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Does the Japanese UNICEF threaten the weekly new tide with case of the Somaliland travelling of [agunesu]? “[agunesu] leaving the will, the Somaliland comfortable travelling” ★2


  • 139饲料专营权和恶作剧并没有结束,在国家教育材料,乞当地人民,社会民主党和民主党现在用于庄严地的廉价劳动力和一名当地居民好人剥削。
    139 Unless you raise the local person, it ends with beggar nation In the feed, plundering the excellent person from the local person, it has been about probably to using denizenship in cheap labor force the current Democratic party and the corporation people party

    • 19 吨牧野九龙 据香港报纸South中国早报及甘肃省,中国17日,井发生后对西藏抗议的阶段,公安机关是对我警惕 According to 19 date Hong Kong English letter paper sausuchiyaina moninguposuto and the like on the 17th protest demonstration of the Tibetan family following one another occurs even at the Chinese Gansu ministry the public order authorities strengthen precaution
      • 19 吨牧野九龙 据香港报纸South中国早报和日期,井发生后,在中国的甘肃省公安机关是对我对西藏抗议的警觉阶段 According to 19 date Hong Kong English letter paper sausuchiyaina moninguposuto and the like on the 17th protest demonstration of the Tibetan family following one another occurs even at the Chinese Gansu ministry the public order authorities strengthen precaution

    • 1对儿童基金会委员会受托人之一是小和田雅子的母亲小和田由美子(Egashira,女儿的窒素)
      1 As for the one of the Japanese UNICEF discussion members Yumiko Owada who is the actual mother of Owada Masako (the Chisso Egasira eldest daughter)

      • 430 Wakaran但说什么我要问什么意思?什么日本儿童基金会委员会,儿童基金会和日本?你思津说,日本的东京办事处联合国儿童基金会联合国儿童基金会您是指? 430 But just whether we would like to be what meaning is from the wa The Japanese UNICEF and the Japanese UNICEF cooperation meeting what Perhaps doing thinking the thing of the UNICEF Tokyo office that it is the Japanese UNICEF the ru
        • 海洋守护协会将辜负了企业形象每个不是一个工具,使一个国家行动方案和叩扮的新型企业,日本黑帮或儿童基金会捐赠的威胁 Therefore Japanese UNICEF or enterprise yakuza of new style If it hits threat is applied to do unless it contributes being built it can make corporate identity knock down Per sea shepherd dog and simultaneous

      • 431その 金 も ユニセフ を 騙 って 集 めて ピンハネ した 残 りを 本物 に 流 して 終 わりだしな手間 は 全部本物 に 押 し 付 けて 金 をくすねるだけの ゴミ 団体 と 同 レベル なんてそう 無 い 431 UNICEF the 騙 tsu te gathering also that gold the pin letting flow the remainder which leapt to the real thing it starts finishing Pushing to the real thing entirely the gold the same level as the rubbish group just of the ku shank ru how so there is no time
        • 艾格尼丝粪便是生活在一个庄严的大厦为什么梅鲁?儿童基金会津市若干规定多少来自日本吗? Why you can live droppings agunesu in the mansion How much receiving from the Japanese UNICEF the ru

      • 458,如果不是足够的资金收银Ì ¹ Þ ¹ Þ Ì何玉
        458 When that, the gold of the register is not enough, ゙ [hunke] ゙ hmm

        • 492绒毛,你听到索马里兰差异多少人在索马里和索马里兰拥有“和Sun一起( °)痕§ Þ!”是啊,和愤怒 492 Somalia and Somaliland The notion that where there is the difference of some extent If the Somaliland person hears “It makes simultaneous it is ゚ ko ゙ rua ” With the shelf which it may resent
          • 492绒毛,你听到索马里兰差异多少人在索马里和索马里兰拥有“和Sun一起( °)痕§ Þ!”是啊,和愤怒 492 Somalia and Somaliland The notion that where there is the difference of some extent If the Somaliland person hears “It makes simultaneous it is ゚ ko ゙ rua ” With the shelf which it may resent

        • 509“即使索马里兰外交部或者外交部忽视四郎我问你推迟旅游部! ?因此,我(同意) 509 gt Even Somaliland Ministry of Foreign Affairs has requested the passage postponement margin tsu te die Ignoring Ministry of Foreign Affairs Therefore agreement
          • 26 1:39本地,“索马里兰和索马里是两个不同的国家之一” 26 1 39 Local human “Somalia and Somaliland are the country where two differs”
          • 索马里兰是一个312 得来? 〜恩戴我等?为什么? 312 Through it does Somaliland Don t you think with something with something Why

        • 557错误)的艾格尼丝色彩问题,我很积极的行动来解决过滤器在非洲安贫困,但至少我可以补充),以色彩的阿格尼丝六月问题胸口,但它也有至少一个我的行动滤网文苏 557 Error There are various problems even in agunesu however probably will be At least causing conduct in order to solve the African poverty the ru Righteousness There are too much various problems even in agunesu however probably will be At least causing conduct in order for you to moisten your own bosom the ru
          • 非常贫穷的商业及人权( ·ω· ) Just Poverty human rights business … Ω kime it is Sucking blood hill… Ω

        • 61 NHK的问题的看法“的报告陈美龄索马里”艾格尼丝:“什么的目标是第二大城市,在索马里Harugeiza
          61 NHK point of view point “The Somalian report [agunesu] [chiyan]” [agunesu]: “The fact that you aim is second big city [harugeiza] of Somalia

          • 783中国大陆,台湾不会是共产党中国及规则“灾难性的布什”会
            783 If also in the empty it does, Taiwan does not reach control also in, the “miserable hinterland” probably will be

            • 844儿童基金会是联合国,而是联合国机构(特别是人权系统),儿童基金会日本铜经销商组织和尽可能多的危险不是我看你直接向儿童基金会慈济名乘非营利组织无关的学校体系,让联合国各机构的核心秘书处的许多机构古有不少人反对,使官员对联合国机构都忽视肌肉官僚主义 844 As for UNICEF the United Nations agency However the United Nations organization to be many especially human rights system with in the same way it is rather dangerous organization The Japanese UNICEF being identified UNICEF however the ru directly NPO which is not relationship As for executive office core group system By the way because as for many of the United Nations organization the bureaucracy has judged everything As for the person who opposes to bureaucratic main leadership as for the United Nations organization ignoring is muscle
              • 风险索马里兰“”“”“华尔街E能不能超”“”“”风险管理委员会儿童基金会 Somaliland degree of risk lt lt lt lt lt the wall which does not exceed lt lt lt lt lt Japanese UNICEF degree of risk

