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  • 144“在同一时间,没有任何社会民主党点和最民主的投票权,在日本主张”我读了
    144 “The majority of resident denizenship propulsion groups is occupied in democracy and the corporation people” To you read

    • 36:58 39编号:h5XcFAB40长度。然后交给在这里,你来的坎普厨师儿童“鸠山由政府出,嗯回应儿童的艾格尼丝亨特星期一6色情的需要,”紫癜: alfalfa livedoor biz 存档 51561681。html的6月 u003d反政府儿童色情制品(2010 02 04 19:43)通讯紫癜: www jiji com Jc的 c吗?克 u003d朔 30和K u003d二零一零零二零四零零九一七艾格尼丝,对鸠山内阁的热情博客2010 02 24 18:02:20紫癜的期望: ameblo jp agneschan 入境 10450611509。html的“各部委的代表,他们给了我认真报纸 36 58 39 ID h5XcFAB40 Length When the child po 厨 comes putting out here “Hatoyama administration you answer the demand of agunesu from June to child pornographic hunt” ttp alfalfa livedoor biz archives 51561681 html In June child pornographic measure government 2010 02 04 19 43 Current events communication ttp www jiji com jc c g soc 30 k 2010020400917 At agunesu and burogu to Hatoyama Cabinet ardent expectation 2010 02 24 18 02 20 ttp ameblo jp agneschan entry 10450611509 html “You heard the representation of each ministry and board seriously
      • 570名称:微波(东京) 时间:2010 03 17日(星期三)13:48:58 39编号:mS4zYBkY 18岁发现维塔 NULL

    • 570因此,如果酒精又如何呢?正在进行的犯罪的各种因素,我等待西方更严格的规章开始 570 The liquor how becomes it is Becoming the primary factor of various crimes regulation strengthening starting in Europe and America as a ru the ru
      • 试图阻止该规例,这是奇怪这里它所以我不是说我们 It will cut off that with regulation being said here about the ru strange ones Don t you think so it is not

    • 639所有,梅鲁后面包括性犯罪和其他犯罪的进一步他们认为第一的多课程或是否遥遥遥性犯罪者是否有比这更好的造成是由于喝,因为肮脏的书引起的性犯罪陶冶 639 Original From the characteristic crime where the ero book rose with cause You think that the characteristic crime where the liquor rose with cause much much is much more Of course when it includes also the crime other than characteristic crime furthermore you open difference

      • 647。也最担心的是虚伪和双重标准等ü用来反对我们面前的规定。阿Terurashii各自的章程在西方,甚至在您的白痴大小和w 647 The hypocrite who uses your like double standard which opposes to regulation fears most As for regulation In Europe and America spreading the ru it seems w You aho shelf
        • 什么是适量的酒精,而是,为什么我很多犯罪缠身的家伙是不是喝适量的我?然后我说得好,它所谓的健康,和我一直在看的直接一些 The tsu te you call the liquor to proper quantity but because the person who cannot be drunk in proper quantity is in large quantities crime occurs frequently it is the ro which is After speaking healthily well the point which is said part it has been taken a second look however
        • 区一样,我们容易性犯罪。对摆在我们面前的规定,这是不尊重的强奸受害者或多辜万思?我这个伪君子 Similarly it occurs frequently characteristic crime Have you who oppose to regulation blasphemed many rape victims with thought cup This hypocrite me

      • 671不过,现在不能要求我不得不这样做的,甚至看他的儿童色情犯罪的罪魁祸首元的实际染料手 671 So entering the source who really dyed the hand to characteristic crime looking at the child pornography by his That it stopped wanting in such wind being the case that you insist to try doing
        • 偶像以及儿童色情制品,这是结论,认为应加强对漫画的限制 Among these it should strengthen regulation not only the child pornography and junior idling concerning cartoon With conclusion is put out
        • 偶像以及儿童色情制品,这是结论,认为应加强对漫画的限制 Among these it should strengthen regulation not only the child pornography and junior idling concerning cartoon With conclusion is put out
        • 偶像以及儿童色情制品,这是结论,认为应加强对漫画的限制 Among these it should strengthen regulation not only the child pornography and junior idling concerning cartoon With conclusion is put out
        • 偶像以及儿童色情制品,这是结论,认为应加强对漫画的限制 Among these it should strengthen regulation not only the child pornography and junior idling concerning cartoon With conclusion is put out
        • 偶像以及儿童色情制品,这是结论,认为应加强对漫画的限制 Among these it should strengthen regulation not only the child pornography and junior idling concerning cartoon With conclusion is put out
        • 偶像以及儿童色情制品,这是结论,认为应加强对漫画的限制 Among these it should strengthen regulation not only the child pornography and junior idling concerning cartoon With conclusion is put out

      • 793在西方国家性犯罪者从日本酷酷健全法规都是Ttemasen下降 793 Decreasing completely increase the characteristic crime of European American each country which has regulated more strongly than Japan it is
        • 862编号:SuB081EXQ食肉动物西方国家从日本酷酷健全法规都是Ttemasen下降 862 ID SuB081EXQ Decreasing completely increase the characteristic crime of European American each country which has regulated more strongly than Japan it is

      • 94名称:可爱的妻子,他们邮箱:时间:2006 / 10 / 03(星期二)16:04:16编号:WUchAk2k正义克里斯
        94 Name: It is lovely the madam Mail: Contribution day: 2006/10/03 (fire) 16: 04: 16 ID: WUchAk2k Human crith Telecom of justice

        • AV是为日本的摇钱树停止视听无尽的野生放行标准,在使用电子货币
          AV which is the moneymaker of resident is runaway [eroanime] stopping, the regulation that the gold use with AV,

          • Munoha阅读我的色情书,但别人要规范家庭男子的妻子和孩子,即使重复了几次类似的问题,打破时间,即使发现一个有损害家庭的事,很多问题的公正什么是从思大的人,但我会在电视上经常面对的只是几个禁闭 But others the ero book should regulate the fact that you read By your being immoral in the family and the relative of the man who is the wife and children smashing the great damage unless there is a problem Similar problem therefore many degrees over again just it just behaved a little the normal face doing it appears in the television and the re ru is You thought that it is the great human but
            • 女人是有外遇,他们缓慢的裤裆多次在报刊上出现了对日本社会漠不关心 Many degrees the woman where the crotch which immorality is done is loose being unconcerned the society which appears in the mass communications is about Japan
            • 家庭的另一边,在两次事件的人员伤亡情况,并产生许多危害能亲的两个亲人,你在谈论许保持维案例,我不知道是什么故事 NULL
            • 我应该看我的色情书Munoha规定,即使别人反复在一个人的同样的问题很多次,这是可以的突破,发现在自家的事,他妻子和儿子,只有一小部分禁闭,什么是从思大的人,但我会在电视和定期脸 But others the ero book should regulate the fact that you read By your being immoral in the family and the relative of the man who is the wife and children smashing the great damage unless there is a problem Similar problem therefore many degrees over again just it just behaved a little the normal face doing it appears in the television and the re ru is You thought that it is the great human but

