter Ozawa group representative stated submitting “the urgent special motion which requests the resignation of Secretary General Ozawa” to the prefectural connected executive committee
“(2)要求苏没有直接在百分之25 6看看无核三原则”(1)应在所有情况下25 6%是不一样的人,我不知道如何可能 gt 2 It is not necessary to take a second look denuclearization three principle 25 6 gt 1 It is not proper with in any case 25 6 Perhaps it probably is the same number of people what
关于秘密协议的选择,如果有条件,它思什么人是绝对的原则,津思3和超半娥救济的人不能呼吸,我感觉象 Concerning secret agreement if the conditionality it is helpless that thinking the ru person and That three principles are absolute you do not think the person whom The half exceeding the te taking a rest the tsu te you feel relieved
在Tteta的Sanpuro冈田,甚至逆转这与无核三原则,解决语言是明表示,秘密协议,称美国没有要求任何东西,是默认当前:返回false Okada being the sun professional you say secret agreement becoming clear that denuclearization three principle deteriorates understanding You will not call to America at all … where it is according to present condition you probably will put out
我有三个任何威慑无核原则是什么?什么是不正确或者如果您有持为什么不要求无限无限池锤 With something there is a deterrent in denuclearization three principle it is It does not have if and fact it does not have shooting at will it requires and at will isn t
◆やっぱり对民主野心的毛笔厚排序皇帝! ◆使用费原来是有关目标群体柯是排序!柯排序或皇帝? ! * After all last ambition of Democratic party Chinese [renhou] emperor system categorization! *
Targeting categorization being the royalty-related group is ascertained! In emperor system categorization? !
。 “ 糸井它写得好不好,并会在小泽晚!是或 NULL
布鲁诺布鲁诺 , ,、 ( ,、 ,)ヽ 阞悛布鲁诺 布鲁诺人 ー : No No and REPT REPT REPT No 92 noeeee Person No 92 92 92 92 92
一些白痴了几分钟色彩三个无核原则,南特是什么不现实的爱9岁时,我做梦仅三条非核原则和IDE大声南特条 Denuclearization three principle how non realistic [tsu] [te] everyone you understood
Fool of part 9 provisions and Denuclearization three principle how just it has made a noise
Dreaming how long, the [ru] it is Good year being densely
万甚至懒得我不是从一小报表明,这些措施不是为了安全Yattara它称,如有必要,其结果只会Tsukkoma和核力量。沃达它的最终重量只说没有讨论在日本举行, When you do that therefore the reason which is the measure which is necessary because of security… There is no waidoshiyo therefore it is with it just is thrust probably specially even with the word cup Result nuclear troop Ended just there is no weight of the Japanese at the place of argument speech that
803是的,我想是因为事实上的安全联盟Yattara破坏这一问题,我什至不能太多Bakaminsu 803 When you do that therefore in fact damage of security system it makes the sled ya air however probably will be It is not possible with a lot of bakaminsu
万维网859它必须把眼泪苏SDP的达罗是不是直接从25 6%,我也曾增加其权力视为如果社民党对茹恽么若这种很多人支持 859 The ro www which is this corporation people party tear eye It is not necessary to take a second look but there is also 25 6 therefore it is If you gather the support of such party as a corporation people party Power it can expand the ro which is
中央情报局特工卖报纸正力垃圾(哑名宝工具)日本电视Podamuterebi As for rubbish sale newspaper Siyouriki CIA operative (construction name [podamu])
As for the Japanese television [podamuterebi
临调控对手障碍,残疾和大脑2通道,这句话是,拟订多信息流,古发送到稳定剂的校规 Regulation group the physically disabled person and the brain handicapped person speaking group of objectors
Because of this in order for regulation group cooling-off even in 2ch, when the operative is being sent mainly, information is flowing
什么两国之间的知识,付出了光刻蛋糕是什么消除核安全难题瓦特图片 In bilateral you have known with the body, very security puzzle that the nucleus is removed the rice cake w which is drawn in the picture