            • 846艾格尼丝创价学会是一个狂热的信徒,儿童基金会筹款的日本创价学会组织
              846 [agunesu] to be the feverish Soka academic society believer, as for the Japanese UNICEF the financial group of Soka academic society

              • 914名称:财富周年@ 10名无[圣人]时间:2010 / 03 / 21(星期日)20:45:53编号:hzNMIalN0你疯了,新潮921名称:财富周年@ 10名无[圣人]从日期:2010 / 03 / 21(星期日)20:56:47编号:hzNMIalN0达罗新潮小子欺诈或只是生气反正新潮四环素脑腐烂和r
                914 Name: Name it is not @ tenth anniversary [sage] Contribution day: 2010/03/21 (day) 20: 45: 53 ID: hzNMIalN0 In addition [kichigai] new tide? 921 Name: Name it is not @ tenth anniversary [sage] Contribution day: 2010/03/21 (day) 20: 56: 47 ID: hzNMIalN0 How the [ro] which is fabrication of the [se] new tide [yatsura] of the new tide just [kichigai] where the brain rots or, r

                • Derurashii我的三层别墅生活用的是什么,在广艾格尼丝googlemap街景发现电梯?特鲁加藤津市持豪宅,然后横滨 Living in the mansion of the elevator equipped three floor building of agunesu tsu te Hiroo the ru it seems but it is It is seen with the street view of googlemap Even in rear Yokohama with the mansion the ru

                  • Detail chiebukuro yahoo co jp 特别 索马里 question detail q1121011976 NULL
                    • 498紫癜: detail chiebukuro yahoo co jp 质量保证 question detail q1121011976 498 ttp detail chiebukuro yahoo co jp qa question detail q1121011976

                  • IRH■■松下幸之助主办的法律[大川隆的到来,“松下幸之助:鸠山由纪夫和小泽的关心食物,再见”,“龙马:Tsukuttare武器”每周邮报]](摘录)目前看看日本的松下将地狱毁灭
                    * The science of the happiness which Konosuke Matsushita supports * Descending/disembarking overlooking it did (Excerpt) Looking at the present Japanese disastrous state, what you will question Matsushita and probably will be boiled

                    • Ntsukyouso与媒体关系和山冈『舆完成,我充耳不闻,电视
                      As for Nitukiyou group & sedan chair stone and reporting related to Yamaoka 'It has ignored completely,' it is, TV

                      • NULL 1949 East Turkestan invasion and occupation Uighur holocaust in the midst of race purification continuation 1950 The Korean War participation 1951 The Tibetan invasion and occupation the Tibetan holocaust in the midst of race purification continuation 1958 The great leap forward 36 000 000 death by starvation people 1959 The Indian invasion medium sign war occupying akusaichin district The sixties latter half The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution the holocaust 1 000 ten thousand or more to the civil war which accompanies that 1969 With distinctiveness treasure island possession right problem the Soviet Union and armed clash 1973 The Chinese warship to approach to the Sado island missile test firing 1974 Vietnam para cell archipelago west sand archipelago military invasion and occupation 1976 Power support the holocaust by Cambodia and the Khmer rouge 1979 The Vietnamese invasion Nakagoe war China 懲 War you state 1988 supuratori archipelago south sand archipelago military invasion and occupation 1989 The Tien An Men incident 1992 Everything of the south sand archipelago and the west sand archipelago declares Chinese territory 1995 The Philippine mistake chief atoll military invasion and occupation 1996 The Taiwan president selection In intimidation and the Taiwan open sea missile strike 1997 Declaring the possession of the Philippine sukaboro atoll 1997 Declaring the possession of the Japanese 尖 official building archipelago 2003 Power support the dull fool holocaust of Sudan 2005 Gas resource inside Japanese EEZ stealing digging Even as of 2010 the holocaust for non Chinese family the woman forcing taking interruption sterile operation Just the race purification it is in the midst of continuing
                        • NULL 1949 East Turkestan invasion and occupation Uighur holocaust in the midst of race purification continuation 1950 The Korean War participation 1951 The Tibetan invasion and occupation the Tibetan holocaust in the midst of race purification continuation 1958 The great leap forward 36 000 000 death by starvation people 1959 The Indian invasion medium sign war occupying akusaichin district The sixties latter half The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution the holocaust 1 000 ten thousand or more to the civil war which accompanies that 1969 With distinctiveness treasure island possession right problem the Soviet Union and armed clash 1973 The Chinese warship to approach to the Sado island missile test firing 1974 Vietnam para cell archipelago west sand archipelago military invasion and occupation 1976 Power support the holocaust by Cambodia and the Khmer rouge 1979 The Vietnamese invasion Nakagoe war China 懲 War you state 1988 supuratori archipelago south sand archipelago military invasion and occupation 1989 The Tien An Men incident 1992 Everything of the south sand archipelago and the west sand archipelago declares Chinese territory 1995 The Philippine mistake chief atoll military invasion and occupation 1996 The Taiwan president selection In intimidation and the Taiwan open sea missile strike 1997 Declaring the possession of the Philippine sukaboro atoll 1997 Declaring the possession of the Japanese 尖 official building archipelago 2003 Power support the dull fool holocaust of Sudan 2005 Gas resource inside Japanese EEZ stealing digging Even as of 2010 the holocaust for non Chinese family the woman forcing taking interruption sterile operation Just the race purification it is in the midst of continuing

