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The pre- mortar of the abrupt acceleration noise, “abnormality it is not” with clarification…In investigation of American traffic safe bureau and Toyota ★2


  • 136127死亡事故和失控原本并不涉及美国生产的丰田普锐斯 136 127 Driving recklessly originally fatal accident as for doing the American make Toyota car which is not the pre mortar and relationship
    • 但是,是否有在日本没有致命的意外,我认为这是冷静地说,应进行调查 Simply there is no fatal accident in the Japanese country whether or not is So the fact that you say should be investigated calmly it is the combining which is not

  • 142144,否则,我抨击日本的丰田评论员或政客或耻祖香椎 NULL
    • 727自杀的工作之后,但非常遗憾的故事不仅是丰田 727 But very regrettable story as for suicide with work as a pain there is no just Toyota

  • 187记得“少数”差异井现代,丰田汽车召回的阶段,“车辆”,丰田已经成为博闻,博纪只对单身母亲的人数问题已售出 187 If recall “number” in different level hiyundai GM Toyota Recall “quantity” Toyota becoming large being able to sell simply the sufficient story whose te parameter is large

    • 250次交替的制动和加油“,也就是250倍的位置更换踏说,在调整的速度,国家故意继续失控克 As for the notion that where ” 250 times you step on 250 accelerators and the brake alternately and change while adjusting speed reckless driving state intentionally Say that it continued
      • 225顺便说一句,“把刹车和油门,说:”谭恩戴踏250倍 225 By the way when 250 times you step on “the accelerator and the brake it is alternately”
      • 523踏刹车和它继续踢,即使在同一时间,我踏油门,我的意思是,普锐斯已停止 523 When it continues to step on the brake stepping on the accelerator simultaneously it stops the pre mortar it is
      • 因此,思例如,而无需停止失控继续柯,柯不应继续在刹车和油门它交替踏 Therefore without making stop if you try to continue to drive recklessly unless it continues to step on the accelerator and the brake alternately it is not good
      • 基应变和事故已混为一谈这种“失控”有一个附加的诡辩 This becoming messy when accident is caused that “it drove recklessly” Difficult habit being attached the ru it is probably will be

    • 370这是什么杀人机器ripped达罗说,是否有一个问题,如果您没有验证的杀人机器,包括故事的手段Tatte我苏子,以故意杀人工程的人 370 The ro which this time is not the verification and whether the homicide machine of is Whether or not there is trouble the ro which is The homicide machine tsu te as for saying Intending including the tsu te meaning of making in order to kill the person story
      • 有 ?圣安茂木嘈杂解决这个问题,我不能停止在日本观看演出核查Tteiu普瑞斯有什么 ? That… The time where this noise happens the pre mortar it could stop even in Japan and said and it watched the verification program which is said but it is That tsu te …

    • 415和模型丰田召回数,比较了若干回顾所有其他公司,或变化仍然丰田多少?顺便提一句,我不监护病房 415 Trying comparing the number of the model which the Toyota recall is done and the number of recalls of other companies even then the notion that where Toyota is many By the way as for the quantity there is no relationship

      • 430哎呀,我将在徒步旅行抱怨说赔偿为在跆拳道Otchan干扰失去了你的真实身份被发现在自然情况下穿了从非刹车
        430 It is rough, and others, natural shape of unnatural wear of the example which it is possible other than the emergency brake to be ascertained, the [chi] [ya] [tsu] shelf Compensation for damage being claimed by being disgusted [ya] old boy interference with business, complaint say it is

        • 47:44编号:tn8QFWyt0我读吗?我们在这里,和丰田背后扑名男子在大约肖恩凯恩说,他们的雇员,没有任何证据证明他是一个韩裔美国人人Rashii韩国人,一旦他们加入到我的气越来越多的假丰田这是丰田公司的“假定无罪”和一个神秘人物四环素偏见,他对洛杉矶时报紫癜舆论报道: diamond jp 系列 dol report 10036 942: 现场交易!:2010 03 12(ID的卡斯Gugureyo瓦特)12:24:08编号: N1LP6u0紫癜: twitter com masayang 状态 10353917521紊乱普瑞斯圣地亚哥失控情况下,也 47 44 ID tn8QFWyt0 This you read And it is said here as for the mastermind of the Toyota busing The man Shaun kein generally the employees seem as for him the resident in American South Korean The South Korean evidence dying cornering Toyota steadily with fabrication once is The public opinion of Toyota “presumption guilt” was made Person of puzzle and deflection reporting of LA times ttp diamond jp series dol report 10036 942 Trader Live 2010 03 12 with ID gugu re w refuse 12 24 08 ID N1LP6u0 ttp twitter com masayang status 10353917521 Pre mortar reckless driving disturbance of the example which is San Diego inchiki it is ill smelling after all
          • 86503分之2010 18(星期四)09:54:52编号:HD1AUcEk0财富周年名无 美国10年“丰田是一个失控的汽车的电子控制,由于不明原因的!,而我们公布的源代码,这样!”丰田「 ちっ 、 うっせーな 、 だったら イベントレコーダー の 情報 を 無条件 で 提出 してやんよ 」米 「 えっ 、 ちょっとまって・・・ 」トヨタ 自動車 が 世界 で EDR を 本格活用 、 不具合 への 対応 を 迅速化丰田,EDR的数据可以分析,在车辆系统的不寻常的侧光结合案件的描述和数据客户 865 2010 03 18 wood 09 54 52 ID HD1AUcEk0 Name it is not tenth anniversary Reckless driving of the American “Toyota car the electronic control which is cause unclear is cause Therefore source code disclosure margin ” When the Toyota “ chi tsu the u tsu se is being unconditional submitting information of the event recorder and it is” The United States “huh just a little waiting …” The Toyota Motor Corporation EDR expediting real application and the correspondence to trouble in the world As for Toyota by the fact that the data of EDR is analyzed the collation the explanation and the data of the customer Whether it is something due to the feeling of the or user side whose vehicle system side is abnormal and so on It is possible to ascertain as the number
          • 冲床847愚蠢的,他们恨我是韩国著名Ja瓦特在卡斯瓦特(编号Gugureyo)一般,他们(或任何车 )通常将死in m奇怪的内部员工,苦『岛由于没有死亡纳鲁 847 ahotare as for we Korean dislike famous w with ID gugu re w refuse Generally the employees die being inside the company … even at inside of car of car it is abnormal what If normal without suffering way it can die …

