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Government, capital city high and the Osaka and Kobe high speed “price hike”. It turns to construction cost and the like…Even within year fee ★3 classified by distance


  • 104自这个问题。在顾祝同叩全错?很奇怪,如果自民党不同意 104 With this problem our As for the 儲 hitting the strange be You cannot approve if on the other hand the Liberal Democratic Party is strange
    • 104自这个问题。在顾祝同叩全错?很奇怪,如果自民党不同意 104 With this problem our As for the 儲 hitting the strange be You cannot approve if on the other hand the Liberal Democratic Party is strange

  • 212我一直在集中如此巨大欺诈市区车辆,城市部是你不太免费向公众开放,电视,报章Iwanakatta 212 Such tremendous fraud Although it concentrates the car on the urban district to convert the urban district free saying as for thing With the television and the mass communications you did not say easily publicly
    • 什么是人所皆知2通道提前到达Kukara嗯,很多很多选民将褐煤一般节能 2ch know it had crossed from early on but is swindled with the general voter the party who It was many it is probably will be
    • 党的议员组成的,但是,他们的球员我工作的思谷和明目张胆的欺诈行为,我不知道如何为你投票敏 But when the political party which consists of member of the Diet works plain fraud The party whom you do not think probably is the poll red sandal wood in minsu
    • 如果选民投票Min m愚蠢一样,我不知道有多少白痴,他们甚至不介意从通常你遭诈骗 If the foolish kind of voter who votes to minsu after usually encountering to fraud you do not become aware The fool it is many it is probably will be

  • 23 は ETC 付 いていないなすでに 降 り 口 にも ETC の 感知器 が 付 いているんだよETC 付 いてない 場合 は 、 一番近 くの 場合 でも 最高料金 を 徴収 されると 思 う 23 has not been attached ETC It gets off already and the sensor of ETC has been attached to also the mouth it is When ETC it is not attached you think that the highest fee is collected even with in nearby case

    • Éヽ:Vヽ¸ ¸。 焊矫 │ ,,Ð  ̄ ::: No REPT REPT ku V ku ku su │ mi ¯ REPT No REPT ku su su No and REPT su tsu mi r su No ⌒ REPT 0 Γ ⌒ 92
      • NULL ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ 92 ku ku pu To do my me ku ku pu su ku su │ Because the highway it converts free su ku su │ su tsu Poll it may in the Democratic party w su tsu 92 ku pu No REPT REPT ku V ku ku su │ mi ¯ REPT No REPT ku su su No and REPT su tsu mi r su No ⌒ REPT 0 Γ ⌒ 92
      • NULL ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ 92 ku ku pu To do my me ku ku pu su ku su │ Because the highway it converts free su ku su │ su tsu Poll it may in the Democratic party w su tsu 92 ku pu No REPT REPT ku V ku ku su │ mi ¯ REPT No REPT ku su su No and REPT su tsu mi r su No ⌒ REPT 0 Γ ⌒ 92

    • “具体的人”和民主的政治煽四环素汽车相关的公路本来没有任何关系“做不欺诈”是对民主党的承诺免费公路“,”应该的核心之一,迷走神经 “From person to concrete” Democracy it fanned The fraud which politics originally the high speed road related to automobile which is not relationship “you do and do” “Highway free conversion” of the expectation which is one of eyeball pledge of the Democratic party is straying
      • 但是,民主政治和煽四环素他们啊,他们喜欢自由的车辆有关的公路不是谁原来的家伙,它的责任,更好地制备四环素 But highway free conversion say to be democracy it fanned to like Politics originally is not relationship the people involved in automobile which responsibility is taken the one which It is good

    • ※ 政治 Nyususure原“小泽从具体到自由”公路!民主党人,对公路建设和实际利率的价值戈 内阁会议之前,该法案※: Original niyususure “From concrete to Ozawa” Highway free conversion The Democratic party substantial fee marking up to highway construction… bill Cabinet conference decisions Before

      • ◎┌┐□□表明,Con?布鲁诺 ヽ/ ..└┘└┐┌┐│ - - (_ )| |研发┬ - | |。└┘││〜ヽ/ l_j_j_j
        * ┌ ┐ □ □ It was swindled? No & ⌒ `REPT . And - it is! ┌ - ┐ ┌ - - - ┐ ┌ - ┘ └ - ┐ Γ ⌒ ' \ . . . │ | └ - - ┐ │ └ - ┐ ┌ - ┘ ┌ - - - - // ' ⌒ \ ) - - - - ┐ │ │ │ │ ┌ - ┘ └ - ┐ │ i / ⌒ ⌒ i ) │ │ │ │ │ └ - ┐ ┌ - ┘ ┌ ┐ └ - - - - o ゚ (( ) ` ' ( )) ゚ o. - - - - ┘ └ - ┘ / / │ │ ┌ ┘ └ - ┐ i ⌒ (_ _ human _ _) ⌒ i ┌ - ┐ 'REPT/ . . └ ┘ └ ┐ ┌ ┐ │, - - (_) | | r ┬ - | | . └ - ┘ │ │ REPT/l_j_j_j With) . \ . | | . | . /[omae] and others which is expected to we is badness -!