          • NULL d fnC60J0 lt NG register recommendation 1003XX newsplus Alias “capital young people rearing regulations amendment opposite to call” connected throwing kopipe devastating report With Tokyo of the news bulletin board in young people healthy rearing regulations amendment non existence young people expression regulation related sure “This problem is spread largely and it is necessary to keep in the opposite direction” in order for regulation group cooling off “even in 2ch the operative is being sent mainly” “ lt To the person who would like to increase the voice which is opposite to regulation gt ” “ lt It is approved this way gt ” And so on it is sure which reports the devastating which definite form kopipe which includes phrase connected throwing is done
            • NULL ID d fnC60J0 lt NG register recommendation 1003XX newsplus Alias “capital young people rearing regulations amendment opposite to call” connected throwing kopipe devastating report The Tokyo young people healthy rearing regulations amendment of the news bulletin board non existence young people expression regulation in related sure “This problem is spread largely and it is necessary to keep in the opposite direction” in order for regulation group cooling off “even in 2ch the operative is being sent mainly” “ lt To the person who would like to increase the voice which is opposite to regulation gt ” “ lt It is approved this way gt ” And so on it is sure which reports the devastating which definite form kopipe which includes phrase connected throwing is done
            • 东京是一个条例在修订的健康青年发展有三个控E在1月,第一届和28名科方式结束,东京国立青年委员会“关于在社区青少年健康成长要扩大媒体说:“这是发布的报告 With Tokyo you refrain from the reform of young people healthy rearing regulations in March but directing to that 28th period Tokyo From youth problems conference “media society While spreading concerning health rearing of the young people” with the report which is said was announced
            • 东京是一个条例在修订的健康青年发展有三个控E在1月,第一届和28名科方式结束,东京国立青年委员会“关于在社区青少年健康成长要扩大媒体说:“这是发布的报告 With Tokyo you refrain from the reform of young people healthy rearing regulations in March but directing to that 28th period Tokyo From youth problems conference “media society While spreading concerning health rearing of the young people” with the report which is said was announced
            • 东京是一个条例在修订的健康青年发展有三个控E在1月,第一届和28名科方式结束,东京国立青年委员会“关于在社区青少年健康成长要扩大媒体说:“这是发布的报告 With Tokyo you refrain from the reform of young people healthy rearing regulations in March but directing to that 28th period Tokyo From youth problems conference “media society While spreading concerning health rearing of the young people” with the report which is said was announced
            • 东京是一个条例在修订的健康青年发展有三个控E在1月,第一届和28名科方式结束,东京国立青年委员会“关于在社区青少年健康成长要扩大媒体说:“这是发布的报告 With Tokyo you refrain from the reform of young people healthy rearing regulations in March but directing to that 28th period Tokyo From youth problems conference “media society While spreading concerning health rearing of the young people” with the report which is said was announced
            • 东京是一个条例在修订的健康青年发展有三个控E在1月,第一届和28名科方式结束,东京国立青年委员会“关于在社区青少年健康成长要扩大媒体说:“这是发布的报告 With Tokyo you refrain from the reform of young people healthy rearing regulations in March but directing to that 28th period Tokyo From youth problems conference “media society While spreading concerning health rearing of the young people” with the report which is said was announced
            • 东京是一个条例在修订的健康青年发展有三个控E在1月,第一届和28名科方式结束,东京国立青年委员会“关于在社区青少年健康成长要扩大媒体说:“这是发布的报告 With Tokyo you refrain from the reform of young people healthy rearing regulations in March but directing to that 28th period Tokyo From youth problems conference “media society While spreading concerning health rearing of the young people” with the report which is said was announced

          • NULL Natural right Rights that God gives to Us lt Why Rousseau emphasizing Us In other words as for assuming that natural right receives the protection in regard to social contract Because by ill natured theory as for being informing characteristic virtue theory only God Us is not They ↑ Because with the European American logic as for justice of atomic bomb dropping Japan was They is It is the scolding with discrimination “Jap” “Nationality” only it is regarding the condition Asia being able to have Us probably will be The God which is common to Asia is not there is no history of the Christianity cultural sphere The Japan constitution as for the reason which leaves to the text the emperor as a symbol The “national body” To be our Us because it was the limit of characteristic virtue theory is This is the limit of metapolitics but because this calls the mistake it is not Asian each country has consisted at the country and area of 53 As for the Asian origin of a word Iran Them “the Japanese” above personally recognizing discrimination Them our differences Also “ill natured theory” should be recognized securely
            • 什么是从所有性悪说一次字,或在色情行业谁要研究它获得的利润和下降。李Chimasen色情问题作为对称,S什么是反对的规定来 From ill natured theory Talking one time everything you must closely examine that Someone has obtained excessive profits in pornographic industry whether and 堕 Opposing to regulation The either pornographic problem does not consist in pulling out

          • NULL The Democratic party Japan Communist Party and others concerning the capital regulations amendment plan of “2 dimensional child pornographic regulation” the direction which ahead conclusion is sent 6 Characteristic drawing To regulation plan advance shipment Metropolitan Assembly democracy policy gt In order to regulate the vicious characteristic description of the characters who are judged as under 18 years old with cartoon and animation gt Young people healthy what which Tokyo submits to the conventional national assembly the sex expression which regards Confronting the amendment plan of young people healthy rearing regulations of Tokyo which is dealt with system gt The Democratic party of the largest denomination set the policy of calculating the motion of continuation examination to 18 days
            • 我刚换到E字为提共产主义青年和儿童条例的有关2010年的东京都青少年健康成长(毕及艺术共产党人共产党修正案色情。其他方式阻止位大都会责任)的第4 6 1 80,任何人不得未经授权有责任不具备资本 NULL
            • 政治 民主党表示,“二维色情规定,”所建议的条例,指示派遣光刻结束★6市。都议会民主计划派建议的规管,“18漫画和动画,以规范性的恶意字符是在”健康青年发展条例提交给国会的修正案年龄认为,东京是一个普通反对这项建议,“民主党的议会党团是,直到12月18日,Motomu梅鲁梅塔继续扎实政策审议 The Democratic party Japan Communist Party and others concerning the capital regulations amendment plan of “2 dimensional child pornographic regulation” the direction which ahead conclusion is sent 6 Characteristic drawing To regulation plan advance shipment Metropolitan Assembly democracy policy gt In order to regulate the vicious characteristic description of the characters who are judged as under 18 years old with cartoon and animation gt Young people healthy what which Tokyo submits to the conventional national assembly the sex expression which regards Confronting the amendment plan of young people healthy rearing regulations of Tokyo which is dealt with system gt The Democratic party of the largest denomination set the policy of calculating the motion of continuation examination to 18 days

          • NULL ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧ ∀ ∀ ∀ ∀ ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧ ∀ ∀ ∀ ∀ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧ lt o ma e mo na ∀ ∀ ∀ ∀ 92 ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧ ∀ ∀ ∀ ∀ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ mo na Ten thousand Juice
            • ∧ ∧  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄( ∀ )“Omaemona() │││( ) ) ∧ ∧ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ∀ lt omaemona 92
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          • NULL ゙ People people people people people people i f r lt gt 92 lt It is dense it is defeated and the e densely… is gt i Two ni REPT l to Misaki celebration Evening the greens 92 lt gt No il ゙ hu human 92 YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY i “ to ¯ ¯ i to DREPT REPT i 92 l REPT No i REPT i i REPT REPT gt l No REPT No o REPT REPT No No REPT REPT the Soviet Union No No o 92 l REPT l REPT ⌒ REPT REPT It does the no
            • ─ 研发 、 ,荐 ¨ 洛伊!ヽヽヽヽ 升 电子升 ヽ丶ヽヽヽ。 丶ヽヽ!ĵ,Íヽ、,! ĵ彡ゝ五十铃,单位 r我ヽ ヽ !升分布中心ゝ报!焦耳 ∠ヽヽ、 Mゝ 、升 1 2米ヽΞ u003d Æヽ !升、蔬菜存在傍晚卡亚(日本〜1991) ─ r shi i lj REPT REPT REPT REPT 92 l ha l REPT 丶 REPT REPT REPT River l HKRPT l l l REPT i j l l HKRPT lj y j DREPT j no DREPT REPT DREPT shi i l ha r somi 丶 REPT REPT j he REPT j HKDRT 彡 HKRPT u r hu REPT l ha Y HKRPT l j ∠ mi REPT REPT HKRPT l l REPT mi Ξ ni l to Misaki celebration Evening the greens 1991 Japan
            • ) ) ,。 (五澳(ヽ ゙ People people people people people people i f r lt gt 92 lt It is dense it is defeated and the e densely… is gt i Two ni REPT l to Misaki celebration Evening the greens 92 lt gt No il ゙ hu human 92 YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY i “ to ¯ ¯ i to DREPT REPT i 92 l REPT No i REPT i i REPT REPT gt l No REPT No o REPT REPT No No REPT REPT the Soviet Union No No o 92 l REPT l REPT ⌒ REPT REPT It does the no

          • OTA的漫画,动画迷投票石原在东京选举中,台联思怎么办?漫画和动画迷OTA的东京都议会选举中,自由民主党,津市思我投怎么办?
            As for cartoon [ota] and the animation fan inside the capital which voted to Ishihara with capital governor selection, how thinking, the [ru]? As for cartoon [ota] and the animation fan inside the capital which voted to our people with Metropolitan Assembly selection, how thinking, the [ru]?