        • 491のような 発想 をしていたから トヨタ・カナダ の 社長 が カナダ の 公聴会 なんか 見 てると 、 これなんか 怪 しいなぁなんて呼 ばれて リコール の 件 で 謝罪 しなければならなくなった 491 Because the conception the way was done when Toyota Canadian president sees public hearing something of Canada this something it is doubtful how Being called it became necessary to apologize with case of the recall
          • “戴夫,我看,我看和听少了一些,这是我Tteta离奇思志位纳阿南特 When “ debu me it leaps just a little public hearing something sees this something it is doubtful how You think is

        • 495“丰田四环素就业”克莱默u003d骗子“奈达的形象间谍”
          495 “Toyota employed,” Kramer = swindler” image operative [nida]”

          • 59 · ¬首页━━━━(#苞#)━━━━¯!
            59 [kiyaha] ━ ━ ━ ━ (# ゚ [ro] ゚ #) ━ ━ ━ ━ [tsu]! !

            • 615在实践中,中国。国随时车祸可能失控基鲁文困难的客户时,扮这将是更好的投篮四环素措施,但问题是什么好处这样的事,也不能轻易改装系统如果该项目我卖一,我是卖车几点大规模生产,易于打理,这种情况下,前穆也是一个小伤口的敌人不是一个从车上悬挂阴茎,很难然后你可以租一个旧的模式自由贷款人的汽车进行缓慢,但安全思U型 615 Actually problem and opposite It is difficult don t you think probably will be Continuing to place the customer in the car perhaps so when reckless driving accident occurs rather than Whether the method which strikes measure is better that As for problem simply conversion and the like of the system the point which it is not possible Mono being produced in large quantities it is the point automobile which was sold don t you think If it is the article of small numbered sale CARE and being simple the wound may be small but Because the latest case does not stop in 1 models it is serious with you think But type it is late and if it starts with gratuitousness rental the safe old model car as a generation car gatsukari it did to defect but the attitude that is the true 摯 the Toyota aftercare it probably will protect the safety of the customer that While conversely representing recovering but also confidence reliance may be obtained Whether it is difficult in the aspect of guaranty and cost etc of the generation car don t you think The a the comfort it is even by the old car If with it becomes new model it probably will become unable to sell and w Story changes but as for Mitsubishi of the time before reckless driving Before the being detected without buying from the person where the kindred of the dealer is and with w where communication comes It grasps also Mitsubishi but it does not put out to the recall as for this thing from now it was random But because it is certain to have problem you buy when is conveying to just flesh fell it was the story ru After that several years Mitsubishi of example hidden Incident becoming problem the a a after all with there is the experience which is thought
              • 627,关系到的贷款人,他们被释放前的一个星期我会全部由丰田本身 包括贷款人车在召回的维修付出的代价 627 In regard to the generation car price everything of the generation car which includes the rental car during recall repair It has announced before the tsu te one week which Toyota itself bears

            • 690是这样,为什么? Akanano武? ? ?惠益分享你刚才讲故事Ja保持氖瓦特锁的风格我从一个空气源旅行舌头感觉说,没有第二学位短缺 690 It becomes so with something vu a kana Don t you think story of the ABS lock the tsu te saying the ro w where is just the ru If the source which is called 1 seconds of free running impression because it is a lot of inspect
              • 690是这样,为什么? Akanano武? ? ?惠益分享你刚才讲故事Ja保持氖瓦特锁的风格我从一个空气源旅行舌头感觉说,没有第二学位短缺 690 It becomes so with something vu a kana Don t you think story of the ABS lock the tsu te saying the ro w where is just the ru If the source which is called 1 seconds of free running impression because it is a lot of inspect

            • 842什么我挖一个严重的湿重反驳自己的总统,但我在二是太锭表示,他们更严重的(笑)首先,在消费者方面,例如对第三党说,『客观上有什么问题在世界上可以运行了?尼嘉乘Ritakunai』→『不』的反应时间值得刹车! ? 』→『免于恐惧的缺陷,他们也可能在十字路口不』『他们的权力失控的普锐斯在日本?哦,这些我们』→』不采取老百姓的常识,这个老思 842 Something is refutation ww The president digging the grave personally rather than you getting angry in terrible speech although the 呆 re and others re te ru wry smile In the first place if the consumer side you refer to objective point of view of the third party Unless perhaps it drives recklessly in the world becoming problem the ru gt The a we would not like to ride There is a time when the brake does not react Because gt we fear it does not ride Perhaps the pre mortar which in Japan drives recklessly in the crossover defect gt Roughly and is Like this thinking is feeling of the normal general people reason No one chooses 0 element and the car which has the insecure primary factor specially There is no pre just mortar and car also turn in value of all Toyota goes down and the ro which is the ru Mistake calling well took the life of… customers with mistake reflecting that you damage After making responsibility the present management take becoming the Toyota employee assemblage come again from 1 mi and mistake the potato it is As for Toyota it is not bad it is The ke defect how it was not Even if your refutation It is ugly it is www
              • 超过8561的Ginainoni狙四环素公民和一名假金可能会的基调,将曾与所有丰田汽车只有当有愚蠢的花索诺问题的情况?全世界9亿部,但已在日本召回,丰田汽车表示,它涉及到更换或修理的缺陷是什么? 856 1 Incident perhaps fabrication Although it becomes the gold or the origin it is no more than one citizen whom you aimed Be able to receive that fool with becoming the kind of purport which does not have problem in Toyota car everything how kana Although in the world 9 000 000 unit the recall it has done even in Japan Toyota becomes the story which that you say whether one some trouble repairing exchanging

            • 900在技术上可以看到原来的顺利瓦特亚马孙什么也Yaho Guguru冉学生的知识开始Benchajan元的结果 900 Looking at the result the tsu te which it is possible technically saying w As for Amazon intellectual viewing is guguru and yaho as for the origin the venture where the student begins