什么将成为540秘密协议是默许“,而不是他们的”知识基础或不是会是什么?你是如此基本,以富来前缀,他们已开始对灰色。 540 As for secret agreement either tacit comprehension or tsu te “You do not know” it becomes the basis it is without being In the first place putting making the gray and solving therefore basic what
什么是说什么,他将得到860余权从选举投票,转让明丹什么是已经获得部长它是一项秘密协议,有点像万维网?津市Maretara碰撞和写,但他是一个个人决定万维网 860 Somehow because the minister of state had helping already election in people group denizenship the tsu te which is lifted As for tsu ke www that it was not said with secret agreement When with it is thrust private determination is even www
“秘密协议,什么是”是什么,我做了委员会会议亲信让他的皇帝“之类的意思,高呼”“我会支持普选运动,”有事情,我说什么或 “Makes meet “secret agreement” tsu te to His Majesty the Emperor because kind of meeting in the mobster ” the tsu te saying and “Because denizenship you do election campaign support margin” it means the thing of are is
什么,我解释说,世界冈田共度时艰,电视台直播的外观有什么太酷 It is what, as for Okada television each bureau turning, birth performing doing
Although it explained with utmost effort, the world is calm
他们的折扣从参议院不败之地鸠山一郎之前,民主党现在非常的商业电视台广播或wwww,wwww民主的胜利更好狙的津市的刈分钟,我可以 Now before the House of Councillors Hatoyama Ozawa pulling the body from the position as for the Democratic party wwww which becomes the good political party With commercial broadcast it is it is broadcasting democracy large victory wwww Aiming for tsu te ru thing understood
但是,这一次转移的金权政治的问题是一个秘密协议后非常酷的人或排序柯我们良好的经营业绩问题 However problem of politics and the gold it tried probably to bend with problem of secret agreement This time well enough it was the citizen calm As for next with proud business categorization performance
198,我应该问题赤字,包括债券,而是清理废物的业务科站的表现Raren我跆拳道瓦特wwww记录 198 Although wastefulness was removed with business categorization deficit financing bond issue past becoming maximum although the ru w Being disgusted ya performance it is to be stopped wa wwww
你是怎么得到广泛的苏卡万维网民团转移你的手,然后在广泛意义上的选举,违反选举法万维网 Wide sense it does or, www
Don't you think? as for it has helping election in people group broad election method violation www
其中大多数的权利,是大房子御家鸠山由纪夫,我的兄弟之一,我鸽子°的前缀,他们也将派从攻击自由民主的最前沿拿走 Most the fact that it comes exactly is serious matter of the house of the Hatoyama house,
Putting in place distance from our people who are the urgent spearhead of the pigeon older brother ゚ hitting, sending, it is also, kana
削减战略武器条约与美国和俄罗斯(会谈)紫癜:/ / / mofaJ / gaiko /贺/贝罗/ start.html美国和俄罗斯恢复裁减核军备我的第一二个月u003d俄罗斯谈判外国紫癜:/ / /文章/婵真新热点/ idJPJAPAN - 13477120100122 Strategic nuclear weapon reduction treaty between American dew (START)
ttp: //
The United States and Russia, nuclear weapon reduction the negotiation which it goes round in the February beginning reopening = Russian foreign minister
ttp: // - 13477120100122
吉见义明渡边不负责任的人甚至不富的记者招待会,解释道歉什么国会议员的秘书被捕 Watanabe happy beauty is arrested and passes and the Assemblyman private secretary does not do apology interview or explanation interview
It is the irresponsible man whom it flew
在国民议会开幕之日起18日,他们重新碧已提交由自民党国会议员的儿童色情法的修订 In the ordinary diet session which on the one hand, is opened from 18 days, from Liberal Democratic Party Assemblyman amendment plan of child pornographic regulation law
The pattern which again is submitted
外国人来投票,我,我的姓,现在我Hayo河野一方或多方的做,直到日本希美呢? You call foreign carrot administration, call surname classified by married couple, this are good,
As for this party whether the party which does the fact that the Japanese does not desire?