        • ヽヽ :: :ヽ ::: :: )( :  ̄ iヽ 升 ヽ ( ,、 ,、 ) 运行后,参院选举。 )( ̄ 一个E ª ª ª ªش² )ヽ。布鲁诺 ¼ º º º º ¸ 升ヽ、 ) ,Æ Æ Æ Æヽ诺诺ソ ヽ、 REPT REPT REPT 92 ¯ 92 i REPT 6 ┤ to REPT l 92 REPT and 92 Execution after the House of Councillors selection ¯ toeeeeeei 92 REPT No yukokokokoyu l REPT and no REPT REPT ninininiso REPT 92 92
          • 布鲁诺 ⌒ )。我 ⌒⌒一)。我 u003d · u003d · u003d 我, 升 ( 人)。 返回民主党谁Ttara :::: 苞 我会是这样 ヽFufufu当地雇员 No ⌒ REPT Γ ⌒ 92 ⌒ 92 i ⌒ ⌒ i i i l human When it opposes to the Democratic party 92 u Like this it becomes it is REPT hu hu hu l l

        • ヽ、 升:升 升 ∨::: REPT L ∧ u lt i lt REPT ∨ ¯ l l j 92 ¯ l u l l l ∨
          • 。 报 升。 。 升:升 升 ∨::: l l i j REPT L ∧ u lt i lt REPT ∨ ¯ l l j 92 ¯ l u l l l ∨

        • 一个在城市和农村城市展开投票茹,如果他们赢得了当地撒儿童津贴多数席位的席位上升到他们需要不是一个,没有它?
          Therefore in urban district and in district as for one parliamentary seat one parliamentary seat The child treatment rose spreading, if it can acquire the parliamentary seat of the district, the [ro] where floating vote of the urban district does not need and is

          • 不过,上院选举这一时期仍然恩戴及“竞选宣言”,因为这对减排单位和思是我在民主党 Although is reaching to still this period when House of Councillors selection it can fight with “manifest election” You think therefore it is as for the Democratic party
            • 选民捕鱼清单的东西,哎呀w和座间,而民主党这次的Nde何笑狗屎 The voter who fishes in manifest something the za well w With the Democratic party now has chuckled

          • 为上议院之间的部长和副部长的外交关系选举公路建设周末折扣苏重复涂层资金谎言
            Diplomatic relations minister of state and the secondary minister of state who repeat applying the final coating the lie Revenue source for earth day discount in highway construction for House of Councillors selection

            • 什么Guguttaraattawa“谷垣祯一大臣的土地日8月29日记者招待会上作上述距离”个别收费,“我们需要与各机构,协调有关一九六二年至少延迟介绍将特别“,而 NULL
              • 小泽前原诚司,对土地,基础设施和运输部长部长(原毅力,直到我们的位置,4月30日,1962 )交通部长,众议院 National traffic phase minister of state Maehara Seizi Maehara Consequence ji 1962 April 30th National traffic minister of state and member of the house of representatives

            • 什么是农村的速度或以自由和审判,“是不可能的Yappari”思所以说,最终收费发冷 That also high speed of the countryside which you think whether it converts experimentally free “after all was unreasonable” that Saying the chill which it converts after all with charge
              • 当这一点,但由于某种原因需要在日本地震修理屋良权力,思Tteta成为自由地做你 Although such a time repair construction what it catches in earthquake large country Japan How doing that you think whether it converts free
              • 而自由民主党和反对“公路自由意志正等待你去把他们带到了民主政权”,但直到Tteta政策和语言 Furthermore vis a vis the policy of our people “in democracy administration and others When the se te you give that the highway is converted free” to although you say

            • 今年早些时候的阪神高速公路首都高速公路今年可能只有6个月(不包括无间隔)再看看在目前的速度常数梅鲁引进的基础上的最高税率由另一辆车的距离系统贴现意志
              Government the highway other than capital city high-speed Osaka and Kobe high speed (free conversion section excludes even in the June this year) with the second look current discount, Fee classified by distance the schedule which introduces the system which decides the upper limit fee of car classification in the base

              • 传统的“不要把路税”,这是“假日1000日元”停止这种优惠,在什么必须立即修改法案的压力,一旦浮动公路建设资金是如此 Until recently “as for tax it assumed in road construction that it does not throw” but “1000 Yen holidays” and so on The legal amendment which it tries to be able to turn the revenue source which stops discount floats with that to highway construction Has approached immediately

                • 作为具体措施,但是,没有在公路类水稻 However don t you think as for the highway there is no category as a concrete measure

                  • 公路是一种浪费纳税人的钱用诡辩说取消浪费公共工程,我还没有意识到他们的工作项目,更
                    It does not make the highway Wasteful public works projects abolition Wasteful use of tax saying, philosophism anymore stopped passing,

                    • 其他手续节省预算1000日元→5000日元优惠(两年)其他折扣→2万亿日元(10年)我们使用从目前的5000日元余字小泽,并以此为高资本二零零零零零零零零零零零零日元其余的似乎是500亿元,则取消所有按揭手续折扣Puipui工资调整池 ETC discount budget 1000 Yen discount gt 500 000 000 000 Yen 2 years In addition discount gt 2 500 000 000 000 Yen 10 years Presently being used as for ru 500 000 000 000 Yen With one voice of Ozawa s about 2 000 000 000 000 Yen it seems that is used capital city high and so on Remainder 500 000 000 000 As for ETC discount it seems that is abolished The MBS chi chi it is the pu to be the pu it is investigation

                      • 卢井我们 这就是这Dekin其他手续Itenai和实现?志野没有禁止输入其他手续的汽车安全座椅? ? ? ?那么跆拳道空征服大都会wwwwwwwww Your i i … Unless this tsu te ETC it is attached it can actualize and it is isn t ETC it is not to drive the car prohibition Capital city high may be less crowded and you are disgusted ya wwwwwwwww

                        • 可以改善他们在当地的便利智能IC 100和1000的道路,因为苏小泽无限预算日元建设溃建筑预算
                          Smart IC construction budget of 100 places which are made for convenience improvement of the local end Budget of 1,000 Yen riding at will it crushed because Ozawa turns to road construction

                          • 哇后的整条道路的改进意见瓦特赎回结束时的695免费 Kattara气味的自由党政府免费苍鹭南特是由民所取代,什么什么 这是什么说奇怪恶化更恶毒的瓦特数步 695 After servicing all roads after finishing redeeming w which it converts free … When also the tsu te our people sagi are ill smelling free conversion how conception… To change that and the ma inhale and say administration minsu which alternates extremely viciousness w
                            • 哇毕竟瓦特 鹭鸟从自由端的道路维修费用695和气味自由刈 什么样的政权直言不讳地恶化阶段的变化是什么说什么事坏瓦特 695 After servicing all roads after finishing redeeming w which it converts free … When also the tsu te our people sagi are ill smelling free conversion how conception… To change that and the ma inhale and say administration minsu which alternates extremely viciousness w