              • 99这是困难的,因为美国Desho扮专利制度运作暂定“精确通用汽车的调查发现有侵犯 99 Being difficult it does that the yo As for America the patent system has done functioning once because… “Infringing the patent of the result GM of precision investigation was ascertained

                • Jp reuters com 文章 婵真新热点 idJPJAPAN 一十四万三千七百一十五亿二千〇一十万〇三百十六本田,谷松刹车踏板,并可能蛮力接近在地上,踢踏板继续接受 jp reuters com article topNews idJPJAPAN 14371520100316 When the brake pedal is loose continues to use HONDA that way we have assumed that there is a possibility the pedal getting near to the floor
                  • 本田546是这样的回应,来某社趋势差异紫癜: jp reuters com 文章 婵真新热点 idJPJAPAN 十四万三千七百一十五亿二千〇十万〇三百十六本田,谷松刹车踏板,踏板和踢继续接受并可能蛮力接近地面 546 As expected HONDA Don t you think the certain corporation the conspirators is the forward correspondence which is different ttp jp reuters com article topNews idJPJAPAN 14371520100316 When the brake pedal is loose continues to use HONDA that way we have assumed that there is a possibility the pedal getting near to the floor

                • NULL 716 Your being convinced it is extreme to be useless is w Also the person dying with electric shock the ru it does the pre mortar the ro which is the problem being lazy from the varieties and appearance beginning But as for regenerative brake from the nature of hybrid necessary ones The reason where the priority is strange Also output of the engine and the motor is attached is is when still it is good for lag to occur but For the automobile the fact that we fear is accident what And being important for accident evasion the brake reason rather than running it stops but it is important When the brake and the accelerator were stepped on simultaneously the system where the brake operates preferentially The occasion where you adopt by the European car and the like such a ones w and Toyota there is no necessity have laughed are w And consecutive reckless driving accident incident but becoming defect recall rush Already after the dodge stopping impossible in the future it keeps introducing to the car which is sold the ro which is Including also such attitude and the like the dissatisfaction to Toyota is the gushing red sandal wood Honesty that much America of lawsuit large country lawsuit fool has been patient with thinks well to here Event and event Japan compared to Important commemoration day of the American citizen who is made important in chestnut mass mass Although one house everyone has died it has withstood it rubbed well Because there is also a problem and the like of employment government first the origin thinking rather because of Japan The seriousness of problem the ro where also the fact that it has not become the Japanese hitting and the like with in comparison is fact Either domestic CM is not the calling to the recall already tax reduction version of the child store manager it puts out Being disgusted truly in order to have reflected you cannot think Toyota
                  • 当雇用的724欧洲车,这些事情『不』需要瓦特滩丰田,是一个严重的笑什么?和W,但也有一些欧洲汽车制造商 724 The occasion where you adopt by the European car and the like such a ones w and Toyota there is no necessity have laughed are w But even by the European car manufacturer of part

                • NULL Therefore 2 hours it tested just gt it did not reappear gt there is no abnormality Even with the tapir of the simple PC software being able to discover in 2 hours Furthermore as for testing Toyota and NHTSA of party Toyota the original NHTSA authorities person who enters acceleration the investigation end which it goes round Influencing February 12th burumubagu The Toyota Motor Corporation adopted American road traffic safe bureau NHTSA from With influencing 2 original authorities people the American pitch which is related to the acceleration which the Toyota car is not intended At least 4 cases The recall where past ends in 10 years has possibility free collection repair it is the pattern which is escaped
                  • NULL Therefore 2 hours it tested just gt it did not reappear gt there is no abnormality Even with the tapir of the simple PC software being able to discover in 2 hours Furthermore as for testing Toyota and NHTSA of party Toyota the original NHTSA authorities person who enters acceleration the investigation end which it goes round Influencing February 12th burumubagu The Toyota Motor Corporation adopted American road traffic safe bureau NHTSA from With influencing 2 original authorities people the American pitch which is related to the acceleration which the Toyota car is not intended At least 4 cases The recall where past ends in 10 years has possibility free collection repair it is the pattern which is escaped

                • r8j74MMC0单曲不仅是因为现代是一个两位数的伤口停止销售的丰田品牌的痛苦,因为我刚才看到另一个志位 Therefore r8j74MMC0 just it is ugly already it stops the re Because damage was done to the Toyota brand saying It probably is not the case that it can sell hiyundai
                  • 编号:r8j74MMC0单曲不仅是因为现代是一个两位数的伤口停止销售的丰田品牌的痛苦,因为我刚才看到另一个志位 ID Therefore r8j74MMC0 just it is ugly already it stops the re Because damage was done to the Toyota brand saying It probably is not the case that it can sell hiyundai

                • Tsu m说的是,在案件话语的宫泽内阁官房长官,证据的范围南特
                  Meaning the thing of secretariat director conversation at the time of the Miyazawa Cabinet of example, but the [ru] it is, basis how that

                  • Www mlit go jp 自动车 carinf rcl index html紫癜: www toyota co jp 公告 100209。html的紫癜: www honda co jp 回收 紫癜: recall mitsubishi motors co jp 回收 ListRecall do紫癜: www nissan co jp 回收 紫癜: www ford com 业主服务 客户支持 召回信息和许多其他 www mlit go jp jidosha carinf rcl index html ttp www toyota co jp announcement 100209 html ttp www honda co jp recall ttp recall mitsubishi motors co jp Recall ListRecall do ttp www nissan co jp RECALL ttp www ford com owner services customer support recall information Other large number
                    • 紫癜: www mlit go jp 自动车 carinf rcl index html紫癜: www toyota co jp 公告 100209。html的紫癜: www honda co jp 记得 紫癜: recall mitsubishi motors co jp 回收 ListRecall do紫癜: www nissan co jp 回收 紫癜: www ford com 业主服务 客户支持 召回信息和许多其他 ttp www mlit go jp jidosha carinf rcl index html ttp www toyota co jp announcement 100209 html ttp www honda co jp recall ttp recall mitsubishi motors co jp Recall ListRecall do ttp www nissan co jp RECALL ttp www ford com owner services customer support recall information Other large number