如果是这样的革命左派,象征皇帝的取消,废除了死刑,中华人民共和国...不知道日本 In case of revolution, because it is left flank,
Symbol emperor system abolition and capital punishment abolition,… Japanese people republic it can combine,
密約 なんかあって 当然 だと 思 うけどななんでも 公開 すればいいもんじゃないとというか 核 の 持 ち 込 みなんて 大概 の 人 はあるだろうなと 思 ってたと 思 うよ There being secret agreement something you think however that it is proper Regardless unless if it should have released it is it is With you say or there is a bringing how generally person of the nucleus probably will be you think with you think that is
真正的“我是真正的核津持”,然后你瓦特脱亚剩下的不可预料的凸点好吗?瓦特 To tell the truth “ truth is the nucleus having the ru is” being the circumstances seeing in order the tsu te rose to do w Whether unexpected all right w
对795人党是否真的只是一个政党的收集马塔小泉的结构改革是新自由主义门将 _NULL_
已作为一个在混乱议程内的议案保留了解决党总部提交一份书面意见,请县领导章 In confusion it was reserved as the motion which is not subject, it controlled by the fact that the prefectural connected executive committee submits the opinion book to the party headquarters
当然,但是他们不应该浪费领先帧官僚“咦,咦,苏领先的框架,他们浪费”,或与伊津野“苏徐官僚”的一些方面已简化 Of course as for the squander by the bureaucracy however it should permit it is not “Squander is permitted” “permits the bureaucracy unnoticed” There is also a surface which is simplified
198什么样的人“,欺凌官僚”可能是一个人是容易开喜乌龙茶卑 198 Whether being the humble human where such human tsu te “the bureaucracy you are hard on and” enjoy don t you think
(1)应直接在34 3%的整体(2)直接在苏看到无核三原则,不应该为25 6%(3)『持』Masazu包括迟浩田也慢,由于国际环境的变化我良好的33 8%(4)不知道,不回答6 3%达罗E的社会民主党的眼泪万维网 1 We should take a second look extensively 34 3 2 It is not necessary to take a second look denuclearization three principle 25 6 3 It has and 込 does not increase and it is possible to loosen with the change and the like of international environment 33 8 4 It is not understood you do not answer 6 3 The ro www which is this corporation people party tear eye
我们。外交部长“遗憾的是,市民”根“在国会的长航,”首相鸠山由“重建悄悄死者捐赠青衣· ·” The foreign minister “the fact that it releases is regretted” 菅 “During of the National Diet deliberating directly has navigated” Prime Minister Hatoyama “quiet deceased donation renovation ty”
条例草案正在等待滚装扮我们担心的子女免税额及组合!该合同将不要求房东拒绝出租给外国人来日本,使新 The fearful bill is in the midst of deliberating with child treatment and konbo The foreigner who comes to Japan newly the expert becomes impossible contract denial and the house rent 催 促
我会得到在美国有多少,他们持什么隐藏的邪恶,自由奥卡拉方向笑声 okara our people have hidden When it keeps having in the direction that it is bad don t you think also America probably will be laughs
我等待的大小从854到折扣的信息,走出监狱,并威胁外交部的女雇员和表明,Con西山Takiti 854
Nishiyama good fortune swindling the Ministry of Foreign Affairs woman staff thickly, committing, threatening, information pulling out spreading, from the [ru
投票 百分之36 2的支持率百分之50 7的不支持率的核秘密协议“仍然是不可避免的,即使你在顶部贡献百分之四十七一个秘密的国家安全” 日本人调查Okashikunai★3日本电视什么? Cabinet support ratio 36 2 non support 50 7 Nuclear secret agreement “if it contributes to the security of the country is while it is secret being it is helpless” in the top 47 … Japanese television investigation 3 Isn t Japanese strange
核秘密协议“这已经不是什么秘密,如果仍然有利于维护国家安全的前47%的眼泪”哎呀垃圾民主小夜 Nuclear secret agreement “if it contributes to the security of the country is while it is secret being it is helpless” in the top the 47 u wa democracy and gomisayo tear eye
此外,它是宪法,或者说宪法和法律人权?是的,他所谈论的是茶,或侵犯人权和持什么是什么具体的东西,我还没有写在他们的东西,即那些病房提,觉得鳕鱼,以及人权 Furthermore as for this constitution with respect to constitution rather than protection of fundamental human rights method However the tsu chi ya it is in story among them Assuming that there was human rights violation with what Concrete thing is not written on what it is In other words when the person who was said feels so when it is human rights violation
