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Environmental terrorist sea shepherd dog “clo tuna prohibition rejection…It is the victory of avarice!”“Cutting and the fishing tool of the net destroying!”


  • 1“SS是保罗沃森,马耳他,法国,西班牙,稳坐钓鱼船”打击非法行动“拒之于网和津,或损坏渔具”,并注意到 1 gt As for the Paul Watson representation of SS the Malta and France and Spain etc fishing boat gt Vis a vis illegal operation “the net is cut that the fishing tool is destroyed” you have notified
    • 1 SS是对在西班牙的非法捕鱼,保罗沃森,马耳他,法国,和运营,如“津或关闭网络,或损坏渔具”,并注意到 1 As for the Paul Watson representation of SS the Malta and France and Spain etc fishing boat Vis a vis illegal operation “the net is cut that the fishing tool is destroyed” you have notified
    • 1马耳他,法国,以及对非法捕鱼作业,如西班牙,“台湾团结联盟或关闭网络,或损坏渔具,”我会说你要注意这门课程 1 Vis a vis the illegal operation of the Malta and France and Spain etc fishing boat “the net is cut that the fishing tool is destroyed” notice You do this naturally don t you think it is probably will be

  • 1,“马耳他和法国,西班牙渔船”和打击非法捕鱼“取消网或津或损坏渔船渔具,”并警告说, 1 gt The Malta and France and Spain etc fishing boat gt Vis a vis illegal operation “the net is cut that the fishing tool is destroyed” you have notified
    • 马耳他和法国,以及对非法捕鱼作业,如西班牙,“台湾团结联盟或关闭网络,或损坏渔具”,并警告说, The Malta and France and Spain etc fishing boat Vis a vis illegal operation “the net is cut that the fishing tool is destroyed” you have notified
    • 马耳他和法国,以及对非法捕鱼作业,如西班牙,“台湾团结联盟或关闭网络,或损坏渔具”,并警告说, The Malta and France and Spain etc fishing boat Vis a vis illegal operation “the net is cut that the fishing tool is destroyed” you have notified

  • 20在澳大利亚,没有隐士Ttena蓝鳍金枪鱼的捕捞?恐惧似乎是反对禁止发展的蓝鳍金枪鱼 20 In Australia as for the clo tuna it is not caught it is it is not Fearing the fact that it develops into prohibition of minamimaguro it opposed it seems

    • 235鲸鱼,海豚,金枪鱼,迟浩田这是你的下一个日本狙他们锤? Urchin的 235 Don t you think whale dolphin and tuna Japanese sharpshooting Next is what It is the sea urchin

      • 383到金枪鱼口法案。我们应该去咥位置,武藤敏郎我笑狗屎何
        383 In mouth of that tuna bill. If 咥 you make obtain and solve, you think that you chuckle,

        • 396到达后,无论如何在港口方面,萘乙酸坤将打开一个良好的新闻发布会上触摸...
          396 How, in the port of there of the [se] immediately after the arriving, press conference you open in the proud [ge], it is probably will be…

          • 604在此之前发生的,它不会首先在文化,完全是用于整个宏伟地中海,日本 604 Before becoming so Japan used the Mediterranean all Because magnificent complete cultivation is begun there is no problem
            • 帕劳,密克罗尼西亚和两侧,2种植。志野追没有耐心的金枪鱼养护海里程度 The cultivation of Palau and the Micronesia side and two The tuna within nautical mile for resource protection Patience in a little between

          • 717感到沮丧由中国的科技发展机制,试图弥补与中国与日本的贸易盈余终于巨额贸易赤字的失败
            717 Already more and more in the toward China black-ink balance the enormous toward Japan deficit the mechanism assistant 填, It collapsed with the technical growth of China and failed

            • 807第六舰队属于中风。沃罗日巴赞级驱逐舰麦克福尔队队基地犬丸海平面犬丸安德烈多里亚队在海上犬丸
              807 6th fleet post hitting. Destroyer [makuhuaru] VS Sea dog circle [arubaro] [de] [basan] class VS Sea dog circle [andorea] [doria] class VS Sea dog circle

              • 820我也劳喰鲸鱼肉和金枪鱼瓦特他说,通常我是一个欺诈群众,因为伪集团-
                820 The fellows normally the whale and the tuna and the meat 喰 and others the [u], w It is lump what of deception, therefore, the false group

                • 962日本捕鲸船捕鲸的所有“非法捕鲸活动,”让我们说:你们津市什么?啊 我决心要确定所有的非法捕捞金枪鱼瓦特柯呒鹅什么 962 As for the Japanese “the illegal whaling” tsu te being investigation whaling of everyone whale catcher boat the ze which is the ru party The clo tuna fishing all illegal tsu te scolding being decided in the ru the ro w which is the ru
                  • 962日本的研究捕鲸“非法捕鲸”让你们说,慈济什么?啊 我决心要确定所有的非法捕捞金枪鱼瓦特柯呒鹅什么 962 “The illegal whaling” tsu te being the Japanese investigation whaling the ze which is the ru party The clo tuna fishing all illegal tsu te scolding being decided in the ru the ro w which is the ru
                  • 事实上,519外国问题无池户如果你不喜欢,我买了日本津市赶上在日本销售非法,不呢?津市的问题,我们正在购买 519 The foreign country is catching illegal in order to sell in Japan the ru is If Japan that tries does not buy however there is no problem really buying therefore the ru it is the ro which is problem

                • Damejan即使例子是唯一途径,通过全面禁止捕鱼瓦特
                  If global ban of capture is the only road, it compares and is approved and the [te] useless is w

                  • Ja Otsumu在澳元和动物星球和那个人说,没有什么矛盾
                    In [otsumu] of the people and the orgy and the animal planet, there are no many contradictions