                  • _NULL_
                    National traffic ministry Automobile trouble information retrieval Below just one example 2009 December 17th Toyota Ant on DBA-ZRT260 2ZR During up hill travelling, engine rpm rising above the quantity which depresses the accelerator pedal it accelerated rapidly, because the brake does not work, it collided to the roadside tree 2009 November 23rd Toyota [ui]. Vi TA-NCP19 2NZ-FE You could blow the engine selfishly and rose, accelerated to 60km/h 2009 November 18th Toyota [isuto] UA-NCP61 1NZ After the engine warming up, about 10m being the place where it travelled, the engine could blow the lenient up hill suddenly from the home parking zone and rose, was flurried and stepped on the brake, but it continued to accelerate, to the curb struck and parked 2009 October 22nd Toyota [ma]. . [shi] ゙ [o] DBA-ANA10 2AZ After the departing, you could blow the engine selfishly and rose, accelerated to 60km,/h because it becomes a state where either the brake it is not effective, you collided to the vehicle of the front 2009 October 16th Toyota [karoraakushio] DBA-NZE144 1NZ While travelling, although the accelerator is not opened, because the car accelerated selfishly, being flurried, you mistook operation, caused substantial damage accident

                    • ¶ ü ü Æ Ì ±ォ起诉案件绍兴市为例的投诉,或者你可以?与二千二百点〇 〇万日元安全要求之一¡在全国广泛、地狱,这是一个o一个¡日本检察官巨大损失有能力、巨大¡ ± Òض向控方?
                      As for the case to which investigation of [karuhuorunia] appealed Toyota, how becoming? It is attached to one unit, guarantee demand for 220,000 Yen . If this spreads in the All-American, as for Toyota enormous loss. The Japanese investigation has enormous power. As for the American investigation?

                      • “从刹车的气味,音位变体”←假的,如果我没有问题了,老人的心我越使用E
                        “Stench and strange noise <- lie, there is no abnormality from the brake” If it fabricates it is, the head use more, the pop

                        • ↓原因 が 判 らないから 改修 のしようがない↓引 き 続 き 究明 するしかない田舎 なので メルセデス 3 台 と VW1 台 と トヨタ と 日産 を 家族 で 乗 ってるけど電子制御機器 は 欧州 よりやっぱり 日本 のが这是不是很好,成本低,更打破 ↓ Because cause does not understand repair it will do but it is not ↓ The continuation there is no other choice but to investigate Because it is countryside the merusedesu 3 unit and the VW1 stand and Toyota and NISSAN riding in the family however the ru The electronic control equipment after all Japanese being excellent than Europe furthermore is not broken low at cost
                          • 基鲁文缺陷可能是控制时,电子零出不说,但我喜欢这种说法,是不是子弹列车甚至不广场平面 However the possibility the trouble which is due to electronic control occurring does not say 0 When such a thing is proposed the ro where it cannot ride the airplane or the Shinkansen and is

                        • ○E组和个人作出了虚假的事故和投诉,对→四环素煽○另一个用户的团体和个人,将要在一个虚假的丰田回沮丧行列担心的问题(因为在这一点上传言是未知的)→本如果这不是最咦!无论如何,你知道,在尽可能的主诉,就应该予以澄清和思,以恢复对日本产品的信心,在世界上的真理 The ○ going on board the group and the individual who appeal the accident of untruth and the trouble of untruth gt Insecurity of the other user was fanned Because the group and the individual whom it has been about to trap Toyota with the ○ reverse side it is rumor at present time it is unclear gt If it exists most you cannot permit this In any case truth is recognized by the fact that it appeals and even in order to make the reliance of the Japanese product in the world recover It can point clearly you think that it is the problem which should
                          • “,以及”地方不会成为一个“目前的问题是,但我不一样 ” With the notion that where you say and “There is no mosquito about at present time to become problem” the same it is not it is

                        • 〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜
                          ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

                          • 〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜为了让大家对用户的封装牙科焦虑,神奇与成本的观察量表挂〜〜〜〜〜 〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜 〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜如何,他们作出这一决定明
                            ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ In order to use the brake on insecurity of the user, BOS loading where cost catches ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ It made that you decide clear

                            • これまでは 警察 や 監督官庁からの 原因究明 の 要請 があった 場合 に 限 り 顧客 の 了解 を 得 て 、 トヨタ が 情報 を解析 していた
                              So far the police and the supervision There is request of empty cause investigation only when obtaining the comprehension of the customer, Toyota information You analyzed

                              • すでに 2006 年時点 で トヨタ 車 の 安全性 を 懸念 する 社内文書 が 経営陣 にトヨタ 自動車 の 大規模 リコール 問題 に 絡 み 、 米下院監視 ・ 政府改革委員会 は 8 日 、北米 トヨタ の 稲葉良 み 社長 に发了一封信,在日本工厂员工说,丰田汽车下跌06高管被提交给“记录了有关安全的丰田”你Motomu梅塔委员会提交的关切备忘录
                                Already you feel concern about the safety of the Toyota car at 2006 point in time inside the company the document in the management To be entwined to the large-scale recall problem of the Toyota Motor Corporation, as for House of Representatives supervisory government reformation commission on the 8th, North American Toyota Inaba you saw carefully and sent the letter to the president, the Japanese domestic factory employees of Toyota submitted to the same company staff fall of 06 In order to submit “the memo which records the anxiety regarding the safety of the Toyota car” to the same commission, it requested

                                • トヨタ はそれなりに テスト をやってきて バグフィックス も 行 ってきているんだから バグ を 完全 に 取 り 除 くのは 難 しいから 自動車 の 電子化 は 限界 に滅多 におこらないような ケース があったとしても为维塔局势不能超范围会相应预期 NULL
                                  • 我来自丰田路线和错误修正什么试验以自己的方式来为维塔情况,即使这种情况很少见Okoranai不能超范围会相应预期 NULL

                                • 一个100万倍的100万倍的错误号X X错误的错误几乎是零或1000倍呢?有多少被击中的概率在陨石?
                                  If in several tens of thousands of times in one time error over X ten thousand times in one time error over X ten thousand times one time error almost there is no 0? In the meteorite direct bomb hit about the probability which is done?