                          • 在207名免费,高资本大都会地区将矫枉过正价值观戈Yarimasen,愚蠢的 207 Free it converts the metropolitan area it is not popular Capital city high price hike It probably is doing too much it is ridiculous
                            • 首都高速公路和阪神高速公路的预期区间的行车路线,如自由的行为〜 Concerning the route section and the like where procrastination such as capital city high speed Osaka and Kobe high speed is supposed traffic demand management TDM from viewpoint Social experiment 5 discounts and 7 discounts etc executing while verifying influence it executes no charge conversion
                            • 首都高速公路和阪神高速公路的预期区间的行车路线,如自由的行为〜 Concerning the route section and the like where procrastination such as capital city high speed Osaka and Kobe high speed is supposed traffic demand management TDM from viewpoint Social experiment 5 discounts and 7 discounts etc executing while verifying influence it executes no charge conversion

                          • 在上午的祖巴“高,资本是不是违反阪神高速公路是明确表现什么是从”是什么,我是主张豁免收费
                            Because with morning [zuba] “the capital city high and as for the Osaka and Kobe high speed the [tsu] [te] outside the object of gratuitousness conversion it had clearly written Manifest violation it is not”, the [tsu] [te] emphasizing, the shelf

                            • 在汇率制度的距离不到700日元(目前和非特定时间)什么情况下会运行“我氖方式的家伙,他们习惯了这种”案Bakkari Tteiu
                              With the rate system classified by distance under 700 Yen (and other than current specific section) the travelling case [tsu] [te] which becomes Don't you think? “such using the person who does to be, -” The [tsu] [te] the case which is said [tsu] temporary

                              • 备忘录是明显欺诈节能家伙,我要空,作为选票将与农民和自由高中的孩子,我认为许多其他宫内厅瓦特的利益补偿流行拉票国库
                                Well as for the person who is swindled in manifest fraud however you think that it is not many anymore, Just child treatment and high school gratuitous conversion and farmer each house compensation are popular, don't you think? probably will be Because of vote if it is the intention of designating Treasury as the sky w

                                • 大都会目前在700东京日元线中型汽车(500日元的折扣假日),神奈川600线(400的),琦玉400线(高达300日元)
                                  The capital city high presently, by the standard-sized car Tokyo line 700 Yen (holiday discount 500 Yen), the Kanagawa line 600 Yen (the same 400 Yen), The Saitama line 400 Yen (the same 300 Yen)

                                  • 如果你把以前的草案,其他手续的车辆没有说柯水表的权力,以防止高资本,ETC收费交通支付Kohsaka,一旦你已经安装了汽车载我不要此举是将是荒谬的 NULL

                                    • 如此之高,资本是拥挤,提高利率,以纾缓交通挤塞,因此需要一件好事,他们也减少排放或不相反,北海道是不拥挤的高速公路,所以他们很多环保不会出现问题,即使是免费的 Because capital city high has been congested when fee is increased congestion is cancelled Because it decreases also the exhaust without being to be good thing Conversely as for Hokkaido the highway has not been congested because and green is many converting free It does not cause problem
                                      • 273一个月的是,过去有高资本的国家可能有一个或两个只能使用一次,但也许好消息人 273 Don t you think well perhaps capital city high in the countryman or the month you have not used only 1 2 times in the person you have not used the do with good story
                                      • 什么是距离后,我去?什么时候的若干规定进入高票资本,氖wanted ll支付实际执行时或繁琐 The tsu te how you do with rear travel distance it is The capital city high when entering the ticket receiving when getting off when you pay being difficult don t you think to want to do
                                      • 他们从一短节输入高资本一样,感觉和对马的目的 As for adopting from capital city high like short section vis a vis purpose The air whose order is opposite does
                                      • 如果自由民主政府,但即使是飞行吹丑闻,可爱的偶像,只会增加管理上的高葛首都东京的负担 If our civil administration right although it is the kind of scandal where administration blows off… So at capital city high price hike just Tokyo becomes burden increase
                                      • 都市区602可能是空的,而且交通更加集中在Hado ll遇到大量的二氧化碳 602 Perhaps the capital city high it is less crowded but concentrating on the lower road above that procrastination and CO2 occur in large quantities
                                      • 阪神高速公路将不会是免费的资本是高,我Tteta知识,它是被遗弃的梅鲁自由的地方,而是一个新的高速 The capital city high and the Osaka and Kobe high speed without becoming free however you have known As for that as for the district instead of abandoning new high speed part no charge

                                    • 媒体报道这样的垃圾Narisagatta情报机构不报告所有古谎言和欺骗群众。主要是处理许可证
                                      Such lie and deception it does not report the mass communications completely Information of the mass rubbish which becomes the construction system and goes down. License adoption