                      • NULL 22 40 ID iqu rxvJ0 agunesu writing the will life per seat laughing with the place where it goes to inspection Safe view Kouti who normally is also tour ↓ Γ No No 92 he to 92 92 no lt hu ゚ nto │ REPT haruke ゙ isa ゙ ranto ゙ gt ” To lt somariranto ゙ gt 丿 ¯ 丶 no ↑ hu 丿 800km ↓ ” hiyatsuha koitsu Water and food Holding tsutense ゙ e 彡 no ¯ Ω 3 REPT tsu No O ┬ O REPT ⊃ ⌒ The ┴ it does ≡ no │ moka ゙ te ゙ ishio lt the forefront of the hell the fist of the real great bear where kenshirou is not │ While escaping to suburb meets to the hijacker the probability which 8600 │ │ No 92 丿 Somaliland republic is stable area “of independent declaration” empty quickly 19 years 1991 democracy nation “Substantial independent nation” is but you have attached the fetter United Nations and “Somalia once” with the thought where the African combination is black It holds some problem but the generally known Somalian civil war of south Somalia almost it is unrelated Presently it puts out prominent public order in Africa as the material of sight seeing If the foot of sight seeing is pulled that the country will be made rich everyday life standard of living of the Somaliland citizen who has persevered goes down Young country which is not known The Somaliland traveling 9 days
                        • 89名称:财富名无 圣人 时间:2010 03 21(星期日)10:48:58编号:5Zp5dpj2创许可证密钥的全面冲击,但我wwww SGI公司。 。官方陈美龄官方网站〜陈美龄爱 89 Name There is no name sage Contribution day 2010 03 21 Sunday 10 48 58 ID 5Zp5dpj2 The wa license key wwww which is thinking tsu drill Soka SGI AGNES CHAN OFFICIAL SITE agunesu chiyan Official sight oi
                        • 财富45周年名无 1003分之2010 21(星期日)13:22:40编号:iqu rxvJ0冒着自己的生命谱写了遗书阿格尼丝(笑)四环素地方在 参观一些旅游线路的正常安全的旅游目的地 ↓ ΓÉ布鲁诺 李海 到 ) 布鲁诺: 芜踢│ヽ 首页Ù ² » ¹鞭鞭:× ÝÄÞ “和 ソI相O × ÝÄÞ :丿 ̄丶 ,: É↑。丿拧800公里 。 ↓ “ ¬ Ë ¯ è °,° ²蜡蜡持水和食物拜¾ Þ é!。 彡  ̄布鲁诺 (·ω· 3 45 Name it is not tenth anniversary 2010 03 21 day 13 22 40 ID iqu rxvJ0 agunesu writing the will life per seat laughing with the place where it goes to inspection Safe view Kouti who normally is also tour ↓ Γ No No 92 he to 92 92 no lt hu ゚ nto │ REPT haruke ゙ isa ゙ ranto ゙ gt ” To lt somariranto ゙ gt 丿 ¯ 丶 no ↑ hu 丿 800km ↓ ” hiyatsuha koitsu Water and food Holding tsutense ゙ e 彡 no ¯ Ω 3 REPT tsu No O ┬ O REPT ⊃ ⌒ The ┴ it does ≡ no │ moka ゙ te ゙ ishio lt the forefront of the hell the fist of the real great bear where kenshirou is not │ While escaping to suburb meets to the hijacker the probability which 8600 │ │ No 92 丿 Somaliland republic is stable area “of independent declaration” empty quickly 19 years 1991 democracy nation “Substantial independent nation” is but you have attached the fetter United Nations and “Somalia once” with the thought where the African combination is black It holds some problem but the generally known Somalian civil war of south Somalia almost it is unrelated Presently it puts out prominent public order in Africa as the material of sight seeing If the foot of sight seeing is pulled that the country will be made rich everyday life standard of living of the Somaliland citizen who has persevered goes down Young country which is not known The Somaliland traveling 9 days

                      • Www expedia co jp 酒吧 agent dll qscr u003d dspv nojs u003d 1 htid u003d 1544563 www expedia co jp pub agent dll qscr dspv nojs 1 htid 1544563
                        • 紫癜: www cyzo com 2010 02 职位 3945。html的 ttp www cyzo com 2010 02 post 3945 html

                      • [韩国]文伤害性暴力犯罪的外国移民是一个永久性禁令
                        As for the foreigner who causes characteristic assault crime permanent entry prohibition

                        • “”什么是用于获取的非名单披露,外国麻烦通过航空(美国)从“津发来的目的地,没有丰富的个人信息保护法的逃税问题?思考 gt gt The tip of procuring non disclosure using the roster specially the foreign country USA from with the airmail gt As for sending doubt of the private information protection method escaping is thick because With you think
                          • 什么是用于获取的非名单披露,外国麻烦(美国)由慈济通过航空邮件发送到目的地,也没有丰富的个人信息保护的法律规避问题?思考 The tip of procuring non disclosure using the roster specially from foreign country USA with the airmail As for sending doubt of the private information protection method escaping is thick because With you think

                        • “”索马里兰钱,留下遗书的陈美龄。旅游“的书面证明的真理?粪便Ü矫真的,我只是组织,我是认真的败类做的关于儿童色情淫手流常吕Macchiponpu日报“儿童基金会日本
                          > “[agunesu] [chiyan] leaving the will, Somaliland it is pleasant. Travelling” The will you wrote truly? Droppings [warosu] As expected, everyday the metamorphosis newspaper and the match pump doing in connection with the child pornography, the [wa] which is just the [ru] place With [maji] kudzu organization > the Japanese UNICEF

                          • “索马里兰钱,留下遗书。由www旅游Ü矫但事实上他们已经习惯了瓦特
                            > Leaving the will, Somaliland it is pleasant. Travelling [taitoruwarosu] www But so is it is w

                            • ⌒( 人民 )⌒::: ⌒)⌒)⌒) 研究┬ (⌒) (⌒) ゝ 布鲁诺 ) ヽ ー ー ヽ、 (⌒)(⌒) ⌒))(⌒ (⌒)⌒)⌒)) ⌒ human ⌒ 92 ⌒ ⌒ ⌒ r ┬ ⌒ ⌒ HKRPT No 92 REPT REPT l l 从 person l l l l 从 person l l Van van REPT One”””” One””” REPT ⌒ ⌒ ⌒ ⌒ ⌒ ⌒ ⌒
                              • 我被评为全国第二索马里兰我是什么?如果没有,可怜的。矢田以便能够把工作作为一个独立国家承认没有我好,如果我没有访问Karenakatta叩到目前为止,掌握情况? It is recognized the Somaliland tsu te already as the country If still poor There is no commenting as a te independent nation As an approach in order to try to be recognized If you you visited in order to grasp present condition it was not hit to here it is it is not
                              • 新的脑ー挪拉。在索马里索马里兰脑想马塔康拉德温泉度假胜地 Don t you think and others brain new Brain as for Somaliland resort area We would like to wait with Conrad Somaliland supa

                            • ひでえな 、 日本 ユ 偽 フ って 結局極道 みたいな 脅 しで シノギ搾取 してんのか
                              Obtaining, the Japanese [yu] false [hu] [tsu] [te] after all with the [hi] with polar road like threat [shinogi] You have exploited?