803艘(不只是一般的船舶)这是只有在其登记国领土,国际法,“说写持志”是不能成为 803 The warship not just therefore generality ship on territory what of those nationality of the ship countries with respect to international law It cannot stop “bringing”
民主党的失败地方选举,提名,并在媒体的民意调查民主党的支持者,他们继续下降 Democracy nomination to successively lose with local election, public opinion poll of the media democracy support
Decline is continued
民主德鲁我发现了一个秘密协议熙,雀斑会发现一个剧本,“噢,人就像是做什么或孩子”感 Finding secret agreement rejoicing the ru Democratic party tsu te Calling Kabuki to view finding Kurosu “the a the person is” that saying ru gaki like
现在谈及的是外交谈判的秘密向你保证,思如果? (1)不应该在任何情况下25 6%(2)不可避免的,即使它的后一段时间22 0%(3)这已经不是什么秘密,如果你有离开该国的安全作出了贡献46 9发布%(4)不知道,不回答5 6%的位置 人人人人人人人人人人人人人人人 (5)“,即使是相当不错的”90 0% ̄ ý ý ý y一ý ý ý ý ý ý ý ý ý  ̄在F( 0 )在F ∧ Do you how think concerning the secret agreement in of diplomacy negotiation 1 It is not proper with in any case 25 6 2 If it releases after the fixed period being it is helpless 22 0 If 3 it contributes to the security of the country is while it is secret being it is helpless 46 9 4 It is not understood you do not answer 5 6 people people people people people people people human 5 gt Extremely how it is good lt 90 0 ¯ Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y ¯ he o he ∧
现在谈及的是外交谈判的秘密向你保证,思如果? (1)不应该在任何情况下25 6%(2)不可避免的,即使它的后一段时间22 0%(3)这已经不是什么秘密,如果你有离开该国的安全作出了贡献46 9发布%(4)不知道,不回答5 6%2通道的位置不变的东西太多是什么写,甚至包括梅塔批准或者我在日本买的支持率瓦特量 Do you how think concerning the secret agreement in of diplomacy negotiation 1 It is not proper with in any case 25 6 2 If it releases after the fixed period being it is helpless 22 0 If 3 it contributes to the security of the country is while it is secret being it is helpless 46 9 4 It is not understood you do not answer 5 6 people people people people people people people human 5 gt Extremely how it is good lt 90 0 ¯ Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y ¯ he o he ∧
现在谈及的是外交谈判的秘密向你保证,思如果? (1)不应该在任何情况下25 6%(2)不可避免的,即使它的后一段时间22 0%(3)这已经不是什么秘密,如果你有离开该国的安全作出了贡献46 9发布%(4)不知道,不回答5 6%的位置 人人人人人人人人人人人人人人人 (5)“,即使是相当不错的”90 0% ̄ ý ý ý y一ý ý ý ý ý ý ý ý ý  ̄在F( 0 )在F ∧ Do you how think concerning the secret agreement in of diplomacy negotiation 1 It is not proper with in any case 25 6 2 If it releases after the fixed period being it is helpless 22 0 If 3 it contributes to the security of the country is while it is secret being it is helpless 46 9 4 It is not understood you do not answer 5 6 people people people people people people people human 5 gt Extremely how it is good lt 90 0 ¯ Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y ¯ he o he ∧
现在谈及的是外交谈判的秘密向你保证,思如果? (1)不应该在任何情况下25 6%(2)不可避免的,即使它的后一段时间22 0%(3)这已经不是什么秘密,如果你有离开该国的安全作出了贡献46 9发布%(4)不知道,不回答5 6%的位置wwwwwwwwwwwwww闵相反的效果 Do you how think concerning the secret agreement in of diplomacy negotiation 1 It is not proper with in any case 25 6 2 If it releases after the fixed period being it is helpless 22 0 If 3 it contributes to the security of the country is while it is secret being it is helpless 46 9 4 It is not understood you do not answer 5 6 people people people people people people people human 5 gt Extremely how it is good lt 90 0 ¯ Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y ¯ he o he ∧
瓦特冈田先生,鸠山由纪夫先生,便极力人民制备什么所有部长民意,并采取直接请参阅无核三原则 w
Okada, everyone of Hatoyama and Cabinet minister
Dipping up the public opinion of the citizen, please start the second look at denuclearization three principle
瓦里达罗仅秋,扑在地面用这种紫癜底材料:/ / 28。 / tumblr_kz4127yHuO1qz6zkso1 _ 500。伊莱 With the ground wave you just use this in the busing material the [ro] which is [potsupo] end
ttp: //28. _ 500. jpg
电话一天、限时¬根据自民党的宣传读卖新闻奥厄二,我在政治森在总理哈珀、餐厅参加假新闻播出他的名字¡我没有看过,自民党的奴隶万亿鞭与自由民主党有澜疙× Ò ¡在于崩溃四环素腐烂了屏幕的人葛胶绊¡过去E大股东,我限时绰?的标记法、限时¬ Â这是一种犯罪的犯罪、。四野贷款人 Don't you think? day tele, [nehe] ゙ [tsu] Liberal Democratic Party advertisement [terehi] ゙ of the Yomiuri Shimbun Company subordinate.