                                  • 不受召回(←严重,而且他们瓦特故事,在0 4秒),即使在20公里运行,如果分慈济运行一个空的感觉更多的小数穆故事 Is not the object of the recall but lt story where this is terrible w Even if when even in 0 4 seconds it is running at 20 kilometers above 2m it advances Story of free running impression

                                    • 丰田7203。吨级的美国诉讼扩大潜在的赔偿责任3月18日,2010年14:05 JST [洛杉矶消费者]丰田汽车在美国(7203。电话:行情报告正交)的元级的损害赔偿的诉讼对二手车价格的下降诉讼被召回,对原告,丰田的“联邦法律的行为有关的诈骗影响和腐败组织律师”(罪案法)电子加拿大宣称,新的冲突与该狙我能作出很大的丰田负法律责任
                                      Toyota 7203. T To the possibility class action in the United States and reparations obligation expanding 2010 March 18 days 14: 05 JST [Los Angeles 17 days Reuters] The American consumer the Toyota Motor Corporation (7203. T: Stock price, News, Report) For the old price depreciation of the recall object car requested the compensation for damage with the class action which, as for defense counsel of the plaintiff, the Toyota behavior When “the Federal law regarding power threat and corruption organization” (RICO method) it is contrary, adding new insistence, You aim for the fact that it makes big reparations obligation owe by Toyota

                                      • 丰田→加利福尼亚州的消费者集体诉讼的集团的抨击韩国证券Korianshiti→美国广播公司新闻专题诉讼分区→世界上最大的大赞助商的奖金大力士现代,起亚,现代开始在美国当地生产的这个时候 The Toyota consumer class action gt divider of the South Korean group California of topic gt there is a world s largest Cori ANSI tea ABC of busing reporting gt hiyundai Samson large sponsor In addition with this timing hiyundai kia entry into production American local
                                        • 丰田汽车的消费者集体诉讼,该国至少有40个国家,总额超过80 Domestic 40 states it climbs the Toyota consumer class action at least 80 cases or more
                                        • 讨论→加州诉讼的新闻集团诉讼分区扑韩国广播公司股票Korianshiti→→世界上最大的大赞助商三星奖金现代,起亚,现代开始在美国当地生产的这个时候 Class action gt divider of the South Korean group California of topic gt there is a world s largest Cori ANSI tea ABC of busing reporting gt hiyundai Samson large sponsor In addition with this timing hiyundai kia entry into production American local
                                        • 讨论→加州诉讼的新闻集团诉讼分区扑韩国广播公司股票Korianshiti→→世界上最大的大赞助商三星奖金现代,起亚,现代开始在美国当地生产的这个时候 Class action gt divider of the South Korean group California of topic gt there is a world s largest Cori ANSI tea ABC of busing reporting gt hiyundai Samson large sponsor In addition with this timing hiyundai kia entry into production American local

                                      • 丰田公司的大容量,是没有理由可以认识到总统管理不善结束
                                        At the Toyota like [dekai] enterprise, the president there is no meaning which can be recognized to irregularity of end

                                        • 丰田踢作为债务人有多个伤口,我荣幸美国广播公司维塔挪威与美国政府和人民理所当然的投诉?
                                          Toyota assuming that reputation could be damaged, appeals multiplex obligator and ABC and American government and the Norwegian person naturally?

                                          • 二。造成的损害之间的不同部位摩擦加速器踏板问题
                                            2. Problem of another accelerator pedal… the damage the part with friction causes

                                            • 二五三瓦特〜这是一个笑话,我在这样一个没有可靠的技术没有额外学习啊瓦特瓦特 253 Don t you think it is foolish w When you investigate at the place there is no such a technical power Reliability it becomes it is not without excess or w Fool or w
                                              • 土地面积,如美国,也没有电动汽车不会蔓延,从国家的可靠性 The American way because in the country where the country is wide as for the electric automobile there is no reliability it does not spread

                                            • 人工神经网络新闻本田汽车公司在北美销售,奥德赛“进入空气和Rikoruburekihosu”34万辆,或没有因意外制动生效文 ANN news HONDA and you sell in North America “Odyssy” and so on 340 000 unit the recall The air enters into the brake hose because the accident that the brake stops working occurs
                                              • 地诚如果いし叩900理发万意外,即使我不溃Ttara切削结构,以便西拉 9 000 000 unit oh passing in accident if it is good hitting when and shira it cuts with that collapsing it does not care
                                              • 本田在北美销售的美国奥德赛“进入空气和Rikoruburekihosu”34万辆,或没有因意外制动生效文 HONDA and you sell in North America “Odyssy” and so on 340 000 unit the recall The air enters into the brake hose because the accident that the brake stops working occurs

                                            • 什么是不寻常的是,你Kakasa万他们没有黄金湿重的地方鼻思 It does not have the gold the place where to be missed the nose medicine passing thought cup one abnormality ww
                                              • 什么是不寻常的是,你Kakasa万他们没有黄金湿重的地方鼻思 It does not have the gold the place where to be missed the nose medicine passing thought cup one abnormality ww
                                              • 什么是不寻常的是,你Kakasa万他们没有黄金湿重的地方鼻思 It does not have the gold the place where to be missed the nose medicine passing thought cup one abnormality ww

                                            • 什么是这件丑闻后仍然留下,通用汽车放弃通用汽车时,禁止销售的混合动力车可以Mareta和调查期间窃取机密资料将与丰田的混合动力汽车,并宣布到达 Still doubt remains When after this GM and the like is prohibited sale of the hybrid car abandoning if we assume that it announced the car of GM The possibility the secret information regarding the Toyota hybrid being stolen when investigating comes out
                                              • 之后,放弃115,禁止在该市的房屋亩日本汽车销售,例如你想购买通用汽车?越南正常。购买Desho? 115 For example when sale of the Japanese car is prohibited in the town where you live abandoning buying the car of GM Normally surpassing It purchases being it does the yo