                              • 上周,首次朋友吃饭久贤,当我写的报告,从2002年到津市腿一个政治,经济,对儿童色情物品的法律的制定历史一年碰撞,背后的离奇和儿童基金会故事小数位的地步,我的话,从一个朋友:“我儿童基金会公众安全监察 Last week the way of the acquaintance and Hisashi doing the meal at that time from about 2002 it thrust the one leg to politics from the report that UNICEF which is in details and back of child pornographic prohibition method formation is doubtful at the point where story advances to the point of it is being “UNICEF is the supervisory object of public peace from the acquaintance
                                • 顺便说一句,儿童基金会日本』协会或说谁在制备津市的基督教原教旨主义者,从一开始就基督教原教旨主义团体,以及促进儿童色情的法律权力如何在这里 By the way that it was taken over in the principle principle person of Christianity type you call the Japanese UNICEF association In the group which from first the Christianity principle principle person has managed promoting child pornographic prohibition method this one

                              • 与联合国儿童基金会日本是广告牌的主要活动得到了压制言论自由的人参与,以防止你支那节能针假儿童基金会泼妇
                                The Japanese UNICEF = pin splash false UNICEF Way everyone it is not swindled, The support 那 person the fact that you are devoted to control of speech in the ad-tower is main activity

                                • 乘记者要为儿童基金会3月到2010年,第25号周刊新潮日数据库管理员(2010年3月17日公布的上方的“金钱)的『日本委员会,并留下遗书,索马里兰陈美龄。旅行“我们的问题,并会尝试的Nde我读如果您有兴趣 As for exchange of reporter and the Japanese UNICEF association weekly new tide When 2010 March 25th number 2010 March 17th sale it is attached “ agunesu chi yan leaving the will Somaliland it is pleasant Entitling travelling ” because it is published if there is an interest it should have tried reading probably
                                  • 820上方的夏威夷,不要忘记是博客梅鲁最新回顾:“我想怀基基海滩,新鲜尸体每天轮换”或 820 When it is attached to Hawaii you forget that it looks down upon with burogu is “Everyday the fresh corpse rolling to the Waikiki beach the ru ”
                                  • “什么瓦特26,这是过于普通或www遗嘱,在徒步旅行 gt 26 This w which is what Www normally over The will it is to be able to be
                                  • 什么是学徒艾格尼丝,萨姆,古大阪线时,在国家和人民的意志也做了硬盘我要明确 We learning agunesu When going into Osaka people country after making the will and HDD elimination be completed the wa which is done
                                  • 并且还写了遗书,古艾格尼丝索马里线,没有我不知道如果我不是第思危机 When agunesu goes Somalia when you wrote also the will first you thought dangerous all right kana
                                  • 或者愿意的话,是不是说如歌Borokuso野兽最新回顾我想笑倒在路边或机构 That the corpse rolling the will to the roadside ru or borokuso saying it looks down upon and the chi ya the ro which is useless
                                  • 那么,当人们不会因它们的大小,他们保持自杀说明你写,我觉得 Well because you do not understand the human when it dies the will that you write it does also the air the separately good way

                                • 亲和与互联网上的周刊“”“无线电”,“电影”“”(边缘)“”“报纸”,“电视 If you refer to affinity of the net Weekly magazine gt gt gt radio gt gt movie gt gt gt borderline gt gt gt newspaper gt gt television
                                  • 2声道杂志今天,这一事实是扩大议题,说我轴,哀Renari The weekly magazine now 2CH this fact that becomes pitiful news item is developed in the axis

                                • 什么是什么线前往中国,台湾我所看到的是一个节能º A组是不同的事情,以掌握真正的善意捐赠或瓦特 It went to travelling in China When the tsu te you see the tsu te thing which is Taiwan The fund raising fraud group which as expected abuses good intention w where what is said is different

                                  • 什么讴即使和平的活动,当是控制新闻夹紧Marubeki采取的可能性
                                    Praising peaceful activity, when there is a possibility of control of free speech, We should manage

                                    • 从2008年联合国儿童基金会网站儿童基金会总部,总开支为30亿八万一点〇万美元
                                      From sight of the UNICEF headquarters 2008 the UNICEF entire expenditure amount was 3,000,000,000 8,100 ten thousand U.S. dollars

                                      • 他说,“秀”存在,是由安全机构兄弟 机构本身的运行,他们为他工作,“安全在萨雷”提出,对自己的虚拟的安全风险该覚茹,归根结底是时间的问题 Their own “preservation” which is by the system where preservation system they who are managed them the existence which “is protected” by the brother hood work because of that is found is disclosed being fantasy in preservation of the self any sense ru are problem of time finally
                                        • 萨雷说,他还提出了,甚至看到自己的愚蠢,曝光不能相信正义将带来积极的四环素苏Matome与自己的恶作剧的安全意识差 In addition they are found are disclosed by their even foolishly the 纏 wa ru that the justice which corrects the feeling which you are wrong is brought it believes in preservation of the self that it is not

                                      • 儿童基金会还作出了捐赠,因为它是,究竟是什么,从品牌,如“谦虚和熙Biwokamishimeteita合作 NULL
                                        • 129外国人屁股也是联合国儿童基金会,落后于亚洲基督教团体也发现,在任何一种方式 129 UNICEF and yaba it was and thing both group as for the Asian type Christianity being on the reverse side it was understood

                                      • 儿童纪念的项目支出和行政支出的广告费嘿Ja启蒙书,我得到了我的位置,他们万维网小遣教育或那些谁到财务报表的儿童基金会声明
                                        Enlightenment advertisement working expenses… Commemorative work expenditure… Administrative expense… Don't you think? allowance register of child [e] www How to write the financial affairs statements teaching to UNICEF who at last giving

                                        • 其余19筹款活动在日本的百分之成本,广告成本意识,100万美元,将是6700垂直满,等它的其它业务支出和紧急援助和行政支出百万美元的企业产品金钱的时间是Dakimashita Remaining 19 Fund raising activity expense and enlightenment advertisement expense in the Japanese country 100 000 000 6 700 ten thousand U S dollars had made business expense such as business administrative expense and the reserve fund etc for the ready service time apply Is it came
                                          • 合作项目,二八零零零零零零零零美元八亿直接援助项目,6700,100万美元在行政开支的费用,部分原因是充数百万美元的业务 And among program cooperative expenses 2 808 000 000 U S dollars in direct program support 100 000 000 6 700 ten thousand it could apply to business administrative expense U S dollars

                                        • 创价学会捐赠Woshiteirunodesuka Anatahanaze 886发展?
                                          886 [anatahanaze] Soka academic society [ni] contribution [woshiteirunodesuka]?