The broadcasting station which participated in restaurant politics of Prime Minister Morimoto, runs name in fabrication reporting.
[te] ゙ [taramemasukomi] which cannot read either the symptom of the Liberal Democratic Party collapse. The liar Liberal Democratic Party is protected, it finished to rot
[kusu] ゙ of mass communications. Don't you think? also the large shareholder past [nehe] ゙ [tsu]? Breach of law is discovered, don't you think? [nehe] ゙ [tsu], the name loan
Crime was committed.
秘密协议不仅是核武器核武器,但任何金钱四环素是,日本人民不滚动的锗锭他们还钱,就像美国的战争 小气负Yaikanna Although as for secret agreement there is no just nuclear weapon and the te there was also a gold The American way being able to hoist the gold does not get angry the Japanese citizen… who As for just war negative economized ya circumstance
892嗯,我在日本没有多大意义,他的国际形势下,如果你看看核武器是没有直接 892 If well being the place where it took a second look you see international situation Because there is no reason which can be made in nuclear weapon Japan excessively there is no meaning
精一大田和委员会主席处理人权问题形成了自民党首相电子邮件意见的自民党电子邮件形式FAX03 - 3508 - 3832(网址:呻/ - 3595 - 9988民主03 - 3581 - 0101总理办公室“是电话验证的民主党办公室 The opinion mail form to the Liberal Democratic Party
Prime minister official residence mail form
Genuine one Chairman Ota of committee such as the Liberal Democratic Party human rights issue
Address FAX03 - 3508 - 3832 (U R L :
http: //
03 - 3595 - 9988 The Democratic party
03 - 3581 - 0101 Prime minister official residence
> You telephoned verification in the office of the Democratic party
美国的日本的安全部队。您不调用的端口不是潜艇,而该国的幸存者,采取了三条非核原则的诺贝尔和平奖此外,甚至不喜欢与人分享,我发现这里你不能收回的法律 In regard to the security of Japan the American troop It is not possible some lever which does not visit the submarine and the denuclearization three principle which is taken on the one hand furthermore to Nobel Peace Prize of being bombed country so however it is not law so it is not kind of something which can be withdrawn
你想看看三通苏,未来美国的核力量作为无核三原则或崇高能力非核原则。我还是没有任何潜艇1点停靠的港口识别 In the future being the intention of taking a second look denuclearization three principle or denuclearization three principle 崇 as high ones the nuclear on board possible troop of America Assuming that transient of the submarine is not recognized altogether
自由民主党议员Souiya自由惰性气体,因为我是在低质量的失望并不使灰尘群众可以采取利益或不利儿童的垃圾,急切地恳求其他法案,当我临界思ü伊花罪重伦恩未来几天,我有一天会改变恶作剧 So well the Assemblyman of our people appealing fault of child treatment desperately Unless the mass rubbish picks up regrettable is the tsu te the inert gas Concerning the other bill our people think that it is critical Crime of the mass rubbish is heavy will the day when it changes once upon a time probably come
到保密儿童福利及972外国人拥有投票。我觉得欺骗和虚假的恶魔 972 In foreign carrot administration and child treatment secret The error to demon it converts and feels strategy but don t you think
菟Watta人也是最后一次说你有爆炸和茂木文干草大声用日本的核过敏在日本的核秘密协议将是什么,如果组合的目标不是日本,比杆六合,数百个核武器和导弹开发的组合,如果要做的是集中在日本 It tried probably to cause the noise making use of the Japanese nuclear alergy but The place or the secret agreement that it ended in the misfire it probably is but it probably is what but As for the nucleus which is Japan aim together it is not in Japan from that As for the nuclear missile of several hundred shots which to are close adjust aim to Japan How it does it is
虽然隐藏的石原,石原试图通过性和暴力出版过小说的铁路被排除在调控,以保持小说书 While capital Governor Ishihara hiding it tried steamrolling Capital Governor Ishihara has published the radical sexual novel In order for you to maintain your own book the novel was excluded from the regulation object
我感觉不好古帕里德Zutsu瓦特冈田在面临衰退,“快速投票”或与我们说:“问题是子女免税额”,或者,如果这还没有考虑对戈 The wa w where Okada s depression the face does not come out and with the tsu pa ri feeling becomes bad So “quick vote” “the problematical point of child treatment” nowhere being picked up
许多人在广岛和长崎“必须拥有自己的核武器,甚至对核攻击不是”部分,我不知道是否思什么可以打电话,调查船内部,没有办法不能接受的 As for the Nagasaki and Hiroshima people “if by themselves does not have the nucleus either the partner does not attack with the nucleus” as for the part visit investigating inside the vessels which So you think you do not know whether or not is but such a thing does not pass
110块在媒体的信息,主要是日本,但中国的核导弹,并通过它,北是我的竞选从四环素张 110 But with information cutoff of the mass communications as for the most Japanese as for the Chinese nuclear missile through doing so Because campaign it stretched North Korea
秘密协议没有Mochikoma核“部分”,这正是只要你没有检查该船的内部通话港口,这是不可能的 Secret agreement “do not bring the nucleus and” as for the part visit investigating inside the vessels which It is not possible if it is unreasonable to do strictly
诺贝尔和平奖南特Morattara駄目达罗?此外,它是弹道导弹,潜艇发射弹道导弹的主流战斧,但事情似乎已经退休计划 When Nobel Peace Prize how you receive, the [ro] which is useless?