                                      • 对于第170条,交通是一个自由和阪神高速公路城市交通需求管理(TDM)的从社会的角度实验(5实验如社会折现率,将逐步扩大实施路线的,7和关闭)在审查和实施的影响,以及自由的行为 170 No charge conversion highway Concerning the route section and the like where procrastination such as capital city high speed Osaka and Kobe high speed is supposed traffic demand management TDM from viewpoint While social experiment social experiment such as consecutive enlargement of 5 percentage leading executing that 7 discounts and the like executing and verifying influence it executes no charge conversion
                                        • 对于第170和阪神高速公路和首都高速公路从社会的角度实验公路交通需求管理(TDM)的自由挤塞预期路线(50%的折扣,折扣等7)地看到,实施的影响虽然自由的行为 170 No charge conversion of highway Concerning the route section and the like where procrastination such as capital city high speed Osaka and Kobe high speed is supposed traffic demand management TDM from viewpoint Social experiment 5 discounts and 7 discounts etc executing while verifying influence it executes no charge conversion
                                        • 第1部分:清单进行任何0 30○逐渐扩大,如折现率的社会实验,并确保其后果,我们首先不得不说其中高速公路免费的“高速公路”,由国家管理东西高速公路 Part 1 While executing social experiment such as consecutive enlargement of manifest No 30 ○ percentage leading verifying the influence it keeps converting the highway free You say here the “highway” thing of the high speed automobile national highway which the country manages
                                        • 首都高速公路和阪神高速公路的,如交通需求管理(TDM)的预期区间的行车路线,从实验的角度来看社会(50%的折扣,折扣等7)在审查和实施的影响,和自由的行为那个 Concerning the route section and the like where procrastination such as capital city high speed Osaka and Kobe high speed is supposed traffic demand management TDM from viewpoint Social experiment 5 discounts and 7 discounts etc executing while verifying influence it executes no charge conversion
                                        • 首都高速公路和阪神高速公路的,如交通需求管理(TDM)的预期区间的行车路线,从实验的角度来看社会(50%的折扣,折扣等7)在审查和实施的影响,和自由的行为那个 Concerning the route section and the like where procrastination such as capital city high speed Osaka and Kobe high speed is supposed traffic demand management TDM from viewpoint Social experiment 5 discounts and 7 discounts etc executing while verifying influence it executes no charge conversion
                                        • 首都高速公路和阪神高速公路的,如交通需求管理(TDM)的预期区间的行车路线,从实验的角度来看社会(50%的折扣,折扣等7)在审查和实施的影响,和自由的行为那个 Concerning the route section and the like where procrastination such as capital city high speed Osaka and Kobe high speed is supposed traffic demand management TDM from viewpoint Social experiment 5 discounts and 7 discounts etc executing while verifying influence it executes no charge conversion
                                        • 首都高速公路和阪神高速公路的,如交通需求管理(TDM)的预期区间的行车路线,从实验的角度来看社会(50%的折扣,折扣等7)在审查和实施的影响,和自由的行为那个 Concerning the route section and the like where procrastination such as capital city high speed Osaka and Kobe high speed is supposed traffic demand management TDM from viewpoint Social experiment 5 discounts and 7 discounts etc executing while verifying influence it executes no charge conversion
                                        • 首都高速公路和阪神高速公路的,如交通需求管理(TDM)的预期区间的行车路线,从实验的角度来看社会(50%的折扣,折扣等7)在审查和实施的影响,和自由的行为那个 Concerning the route section and the like where procrastination such as capital city high speed Osaka and Kobe high speed is supposed traffic demand management TDM from viewpoint Social experiment 5 discounts and 7 discounts etc executing while verifying influence it executes no charge conversion
                                        • 首都高速公路和阪神高速公路的,如交通需求管理(TDM)的预期区间的行车路线,从实验的角度来看社会(50%的折扣,折扣等7)在审查和实施的影响,和自由的行为那个 Concerning the route section and the like where procrastination such as capital city high speed Osaka and Kobe high speed is supposed traffic demand management TDM from viewpoint Social experiment 5 discounts and 7 discounts etc executing while verifying influence it executes no charge conversion
                                        • 首都高速公路和阪神高速公路的,如交通需求管理(TDM)的预期区间的行车路线,从实验的角度来看社会(50%的折扣,折扣等7)在审查和实施的影响,和自由的行为那个 Concerning the route section and the like where procrastination such as capital city high speed Osaka and Kobe high speed is supposed traffic demand management TDM from viewpoint Social experiment 5 discounts and 7 discounts etc executing while verifying influence it executes no charge conversion
                                        • (Snip ),阪神都市第一个交通路线从实验的角度看社会,如预期的交通需求管理(TDM)(50%的折扣,折扣等7)地看到,实施的影响虽然自由的行为 Omission Concerning the route section and the like where procrastination such as capital city high speed Osaka and Kobe high speed is supposed traffic demand management TDM from viewpoint Social experiment 5 discounts and 7 discounts etc executing while verifying influence it executes no charge conversion
                                        • (Snip ),阪神都市第一个交通路线从实验的角度看社会,如预期的交通需求管理(TDM)(50%的折扣,折扣等7)地看到,实施的影响虽然自由的行为 Omission Concerning the route section and the like where procrastination such as capital city high speed Osaka and Kobe high speed is supposed traffic demand management TDM from viewpoint Social experiment 5 discounts and 7 discounts etc executing while verifying influence it executes no charge conversion
                                        • (Snip ),阪神都市第一个交通路线从实验的角度看社会,如预期的交通需求管理(TDM)(50%的折扣,折扣等7)地看到,实施的影响虽然自由的行为 Omission Concerning the route section and the like where procrastination such as capital city high speed Osaka and Kobe high speed is supposed traffic demand management TDM from viewpoint Social experiment 5 discounts and 7 discounts etc executing while verifying influence it executes no charge conversion
                                        • (Snip ),阪神都市第一个交通路线从实验的角度看社会,如预期的交通需求管理(TDM)(50%的折扣,折扣等7)地看到,实施的影响虽然自由的行为 Omission Concerning the route section and the like where procrastination such as capital city high speed Osaka and Kobe high speed is supposed traffic demand management TDM from viewpoint Social experiment 5 discounts and 7 discounts etc executing while verifying influence it executes no charge conversion
                                        • (Snip ),阪神都市第一个交通路线从实验的角度看社会,如预期的交通需求管理(TDM)(50%的折扣,折扣等7)地看到,实施的影响虽然自由的行为 Omission Concerning the route section and the like where procrastination such as capital city high speed Osaka and Kobe high speed is supposed traffic demand management TDM from viewpoint Social experiment 5 discounts and 7 discounts etc executing while verifying influence it executes no charge conversion

                                      • 小泽一郎,鸠山由我在大坝破裂希特勒的名称水区舆贿赂愚蠢的偷税漏税友爱是多志同道合的反山冈违反土地日是朝鲜初期Ntsukyouso老板
                                        Nickname it tried making As for Ozawa Hitler of bribe dam As for Hatoyama tax evasion king of friendship fool The tax evasion which farmland violation places the sedan chair stone with the lath boss of counter everyday teaching group and is dense As for multiple Yamaoka the Korean roll