            • ü愚蠢或说一些的创作要维塔加拿大的,因为它鼓励性犯罪,也是完全一样的二维和三维全 Creative ones are added to the object that is aho which says it is but in the point two dimensions and three dimensions characteristic crime promotion completely the same
              • 基地,以及与创造力的源泉规定,有没有代表是这样的,即使眼睛下方的内容在于如何 In regard to the basis and creative ones the kind of contents which become how the eye suffering greatly being it should regulate expression itself it is not
              • 我已经说过的水平线或禁止不拉从文宏喜久的强烈反对浪费,以规管 Not to go to departure prohibited level because largely it tries probably to regulate the story where also the te is completed wastefully terrific repulsion occurs

            • “周刊和Ku Yashattenjaneー一步我狗屎婊子”,“情色内衣性交埃鲁瓦扬科”,“我们没有对之前的楚ー道路舌头!”“什么是口说,它即使是嘴唇和诚实 “等,靳呒苊Kusareta线程在F嵌入式字莫娜女士山 “Don t you think droppings bitsuchi is the plain gauze plain gauze tsu te the weekly magazine which you walk” “as for the ma is eroero and is the ke ” The tongue chi yu you who are done say “with road surface ” “In the mouth above so saying the te te as for the mouth under Honest shelf ” And so on with the thread buried with abuse insult to Yamamoto mona and was exhausted
              • “周刊和Ku Yashattenjaneー一步我狗屎婊子”,“情色内衣性交埃鲁瓦扬科”,“我们没有对之前的楚ー道路舌头!”“什么是口说,它即使是嘴唇和诚实 “等,靳呒苊Kusareta线程在F嵌入式字莫娜女士山 “Don t you think droppings bitsuchi is the plain gauze plain gauze tsu te the weekly magazine which you walk” “as for the ma is eroero and is the ke ” The tongue chi yu you who are done say “with road surface ” “In the mouth above so saying the te te as for the mouth under Honest shelf ” And so on with the thread buried with abuse insult to Yamamoto mona and was exhausted
              • “我住在阴影悄悄来”最后谓词的天空,这是正确,“这么老无耻色情蒙娜丽莎”的言论是不必要的 “Live stealthily with the shadow” with sound argument was expressed “It is ero from the last former times tsu the speech mona ” was excessive
              • 黎持Misuru宣读了在便利店的春宫性爱←蒙娜丽莎我读书的书不符合印章的 mona The ero book browses lt the ero book being sealed with the seal the te without being able to read does with konbini

            • “日本可能会从光刻perversiones。应规定”的事件辊淫。莫比我们还称它是日本perversiones肉厕所等蒙娜丽莎巴巴居莫森什么瓦特 “As for the Japanese ero it is empty characteristic drawing Regulate it should” Immoral stripe chestnut 淫 Being said by mona of meat toilet babaa don t you think The tsu te w which ero is above mona and the Japanese so does not stay
              • “日本可能会从光刻perversiones。应规定”的事件辊淫。莫比我们还称它是日本perversiones肉厕所等蒙娜丽莎巴巴居莫森什么瓦特 “As for the Japanese ero it is empty characteristic drawing Regulate it should” Immoral stripe chestnut 淫 Being said by mona of meat toilet babaa don t you think The tsu te w which ero is above mona and the Japanese so does not stay
              • 当然,你说今天之前?地点。之前你说人是耀西电影院腐瓦特 NULL

            • “,反对拟议的修订,漫画家和出版业内人士表示,千叶的光辉”是含糊的,须接受监管,“将违反言论自由”,而不是古强
              > Vis-a-vis amendment plan, Chiba Tetsu and others the cartoonist and publication industry “the object of regulation being ambiguous, > It is not unable to infringe the freedom of expression”, that it is strong opposition

              • ○○从日本人民是他们闻到的气味,简直perversiones种族主义!西方Dattara这是好看的紧张情况请柯文提起民事诉讼
                As for 0 person the body odor… as for the Japanese [ero] is from smell, the empty… This is obvious race discrimination! When this is Europe and America, it is the thing undertaking which is caused civil lawsuit

                • 与此同时,松散卖淫的日本也是谈判的性,除非性别并不是什么是基本路线 On the one hand if in prostitution in loose Japan the manners going it does not negotiate sex the basis is not possible
                  • 法国一贯从中世纪,Shiku嗯,堕胎卖淫之间的区分作为社会控制 France being consistent from Middle Ages is harsh in abortion distinguishes prostitution as a social regulation

                • 丰田7203。吨级的美国诉讼扩大潜在的赔偿责任3月18日,2010年14:05 JST [洛杉矶消费者]丰田汽车在美国(7203。电话:行情报告正交)的元级的损害赔偿的诉讼对二手车价格的下降诉讼被召回,对原告,丰田的“联邦法律的行为有关的诈骗影响和腐败组织律师”(罪案法)电子加拿大宣称,新的冲突与该狙我能作出很大的丰田负法律责任
                  Toyota 7203. T To the possibility class action in the United States and reparations obligation expanding 2010 March 18 days 14: 05 JST [Los Angeles 17 days Reuters] The American consumer the Toyota Motor Corporation (7203. T: Stock price, News, Report) For the old price depreciation of the recall object car requested the compensation for damage with the class action which, as for defense counsel of the plaintiff, the Toyota behavior When “the Federal law regarding power threat and corruption organization” (RICO method) it is contrary, adding new insistence, You aim for the fact that it makes big reparations obligation owe by Toyota

                  • 也看到的。在古猥毛唐镇自行车是一个进步,我好一千倍,如果有人排除伊罗曼加性病Gabamanko内部孔隙即将射精摆在我们面前。的污垢!我的电视是垃圾摆在我们面前,如果它被强制在屏幕上英二猥亵!
                    Therefore this. As for hair China sale woman If the extent which you ejaculate ill-smelling with [re] venereal disease [gabamanko] The one which was pulled out with [eromanga] is thousand time [mashi] what You walk, 猥. Dirt! If you appear in the TV picture, forcing the rubbish [me] which is obscene!

                    • 伦理错误的有关如果能回到广播行业是什么样,但它发生什么,然后淡出动荡,每一次通奸
                      Also 2 times to fade out in the immoral disturbance As there were no many things, returns to broadcast industry your one which with respect to ethics inadequacy

                      • 你可以举起镐以九千八日元和通奸的布道碎片分际,并说,金正日的不信任或愚蠢的男人
                        The [se] which can - 9800 Yen immorality doing, the man infidelity speaking foolishly, with social status of the rubbish which preached to the Kin

                        • 你打算让他管的动物是远远Zaketerunoni伊藤道德邪恶的生物感受这是真实的婊子这个婊子古零是没有意义的所有的生物,我们现在控制在教育肮脏手流金目津
                          Calling creative thing regulation margin, as for [ru], the [ze] which is such a prostitution [bitsuchi] what Creative ones when feeling it is bad, keeping distance, although the [ru] being brought up lewdly with moral 0, the [ru] In a word creative ones it regulates and passes and completely it is meaningless

                          • 你说什么津市位置瓦特在批评婊子有关的做法,对色情踏车书表示,它将终止同床异梦的生活习惯,两人抱怨习惯内部孔隙度
                            Ill-smelling what calling to the habit of [re] [bitsuchi], w of the [ru] Life of the immoral partner ending In the habit which designates that as the stool Complaint call to the combination which puts in place the [ero] book

                            • 保持这个瓦特↓瓦特机管局阿伊努与否我们得到它适合什么瓦特 升ヽ∧ ∧(,人),富鼎( 古典()° ° “,或说他们同时,在这件事是松树湿重 , ⊂llll 1⊂llll(五É ( 人 ) It is w ↓ this AA it came well w It is agreeable with anything well w l REPT ∧ ∧ Person shiko д shiko ゚ ゚ While lt with saying under becoming such a thing ww which it waits 92 92 ⊂ llll 92 ⊂ llll No No Person 92
                              • ∧ ∧( u003d ·ω·)达罗宣传这一点。℃(, 支原体不论是E对这样的事情捕鱼 ∧ ∧ Ω The ro which is self advertisement this c uu no Whether such fishes is