Generally, now the ballistic missile, SLBM with main current as for tomahawk something retirement
Way there is plan, but
读卖新闻是美国中央情报局提供的传入和柯东西资金继续洗脑的许多工作的信息控制美国的战争是几乎60年的美国公开赛纪录是知名!这种知识和东西Razu俄罗斯,日本和读卖新闻电视是一个反面的,市民被洗脑来了! !谁不知道真相的人,报纸的电视是这个国家的本质还必须信贷 Yomiuri receiving the offer of fund from CIA as for after the war directly continuing the information operation brainwashing activity because of America fact With the American document release after 60 years clarification The citizen who such a thing is swindled in the dew not knowing the Yomiuri Shimbun Company and Japan TV is brainwashed The citizen does not inform about truth the fact that newspaper or TV do not become confidence is essence of this country
这个核禁忌的问题,并邀请野蛮人停止对,我从原材料Dearimasu今天的局势,这是翻译的东西开放思想,将讨论越来越多,如果这样的机会我们Omotsu Problem of this nucleus is designated as taboo the causing thought stop Because it is the meaning which bears present circumstance as for this when with opening it keeps arguing steadily If it becomes such opportunity with we think
这件事是日本的兰花Busayo的知识或广义的“秘密协议”的家伙还是民主党的成就,说我津市太愚蠢或减去所有超越冈田 Being [busayo], or being resident or, the intellectual viewing “broad secret agreement” the result of the Democratic party being this case, as for the [ru] person
Everyone transcendence below Okada the [wa] which is too foolish
这应该是一个约415核武装日本的无核三原则,现在取消公民投票! 415
The citizen we should vote now directly concerning the abolition and the Japanese nuclear armament of denuclearization three principle!
退休的一代331的,这是愚蠢的支持民主的,而我又出适龄他们思Zenkyoutou 331
The retirement generation the [ro] which is democracy support, remembers non-sect non-political students group age and it is the crowd of the [chi] [ya] [tsu] [te] [ru] fool
鸠山由纪夫是[媒体]惯常的政治行贿基金] [新闻3分之2010/ 10联邦参议院国会广播躲藏 As for Yukio Hatoyama chronic offender of illegitimate political fund
2010/3/10 House of Councillors National Diet relay
(鸠山Hazime官房副长官,前自民党干事长小泽一郎,这附近更好地用在法院) (Former Cabinet secretariat secondary Director Hatoyama, former Liberal Democratic Party Secretary General Ozawa, as for here the one which was bet on judgment is better)
:长: 索纳布鲁诺 ∵,· l No so ∵ 92
∩ ∩ヽヽ,“这是什么 布鲁诺 ヽ一ヽ ●● 我升我! ( ● )男,升升 彡、 ∪ 、 γ。⌒。我!ヽ,我须津我们 无ヽ 。 岛 。 升 索纳布鲁诺 ∵,· ∩ ∩ REPT REPT Or lt so No 92 REPT i l REPT i l i mi l l 彡 ∪ 92 Î ⌒ i REPT i The tsu which is done REPT No i l UMLAT 92 and i THEFR THEFR DREPT 弋 l No so ∵ 92