                    • Nante m渔业家伙说我的意思是,看老天爷哑或直接与黑手党?可能有一个良好的地中海捕捞甲壳类动物 tsu The people who are poached how Mafia with it is directly connected well The shelf where with the Mediterranean the crustaceans may become bumper fish crop
                      • 当你排队风暴,同时宣布向地中海,现在吃的和歌山近畿壹海岸没有。在5 Toronigiri打破周围的市民投注踢 The tsu te which goes to the Mediterranean it declares and the time it does not go in the Wakayama open sea appearing it is close large raw Breaking it turns medium toronigiri 5 public you bet

                    • NULL ∧ ∧ REPT Support 92 REPT REPT ha REPT ¯ ¯ ¯ ゙ ¯ 旦 ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ REPT l ninininininininininininini l
                      • ( no REPT no no ∧ ∧ REPT Support 92 REPT REPT ha REPT ¯ ¯ ¯ ゙ ¯ 旦 ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ REPT l ninininininininininininini l

                    • Souiya过去,韩国人对韩国产洗衣机骄傲,是不是也Motamabuchi?津来他与友好德察撞车我写 So in the South Korean who well brags about the washer of former times and Korea make The ro which is motamabuchi in that The tsu te hanging it has thrust there was a story
                      • 之后,他扭曲它在罐子和玫瑰确洗衣机,它不能适合该回到原来的方法,绝望洗衣机 And as for him the rose doing the washer verifying in after being dented It means with to face in the despair that it cannot be reset on the basis of the washer

                    • _∩(°∀°)彡大海吞没!大海吞没! ⊂彡

                      • “”不锈钢保罗华生,法国和马耳他,以及对非法捕鱼和并发苏和西班牙的惊呼行动“拒之于网和津,或损坏渔具”,并注意到 gt gt As for the Paul Watson representation of SS when warning is put out to the Malta and France and Spain etc fishing boat simultaneously Vis a vis illegal operation “the net is cut that the fishing tool is destroyed” you have notified
                        • “”SS是对在西班牙的非法捕鱼,保罗沃森,马耳他,法国,和运营,如“津或关闭网络,或损坏渔具”,并注意到 gt gt As for the Paul Watson representation of SS when warning is put out to the Malta and France and Spain etc fishing boat simultaneously Vis a vis illegal operation “the net is cut that the fishing tool is destroyed” you have notified
                        • 什么在意大利和利比亚,或向黑手党牛的同时苏日本渔船进出警报什么牧海船位利用卫星侦察 The reconnaissance satellite using position of the boat of the sea shepherd dog When warning is put out to the Japanese fishing boat simultaneously The chi ku tsu te do in the Libyan or Italy Mafia
                        • 保罗沃森的不锈钢,马耳他,法国,和对在西班牙的非法捕鱼,行动如“津或关闭网络,或损坏渔具”,并注意到 As for the Paul Watson representation of SS the Malta and France and Spain etc fishing boat Vis a vis illegal operation “the net is cut that the fishing tool is destroyed” you have notified
                        • 保罗沃森的不锈钢,马耳他,法国,和对在西班牙的非法捕鱼,行动如“津或关闭网络,或损坏渔具”,并注意到 As for the Paul Watson representation of SS the Malta and France and Spain etc fishing boat Vis a vis illegal operation “the net is cut that the fishing tool is destroyed” you have notified
                        • 而不是他们的通知没有犯罪和对国际法上,像在日本称捕鲸是船民问题 In other words investigation whaling as it is called in Japan vis a vis the fishing boat which does not have the problem with respect to international law likely crime the reason which has been notified

                      • “我对退休朝青龙谷”三木,Horiemon,榛名山杏...参拜野胜日本NHK邪恶反轴,反在大阪日本,我请三国人不在
                        There is an objection “in morning blue dragon retirement” Miki valley, as for [horiemon] and apricot field [ru]… Pivot of badness Anti-Japanese counter Yasukuni NHK Osaka Nomoto Masaru, lie please not be attached with the Mikuni person

                        • ─我尊重它就像一个在他眼里,一旦添加到海盗船漂浮在地中海Shitare瓦特Seshi瓦特僖持等待沉没在直布罗陀 Quite pirate shelf w The wa w where the form which with the Mediterranean you chase in the warship and is turned floats in the eye Ambushing at Gibraltar it sinks and droops w

                          • ┌─────────┐│。 │报警疯了! ││。 └ ── ┘ヽ( ー )É(至)古 ┌ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ┐ │ │ kichigai warning │ │ └ ─ ─ ┘ REPT no To ku

                            • フカヒレ は 中華料理 には 欠 かせず 、 中国 は 、 クロマグロ が 禁輸 になれば 多 くの 水産資源 で 禁輸 の 流 れが 強 まることを 懸念 You cannot miss the shark fin in the Chinese cooking as for China if the clo tuna becomes prohibition feeling concern the fact that the flow of prohibition strengthens with many living aquatic resources
                              • 此外,本次会议提交的提案也已成为鱼翅和鱼酱材料比蓝鳍金枪鱼的其他法规 Furthermore at the latest meeting also the shark fin and transaction regulation plan of the shark which becomes the material of the boiled fish paste are submitted in addition to the clo tuna

                            • マグロ 漁 の 日本 の 船 が 襲 われた 場合 の 心配 をしているのだが 、鯨捕 りに 行 っている 人達 は 国 の 調査 ということで 行 っているから特別大人 しい 様 な 気 がするけど,,,你打算怎么 You worry when the Japanese of tuna fishing boat is attacked but is Because the people who have gone to the whale catching have gone with investigation of the country However the air the special gentle way does … how it probably is what

                              • 不锈钢拯救老兵在恐怖主义的事情黑鲔鱼的灭绝是一个东西来证明他们可以很轻易
                                As for rescuing the extermination of the clo tuna it can make very simple to prove the fact that it is not SS terrorism

                                • 不锈钢热切希望喂养的鲨鱼恐怖分子之手的故事,勇敢的对海洋环境的疯狂地中海
                                  The [kichigai] environmental terrorists of SS with the hand of the heroes of the Mediterranean sea Ardent desire the story which makes the feed of the shark