                                        • 小泽前原诚司,部长据说这种抵制,推动民主党形成将选举焦点,不再是“人民的具体”的一些方面
                                          Maehara Seizi diplomatic relations phase is said that it is resistant to this, but election measure is seriously considered In the form which overcomes in the Democratic party, already it is aspect “to the concrete from the person”

                                          • 就是我对锗,锗在我是一个价值的空余位置值混合,优惠政策手续奇怪,即使粪味噌最新回顾履行任何东西,一些很大的哑取消,是不是适得其反 Being packed as for the ru place marking up being less crowded as for the ru place reduction As for strange ETC favorable treatment abolition The ma tsu you question really well Even when biting with anything relegating in the droppings miso the ro which is the counter result

                                            • 愿意进入候任总理首相鸠山由纪夫的外国医护人员是5月17日讲话由日本国际问题研究所主办的研讨会在东京开幕的困境,由护士照顾和东南亚收到已表示愿意扩大进入科
                                              In foreign nursing loyal retainer acceptance Prime Minister enthusiastic = Hatoyama Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama 17th morning, symposium of the Japanese international problem laboratory sponsorship which was opened inside capital So you greeted, showed desire in acceptance expansion of the nursing welfare loyal retainer nursing teacher from southeast Asia

                                              • 成为免费向井自由民主党议员响亮,有多少力量,我要什么?生我说,民主是因漏电选举,税收和赤字耳朵融资债券好在匆忙呢?但在最后一刻,它应该在袋子里大幅上涨,即使在公共财政资源的钱包 Thing of no charge conversion the Assemblyman of how much democracy making a noise Our people the unreasonable tsu te saying are high As for democracy the ear touch being good for electing you say actively but as for the revenue source the deficit financing bond There is no tax increase rush Even now being last the wallet of the substantial citizen even the revenue source easily probably is being discovered
                                                • 成为免费向井自由民主党议员响亮,有多少力量,我要什么?生我说,民主是良好的触摸选举耳朵,并在税收收入的赤字融资债券将资助袋钱包真正的民族,即使出边 Thing of no charge conversion the Assemblyman of how much democracy making a noise Our people the unreasonable tsu te saying are high As for democracy the ear touch being good for electing you say actively but as for the revenue source the deficit financing bond There is no tax increase rush Even now being last the wallet of the substantial citizen even the revenue source easily probably is being discovered

                                              • 我的意思是,他们什么制度取消区立即加入吧!Ja川越多摩华伦天奴复位,我的意思嘿票价距离
                                                The [tsu] [te] saying, or there is no zone system abolition? ? The Tama Kawagoe obtaining, reset, meaning of freight classified by distance well

                                                • 我的生活,有多少人德鲁尾鹫的东西南北?海山区几乎立即在,他只是因为他们是在一个象钳子一样的地方为单位的沙滩屋四处Chokotto时间?综合土地Ttena人口石头却完全胶河 Owase human something just which living from here on south the combining of the ru The mountain the sea with each it scatters generally immediately little bit The pliers house building in the sandy beach like place with just the ru does the yo River something being connected to the accumulation area of population at all or
                                                  • 我的生活,有多少人德鲁尾鹫的东西南北?海山区几乎立即在,他只是因为他们是在一个象钳子一样的地方为单位的沙滩屋四处Chokotto时间?石人口Ttena的胶却完全集成内陆河 Owase human something just which living from here on south the combining of the ru The mountain the sea with each it scatters generally immediately little bit The pliers house building in the sandy beach like place with just the ru does the yo River something being connected to the accumulation area of population at all or

                                                • 或自然ー破坏你Tamagawajōsui和不完善的,他们是一个小家伙一次是否绿豆海洋守护协会(ry道路用Google搜索Hattou +什么反对的尝试,直到Onunume诸如Dji,

                                                  • 收费原则上免费的,但他的意思是说,和锗的价值没有什么是不说!如果货物运返劳民主党。我就干的人!民主党是生活一
                                                    Highway fee principle no charge you said, but it does not mark up you do not say! If it opposes to the Democratic party, the commodity. Drying it makes rise! by life the foremost Democratic party

                                                    • 政权更替763所承诺的胡萝卜(痌キ外国政府将努力减少反人口,日本和日本文化,旨在跨首位华裔日本统治瓦特
                                                      763 Administration alternation to the administration by the foreign carrot is according to pledge, ([kiritsu] Aiming toward the first strange race control in the Japanese history, w which pushes on in population decrease of the Japanese cultural rejection and the Japanese

                                                      • 新年度中 に 消費税議論 が 急速 に 浮上 して早 ければ 翌年度 から 消費税率 アップ が 施行 される 可能性 が 高 い財政 はそれくらいに 逼迫 してる ( バカ 政策 のせいで )
                                                        Consumer tax argument surfacing quickly during New Year If it is quick, the possibility consumption tariff rise being enforced from next year is high Public finance has become tight in that extent, (with consequence of foolish policy)

                                                        • 施工时间和成本,然后通过长途电话费率在今年内 这是一个垂直的轨道,或通过★3 Even within… years which are turned to construction cost and the like fee classified by distance 3 As for this through hurutate

                                                          • 有在该国的席位很少的时间,假名狙我在从我一专口Tteiu常常抛弃政治舞台上的想法有一个席位,在大量的城市
                                                            Because of the parliamentary seat countryside barely have no other choice but to, the [tsu] [te] which throws away the mass parliamentary seat of the urban district the conception which is said does not understand well, well You aim even with political world reorganization kana

                                                            • 民主Nekusutokyabinetto基础设施发展部长,工务小组委员会主席志位之后谁在新的公路项目小组主席,“内阁”安全部长下,未来的外交部长担任
                                                              At the Democratic party next cabinet social overhead capital service charge minister of state, Way committee chairman of new public works projects, Highway project team chairman, Filling various posts “next Cabinet” security next minister of state and same next Minister of Foreign Affairs etc