                                            • 从欧洲货币单位可能有一个493的确发生了这不我尝试使用一个CPU牛古普瑞斯枯萎病也有很好的事情,也是主要的高压ECU的·什么ECU的汽车制动· ECU的· 5无电池ECU和发动机ECU的ECU的·为何我丸暂停之间是否有异常的监测的地区沟通的Nde 493 Because perhaps there is such problem ECU there is no one and has made plural it is don t you think Those where also CPU withers are used well and As for the pre mortar partly due to a HV tsu te thing main ECU brake ECU motor ECU battery ECU engine ECU ECU stacking also five mutually communicating watching if there is an abnormality it stops it is the tsu ke which is
                                              • P的,我继续在古指令,CPU就挂了错误字符串 As for I P When the line of a certain order continues there was also a bug that CPU hangs

                                            • 他的61岁男子驾驶丰田车约85─90,而在英里每小时驾驶,已被作为制动强度踏古恩戴案例可见 As for 61 year old men who drove the pre mortar In order while travelling to step on the brake strongly with speed per hour approximately 85 ─ 90 miles we have assumed that it was visible
                                              • 此外,大约每小时85公里,而驾驶丰田车显像坂英里长,这是报告还检查刹车灯 In addition the up hill where the pre mortar is long with speed per hour approximately 85 miles while travelling the brake lamp lighting up with verification It has reported that it came

                                            • 但是,由于这件事1994年中国航空公司140航班(巴士A300 - 600R),1988年是法国航空296(空客A320)您遇到
                                              But this with cause 1994 Chinese aeronautical 140 flight fall accidents (A300 - 600R) Air France 296 flight accidents (airbus A320) occurred in 1988

                                              • 初始地段742,出硬关节淖晃和达罗无知这是妄想你的单位出圆
                                                742 As for the early lot, while honest [haraharadokidoki] to do, the [ro] which is Don't you think? ignorant exposure & delusion full opening -?

                                                • 加速器和热ABC的图片丰田结构背后的法律顾问的阴影,?
                                                  Don't you think? it is American ABC Toyota car abrupt acceleration, structure image, on back the shadow of the lawsuit adviser?

                                                  • 另一种方法是对一个新的我的使用,收集资料,由摄像机和刻录机驱动器记录,EDR是为传感器信息源和汽车已正确安装的系统,EDR是没有特殊需要的信息来源 As for one more drive recorder As for EDR the system is loaded by the car normally vis a vis using the camera and the like gathering the information which it records anew In order to designate the ru sensor and the like as source the special source for EDR does not need
                                                    • 这台计算机诊断以及茶道系统的正常事件数据记录器数据记录时,当她们崩溃或接近崩溃(EDR)在内配备 As for this computer as the system normally diagnoses the fact that tea ceremony it has done The event data recorder which records when colliding and the data at the time of a state where it is close to collision EDR It has equipped

                                                  • 吉尔伯特实验│。_ _ \ _ /。(米)_(米)_┌|普通|⇒┌|普通|│`升 \┌──┘。└──┐。┌ ──┘。└──┬┐│_ _ _ _ /。│_ _ _ _ /│└─|高顶。]─┘。└─|高顶。]─┴┘ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄  ̄ ̄ ̄实验证明了著名的古一点,不管灯泡和交换机和交换机也增加毫无意义的一个简单的图电路短路
                                                    Experiment of gilbert │ . _ _ \ _ _ / . (m) _ (m) _ ┌ | [mi] | ⇒ ┌ | [mi] | │ `l ' / │ `l ' \ ┌ ─ ─ ┘. └ ─ ─ ┐ . ┌ ─ ─ ┘. └ ─ ─ ┬ ┐ │ _ _ _ _ / . │ _ _ _ _ /│ └ ─ | Hi-Top. ] ─ ┘ . └ ─ | Hi-Top. ] ─ ┴ ┘ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ In the circuit in the figure When the simple short circuit is added Unless there is meaning in the switch Regardless of to the switch, the light bulb the point [ku] The famous experiment which it proves

                                                    • 唯一的实际效果是古我是软弱,和丰田的0 4秒(此版本) 0 06秒和高达60厘米(这是正常的刹车延伸ABS)的 70厘米,新Birutonatsu制动距离我 Actually it just becomes weak being effective the ru to do in the Toyota announcement 0 4 seconds as for this specification 0 06 seconds Being maximum 60cm as for this when the braking with usual ABS to extend 70cm stopping distance extends becoming the ru
                                                      • 723正常的人很少,在极端情况下获取和惠益分享的激烈文,只要他们有更多的空气中几乎没有意义的旅行 723 Just there is a free running impression just a little of being longer than usual ABS with the situation which extremely 々 rarely happens

                                                    • 国家公路交通安全局和丰田的工程师最重要的是“证据突然应变文没有从加速器,发现”他们只是说,所以我很Ttena
                                                      Though as for the technician of NHTSA and Toyota “, as for the kind of evidence which causes sudden abrupt acceleration It was not found”, that only it is not said, but it is,

                                                      • 在P60表格我打电话到公司,他们碰巧恢复CPU的响亮持Gininattakotogaaru ü在浮点计算结果除以疯狂错误
                                                        In addition I p60 you call as for CPU with division of firm decimal score Having the bug where the result deviates, it has become the collection noise

                                                        • 在该事件中ー井Remarketed从披露剔× ¯ ¸ ³ ½疙睫,写了,几个月后一个月,通用冗º °这将是从产品发布
                                                          [ma] - with the latest case, [hu] ゙ [ratsukuho] ゙ [tsukusu] of [hu] ゚ [riusu] Because it was made to disclose, Don't you think? several months later, [kohi] ゚ - it probably is commodity sale from GM

                                                          • 奥巴马烟幕及I ¯ Î ° °就像蔌可称为贽管理不善给另一位反美的学生,因为我
                                                            Therefore eye saddle increase of Kohama losing government and anti-American of [ho] ゚ [tsuho] ゚ cause what In addition it seems to be the sufficient way which searches another sacrifice

                                                            • 张崖什么麻烦,将销售竞争的好处(即用于派遣费用)津市您降低成本,技术基础,这是没有理由什么钱茹居住容忍一些管理人员和效率秒全时和我很生气,并拼命向葛
                                                              You see specially and the glory you stretch, the sale of the rival you become the advantage (used dispatch cost decrease which) where acquiesces manager something which stays the meaning which or Very that cost shaving at the sen unit, that efficiency it will lift at the [ru] technician and the second unit, becoming desperate, the trap where the [ru] regular member gets angry