                                          • 劳动力成本取决于最高法院第一次看到集资怎么样%的成本骗局假。拧即使它是美好? When you look at the street soliciting of donations of the fake fraud The Supreme Court beginning judgment As a labor cost and an expense what extent Pulling out being all right
                                            • 假集资最高法院的欺诈行为,决定怎么样%的成本劳动力成本。拧即使它是美好? As for street soliciting of donations of fake fraud The Supreme Court beginning judgment As a labor cost and an expense what extent Pulling out being all right
                                            • 儿童基金会感谢日本现在我想我看到了筹款诈骗 When you look at fund raising it reached the point where you think as fraud The Japanese UNICEF thank you

                                          • 反对死刑,弥补薄弱!是Agunesuti!什么语言你认为什么研究津公益金
                                            Capital punishment opposition and weak relief! It is [agunesutei]! The [tsu] [te] saying, fund-raising it tries collecting?

                                            • 城市垃圾散落,什么是他的故事,现实的无政府状态“的单位出偏差失真
                                              The rubbish and that form which disperse throughout the city had indicated the actuality of anarchy” It is deflection distortion full opening

                                              • 学习不好的达罗Jeandon其他人士也让我们在这里我将让筹款在东京武道馆的宗教信徒的家伙这么多我瓦特音乐会 It is the many person making the believer of the sect raise money with that at the martial arts mansion you do to the concert it is the ze which is The ro w also the other talent should learn bad dosa to here

                                                • 它到底是什么最新回顾我我有你家的形象,保持电子邮件给儿童基金会这从日本政府的各项工作索马里兰他们实在没有这样严重,是“乌龟要针尖对索马里兰总理确”或现在说什么,劳动力和管理 Just a little because it is terrible truly this circumstance the mail is done in the Somaliland government The Japanese UNICEF looking down upon the image of the house it increases depending How with the se and the other side “Somaliland it is splendid it came to verifying” that You say probably will be and
                                                  • 新潮井的不错,如果你问他们铮铮的大“请来了,”什么是人类的增长更维塔有罪,有一点,但我怀疑,儿童基金会的日本,也增加了我将证明我墙 New tide greatly making a noise it should have had there is no “Please please” the tsu te Therefore as for being ashamed one what of the Japanese UNICEF Even a little has doubt you are cornered to extent and the predicament where the human who increases

                                                • 它提出了在非洲的基金牺牲穷人的百分之二十五泼妇什么是良好的贸易针
                                                  The dying fund-raising [a] which is stuffing the African poor people It is trading which the 25% pin splash [tsu] [te] is good

                                                  • 宗教法“快乐的科学”的总裁Takashi大川法律,和来自世界地上松下幸之助的“降临”,是因为他是
                                                    You say that legal President Takashi Okawa “of science of religion corporate body happiness”, from the heavens boundary “descending/disembarking overlooking” could point to Konosuke Matsushita to the ground,

                                                    • 巧合的是,1984年黑柳彻子名誉主席联合国儿童基金会亲善大使以来,作为候选人顶端什么是监察几次似乎名单,因为它是一个低优先级,他们 As for Tetuko Kuroyanagi who by the way serves the UNICEF friendly ambassador from 1984 Being put forward as candidate many degrees as a supervisory object it was removed from the list in the reason that criticality is low it seems
                                                      • 当協会 では 、 より 多 くの 支援 が 子 どもたちに 届 くよう 、事業 の 効率的 な 実 施 と ユニセフ の 活動 にご 理解 を いただくための 広報活動 に 努 めています In this association way more many supports reach in the children Business efficient truth 施 With in the UNICEF activity understanding You endeavor to the information activities in order to receive
                                                      • 电视日本电视24小时,儿童基金会计划的欺诈环,创价学会的捐款活动委员会(在世界各地的城市购买名誉会长池田大作)使用伐丽流 As for 24 hour televisions of Japan TV fraud group Japanese UNICEF program The financial contributions are used in order activity of Soka academic society to buy Ikeda Daisaku honorable designation at the city of worldwide each country

                                                    • 恩戴11411897和113阅读,思考我想一点击 NULL
                                                      • 895是啊,好基督徒吨和我的位置 895 So it is what it was good You have taught

                                                    • 恩达思,但总是每周可为什么它来自折扣不再是什么我会公开撒谎说等到我们是年轻,而艾格尼丝,我们在炎热和新的人头不能来打开我希望这是埋葬 Always you think but it is why as for the weekly magazine being able to swim for a while Until agunesu says open and lie it probably will not wait After pulling more although in other words you say and not being able to open making talk bone dry you should have buried
                                                      • 401似乎是一个好主意,给古津派一个代表阿格尼丝线驱动器(瓦特 401 Rather than agunesu going the like shelf where the one sending the car is better w

                                                    • 我不迄今捐赠(痌キGottsuー保存在自己的钱去捐赠,如果他们卡兹德鲁从他的同胞suspect m wwwwww财富后也紧张棒球或欢呼。Wwwwwwwww支持是我的事情作出或茹我与死亡Tteka一郎只留下深刻的印象wwwwwwwwwwwwwwww助威,但说实话的 As for me it has not contributed so far kiritsu If it contributes to the person the tsu which you save by your wwwwww Also the rear baseball or the nerve of the person who has been supported doubts The large sum you making by your the ru Support something it is possible wwwwwwwww Die wwwwwwwwwwwwwwww As for just ichiro gently the support tsu te as for admiration however it does
                                                      • 灾害或大按主题:“这是那里的孩子?”茂木只用来签署卡兹金 Adjusting to big disaster or topic “the child it is even there and ” With it utilizes in the signboard of the gold income just

                                                    • 我国政府只有这句话,但什么是留在记录单说:“中国的历史或外国侵略,这是一起谋杀和纵火罪,不是其他国家的领土,”侵略和种族灭绝域共产党的残暴的纳粹暴行的中国楠金
                                                      Although it just remains there is just this in record, as for declaration of the Chinese government, “China in history, invades the foreign country, has not done homicide arson in the territory of the foreign country” A more brutal cruel Chinese Communist Party than the Nazis which exhausts the limit of invasion and slaughter

                                                      • 我在区的所有证据,提高阴暗组织忽略了古,所有的无家可归者和贫困津市我们和我们的孩子不会有100%的家庭虐待面积不我活捐赠绺如果 The children where the country is abused and the homeless peolpe and the like who have been troubled But evidence what of the groups where the place where you ignore completely is completely suspicious If it does not spread the fact that the inside 100 of fund raising utilizes to the contribution there is no re
                                                        • 让我们都从他们谈古库存搦阻燃我要让我在屋良和鹅他们字符使我们回到规管在捐赠表格,儿童色情Metotsu泽尼私掠来自日本 NULL