                                                              • 民主党人抓住声称↓电源之前,现在说有欺诈或牛民主策略集合瓦特INDEX2009“走向自由”公路高速公路原则上是自由的 Power of the Democratic party before grasping to insistence ↓ now becoming only saying which is fraud it is w The Democratic party policy collection INDEX2009 lt No charge conversion of highway gt The highway makes free as a general rule
                                                                • 这项政策的收集,民主党的政策辩论,达成2009年7月1点,总结了目前的17日 This policy collection is something which collected the arrival point of policy argument of the Democratic party at as of 2009 July 17th

                                                              • 民主选举的立法草案万岁养老Piku我家还想到了全国第一急于提高对葛¯ ³我珍惜生命税
                                                                Price hike tax increase rush shelf Thinking of life first of the citizen, [ru] Democratic party man Say House of Councillors selection [ro] [pi] [ku] [uhutsu

                                                                • 洗衣机219和山羊抗生态总理还减少其他不可能的,我想我把两件他用烘干机wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww哦好自己的温室气体排放量 219 It cannot be already Also greenhouse effect gas reduction is unreasonable The prime minister opposing to echo personally 2 washers turning Dehydrator use wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww Fool
                                                                  • 洗衣机219和山羊抗生态总理也减少自己的温室气体排放的其他不可能的,我想我用两件让他和干燥wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww哦 219 It cannot be already Also greenhouse effect gas reduction is unreasonable The prime minister opposing to echo personally 2 washers turning Dehydrator use wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww Fool

                                                                • 浮岛浮岛川崎〜〜〜关射线Yokohane神奈川Kasumigajo二十一点二公里850卡里巴镇海湾线裁判一十九点八公里750日元日元Iikura一十九点一公里750相关25 1公里900 Kasumigajo芝公园29 5公里1 100日元日元一十七点五公里700棵外23 4公里850矶子一十七点五公里700日元日元23 4公里850京本牧一十九点一公里750码头涩谷二十零点零公里750日元日元富町15 2公里600高树镇一十八点九公里700山下新十八点〇公里700日元日元汐通过十六点二公里650十七点零公里700日元,箱,十八点零公里700新木场野一十九点五公里750日元日元18 7公里700地点:30号线羽田Yokohane Nishikanda一十三点六公里700棵十八点零公里700日元日元32 6公里1100 Minamiooi9 8公里650円9 9公里650位置:第30号Bijyogi二十八点七公里1 050日元日元卡里巴公司JCT崎玉十五点八公里700円〜木场光盒盒×徊Å NULL
                                                                  • NULL The tariff when it moves to the distance system fee due to current plan Kawaguchi JCT Misato JCT Tomei high speed 45 5km 1 200 Yen Tomei high speed 40 3km 1 200 Yen Central road 44 4km 1 200 Yen Central road 39 2km 1 200 Yen Azumazeki east road 43 6km 1 200 Yen Azumazeki east road 35 5km 1 200 Yen Kawasaki float island 49 2km 1 200 Yen Kawasaki float island 41 1km 1 200 Yen Side feather line 45 5km 1 200 Yen Side feather line 37 4km 1 200 Yen Takamatsu 20 9km 800 Yen Fresh town 21 8km 800 Yen Oji north 14 9km 700 Yen Ohashi Hirai 15 7km 700 Yen Embankment 21 1km 800 Yen Box promontory 20 4km 750 Yen Four wood 21 2km 800 Yen Mukaishima 14 7km 700 Yen Thousand Sumi Shinbashi 16 6km 700 Yen Oji north 18 8km 700 Yen East territory house 8 9km 650 Yen Kahei 7 5km 600 Yen Beauty wood JCT Capital leaf road Tomei high speed 38 3km 1 200 Yen Tomei high speed 31 6km 1 150 Yen Central road 37 2km 1 200 Yen Central road 30 5km 1 100 Yen Azumazeki east road 44 5km 1 200 Yen Northeast road 40 2km 1 200 Yen Kawasaki float island 42 4km 1 200 Yen Kawasaki float island 32 4km 1 150 Yen Side feather line 38 7km 1 200 Yen Side feather line 28 7km 1 050 Yen Capital leaf road 36 3km 1 200 Yen Kasumigaseki 17 9km 700 Yen Ida bridge 19 1km 750 Yen High tree town 21 0km 800 Yen East Ikebukuro 15 2km 700 Yen Outer garden 19 9km 750 Yen Deer beach bridge 21 7km 800 Yen Gokokuzi 19 5km 750 Yen New Itabasi 13 4km 700 Yen Shibaura 17 8km 700 Yen Main town of Itabasi 11 7km 700 Yen Daybreak 18 4km 700 Yen Box promontory 11 7km 700 Yen Kinsi Cho 7 9km 600 Yen

                                                                • 海湾13号线更名为东京临海土地问题是2月11日,2009年:快速10。晴线洲-东云公司JCT(1.5公里)已三月29,2009:入口大师(横滨方向)开3月28日,2010年:环道中环,西公司JCT -桥公司JCT(四点三公里)支付预定开放他们远志
                                                                  13 area of the gulf line renames to the seaside sub center 2009 February 11th : High speed 10. Harumi line Yutaka state - dawn JCT (1.5km) being open to traffic 2009 March 29th : Large teacher coming out entrance (Yokohama direction) being open to traffic 2010 March 28th : Central belt highway west Shinjuku JCT - Ohashi JCT (4.3km) being open to traffic schedule It is far to payment

                                                                  • 玛787说这是什么东西?而不是自由和锗,唯一的民主政策沉闷收集瓦特INDEX2009价值的“高速公路走向自由”公路原则上是自由的 787 Saying it increases but what Instead of no charge conversion price hike the do just it is w The Democratic party policy collection INDEX2009 lt No charge conversion of highway gt The highway makes free as a general rule
                                                                    • 成交量685民主政策INDEX2009“走向自由”公路高速公路原则上是自由的 685 The Democratic party policy collection INDEX2009 lt No charge conversion of highway gt The highway makes free as a general rule
                                                                    • 收集民主政策INDEX2009“走向自由”公路高速公路原则上是自由的 The Democratic party policy collection INDEX2009 lt No charge conversion of highway gt The highway makes free as a general rule
                                                                    • 极少数的权力,直到娶哈康滩↓是什么说这是好事,他们听到坏的影响瓦特运民主政策INDEX2009“走向自由”公路高速公路原则上是自由的 Until power you grasp but such a ↓ offensive being good you say it is don t you think w The Democratic party policy collection INDEX2009 lt No charge conversion of highway gt The highway makes free as a general rule