                                  • 不锈钢纳阿容易发生意外的或不将取决于拉身体由延绳钓瓦特成员件
                                    The member of SS being caught to the long line, whether the accident which becomes systemic [zutazuta] does not occur frequently w

                                    • 中国正在就收购和改善在国际舞台上的自然资源状况,并通过国际援助,加强对非洲的关系,影响力浩纪
                                      As for China, for position improvement with natural resource acquisition and international stage, We have strengthened relationship via the help to African each country, influence is large

                                      • 为什么不成为家伙,他们逮捕?帮助企业,不参加支持恐怖主义国家Marubeki夹紧公司
                                        And others it is dense with something it is not arrested? The [ro] also support enterprise, should manage in the country as a terrorist support enterprise and

                                        • 亚洲和非洲,分散从所有其他的攻击,但似乎感觉红薯饮食Yokosanai By your to exploit awfully from Asia Africa the air shelf which you eat and you do not cross over the thing
                                          • 亚洲和非洲,分散从所有其他的攻击,但似乎感觉红薯饮食Yokosanai By your to exploit awfully from Asia Africa the air shelf which you eat and you do not cross over the thing

                                        • 什么垂直表支持海洋牧羊人,但非洲大陆许多国家感到的是,摩纳哥特鲁垂直面对你 Becoming open there are no times when it supports the sea shepherd dog but The kind of air which does kind of that the Monaco face is raised does the countries of the continent

                                          • 什么是蓝鳍金枪鱼禁运纳阿老将说话时,他们说什么有趣的是与让我们不去处理本身没有对自己的出口禁令的话,但我还没有赶上是严格禁止在国际贸易中的情况我说这是非常我所思恩达所有格 Funny thing you say The prohibition tsu te of the clo tuna as for saying to the last being prohibition of international commerce There is no prohibition of capture itself it is Namely without exporting being the ze tsu te story where will process with just by your That very that is avaricious itself as for we you think but it is

                                            • 什么是非法的,但我拒绝了什么是非法的,是非法捕鱼?不锈钢万维网快速部署到所有的视频Youtsu撒玫瑰花凋谢一样作为一个诱饵鱼的尸体肢解大是在等待Ttemasu ¶信息港
                                              1 Illegal operation Although the illegal [tsu] [te] it was rejected, something is illegal what? www Furthermore to be quick the disjointed corpse of SS love, as a feed of the fish The rose the animated picture which is spread the way while [wakuteka] to do the development which is raised in the [be], waiting, it increases

                                              • 从中国的反击一把刀或枪,并声称自卫或者如中国and大韩民国一其它国家甚至不狙氏不仅渔船在日本非法营运 There is no illegal operation and only the Japanese fishing boat aims either the te probably will be If China and Korea or other country self defense insisting Because you strike with the Chinese kitchen knife and the handgun
                                                • 660什么是让你成为日本金枪鱼捕捞船在地中海的经营? 660 Tuna fishing boat how certain of Japan which operates with the Mediterranean
                                                • 柯去检查,在日本进行渔业捕捞。制备因为你,你亲爱的友好关系与日本俳句诗,或 Setting up to the Japanese fishing boat it is dense 捕 Being taken the tsu te toward Japan related consideration it melts from the ru well

                                              • 他 にやることあるだろ wwwキチガイ すぐるキャラクター 投票中 ♪みんなの 力 が 必要 なんだ 〜 オラ に 力 を 分 けてくれ 〜特 に 鳥系 じゃない 3 か 4 に 投票 してくれ 〜 The ro www which is the times when you do in other things and is kichigai the accomplice which is done During character voting ♪ Power of everyone is necessary what dividing power into ora giving Especially you vote to 3 or 4 there is no bird system
                                                • 160最近敲响了警钟,但不应加重垂直谭少如此疯狂 160 Recently therefore kichigai warning it keeps sounding excessively stand is in part

                                              • 他们都没有五四五分钟,直到有没有真正愚蠢的人的鱼,因为瓦特 545 Therefore the foolish citizen until the tuna stops being truly you do not understand it is w
                                                • 他们都没有五○五分钟,直到有没有真正愚蠢的人的鱼,因为瓦特 505 Therefore the foolish citizen until the tuna stops being truly you do not understand it is w
                                                • 我卖了545平方米的Kke根瓦特定期金枪鱼 545 Taking on the poaching tuna to the proper route it sells it is w

                                              • 俺到过程度上并不想得出一个旋转的陀螺提出损害赔偿的数字差异后,他们会打破再次壶线渔具关闭,要求净和津 1 When it cuts and or the fishing tool breaks the net and in addition to becoming the prison going You think that incommensurable compensation for damage claim comes but It is dense increase it is not done to do it dissolves
                                                • 俺到过程度上并不想得出一个旋转的陀螺提出损害赔偿的数字差异后,他们会打破再次壶线渔网或关闭津,索赔 1 When the net it cuts and or the fishing tool breaks and in addition to becoming the prison going You think that incommensurable compensation for damage claim comes but It is dense increase it is not done to do it dissolves

                                              • 再见“田原总一郎,加藤千寻大熊猫魔鬼黑柳彻子的朝日新闻,Hukuda绿毒妇编辑
                                                Good bye” Kato thousand ocean of editorial staff member of Tahara entire one bright, Asahi newspaper Tetuko panda Kuroyanagi of demon, poison lady Fukuda green

                                                • 分歧,但他们那么在乎,她将不哑的合作伙伴来自日本的和平?第一次世界大战瓦特我接受报复死亡

                                                  • 另一个原因是,恐怖主义瓦特Suretai的狗屎我想成为一个无行为能力
                                                    [suretai] already being the terrorist w The [wa] which the [bo] the [bo] is wanted making to recovery failure densely densely

                                                    • 只有一个濒临灭绝的ü傻不制备拯救蓝鳍金枪鱼的捕捞方式,是一个全面禁止捕鱼的限制
                                                      1 The only road which rescues the clo tuna from extermination is global ban of capture The fool who capture restriction is not taken?