                            • 儿童色情物品条例修订喜欢那些颜色成人角色扮演和规划,导致成人漫画的监管条例
                              Child pornographic amendment bill, as for those regulations It is connected to [kosupure] and plan and the adult comic regulation whose adult video is seductive

                              • 减 当然可以提取: 债 两个孩子坎普从perversiones光刻日本。应规范“,”这不是言论自由“调节” 蒙娜丽莎山★2个关键字:你之前数少提取:59和小于四环素思 Object sure lt 2 dimensional child po regulation gt “As for the Japanese ero it is empty characteristic drawing It should” regulate “there is no problem of freedom of expression” … Yamamoto mona 2 Keyword You Extraction less number 59 Rather than thinking it is little
                                • “日本可能会从perversiones光刻。应规范”,“这不是言论自由”→“日本应色情”,“言论自由”问题 “As for the Japanese ero it is empty characteristic drawing Regulate it should” Immoral stripe chestnut 淫 Being said by mona of meat toilet babaa don t you think The tsu te w which ero is above mona and the Japanese so does not stay
                                • 减 当然可以提取: 债 两个孩子坎普从perversiones光刻日本。应规范“,”这不是言论自由“调节” 蒙娜丽莎山★2个关键字:你之前数少提取:31 Object sure lt 2 dimensional child po regulation gt “As for the Japanese ero it is empty characteristic drawing It should” regulate “there is no problem of freedom of expression” … Yamamoto mona 2 Keyword You Extraction less number 59 Rather than thinking it is little
                                • 减 当然可以提取: 债 两个孩子坎普从perversiones光刻日本。应规范“,”这不是言论自由“调节” 蒙娜丽莎山★2个关键字:你之前数少提取:59和小于四环素思 Object sure lt 2 dimensional child po regulation gt “As for the Japanese ero it is empty characteristic drawing It should” regulate “there is no problem of freedom of expression” … Yamamoto mona 2 Keyword You Extraction less number 59 Rather than thinking it is little

                              • 卖淫是一个国家的教堂陷入红灯Soapland甚至没有赶上筛选Marushi未经审查Ttara还禁止销售和在许多外国出售,并表明赶上16日和生殖器Marushi也被确定为全国各地的喝性别什么是精益底线西抱怨
                                Prostitution is caught and When also sexual organs non correction sells with sale prohibition, it is caught and Either screening is not possible It is the country of exposure with even the soap land The foreign country which the prostitute does demonstration grandly and If 16 years old or more SEX and drinking OK going into the country Complaint please droop

                                • 原告,包括有组织犯罪,波多黎各是由叶月打算根据诉讼案,并针对该公司的赔偿金的行为能亲案例3我可以负双重责任
                                  Plaintiff side, by the fact that it sues on the basis of the RICO method which deals with organized crime and the like, with irregularities It is possible to make the reparations obligation of 3 times owe, vis-a-vis the enterprise which gives damage

                                  • 吉卜力,甚至目标的头巾(有点曝光控制偶数),如果我通过了这个条例,闻浩对我这一个伟大的高度,它们可以表达和媒体中规定的最小是必要的 jiburi and turban shell inside object Even with little exposure regulation When this regulation approves the possibility expression and speech of being regulated is high even with small thing It is necessary to spread this problem to keep largely and in the opposite direction
                                    • 吉卜力,甚至目标的头巾(有点曝光控制偶数),如果我通过了这个条例,闻浩对我这一个伟大的高度,它们可以表达和媒体中规定的最小是必要的 jiburi and turban shell inside object Even with little exposure regulation When this regulation approves the possibility expression and speech of being regulated is high even with small thing It is necessary to spread this problem to keep largely and in the opposite direction
                                    • 吉卜力,甚至目标的头巾(有点曝光控制偶数),如果我通过了这个条例,闻浩对我这一个伟大的高度,它们可以表达和媒体中规定的最小是必要的 jiburi and turban shell inside object Even with little exposure regulation When this regulation approves the possibility expression and speech of being regulated is high even with small thing It is necessary to spread this problem to keep largely and in the opposite direction
                                    • 吉卜力,甚至目标的头巾(有点曝光控制偶数),如果我通过了这个条例,闻浩对我这一个伟大的高度,它们可以表达和媒体中规定的最小是必要的 jiburi and turban shell inside object Even with little exposure regulation When this regulation approves the possibility expression and speech of being regulated is high even with small thing It is necessary to spread this problem to keep largely and in the opposite direction
                                    • 吉卜力,甚至目标的头巾(有点曝光控制偶数),如果我通过了这个条例,闻浩对我这一个伟大的高度,它们可以表达和媒体中规定的最小是必要的 jiburi and turban shell inside object Even with little exposure regulation When this regulation approves the possibility expression and speech of being regulated is high even with small thing It is necessary to spread this problem to keep largely and in the opposite direction
                                    • 吉卜力,甚至目标的头巾(有点曝光控制偶数),如果我通过了这个条例,闻浩对我这一个伟大的高度,它们可以表达和媒体中规定的最小是必要的 jiburi and turban shell inside object Even with little exposure regulation When this regulation approves the possibility expression and speech of being regulated is high even with small thing It is necessary to spread this problem to keep largely and in the opposite direction

                                  • 嗯,继续坚持解礼说我不抱怨,如果任何规管制度,也是女儿摩根和约翰尼? (跳舞无暗的皮肤暴露在公众的男孩和女孩的成熟是由我,我认为这是限制perversiones),或游泳,或毛真央,体操的方式年轻球员这些条例将 Well jiyanizu and Mho daughter system being regulated complaint you do not say altogether it probably will train if it continues to insist The boy girl of marriageable age in the non darkness to expose the skin in the public dance as for dancing as for we ero to be because you think that it is thing it is the regulation object don t you think By the way Asada true middle of the minor also the player of rhythmic sportive gymnastics or the swimmer probably is regulation

                                    • 因此,摆在我们面前。你反对的规定?如果你想网络以减少损失的犯罪的受害者,当然我不能同意吗?等等,等等京都教育大强奸和酒精殆有关Sufuri也是受害者。适合监管需要的位置 You why Being opposite to regulation If we would like to decrease the damage of characteristic crime victim network it is proper approval As for majority of suhuri and the Kyoto education large and so on group rape liquor and others disturbance Victim side Necessity of regulation is appealed
                                      • 因此,摆在我们面前。你反对的规定?如果你想减少性犯罪的受害者,当然我不能同意吗?等等,等等京都教育大强奸和酒精殆有关Sufuri也是受害者。适合监管需要的位置 You why Being opposite to regulation If we would like to decrease the damage of characteristic crime victim network it is proper approval As for majority of suhuri and the Kyoto education large and so on group rape liquor and others disturbance Victim side Necessity of regulation is appealed
                                      • 网络性犯罪的受害者和一些勇气的支持。有些人抱怨谷健全法规维塔 Putting out courage in the support person of characteristic crime victim network The person who appeals regulation strongly it is

                                    • 国会议员野田圣子(自由民主党/岐阜众议院区1楼)为野,是什么在副回他们,为儿童基金会的多哥,多哥认证的非营利野方便(捐赠免税日本委员会主席)促进非营利组织本身都很好地垂直,医学会,是护士的输入参数委员会会议上,设立了一个收集系统
                                      Assemblyman Kiyoko Noda (the Liberal Democratic Party post/the House of Representatives Gifu 1 Ku) In case of Noda, Togo secondary chairman [tsu] [te] of the Japanese UNICEF association being in the back, as for Noda in Togo As the convenient (financial contributions of recognition NPO assure tax are deducted), raising also itself NPO, medical association, Drawing in nurse meeting to the director, the bill collecting system was established

                                      • 图片我会津他的冲击,这是正常的地位和振动女子莫纳回
                                        It probably is [mona] [te] normal rank, but the horseman power it probably is rank, but The waist you shaking ringing by your, [ru] image

                                        • 在一个议会民主一直是有争议的,“在打击隆马里,安理会决定派遣参数审议
                                          For and against both theory it was inside the denomination of democracy, but > Considering in the increasing of argument against, it judged the advance shipment of deliberation