                                                                  • 町,日本队ー! [政治]民主,议会通过一项法律修正案
                                                                    [chi] [yo], the Japanese end -! Acknowledging democracy and the National Diet method amendment plan

                                                                    • 等等等等池持→通过向飞机出口出口已在另一个定居点等等等等收发器未安装它已经持→它是什么,他们支付给口(和减额无最大的缴费)
                                                                      ETC it has and -> adjusts with ETC machine passing of the exit Already already the ETC transceiver of the exit the installation being completed ETC it does not have, -> the MAX fee payment (there is no reduction at the entrance fee place)

                                                                      • 编号:kTNUYXUk0得出结论,任何喜欢与否用户殆价值只有在一个单独的费用戈内容的知识在最底层离开我的价值?
                                                                        ID: kTNUYXUk0 The [ro] which contents of fee of classified by [tsu] [te] distance you do not know and is… In order only price hike not to do, conclusion… most users are price hike?

                                                                        • 编号:saqpxTmx0明文规定以外的基地,他们并非太多只是一个粗略的还是什么?
                                                                          ID: saqpxTmx0 This off base of what… or, it devastates contribution regulation and kana is kana?

                                                                          • 葛和关于19和价值首先从公路里程使用超过19公里,如果我不发生公里内的近100%的最低值层 When travel distance reaches 19 kilometers or more it reaches price hike In the first place if it is close the place within 19 kilometers because the highway you do not use the 100 price hike shelf
                                                                            • 然而,距离为19戈和价值行程将超过一公里深,李季的消失以及有一个来自用户的强烈反应 But when travel distance reaches 19 kilometers or more because it reaches price hike there being also rally of the user it had become flame failure
                                                                            • 由于没有人一样,我最终使用(第一部分还)和唯一的自由,等等什么的葛价值冲压生产线的地方 So kind of at the point which no one uses after all furthermore just one part to free Are the other things ochi price hike

                                                                          • 葛和高价值的消耗速度。增加一倍,如果你把这个Kakageru对自由Yurusenai自民党宣言 High speed price hike and consumption You cannot permit redoubling If the manifest where our people oppose to this is put out you insert in our people
                                                                            • 这就是为什么自民党和461消费者。并提出了防止双重Kakageta清莱自民党宣言 461 Therefore our people this and consumption When you insert in the leprosy our people who put out the manifest for redoubling
                                                                            • 这就是为什么自民党和469消费者。并提出了防止双重Kakageta清莱自民党宣言 469 Therefore our people this and consumption When you insert in the leprosy our people who put out the manifest for redoubling

                                                                          • 虽然批评每一个政府债券,金融杀伤性在于播种接近上升赤字过高,范围包括债券,他们的年龄两次自民党。闯关想象Shiku,政府将捍卫
                                                                            To criticize the deficit-financing bond, the liar rose firewood public finance destruction which two times the Liberal Democratic Party era overissues the close deficit-financing bond. When thing of administration is protected, emptiness it does and becomes the [ku

                                                                            • 财政援助在美国和英国海外发展u003d高速铁路-日本邮政银行资金的政府机构,龟井大型企业,部长的意见,美国[美国经济的长期国债]世行后,日本邮政私有化3000买了第一个10亿
                                                                              At the American-English large-sized business with overseas development of financial support = rapid-transit railway - government Fund of [yo] silver inside [yu], with the American bond use Minister of State Kamei opinion [yo] bank inside [yu] the American bond 300,000,000,000 Yen purchase After the commercializing beginning

                                                                              • 跆拳道收敛在城市地区的投票率,我们将赢得自民党达罗忠清党的参院选举,与商店我出来选N的居民将是另一个灾难性瓦特
                                                                                The [ro] House of Councillors selection to which the being disgusted [ya] our people win reluctantly and are Poll ratio of the urban district probably will become devastatingly, but Association of another election house how it is it to be possible [wa] w

                                                                                • 达罗工作人类灰尘,使之成为结构贵様茹,他们在非一良好的生活福利
                                                                                  There is no welfare the living which is good being is possible Making the mechanism is work of your way and the like the dust of the [ro] mankind who

                                                                                  • 这一个等(电子收费系统)有限公司贴现假日赛车,在这三个项目○八年税收是作为一个万亿日元的一部分加以实施,以改善伴随的一个单独的费用取消的距离是什么方便的投入介绍政策
                                                                                    Among ETC these (the automatic fee taking in receiving system) holiday discount of car limitation invested tax 3,000,000,000,000 Yen to 08 It has executed, as portion of convenience increase business, but the policy of abolishing attendant upon the introduction of fee classified by distance

                                                                                    • 这主要是党的E项诈民事欺诈政党选举和分散海拔解决方案 Solution Scattering It does te Entire Selection Raising holding Line Obtaining 詐 欺 Government Party People Main thing Party
                                                                                      • 狗屎人违反有关选举,提高市民的主要政党 Selection Raising holding Public Approximately Difference Counter ku The Soviet Union People Main thing Party