                                                              • 当我们在一个客观的第三方,比其他缔约国,但整个问题的时候,事情只是在谈论事情的角度尤其是消费者,并没有什么不同所谓克莱默 When so the third party other than the party objectively talks the whole of problem With just the thing plate consumer eye line mono as for talking the wa which is not Kramer and great difference

                                                                • 当时,当基地0 9什么是这个翻译问题:什么是神奇的东西挂额外的1秒左右的无损伤捻四环素状态下,他们没有过错的厂家我会志位 That time being based on when about 0 9 seconds being times when it catches excessively tsu te the latest problem with meaning Unless damage comes out when condition has been even because there is no mistake of the manufacturer it is equal don t you think
                                                                  • 人类认知和决策行动,直到它在0 9秒左右挂魔法四肢反映 The human doing acknowledgment judgment operation until that is reflected on the hand and foot about 0 9 seconds it spends

                                                                • 我不能再Hirutou刚刚介绍给国内公司的所有车型制动系统的首选
                                                                  The brake preferential system being introduced by domestic enterprise all the models To the heel just became impossible…

                                                                  • 我们有411的语言,通用汽车看,我必须确保日本汽车和福特杆安全美浓 411 If it tries being said GM and Ford safety like the Japanese car It becomes necessary to guarantee it is the shelf
                                                                    • 我们有411的语言,通用汽车看,我必须确保日本汽车和福特杆安全美浓 411 If it tries being said GM and Ford safety like the Japanese car It becomes necessary to guarantee it is the shelf

                                                                  • 日产已经与德国,如制造商和大众〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜 〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜丰田传统的“安全功能时,在现有的控制系统发生故障有“〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜 〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜,并不愿意与观察量表 The German manufacturer and the Nissan Motor Co Ltd such as Volkswagen have loaded already As for Toyota until recently there is a safe function when being operated erroneously “even with the existing control system” With it was passive in BOS loading

                                                                    • 日本 でも リコール を 行 っている不良品 なんだよ部品 を 全車種共通化 したり 設計 を 共通化 したり ハイリスクロウリターン なことばかりやっていた経費削減 と 派遣労働者 の 酷使 の ツケ
                                                                      The recall is done even in Japan It is inferior goods what The part was standardized all the models and/or the design was standardized and/or the high lith Crowe return only thing did Bill of heavy use of expense reduction and dispatch worker

                                                                      • 最初,瑞有什么不同你来的车和普通汽油的制动效果普瑞斯从第一,第二代,3代的东西和感觉很好刹车(这不是一个间距)我得到不同的我 Originally method of being effective the usual gasoline engine car and the brake being different from the first pre mortar the ru being Delicately brake feeling there is no interval has differed to becoming 2nd generation and 3rd generation it is
                                                                        • 怎么刹车的效果,他做了一件下了车气的是,我从我的普锐斯是第一个 How to be effective of the brake being different gasoline powered vehicle to from that how is thing what which is from the first pre mortar

                                                                      • 有一组命令,工具集的说法,他没有做更多的工作步骤,你可以把它愚蠢的事情只是为了看看所有全日制效应 Assembly order the tool which is attached being foolish the procedure other things which it is possible Dispatch doing ru job how only those where the all regular member verified the effect

                                                                        • 本田公司发言人克里斯马丁说,与有关制动踏板,或明三个相撞的几个问题说,最近对美国当局将根据报告的结果去 As for crith matein of HONDA public information collision accident several cases which it is related to the same brake pedal problem and Report of the wound whose 3 cases are light it made that it was moved aside vis a vis the American authorities clear
                                                                          • 本田公司发言人克里斯马丁说,与有关制动踏板,或明三个相撞的几个问题说,最近对美国当局将根据报告的结果去 As for crith matein of HONDA public information collision accident several cases which it is related to the same brake pedal problem and Report of the wound whose 3 cases are light it made that it was moved aside vis a vis the American authorities clear

                                                                        • 汽车 普锐斯,回顾Besutobikuruobuzaiya击中美国幽灵 10 02 15 Pre mortar in recall repelling American besutobikuruobuzaiya 10 02 15
                                                                          • 汽车 普锐斯,回顾Besutobikuruobuzaiya击中美国幽灵 10 02 15 Pre mortar in recall repelling American besutobikuruobuzaiya 10 02 15

                                                                        • 然而,不负责任的人故意破坏相信它不会让你假的行列许!事实上,在Razu应限制在世界上影响不大丰田Nakarazu出这个问题的日本产品的整体可靠性
                                                                          But, it goes on board to that and fabricates and intentionally it cannot permit the irresponsible person whom confidence losing it is 墜! Actually, reliability all of the Japanese product is the expectation where with the latest problem influence has appeared little in the world not just Toyota

                                                                          • 甚至汽车553“正常自动巡航”设置它们的东西,即使它成为失控arated 设置Reakesu 我写这本看,问题,你是“完美的系统阿非卖“语言与Itairashii,什么是真的有诚意,”没有在这个世界上此类产品“不夸张地说, 553 Even the automobile “normal automatic cruise” setting as for a some problem assuming that it is the rare case becomes reckless driving state It is it is don t you think If you look at this composition you would like to say that “other than the perfect system you sell” it seems but Honesty saying “as for such a commodity saying that it does not exist in this world” is not overstatement probably will be
                                                                            • 即使是553辆“正常自动巡航”,只是不知道到底是什么在他们国家的问题“失控”,这几乎是 553 Even the automobile “normal automatic cruise” setting as for a some problem assuming that it is the rare case becomes reckless driving state It is it is don t you think If you look at this composition you would like to say that “other than the perfect system you sell” it seems but Honesty saying “as for such a commodity saying that it does not exist in this world” is not overstatement probably will be

                                                                          • 目标是媒体吹与美国汽车与在粪便上悬挂的听证会看的同谋附属会员法螺美国司机,
                                                                            As for the object brag the driver and the American media which blow and, To hang in the public hearing, also droppings Assemblyman where breath of the [ame] car which supports caught