                                                      • 我有这么长的时间,我的549,等待什么用假慈善靠近新年参拜靖国神社开始收集箱 549 There are from such former times it is the collecting box having in New Year s Day you wait near the shrine False fund raising activity opening starting
                                                        • 柳434 OMC的诱导产生错误的拧卡日本。信来 434 From OMC card fund raising inviting of Japanese yu false hu The sealed letter came

                                                      • 我真的很老,但我已经提出了很好,我刚刚便士每种颜色2通道现在知道什么是该组织是否已不再是正确的,而不是从捐赠古地方的生动体现你说的话,我们有证据表明你的真正用途,罚款,我永远是这样Dekin But we really former times the change however it has raised money The varieties knowing with 2ch after now the bat considering enormously it stopped us assuming… fund raising that it is not Whether being the group where somewhere is correct whether being properly used true intended because… The proof tsu te you say or such a thing it is it to be possible are combining

                                                        • 按需软是强奸,该公司销售成人影片和梅甘娜性骚扰
                                                          Software on demand is the company which sells the ogre domesticated fowl and animals adult video of rape and the 痴 China etc

                                                          • 据最终报告,7个项目在当地教师工会直接付款,在德岛县“未决定复制作业帮助教师到孩子上学的韩国”传入四环素作为制备一一万五点〇 〇万日元
                                                            According to final paper, as for 7 businesses with direct provision to school personnel union of the district, Tokushima prefecture teaching group received 1,500,000 Yen as “a work support of the child whom it commutes to the Korean school”

                                                            • 无论艾格尼丝,和什么什么活动,他们只看到它有什么好处是方便你,“我色调储?众议院筹款”是什么听到这个! ! !始终坚持“一点点”我回答维塔 When in agunesu it does it does as for go getter tsu te only being convenient by your you see in something “ Making a profit the ru Fund raising house ” The tsu te you probably will hear By all means The tsu te you answer “by degrees”
                                                              • 441它不仅是什么它采取艾格尼丝,我认为这是非常重要的人,说什么任何老将的名字谁 441 There are no just any which depended on agunesu you think that the te in someone some person is very important with some pretext
                                                              • 艾格尼丝无论如何积极分子,他们就什么也看不到什么好处是方便你 When in agunesu it does it does as for go getter tsu te only being convenient by your you see in something “ Making a profit the ru Fund raising house ” The tsu te you probably will hear By all means The tsu te you answer “by degrees”
                                                              • 艾格尼丝是我做了在安全领域的界线呢?而博闻已在网络上批评“,或只是一个旅行,”我们说的 agunesu going into safe area did what it is With to be criticized largely on Internet “mere travelling ” With to it is said
                                                              • 艾格尼丝,谁有胆量进入梅东洋介意从日本捐赠只是一个collection m在哑弹日本人对津 agunesu Handling the Japanese kudzu in ru habit The nature which it tries to gather the financial contributions from Japan does not like

                                                            • 日本儿童基金会─────→通知委员会必须批准外交部长接受│││││小和田恒和田恒委员由美子的丈夫───────→大凤外交事务委员会(共1500名员工创价学会的成员包括约300人)││和田玲子的女儿(产假为6年,儿童基金会东京办事处)│││池田玲子的丈夫───────────→草││↑↓小和田雅子(联合国大学只包厢)──│───││王储地位宝来 The Japanese UNICEF association ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ gt the approval approval notification of Minister of Foreign Affairs is needed │ │ Yumiko discussion member Owada │ │ │ Owada Tsune ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ of husband gt the large 鳳 meeting of Ministry of Foreign Affairs with 300 about Soka academic society member among staff 1500 constitution │ │ Reiko Owada of daughter maternity leave of the UNICEF Tokyo office 6 year │ │ │ Reiko s husband Ikeda ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ gt Soka │ │ ↑ ↓ Owada Masako the United Nations university private private room completion ─ ─ │ ─ ─ ─ Toumiya job │ │ Volunteer doctor Ono ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ┘

                                                              • 日本儿童基金会执行委员会316电视站名单,但不仅限于一委员向他们秋山。芋头(股)2比奈实朝日新闻总裁兼执行长(股)5 Mainitishinbunsya总裁Satoshi石川的(公司)的美联社总裁及川Shiyouiti 8(股)读卖新闻主席16北恒雄常务(股票编辑)23良能住田先生的日经指数(股票)主席田恒Hieda说,产业経済新闻社34(股票)38日广播公司董事长兼首席执行官,富士电视台表示,福地茂雄主席
                                                                316 It does not limit to TV station separately however The Japanese UNICEF association Official roster 1 Discussion member Akiyama . Taro (Inc.) Representative President Asahi Shimbun 2 Same Asahina Yutaka (Inc.) Representative President Mainichi Newspapers 5 Same Ishikawa Satoshi (Corporation) Kyodo News Service president 8 Same Old age river Lucky occurrence one (Inc.) Representative President Yomiuri Shimbun Company Tokyo head office compilation chief editor 16 Same Kita Tsuneo (Inc.) Representative President Nihon Keizai Shimbun Inc. 23 Same Sumita It is good talent (Inc.) Representative President industrial economic newspaper publishing company 34 Same Hieda Hisashi (Inc.) Chairman the Fuji Telecasting Co. John Chief Executive Officer 38 Same Fukuchi Sigeo Nippon hoso kyokai chairman

                                                                • 日本是世界上最强大的“皇太子”之一,由于我们在后面的,但我也翻译了强大的Ku日本儿童基金会茹啊
                                                                  It is the Japanese prominent power, “Toumiya” is in the back, therefore it is, the Japanese UNICEF the sled [ya] the [wa] which is the meaning which comes out strongly

                                                                  • 日本有724高级儿童基金会,电视看你是什么人坚实的敦实局
                                                                    724 The Japanese UNICEF higher stratum of society section, the human of TV bureau setting firmly, is the [ru

                                                                    • 日本,儿童基金会和迅速成为过去,我们也欺诈捐款也艾格尼丝总部设在东京的官邸问题已经在精细黄金Idaku拘泥于传媒的男子“黄金他们提高穷人的日本海外的孩子”是由 As for the Japanese UNICEF fund raising fraud group When past it becomes problem you held the human of the mass media early with the gold and it is were possible densely Nice headquarters building inside capital and mansion of agunesu With it does “the gold which raises money in the children where the Japanese the foreign country is poor”
                                                                      • 这也使amateur ll茹,但我这样做垂直捐款箱,捐款箱要保持经常性的家伙像他们,驴子是分歧在于る That is possible even with the amateur the collecting box having standing the re it is good However unless you must imitate to the collecting box of the proper people unless is it becomes the yaba ku