                                                                                    • 这是到目前为止,什么是在700日元到500日元的汽车是资本10个单位(共2 000日元),但是,在1200日元价值汽车Gesuru 10个单位(共5 000日元)3000日元的收入高向上广场如果资本往往是在与新线开放的道路流量高,维塔认为,长距离的高资本增长的使用 In other words riding so far for 700 Yen however the car which reaches te 500 Yen 10 total 2000 Yen the car which it marks up in 1200 Yen 10 units total 5000 Yen As for capital city high earnings 3000 Yen UP If at � capital city high the flow of the road becomes good with new line being open to traffic the capital city high you see even at long distance that utilization increases
                                                                                      • 890率高的资本,无需移动他的家人,每个人驾驶的汽车,通常是友好的 890 Capital city high fee is easy to know in anyone By his not to drive the te in the family by the car as for movement normal
                                                                                      • 这是到目前为止,什么是在700日元到500日元的汽车是资本10个单位(共2 000日元),但是,在1200日元价值汽车Gesuru 10个单位(共5 000日元)3000日元的收入高向上广场如果资本往往是在与新线开放的道路流量高的预期将增加长期使用维塔 In other words riding so far for 700 Yen however the car which reaches te 500 Yen 10 total 2000 Yen the car which it marks up in 1200 Yen 10 units total 5000 Yen As for capital city high earnings 3000 Yen UP If at � capital city high the flow of the road becomes good with new line being open to traffic the capital city high you see even at long distance that utilization increases

                                                                                    • 那么,在务实Netouyo当地居民而言,地方交付税是疯狂的,说什么小泉说,一个头,或从东京减少万亿元,事情四环素Negakyan是是记得自卑心态我会
                                                                                      Well, because [netouyo] of local residence in the utility aspect, Koizumi reduced tax allocated to local governments 1,000,000,000,000 Yen As for having the negative can by the bias of the kind which tries calling Tokyo head mania, is You remember

                                                                                      • 高智力资本从阪神高速公路的时间,但自民党小鼠H22逃离财政体制上的实际价值(GE)和它恩达思,他们在公告栏或速度什么是不同的故事写成的? Capital city high however intellectual viewing As for the Osaka and Kobe high speed from the Liberal Democratic Party era from H22 year distance system substantial price hike tsu te You think that it was written on also the bulletin board with respect to high speed but it is … From that being another story
                                                                                        • 我是自雇但在阪神orz锗的价值,他们的痛苦是一个月对面或他的路2我想你在所有线路万阪神高速公路无限次乘搭 But as for we family operated business what price hike of the Osaka and Kobe high speed is rather painful orz On the other hand conversely at month 20 000 the Osaka and Kobe high speed all the line riding at will passes the kana which is not made…

                                                                                      • 鸠山由政府,因为我们喜欢他的工作四环素的数以亿计的逃税,以及政党的补贴巴巴猫,你叩
                                                                                        Therefore as for Hatoyama administration, kind of those which by your made, Many hundred million will evade taxation, but political party grant [nekobaba] it will do, but it did not hit

                                                                                        • ( ヽ布鲁诺, :: ヽ布鲁诺 , :: 。 ヽ、 研发,, ヽ、 。 。升⌒ヽ ヽ 月 布鲁诺。 , Ḏ 。 布鲁诺人 湖 92 No REPT No REPT ⌒ 92 No REPT REPT 丶 r gt lt gt lt i ⌒ ⌒ i gt lt lt l ⌒ REPT ⌒ human i gt lt i ⌒ gt lt REPT l REPT Y ⌒ l Y ⌒ l i ¯ j ⌒ human ⌒ l ⌒ Y human ⌒ l Human REPT REPT Human DREPT 92 92 Y ⌒ l person l ⌒ Y REPT ni REPT l ⌒ REPT 92 human REPT No ni person No l l no 92 REPT 92 REPT REPT l 92 l 92
                                                                                          • 。 ( ヽ布鲁诺, :: ヽ布鲁诺 , : : 。 ヽ、 研发, ヽ、 。 。升⌒ヽ ヽ 月 布鲁诺。 , Ḏ 。 布鲁诺人 92 No REPT No REPT ⌒ 92 No REPT REPT 丶 r gt lt gt lt i ⌒ ⌒ i gt lt lt l ⌒ REPT ⌒ human i gt lt i ⌒ gt lt REPT l REPT Y ⌒ l Y ⌒ l i ¯ j ⌒ human ⌒ l ⌒ Y human ⌒ l Human REPT REPT Human DREPT 92 92 Y ⌒ l person l ⌒ Y REPT ni REPT l ⌒ REPT 92 human REPT No ni person No l l no 92 REPT 92 REPT REPT l 92 l 92
                                                                                          • 。 ( ヽ布鲁诺, :: ヽ布鲁诺 , : : 。 ヽ、 研发, ヽ、 。 。升⌒ヽ ヽ 月 布鲁诺。 , Ḏ 。 布鲁诺人 92 No REPT No REPT ⌒ 92 No REPT REPT 丶 r gt lt gt lt i ⌒ ⌒ i gt lt lt l ⌒ REPT ⌒ human i gt lt i ⌒ gt lt REPT l REPT Y ⌒ l Y ⌒ l i ¯ j ⌒ human ⌒ l ⌒ Y human ⌒ l Human REPT REPT Human DREPT 92 92 Y ⌒ l person l ⌒ Y REPT ni REPT l ⌒ REPT 92 human REPT No ni person No l l no 92 REPT 92 REPT REPT l 92 l 92

                                                                                        • (逸志预算当然,当然垂直目前正在要求)民主,但很难理解国民议会批准修改案,甚至已失去了业余的方式,对国防部官员向国会的专家为阻断了我的法律防范ばかりの 民主議員 の ポスト を 増 やして本来違憲 なものも 、 合憲 だと 勝手 に 決 めてやりたい 放題 するってことこれ 通 ったら 、 人権侵害救済法案 も 外国人参政権 も 夫婦別姓 も全部決他们等待

                                                                                          • ,政府定价的公司和阪神高速公路首都高速公路公司等700日元(普通车),使另一价格区间将视日里程恶作剧改变今年晚些时候,对事实的价值,葛考虑到第16分钟刈 Government fixed amount fee of the capital city highway company and the Osaka and Kobe highway company even within year such as standard sized car 700 Yen in travel distance Responding it moved to the fee classified by distance which changes on the 16th it understood that it examines with the direction which is made in fact price hike

                                                                                            研究 開発