                                                      • 唯一的办法拯救ü从灭绝金枪鱼争辩说,对全面禁止捕鱼
                                                        As for the only road which rescues the clo tuna from extermination when it is global ban of capture You insisted

                                                        • 大师喜欢与讨厌的人,他们从摩纳哥亲王还是富士?富士意图不仅关系,目前尚不清楚,信息是否扮不奇怪!
                                                          As for being connected of Monaco Oji and human hateful founder [huji] mustard serving? But as for intention of [huji] obscurity, there is no doubtful information?

                                                          • 大西洋人口伴有捕捞限额和管理组织的观察员此外,虽然它有办法恢复启,直到最后一刻,他们说,欧盟在西班牙粘度Tteta Furthermore after the supervisory member of the capture restriction and management group accompanying as for the Atlantic Ocean population tsu te it is facing to recovery has been sticky to with last EU the Spanish opinion
                                                            • 大西洋金枪鱼559伴随着政府的保镖已发出呼吁盖押嗯周三证书 559 The Atlantic Ocean clo tuna accompanies the supervisory member of the management group The certificate is issued the case of water raising

                                                          • 如买561也引起老,这一禁运啊 我决定这两个问题到现在为止(但密切合作。这首是一个野生和释放欧盟渔业以扣除折扣)南特,后者的所有这是你的责任,我只是Okkabuse 561 Obtaining buying being decided in both problem the ro which is the ru The latest prohibition however until now the denseness Don t you think as for fishing transaction inside EU which is made runaway you exclude how on latter all responsibility the tsu covering just the ru
                                                            • 斯蒂芬金的这是一个很好的禁令,如果它提出的工作大龟Bidaro Because work was possible for the people the ro which is exultaion If it became prohibition although it was good

                                                          • 如今,你是资金牧海郁郁葱葱的店铺不会进入他们两次,和李济,我从来没有购买的产品巴塔哥尼亚 NULL
                                                            • ⇒⇒Shihoyosu路易生态环境恐怖分子恐怖分子恐怖分子自我⇒⇒⇒海洋守护绿色和平⇒⇒色情恐怖Joytoy Environmental terrorist ⇒ Louis shihoyosu ⇒ echo terrorist ⇒ Green piece ⇒ ego terrorist ⇒ sea shepherd dog ⇒ eroterorisuto ⇒ In phosphorus
                                                            • 什么是澳大利亚谁使用在澳大利亚津市金枪鱼在日本销售,服务的议案提出了海洋守护反 Using the Australian person who sells the tuna in Japan In Australia counter sea shepherd dog motion is uplift
                                                            • 他们做的很好,但你在牧海的这样一个整洁,即使这仍然是日本无论如何之中。 As for you how being in se Japan this way therefore neat what although if you should have been employed to with also the sea shepherd dog
                                                            • 穆包括击中在南极海洋和水的第一摄影师从海洋守护协会甲板大炮我 With high pressure water cannon From cameraman first time The sea shepherd dog is hammered from the deck in the south ice ocean

                                                          • 如果在金枪鱼华盛顿公约(以及所有蓝鳍金枪鱼)禁止捕捞金枪鱼时,日本在中国将一名在中国的合同忘记将能够修改第九条宪法 If in Washington treaty the tuna not only the clo tuna the tuna entirely as for tuna fishing to China it should have entrusted it is When China becomes prohibition Constitution 9 provision you can amend Japan probably is
                                                            • 地中海金枪鱼渔业是不是失控,他们说,他们还对什么样的人忘记了将在中国的合约,中国 If as for the Mediterranean tuna fishing to China it should have entrusted it is When China is the partner the hand cannot put out either the people

                                                          • 宫原彰和渔业出席了华盛顿会议的缔约方本公约。副『思想,我们反对一切从吃寿司的身体是一种误导和针头 Masashi Miyahara of the marine products agency which has attended this Washington treaty tightening approximately National Diet discussion Deliberation official Because we eat the sushi and the sashimi the thought is misunderstanding of being opposite
                                                            • 宫原彰和渔业出席了华盛顿会议的缔约方本公约。副『思想,我们反对一切从吃寿司的身体是一种误导和针头 Masashi Miyahara of the marine products agency which has attended this Washington treaty tightening approximately National Diet discussion Deliberation official Because we eat the sushi and the sashimi the thought is misunderstanding of being opposite

                                                          • 思乌卡拉出来,并将结果将指导谁的运气,我很感激,我知道了,谢谢环保团体反对 That the result where the protection of the environment group perseveres could deduce the latest rejection because you think The ho it is with you appreciate thank you
                                                            • 1●呼叫Saibaakushon绿色和平紫癜: www greenpeace or jp 眼部cyberaction措施哦,必须贪婪Mamotte:绿色和平组织是一个支付给大众吉尔严重的环保团体 1 Green piece Cyber action collection ttp www greenpeace or jp cyberaction The anther so ku which is wanted protecting As for the green piece it is the serious protection of the environment group which is supported in the ordinary citizen