                                          • 在你的理论,性罪犯应减少,若这些条例?较富裕的都是公平Genai诡辩,请回答的位置
                                            If with your reason, it regulates, as for characteristic crime with the expectation which decreases? Arranging philosophism, without escaping, please answer

                                            • 在国民议会开幕之日起18日,他们重新碧已提交由自民党国会议员的儿童色情法的修订 In the ordinary diet session which on the one hand is opened from 18 days from Liberal Democratic Party Assemblyman amendment plan of child pornographic regulation law The pattern which again is submitted
                                              • 在国民议会开幕之日起18日,他们重新碧已提交由自民党国会议员的儿童色情法的修订 In the ordinary diet session which on the one hand is opened from 18 days from Liberal Democratic Party Assemblyman amendment plan of child pornographic regulation law The pattern which again is submitted
                                              • 在国民议会开幕之日起18日,他们重新碧已提交由自民党国会议员的儿童色情法的修订 In the ordinary diet session which on the one hand is opened from 18 days from Liberal Democratic Party Assemblyman amendment plan of child pornographic regulation law The pattern which again is submitted
                                              • 在国民议会开幕之日起18日,他们重新碧已提交由自民党国会议员的儿童色情法的修订 In the ordinary diet session which on the one hand is opened from 18 days from Liberal Democratic Party Assemblyman amendment plan of child pornographic regulation law The pattern which again is submitted
                                              • 在国民议会开幕之日起18日,他们重新碧已提交由自民党国会议员的儿童色情法的修订 In the ordinary diet session which on the one hand is opened from 18 days from Liberal Democratic Party Assemblyman amendment plan of child pornographic regulation law The pattern which again is submitted
                                              • 在国民议会开幕之日起18日,他们重新碧已提交由自民党国会议员的儿童色情法的修订 In the ordinary diet session which on the one hand is opened from 18 days from Liberal Democratic Party Assemblyman amendment plan of child pornographic regulation law The pattern which again is submitted
                                              • 在国民议会开幕之日起18日,他们重新碧已提交由自民党国会议员的儿童色情法的修订 In the ordinary diet session which on the one hand is opened from 18 days from Liberal Democratic Party Assemblyman amendment plan of child pornographic regulation law The pattern which again is submitted

                                            • 在堕胎仍是法律的法官Shiku嗯,就在法国广告牌,说一个谎言你离开了战后的利益。这是一个证明该行为是从日本perversiones“标签,而不是作为证据一样”,因为它是一个笑话,我的精神,这是一个在后一步战后的婴儿潮虚假魔术,信息的操纵 Even presently abortion is judged harshly with law Then with the French signboard as for the postwar left wing being lie Interest It is to be the proof that it was behavior “as for the Japanese ero it is the empty” With it is the same as the label which does not have the actual proof characteristic which is said Or therefore the joke with the error to demon it converts It is the spiritual characteristic which this walks after the war the nodule is information construction
                                              • 没有根本的追击,一些日本人,他们可能已经颜色来文审判的“亚洲人”已在反击爱上了人权。问题是,美国人很多只是美国人可以自由地作出反应紧张。反对堕胎,其中达理据 Not to pursue fundamentally the te and already variety judgments occurring The collar tsu it is dense in the strike Japanese something “human rights of the Asian person” perhaps 堕 As for problem as for American it reacts to nervousness in any case As for American many nothing It opposes to abortion this becomes largest grounds

                                            • 在影音gangbang,兽,和培训小便和狗屎食品的组合,在嘈杂的世界是安全的,但人权的罪行间狩副本什么是不可能的! With AV you rape the animal 姦 urine applying and unko and so on feed human rights Although with the society which makes a noise the crime which is not possible has gone unchallenged safe

                                              • 在日本球员研究生文凭工厂带来了工商管理硕士学位,在英国,女性购买假学位和美国采取何种兴高采烈地德察
                                                It is dense the diploma mil where the English degree comes off with Japanese MBA is taken as for the [tsu] [te] which the plain gauze it is at the graduate school, with the shelf False degree the woman of the level which is bought

                                                • 在此广播Wakaran刈日本男子的意思,还是你说的perversiones津外国人Moteru NULL
                                                  • 然而,最终“这么色情日本老无耻”的言论是不必要的 But it is ero from the last “former times tsu The speech Japanese” was excessive

                                                • 大都会3是你不应该鼓励的倾向宽松的崇拜对象和共产主义的深刻理解,它很可能抑制健全决策的形成,使青少年的能力可能与政治资本记住,浏览更容易为年轻人和努力,以确保不会梅鲁观看
                                                  3 As for the citizen of Tokyo, communism it is seeing, concerning and others the tendency which is dealt with of worship should not be promoted, deepening understanding, You consider to being a possibility of obstructing the formation of the healthy judgment ability capital theory regarding politics of the young people, In order the young people easily there are no times when you peruse or view this, or, endeavors

                                                  • 奥凯裁谈会应只保留在店铺Kugutta诺伦的作品,更好地支持这一方式的性爱关系
                                                    The inner part of the old CD house the credit it should have left to just the far side which it passes, probably will be, relationship of [ero

                                                    • 如,并期待在其发生时提交的法案,以及简单的儿童色情非法藏有“漫画,动画和视频是使用一台计算机”是一个为规范的内容,以期进入那个 Bill when submitting When you see other than illegality conversion of the simplicity possession of the child pornography “cartoon and animation the computer Regulation to of the image which was drawn up of making use” in range of vision It has become the contents which you inserted
                                                      • 如,并期待在其发生时提交的法案,以及简单的儿童色情非法藏有“漫画,动画和视频是使用一台计算机”是一个为规范的内容,以期进入那个 Bill when submitting When you see other than illegality conversion of the simplicity possession of the child pornography “cartoon and animation the computer Regulation to of the image which was drawn up of making use” in range of vision It has become the contents which you inserted
                                                      • 如,并期待在其发生时提交的法案,以及简单的儿童色情非法藏有“漫画,动画和视频是使用一台计算机”是一个为规范的内容,以期进入那个 Bill when submitting When you see other than illegality conversion of the simplicity possession of the child pornography “cartoon and animation the computer Regulation to of the image which was drawn up of making use” in range of vision It has become the contents which you inserted
                                                      • 如,并期待在其发生时提交的法案,以及简单的儿童色情非法藏有“漫画,动画和视频是使用一台计算机”是一个为规范的内容,以期进入那个 Bill when submitting When you see other than illegality conversion of the simplicity possession of the child pornography “cartoon and animation the computer Regulation to of the image which was drawn up of making use” in range of vision It has become the contents which you inserted
                                                      • 如,并期待在其发生时提交的法案,以及简单的儿童色情非法藏有“漫画,动画和视频是使用一台计算机”是一个为规范的内容,以期进入那个 Bill when submitting When you see other than illegality conversion of the simplicity possession of the child pornography “cartoon and animation the computer Regulation to of the image which was drawn up of making use” in range of vision It has become the contents which you inserted
                                                      • 如,并期待在其发生时提交的法案,以及简单的儿童色情非法藏有“漫画,动画和视频是使用一台计算机”是一个为规范的内容,以期进入那个 Bill when submitting When you see other than illegality conversion of the simplicity possession of the child pornography “cartoon and animation the computer Regulation to of the image which was drawn up of making use” in range of vision It has become the contents which you inserted
                                                      • 如,并期待在其发生时提交的法案,以及简单的儿童色情非法藏有“漫画,动画和视频是使用一台计算机”是一个为规范的内容,以期进入那个 Bill when submitting When you see other than illegality conversion of the simplicity possession of the child pornography “cartoon and animation the computer Regulation to of the image which was drawn up of making use” in range of vision It has become the contents which you inserted

                                                    • 婴儿和(男)如果你想调节色情,至信“和婴儿的年轻女孩,”书面和蓬松好女孩
                                                      It is young, the woman and the young child (the boy) we would like to regulate the pornography, if is, the [ro] “young the woman and the young child” you should have written on the text and is