                                                                    • 是在摆动?总有一些东西谈什么是肌肉,和其他人的问题会忽视自己的人民第一次 So as for wiggle There are muscle tsu te ones in story ignoring the native people first it probably is from problem of the other citizen
                                                                      • 是在摆动?总有一些东西谈什么是肌肉,他们首先将自己的问题 So as for wiggle There are muscle tsu te ones in story ignoring the native people first it probably is from problem of the other citizen

                                                                    • 松下说到来,过渡将采取国家和大川四环素先生的话,大川先生的发言的话,松下说,发展或“鬼说”这是应该 Matsushita which descending disembarking overlooking is done in a manner of speaking became a state where it transfers in Okawa namely Matsushita spoke Okawa spoke it means “spirit word” it seems
                                                                      • 新宠物模式,并在您为您的来临,松下幸之助的“大川先生等约10秒钟后,要求他们好,说:”松下“生效 We ask Konosuke s Matsushita descending disembarking overlooking gt Okawa so calls after approximately ten seconds ” Matsushita” appears

                                                                    • 正如真正的在索马里,但我认为人民是慈济克教授做了中国前面贫困线 NULL
                                                                      • 此外NHKBS亚洲。特别索马里难民来的家庭根源是积极的醋。眉毛。自 Furthermore with NHKBS sub The refugee family which appears in root vinegar Somaliland special edition is correct Eyebrow Person
                                                                      • 问:艾格尼丝,索马里,有一个危险的路线?字母a 无差异 Q agunesu it went to dangerous Somalia A Calling you obtain and are different

                                                                    • 氖纹绝对可靠,这就是我的泡菜总裁,开始常驻联合国共产党南特万维网
                                                                      In the first place United Nations how Also the inside puts out permanent director, The kim chee is the chancellor, It is it is absolutely with reliance the stamp - to do, www

                                                                      • 然而,用户不假S可以从任何人的手是谁的创始成员国许多贱民 However because as for yu false hu the various untouchables the person is in the establishment member It can interfere no one
                                                                        • 也许,OMC m不是某种形式的知识,可能是由柳拧委托是虚假的 By some chance OMC being entrusted from yu false hu starting perhaps ru type

                                                                      • 燃烧海洋的规则是保护锁南酷儿“埃莉心爱的”支付给政府以武力为爱迪生电力一年,鲍勃霍普来到Bisuboto坂本龙一好女人是人类世界的敌人诚伪君子北野200.00万头牛屠宰屠宰清洁
                                                                        It will protect the rule of the sea Oven burning Suou “Dearly Erie” southern forcing payment by Kitano sincerity Enemy of cosmopolitans Ryuichi Sakamoto of hypocrite woman lover [bisuboto] Hob hope Every year by Edison's electricity As for slaughter of 200,000,000 cows Clean slaughter

                                                                        • 由松本齐尼蒂“卡拉什尼科夫”从- - - - - -脚下的居民,如果他们采取面包车
                                                                          Matsumoto benevolence one work From “Kalashinikov” - - - - - The foot of the inhabitant is the minibus of riding together

                                                                          • 畔,一个亲善大使,驻华大使的艾格尼丝,儿童基金会官员和联合国驻联合国委员会不是双方的分歧
                                                                            Kuroyanagi's friendly ambassador or the United Nations commission ambassador of [agunesu], as for both being the ambassadors of the United Nations UNICEF official recognition you are not wrong

                                                                            • 私营部门伙伴关系是日本,只有在接待的组织是一个正式捐赠给儿童基金会
                                                                              It is the only private cooperative group in Japan, is ahead the fund-raising acceptance to formal UNICEF

                                                                              • 给儿童基金会的捐款,它使用的伐丽流对谁在塞拉利昂我们的儿童贫穷问题在西非
                                                                                The contribution to UNICEF is used in the match to poor problem of the children of the west African Sierra Leone

                                                                                • 绢工作恵不感兴趣的时尚署(卡琳娜女士)和神保,一般地方的经理有一个强大的商业销售女性服装和独特的世界观,人生观(黑木瞳),并复制扮严格指导,工作和爱情,它悩时尚,越来越多的数字光刻
                                                                                  Silk blessing of the department store duty which does not have interest in fashion (Kaori Rina), Individual view of life and generalization department manager God preservation of the lady clothes counter which has work view (Kurogi pupil) through harsh guidance, You were troubled to work and romantic love and fashion, etc you drew the form which keeps growing

                                                                                  • 联合国儿童基金会日本,“反儿童色情物品”随葛形成一个大企业,它不具有纳入公共基础狙什么
                                                                                    It is the case that the Japanese UNICEF achieves the great undertaking, “child pornographic eradication”, aims for public utility foundation corporate body conversion

                                                                                    • 联合国儿童基金会联合国儿童基金会(儿童基金会)联合国↓↓→→→→→→→→→→→→→←黑柳彻子家(直接从总部被任命为驻华大使)↓儿童基金会东京办事处(日本分公司直接
                                                                                      United Nations child child fund (UNICEF) <- The United Nations birthplace ↓ The ↓ -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> Tetuko Kuroyanagi (ambassador who is directly appointed from headquarters) ↓ The UNICEF Tokyo office (direct line Japanese branch

                                                                                      • 艾格尼丝是什么歌总是与中共合作的全国代理商
                                                                                        As for [agunesu] the cooperative operative of the Chinese Communist Party You have sung always with People's Congress

                                                                                        • 艾格尼丝黑柳彻子捐赠的东西,NTV电视台在几内亚比绍市场抨击的和行政费用罚款额做到这一点无论如何“捐款丹麦”我被卖罐头,和其他西非国家的包装的旧衣服全恩戴我们喜欢的人在偷国家的手看,只是为了钱的是作怪矿,因为他们在国家乞教育材料结束当地人民,而不是基金并非毫无意义的,思四环素
                                                                                          That fund-raising something [agunesu], Tetuko Kuroyanagi, NTV probably will do, how good amount having at [se] operational cost, he grows hoarse The canned goods of the” Denmark contribution” are sold in the market of Guinean [bisau] to do, in order in other west African country for the populace to keep stealing selfishly in the track/truck of old clothes full load, seeing, just the mono gold as for doing you thought in developing country that it is meaningless, Unless you raise the local person, it ends with beggar nation Therefore I do not raise money