                                                          • 我很狗屎売Ritaku糖果牛肉,澳大利亚澳元非人,茂木防对日本海外渔业合作基金会合作双手,SS是肯定的海洋守护协会,以证明他们符合这些懦夫无效我在第三国是,这不是数量和濒危鱼类,是不是政治和经济问题。他得到了什么语言,我们的心是如此惊惶失措 The beef we would like to sell is not the ginger which droppings ame which the non human orgy As for Australia with cooperation of the Japanese overseas fishing industry cooperative foundation preventing the hand Proving the invalidity of the mean action of SS the sea shepherd dog is as for the te although it did to be In third power there is no problem of the fish catch and extermination crisis the ro which is problem of political economy tsu te Core saying chi ya tsu te confusion shelf
                                                            • 嗯,这里是一个贪婪,茂木限制或阻止黑鲔鱼濒临灭绝的胜利在这个合理捕捞,不锈钢,他们装备好,如果他们证明无效的怯懦线 But well victory what of avarice Now lucidly capture restriction with preventing extermination of clo tuna If proving the invalidity of the mean action of SS it is good
                                                            • 在您需要的不锈钢瓦特南特我们的恐怖分子,杀害死者全部是在非洲偷猎者 Do w terrorist SS how in the African poacher it makes everyone murder dissolving
                                                            • 当您捕获,Shiku外记横行,它切碎肉预算,“电力捕鱼。你站在用步枪和鱼叉,”澳大利亚与日本海外渔业合作基金会合作,开始养殖蓝鳍金枪鱼 When capturing to rage extremely because texture falls “as for the fishermen electricity The harpoon and the rifle are provided” With cooperation of the Japanese overseas fishing industry cooperative foundation starting Australia the 蓄 nurturing of minamimaguro
                                                            • 我很売Ritaku胡萝卜肥牛肉,在第三国,但有时Haishita向大海牧羊人的双手背后有澳元人格,这不是数量和濒危鱼类,是不是政治和经济问题。他得到了什么语言,我们的心是如此惊惶失措 The beef we would like to sell is not the ginger which droppings ame which the non human orgy As for Australia with cooperation of the Japanese overseas fishing industry cooperative foundation preventing the hand Proving the invalidity of the mean action of SS the sea shepherd dog is as for the te although it did to be In third power there is no problem of the fish catch and extermination crisis the ro which is problem of political economy tsu te Core saying chi ya tsu te confusion shelf

                                                          • 我有限的地中海地中海蓝鳍金枪鱼的捕捞,是伴随着与对照组的观察员,日本是在白色的是什么,不要购买来自太平洋和印度队或采取游览将更容易陷入的白色Shiku Metara也开始在战争或哟状态 Capture restriction coming out in the Mediterranean clo tuna the ru to do with the Mediterranean the supervisory member of the management group accompanying you just buy Japan to obtain because there is no tsu te You probably will pleasantly observe with the white vs white When it begins at the Pacific Ocean and the Indian ocean and state of war kana
                                                            • 有关在地中海蓝鳍金枪鱼,日本是在白色什么不买你VS的战争和开始Metara哟状态亚太和印度或采取巡回被捕将简化程序,白色Shiku In regard to the Mediterranean clo tuna you just buy Japan to obtain because there is no tsu te You probably will pleasantly observe with the white vs white When it begins at the Pacific Ocean and the Indian ocean and state of war kana

                                                          • 文Koseru海洋活动的恐怖分子有一个球员是谁的谁是懦夫的意义,因为对日本发动战争的唯一
                                                            The marine terrorist conduct as for being able to cause just vis-a-vis Japan Therefore the mean party the [ro] which discerns the partner who is set up and is

                                                            • 日本 への 恐喝 は カネ になるんだよまさに テロ を 放置 している アメリカ 政府 が 日本 を 恐喝 していることが 知 られている 証拠 だ日本恐喝 カンパニー なんてのがたくさん 出来 るかもしれないよ
                                                              The blackmail to Japan becomes the gold, it is It is the evidence where it is known that the American government which just leaves terrorism has blackmailed Japan Perhaps, Japanese blackmail company how the large quantity is possible,

                                                              • 日本不仅引起金枪鱼捕捞当然茹,整个事情的目标,稳坐钓鱼船任何国家?原因反对对金枪鱼的限制之一是“也从对于海洋守护协会和过去的主恩达语言思什么是蓝鳍金枪鱼的渔民生活,因此”,“违背活动的渔民的生命来自赞助商的钱应该受到“最重要的是我 Of course if the fishing boat which obtains the tuna there is no just Japan and by the fishing boat of the te and which country makes the target it is You think that there are also times when “because there is also life of the fishermen” the tsu te you say to one of the reasons where tuna regulation is opposed but it is … For the sea shepherd dog the clo tuna pulling from life of the fisherman “by being active in the opposite direction Is brought the gold from the sponsor which” the important no shelf
                                                                • 日本的金枪鱼捕捞的路线不能或没有聘请中国的非洲,美国军队?申呒恶或已经陪伴他们抓住船舶或采取它包括北罗万世阻止船上牧海船舶在中国的武装警卫瓦特Dattara折扣在一起的,在中国谁是真正的伙计这将来自一个国家不是一个笑话,通过 As for the Japanese tuna fishing boat not being possible to employ the Chinese troop with the black Embarking to the boat together even with the Chinese guard which you arm when the sea shepherd dog disturbs Making board directly when you capture the band same being able to point to the warship when you make sink w Therefore as expected when the partner is China also the party probably will be pulling the country to which joke does not lead

                                                              • 日本,政府的废物和进入领海小时Yaran没有闯入中国潜艇9
                                                                As for the Japanese rubbish government the Chinese submarine the territorial waters violating also 9 hours, what it is the empty

                                                                • 最新消息,她被鲸在挪威案件一旦凹这些家伙?他们写的两列我将密切关注自由改变高山先生在新的地方度过一个星期前 And others it is dense with case of the whale one time concave and others re te ru it is in Norway the ro which is 2 weeks the change seeing of the new tide before the rank being unrestricted Takayama teacher had written on the column
                                                                  • 瑷我不会减少,仅仅只是混淆问题和日本扑鲸 Whale problem confusing Only mere Japanese busing Catching it probably will not have been cut off

                                                                • 有719超在上海或香港大比萨饼是,我是津市持大业主那里,或筑好Yattekururashii 719 It was Hong Kong there being a super enormous sushi shop in Shanghai Then from the ru good Tsukiji you come with the property where the owner is enormous it seems

                                                                  • 毛唐队支付了。牲畜,作Reyo良好的法律,即使他们拍摄的一大和肥料联盟,民主粪便我们
                                                                    From now on hair China vs support. Domesticated fowl and animals, Yamato combined shelf The law which is good pipping the droppings make, the droppings Democratic party