                                                                            • 米国 には PR 会社 が 100 社程度 あり デマ や誇張 した 報道演出 をして 世論誘導 しますPR 会社 CEO には ユダヤ 人 が 多 いアメリカ の 自作自演下記 を 読 めば PR 会社 の 実体 がわかるドキュメント 戦争广告公司的子弹“”的口号,从导弹,“令人震惊”
                                                                              100 there is a PR company in the United States, false rumor and Doing the reporting production which it exaggerates, public opinion it induces The Judean person is many at PR company CEO The original our performing of America If description below is read, the substance of the PR company is recognized Document war ad agency From bullet from “catch copy” missile “Shocking image”

                                                                              • 紫癜:/ / www.youtube.com /手表?V从张贴了所有的故事是什么意见和丰田丰田在世界各地的客户提供内容,我要感谢球迷的日期u003d lZ4PtafRB9c看法和意见字母a
                                                                                ttp: //www.youtube.com/watch? v = lZ4PtafRB9c The number of playbacks from contribution day and the number of comments, and contents of comment have indicated everything TOYOTA unless you appreciate in the customer and the TOYOTA fan in the world, is not good

                                                                                • 编号:2ojID / cC0 m做事说,每分钟一次,我们为什么不恨涌伐丽流瓦特

                                                                                  • 编号:BPQjsJRK0,不要你愿意成为您自己的电子控制?或通过电子邮件从某处它
                                                                                    ID: On the other hand by yourself being controlled the electron, the [ru] it is there is no BPQjsJRK0? The E-mail from of somewhere according to don't you think?

                                                                                    • 编号:KhgwAyaU0编号:0克/ lGum + 0编号:p0tpZlHyP吉塔里极端的温度,华伦天奴少我的批评,我看不到的理由和根据他们的意见,我没有结构,说明理由和原因,信浓我间谍丰田,让丰田迷信信徒会研究在E!瓦特
                                                                                      ID: KhgwAyaU0 ID: 0g/lGum + 0 ID: p0tpZlHyP Arguing thoroughly too much, your own insistence the basis and grounds you are not visible It does not care critical less to we, but the grounds and the reason it is showing The [ze] which is visible in the Toyota operative or the 妄 trust [yota] believer? w

                                                                                      • 编号:r8j74MMC0 u003d编号:d27UjtK30工业时期被切断?自反型敌意或大公司?的人
                                                                                        ID: r8j74MMC0 = ID: d27UjtK30 The period manufacture which is cut? Or the person of the type which reflected has hostility at big business?

                                                                                        • 编号:r8j74MMC0你现代,这是真的红津万维网
                                                                                          ID: r8j74MMC0 [hiyundai] you, it is deep-red, www

                                                                                          • 葛没有挂在第二和兆日元的赔偿要求,犯罪猖獗将是三分之一
                                                                                            Trillion Yen in compensation gold number claiming, unless to hang It means that second and third crime swaggers

                                                                                            • 记录的内容,并说,Sykes是四环素如果说有道理完美
                                                                                              As for contents of thing and the written record which the Sykes said coherence is agreeable exactly

                                                                                              • 该报告已提交,并通知传入突然加速你驾车在圣迭戈附近,一辆警车高速公路一普瑞斯是由卫生防护中心人员制止,而并走
                                                                                                As for submitting the same report, that the pre- mortar accelerated rapidly the San Diego suburban highway while travelling, While to receive information, 併 running do by the patrol car the policeman of CHP which is made to stop

                                                                                                • 该流程是619和1所提出的问题,但没有义务证明多少叫男孩,国王的缮多少,来判断编号:CNYy6 + j20甚至编号:BPQjsJRK0,而是一个消费者我不知道?
                                                                                                  619 This flow will be one addressing the issue, as for obligation of some proof you probably will shout that it is not, but just which you will take and probably will repair, but As for judging ID: Even with CNYy6 + j20 ID: BPQjsJRK0 So without, it is not found that it is the consumer?

                                                                                                  • 这首在这里看到的是,在日本新闻Prius的制动效果或消除症状?在寒冷的天气,他们在实时控制的制动和电子制动什么一开关是说,我也没有症状或者它拧约刹车效率?瓦特哦,这对日本的用户之一,在日本的故事 Here with the Japanese news program The phenomenon where the brake of the pre mortar stops working the person who saw it is At cold area when changing the electronic control brake and the real brake about 1 seconds the phenomenon where the brake stops working seeing The thing you say kana w Don t you think a as for this the story in Japan of Japanese user

                                                                                                    • 里奇在日本的贫富差距两个现代化和令人印象深刻,因为它是目前当然极化瓦特
                                                                                                      The [sure] kind of shelf w which displays 2 polarization today with the difference of the Japanese wealth and poverty beautifully

                                                                                                      • 集团律师事务所的有关反对丰田,蒂姆霍华德,一流的诉讼承担一半,到丰田的总老板总检察长是20 Motomu我的损失为100亿美元,超出有组织罪案法如果冲突是公认的在我看来,最后的赔偿法案能总计100亿美元的超排减单位,没有这个词
                                                                                                        Attorney chief of the legal office group which takes charge of approximately half of the class action for Toyota, as for [teimu] Howard, At the beginning, sum total 2,000,000,000 dollar to the Toyota car owner super compensation for damage was requested, but contradiction to RICO method The signet, as for final claim amount there is a possibility of exceeding sum total 10,000,000,000 dollar, that you said

                                                                                                        • 顺便说一句的空中旅行每秒丰田“感觉”,如果Gugure因此,“在这个意义上,甚至一秒钟,0 46秒实际上是”把你的文章,我出来瓦特1章第1条。井是所有,响亮2日志或者博客是好的,但一直到源 By the way “Toyota Free running impression With 1 second” that gugu re “Being 1 seconds sensuously the article which really 0 46 seconds” you say the tsu it comes coming out but it is w 1 seconds 1 Having made a noise 2 properly the log of burogu being the tsu temporary in the source viewing
                                                                                                          • 一分钟的细节,但必须热水,它有意识的空中旅行时,刹车轻轻踏武藤敏郎也被认为是四环素我不想成为有效回来过Kakkunbureki在低速 As for details you do not understand but when the brake is stepped on lightly the low speed travelling time there is a free running impression The tsu lever being effective too much conversely angrily you disliked that it becomes the brake also it is thought don t you think

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