                                                      • 宝维控制儿童 2 “。日本可能从perversiones光刻应规范”,“这不是言论自由” 蒙娜丽莎山★2然而,莫纳山水手穿着校服如喜欢的颜色,外观和现实是不同的女性 lt 2 dimensional child po regulation gt “As for the Japanese ero it is empty characteristic drawing It should” regulate “there is no problem of freedom of expression” … Yamamoto mona 2 Although is Yamamoto mona which wears the sailor suit of the seductive student clothes Truth and policy of the woman are different
                                                        • ★蒙娜丽莎山本说:“可不perversiones光刻日本。应规定”受欢迎的电台节目,日本文化广播,“Ootake诚金电台”(周一至周五13 00至15 30)在周二的“开放”的山本是莫娜女士负责,与在东京展示光刻儿童。和管理问题“,不希望言论自由”问题是你所说的议题和写真集 As for the Yamamoto mona “Japanese ero it is empty characteristic drawing Regulate it should” Cultural popularity radio program “Otake truth of broadcast Golden radio ” Month gold 13 00 15 30 Yamamoto mona which has taken charge of Tuesday “opening” depends on Tokyo inside program Child characteristic drawing To a regulation problem that “we do not want making the problem of freedom of expression” referring topic You gather
                                                        • 宝维控制儿童 2 “。日本可能从perversiones光刻应规范”,“这不是言论自由” 蒙娜丽莎山★2然而,莫纳山水手穿着校服如喜欢的颜色,外观和现实是不同的女性 lt 2 dimensional child po regulation gt “As for the Japanese ero it is empty characteristic drawing It should” regulate “there is no problem of freedom of expression” … Yamamoto mona 2 Although is Yamamoto mona which wears the sailor suit of the seductive student clothes Truth and policy of the woman are different

                                                      • 对有害物质规制理论诱使犯罪,因为它是一个缓慢的雷贾故事之前规范事后监管手Ja
                                                        Therefore regulation theory of the deleterious material which induces crime is late posterior regulation the hand Advance, therefore a story that it will regulate,

                                                        • 小学馆和集英社的核心208和哲千叶和武井。瓦里就是我所说的害怕心理,
                                                          208 Chiba Tetsu and Nagai are great Shogakukan Inc. and Shueisha Publishing Co., Ltd. core. Calling? It is embarrassed

                                                          • 尤其是,性犯罪或犯罪蔌嗯的是过于偏执,我会读两维wwww wwww
                                                            Especially, two dimensions reading, when characteristic crime you commit wwww delusion passes, wwww

                                                            • 年間数十万人動員 して 都財政 の 助 けになるのが ヲタ VS不倫 して TV 番組 に 穴開 けまくって オフィス 北野 を 会社更生法寸前 まで 追 い 込 んだのが モナ w女共 に蒙娜丽莎,一旦在病房上的仇恨敌人沃塔件如果w
                                                              Annual several 100,000 people mobilizing, becoming help of capital public finance is [wota] VS Immorality doing, driving [tsu] [te] office Kitano which in TV program the drill is sown to before the reorganization method sun/size is [mona] w Both the woman after being disliked, turning to the enemy to [wota], as for [mona] w which how is completed

                                                              • 当时的田多哥Tsute(日本医学会和护士)的NPO法人“日本的向日葵”陈美龄在介绍多哥大学初级时,对李济,善意驻多哥大使梁艾格尼丝制备恩戴我写一次日 When at that time Noda Togo tsute medical association and nurse meeting starting” the meeting of NPO sunflower” To introduce agunesu chiyan of the junior of the university to Togo as for Togo taking in agunesu to the friendly ambassador The wa which once is
                                                                • 在多哥Tsute的野(日本医学会和护士)的NPO法人“日本的向日葵”陈美龄在介绍多哥大学初级时,对李济,善意驻多哥大使梁艾格尼丝制备恩戴我写一次日 When so Noda Togo tsute medical association and nurse meeting starting” the meeting of NPO sunflower” To introduce agunesu chiyan of the junior of the university to Togo as for Togo taking in agunesu to the friendly ambassador The wa which once is

                                                              • 态度应该是规范媒体报道了美国真正的线,而他们捏造卫偏颇的无线电覆盖法
                                                                Truly it should regulate while you being protected by Wireless Telegraphy Act it probably is reporting attitude of the mass communications which do fabrication deflection reporting

                                                                • 想象一下,一个奇怪的是这对我?我不认为是东西紧 Change it is imagined with my thing with something It is difficult although thing something the rare ru way it is not done…
                                                                  • 噢鄚那马等ー现在国王使用 You probably will use now o ma e mo na

                                                                • 我们已经对蒙娜丽莎的强硬选举登记主任的选举登记主任。但是,生活,杂志,文具,新的。该新闻社是什么治疗,但我卖这个津市对货架或货架儿童杂志恢复正常乙烯 Obtain obtain being said by mona well But residence magazine and stationery new News which it handles Even with Agency shelf of reverse side of shelf of child magazine Normally the beaver book selling the ru
                                                                  • 1。但是,生活,杂志,文具,新的。该新闻社是什么治疗,但我卖这个津市对货架或货架儿童杂志恢复正常乙烯 1 But residence magazine and stationery new News which it handles Even with Agency shelf of reverse side of shelf of child magazine Normally the beaver book selling the ru

                                                                • 我想洗澡DQN川和法律规定,因为碎片载货进攻艺人,并在电视上的家伙说话,像每个人做的高买
                                                                  Therefore with DQN the show biz celebrity of the rubbish being lazy displeasure we want regulating with law Aikawa and it pours, everyone doing shoplifting, the person who talks to the [ru] wind with the television

                                                                  • 我是在妇女的青睐,但思想上Yabai方上杰鲁循环,在公立学校和天两家韩国国旗
                                                                    Although the Korean flag and the circle of day and both it lifts in the public school, it is approved Idea the [yabai] woman

                                                                    • 我是说,慈济漂亮的公共厕所什么,我是专横冈事件与蒙娜丽莎2显示,在与民主党众议院滚装事件成员刚史细野瓦特 Democratic party Hosono greatly will member of the house of representatives and immorality doing program mona which was lowered Also two Oka immorality has done greatly so the thing public toilet what greatly so thing saying whether the ru it is w
                                                                      • 津市什么我说什么我使用公共厕所,我是非法的蒙娜丽莎尼奥卡和民主党众议院议员后志细野瓦特事件 Democratic party Hosono greatly will member of the house of representatives and immorality doing program mona which was lowered Also two Oka immorality has done greatly so the thing public toilet what greatly so thing saying whether the ru it is w
                                                                      • 通奸是美好的,什么是合乎逻辑的双向调节?这只是讲的感伤 As for immorality with OK Two dimensional regulation what logic You talk in simply emotional argument

                                                                    • 日本流行文化广播电台节目“Ootake诚金电台”这听起来很有趣,或像跆拳道广播节目 Popularity radio program “Otake truth of cultural broadcast Golden radio ” Being such a radio program The being disgusted ya funny so the shelf

                                                                      • 毕竟销售。达罗家伙是混血的洋面包的女儿到父母以外的部永久公司生产的流亡者
                                                                        After all sale. The [ro] which is the half-caste with the daughter of the ocean pan as for it is dense The parent and child execute together in overseas permanent exile

                                                                        • 现在的问题是我觉得有点慢时期,“指出,大多数认为有必要订阅”百分之40.4,“特殊情况(如中学校门口)应无处不在的”为24.7%,甚至65.1%,总悬浮球
                                                                          Rather, “as for indication old-fashioned question you feel but, should practice self-control that, you think that most is,” the 40.4%, “We should practice self-control special location only (correct Monzen and the like junior high school)”, is the 24.7%, Totaling, it is the 65.1% stopping