                                                                    • 没有提交夫妇分开姓氏通知履行它们符合“共同法”,所以女儿曾经居住,“丈夫”“妻子”叫Bazu和“伙伴”,并调用,如果
                                                                      Because the report of marriage in order to execute the surname classified by married couple is not submitted “fact 婚” living together, the daughter it is, but “husband” “wife” without calling each other, it is to call “the partner”

                                                                      • 海洋守护是,由于朝鲜的导弹发射会注意到,我进入地中海时,wktk
                                                                        The sea shepherd dog will do when the Mediterranean entrance It is wktk since the North Korean missile discharge notifying

                                                                        • 海狗,意大利渔船干预大米黑手党驴子↓↓似乎是在酷刑,谋杀↓↓是入海或可溶性硫酸盐结束倾销的主要成员被绑架 The sea dog disturbing the Italian fishing boat ↓ The Mafia appearance of ketsu having ↓ Principal member kidnapping and others re ru ↓ End murder of torture ↓ It is melted with sulfuric acid abandonment to the sea

                                                                          • 牧海船舶Í Ø 88工具包括金枪鱼木津敌人的位置万能田智浩较全面的攻击摩托艇渔业成为一个国际恐怖组织海洋守护转换成一个火箭发射器是实质上狙门ü 2修改船碰撞蔓延结构! !西低于预期! 88 Omon which aims for the repair ship of the sea shepherd dog from the helicopter Is remodelled substantially and loads the rocket launcher the remodelling fishing boat which In international terrorist organizational sea shepherd dog all out attack It extends over jet skiing and is ready the magnum and thrusts to the enemy 舘 Hiroshi Tuna 2 Expectation

                                                                            • 狗在炼狱7对我们的弱点大海,去贪婪的马蒙是杀wwwww
                                                                              Though sea 狗 [me] Seven sisters of the purgatory, be killed in [mamon] of avarice wwwww

                                                                              • 现在,他们的人类同胞的一些Dozaemon gotta海牧船队介于申呒婀将Karanai分钟瓦特 Already the fleet whether the do tsu of sinking the boat the human of the sea shepherd dog some person in dozaemon If it does not do w the people probably will not understand
                                                                                • 已经开始,以弥补西班牙无敌舰队元,顾客 、(¡) 河¼ ( u003d u003d) ー 二E聪Æ u003d 1 我 It seems that the invincible fleet of isupania begins rise r r yu nieeeni one i

                                                                              • 甚至不反对澳大利亚那样?海洋守护者或或环保团体绿色和平,日本是我很贪心,我不从伊东Ttena收入的说法,以出售的牛肉和羊肉从生产者团体,主动征求捐赠,当然这该死的津市津几个regulations m金牌,我不能得到任何支付与捕鲸船自杀的人?我说我志愿者?我爱我是一个沉重的葛自由海豚和鲸和金枪鱼? Australia in the opposite direction The sea shepherd dog or the green pea as for the environmental group unless so it is said because there is no revenue source don t you think Either one is avaricious what … In the Japanese the beef and the ram meat we would like to sell but for the sake of the gold receiving from the group of the producer in ru habit Of course contribution is not collected salary has appeared in the person who special attack has been done the ri does not do in the whale catcher boat don t you think It is the volunteer don t you think Lifting up gratuitous love to the whale and the dolphin and the tuna the ru it is don t you think
                                                                                • 64,从幸福的捕鲸船北欧船员一半杀人,我不再船折叠日本 64 After so in the crew of the north European whale catcher boat to a semi murder only the Japanese boat it stopped attacking
                                                                                • 它的强硬反对捕鲸太平洋和地中海船渔民甚至没有到达第一个出口,Shichiwawa情况是很专一Kyankyan资历维塔 That it is the whale catcher boat partner in the Pacific Ocean although it is strong in the Mediterranean fisherman The circumstances which it cannot produce the hand or the foot the can can bark intently just shichiwawa …

                                                                              • 生殖器被摧毁,宫内厅被打破SS是将饲料的鲸和金枪鱼的成员的尸体四肢远端
                                                                                The quarters are cut off, Either the day when the corpse of the SS member who the sexual organs is destroyed becomes the feed of the tuna and the whale is not distant

                                                                                • 由于412是没有这样的勇气和资历的位置Kyankyan一个扩音器和远来的渔民,将很难逃脱─一个号码
                                                                                  412 Because there is no such a courage, with the fisherman distantly as winding with the loudspeaker The can can barking, by all power escape and expectation w

                                                                                  • 目前,蓝鳍金枪鱼在日本的进口已经占,提高收入水平,迅速增长的金枪鱼中国消费增长了富裕
                                                                                    Presently, with import of the clo tuna Japan has become maximum, but income level improves, even in China where wealthy layer increases The consumption of the tuna has expanded suddenly

                                                                                    • 神盾将是773非通航如果海岸警卫队巡逻艇黄蜂巢太Mottaina

                                                                                      • 禁蓝鳍金枪鱼。刚蒂诺国家落后穴逆向大幅度3月19日,2010年(星期五)17 00公约缔约方会议在多哈,卡塔尔开幕,他作了分钟尤富士日本时间周二晚,第一个否决法案的阴影地中海,大西洋金枪鱼委员会(金枪鱼禁)。被拒绝的建议 Clo tuna prohibition It rejects with plan great difference On reverse side of come from behind victory shadow of ano country 2010 March 19th gold 17 0 transmissions Evening paper huji As for Washington treaty tightening approximately National Diet discussion which was opened with Qatar doha the Japanese time 18th night at 1st commission The Atlantic Ocean subterranean marine products clo tuna this tuna prohibition Plan was rejected
                                                                                        • 海狗是一种双管wktk将否决和等待谭文Tetara如果禁运是,为什么我下面是怎么回事攻击 The sea dog probably will be it is to be rejected wktk doing waits is w Becoming prohibition the cod as for the next it was the intention of attacking what it is the ro which is
                                                                                        • 这一次,日本,禁蓝鳍金枪鱼。拒绝的,有大量的黄金品种是遥远的撒 This time Japan clo tuna prohibition For rejecting the varieties the gold the rose was spread distantly