                                                                                          • 节目播出之后,有没有预约一个很好的学校来说,在日本的非营利组织参观了小学组看,说:“计划提供的饮用水和日常食品我意识到这是这样的实际,支付拖欠的食物介绍,水务为20和弯曲,直到死线公里的“(”NPO日本亚洲协会“,”桥“正泰石川,主任)井被打破,净水器,在宠物净水器,也有许多蚂蚁和蝎子
                                                                                            With program after that, the circumstances where the school is managed favorably It broadcast, but the Japanese NPO group There is no [apo] So when it visits this small school, “with program It is to be introduced that periodic food provision and guaranty etc of the drinking water actualized, but really, food provision It stagnates, the water, the kind of state which goes to drawing is to ahead 20 kilometers”, (“NPO corporate body The Asian interchange association” Masa Ishikawa it is cheap chief director) The water purifier and the well were broken, you say that the ant and the scorpion many were in the water purifier,

                                                                                            • 苏,但日本是出于金钱和物品,而不是跟随他们,一些被批评国际社会 Japan produces the money and the goods but unless it follows the from international society It is criticized

                                                                                              • 让您的人,均与见分柯部没有价值的罚款,他们捐赠的完美与你很好部慈善机构(谁,我感谢我的大桶笑助理的位置 You The place where it is possible to contribute properly The place where it does not have the value which it contributes To distinguish properly and be accustomed to the re ru human laughing The tsu te teaching appreciating in the ru person the bucket
                                                                                                • 我有关的I假柳也是红十字会主席说,我是津市什么是好,人们捐款给红十字会捐赠至少一个虚假当然柳到S前 If the extent which is contributed to yu false hu in front sure the one which is contributed to the red cross saying the mashi tsu te however the ru person it was Also the chairman of the red cross is related to yu false hu it is don t you think

                                                                                              • 越南有559或有一个围绕南北韩其他线路的区别,但韩国和北朝鲜,索马里索马里兰Toriaezu是旅游好,但只是地狱 559 There is about the North Korean and Korea difference Neither it does not go has crossed over but temporarily as for Somaliland and Korea there is a sight seeing possible state On the one hand North Korea and somari the simply hell
                                                                                                • “然而,没有一个行被撕成索马里,什么我行我找到了索马里兰共和国相对安全的,这个源是我? But gt really it is not to go to Somalia having gone into relatively safe Somaliland republic is ascertained Therefore a as for this source where

                                                                                              • 达你可以与我真诚地对佩戴坏画图ーーーーー创新好人日方收集你的钱
                                                                                                The aspect of the good man is worn the scoundrel who the [zu] [] [tsu] and the Japanese Gathering the money of good intention, passing, thing?

                                                                                                • 这770真的吗?精工野田,日本,儿童基金会和儿童色情法于2013年,失去冠军的特别基金
                                                                                                  770 This [ho] it is with? Kiyoko child pornographic prohibition method amendment and Noda The Japanese UNICEF 2013, loses the title of exception foundation

                                                                                                  • 这是什么艾格尼丝报告在韩国,韩国和朝鲜人说,非常符合目前是什么样的生活,它具有相同 NULL
                                                                                                    • 河野峡403韩国反F5键在电影节是,即使当我提出的茹关 403 Measure being done with the Korean F5 celebration at this time it reached the point where with anytime it can make OFF is

                                                                                                  • 重要的是要了解攻击的肇事者的精神态度是Saikotoronikku直接或间接的情报机构,并雇用
                                                                                                    In addition direct or it is important with the intelligence to understand the mental attitude of the criminal of the [saikotoronitsuku] attack which is employed indirectly

                                                                                                    • 锻造公务员和警察犯罪的邪教! !这是邪教的现实!中野区办事处和警察放过津津有味Kushita茶邪教! 19 03 Cult government employee and police crime apprentice lifting This is the actual condition of the cult The cult and the yu chi ya paragraph are the Nakano Ward Office and the police are permitted March 19th
                                                                                                      • 许苏中野区办事处和对邪教组织勾结和野方警察! The Nakano Ward Office and the Nogata station which adhere with the cult are permitted

                                                                                                    • 问:下面,对这个问题,维护案件艾格尼丝创建模范一句“索马里兰已作为临时线ripped什么问题?”“这就是为什么索马里?与恩戴索马里兰错误苏卡?“ Q It regards this case draw up the model agunesu protection sentence Example Assuming that “those where it goes temporarily were Somaliland something probably is problem what ” “It is why Somalia Somaliland it is useless ”
                                                                                                      • 这就像索马里和索马里兰,并与西藏和中国合作 In order for Tibet and China to be simultaneous also Somalia and Somaliland are simultaneous

                                                                                                    • 陈美龄,产经体育报访问索马里- &#8206; 2月25日,2010&#8206;歌手陈美龄(54)25,作为联合国儿童基金会驻日本大使,区的内战中继续处于无政府状态,儿童基金会大楼在访问索马里,非洲报告在东京品川线四环素会议
                                                                                                      Reporting [agunesu] [chiyan] and the Somalian inspection Sun Kay sport - & #8206; 2010 February 25th & #8206; The singer, [agunesu] [chiyan] (54) you inspected Africa where anarchy continues in the civil war on the 25th, as the Japanese UNICEF association ambassador, & Somalia where At the briefing looking it went with Tokyo Takanawa's UNICEF house

                                                                                                      • 青木直人[:秘密]青木直人科克利科视频Nikoniko陈美龄:西藏起义科克利科YouTube上陈美龄版本的秘密,有没有任何关于对新疆维吾尔自治区的收购行动评论
                                                                                                        Happy animated picture Naoto Aoki: [agunesuchiyan] The poult [ge] it does, secret YouTube edition Comment is not put out to the Tibetan rebellion and motion of autonomous right acquisition of Uighur family altogether

                                                                                                        • 麒麟“哇,那是什么,你的房子或他们是否生动!”阿格尼“柳ーーー德仕,武野ーーーーー在你梦想中的房子里像”麒麟“卡阿生动,他们甚至没有空间”等麒麟“艾格尼丝说,您的方式方法是从索马里所以这个星期,”艾格尼丝“是的,那边有一个贫困儿童的命运” The giraffe “ u wa tsu is or there is no your enormous house is ” Furthermore agune “with it does and yo o densely is the fact that you live in the house was dream ” It is enormous there is no either your giraffe “room is or the a ” agunesu this week returns from Somalia at the giraffe “place so…” agunesu “so is with that way yes 哀 thought the child being the large quantity …”
                                                                                                          • 639你知道,这是自1991年独立宣言的冲突19年,年轻的痛苦Mareta无差异生产索马里兰和南部什么可能是一年,我将有几代人已经知道谁战争 639 Even disputing concluding after it became independent declaring in 1991 19 years ago it is As for the young people where it was born in Somaliland different from southern part the generation who already does not know war

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