                                                                          • 的立场,若这些条例是有害的彻底摆在我们面前。你是否同意的规定?达罗不是?毕竟,无论什么有害的,不是感性不够想控制食物我不关心 You say that harmful ones are regulated stance thoroughly if is as for you Approving also regulation The ro which it does not do and is After all the ro which is emotional argument of the harboring which regulates those which are not eaten in the air harmfulness regardless of
                                                                            • “有害挑起这种罪行应该受到规管”或巴巴的东西是什么限制,酒精或没有规定说我恩达 “Any harmful kind of things which induce crime should be regulated” that without regulating you call the liquor only babaa which is said it is
                                                                            • 加拉伪君子新生儿叫管制的危险材料,把他的大声为了我们的仇恨犯罪的受害者,而不是规范 As for the hypocrite as for the deleterious material while regulation margin and shouting loudly you say that it regulates is concerning the liquor where the characteristic crime victim has hated
                                                                            • 可接受的水平,但也有最近成为insolvent re成绩实在是不公平的Bisugite有害的书籍,其中包括便利店,现在到处都有 If certain however also allowance is possible if recently the harmful books lining up too everywhere including konbini already without unsoundly Becoming don t you think from the ru
                                                                            • 哦,“如”可接受的水平,而且还可以,最近在病态Bisugite不平行的其他地方的书,其中包括便利店的其他有害“和”我来自津 If a “ ru ” however also allowance is possible if recently the harmful books lining up too everywhere including konbini already without unsoundly Don t you think “” from tsu te ru
                                                                            • 如果我会支持全面的监管立场,我含有害饮酒 Including also the liquor if the stance that it regulates harmful ones thoroughly it supports however

                                                                          • 石原慎太郎,在都市青年行动理事会,自由民主党主席,但我同城市的限制条例同意漫画
                                                                            But Governor Ishihara, with chairman of capital youth problems conference, as for our people in capital regulations of cartoon regulation approval what

                                                                            • 细野莫娜哈希公费和京都旅游,清水3肆虐细野和Mona一直在向花园清Ryuu瓦特Hayo细野一年,我不得不用公款旅游莫娜色情瓦特山见证
                                                                              Hosono [mona] and Kyoto travels with public funds, Clearly Hosono and [mona] which are in the dragon which is the Shimizu 3 year hill 苑 being witnessed, large disturbance w Hosono is to do [mona] and [ero] travelling with public funds, w

                                                                              • 节水理直气壮地批评与自我批评士气低落好这是一个非常原始的废物质量
                                                                                Well, you do not reflect upon the lowness and oneself of moral and criticize impudently just the original mass rubbish shelf

                                                                                • 莫纳山本说:“我德鲁或便利店是如此的独特的区级书线是妇女和儿童很多只,”他说:“肮脏,邪恶的,他们有感情的,”女人的情感和演讲 As for Yamamoto mona “ konbini although the woman and the child go the large quantity so the ero book Lining up as for ru just Japan” it points out “being hateful feeling is bad” that speaking for the feeling of the woman
                                                                                  • 莫纳山本说:“我德鲁或便利店是如此的独特的区级书线是妇女和儿童很多只,”他说:“肮脏,邪恶的,他们有感情的,”女人的情感和演讲 As for Yamamoto mona “ konbini although the woman and the child go the large quantity so the ero book Lining up as for ru just Japan” it points out “being hateful feeling is bad” that speaking for the feeling of the woman
                                                                                  • 莫纳山本说:“我德鲁或便利店是如此的独特的区级书线是妇女和儿童很多只,”他说:“肮脏,邪恶的,他们有感情的,”女人的情感和演讲 As for Yamamoto mona “ konbini although the woman and the child go the large quantity so the ero book Lining up as for ru just Japan” it points out “being hateful feeling is bad” that speaking for the feeling of the woman
                                                                                  • 莫纳山本说:“我德鲁或便利店是如此的独特的区级书线是妇女和儿童很多只,”他说:“肮脏,邪恶的,他们有感情的,”女人的情感和演讲 As for Yamamoto mona “ konbini although the woman and the child go the large quantity so the ero book Lining up as for ru just Japan” it points out “being hateful feeling is bad” that speaking for the feeling of the woman

                                                                                • 虽然隐藏的石原,石原试图通过性和暴力出版过小说的铁路被排除在调控,以保持小说书 While capital Governor Ishihara hiding it tried steamrolling Capital Governor Ishihara has published the radical sexual novel In order for you to maintain your own book the novel was excluded from the regulation object
                                                                                  • 虽然隐藏的石原,石原试图通过性和暴力出版过小说的铁路被排除在调控,以保持小说书 While capital Governor Ishihara hiding it tried steamrolling Capital Governor Ishihara has published the radical sexual novel In order for you to maintain your own book the novel was excluded from the regulation object
                                                                                  • 虽然隐藏的石原,石原试图通过性和暴力出版过小说的铁路被排除在调控,以保持小说书 While capital Governor Ishihara hiding it tried steamrolling Capital Governor Ishihara has published the radical sexual novel In order for you to maintain your own book the novel was excluded from the regulation object
                                                                                  • 虽然隐藏的石原,石原试图通过性和暴力出版过小说的铁路被排除在调控,以保持小说书 While capital Governor Ishihara hiding it tried steamrolling Capital Governor Ishihara has published the radical sexual novel In order for you to maintain your own book the novel was excluded from the regulation object
                                                                                  • 虽然隐藏的石原,石原试图通过性和暴力出版过小说的铁路被排除在调控,以保持小说书 While capital Governor Ishihara hiding it tried steamrolling Capital Governor Ishihara has published the radical sexual novel In order for you to maintain your own book the novel was excluded from the regulation object
                                                                                  • 虽然隐藏的石原,石原试图通过性和暴力出版过小说的铁路被排除在调控,以保持小说书 While capital Governor Ishihara hiding it tried steamrolling Capital Governor Ishihara has published the radical sexual novel In order for you to maintain your own book the novel was excluded from the regulation object

                                                                                • 規制派 は 反対派 を 身体障害者 、 脳障害者 と 発言これにより 2ch にも 規制派 が 沈静化 をするよう 工作員 を 多 く 送 りこんでいると 情報 が 流 れている継続審議 は 嘘 ご 注意字母a Regulation group the physically disabled person and the brain handicapped person speaking group of objectors Because of this in order for regulation group cooling off even in 2ch when the operative is being sent mainly information is flowing As for continuation deliberation lie Note
                                                                                  • 規制派 は 反対派 を 身体障害者 、 脳障害者 と 発言これにより 2ch にも 規制派 が 沈静化 をするよう 工作員 を 多 く 送 りこんでいると 情報 が 流 れている継続審議 は 嘘 ご 注意字母a Regulation group the physically disabled person and the brain handicapped person speaking group of objectors Because of this in order for regulation group cooling off even in 2ch when the operative is being sent mainly information is flowing As for continuation deliberation lie Note
                                                                                  • 規制派 は 反対派 を 身体障害者 、 脳障害者 と 発言これにより 2ch にも 規制派 が 沈静化 をするよう 工作員 を 多 く 送 りこんでいると 情報 が 流 れている継続審議 は 嘘 ご 注意字母a Regulation group the physically disabled person and the brain handicapped person speaking group of objectors Because of this in order for regulation group cooling off even in 2ch when the operative is being sent mainly information is flowing As for continuation deliberation lie Note
                                                                                  • 規制派 は 反対派 を 身体障害者 、 脳障害者 と 発言これにより 2ch にも 規制派 が 沈静化 をするよう 工作員 を 多 く 送 りこんでいると 情報 が 流 れている継続審議 は 嘘 ご 注意字母a Regulation group the physically disabled person and the brain handicapped person speaking group of objectors Because of this in order for regulation group cooling off even in 2ch when the operative is being sent mainly information is flowing As for continuation deliberation lie Note
                                                                                  • 規制派 は 反対派 を 身体障害者 、 脳障害者 と 発言これにより 2ch にも 規制派 が 沈静化 をするよう 工作員 を 多 く 送 りこんでいると 情報 が 流 れている継続審議 は 嘘 ご 注意字母a Regulation group the physically disabled person and the brain handicapped person speaking group of objectors Because of this in order for regulation group cooling off even in 2ch when the operative is being sent mainly information is flowing As for continuation deliberation lie Note
                                                                                  • 規制派 は 反対派 を 身体障害者 、 脳障害者 と 発言これにより 2ch にも 規制派 が 沈静化 をするよう 工作員 を 多 く 送 りこんでいると 情報 が 流 れている継続審議 は 嘘 ご 注意字母a Regulation group the physically disabled person and the brain handicapped person speaking group of objectors Because of this in order for regulation group cooling off even in 2ch when the operative is being sent mainly information is flowing As for continuation deliberation lie Note