                                                                                      • 紫癜:/ / www.youtube.com /手表?v u003d K2al8POnEUM金枪鱼(°∀°)金枪鱼

                                                                                        • 绿色和平组织的日本分公司鲸鱼肉处长我从浓四环素捕鲸人员窃取发送到律师和雄一渡家庭是社会民主党党首福岛瑞穗,“丈夫”
                                                                                          As for sea crossing over Yuichi of corporate lawyer director & of the green piece Japanese branch which steals the whale meat which the whaling crew sends to the home from the Seino Transportation Co., Ltd. “the husband” of the Fukushima not seeing [ho] of corporation people party party chief

                                                                                          • 蓝鳍金枪鱼捕捞国家有很多的干扰,他们有很多,我应该恨Warere wwwww来自世界各地的不喜欢和鲸鱼 Because as for the country which does clo tuna fishing it is many Full disturbing it should have been disliked from in the world wwwww Like the whale because it does not go
                                                                                            • 那么,只要做到这一点越来越多的日本食品万瓦特无论如何,做彻底和干扰瓦特 Do do do steadily w how only the se Japanese the food cup the finish disturbing w

                                                                                          • 行为的SS,但看看会发生什么当你的每一件事是干扰完整性
                                                                                            Whether the conduct of SS, the fact that it is disturbed one by one how consistency is taken you see, but the thing

                                                                                            • 这一个是·齿搬家海(海)胆小鬼(鸡)“是什么意思”
                                                                                              Don't you think? as for this sea chicken “(Sea) of sea cowardly person (chicken)” [tsu] [te] meaning

                                                                                              • 这些人在没有内达丶`∀ 连同“道歉和对过去的殖民地时代悪辣纳鲁所犯下的暴行的赔偿〜”这是什么话或来啊
                                                                                                When it becomes and others it is dense without news item 丶 `∀ ' With becoming simultaneous “Vis-a-vis the past atrocity where the day emperor becomes unscrupulous - with being apology and compensation,” the shelf which you rival

                                                                                                • 这是971,我卡马希日本的科学捕鲸许可证的制备津攻击
                                                                                                  971 Permission taking, charge increasing in [ru] Japanese investigation whaling, it increases, but don't you think?

                                                                                                  • 这项法案是一个事我不是全面禁止捕鱼噢,我什么也不说!这是一个白人至上主义者,如果你认为它!

                                                                                                    • 迟浩田写,直到导弹击落不锈钢→Bibiru,马吉爬行→经营从扮仅在日本有出色的日本渔民! !什么达罗 The SS missile it is rammed down gt the bibi ru fisherman maji to exceed because gt the Japanese is kind in just Japan is active The ro which becomes the tsu te and is…
                                                                                                      • 429渔民是在非洲的独立角色扮演持这样的形象 429 The image the African fisherman may have RPG

                                                                                                    • 那么,猪,牛,鲸鱼和海豚的真正聪明的人,但我说,津,或在澳大利亚制药公司卡诺花澳大利亚或没有做的动物或在猴实验?他说,如果我想抗议做 To be good as for the whale and the dolphin the head from calling difference from the cow and the pig The Australian person saying however the ru as for the Australian medicine manufacture company The monkey with animal experiment it is not done kana Doing if the ru in the fellows We would like to protest but it is
                                                                                                      • 那么,猪,牛,鲸鱼和海豚的真正聪明的人,但我说,津,或在澳大利亚制药公司卡诺花澳大利亚或没有做的动物或在猴实验?他说,如果我想抗议做 To be good as for the whale and the dolphin the head from calling difference from the cow and the pig The Australian person saying however the ru as for the Australian medicine manufacture company The monkey with animal experiment it is not done kana Doing if the ru in the fellows We would like to protest but it is
                                                                                                      • 金枪鱼是一个来自北欧岩内任何他们说,他们将strike m荔枝鲸 Because the sea chicken concerning the north European whale does not call at all The people probably are ray cyst what

                                                                                                    • 闯关与他们类似的情况,我们不能在珍珠港是不是扩大军备
                                                                                                      Unless armament you reinforce, the useless shelf It becomes the circumstance which is similar to the time of the pearl harbor among those

                                                                                                      • 非法捕鱼是像我很多关于销毁证据很可能是不断地喂食恩戴什么海洋守护船和日本政府的分歧过,因为我已经非法的
                                                                                                        Illegal, because the kind of party who operates already has done injury Chopping up the sea shepherd dog different from the investigation boat of the Japanese government The [wa] about destruction of evidence it may it be possible to a feed

                                                                                                        • 预测2050年国内生产总值(高盛) 70 71等级1万亿美元,中国2印度3万亿美元 38 51等级等级等级 11 36巴西 376600 00亿兆兆俄罗斯5墨西哥 9 34位 8580000000000等级等级7印度尼西亚七万零一百点零零亿8日 六万六千七百点零零亿美元英国排名第9的位置发生 5 13德国 5020000000000和一十万点零零零亿年2050年的人口预测(联合国,但预计2004年)印度1中国2等级17 000亿33 100亿62 40亿第三名120000 0万第四,美国30000 0万9500000000 Ø Þ ª Å发布± 500 0万3 0亿7720等级·嚼蚩拜300000000四千九百六十零点〇 〇万第六芜±傞鞭2 2050 GDP estimate Goldman saxophone 1 rank China 70 71 trillion dollars 2 rank America 38 51 trillion dollars 3 rank India 37 66 trillion dollars 4 rank Brazil 11 36 trillion dollars 5 rank Mexico 9 34 trillion dollars 6 rank Russia 8 58 trillion dollars 7 rank Indonesia 7 01 trillion dollars 8 rank Japan 6 67 trillion dollars 9 rank England 5 13 trillion dollars 10 rank Germany 5 02 trillion dollars 2050 population estimate United Nations however estimate 2004 1 rank India 1 733 100 000 person 2 rank China 1 262 400 000 person 3 rank The United States 395 000 000 person 4 rank naishi ゙ eria 377 200 000 person 5 rank ha ゚ kiss tongue 349 600 000 person 6 rank into ゙ neshia 292 900 000 person 7 rank hu ゙ rashi ゙ ru 281 500 000 person 8 rank ha ゙ nku ゙ rate ゙ ishiyu 271 800 000 person 9 rank echiohi ゚ a 233 100 000 person 10 rank Congo 177 300 000 person In growth of the a and Asia as for bibi tsu te ru white nation as for the next that prohibition it will do what the kana which is schemed Petroleum Petroleum Around that habit America aiming for the Japanese water resource the ru the ze which seems
                                                                                                          • 预测2050年国内生产总值(高盛) 70 71等级1万亿美元,中国2印度3万亿美元 38 51等级等级等级 11 36巴西 376600 00亿兆兆俄罗斯5墨西哥 9 34位 8580000000000等级等级7印度尼西亚七万零一百点零零亿8日 六万六千七百点零零亿美元英国排名第9的位置发生 5 13德国 5020000000000和一十万点零零零亿年2050年的人口预测(联合国,但预计2004年)印度1中国2等级17 000亿33 100亿62 40亿第三名120000 0万第四,美国30000 0万9500000000 Ø Þ ª Å发布± 500 0万3 0亿7720等级·嚼蚩拜300000000四千九百六十零点〇 〇万第六芜±傞鞭2 2050 GDP estimate Goldman saxophone 1 rank China 70 71 trillion dollars 2 rank America 38 51 trillion dollars 3 rank India 37 66 trillion dollars 4 rank Brazil 11 36 trillion dollars 5 rank Mexico 9 34 trillion dollars 6 rank Russia 8 58 trillion dollars 7 rank Indonesia 7 01 trillion dollars 8 rank Japan 6 67 trillion dollars 9 rank England 5 13 trillion dollars 10 rank Germany 5 02 trillion dollars 2050 population estimate United Nations however estimate 2004 1 rank India 1 733 100 000 person 2 rank China 1 262 400 000 person 3 rank The United States 395 000 000 person 4 rank naishi ゙ eria 377 200 000 person 5 rank ha ゚ kiss tongue 349 600 000 person 6 rank into ゙ neshia 292 900 000 person 7 rank hu ゙ rashi ゙ ru 281 500 000 person 8 rank ha ゙ nku ゙ rate ゙ ishiyu 271 800 000 person 9 rank echiohi ゚ a 233 100 000 person 10 rank Congo 177 300 000 person In growth of the a and Asia as for bibi tsu te ru white nation as for the next that prohibition it will do what the kana which is schemed Petroleum Petroleum Around that habit America aiming for the Japanese water resource the ru the ze which seems
                                                                                                          • 预测2050年国内生产总值(高盛) 70 71等级1万亿美元,中国2印度3万亿美元 38 51等级等级等级 11 36巴西 376600 00亿兆兆俄罗斯5墨西哥 9 34位 8580000000000等级等级7印度尼西亚七万零一百点零零亿8日 六万六千七百点零零亿美元英国排名第9的位置发生 5 13德国 5020000000000和一十万点零零零亿年2050年的人口预测(联合国,但预计2004年)印度1中国2等级17 000亿33 100亿62 40亿第三名120000 0万第四,美国30000 0万9500000000 Ø Þ ª Å发布± 500 0万3 0亿7720等级·嚼蚩拜300000000四千九百六十零点〇 〇万第六芜±傞鞭2 2050 GDP estimate Goldman saxophone 1 rank China 70 71 trillion dollars 2 rank America 38 51 trillion dollars 3 rank India 37 66 trillion dollars 4 rank Brazil 11 36 trillion dollars 5 rank Mexico 9 34 trillion dollars 6 rank Russia 8 58 trillion dollars 7 rank Indonesia 7 01 trillion dollars 8 rank Japan 6 67 trillion dollars 9 rank England 5 13 trillion dollars 10 rank Germany 5 02 trillion dollars 2050 population estimate United Nations however estimate 2004 1 rank India 1 733 100 000 person 2 rank China 1 262 400 000 person 3 rank The United States 395 000 000 person 4 rank naishi ゙ eria 377 200 000 person 5 rank ha ゚ kiss tongue 349 600 000 person 6 rank into ゙ neshia 292 900 000 person 7 rank hu ゙ rashi ゙ ru 281 500 000 person 8 rank ha ゙ nku ゙ rate ゙ ishiyu 271 800 000 person 9 rank echiohi ゚ a 233 100 000 person 10 rank Congo 177 300 000 person In growth of the a and Asia as for bibi tsu te ru white nation as for the next that prohibition it will do what the kana which is schemed Petroleum Petroleum Around that habit America aiming for the Japanese water resource the ru the ze which seems

                                                                                                        • 马耳他和法国,他们将缺少耐心,我想我可能会成人Shiku西班牙日本渔民南特党卫军成员
                                                                                                          The Malta and France and Spain etc fishing boat Vis-a-vis illegal operation “the net is cut, that the fishing tool is destroyed”, you have notified

                                                                                                          • 马耳他是该国的出口支柱产业,从9日百分之畜养金枪鱼科的方式,我一定会在对挪威的海军抗议 Therefore as for Malta domesticated fowl and animals nurturing of the tuna at key industry of the country the 9 tenths for Japan transportation exhibition it repels above Norway which produces the navy
                                                                                                            • 717 Tsuka,而且精度高,在周边国家的重要组成部分,只有日本是他们所生产制造的高精密机床的重要组成部分 717 The handle the basic part whose precision is high in neighboring countries and The basic part whose precision is high being able to make the machine which is made just is Japan

                                                                                                          研究 開発