                                                                                • 规例,“一个说:”我最近有人声称,古和力量,也需要Dataru名专业人士,他们已没有希望的事物,许多商店“和”古很多人都觉得不舒服,他们为茹浩纪的女儿,我已经我没有 “” Being in regulation when also the famous specialists are necessary ones you insist strongly looking at those which and we would like to see from something with the shop front are not Many people to taste the se and others “ re ” ru unpleasant impression and it is large the te not to have

                                                                                  • 认为妇女和儿童的奴役(韩国汽船是一个很好的例子)杀死的敌对,以及食品Bemasu别人的孩子 Woman offering accompanying is regarded the slave As for the Korean key plug good example You kill the child of others as hostility or you eat
                                                                                    • 认为妇女和儿童的奴役(韩国汽船是一个很好的例子)杀死的敌对,以及食品Bemasu别人的孩子 Woman offering accompanying is regarded the slave As for the Korean key plug good example You kill the child of others as hostility or you eat
                                                                                    • 认为妇女和儿童的奴役(韩国汽船是一个很好的例子)杀死的敌对,以及食品Bemasu别人的孩子 Woman offering accompanying is regarded the slave As for the Korean key plug good example You kill the child of others as hostility or you eat

                                                                                  • 语音,电影,电视,戏剧,小说,游戏,语音,条例和法规,是非常危险的,以及玩具有可能拒绝博闻所有部门 Voice and the movie also the television drama the novel the game speech and the toy etc are regulated in the same way They are very dangerous regulations it has the possibility all section atrophying largely
                                                                                    • 我们宁愿独处驱逐舰只卖给这些条例清楚地描述了条例的修订建议,以促进健康的青年,东京 Tokyo explaining young people healthy rearing regulations amendment plan Sell regulate just clear ones The shelf which just with it can expel rather and may
                                                                                    • 语音,电影,电视,戏剧,小说,游戏,语音,条例和法规,是非常危险的,以及玩具有可能拒绝博闻所有部门 Voice and the movie also the television drama the novel the game speech and the toy etc are regulated in the same way They are very dangerous regulations it has the possibility all section atrophying largely
                                                                                    • 语音,电影,电视,戏剧,小说,游戏,语音,条例和法规,是非常危险的,以及玩具有可能拒绝博闻所有部门 Voice and the movie also the television drama the novel the game speech and the toy etc are regulated in the same way They are very dangerous regulations it has the possibility all section atrophying largely
                                                                                    • 语音,电影,电视,戏剧,小说,游戏,语音,条例和法规,是非常危险的,以及玩具有可能拒绝博闻所有部门 Voice and the movie also the television drama the novel the game speech and the toy etc are regulated in the same way They are very dangerous regulations it has the possibility all section atrophying largely
                                                                                    • 语音,电影,电视,戏剧,小说,游戏,语音,条例和法规,是非常危险的,以及玩具有可能拒绝博闻所有部门 Voice and the movie also the television drama the novel the game speech and the toy etc are regulated in the same way They are very dangerous regulations it has the possibility all section atrophying largely
                                                                                    • 语音,电影,电视,戏剧,小说,游戏,语音,条例和法规,是非常危险的,以及玩具有可能拒绝博闻所有部门 Voice and the movie also the television drama the novel the game speech and the toy etc are regulated in the same way They are very dangerous regulations it has the possibility all section atrophying largely

                                                                                  • 达罗754760764维塔和规章必须在许多情况下被认为不思工作过的位置,唯一的建议性暴力 754 760 764 When characteristic violence is recommended only when of the present condition where the work which cannot be thought is many at random is thought the ro which it stops does not obtain either regulation and is

                                                                                    • 达罗有害于公众地方的意见,是狗娘住在一起疮腐烂
                                                                                      Erosion is characteristic life is led, rot the [ro] where the one which [bitsuchi] speaks at the public place is harmful

                                                                                      • 达罗问题或它们是如何在未经审查的家伙描绘同质色情影片在此之前,屋良 With the homo pornography the movie before that the man vessel being described with non correction it reaches The ro where one is problem
                                                                                        • 专业和未经审查万维网达罗与全球标准的确定是什么?个人,最好 NULL

                                                                                      • 迟浩田的主要自然性允许这多少这样的巨人球员和wwwwwwww民主党成员
                                                                                        The owner of such a transform sexual desire rubbed about the player of the giant and the Assemblyman of the Democratic party, wwwwwwww

                                                                                        • 道德在这个国家,我很矛盾解决刈马阿东西,这是性骚扰的事情漂白认识不足是未经审查和裸体杂志,但AV是议员,强奸和骚扰影音,动画和方向遗弃的孩子洛丽塔卡通乳头迷你裙的女学生统一税率是石井隆宽容和轻型Sukebe这个家伙有点乱七八糟,也留下了性犯罪的惩罚足够的空间在妓院卖淫的名称是必然忽视的什么是我想我已经在日本
                                                                                          Well various types it has contradicted, it is, As for ethical view of this country As for the time where consciousness of [sekuhara] is low naked magazine something it was the plate and But as for non correction AV NG rape and 痴 China AV, in animation for boy and [rori] nipple of cartoon magnanimity [minisuka] ratio of the uniform of the schoolgirl is high and, either it is not few to prostitute with the pretext, help association Punishment of characteristic crime rub the [chi] [ya] oral [ya] it is light Because it is helpless for the man to be [sukebe], the [tsu] [te] thought of seeing approximately is Japan don't you think?

                                                                                          • 那么,当完成了日本委员会办公楼儿童基金会(2001年)和恩戴的是大声说话,我都忘了我是好的
                                                                                            Well, at the time of the respective company building completion of the Japanese UNICEF association (2001) with story something which makes a noise, well enough everyone Forgetting, the [ru] don't you think?

                                                                                            • 集团律师事务所的有关反对丰田,蒂姆霍华德,一流的诉讼承担一半,到丰田的总老板总检察长是20 Motomu我的损失为100亿美元,超出有组织罪案法如果冲突是公认的在我看来,最后的赔偿法案能总计100亿美元的超排减单位,没有这个词 Attorney chief of the legal office group which takes charge of approximately half of the class action for Toyota as for teimu Howard At the beginning sum total 2 000 000 000 dollar to the Toyota car owner super compensation for damage was requested but contradiction to RICO method The signet as for final claim amount there is a possibility of exceeding sum total 10 000 000 000 dollar that you said

                                                                                              • 马阿色情,堕胎,卖淫业务,是一个故事,我也错穆宗教犹太移民,欧洲的政治议程是几百年前,作为是否涉及谋杀,朝鲜人,菲律宾人的问题,在联合国的人工流产人权议程上的问题将是最合适的
                                                                                                But well the pornography, as for prostitution industry story what where also the Judean person is entwined Whether as for abortion from immigration problem it hits to religion and homicide as a problem It is the European-American political subject from several hundred years ago So, as for abortion of the South Korean and the Philippine person at United Nations to make subject It becomes the most suitable human rights issue

                                                                                                • 麦当娜的“物质女孩”的女性主义的起源麦当娜歌词是来自芝加哥的唯物论,麦当娜和发展两对日本原子弹预算协调纽约的犹太社团的改革是当然
                                                                                                  The lyric of Madonna's “material girl” is materialism, but Madonna's feminism As for the beginning Madonna with the Chicago graduate, dropped the atomic bomb of two shots into Japan It is proper social reform group Judean of NY to be entertainment,

                                                                                                  • (NPO日本儿童基金会捐赠25亿以前的法律后,执法“的讨论在2001年周刊,以及超过100万人正以一万七千点〇万日元换句话说),他们收集传入桥本的遗留系统通过什么是端午野拨款时,需要这种快速增长的活动费用,选举的故事,引起我玛熨斗周三儿童色情法
                                                                                                    (After the financial contributions 2,500,000,000 > enforcing of the Japanese UNICEF of time before the NPO method, at 2001 in the weekly magazine and the like becomes topic 10,000,000,000 over, presently 17,000,000,000 Yen) In other words, succeeding the heritage of Hasimoto's bill collecting system with the is Noda [tsu] lever, this rapid growth time Expense appropriation of activity expense becoming necessary, is chosen for inflating the news item which child pornographic method

                                                                                                    研究 開発